Theory Renegar_Modified

(* This file generalizes the previous univariate formalization of BKR
and Renegar (see 
so as not to use the Cauchy root bound, which is specific to univariate 
polynomials and does not generalize to our multivariate setting.

theory Renegar_Modified

imports "BenOr_Kozen_Reif.Renegar_Decision"


definition poly_f_nocrb :: "real poly list  real poly"
    "poly_f_nocrb ps = 
  (if (check_all_const_deg ps = True) then  [:0, 1:] else 
  (pderiv (prod_list_var ps)) * (prod_list_var ps))"

lemma root_set_nocrb:
  assumes is_not_const: "check_all_const_deg qs = False"
  shows "{x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}
 = {x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0}  {-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))}"
proof - 
  have "x  {x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0" by auto
  then have all: "x  {x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}. poly ((pderiv (prod_list_var qs)) * (prod_list_var qs)* ([:-(crb (prod_list_var qs)),1:]) * ([:(crb (prod_list_var qs)),1:])) x = 0"
    unfolding poly_f_def using is_not_const by presburger 
  have all1: "x  {x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}.
    ((poly ((pderiv (prod_list_var qs)) * (prod_list_var qs)) x = 0)
     (poly (([:-(crb (prod_list_var qs)),1:]) * ([:(crb (prod_list_var qs)),1:])) x = 0))"
  proof clarsimp
    fix x
    assume inset: "poly (poly_f qs) (real_of_int x) = 0 "
    assume "poly (pderiv (prod_list_var qs)) (real_of_int x)  0"
    assume "x * x  crb (prod_list_var qs) * crb (prod_list_var qs)"
    have "poly ((pderiv (prod_list_var qs)) * (prod_list_var qs)* ([:-(crb (prod_list_var qs)),1:]) * ([:(crb (prod_list_var qs)),1:])) x = 0"
      using all inset by auto
    then show "poly (prod_list_var qs) (real_of_int x) = 0" using assms
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) poly (pderiv (prod_list_var qs)) (real_of_int x)  0 x * x  crb (prod_list_var qs) * crb (prod_list_var qs) mult.commute mult_eq_0_iff mult_minus_left of_int_eq_iff of_int_minus poly_mult poly_root_factor(3))
  have "x. (poly (([:-(crb (prod_list_var qs)),1:]) * ([:(crb (prod_list_var qs)),1:])) x = 0 
  (x = -(crb (prod_list_var qs))  x = (crb (prod_list_var qs))))"
    by (simp add: square_eq_iff)
  then have "x  {x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}.
    ((poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0)
     (x = -(crb (prod_list_var qs))  x = (crb (prod_list_var qs))))"
    using all1 unfolding poly_f_nocrb_def
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) all is_not_const of_int_minus poly_root_factor(2)) 
  then have subset1: "{x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}
  {x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0}  {-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))}"
    using UnCI is_not_const mem_Collect_eq by fastforce
  have subset2: "{x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0}  {-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))} 
   {x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}"
    using Un_insert_right insert_iff is_not_const mem_Collect_eq of_int_minus poly_f_def poly_f_nocrb_def by auto
  then show ?thesis using subset1 subset2 by auto

lemma nonzcrb_helper:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes qnonz: "q  0"
  assumes lengt: "length (sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (q  set(qs). (q  0  poly q x = 0))} :: real list) > 0"
  shows " ¬(x  (real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))). poly q x = 0)" 
proof clarsimp 
  fix x
  assume xgt: "real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))  x" 
  assume pqz: "poly q x = 0"
  let ?zer_list = "sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (q  set(qs). (q  0  poly q x = 0))} :: real list"
  have strict_sorted_h: "sorted_wrt (<) ?zer_list" using sorted_sorted_list_of_set
      strict_sorted_iff by auto
  have finset: "finite  {x. qset qs. q  0  poly q x = 0}"
  proof - 
    have "q  set qs.  q 0  finite {x. poly q x = 0} "
      using poly_roots_finite by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
  have all_prop: "x  {x. qset qs. q  0  poly q x = 0}. poly (prod_list_var qs) x = 0"
    using q_dvd_prod_list_var_prop
    by fastforce 
  then have "poly (prod_list_var qs) (sorted_list_of_set {x. qset qs. q  0  poly q x = 0} ! 0) = 0"
    using finset set_sorted_list_of_set
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) lengt nth_mem) 
  then have crbgt: "crb (prod_list_var qs) > ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)" using prod_list_var_nonzero crb_lem_pos[of "prod_list_var qs" "?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)"]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) all_prop diff_less finset lengt less_numeral_extra(1) nth_mem set_sorted_list_of_set) 
  have x_in: "x  {x. qset qs. q  0  poly q x = 0}"
    using pqz q_in qnonz 
    by auto
  then have "x  set ?zer_list"
    by (smt (verit, best) finset in_set_member mem_Collect_eq set_sorted_list_of_set) 
  then have "x  ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)" using strict_sorted_h
    by (meson all_prop x_in crb_lem_pos not_less prod_list_var_nonzero xgt)
  then show "False" using xgt crbgt 
    by auto

lemma root_set_nocrb_var:
  assumes is_not_const: "check_all_const_deg qs = False"
  shows "({x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}::real set)
 = {x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0}  (({-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))})::real set)"
  using root_set_nocrb apply (auto)
     apply (smt (verit) of_int_minus poly_f_def poly_f_nocrb_def poly_root_factor(2))
    apply (simp add: is_not_const poly_f_def)
  using is_not_const apply blast
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) poly_f_def poly_f_nocrb_def poly_root_factor(2))

lemma nonzcrb:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes qnonz: "q  0"
  shows " ¬(x  (real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))). poly q x = 0)" 
proof - 
  let ?zer_list = "(sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (q  set(qs). (q  0  poly q x = 0))} :: real list)"
  have eo: "length ?zer_list = 0  length ?zer_list > 0"
    by auto 
  have h1: "length ?zer_list = 0  ¬(x  (real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))). poly q x = 0)"
    by (metis crb_lem_pos dvdE linorder_not_less mult_zero_left poly_mult prod_list_var_nonzero q_dvd_prod_list_var_prop q_in qnonz)
  have h2: "length ?zer_list > 0  ¬(x  (real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))). poly q x = 0)"
    using nonzcrb_helper assms
    by blast 
  show ?thesis using eo h1 h2 
    by auto 

definition sgn_pos_inf_rat_list:: "real poly list  int list"
  where "sgn_pos_inf_rat_list l = map (λx.  (Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf x))) l"

definition sgn_neg_inf_rat_list:: "real poly list  int list"
  where "sgn_neg_inf_rat_list l = map (λx.  (Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf x))) l"

definition sgn_neg_inf_rat_list2:: "real poly list  rat list"
  where "sgn_neg_inf_rat_list2 l = map (λx.  ((rat_of_int  Sturm_Tarski.sign) (sgn_neg_inf x))) l"

definition sgn_pos_inf_rat_list2:: "real poly list  rat list"
  where "sgn_pos_inf_rat_list2 l = map (λx.  ((rat_of_int  Sturm_Tarski.sign) (sgn_pos_inf x))) l"

lemma root_ub_restate:
  fixes p:: "real poly"
  assumes pnonz: "p  0"
  fixes z::"real"
  assumes zgt: "x. poly p x=0  x < z"
  shows "xz  sgn (poly p x) = Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf p)"
proof - 
  assume xgt: "xz"
  have allx: "x  z. sgn (poly p x) = sgn (poly p z)"
  proof clarsimp 
    fix x
    assume zleq: "z  x"
    then have xnonz: "sgn (poly p x)  0"
      using zgt unfolding sgn_def by auto
    have znonz: "sgn (poly p z)  0"
      using zgt unfolding sgn_def by auto 
    have "Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x)  Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)  False"
    proof - 
      assume neq: "Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x)  Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)"
      then have z_lt: "z < x" using zleq
        using less_eq_real_def by force
      have h1: "z < x 
        Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)  0 
        Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x)  0 
        ¬ poly p x < 0  0 < poly p x"
        using zgt by fastforce
      have h2: "z < x 
        Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)  0 
        Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x)  0 
        ¬ poly p x < 0  poly p z < 0"
        by (metis neq sgn_def)
      have h3: "z < x 
        Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)  0 
        Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x)  0 
        ¬ 0 < poly p z  0 < poly p x"
        by (metis neq sgn_def) 
      have h4: "z < x 
        Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)  0 
        Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x)  0 
        ¬ 0 < poly p z  poly p z < 0"
        using h2 h3 by linarith
       have "((poly p x) > 0  (poly p z) < 0)  ((poly p x) < 0  (poly p z) > 0) "
         using z_lt znonz xnonz h1 h2 h3 h4
         by auto
      then have "w. w > x  w < z  (poly p w = 0)"
        using poly_IVT_pos[of z x] poly_IVT_neg[of z x]
        by (metis z < x not_less_iff_gr_or_eq zgt) 
      then show "False"
        using zgt
        using zleq by linarith 
    then show "Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x) = Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)"
      by auto
  have "(ub.
          (xub. sgn_class.sgn (poly p x) = sgn_pos_inf p))"
    using root_ub[of p] pnonz 
    by meson 
  then obtain ub where ub_prop: "(xub. sgn_class.sgn (poly p x) = sgn_pos_inf p)"
    by auto
  let ?ub2 = "max ub (z+1)"
  have "(x?ub2. sgn_class.sgn (poly p x) = sgn_pos_inf p)  (?ub2 > z)"
    using ub_prop by auto
  then have h1: "(Sturm_Tarski.sign(sgn_class.sgn (poly p ?ub2)::real)) = Sturm_Tarski.sign(sgn_pos_inf p)  (?ub2 > z)"
    by auto
  have "(Sturm_Tarski.sign(sgn_class.sgn (poly p ?ub2)::real)) = (sgn (poly p ?ub2))"
    unfolding sign_def sgn_def by auto
  then have "(sgn (poly p ?ub2)) = (Sturm_Tarski.sign(sgn_pos_inf p))  (?ub2 > z)" 
    using h1
    by metis 
  then have "xz. sgn (poly p x) = Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf p)"
    using allx 
    by (metis dual_order.refl max.absorb3 max.bounded_iff) 
  then show ?thesis using xgt
    by auto

lemma limit_pos_infinity_helper1:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes qnonz: "q  0"
  assumes "x = (crb (prod_list_var qs))"
  shows "(if (poly q x > 0) then (1::int) else (if (poly q x = 0) then (0::rat) else (-1::rat))) 
    = ((Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf q))::int)"
  using poly_sgn_eventually_at_top[unfolded eventually_at_top_linorder] 
proof - 
  have "(ub. (x. poly q x = 0  x < ub 
          (xub. sgn_class.sgn (poly q x) = sgn_pos_inf q)))"
    using root_ub[of q] qnonz 
    by meson 
  then obtain ub where ub_prop: "(x. poly q x = 0  x < ub 
          (xub. sgn_class.sgn (poly q x) = sgn_pos_inf q))"
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    proof -
    have "q  set qs  q  0"
      using q_in qnonz by blast
    then have f1: "r. ¬ real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))  r  0  poly q r"
      by (metis (no_types) nonzcrb[of q])
    have f2: "real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))  real_of_int x"
      using assms(3) by force
    then have f3: "0  poly q (real_of_int x)"
      using f1 by blast
    have comb1: "z x. q  0; x. poly q x = 0  x < z; z  x  of_rat (Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly q x)) = complex_of_int (Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf q))"
       using assms(2) root_ub_restate[of q] by auto
    obtain rr :: real where
      "q  0  (0 = poly q rr  rr < real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs)))  real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))  real_of_int x  Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf q) = Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly q (real_of_int x))"
      by (metis comb1)
    then have f4: "Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf q) = Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly q (real_of_int x))"
      using f2 f1 linorder_not_less qnonz by blast
    have "Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly q (real_of_int x)) = (if 0 < poly q (real_of_int x) then 1 else if poly q (real_of_int x) < 0 then - 1 else 0)  (if 0 < poly q (real_of_int x) then (1::rat) = (if 0 < poly q (real_of_int x) then 1 else if poly q (real_of_int x) < 0 then - 1 else 0) else (if 0 < poly q (real_of_int x) then 1::rat else if poly q (real_of_int x) < 0 then - 1 else 0) = (if poly q (real_of_int x) < 0 then - 1 else 0))  (if poly q (real_of_int x) < 0 then - (1::rat) = (if poly q (real_of_int x) < 0 then - 1 else 0) else (0::rat) = (if poly q (real_of_int x) < 0 then - 1 else 0))"
      by (simp add: sgn_def)
    { assume "- (1::int)  (if poly q (real_of_int x) < 0 then - 1 else 0)"
      then have "0 < poly q (real_of_int x)"
        using f3 by (metis (no_types) not_less_iff_gr_or_eq) }
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (smt (verit) Rat.of_rat_1 f4 of_int_hom.hom_one) 

lemma limit_pos_infinity_helper2:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes qnonz: "q = 0"
  assumes "x = (crb (prod_list_var qs))"
  shows "(if (poly q x > 0) then (1::rat) else (if (poly q x = 0) then (0::rat) else (-1::rat))) 
    = ((Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf q))::int)"
proof - 
  have "0 = ((Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf q)))"
    by (simp add: qnonz sgn_pos_inf_def) 
  then show ?thesis using qnonz
    by auto 

lemma limit_pos_infinity_helper:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes "x = (crb (prod_list_var qs))"
  shows "(if (poly q x > 0) then (1::int) else (if (poly q x = 0) then 0 else -1)) 
    = ((Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_pos_inf q)))"
  using limit_pos_infinity_helper1 limit_pos_infinity_helper2 assms(2) q_in
  by (smt (verit) Rat.of_rat_1 Sturm_Tarski.sign_cases of_int_eq_iff of_int_hom.hom_one of_int_hom.hom_zero of_rat_0 of_rat_neg_one one_neq_neg_one zero_neq_neg_one)

lemma Sturm_Tarski_casting:
  shows "((Sturm_Tarski.sign x)) = rat_of_int (Sturm_Tarski.sign x)"
  by (simp add: Sturm_Tarski.sign_def)

lemma limit_pos_infinity:
  shows "consistent_sign_vec qs (crb (prod_list_var qs)) = sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs"
  unfolding consistent_sign_vec_def sgn_pos_inf_rat_list_def 
  using limit_pos_infinity_helper Sturm_Tarski_casting
  apply (auto) 
    apply fastforce
   apply presburger
  by (metis of_int_hom.hom_one of_int_minus)

lemma nonzcrb_helper_neg:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes qnonz: "q  0"
  assumes lengt: "length (sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (q  set(qs). (q  0  poly q x = 0))} :: real list) > 0"
  shows " ¬(x  (real_of_int (-crb (prod_list_var qs))). poly q x = 0)" 
proof clarsimp 
  fix x
  assume xlt: "x  - real_of_int (crb (prod_list_var qs))" 
  assume pqz: "poly q x = 0"
  let ?zer_list = "sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (q  set(qs). (q  0  poly q x = 0))} :: real list"
  have strict_sorted_h: "sorted_wrt (<) ?zer_list" using sorted_sorted_list_of_set
      strict_sorted_iff by auto
  have finset: "finite  {x. qset qs. q  0  poly q x = 0}"
  proof - 
    have all_q: "q  set qs.  q 0  finite {x. poly q x = 0} "
      using poly_roots_finite by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
  have all_x: "x  {x. qset qs. q  0  poly q x = 0}. poly (prod_list_var qs) x = 0"
    using q_dvd_prod_list_var_prop
    by fastforce 
  then have "poly (prod_list_var qs) (sorted_list_of_set {x. qset qs. q  0  poly q x = 0} ! 0) = 0"
    using finset set_sorted_list_of_set
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) lengt nth_mem) 
  then have crbgt: "-crb (prod_list_var qs) < ?zer_list ! 0" using prod_list_var_nonzero crb_lem_pos[of "prod_list_var qs" "?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)"]
    using crb_lem_neg by blast
  have x_in: "x  {x. qset qs. q  0  poly q x = 0}"
    using pqz q_in qnonz 
    by auto
  then have "x  set ?zer_list"
    by (smt (verit, best) finset in_set_member mem_Collect_eq set_sorted_list_of_set) 
  then have "x  ?zer_list ! 0" using strict_sorted_h
    by (smt (verit) all_x x_in crb_lem_neg linorder_not_le of_int_hom.hom_uminus prod_list_var_nonzero xlt) 
  then show "False" using xlt crbgt 
    by auto

lemma nonzcrb_neg:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes qnonz: "q  0"
  shows " ¬(x  (real_of_int (-crb (prod_list_var qs))). poly q x = 0)" 
proof - 
  let ?zer_list = "(sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (q  set(qs). (q  0  poly q x = 0))} :: real list)"
  have eo: "length ?zer_list = 0  length ?zer_list > 0"
    by auto 
  have h1: "length ?zer_list = 0  ¬(x  (real_of_int (-crb (prod_list_var qs))). poly q x = 0)"
    by (metis crb_lem_neg dvdE linorder_not_less mult_zero_left poly_mult prod_list_var_nonzero q_dvd_prod_list_var_prop q_in qnonz)
  have h2: "length ?zer_list > 0  ¬(x  (real_of_int (-crb (prod_list_var qs))). poly q x = 0)"
    using nonzcrb_helper_neg assms
    by blast 
  show ?thesis using eo h1 h2 
    by auto 

lemma root_lb_restate:
  fixes p:: "real poly"
  assumes pnonz: "p  0"
  fixes z::"real"
  assumes zgt: "x. poly p x=0  x > z"
  shows "xz  sgn (poly p x) = Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf p)"
proof - 
  assume xlt: "x  z"
  have allx: "x  z. sgn (poly p x) = sgn (poly p z)"
  proof clarsimp 
    fix x
    assume zleq: "x  z"
    then have xnonz: "sgn (poly p x)  0"
      using zgt unfolding sgn_def by auto
    have znonz: "sgn (poly p z)  0"
      using zgt unfolding sgn_def by auto 
    have "Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x)  Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)  False"
    proof - 
      assume neq: "Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x)  Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)"
      then have "x < z" using zleq
        using less_eq_real_def by force
      then have "((poly p x) > 0  (poly p z) < 0)  ((poly p x) < 0  (poly p z) > 0) "
        using znonz xnonz zgt neq sgn_def
        by metis
      then have "w. w < x  w > z  (poly p w = 0)"
        using poly_IVT_pos[of x z] poly_IVT_neg[of x z]
        by (metis x < z not_less_iff_gr_or_eq zgt) 
      then show "False"
        using zgt zleq 
        by linarith 
    then show "Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p x) = Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly p z)"
      by auto
  have "(ub. (xub. sgn_class.sgn (poly p x) = sgn_neg_inf p))"
    using root_lb[of p] pnonz 
    by meson 
  then obtain lb where ub_prop: "(xlb. sgn_class.sgn (poly p x) = sgn_neg_inf p)"
    by auto
  let ?ub2 = "min lb (z-1)"
  have "(x?ub2. sgn_class.sgn (poly p x) = sgn_neg_inf p)  (?ub2 < z)"
    using ub_prop by auto
  then have h1: "(Sturm_Tarski.sign(sgn_class.sgn (poly p ?ub2)::real)) = Sturm_Tarski.sign(sgn_neg_inf p)  (?ub2 < z)"
    by auto
  have "(Sturm_Tarski.sign(sgn_class.sgn (poly p ?ub2)::real)) = (sgn (poly p ?ub2))"
    unfolding sign_def sgn_def by auto
  then have "(sgn (poly p ?ub2)) = (Sturm_Tarski.sign(sgn_neg_inf p))  (?ub2 < z)" 
    using h1 by metis
  then show ?thesis using allx xlt
    by (metis min.absorb3 min.cobounded2)

lemma limit_neg_infinity_helper1:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes qnonz: "q  0"
  assumes "x = -(crb (prod_list_var qs))"
  shows "(if (poly q x > 0) then 1 else (if (poly q x = 0) then 0 else -1)) 
    = ((Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf q)))"
proof - 
  have "(ub. (x. poly q x = 0  x < ub 
          (xub. sgn_class.sgn (poly q x) = sgn_neg_inf q)))"
    using root_lb[of q] qnonz
    by (meson not_less_iff_gr_or_eq)  
  then obtain ub where ub_prop: "(x. poly q x = 0  x < ub 
          (xub. sgn_class.sgn (poly q x) = sgn_neg_inf q))"
    by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof -
    have "q  set qs  q  0"
      using q  set qs q  0 by blast
    then have f1: "r. ¬ r  real_of_int (- crb (prod_list_var qs))  0  poly q r"
      using nonzcrb_neg[of q] by auto
    have f2: "real_of_int x  real_of_int (- crb (prod_list_var qs))"
      using x = - crb (prod_list_var qs) by fastforce
    obtain rr :: real where
      f3: "q  0  (0 = poly q rr  real_of_int (- crb (prod_list_var qs)) < rr)  real_of_int x  real_of_int (- crb (prod_list_var qs))  Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf q) = Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly q (real_of_int x))"
      by (metis assms(2) root_lb_restate[of q])
    have "¬ rr  real_of_int (- crb (prod_list_var qs))  0  poly q rr"
      using f1 by blast
    then have "Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf q) = Matrix_Equation_Construction.sgn (poly q (real_of_int x))"
      using f3 f2 q  0 by linarith
    then show ?thesis
      by (smt (verit, best) Sturm_Tarski.sign_def of_int_eq_iff of_int_hom.hom_one of_int_hom.hom_zero of_rat_hom.hom_0_iff of_rat_hom.hom_1_iff of_rat_neg_one sgn_def)
    (*  by (smt (verit, del_insts) linorder_not_less of_rat_hom.eq_iff of_rat_of_int_eq sgn_def)  *)

lemma limit_neg_infinity_helper2:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes qnonz: "q = 0"
  assumes "x = (-crb (prod_list_var qs))"
  shows "(if (poly q x > 0) then 1 else (if (poly q x = 0) then 0 else -1)) 
    = Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf q)"
proof - 
  have " 0 = Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf q)"
    by (simp add: qnonz sgn_neg_inf_def) 
  then show ?thesis using qnonz 
    by auto 

lemma limit_neg_infinity_helper_var:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes "x = (-crb (prod_list_var qs))"
  shows "(if (poly q x > 0) then 1 else (if (poly q x = 0) then 0 else -1)) 
    = Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf q)"
  using limit_neg_infinity_helper1 limit_neg_infinity_helper2  assms(2) q_in
  by blast

lemma limit_neg_infinity_helper:
  assumes q_in: "q  set qs"
  assumes "x = (-crb (prod_list_var qs))"
  shows "(if (poly q x > 0) then 1 else (if (poly q x = 0) then 0 else -1)) 
    = (Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_neg_inf q))"
  using limit_neg_infinity_helper_var Sturm_Tarski_casting[of "(sgn_neg_inf q)"]
  using assms(2) q_in by presburger 

lemma limit_neg_infinity:
  shows "consistent_sign_vec qs (-(crb (prod_list_var qs))) = sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs"
  using limit_neg_infinity_helper Sturm_Tarski_casting
    consistent_sign_vec_def sgn_neg_inf_rat_list_def
  apply (auto) apply fastforce apply presburger
  by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) of_int_eq_1_iff of_int_minus)

lemma csv_signs_at_same:
  shows "consistent_sign_vec qs x = signs_at qs x"
  unfolding consistent_sign_vec_def signs_at_def squash_def by auto

lemma complex_real_int_casting:
  fixes z:: "int"
  shows "(complex_of_real  real_of_int) z = complex_of_int z"
  by auto

lemma poly_f_ncrb_constant_connection:
  assumes is_const: "check_all_const_deg qs = True"
  shows "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) 
    = set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f_nocrb qs) qs)  {sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs, sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs}"
proof -  
  have h1: "(poly_f qs)  = [:0, 1:] "
    using assms unfolding poly_f_def by auto 
  have h2: "(poly_f_nocrb qs)  = [:0, 1:] "
    using assms unfolding poly_f_nocrb_def by auto 
  then have same_set1: "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) 
    = set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f_nocrb qs) qs)"
    using h1 h2
    by auto
  have "{x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0} = {0}"
    using h1 by auto
  then have "(characterize_root_list_p (poly_f qs)) = [0]"
    using h1 unfolding characterize_root_list_p_def  by auto 
  then have "(characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs)
    = (remdups (map (signs_at qs) [0]))"
    unfolding characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_def by auto 
  then have "(characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) = [signs_at qs 0]"
    by auto
  then have same_set2: "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f_nocrb qs) qs) = {signs_at qs 0}"
    using same_set1
    by auto
  have same1: "sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs = sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs"
    using is_const unfolding sgn_neg_inf_rat_list_def sgn_pos_inf_rat_list_def 
    unfolding sgn_neg_inf_def sgn_pos_inf_def
    using check_all_const_deg_prop by auto 
  have "q. q  set qs  poly q 0 = lead_coeff q"
    using is_const check_all_const_deg_prop
    by (metis poly_0_coeff_0) 
  then have same2_h: "map (λx. rat_of_int (Sturm_Tarski.sign (sgn_class.sgn (lead_coeff x)))) qs =  
    map ((λx. if 0 < x then 1 else if x < 0 then - 1 else 0)  (λq. poly q 0)) qs"
    by simp
  then have "map rat_of_int (sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs) = (signs_at qs 0)"
    using is_const check_all_const_deg_prop 
    unfolding sgn_pos_inf_rat_list_def sgn_pos_inf_def signs_at_def squash_def 
    by auto
  then have " map real_of_rat (map rat_of_int (sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs)) =
    map of_rat (signs_at qs 0)"
    by auto
  then have "map real_of_int (sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs) = map of_rat (signs_at qs 0)"
    by auto 
  then have "map complex_of_real (map real_of_int (sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs)) = map of_rat (signs_at qs 0)"
    by auto
  then have same2: "(sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs) = (signs_at qs 0)"
    using complex_real_int_casting
    by (metis list.map_comp map_eq_conv)
  show ?thesis
    using same_set1 same_set2 same1 same2  
    by auto

lemma poly_f_ncrb_nonconstant_connection:
  assumes is_not_const: "check_all_const_deg qs = False"
  shows "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) 
    = set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f_nocrb qs) qs)  {sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs, sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs}"
proof - 
  let ?s1 = "{x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}"
  let ?s2 = "({x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0}  ({-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set))" 
  have same_set: "?s1 = ?s2"
    using root_set_nocrb_var[of qs] is_not_const 
    by auto
  then have same_map: "(λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ?s1 = (λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ?s2"
    by presburger
  have "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) = 
  set (map (signs_at qs) (characterize_root_list_p (poly_f qs)))"
    using characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_def by auto
  then have "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) = 
  (λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` {x. poly (poly_f qs) x = 0}"
    by (simp add: characterize_root_list_p_def poly_f_nonzero poly_roots_finite)
  then have "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) = 
  (λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0}  ({-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set))"
    using  same_map by auto 
  then have bigeq: "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) = 
  (λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` {x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0}  (λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set)"
    by (metis image_Un)
  have crb_seteq: "(λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set) =
    (λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({-(crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set) 
    (λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({(crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set)"
    by blast
  have neg: "(λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({-(crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set) ={sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs}"
    using limit_neg_infinity[of qs] csv_signs_at_same by auto
  have pos: "(λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({(crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set) ={sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs}"
    using limit_pos_infinity[of qs] csv_signs_at_same by auto
  have "(λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set) = {sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs}  {sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs}"
    using crb_seteq neg pos by auto 
  then have "(λx. (signs_at qs x)) ` ({-(crb (prod_list_var qs)), (crb (prod_list_var qs))}::real set)
    = {sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs, sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs}"
    by auto
  then have biggereq: "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) =
    signs_at qs ` {x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0} 
    {sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs, sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs}"
    using bigeq by auto
  have key: "signs_at qs ` {x. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) x = 0} = set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f_nocrb qs) qs)"
    using characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_def
      Groups.mult_ac(2) characterize_root_list_p_def is_not_const list.set_map mult_cancel_left mult_cancel_left1 poly_f_def poly_f_nocrb_def poly_f_nonzero poly_roots_finite set_remdups sorted_list_of_set(1)
  proof -
    have "poly_f_nocrb qs  0"
      by (metis mult_cancel_left1 poly_f_def poly_f_nocrb_def poly_f_nonzero)
    then have "set (remdups (map (signs_at qs) (sorted_list_of_set {r. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) r = 0}))) = signs_at qs ` {r. poly (poly_f_nocrb qs) r = 0}"
      by (simp add: poly_roots_finite)
    then show ?thesis
      using characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_def characterize_root_list_p_def by presburger
  then show ?thesis using biggereq
    by (metis image_image list.set_map)

lemma poly_f_ncrb_connection:
  shows "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f qs) qs) 
    = set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (poly_f_nocrb qs) qs)  {sgn_neg_inf_rat_list qs, sgn_pos_inf_rat_list qs}"
  using poly_f_ncrb_nonconstant_connection poly_f_ncrb_constant_connection
  by blast
