Theory Fifo_Push_Relabel

section ‹FIFO Push Relabel Algorithm›
theory Fifo_Push_Relabel
text ‹The FIFO push-relabel algorithm maintains a first-in-first-out queue
  of active nodes. As long as the queue is not empty, it discharges the 
  first node of the queue. 

  Discharging repeatedly applied push operations from the node.
  If no more push operations are possible, and the node is still active, 
  it is relabeled and enqueued.

  Moreover, we implement the gap heuristics, which may accelerate relabeling
  if there is a gap in the label values, i.e., a label value that is assigned 
  to no node.

subsection ‹Implementing the Discharge Operation›  
context Network

text ‹
  First, we implement push and relabel operations that maintain 
  a queue of all active nodes. 
(* TODO: Use push and relabel from Prpu_Common_Inst.thy ! *)  
definition "fifo_push f l Q  λ(u,v). do {
  assert (push_precond f l (u,v));
  assert (Labeling c s t f l);
  let Q = (if vs  vt  excess f v = 0 then Q@[v] else Q);
  return (push_effect f (u,v),Q)
text ‹For the relabel operation, we assume that
  only active nodes are relabeled, and enqueue the relabeled node.
definition "fifo_gap_relabel f l Q u  do {
  assert (uV-{s,t});
  assert (Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f l);
  let Q = Q@[u];
  assert (relabel_precond f l u);
  assert (l u < 2*card V  relabel_effect f l u u < 2*card V);
  let l = gap_relabel_effect f l u;
  return (l,Q)

text ‹The discharge operation iterates over the edges, and pushes 
  flow, as long as then node is active. If the node is still active after all 
  edges have been saturated, the node is relabeled.
definition "fifo_discharge f0 l Q  do {  
  assert (Q[]);
  let u=hd Q; let Q=tl Q;
  assert (uV  us  ut);

  (f,l,Q)  FOREACHc {v . (u,v)cfE_of f0} (λ(f,l,Q). excess f u  0) (λv (f,l,Q). do {
    if (l u = l v + 1) then do {
      (f',Q)  fifo_push f l Q (u,v);
      assert (v'. v'v  cf_of f' (u,v') = cf_of f (u,v'));
      return (f',l,Q)
    } else return (f,l,Q)
  }) (f0,l,Q);

  if excess f u  0 then do {
    (l,Q)  fifo_gap_relabel f l Q u;
    return (f,l,Q)
  } else do {
    return (f,l,Q)
text ‹
  We will show that the discharge operation maintains the invariant that the queue
  is disjoint and contains exactly the active nodes:
definition "Q_invar f Q  distinct Q  set Q = { vV-{s,t}. excess f v  0 }"  
text ‹Inside the loop of the discharge operation, we will use the following 
  version of the invariant:›  
definition "QD_invar u f Q  uV-{s,t}  distinct Q  set Q = { vV-{s,t,u}. excess f v  0 }"  

lemma Q_invar_when_discharged1: "QD_invar u f Q; excess f u = 0  Q_invar f Q"  
  unfolding Q_invar_def QD_invar_def by auto

lemma Q_invar_when_discharged2: "QD_invar u f Q; excess f u  0  Q_invar f (Q@[u])"  
  unfolding Q_invar_def QD_invar_def 
  by auto  
lemma (in Labeling) push_no_activate_pres_QD_invar:
  fixes v
  assumes INV: "QD_invar u f Q"
  assumes PRE: "push_precond f l (u,v)"
  assumes VC: "s=v  t=v  excess f v  0"  
  shows "QD_invar u (push_effect f (u,v)) Q"
proof -
  interpret push_effect_locale c s t f l u v 
    using PRE by unfold_locales
  from excess_non_negative Δ_positive have "excess f v + Δ  0" if "v{s,t}"
    using that by force
  thus ?thesis    
    using VC INV
    unfolding QD_invar_def
    by (auto simp: excess'_if split!: if_splits)  

lemma (in Labeling) push_activate_pres_QD_invar:  
  fixes v
  assumes INV: "QD_invar u f Q"
  assumes PRE: "push_precond f l (u,v)"
  assumes VC: "sv" "tv" and [simp]: "excess f v = 0"  
  shows "QD_invar u (push_effect f (u,v)) (Q@[v])"
proof -
  interpret push_effect_locale c s t f l u v 
    using PRE by unfold_locales
  show ?thesis    
    using VC INV Δ_positive
    unfolding QD_invar_def
    by (auto simp: excess'_if split!: if_splits)  
text ‹Main theorem for the discharge operation:
  It maintains a height bounded labeling, the invariant for the FIFO queue,
  and only performs valid steps due to the generic push-relabel algorithm with
theorem fifo_discharge_correct[THEN order_trans, refine_vcg]:
  assumes DINV: "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f l"
  assumes QINV: "Q_invar f Q" and QNE: "Q[]"
  shows "fifo_discharge f l Q  SPEC (λ(f',l',Q'). 
      Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f' l' 
     Q_invar f' Q' 
proof -
  from QNE obtain u Qr where [simp]: "Q=u#Qr" by (cases Q) auto
  from QINV have U: "uV-{s,t}" "QD_invar u f Qr" and XU_orig: "excess f u  0"
    by (auto simp: Q_invar_def QD_invar_def)    

  have [simp, intro!]: "finite {v. (u, v)  cfE_of f}" 
    apply (rule finite_subset[where B=V])
    using cfE_of_ss_VxV  
    by auto  
  show ?thesis
    using U
    unfolding fifo_discharge_def fifo_push_def fifo_gap_relabel_def
    apply (simp only: split nres_monad_laws)  
    apply (rewrite in "FOREACHc _ _  _" vcg_intro_frame)  
    apply (rewrite in "if excess _ _  0 then  else _" vcg_intro_frame)  
    apply (refine_vcg FOREACHc_rule[where 
            I="λit (f',l',Q'). 
                Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f' l' 
               QD_invar u f' Q'
               it  {v. (u,v)  cfE_of f' }
               (excess f' u0  (v{v. (u,v)  cfE_of f' }-it. l' u  l' v + 1)
    apply (vc_solve simp: DINV QINV it_step_insert_iff split del: if_split)
    subgoal for v it f' l' Q' proof -
      assume HBL: "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f' l'"
      then interpret l': Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f' l' .  
      assume X: "excess f' u  0" and UI: "u  V" "u  s" "u  t" 
        and QDI: "QD_invar u f' Q'"  
      assume "v  it" and ITSS: "it  {v. (u, v)  l'.cf.E}"
      hence UVE: "(u,v)  l'.cf.E" by auto 
      assume REL: "((f', l'), f, l)  gap_algo_rel*"    
      assume SAT_EDGES: "v{v. (u, v)  cfE_of f'} - it. l' u  Suc (l' v)"  
      from X UI l'.excess_non_negative have X': "excess f' u > 0" by force   
      have PP: "push_precond f' l' (u, v)" if "l' u = l' v + 1"
        unfolding push_precond_def using that UVE X' by auto
      show ?thesis
        apply (rule vcg_rem_frame)
        apply (rewrite in "if _ then (assert _  ) else _" vcg_intro_frame)  
        apply refine_vcg  
        apply (vc_solve simp: REL solve: PP l'.push_pres_height_bound HBL QDI split del: if_split)
        subgoal proof - 
          assume [simp]: "l' u = Suc (l' v)" 
          assume PRE: "push_precond f' l' (u, v)"
          then interpret pe: push_effect_locale c s t f' l' u v by unfold_locales
          have UVNE': "l'.cf (u, v)  0"    
            using l'.resE_positive by fastforce
          show ?thesis
            apply (rule vcg_rem_frame)
            apply refine_vcg  
            apply (vc_solve simp: l'.push_pres_height_bound[OF PRE])
            subgoal by unfold_locales  
            subgoal by (auto simp:'_alt augment_edge_cf_def)
              using l'.push_activate_pres_QD_invar[OF QDI PRE] 
              using l'.push_no_activate_pres_QD_invar[OF QDI PRE]
              by auto
              by (meson gap_algo_rel.push REL PRE converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl HBL)
            subgoal for x proof -
              assume "xit" "xv"
              with ITSS have "(u,x)l'.cf.E" by auto    
              thus ?thesis
                using xv
                unfolding pe.f'_alt 
                apply (simp add: augment_edge_cf')
                unfolding Graph.E_def  
                by (auto)
            subgoal for v' proof -
              assume "excess f' u  pe.Δ"
              hence PED: "pe.Δ = l'.cf (u,v)"
                unfolding pe.Δ_def by auto
              hence E'SS: "pe.l'.cf.E  (l'.cf.E  {(v,u)}) - {(u,v)}"
                unfolding pe.f'_alt 
                apply (simp add: augment_edge_cf')
                unfolding Graph.E_def  
                by auto 
              assume "v'  it  v' = v" and UV'E: "(u, v')  pe.l'.cf.E" and LUSLV': "l' v = l' v'"    
              with E'SS have "v'it" by auto
              moreover from UV'E E'SS pe.uv_not_eq(2) have "(u,v')l'.cf.E" by auto  
              ultimately have "l' u  Suc (l' v')" using SAT_EDGES by auto    
              with LUSLV' show False by simp  
        subgoal using ITSS by auto
        subgoal using SAT_EDGES by auto
    subgoal premises prems for f' l' Q' proof -
      from prems interpret l': Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f' l' by simp
      from prems have UI: "uV" "us" "ut" 
        and X: "excess f' u  0" 
        and QDI: "QD_invar u f' Q'"
        and REL: "((f', l'), f, l)  gap_algo_rel*"
        and NO_ADM: "v. (u, v)  l'.cf.E  l' u  Suc (l' v)"
        by simp_all
      from X have X': "excess f' u > 0" using l'.excess_non_negative UI by force    
      from X' UI NO_ADM have PRE: "relabel_precond f' l' u" 
        unfolding relabel_precond_def by auto
      from l'.height_bound uV card_V_ge2 have [simp]: "l' u < 2*card V" by auto
      from l'.relabel_pres_height_bound[OF PRE] 
      interpret l'': Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f' "relabel_effect f' l' u" .
      from l''.height_bound uV card_V_ge2 have [simp]: "relabel_effect f' l' u u < 2*card V" by auto
      show ?thesis 
        apply (rule vcg_rem_frame)
        apply refine_vcg
        apply (vc_solve 
            simp: UI PRE 
            simp: l'.gap_relabel_pres_hb_labeling[OF PRE] 
            simp: Q_invar_when_discharged2[OF QDI X])
        subgoal by unfold_locales    
          by (meson PRE REL gap_algo_rel.relabel l'.Height_Bounded_Labeling_axioms rtrancl_into_trancl2)
    subgoal by (auto simp: Q_invar_when_discharged1 Q_invar_when_discharged2)
    subgoal using XU_orig by (metis Pair_inject rtranclD)    
    subgoal by (auto simp: Q_invar_when_discharged1)
    subgoal using XU_orig by (metis Pair_inject rtranclD)    
end ― ‹Network› 
subsection ‹Main Algorithm›
context Network 
text ‹The main algorithm initializes the flow, labeling, and the queue, 
  and then applies the discharge operation until the queue is empty:
definition "fifo_push_relabel  do {
  let f = pp_init_f;
  let l = pp_init_l;

  Q  spec l. distinct l  set l = {vV - {s,t}. excess f v  0}; ― ‹TODO: This is exactly E``{s} - {t}›!›

  (f,l,_)  whileT (λ(f,l,Q). Q  []) (λ(f,l,Q). do {
    fifo_discharge f l Q
  }) (f,l,Q);

  assert (Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f l);
  return f
text ‹Having proved correctness of the discharge operation, the correctness 
  theorem of the main algorithm is straightforward: 
  As the discharge operation implements the generic algorithm, the loop
  will terminate after finitely many steps.
  Upon termination, the queue that contains exactly the active nodes is empty.
  Thus, all nodes are inactive, and the resulting preflow is actually a maximal 
theorem fifo_push_relabel_correct: 
  "fifo_push_relabel  SPEC isMaxFlow"
  unfolding fifo_push_relabel_def
  apply (refine_vcg  
            I="λ(f,l,Q). Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f l  Q_invar f Q"
        and R="inv_image (gap_algo_rel+) (λ(f,l,Q). ((f,l)))"
  apply (vc_solve solve: pp_init_height_bound)
  subgoal by (blast intro: wf_lex_prod wf_trancl)  
  subgoal unfolding Q_invar_def by auto 
  subgoal for initQ f l proof -
    assume "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f l"
    then interpret Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f l .
    assume "Q_invar f []"    
    hence "uV-{s,t}. excess f u = 0" unfolding Q_invar_def by auto
    thus "isMaxFlow f" by (rule no_excess_imp_maxflow)    
end ― ‹Network› 