Theory Mono

theory Mono imports CM begin

subsection‹Fullness and infiniteness›

text‹In a structure, a full type is one that contains all elements of univ (the fixed countable universe):›

definition (in Tstruct) "full σ   d. intT σ d"

locale FullStruct = F? : Struct +
assumes full: "full σ"
lemma full2[simp]: "intT σ d"
using full unfolding full_def by simp

lemma full_True: "intT = (λ σ D. True)"
apply(intro ext) by auto

locale FullModel =
F? : Model wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ intT intF intP +
F? : FullStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf intT intF intP
for wtFsym :: "'fsym  bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym  bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym  'tp list"
and resOf and parOf and Φ and intT and intF and intP

text‹An infinite structure is one with all carriers infinite:›

locale InfStruct = I? : Struct +
assumes inf: "infinite {a. intT σ a}"

locale InfModel =
I? : Model wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ intT intF intP +
I? : InfStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf intT intF intP
for wtFsym :: "'fsym  bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym  bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym  'tp list"
and resOf and parOf and Φ and intT and intF and intP

context Problem begin
abbreviation "SStruct  Struct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf"
abbreviation "FFullStruct  FullStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf"
abbreviation "IInfStruct  InfStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf"

abbreviation "MModel  Model wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ"
abbreviation "FFullModel  FullModel wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ"
abbreviation "IInfModel  InfModel wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ"

text‹Problem that deduces some infiniteness constraints:›

locale ProblemIk = Ik? : Problem wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ
for wtFsym :: "'fsym  bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym  bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym  'tp list"
and resOf and parOf and Φ
fixes infTp :: "'tp  bool"
(* infTp assumes that Φ implies infiniteness on the infTp-marked types,
i.e., any model of Φ is infinite on these types: *)
assumes infTp:
" σ intT intF intP (a::univ). infTp σ; MModel intT intF intP  infinite {a. intT σ a}"

locale ModelIk =
Ik? : ProblemIk wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ infTp +
Ik? : Model wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ intT intF intP
for wtFsym :: "'fsym  bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym  bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym  'tp list"
and resOf and parOf and Φ and infTp and intT and intF and intP
lemma infTp_infinite[simp]: "infTp σ  infinite {a. intT σ a}"
apply(rule ProblemIk.infTp[of wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ infTp])
apply unfold_locales by simp


context Problem begin
(* Monotonicity: *)
 ( intT intF intP. MModel intT intF intP)
 ( intTI intFI intPI. IInfModel intTI intFI intPI)"

locale MonotProblem = Problem +
assumes monot: monot

locale MonotProblemIk =
MonotProblem wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ +
ProblemIk wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ infTp
for wtFsym :: "'fsym  bool" and wtPsym :: "'psym  bool"
and arOf :: "'fsym  'tp list" and resOf and parOf and Φ and infTp

context MonotProblem

definition "MI_pred K  IInfModel (fst3 K) (snd3 K) (trd3 K)"

definition "MI  SOME K. MI_pred K"

lemma MI_pred:
assumes "MModel intT intF intP"
shows " K. MI_pred K"
  obtain T F R where "MI_pred (T,F,R)"
  using monot assms unfolding monot_def MI_pred_def by auto
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma MI_pred_MI:
assumes "MModel intT intF intP"
shows "MI_pred MI"
using MI_pred[OF assms] unfolding MI_def by (rule someI_ex)

definition "intTI  fst3 MI"
definition "intFI  snd3 MI"
definition "intPI  trd3 MI"

lemma InfModel_intTI_intFI_intPI:
assumes "MModel intT intF intP"
shows "IInfModel intTI intFI intPI"
using MI_pred_MI[OF assms]
unfolding MI_pred_def intFI_def intPI_def intTI_def .

end (* context MonotProblem *)

locale MonotModel = M? : MonotProblem + M? : Model

context MonotModel begin

lemma InfModelI: "IInfModel intTI intFI intPI"
apply(rule MonotProblem.InfModel_intTI_intFI_intPI)
apply standard


(* Trivial fact: Any monotonic problem that has a model also has an infinite model: *)
sublocale MonotModel < InfModel where
intT = intTI and intF = intFI and intP = intPI
using InfModelI .

context InfModel begin

definition "toFull σ  SOME F. bij_betw F {a::univ. intT σ a} (UNIV::univ set)"
definition "fromFull σ  inv_into {a::univ. intT σ a} (toFull σ)"

definition "intTF σ a  True"
definition "intFF f al  toFull (resOf f) (intF f (map2 fromFull (arOf f) al))"
definition "intPF p al  intP p (map2 fromFull (parOf p) al)"

lemma intTF: "intTF σ a"
unfolding intTF_def by auto

lemma ex_toFull: " F. bij_betw F {a::univ. intT σ a} (UNIV::univ set)"
by (metis inf card_of_ordIso card_of_UNIV countable_univ UnE
          countable_infinite not_ordLeq_ordLess ordLeq_ordLess_Un_ordIso)

lemma toFull: "bij_betw (toFull σ) {a. intT σ a} UNIV"
by (metis (lifting) ex_toFull someI_ex toFull_def)

lemma toFull_fromFull[simp]: "toFull σ (fromFull σ a) = a"
by (metis UNIV_I bij_betw_inv_into_right fromFull_def toFull)

lemma fromFull_toFull[simp]: "intT σ a  fromFull σ (toFull σ a) = a"
by (metis CollectI bij_betw_inv_into_left toFull fromFull_def)

lemma fromFull_inj[simp]: "fromFull σ a = fromFull σ b  a = b"
by (metis toFull_fromFull)

lemma toFull_inj[simp]:
assumes "intT σ a" and "intT σ b"
shows "toFull σ a = toFull σ b  a = b"
by (metis assms fromFull_toFull)

lemma fromFull[simp]: "intT σ (fromFull σ a)"
unfolding fromFull_def
apply(rule inv_into_into[of a "toFull σ" "{a. intT σ a}", simplified])
using toFull unfolding bij_betw_def by auto

lemma toFull_iff_fromFull:
assumes "intT σ a"
shows "toFull σ a = b  a = fromFull σ b"
by (metis assms fromFull_toFull toFull_fromFull)

lemma Tstruct: "Tstruct intTF"
apply(unfold_locales) unfolding intTF_def by simp

lemma FullStruct: "FullStruct wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf intTF intFF intPF"
apply (unfold_locales) unfolding intTF_def Tstruct.full_def[OF Tstruct] by auto

end (* locale InfModel *)

sublocale InfModel < FullStruct
where intT = intTF and intF = intFF and intP = intPF
using FullStruct .

context InfModel begin

definition "kE ξ  λ x. fromFull (tpOfV x) (ξ x)"

lemma kE[simp]: "kE ξ x = fromFull (tpOfV x) (ξ x)"
unfolding kE_def by simp

lemma wtE[simp]: "F.wtE ξ"
unfolding F.wtE_def by simp

lemma kE_wtE[simp]: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"
unfolding I.wtE_def kE_def by simp

lemma kE_int_toFull:
assumes ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)" and T: "wt T"
shows "toFull (tpOf T) ( (kE ξ) T) = ξ T"
using T proof(induct T)
  case (Fn f Tl)
  have 0: "map ( (kE ξ)) Tl =
           map2 fromFull (arOf f) (map ( ξ) Tl)"
  (is "map ?F Tl = map2 fromFull (arOf f) (map ?H Tl)"
   is "?L = ?R")
  proof(rule nth_equalityI)
    have l: "length Tl = length (arOf f)" using Fn by simp
    thus "length ?L = length ?R" by simp
    fix i assume "i < length ?L"  hence i: "i < length Tl" by simp
    let ?toFull = "toFull (arOf f!i)"   let ?fromFull = "fromFull (arOf f!i)"
    have tp: "tpOf (Tl ! i) = arOf f ! i" using Fn(2) i unfolding list_all_length by auto
    have wt: "wt (Tl!i)" using Fn i by (auto simp: list_all_iff)
    have "intT (arOf f!i) (?F (Tl!i))" using I.wt_int[OF ξ wt] unfolding tp .
    moreover have "?toFull (?F (Tl!i)) = ?H (Tl!i)"
      using Fn tp i by (auto simp: list_all_iff kE_def)
    ultimately have "?F (Tl!i) = fromFull (arOf f!i) (?H (Tl!i))"
      using toFull_iff_fromFull by blast
    thus "?L!i = ?R!i" using l i by simp
  show ?case unfolding tpOf.simps unfolding intFF_def 0 ..
qed simp

lemma kE_int[simp]:
assumes ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)" and T: "wt T"
shows " (kE ξ) T = fromFull (tpOf T) ( ξ T)"
using kE_int_toFull[OF assms]
unfolding toFull_iff_fromFull[OF I.wt_int[OF ξ T]] .

lemma map_kE_int[simp]:
  assumes ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)" and T: "list_all wt Tl"
  shows "map ( (kE ξ)) Tl = map2 fromFull (map tpOf Tl) (map ( ξ) Tl)"
  apply(rule nth_equalityI)
   apply (metis (lifting) length_map length_map2)
  by (metis T ξ kE_int length_map list_all_length nth_map nth_map2)

lemma kE_satA[simp]:
assumes at: "wtA at" and ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"
shows "I.satA (kE ξ) at  F.satA ξ at"
using assms by (cases at, auto simp add: intPF_def)

lemma kE_satL[simp]:
assumes l: "wtL l" and ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"
shows "I.satL (kE ξ) l  F.satL ξ l"
using assms by (cases l, auto)

lemma kE_satC[simp]:
assumes c: "wtC c" and ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"
shows "I.satC (kE ξ) c  F.satC ξ c"
unfolding I.satC_def F.satC_def
using assms by(induct c, auto simp add: wtC_def)

lemma kE_satPB:
assumes ξ: "I.wtE (kE ξ)"  shows "F.satPB ξ Φ"
using I.sat_Φ[OF assms]
using wt_Φ assms unfolding I.satPB_def F.satPB_def
by (auto simp add: wtPB_def)

lemma F_SAT: "F.SAT Φ"
unfolding F.SAT_def using kE_satPB kE_wtE by auto

lemma FullModel: "FullModel wtFsym wtPsym arOf resOf parOf Φ intTF intFF intPF"
apply (unfold_locales) using F_SAT .

end (* context InfModel *)

sublocale InfModel < FullModel where
intT = intTF and intF = intFF and intP = intPF
using FullModel .

context MonotProblem begin

definition "intTF  InfModel.intTF"
definition "intFF  InfModel.intFF arOf resOf intTI intFI"
definition "intPF  InfModel.intPF parOf intTI intPI"

text‹Strengthening of the infiniteness condition for monotonicity,
replacing infininetess by fullness:›

theorem FullModel_intTF_intFF_intPF:
assumes "MModel intT intF intP"
shows "FFullModel intTF intFF intPF"
unfolding intTF_def intFF_def intPF_def
apply(rule InfModel.FullModel) using InfModel_intTI_intFI_intPI[OF assms] .

end (* context MonotProblem *)

sublocale MonotModel < FullModel where
intT = intTF and intF = intFF and intP = intPF
using FullModel .
