Theory Selberg_Asymptotic_Formula
section ‹Selberg's asymptotic formula›
theory Selberg_Asymptotic_Formula
text ‹
Following Apostol, we first show an inversion formula: Consider a function $f(x)$ for
$x\in\mathbb{R}_{{}>\,0}$. Define $g(x) := \ln x \cdot \sum_{n\leq x} f(x / n)$. Then:
\[f(x) \ln x + \sum_{n\leq x} \Lambda(n) f(x/n) = \sum_{n\leq x} \mu(n) g(x/n)\]
locale selberg_inversion =
fixes F G :: "real ⇒ 'a :: {real_algebra_1, comm_ring_1}"
defines "G ≡ (λx. of_real (ln x) * sum_upto (λn. F (x / n)) x)"
lemma eq:
assumes "x ≥ 1"
shows "F x * of_real (ln x) + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt F x = dirichlet_prod' moebius_mu G x"
proof -
have "F x * of_real (ln x) =
dirichlet_prod' (λn. if n = 1 then 1 else 0) (λx. F x * of_real (ln x)) x"
by (subst dirichlet_prod'_one_left) (use ‹x ≥ 1› in auto)
also have "… = dirichlet_prod' (λn. ∑d | d dvd n. moebius_mu d) (λx. F x * of_real (ln x)) x"
by (intro dirichlet_prod'_cong refl, subst sum_moebius_mu_divisors') auto
finally have eq1: "F x * of_real (ln x) = …" .
have eq2: "dirichlet_prod' mangoldt F x =
dirichlet_prod' (dirichlet_prod moebius_mu (λn. of_real (ln (real n)))) F x"
proof (intro dirichlet_prod'_cong refl)
fix n :: nat assume n: "n > 0"
thus "mangoldt n = dirichlet_prod moebius_mu (λn. of_real (ln (real n)) :: 'a) n"
by (intro moebius_inversion mangoldt_sum [symmetric]) auto
have "F x * of_real (ln x) + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt F x =
sum_upto (λn. F (x / n) * (∑d | d dvd n.
moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / n) + ln (n div d)))) x"
unfolding eq1 eq2 unfolding dirichlet_prod'_def sum_upto_def
by (simp add: algebra_simps sum.distrib dirichlet_prod_def sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right)
also have "… = sum_upto (λn. F (x / n) * (∑d | d dvd n. moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)))) x"
using ‹x ≥ 1› by (intro sum_upto_cong refl arg_cong2[where f = "λx y. x * y"] sum.cong)
(auto elim!: dvdE simp: ln_div ln_mult)
also have "… = sum_upto (λn. ∑d | d dvd n. moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)) * F (x / n)) x"
by (simp add: sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right mult_ac)
also have "… = (∑(n,d)∈(SIGMA n:{n. n > 0 ∧ real n ≤ x}. {d. d dvd n}).
moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)) * F (x / n))"
unfolding sum_upto_def by (subst sum.Sigma) (auto simp: case_prod_unfold)
also have "… = (∑(d,q)∈(SIGMA d:{d. d > 0 ∧ real d ≤ x}. {q. q > 0 ∧ real q ≤ x / d}).
moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)) * F (x / (q * d)))"
by (rule sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λ(d,q). (d * q, d)" "λ(n,d). (d, n div d)"])
(auto simp: Real.real_of_nat_div field_simps dest: dvd_imp_le)
also have "… = sum_upto (λd. moebius_mu d * of_real (ln (x / d)) *
sum_upto (λq. F (x / (q * d))) (x / d)) x"
by (subst sum.Sigma [symmetric]) (auto simp: sum_upto_def sum_distrib_left)
also have "… = dirichlet_prod' moebius_mu G x"
by (simp add: dirichlet_prod'_def G_def mult_ac)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹
We can now show Selberg's formula
\[\psi(x)\ln x + \sum_{n\leq x} \Lambda(n)\psi(x/n) = 2x\ln x + O(x)\ .\]
theorem selberg_asymptotic_formula:
includes prime_counting_syntax
shows "(λx. ψ x * ln x + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt ψ x) =o
(λx. 2 * x * ln x) +o O(λx. x)"
proof -
define C :: real where [simp]: "C = euler_mascheroni"
define F2 :: "real ⇒ real" where [simp]: "F2 = (λx. x - C - 1)"
define G1 where "G1 = (λx. ln x * sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n)) x)"
define G2 where "G2 = (λx. ln x * sum_upto (λn. F2 (x / n)) x)"
interpret F1: selberg_inversion ψ G1
by unfold_locales (simp_all add: G1_def)
interpret F2: selberg_inversion F2 G2
by unfold_locales (simp_all add: G2_def)
have G1_bigo: "(λx. G1 x - (x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x)) ∈ O(λx. ln x ^ 2)"
proof -
have "(λx. ln x * (sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n)) x - x * ln x + x)) ∈ O(λx. ln x * ln x)"
by (intro landau_o.big.mult_left sum_upto_ψ_x_over_n_asymptotics)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: power2_eq_square G1_def algebra_simps)
have G2_bigo: "(λx. G2 x - (x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x)) ∈ O(ln)"
proof -
define R1 :: "real ⇒ real" where "R1 = (λx. x * ln x * (harm (nat ⌊x⌋) - (ln x + C)))"
define R2 :: "real ⇒ real" where "R2 = (λx. (C + 1) * ln x * frac x)"
have "(λx. G2 x - (x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x)) ∈ Θ(λx. R1 x + R2 x)"
proof (intro bigthetaI_cong eventually_mono[OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 1]])
fix x :: real assume x: "x ≥ 1"
have "G2 x = x * ln x * sum_upto (λn. 1 / n) x - (C + 1) * ⌊x⌋ * ln x"
using x by (simp add: G2_def sum_upto_altdef sum_subtractf
sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right algebra_simps)
also have "sum_upto (λn. 1 / n) x = harm (nat ⌊x⌋)"
using x unfolding sum_upto_def harm_def
by (intro sum.cong) (auto simp: field_simps le_nat_iff le_floor_iff)
also have "x * ln x * harm (nat ⌊x⌋) - (C + 1) * ⌊x⌋ * ln x =
x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x + R1 x + R2 x"
by (simp add: R1_def R2_def algebra_simps frac_def power2_eq_square)
finally show "G2 x - (x * ln x ^ 2 - x * ln x) = R1 x + R2 x" by simp
also have "(λx. R1 x + R2 x) ∈ O(ln)"
proof (intro sum_in_bigo)
have "(λx::real. ln x - ln (nat ⌊x⌋)) ∈ O(λx. ln x - ln (x - 1))"
proof (intro bigoI[of _ 1] eventually_mono[OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 2]])
fix x :: real assume x: "x ≥ 2"
thus "norm (ln x - ln (nat ⌊x⌋)) ≤ 1 * norm (ln x - ln (x - 1))" by auto
also have "(λx::real. ln x - ln (x - 1)) ∈ O(λx. 1 / x)" by real_asymp
finally have bigo_ln_floor: "(λx::real. ln x - ln (nat ⌊x⌋)) ∈ O(λx. 1 / x)" .
have "(λx. harm (nat ⌊x⌋) - (ln (nat ⌊x⌋) + C)) ∈ O(λx. 1 / nat ⌊x⌋)"
unfolding C_def using harm_expansion_bigo_simple2
by (rule landau_o.big.compose)
(auto intro!: filterlim_compose[OF filterlim_nat_sequentially filterlim_floor_sequentially])
also have "(λx. 1 / nat ⌊x⌋) ∈ O(λx. 1 / x)" by real_asymp
finally have "(λx. harm (nat ⌊x⌋) - (ln (nat ⌊x⌋) + C) - (ln x - ln (nat ⌊x⌋)))
∈ O(λx. 1 / x)" by (rule sum_in_bigo[OF _bigo_ln_floor])
hence "(λx. harm (nat ⌊x⌋) - (ln x + C)) ∈ O(λx. 1 / x)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
hence "(λx. x * ln x * (harm (nat ⌊x⌋) - (ln x + C))) ∈ O(λx. x * ln x * (1 / x))"
by (intro landau_o.big.mult_left)
thus "R1 ∈ O(ln)" by (simp add: landau_divide_simps R1_def)
have "R2 ∈ O(λx. 1 * ln x * 1)"
unfolding R2_def by (intro landau_o.big.mult landau_o.big_refl) real_asymp+
thus "R2 ∈ O(ln)" by (simp add: R2_def)
finally show "(λx. G2 x - (x * (ln x)⇧2 - x * ln x)) ∈ O(ln)" .
hence G2_bigo': "(λx. G2 x - (x * (ln x)⇧2 - x * ln x)) ∈ O(λx. ln x ^ 2)"
by (rule landau_o.big.trans) real_asymp+
have "∃c>0. ∀x≥1. ¦G1 x - G2 x¦ ≤ c * ¦sqrt x¦"
proof (rule bigoE_bounded_real_fun)
have "(λx. G1 x - G2 x) ∈ O(λx. ln x ^ 2)"
using sum_in_bigo(2)[OF G1_bigo G2_bigo'] by simp
also have "(λx::real. ln x ^ 2) ∈ O(sqrt)" by real_asymp
finally show "(λx. G1 x - G2 x) ∈ O(sqrt)" .
fix x :: real assume "x ≥ 1"
thus "¦sqrt x¦ ≥ 1" by simp
fix b :: real assume b: "b ≥ 1"
show "bounded ((λx. G1 x - G2 x) ` {1..b})"
proof (rule boundedI, safe)
fix x assume x: "x ∈ {1..b}"
have "¦G1 x - G2 x¦ = ¦ln x * sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)) x¦"
by (simp add: G1_def G2_def sum_upto_def sum_distrib_left ring_distribs sum_subtractf)
also have "… = ln x * ¦sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)) x¦"
using x b by (simp add: abs_mult)
also have "¦sum_upto (λn. ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)) x¦ ≤
sum_upto (λn. ¦ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)¦) x"
unfolding sum_upto_def by (rule sum_abs)
also have "… ≤ sum_upto (λn. ψ x + (x + C + 1)) x"
unfolding sum_upto_def
proof (intro sum_mono)
fix n assume n: "n ∈ {n. n > 0 ∧ real n ≤ x}"
hence le: "x / n ≤ x / 1" by (intro divide_left_mono) auto
thus "¦ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n)¦ ≤ ψ x + (x + C + 1)"
unfolding F2_def using euler_mascheroni_pos x le ψ_nonneg ψ_mono[of "x / n" x]
by (intro order.trans[OF abs_triangle_ineq]
order.trans[OF abs_triangle_ineq4] add_mono) auto
also have "… = (ψ x + (x + C + 1)) * ⌊x⌋"
using x by (simp add: sum_upto_altdef)
also have "ln x * ((ψ x + (x + C + 1)) * real_of_int ⌊x⌋) ≤
ln b * ((ψ b + (b + C + 1)) * real_of_int ⌊b⌋)"
using euler_mascheroni_pos x
by (intro mult_mono add_mono order.refl ψ_mono add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg
ψ_nonneg) (auto intro: floor_mono)
finally show "norm (G1 x - G2 x) ≤ ln b * ((ψ b + (b + C + 1)) * real_of_int ⌊b⌋)"
using x by (simp add: mult_left_mono)
qed auto
then obtain A where A: "A > 0" "⋀x. x ≥ 1 ⟹ ¦G1 x - G2 x¦ ≤ A * sqrt x" by auto
have "(λx. (ψ x - F2 x) * ln x + sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n * (ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n))) x)
∈ Θ(λx. sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x)"
proof (intro bigthetaI_cong eventually_mono[OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 1]])
fix x :: real assume x: "x ≥ 1"
have "(ψ x - F2 x) * ln x + sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n * (ψ (x / n) - F2 (x / n))) x =
(ψ x * of_real (ln x) + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt ψ x) -
(F2 x * of_real (ln x) + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt F2 x)"
by (simp add: algebra_simps dirichlet_prod'_def sum_upto_def sum_subtractf sum.distrib)
also have "… = sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x"
unfolding F1.eq[OF x] F2.eq[OF x]
by (simp add: dirichlet_prod'_def sum_upto_def sum_subtractf sum.distrib algebra_simps)
finally show "(ψ x - F2 x) * ln x + sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n * (ψ (x/n) - F2 (x/n))) x = …" .
also have "(λx. sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x) ∈
O(λx. A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x)"
proof (intro bigoI eventually_mono[OF eventually_ge_at_top[of 1]])
fix x :: real assume x: "x ≥ 1"
have "¦sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x¦ ≤
sum_upto (λn. ¦moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))¦) x"
unfolding sum_upto_def by (rule sum_abs)
also have "… ≤ sum_upto (λn. 1 * (A * sqrt (x / n))) x"
unfolding sum_upto_def abs_mult by (intro A sum_mono mult_mono) (auto simp: moebius_mu_def)
also have "… = A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x"
using x by (simp add: sum_upto_def powr_minus powr_half_sqrt sum_distrib_left
sum_distrib_right real_sqrt_divide field_simps)
also have "… ≤ ¦A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x¦" by simp
finally show "norm (sum_upto (λn. moebius_mu n * (G1 (x / n) - G2 (x / n))) x) ≤
1 * norm (A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x)" by simp
also have "(λx. A * sqrt x * sum_upto (λx. x powr (-1/2)) x) ∈ O(λx. 1 * sqrt x * x powr (1/2))"
using zeta_partial_sum_le_pos_bigo[of "1 / 2"]
by (intro landau_o.big.mult ) (auto simp: max_def)
also have "(λx::real. 1 * sqrt x * x powr (1/2)) ∈ O(λx. x)"
by real_asymp
finally have bigo: "(λx. (ψ x - F2 x) * ln x + sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n * (ψ (x/n) - F2 (x/n))) x)
∈ O(λx. x)" (is "?h ∈ _") .
let ?R = "λx. sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n / n) x"
let ?lhs = "λx. ψ x * ln x + dirichlet_prod' mangoldt ψ x"
note bigo
also have "?h = (λx. ?lhs x - (x * ln x - (C + 1) * (ln x + ψ x)) - x * ?R x)"
by (rule ext) (simp add: algebra_simps dirichlet_prod'_def sum_distrib_right ψ_def
sum_upto_def sum_subtractf sum.distrib sum_distrib_left)
finally have "(λx. ?lhs x - (x * ln x - (C + 1) * (ln x + ψ x)) - x * ?R x + x * (?R x - ln x))
∈ O(λx. x)" (is "?h' ∈ _")
proof (rule sum_in_bigo)
have "(λx. x * (sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n / real n) x - ln x)) ∈ O(λx. x * 1)"
by (intro landau_o.big.mult_left ψ.asymptotics)
thus "(λx. x * (sum_upto (λn. mangoldt n / real n) x - ln x)) ∈ O(λx. x)" by simp
also have "?h' = (λx. ?lhs x - (2 * x * ln x - (C + 1) * (ln x + ψ x)))"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff algebra_simps)
finally have "(λx. ?lhs x - (2*x*ln x - (C+1) * (ln x + ψ x)) - (C+1) * (ln x + ψ x)) ∈ O(λx. x)"
proof (rule sum_in_bigo)
have "(λx. ln x + ψ x) ∈ O(λx. x)"
by (intro sum_in_bigo bigthetaD1[OF ψ.bigtheta]) real_asymp+
thus "(λx. (C + 1) * (ln x + ψ x)) ∈ O(λx. x)" by simp
also have "(λx. ?lhs x - (2*x*ln x - (C+1) * (ln x + ψ x)) - (C+1) * (ln x + ψ x)) =
(λx. ?lhs x - 2 * x * ln x)" by (simp add: algebra_simps)
finally show ?thesis
by (subst set_minus_plus [symmetric]) (simp_all add: fun_diff_def algebra_simps)