Theory ZFC_in_HOL.ZFC_Cardinals

section ‹Cartesian products, Disjoint Sums, Ranks, Cardinals›

theory ZFC_Cardinals
  imports ZFC_in_HOL


declare [[coercion_enabled]]
declare [[coercion "ord_of_nat :: nat  V"]]

subsection ‹Ordered Pairs›

lemma singleton_eq_iff [iff]: "set {a} = set {b}  a=b"
  by simp

lemma doubleton_eq_iff: "set {a,b} = set {c,d}  (a=c  b=d)  (a=d  b=c)"
  by (simp add: Set.doubleton_eq_iff)

definition vpair :: "V  V  V"
  where "vpair a b = set {set {a},set {a,b}}"

definition vfst :: "V  V"
  where "vfst p  THE x. y. p = vpair x y"

definition vsnd :: "V  V"
  where "vsnd p  THE y. x. p = vpair x y"

definition vsplit :: "[[V, V]  'a, V]  'a::{}"  ― ‹for pattern-matching›
  where "vsplit c  λp. c (vfst p) (vsnd p)"

nonterminal Vs
syntax (ASCII)
  "_Tuple"    :: "[V, Vs]  V"              ("<(_,/ _)>")
  "_hpattern" :: "[pttrn, patterns]  pttrn"   ("<_,/ _>")
  ""          :: "V  Vs"                    ("_")
  "_Enum"     :: "[V, Vs]  Vs"             ("_,/ _")
  "_Tuple"    :: "[V, Vs]  V"              ("(_,/ _)")
  "_hpattern" :: "[pttrn, patterns]  pttrn"   ("_,/ _")
  "<x, y, z>"     "<x, <y, z>>"
  "<x, y>"        "CONST vpair x y"
  "<x, y, z>"     "<x, <y, z>>"
  "λ<x,y,zs>. b"  "CONST vsplit(λx <y,zs>. b)"
  "λ<x,y>. b"     "CONST vsplit(λx y. b)"

lemma vpair_def': "vpair a b = set {set {a,a},set {a,b}}"
  by (simp add: vpair_def)

lemma vpair_iff [simp]: "vpair a b = vpair a' b'  a=a'  b=b'"
  unfolding vpair_def' doubleton_eq_iff by auto

lemmas vpair_inject = vpair_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN conjE, elim!]

lemma vfst_conv [simp]: "vfst a,b = a"
  by (simp add: vfst_def)

lemma vsnd_conv [simp]: "vsnd a,b = b"
  by (simp add: vsnd_def)

lemma vsplit [simp]: "vsplit c a,b = c a b"
  by (simp add: vsplit_def)

lemma vpair_neq_fst: "a,b  a"
  by (metis elts_of_set insertI1 mem_not_sym small_upair vpair_def')

lemma vpair_neq_snd: "a,b  b"
  by (metis elts_of_set insertI1 mem_not_sym small_upair subsetD subset_insertI vpair_def')

lemma vpair_nonzero [simp]: "x,y  0"
  by (metis elts_0 elts_of_set empty_not_insert small_upair vpair_def)

lemma zero_notin_vpair: "0  elts x,y"
  by (auto simp: vpair_def)

lemma inj_on_vpair [simp]: "inj_on (λ(x, y). x, y) A"
  by (auto simp: inj_on_def)

subsection ‹Generalized Cartesian product›

definition VSigma :: "V  (V  V)  V"
  where "VSigma A B  set(x  elts A. y  elts (B x). {x,y})"

abbreviation vtimes where "vtimes A B  VSigma A (λx. B)"

definition pairs :: "V  (V * V)set"
  where "pairs r  {(x,y). x,y  elts r} "

lemma pairs_iff_elts: "(x,y)  pairs z  x,y  elts z"
  by (simp add: pairs_def)

lemma VSigma_iff [simp]: "a,b  elts (VSigma A B)  a  elts A  b  elts (B a)"
  by (auto simp: VSigma_def UNION_singleton_eq_range)

lemma VSigmaI [intro!]: " a  elts A;  b  elts (B a)   a,b  elts (VSigma A B)"
  by simp

lemmas VSigmaD1 = VSigma_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1]
lemmas VSigmaD2 = VSigma_iff [THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct2]

text ‹The general elimination rule›
lemma VSigmaE [elim!]:
  assumes "c  elts (VSigma A B)"
  obtains x y where "x  elts A" "y  elts (B x)" "c=x,y"
  using assms by (auto simp: VSigma_def split: if_split_asm)

lemma VSigmaE2 [elim!]:
  assumes "a,b  elts (VSigma A B)" obtains "a  elts A" and "b  elts (B a)"
  using assms  by auto

lemma VSigma_empty1 [simp]: "VSigma 0 B = 0"
  by auto

lemma times_iff [simp]: "a,b  elts (vtimes A B)  a  elts A  b  elts B"
  by simp

lemma timesI [intro!]: "a  elts A;  b  elts B   a,b  elts (vtimes A B)"
  by simp

lemma times_empty2 [simp]: "vtimes A 0 = 0"
  using elts_0 by blast

lemma times_empty_iff: "VSigma A B = 0  A=0  (x  elts A. B x = 0)"
  by (metis VSigmaE VSigmaI elts_0 empty_iff trad_foundation)

lemma elts_VSigma: "elts (VSigma A B) = (λ(x,y). vpair x y) ` Sigma (elts A) (λx. elts (B x))"
  by auto
lemma small_Sigma [simp]:
  assumes A: "small A" and B: "x. x  A  small (B x)"
  shows "small (Sigma A B)"
proof -
  obtain a where "elts a  A" 
    by (meson assms small_eqpoll)
  then obtain f where f: "bij_betw f (elts a) A"
    using eqpoll_def by blast
  have "y. elts y  B x" if "x  A" for x
    using B small_eqpoll that by blast
  then obtain g where g: "x. x  A  elts (g x)  B x"
    by metis 
  with f have "elts (VSigma a (g  f))  Sigma A B"
    by (simp add: elts_VSigma Sigma_eqpoll_cong bij_betwE)
  then show ?thesis
    using small_eqpoll by blast

lemma small_Times [simp]:
  assumes "small A" "small B"  shows "small (A × B)"
  by (simp add: assms)

lemma small_Times_iff: "small (A × B)  small A  small B  A={}  B={}"  (is "_ = ?rhs")
  assume *: "small (A × B)"
  { have "small A  small B" if "x  A" "y  B" for x y
    proof -
      have "A  fst ` (A × B)" "B  snd ` (A × B)"
        using that by auto
      with that show ?thesis
        by (metis * replacement smaller_than_small)
    qed    }
  then show ?rhs
    by (metis equals0I)
  assume ?rhs
  then show "small (A × B)"
    by auto

subsection ‹Disjoint Sum›

definition vsum :: "V  V  V" (infixl "" 65) where
 "A  B  (VSigma (set {0}) (λx. A))  (VSigma (set {1}) (λx. B))"

definition Inl :: "VV" where
     "Inl a  0,a"

definition Inr :: "VV" where
     "Inr b  1,b"

lemmas sum_defs = vsum_def Inl_def Inr_def

lemma Inl_nonzero [simp]:"Inl x  0"
  by (metis Inl_def vpair_nonzero)

lemma Inr_nonzero [simp]:"Inr x  0"
  by (metis Inr_def vpair_nonzero)

subsubsection‹Equivalences for the injections and an elimination rule›

lemma Inl_in_sum_iff [iff]: "Inl a  elts (A  B)  a  elts A"
  by (auto simp: sum_defs)

lemma Inr_in_sum_iff [iff]: "Inr b  elts (A  B)  b  elts B"
  by (auto simp: sum_defs)

lemma sumE [elim!]:
  assumes u: "u  elts (A  B)"
  obtains x where "x  elts A" "u=Inl x" | y where "y  elts B" "u=Inr y" using u
  by (auto simp: sum_defs)

subsubsection ‹Injection and freeness equivalences, for rewriting›

lemma Inl_iff [iff]: "Inl a=Inl b  a=b"
  by (simp add: sum_defs)

lemma Inr_iff [iff]: "Inr a=Inr b  a=b"
  by (simp add: sum_defs)

lemma inj_on_Inl [simp]: "inj_on Inl A"
  by (simp add: inj_on_def)

lemma inj_on_Inr [simp]: "inj_on Inr A"
  by (simp add: inj_on_def)

lemma Inl_Inr_iff [iff]: "Inl a=Inr b  False"
  by (simp add: sum_defs)

lemma Inr_Inl_iff [iff]: "Inr b=Inl a  False"
  by (simp add: sum_defs)

lemma sum_empty [simp]: "0  0 = 0"
  by auto

lemma elts_vsum: "elts (a  b) = Inl ` (elts a)  Inr ` (elts b)"
  by auto

lemma sum_iff: "u  elts (A  B)  (x. x  elts A  u=Inl x)  (y. y  elts B  u=Inr y)"
  by blast

lemma sum_subset_iff: "AB  CD  AC  BD"
  by (auto simp: less_eq_V_def)

lemma sum_equal_iff:
  fixes A :: V shows "AB = CD  A=C  B=D"
  by (simp add: eq_iff sum_subset_iff)

definition is_sum :: "V  bool"
  where "is_sum z = (x. z = Inl x  z = Inr x)"

definition sum_case  :: "(V  'a)  (V  'a)  V  'a"
  "sum_case f g a 
    THE z. (x. a = Inl x  z = f x)  (y. a = Inr y  z = g y)  (¬ is_sum a  z = undefined)"

lemma sum_case_Inl [simp]: "sum_case f g (Inl x) = f x"
  by (simp add: sum_case_def is_sum_def)

lemma sum_case_Inr [simp]: "sum_case f g (Inr y) = g y"
  by (simp add: sum_case_def is_sum_def)

lemma sum_case_non [simp]: "¬ is_sum a  sum_case f g a = undefined"
  by (simp add: sum_case_def is_sum_def)

lemma is_sum_cases: "(x. z = Inl x  z = Inr x)  ¬ is_sum z"
  by (auto simp: is_sum_def)

lemma sum_case_split:
  "P (sum_case f g a)  (x. a = Inl x  P(f x))  (y. a = Inr y  P(g y))  (¬ is_sum a  P undefined)"
  by (cases "is_sum a") (auto simp: is_sum_def)

lemma sum_case_split_asm:
  "P (sum_case f g a)  ¬ ((x. a = Inl x  ¬ P(f x))  (y. a = Inr y  ¬ P(g y))  (¬ is_sum a  ¬ P undefined))"
  by (auto simp: sum_case_split)

subsubsection ‹Applications of disjoint sums and pairs: general union theorems for small sets›

lemma small_Un:
  assumes X: "small X" and Y: "small Y"
  shows "small (X  Y)"
proof -
  obtain x y where "elts x  X" "elts y  Y"
    by (meson assms small_eqpoll)
  then have "X  Y  Inl ` (elts x)  Inr ` (elts y)"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Inr_Inl_iff Un_lepoll_mono disjnt_iff eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym f_inv_into_f inj_on_Inl inj_on_Inr inj_on_image_lepoll_2)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis lepoll_iff replacement small_elts small_sup_iff smaller_than_small)

lemma small_UN [simp,intro]:
  assumes A: "small A" and B: "x. x  A  small (B x)"
  shows "small (xA. B x)"
proof -
  obtain a where "elts a  A" 
    by (meson assms small_eqpoll)
  then obtain f where f: "bij_betw f (elts a) A"
    using eqpoll_def by blast
  have "y. elts y  B x" if "x  A" for x
    using B small_eqpoll that by blast
  then obtain g where g: "x. x  A  elts (g x)  B x" 
    by metis
  have sm: "small (Sigma (elts a) (elts  g  f))"
    by simp
  have "(xA. B x)  Sigma A B"
    by (metis image_lepoll snd_image_Sigma)
  also have "...   Sigma (elts a) (elts  g  f)"
    by (smt (verit) Sigma_eqpoll_cong bij_betw_iff_bijections comp_apply eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym f g)
  finally show ?thesis
    using lepoll_small sm by blast

lemma small_Union [simp,intro]:
  assumes "𝒜  Collect small" "small 𝒜"
  shows "small ( 𝒜)"
  using small_UN [of 𝒜 "λx. x"] assms by (simp add: subset_iff)

subsection‹Generalised function space and lambda›

definition VLambda :: "V  (V  V)  V"
  where "VLambda A b  set ((λx. x,b x) ` elts A)"

definition app :: "[V,V]  V"
  where "app f x  THE y. x,y  elts f"

lemma beta [simp]:
  assumes "x  elts A"
  shows "app (VLambda A b) x = b x"
  using assms by (auto simp: VLambda_def app_def)

definition VPi :: "V  (V  V)  V"
  where "VPi A B  set {f  elts (VPow(VSigma A B)). elts A  Domain (pairs f)  single_valued (pairs f)}"

lemma VPi_I:
  assumes "x. x  elts A  b x  elts (B x)"
  shows "VLambda A b  elts (VPi A B)"
  proof (clarsimp simp: VPi_def, intro conjI impI)
  show "VLambda A b  VSigma A B"
    by (auto simp: assms VLambda_def split: if_split_asm)
  show "elts A  Domain (pairs (VLambda A b))"
    by (force simp: VLambda_def pairs_iff_elts)
  show "single_valued (pairs (VLambda A b))"
    by (auto simp: VLambda_def single_valued_def pairs_iff_elts)
  show "small {f. f  VSigma A B  elts A  Domain (pairs f)  single_valued (pairs f)}"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) down VPow_iff mem_Collect_eq subsetI)

lemma apply_pair:
  assumes f: "f  elts (VPi A B)" and x: "x  elts A"
  shows "x, app f x  elts f"
proof -
  have "x  Domain (pairs f)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) VPi_def assms elts_of_set empty_iff mem_Collect_eq subsetD)
  then obtain y where y: "x,y  elts f"
    using pairs_iff_elts by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding app_def
  proof (rule theI)
    show "x, y  elts f"
      by (rule y)
    show "z = y" if "x, z  elts f" for z
      using f unfolding VPi_def
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) that elts_of_set empty_iff mem_Collect_eq pairs_iff_elts single_valued_def y)

lemma VPi_D:
  assumes f: "f  elts (VPi A B)" and x: "x  elts A"
  shows "app f x  elts (B x)"
proof -
  have "f  VSigma A B"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) VPi_def elts_of_set empty_iff f VPow_iff mem_Collect_eq)
  then show ?thesis
    using apply_pair [OF assms] by blast

lemma VPi_memberD:
  assumes f: "f  elts (VPi A B)" and p: "p  elts f"
  obtains x where "x  elts A" "p = x, app f x"
proof -
  have "f  VSigma A B"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) VPi_def elts_of_set empty_iff f VPow_iff mem_Collect_eq)
  then obtain x y where "p = x,y" "x  elts A"
    using p by blast
  then have "y = app f x"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) VPi_def apply_pair elts_of_set equals0D f mem_Collect_eq p pairs_iff_elts single_valuedD)
  then show thesis
    using p = x, y x  elts A that by blast

lemma fun_ext:
  assumes "f  elts (VPi A B)" "g  elts (VPi A B)" "x. x  elts A  app f x = app g x"
  shows "f = g"
  by (metis VPi_memberD V_equalityI apply_pair assms)

lemma eta[simp]:
  assumes "f  elts (VPi A B)"
  shows "VLambda A ((app)f) = f"
  proof (rule fun_ext [OF _ assms])
  show "VLambda A (app f)  elts (VPi A B)"
    using VPi_D VPi_I assms by auto
qed auto

lemma fst_pairs_VLambda: "fst ` pairs (VLambda A f) = elts A"
  by (force simp: VLambda_def pairs_def)

lemma snd_pairs_VLambda: "snd ` pairs (VLambda A f) = f ` elts A"
  by (force simp: VLambda_def pairs_def)

lemma VLambda_eq_D1: "VLambda A f = VLambda B g  A = B"
  by (metis ZFC_in_HOL.ext fst_pairs_VLambda)

lemma VLambda_eq_D2: "VLambda A f = VLambda A g; x  elts A  f x = g x"
  by (metis beta)

subsection‹Transitive closure of a set›

definition TC :: "VV"
  where "TC  transrec (λf x. x   (f ` elts x))"

lemma TC: "TC a = a   (TC ` elts a)"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) SUP_cong TC_def restrict_apply' transrec)

lemma TC_0 [simp]: "TC 0 = 0"
  by (metis TC ZFC_in_HOL.Sup_empty elts_0 image_is_empty sup_V_0_left)

lemma arg_subset_TC: "a  TC a"
  by (metis (no_types) TC sup_ge1)

lemma Transset_TC: "Transset(TC a)"
proof (induction a rule: eps_induct)
  case (step x)
  have 1: "v  elts (TC x)" if "v  elts u" "u  elts x" for u v
    using that unfolding TC [of x]
    using arg_subset_TC by fastforce
  have 2: "v  elts (TC x)" if "v  elts u" "xelts x. u  elts (TC x)" for u v
    using that step unfolding TC [of x] Transset_def by auto
  show ?case
    unfolding Transset_def
    by (subst TC) (force intro: 1 2)

lemma TC_least: "Transset x;  ax  TC a  x"
proof (induction a rule: eps_induct)
  case (step y)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "y=0")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      by auto
    case False
    have " (TC ` elts y)  x"
    proof (rule cSup_least)
      show "TC ` elts y  {}"
        using False by auto
      show "z  x" if "z  TC ` elts y" for z
        using that by (metis Transset_def image_iff step.IH step.prems vsubsetD)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: step TC [of y])

definition less_TC (infix "" 50)
  where "x  y  x  elts (TC y)"

definition le_TC (infix "" 50)
  where "x  y  x  y  x=y"

lemma less_TC_imp_not_le: "x  a  ¬ a  x"
proof (induction a arbitrary: x rule: eps_induct)
  case (step a)
  then show ?case
    unfolding TC[of a] less_TC_def
    using Transset_TC Transset_def by force

lemma non_TC_less_0 [iff]: "¬ (x  0)"
  using less_TC_imp_not_le by blast

lemma less_TC_iff: "x  y  (z  elts y. x  z)"
  by (auto simp: less_TC_def le_TC_def TC [of y])

lemma nonzero_less_TC: "x  0  0  x"
  by (metis eps_induct le_TC_def less_TC_iff trad_foundation)

lemma less_irrefl_TC [simp]: "¬ x  x"
  using less_TC_imp_not_le by blast

lemma less_asym_TC: "x  y; y  x  False"
  by (metis TC_least Transset_TC Transset_def antisym_conv less_TC_def less_TC_imp_not_le order_refl)

lemma le_antisym_TC: "x  y; y  x  x = y"
  using le_TC_def less_asym_TC by auto

lemma less_le_TC: "x  y  x  y  x  y"
  using le_TC_def less_asym_TC by blast

lemma less_imp_le_TC [iff]: "x  y  x  y"
  by (simp add: le_TC_def)

lemma le_TC_refl [iff]: "x  x"
  by (simp add: le_TC_def)

lemma le_TC_trans [trans]: "x  y; y  z  x  z"
  by (smt (verit, best) TC_least Transset_TC Transset_def le_TC_def less_TC_def vsubsetD)

context order

lemma nless_le_TC: "(¬ a  b)  (¬ a  b)  a = b"
  using le_TC_def less_asym_TC by blast

lemma eq_refl_TC: "x = y  x  y"
  by simp

local_setup HOL_Order_Tac.declare_order {
    ops = {eq = @{term (=) :: V  V  bool}, le = @{term (⊑)}, lt = @{term (⊏)}},
    thms = {trans = @{thm le_TC_trans}, refl = @{thm le_TC_refl}, eqD1 = @{thm eq_refl_TC},
            eqD2 = @{thm eq_refl_TC[OF sym]}, antisym = @{thm le_antisym_TC}, contr = @{thm notE}},
    conv_thms = {less_le = @{thm eq_reflection[OF less_le_TC]},
                 nless_le = @{thm eq_reflection[OF nless_le_TC]}}


lemma less_TC_trans [trans]: "x  y; y  z  x  z" 
  and less_le_TC_trans: "x  y; y  z  x  z" 
  and le_less_TC_trans [trans]: "x  y; y  z  x  z"
  by simp_all

lemma TC_sup_distrib: "TC (x  y) = TC x  TC y"
  by (simp add: Sup_Un_distrib TC [of "x  y"] TC [of x] TC [of y] image_Un sup.assoc sup_left_commute)

lemma TC_Sup_distrib:
  assumes "small X" shows "TC (X) = (TC ` X)"
proof -
  have "X   (TC ` X)"
    using arg_subset_TC by fastforce
  moreover have " (xX. TC ` elts x)   (TC ` X)"
    using assms 
    by clarsimp (meson TC_least Transset_TC Transset_def arg_subset_TC replacement vsubsetD)
  have " X   (xX. TC ` elts x)   (TC ` X)"
    by simp
  moreover have " (TC ` X)   X   (xX. TC ` elts x)"
  proof (clarsimp simp add: Sup_le_iff assms)
    show "xX. y  elts x"
      if "x  X" "y  elts (TC x)" "xX. uelts x. y  elts (TC u)" for x y
      using that by (auto simp: TC [of x])
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using Sup_Un_distrib TC [of "X"] image_Union assms
    by (simp add: image_Union inf_sup_aci(5) sup.absorb_iff2)

lemma TC': "TC x = x  TC ( (elts x))"
  by (simp add: TC [of x] TC_Sup_distrib)

lemma TC_eq_0_iff [simp]: "TC x = 0  x=0"
  using arg_subset_TC by fastforce

text‹A distinctive induction principle›
lemma TC_induct_down_lemma:
  assumes ab: "a  b" and base: "b  d"
      and step: "y z. y  b; y  elts d; z  elts y  z  elts d"
    shows "a  elts d"
proof -
  have "Transset (TC b  d)"
    using Transset_TC
    unfolding Transset_def
    by (metis inf.bounded_iff less_TC_def less_eq_V_def local.step subsetI vsubsetD) 
  moreover have "b  TC b  d"
    by (simp add: arg_subset_TC base)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using TC_least [THEN vsubsetD] ab unfolding less_TC_def
    by (meson TC_least le_inf_iff vsubsetD)

lemma TC_induct_down [consumes 1, case_names base step small]:
  assumes "a  b"
    and "y. y  elts b  P y"
    and "y z. y  b; P y; z  elts y  P z"
    and "small (Collect P)"
  shows "P a"
  using TC_induct_down_lemma [of a b "set (Collect P)"] assms
  by (metis elts_of_set mem_Collect_eq vsubsetI)

subsection‹Rank of a set›

definition rank :: "VV"
  where "rank a  transrec (λf x. set (yelts x. elts (succ(f y)))) a"

lemma rank: "rank a = set(y  elts a. elts (succ(rank y)))"
  by (subst rank_def [THEN def_transrec], simp)

lemma rank_Sup: "rank a = ((λy. succ(rank y)) ` elts a)"
  by (metis elts_Sup image_image rank replacement set_of_elts small_elts)

lemma Ord_rank [simp]: "Ord(rank a)"
proof (induction a rule: eps_induct)
  case (step x)
  then show ?case
    unfolding rank_Sup [of x]
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Ord_Sup Ord_succ imageE)

lemma rank_of_Ord: "Ord i  rank i = i"
  by (induction rule: Ord_induct) (metis (no_types, lifting) Ord_equality SUP_cong rank_Sup)

lemma Ord_iff_rank: "Ord x  rank x = x"
  using Ord_rank [of x] rank_of_Ord by fastforce

lemma rank_lt: "a  elts b  rank a < rank b"
  by (metis Ord_linear2 Ord_rank ZFC_in_HOL.SUP_le_iff rank_Sup replacement small_elts succ_le_iff order.irrefl)

lemma rank_0 [simp]: "rank 0 = 0"
  using transrec Ord_0 rank_def rank_of_Ord by presburger

lemma rank_succ [simp]: "rank(succ x) = succ(rank x)"
proof (rule order_antisym)
  show "rank (succ x)  succ (rank x)"
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Sup_insert elts_of_set elts_succ image_insert rank small_UN small_elts subset_insertI sup.orderE vsubsetI)
  show "succ (rank x)  rank (succ x)"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ZFC_in_HOL.Sup_upper elts_succ image_insert insertI1 rank_Sup replacement small_elts)

lemma rank_mono: "a  b  rank a  rank b"
  using rank [of a] rank [of b] small_UN by force

lemma VsetI: "rank b  i  b  elts (Vset i)"
proof (induction i arbitrary: b rule: eps_induct)
  case (step x)
  then consider "rank b  elts x" | "(yelts x. rank b  elts (TC y))"
    using le_TC_def less_TC_def less_TC_iff by fastforce
  then have "yelts x. b  Vset y"
  proof cases
    case 1
    then have "b  Vset (rank b)"
      unfolding less_eq_V_def subset_iff
      by (meson Ord_mem_iff_lt Ord_rank le_TC_refl less_TC_iff rank_lt step.IH)
    then show ?thesis
      using "1" by blast
    case 2
    then show ?thesis
      using step.IH
      unfolding less_eq_V_def subset_iff less_TC_def
      by (meson Ord_mem_iff_lt Ord_rank Transset_TC Transset_def rank_lt vsubsetD)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: Vset [of x])

lemma Ord_VsetI: "Ord i; rank b < i  b  elts (Vset i)"
  by (meson Ord_mem_iff_lt Ord_rank VsetI arg_subset_TC less_TC_def vsubsetD)

lemma arg_le_Vset_rank: "a  Vset(rank a)"
  by (simp add: Ord_VsetI rank_lt vsubsetI)

lemma two_in_Vset:
  obtains α where  "x  elts (Vset α)" "y  elts (Vset α)"
  by (metis Ord_rank Ord_VsetI elts_of_set insert_iff rank_lt small_elts small_insert_iff)

lemma rank_eq_0_iff [simp]: "rank x = 0  x=0"
  using arg_le_Vset_rank by fastforce

lemma small_ranks_imp_small:
  assumes "small (rank ` A)" shows "small A"
proof -
  define i where "i  set ((elts ` (rank ` A)))"
  have "Ord i"
    unfolding i_def using Ord_Union Ord_rank assms imageE by blast
  have *: "Vset (rank x)  (Vset i)" if "x  A" for x
    unfolding i_def by (metis Ord_rank Sup_V_def ZFC_in_HOL.Sup_upper Vfrom_mono assms imageI le_less that)
  have "A  elts (VPow (Vset i))"
    by (meson "*" VPow_iff arg_le_Vset_rank order.trans subsetI)
  then show ?thesis
    using down by blast

lemma rank_Union: "rank( A) =  (rank ` A)"
proof (rule order_antisym)
  have "elts (yelts ( A). succ (rank y))  elts ( (rank ` A))"
    by clarsimp (meson Ord_mem_iff_lt Ord_rank less_V_def rank_lt vsubsetD)
  then show "rank ( A)   (rank ` A)"
    by (metis less_eq_V_def rank_Sup)
  show " (rank ` A)  rank ( A)"
  proof (cases "small A")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: ZFC_in_HOL.SUP_le_iff ZFC_in_HOL.Sup_upper rank_mono)
    case False
    then have "¬ small (rank ` A)"
      using small_ranks_imp_small by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by blast

lemma small_bounded_rank:  "small {x. rank x  elts a}"
proof -
  have "{x. rank x  elts a}  {x. rank x  a}"
    using less_TC_iff by auto
  also have "  elts (Vset a)"
    using VsetI by blast
  finally show ?thesis
    using down by simp

lemma small_bounded_rank_le:  "small {x. rank x  a}"
  using small_bounded_rank [of "VPow a"] VPow_iff [of _ a]  by simp

lemma TC_rank_lt: "a  b  rank a < rank b"
proof (induction rule: TC_induct_down)
  case (base y)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: rank_lt)
  case (step y z)
  then show ?case
    using less_trans rank_lt by blast
  case small
  show ?case
    using smaller_than_small [OF small_bounded_rank_le [of "rank b"]]
    by (simp add: Collect_mono less_V_def)

lemma TC_rank_mem: "x  y  rank x  elts (rank y)"
  by (simp add: Ord_mem_iff_lt TC_rank_lt)

lemma wf_TC_less: "wf {(x,y). x  y}"
  proof (rule wf_subset [OF wf_inv_image [OF foundation, of rank]])
    show "{(x, y). x  y}  inv_image {(x, y). x  elts y} rank"
      by (auto simp: TC_rank_mem inv_image_def)

lemma less_TC_minimal:
  assumes "P a"
  obtains x where "P x" "x  a" "y. y  x  ¬ P y"
  using wfE_min' [OF wf_TC_less, of "{x. P x  x  a}"]
  by simp (metis le_TC_def less_le_TC_trans assms)

lemma Vfrom_rank_eq: "Vfrom A (rank(x)) = Vfrom A x"
proof (rule order_antisym)
  show "Vfrom A (rank x)  Vfrom A x"
  proof (induction x rule: eps_induct)
    case (step x)
    have "(jelts (rank x). VPow (Vfrom A j))  (jelts x. VPow (Vfrom A j))"
      apply (rule Sup_least)
      apply (clarsimp simp add: rank [of x])
      by (meson Ord_in_Ord Ord_rank OrdmemD Vfrom_mono order.trans less_imp_le order.refl step)
    then show ?case
      by (simp add: Vfrom [of _ x] Vfrom [of _ "rank(x)"] sup.coboundedI2)
  show "Vfrom A x  Vfrom A (rank x)"
  proof (induction x rule: eps_induct)
    case (step x)
    have "(jelts x. VPow (Vfrom A j))  (jelts (rank x). VPow (Vfrom A j))"
      using step.IH TC_rank_mem less_TC_iff by force
    then show ?case
      by (simp add: Vfrom [of _ x] Vfrom [of _ "rank(x)"] sup.coboundedI2)

lemma Vfrom_succ: "Vfrom A (succ(i)) = A  VPow(Vfrom A i)"
  by (metis Ord_rank Vfrom_rank_eq Vfrom_succ_Ord rank_succ)

lemma Vset_succ_TC:
  assumes "x  elts (Vset (ZFC_in_HOL.succ k))" "u  x"
  shows "u  elts (Vset k)"
  using assms
  using TC_least Transset_Vfrom Vfrom_succ less_TC_def by auto

subsection‹Cardinal Numbers›

text‹We extend the membership relation to a wellordering›
definition VWO :: "(V × V) set"
  where "VWO  @r. {(x,y). x  elts y}  r  Well_order r  Field r = UNIV"

lemma VWO: "{(x,y). x  elts y}  VWO  Well_order VWO  Field VWO = UNIV"
  unfolding VWO_def
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) VWO_def foundation someI_ex total_well_order_extension)

lemma wf_VWO: "wf(VWO - Id)"
  using VWO well_order_on_def by blast

lemma wf_Ord_less: "wf {(x, y). Ord y  x < y}"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Ord_mem_iff_lt eps_induct wfpUNIVI wfp_def)

lemma refl_VWO: "refl VWO"
  using VWO order_on_defs by fastforce

lemma trans_VWO: "trans VWO"
  using VWO by (simp add: VWO wo_rel.TRANS wo_rel_def)

lemma antisym_VWO: "antisym VWO"
  using VWO by (simp add: VWO wo_rel.ANTISYM wo_rel_def)

lemma total_VWO: "total VWO"
    using VWO by (metis wo_rel.TOTAL wo_rel.intro)

lemma total_VWOId: "total (VWO-Id)"
  by (simp add: total_VWO)

lemma Linear_order_VWO: "Linear_order VWO"
  using VWO well_order_on_def by blast

lemma wo_rel_VWO: "wo_rel VWO"
  using VWO wo_rel_def by blast

subsubsection ‹Transitive Closure and VWO›

lemma mem_imp_VWO: "x  elts y  (x,y)  VWO"
  using VWO by blast

lemma less_TC_imp_VWO: "x  y  (x,y)  VWO"
  unfolding less_TC_def
proof (induction y arbitrary: x rule: eps_induct)
  case (step y' u)
  then consider "u  elts y'" | v where "v  elts y'" "u  elts (TC v)"
    by (auto simp: TC [of y'])
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 2
    then show ?thesis
      by (meson mem_imp_VWO step.IH transD trans_VWO)
  qed (use mem_imp_VWO in blast)

lemma le_TC_imp_VWO: "x  y  (x,y)  VWO"
  by (metis Diff_iff Linear_order_VWO Linear_order_in_diff_Id UNIV_I VWO le_TC_def less_TC_imp_VWO)

lemma le_TC_0_iff [simp]: "x  0  x = 0"
  by (simp add: le_TC_def)

lemma less_TC_succ: " x  succ β  x  β  x = β"
  by (metis elts_succ insert_iff le_TC_def less_TC_iff)

lemma le_TC_succ: "x  succ β  x  β  x = succ β"
  by (simp add: le_TC_def less_TC_succ)

lemma Transset_TC_eq [simp]: "Transset x  TC x = x"
  by (simp add: TC_least arg_subset_TC eq_iff)

lemma Ord_TC_less_iff: "Ord α; Ord β  β  α  β < α"
  by (metis Ord_def Ord_mem_iff_lt Transset_TC_eq less_TC_def)

lemma Ord_mem_iff_less_TC: "Ord l  k  elts l  k  l"
  by (simp add: Ord_def less_TC_def)

lemma le_TC_Ord: "β  α; Ord α  Ord β"
  by (metis Ord_def Ord_in_Ord Transset_TC_eq le_TC_def less_TC_def)

lemma Ord_less_TC_mem:
  assumes "Ord α" "β  α" shows "β  elts α"
  using Ord_def assms less_TC_def by auto

lemma VWO_TC_le: "Ord α; Ord β; (β, α)  VWO  β  α"
proof (induct α arbitrary: β rule: Ord_induct)
  case (step α)
  then show ?case
    by (metis DiffI IdD Linear_order_VWO Linear_order_in_diff_Id Ord_linear Ord_mem_iff_less_TC VWO iso_tuple_UNIV_I le_TC_def mem_imp_VWO)

lemma VWO_iff_Ord_le [simp]: "Ord α; Ord β  (β, α)  VWO  β  α"
  by (metis VWO_TC_le Ord_TC_less_iff le_TC_def le_TC_imp_VWO le_less)

lemma zero_TC_le [iff]: "0  y"
  using le_TC_def nonzero_less_TC by auto

lemma succ_le_TC_iff: "Ord j  succ i  j  i  j"
  by (metis Ord_in_Ord Ord_linear Ord_mem_iff_less_TC Ord_succ le_TC_def less_TC_succ less_asym_TC)

lemma VWO_0_iff [simp]: "(x,0)  VWO  x=0"
  show "x = 0" if "(x, 0)  VWO"
    using zero_TC_le [of x] le_TC_imp_VWO that
    by (metis DiffI Linear_order_VWO Linear_order_in_diff_Id UNIV_I VWO pair_in_Id_conv)
qed auto

lemma VWO_antisym:
  assumes "(x,y)  VWO" "(y,x)  VWO" shows "x=y"
  by (metis Diff_iff IdD Linear_order_VWO Linear_order_in_diff_Id UNIV_I VWO assms)

subsubsection ‹Relation VWF›

definition VWF where "VWF  VWO - Id"

lemma wf_VWF [iff]: "wf VWF"
  by (simp add: VWF_def wf_VWO)

lemma trans_VWF [iff]: "trans VWF"
  by (simp add: VWF_def antisym_VWO trans_VWO trans_diff_Id)

lemma asym_VWF [iff]: "asym VWF"
  by (metis wf_VWF wf_imp_asym)

lemma total_VWF [iff]: "total VWF"
  using VWF_def total_VWOId by auto

lemma total_on_VWF [iff]: "total_on A VWF"
  by (meson UNIV_I total_VWF total_on_def)

lemma VWF_asym:
  assumes "(x,y)  VWF" "(y,x)  VWF" shows False
  using VWF_def assms wf_VWO wf_not_sym by fastforce

lemma VWF_non_refl [iff]: "(x,x)  VWF"
  by simp

lemma VWF_iff_Ord_less [simp]: "Ord α; Ord β  (α,β)  VWF  α < β"
  by (simp add: VWF_def less_V_def)

lemma mem_imp_VWF: "x  elts y  (x,y)  VWF"
  using VWF_def mem_imp_VWO by fastforce

subsection‹Order types›

definition ordermap :: "'a set  ('a × 'a) set  'a  V"
  where "ordermap A r  wfrec r (λf x. set (f ` {y  A. (y,x)  r}))"

definition ordertype :: "'a set  ('a × 'a) set  V"
  where "ordertype A r  set (ordermap A r ` A)"

lemma ordermap_type:
    "small A  ordermap A r  A  elts (ordertype A r)"
  by (simp add: ordertype_def)

lemma ordermap_in_ordertype [intro]: "a  A; small A  ordermap A r a  elts (ordertype A r)"
  by (simp add: ordertype_def)

lemma ordermap: "wf r  ordermap A r a = set (ordermap A r ` {y  A. (y,a)  r})"
  unfolding ordermap_def
  by (auto simp: wfrec_fixpoint adm_wf_def)

lemma wf_Ord_ordermap [iff]: assumes "wf r" "trans r" shows "Ord (ordermap A r x)"
  using wf r
proof (induction x rule: wf_induct_rule)
  case (less u)
  have "Transset (set (ordermap A r ` {y  A. (y, u)  r}))"
  proof (clarsimp simp add: Transset_def)
    show "x  ordermap A r ` {y  A. (y, u)  r}"
      if "small (ordermap A r ` {y  A. (y, u)  r})"
        and x: "x  elts (ordermap A r y)" and "y  A" "(y, u)  r" for x y
    proof -
      have "ordermap A r y = ZFC_in_HOL.set (ordermap A r ` {a  A. (a, y)  r})"
        using ordermap assms(1) by force
      then have "x  ordermap A r ` {z  A. (z, y)  r}"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) elts_of_set empty_iff x)
      then have "v. v  A  (v, u)  r  x = ordermap A r v"
        using that transD [OF trans r] by blast
      then show ?thesis
        by blast
  moreover have "Ord x"
    if "x  elts (set (ordermap A r ` {y  A. (y, u)  r}))" for x
    using that less by (auto simp: split: if_split_asm)
  ultimately show ?case
    by (metis (full_types) Ord_def ordermap assms(1))

lemma wf_Ord_ordertype: assumes "wf r" "trans r" shows "Ord(ordertype A r)"
proof -
  have "y  set (ordermap A r ` A)"
    if "y = ordermap A r x" "x  A" "small (ordermap A r ` A)" for x y
    using that by (auto simp: less_eq_V_def ordermap [OF wf r, of A x])
  moreover have "z  y" if "y  ordermap A r ` A" "z  elts y" for y z
    by (metis wf_Ord_ordermap OrdmemD assms imageE order.strict_implies_order that)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding ordertype_def Ord_def Transset_def by simp

lemma Ord_ordertype [simp]: "Ord(ordertype A VWF)"
  using wf_Ord_ordertype by blast

lemma Ord_ordermap [simp]: "Ord (ordermap A VWF x)"
  by blast

lemma ordertype_singleton [simp]:
  assumes "wf r" 
  shows "ordertype {x} r = 1"
proof -
  have : "{y. y = x  (y, x)  r} = {}"
    using assms by auto
  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: ordertype_def assms  ordermap [where a=x])

subsubsection@{term ordermap} preserves the orderings in both directions›

lemma ordermap_mono:
  assumes wx: "(w, x)  r" and "wf r" "w  A" "small A"
    shows "ordermap A r w  elts (ordermap A r x)"
proof -
  have "small {a  A. (a, x)  r}  w  A  (w, x)  r"
    by (simp add: assms)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms ordermap [of r A]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) elts_of_set image_eqI mem_Collect_eq replacement)

lemma converse_ordermap_mono:
  assumes "ordermap A r y  elts (ordermap A r x)" "wf r" "total_on A r" "x  A" "y  A" "small A"
  shows "(y, x)  r"
proof (cases "x = y")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(1) mem_not_refl by blast
  case False
  then consider "(x,y)  r" | "(y,x)  r"
    using total_on A r assms by (meson UNIV_I total_on_def)
  then show ?thesis
    by (meson ordermap_mono assms mem_not_sym)

lemma converse_ordermap_mono_iff:
  assumes "wf r" "total_on A r" "x  A" "y  A" "small A"
  shows "ordermap A r y  elts (ordermap A r x)  (y, x)  r"
  by (metis assms converse_ordermap_mono ordermap_mono)

lemma ordermap_surj: "elts (ordertype A r)  ordermap A r ` A"
  unfolding ordertype_def by simp

lemma ordermap_bij:
  assumes "wf r" "total_on A r" "small A"
  shows "bij_betw (ordermap A r) A (elts (ordertype A r))"
  unfolding bij_betw_def
  proof (intro conjI)
    show "inj_on (ordermap A r) A"
    unfolding inj_on_def by (metis assms mem_not_refl ordermap_mono total_on_def)
  show "ordermap A r ` A = elts (ordertype A r)"
    by (metis ordertype_def small A elts_of_set replacement)

lemma ordermap_eq_iff [simp]: 
  "x  A; y  A; wf r; total_on A r; small A  ordermap A r x = ordermap A r y  x = y"
  by (metis bij_betw_iff_bijections ordermap_bij)

lemma inv_into_ordermap: "α  elts (ordertype A r)  inv_into A (ordermap A r) α  A"
  by (meson in_mono inv_into_into ordermap_surj)

lemma ordertype_nat_imp_finite:
  assumes "ordertype A r = ord_of_nat m" "small A" "wf r" "total_on A r"
  shows "finite A"
proof -
  have "A  elts m"
    using eqpoll_def assms ordermap_bij by fastforce 
  then show ?thesis
    using eqpoll_finite_iff finite_Ord_omega by blast

lemma wf_ordertype_eqpoll:
  assumes "wf r" "total_on A r" "small A"
  shows "elts (ordertype A r)  A"
  using assms eqpoll_def eqpoll_sym ordermap_bij by blast

lemma ordertype_eqpoll:
  assumes "small A"
  shows "elts (ordertype A VWF)  A"
  using assms wf_ordertype_eqpoll total_VWF wf_VWF
  by (simp add: wf_ordertype_eqpoll total_on_def)

subsection ‹More advanced @{term ordertype} and @{term ordermap} results›

lemma ordermap_VWF_0 [simp]: "ordermap A VWF 0 = 0"
  by (simp add: ordermap wf_VWO VWF_def)

lemma ordertype_empty [simp]: "ordertype {} r = 0"
  by (simp add: ordertype_def)

lemma ordertype_eq_0_iff [simp]: "small X; wf r  ordertype X r = 0  X = {}"
  by (metis ordertype_def elts_of_set replacement image_is_empty zero_V_def)

lemma ordermap_mono_less:
  assumes "(w, x)  r"
      and "wf r" "trans r"
      and "w  A" "x  A"
      and "small A"
    shows "ordermap A r w < ordermap A r x"
  by (simp add: OrdmemD assms ordermap_mono)

lemma ordermap_mono_le:
  assumes "(w, x)  r  w=x"
      and "wf r" "trans r"
      and "w  A" "x  A"
      and "small A"
    shows "ordermap A r w  ordermap A r x"
  by (metis assms dual_order.strict_implies_order eq_refl ordermap_mono_less)

lemma converse_ordermap_le_mono:
  assumes "ordermap A r y  ordermap A r x" "wf r" "total r"  "x  A" "small A"
  shows "(y, x)  r  y=x"
  by (meson UNIV_I assms mem_not_refl ordermap_mono total_on_def vsubsetD)

lemma ordertype_mono:
  assumes "X  Y" and r: "wf r" "trans r" and "small Y"
  shows "ordertype X r  ordertype Y r"
proof -
  have "small X"
    using assms smaller_than_small by fastforce 
  have *: "ordermap X r x  ordermap Y r x" for x
    using wf r
  proof (induction x rule: wf_induct_rule)
    case (less x)
    have "ordermap X r z < ordermap Y r x" if "z  X" and zx: "(z,x)  r" for z
      using less [OF zx] assms
      by (meson Ord_linear2 OrdmemD wf_Ord_ordermap ordermap_mono in_mono leD that(1) vsubsetD zx)
    then show ?case
      by (auto simp add: ordermap [of _ X x] small X Ord_mem_iff_lt set_image_le_iff less_eq_V_def r)
  show ?thesis
  proof -
    have "ordermap Y r ` Y = elts (ordertype Y r)"
      by (metis ordertype_def small Y elts_of_set replacement)
    then have "ordertype Y r  ordermap X r ` X"
      using "*" X  Y by fastforce
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis Ord_linear2 Ord_mem_iff_lt ordertype_def wf_Ord_ordertype small X elts_of_set replacement r)

corollary ordertype_VWF_mono:
  assumes "X  Y" "small Y"
  shows "ordertype X VWF  ordertype Y VWF"
  using assms by (simp add: ordertype_mono)

lemma ordertype_UNION_ge:
  assumes "A  𝒜" "wf r" "trans r" "𝒜  Collect small" "small 𝒜"
  shows "ordertype A r  ordertype (𝒜) r" 
  by (rule ordertype_mono) (use assms in auto)

lemma inv_ordermap_mono_less:
  assumes "(inv_into M (ordermap M r) α, inv_into M (ordermap M r) β)  r" 
    and "small M" and α: "α  elts (ordertype M r)" and β: "β  elts (ordertype M r)"
    and "wf r" "trans r"
  shows "α < β"
proof -
  have "α = ordermap M r (inv_into M (ordermap M r) α)"
    by (metis α f_inv_into_f ordermap_surj subset_eq)
  also have " < ordermap M r (inv_into M (ordermap M r) β)"
    by (meson α β assms in_mono inv_into_into ordermap_mono_less ordermap_surj)
  also have " = β"
    by (meson β f_inv_into_f in_mono ordermap_surj)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma inv_ordermap_mono_eq:
  assumes "inv_into M (ordermap M r) α = inv_into M (ordermap M r) β" 
    and "α  elts (ordertype M r)" "β  elts (ordertype M r)"
  shows "α = β"
  by (metis assms f_inv_into_f ordermap_surj subsetD)

lemma inv_ordermap_VWF_mono_le:
  assumes "inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) α  inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) β" 
    and "M  ON" "small M" and α: "α  elts (ordertype M VWF)" and β: "β  elts (ordertype M VWF)"
  shows "α  β"
proof -
  have "α = ordermap M VWF (inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) α)"
    by (metis α f_inv_into_f ordermap_surj subset_eq)
  also have "  ordermap M VWF (inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) β)"
    by (metis ON_imp_Ord VWF_iff_Ord_less assms dual_order.strict_implies_order elts_of_set eq_refl inv_into_into order.not_eq_order_implies_strict ordermap_mono_less ordertype_def replacement trans_VWF wf_VWF)
  also have " = β"
    by (meson β f_inv_into_f in_mono ordermap_surj)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma inv_ordermap_VWF_mono_iff:
  assumes "M  ON" "small M" and "α  elts (ordertype M VWF)" and "β  elts (ordertype M VWF)"
  shows "inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) α  inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) β  α  β"
  by (metis ON_imp_Ord Ord_linear_le assms dual_order.eq_iff inv_into_ordermap inv_ordermap_VWF_mono_le)

lemma inv_ordermap_VWF_strict_mono_iff:
  assumes "M  ON" "small M" and "α  elts (ordertype M VWF)" and "β  elts (ordertype M VWF)"
  shows "inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) α < inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) β  α < β"
  by (simp add: assms inv_ordermap_VWF_mono_iff less_le_not_le)

lemma strict_mono_on_ordertype:
  assumes "M  ON" "small M"
  obtains f where "f  elts (ordertype M VWF)  M" "strict_mono_on (elts (ordertype M VWF)) f"
  show "inv_into M (ordermap M VWF)  elts (ordertype M VWF)  M"
    by (meson Pi_I' in_mono inv_into_into ordermap_surj)
  show "strict_mono_on (elts (ordertype M VWF)) (inv_into M (ordermap M VWF))"
  proof (clarsimp simp: strict_mono_on_def)
    fix x y
    assume "x  elts (ordertype M VWF)" "y  elts (ordertype M VWF)" "x < y"
    then show "inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) x < inv_into M (ordermap M VWF) y"
      using assms by (meson ON_imp_Ord Ord_linear2 inv_into_into inv_ordermap_VWF_mono_le leD ordermap_surj subsetD)

lemma ordermap_inc_eq:
  assumes "x  A" "small A"
    and π: "x y. xA; yA; (x,y)  r  (π x, π y)  s"
    and r: "wf r" "total_on A r" and "wf s" 
  shows "ordermap (π ` A) s (π x) = ordermap A r x"
  using wf r x  A
proof (induction x rule: wf_induct_rule)
  case (less x)
  then have 1: "{y  A. (y, x)  r} = A  {y. (y, x)  r}"
    using r by auto
  have 2: "{y  π ` A. (y, π x)  s} = π ` A  {y. (y, π x)  s}"
    by auto
  have invπ: "x y. xA; yA; (π x, π y)  s  (x, y)  r"
    by (metis π wf s total_on A r total_on_def wf_not_sym)
  have eq: "f ` (π ` A  {y. (y, π x)  s}) = (f  π) ` (A  {y. (y, x)  r})" for f :: "'b  V"
    using less by (auto simp: image_subset_iff invπ π)
  show ?case
    using less
    by (simp add: ordermap [OF wf r, of _ x] ordermap [OF wf s, of _ "π x"] 1 2 eq)

lemma ordertype_inc_eq:
  assumes "small A"
    and π: "x y. xA; yA; (x,y)  r  (π x, π y)  s"
    and r: "wf r" "total_on A r" and "wf s" 
  shows "ordertype (π ` A) s = ordertype A r"
proof -
  have "ordermap (π ` A) s (π x) = ordermap A r x" if "x  A" for x
    using assms that by (auto simp: ordermap_inc_eq)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding ordertype_def
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_cong image_image)

lemma ordertype_inc_le:
  assumes "small A" "small B"
    and π: "x y. xA; yA; (x,y)  r  (π x, π y)  s"
    and r: "wf r" "total_on A r" and "wf s" "trans s"
    and "π ` A  B"
  shows "ordertype A r  ordertype B s"
  by (metis assms ordertype_inc_eq ordertype_mono)

corollary ordertype_VWF_inc_eq:
  assumes "A  ON" "π ` A  ON" "small A" and "x y. xA; yA; x<y  π x < π y"
  shows "ordertype (π ` A) VWF = ordertype A VWF"
proof (rule ordertype_inc_eq)
  show "(π x, π y)  VWF"
    if "x  A" "y  A" "(x, y)  VWF" for x y
    using that ON_imp_Ord assms by auto
  show "total_on A VWF"
    by (meson UNIV_I total_VWF total_on_def)
qed (use assms in auto)

lemma ordertype_image_ordermap:
  assumes "small A" "X  A" "wf r" "trans r" "total_on X r"
  shows "ordertype (ordermap A r ` X) VWF = ordertype X r"
proof (rule ordertype_inc_eq)
  show "small X"
    by (meson assms smaller_than_small)
  show "(ordermap A r x, ordermap A r y)  VWF"
    if "x  X" "y  X" "(x, y)  r" for x y
    by (meson that wf_Ord_ordermap VWF_iff_Ord_less assms ordermap_mono_less subsetD)
qed (use assms in auto)
lemma ordertype_map_image:
  assumes "B  A" "small A"
  shows "ordertype (ordermap A VWF ` A - ordermap A VWF ` B) VWF = ordertype (A - B) VWF"
proof -
  have "ordermap A VWF ` A - ordermap A VWF ` B = ordermap A VWF ` (A - B)"
    using assms by auto
  then have "ordertype (ordermap A VWF ` A - ordermap A VWF ` B) VWF = ordertype (ordermap A VWF ` (A - B)) VWF"
    by simp
  also have " = ordertype (A - B) VWF"
    using small A ordertype_image_ordermap by fastforce
  finally show ?thesis .

proposition ordertype_le_ordertype:
  assumes r: "wf r" "total_on A r" and "small A"
  assumes s: "wf s" "total_on B s" "trans s" and "small B"
  shows "ordertype A r  ordertype B s 
         (f  A  B. inj_on f A  (x  A. y  A. ((x,y)  r  (f x, f y)  s)))"
    (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume L: ?lhs
  define f where "f  inv_into B (ordermap B s)  ordermap A r"
  show ?rhs
  proof (intro bexI conjI ballI impI)
    have AB: "elts (ordertype A r)  ordermap B s ` B"
      by (metis L assms(7) ordertype_def replacement set_of_elts small_elts subset_iff_less_eq_V)
    have bijA: "bij_betw (ordermap A r) A (elts (ordertype A r))"
      using ordermap_bij small A r by blast
    have "inv_into B (ordermap B s) (ordermap A r i)  B" if "i  A" for i
      by (meson L small A inv_into_into ordermap_in_ordertype ordermap_surj subsetD that vsubsetD)
    then show "f  A  B"
      by (auto simp: Pi_iff f_def)
    show "inj_on f A"
    proof (clarsimp simp add: f_def inj_on_def)
      fix x y
      assume "x  A" "y  A"
        and "inv_into B (ordermap B s) (ordermap A r x) = inv_into B (ordermap B s) (ordermap A r y)"
      then have "ordermap A r x = ordermap A r y"
        by (meson AB small A inv_into_injective ordermap_in_ordertype subsetD)
      then show "x = y"
        by (metis x  A y  A bijA bij_betw_inv_into_left)
    fix x y
    assume "x  A" "y  A" and "(x, y)  r"
    have : "ordermap A r y  ordermap B s ` B"
      by (meson L y  A small A in_mono ordermap_in_ordertype ordermap_surj vsubsetD)
    moreover have : "x. inv_into B (ordermap B s) (ordermap A r x) = f x"
      by (simp add: f_def)
    then have *: "ordermap B s (f y) = ordermap A r y"
      using  by (metis f_inv_into_f)
    moreover have "ordermap A r x  ordermap B s ` B"
      by (meson L x  A small A in_mono ordermap_in_ordertype ordermap_surj vsubsetD)
    moreover have "ordermap A r x < ordermap A r y"
      using * r s by (metis (no_types) wf_Ord_ordermap OrdmemD (x, y)  r x  A small A ordermap_mono)
    ultimately show "(f x, f y)  s"
      using  s by (metis assms(7) f_inv_into_f inv_into_into less_asym ordermap_mono_less total_on_def)
  assume R: ?rhs
  then obtain f where f: "fA  B" "inj_on f A" "xA. yA. (x, y)  r  (f x, f y)  s"
    by blast
  show ?lhs
    by (rule ordertype_inc_le [where π=f]) (use f assms in auto)

lemma iso_imp_ordertype_eq_ordertype:
  assumes iso: "iso r r' f"
    and "wf r"
    and "Total r"
    and sm: "small (Field r)"
  shows "ordertype (Field r) r = ordertype (Field r') r'"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) iso_forward iso_wf assms iso_Field ordertype_inc_eq sm)

lemma ordertype_infinite_ge_ω:
  assumes "infinite A" "small A"
  shows "ordertype A VWF  ω"
proof -
  have "inj_on (ordermap A VWF) A"
    by (meson ordermap_bij small A bij_betw_def total_on_VWF wf_VWF)
  then have "infinite (ordermap A VWF ` A)"
    using infinite A finite_image_iff by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using Ord_ordertype small A infinite_Ord_omega by (auto simp: ordertype_def)

lemma ordertype_eqI:
  assumes "wf r" "total_on A r" "small A" "wf s" 
          "bij_betw f A B" "(x  A. y  A. (f x, f y)  s  (x,y)  r)"
  shows "ordertype A r = ordertype B s"
  by (metis assms bij_betw_imp_surj_on ordertype_inc_eq)

lemma ordermap_eq_self:
  assumes "Ord α" and x: "x  elts α" 
  shows "ordermap (elts α) VWF x = x" 
  using Ord_in_Ord [OF assms] x 
proof (induction x rule: Ord_induct)
  case (step x)
  have 1: "{y  elts α. (y, x)  VWF} = elts x" (is "?A = _")
    show "?A  elts x"
      using Ord α by clarify (meson Ord_in_Ord Ord_mem_iff_lt VWF_iff_Ord_less step.hyps)
    show "elts x  ?A"
      using Ord α by clarify (meson Ord_in_Ord Ord_trans OrdmemD VWF_iff_Ord_less step.prems)
  show ?case
    using step
    by (simp add: ordermap [OF wf_VWF, of _ x] 1 Ord_trans [of _ _ α] step.prems Ord α cong: image_cong)

lemma ordertype_eq_Ord [simp]:
  assumes "Ord α" 
  shows "ordertype (elts α) VWF = α"
  using assms ordermap_eq_self [OF assms] by (simp add: ordertype_def)

proposition ordertype_eq_iff:
  assumes α: "Ord α" and r: "wf r" and "small A" "total_on A r" "trans r"
  shows "ordertype A r = α 
         (f. bij_betw f A (elts α)  (x  A. y  A. f x < f y  (x,y)  r))"
    (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof safe
  assume eq: "α = ordertype A r"
  show "f. bij_betw f A (elts (ordertype A r))  (xA. yA. f x < f y  ((x, y)  r))"
  proof (intro exI conjI ballI)
    show "bij_betw (ordermap A r) A (elts (ordertype A r))"
      by (simp add: assms ordermap_bij)
    then show "ordermap A r x < ordermap A r y  (x, y)  r"
      if "x  A" "y  A" for x y
      using that assms
      by (metis order.asym ordermap_mono_less total_on_def)
  fix f 
  assume f: "bij_betw f A (elts α)" "xA. yA. f x < f y  (x, y)  r"
  have "ordertype A r = ordertype (elts α) VWF"
  proof (rule ordertype_eqI)
    show "xA. yA. ((f x, f y)  VWF) = ((x, y)  r)"
      by (meson Ord_in_Ord VWF_iff_Ord_less α bij_betwE f)
  qed (use assms f in auto)
  then show ?lhs
    by (simp add: α)

corollary ordertype_VWF_eq_iff:
  assumes "Ord α" "small A"
  shows "ordertype A VWF = α 
         (f. bij_betw f A (elts α)  (x  A. y  A. f x < f y  (x,y)  VWF))"
  by (metis UNIV_I assms ordertype_eq_iff total_VWF total_on_def trans_VWF wf_VWF)

lemma ordertype_le_Ord:
  assumes "Ord α" "X  elts α"
  shows "ordertype X VWF  α"
  by (metis assms ordertype_VWF_mono ordertype_eq_Ord small_elts)

lemma ordertype_inc_le_Ord:
  assumes "small A" "Ord α"
    and π: "x y. xA; yA; (x,y)  r  π x < π y"
    and "wf r" "total_on A r" 
    and sub: "π ` A  elts α"
  shows "ordertype A r  α"
proof -
  have "x y. xA; yA; (x,y)  r  (π x, π y)  VWF"
    by (meson Ord_in_Ord VWF_iff_Ord_less π Ord α sub image_subset_iff)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (metis ordertype_inc_eq ordertype_le_Ord wf_VWF)

lemma le_ordertype_obtains_subset:
  assumes α: "β  α" "ordertype H VWF = α" and "small H" "Ord β"
  obtains G where "G  H" "ordertype G VWF = β" 
proof (intro exI conjI that)
  let ?f = "ordermap H VWF"
  show : "inv_into H ?f ` elts β  H"
    unfolding image_subset_iff
    by (metis α inv_into_into ordermap_surj subsetD vsubsetD)
  have "f. bij_betw f (inv_into H ?f ` elts β) (elts β)  (xinv_into H ?f ` elts β. yinv_into H ?f ` elts β. (f x < f y) = ((x, y)  VWF))"
  proof (intro exI conjI ballI iffI)
    show "bij_betw ?f (inv_into H ?f ` elts β) (elts β)"
      using ordermap_bij [OF wf_VWF total_on_VWF small H] α 
      by (metis bij_betw_inv_into_RIGHT bij_betw_subset less_eq_V_def )
    fix x y
    assume x: "x  inv_into H ?f ` elts β"
        and y: "y  inv_into H ?f ` elts β"
    show "?f x < ?f y" if "(x,y)  VWF"
      using that  small H in_mono ordermap_mono_less x y by fastforce
    show "(x,y)  VWF" if "?f x < ?f y"
      using that  small H in_mono ordermap_mono_less [OF _ wf_VWF trans_VWF] x y
      by (metis UNIV_I less_imp_not_less total_VWF total_on_def)
  then show "ordertype (inv_into H ?f ` elts β) VWF = β"
    by (subst ordertype_eq_iff) (use assms in auto)

lemma ordertype_infinite_ω:
  assumes "A  elts ω" "infinite A"
  shows "ordertype A VWF = ω"
proof (rule antisym)
  show "ordertype A VWF  ω"
    by (simp add: assms ordertype_le_Ord)
  show "ω  ordertype A VWF"
    using assms down ordertype_infinite_ge_ω by auto

text ‹For infinite sets of natural numbers›
lemma ordertype_nat_ω:
  assumes "infinite N" shows "ordertype N less_than = ω"
proof -
  have "small N"
    by (meson inj_on_def ord_of_nat_inject small_def small_iff_range small_image_nat_V)
  have "ordertype (ord_of_nat ` N) VWF = ω"
    by (force simp: assms finite_image_iff inj_on_def intro: ordertype_infinite_ω)
  moreover have "ordertype (ord_of_nat ` N) VWF = ordertype N less_than"
    by (auto intro: ordertype_inc_eq small N)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp

proposition ordertype_eq_ordertype:
  assumes r: "wf r" "total_on A r" "trans r" and "small A"
  assumes s: "wf s" "total_on B s" "trans s" and "small B"
  shows "ordertype A r = ordertype B s 
         (f. bij_betw f A B  (x  A. y  A. (f x, f y)  s  (x,y)  r))"
    (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume L: ?lhs
  define γ where "γ = ordertype A r"
  have A: "bij_betw (ordermap A r) A (ordermap A r ` A)"
    by (meson ordermap_bij assms(4) bij_betw_def r)
  have B: "bij_betw (ordermap B s) B (ordermap B s ` B)"
    by (meson ordermap_bij assms(8) bij_betw_def s)
  define f where "f  inv_into B (ordermap B s)  ordermap A r"
  show ?rhs
  proof (intro exI conjI)
    have bijA: "bij_betw (ordermap A r) A (elts γ)"
      unfolding γ_def using ordermap_bij small A r by blast
    moreover have bijB: "bij_betw (ordermap B s) B (elts γ)"
      by (simp add: L γ_def ordermap_bij small B s)
    ultimately show bij: "bij_betw f A B"
      unfolding f_def using bij_betw_comp_iff bij_betw_inv_into by blast
    have invB: "α. α  elts γ  ordermap B s (inv_into B (ordermap B s) α) = α"
      by (meson bijB bij_betw_inv_into_right)
    have ordermap_A_γ: "a. a  A  ordermap A r a  elts γ"
      using bijA bij_betwE by auto
    have f_in_B: "a. a  A  f a  B"
      using bij bij_betwE by fastforce
    show "xA. yA. (f x, f y)  s  (x, y)  r"
    proof (intro iffI ballI)
      fix x y
      assume "x  A" "y  A" and ins: "(f x, f y)  s"
      then have "ordermap A r x < ordermap A r y"
        unfolding o_def 
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) f_def small B comp_apply f_in_B invB ordermap_A_γ ordermap_mono_less s(1) s(3))
      then show "(x, y)  r"
        by (metis x  A y  A small A order.asym ordermap_mono_less r total_on_def)
      fix x y
      assume "x  A" "y  A" and "(x, y)  r"
      then have "ordermap A r x < ordermap A r y"
        by (simp add: small A ordermap_mono_less r)
      then have "(f y, f x)  s"
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) x  A y  A small B comp_apply f_def f_in_B invB order.asym ordermap_A_γ ordermap_mono_less s(1) s(3))
      moreover have "f y  f x"
        by (metis (x, y)  r x  A y  A bij bij_betw_inv_into_left r(1) wf_not_sym)
      ultimately show "(f x, f y)  s"
        by (meson x  A y  A f_in_B s(2) total_on_def)
  assume ?rhs
  then show ?lhs
    using assms ordertype_eqI  by blast

corollary ordertype_eq_ordertype_iso:
  assumes r: "wf r" "total_on A r" "trans r" and "small A" and FA: "Field r = A"
  assumes s: "wf s" "total_on B s" "trans s" and "small B" and FB: "Field s = B"
  shows "ordertype A r = ordertype B s  (f. iso r s f)"
    (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume L: ?lhs
  then obtain f where "bij_betw f A B" "x  A. y  A. (f x, f y)  s  (x,y)  r"
    using assms ordertype_eq_ordertype by blast
  then show ?rhs
    using FA FB iso_iff2 by blast
  assume ?rhs
  then show ?lhs
    using FA FB small A iso_imp_ordertype_eq_ordertype r by blast

lemma Limit_ordertype_imp_Field_Restr:
  assumes Lim: "Limit (ordertype A r)" and r: "wf r" "total_on A r" and "small A"
  shows "Field (Restr r A) = A"
proof -
  have "yA. (x,y)  r" if "x  A" for x
  proof -
    let ?oy = "succ (ordermap A r x)"
    have §: "?oy  elts (ordertype A r)"
      by (simp add: Lim small A ordermap_in_ordertype succ_in_Limit_iff that)
    then have A: "inv_into A (ordermap A r) ?oy  A"
      by (simp add: inv_into_ordermap)
    moreover have "(x, inv_into A (ordermap A r) ?oy)  r"
    proof -
      have "ordermap A r x  elts (ordermap A r (inv_into A (ordermap A r) ?oy))"
        by (metis "§" elts_succ f_inv_into_f insert_iff ordermap_surj subsetD)
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis small A A converse_ordermap_mono r that)
    ultimately show ?thesis ..
  then have "A  Field (Restr r A)"
    by (auto simp: Field_def)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: Field_Restr_subset subset_antisym)

lemma ordertype_Field_Restr:
  assumes "wf r" "total_on A r" "trans r" "small A" "Field (Restr r A) = A"
  shows "ordertype (Field (Restr r A)) (Restr r A) = ordertype A r"
  using assms by (force simp: ordertype_eq_ordertype wf_Int1 total_on_def trans_Restr)

proposition ordertype_eq_ordertype_iso_Restr:
  assumes r: "wf r" "total_on A r" "trans r" and "small A" and FA: "Field (Restr r A) = A"
  assumes s: "wf s" "total_on B s" "trans s" and "small B" and FB: "Field (Restr s B) = B"
  shows "ordertype A r = ordertype B s  (f. iso (Restr r A) (Restr s B) f)"
    (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume L: ?lhs
  then obtain f where "bij_betw f A B" "x  A. y  A. (f x, f y)  s  (x,y)  r"
    using assms ordertype_eq_ordertype by blast
  then show ?rhs
    using FA FB bij_betwE unfolding iso_iff2 by fastforce
  assume ?rhs
  have "ordertype (Field (Restr r A)) (Restr r A) = ordertype A r"
    using FA small A ordertype_Field_Restr r by blast
  have "ordertype (Field (Restr s B)) (Restr s B) = ordertype B s"
    using FB small B ordertype_Field_Restr s by blast
  ultimately show ?lhs
    using iso_imp_ordertype_eq_ordertype FA FB small A r
    by (fastforce intro: total_on_imp_Total_Restr trans_Restr wf_Int1)

lemma ordermap_insert:
  assumes "Ord α" and y: "Ord y" "y  α" and U: "U  elts α"
  shows "ordermap (insert α U) VWF y = ordermap U VWF y"
  using y
proof (induction rule: Ord_induct)
  case (step y)
  then have 1: "{u  U. (u, y)  VWF} = elts y  U"
    apply (simp add: set_eq_iff)
    by (meson Ord_in_Ord Ord_mem_iff_lt VWF_iff_Ord_less assms subsetD)
  have 2: "{u  insert α U. (u, y)  VWF} = elts y  U"
    apply (simp add: set_eq_iff)
    by (meson Ord_in_Ord Ord_mem_iff_lt VWF_iff_Ord_less assms leD step.hyps step.prems subsetD)
  show ?case
    using step
    apply (simp only: ordermap [OF wf_VWF, of _ y] 1 2)
    by (meson Int_lower1 Ord_is_Transset Sup.SUP_cong Transset_def assms(1) in_mono vsubsetD)

lemma ordertype_insert:
  assumes "Ord α" and U: "U  elts α"
  shows "ordertype (insert α U) VWF = succ (ordertype U VWF)"
proof -
  have : "{y  insert α U. (y, α)  VWF} = U" "{y  U. (y, α)  VWF} = U"
    using Ord_in_Ord OrdmemD assms by auto
  have eq: "x. x  U  ordermap (insert α U) VWF x = ordermap U VWF x"
    by (meson Ord_in_Ord Ord_is_Transset Transset_def U assms(1) in_mono ordermap_insert)
  have "ordertype (insert α U) VWF =
        ZFC_in_HOL.set (insert (ordermap U VWF α) (ordermap U VWF ` U))"
    by (simp add: ordertype_def ordermap_insert assms eq)
  also have " = succ (ZFC_in_HOL.set (ordermap U VWF ` U))"
    using "" U by (simp add: ordermap [OF wf_VWF, of _ α] down succ_def vinsert_def)
  also have " = succ (ordertype U VWF)"
    by (simp add: ordertype_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma finite_ordertype_le_card:
  assumes "finite A" "wf r" "trans r" 
  shows "ordertype A r  ord_of_nat (card A)"
proof -
  have "Ord (ordertype A r)"
    by (simp add: wf_Ord_ordertype assms)
  moreover have "ordermap A r ` A = elts (ordertype A r)"
    by (simp add: ordertype_def finite_imp_small finite A)
  moreover have "card (ordermap A r ` A)  card A"
    using finite A card_image_le by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (metis Ord_linear_le Ord_ord_of_nat finite A card_ord_of_nat card_seteq finite_imageI less_eq_V_def)

lemma ordertype_VWF_ω:
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "ordertype A VWF  elts ω"
proof -
  have "finite (ordermap A VWF ` A)"
    using assms by blast
  then have "ordertype A VWF < ω"
    by (meson Ord_ω OrdmemD trans_VWF wf_VWF assms finite_ordertype_le_card le_less_trans ord_of_nat_ω)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: Ord_mem_iff_lt)

lemma ordertype_VWF_finite_nat:
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "ordertype A VWF = ord_of_nat (card A)"
  by (metis finite_imp_small ordermap_bij total_on_VWF wf_VWF ω_def assms bij_betw_same_card card_ord_of_nat elts_of_set f_inv_into_f inf ordertype_VWF_ω)

lemma finite_ordertype_eq_card:
  assumes "small A" "wf r" "trans r" "total_on A r"
  shows "ordertype A r = ord_of_nat m  finite A  card A = m"
  using ordermap_bij [OF wf r]
proof -
  have *: "bij_betw (ordermap A r) A (elts (ordertype A r))"
    by (simp add: assms ordermap_bij)
  moreover have "card (ordermap A r ` A) = card A"
    by (meson bij_betw_def * card_image)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms bij_betw_finite bij_betw_imp_surj_on finite_Ord_omega ordertype_VWF_finite_nat wf_Ord_ordertype by fastforce

lemma ex_bij_betw_strict_mono_card:
  assumes "finite M" "M  ON"
  obtains h where "bij_betw h {..<card M} M" and "strict_mono_on {..<card M} h"
proof -
  have bij: "bij_betw (ordermap M VWF) M (elts (card M))"
    using Finite_V finite M ordermap_bij ordertype_VWF_finite_nat by fastforce
  let ?h = "(inv_into M (ordermap M VWF))  ord_of_nat"
  show thesis
    show bijh: "bij_betw ?h {..<card M} M"
    proof (rule bij_betw_trans)
      show "bij_betw ord_of_nat {..<card M} (elts (card M))"
        by (simp add: bij_betw_def elts_ord_of_nat inj_on_def)
      show "bij_betw (inv_into M (ordermap M VWF)) (elts (card M)) M"
        using Finite_V assms bij_betw_inv_into ordermap_bij ordertype_VWF_finite_nat by fastforce
    show "strict_mono_on {..<card M} ?h"
    proof -
      have "?h m < ?h n"
        if "m < n" "n < card M" for m n
      proof (rule ccontr)
        obtain mn: "m  elts (ordertype M VWF)" "n  elts (ordertype M VWF)"
          using m < n n < card M finite M ordertype_VWF_finite_nat by auto
        have ord: "Ord (?h m)" "Ord (?h n)"
          using bijh assms(2) bij_betwE that by fastforce+
        assume "¬ ?h m < ?h n"
        ultimately consider "?h m = ?h n" | "?h m > ?h n"
          using Ord_linear_lt by blast
        then show False
        proof cases
          case 1
          then have "m = n"
            by (metis inv_ordermap_mono_eq mn comp_apply ord_of_nat_inject)
          with m < n show False by blast 
          case 2
          then have "ord_of_nat n  ord_of_nat m"
            by (metis Finite_V mn assms comp_def inv_ordermap_VWF_mono_le less_imp_le)
          then show ?thesis
            using leD m < n by blast
      with assms show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: strict_mono_on_def)

lemma ordertype_finite_less_than [simp]: 
  assumes "finite A" shows "ordertype A less_than = card A"
proof -
  let ?M = "ord_of_nat ` A"
  obtain M: "finite ?M" "?M  ON"
    using Ord_ord_of_nat assms by blast
  have "ordertype A less_than = ordertype ?M VWF"
    by (rule ordertype_inc_eq [symmetric]) (use assms finite_imp_small total_on_def in force+)
  also have " = card A"
  proof (subst ordertype_eq_iff)
    let ?M = "ord_of_nat ` A"
    obtain h where bijh: "bij_betw h {..<card A} ?M" and smh: "strict_mono_on {..<card A} h"
      by (metis M card_image ex_bij_betw_strict_mono_card inj_on_def ord_of_nat_inject)
    define f where "f  ord_of_nat  inv_into {..<card A} h"
    show "f. bij_betw f ?M (elts (card A))  (x?M. y?M. f x < f y  ((x, y)  VWF))"
    proof (intro exI conjI ballI)
      have "bij_betw (ord_of_nat  inv_into {..<card A} h) (ord_of_nat ` A) (ord_of_nat ` {..<card A})"
        by (meson UNIV_I bijh bij_betw_def bij_betw_inv_into bij_betw_subset bij_betw_trans inj_ord_of_nat subsetI)
      then show "bij_betw f ?M (elts (card A))"
        by (metis elts_ord_of_nat f_def)
      fix x y
      assume xy: "x  ?M" "y  ?M"
      then obtain m n where "x = ord_of_nat m" "y = ord_of_nat n"
        by auto
      have "(f x < f y)  ((h  inv_into {..<card A} h) x < (h  inv_into {..<card A} h) y)"
        unfolding f_def using smh bij_betw_imp_surj_on [OF bijh] 
        apply simp
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) inv_into_into not_less_iff_gr_or_eq order.asym strict_mono_onD xy)
      also have " = (x < y)"
        using bijh
        by (simp add: bij_betw_inv_into_right xy)
      also have "  ((x, y)  VWF)"
        using M(2) ON_imp_Ord xy by auto
      finally show "(f x < f y)  ((x, y)  VWF)" . 
  qed auto
  finally show ?thesis .

subsection ‹Cardinality of an arbitrary HOL set›

definition gcard :: "'a set  V" 
  where "gcard X  if small X then (LEAST i. Ord i  elts i  X) else 0"

subsection‹Cardinality of a set›

definition vcard :: "VV"
  where "vcard a  (LEAST i. Ord i  elts i  elts a)"

lemma gcard_eq_vcard [simp]: "gcard (elts x) = vcard x"
  by (simp add: vcard_def gcard_def)

definition Card:: "Vbool"
  where "Card i  i = vcard i"

abbreviation CARD where "CARD  Collect Card"

lemma cardinal_cong: "elts x  elts y  vcard x = vcard y"
  unfolding vcard_def by (meson eqpoll_sym eqpoll_trans)

lemma gcardinal_cong:
  assumes "X  Y" shows "gcard X = gcard Y"
proof -
  have "(LEAST i. Ord i  elts i  X) = (LEAST i. Ord i  elts i  Y)"
    by (meson eqpoll_sym eqpoll_trans assms)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding gcard_def
    by (meson eqpoll_sym small_eqcong assms)

lemma vcard_set_image: "inj_on f (elts x)  vcard (set (f ` elts x)) = vcard x"
  by (simp add: cardinal_cong)

lemma gcard_image: "inj_on f X  gcard (f ` X) = gcard X"
  by (simp add: gcardinal_cong)

lemma Card_cardinal_eq: "Card κ  vcard κ = κ"
  by (simp add: Card_def)

lemma Card_is_Ord:
  assumes "Card κ" shows "Ord κ"
proof -
  obtain α where "Ord α" "elts α  elts κ"
    using Ord_ordertype ordertype_eqpoll by blast
  then have "Ord (LEAST i. Ord i  elts i  elts κ)"
    by (metis Ord_Least)
  then show ?thesis
    using Card_def vcard_def assms by auto

lemma cardinal_eqpoll: "elts (vcard a)  elts a"
  unfolding vcard_def
  using ordertype_eqpoll [of "elts a"] Ord_LeastI by (meson Ord_ordertype small_elts)

lemma inj_into_vcard:
  obtains f where "f  elts A  elts (vcard A)" "inj_on f (elts A)"
  using cardinal_eqpoll [of A] inj_on_the_inv_into the_inv_into_onto
  by (fastforce simp: Pi_iff bij_betw_def eqpoll_def)

lemma cardinal_idem [simp]: "vcard (vcard a) = vcard a"
  using cardinal_cong cardinal_eqpoll by blast

lemma subset_smaller_vcard:
  assumes "κ  vcard x" "Card κ"
  obtains y where "y  x" "vcard y = κ"
proof -
  obtain φ where φ: "bij_betw φ (elts (vcard x)) (elts x)"
    using cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_def by blast
  show thesis
    let ?y = "ZFC_in_HOL.set (φ ` elts κ)"
    show "?y  x"
      by (meson φ assms bij_betwE set_image_le_iff small_elts vsubsetD) 
    show "vcard ?y = κ"
      by (metis vcard_set_image Card_def assms bij_betw_def bij_betw_subset φ less_eq_V_def)

text‹every natural number is a (finite) cardinal›
lemma nat_into_Card:
  assumes "α  elts ω" shows "Card(α)"
proof (unfold Card_def vcard_def, rule sym)
  obtain n where n: "α = ord_of_nat n"
    by (metis ω_def assms elts_of_set imageE inf)
  have "Ord(α)" using assms by auto
  { fix β
    assume "β < α" "Ord β" "elts β  elts α"
    with n have "elts β  {..<n}"
      by (simp add: ord_of_nat_eq_initial [of n] eqpoll_trans inj_on_def inj_on_image_eqpoll_self)
    hence False using assms n  Ord β β < α Ord(α)
      by (metis elts β  elts α card_seteq eqpoll_finite_iff eqpoll_iff_card finite_lessThan less_eq_V_def less_le_not_le order_refl)
    show "(LEAST i. Ord i  elts i  elts α) = α"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Least_equality Ord_linear_le eqpoll_refl less_le_not_le)

lemma Card_ord_of_nat [simp]: "Card (ord_of_nat n)"
  by (simp add: ω_def nat_into_Card)

lemma Card_0 [iff]: "Card 0"
  by (simp add: nat_into_Card)

lemma CardI: "Ord i; j. j < i; Ord j  ¬ elts j  elts i  Card i"
  unfolding Card_def vcard_def
  by (metis Ord_Least Ord_linear_lt cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_refl not_less_Ord_Least vcard_def)

lemma vcard_0 [simp]: "vcard 0 = 0"
  using Card_0 Card_def by auto

lemma Ord_cardinal [simp,intro!]: "Ord(vcard a)"
  unfolding vcard_def by (metis Card_def Card_is_Ord cardinal_cong cardinal_eqpoll vcard_def)

lemma gcard_big_0: "¬ small X  gcard X = 0"
  by (simp add: gcard_def)

lemma gcard_eq_card:
  assumes "finite X" shows "gcard X = ord_of_nat (card X)"
proof -
  have "y. Ord y  elts y  X  ord_of_nat (card X)  y"
    by (metis assms eqpoll_finite_iff eqpoll_iff_card order_le_less ordertype_VWF_finite_nat ordertype_eq_Ord)
  then have "(LEAST i. Ord i  elts i  X) = ord_of_nat (card X)"
    by (simp add: assms eqpoll_iff_card finite_Ord_omega Least_equality)
  with assms show ?thesis
    by (simp add: finite_imp_small gcard_def)

lemma gcard_empty_0 [simp]: "gcard {} = 0"
  by (simp add: gcard_eq_card) 

lemma gcard_single_1 [simp]: "gcard {x} = 1"
  by (simp add: gcard_eq_card one_V_def)

lemma Card_gcard [iff]: "Card (gcard X)"
  by (metis Card_0 Card_def cardinal_idem gcard_big_0 gcardinal_cong small_eqpoll gcard_eq_vcard)

lemma gcard_eqpoll: "small X  elts (gcard X)  X"
  by (metis cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_trans gcard_eq_vcard gcardinal_cong small_eqpoll)

lemma lepoll_imp_gcard_le:
  assumes "A  B" "small B"
  shows "gcard A  gcard B"
proof -
  have "elts (gcard A)  A" "elts (gcard B)  B"
    by (meson assms gcard_eqpoll lepoll_small)+
  with A  B show ?thesis
    by (metis Ord_cardinal Ord_linear2 eqpoll_sym gcard_eq_vcard gcardinal_cong lepoll_antisym
              lepoll_trans2 less_V_def less_eq_V_def subset_imp_lepoll)

lemma gcard_image_le:
  assumes "small A" shows "gcard (f ` A)  gcard A"
  using assms image_lepoll lepoll_imp_gcard_le by blast

lemma subset_imp_gcard_le:
  assumes "A  B" "small B"
  shows "gcard A  gcard B"
  by (simp add: assms lepoll_imp_gcard_le subset_imp_lepoll)

lemma gcard_le_lepoll: "gcard A  α; small A  A  elts α"
  by (meson eqpoll_sym gcard_eqpoll lepoll_trans1 less_eq_V_def subset_imp_lepoll)

subsection‹Cardinality of a set›

text‹The cardinals are the initial ordinals.›
lemma Card_iff_initial: "Card κ  Ord κ  (α. Ord α  α < κ  ~ elts α  elts κ)"
  by (metis CardI Card_def Card_is_Ord not_less_Ord_Least vcard_def)

lemma Card_ω [iff]: "Card ω"
  by (meson CardI Ord_ω eqpoll_finite_iff infinite_Ord_omega infinite_ω leD)

lemma lt_Card_imp_lesspoll: "i < a; Card a; Ord i  elts i  elts a"
  by (meson Card_iff_initial less_eq_V_def less_imp_le lesspoll_def subset_imp_lepoll)

lemma lepoll_imp_Card_le:
  assumes "elts a  elts b" shows "vcard a  vcard b"
  using assms lepoll_imp_gcard_le by fastforce

lemma lepoll_cardinal_le: "elts A  elts i; Ord i  vcard A  i"
  by (metis Ord_Least Ord_linear2 dual_order.trans eqpoll_refl lepoll_imp_Card_le not_less_Ord_Least vcard_def)

lemma cardinal_le_lepoll: "vcard A  α  elts A  elts α"
  by (meson cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_sym lepoll_trans1 less_eq_V_def subset_imp_lepoll)

lemma lesspoll_imp_Card_less:
  assumes "elts a  elts b" shows "vcard a < vcard b"
  by (metis assms cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_sym eqpoll_trans lepoll_imp_Card_le less_V_def lesspoll_def)

lemma Card_Union [simp,intro]:
  assumes A: "x. x  A  Card(x)" shows "Card(A)"
proof (rule CardI)
  show "Ord(A)" using A
    by (simp add: Card_is_Ord Ord_Sup)
  fix j
  assume j: "j < A" "Ord j"
  hence "cA. j < c  Card(c)" using A
    by (meson Card_is_Ord Ord_linear2 ZFC_in_HOL.Sup_least leD)
  then obtain c where c: "cA" "j < c" "Card(c)"
    by blast
  hence jls: "elts j  elts c"
    using j(2) lt_Card_imp_lesspoll by blast
  { assume eqp: "elts j  elts (A)"
    have  "elts c  elts (A)" using c
      by (metis Card_def Sup_V_def ZFC_in_HOL.Sup_upper cardinal_le_lepoll j(1) not_less_0)
    also have "...  elts j"  by (rule eqpoll_sym [OF eqp])
    also have "...  elts c"  by (rule jls)
    finally have "elts c  elts c" .
    hence False
      by auto
  } thus "¬ elts j  elts (A)" by blast

lemma Card_UN: "(x. x  A  Card(K x)) ==> Card(Sup (K ` A))"
  by blast

subsection‹Transfinite recursion for definitions based on the three cases of ordinals›

  transrec3 :: "[V, [V,V]V, [V,VV]V, V]  V" where
    "transrec3 a b c 
       transrec (λr x.
         if x=0 then a
         else if Limit x then c x (λy  elts x. r y)
         else b(pred x) (r (pred x)))"

lemma transrec3_0 [simp]: "transrec3 a b c 0 = a"
  by (simp add: transrec transrec3_def)

lemma transrec3_succ [simp]:
     "transrec3 a b c (succ i) = b i (transrec3 a b c i)"
  by (simp add: transrec transrec3_def)

lemma transrec3_Limit [simp]:
     "Limit i   transrec3 a b c i = c i (λj  elts i. transrec3 a b c j)"
  unfolding transrec3_def
  by (subst transrec) auto

subsection ‹Cardinal Addition›

definition cadd :: "[V,V]V"       (infixl  65)
  where "κ  μ  vcard (κ  μ)"

subsubsection‹Cardinal addition is commutative›

lemma vsum_commute_eqpoll: "elts (ab)  elts (ba)"
proof -
  have "bij_betw (λz  elts (ab). sum_case Inr Inl z) (elts (ab)) (elts (ba))"
    unfolding bij_betw_def
  proof (intro conjI inj_onI)
    show "restrict (sum_case Inr Inl) (elts (a  b)) ` elts (a  b) = elts (b  a)"
     apply auto
     apply (metis (no_types) imageI sum_case_Inr sum_iff)
      by (metis Inl_in_sum_iff imageI sum_case_Inl)
  qed auto
  then show ?thesis
    using eqpoll_def by blast

lemma cadd_commute: "i  j = j  i"
  by (simp add: cadd_def cardinal_cong vsum_commute_eqpoll)

subsubsection‹Cardinal addition is associative›

lemma sum_assoc_bij:
  "bij_betw (λz  elts ((ab)c). sum_case(sum_case Inl (λy. Inr(Inl y))) (λy. Inr(Inr y)) z)
      (elts ((ab)c)) (elts (a(bc)))"
  by (rule_tac f' = "sum_case (λx. Inl (Inl x)) (sum_case (λx. Inl (Inr x)) Inr)"
      in bij_betw_byWitness) auto

lemma sum_assoc_eqpoll: "elts ((ab)c)  elts (a(bc))"
  unfolding eqpoll_def by (metis sum_assoc_bij)

lemma elts_vcard_vsum_eqpoll: "elts (vcard (i  j))  Inl ` elts i  Inr ` elts j"
proof -
  have "elts (i  j)  Inl ` elts i  Inr ` elts j"
    by (simp add: elts_vsum)
  then show ?thesis
    using cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_trans by blast

lemma cadd_assoc: "(i  j)  k = i  (j  k)"
proof (unfold cadd_def, rule cardinal_cong)
  have "elts (vcard(i  j)  k)  elts ((i  j)  k)"
    by (auto simp: disjnt_def elts_vsum elts_vcard_vsum_eqpoll intro: Un_eqpoll_cong)
  also have "   elts (i  (j  k))"
    by (rule sum_assoc_eqpoll)
  also have "   elts (i  vcard(j  k))"
    by (auto simp: disjnt_def elts_vsum elts_vcard_vsum_eqpoll [THEN eqpoll_sym] intro: Un_eqpoll_cong)
  finally show "elts (vcard (i  j)  k)  elts (i  vcard (j  k))" .

lemma cadd_left_commute: "j  (i  k) = i  (j  k)"
  using cadd_assoc cadd_commute by force

lemmas cadd_ac = cadd_assoc cadd_commute cadd_left_commute

text‹0 is the identity for addition›
lemma vsum_0_eqpoll: "elts (0a)  elts a"
  by (simp add: elts_vsum)

lemma cadd_0 [simp]: "Card κ  0  κ = κ"
  by (metis Card_def cadd_def cardinal_cong vsum_0_eqpoll)

lemma cadd_0_right [simp]: "Card κ  κ  0 = κ"
  by (simp add: cadd_commute)

lemma vsum_lepoll_self: "elts a  elts (ab)"
  unfolding elts_vsum  by (meson Inl_iff Un_upper1 inj_onI lepoll_def)

lemma cadd_le_self:
  assumes κ: "Card κ" shows "κ  κ  a"
proof (unfold cadd_def)
  have "κ  vcard κ"
    using Card_def κ by auto
  also have "  vcard (κ  a)"
    by (simp add: lepoll_imp_Card_le vsum_lepoll_self)
  finally show "κ  vcard (κ  a)" .

text‹Monotonicity of addition›
lemma cadd_le_mono: "κ'  κ; μ'  μ  κ'  μ'  κ  μ"
  unfolding cadd_def
  by (metis (no_types) lepoll_imp_Card_le less_eq_V_def subset_imp_lepoll sum_subset_iff)

subsection‹Cardinal multiplication›

definition cmult :: "[V,V]V"       (infixl  70)
  where "κ  μ  vcard (VSigma κ (λz. μ))"

subsubsection‹Cardinal multiplication is commutative›

lemma prod_bij: "bij_betw f A C; bij_betw g B D
              bij_betw (λ(x, y). (f x, g y)) (A × B) (C × D)"
  apply (rule bij_betw_byWitness [where f' = "λ(x,y). (inv_into A f x, inv_into B g y)"])
     apply (auto simp: bij_betw_inv_into_left bij_betw_inv_into_right bij_betwE)
  using bij_betwE bij_betw_inv_into apply blast+

lemma cmult_commute: "i  j = j  i"
proof -
  have "(λ(x, y). x, y) ` (elts i × elts j)  (λ(x, y). x, y) ` (elts j × elts i)"
    by (simp add: times_commute_eqpoll)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding cmult_def
    using cardinal_cong elts_VSigma by auto

subsubsection‹Cardinal multiplication is associative›

lemma elts_vcard_VSigma_eqpoll: "elts (vcard (vtimes i j))  elts i × elts j"
proof -
  have "elts (vtimes i j)  elts i × elts j"
    by (simp add: elts_VSigma)
  then show ?thesis
    using cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_trans by blast

lemma elts_cmult: "elts (κ'  κ)  elts κ' × elts κ"
  by (simp add: cmult_def elts_vcard_VSigma_eqpoll)

lemma cmult_assoc: "(i  j)  k = i  (j  k)"
  unfolding cmult_def
proof (rule cardinal_cong)
  have "elts (vcard (vtimes i j)) × elts k  (elts i × elts j) × elts k"
    by (blast intro: times_eqpoll_cong elts_vcard_VSigma_eqpoll cardinal_eqpoll)
  also have "   elts i × (elts j × elts k)"
    by (rule times_assoc_eqpoll)
  also have "   elts i × elts (vcard (vtimes j k))"
    by (blast intro: times_eqpoll_cong elts_vcard_VSigma_eqpoll cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_sym)
  finally show "elts (VSigma (vcard (vtimes i j)) (λz. k))  elts (VSigma i (λz. vcard (vtimes j k)))"
    by (simp add: elts_VSigma)

subsubsection‹Cardinal multiplication distributes over addition›

lemma cadd_cmult_distrib: "(i  j)  k = (i  k)  (j  k)"
  unfolding cadd_def cmult_def
proof (rule cardinal_cong)
have "elts (vtimes (vcard (i  j)) k)  elts (vcard (vsum i j)) × elts k"
  using cardinal_eqpoll elts_vcard_VSigma_eqpoll eqpoll_sym eqpoll_trans by blast
  also have "  (Inl ` elts i  Inr ` elts j) × elts k"
    using elts_vcard_vsum_eqpoll times_eqpoll_cong by blast
  also have "  (Inl ` elts i) × elts k  (Inr ` elts j) × elts k"
    by (simp add: Sigma_Un_distrib1)
  also have "   elts (vtimes i k  vtimes j k)"
    unfolding Plus_def
    by (auto simp: elts_vsum elts_VSigma disjnt_iff intro!: Un_eqpoll_cong times_eqpoll_cong)
  also have "   elts (vcard (vtimes i k  vtimes j k))"
    by (simp add: cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_sym)
  also have "   elts (vcard (vtimes i k)  vcard (vtimes j k))"
    by (metis cadd_assoc cadd_def cardinal_cong cardinal_eqpoll vsum_0_eqpoll vsum_commute_eqpoll)
  finally show "elts (VSigma (vcard (i  j)) (λz. k))
              elts (vcard (vtimes i k)  vcard (vtimes j k))" .

text‹Multiplication by 0 yields 0›
lemma cmult_0 [simp]: "0  i = 0"
  using Card_0 Card_def cmult_def by auto

text‹1 is the identity for multiplication›
lemma cmult_1 [simp]: assumes "Card κ" shows "1  κ = κ"
proof -
  have "elts (vtimes (set {0}) κ)  elts κ"
    by (auto simp: elts_VSigma intro!: times_singleton_eqpoll)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis Card_def assms cardinal_cong cmult_def elts_1 set_of_elts)

subsection‹Some inequalities for multiplication›

lemma cmult_square_le: assumes "Card κ" shows "κ  κ  κ"
proof -
  have "elts κ  elts (κ  κ)"
    using times_square_lepoll [of "elts κ"] cmult_def elts_vcard_VSigma_eqpoll eqpoll_sym lepoll_trans2
    by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using Card_def assms cmult_def lepoll_cardinal_le by fastforce

text‹Multiplication by a non-empty set›
lemma cmult_le_self: assumes "Card κ" "α  0" shows "κ  κ  α"
proof -
  have "κ = vcard κ"
    using Card_def Card κ by blast
  also have "  vcard (vtimes κ α)"
    apply (rule lepoll_imp_Card_le)
    apply (simp add: elts_VSigma)
    by (metis ZFC_in_HOL.ext α  0 elts_0 lepoll_times1)
  also have " = κ  α"
    by (simp add: cmult_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

text‹Monotonicity of multiplication›
lemma cmult_le_mono: "κ'  κ; μ'  μ  κ'  μ'  κ  μ"
  unfolding cmult_def
  by (auto simp: elts_VSigma intro!: lepoll_imp_Card_le times_lepoll_mono subset_imp_lepoll)

lemma vcard_Sup_le_cmult:
  assumes "small U" and κ: "x. x  U  vcard x  κ"
  shows "vcard (U)  vcard (set U)  κ"
proof -
  have "f. f  elts x  elts κ  inj_on f (elts x)" if "x  U" for x
    using κ [OF that] by (metis cardinal_le_lepoll image_subset_iff_funcset lepoll_def)
  then obtain φ where φ: "x. x  U  (φ x)  elts x  elts κ  inj_on (φ x) (elts x)"
    by metis
  define u where "u  λy. @x. x  U  y  elts x"
  have u: "u y  U  y  elts (u y)" if "y  (elts ` U)" for y
    unfolding u_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting)that someI2_ex UN_iff)  
  define ψ where "ψ  λy. (u y, φ (u y) y)"
  have U: "elts (vcard (set U))  U"
    by (metis small U cardinal_eqpoll elts_of_set)
  have "elts (U) = (elts ` U)"
    using small U by blast
  also have "  U × elts κ"
    unfolding lepoll_def
  proof (intro exI conjI)
    show "inj_on ψ ( (elts ` U))"
      using φ u by (smt (verit) ψ_def inj_on_def prod.inject)
    show "ψ `  (elts ` U)  U × elts κ"
      using φ u by (auto simp: ψ_def)
  also have "   elts (vcard (set U)  κ)"
    using U elts_cmult eqpoll_sym eqpoll_trans times_eqpoll_cong by blast
  finally have "elts ( U)  elts (vcard (set U)  κ)" .
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: cmult_def lepoll_cardinal_le)

subsection‹The finite cardinals›

lemma succ_lepoll_succD: "elts (succ(m))  elts (succ(n))  elts m  elts n"
  by (simp add: insert_lepoll_insertD)

text‹Congruence law for @{text succ} under equipollence›
lemma succ_eqpoll_cong: "elts a  elts b  elts (succ(a))  elts (succ(b))"
  by (simp add: succ_def insert_eqpoll_cong)

lemma sum_succ_eqpoll: "elts (succ a  b)  elts (succ(ab))"
  unfolding eqpoll_def
proof (rule exI)
  let ?f = "λz. if z=Inl a then ab else z"
  let ?g = "λz. if z=ab then Inl a else z"
  show "bij_betw ?f (elts (succ a  b)) (elts (succ (a  b)))"
    apply (rule bij_betw_byWitness [where f' = ?g], auto)
     apply (metis Inl_in_sum_iff mem_not_refl)
    by (metis Inr_in_sum_iff mem_not_refl)

lemma cadd_succ: "succ m  n = vcard (succ(m  n))"
proof (unfold cadd_def)
  have [intro]: "elts (m  n)  elts (vcard (m  n))"
    using cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_sym by blast
  have "vcard (succ m  n) = vcard (succ(m  n))"
    by (rule sum_succ_eqpoll [THEN cardinal_cong])
  also have " = vcard (succ(vcard (m  n)))"
    by (blast intro: succ_eqpoll_cong cardinal_cong)
  finally show "vcard (succ m  n) = vcard (succ(vcard (m  n)))" .

lemma nat_cadd_eq_add: "ord_of_nat m  ord_of_nat n = ord_of_nat (m + n)"
proof (induct m)
  case (Suc m) thus ?case
    by (metis Card_def Card_ord_of_nat add_Suc cadd_succ ord_of_nat.simps(2))
qed auto

lemma vcard_disjoint_sup:
  assumes "x  y = 0" shows "vcard (x  y) = vcard x  vcard y"
proof -
  have "elts (x  y)  elts (x  y)"
    unfolding eqpoll_def
  proof (rule exI)
    let ?f = "λz. if z  elts x then Inl z else Inr z"
    let ?g = "sum_case id id"
    show "bij_betw ?f (elts (x  y)) (elts (x  y))"
      by (rule bij_betw_byWitness [where f' = ?g]) (use assms V_disjoint_iff in auto)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis cadd_commute cadd_def cardinal_cong cardinal_idem vsum_0_eqpoll cadd_assoc)

lemma vcard_sup: "vcard (x  y)  vcard x  vcard y"
proof -
  have "elts (x  y)  elts (x  y)"
    unfolding lepoll_def
  proof (intro exI conjI)
    let ?f = "λz. if z  elts x then Inl z else Inr z"
    show "inj_on ?f (elts (x  y))"
      by (simp add: inj_on_def)
    show "?f ` elts (x  y)  elts (x  y)"
      by force
  then show ?thesis
    using cadd_ac
    by (metis cadd_def cardinal_cong cardinal_idem lepoll_imp_Card_le vsum_0_eqpoll)

subsection‹Infinite cardinals›

definition InfCard :: "Vbool"
  where "InfCard κ  Card κ  ω  κ"

lemma InfCard_iff: "InfCard κ  Card κ  infinite (elts κ)"
proof (cases "ω  κ")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using inj_ord_of_nat lepoll_def less_eq_V_def
    by (auto simp: InfCard_def ω_def infinite_le_lepoll)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using Card_iff_initial InfCard_def infinite_Ord_omega by blast

lemma InfCard_ge_ord_of_nat:
  assumes "InfCard κ" shows "ord_of_nat n  κ"
  using InfCard_def assms ord_of_nat_le_omega by blast

lemma InfCard_not_0[iff]: "¬ InfCard 0"
  by (simp add: InfCard_iff)

definition csucc :: "VV"
  where "csucc κ  LEAST κ'. Ord κ'  (Card κ'  κ < κ')"

lemma less_vcard_VPow: "vcard A < vcard (VPow A)"
proof (rule lesspoll_imp_Card_less)
  show "elts A  elts (VPow A)"
    by (simp add: elts_VPow down inj_on_def lesspoll_Pow_self)

lemma greater_Card:
  assumes "Card κ" shows "κ < vcard (VPow κ)"
proof -
  have "κ = vcard κ"
    using Card_def assms by blast
  also have " < vcard (VPow κ)"
  proof (rule lesspoll_imp_Card_less)
    show "elts κ  elts (VPow κ)"
      by (simp add: elts_VPow down inj_on_def lesspoll_Pow_self)
  finally show ?thesis .

  assumes "Card κ"
  shows Card_csucc [simp]: "Card (csucc κ)" and less_csucc [simp]: "κ < csucc κ"
proof -
  have "Card (csucc κ)  κ < csucc κ"
    unfolding csucc_def
  proof (rule Ord_LeastI2)
    show "Card (vcard (VPow κ))  κ < (vcard (VPow κ))"
      using Card_def assms greater_Card by auto
  qed auto
  then show "Card (csucc κ)" "κ < csucc κ"
    by auto

lemma le_csucc:
  assumes "Card κ" shows "κ  csucc κ"
  by (simp add: assms less_csucc less_imp_le)

lemma csucc_le: "Card μ; κ  elts μ  csucc κ  μ"
  unfolding csucc_def
  by (simp add: Card_is_Ord Ord_Least_le OrdmemD)

lemma finite_csucc: "a  elts ω  csucc a = succ a"
  unfolding csucc_def
  proof (rule Least_equality)
  show "Ord (ZFC_in_HOL.succ a)  Card (ZFC_in_HOL.succ a)  a < ZFC_in_HOL.succ a"
    if "a  elts ω"
    using that by (auto simp: less_V_def less_eq_V_def nat_into_Card)
  show "ZFC_in_HOL.succ a  y"
    if "a  elts ω"
      and "Ord y  Card y  a < y"
    for y :: V
    using that
    using Ord_mem_iff_lt dual_order.strict_implies_order by fastforce

lemma Finite_imp_cardinal_cons [simp]:
  assumes FA: "finite A" and a: "a  A"
  shows "vcard (set (insert a A)) = csucc(vcard (set A))"
proof -
  show ?thesis
    unfolding csucc_def
  proof (rule Least_equality [THEN sym])
    have "small A"
      by (simp add: FA Finite_V)
    then have "¬ elts (set A)  elts (set (insert a A))"
      using FA a eqpoll_imp_lepoll eqpoll_sym finite_insert_lepoll by fastforce
    then show "Ord (vcard (set (insert a A)))  Card (vcard (set (insert a A)))  vcard (set A) < vcard (set (insert a A))"
      by (simp add: Card_def lesspoll_imp_Card_less lesspoll_def subset_imp_lepoll subset_insertI)
    show "vcard (set (insert a A))  i"
      if "Ord i  Card i  vcard (set A) < i" for i
    proof -
      have "elts (vcard (set A))  A"
        by (metis FA finite_imp_small cardinal_eqpoll elts_of_set)
      then have less: "A  elts i"
        using eq_lesspoll_trans eqpoll_sym lt_Card_imp_lesspoll that by blast
      show ?thesis
        using that less by (auto simp: less_imp_insert_lepoll lepoll_cardinal_le)

lemma vcard_finite_set: "finite A  vcard (set A) = ord_of_nat (card A)"
  by (induction A rule: finite_induct) (auto simp: set_empty ω_def finite_csucc)

lemma lt_csucc_iff:
  assumes "Ord α" "Card κ"
  shows "α < csucc κ  vcard α  κ"
  show "vcard α  κ" if "α < csucc κ"
  proof -
    have "vcard α  csucc κ"
      by (meson Ord α dual_order.trans lepoll_cardinal_le lepoll_refl less_le_not_le that)
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types) Card_def Card_iff_initial Ord_linear2 Ord_mem_iff_lt assms cardinal_eqpoll cardinal_idem csucc_le eq_iff eqpoll_sym that)
  show "α < csucc κ" if "vcard α  κ"
  proof -
    have "¬ csucc κ  α"
      using that
      by (metis Card_csucc Card_def assms(2) le_less_trans lepoll_imp_Card_le less_csucc less_eq_V_def less_le_not_le subset_imp_lepoll)
    then show ?thesis
      by (meson Card_csucc Card_is_Ord Ord_linear2 assms)

lemma Card_lt_csucc_iff: "Card κ'; Card κ  (κ' < csucc κ) = (κ'  κ)"
  by (simp add: lt_csucc_iff Card_cardinal_eq Card_is_Ord)

lemma csucc_lt_csucc_iff: "Card κ'; Card κ  (csucc κ' < csucc κ) = (κ' < κ)"
  by (metis Card_csucc Card_is_Ord Card_lt_csucc_iff Ord_not_less)

lemma csucc_le_csucc_iff: "Card κ'; Card κ  (csucc κ'  csucc κ) = (κ'  κ)"
  by (metis Card_csucc Card_is_Ord Card_lt_csucc_iff Ord_not_less)

lemma csucc_0 [simp]: "csucc 0 = 1"
  by (simp add: finite_csucc one_V_def)

lemma Card_Un [simp,intro]:
  assumes "Card x" "Card y" shows "Card(x  y)"
  by (metis Card_is_Ord Ord_linear_le assms sup.absorb2 sup.orderE)

lemma InfCard_csucc: "InfCard κ  InfCard (csucc κ)"
  using InfCard_def le_csucc by auto

text‹Kunen's Lemma 10.11›
lemma InfCard_is_Limit:
  assumes "InfCard κ" shows "Limit κ"
  proof (rule non_succ_LimitI)
  show "κ  0"
    using InfCard_def assms mem_not_refl by blast
  show "Ord κ"
    using Card_is_Ord InfCard_def assms by blast
  show "ZFC_in_HOL.succ y  κ" for y
    assume "succ y = κ"
    then have "Card (succ y)"
      using InfCard_def assms by auto
    moreover have "ω  y"
      by (metis InfCard_iff Ord_in_Ord Ord κ ZFC_in_HOL.succ y = κ assms elts_succ finite_insert infinite_Ord_omega insertI1)
    moreover have "elts y  elts (succ y)"
      using InfCard_iff ZFC_in_HOL.succ y = κ assms eqpoll_sym infinite_insert_eqpoll by fastforce
    ultimately show False
      by (metis Card_iff_initial Ord_in_Ord OrdmemD elts_succ insertI1)

subsection‹Toward's Kunen's Corollary 10.13 (1)›

text‹Kunen's Theorem 10.12›
lemma InfCard_csquare_eq:
  assumes "InfCard(κ)" shows "κ  κ = κ"
  using infinite_times_eqpoll_self [of "elts κ"] assms
  unfolding InfCard_iff Card_def
  by (metis cardinal_cong cardinal_eqpoll cmult_def elts_vcard_VSigma_eqpoll eqpoll_trans)

lemma InfCard_le_cmult_eq:
  assumes "InfCard κ" "μ  κ" "μ  0"
  shows "κ  μ = κ"
proof (rule order_antisym)
  have "κ  μ  κ  κ"
    by (simp add: assms(2) cmult_le_mono)
  also have "  κ"
    by (simp add: InfCard_csquare_eq assms(1))
  finally show "κ  μ  κ" .
  show "κ  κ  μ"
    using InfCard_def assms(1) assms(3) cmult_le_self by auto

text‹Kunen's Corollary 10.13 (1), for cardinal multiplication›
lemma InfCard_cmult_eq: "InfCard κ; InfCard μ  κ  μ = κ  μ"
  by (metis Card_is_Ord InfCard_def InfCard_le_cmult_eq Ord_linear_le cmult_commute inf_sup_aci(5) mem_not_refl sup.orderE sup_V_0_right zero_in_omega)

lemma cmult_succ:
  "succ(m)  n = n  (m  n)"
  unfolding cmult_def cadd_def
proof (rule cardinal_cong)
  have "elts (vtimes (ZFC_in_HOL.succ m) n)  elts n <+> elts m × elts n"
    by (simp add: elts_VSigma prod_insert_eqpoll)
  also have "  elts (n  vcard (vtimes m n))"
    unfolding elts_VSigma elts_vsum Plus_def
  proof (rule Un_eqpoll_cong)
    show "(Sum_Type.Inr ` (elts m × elts n)::(V + V × V) set)  Inr ` elts (vcard (vtimes m n))"
      by (simp add: elts_vcard_VSigma_eqpoll eqpoll_sym)
  qed (auto simp: disjnt_def)
  finally show "elts (vtimes (ZFC_in_HOL.succ m) n)  elts (n  vcard (vtimes m n))" .

lemma cmult_2:
  assumes "Card n" shows "ord_of_nat 2  n = n  n"
proof -
  have "ord_of_nat 2 = succ (succ 0)"
    by force
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: cmult_succ assms)

lemma InfCard_cdouble_eq:
  assumes "InfCard κ" shows "κ  κ = κ"
proof -
  have "κ  κ = κ  ord_of_nat 2"
    using InfCard_def assms cmult_2 cmult_commute by auto
  also have " = κ"
    by (simp add: InfCard_le_cmult_eq InfCard_ge_ord_of_nat assms)
  finally show ?thesis .

text‹Corollary 10.13 (1), for cardinal addition›
lemma InfCard_le_cadd_eq: "InfCard κ; μ  κ  κ  μ = κ"
  by (metis InfCard_cdouble_eq InfCard_def antisym cadd_le_mono cadd_le_self)

lemma InfCard_cadd_eq: "InfCard κ; InfCard μ  κ  μ = κ  μ"
  by (metis Card_iff_initial InfCard_def InfCard_le_cadd_eq Ord_linear_le cadd_commute sup.absorb2 sup.orderE)

lemma csucc_le_Card_iff: "Card κ'; Card κ  csucc κ'  κ  κ' < κ"
  by (metis Card_csucc Card_is_Ord Card_lt_csucc_iff Ord_not_le)

lemma cadd_InfCard_le:
  assumes "α  κ" "β  κ" "InfCard κ"
  shows "α  β  κ"
  using assms by (metis InfCard_cdouble_eq cadd_le_mono)

lemma cmult_InfCard_le:
  assumes "α  κ" "β  κ" "InfCard κ"
  shows "α  β  κ"
  using assms
  by (metis InfCard_csquare_eq cmult_le_mono)

subsection ‹The Aleph-seqence›

text ‹This is the well-known transfinite enumeration of the cardinal numbers.›

definition Aleph :: "V  V"    (_› [90] 90)
  where "Aleph  transrec (λf x. ω  ((λy. csucc(f y)) ` elts x))"

lemma Aleph: "Aleph α = ω  (yelts α. csucc (Aleph y))"
  by (simp add: Aleph_def transrec[of _ α])

lemma InfCard_Aleph [simp, intro]: "InfCard(Aleph x)"
proof (induction x rule: eps_induct)
  case (step x)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: Aleph [of x] InfCard_def Card_UN step)

lemma Card_Aleph [simp, intro]: "Card(Aleph x)"
  using InfCard_def by auto

lemma Aleph_0 [simp]: "0 = ω"
  by (simp add: Aleph [of 0])

lemma mem_Aleph_succ: "α  elts (Aleph (succ α))"
  apply (simp add: Aleph [of "succ α"])
  by (meson InfCard_Aleph Card_csucc Card_is_Ord InfCard_def Ord_mem_iff_lt less_csucc)

lemma Aleph_lt_succD [simp]: "α < Aleph (succ α)"
  by (simp add: InfCard_is_Limit Limit_is_Ord OrdmemD mem_Aleph_succ)

lemma Aleph_succ [simp]: "Aleph (succ x) = csucc (Aleph x)"
proof (rule antisym)
  show "Aleph (ZFC_in_HOL.succ x)  csucc (Aleph x)"
    apply (simp add: Aleph [of "succ x"])
    by (metis Aleph InfCard_Aleph InfCard_def Sup_V_insert le_csucc le_sup_iff order_refl 
         replacement small_elts)
  show "csucc (Aleph x)  Aleph (ZFC_in_HOL.succ x)"
    by (force simp add: Aleph [of "succ x"])

lemma csucc_Aleph_le_Aleph: "α  elts β  csucc (α)  β"
  by (metis Aleph ZFC_in_HOL.SUP_le_iff replacement small_elts sup_ge2)

lemma Aleph_in_Aleph: "α  elts β  α  elts (β)"
  using csucc_Aleph_le_Aleph mem_Aleph_succ by auto

lemma Aleph_Limit:
  assumes "Limit γ"
  shows "Aleph γ =  (Aleph ` elts γ)"
proof -
  have [simp]: "γ  0"
    using assms by auto 
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule antisym)
    show "Aleph γ   (Aleph ` elts γ)"
      apply (simp add: Aleph [of γ])
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Aleph_0 Aleph_succ Limit_def ZFC_in_HOL.SUP_le_iff 
           ZFC_in_HOL.Sup_upper assms imageI replacement small_elts)
    show " (Aleph ` elts γ)  Aleph γ"
      apply (simp add: cSup_le_iff)
      by (meson InfCard_Aleph InfCard_def csucc_Aleph_le_Aleph le_csucc order_trans)

lemma Aleph_increasing:
  assumes ab: "α < β" "Ord α" "Ord β" shows "α < β"
  by (meson Aleph_in_Aleph InfCard_Aleph Card_iff_initial InfCard_def Ord_mem_iff_lt assms)

lemma countable_iff_le_Aleph0: "countable (elts A)  vcard A  0"
  show "vcard A  0"
    if "countable (elts A)"
  proof (cases "finite (elts A)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using vcard_finite_set by fastforce
    case False
    then have "elts ω  elts A"
      using countableE_infinite [OF that]     
      by (simp add: eqpoll_def ω_def) 
         (meson bij_betw_def bij_betw_inv bij_betw_trans inj_ord_of_nat)
    then show ?thesis
      using Card_ω Card_def cardinal_cong vcard_def by auto
  show "countable (elts A)"
    if "vcard A  Aleph 0"
  proof -
    have "elts A  elts ω"
      using cardinal_le_lepoll [OF that] by simp
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: countable_iff_lepoll ω_def inj_ord_of_nat)

lemma Aleph_csquare_eq [simp]: "α  α = α"
  using InfCard_csquare_eq by auto

lemma vcard_Aleph [simp]: "vcard (α) = α"
  using Card_def InfCard_Aleph InfCard_def by auto

lemma omega_le_Aleph [simp]: "ω  α"
  using InfCard_def by auto

lemma finite_iff_less_Aleph0: "finite (elts x)  vcard x < ω"
  show "finite (elts x)  vcard x < ω"
    by (metis Card_ω Card_def finite_lesspoll_infinite infinite_ω lesspoll_imp_Card_less)
  show "vcard x < ω  finite (elts x)"
    by (meson Ord_cardinal cardinal_eqpoll eqpoll_finite_iff infinite_Ord_omega less_le_not_le)

lemma countable_iff_vcard_less1: "countable (elts x)  vcard x < 1"
  by (simp add: countable_iff_le_Aleph0 lt_csucc_iff one_V_def)

lemma countable_infinite_vcard: "countable (elts x)  infinite (elts x)  vcard x = 0"
  by (metis Aleph_0 countable_iff_le_Aleph0 dual_order.refl finite_iff_less_Aleph0 less_V_def)

subsection ‹The ordinal @{term "ω1"}

abbreviation "ω1  Aleph 1"

lemma Ord_ω1 [simp]: "Ord ω1"
  by (metis Ord_cardinal vcard_Aleph)

lemma omega_ω1 [iff]: "ω  elts ω1"
  by (metis Aleph_0 mem_Aleph_succ one_V_def)

lemma ord_of_nat_ω1 [iff]: "ord_of_nat n  elts ω1"
  using Ord_ω1 Ord_trans by blast

lemma countable_iff_less_ω1:
  assumes "Ord α"
  shows "countable (elts α)  α < ω1"
  by (simp add: assms countable_iff_le_Aleph0 lt_csucc_iff one_V_def)

lemma less_ω1_imp_countable:
  assumes "α  elts ω1"
  shows "countable (elts α)"
  using Ord_ω1 Ord_in_Ord OrdmemD assms countable_iff_less_ω1 by blast

lemma ω1_gt0 [simp]: "ω1 > 0"
  using Ord_ω1 Ord_trans OrdmemD by blast

lemma ω1_gt1 [simp]: "ω1 > 1"
  using Ord_ω1 OrdmemD ω_gt1 less_trans by blast

lemma Limit_ω1 [simp]: "Limit ω1"
  by (simp add: InfCard_def InfCard_is_Limit le_csucc one_V_def)
