Theory Weak_Early_Bisim_Pres

   Title: The pi-calculus   
   Author/Maintainer: Jesper Bengtson (, 2012
theory Weak_Early_Bisim_Pres
  imports Strong_Early_Bisim_Pres Weak_Early_Sim_Pres Weak_Early_Bisim_SC Weak_Early_Bisim

(************ Preservation rules ************)

lemma tauPres:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  assumes "P  Q"

  shows "τ.(P)  τ.(Q)"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(τ.(P), τ.(Q)) | P Q. P  Q}"
  from P  Q have "(τ.(P), τ.(Q))  ?X" by auto
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: weakBisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim P Q)
    thus ?case
      by(force intro: Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.tauPres)
    case(cSym P Q)
    thus ?case by(force dest: Weak_Early_Bisim.symetric simp add: pi.inject)

lemma outputPres:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   a :: name
  and   b :: name

  assumes "P  Q"

  shows "a{b}.P  a{b}.Q"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(a{b}.(P), a{b}.(Q)) | P Q a b. P  Q}"
  from P  Q have "(a{b}.(P), a{b}.(Q))  ?X" by auto
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: weakBisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim P Q)
    thus ?case
      by(force intro: Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.outputPres)
    case(cSym P Q)
    thus ?case by(force dest: Weak_Early_Bisim.symetric simp add: pi.inject)

lemma inputPres:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   a :: name
  and   x :: name

  assumes PSimQ: "y. P[x::=y]  Q[x::=y]"
  shows "a<x>.P  a<x>.Q"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(a<x>.P, a<x>.Q) | a x P Q. y. P[x::=y]  Q[x::=y]}"
    fix axP axQ p
    assume "(axP, axQ)  ?X"
    then obtain a x P Q where A: "y. P[x::=y]  Q[x::=y]" and B: "axP = a<x>.P" and C: "axQ = a<x>.Q"
      by auto
    have "y. ((p::name prm)  P)[(p  x)::=y]  (p  Q)[(p  x)::=y]"
    proof -
      fix y
      from A have "P[x::=(rev p  y)]  Q[x::=(rev p  y)]"
        by blast
      hence "(p  (P[x::=(rev p  y)]))  p  (Q[x::=(rev p  y)])"
        by(rule eqvts)
      thus "(p  P)[(p  x)::=y]  (p  Q)[(p  x)::=y]"
        by(simp add: eqvts pt_pi_rev[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
    hence "((p::name prm)  axP, p  axQ)  ?X" using B C
      by auto
  hence "eqvt ?X" by(simp add: eqvt_def)

  from PSimQ have "(a<x>.P, a<x>.Q)  ?X" by auto
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: weakBisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim P Q)
    thus ?case using eqvt ?X
      by(force intro: Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.inputPres)
    case(cSym P Q)
    thus ?case
      by(blast dest: weakBisimE)

lemma resPres:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   x :: name
  assumes "P  Q"

  shows "x>P  x>Q"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(x>P, x>Q) | x P Q. P  Q}"
  from P  Q have "(x>P, x>Q)  ?X" by blast
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: weakBisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim xP xQ)
      fix P Q x
      assume "P  Q"
      hence "P ↝<weakBisim> Q" by(rule weakBisimE)
      moreover have "P Q x. P  Q  (x>P, x>Q)  ?X  weakBisim" by blast
      moreover have "weakBisim  ?X  weakBisim" by blast
      moreover have "eqvt weakBisim" by simp
      moreover have "eqvt (?X  weakBisim)"
        by(auto simp add: eqvt_def dest: Weak_Early_Bisim.eqvtI)+
      ultimately have "x>P ↝<(?X  weakBisim)> x>Q"
        by(rule Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.resPres)
    with (xP, xQ)  ?X show ?case by blast
    case(cSym xP xQ)
    thus ?case by(blast dest: Weak_Early_Bisim.symetric)

lemma matchPres:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   a :: name
  and   b :: name

  assumes "P  Q"

  shows "[ab]P  [ab]Q"
proof -
  let ?X = "{([ab]P, [ab]Q) | a b P Q. P  Q}"
  from P  Q have "([ab]P, [ab]Q)  ?X" by blast
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: weakBisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim abP abQ)
      fix P Q a b
      assume "P  Q"
      hence "P ↝<weakBisim> Q" by(rule weakBisimE)
      moreover have "weakBisim  (?X  weakBisim)" by blast
      moreover have "P Q a. P  Q  [aa]P  Q"
        by (metis (full_types) strongBisimWeakBisim Strong_Early_Bisim_SC.matchId Weak_Early_Bisim.transitive)
      ultimately have"[ab]P ↝<(?X  weakBisim)> [ab]Q" 
        by(rule Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.matchPres)
    with (abP, abQ)  ?X show ?case by blast
    case(cSym abP abQ)
    thus ?case by(blast dest: Weak_Early_Bisim.symetric)

lemma mismatchPres:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   a :: name
  and   b :: name

  assumes "P  Q"

  shows "[ab]P  [ab]Q"
proof -
  let ?X = "{([ab]P, [ab]Q)| a b P Q. P  Q}"
  from P  Q have "([ab]P, [ab]Q)  ?X" by blast
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: weakBisimCoinduct)
    case(cSim abP abQ)
      fix P Q a b
      assume "P  Q"
      hence "P ↝<weakBisim> Q" by(rule weakBisimE)
      moreover have "weakBisim  (?X  weakBisim)" by blast
      moreover have "P Q a b. P  Q; a  b  [ab]P  Q"
        by (metis (full_types) strongBisimWeakBisim Strong_Early_Bisim_SC.mismatchId Weak_Early_Bisim.transitive)
      ultimately have "[ab]P ↝<(?X  weakBisim)> [ab]Q"
        by(rule Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.mismatchPres) 
    with (abP, abQ)  ?X show ?case by blast
    case(cSym abP abQ)
    thus ?case by(blast dest: Weak_Early_Bisim.symetric)

lemma parPres:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi
  and   R :: pi

  assumes "P  Q"

  shows "P  R  Q  R"
proof -
  let ?X = "{(resChain lst (P  R), resChain lst (Q  R)) | lst P R Q. P  Q}"
  have BC: "P Q. P  Q = resChain [] (P  Q)" by auto
  from P  Q have "(P  R, Q  R)  ?X" by(blast intro: BC)
  thus ?thesis
  proof(coinduct rule: weakBisimCoinduct)
    case(cSym PR QR)
      fix P Q R lst
      assume "P  Q"
      moreover hence "P ↝<weakBisim> Q" by(rule weakBisimE)
      moreover have "P Q R. P  Q  (P  R, Q  R)  ?X" using BC
        by blast
      moreover {
        fix PR QR x
        assume "(PR, QR)  ?X"
        then obtain lst P Q R where "P  Q" and A: "PR = resChain lst (P  R)" and B: "QR = resChain lst (Q  R)"
          by auto
        from A have "x>PR = resChain (x#lst) (P  R)" by auto
        moreover from B have "x>QR = resChain (x#lst) (Q  R)" by auto
        ultimately have "(x>PR, x>QR)  ?X" using P  Q
          by blast
      note Res = this
      ultimately have "P  R ↝<?X> Q  R"
        by(rule_tac Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.parPres)
      moreover have "eqvt ?X"
        by(auto simp add: eqvt_def) (blast intro: eqvts)
      ultimately have "resChain lst (P  R) ↝<?X> resChain lst (Q  R)" using Res
        by(rule_tac Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.resChainI)
      hence "resChain lst (P  R) ↝<(?X  weakBisim)> resChain lst (Q  R)"
        by(force intro: Weak_Early_Sim.monotonic)
    with (PR, QR)  ?X show "PR ↝<(?X  weakBisim)> QR"
      by blast
    case(cSym PR QR)
    thus ?case by(blast dest: Weak_Early_Bisim.symetric)

lemma bangPres:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  assumes PBisimQ: "P  Q"

  shows "!P  !Q"
proof -
  let ?X = "(bangRel weakBisim)"
  let ?Y = "Strong_Early_Bisim.bisim O (bangRel weakBisim) O Strong_Early_Bisim.bisim"

  from Weak_Early_Bisim.eqvt Strong_Early_Bisim.eqvt have eqvtY: "eqvt ?Y" by(blast intro: eqvtBangRel)
  have XsubY: "?X  ?Y" by(auto intro: Strong_Early_Bisim.reflexive)

  have RelStay: "P Q. (P  !P, Q)  ?Y  (!P, Q)  ?Y"
    fix P Q R T
    assume PBisimQ: "P  !P e Q" 
       and QBRR: "(Q, R)  bangRel weakBisim"
       and RBisimT: "R e T"
    have "!P e Q" 
    proof -
      have "!P e P  !P" by(rule Strong_Early_Bisim_SC.bangSC)
      thus ?thesis using PBisimQ by(rule Strong_Early_Bisim.transitive)
    with QBRR RBisimT show "(!P, T)  ?Y" by blast
  have ParCompose: "P Q R T. P  Q; (R, T)  ?Y  (P  R, Q  T)  ?Y"
  proof -
    fix P Q R T
    assume PBisimQ: "P  Q"
       and RYT:     "(R, T)  ?Y"
    thus "(P  R, Q  T)  ?Y"
      fix T' R'
      assume T'BisimT: "T' e T" and RBisimR': "R e R'"
         and R'BRT': "(R', T')  bangRel weakBisim"
      have "P  R e P  R'"
      proof -
        from RBisimR' have "R  P e R'  P" by(rule Strong_Early_Bisim_Pres.parPres)
        moreover have "P  R e R  P" and "R'  P e P  R'" by(rule Strong_Early_Bisim_SC.parSym)+
        ultimately show ?thesis by(blast intro: Strong_Early_Bisim.transitive)
      moreover from PBisimQ R'BRT' have "(P  R', Q  T')  bangRel weakBisim" by(rule BRPar)
      moreover have "Q  T' e Q  T"
      proof -
        from T'BisimT have "T'  Q e T  Q" by(rule Strong_Early_Bisim_Pres.parPres)
        moreover have "Q  T' e T'  Q" and "T  Q e Q  T" by(rule Strong_Early_Bisim_SC.parSym)+
        ultimately show ?thesis by(blast intro: Strong_Early_Bisim.transitive)
      ultimately show ?thesis by blast

  have ResCong: "P Q x. (P, Q)  ?Y  (x>P, x>Q)  ?Y"
    by(auto intro: BRRes Strong_Early_Bisim_Pres.resPres transitive)

  have Sim: "P Q. (P, Q)  ?X  P ↝<?Y> Q"
  proof -
    fix P Q
    assume "(P, Q)  ?X"
    thus "P ↝<?Y> Q"
      case(BRBang P Q)
      have "P  Q" by fact
      moreover hence "P ↝<weakBisim> Q" by(blast dest: weakBisimE)
      moreover have "P Q. P  Q  P ↝<weakBisim> Q" by(blast dest: weakBisimE)
      moreover from Strong_Early_Bisim.eqvt Weak_Early_Bisim.eqvt have "eqvt ?Y" by(blast intro: eqvtBangRel)

      ultimately show "!P ↝<?Y> !Q" using ParCompose ResCong RelStay XsubY
        by(rule_tac Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.bangPres, simp_all)
      case(BRPar P Q R T)
      have PBiSimQ: "P  Q" by fact
      moreover have RBangRelT: "(R, T)  ?X" by fact
      have RSimT: "R ↝<?Y> T" by fact
      moreover from PBiSimQ  have "P ↝<weakBisim> Q" by(blast dest: weakBisimE)
      moreover from RBangRelT have "(R, T)  ?Y" by(blast intro: Strong_Early_Bisim.reflexive)
      ultimately show "P  R ↝<?Y> Q  T" using ParCompose ResCong eqvt eqvtY
        by(rule_tac Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.parCompose)
      case(BRRes P Q x)
      have "P ↝<?Y> Q" by fact
      thus "x>P ↝<?Y> x>Q" using ResCong eqvtY XsubY
        by(rule_tac Weak_Early_Sim_Pres.resPres, simp_all)

  from PBisimQ have "(!P, !Q)  ?X" by(rule BRBang)
  moreover from Weak_Early_Bisim.eqvt have "eqvt (bangRel weakBisim)" by(rule eqvtBangRel)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    apply(coinduct rule: Weak_Early_Bisim.transitive_coinduct_weak)
    apply(blast intro: Sim)
    by(blast dest: bangRelSymetric Weak_Early_Bisim.symetric intro: Strong_Early_Bisim.reflexive)

lemma bangRelSubWeakBisim:
  shows "bangRel weakBisim  weakBisim"
  fix a b
  assume "(a, b)  bangRel weakBisim"
  thus "a  b"
    fix P Q
    assume "P  Q"
    thus "!P  !Q" by(rule bangPres)
    fix P Q R T
    assume "R  T" and "P  Q"
    thus "R  P  T  Q" by(metis parPres parSym Weak_Early_Bisim.transitive)
    fix P Q
    fix a::name
    assume "P  Q"
    thus "a>P  a>Q" by(rule resPres)
