Theory Mono
theory Mono imports CM begin
subsection‹Fullness and infiniteness›
text‹In a structure, a full type is one that contains all elements of univ (the fixed countable universe):›
definition (in Tstruct) "full σ ≡ ∀ d. intT σ d"
locale FullStruct = F? : Struct +
assumes full: "full σ"
lemma full2[simp]: "intT σ d"
using full unfolding full_def by simp
lemma full_True: "intT = (λ σ D. True)"
apply(intro ext) by auto
locale FullModel =
F? : Model wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ intT intF intP +
F? : FullStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf intT intF intP
for wtFsym :: "'fsym ⇒ bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym ⇒ bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym ⇒ 'tp list"
and resOf and parOf and Φ and intT and intF and intP
text‹An infinite structure is one with all carriers infinite:›
locale InfStruct = I? : Struct +
assumes inf: "infinite {a. intT σ a}"
locale InfModel =
I? : Model wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ intT intF intP +
I? : InfStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf intT intF intP
for wtFsym :: "'fsym ⇒ bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym ⇒ bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym ⇒ 'tp list"
and resOf and parOf and Φ and intT and intF and intP
context Problem begin
abbreviation "SStruct ≡ Struct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf"
abbreviation "FFullStruct ≡ FullStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf"
abbreviation "IInfStruct ≡ InfStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf"
abbreviation "MModel ≡ Model wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ"
abbreviation "FFullModel ≡ FullModel wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ"
abbreviation "IInfModel ≡ InfModel wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ"
text‹Problem that deduces some infiniteness constraints:›
locale ProblemIk = Ik? : Problem wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ
for wtFsym :: "'fsym ⇒ bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym ⇒ bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym ⇒ 'tp list"
and resOf and parOf and Φ
fixes infTp :: "'tp ⇒ bool"
assumes infTp:
"⋀ σ intT intF intP (a::univ). ⟦infTp σ; MModel intT intF intP⟧ ⟹ infinite {a. intT σ a}"
locale ModelIk =
Ik? : ProblemIk wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ infTp +
Ik? : Model wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ intT intF intP
for wtFsym :: "'fsym ⇒ bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym ⇒ bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym ⇒ 'tp list"
and resOf and parOf and Φ and infTp and intT and intF and intP
lemma infTp_infinite[simp]: "infTp σ ⟹ infinite {a. intT σ a}"
apply(rule ProblemIk.infTp[of wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ infTp])
apply unfold_locales by simp
context Problem begin
"monot ≡
(∃ intT intF intP. MModel intT intF intP)
(∃ intTI intFI intPI. IInfModel intTI intFI intPI)"
locale MonotProblem = Problem +
assumes monot: monot
locale MonotProblemIk =
MonotProblem wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ +
ProblemIk wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ infTp
for wtFsym :: "'fsym ⇒ bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym ⇒ bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym ⇒ 'tp list" and resOf and parOf and Φ and infTp
context MonotProblem
definition "MI_pred K ≡ IInfModel (fst3 K) (snd3 K) (trd3 K)"
definition "MI ≡ SOME K. MI_pred K"
lemma MI_pred:
assumes "MModel intT intF intP"
shows "∃ K. MI_pred K"
obtain T F R where "MI_pred (T,F,R)"
using monot assms unfolding monot_def MI_pred_def by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma MI_pred_MI:
assumes "MModel intT intF intP"
shows "MI_pred MI"
using MI_pred[OF assms] unfolding MI_def by (rule someI_ex)
definition "intTI ≡ fst3 MI"
definition "intFI ≡ snd3 MI"
definition "intPI ≡ trd3 MI"
lemma InfModel_intTI_intFI_intPI:
assumes "MModel intT intF intP"
shows "IInfModel intTI intFI intPI"
using MI_pred_MI[OF assms]
unfolding MI_pred_def intFI_def intPI_def intTI_def .
locale MonotModel = M? : MonotProblem + M? : Model
context MonotModel begin
lemma InfModelI: "IInfModel intTI intFI intPI"
apply(rule MonotProblem.InfModel_intTI_intFI_intPI)
apply standard
sublocale MonotModel < InfModel where
intT = intTI and intF = intFI and intP = intPI
using InfModelI .
context InfModel begin
definition "toFull σ ≡ SOME F. bij_betw F {a::univ. intT σ a} (UNIV::univ set)"
definition "fromFull σ ≡ inv_into {a::univ. intT σ a} (toFull σ)"
definition "intTF σ a ≡ True"
definition "intFF f al ≡ toFull (resOf f) (intF f (map2 fromFull (arOf f) al))"
definition "intPF p al ≡ intP p (map2 fromFull (parOf p) al)"
lemma intTF: "intTF σ a"
unfolding intTF_def by auto
lemma ex_toFull: "∃ F. bij_betw F {a::univ. intT σ a} (UNIV::univ set)"
by (metis inf card_of_ordIso card_of_UNIV countable_univ UnE
countable_infinite not_ordLeq_ordLess ordLeq_ordLess_Un_ordIso)
lemma toFull: "bij_betw (toFull σ) {a. intT σ a} UNIV"
by (metis (lifting) ex_toFull someI_ex toFull_def)
lemma toFull_fromFull[simp]: "toFull σ (fromFull σ a) = a"
by (metis UNIV_I bij_betw_inv_into_right fromFull_def toFull)
lemma fromFull_toFull[simp]: "intT σ a ⟹ fromFull σ (toFull σ a) = a"
by (metis CollectI bij_betw_inv_into_left toFull fromFull_def)
lemma fromFull_inj[simp]: "fromFull σ a = fromFull σ b ⟷ a = b"
by (metis toFull_fromFull)
lemma toFull_inj[simp]:
assumes "intT σ a" and "intT σ b"
shows "toFull σ a = toFull σ b ⟷ a = b"
by (metis assms fromFull_toFull)
lemma fromFull[simp]: "intT σ (fromFull σ a)"
unfolding fromFull_def
apply(rule inv_into_into[of a "toFull σ" "{a. intT σ a}", simplified])
using toFull unfolding bij_betw_def by auto
lemma toFull_iff_fromFull:
assumes "intT σ a"
shows "toFull σ a = b ⟷ a = fromFull σ b"
by (metis assms fromFull_toFull toFull_fromFull)
lemma Tstruct: "Tstruct intTF"
apply(unfold_locales) unfolding intTF_def by simp
lemma FullStruct: "FullStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf intTF intFF intPF"
apply (unfold_locales) unfolding intTF_def Tstruct.full_def[OF Tstruct] by auto
sublocale InfModel < FullStruct
where intT = intTF and intF = intFF and intP = intPF
using FullStruct .
context InfModel begin
definition "kE ξ ≡ λ x. fromFull (tpOfV x) (ξ x)"
lemma kE[simp]: "kE ξ x = fromFull (tpOfV x) (ξ x)"
unfolding kE_def by simp
lemma wtE[simp]: "F.wtE ξ"
unfolding F.wtE_def by simp
lemma kE_wtE[simp]: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"
unfolding I.wtE_def kE_def by simp
lemma kE_int_toFull:
assumes ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)" and T: "wt T"
shows "toFull (tpOf T) ( (kE ξ) T) = ξ T"
using T proof(induct T)
case (Fn f Tl)
have 0: "map ( (kE ξ)) Tl =
map2 fromFull (arOf f) (map ( ξ) Tl)"
(is "map ?F Tl = map2 fromFull (arOf f) (map ?H Tl)"
is "?L = ?R")
proof(rule nth_equalityI)
have l: "length Tl = length (arOf f)" using Fn by simp
thus "length ?L = length ?R" by simp
fix i assume "i < length ?L" hence i: "i < length Tl" by simp
let ?toFull = "toFull (arOf f!i)" let ?fromFull = "fromFull (arOf f!i)"
have tp: "tpOf (Tl ! i) = arOf f ! i" using Fn(2) i unfolding list_all_length by auto
have wt: "wt (Tl!i)" using Fn i by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
have "intT (arOf f!i) (?F (Tl!i))" using I.wt_int[OF ξ wt] unfolding tp .
moreover have "?toFull (?F (Tl!i)) = ?H (Tl!i)"
using Fn tp i by (auto simp: list_all_iff kE_def)
ultimately have "?F (Tl!i) = fromFull (arOf f!i) (?H (Tl!i))"
using toFull_iff_fromFull by blast
thus "?L!i = ?R!i" using l i by simp
show ?case unfolding tpOf.simps unfolding intFF_def 0 ..
qed simp
lemma kE_int[simp]:
assumes ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)" and T: "wt T"
shows " (kE ξ) T = fromFull (tpOf T) ( ξ T)"
using kE_int_toFull[OF assms]
unfolding toFull_iff_fromFull[OF I.wt_int[OF ξ T]] .
lemma map_kE_int[simp]:
assumes ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)" and T: "list_all wt Tl"
shows "map ( (kE ξ)) Tl = map2 fromFull (map tpOf Tl) (map ( ξ) Tl)"
apply(rule nth_equalityI)
apply (metis (lifting) length_map length_map2)
by (metis T ξ kE_int length_map list_all_length nth_map nth_map2)
lemma kE_satA[simp]:
assumes at: "wtA at" and ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"
shows "I.satA (kE ξ) at ⟷ F.satA ξ at"
using assms by (cases at, auto simp add: intPF_def)
lemma kE_satL[simp]:
assumes l: "wtL l" and ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"
shows "I.satL (kE ξ) l ⟷ F.satL ξ l"
using assms by (cases l, auto)
lemma kE_satC[simp]:
assumes c: "wtC c" and ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"
shows "I.satC (kE ξ) c ⟷ F.satC ξ c"
unfolding I.satC_def F.satC_def
using assms by(induct c, auto simp add: wtC_def)
lemma kE_satPB:
assumes ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)" shows "F.satPB ξ Φ"
using I.sat_Φ[OF assms]
using wt_Φ assms unfolding I.satPB_def F.satPB_def
by (auto simp add: wtPB_def)
lemma F_SAT: "F.SAT Φ"
unfolding F.SAT_def using kE_satPB kE_wtE by auto
lemma FullModel: "FullModel wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ intTF intFF intPF"
apply (unfold_locales) using F_SAT .
sublocale InfModel < FullModel where
intT = intTF and intF = intFF and intP = intPF
using FullModel .
context MonotProblem begin
definition "intTF ≡ InfModel.intTF"
definition "intFF ≡ InfModel.intFF arOf resOf intTI intFI"
definition "intPF ≡ InfModel.intPF parOf intTI intPI"
text‹Strengthening of the infiniteness condition for monotonicity,
replacing infininetess by fullness:›
theorem FullModel_intTF_intFF_intPF:
assumes "MModel intT intF intP"
shows "FFullModel intTF intFF intPF"
unfolding intTF_def intFF_def intPF_def
apply(rule InfModel.FullModel) using InfModel_intTI_intFI_intPI[OF assms] .
sublocale MonotModel < FullModel where
intT = intTF and intF = intFF and intP = intPF
using FullModel .