Theory Power_Sum_Puzzle
section ‹Power sum puzzles›
theory Power_Sum_Puzzle
subsection ‹General setting and results›
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We now consider the following situation: Given unknown complex numbers $x_1,\ldots,x_n$,
define $p_k = x_1^k + \ldots + x_n^k$. Also, define $e_k := e_k(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ where
$e_k(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$ is the $k$-th elementary symmetric polynomial.
What is the relationship between the sequences $e_k$ and $p_k$; in particular,
how can we determine one from the other?
locale power_sum_puzzle =
fixes x :: "nat ⇒ complex"
fixes n :: nat
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We first introduce the notation $p_k := x_1 ^ k + \ldots + x_n ^ k$:
definition p where "p k = (∑i<n. x i ^ k)"
lemma p_0 [simp]: "p 0 = of_nat n"
by (simp add: p_def)
lemma p_altdef: "p k = insertion x (powsum_mpoly {..<n} k)"
by (simp add: p_def)
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Similarly, we introduce the notation $e_k = e_k(x_1,\ldots, x_n)$ where
$e_k(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$ is the $k$-th elementary symmetric polynomial (i.\,e. the sum of
all monomials that can be formed by taking the product of exactly $k$ distinct variables).
definition e where "e k = (∑Y | Y ⊆ {..<n} ∧ card Y = k. prod x Y)"
lemma e_altdef: "e k = insertion x (sym_mpoly {..<n} k)"
by (simp add: e_def insertion_sym_mpoly)
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It is clear that $e_k$ vanishes for $k > n$.
lemma e_eq_0 [simp]: "k > n ⟹ e k = 0"
by (simp add: e_altdef)
lemma e_0 [simp]: "e 0 = 1"
by (simp add: e_altdef)
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The recurrences we got from the Girard--Newton Theorem earlier now directly give us
analogous recurrences for $e_k$ and $p_k$:
lemma e_recurrence:
assumes k: "k > 0"
shows "e k = -(∑i=1..k. (- 1) ^ i * e (k - i) * p i) / of_nat k"
using assms unfolding e_altdef p_altdef
by (subst sym_mpoly_recurrence)
(auto simp: insertion_sum insertion_add insertion_mult insertion_power insertion_sym_mpoly)
lemma p_recurrence:
assumes k: "k > 0"
shows "p k = -of_nat k * (-1) ^ k * e k - (∑i=1..<k. (-1) ^ i * e i * p (k - i))"
using assms unfolding e_altdef p_altdef
by (subst powsum_mpoly_recurrence)
(auto simp: insertion_sum insertion_add insertion_mult insertion_diff
insertion_power insertion_sym_mpoly)
lemma p_recurrence'':
assumes k: "k > n"
shows "p k = -(∑i=1..n. (-1) ^ i * e i * p (k - i))"
using assms unfolding e_altdef p_altdef
by (subst powsum_mpoly_recurrence')
(auto simp: insertion_sum insertion_add insertion_mult insertion_diff
insertion_power insertion_sym_mpoly)
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It is clear from this recurrence that if $p_1$ to $p_n$ are rational, then so are the $e_k$:
lemma e_in_Rats:
assumes "⋀k. k ∈ {1..n} ⟹ p k ∈ ℚ"
shows "e k ∈ ℚ"
proof (cases "k ≤ n")
case True
thus ?thesis
proof (induction k rule: less_induct)
case (less k)
show ?case
proof (cases "k = 0")
case False
thus ?thesis using assms less
by (subst e_recurrence) (auto intro!: Rats_divide)
qed auto
qed auto
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Analogously, if $p_1$ to $p_n$ are rational, then so are all the other $p_k$:
lemma p_in_Rats:
assumes "⋀k. k ∈ {1..n} ⟹ p k ∈ ℚ"
shows "p k ∈ ℚ"
proof (induction k rule: less_induct)
case (less k)
consider "k = 0" | "k ∈ {1..n}" | "k > n"
by force
thus ?case
proof cases
assume "k > n"
thus ?thesis
using less assms by (subst p_recurrence'') (auto intro!: sum_in_Rats Rats_mult e_in_Rats)
qed (use assms in auto)
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Next, we define the unique monic polynomial that has $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ as its roots
(respecting multiplicity):
definition Q :: "complex poly" where "Q = (∏i<n. [:-x i, 1:])"
lemma degree_Q [simp]: " Q = n"
by (simp add: Q_def degree_prod_eq_sum_degree)
lemma lead_coeff_Q [simp]: "Polynomial.coeff Q n = 1"
using monic_prod[of "{..<n}" "λi. [:-x i, 1:]"]
by (simp add: Q_def degree_prod_eq_sum_degree)
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By Vieta's Theorem, we then have:
\[Q(X) = \sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^{n-k} e_{n-k} X^k\]
In other words: The above allows us to determine the $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ explicitly.
They are, in fact, precisely the roots of the above polynomial (respecting multiplicity).
Since this polynomial depends only on the $e_k$, which are in turn determined by
$p_1, \ldots, p_n$, this means that these are the ∗‹only› solutions of this puzzle
(up to permutation of the $x_i$).
lemma coeff_Q: "Polynomial.coeff Q k = (if k > n then 0 else (-1) ^ (n - k) * e (n - k))"
proof (cases "k ≤ n")
case True
thus ?thesis
using coeff_poly_from_roots[of "{..<n}" k x] by (auto simp: Q_def e_def)
qed (auto simp: Polynomial.coeff_eq_0)
lemma Q_altdef: "Q = (∑k≤n. Polynomial.monom ((-1) ^ (n - k) * e (n - k)) k)"
by (subst poly_as_sum_of_monoms [symmetric]) (simp add: coeff_Q)
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The following theorem again shows that $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ are precisely the roots
of \<^term>‹Q›, respecting multiplicity.
theorem mset_x_eq_poly_roots_Q: "{#x i. i ∈# mset_set {..<n}#} = poly_roots Q"
proof -
have "poly_roots Q = (∑i<n. {#x i#})"
by (simp add: Q_def poly_roots_prod)
also have "… = {#x i. i ∈# mset_set {..<n}#}"
by (induction n) (auto simp: lessThan_Suc)
finally show ?thesis ..
subsection ‹Existence of solutions›
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So far, we have assumed a solution to the puzzle and then shown the properties that this
solution must fulfil. However, we have not yet shown that there ∗‹is› a solution.
We will do that now.
Let $n$ be a natural number and $f_k$ some sequence of complex numbers. We will show that
there are $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ so that $x_1 ^ k + \ldots + x_n ^ k = f_k$ for any $1\leq k\leq n$.
locale power_sum_puzzle_existence =
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ complex" and n :: nat
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First, we define a sequence of numbers ‹e'› analogously to the sequence ‹e› before,
except that we replace all occurrences of the power sum $p_k$ with $f_k$ (recall that in the end
we want $p_k = f_k$).
fun e' :: "nat ⇒ complex"
where "e' k = (if k = 0 then 1 else if k > n then 0
else -(∑i=1..k. (-1) ^ i * e' (k - i) * f i) / of_nat k)"
lemmas [simp del] = e'.simps
lemma e'_0 [simp]: "e' 0 = 1"
by (simp add: e'.simps)
lemma e'_eq_0 [simp]: "k > n ⟹ e' k = 0"
by (auto simp: e'.simps)
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Just as before, we can show the following recurrence for ‹f› in terms of ‹e'›:
lemma f_recurrence:
assumes k: "k > 0" "k ≤ n"
shows "f k = -of_nat k * (-1) ^ k * e' k - (∑i=1..<k. (- 1) ^ i * e' i * f (k - i))"
proof -
have "-of_nat k * e' k = (∑i=1..k. (- 1) ^ i * e' (k - i) * f i)"
using assms by (subst e'.simps) (simp add: field_simps)
hence "(-1)^k * (-of_nat k * e' k) = (-1)^k * (∑i=1..k. (- 1) ^ i * e' (k - i) * f i)"
by simp
also have "… = f k + (-1) ^ k * (∑i=1..<k. (- 1) ^ i * e' (k - i) * f i)"
using assms by (subst sum.last_plus) (auto simp: minus_one_power_iff)
also have "(-1) ^ k * (∑i=1..<k. (- 1) ^ i * e' (k - i) * f i) =
(∑i=1..<k. (- 1) ^ (k - i) * e' (k - i) * f i)"
unfolding sum_distrib_left by (intro sum.cong) (auto simp: minus_one_power_iff)
also have "… = (∑i=1..<k. (- 1) ^ i * e' i * f (k - i))"
by (intro sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λi. k - i" "λi. k - i"]) auto
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
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We now define a polynomial whose roots will be precisely the solution $x_1, \ldots, x_n$ to our
lift_definition Q' :: "complex poly" is "λk. if k > n then 0 else (-1) ^ (n - k) * e' (n - k)"
using eventually_gt_at_top[of n] unfolding cofinite_eq_sequentially
by eventually_elim auto
lemma coeff_Q': "Polynomial.coeff Q' k = (if k > n then 0 else (-1) ^ (n - k) * e' (n - k))"
by transfer auto
lemma lead_coeff_Q': "Polynomial.coeff Q' n = 1"
by (simp add: coeff_Q')
lemma degree_Q' [simp]: " Q' = n"
proof (rule antisym)
show " Q' ≥ n"
by (rule le_degree) (auto simp: coeff_Q')
show " Q' ≤ n"
by (rule degree_le) (auto simp: coeff_Q')
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Since the complex numbers are algebraically closed, this polynomial splits into
linear factors:
definition Root :: "nat ⇒ complex"
where "Root = (SOME Root. Q' = (∏i<n. [:-Root i, 1:]))"
lemma Root: "Q' = (∏i<n. [:-Root i, 1:])"
proof -
obtain rs where rs: "(∏r←rs. [:-r, 1:]) = Q'" "length rs = n"
using fundamental_theorem_algebra_factorized[of Q'] lead_coeff_Q' by auto
have "Q' = (∏r←rs. [:-r, 1:])"
by (simp add: rs)
also have "… = (∏r=0..<n. [:-rs ! r, 1:])"
by (subst prod_list_prod_nth) (auto simp: rs)
also have "{0..<n} = {..<n}"
by auto
finally have "∃Root. Q' = (∏i<n. [:-Root i, 1:])"
by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding Root_def by (rule someI_ex)
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We can therefore now use the results from before for these $x_1, \ldots, x_n$.
sublocale power_sum_puzzle Root n .
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Vieta's theorem gives us an expression for the coefficients of ‹Q'› in terms of
$e_k(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$. This shows that our ‹e'› is indeed exactly the same as ‹e›.
lemma e'_eq_e: "e' k = e k"
proof (cases "k ≤ n")
case True
from True have "e' k = (-1) ^ k * poly.coeff Q' (n - k)"
by (simp add: coeff_Q')
also have "Q' = (∏x<n. [:-Root x, 1:])"
using Root by simp
also have "(-1) ^ k * poly.coeff … (n - k) = e k"
using True coeff_poly_from_roots[of "{..<n}" "n - k" Root]
by (simp add: insertion_sym_mpoly e_altdef)
finally show "e' k = e k" .
qed auto
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It then follows by a simple induction that $p_k = f_k$ for $1\leq k\leq n$, as intended:
lemma p_eq_f:
assumes "k > 0" "k ≤ n"
shows "p k = f k"
using assms
proof (induction k rule: less_induct)
case (less k)
thus "p k = f k"
using p_recurrence[of k] f_recurrence[of k] less by (simp add: e'_eq_e)
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Here is a more condensed form of the above existence theorem:
theorem power_sum_puzzle_has_solution:
fixes f :: "nat ⇒ complex"
shows "∃Root. ∀k∈{1..n}. (∑i<n. Root i ^ k) = f k"
proof -
interpret power_sum_puzzle_existence f .
from p_eq_f have "∀k∈{1..n}. (∑i<n. Root i ^ k) = f k"
by (auto simp: p_def)
thus ?thesis by blast
subsection ‹A specific puzzle›
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We now look at one particular instance of this puzzle, which was given as an exercise in
∗‹Abstract Algebra› by Dummit and Foote (Exercise 23 in Section 14.6)~\<^cite>‹"dummit"›.
Suppose we know that
$x + y + z = 1$, $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 2$, and $x^3 + y^3 + z^3 = 3$. Then what is
$x^5+y^5+z^5$? What about any arbitrary $x^n+y^n+z^n$?
locale power_sum_puzzle_example =
fixes x y z :: complex
assumes xyz: "x + y + z = 1"
"x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 2"
"x^3 + y^3 + z^3 = 3"
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We reuse the results we have shown in the general case before.
definition f where "f n = [x,y,z] ! n"
sublocale power_sum_puzzle f 3 .
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We can simplify \<^term>‹p› a bit more now.
lemma p_altdef': "p k = x ^ k + y ^ k + z ^ k"
unfolding p_def f_def by (simp add: eval_nat_numeral)
lemma p_base [simp]: "p (Suc 0) = 1" "p 2 = 2" "p 3 = 3"
using xyz by (simp_all add: p_altdef')
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We can easily compute all the non-zero values of \<^term>‹e› recursively:
lemma e_Suc_0 [simp]: "e (Suc 0) = 1"
by (subst e_recurrence; simp)
lemma e_2 [simp]: "e 2 = -1/2"
by (subst e_recurrence; simp add: atLeastAtMost_nat_numeral)
lemma e_3 [simp]: "e 3 = 1/6"
by (subst e_recurrence; simp add: atLeastAtMost_nat_numeral)
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Plugging in all the values, the recurrence relation for \<^term>‹p› now looks like this:
lemma p_recurrence''': "k > 3 ⟹ p k = p (k-3) / 6 + p (k-2) / 2 + p (k-1)"
using p_recurrence''[of k] by (simp add: atLeastAtMost_nat_numeral)
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Also note again that all $p_k$ are rational:
lemma p_in_Rats': "p k ∈ ℚ"
proof -
have *: "{1..3} = {1, 2, (3::nat)}"
by auto
also have "∀k∈…. p k ∈ ℚ"
by auto
finally show ?thesis
using p_in_Rats[of k] by simp
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The above recurrence has the characteristic polynomial $X^3 - X^2 - \frac{1}{2} X - \frac{1}{6}$
(which is exactly our \<^term>‹Q›), so we know that can now specify $x$, $y$, and $z$
more precisely: They are the roots of that polynomial (in unspecified order).
lemma xyz_eq: "{#x, y, z#} = poly_roots [:-1/6, -1/2, -1, 1:]"
proof -
have "image_mset f (mset_set {..<3}) = poly_roots Q"
using mset_x_eq_poly_roots_Q .
also have "image_mset f (mset_set {..<3}) = {#x, y, z#}"
by (simp add: numeral_3_eq_3 lessThan_Suc f_def Multiset.union_ac)
also have "Q = [:-1/6, -1/2, -1, 1:]"
by (simp add: Q_altdef atMost_nat_numeral Polynomial.monom_altdef
power3_eq_cube power2_eq_square)
finally show ?thesis .
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Using the rational root test, we can easily show that $x$, $y$, and $z$ are irrational.
lemma xyz_irrational: "set_mset (poly_roots [:-1/6, -1/2, -1, 1::complex:]) ∩ ℚ = {}"
proof -
define p :: "rat poly" where "p = [:-1/6, -1/2, -1, 1:]"
have "rational_root_test p = None"
unfolding p_def by code_simp
hence "¬(∃x::rat. poly p x = 0)"
by (rule rational_root_test)
hence "¬(∃x∈ℚ. poly (map_poly of_rat p) x = (0 :: complex))"
by (auto simp: Rats_def)
also have "map_poly of_rat p = [:-1/6, -1/2, -1, 1 :: complex:]"
by (simp add: p_def of_rat_minus of_rat_divide)
finally show ?thesis
by auto
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This polynomial is ∗‹squarefree›, so these three roots are, in fact, unique (so that there are
indeed $3! = 6$ possible permutations).
lemma rsquarefree: "rsquarefree [:-1/6, -1/2, -1, 1 :: complex:]"
by (rule coprime_pderiv_imp_rsquarefree)
(auto simp: pderiv_pCons coprime_iff_gcd_eq_1 gcd_poly_code gcd_poly_code_def content_def
primitive_part_def gcd_poly_code_aux_reduce pseudo_mod_def pseudo_divmod_def
Let_def Polynomial.monom_altdef normalize_poly_def)
lemma distinct_xyz: "distinct [x, y, z]"
by (rule rsquarefree_imp_distinct_roots[OF rsquarefree]) (simp_all add: xyz_eq)
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While these roots ∗‹can› be written more explicitly in radical form, they are not very pleasant
to look at. We therefore only compute a few values of ‹p› just for fun:
lemma "p 4 = 25 / 6" and "p 5 = 6" and "p 10 = 15539 / 432"
by (simp_all add: p_recurrence''')
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Lastly, let us (informally) examine the asymptotics of this problem.
Two of the roots have a norm of roughly $\beta \approx 0.341$, while the remaining root
‹α› is roughly 1.431. Consequently, $x^n + y^n + z^n$ is asymptotically equivalent to $\alpha^n$,
with the error being bounded by $2\cdot \beta^n$ and therefore goes to 0 very quickly.
For $p(10) = \frac{15539}{432} \approx 35.97$, for instance, this approximation is correct
up to 6 decimals (a relative error of about 0.0001\,\%).
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To really emphasise that the above puzzle has a solution and the locale is not `vacuous',
here is an interpretation of the locale using the existence theorem from before:
define f :: "nat ⇒ complex" where "f = (λk. [1,2,3] ! (k - 1))"
obtain Root :: "nat ⇒ complex" where Root: "⋀k. k ∈ {1..3} ⟹ (∑i<3. Root i ^ k) = f k"
using power_sum_puzzle_has_solution[of 3 f] by metis
define x y z where "x = Root 0" "y = Root 1" "z = Root 2"
have "x + y + z = 1" and "x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 2" and "x^3 + y^3 + z^3 = 3"
using Root[of 1] Root[of 2] Root[of 3] by (simp_all add: eval_nat_numeral x_y_z_def f_def)
then interpret power_sum_puzzle_example x y z
by unfold_locales
have "p 5 = 6"
by (simp add: p_recurrence''')