Theory Probability_Inequality_Completeness

chapter ‹ Introduction ›

theory Probability_Inequality_Completeness

unbundle no funcset_syntax

text ‹ We introduce a novel logical calculus and prove completeness for
       probability inequalities. This is a vast generalization of ‹Suppes' Theorem›
       which lays the foundation for this theory.›

text ‹ We provide two new logical judgements: ‹measure deduction› ($⊢)› and
       ‹counting deduction› (#⊢)›. Both judgements capture a notion of ‹measure›
       or quantity. In both cases premises must be partially or completely ‹consumed›
       in sense to prove multiple conclusions. That is to say, a portion of the
       premises must be used to prove each conclusion which cannot be reused. Counting
       deduction counts the number of times a particular conclusion can be proved
       (as the name implies), while measure deduction includes multiple, different
       conclusions which must be proven via the premises. ›

text ‹ We also introduce an abstract notion of MaxSAT, which is the
       maximal number of clauses in a list of clauses that can be simultaneously
       satisfied. ›

text ‹ We show the following are equivalent:

    Γ $⊢  Φ›
   ( Γ @ Φ) #⊢ (length Φ) ⊥›
   MaxSAT ( Γ @ Φ) ≤ length Γ›
   ∀ δ ∈ dirac_measures. (∑φ←Φ. δ φ) ≤ (∑γ←Γ. δ γ)›
   ∀ 𝒫 ∈ probabilities. (∑φ←Φ. 𝒫 φ) ≤ (∑γ←Γ. 𝒫 γ)›

text ‹ In the special case of MaxSAT, we show the following are

   MaxSAT ( Γ @ Φ) + c ≤ length Γ›
   ∀ δ ∈ dirac_measures. (∑φ←Φ. δ φ) + c ≤ (∑γ←Γ. δ γ)›
   ∀ 𝒫 ∈ probabilities. (∑φ←Φ. 𝒫 φ) + c ≤ (∑γ←Γ. 𝒫 γ)›

chapter ‹ Measure Deduction and Counting Deduction ›

section ‹ Definition of Measure Deduction ›

text ‹ To start, we introduce a common combinator for modifying functions
       that take two arguments. ›

definition uncurry :: "('a  'b  'c)  'a × 'b  'c"
  where uncurry_def [simp]: "uncurry f = (λ (x, y). f x y)"

text ‹ Our new logical calculus is a recursively defined relation ($⊢)›
       using ‹list deduction› term(:⊢). ›

text ‹ We call our new logical relation ‹measure deduction›: ›

primrec (in classical_logic)
  measure_deduction :: "'a list  'a list  bool" (infix $⊢ 60)
    "Γ $⊢ [] = True"
  | "Γ $⊢ (φ # Φ) =
       ( Ψ. mset (map snd Ψ) ⊆# mset Γ
                  map (uncurry (⊔)) Ψ :⊢ φ
                  map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  (map snd Ψ) $⊢ Φ)"

text ‹ Let us briefly analyze what the above definition is saying. ›

text ‹ From the above we must find a special list-of-pairs Ψ›,
       which we refer to as a ‹witness›, in order to establish
      termΓ $⊢ (φ # Φ). ›

text ‹ We may motivate measure deduction as follows. In the simplest case
       we know 𝒫 φ ≤ 𝒫 ψ + Σ› if and only if
       𝒫 ( χ ⊔ φ ) + 𝒫 ( ∼ χ ⊔ φ ) ≤ 𝒫 ψ + Σ›, or equivalently
       𝒫 ( χ ⊔ φ ) + 𝒫 ( χ → φ ) ≤ 𝒫 ψ + Σ›. So it suffices to prove
       𝒫 ( χ ⊔ φ ) ≤ 𝒫 ψ› and 𝒫 ( χ → φ ) ≤ Σ ›. Here [(χ,φ)]›
       is like the ‹witness› in our recursive definition, which reflects the
       ∃ Ψ. …› formula is our definition. The fact that measure deduction
       reflects proving theorems in the theory of inequalities of probability
       logic is the elementary intuition behind the soundness theorem we will
       ultimately prove in \S\ref{subsubsec:measure-deduction-soundness}. ›

text ‹ A key difference from the simple motivation above is that, as in the
       case of Suppes' Theorem where we prove   Γ :⊢ ∼ φ › if and only if
       𝒫 φ ≤ (∑ γ ← Γ . 𝒫 γ)› for all 𝒫›, soundness in this context means
         Γ $⊢  Φ › implies ∀ 𝒫. (∑γ←Γ. 𝒫 γ) ≥ (∑φ←Φ. 𝒫 φ) ›. ›

text ‹ Another way of thinking about measure deduction is to think of Γ›
       and Σ› as bags of balls of soft clay and termΓ $⊢ Σ meaning that
       we have shown Γ› is ‹heavier than› Σ› (ignoring, for the moment,
       that term($⊢) is not totally ordered). We have a scale term(:⊢)
       that lets us weigh several things on the left and one thing on the
       right at a time. We go through each clay ball σ› in Σ› one at a
       time without replacement, putting σ› on the right of the scale. Then,
       we take a bunch of clay balls from Γ›, cut them up as necessary (that
       is the ψ ⊔ γ› trick using the witness Ψ›), and show they are heavier
       using our scale. We take the parts ψ → γ› that we didn't use and put
       them back in our bag Γ›. We will be able to reuse them later. If we
       can do this trick for every element σ› in Σ› successively using
       combinations of split leftovers in Γ›, then we can show Γ› is
       heavier than Σ› (i.e., termΓ $⊢ Σ). ›

section ‹ Definition of the Stronger Theory Relation ›

text ‹ We next turn to looking at a subrelation of term($⊢), which
       we call the ‹stronger theory› relation (≼)›. Here we construe a
       ‹theory› as a list of propositions. We say theory Γ› is
       ‹stronger than› Σ› where, for each element σ› in Σ›, we can take
       an element γ› of Γ› ‹without replacement› such that ⊢ γ → σ›. ›

text ‹ To motivate this notion, let's reuse the metaphor that Γ› and Σ›
       are bags of balls of clay, and we need to show Γ› is heavier without
       simply weighing the two bags. A sufficient (but incomplete) approach
       is to take each ball of clay σ› in Σ› and find another ball of clay
       γ› in Γ› (without replacement) that is heavier. This simple approach
       avoids the complexity of iteratively cutting up balls of clay. ›

definition (in implication_logic)
  stronger_theory_relation :: "'a list  'a list  bool" (infix  100)
    "Σ  Γ =
       ( Φ. map snd Φ = Σ
             mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Γ
             ( (γ,σ)  set Φ.  γ  σ))"

abbreviation (in implication_logic)
  stronger_theory_relation_op :: "'a list  'a list  bool" (infix  100)
    "Γ  Σ  Σ  Γ"

section ‹ The Stronger Theory Relation is a Preorder ›

text ‹ Next, we show that term(≼) is a preorder by establishing reflexivity
       and transitivity. ›

text ‹ We first prove the following lemma with respect to multisets and
       stronger theories. ›

lemma (in implication_logic) msub_stronger_theory_intro:
  assumes "mset Σ ⊆# mset Γ"
  shows "Σ  Γ"
proof -
  let ?ΔΣ = "map (λ x. (x,x)) Σ"
  have "map snd ?ΔΣ = Σ"
    by (induct Σ, simp, simp)
  moreover have "map fst ?ΔΣ = Σ"
    by (induct Σ, simp, simp)
  hence "mset (map fst ?ΔΣ) ⊆# mset Γ"
    using assms by simp
  moreover have " (γ,σ)  set ?ΔΣ.  γ  σ"
    by (induct Σ, simp, simp,
        metis list_implication.simps(1) list_implication_axiom_k)
  ultimately show ?thesis using stronger_theory_relation_def by (simp, blast)

text ‹ The ‹reflexive› property immediately follows: ›

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_reflexive [simp]: "Γ  Γ"
  using msub_stronger_theory_intro by auto

lemma (in implication_logic) weakest_theory [simp]: "[]  Γ"
  using msub_stronger_theory_intro by auto

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_empty_list_intro [simp]:
  assumes "Γ  []"
  shows "Γ = []"
  using assms stronger_theory_relation_def by simp

text ‹ Next, we turn to proving transitivity. We first prove two permutation
       theorems. ›

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_right_permutation:
  assumes "Γ  Δ"
      and "Σ  Γ"
    shows "Σ  Δ"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "mset Γ = mset Δ"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using assms(2) stronger_theory_relation_def
    by fastforce

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_left_permutation:
  assumes "Σ  Δ"
      and "Σ  Γ"
    shows "Δ  Γ"
proof -
  have " Σ Γ. Σ  Δ  Σ  Γ  Δ  Γ"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Σ Γ
      assume "Σ  (δ # Δ)" "Σ  Γ"
      from this obtain Φ where Φ:
        "map snd Φ = Σ"
        "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Γ"
        " (γ,δ)  set Φ.  γ  δ"
        using stronger_theory_relation_def by fastforce
      with Σ  (δ # Δ) have "δ ∈# mset (map snd Φ)"
        by fastforce
      from this obtain γ where γ: "(γ, δ) ∈# mset Φ"
        by (induct Φ, fastforce+)
      let 0 = "remove1 (γ, δ) Φ"
      let 0 = "map snd 0"
      from γ Φ(2) have "mset (map fst 0) ⊆# mset (remove1 γ Γ)"
        by (metis ex_mset
      moreover have "mset 0 ⊆# mset Φ" by simp
      with Φ(3) have " (γ,δ)  set 0.  γ  δ" by fastforce
      ultimately have "0  remove1 γ Γ"
        unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def by blast
      moreover have "Δ  (remove1 δ Σ)" using Σ  (δ # Δ)
        by (metis perm_remove_perm perm_sym remove_hd)
      moreover from γ Φ(1) have "mset 0 = mset (remove1 δ Σ)"
        using remove1_pairs_list_projections_snd
        by fastforce
      hence "0  remove1 δ Σ"
        by blast
      ultimately have "Δ  remove1 γ Γ" using Cons
        by presburger
      from this obtain Ψ0 where Ψ0:
        "map snd Ψ0 = Δ"
        "mset (map fst Ψ0) ⊆# mset (remove1 γ Γ)"
        " (γ,δ)  set Ψ0.  γ  δ"
        using stronger_theory_relation_def by fastforce
      let  = "(γ, δ) # Ψ0"
      have "map snd  = (δ # Δ)"
        by (simp add: Ψ0(1))
      moreover have "mset (map fst ) ⊆# mset (γ # (remove1 γ Γ))"
        using Ψ0(2) by auto
      moreover from γ Φ(3) Ψ0(3) have " (γ,σ)  set .  γ  σ" by auto
      ultimately have "(δ # Δ)  (γ # (remove1 γ Γ))"
        unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def by metis
      moreover from γ Φ(2) have "γ ∈# mset Γ"
        using mset_subset_eqD by fastforce
      hence "(γ # (remove1 γ Γ))  Γ"
        by auto
      ultimately have "(δ # Δ)  Γ"
        using stronger_theory_right_permutation by blast
    then show ?case by blast
  with assms show ?thesis by blast

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_transitive:
  assumes "Σ  Δ" and "Δ  Γ"
    shows "Σ  Γ"
proof -
  have " Δ Γ. Σ  Δ  Δ  Γ  Σ  Γ"
  proof (induct Σ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case using stronger_theory_relation_def by simp
    case (Cons σ Σ)
      fix Δ Γ
      assume "(σ # Σ)  Δ" "Δ  Γ"
      from this obtain Φ where Φ:
        "map snd Φ = σ # Σ"
        "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Δ"
        " (δ,σ)  set Φ.  δ  σ"
        using stronger_theory_relation_def by (simp, metis)
      let  = "fst (hd Φ)"
      from Φ(1) have "Φ  []" by (induct Φ, simp+)
      hence " ∈# mset (map fst Φ)" by (induct Φ, simp+)
      with Φ(2) have " ∈# mset Δ" by (meson mset_subset_eqD)
      hence "mset (map fst (remove1 (hd Φ) Φ)) ⊆# mset (remove1  Δ)"
        using Φ  [] Φ(2)
        by (simp,
      moreover have "remove1 (hd Φ) Φ = tl Φ"
        using Φ  []
        by (induct Φ, simp+)
      moreover from Φ(1) have "map snd (tl Φ) = Σ"
        by (simp add: map_tl)
      moreover from Φ(3) have " (δ,σ)  set (tl Φ).  δ  σ"
        by (simp add: Φ  [] list.set_sel(2))
      ultimately have "Σ  remove1  Δ"
        using stronger_theory_relation_def by auto
      from  ∈# mset Δ have " # (remove1  Δ)  Δ"
        by fastforce
      with Δ  Γ have "( # (remove1  Δ))  Γ"
        using stronger_theory_left_permutation perm_sym by blast
      from this obtain Ψ where Ψ:
        "map snd Ψ = ( # (remove1  Δ))"
        "mset (map fst Ψ) ⊆# mset Γ"
        " (γ,δ)  set Ψ.  γ  δ"
        using stronger_theory_relation_def by (simp, metis)
      let  = "fst (hd Ψ)"
      from Ψ(1) have "Ψ  []" by (induct Ψ, simp+)
      hence " ∈# mset (map fst Ψ)" by (induct Ψ, simp+)
      with Ψ(2) have " ∈# mset Γ" by (meson mset_subset_eqD)
      hence "mset (map fst (remove1 (hd Ψ) Ψ)) ⊆# mset (remove1  Γ)"
        using Ψ  [] Ψ(2)
        by (simp,
      moreover from Ψ  [] have "remove1 (hd Ψ) Ψ = tl Ψ"
        by (induct Ψ, simp+)
      moreover from Ψ(1) have "map snd (tl Ψ) = (remove1  Δ)"
        by (simp add: map_tl)
      moreover from Ψ(3) have " (γ,δ)  set (tl Ψ).  γ  δ"
        by (simp add: Ψ  [] list.set_sel(2))
      ultimately have "remove1  Δ  remove1  Γ"
        using stronger_theory_relation_def by auto
      with Σ  remove1  Δ Cons.hyps have "Σ  remove1  Γ"
        by blast
      from this obtain Ω0 where Ω0:
        "map snd Ω0 = Σ"
        "mset (map fst Ω0) ⊆# mset (remove1  Γ)"
        " (γ,σ)  set Ω0.  γ  σ"
        using stronger_theory_relation_def by (simp, metis)
      let  = "(, σ) # Ω0"
      from Ω0(1) have "map snd  = σ # Σ" by simp
      moreover from Ω0(2) have "mset (map fst ) ⊆# mset ( # (remove1  Γ))"
        by simp
      moreover from Φ(1) Ψ(1) have "σ = snd (hd Φ)" " = snd (hd Ψ)" by fastforce+
      with Φ(3) Ψ(3) Φ  [] Ψ  [] hd_in_set have "   σ" "   "
        by fastforce+
      hence "   σ" using modus_ponens hypothetical_syllogism by blast
      with Ω0(3) have " (γ,σ)  set .  γ  σ"
        by auto
      ultimately have "(σ # Σ)  ( # (remove1  Γ))"
        unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
        by metis
      moreover from  ∈# mset Γ have "( # (remove1  Γ))  Γ"
        by force
      ultimately have "(σ # Σ)  Γ"
        using stronger_theory_right_permutation
        by blast
    then show ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

section ‹ The Stronger Theory Relation is a Subrelation of of Measure Deduction ›

text ‹ Next, we show that  Γ ≽ Σ › implies Γ $⊢ Σ›. Before doing so we
       establish several helpful properties regarding the stronger theory
       relation term(≽). ›

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_witness:
  assumes "σ  set Σ"
    shows "Σ  Γ = ( γ  set Γ.  γ  σ  (remove1 σ Σ)  (remove1 γ Γ))"
proof (rule iffI)
  assume "Σ  Γ"
  from this obtain Φ where Φ:
    "map snd Φ = Σ"
    "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Γ"
    " (γ,σ)  set Φ.  γ  σ"
    unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def by blast
  from assms Φ(1) obtain γ where γ: "(γ, σ) ∈# mset Φ"
    by (induct Φ, fastforce+)
  hence "γ ∈# mset (map fst Φ)" by force
  hence "γ ∈# mset Γ" using Φ(2)
    by (meson mset_subset_eqD)
  let 0 = "remove1 (γ, σ) Φ"
  let 0 = "map snd 0"
  from γ Φ(2) have "mset (map fst 0) ⊆# mset (remove1 γ Γ)"
    by (metis
  moreover have "mset 0 ⊆# mset Φ" by simp
  with Φ(3) have " (γ,σ)  set 0.  γ  σ" by fastforce
  ultimately have "0  remove1 γ Γ"
    unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def by blast
  moreover from γ Φ(1) have "mset 0 = mset (remove1 σ Σ)"
    using remove1_pairs_list_projections_snd
    by fastforce
  hence "0  remove1 σ Σ"
    by linarith
  ultimately have "remove1 σ Σ  remove1 γ Γ"
    using stronger_theory_left_permutation
    by blast
  moreover from γ Φ(3) have " γ  σ" by (simp, fast)
  moreover from γ Φ(2) have "γ ∈# mset Γ"
    using mset_subset_eqD by fastforce
  ultimately show " γ  set Γ.  γ  σ  (remove1 σ Σ)  (remove1 γ Γ)" by auto
  assume " γ  set Γ.  γ  σ  (remove1 σ Σ)  (remove1 γ Γ)"
  from this obtain Φ γ where γ: "γ  set Γ" " γ  σ"
                       and Φ: "map snd Φ = (remove1 σ Σ)"
                              "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset (remove1 γ Γ)"
                              " (γ,σ)  set Φ.  γ  σ"
    unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def by blast
  let  = "(γ, σ) # Φ"
  from Φ(1) have "map snd  = σ # (remove1 σ Σ)" by simp
  moreover from Φ(2) γ(1) have "mset (map fst ) ⊆# mset Γ"
    by (simp add: insert_subset_eq_iff)
  moreover from Φ(3) γ(2) have " (γ,σ)  set .  γ  σ"
    by auto
  ultimately have "(σ # (remove1 σ Σ))  Γ"
    unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def by metis
  moreover from assms have "σ # (remove1 σ Σ)  Σ"
    by force
  ultimately show "Σ  Γ"
    using stronger_theory_left_permutation by blast

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_cons_witness:
  "(σ # Σ)  Γ = ( γ  set Γ.  γ  σ  Σ  (remove1 γ Γ))"
proof -
  have "σ ∈# mset (σ # Σ)" by simp
  hence "(σ # Σ)  Γ = ( γ  set Γ.  γ  σ  (remove1 σ (σ # Σ))  (remove1 γ Γ))"
    by (meson list.set_intros(1) stronger_theory_witness)
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_left_cons:
  assumes "(σ # Σ)  Γ"
  shows "Σ  Γ"
proof -
  from assms obtain Φ where Φ:
    "map snd Φ = σ # Σ"
    "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Γ"
    " (δ,σ)  set Φ.  δ  σ"
    using stronger_theory_relation_def by (simp, metis)
  let ?Φ' = "remove1 (hd Φ) Φ"
  from Φ(1) have "map snd ?Φ' = Σ" by (induct Φ, simp+)
  moreover from Φ(2) have "mset (map fst ?Φ') ⊆# mset Γ"
    by (metis diff_subset_eq_self
  moreover from Φ(3) have " (δ,σ)  set ?Φ'.  δ  σ" by fastforce
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def by blast

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_right_cons:
  assumes "Σ  Γ"
  shows "Σ  (γ # Γ)"
proof -
  from assms obtain Φ where Φ:
    "map snd Φ = Σ"
    "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Γ"
    "(γ, σ)set Φ.  γ  σ"
    unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
    by auto
  hence "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset (γ # Γ)"
    by (metis Diff_eq_empty_iff_mset
              mset_zero_iff remove1.simps(1))
  with Φ(1) Φ(3) show ?thesis
    unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
    by auto

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_left_right_cons:
  assumes " γ  σ"
      and "Σ  Γ"
    shows "(σ # Σ)  (γ # Γ)"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain Φ where Φ:
    "map snd Φ = Σ"
    "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Γ"
    "(γ, σ)set Φ.  γ  σ"
    unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
    by auto
  let  = "(γ, σ) # Φ"
  from assms(1) Φ have
    "map snd  = σ # Σ"
    "mset (map fst ) ⊆# mset (γ # Γ)"
    "(γ, σ)set .  γ  σ"
    by fastforce+
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
    by metis

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_relation_alt_def:
  "Σ  Γ = (Φ. mset (map snd Φ) = mset Σ 
                 mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Γ 
                 ((γ, σ)set Φ.  γ  σ))"
proof (induct Γ arbitrary: Σ)
  case Nil
    then show ?case
      using stronger_theory_empty_list_intro
      by (simp, blast)
  case (Cons γ Γ)
  have "Σ  (γ # Γ) = (Φ. mset (map snd Φ) = mset Σ 
                            mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset (γ # Γ) 
                            ((γ, σ)  set Φ.  γ  σ))"
  proof (rule iffI)
    assume "Σ  (γ # Γ)"
    thus "Φ. mset (map snd Φ) = mset Σ 
              mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset (γ # Γ) 
              ((γ, σ)set Φ.  γ  σ)"
      unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
      by metis
    assume "Φ. mset (map snd Φ) = mset Σ 
                mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset (γ # Γ) 
                ((γ, σ)set Φ.  γ  σ)"
    from this obtain Φ where Φ:
      "mset (map snd Φ) = mset Σ"
      "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset (γ # Γ)"
      "(γ, σ)set Φ.  γ  σ"
      by metis
    show "Σ  (γ # Γ)"
    proof (cases " σ. (γ, σ)  set Φ")
      assume " σ. (γ, σ)  set Φ"
      from this obtain σ where σ: "(γ, σ)  set Φ" by auto
      let  = "remove1 (γ, σ) Φ"
      from σ have "mset (map snd ) = mset (remove1 σ Σ)"
        using Φ(1) remove1_pairs_list_projections_snd by force+
      from σ have "mset (map fst ) = mset (remove1 γ (map fst Φ))"
        using Φ(1) remove1_pairs_list_projections_fst by force+
      with Φ(2) have "mset (map fst ) ⊆# mset Γ"
        by (simp add: subset_eq_diff_conv)
      moreover from Φ(3) have "(γ, σ)set .  γ  σ"
        by fastforce
      ultimately have "remove1 σ Σ  Γ" using Cons by blast
      from this obtain Ψ where Ψ:
        "map snd Ψ = remove1 σ Σ"
        "mset (map fst Ψ) ⊆# mset Γ"
        "(γ, σ)set Ψ.  γ  σ"
        unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
        by blast
      let  = "(γ, σ) # Ψ"
      from Ψ have "map snd  = σ # (remove1 σ Σ)"
                  "mset (map fst ) ⊆# mset (γ # Γ)"
        by simp+
      moreover from Φ(3) σ have " γ  σ" by auto
      with Ψ(3) have "(γ, σ)set .  γ  σ" by auto
      ultimately have "(σ # (remove1 σ Σ))  (γ # Γ)"
        unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
        by metis
      have "σ  set Σ"
        by (metis Φ(1) σ set_mset_mset set_zip_rightD zip_map_fst_snd)
      hence "Σ  σ # (remove1 σ Σ)"
        by auto
      hence "Σ  (σ # (remove1 σ Σ))"
        using stronger_theory_reflexive
        by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using stronger_theory_transitive
        by blast
      assume "σ. (γ, σ)  set Φ"
      hence "γ  set (map fst Φ)" by fastforce
      with Φ(2) have "mset (map fst Φ) ⊆# mset Γ"
        by (metis diff_single_trivial
      hence "Σ  Γ"
        using Cons Φ(1) Φ(3)
        by blast
      thus ?thesis
        using stronger_theory_right_cons
        by auto
  thus ?case by auto

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_deduction_monotonic:
  assumes "Σ  Γ"
      and "Σ :⊢ φ"
    shows "Γ :⊢ φ"
using assms
proof (induct Σ arbitrary: φ)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: list_deduction_weaken)
  case (Cons σ Σ)
  assume "(σ # Σ)  Γ" "(σ # Σ) :⊢ φ"
  hence "Σ :⊢ σ  φ" "Σ  Γ"
    by (blast, metis)
  with Cons have "Γ :⊢ σ  φ" by blast
  have "σ  set (σ # Σ)" by auto
  with (σ # Σ)  Γ obtain γ where γ: "γ  set Γ" " γ  σ"
    using stronger_theory_witness by blast
  hence "Γ :⊢ σ"
    by blast
  ultimately have "Γ :⊢ φ"
    using list_deduction_modus_ponens by blast
  then show ?case by blast

lemma (in classical_logic) measure_msub_left_monotonic:
  assumes "mset Σ ⊆# mset Γ"
      and "Σ $⊢ Φ"
    shows "Γ $⊢ Φ"
  using assms
proof (induct Φ arbitrary: Σ Γ)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Cons φ Φ)
  from this obtain Ψ where Ψ:
    "mset (map snd Ψ) ⊆# mset Σ"
    "map (uncurry (⊔)) Ψ :⊢ φ"
    "map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Σ  (map snd Ψ) $⊢ Φ"
    using measure_deduction.simps(2) by blast
  let  = "map snd Ψ"
  let ?Ψ' = "map (uncurry (→)) Ψ"
  let ?Σ' = "?Ψ' @ (Σ  )"
  let ?Γ' = "?Ψ' @ (Γ  )"
  from Ψ have "mset  ⊆# mset Γ"
    using mset Σ ⊆# mset Γ subset_mset.trans by blast
  moreover have "mset (Σ  ) ⊆# mset (Γ  )"
    by (metis mset Σ ⊆# mset Γ list_subtract_monotonic)
  hence "mset ?Σ' ⊆# mset ?Γ'"
    by simp
  with Cons.hyps Ψ(3) have "?Γ' $⊢ Φ" by blast
  ultimately have "Γ $⊢ (φ # Φ)"
    using Ψ(2) by fastforce
  then show ?case
    by simp

lemma (in classical_logic) witness_weaker_theory:
  assumes "mset (map snd Σ) ⊆# mset Γ"
  shows "map (uncurry (⊔)) Σ  Γ"
proof -
  have " Γ. mset (map snd Σ) ⊆# mset Γ  map (uncurry (⊔)) Σ  Γ"
  proof (induct Σ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons σ Σ)
      fix Γ
      assume "mset (map snd (σ # Σ)) ⊆# mset Γ"
      hence "mset (map snd Σ) ⊆# mset (remove1 (snd σ) Γ)"
        by (simp add: insert_subset_eq_iff)
      with Cons have "map (uncurry (⊔)) Σ  remove1 (snd σ) Γ" by blast
      moreover have "uncurry (⊔) = (λ σ. fst σ  snd σ)" by fastforce
      hence "uncurry (⊔) σ = fst σ  snd σ" by simp
      moreover have " snd σ  (fst σ  snd σ)"
        unfolding disjunction_def
        by (simp add: axiom_k)
      ultimately have "map (uncurry (⊔)) (σ # Σ)  (snd σ # (remove1 (snd σ) Γ))"
        by (simp add: stronger_theory_left_right_cons)
      moreover have "mset (snd σ # (remove1 (snd σ) Γ)) = mset Γ"
        using mset (map snd (σ # Σ)) ⊆# mset Γ
        by (simp, meson insert_DiffM mset_subset_eq_insertD)
      ultimately have "map (uncurry (⊔)) (σ # Σ)  Γ"
        unfolding stronger_theory_relation_alt_def
        by simp
    then show ?case by blast
  with assms show ?thesis by simp

lemma (in implication_logic) stronger_theory_combine:
  assumes "Φ  Δ"
      and "Ψ  Γ"
    shows "(Φ @ Ψ)  (Δ @ Γ)"
proof -
  have " Φ. Φ  Δ  (Φ @ Ψ)  (Δ @ Γ)"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case
      using assms(2) stronger_theory_empty_list_intro by fastforce
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Φ
      assume "Φ  (δ # Δ)"
      from this obtain Σ where Σ:
        "map snd Σ = Φ"
        "mset (map fst Σ) ⊆# mset (δ # Δ)"
        " (δ,φ)  set Σ.  δ  φ"
        unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
        by blast
      have "(Φ @ Ψ)  ((δ # Δ) @ Γ)"
      proof (cases " φ . (δ, φ)  set Σ")
        assume " φ . (δ, φ)  set Σ"
        from this obtain φ where φ: "(δ, φ)  set Σ" by auto
        let  = "remove1 (δ, φ) Σ"
        from φ Σ(1) have "mset (map snd ) = mset (remove1 φ Φ)"
          using remove1_pairs_list_projections_snd by fastforce
        moreover from φ have "mset (map fst ) = mset (remove1 δ (map fst Σ))"
          using remove1_pairs_list_projections_fst by fastforce
        hence "mset (map fst ) ⊆# mset Δ"
          using Σ(2) mset.simps(1) subset_eq_diff_conv by force
        moreover from Σ(3) have " (δ,φ)  set .  δ  φ" by auto
        ultimately have "remove1 φ Φ  Δ"
          unfolding stronger_theory_relation_alt_def by blast
        hence "(remove1 φ Φ @ Ψ)  (Δ @ Γ)" using Cons by auto
        from this obtain Ω where Ω:
          "map snd Ω = (remove1 φ Φ) @ Ψ"
          "mset (map fst Ω) ⊆# mset (Δ @ Γ)"
          " (α,β)  set Ω.  α  β"
          unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
          by blast
        let  = "(δ, φ) # Ω"
        have "map snd  = φ # remove1 φ Φ @ Ψ"
          using Ω(1) by simp
        moreover have "mset (map fst ) ⊆# mset ((δ # Δ) @ Γ)"
          using Ω(2) by simp
        moreover have " δ  φ"
          using Σ(3) φ by blast
        hence " (α,β)  set .  α  β" using Ω(3) by auto
        ultimately have "(φ # remove1 φ Φ @ Ψ)  ((δ # Δ) @ Γ)"
          by (metis stronger_theory_relation_def)
        moreover have "φ  set Φ"
          using Σ(1) φ by force
        hence "(φ # remove1 φ Φ)  Φ"
          by force
        hence "(φ # remove1 φ Φ @ Ψ)  Φ @ Ψ"
          by (metis append_Cons perm_append2)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using stronger_theory_left_permutation by blast
        assume "φ. (δ, φ)  set Σ"
        hence "δ  set (map fst Σ)"
              "mset Δ + add_mset δ (mset []) = mset (δ # Δ)"
          by auto
        hence "mset (map fst Σ) ⊆# mset Δ"
          by (metis (no_types) mset (map fst Σ) ⊆# mset (δ # Δ)
        with Σ(1) Σ(3) have "Φ  Δ"
          unfolding stronger_theory_relation_def
          by blast
        hence "(Φ @ Ψ)  (Δ @ Γ)" using Cons by auto
        then show ?thesis
          by (simp add: stronger_theory_right_cons)
    then show ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

text ‹ We now turn to proving that term(≽) is a subrelation of term(:⊢). ›

lemma (in classical_logic) stronger_theory_to_measure_deduction:
  assumes "Γ  Σ"
  shows "Γ $⊢ Σ"
proof -
  have " Γ. Σ  Γ  Γ $⊢ Σ"
  proof (induct Σ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by fastforce
    case (Cons σ Σ)
      fix Γ
      assume "(σ # Σ)  Γ"
      from this obtain γ where γ: "γ  set Γ" " γ  σ" "Σ  (remove1 γ Γ)"
        using stronger_theory_cons_witness by blast
      let  = "[(γ,γ)]"
      from γ Cons have "(remove1 γ Γ) $⊢ Σ" by blast
      moreover have "mset (remove1 γ Γ) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→))  @ Γ  (map snd ))"
        by simp
      ultimately have "map (uncurry (→))  @ Γ  (map snd ) $⊢ Σ"
        using measure_msub_left_monotonic by blast
      moreover have "map (uncurry (⊔))  :⊢ σ"
        by (simp, metis γ(2)
      moreover from γ(1) have "mset (map snd ) ⊆# mset Γ" by simp
      ultimately have "Γ $⊢ (σ # Σ)"
        using measure_deduction.simps(2) by blast
    then show ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

section ‹ Measure Deduction is a Preorder ›

text ‹ We next show that measure deduction is a preorder. ›

text ‹ Reflexivity follows immediately because term(≼) is a subrelation
       and is itself reflexive. ›

theorem (in classical_logic) measure_reflexive: "Γ $⊢ Γ"
  by (simp add: stronger_theory_to_measure_deduction)

text ‹ Transitivity is complicated. It requires constructing many witnesses
       and involves a lot of metatheorems. Below we provide various witness
       constructions that allow us to establish termΓ $⊢ Λ  Λ $⊢ Δ  Γ $⊢ Δ. ›

primrec (in implication_logic)
  first_component :: "('a × 'a) list  ('a × 'a) list  ('a × 'a) list" (𝔄)
    "𝔄 Ψ [] = []"
  | "𝔄 Ψ (δ # Δ) =
       (case find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ of
             None  𝔄 Ψ Δ
           | Some ψ  ψ # (𝔄 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ))"

primrec (in implication_logic)
  second_component :: "('a × 'a) list  ('a × 'a) list  ('a × 'a) list" (𝔅)
    "𝔅 Ψ [] = []"
  | "𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ) =
       (case find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ of
             None  𝔅 Ψ Δ
           | Some ψ  δ # (𝔅 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ))"

lemma (in implication_logic) first_component_second_component_mset_connection:
  "mset (map (uncurry (→)) (𝔄 Ψ Δ)) = mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ Δ))"
proof -
  have " Ψ. mset (map (uncurry (→)) (𝔄 Ψ Δ)) = mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ Δ))"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ
      have "mset (map (uncurry (→)) (𝔄 Ψ (δ # Δ))) =
            mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ)))"
      proof (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using Cons by simp
        case False
        from this obtain ψ where
          "find (λψ. uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = Some ψ"
          "uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ"
          using find_Some_predicate
          by fastforce
        then show ?thesis using Cons by simp
    then show ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma (in implication_logic) second_component_right_empty [simp]:
  "𝔅 [] Δ = []"
  by (induct Δ, simp+)

lemma (in implication_logic) first_component_msub:
  "mset (𝔄 Ψ Δ) ⊆# mset Ψ"
proof -
  have " Ψ. mset (𝔄 Ψ Δ) ⊆# mset Ψ"
  proof(induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ
      have "mset (𝔄 Ψ (δ # Δ)) ⊆# mset Ψ"
      proof (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None")
        case True
        then show ?thesis using Cons by simp
        case False
        from this obtain ψ where
          ψ: "find (λψ. uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = Some ψ"
             "ψ  set Ψ"
          using find_Some_set_membership
          by fastforce
        have "mset (𝔄 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ) ⊆# mset (remove1 ψ Ψ)"
          using Cons by metis
        thus ?thesis using ψ by (simp add: insert_subset_eq_iff)
    then show ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma (in implication_logic) second_component_msub:
  "mset (𝔅 Ψ Δ) ⊆# mset Δ"
proof -
  have "Ψ. mset (𝔅 Ψ Δ) ⊆# mset Δ"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ
      have "mset (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ)) ⊆# mset (δ # Δ)"
      using Cons
      by (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None",
           metis add_mset_remove_trivial
    thus ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma (in implication_logic) second_component_snd_projection_msub:
  "mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ Δ)) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ)"
proof -
  have "Ψ. mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ Δ)) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ)"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ
      have "mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ)"
      proof (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
          using Cons by simp
        case False
        from this obtain ψ where ψ:
          "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = Some ψ"
          by auto
        hence "𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ) = δ # (𝔅 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ)"
          using ψ by fastforce
        with Cons have "mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))) ⊆#
                        mset ((snd δ) # map (uncurry (→)) (remove1 ψ Ψ))"
          by (simp, metis mset_map mset_remove1)
        moreover from ψ have "snd δ = (uncurry (→)) ψ"
          using find_Some_predicate by fastforce
        ultimately have
          "mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))) ⊆#
             mset (map (uncurry (→)) (ψ # (remove1 ψ Ψ)))"
          by simp
        thus ?thesis
          by (metis
    thus ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma (in implication_logic) second_component_diff_msub:
  assumes "mset (map snd Δ) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  (map snd Ψ))"
  shows "mset (map snd (Δ  (𝔅 Ψ Δ))) ⊆# mset (Γ  (map snd Ψ))"
proof -
  have " Ψ Γ. mset (map snd Δ) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  (map snd Ψ)) 
               mset (map snd (Δ  (𝔅 Ψ Δ))) ⊆# mset (Γ  (map snd Ψ))"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ Γ
      assume : "mset (map snd (δ # Δ)) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  map snd Ψ)"
      have "mset (map snd ((δ # Δ)  𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))) ⊆# mset (Γ  map snd Ψ)"
      proof (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None")
        case True
        hence A: "snd δ  set (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ)"
        proof (induct Ψ)
          case Nil
          then show ?case by simp
          case (Cons ψ Ψ)
          then show ?case
            by (cases "uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ", simp+)
        moreover have
          "mset (map snd Δ)
              ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  map snd Ψ) - {#snd δ#}"
          using  insert_subset_eq_iff by fastforce
        ultimately have
          "mset (map snd Δ)
             ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ (remove1 (snd δ) Γ)
                           map snd Ψ)"
          by (metis (no_types)
        hence B: "mset (map snd (Δ  (𝔅 Ψ Δ))) ⊆# mset (remove1 (snd δ) Γ  (map snd Ψ))"
          using Cons by blast
        have C: "snd δ ∈# mset (snd δ # map snd Δ @
                                  (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  map snd Ψ)  (snd δ # map snd Δ))"
          by (meson in_multiset_in_set list.set_intros(1))
        have "mset (map snd (δ # Δ))
           + (mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  map snd Ψ)
              - mset (map snd (δ # Δ)))
         = mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  map snd Ψ)"
          using  subset_mset.add_diff_inverse by blast
        then have "snd δ ∈# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ) + (mset Γ - mset (map snd Ψ))"
          using C by simp
        with A have "snd δ  set Γ"
          by (metis (no_types) diff_subset_eq_self
        have D: "𝔅 Ψ Δ = 𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ)"
          using find (λψ. uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None
          by simp
        obtain diff :: "'a list  'a list  'a list" where
          "x0 x1. (v2. x1 @ v2  x0) = (x1 @ diff x0 x1  x0)"
          by moura
        then have E:
            "mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))
                  @ diff (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ) (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))))
             = mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ)"
          by (meson second_component_snd_projection_msub mset_le_perm_append)
        have F: "a m ma. (add_mset (a::'a) m ⊆# ma) = (a ∈# ma  m ⊆# ma - {#a#})"
          using insert_subset_eq_iff by blast
        then have "snd δ ∈# mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))
                                  @ diff (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ) (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))))
                          + mset (Γ  map snd Ψ)"
          using E  by force
        then have "snd δ ∈# mset (Γ  map snd Ψ)"
          using A E by (metis (no_types) in_multiset_in_set union_iff)
        then have G: "add_mset (snd δ) (mset (map snd (Δ  𝔅 Ψ Δ))) ⊆# mset (Γ  map snd Ψ)"
          using B F by force
        have H: "ps psa f. ¬ mset (ps::('a × 'a) list) ⊆# mset psa 
                              mset ((map f psa::'a list)  map f ps) = mset (map f (psa  ps))"
          using map_list_subtract_mset_equivalence by blast
        have "snd δ ∉# mset (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ)))
                     + mset (diff (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ) (map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))))"
          using A E by auto
        then have "add_mset (snd δ) (mset (map snd (Δ  𝔅 Ψ Δ)))
                 = mset (map snd (δ # Δ)  map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ)))"
          using D H second_component_msub by auto
        then show ?thesis
          using G H by (metis (no_types) second_component_msub)
        case False
        from this obtain ψ where ψ: "find (λψ. uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = Some ψ"
          by auto
        let ?Ψ' = "remove1 ψ Ψ"
        let ?Γ' = "remove1 (snd ψ) Γ"
        have "snd δ = uncurry (→) ψ"
             "ψ  set Ψ"
             "mset ((δ # Δ)  𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ)) =
              mset (Δ  𝔅 ?Ψ' Δ)"
          using ψ find_Some_predicate find_Some_set_membership
          by fastforce+
        have "mset (Γ  map snd Ψ) = mset (?Γ'  map snd ?Ψ')"
          by (simp, metis ψ  set Ψ image_mset_add_mset in_multiset_in_set insert_DiffM)
        obtain search :: "('a × 'a) list  ('a × 'a  bool)  'a × 'a" where
          "xs P. (x. x  set xs  P x) = (search xs P  set xs  P (search xs P))"
          by moura
        then have "p ps. (find p ps  None  (pa. pa  set ps  ¬ p pa))
                         (find p ps = None  search ps p  set ps  p (search ps p))"
          by (metis (full_types) find_None_iff)
        then have "(find (λp. uncurry (→) p = snd δ) Ψ  None
                     (p. p  set Ψ  uncurry (→) p  snd δ))
                  (find (λp. uncurry (→) p = snd δ) Ψ = None
                     search Ψ (λp. uncurry (→) p = snd δ)  set Ψ
                     uncurry (→) (search Ψ (λp. uncurry (→) p = snd δ)) = snd δ)"
          by blast
        hence "snd δ  set (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ)"
          by (metis (no_types) False image_eqI image_set)
        have A: "add_mset (uncurry (→) ψ) (image_mset snd (mset Δ))
              = image_mset snd (add_mset δ (mset Δ))"
          by (simp add: snd δ = uncurry (→) ψ)
        have B: "{#snd δ#} ⊆# image_mset (uncurry (→)) (mset Ψ)"
          using snd δ  set (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ) by force
        have "image_mset (uncurry (→)) (mset Ψ) - {#snd δ#}
            = image_mset (uncurry (→)) (mset (remove1 ψ Ψ))"
          by (simp add: ψ  set Ψ snd δ = uncurry (→) ψ image_mset_Diff)
        then have "mset (map snd (Δ  𝔅 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ))
                ⊆# mset (remove1 (snd ψ) Γ  map snd (remove1 ψ Ψ))"
          by (metis (no_types)
                    A B  Cons.hyps
        ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
    then show ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis using assms by auto

primrec (in classical_logic)
  merge_witness :: "('a × 'a) list  ('a × 'a) list  ('a × 'a) list" (𝔍)
    "𝔍 Ψ [] = Ψ"
  | "𝔍 Ψ (δ # Δ) =
       (case find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ of
             None  δ # 𝔍 Ψ Δ
           | Some ψ  (fst δ  fst ψ, snd ψ) # (𝔍 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ))"

lemma (in classical_logic) merge_witness_right_empty [simp]:
  "𝔍 [] Δ = Δ"
  by (induct Δ, simp+)

lemma (in classical_logic) second_component_merge_witness_snd_projection:
  "mset (map snd Ψ @ map snd (Δ  (𝔅 Ψ Δ))) = mset (map snd (𝔍 Ψ Δ))"
proof -
  have " Ψ. mset (map snd Ψ @ map snd (Δ  (𝔅 Ψ Δ))) = mset (map snd (𝔍 Ψ Δ))"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ
      have "mset (map snd Ψ @ map snd ((δ # Δ)  𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))) =
            mset (map snd (𝔍 Ψ (δ # Δ)))"
      proof (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
          using Cons
          by (simp,
              metis (no_types, lifting)
        case False
        from this obtain ψ where ψ: "find (λψ. uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = Some ψ"
          by auto
        moreover have "ψ  set Ψ"
          by (meson ψ find_Some_set_membership)
        let ?Ψ' = "remove1 ψ Ψ"
        from Cons have
          "mset (map snd ?Ψ' @ map snd (Δ  𝔅 ?Ψ' Δ)) =
            mset (map snd (𝔍 ?Ψ' Δ))"
          by blast
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (simp,
              metis (no_types, lifting)
    then show ?case by blast
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma (in classical_logic) second_component_merge_witness_stronger_theory:
  "(map (uncurry (→)) Δ @ map (uncurry (→)) Ψ  map snd (𝔅 Ψ Δ)) 
    map (uncurry (→)) (𝔍 Ψ Δ)"
proof -
  have " Ψ. (map (uncurry (→)) Δ @
              map (uncurry (→)) Ψ  map snd (𝔅 Ψ Δ)) 
              map (uncurry (→)) (𝔍 Ψ Δ)"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case
      by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ
      have " (uncurry (→)) δ  (uncurry (→)) δ"
        using axiom_k modus_ponens implication_absorption by blast
        "(map (uncurry (→)) (δ # Δ) @
          map (uncurry (→)) Ψ  map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))) 
          map (uncurry (→)) (𝔍 Ψ (δ # Δ))"
      proof (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None")
        case True
        thus ?thesis
          using Cons
                 (uncurry (→)) δ  (uncurry (→)) δ
          by (simp, metis stronger_theory_left_right_cons)
        case False
        from this obtain ψ where ψ: "find (λψ. uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = Some ψ"
          by auto
        from ψ have "snd δ = uncurry (→) ψ"
          using find_Some_predicate by fastforce
        from ψ snd δ = uncurry (→) ψ have
          "mset (map (uncurry (→)) (δ # Δ) @
                   map (uncurry (→)) Ψ  map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))) =
           mset (map (uncurry (→)) (δ # Δ) @
                   map (uncurry (→)) (remove1 ψ Ψ) 
                   map snd (𝔅 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ))"
          by (simp add: find_Some_set_membership image_mset_Diff)
          "(map (uncurry (→)) (δ # Δ) @
              map (uncurry (→)) Ψ  map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ))) 
           (map (uncurry (→)) (δ # Δ) @
              map (uncurry (→)) (remove1 ψ Ψ)  map snd (𝔅 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ))"
          by (simp add: msub_stronger_theory_intro)
        with Cons  (uncurry (→)) δ  (uncurry (→)) δ have
          "(map (uncurry (→)) (δ # Δ) @
            map (uncurry (→)) Ψ  map snd (𝔅 Ψ (δ # Δ)))
             ((uncurry (→)) δ # map (uncurry (→)) (𝔍 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ))"
          using stronger_theory_left_right_cons
          by fastforce
        let  = "fst δ"
        let  = "fst ψ"
        let  = "snd ψ"
        have "uncurry (→) = (λ δ. fst δ  snd δ)" by fastforce
        with ψ have "(uncurry (→)) δ =     "
          using find_Some_predicate by fastforce
        hence " ((  )  )  (uncurry (→)) δ"
          using biconditional_def curry_uncurry by auto
        with ψ have
          "((uncurry (→)) δ # map (uncurry (→)) (𝔍 (remove1 ψ Ψ) Δ)) 
           map (uncurry (→)) (𝔍 Ψ (δ # Δ))"
          using stronger_theory_left_right_cons by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using stronger_theory_transitive
          by blast
    then show ?case by simp
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma (in classical_logic) merge_witness_msub_intro:
  assumes "mset (map snd Ψ) ⊆# mset Γ"
      and "mset (map snd Δ) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  (map snd Ψ))"
    shows "mset (map snd (𝔍 Ψ Δ)) ⊆# mset Γ"
proof -
  have "Ψ Γ. mset (map snd Ψ) ⊆# mset Γ 
               mset (map snd Δ) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  (map snd Ψ)) 
               mset (map snd (𝔍 Ψ Δ)) ⊆# mset Γ"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ :: "('a × 'a) list"
      fix Γ :: "'a list"
      assume : "mset (map snd Ψ) ⊆# mset Γ"
                "mset (map snd (δ # Δ)) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  (map snd Ψ))"
      have "mset (map snd (𝔍 Ψ (δ # Δ))) ⊆# mset Γ"
      proof (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None")
        case True
        hence "snd δ  set (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ)"
        proof (induct Ψ)
          case Nil
          then show ?case by simp
          case (Cons ψ Ψ)
          hence "uncurry (→) ψ  snd δ" by fastforce
          with Cons show ?case by fastforce
        with (2) have "snd δ ∈# mset (Γ  map snd Ψ)"
          using mset_subset_eq_insertD by fastforce
        with (1) have "mset (map snd Ψ) ⊆# mset (remove1 (snd δ) Γ)"
          by (metis list_subtract_mset_homomorphism
        have "add_mset (snd δ) (mset (Γ  map snd Ψ) - {#snd δ#}) = mset (Γ  map snd Ψ)"
          by (meson snd δ ∈# mset (Γ  map snd Ψ) insert_DiffM)
        then have "image_mset snd (mset Δ) - (mset Γ - add_mset (snd δ) (image_mset snd (mset Ψ)))
               ⊆# {#x  y. (x, y) ∈# mset Ψ#}"
          using (2) by (simp, metis add_mset_diff_bothsides
                                     mset_map subset_eq_diff_conv)
        hence "mset (map snd Δ)
           ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ (remove1 (snd δ) Γ)  (map snd Ψ))"
          using subset_eq_diff_conv by (simp, blast)
        ultimately have "mset (map snd (𝔍 Ψ Δ)) ⊆# mset (remove1 (snd δ) Γ)"
          using Cons by blast
        hence "mset (map snd (δ # (𝔍 Ψ Δ))) ⊆# mset Γ"
          by (simp, metis snd δ ∈# mset (Γ  map snd Ψ)
        with find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None
        show ?thesis
          by simp
        case False
        from this obtain ψ where ψ:
          "find (λψ. uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = Some ψ"
          by fastforce
        let  = "fst ψ"
        let  = "snd ψ"
        have "uncurry (→) = (λ ψ. fst ψ  snd ψ)"
          by fastforce
        from this have "uncurry (→) ψ =   " by fastforce
        with ψ have A: "(, )  set Ψ"
                and B: "snd δ =   "
          using find_Some_predicate
          by (simp add: find_Some_set_membership, fastforce)
        let ?Ψ' = "remove1 (, ) Ψ"
        from B (2) have
          "mset (map snd Δ) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ @ Γ  map snd Ψ) - {#    #}"
          by (simp add: insert_subset_eq_iff)
        have "mset (map (uncurry (→)) Ψ)
            = add_mset (case (fst ψ, snd ψ) of (x, xa)  x  xa)
                       (image_mset (uncurry (→)) (mset (remove1 (fst ψ, snd ψ) Ψ)))"
          by (metis (no_types)
        ultimately have
          "mset (map snd Δ) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) ?Ψ' @ Γ  map snd Ψ)"
          by auto
        moreover from A B 
        have "mset (Γ  map snd Ψ) = mset((remove1  Γ)  (remove1  (map snd Ψ)))"
          by force
        with A have
          "mset (Γ  map snd Ψ) = mset((remove1  Γ)  (map snd ?Ψ'))"
          by (metis
        ultimately have
          "mset (map snd Δ) ⊆# mset (map (uncurry (→)) ?Ψ'
                                        @ (remove1  Γ)
                                         map snd ?Ψ')"
          by simp
        hence "mset (map snd (𝔍 ?Ψ' Δ)) ⊆# mset (remove1  Γ)"
          using Cons (1) A
          by (metis (no_types, lifting)
                    mset_map mset_remove1
        with (1) A have "mset (map snd (𝔍 ?Ψ' Δ)) + {#  #} ⊆# mset Γ"
          by (metis add_mset_add_single
        hence "mset (map snd ((fst δ  , ) # (𝔍 ?Ψ' Δ))) ⊆# mset Γ"
          by simp
        moreover from ψ have
          "𝔍 Ψ (δ # Δ) = (fst δ  , ) # (𝔍 ?Ψ' Δ)"
          by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis by simp
    thus ?case by blast
  with assms show ?thesis by blast

lemma (in classical_logic) right_merge_witness_stronger_theory:
  "map (uncurry (⊔)) Δ  map (uncurry (⊔)) (𝔍 Ψ Δ)"
proof -
  have " Ψ. map (uncurry (⊔)) Δ  map (uncurry (⊔)) (𝔍 Ψ Δ)"
  proof (induct Δ)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Cons δ Δ)
      fix Ψ
      have "map (uncurry (⊔)) (δ # Δ)  map (uncurry (⊔)) (𝔍 Ψ (δ # Δ))"
      proof (cases "find (λ ψ. (uncurry (→)) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = None")
        case True
        hence "𝔍 Ψ (δ # Δ) = δ # 𝔍 Ψ Δ"
          by simp
        moreover have " (uncurry (⊔)) δ  (uncurry (⊔)) δ"
          by (metis axiom_k axiom_s modus_ponens)
        ultimately show ?thesis using Cons
          by (simp add: stronger_theory_left_right_cons)
        case False
        from this obtain ψ where ψ:
          "find (λψ. uncurry (→) ψ = snd δ) Ψ = Some ψ"
          by fastforce
        let  = "fst ψ"
        let  = "snd ψ"
        let  = "fst δ"
        have "uncurry (→) = (λ ψ. fst ψ  snd ψ)"