Theory Pair_QuasiBorel_Measure

(*  Title:   Pair_QuasiBorel_Measure.thy
    Author:  Michikazu Hirata, Tokyo Institute of Technology

subsection ‹Binary Product Measure›

theory Pair_QuasiBorel_Measure
  imports "Monad_QuasiBorel"

subsubsection ‹ Binary Product Measure›
text ‹ Special case of cite"Heunen_2017" Proposition 23 where $\Omega = \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{R}$ and $X = X \times Y$.
      Let $[\alpha,\mu ] \in P(X)$ and $[\beta ,\nu] \in P(Y)$. $\alpha\times\beta$ is the $\alpha$ in Proposition 23. ›
definition qbs_prob_pair_measure_t :: "['a qbs_prob_t, 'b qbs_prob_t]  ('a × 'b) qbs_prob_t" where
"qbs_prob_pair_measure_t p q   (let (X,α,μ) = p;
                                     (Y,β,ν) = q in
                                 (X Q Y, map_prod α β  real_real.g, distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f))"

lift_definition qbs_prob_pair_measure :: "['a qbs_prob_space, 'b qbs_prob_space]  ('a × 'b) qbs_prob_space" (infix "Qmes" 80)
is qbs_prob_pair_measure_t
  unfolding qbs_prob_pair_measure_t_def
proof auto
  fix X X' :: "'a quasi_borel"
  fix Y Y' :: "'b quasi_borel"
  fix α α' μ μ' β β' ν ν'
  assume h:"qbs_prob_eq (X,α,μ) (X',α',μ')"
           "qbs_prob_eq (Y,β,ν) (Y',β',ν')"
  then have 1: "X = X'" "Y = Y'"
    by(auto simp: qbs_prob_eq_def)
  interpret pqp1: pair_qbs_probs X α μ Y β ν
    by(simp add: pair_qbs_probs_def qbs_prob_eq_dest(1)[OF h(1)] qbs_prob_eq_dest(1)[OF h(2)])
  interpret pqp2: pair_qbs_probs X' α' μ' Y' β' ν'
    by(simp add: pair_qbs_probs_def qbs_prob_eq_dest(2)[OF h(1)] qbs_prob_eq_dest(2)[OF h(2)])
  interpret pqp: pair_qbs_prob "X Q Y" "map_prod α β  real_real.g" "distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f" "X' Q Y'" "map_prod α' β'  real_real.g" "distr (μ' M ν') real_borel real_real.f"
    by(auto intro!: qbs_probI pqp1.P.prob_space_distr pqp2.P.prob_space_distr simp: pair_qbs_prob_def)

  show "qbs_prob_eq (X Q Y, map_prod α β  real_real.g, distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f) (X' Q Y', map_prod α' β'  real_real.g, distr (μ' M ν') real_borel real_real.f)"
  proof(rule pqp.qbs_prob_space_eq_inverse(1))
    show "qbs_prob_space (X Q Y, map_prod α β  real_real.g, distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f)
           = qbs_prob_space (X' Q Y', map_prod α' β'  real_real.g, distr (μ' M ν') real_borel real_real.f)"
         (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    proof -
      have "?lhs = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)  (λx. qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)  (λy. qbs_return (X Q Y) (x, y)))"
        by(simp add: pqp1.qbs_bind_return_pq)
      also have "... = qbs_prob_space (X', α', μ')  (λx. qbs_prob_space (Y', β', ν')  (λy. qbs_return (X' Q Y') (x, y)))"
        using h by(simp add: qbs_prob_space_eq 1)
      also have "... = ?rhs"
        by(simp add: pqp2.qbs_bind_return_pq)
      finally show ?thesis .

lemma(in pair_qbs_probs) qbs_prob_pair_measure_computation:
  "(qbs_prob_space (X,α,μ)) Qmes (qbs_prob_space (Y,β,ν)) = qbs_prob_space (X Q Y, map_prod α β  real_real.g , distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f)"
  "qbs_prob (X Q Y) (map_prod α β  real_real.g) (distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f)"
  by(simp_all add: qbs_prob_pair_measure.abs_eq qbs_prob_pair_measure_t_def qbs_bind_return_pq)

lemma qbs_prob_pair_measure_qbs:
  "qbs_prob_space_qbs (p Qmes q) = qbs_prob_space_qbs p Q qbs_prob_space_qbs q"
  by(transfer,simp add: qbs_prob_pair_measure_t_def Let_def prod.case_eq_if)

lemma(in pair_qbs_probs) qbs_prob_pair_measure_measure:
    shows "qbs_prob_measure (qbs_prob_space (X,α,μ) Qmes qbs_prob_space (Y,β,ν)) = distr (μ M ν) (qbs_to_measure (X Q Y)) (map_prod α β)"
  by(simp add: qbs_prob_pair_measure_computation distr_distr comp_assoc)

lemma qbs_prob_pair_measure_morphism:
 "case_prod qbs_prob_pair_measure  monadP_qbs X Q monadP_qbs Y Q monadP_qbs (X Q Y)"
proof(rule pair_qbs_morphismI)
  fix βx βy
  assume h: "βx  qbs_Mx (monadP_qbs X)" " βy  qbs_Mx (monadP_qbs Y)"
  then obtain αx αy gx gy where ha:
   "αx  qbs_Mx X" "gx  real_borel M prob_algebra real_borel" "βx = (λr. qbs_prob_space (X, αx, gx r))"
   "αy  qbs_Mx Y" "gy  real_borel M prob_algebra real_borel" "βy = (λr. qbs_prob_space (Y, αy, gy r))"
    using rep_monadP_qbs_MPx[of βx X] rep_monadP_qbs_MPx[of βy Y] by auto
  note [measurable] = ha(2,5)
  have "(λ(x, y). x Qmes y)  (λr. (βx r, βy r)) = (λr. qbs_prob_space (X Q Y, map_prod αx αy  real_real.g, distr (gx r M gy r) real_borel real_real.f))"
    apply standard
    using qbs_prob_MPx[OF ha(1,2)] qbs_prob_MPx[OF ha(4,5)] pair_qbs_probs.qbs_prob_pair_measure_computation[of X αx _ Y αy]
    by (auto simp: ha pair_qbs_probs_def)
  also have "...  qbs_Mx (monadP_qbs (X Q Y))"
    using qbs_prob_MPx[OF ha(1,2)] qbs_prob_MPx[OF ha(4,5)] pair_qbs_probs.ab_g_in_Mx[of X αx _ Y αy]
    by(auto intro!: bexI[where x="map_prod αx αy  real_real.g"] bexI[where x="λr. distr (gx r M gy r) real_borel real_real.f"]
         simp: monadP_qbs_MPx_def in_MPx_def pair_qbs_probs_def)
  finally show "(λ(x, y). x Qmes y)  (λr. (βx r, βy r))  qbs_Mx (monadP_qbs (X Q Y))" .

lemma(in pair_qbs_probs) qbs_prob_pair_measure_nnintegral:
  assumes "f  X Q Y Q Q0"
  shows "(+Q z. f z (qbs_prob_space (X,α,μ) Qmes qbs_prob_space (Y,β,ν))) = (+ z. (f  map_prod α β) z (μ M ν))"
        (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs = (+ x. ((f  map_prod α β)  real_real.g) x distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f)"
    by(simp add: qbs_prob_ennintegral_def[OF assms] qbs_prob_pair_measure_computation)
  also have "... = (+ x. ((f  map_prod α β)  real_real.g) (real_real.f x) (μ M ν))"
    using assms by(intro nn_integral_distr) auto
  also have "... = ?rhs" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma(in pair_qbs_probs) qbs_prob_pair_measure_integral:
  assumes "f  X Q Y Q Q"
    shows "(Q z. f z (qbs_prob_space (X,α,μ) Qmes qbs_prob_space (Y,β,ν))) = (z. (f  map_prod α β) z (μ M ν))"
          (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs = (x. ((f  map_prod α β)  real_real.g) x distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f)"
    by(simp add: qbs_prob_integral_def[OF assms] qbs_prob_pair_measure_computation)
  also have "... = ( x. ((f  map_prod α β)  real_real.g) (real_real.f x) (μ M ν))"
    using assms by(intro integral_distr) auto
  also have "... = ?rhs" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma qbs_prob_pair_measure_eq_bind:
  assumes "p  monadP_qbs_Px X"
      and "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y"
    shows "p Qmes q = p  (λx. q  (λy. qbs_return (X Q Y) (x,y)))"
proof -
  obtain α μ where hp:
    "p = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)" "qbs_prob X α μ"
    using rep_monadP_qbs_Px[OF assms(1)] by auto
  obtain β ν where hq:
   "q = qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)" "qbs_prob Y β ν"
    using rep_monadP_qbs_Px[OF assms(2)] by auto
  interpret pqp: pair_qbs_probs X α μ Y β ν
    by(simp add: pair_qbs_probs_def hp hq)
  show ?thesis
    by(simp add: hp(1) hq(1) pqp.qbs_prob_pair_measure_computation(1) pqp.qbs_bind_return_pq(1))

subsubsection ‹Fubini Theorem›
lemma qbs_prob_ennintegral_Fubini_fst:
  assumes "p  monadP_qbs_Px X"
          "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y"
      and "f  X Q Y Q Q0"
    shows "(+Q x. +Q y. f (x,y) q p) = (+Q z. f z (p Qmes q))"
          (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  note [simp] = qbs_bind_morphism[OF qbs_morphism_const[of _ "monadP_qbs Y",simplified,OF assms(2)] curry_preserves_morphisms[OF qbs_return_morphism[of "X Q Y"]],simplified curry_def,simplified]
                qbs_morphism_Pair1'[OF _ qbs_return_morphism[of "X Q Y"]]
                assms(1)[simplified monadP_qbs_Px_def,simplified] assms(2)[simplified monadP_qbs_Px_def,simplified]
  have "?rhs = (+Q z. f z (p  (λx. q  (λy. qbs_return (X Q Y) (x,y)))))"
    by(simp add: qbs_prob_pair_measure_eq_bind[OF assms(1,2)])
  also have "... = (+Q x. qbs_prob_ennintegral (q  (λy. qbs_return (X Q Y) (x, y))) f p)"
    by(auto intro!: qbs_prob_ennintegral_bind[OF assms(1) _ assms(3)])
  also have "... =  (+Q x. +Q y. qbs_prob_ennintegral (qbs_return (X Q Y) (x, y)) f q p)"
    by(auto intro!: qbs_prob_ennintegral_cong qbs_prob_ennintegral_bind[OF assms(2) _ assms(3)])
  also have "... = ?lhs"
    using assms(3) by(auto intro!: qbs_prob_ennintegral_cong qbs_prob_ennintegral_return)
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma qbs_prob_ennintegral_Fubini_snd:
  assumes "p  monadP_qbs_Px X"
          "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y"
      and "f  X Q Y Q Q0"
    shows "(+Q y. +Q x. f (x,y) p q) = (+Q x. f x (p Qmes q))"
          (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  note [simp] = qbs_bind_morphism[OF qbs_morphism_const[of _ "monadP_qbs X",simplified,OF assms(1)] curry_preserves_morphisms[OF qbs_morphism_pair_swap[OF qbs_return_morphism[of "X Q Y"]],simplified curry_def,simplified]]
                qbs_morphism_Pair2'[OF _ qbs_return_morphism[of "X Q Y"]]
                assms(1)[simplified monadP_qbs_Px_def,simplified] assms(2)[simplified monadP_qbs_Px_def,simplified]
  have "?rhs = (+Q z. f z (q  (λy. p  (λx. qbs_return (X Q Y) (x,y)))))"
    by(simp add: qbs_prob_pair_measure_eq_bind[OF assms(1,2)] qbs_bind_return_rotate[OF assms(1,2)])
  also have "... = (+Q y. qbs_prob_ennintegral (p  (λx. qbs_return (X Q Y) (x, y))) f q)"
    by(auto intro!: qbs_prob_ennintegral_bind[OF assms(2) _ assms(3)])
  also have "... =  (+Q y. +Q x. qbs_prob_ennintegral (qbs_return (X Q Y) (x, y)) f p q)"
    by(auto intro!: qbs_prob_ennintegral_cong qbs_prob_ennintegral_bind[OF assms(1) _ assms(3)])
  also have "... = ?lhs"
    using assms(3) by(auto intro!: qbs_prob_ennintegral_cong qbs_prob_ennintegral_return)
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma qbs_prob_ennintegral_indep1:
  assumes "p  monadP_qbs_Px X"
      and "f  X Q Q0"
    shows "(+Q z. f (fst z) (p Qmes q)) = (+Q x. f x p)"
          (is "?lhs = _")
proof -
 obtain Y β ν where hq:
   "q = qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)" "qbs_prob Y β ν"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of q] by auto
  have "?lhs = (+Q y. +Q x. f x p q)"
    using qbs_prob_ennintegral_Fubini_snd[OF assms(1) qbs_prob.qbs_prob_space_in_Px[OF hq(2)] qbs_morphism_fst''[OF assms(2)]]
    by(simp add: hq(1))
  thus ?thesis
    by(simp add: qbs_prob_ennintegral_const)

lemma qbs_prob_ennintegral_indep2:
  assumes "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y"
      and "f  Y Q Q0"
    shows "(+Q z. f (snd z) (p Qmes q)) = (+Q y. f y q)"
          (is "?lhs = _")
proof -
  obtain X α μ where hp:
    "p = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)" "qbs_prob X α μ"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of p] by auto
  have "?lhs = (+Q x. +Q y. f y q p)"
    using qbs_prob_ennintegral_Fubini_fst[OF qbs_prob.qbs_prob_space_in_Px[OF hp(2)] assms(1) qbs_morphism_snd''[OF assms(2)]]
    by(simp add: hp(1))
  thus ?thesis
    by(simp add: qbs_prob_ennintegral_const)

lemma qbs_ennintegral_indep_mult:
  assumes "p  monadP_qbs_Px X"
          "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y"
          "f  X Q Q0"
      and "g  Y Q Q0"
    shows "(+Q z. f (fst z) * g (snd z) (p Qmes q)) = (+Q x. f x p) * (+Q y. g y q)"
          (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have h:"(λz. f (fst z) * g (snd z))  X Q Y Q Q0"
    using assms(4,3)
    by(auto intro!: borel_measurable_subalgebra[OF l_product_sets[of X Y]] simp: space_pair_measure lr_adjunction_correspondence)

  have "?lhs = (+Q x. +Q y .f x * g y q p)"
    using qbs_prob_ennintegral_Fubini_fst[OF assms(1,2) h] by simp
  also have "... = (+Q x. f x * +Q y . g y q p)"
    using qbs_prob_ennintegral_cmult[of q,OF _ assms(4)] assms(2)
    by(simp add: monadP_qbs_Px_def)
  also have "... = ?rhs"
    using qbs_prob_ennintegral_cmult[of p,OF _ assms(3)] assms(1)
    by(simp add: ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute[where b="qbs_prob_ennintegral q g"] monadP_qbs_Px_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma(in pair_qbs_probs) qbs_prob_pair_measure_integrable:
  assumes "qbs_integrable (qbs_prob_space (X,α,μ) Qmes qbs_prob_space (Y,β,ν)) f"
    shows "f  X Q Y Q Q"
          "integrable (μ M ν) (f  (map_prod α β))"
proof -
  show "f  X Q Y Q Q"
    using qbs_integrable_morphism[OF qbs_prob_pair_measure_qbs assms]
    by simp
  have 1:"integrable (distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f) (f  (map_prod α β  real_real.g))"
    using assms[simplified qbs_prob_pair_measure_computation] qbs_integrable_def[of f]
    by simp
  have "integrable (μ M ν) (λx. (f  (map_prod α β  real_real.g)) (real_real.f x))"
    by(intro integrable_distr[OF _ 1]) simp
  thus "integrable (μ M ν) (f  map_prod α β)"
    by(simp add: comp_def)

lemma(in pair_qbs_probs) qbs_prob_pair_measure_integrable':
  assumes "f  X Q Y Q Q"
      and "integrable (μ M ν) (f  (map_prod α β))"
    shows "qbs_integrable (qbs_prob_space (X,α,μ) Qmes qbs_prob_space (Y,β,ν)) f"
proof -
  have "integrable (distr (μ M ν) real_borel real_real.f) (f  (map_prod α β  real_real.g)) = integrable (μ M ν) (λx. (f  (map_prod α β  real_real.g)) (real_real.f x))"
    by(intro integrable_distr_eq) (use assms(1) in auto)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms qbs_integrable_def
    by(simp add: comp_def qbs_prob_pair_measure_computation)

lemma qbs_integrable_pair_swap:
  assumes "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) f"
  shows "qbs_integrable (q Qmes p) (λ(x,y). f (y,x))"
proof -
  obtain X α μ where hp:
    "p = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)" "qbs_prob X α μ"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of p] by auto
  obtain Y β ν where hq:
   "q = qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)" "qbs_prob Y β ν"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of q] by auto
  interpret pqp: pair_qbs_probs X α μ Y β ν
    by(simp add: pair_qbs_probs_def hp hq)
  interpret pqp2: pair_qbs_probs Y β ν X α μ
    by(simp add: pair_qbs_probs_def hp hq)

  have "f  X Q Y Q Q"
       "integrable (μ M ν) (f  map_prod α β)"
    by(auto simp: pqp.qbs_prob_pair_measure_integrable[OF assms[simplified hp(1) hq(1)]])
  from qbs_morphism_pair_swap[OF this(1)] pqp.integrable_product_swap[OF this(2)]
  have "(λ(x,y). f (y,x))  Y Q X Q Q"
        "integrable (ν M μ) ((λ(x,y). f (y,x))  map_prod β α)"
    by(simp_all add: map_prod_def comp_def split_beta')
  from pqp2.qbs_prob_pair_measure_integrable' [OF this]
  show ?thesis by(simp add: hp(1) hq(1))

lemma qbs_integrable_pair1:
  assumes "p  monadP_qbs_Px X"
          "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y"
          "f  X Q Y Q Q"
          "qbs_integrable p (λx. Q y. ¦f (x,y)¦ q)"
      and "x. x  qbs_space X  qbs_integrable q (λy. f (x,y))"
    shows "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) f"
proof -
  obtain α μ where hp:
    "p = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)" "qbs_prob X α μ"
    using rep_monadP_qbs_Px[OF assms(1)] by auto
  obtain β ν where hq:
   "q = qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)" "qbs_prob Y β ν"
    using rep_monadP_qbs_Px[OF assms(2)] by auto
  interpret pqp: pair_qbs_probs X α μ Y β ν
    by(simp add: pair_qbs_probs_def hp hq)

  have "integrable (μ M ν) (f  map_prod α β)"
  proof(rule pqp.Fubini_integrable)
    show "f  map_prod α β  borel_measurable (μ M ν)"
      using assms(3) by auto
    have "(λx. LINT y|ν. norm ((f  map_prod α β) (x, y))) = (λx. Q y. ¦f (x,y)¦ q)  α"
      apply standard subgoal for x
        using qbs_morphism_Pair1'[OF qbs_Mx_to_X(2)[OF pqp.qp1.in_Mx,of x] assms(3)]
        by(auto intro!: pqp.qp2.qbs_prob_integral_def[symmetric] simp: hq(1))
    moreover have "integrable μ ..."
      using assms(4) pqp.qp1.qbs_integrable_def
      by (simp add: hp(1))
    ultimately show "integrable μ (λx. LINT y|ν. norm ((f  map_prod α β) (x, y)))"
      by simp
    have "x. integrable ν (λy. (f  map_prod α β) (x, y))"
      fix x
      have "(λy. (f  map_prod α β) (x, y)) = (λy. f (α x,y))  β"
        by auto
      moreover have "qbs_integrable (qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)) (λy. f (α x, y))"
        by(auto intro!: assms(5)[simplified hq(1)] simp: qbs_Mx_to_X)
      ultimately show "integrable ν (λy. (f  map_prod α β) (x, y))"
        by(simp add: pqp.qp2.qbs_integrable_def)
    thus "AE x in μ. integrable ν (λy. (f  map_prod α β) (x, y))"
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using pqp.qbs_prob_pair_measure_integrable'[OF assms(3)]
    by(simp add: hp(1) hq(1))

lemma qbs_integrable_pair2:
  assumes "p  monadP_qbs_Px X"
          "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y"
          "f  X Q Y Q Q"
          "qbs_integrable q (λy. Q x. ¦f (x,y)¦ p)"
      and "y. y  qbs_space Y  qbs_integrable p (λx. f (x,y))"
    shows "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) f"
  using qbs_integrable_pair_swap[OF qbs_integrable_pair1[OF assms(2,1) qbs_morphism_pair_swap[OF assms(3)],simplified,OF assms(4,5)]]
  by simp

lemma qbs_integrable_fst:
  assumes "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) f"
  shows "qbs_integrable p (λx. Q y. f (x,y) q)"
proof -
  obtain X α μ where hp:
    "p = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)" "qbs_prob X α μ"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of p] by auto
  obtain Y β ν where hq:
   "q = qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)" "qbs_prob Y β ν"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of q] by auto
  interpret pqp: pair_qbs_probs X α μ Y β ν
    by(simp add: hp hq  pair_qbs_probs_def)
  have h0: "p  monadP_qbs_Px X" "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y" "f  X Q Y Q Q"
    using qbs_integrable_morphism[OF _ assms,simplified qbs_prob_pair_measure_qbs]
    by(simp_all add: monadP_qbs_Px_def hp(1) hq(1))

  show "qbs_integrable p (λx. Q y. f (x, y) q)"
  proof(auto simp add: pqp.qp1.qbs_integrable_def hp(1))
    show "(λx. Q y. f (x, y) q)  borel_measurable (qbs_to_measure X)"
      using qbs_morphism_integral_fst[OF h0(2,3)] by auto
    have "integrable μ (λx. LINT y|ν. (f  map_prod α β) (x, y))"
      by(intro pqp.integrable_fst') (rule pqp.qbs_prob_pair_measure_integrable(2)[OF assms[simplified hp(1) hq(1)]])
    moreover have "x. ((λx. Q y. f (x, y) q)  α) x = LINT y|ν. (f  map_prod α β) (x, y)"
     by(auto intro!: pqp.qp2.qbs_prob_integral_def qbs_morphism_Pair1'[OF qbs_Mx_to_X(2)[OF pqp.qp1.in_Mx] h0(3)] simp: hq)
    ultimately show "integrable μ ((λx. Q y. f (x, y) q)  α)"
      using Bochner_Integration.integrable_cong[of μ μ "(λx. Q y. f (x, y) q)  α" " (λx. LINT y|ν. (f  map_prod α β) (x, y))"]
      by simp

lemma qbs_integrable_snd:
  assumes "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) f"
  shows "qbs_integrable q (λy. Q x. f (x,y) p)"
  using qbs_integrable_fst[OF qbs_integrable_pair_swap[OF assms]]
  by simp

lemma qbs_integrable_indep_mult:
  assumes "qbs_integrable p f"
      and "qbs_integrable q g"
    shows "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) (λx. f (fst x) * g (snd x))"
proof -
  obtain X α μ where hp:
    "p = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)" "qbs_prob X α μ"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of p] by auto
  obtain Y β ν where hq:
   "q = qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)" "qbs_prob Y β ν"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of q] by auto
  interpret pqp: pair_qbs_probs X α μ Y β ν
    by(simp add: hp hq  pair_qbs_probs_def)
  have h0: "p  monadP_qbs_Px X" "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y" "f  X Q Q" "g  Y Q Q"
    using qbs_integrable_morphism[OF _ assms(1)] qbs_integrable_morphism[OF _ assms(2)]
    by(simp_all add: monadP_qbs_Px_def hp(1) hq(1))

  show ?thesis
  proof(rule qbs_integrable_pair1[OF h0(1,2)],simp_all add: assms(2))
    show "(λz. f (fst z) * g (snd z))   X Q Y Q Q"
      using h0(3,4) by(auto intro!: borel_measurable_subalgebra[OF l_product_sets[of X Y]] simp: space_pair_measure lr_adjunction_correspondence)
    show "qbs_integrable p (λx. Q y. ¦f x * g y¦ q)"
      by(auto intro!: qbs_integrable_mult[OF qbs_integrable_abs[OF assms(1)]]
           simp only: idom_abs_sgn_class.abs_mult qbs_prob_integral_cmult ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute[where b="Q y. ¦g y¦ q"])

lemma qbs_integrable_indep1:
  assumes "qbs_integrable p f"
  shows "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) (λx. f (fst x))"
  using qbs_integrable_indep_mult[OF assms qbs_integrable_const[of q 1]]
  by simp

lemma qbs_integrable_indep2:
  assumes "qbs_integrable q g"
  shows "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) (λx. g (snd x))"
  using qbs_integrable_pair_swap[OF qbs_integrable_indep1[OF assms],of p]
  by(simp add: split_beta')

lemma qbs_prob_integral_Fubini_fst:
  assumes "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) f"
    shows "(Q x. Q y. f (x,y) q p) = (Q z. f z (p Qmes q))"
          (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  obtain X α μ where hp:
    "p = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)" "qbs_prob X α μ"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of p] by auto
  obtain Y β ν where hq:
   "q = qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)" "qbs_prob Y β ν"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of q] by auto
  interpret pqp: pair_qbs_probs X α μ Y β ν
    by(simp add: hp hq  pair_qbs_probs_def)
  have h0: "p  monadP_qbs_Px X" "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y" "f  X Q Y Q Q"
    using qbs_integrable_morphism[OF _ assms,simplified qbs_prob_pair_measure_qbs]
    by(simp_all add: monadP_qbs_Px_def hp(1) hq(1))

  have "?lhs = ( x. Q y. f (α x, y) q μ)"
    using qbs_morphism_integral_fst[OF h0(2) h0(3)]
    by(auto intro!: pqp.qp1.qbs_prob_integral_def simp: hp(1))
  also have "... = (x. y. f (α x, β y) ν μ)"
    using qbs_morphism_Pair1'[OF qbs_Mx_to_X(2)[OF pqp.qp1.in_Mx] h0(3)]
    by(auto intro!: Bochner_Integration.integral_cong pqp.qp2.qbs_prob_integral_def
              simp: hq(1))
  also have "... = (z. (f  map_prod α β) z (μ M ν))"
    using pqp.integral_fst'[OF pqp.qbs_prob_pair_measure_integrable(2)[OF assms[simplified hp(1) hq(1)]]]
    by(simp add: map_prod_def comp_def)
  also have "... = ?rhs"
    by(simp add: pqp.qbs_prob_pair_measure_integral[OF h0(3)] hp(1) hq(1))
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma qbs_prob_integral_Fubini_snd:
  assumes "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) f"
    shows "(Q y. Q x. f (x,y) p q) = (Q z. f z (p Qmes q))"
          (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  obtain X α μ where hp:
    "p = qbs_prob_space (X, α, μ)" "qbs_prob X α μ"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of p] by auto
  obtain Y β ν where hq:
   "q = qbs_prob_space (Y, β, ν)" "qbs_prob Y β ν"
    using rep_qbs_prob_space[of q] by auto
  interpret pqp: pair_qbs_probs X α μ Y β ν
    by(simp add: hp hq  pair_qbs_probs_def)
  have h0: "p  monadP_qbs_Px X" "q  monadP_qbs_Px Y" "f  X Q Y Q Q"
    using qbs_integrable_morphism[OF _ assms,simplified qbs_prob_pair_measure_qbs]
    by(simp_all add: monadP_qbs_Px_def hp(1) hq(1))

  have "?lhs = ( y. Q x. f (x,β y) p ν)"
    using qbs_morphism_integral_snd[OF h0(1) h0(3)]
    by(auto intro!: pqp.qp2.qbs_prob_integral_def simp: hq(1))
  also have "... = (y. x. f (α x, β y) μ ν)"
    using qbs_morphism_Pair2'[OF qbs_Mx_to_X(2)[OF pqp.qp2.in_Mx] h0(3)]
    by(auto intro!: Bochner_Integration.integral_cong pqp.qp1.qbs_prob_integral_def
              simp: hp(1))
  also have "... = (z. (f  map_prod α β) z (μ M ν))"
    using pqp.integral_snd[of "curry (f  map_prod α β)"] pqp.qbs_prob_pair_measure_integrable(2)[OF assms[simplified hp(1) hq(1)]]
    by(simp add: map_prod_def comp_def split_beta')
  also have "... = ?rhs"
    by(simp add: pqp.qbs_prob_pair_measure_integral[OF h0(3)] hp(1) hq(1))
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma qbs_prob_integral_indep1:
  assumes "qbs_integrable p f"
  shows "(Q z. f (fst z) (p Qmes q)) = (Q x. f x p)"
  using qbs_prob_integral_Fubini_snd[OF qbs_integrable_indep1[OF assms],of q]
  by(simp add: qbs_prob_integral_const)

lemma qbs_prob_integral_indep2:
  assumes "qbs_integrable q g"
  shows "(Q z. g (snd z) (p Qmes q)) = (Q y. g y q)"
  using qbs_prob_integral_Fubini_fst[OF qbs_integrable_indep2[OF assms],of p]
  by(simp add: qbs_prob_integral_const)

lemma qbs_prob_integral_indep_mult:
  assumes "qbs_integrable p f"
      and "qbs_integrable q g"
    shows "(Q z. f (fst z) * g (snd z) (p Qmes q)) = (Q x. f x p) * (Q y. g y q)"
          (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs = (Q x. Q y. f x * g y q p)"
    using qbs_prob_integral_Fubini_fst[OF qbs_integrable_indep_mult[OF assms]]
    by simp
  also have "... = (Q x. f x * (Q y.  g y q) p)"
    by(simp add: qbs_prob_integral_cmult)
  also have "... = ?rhs"
    by(simp add: qbs_prob_integral_cmult ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute[where b="Q y.  g y q"])
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma qbs_prob_var_indep_plus:
  assumes "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) f"
          "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) (λz. (f z)2)"
          "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) g"
          "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) (λz. (g z)2)"
          "qbs_integrable (p Qmes q) (λz. (f z) * (g z))"
      and "(Q z. f z * g z (p Qmes q)) = (Q z. f z (p Qmes q)) * (Q z. g z (p Qmes q))"
    shows "qbs_prob_var (p Qmes q) (λz. f z + g z) = qbs_prob_var (p Qmes q) f + qbs_prob_var (p Qmes q) g"
  unfolding qbs_prob_var_def
proof -
  show "(Q z. (f z + g z - Q w. f w + g w (p Qmes q))2 (p Qmes q)) = (Q z. (f z - qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) f)2 (p Qmes q)) + (Q z. (g z - qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g)2 (p Qmes q))"
       (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have "?lhs = (Q z. ((f z - (Q w. f w (p Qmes q))) + (g z - (Q w. g w (p Qmes q))))2 (p Qmes q))"
      by(simp add: qbs_prob_integral_add[OF assms(1,3)] add_diff_add)
    also have "... = (Q z. (f z - (Q w. f w (p Qmes q)))2 + (g z - (Q w. g w (p Qmes q)))2 + (2 * f z * g z - 2 * (Q w. f w (p Qmes q)) * g z - (2 * f z * (Q w. g w (p Qmes q)) - 2 * (Q w. f w (p Qmes q)) * (Q w. g w (p Qmes q)))) (p Qmes q))"
      by(simp add: comm_semiring_1_class.power2_sum comm_semiring_1_cancel_class.left_diff_distrib' ring_class.right_diff_distrib)
    also have "... = ?rhs"
      using qbs_prob_integral_add[OF qbs_integrable_add[OF qbs_integrable_sq[OF assms(1,2)] qbs_integrable_sq[OF assms(3,4)]] qbs_integrable_diff[OF qbs_integrable_diff[OF qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(5),of 2,simplified comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(18)] qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(3),of "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) f"]] qbs_integrable_diff[OF qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(1),of "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g",simplified ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult_ac(1)[where b="qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"] ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute[where a="qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"] comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(18)[of _ _ "qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"]] qbs_integrable_const[of _ "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) f * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"]]]]
            qbs_prob_integral_add[OF qbs_integrable_sq[OF assms(1,2)] qbs_integrable_sq[OF assms(3,4)]]
            qbs_prob_integral_diff[OF qbs_integrable_diff[OF qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(5),of 2,simplified comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(18)] qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(3),of "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) f"]] qbs_integrable_diff[OF qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(1),of "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g",simplified ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult_ac(1)[where b="qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"] ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute[where a="qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"] comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(18)[of _ _ "qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"]] qbs_integrable_const[of _ "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) f * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"]]]
            qbs_prob_integral_diff[OF qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(5),of 2,simplified comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(18)] qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(3),of "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) f"]]
            qbs_prob_integral_diff[OF qbs_integrable_mult[OF assms(1),of "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g",simplified ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult_ac(1)[where b="qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"] ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute[where a="qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"] comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(18)[of _ _ "qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"]] qbs_integrable_const[of _ "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) f * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"]]
            qbs_prob_integral_cmult[of "p Qmes q" 2 "λz. f z * g z",simplified assms(6) comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(18)]
            qbs_prob_integral_cmult[of "p Qmes q" "2 * (Q w. f w (p Qmes q))" g]
            qbs_prob_integral_cmult[of "p Qmes q" "2 * (Q w. g w (p Qmes q))" f,simplified semigroup_mult_class.mult.assoc[of 2 "Q w. g w (p Qmes q)"] ab_semigroup_mult_class.mult.commute[where a="qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"] comm_semiring_1_class.semiring_normalization_rules(18)[of 2 _ "Q w. g w (p Qmes q)"]]
            qbs_prob_integral_const[of "p Qmes q" "2 * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) f * qbs_prob_integral (p Qmes q) g"]
      by simp
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma qbs_prob_var_indep_plus':
  assumes "qbs_integrable p f"
          "qbs_integrable p (λx. (f x)2)"
          "qbs_integrable q g"
      and "qbs_integrable q (λx. (g x)2)"
    shows "qbs_prob_var (p Qmes q) (λz. f (fst z) + g (snd z)) = qbs_prob_var p f + qbs_prob_var q g"
  using qbs_prob_var_indep_plus[OF qbs_integrable_indep1[OF assms(1)] qbs_integrable_indep1[OF assms(2)] qbs_integrable_indep2[OF assms(3)] qbs_integrable_indep2[OF assms(4)] qbs_integrable_indep_mult[OF assms(1) assms(3)] qbs_prob_integral_indep_mult[OF assms(1) assms(3),simplified  qbs_prob_integral_indep1[OF assms(1),of q,symmetric] qbs_prob_integral_indep2[OF assms(3),of p,symmetric]]]
        qbs_prob_integral_indep1[OF qbs_integrable_sq[OF assms(1,2)],of q "Q z. f (fst z) (p Qmes q)"] qbs_prob_integral_indep2[OF qbs_integrable_sq[OF assms(3,4)],of p "Q z. g (snd z) (p Qmes q)"]
  by(simp add: qbs_prob_var_def qbs_prob_integral_indep1[OF assms(1)] qbs_prob_integral_indep2[OF assms(3)])
