Theory Ring_Powers

theory Ring_Powers
  imports "HOL-Algebra.Chinese_Remainder" "HOL-Combinatorics.List_Permutation"
          Padic_Ints.Function_Ring "HOL-Algebra.Generated_Rings" Cring_Multivariable_Poly Indices

type_synonym arity = nat
type_synonym 'a tuple = "'a list"

section‹Cartesian Powers of a Ring›

  subsection‹Constructing the Cartesian Power of a Ring›
text‹Powers of a ring›

text‹\texttt{R\_list n R} produces the list $[R, ... , R]$ of length n›

fun R_list :: "nat  ('a, 'b) ring_scheme  (('a, 'b) ring_scheme ) list" where
"R_list n R = map (λ_. R) (index_list n)"

text‹Cartesian powers of a ring›

definition cartesian_power :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  ('a list) ring" (‹__ 80) where
"Rn RDirProd_list (R_list n R)"

lemma R_list_length: 
"length (R_list n R) = n"
  apply(induction n) by auto 

lemma R_list_nth:
"i < n  R_list n R ! i = R"
  by (simp add: index_list_length)

lemma cartesian_power_car_memI:
  assumes "length as = n" 
  assumes "set as  carrier R" 
  shows "as  carrier (Rn)"
  unfolding cartesian_power_def 
  apply(rule RDirProd_list_carrier_memI)
    using R_list_length assms(1) apply auto[1]
      by (metis R_list_length R_list_nth assms(1) assms(2) nth_mem subsetD)

lemma cartesian_power_car_memI':
  assumes "length as = n"
  assumes "i. i < n   as ! i  carrier R"
  shows "as  carrier (Rn)"
  unfolding cartesian_power_def 
  apply(rule RDirProd_list_carrier_memI)
    using R_list_length assms(1) apply auto[1]
      by (metis R_list_length R_list_nth assms(2))  

lemma cartesian_power_car_memE:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "length as = n"
  using RDirProd_list_carrier_mem(1) 
  by (metis R_list_length assms cartesian_power_def)
lemma cartesian_power_car_memE':
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows " as ! i  carrier R"
  using assms  RDirProd_list_carrier_mem(2) 
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) R_list_length R_list_nth cartesian_power_def)
lemma cartesian_power_car_memE'':
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "set as  carrier R"
  using cartesian_power_car_memE' 
  by (metis assms cartesian_power_car_memE in_set_conv_nth subsetI)
lemma cartesian_power_car_memI'':
  assumes "length as = n + k"
  assumes "take n as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "drop n as  carrier (Rk)"
  shows "as  carrier (Rn+k)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
  apply (simp add: assms(1))
proof- fix i assume A: "i < n + k"
  show " as ! i  carrier R"
    apply(cases "i < n")
     apply (metis assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE' nth_take)
    by (metis A add_diff_inverse_nat add_less_imp_less_left 
        append_take_drop_id assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE 
        cartesian_power_car_memE' nth_append_length_plus)

lemma cartesian_power_cons:
  assumes " as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "a#as  carrier (Rn+1)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  apply (metis One_nat_def assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE list.size(4))
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' in_set_conv_nth set_ConsD subsetI)

lemma cartesian_power_append:
  assumes " as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "as@[a]  carrier (Rn+1)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI'')
   apply (metis add.commute assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE length_append_singleton plus_1_eq_Suc)
  apply (metis append_eq_append_conv_if assms(1) butlast_snoc cartesian_power_car_memE length_append_singleton lessI take_butlast)
  by (metis add.commute add.right_neutral append_eq_conv_conj assms(1) assms(2) bot_least
      cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memI cartesian_power_cons 
      list.set(1) list.size(3))

lemma cartesian_power_head:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows "hd as  carrier R"
  by (metis assms cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE''  list.set_sel(1) list.size(3) old.nat.distinct(1) subsetD)

lemma cartesian_power_tail:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows "tl as  carrier (Rn)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  apply (metis add_diff_cancel_left' assms cartesian_power_car_memE length_tl plus_1_eq_Suc)
  by (metis assms cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE'' list.set_sel(2) list.size(3) nat.simps(3) subsetD subsetI)

lemma insert_at_index_closed:
  assumes "length as = n"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "k  n"
  shows "(insert_at_index as a k)  carrier (RSuc n)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
   apply (metis Groups.add_ac(2) assms(1) insert_at_index_length plus_1_eq_Suc)
  by (smt R_list_length Suc_le_eq assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) 
      cartesian_power_car_memE' insert_at_index_eq insert_at_index_eq' 
      insert_at_index_eq'' less_Suc_eq less_Suc_eq_0_disj not_less_eq_eq)

lemma insert_at_index_pow_not_car:
  assumes "k n"
  assumes "length x = n"
  assumes "(insert_at_index x a k)  carrier (RSuc n)" 
  shows "x  carrier (Rn)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
  apply (simp add: assms(2))
  by (metis Suc_mono assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) 
      cartesian_power_car_memE' insert_at_index_eq' 
      insert_at_index_eq'' leI less_SucI)

lemma insert_at_index_pow_not_car':
  assumes "k n"
  assumes "length x = n"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "(insert_at_index x a n)  carrier (RSuc n)"
  by (metis assms(2) assms(3) insert_at_index_pow_not_car lessI less_Suc_eq_le)

lemma take_closed:
  assumes "k n"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "take k x  carrier (Rk)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  apply (metis assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE length_take min.absorb_iff2)
  by (meson assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE'' set_take_subset subset_trans)

lemma drop_closed:
  assumes "k < n"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "drop k x  carrier (Rn - k)"
  apply(rule   cartesian_power_car_memI[of "drop k x" "n - k"] )
  using assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE length_drop apply blast
   by (metis add_diff_inverse_nat assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE 
      cartesian_power_car_memE' in_set_conv_nth length_drop less_imp_le_nat
      nat_add_left_cancel_less nth_drop order.asym subsetI)

lemma last_closed: 
  assumes "n > 0"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "last x  carrier R"
  using assms 
  by (metis Suc_diff_1 cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE'
      last_conv_nth lessI list.size(3) neq0_conv)

lemma cartesian_power_concat:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "b  carrier (Rk)"
  shows "a@b  carrier (Rn+k)"
        "b@a  carrier (Rn+k)"
  apply (metis (no_types, lifting) append_eq_conv_conj assms(1) assms(2) 
    cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memI'' length_append)
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute append_eq_conv_conj assms(1) assms(2) 
      cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memI'' length_append)

lemma cartesian_power_decomp:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn+k)"
  obtains a0 a1 where "a0  carrier (Rn)  a1  carrier (Rk)  a0@a1 = a"
  using assms 
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_diff_cancel_left' append.assoc append_eq_append_conv 
      append_take_drop_id cartesian_power_car_memE drop_closed le_add1 
      le_neq_implies_less length_append take_closed)

lemma list_segment_pow:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "j  n"
  assumes "i   j"
  shows "list_segment i j as  carrier (Rj - i)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  using list_segment_length assms cartesian_power_car_memE 
   apply blast
  using assms 
  by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE''
      dual_order.trans list_segment_subset_list_set)

lemma nth_list_segment:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "j n"
  assumes "i   j"
  assumes "k < j - i"
  shows "(list_segment i j as) ! k = as ! (i + k)" 
  unfolding list_segment_def
  using assms nth_map_upt[of k j i "((!) as)"   ] 
  by blast

subsection‹Mapping the Carrier of a Ring to its 1-Dimensional Cartesian Power.›

context cring

lemma R1_carI:
  assumes "length as = 1"
  assumes "as!0  carrier R"
  shows "as  carrier (R1)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  using assms 
   apply blast
     using assms 
    by (metis in_set_conv_nth less_one subsetI)
abbreviation(input) to_R1 where
"to_R1 a  [a]"

abbreviation(input) to_R :: "'a list  'a"  where
"to_R as  as!0"

lemma to_R1_to_R:
  assumes "a  carrier (R1)"
  shows "to_R1 (to_R a) = a"
  have "length a = 1"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
  then obtain b where "a = [b]"
    by (metis One_nat_def length_0_conv length_Suc_conv)
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms
    by (metis nth_Cons_0)

lemma to_R_to_R1:
  shows "to_R (to_R1 a) = a"
  by (meson nth_Cons_0)

lemma to_R1_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "to_R1 a  carrier (R1)"
proof(rule R1_carI)
  show "length [a] = 1"
    by simp 
  show "[a] ! 0  carrier R"
    using assms to_R_to_R1 by presburger    
lemma to_R_pow_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier (R1)"
  shows "to_R a  carrier R"
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE' by blast

lemma to_R1_intersection:
  assumes "A  carrier R"
  assumes "B  carrier R"
  shows "to_R1 ` (A  B) = to_R1` A  to_R1 ` B"
  show "(λa. [a]) ` (A  B)  (λa. [a]) ` A  (λa. [a]) ` B"
    by blast
  show "(λa. [a]) ` A  (λa. [a]) ` B  (λa. [a]) ` (A  B)"
    using assms 
  by blast

lemma to_R1_finite:
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "finite (to_R1` A)"
        "card A = card (to_R1` A)"
  using assms 
  apply blast
  apply(rule finite.induct[of A])
  apply (simp add: assms(1))
   apply simp
  by (smt card_insert_if finite_imageI image_iff image_insert list.inject)

lemma to_R1_carrier:
"to_R1` (carrier R)= carrier (R1)"
  show "(λa. [a]) ` carrier R  carrier (R1)"
  proof fix x
    assume "x  (λa. [a]) ` carrier R"
    then show "x  carrier (R1)"
      using cartesian_power_car_memI[of x 1 R] 
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_iff to_R1_closed)
  show "carrier (R1)  (λa. [a]) ` carrier R"
  proof fix x
    assume "x  carrier (R1)"
    then obtain a where a_def: "a  carrier R  x = [a]"
      using cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x R 1] cartesian_power_car_memE[of x R 1]
      by (metis less_numeral_extra(1) to_R1_to_R)
    then show "x  (λa. [a]) ` carrier R"
      by blast

lemma to_R1_diff:
"to_R1` (A - B) = to_R1` A - to_R1` B"
  show "(λa. [a]) ` (A - B)  (λa. [a]) ` A - (λa. [a]) ` B"
    by blast
  show "(λa. [a]) ` A - (λa. [a]) ` B  (λa. [a]) ` (A - B)"
    by blast

lemma to_R1_complement:
  shows "to_R1` (carrier R - A) = carrier (R1) - to_R1` A"
  by (metis to_R1_carrier to_R1_diff)

lemma to_R1_subset:
  assumes "A  B"
  shows "to_R1` A  to_R1` B"
  using assms 
  by blast

lemma to_R1_car_subset:
  assumes "A  carrier R"
  shows "to_R1` A  carrier (R1)"
  using assms to_R1_carrier 
  by blast

      subsection‹Simple Cartesian Products›
definition cartesian_product :: "('a list) set  ('a list) set  ('a list) set" where
"cartesian_product A B  {xs. as  A. bs  B. xs = as@bs}"

lemma cartesian_product_closed:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "cartesian_product A B  carrier (Rn + m)"
  fix x 
  assume A: "x  cartesian_product A B "
  then obtain as bs where as_bs_def: "x = as@bs  as  A  bs  B"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
  show "x  carrier (Rn + m) "
    apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
     apply (metis as_bs_def assms cartesian_power_car_memE length_append subsetD)
    using A unfolding cartesian_product_def 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_diff_inverse_nat as_bs_def assms(1)
        assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' 
        nat_add_left_cancel_less nth_append subsetD)   

lemma cartesian_product_closed':
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "b   carrier (Rm)"
  shows "(a@b)   carrier (Rn + m)"
  have "a@b  cartesian_product {a} {b}"
    using cartesian_product_def by blast
  then show ?thesis 
  using cartesian_product_closed[of "{a}" R n "{b}" m]
  by blast

lemma cartesian_product_carrier: 
"cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) (carrier (Rm)) =  carrier (Rn + m)"
  show "cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) (carrier (Rm))  carrier (Rn + m)"
    using cartesian_product_closed[of "(carrier (Rn))" R n "(carrier (Rm)) " m] 
    by blast
  show "carrier (Rn + m)  cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) (carrier (Rm))"
    fix x
    assume A: "x  carrier (Rn + m)"
    have 0: "take n x  carrier (Rn)"
      apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')  
       apply (metis A cartesian_power_car_memE le_add1 length_take min.absorb2)
         by (metis A add.commute cartesian_power_car_memE' 
            nth_take trans_less_add2) 
    have 1: "drop n x  carrier (Rm)"
      apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')  
        apply (metis A add_diff_cancel_left' cartesian_power_car_memE length_drop)
          by (metis A cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' le_add1 nat_add_left_cancel_less nth_drop)
    show "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) (carrier (Rm))"
      using 0 1 
      by (smt A cartesian_power_decomp cartesian_product_def mem_Collect_eq)

text‹Higher function rings›

lemma cartesian_product_memI:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "take n a  A"
  assumes "drop n a  B"
  shows "a  cartesian_product A B"
  have "a = (take n a) @ (drop n a)"
    by (metis append_take_drop_id)
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms(3) assms(4) cartesian_product_def by blast    

lemma cartesian_product_memI':
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "a  A"
  assumes "b  B"
  shows "a@b  cartesian_product A B"
  using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def
  by blast   

lemma cartesian_product_memE: 
assumes "a  cartesian_product A B"
assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
shows "take n a  A"
      "drop n a  B"
  using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def  
  apply (smt append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE in_mono mem_Collect_eq)
  using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def  
  by (smt append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE in_mono mem_Collect_eq)

lemma cartesian_product_intersection:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "C  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "D  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "cartesian_product A B  cartesian_product C D = cartesian_product (A  C) (B  D)"
  show "cartesian_product A B  cartesian_product C D  cartesian_product (A  C) (B  D)"
  proof fix x
    assume "x  cartesian_product A B  cartesian_product C D"
    then show "x  cartesian_product (A  C) (B  D)"
      using assms cartesian_product_memE[of x C D] cartesian_product_memE[of x A B] 
            cartesian_product_memI[of "A  C" R n "B  D" m x] 
      by (smt Int_iff inf.coboundedI1)
  show "cartesian_product (A  C) (B  D)  cartesian_product A B  cartesian_product C D"
  proof fix x
    assume "x  cartesian_product (A  C) (B  D)"
    then show "x  cartesian_product A B  cartesian_product C D"
          using assms cartesian_product_memI[of C R n D m] cartesian_product_memI[of A R n B m]
            cartesian_product_memE[of x "A  B" "C  D" R n ] 
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_iff cartesian_product_memE(1) cartesian_product_memE(2) inf_le1 subset_trans)          

lemma cartesian_product_subsetI:
  assumes "C  A"
  assumes "D  B"
  shows "cartesian_product C D  cartesian_product A B"
  using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def
  by blast

lemma cartesian_product_binary_union_right:
  assumes "C  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "D  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "cartesian_product A (C  D) = (cartesian_product A C)  (cartesian_product A D)"
  show "cartesian_product A (C  D)  cartesian_product A C  cartesian_product A D"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def  by blast
  show "cartesian_product A C  cartesian_product A D  cartesian_product A (C  D)"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast

lemma cartesian_product_binary_union_left:
  assumes "C  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "D  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "cartesian_product (C  D) A = (cartesian_product C A)  (cartesian_product D A)"
  show "cartesian_product (C  D) A  cartesian_product C A  cartesian_product D A"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
  show "cartesian_product C A  cartesian_product D A  cartesian_product (C  D) A"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast 

lemma cartesian_product_binary_intersection_right:
  assumes "C  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "D  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "cartesian_product A (C  D) = (cartesian_product A C)  (cartesian_product A D)"
  show "cartesian_product A (C  D)  cartesian_product A C  cartesian_product A D"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
  show "cartesian_product A C  cartesian_product A D  cartesian_product A (C  D)"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  cartesian_product A C  cartesian_product A D"
    show "x  cartesian_product A (C  D)" apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of A R m _ n  ])
    apply (simp add: assms(3)) 
      apply (simp add: assms(1) inf.coboundedI1)
       apply (meson A IntD1 assms(3) cartesian_product_memE(1))
        by (meson A Int_iff assms(3) cartesian_product_memE(2))

lemma cartesian_product_binary_intersection_left:
  assumes "C  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "D  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "cartesian_product (C  D) A = (cartesian_product C A)  (cartesian_product D A)"
  show "cartesian_product (C  D) A  cartesian_product C A  cartesian_product D A"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
  show "cartesian_product C A  cartesian_product D A  cartesian_product (C  D) A"
    proof fix x assume A: "x  cartesian_product C A  cartesian_product D A"
    show "x  cartesian_product (C  D) A" apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ R n _ m ])
       apply (simp add: assms(2) inf.coboundedI2)
        apply (simp add: assms(3))
          apply (meson A Int_iff assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_product_memE(1))
            by (meson A IntD1 assms(1) cartesian_product_memE(2))

lemma cartesian_product_car_complement_right:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) A = 
          cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) ((carrier (Rm)) - A)"
  show "carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) A  cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) ((carrier (Rm)) - A)"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  (carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) A)"
  show "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) ((carrier (Rm)) - A)"
  apply(rule cartesian_product_memI[of  _  R n _ m]) 
    apply simp 
      apply simp
        apply (meson A DiffE le_add1 take_closed)
    apply(rule ccontr) 
      assume A': "drop n x  (carrier (Rm) - A)"
      have "drop n x  A"
      have "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) (carrier (Rm))"
        using A 
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) DiffD1 cartesian_product_carrier)
      then show ?thesis 
        using A' cartesian_product_memE[of x "(carrier (Rn))" "(carrier (Rm))" R n] 
        by blast
      then show False 
        using A cartesian_product_memI[of "(carrier (Rn))" R n A m x] 
        by (meson DiffD1 DiffD2 assms le_add1 order_refl take_closed)
  show "cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) ((carrier (Rm)) - A)  carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) A"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) ((carrier (Rm)) - A)"
    show "x  carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product (carrier (Rn)) A"
      apply(rule ccontr)
      using A cartesian_product_memE[of x "carrier (Rn)" A R n]
      using A cartesian_product_memE[of x "(carrier (Rn))" "(carrier (Rm)) - A" R n] 
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffD1 DiffD2 DiffI 
          append_take_drop_id cartesian_product_closed' order_refl)

lemma cartesian_product_car_complement_left:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product  A (carrier (Rm)) = 
          cartesian_product ((carrier (Rn)) - A) (carrier (Rm)) "
  show "carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product  A (carrier (Rm)) 
          cartesian_product ((carrier (Rn)) - A) (carrier (Rm)) "
  proof fix x assume A: " x  carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product  A (carrier (Rm))"
    show "x  cartesian_product ((carrier (Rn)) - A) (carrier (Rm)) "
    proof(rule cartesian_product_memI[of _ R n _ m]) 
      show "carrier (Rn) - A  carrier (Rn)"
        by simp
      show "carrier (Rm)  carrier (Rm)"
        by simp
      show "take n x  carrier (Rn) - A"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A DiffD1 DiffD2 DiffI assms 
            cartesian_product_carrier cartesian_product_memE(2) cartesian_product_memI 
            le_add1 order_refl take_closed)
      show "drop n x  carrier (Rm)"
        by (metis A DiffD1 cartesian_product_carrier cartesian_product_memE(2) order_refl)
  show "cartesian_product ((carrier (Rn)) - A) (carrier (Rm)) 
        carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product  A (carrier (Rm)) "
  proof fix x assume A: " x  cartesian_product ((carrier (Rn)) - A) (carrier (Rm))"
    show "x  carrier (Rn + m) - cartesian_product  A (carrier (Rm))"
    apply(rule ccontr)
      using A cartesian_product_memE[of x "((carrier (Rn)) - A)" "(carrier (Rm))"]
              cartesian_product_memE[of x A "(carrier (Rm))"]
      by (smt DiffD1 DiffD2 DiffI Diff_subset append_take_drop_id assms cartesian_product_closed')

lemma cartesian_product_complement_right:
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "cartesian_product A (carrier (Rm)) - (cartesian_product A B) = 
          cartesian_product A ((carrier (Rm)) - B)"
  show "cartesian_product A (carrier (Rm)) - cartesian_product A B  cartesian_product A ((carrier (Rm)) - B)"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
  show "cartesian_product A ((carrier (Rm)) - B)  cartesian_product A ((carrier (Rm))) - cartesian_product A B"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  cartesian_product A ((carrier (Rm)) - B)"
    have 0: "x  cartesian_product A (carrier (Rm))" 
      using A unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
    show "x  cartesian_product A (carrier (Rm)) - cartesian_product A B "
      apply(rule ccontr) 
      using assms 0 A cartesian_product_memE[of x A "((carrier (Rm)) - B)" R n] 
                      cartesian_product_memE[of x A B R n] 
      by blast

lemma cartesian_product_complement_left:
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "cartesian_product (carrier (Rm)) A  - (cartesian_product B A) = 
          cartesian_product ((carrier (Rm)) - B) A "
  show "cartesian_product (carrier (Rm)) A - cartesian_product B A  cartesian_product ((carrier (Rm)) - B) A"
    unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
  show "cartesian_product ((carrier (Rm)) - B) A  cartesian_product (carrier (Rm)) A - cartesian_product B A"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  cartesian_product ((carrier (Rm)) - B) A"
    have 0: "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Rm)) A"
      using A  unfolding cartesian_product_def by blast
    have 1: "take m x  (carrier (Rm)) - B"
      using A cartesian_product_memE[of x "((carrier (Rm)) - B)" A R m]
      by blast
    have 2: "drop m x  A"
      using cartesian_product_memE[of x "((carrier (Rm)) - B)" A R m]
      by (metis  A  Diff_subset)
    show "x  cartesian_product (carrier (Rm)) A - cartesian_product B A"
      apply(rule ccontr) 
      using A 0 1 2 cartesian_product_memE[of x B A R m] assms  
      by blast

lemma cartesian_product_empty_right:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B = {[]}"
  shows "cartesian_product A B = A"
  show "cartesian_product A B  A"
    using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def
    by (smt append_Nil2 mem_Collect_eq singletonD subsetI)
  show "A  cartesian_product A B"
    using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def 
    by blast

lemma cartesian_product_empty_left:
  assumes "B  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A = {[]}"
  shows "cartesian_product A B = B"
  show "cartesian_product A B  B"
    using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def
    by (smt append.simps(1) mem_Collect_eq singletonD subsetI)
  show "B  cartesian_product A B"
    using assms unfolding cartesian_product_def
    by blast

      subsection‹Cartesian Products at Arbitrary Indices›

definition(in ring) ring_pow_proj ::  "nat   (nat set)   ('a list)   ('a list) " (π⇘_, _)  where
"ring_pow_proj n S  restrict (project_at_indices S) (carrier (Rn))"

text‹The projection at an arbitrary index set›

lemma project_at_indices_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "S  indices_of a"
  shows "π⇘Sa  carrier (Rcard S)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
  using assms proj_at_index_list_length apply blast
    using assms project_at_indices_nth[of S] 
    by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' indices_of_def lessThan_iff nth_elem_closed subsetD)

lemma(in ring) ring_pow_proj_is_map:
  assumes "S  {..<n}"
  shows "π⇘n,S struct_maps (Rn) (Rcard S)"
proof(rule struct_maps_memI)
  show "x. x  carrier (Rn)  π⇘n,Sx  carrier (Rcard S)"
    using project_at_indices_closed unfolding ring_pow_proj_def 
    by (metis assms cartesian_power_car_memE indices_of_def restrict_apply')
  show " x. x  carrier (Rn)  π⇘n, Sx = undefined"
    by (metis restrict_apply ring_pow_proj_def)

lemma(in ring) project_at_indices_ring_pow_proj:
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "π⇘Sx = π⇘n,Sx"
  unfolding ring_pow_proj_def 
  by (metis assms restrict_apply')

  Cartesian products where the first factor A› occurs at the entries of some arbitrary index set.
  Note that this product isn't completely arbitrary because the entries of the factor of A› 
  still occurs in ascending order.›

definition twisted_cartesian_product (Prod⇘_, _) where
"twisted_cartesian_product S S' A B = {a . length a = card S + card S'  π⇘Sa  A  π⇘S'a  B}"

lemma twisted_cartesian_product_mem_length:
  assumes "card S = n"
  assumes "card S' = m"
  assumes "a  Prod⇘S,S'A B"
  shows "length a = n + m"
  using assms unfolding twisted_cartesian_product_def 
  by blast

lemma twisted_cartesian_product_closed:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "card S = n"
  assumes "card S' = m"
  assumes "S  S' = {..<n + m}"
  shows "twisted_cartesian_product S S' A B  carrier (Rn + m)"
proof(rule subsetI)
  fix x assume A: "x  twisted_cartesian_product S S' A B"
  show "x  carrier (Rn + m)"
  proof(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
    show "length x = n + m"
      using twisted_cartesian_product_mem_length x  twisted_cartesian_product S S' A B assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) by blast
    fix i assume A': "i < n + m"
    have 0: "indices_of x = {..<n+m}"
      by (simp add: length x = n + m indices_of_def)
    show "x ! i  carrier R"
    proof(cases "i  S")
      case True
      have "x!i = π⇘Sx ! (set_rank S i)"
        using A' 0 assms 
        by (metis True Un_upper1 project_at_indices_nth')
      then show ?thesis 
        using project_at_indices_closed[of x R "n + m" S] A A'
              cartesian_power_car_memE'[of "π⇘Sx" R "card S"]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) True UnI2 Un_upper1 assms(1) assms(3) assms(5) 
            finite_lessThan finite_subset mem_Collect_eq set_rank_range sup.absorb_iff1 
      case False
      have "x!i = π⇘S'x ! (set_rank S' i)"
        using A' 0 assms 
        by (metis False UnE lessThan_iff project_at_indices_nth' sup.absorb_iff1 sup.right_idem)        
      then show ?thesis 
        using project_at_indices_closed[of x R "n + m" S'] A A'
              cartesian_power_car_memE'[of "π⇘S'x" R "card S'"]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) False UnE UnI2 Un_upper2 assms(2) assms(4) assms(5) 
            finite_lessThan finite_subset lessThan_iff mem_Collect_eq set_rank_range sup.absorb_iff1 

lemma twisted_cartesian_product_memE:
  assumes "a  twisted_cartesian_product S S' A B"
  shows "π⇘Sa  A" "π⇘S'a  B"
  using assms(1) unfolding twisted_cartesian_product_def apply blast 
    using assms(1) unfolding twisted_cartesian_product_def by blast

lemma twisted_cartesian_product_memI:
  assumes "π⇘Sa  A" 
  assumes "π⇘S'a  B"
  assumes "length a = card S + card S'"
  shows "a  twisted_cartesian_product S S' A B"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) mem_Collect_eq twisted_cartesian_product_def)

lemma twisted_cartesian_product_empty_left_factor:
  assumes "A = {}"
  shows "twisted_cartesian_product S S' A B = {}"
  by (metis assms emptyE equals0I twisted_cartesian_product_memE(1))

lemma twisted_cartesian_product_empty_right_factor:
  assumes "B = {}"
  shows "twisted_cartesian_product S S' A B = {}"
  by (metis assms emptyE equals0I twisted_cartesian_product_memE(2))

lemma twisted_cartesian_project_left:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "A  {}"
  assumes "B  {}"
  assumes "card S = n"
  assumes "card S' = m"
  assumes "S  S' = {..<n + m}"
  shows "π⇘S` (Prod⇘S,S'A B) = A"
  have f0: "S  S' = {}"
    have "card (S  S') = card S + card S'"
      by (simp add: assms(5) assms(6) assms(7))
    thus ?thesis 
    by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc2 add.right_neutral add_diff_cancel_left' assms(6) 
        assms(7) card_0_eq card_Un_Int finite_Int finite_Un finite_lessThan le_add1)
  show "π⇘S` (Prod⇘S,S'A B)  A"
   unfolding twisted_cartesian_product_def 
   by blast
  show "A  π⇘S` (Prod⇘S,S'A B)"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  A"
    obtain y where y_def: "y  B"
    using assms(4) by blast  
    obtain a where a_def: 
      "a = map (λi. if i  S then (x ! set_rank S i) else (y ! set_rank S' i)) [0..<n+m]"
      by blast 
    have 0: "S  indices_of a"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_upper1 a_def assms(7) diff_zero indices_of_def length_map length_upt)
    have 1: "S'  indices_of a"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_upper2 a_def assms(7) diff_zero indices_of_def length_map length_upt)
    have 2: "π⇘Sa = x"
      have 20: "length (π⇘Sa) = n"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_upper1 a_def assms(5) assms(7) diff_zero indices_of_def length_map length_upt proj_at_index_list_length)
      have "i. i < n  π⇘Sa ! i = x ! i"
      proof- fix i assume A: "i < n" show "π⇘Sa ! i = x ! i"
          using 0 assms a_def project_at_indices_nth'[of S a "nth_elem S i"] set_rank_nth_elem_inv[of S i]
                nth_map[of i "[0..<n+m]"] 
          by (smt (z3) A add.left_neutral card.infinite diff_zero indices_of_def length_map length_upt lessThan_iff not_less_zero nth_elem_closed nth_map nth_upt subsetD)
      thus ?thesis using 20 
        by (metis A assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE nth_equalityI subsetD)
    have 3: "π⇘S'a = y"
      have 20: "length (π⇘S'a) = m"
        using "1" assms(6) proj_at_index_list_length by blast        
      have "i. i < m  π⇘S'a ! i = y ! i"
      proof- fix i assume A: "i < m" 
        have "nth_elem S' i  S"
          using nth_elem_closed[of i S']  f0  A assms(6) by blast
        thus "π⇘S'a ! i = y ! i"
          using 0 assms a_def project_at_indices_nth'[of S' a "nth_elem S' i"] set_rank_nth_elem_inv[of S' i]
                nth_map[of i "[0..<n+m]"] 
          by (smt "1" A add.left_neutral card.infinite diff_zero indices_of_def length_map length_upt lessThan_iff not_less0 nth_elem_closed nth_map nth_upt subsetD)
      thus ?thesis 
        by (metis "20" assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE nth_equalityI subsetD y_def)      
    have"a  (Prod⇘S,S'A B)"
      apply(rule twisted_cartesian_product_memI)
        apply (simp add: "2" A)
          apply (simp add: "3" y_def)
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) a_def assms(5) assms(6) diff_zero length_map length_upt)
    thus "x  π⇘S` (Prod⇘S,S'A B)"
      using "2" by blast

lemma twisted_cartesian_product_swap:
  shows "(Prod⇘S,S'A B) = (Prod⇘S',SB A)"
  unfolding twisted_cartesian_product_def 
  by (metis add.commute)

lemma twisted_cartesian_project_right:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "A  {}"
  assumes "B  {}"
  assumes "card S = n"
  assumes "card S' = m"
  assumes "S  S' = {..<n + m}"
  shows "π⇘S'` (Prod⇘S,S'A B) = B"
  using assms twisted_cartesian_project_left[of B R m A n S' S] twisted_cartesian_product_swap
  by (metis add.commute sup_commute)

text ‹
  Cartesian products which send points $a = (a_1, \dots, a_{m})$ and $b = (b_1, \dots, b_{n})$ to
  the point $(a_1, \dots, a_i, b_1, \dots, b_{n},a_{i+1}, \dots, a_m)$
definition splitting_permutation :: "nat  nat  nat  
                                          nat  nat" where
"splitting_permutation l1 l2 i j = (if j < i then j else 
                                      (if i  j  j < l1 then (l2 + j) else 
                                          (if j < l1 + l2 then j - l1 + i else j)))"

lemma splitting_permutation_case_1_unique: 
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "y < i"
  assumes "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i j = y"
  shows "j = y"
  unfolding splitting_permutation_def 
  using assms(2) assms(3) splitting_permutation_def by auto
lemma splitting_permutation_case_1_exists: 
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "y < i"
  shows "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i y = y"
  unfolding splitting_permutation_def 
  by (simp add: assms(2))

lemma splitting_permutation_case_2_unique:
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "i  y  y < l2 + i"
  assumes "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i j = y"
  shows "j = y + l1 - i"
  unfolding splitting_permutation_def 
  using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) le_add_diff_inverse2 not_less_iff_gr_or_eq 
        splitting_permutation_def trans_less_add2 by auto

lemma splitting_permutation_case_2_exists:
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "i  y  y < l2 + i"
  shows "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i (y + l1 - i) = y"
  unfolding splitting_permutation_def 
  using assms(1) assms(2) less_diff_conv2 by auto

lemma splitting_permutation_case_3_unique: 
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "l2 + i  y  y < l1 + l2"
  assumes "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i j = y"
  shows "j = y - l2"
  unfolding splitting_permutation_def 
  by (smt Nat.le_diff_conv2 add_diff_cancel_left' add_diff_cancel_right' add_leD2 
      assms(2) assms(3) le_add1 le_diff_iff not_le splitting_permutation_def)

lemma splitting_permutation_case_3_exists: 
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "l2 + i  y  y < l1 + l2"
  shows "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i (y - l2) = y"
  unfolding splitting_permutation_def 
  by (metis Nat.le_diff_conv2 add.commute add_leD1 assms(2) leD le_add_diff_inverse less_diff_conv2)

lemma splitting_permutation_case_4_unique: 
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "l1 + l2  y"
  assumes "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i j = y"
  shows "j = y"
  using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) le_add_diff_inverse2 less_le_trans 
      splitting_permutation_def by auto

lemma splitting_permutation_case_4_exists: 
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "l1 + l2 y"
  shows "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i y = y"
  unfolding splitting_permutation_def 
  using assms(2) by auto

lemma splitting_permutation_permutes:
  assumes "i  l1"
  shows "(splitting_permutation l1 l2 i) permutes {..< l1 + l2}"
  have 0: "(x. x  {..<l1 + l2}  splitting_permutation l1 l2 i x = x)"
  proof fix x show "x  {..<l1 + l2}  splitting_permutation l1 l2 i x = x"
    proof assume A: "x  {..<l1 + l2}"
        then show "splitting_permutation l1 l2 i x = x"
          using assms unfolding splitting_permutation_def 
    by simp
  have 1: "(y. ∃!x. splitting_permutation l1 l2 i x = y)"
  proof fix y
    show "∃!x. splitting_permutation l1 l2 i x = y"
    proof(cases "y < i")
      case True
      then show ?thesis 
        using splitting_permutation_case_1_exists splitting_permutation_case_1_unique assms 
        by (metis splitting_permutation_def)        
      case F0: False
      show ?thesis 
      proof(cases "i  y  y < l2 + i")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
        using F0 splitting_permutation_case_2_exists splitting_permutation_case_2_unique assms 
        by metis
        case F1: False
        show ?thesis
          proof(cases "l2 + i  y  y < l1 + l2")
            case True
            then show ?thesis 
              using F0 F1 splitting_permutation_case_3_exists splitting_permutation_case_3_unique assms 
              by metis 
            case F2: False
            show ?thesis
              using F0 F1 F2 splitting_permutation_case_4_exists splitting_permutation_case_4_unique assms 
              by (metis leI not_less)
  show ?thesis 
    using 0 1  permutes_def  
    by  blast 

lemma splitting_permutation_action:
  assumes "i l1"
  assumes "length a1 = l1"
  assumes "length a2 = l2"
  shows "permute_list (splitting_permutation l1 l2 i) ((take i a1) @ a2 @ (drop i a1)) = 
  obtain x where x_def:  "x = permute_list (splitting_permutation l1 l2 i) ((take i a1) @ a2 @ (drop i a1))"
    by blast 
  obtain y where y_def: "y = a1 @ a2"
    by blast 
  have 0: "length x = length y"
    using x_def y_def  assms splitting_permutation_permutes[of i l1 l2]
    by (smt add.commute add.left_commute le_add_diff_inverse length_append 
        length_drop length_permute_list length_take min.absorb2)
  have 1: "i. i < l1 + l2  x ! i = y ! i"
  proof- fix j assume A: "j < l1 + l2"
    show "x ! j = y ! j"
      apply(cases "j < i")
       apply (smt "0" A append_take_drop_id assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) length_append length_permute_list length_take less_le_trans min.absorb2 nth_append permute_list_nth splitting_permutation_case_1_exists splitting_permutation_permutes x_def y_def)
      apply(cases "i  j  j < l1")
       apply (smt "0" A add.left_commute append_take_drop_id assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) le_add_diff_inverse length_append length_permute_list length_take min.absorb2 nth_append nth_append_length_plus permute_list_nth splitting_permutation_def splitting_permutation_permutes x_def y_def)
      using x_def y_def assms
    by (smt "0" A add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' add_diff_inverse_nat length_append length_permute_list length_take less_diff_conv min.absorb2 not_le nth_append permute_list_nth splitting_permutation_case_1_unique splitting_permutation_def splitting_permutation_permutes) 
  have 2: "length x = l1 + l2"
     by (simp add: x_def assms(2) assms(3))
   have 3: "x = y"
     using 0 1 2  
  by (metis nth_equalityI)
  then show ?thesis 
    using x_def y_def 
    by blast

definition scp_permutation where
"scp_permutation l1 l2 i = fun_inv (splitting_permutation l1 l2 i)"

lemma scp_permutation_action:
  assumes "i l1"
  assumes "length a1 = l1"
  assumes "length a2 = l2"
  shows "permute_list (scp_permutation l1 l2 i) (a1@a2) = ((take i a1) @ a2 @ (drop i a1))"
  have "(scp_permutation l1 l2 i)  (splitting_permutation l1 l2 i) = id"
    by (metis assms(1) fun_inv_def permutes_inv_o(2) scp_permutation_def splitting_permutation_permutes)
  then have "permute_list ((scp_permutation l1 l2 i)  (splitting_permutation l1 l2 i) ) ((take i a1) @ a2 @ (drop i a1)) = 
          ((take i a1) @ a2 @ (drop i a1))"
    by (metis permute_list_id)
  then show ?thesis using splitting_permutation_action permute_list_compose
    by (smt scp_permutation l1 l2 i  splitting_permutation l1 l2 i = id assms(1) 
        assms(2) assms(3) fun_inv_def length_append length_permute_list permutes_inv permutes_inv_o(1) scp_permutation_def splitting_permutation_permutes)

lemma scp_permutes:
  assumes "i l1"
  shows "(scp_permutation l1 l2 i) permutes {..<l1 + l2}"
  by (simp add: assms(1) fun_inv_def permutes_inv scp_permutation_def splitting_permutation_permutes)

definition split_cartesian_product where
"split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B = permute_list (scp_permutation l1 l2 i) ` (cartesian_product A B)"

lemma split_cartesian_product_memI:
  assumes "a1@a2  A"
  assumes "b  B"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rl1)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rl2)"
  assumes "length a1 = i"
  shows "a1@b@a2  split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B"
  have P: "a1@a2@b  cartesian_product A B"
    by (metis append.assoc assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) cartesian_product_memI')  
  have 0: "i  l1" 
    using assms 
    by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE le_add1 length_append subset_iff)
  have 1: "length (a1@a2) = l1"
    using assms(1) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE 
    by blast
  have 2: "length b = l2"
    using assms(2) assms(4) cartesian_power_car_memE 
    by blast
  have 3: "take i (a1 @ a2) = a1"
    by (simp add: assms(5))
  have 4: "drop i (a1 @ a2) = a2"
    by (simp add: assms(5))
  have "permute_list (scp_permutation l1 l2 i) ((a1 @ a2) @ b) = take i (a1 @ a2) @ b @ drop i (a1 @ a2)"
    using 0 1 2 scp_permutation_action[of i l1 "a1@a2" b l2]
    by blast
  then have "permute_list (scp_permutation l1 l2 i) ((a1@a2)@b) = a1@b@a2 "
    by(simp only: 3 4)
  then have "permute_list (scp_permutation l1 l2 i) (a1@a2@b) = a1@b@a2 "
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using P unfolding split_cartesian_product_def  
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) image_eqI)
lemma split_cartesian_product_memI':
  assumes "a  A"
  assumes "b  B"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rl1)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rl2)"
  assumes "i  l1"
  shows "(take i a)@b@(drop i a)  split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B"
  using assms split_cartesian_product_memI[of "take i a" "drop i a" A b B R l1 l2 i]
  by (metis append_take_drop_id cartesian_power_car_memE length_take min.absorb2 subset_iff)

lemma split_cartesian_product_memE:
  assumes "a  split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rl1)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rl2)"
  assumes "i  l1"
  shows "(take i a)@(drop (i + l2) a)  A"
        "(drop i (take (i + l2) a))  B"
  obtain b where b_def: "b  cartesian_product A B  a = permute_list (scp_permutation l1 l2 i) b"
    using assms split_cartesian_product_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) image_iff)
  then have 0: "(take l1 b)  A  (drop l1 b)  B"
    using assms(2) cartesian_product_memE(1)[of b A B R l1] cartesian_product_memE(2)[of b A B R l1]  
    by metis 
  have 1: "a = (take i (take l1 b))@(drop l1 b)@(drop i (take l1 b))"
    using  "0" append_take_drop_id assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) b_def 
      cartesian_power_car_memE scp_permutation_action subsetD
    by smt
  have 2: "(take i a) = (take i (take l1 b))"
    using 0 1 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_eq_append_conv append_take_drop_id   
        assms(4) b_def length_permute_list length_take min.absorb1 take_take)
  have "drop (i + l2) a = drop i (take l1 b)"
    have "drop (i + l2) ( (take i (take l1 b))@(drop l1 b)@(drop i (take l1 b))) = drop i (take l1 b)"
      using assms 
      by (metis "0" "1" "2" add.commute append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id 
          cartesian_power_car_memE drop_drop subsetD)
    then show ?thesis 
      using 1 
      by blast
  then show "take i a @ drop (i + l2) a  A"
    by (metis "0" "2" append_take_drop_id)
  have 3: "length b = l1 + l2 "
    by (metis "0" append_take_drop_id assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE length_append subsetD)
  then have "(drop i (take (i + l2) ((take i (take l1 b))@(drop l1 b)@(drop i (take l1 b))))) = (drop l1 b)"
    have 0: "take (i + l2) ((take i (take l1 b))@(drop l1 b)@(drop i (take l1 b))) = 
            take (i + l2) ((take i b)@(drop l1 b)@(drop i (take l1 b)))"
      using assms(4) 
      by (metis min.absorb1 take_take)
    have 1: "length ((take i b)@(drop l1 b)) = i  + l2"
      using 3  assms 
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_diff_cancel_left' b_def length_append length_drop 
          length_permute_list length_take  min.absorb2 trans_le_add1)
    have 2: "take (i + l2) (((take i b)@(drop l1 b))@(drop i (take l1 b))) = (take i b)@(drop l1 b)"
      using 1 
      by (metis append_eq_conv_conj)
    have 3: "take (i + l2) ((take i b)@(drop l1 b)@(drop i (take l1 b))) = (take i b)@(drop l1 b)"
      using 2 
      by (metis append.assoc)
    have 4: "take (i + l2) ((take i (take l1 b))@(drop l1 b)@(drop i (take l1 b))) =  (take i b)@(drop l1 b)"
      using "0" "3" 
      by presburger
    then have 5: "(drop i (take (i + l2) ((take i (take l1 b))@(drop l1 b)@(drop i (take l1 b))))) = 
                drop i ((take i b)@(drop l1 b))"
      by presburger
    have "length (take i b) = i"
      by (metis "1" append_take_drop_id assms(4) le_add1 length_take min.absorb2 min.bounded_iff nat_le_linear take_all)
    then show ?thesis using 5 
      by (metis append_eq_conv_conj)
  then have "drop i (take (i + l2) a) = drop l1 b"
    using 1 by blast 
  then show "(drop i (take (i + l2) a))  B"
    using 0 
    by presburger

lemma split_cartesian_product_mem_length:
  assumes "a  split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rl1)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rl2)"
  assumes "i  l1"
  shows "length a = l1 + l2"
  using assms unfolding split_cartesian_product_def 
  using cartesian_product_closed[of A R l1 B l2] scp_permutes[of i l1 l2]
  by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE imageE in_mono length_permute_list scp_permutation_def)

lemma split_cartesian_product_memE':
  assumes "a1@b@a2  split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B"
  assumes "A  carrier (Rl1)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rl2)"
  assumes "i  l1"
  assumes "length a1 = i"
  assumes "length b = l2"
  assumes "length as = (l1 - i)"
  shows "a1@a2  A"
        "b  B"
  using assms split_cartesian_product_memE(1)[of "a1@b@a2" l1 l2  i A B R]
  apply (metis  append.assoc append_eq_conv_conj length_append)
  using assms split_cartesian_product_memE(2)[of "a1@b@a2" l1 l2  i A B R]
  by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' append_eq_conv_conj drop_take)

lemma split_cartesian_product_closed:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rl1)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rl2)"
  assumes "i  l1"
  shows "split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B  carrier (Rl1 + l2)"
proof fix x 
  assume A: "x  split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B"
  show "x  carrier (Rl1 + l2)"
    apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
     apply (meson x  split_cartesian_product l1 l2 i A B assms(1) 
        assms(2) assms(3) split_cartesian_product_mem_length)
    using assms A unfolding split_cartesian_product_def 
    using cartesian_product_closed[of A R l1 B l2]
    by (smt A cartesian_power_car_memE'' image_iff length_permute_list 
        scp_permutes set_permute_list split_cartesian_product_mem_length subsetD)
text‹General function for permuting the elements of a simple cartesian product:›

definition intersperse :: "(nat  nat)  'a tuple  'a tuple  'a tuple" where
"intersperse σ as bs = permute_list σ (as@bs) "

lemma intersperseE:
  assumes "σ permutes ({..<n})"
  assumes "length as + length bs = n"
  shows "length (intersperse σ as bs) = n"
  by (metis assms(2) intersperse_def length_append length_permute_list)

lemma intersperseE':
  assumes "σ permutes ({..<n})"
  assumes "length as + length bs = n"
  assumes "length as = k"
  assumes "σ i < k"
  shows "(intersperse σ as bs)! i  = as ! σ i"
  have "permute_list σ (as @ bs) ! i = (as @ bs) ! σ i"
    using assms permute_list_nth[of σ "(as@bs)" i]
    unfolding intersperse_def 
    by (metis length_append lessThan_iff permutes_not_in trans_less_add1)    
  then show ?thesis using assms 
    by (metis intersperse_def nth_append)

lemma intersperseE'':
  assumes "σ permutes ({..<n})"
  assumes "length as + length bs = n"
  assumes "length as = k"
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "σ i  k"
  shows "(intersperse σ as bs)! i  = bs ! ((σ i) - k)"  
  have 0: "permute_list σ (as @ bs) ! i = (as @ bs) ! σ i"
    using assms permute_list_nth[of σ "(as@bs)" i]
    unfolding intersperse_def 
  proof -
    have "(as @ bs) ! σ i = (as @ bs) ! σ ([0..<n] ! i)"
      by (simp add: i < n)
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis (no_types) i < n length as + length bs = n diff_zero length_append 
          length_upt nth_map permute_list_def)
  have 1: "σ i < n"
    using assms 
    by (meson lessThan_iff permutes_in_image)  
  have 2: "(σ i) - k < length bs"
    using "1" assms(2) assms(3) assms(5) by linarith
  have "(as @ bs) ! (σ i)  =  bs ! (σ i - length as)"
    using assms 1 2 nth_append[of as bs "(σ i)"] 
    by (meson not_le)
  then   have 3: "(as @ bs) ! (σ i)  =  bs ! (σ i - k)"
    using assms 
    by blast
  have 4: "permute_list σ (as @ bs) ! i = (as @ bs) ! (σ i)"
    using "0" by blast
  show ?thesis using 4 3  unfolding intersperse_def
    by auto     

text‹Some more lemmas about the project\_at\_indices function.›

lemma project_at_indices_consecutive_ind_length:
  assumes "(i::nat) < j"
  assumes "j  n"
  assumes "length a = n"
  shows "length (project_at_indices {i..<j} a) = j - i"
  using assms proj_at_index_list_length[of "{i..<j}" a] 
  unfolding indices_of_def 
  by (metis card_atLeastLessThan ivl_subset le_less_linear lessThan_atLeast0 not_less0)   

lemma project_at_indices_consecutive_ind_length':
  assumes "(i::nat) < j"
  assumes "j  n"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "length (project_at_indices {i..<j} a) = j - i"
  using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE project_at_indices_consecutive_ind_length by blast

lemma  sorted_list_of_set_from_up_to:
  assumes  "(i::nat)  < j"
  assumes "k < j - i"
  shows "sorted_list_of_set {i..<j} ! k = i + k"
  using assms apply(induction k)
  apply simp by simp
lemma nth_elem_consecutive_indices:
  assumes "(i::nat) < j"
  assumes "k < j - i"
  shows "nth_elem {i..<j} k = i + k"
  using nth_elem.simps[of "{i..<j}" k] sorted_list_of_set_from_up_to assms(2) 
  by auto
lemma project_at_indices_consecutive_indices:
  assumes "(i::nat) < j"
  assumes "j  n"
  assumes "length a = n"
  assumes "k < j - i"
  shows "(project_at_indices {i..<j} a) ! k = a! (i + k)"
  using assms nth_elem_consecutive_indices[of i j k]
  by (metis atLeast0LessThan card_atLeastLessThan indices_of_def ivl_subset linorder_le_less_linear not_less0 project_at_indices_nth)
lemma project_at_indices_consecutive_indices':
  assumes "(i::nat) < j"
  assumes "j  n" 
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "k < j - i"
  shows "(project_at_indices {i..<j} a) ! k = a! (i + k)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) cartesian_power_car_memE project_at_indices_consecutive_indices by blast

lemma tl_as_projection:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "tl a = project_at_indices {1::nat..<n} a"
  have 0: "indices_of a = {..<n}"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE indices_of_def 
    by blast    
  have 1: "length (tl a) = n - 1"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE length_tl 
    by blast
  have 2: "length (tl a) = length (project_at_indices {1::nat..<n} a)"
    using 0 assms cartesian_power_car_memE[of a R n] proj_at_index_list_length[of "{1::nat..<n}" a] 
    by (metis "1" atLeastLessThan_iff card_atLeastLessThan  lessThan_iff subsetI)
  have "i. i < n - 1  (tl a) ! i = (project_at_indices {1::nat..<n} a) ! i"
    using project_at_indices_consecutive_indices'[of 1 n n a R] assms 
    by (metis "1" One_nat_def Suc_leI le_add_diff_inverse2 le_numeral_extra(4) 
        linorder_neqE_nat nat_add_left_cancel_le nat_diff_split_asm not_less0 nth_tl plus_1_eq_Suc)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (metis "1" "2" nth_equalityI)

subsection‹Function Rings on Cartesian Powers›

text‹Complement operator›

definition ring_pow_comp :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  arity  'a tuple set  'a tuple set" where
"ring_pow_comp R n S  carrier (Rn) - S"
lemma ring_pow_comp_closed:
"ring_pow_comp R n S  carrier (Rn)"
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def)

lemma ring_pow_comp_disjoint:
"ring_pow_comp R n S  S = {}"
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def inf_sup_aci(1))
lemma ring_pow_comp_union:
  assumes "S  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "(ring_pow_comp R n S)  S = carrier (Rn)"
  by (metis ring_pow_comp_def Un_Diff_cancel2 assms sup.absorb_iff1)

lemma ring_pow_comp_carrier:
"ring_pow_comp R n (carrier (Rn)) = {}"
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def)

lemma ring_pow_comp_empty:
"ring_pow_comp R n {} = (carrier (Rn)) "
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def)

lemma ring_pow_comp_demorgans:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "ring_pow_comp R n (A  B) = (ring_pow_comp R n A)  (ring_pow_comp R n B)"
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def Diff_Un )

lemma ring_pow_comp_demorgans':
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "ring_pow_comp R n (A  B) = (ring_pow_comp R n A)  (ring_pow_comp R n B)"
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def Diff_Int)

lemma ring_pow_comp_inv:
  assumes "A  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "ring_pow_comp R n (ring_pow_comp R n A) = A"
  by (simp add: ring_pow_comp_def assms double_diff)

text‹The function ring defined on the powers of a ring:›
abbreviation(input) ring_pow_function_ring (Fun⇘_ _›) where
"ring_pow_function_ring n R  function_ring (carrier (Rn)) R"

text ‹
  Partial function application. Given a function $f(x_1, \dots, x_{n+1})$, an index $i$ and a 
  point $a \in \text{carrier R}$ returns the function
  $(x_1,..,x_n) \mapsto f(x_1, \dots, x_{i-1}, a, x_i, \dots, x_n)$ ›

lemma ring_pow_function_ring_car_memE:
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  shows "f  extensional (carrier (Rn))"
        "f  carrier (Rn)  carrier R"
  using ring_functions.function_ring_car_memE[of R f "carrier (Rn)"] assms 
  unfolding ring_functions_def 
  using  function_ring_def partial_object.select_convs(1)  apply (metis PiE_iff)
  using Int_iff assms PiE_iff function_ring_def partial_object.select_convs(1)
  by (simp add: PiE_iff function_ring_def)
definition partial_eval :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  arity  nat   ('a list  'a)  'a   ('a list  'a)" where
"partial_eval R m n f c = restrict (λ as. f (insert_at_index as c n)) (carrier (Rm))"

context ring 

lemma function_ring_car_mem_closed: 
  assumes "f  carrier (function_ring S R)"
  assumes "s  S"
  shows "f s  carrier R"
  using assms unfolding function_ring_def ring_record_simps by blast 

lemma function_ring_car_mem_closed': 
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘Suc kR)"
  assumes "s  carrier (RSuc k)"
  shows "f s  carrier R"
  using assms unfolding function_ring_def ring_record_simps by blast 

lemma(in ring) partial_eval_domain:
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘Suc kR)"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "n k"
  shows "(partial_eval R k n f a)   carrier (Fun⇘kR)"
  apply(rule ring_functions.function_ring_car_memI)
  show "x. x  carrier (Rk)  (partial_eval  R k n f a)  x  (carrier R)"  
    fix x
    assume A: "x  carrier (Rk)"
    show "(partial_eval  R k n f a)  x  (carrier R)"
    proof(cases "n = k")
      case True
      then have "(partial_eval  R k n f a)  x = f (insert_at_index x a n)"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A restrict_apply' partial_eval_def)     
      then show "(partial_eval  R k n f a) x  carrier R"
        using insert_at_index_closed[of x k R a n] assms ring_functions.function_ring_car_memE[of R]
        unfolding ring_functions_def 
        by (smt A cartesian_power_car_memE funcset_carrier ring_pow_function_ring_car_memE(2))
      case False
      then have F0: "(partial_eval  R k n f a)  x = f (insert_at_index x a n)"
        unfolding partial_eval_def 
        using assms   
        by (meson A restrict_apply')  
      have F1: "(insert_at_index x a n)  carrier (RSuc k)"
        using A assms insert_at_index_closed[of x k R a n] cartesian_power_car_memE 
        by blast
      show "(partial_eval  R k n f a) x  carrier R"
        unfolding F0 apply(rule function_ring_car_mem_closed[of f "carrier (RSuc k)"]) 
         apply (simp add: assms(1))
        by(rule F1)         
  show "x. x  carrier (Rk)  (partial_eval  R k n f a)  x = undefined"
    fix x
    assume "x  carrier (Rk)"
    show "(partial_eval  R k n f a) x = undefined"
      unfolding partial_eval_def 
      by (meson x  carrier (Rk) restrict_apply)
  show "ring_functions R"
    unfolding ring_functions_def 
    by (simp add: ring_axioms)

text‹Pullbacks preserve ring power functions›

lemma fun_struct_maps:
"struct_maps (Rn) R = carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  show "struct_maps (Rn) R  carrier Fun⇘nR"
    by (smt function_ring_car_memI struct_maps_memE(1) struct_maps_memE(2) subsetI)    
  show "carrier (Fun⇘nR)  struct_maps (Rn) R"
    using struct_maps_memI ring_functions.function_ring_car_memE
  by (smt function_ring_car_mem_closed  ring_axioms ring_functions.function_ring_not_car ring_functions.intro subsetI)

lemma pullback_fun_closed:
  assumes "f  struct_maps (Rn) (Rm)"
  assumes "g  carrier (Fun⇘mR)"
  shows "pullback (Rn) f g  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  using assms(1) assms(2) fun_struct_maps pullback_closed by blast


text‹Includes $R^{|S|}$ into $R^n$ by pulling back along the projection $R^n \mapsto R^{|S|}$ at indices $S$ ›

context ring

definition(in ring) ring_pow_inc :: " (nat set)  arity   ('a tuple   'a) => ('a tuple  'a)  " where
"ring_pow_inc S n f = pullback (Rn) (π⇘n,S) f"

lemma ring_pow_inc_is_fun:
  assumes "S  {..<n}"
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘card SR)"
  shows "ring_pow_inc S n f  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) ring_pow_proj_is_map pullback_fun_closed ring_pow_inc_def)

text‹The "standard" inclusion of powers of function rings into one another›

abbreviation(input) std_proj:: "nat  nat  ('a list)  ('a list)" where 
"std_proj n m  ring_pow_proj n ({..<m}) "

lemma std_proj_id: 
  assumes "m  n"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "i < m"
  shows "std_proj n m as ! i = as ! i"
  have "{..<m}  indices_of as"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE unfolding indices_of_def 
    by blast
  thus ?thesis 
  unfolding ring_pow_proj_def
    using assms nth_elem_upto[of i m] 
           project_at_indices_nth[of "{..<m}" as i] 
  by (metis card_lessThan restrict_apply)

abbreviation(input) std_inc:: "nat  nat  ('a list   'a)  => ('a list   'a)" where
"std_inc n m f  ring_pow_inc ({..<m}) n f"

lemma std_proj_is_map[simp]:
  assumes "m  n"
  shows "std_proj n m  struct_maps (Rn) (Rm)"
  by (metis assms card_lessThan lessThan_subset_iff ring_pow_proj_is_map)

subsection‹Coordinate Functions›

definition var :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  nat  ('a list  'a)" where
"var R n i = restrict (λx. x!i) (carrier (Rn))"

context ring

lemma var_in_car:
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "var R n i  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  apply(rule function_ring_car_memI)
  unfolding var_def 
  apply (metis assms cartesian_power_car_memE' restrict_apply')
  by (meson restrict_apply)

lemma varE[simp]: 
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "var R n i x = x ! i"
  unfolding var_def 
  using  assms(2) 
  by (meson restrict_apply')

lemma std_inc_of_var:
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "n m"
  shows "std_inc m n (var R n i) =  (var R m i)"
  apply(rule ext)
  fix x
  show "std_inc m n (var R n i) x = var R m i x"
    apply(cases "x  carrier (Rm)")
    show "x  carrier (Rm)  std_inc m n (var R n i) x = var R m i x"
      assume A: "x  carrier (Rm)"
      have "(restrict (project_at_indices ({..<n})) (carrier (Rm))) x =  ((project_at_indices ({..<n})) x)"
        by (meson A restrict_apply')
      then have B: "std_inc m n (var R n i) x = (var R n i) ((project_at_indices ({..<n})) x)"
        unfolding ring_pow_inc_def ring_pow_proj_def pullback_def 
        by (metis A compose_eq)
      have C: "var R m i x = x ! i"
        by (metis A assms(1) assms(2) le_iff_add trans_less_add1 varE)
      show "std_inc m n (var R n i) x = var R m i x"
        by (metis A B C assms(1) assms(2) project_at_indices_ring_pow_proj std_proj_id std_proj_is_map struct_maps_memE(1) varE)
    show "x  carrier (Rm)  std_inc m n (var R n i) x = var R m i x"
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) card_lessThan lessThan_subset_iff less_SucI ring_axioms nat_induct_at_least ring.fun_struct_maps ring_pow_inc_is_fun struct_maps_memE(2) var_in_car)      

abbreviation variable (𝔳⇘_) where
"variable n i  var R n i"


definition var_set :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme   nat  ('a list  'a) set" where
"var_set R n = var R n ` {..<n}"

lemma var_setE:
  assumes "f  var_set R n"
  obtains i where "f = var R n i  i  {..<n}"
  by (metis assms imageE that var_set_def)

lemma var_setI:
  assumes "i  {..<n}"
  assumes  "f = var R n i"
  shows "f  var_set R n"
  using assms(1) assms(2) var_set_def 
  by blast

context ring 

lemma var_set_in_fun_ring_car:
  shows "var_set R n  carrier Fun⇘nR"
  fix x
  assume "x  var_set R n"
  then obtain i where i_def: "i  {..<n}  x = var R n i"
    unfolding var_set_def 
    by blast
  have "i < n"using i_def 
    using atLeastLessThan_iff by blast  
  then show "x  carrier Fun⇘nR" 
    using i_def var_in_car by blast     


subsection‹Graphs of functions›

definition fun_graph:: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  ('a list  'a)  'a list set" where
"fun_graph R n f = {as. (x  carrier (Rn). as = x @ [f x])}"

context ring 

lemma function_ring_car_memE:
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "f a  carrier R"
  using ring_functions.function_ring_car_memE(1)[of R f] 
  unfolding ring_functions_def 
  by (meson assms(1) assms(2) ring_axioms function_ring_car_mem_closed ring_functions_def)

lemma graph_range:
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  shows "fun_graph R n f  carrier (RSuc n)"
  fix x
  assume x_def: "x  fun_graph R n f"
  obtain a where a_def: "a  carrier (Rn)  x = a@[f a]"
    using x_def fun_graph_def 
    by (smt mem_Collect_eq)
  have f_closed: "f a  carrier R"
    using assms function_ring_car_memE a_def 
    by blast 
  show "x  carrier (RSuc n)"
  proof(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
    show "length x = Suc n"
      using x_def a_def cartesian_power_car_memE[of a R n]
      by (metis length_append_singleton)
    have "set x = insert (f a) (set a)"
      using a_def   
      by (metis Un_insert_right append_Nil2 list.simps(15) set_append)
    thus "set x  carrier R"
      using a_def 
      by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE'' f_closed insert_subset)

lemma fun_graph_memE:
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  assumes "p  fun_graph R n f"
  shows "(take n p)  carrier (Rn)"
    using assms unfolding fun_graph_def  
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(2) graph_range le_add2 plus_1_eq_Suc subsetD take_closed)

lemma fun_graph_memE':
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  assumes "p  fun_graph R n f"
  shows "f (take n p) = p!n"
  using assms 
  unfolding fun_graph_def 
  by (smt Cons_nth_drop_Suc append_take_drop_id assms(2) butlast_snoc cartesian_power_car_memE 
      drop_all graph_range last_snoc le_Suc_eq lessI mem_Collect_eq subsetD)
  apply a function f to the tuple consisting of the first n indices, leaving the remaining indices

definition partial_image :: "arity  ('c list  'c)  'c list  'c list" where
"partial_image n f as = (f (take n as)) # (drop n as) "

lemma partial_image_range:
  assumes "f  carrier (Fun⇘nR)"
  assumes "m  n"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "partial_image n f as  carrier (Rm - n + 1)"
proof(cases "m = n")
  case True
  then have "f (take n as) = f as"
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE take_all)
  then have 0: "f (take n as)  carrier R"
    using True assms(1) assms(3) function_ring_car_memE by presburger    
  have 1: "(drop n as) = []"
    using True assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE drop_all by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding partial_image_def 
    using 0 1   
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE 
        cartesian_power_car_memI empty_iff insert_iff length_drop list.set(1) 
        list.set(2) list.size(4) subsetI)
  case False
  then have 0: "(drop n as)  carrier (Rm - n)"
    using assms drop_closed[of n m as R] le_neq_implies_less 
    by blast
  have 1: "f (take n as)  carrier R"
    using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) function_ring_car_memE take_closed by blast    
  show ?thesis 
    apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
     apply (metis "0" One_nat_def cartesian_power_car_memE list.size(4) partial_image_def)
      by (smt "1" assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' in_set_conv_nth 
      partial_image_def set_ConsD set_drop_subset subsetD subsetI) 


section‹Coordinate Rings on Cartesian Powers›

subsection‹Basic Facts and Definitions›
locale cring_coord_rings = UP_cring + 
  assumes one_neq_zero: "𝟭  𝟬"

text‹coordinate polynomial ring in n variables over a commutative ring›

definition coord_ring :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  ('a, ('a, nat) mvar_poly) module"
 (‹_ [𝒳⇘_⇙] 80) where "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]  Pring R {..< n::nat}"

sublocale cring_coord_rings < cring_functions R "carrier (Rn)" "Fun⇘nR"
  unfolding cring_functions_def ring_functions_def  
  apply (simp add: R.ring_axioms R_cring)
  by simp

sublocale cring_coord_rings <  MP?: cring "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"
  by (simp add: R.Pring_is_cring R_cring coord_ring_def)

sublocale cring_coord_rings < F?: cring "Fun⇘nR"
  by (simp add: function_ring_is_cring)

context cring_coord_rings

lemma coord_cring_cring:
"cring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (simp add: R.Pring_is_cring R_cring)
text‹coordinate constant functions›

abbreviation(input) coord_const :: "'a  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"coord_const k  ring.indexed_const R k"

lemma coord_const_ring_hom:
"ring_hom_ring R (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) coord_const"
  unfolding coord_ring_def
  apply(rule ring_hom_ringI)
       apply (simp add: R.ring_axioms)
      apply (simp add: R.Pring_is_ring)
     apply (simp add: R.indexed_const_closed)
    apply (simp add: R.indexed_const_mult)
  apply (simp add: R.Pring_add R.indexed_padd_const)
 by (simp add: R.Pring_one)
text‹coordinate functions›

lemma pvar_closed:
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "pvar R i  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  unfolding var_to_IP_def
  have "set_mset {#i#}  {..<n}"
    using assms 
    by simp    
  then show "mset_to_IP R {#i#}  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" 
    by (simp add: R.ring_axioms coord_ring_def R.Pring_car ring.mset_to_IP_closed)

text‹relationship between multiplciation by a variable and index multiplcation›

lemma pvar_indexed_pmult:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(p  i) = p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i"
  have "p  Pring_set R {..<(n::nat)} " 
    using R.Pring_car assms 
    by (metis coord_ring_def)   
  then have "p  Pring_set R (UNIV::nat set)" 
    using R.Pring_set_restrict 
    by blast
  then show ?thesis  
    using assms R.poly_index_mult[of p UNIV i]  unfolding var_to_IP_def
    by (metis R.Pring_mult UNIV_I coord_ring_def)    

lemma coord_ring_cfs_closed:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "p m  carrier R"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def 
  using R.Pring_carrier_coeff' by blast  

lemma coord_ring_plus:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q) m = p m  Q m"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def 
  by (metis R.Pring_add R.indexed_padd_def)

lemma coord_ring_uminus:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ p) m =  (p m)"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def 
  using MP.add.inv_closed MP.minus_minus coord_ring_cfs_closed coord_ring_def 
        coord_ring_plus is_abelian_group R.is_cring
  by (metis P_ring_uminus_def R.Pring_a_inv assms)

lemma coord_ring_minus:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q) m = p m  Q m"
  using assms R.Pring_add[of _ p Q] coord_ring_cfs_closed
  unfolding indexed_padd_def coord_ring_def a_minus_def 
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) MP.add.inv_closed coord_ring_def coord_ring_plus 
      cring_coord_rings.coord_ring_uminus cring_coord_rings_axioms)

lemma coord_ring_one:
"𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m = (if m = {#} then 𝟭 else 𝟬)"
  by (metis R.Pring_one coord_ring_def R.indexed_const_def)

lemma coord_ring_zero:
"𝟬R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m = 𝟬"
  by (metis MP.minus_zero MP.r_zero MP.zero_closed R_cring coord_ring_cfs_closed coord_ring_plus coord_ring_uminus cring.cring_simprules(17))
text‹Evaluation of a polynomial at a point›


abbreviation(input) point_to_eval_map where
"point_to_eval_map R as  (λi. (if i< length as then as ! i else 𝟬R))"

definition eval_at_point :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  'a list  ('a, nat) mvar_poly  'a" where
"eval_at_point R as p  total_eval R  (λi. (if i< length as then as ! i else 𝟬R)) p"

lemma(in cring_coord_rings) eval_at_point_factored:
"eval_at_point R as p = total_eval R (point_to_eval_map R as) p"
  using eval_at_point_def by blast  

subsection‹Total Evaluation of a Polynomial›

abbreviation(input) eval_at_poly where
"eval_at_poly R p as  eval_at_point R as p"

text‹evaluation of coordinate polynomials›

context cring_coord_rings

lemma eval_at_point_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "eval_at_point R a p  carrier R"
  have 0: "R.indexed_pset ({..<n}- UNIV) (carrier R)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    unfolding coord_ring_def 
    by (simp add: R.Pring_car R.Pring_carrier_subset)
  have 1 : "poly_eval R UNIV (λi. if i < length a then a ! i else 𝟬) p  R.indexed_pset ({..<n}- UNIV) (carrier R)"
    by (smt R.Pring_car R.closed_funI R.poly_eval_closed R.zero_closed assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' coord_ring_def)
  hence 2: "poly_eval R UNIV (λi. if i < length a then a ! i else 𝟬) p carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using 0 by blast 
  show ?thesis
    unfolding eval_at_point_def total_eval_def eval_in_ring_def  
    using 1 R.Pring_car R.Pring_cfs_closed cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI coord_ring_def R.zero_closed 
    by blast

lemma eval_pvar:
  assumes "i < (n::nat)"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (pvar R i) = a!i"
  unfolding eval_at_point_def
  have "pvar R i = 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙  i"
    unfolding var_to_IP_def  
    by (metis R.Pring_one coord_ring_def R.monom_add_mset R.one_mset_to_IP)    
  then show "total_eval R (λi. if i < length a then a ! i else 𝟬) (pvar R i) = a ! i" 
    using assms R.total_eval_var[of "(λi. (if i< length a then a ! i else 𝟬R))" i ] 
    by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI var_to_IP_def R.zero_closed)

lemma eval_at_point_const:
  assumes "k  carrier R"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (R.indexed_const k) = k"
  unfolding eval_at_point_def
  using assms(1) R.total_eval_const by blast

lemma eval_at_point_add:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "B  carrier (coord_ring R  n)"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (A coord_ring R  nB) = 
          eval_at_point R a A Reval_at_point R a B"
  unfolding eval_at_point_def
  using R.total_eval_add[of A "{..<n}" B] 
  by (smt assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI coord_ring_def R.zero_closed)  
lemma eval_at_point_mult:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "B  carrier ((R[𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (A R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ B) = 
          eval_at_point R a A Reval_at_point R a B"
    unfolding eval_at_point_def
    using R.total_eval_mult[of A "{..<n}" B] 
    by (smt assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI coord_ring_def R.zero_closed)
lemma eval_at_point_indexed_pmult:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (A  i) = 
          eval_at_point R a A R(a!i)"
  have "(A  i) = A R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar R i)"
    using assms(2) pvar_indexed_pmult by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms eval_at_point_mult eval_pvar pvar_closed
    by presburger

lemma eval_at_point_ring_hom:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "ring_hom_ring (coord_ring R I) R (eval_at_point R a)"
  unfolding eval_at_point_def
  using R.total_eval_ring_hom 
  by (smt assms cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI coord_ring_def R.zero_closed)
lemma eval_at_point_scalar_mult:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "k  carrier R"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (poly_scalar_mult R k A) = k R(eval_at_point R a A)"
  using assms unfolding eval_at_point_def total_eval_def eval_in_ring_def
  using  R.poly_eval_scalar_mult[of k "(λi. if i < length a then a ! i else 𝟬)" A "{..<n}" UNIV]  
  by (smt R.Pring_car cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI coord_ring_def R.zero_closed)

lemma eval_at_point_smult:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "k  carrier R"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (k R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ A) = k R(eval_at_point R a A)"
  by (metis R.Pring_smult assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) coord_ring_def eval_at_point_scalar_mult)

lemma eval_at_point_subtract:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "B  carrier (coord_ring R  n)"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (A coord_ring R  nB) = 
          eval_at_point R a A Reval_at_point R a B"
  using assms eval_at_point_add[of a n A "coord_ring R  nB"] 
        abelian_group.a_inv_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" B]
  unfolding a_minus_def 
    abelian_group.a_inv_closed abelian_group.minus_minus abelian_group.r_neg1 abelian_groupE(1) abelian_groupE(4) coord_cring_cring cring_def eval_at_point_add eval_at_point_closed is_abelian_group ring_def 
  by (smt MP.add.inv_closed MP.l_neg MP.r_zero MP.zero_closed R.add.inv_closed R.add.m_assoc R.l_neg R.r_zero R.zero_closed eval_at_point_add eval_at_point_closed)

lemma eval_at_point_a_inv:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "B  carrier (coord_ring R  n)"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ B) = Reval_at_point R a B"
  using assms eval_at_point_subtract[of a n "𝟬R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙" B]
  by (smt MP.add.inv_eq_1_iff MP.l_zero MP.minus_add MP.zero_closed R.is_abelian_group R.r_neg R.r_neg2 a_minus_def abelian_group.a_inv_closed abelian_groupE(4) eval_at_point_add eval_at_point_closed)

lemma eval_at_point_nat_pow:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (A[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙(k::nat)) = (eval_at_point R a A)[^]k"
  apply(induction k)
   apply (metis Group.nat_pow_0 R.Pring_one assms(1) coord_ring_def eval_at_point_const R.one_closed)   
proof- fix k::nat assume IH: "eval_at_poly R (A [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ k) a = eval_at_poly R A a [^] k"
  have "A [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Suc k = A [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ k (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])A"
    using MP.nat_pow_Suc by blast    
  then have "eval_at_poly R (A [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Suc k) a =
      eval_at_poly R (A [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ k) a  eval_at_poly R A a"
    using monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "(R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" A k] eval_at_point_mult[of a n "A [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ k" A] assms 
    by (metis R.Pring_is_monoid coord_ring_def)    
  then show " eval_at_poly R (A [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Suc k) a = eval_at_poly R A a [^] Suc k"
    using IH R.nat_pow_Suc 
    by auto 


subsection‹Partial Evaluation of a Polynomial›

definition coord_partial_eval :: 
  "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat set  'a list  ('a, nat) mvar_poly  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"coord_partial_eval R S as = poly_eval R S (point_to_eval_map R as)"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma point_to_eval_map_closed:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "closed_fun R (point_to_eval_map R as)"
  using assms 
  by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI R.zero_closed)  

lemma coord_partial_eval_hom:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R S as  ring_hom (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  unfolding coord_partial_eval_def 
  using point_to_eval_map_closed[of as n] assms 
        R.poly_eval_ring_hom[of "{..<n}" "{..<n}" "point_to_eval_map R as" S]
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Diff_subset coord_ring_def order_refl ring_hom_ring.homh)  

lemma coord_partial_eval_hom':
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R S as  ring_hom (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (Pring R ({..<n} - S))"
  unfolding coord_partial_eval_def 
  using point_to_eval_map_closed[of as n] assms 
        R.poly_eval_ring_hom[of "{..<n} - S" "{..<n}" "point_to_eval_map R as" S]
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_subset coord_ring_def order_refl ring_hom_ring.homh)  

lemma coord_partial_eval_closed:
  assumes "S  {..<n}"
  assumes "{..<n} - S  I"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R S as p  carrier (Pring R I)"
  unfolding coord_partial_eval_def
  using R.poly_eval_closed[of "point_to_eval_map R as" p "{..<n}" S ] R.Pring_car[of I] R.Pring_carrier_subset  
  by (smt R.Pring_car assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI coord_ring_def subsetD R.zero_closed)  

lemma coord_partial_eval_add:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R S as  (p (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])Q) =  
          (coord_partial_eval R S as  p) (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])(coord_partial_eval R S as  Q)"
  using assms R.poly_eval_add[of p "{..<n}" Q "(point_to_eval_map R as)" S] Pring_def[of R "{..<n}"]      
  point_to_eval_map_closed[of as n] 
  unfolding coord_partial_eval_def 
  by (metis R.Pring_add R.Pring_car coord_ring_def)  

lemma coord_partial_eval_mult:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R S as  (p (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])Q) =  
          (coord_partial_eval R S as  p) (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])(coord_partial_eval R S as  Q)"
  using assms R.poly_eval_mult[of p "{..<n}" Q "(point_to_eval_map R as)" S] Pring_def[of R "{..<n}"]      
  point_to_eval_map_closed[of as n] 
  unfolding coord_partial_eval_def 
  by (metis R.Pring_car R.Pring_mult coord_ring_def)  

lemma coord_partial_eval_pvar:
  assumes "𝟭  𝟬"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "i  S  {..<n}"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R S as (pvar R i) = coord_const (as!i)"
  have 0: "i  S" using assms 
    by blast
  have "i < length as" 
    by (metis IntD2 assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE lessThan_iff)
  then have "(point_to_eval_map R as i) = as!i"
    by presburger  
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding coord_partial_eval_def var_to_IP_def  
    using 0 assms point_to_eval_map_closed[of as n] 
        R.poly_eval_index[of "point_to_eval_map R as" S i ]
    by presburger

lemma coord_partial_eval_pvar':
  assumes "𝟭  𝟬"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "i  S"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R S as (pvar R i) = (pvar R i)"
  unfolding coord_partial_eval_def
  using R.poly_eval_index[of "point_to_eval_map R as" S i ]
  by (smt assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI var_to_IP_def R.zero_closed)  

subsection‹An induction rule for coordinate rings›

lemma coord_ring_induct:
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "a. a  carrier R  p (coord_const a)"
  assumes "i Q. Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  p Q   i < n  p (Q R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙pvar R i)"
  assumes "Q0 Q1. Q0  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  Q1  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  p Q0  p Q1  p (Q0 R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q1)"
  shows "p A"
  apply(rule R.indexed_pset.induct[of A "{..<n}" "carrier R"])
  using R.Pring_car assms(1) 
  apply (metis coord_ring_def) 
  using assms(2) apply blast
  apply (metis (full_types) R.Pring_add R.Pring_car assms(4) coord_ring_def) 
  fix a i
  assume "a  Pring_set R {..<n}"
  then have 0: "a  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using R.Pring_car 
    by (simp add: I. carrier (Pring R I) = Pring_set R I a  Pring_set R {..<n} coord_ring_def)
  assume 1: "p a"
  assume "i  {..< n}"
  then have 2: "i < n"
    using assms 
    by blast 
  have "p (a R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙pvar R i)"
    using "0" "1" "2" assms(3) by blast
  then show "p (a  i)"
    using "0" pvar_indexed_pmult 
    by presburger

subsection‹Algebraic Sets in Cartesian Powers›  

  subsubsection‹The Zero Set of a Single Polynomial›
definition zero_set  :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly  'a list set"
 (Vı›) where
"zero_set R n p =  {a  carrier (Rn). eval_at_point R a p =𝟬R}"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma zero_setI:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "eval_at_point R a p =𝟬R⇙"
  shows  "a  zero_set R n p"
  using assms 
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq zero_set_def)

lemma zero_setE:
  assumes  "a  zero_set R n p"
  shows  "a  carrier (Rn)"
         "eval_at_point R a p =𝟬R⇙"
  using assms zero_set_def 
  apply blast
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms mem_Collect_eq zero_set_def)

lemma zero_set_closed:
 "zero_set R n p  carrier (Rn)"
unfolding zero_set_def 
  by blast


  subsubsection‹The Zero Set of a Collection of Polynomials›
definition affine_alg_set :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly set  'a list set"
  where "affine_alg_set R n as = {a  carrier (Rn).  b  as. a  (zero_set R n b)}"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma affine_alg_set_empty:
"affine_alg_set R n {} = carrier (Rn)"
  unfolding affine_alg_set_def by blast 

lemma affine_alg_set_subset_zero_set:
  assumes "b  as"
  shows " affine_alg_set R n as  (zero_set R n b)"
  using assms affine_alg_set_def 
  by blast

lemma(in cring_coord_rings) affine_alg_set_memE:
  assumes "b  as"
  assumes "a   affine_alg_set R n as"
  shows "eval_at_poly R b a = 𝟬"
  using affine_alg_set_subset_zero_set zero_set_def assms(1) assms(2) 
  by blast

lemma affine_alg_set_subset:
  assumes "as  bs"
  shows " affine_alg_set R n bs  affine_alg_set R n as "
  using assms affine_alg_set_def 
  by blast

lemma affine_alg_set_empty_set:
  assumes "as = {}"
  shows " affine_alg_set R n as = carrier (Rn)"
  unfolding affine_alg_set_def 
  using assms by blast

lemma affine_alg_set_closed: 
  shows "affine_alg_set R n as  carrier (Rn)"
  unfolding affine_alg_set_def 
  by blast 

lemma affine_alg_set_singleton:
"affine_alg_set R n {a} = zero_set R n a"
  unfolding affine_alg_set_def using zero_set_closed  
  by blast

lemma affine_alg_set_insert:
"affine_alg_set R n (insert a A) = zero_set R n a  (affine_alg_set R n A)"
  show "affine_alg_set R n (insert a A)  VRn a  affine_alg_set R n A"
    using affine_alg_set_subset 
    by (metis Int_greatest affine_alg_set_subset_zero_set insertI1 subset_insertI)
  show "VRn a  affine_alg_set R n A  affine_alg_set R n (insert a A)"
    unfolding affine_alg_set_def 
    by blast

lemma affine_alg_set_intersect:
"affine_alg_set R n (A  B) = (affine_alg_set R n A)  (affine_alg_set R n B)"
  unfolding affine_alg_set_def by blast 

lemma affine_alg_set_memI:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "p. p  B  eval_at_point R a p = 𝟬"
  shows "a  (affine_alg_set R n B)"
  unfolding affine_alg_set_def zero_set_def 
  using assms 
  by blast

lemma affine_alg_set_not_memE:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "a  (affine_alg_set R n B)"
  shows "b  B. eval_at_poly R b a  𝟬"
  using assms affine_alg_set_memI by blast

  subsubsection‹Finite Unions and Intersections of Algebraic Sets are Algebraic›
text‹The product set of two sets in an arbitrary ring. That is, the set $\{ xy \mid x \in A \land y \in B \}$ for two sets $A$, $B$.›
definition(in ring) prod_set :: "'a set  'a set  'a set" where
"prod_set as bs = (λx. fst x  snd x) ` (as × bs)"

lemma(in ring) prod_setI:
  assumes "c  prod_set as bs"
  shows "a  as. b  bs. c = a  b"
  obtain p where p_def: "p  (as × bs)  c = fst p  snd p" 
    using assms prod_set_def[of as bs] 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_iff)
  then show ?thesis 
    using mem_Times_iff by blast

lemma(in ring) prod_set_closed:
  assumes "as  carrier R"
  assumes "bs  carrier R"
  shows "prod_set as bs  carrier R"
  fix x
  assume " x  prod_set as bs"
  then obtain a b where "a  as  b  bs  x = a  b"
    by (meson ring_axioms ring.prod_setI)
  then have "a  carrier R  b  carrier R  x = a  b"
    using assms 
    by blast 
  then show "x  carrier R"
    by blast

text‹The set of products of elements from two finite sets is again finite.›
lemma(in ring) prod_set_finite:
  assumes "finite as"
  assumes "finite bs"
  shows "finite (prod_set as bs)" "card (prod_set as bs)  card as * card bs"
  have "finite (as × bs)"
    using assms 
    by blast
  then show "finite (prod_set as bs)" 
    using  prod_set_def 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) finite_imageI)
  have "card (prod_set as bs)  card (as × bs)"
    using assms 
    unfolding prod_set_def 
    using finite (as × bs) card_image_le by blast
  then show "card (prod_set as bs)  card as * card bs"
    by (simp add: card_cartesian_product)

definition poly_prod_set where
"poly_prod_set n as bs = ring.prod_set (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) as bs"

lemma poly_prod_setE:
  assumes "c  poly_prod_set n as bs"
  shows "a  as. b  bs. c = a R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ b"
  using ring.prod_setI[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"] R.Pring_is_ring assms poly_prod_set_def coord_cring_cring cring.axioms(1) 
  by blast
lemma poly_prod_setI:
  assumes "a  as"
  assumes "b  bs"
  shows "a R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ b  poly_prod_set n as bs"
  have 0: "(a,b)  (as × bs)"
    using assms by blast 
  have 1: "(λx. fst x R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ snd x) (a, b) = a R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ b"
    by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)    
  have 2: "(λx. fst x R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ snd x) (a, b)  ((λx. fst x R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ snd x) ` (as × bs))"
    using 0  by blast 
  have 3: "ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    by (simp add: R.Pring_is_ring coord_ring_def)    
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding poly_prod_set_def using 0 1 2 3 ring.prod_set_def[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" as bs]  
    by presburger

lemma poly_prod_set_closed:
  assumes "as  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "bs  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "poly_prod_set n as bs  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  using ring.prod_set_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"]  R.Pring_is_ring assms(1) assms(2) poly_prod_set_def 
  by (simp add: coord_cring_cring cring.axioms(1))  

lemma poly_prod_set_finite:
  assumes "finite as"
  assumes "finite bs"
  shows "finite (poly_prod_set n as bs)" "card (poly_prod_set n as bs)  card as * card bs"
  using ring.prod_set_finite[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"]
  apply (simp add: R.Pring_is_ring assms(1) assms(2) poly_prod_set_def)
  using ring.prod_set_finite[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"]
  apply (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) coord_cring_cring cring.axioms(1))
  by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) coord_cring_cring cring.axioms(1) poly_prod_set_def ring.prod_set_finite(2))


locale domain_coord_rings = cring_coord_rings + domain

lemma(in domain_coord_rings) poly_prod_set_algebraic_set:
  assumes "as  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "bs  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "affine_alg_set R n as  affine_alg_set R n bs = affine_alg_set R n (poly_prod_set n as bs)"
  show "affine_alg_set R n as  affine_alg_set R n bs  affine_alg_set R n (poly_prod_set n as bs)"
  proof fix x
    assume A: "x  affine_alg_set R n as  affine_alg_set R n bs"
    show "x  affine_alg_set R n (poly_prod_set n as bs)"
    proof(rule affine_alg_set_memI)
      show "x  carrier (Rn)"
        using A affine_alg_set_closed 
        by blast
      show "p. p  poly_prod_set n as bs  eval_at_poly R p x = 𝟬"
      proof- fix p
        assume B: "p  poly_prod_set n as bs"
        show "eval_at_poly R p x = 𝟬"
          obtain p0 p1 where C: "p0  as  p1  bs  p = p0 R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ p1"
            using B poly_prod_setE by blast
          then have D: "eval_at_poly R p x = (eval_at_poly R p0 x)  (eval_at_poly R p1 x)"
            using x  carrier (Rn) assms(1) assms(2) eval_at_point_mult 
            by blast 
          show ?thesis proof(cases "x  affine_alg_set R n as")
            case True
            then have "(eval_at_poly R p0 x) = 𝟬"
              using C  affine_alg_set_memE by blast              
            then show ?thesis 
              by (smt C D x  carrier (Rn) assms(2) eval_at_point_closed R.semiring_axioms semiring.l_null subsetD)            
            case False
            then have "x  affine_alg_set R n bs"
              using A 
              by blast
            then have "(eval_at_poly R p1 x) = 𝟬"
              using C affine_alg_set_memE by blast
            then show ?thesis 
              using C A False 
              by (smt D x  carrier (Rn) assms(1) eval_at_point_closed R.r_null subsetD)
  show "affine_alg_set R n (poly_prod_set n as bs)  affine_alg_set R n as  affine_alg_set R n bs"
  proof fix x 
    assume A: "x  affine_alg_set R n (poly_prod_set n as bs)"
    have x_car: "x  carrier (Rn)"
      using A affine_alg_set_closed 
      by blast
    show "x  affine_alg_set R n as  affine_alg_set R n bs"
    proof(cases "x  affine_alg_set R n as")
      case True
      then show ?thesis by blast 
      case False
      have "x  affine_alg_set R n bs"
      proof(rule affine_alg_set_memI)
        show "x  carrier (Rn)"
          using A affine_alg_set_closed by blast
        show "p. p  bs  eval_at_poly R p x = 𝟬"
          fix p assume p_def: "p  bs"
          obtain a where a_def: "a  as  eval_at_poly R a x  𝟬"
            using False affine_alg_set_not_memE  x  carrier (Rn) 
            by blast
          then have "a R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ p  (poly_prod_set n as bs)"
            using poly_prod_setI[of a as p bs] p_def 
            by blast
          then have "eval_at_poly R (a R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ p) x = 𝟬"
            using A affine_alg_set_memE 
            by blast
          then have "eval_at_poly R a x  eval_at_poly R p  x = 𝟬"
            using eval_at_point_mult[of x n a p]
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) x  carrier (Rn) a_def assms(1) assms(2) p_def subsetD)
          then show "eval_at_poly R p  x  = 𝟬"
            using a_def p_def 
            by (meson assms(1) assms(2) eval_at_point_closed integral_iff subsetD x_car)            
      then show ?thesis 
        by blast
definition is_algebraic :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  'a list set  bool" where
"is_algebraic R n S = (ps. finite ps  ps  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  S = affine_alg_set R n ps)"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma is_algebraicE:
  assumes "is_algebraic R n S"
  obtains ps where  "finite ps" "ps  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" "S = affine_alg_set R n ps"
  using assms 
  by (meson is_algebraic_def)

lemma is_algebraicI:
  assumes "finite ps"
  assumes "ps  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "S = affine_alg_set R n ps"
  shows "is_algebraic R n S"
  using is_algebraic_def assms 
  by blast

lemma is_algebraicI':
  assumes "p   carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "S = zero_set R n p"
  shows "is_algebraic R n S"
  by (metis affine_alg_set_singleton assms(1) assms(2) empty_subsetI finite.emptyI finite.intros(2) insert_subset is_algebraic_def)


definition alg_sets :: "arity  ('a, 'b) ring_scheme  ('a list set) set" where
"alg_sets n R = {S. is_algebraic R n S}"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma intersection_is_alg:
  assumes "is_algebraic R n A"
  assumes "is_algebraic R n B"
  shows "is_algebraic R n (A  B)"
  obtain as where as_def: "finite as  as  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  A = affine_alg_set R n as"
    by (meson assms(1) is_algebraicE)
  obtain bs where bs_def: "finite bs  bs  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  B = affine_alg_set R n bs"
    by (meson assms(2) is_algebraicE)
  show ?thesis apply(rule is_algebraicI[of "as  bs"])
    using as_def bs_def apply blast
    using as_def bs_def apply blast
    by (simp add: affine_alg_set_intersect as_def bs_def)

lemma(in domain_coord_rings) union_is_alg:
  assumes "is_algebraic R n A"
  assumes "is_algebraic R n B"
  shows "is_algebraic R n (A  B)"
  obtain as where as_def: "finite as  as  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  A = affine_alg_set R n as"
    by (meson assms(1) is_algebraicE)
  obtain bs where bs_def: "finite bs  bs  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  B = affine_alg_set R n bs"
    by (meson assms(2) is_algebraicE)
  show ?thesis apply(rule is_algebraicI[of "poly_prod_set n as bs"])
    using as_def bs_def 
    apply (simp add: poly_prod_set_finite(1))
    using as_def bs_def poly_prod_set_closed apply blast
        using as_def bs_def poly_prod_set_algebraic_set 
        by simp

lemma zero_set_zero:
"zero_set R n 𝟬R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ = carrier (Rn)"
  by (metis R.add.r_cancel_one cring.cring_simprules(2) cring.cring_simprules(8) 
      coord_cring_cring cring_coord_rings.eval_at_point_add cring_coord_rings.eval_at_point_closed 
      cring_coord_rings_axioms subsetI subset_antisym zero_setI zero_set_closed)
lemma affine_alg_set_set:
"affine_alg_set  R n {𝟬R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙} = carrier (Rn)"
using affine_alg_set_singleton zero_set_zero 
by blast

lemma car_is_alg:
"is_algebraic R n (carrier (Rn))"
  apply(rule is_algebraicI[of "{𝟬R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙}"])
  apply blast
  using R.Pring_zero_closed  
   apply blast
    using affine_alg_set_set by blast

lemma zero_set_nonzero_constant:
  assumes "a  𝟬"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "zero_set R n (coord_const a) = {}"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "V n (coord_const a)  {}"
  then obtain x where "x  V n (coord_const a)"
    by blast 
  then show False
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cring_coord_rings.eval_at_point_const cring_coord_rings.zero_setE(1) cring_coord_rings.zero_setE(2) cring_coord_rings_axioms)    

lemma zero_set_one:
  assumes "a  𝟬"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "zero_set R n 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ = {}"
  using zero_set_nonzero_constant
  by (metis R.Pring_one coord_ring_def one_neq_zero R.one_closed)  

lemma empty_set_as_affine_alg_set:
"affine_alg_set  R n {𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙} = {}"
  using affine_alg_set_singleton local.one_neq_zero zero_set_one by blast

lemma empty_is_alg:
"is_algebraic R n {}"
  apply(rule is_algebraicI'[of "𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙"])
  apply blast  
  using local.one_neq_zero zero_set_one by blast

  subsubsection‹Finite Sets Are Algebraic›
text‹the function mapping a point in $R^n$ to the unique linear polynomial vanishing exclusively at that point›

definition pvar_trans ::  "nat  nat  'a  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"pvar_trans n i a = (pvar R i) R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ coord_const a"

lemma pvar_trans_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "pvar_trans n i a  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  unfolding pvar_trans_def using assms 
  by (metis MP.minus_closed coord_ring_def R.indexed_const_closed local.pvar_closed)
lemma pvar_trans_eval:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "b  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "eval_at_point R b (pvar_trans n i a) = (b!i)  a"
  have "eval_at_point R b (pvar_trans n i a) = 
        (eval_at_point R b (pvar R i))  (eval_at_point R b (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (coord_const a)))"
  unfolding pvar_trans_def a_minus_def using assms 
  by (metis MP.add.inv_closed coord_ring_def eval_at_point_add R.indexed_const_closed local.pvar_closed)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis a_minus_def assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) coord_ring_def eval_at_point_a_inv eval_at_point_const eval_pvar R.indexed_const_closed)
definition point_to_polys :: "'a list  ('a, nat) mvar_poly list" where
"point_to_polys as = map (λ x. pvar_trans (length as) (snd x) (fst x)) (zip as (index_list (length as)))"

lemma point_to_polys_length: 
"length (point_to_polys as) = length as"
  unfolding point_to_polys_def 
  by (smt index_list_length length_map list.map_ident map_eq_imp_length_eq zip_eq_conv)
lemma point_to_polysE: 
  assumes "i < length as"
  shows "(point_to_polys as) ! i = (pvar_trans (length as) i (as ! i))"
  have " (zip as (index_list (length as)))!i =  ((as!i), i)"
    by (metis assms index_list_indices index_list_length nth_zip)    
  then  have 0: "(point_to_polys as) ! i = (λ x. pvar_trans (length as) (snd x) (fst x)) ((as!i), i)"
    unfolding point_to_polys_def
    using  assms nth_map[of i "(zip as (index_list (length as)))" "(λx. pvar_trans (length as) (snd x) (fst x))" ]
    by (metis index_list_length length_map map_fst_zip)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)

lemma point_to_polysE': 
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "eval_at_point R as ((point_to_polys as) ! i) = 𝟬"
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' point_to_polysE pvar_trans_eval R.r_right_minus_eq)

lemma point_to_polysE'': 
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "b  set (point_to_polys as)"
  shows "eval_at_point R as b = 𝟬"
  using point_to_polysE' 
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE in_set_conv_nth point_to_polys_length)

lemma point_to_polys_zero_set: 
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "b  set (point_to_polys as)"
  shows "as  zero_set R n b"
  using assms(1) assms(2) point_to_polysE'' zero_setI by blast

lemma point_to_polys_closed:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "set (point_to_polys as)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  using assms point_to_polysE pvar_trans_closed 
  by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' in_set_conv_nth point_to_polys_length subsetI)  

lemma point_to_polys_affine_alg_set:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "affine_alg_set R n (set (point_to_polys as)) = {as}"
  show "affine_alg_set R n (set (point_to_polys as))  {as}"
    fix x
    assume A0: "x  affine_alg_set R n (set (point_to_polys as))"
    then have 0: "length x = n" using affine_alg_set_closed[of  n " (set (point_to_polys as))"]
      using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
    have "i. i < n  x!i = as!i"
      fix i
      assume A1: "i < n"
      show " x!i = as!i"
        using A0 
        by (smt A1 affine_alg_set_closed affine_alg_set_memE assms cartesian_power_car_memE 
            cartesian_power_car_memE' nth_mem point_to_polysE point_to_polys_length
            pvar_trans_eval R.r_right_minus_eq subsetD)
    then have "x = as"
      by (metis "0" assms cartesian_power_car_memE nth_equalityI)
    then show "x  {as}"
      by blast
  show "{as}  affine_alg_set R n (set (point_to_polys as))"
    have "as   affine_alg_set R n (set (point_to_polys as))"
      using affine_alg_set_not_memE assms point_to_polysE'' 
      by blast
    then show ?thesis 
      by blast

lemma singleton_is_algebraic:
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "is_algebraic R n {as}"
  apply(rule is_algebraicI[of "(set (point_to_polys as))"])
  apply blast
  using point_to_polys_affine_alg_set
  using assms point_to_polys_closed apply blast
  by (simp add: assms point_to_polys_affine_alg_set)

lemma(in domain_coord_rings) finite_sets_are_algebraic:
  assumes "finite F"
  shows "F  carrier (Rn)  is_algebraic R n F"
  apply(rule finite.induct) 
  apply (simp add: assms) 
  using empty_is_alg apply blast
  using singleton_is_algebraic 
  by (metis union_is_alg insert_is_Un insert_subset)

subsection‹Polynomial Maps›

  subsection‹The Action of Index Permutations on Polynomials›

definition permute_poly_args :: 
  "nat  (nat  nat)  ('a, nat) mvar_poly  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ p = indexed_poly_induced_morphism {..<n} (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) coord_const (λi. pvar R (σ i)) p" 

lemma permute_poly_args_characterization:
  assumes "σ permutes {..< n}"
  shows "(ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ))"
        "(i  {..<n}. (permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ) (pvar R i) =  pvar R (σ i))"
        "(a  carrier R. permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ (coord_const a) = (coord_const a))"
  have 0: "cring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    by (simp add: MP.is_cring)
  have 1: "(λi. pvar R (σ i))  {..<n}  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    fix x
    assume A: "x  {..<n}"
    then have 0: "σ x  {..<n}"
      using assms 
      by (meson permutes_in_image)
    then have "σ x < n"
      using assms 
      by auto
    then  show "pvar R (σ x)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) "
      using  pvar_closed[of "σ x" n]
      by blast
  have 2: " ring_hom_ring R (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) coord_const"
    using R.indexed_const_ring_hom unfolding coord_ring_def 
    by blast    
  have 3: "  indexed_poly_induced_morphism {..<n} (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) coord_const (λi. pvar R (σ i)) =
    indexed_poly_induced_morphism {..<n} (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) coord_const (λi. pvar R (σ i))"
    by blast   
  show "ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (permute_poly_args n σ)"
    using 0 1 2 3
        R.Pring_universal_prop[of "(R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" " (λi. pvar R (σ i))" "{..<n}" coord_const "permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ" ]
    unfolding permute_poly_args_def 
    by (metis coord_ring_def)  
  show "i{..<n}. permute_poly_args n σ (pvar R i) = pvar R (σ i)"
    using 0 1 2 3
        R.Pring_universal_prop(2)[of "(R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" " (λi. pvar R (σ i))" "{..<n}" coord_const "permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ" ]
    unfolding permute_poly_args_def var_to_IP_def
    by blast
  show "acarrier R. permute_poly_args n σ (coord_const a) = coord_const a"
    using 0 1 2 3 
        R.Pring_universal_prop[of "(R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" " (λi. pvar R (σ i))" "{..<n}" coord_const "permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ" ]
    unfolding permute_poly_args_def var_to_IP_def
    by blast 

lemma permute_poly_args_closed:
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "permute_poly_args n σ p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  have "(ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ))"
    using assms permute_poly_args_characterization(1) 
    by blast
  then have "(permute_poly_args (n::nat) σ)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def ring_hom_def
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using assms  
    by blast

lemma permute_poly_args_constant:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  shows "permute_poly_args n σ (coord_const a) = (coord_const a)"
  using assms permute_poly_args_characterization(3) 
  by blast

lemma permute_poly_args_add:
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "permute_poly_args n σ (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ q) = (permute_poly_args n σ p) R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (permute_poly_args n σ q)"
  using permute_poly_args_characterization(1)[of  σ] assms
  unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) ring_hom_add)
lemma permute_poly_args_mult:
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "permute_poly_args n σ (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ q) = (permute_poly_args n σ p) R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (permute_poly_args n σ q)"
  using permute_poly_args_characterization(1)[of  σ] assms
  unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def
  using ring_hom_mult 
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting))
lemma permute_poly_args_indexed_pmult:
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "i  {..<n}"
  shows "(permute_poly_args n σ (p  i)) = (permute_poly_args n σ p)  (σ i)"
  fix x
  show "permute_poly_args n σ (p  i) x = (permute_poly_args n σ p  σ i) x"
    have 0: "(p  i) = (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i)"
      using assms  pvar_indexed_pmult 
      by blast
    have 1: "(permute_poly_args n σ p)  (σ i) = (permute_poly_args n σ p) R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R (σ i)"
      using assms permute_poly_args_closed pvar_indexed_pmult by blast
    have 2: "permute_poly_args n σ (p  i) x = permute_poly_args n σ (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i) x"
      using p  i = p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i by presburger
    then show ?thesis using 1 R.Pring_var_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms 
          permute_poly_args_mult R.is_cring permute_poly_args_characterization(2) R.zero_closed
      by (metis coord_ring_def)

lemma permute_list_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  shows "(permute_list σ a)   carrier (Rn)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  using assms cartesian_power_car_memE length_permute_list apply blast
  have 0: "set a  carrier R"
    using assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE'' by blast
  have "σ permutes {..<length a}"
    have 0: "length a = n"
      using assms cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
    have "{..<n} = {..<length a}"
      using 0 by blast  
    then show ?thesis 
      using assms by presburger
  have  1: "set (permute_list σ a) = set a"
    using assms set_permute_list[of σ a] σ permutes {..<length a}
    by blast
  then show "set (permute_list σ a)  carrier R" 
    by (simp add: "1" "0")

lemma permute_list_set:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  shows "set (permute_list σ a) = set a"
  have "σ permutes {..<length a}"
    have 0: "length a = n"
      using assms cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
    have "{..<n} = {..<length a}"
      using 0 by blast 
    then show ?thesis 
      using assms by presburger
  then show  1: "set (permute_list σ a) = set a"
    using assms set_permute_list[of σ a] 
    by blast


definition perm_map :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  (nat  nat)  'a list  'a list" where
"perm_map R n σ = restrict (permute_list σ) (carrier (Rn))"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma perm_map_is_struct_map:
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  shows "perm_map R n σ  struct_maps (Rn) (Rn)"
  apply(rule struct_maps_memI)
  unfolding perm_map_def restrict_def using assms permute_list_closed[of _ n σ] 
   apply metis 
  by metis 

lemma permute_poly_args_eval:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "σ permutes {..<n}"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ p) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) p"
  apply(rule R.indexed_pset.induct[of p "{..<n}" "carrier R"])
  using R.Pring_car assms  apply (metis coord_ring_def)
   apply (metis assms(1) assms(2) eval_at_point_const permute_list_closed permute_poly_args_constant)
  show "p Q. p  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ p) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) p 
           Q  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ Q) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) Q 
           eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  Q)) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) (p  Q)"
    fix p Q assume  A0: "p  Pring_set R {..<n} "
    assume A1: "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ p) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) p "
    assume A2: "Q  Pring_set R {..<n}"
    assume A3: "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ Q) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) Q"
    have A0': "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) "
      using A0 R.Pring_car unfolding coord_ring_def  by blast
    have A2': "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) "
      using A2 R.Pring_car unfolding coord_ring_def by blast
    have A4: "(permute_poly_args n σ (p  Q)) = (permute_poly_args n σ p)  (permute_poly_args n σ Q)"
      have  "(permute_poly_args n σ (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q)) = (permute_poly_args n σ p) R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (permute_poly_args n σ Q)"
        using A0' A2' assms permute_poly_args_add by blast
      then show ?thesis 
        unfolding coord_ring_def 
        by (metis R.Pring_add)        
    show A5: "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  Q)) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) (p  Q)"
      using eval_at_point_add[of a n "permute_poly_args n σ p" "permute_poly_args n σ Q" ]
            permute_poly_args_add[of σ n p Q] A0' A1 A2' A3 A4 permute_poly_args_closed assms 
      by (metis R.Pring_add cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE'' 
          cartesian_power_car_memI coord_ring_def eval_at_point_add length_permute_list permute_list_set)  
  show "p i. p  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ p) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) p 
           i  {..<n}  eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  i)) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) (p  i)"
    fix p i
    assume A0: "p  Pring_set R {..<n}"
    assume A1: "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ p) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) p "
    assume A2: "i  {..<n}"
    have LHS:  "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  i)) = eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ p  σ i)"
      using permute_poly_args_indexed_pmult[of σ n p i ] A0 A1 A2 assms 
      by (metis R.Pring_car coord_ring_def)      
    then have LHS' : "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  i)) =
                 eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R (σ i))"
      using A0 R.Pring_car assms(1) assms  permute_poly_args_closed pvar_indexed_pmult
      by (metis coord_ring_def)
    have "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R (σ i)) =
          eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ  p)  eval_at_point R a (pvar R (σ i))"
      have 1: "permute_poly_args n σ p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
        using A0 R.Pring_car assms(1) assms  permute_poly_args_closed 
        by (metis coord_ring_def)        
      have "pvar R (σ i)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
        have "σ i  {..<n}"
          using A2 assms 
          by (meson permutes_in_image)
        then have "(σ i) < n"
           by blast 
         then show ?thesis 
           using pvar_closed[of "σ i" n]   
          by blast
      then have LHS'' : "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  i)) =
                 (eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ  p)) Reval_at_point R a (pvar R (σ i))"
        using LHS' "1" eval_at_point_mult assms 
        by presburger       
      then show ?thesis  
        using LHS' by presburger
    then have LHS'': "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  i)) =
        eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ  p)  eval_at_point R a (pvar R (σ i))"
      using LHS' by presburger
    have 0: "eval_at_point R a (pvar R (σ i)) = a! (σ i)"
      have "σ i  {..<n}" 
      using A2 assms 
      by (meson permutes_in_image)
      then have 0: "σ i < n" 
        by blast 
     have 1: "permute_list σ a  carrier (Rn)"
      using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) permute_list_closed by blast
     show ?thesis 
      using 0 1 eval_pvar[of "σ i" n a] assms  
      by blast
    have 1: "(permute_list σ a)! i  = a! σ  i"
      have "length a = n"
        using assms  cartesian_power_car_memE
        by blast
      then have "{..<length a} = {..<n}"
        by blast
      then have 0: " σ permutes {..<length a}" 
        using assms 
        by presburger
      have 1: "i < length a"
        using A2 {..<length a} = {..<n} 
        by blast
      show ?thesis using 0 1  permute_list_nth[of σ a i]
        by blast
    have LHS''': "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  i)) =
        eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) p  a! (σ i)"
      using 0 LHS''  A1 
      by presburger
    have RHS: "eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) (p  i) = 
        (eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) p) R(eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) (pvar R i))"
      have "(p  i) = p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar R i)"
        using A0 R.Pring_car pvar_indexed_pmult unfolding coord_ring_def 
        by blast        
      then show ?thesis 
        using eval_at_point_mult[of "(permute_list σ a)" n p "(pvar R i)" ] 
             A0 A2 R.Pring_car R.Pring_var_closed assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) permute_list_closed
        by (metis coord_ring_def)
    then have RHS': "eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) (p  i) = 
        (eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) p) R(permute_list σ a)! i"
      have 0: "i < n" 
        using A2 assms 
        by blast 
      have 1: "permute_list σ a  carrier (Rn)"
        using assms permute_list_closed 
        by blast
      show ?thesis 
        using 0 1 eval_pvar[of i n "(permute_list σ a)" ] RHS 
        by presburger
    then show "eval_at_point R a (permute_poly_args n σ (p  i)) = eval_at_point R (permute_list σ a) (p  i)"
      using LHS''' A1 1 
      by presburger

  subsection‹Inverse Images of Sets by Tuples of Polynomials›

definition is_poly_tuple :: "nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly list  bool" where
"is_poly_tuple (n::nat) fs = (set (fs)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]))"

lemma is_poly_tupleE:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "j < length fs"
  shows "fs ! j  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  using assms is_poly_tuple_def nth_mem 
  by blast

lemma is_poly_tuple_Cons:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "f  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_poly_tuple n (f#fs)"
  using assms unfolding is_poly_tuple_def 
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) set_ConsD subset_iff)

lemma is_poly_tuple_append:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "f  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "is_poly_tuple n (fs@[f])"
  using assms set_append unfolding is_poly_tuple_def 
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_subset_iff append_Nil2 set_ConsD subset_code(1))

definition poly_tuple_eval :: "('a, nat) mvar_poly list  'a list  'a list" where
"poly_tuple_eval fs as = map (λ f. eval_at_poly R f as) fs "

lemma poly_tuple_evalE:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "j < m"
  shows "(poly_tuple_eval fs as)!j  carrier R"
  have 0: "(poly_tuple_eval fs as)!j = (eval_at_poly R (fs!j) as)"
    using poly_tuple_eval_def 
    by (metis assms(2) assms(4) nth_map)   
  have 1: "(fs!j)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using assms is_poly_tupleE
    by blast
  show ?thesis 
    using assms 0 1 eval_at_point_closed 
    by presburger   

lemma poly_tuple_evalE':
  shows "length (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = length fs"
  unfolding poly_tuple_eval_def 
  using length_map by blast

lemma poly_tuple_evalE'':
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "j < m"
  shows "(poly_tuple_eval fs as)!j = (eval_at_poly R (fs!j) as)"
  using assms 
  unfolding poly_tuple_eval_def 
  using nth_map
  by blast

lemma poly_tuple_eval_closed:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "(poly_tuple_eval fs as)  carrier (Rm)"
proof(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  show "length (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = m"
    using assms 
    by (simp add: assms poly_tuple_evalE')
  show "set (poly_tuple_eval fs as)  carrier R"
  proof fix x
    assume "x  set (poly_tuple_eval fs as)"
    then obtain j where j_def: "j< m  x = (poly_tuple_eval fs as)!j"
      using assms 
      by (metis length (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = m in_set_conv_nth)
    then show "x  carrier R"
      using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3)  poly_tuple_evalE assms by blast       

lemma poly_tuple_eval_Cons:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "f  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(poly_tuple_eval (f#fs) as) = (eval_at_point R as f)#(poly_tuple_eval fs as)"
  using assms poly_tuple_eval_def 
  by (metis list.simps(9))

definition poly_tuple_pullback :: 
   "nat  'a list set  ('a, nat) mvar_poly list  'a list set" where
"poly_tuple_pullback n S fs = ((poly_tuple_eval fs) -` S)  (carrier (Rn)) "

lemma poly_pullbackE: 
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "S  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "poly_tuple_pullback n S fs  carrier (Rn)"
  using poly_tuple_pullback_def assms  
  by blast
lemma poly_pullbackE': 
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "S  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "as  poly_tuple_pullback n S fs"
  shows "as  carrier (Rn)"
        "poly_tuple_eval fs as  S"
  using assms 
  apply (meson poly_pullbackE subsetD)
  have "as  poly_tuple_eval fs -` S" 
    using assms unfolding poly_tuple_pullback_def
    by blast
  then show "poly_tuple_eval fs as  S" 
    by blast

lemma poly_pullbackI: 
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "S  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "poly_tuple_eval fs as  S"
  shows "as  poly_tuple_pullback n S fs"
  using assms 
  unfolding poly_tuple_pullback_def 
  by blast


text‹coordinate permutations as pullbacks. The point here is to realize that permutations of 
indices are just pullbacks (or pushforwards) by particular polynomial maps›

abbreviation pvar_list where 
"pvar_list R n  map (pvar R) (index_list n)"

lemma pvar_list_elements:
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "pvar_list R n ! i = pvar R i"
  by (simp add: assms index_list_indices index_list_length)
lemma pvar_list_length:
"length (pvar_list R n) = n"
  by (simp add: index_list_length)

context cring_coord_rings

lemma pvar_list_is_poly_tuple:
  shows "is_poly_tuple n (pvar_list R n)"
  unfolding is_poly_tuple_def 
proof fix x
  assume A: "x  set (pvar_list R n)"
  have "set (index_list n) = {..<n}"
    by (simp add: index_list_set)
  obtain i where "i < n  x = pvar R i"
    using A  pvar_list_elements[of _ n R] pvar_list_length[of R n] 
    by (metis in_set_conv_nth)
  then show "x  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using pvar_closed 
    by blast

lemma permutation_of_poly_list_is_poly_list:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple k fs"
  assumes "σ permutes {..< length fs}"
  shows "is_poly_tuple k (permute_list σ fs)"
  unfolding is_poly_tuple_def 
  show "set (permute_list σ fs)  carrier (coord_ring R k)"
    using assms is_poly_tuple_def set_permute_list 
    by blast

lemma permutation_of_poly_listE:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple k fs"
  assumes "σ permutes {..< length fs}"
  assumes "i < length fs"
  shows "(permute_list σ fs) ! i = fs ! (σ i)"
  using assms permute_list_nth 
  by blast

lemma pushforward_by_permutation_of_poly_list:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple k fs"
  assumes "σ permutes {..< length fs}"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rk)"
  shows "poly_tuple_eval (permute_list σ fs) as = permute_list σ (poly_tuple_eval fs as)"
  using assms unfolding poly_tuple_eval_def 
  by (metis permute_list_map)

lemma pushforward_by_pvar_list:
  assumes "as   carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_tuple_eval (pvar_list R n) as = as"
  using assms pvar_list_elements[of _ n R] unfolding poly_tuple_eval_def using eval_pvar[of _ n as]
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE length_map nth_equalityI nth_map pvar_list_length)

lemma pushforward_by_permuted_pvar_list:
  assumes "σ permutes {..< n}"
  assumes "as   carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_tuple_eval (permute_list σ (pvar_list R n)) as = permute_list σ as"
  by (metis assms pushforward_by_permutation_of_poly_list 
      pushforward_by_pvar_list pvar_list_is_poly_tuple pvar_list_length)

lemma pullback_by_permutation_of_poly_list:
  assumes "σ permutes {..< n}"
  assumes "S  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_tuple_pullback n S (permute_list σ (pvar_list R n)) = 
          permute_list (fun_inv σ) ` S"
   show "poly_tuple_pullback n S (permute_list σ (pvar_list R n))  permute_list (fun_inv σ) ` S"
   proof fix x
     assume A: " x  poly_tuple_pullback n S (permute_list σ (pvar_list R n))"
     then obtain y where y_def: "y  S  poly_tuple_eval (permute_list σ (pvar_list R n)) x = y"
       by (metis assms length_permute_list 
           permutation_of_poly_list_is_poly_list poly_pullbackE'(2) pvar_list_is_poly_tuple 
     then have 0: "y = permute_list σ x"
       by (metis A assms length_permute_list 
           permutation_of_poly_list_is_poly_list poly_pullbackE'(1) pushforward_by_permuted_pvar_list pvar_list_is_poly_tuple pvar_list_length)
     have 1: "length x = n"
       using A 
       by (metis "0" length_permute_list poly_tuple_evalE' pvar_list_length y_def)
     then have "{..<length x} = {..<n}"
       by blast 
     then have "permute_list (fun_inv σ) y = x"
       using 0 permutes_inv_o(1)[of σ "{..< n}"] permute_list_id[of x] permutes_inv[of σ "{..<n}"]
            assms permute_list_compose[of "(fun_inv σ)" x σ ]
       unfolding fun_inv_def 
       by metis 
     then show " x  permute_list (fun_inv σ) ` S"
       using y_def by blast
   show "permute_list (fun_inv σ) ` S  poly_tuple_pullback n S (permute_list σ (pvar_list R n))"
   proof fix x assume A: "x  permute_list (fun_inv σ) ` S"
     then obtain y where y_def: "y  S  x = permute_list (fun_inv σ) y"
       by blast
     have 0: "(fun_inv σ) permutes {..<n}"
       using assms unfolding fun_inv_def 
       by (simp add: permutes_inv)
     have 1: "permute_list σ x = permute_list σ (permute_list (fun_inv σ) y)"
       by (simp add: y_def)
     have 2: "length y = n"
       using y_def A assms cartesian_power_car_memE 
       by blast
     have 3: "σ permutes {..<length y}"
       by (simp add: "2" assms)
     have 4: "permute_list σ x = y"
       using assms(2) permute_list_id[of y]  permute_list_compose[of σ y "(fun_inv σ)" ] 
              3 2 1 0 permutes_inv_o(2)[of σ "{..< n}"] 
       unfolding fun_inv_def 
       by metis 
     have 5: "x  carrier (Rn)"
       apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
       using A 0 assms  
        apply (metis "2" "4" length_permute_list)
       using A 0 assms  
       by (smt "2" in_set_conv_nth neq0_conv poly_tuple_evalE pushforward_by_pvar_list 
           pvar_list_is_poly_tuple pvar_list_length set_permute_list subset_iff y_def)
     then have 6: "poly_tuple_eval (permute_list σ (pvar_list R n)) x = y"
       using 4  assms pushforward_by_permuted_pvar_list[of σ n x] 
       by blast
     then show "x  poly_tuple_pullback n S (permute_list σ (pvar_list R n))"
       using 5 y_def unfolding poly_tuple_pullback_def 
       by blast

lemma pullback_by_permutation_of_poly_list':
  assumes "σ permutes {..< n}"
  assumes "S  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_tuple_pullback n S (permute_list (fun_inv σ) (pvar_list R n)) = 
          permute_list σ ` S"
  have 0: "(fun_inv (fun_inv σ)) = σ"
    using assms unfolding fun_inv_def 
    using permutes_inv_inv 
    by blast
  have 1: "fun_inv σ permutes {..<n}"
    unfolding fun_inv_def 
    using assms permutes_inv by blast
  then show ?thesis using 0 assms pullback_by_permutation_of_poly_list[of "fun_inv σ" n S]
    by presburger

  subsection‹Composing Polynomial Tuples With Polynomials›

text‹composition of a multivaribale polynomial by a list of polynomials›

definition poly_compose :: 
  "nat  nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly list  ('a, nat) mvar_poly  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"poly_compose n m fs = indexed_poly_induced_morphism {..<n} (coord_ring R m) (λ s. R.indexed_const s) (λi. fs!i) "

lemma poly_compose_var:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "j < n"
  shows "poly_compose n m fs (pvar R j) = (fs!j)"
  have 0: "cring (coord_ring R m)"
    using R.Pring_is_cring R.is_cring 
    unfolding coord_ring_def  by blast    
  have 1: "(!) fs  {..<n}  carrier (coord_ring R m)"
    using assms is_poly_tuple_def 
    by auto            
  have 2: "ring_hom_ring R (coord_ring R m) coord_const"
    using indexed_const_ring_hom coord_const_ring_hom by blast    
  have "i{..<n}. indexed_poly_induced_morphism {..<n} (coord_ring R m) coord_const ((!) fs) (mset_to_IP R {#i#}) = fs ! i"  
    using assms 0 1 2 R.Pring_universal_prop(2)[of "(coord_ring R m)" "(λi. fs!i)" "{..<n}" "(λ s. R.indexed_const s)" "poly_compose n m fs"] 
    by (metis var_to_IP_def)    
  then show ?thesis
    using assms 
    unfolding poly_compose_def var_to_IP_def
  by blast

lemma Pring_universal_prop_assms:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  shows  "(λi. fs!i)  {..<n}  carrier (coord_ring R m)"
           "ring_hom_ring R (coord_ring R m) coord_const"
  show "x. x  {..<n}  fs ! x  carrier (coord_ring R m)"
    using assms  is_poly_tupleE by blast    
  show "ring_hom_ring R (coord_ring R m) coord_const"
    using R.indexed_const_ring_hom coord_const_ring_hom by blast   

lemma poly_compose_ring_hom:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  shows  "(ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (coord_ring R m) (poly_compose n m fs))"
  using Pring_universal_prop_assms[of n fs] assms
        R.Pring_universal_prop(1)[of "(coord_ring R m)" "(λi. fs!i)" "{..<n}" coord_const "(poly_compose n m fs)"]
  unfolding poly_compose_def 
  using R.Pring_is_cring R.is_cring
  by (metis Pi_I Pring_universal_prop_assms(2) coord_ring_def is_poly_tupleE lessThan_iff)
lemma poly_compose_closed:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "(poly_compose n m fs f)  carrier (coord_ring R m)"
  have "poly_compose n m fs  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  carrier (R [𝒳⇘m⇙])"
  using poly_compose_ring_hom[of m fs n] assms 
  unfolding  ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def ring_hom_def 
  by blast
  then show ?thesis  using assms by blast 
lemma poly_compose_add:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "poly_compose n m fs (f R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ g) = (poly_compose n m fs f) coord_ring R m(poly_compose n m fs g)"
  using assms poly_compose_ring_hom ring_hom_add 
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ring_hom_ring.homh)

lemma poly_compose_mult:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "g  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "poly_compose n m fs (f R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ g) = (poly_compose n m fs f) coord_ring R m(poly_compose n m fs g)"
  using assms poly_compose_ring_hom ring_hom_mult
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ring_hom_ring.homh)

lemma poly_compose_indexed_pmult:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "poly_compose n m fs (f  i) = (poly_compose n m fs f) coord_ring R m(fs!i)"
  have "(f  i) = f R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i"
    using assms pvar_indexed_pmult 
    by blast
  then show ?thesis using poly_compose_mult poly_compose_var  assms 
    by (metis pvar_closed)

lemma poly_compose_const:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "poly_compose n m fs (coord_const a) = coord_const a"
  using R.Pring_universal_prop(3)[of "(coord_ring R m)" "(λi. fs!i)" "{..<n}" coord_const "(poly_compose n m fs)"]
        Pring_universal_prop_assms assms
  unfolding poly_compose_def 
  using R.Pring_is_cring coord_cring_cring by blast
text‹evaluating polynomial compositions›

lemma poly_compose_eval:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple m fs"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "f  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "eval_at_point R (poly_tuple_eval fs as) f = eval_at_point R as (poly_compose n m fs f)"
  apply(rule R.indexed_pset.induct[of f "{..<n}" "carrier R"])
  using R.Pring_car assms
  apply (metis coord_ring_def)  
    show "k. k  carrier R  eval_at_poly R (coord_const k) (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs (coord_const k)) as"
      using assms 
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) eval_at_point_factored poly_compose_const R.total_eval_const)     
    show " p Q. p  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_poly R p (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs p) as 
           Q  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_poly R Q (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs Q) as 
           eval_at_poly R (p  Q) (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs (p  Q)) as"
      fix p Q
      assume A0: "p  Pring_set R {..<n}"
      assume A1: "eval_at_poly R p (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs p) as"
      assume A2: "Q  Pring_set R {..<n}"
      assume A3: " eval_at_poly R Q (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs Q) as"
      have A4: "eval_at_poly R (p  Q) (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R p (poly_tuple_eval fs as)  eval_at_poly R Q (poly_tuple_eval fs as)"
        using A0  A1 A2 A3  
            eval_at_point_add[of "(poly_tuple_eval fs as)" n p Q]  
        by (metis R.Pring_add R.Pring_car assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms coord_ring_def neq0_conv poly_tuple_eval_closed)
      have A5: "poly_compose n m fs (p  Q) = poly_compose n m fs p coord_ring R mpoly_compose n m fs Q"
        using assms poly_compose_add
        by (metis A0 A2 R.Pring_add R.Pring_car coord_ring_def)        
      have A6: " eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs (p  Q)) as =  eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs p) as  eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs Q) as"
        have 0: " as  carrier (Rm)"
          by (simp add: assms)
        have 1: "poly_compose n m fs p  carrier (coord_ring R m)"
          using A0 R.Pring_car assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) poly_compose_closed 
          by (metis coord_ring_def)           
        have 2: "poly_compose n m fs Q  carrier (coord_ring R m)"
          using A2 R.Pring_car assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) poly_compose_closed 
          by (metis coord_ring_def)
        show ?thesis 
          using  0 1 2 eval_at_point_add[of as m "(poly_compose n m fs p)" "(poly_compose n m fs Q)"]
          by presburger
      show  "eval_at_poly R (p  Q) (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs (p  Q)) as"
        using A5 A6 A3 A1  A4 
        by presburger
    show "p i. p  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_poly R p (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs p) as 
           i  {..<n}  eval_at_poly R (p  i) (poly_tuple_eval fs as) = eval_at_poly R (poly_compose n m fs (p  i)) as"
      using assms poly_compose_indexed_pmult eval_at_point_indexed_pmult
      by (smt R.Pring_car coord_ring_def eval_at_point_mult is_poly_tupleE lessThan_iff neq0_conv poly_compose_closed poly_tuple_evalE'' poly_tuple_eval_closed)

subsection‹Extensional Polynomial Maps›

text‹Polynomial Maps between powers of a ring›

definition poly_map :: "nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly list  'a list  'a list" where
"poly_map n fs = (λa  carrier (Rn). poly_tuple_eval fs a)"

lemma poly_map_is_struct_map:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  shows "poly_map n fs  struct_maps (Rn) (Rm)"
  apply(rule struct_maps_memI)
  unfolding poly_map_def using assms 
  apply (metis poly_tuple_eval_closed restrict_apply')
  by (meson restrict_apply)

lemma poly_map_closed:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "as  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_map n fs as  carrier (Rm)"
  using assms 
  by (meson poly_map_is_struct_map struct_maps_memE(1))

definition poly_maps :: "nat  nat  ('a list  'a list) set"  where 
"poly_maps n m = {F. ( fs. length fs = m  is_poly_tuple n fs  F = poly_map n fs)}"

lemma poly_maps_memE:
  assumes "F  poly_maps n m"
  obtains fs where "length fs = m  is_poly_tuple n fs  F = poly_map n fs"
  using assms unfolding poly_maps_def by blast 

lemma poly_maps_memI:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "F = poly_map n fs"
  shows "F  poly_maps n m"
  using assms unfolding poly_maps_def by blast 

lemma poly_map_compose_closed:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "is_poly_tuple k gs"
  assumes "length gs = n"
  shows "is_poly_tuple k (map (poly_compose n k gs) fs)"
  unfolding is_poly_tuple_def 
proof fix y assume A: "y  set (map (poly_compose n k gs) fs)"
  then obtain f where f_def: "f  set fs  y = poly_compose n k gs f"
    by (smt in_set_conv_nth length_map nth_map)
  then show "y  carrier (coord_ring R k)"
    using assms poly_compose_closed 
    by (metis in_set_conv_nth is_poly_tupleE )

lemma poly_map_compose_closed':
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "is_poly_tuple k gs"
  assumes "length gs = n"
  shows "poly_map k (map (poly_compose n k gs) fs)  poly_maps k m"
  apply(rule poly_maps_memI[of _ "map (poly_compose n k gs) fs"])
  using poly_map_compose_closed[of n fs m k gs] assms apply blast
   apply (simp add: assms)
     by auto

lemma poly_map_pullback_char:
  assumes "is_poly_tuple n fs"
  assumes "length fs = m"
  assumes "is_poly_tuple k gs"
  assumes "length gs = n"
  shows "(pullback (Rk) (poly_map k gs) (poly_map n fs)) = 
          poly_map k (map (poly_compose n k gs) fs)"
proof(rule ext)
  fix x 
  show "pullback (Rk) (poly_map k gs) (poly_map n fs) x =
         poly_map k (map (poly_compose n k gs) fs) x"
  proof(cases "x  carrier (Rk)")
    case True
      have 0: "length (pullback (Rk) (poly_map k gs) (poly_map n fs) x) =  m"
        using True assms poly_map_closed cartesian_power_car_memE
        unfolding pullback_def  
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) compose_eq)
      have 1: "is_poly_tuple k (map (poly_compose n k gs) fs)"
       by (simp add: assms poly_map_compose_closed)               
      have 2: "length (map (poly_compose n k gs) fs) = m"
        using assms length_map by auto 
      have 3: "i. i < m  
            (pullback (Rk) (poly_map k gs) (poly_map n fs) x)! i = 
                  eval_at_point R (poly_map k gs x) (fs ! i)"
        unfolding pullback_def poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def 
        using assms True 
        by (smt compose_eq nth_map poly_tuple_eval_closed poly_tuple_eval_def restrict_apply')
      have 4: "i. i < m  
            poly_map k (map (poly_compose n k gs) fs) x ! i = 
                  eval_at_point R (poly_map k gs x) (fs ! i)"       
        unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def using True assms 
        by (smt "2" cring_coord_rings.is_poly_tuple_def cring_coord_rings_axioms neq0_conv 
            nth_map nth_mem poly_compose_eval poly_tuple_eval_def restrict_apply' subset_code(1))
      show ?thesis using 0 1 2 3 4 assms True 
        by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE nth_equalityI poly_map_closed)
    case False
    then show ?thesis 
      unfolding poly_map_def pullback_def
      by (metis affine_alg_set_empty compose_extensional extensional_restrict poly_map_def restrict_def)

lemma poly_map_pullback_closed:
  assumes "F  poly_maps n m"
  assumes "G  poly_maps k n"
  shows "(pullback (Rk) G F)  poly_maps k m"
  by (metis assms poly_map_compose_closed' 
      poly_map_pullback_char poly_maps_memE)

lemma poly_map_cons: 
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_map n (f#fs) a = (eval_at_point R a f)#poly_map n fs a"
  unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def  
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms list.simps(9) restrict_apply')
lemma poly_map_append: 
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows  "poly_map n (fs@gs) a = (poly_map n fs a) @ (poly_map n gs a)"
proof(induction fs)
  case Nil
  then show ?case 
    using assms unfolding poly_map_def poly_tuple_eval_def 
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) map_append restrict_apply')
  case (Cons f fs)
  have "poly_map n ((f # fs) @ gs) a = (eval_at_point R a f)#(poly_map n (fs@gs) a)"
    using poly_map_cons 
    by (metis append_Cons assms)
  hence "poly_map n ((f # fs) @ gs) a = (eval_at_point R a f)#(poly_map n fs a)@(poly_map n gs a)"
    using Cons.IH by metis 
  thus ?case 
    by (metis Cons_eq_appendI assms poly_map_cons)

section‹Nesting of Polynomial Rings›

lemma poly_ring_car_mono:
  assumes "n  m"
  shows "carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  carrier (coord_ring R m)"
  using R.Pring_carrier_subset 
  unfolding coord_ring_def 
  by (simp add: R.Pring_car R.Pring_carrier_subset assms)
lemma poly_ring_car_mono'[simp]:
  shows "carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
        "carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙])"
  using poly_ring_car_mono 
  apply simp
  using poly_ring_car_mono 
  by simp

lemma poly_ring_add_mono:
  assumes "n  m"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "B  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "A R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ B = A coord_ring R mB"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def 
  by (metis R.Pring_add_eq)
lemma poly_ring_add_mono':
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "B  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "A R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ B = A R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ B"
        "A R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ B = A R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]⇙ B"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def 
  apply (metis R.Pring_add_eq)
  by (metis R.Pring_add_eq)  

lemma poly_ring_times_mono:
  assumes "n  m"
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "B  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "A R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ B = A coord_ring R mB"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def 
  by (metis R.Pring_mult_eq)
lemma poly_ring_times_mono':
  assumes "A  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "B  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "A R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ B = A R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ B"
        "A R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ B = A R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]⇙ B"
  using assms unfolding coord_ring_def 
  apply (metis R.Pring_mult_eq)
  by (metis R.Pring_mult_eq)  
lemma poly_ring_one_mono:
  assumes "n  m"
  shows "𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ = 𝟭coord_ring R m⇙"
  by (metis R.Pring_one coord_ring_def) 

lemma poly_ring_zero_mono:
  assumes "n  m"
  shows "𝟬R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ = 𝟬coord_ring R m⇙"
  using R.Pring_zero_eq
  by (metis coord_ring_def)

text‹replacing the variables in a polynomial with new variables›

definition shift_vars :: "nat  nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"shift_vars n m p = indexed_poly_induced_morphism {..<n} (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]) coord_const (λi. pvar R (i + m)) p" 

lemma shift_vars_char:
  shows "(ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]) (shift_vars n m))"
        "(i  {..<n}. (shift_vars n m) (pvar R i) = pvar R (i + m))"
        "(a  carrier R. (shift_vars n m) (R.indexed_const a) = (coord_const a))"
  have 1:  "(λi. pvar R (i + m))  {..<n}  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙])"
  proof fix x
    assume "x  {..<n}"
    then have "x + m < n + m"
      using  add_less_mono1 by blast      
    then show "pvar R (x + m)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙])"
      using pvar_closed by blast
  have 2:  "ring_hom_ring R (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]) coord_const"
    using R.indexed_const_ring_hom unfolding coord_ring_def 
    by blast
  have 3:  "shift_vars n m = indexed_poly_induced_morphism {..<n} (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]) coord_const (λi. pvar R (i + m))"
    unfolding shift_vars_def 
    by blast 
  show "(ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]) (shift_vars n m))"
    using 1 2 3 R.Pring_universal_prop[of "(R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙])"  "(λi. pvar R (i + m))" "{..<n}" "coord_const" "(shift_vars n m)"]
    using MP.is_cring by (metis coord_ring_def)    
  show "(i  {..<n}. (shift_vars n m) (pvar R i) = pvar R (i + m))"
    using 1 2 3 R.Pring_universal_prop[of "(R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙])"  "(λi. pvar R (i + m))" "{..<n}" "coord_const" "(shift_vars n m)"]
    by (metis R.Pring_is_cring MP.is_cring var_to_IP_def)
  show "(a  carrier R. (shift_vars n m) (R.indexed_const a) = (coord_const a))"
    using 1 2 3 R.Pring_universal_prop[of "(R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙])"  "(λi. pvar R (i + m))" "{..<n}" "coord_const" "(shift_vars n m)"]
    by (meson MP.is_cring)

lemma shift_vars_constant:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "shift_vars n m (coord_const a) = coord_const a"
  using assms(1) shift_vars_char(3) by blast

lemma shift_vars_pvar:
  assumes "i  {..<n}"
  shows "shift_vars n m (pvar R i) = pvar R (i + m)"
  using assms shift_vars_char(2) by blast 

lemma shift_vars_add:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "shift_vars n m (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q) = shift_vars n m p R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]⇙ shift_vars n m Q"
  using assms shift_vars_char(1)[of n m] 
  unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def 
  using ring_hom_add  
  by (metis (no_types, lifting))  

lemma shift_vars_mult:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "shift_vars n m (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q) = shift_vars n m p R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]⇙ shift_vars n m Q"
  using assms shift_vars_char(1)[of n m] 
  unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def unfolding coord_ring_def 
  using ring_hom_mult 
  by metis

lemma shift_vars_indexed_pmult:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "i  {..<n}"
  shows "shift_vars n m (p  i) = (shift_vars n m p) R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]⇙ (pvar R (i + m))"
  have "(p  i) = p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar R i)"
    using assms pvar_indexed_pmult by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using shift_vars_mult shift_vars_pvar assms unfolding coord_ring_def 
    by (metis R.Pring_var_closed)

lemma shift_vars_closed:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "shift_vars n m p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙])"
  using assms shift_vars_char(1)[of n m] ring_hom_closed[of "shift_vars n m"]
  unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def  
  by blast

lemma shift_vars_eval:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "b  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "eval_at_point R (a@b) (shift_vars n m p)  = eval_at_point R b p"
  apply(rule R.indexed_pset.induct[of p "{..<n}" "carrier R"])
  using R.Pring_car assms apply (metis coord_ring_def)  
  show "k. k  carrier R  eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (coord_const k)) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R (coord_const k) b"
    fix k
    have 0: "(a @ b)  carrier (Rn + m)"
      using assms 
      by (metis add.commute cartesian_product_closed')
    assume A: "k  carrier R"
    then show "eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (coord_const k)) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R (coord_const k) b"
      using assms shift_vars_constant
          eval_at_point_const[of k "(a @ b)" "m + n"] 
          eval_at_point_const[of k "b" n]  0
      by (metis eval_at_point_const)
  show "p Q. p  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m p) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R p b 
           Q  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m Q) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R Q b 
           eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  Q)) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R (p  Q) b"
  proof- fix p Q
    assume A0: " p  Pring_set R {..<n}"
    assume A1: "eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m p) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R p b"
    assume A2: "Q  Pring_set R {..<n}"
    assume A3: "eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m Q) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R Q b"
    have A4: "eval_at_poly R (p  Q) b = eval_at_poly R p b  eval_at_poly R Q b"
      using A0 A2 assms eval_at_point_add[of b n p Q]  
      by (metis R.Pring_add R.Pring_car coord_ring_def)      
    have A5: "(shift_vars n m (p  Q)) = (shift_vars n m p) R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (shift_vars n m Q)"
      using A0 A2 R.Pring_add R.Pring_car assms(1) shift_vars_add unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by metis
    have A6: " eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  Q)) (a @ b) = 
             eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m p) (a @ b)  eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m Q) (a @ b) "
      using A5 eval_at_point_add shift_vars_closed A0 A2  R.Pring_car add.commute 
        assms unfolding coord_ring_def  
      by (metis R.Pring_add cartesian_power_concat(1))       
    have A7: " eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  Q)) (a @ b) = 
             eval_at_poly R p b  eval_at_poly R Q b "
      using A6  A1 A3 by presburger
    then show " eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  Q)) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R (p  Q) b "
      using A4 
      by presburger
  show "p i. p  Pring_set R {..<n} 
           eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m p) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R p b 
           i  {..<n}  eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  i)) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R (p  i) b"
  proof- fix p i
    assume A0: "p  Pring_set R {..<n}" 
    then have A0': "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      using R.Pring_car unfolding coord_ring_def
      by blast
    assume A1: " eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m p) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R p b"
    assume A2: "i  {..<n}"
    have A3: "(shift_vars n m (p  i)) = (shift_vars n m p) R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]⇙ (pvar R (i + m))"
      using A0'  shift_vars_indexed_pmult A2 assms(1) 
      by blast
    have A4: "eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  i)) (a @ b) = 
              eval_at_poly R ( (shift_vars n m p) R[𝒳⇘n+m⇙]⇙ (pvar R (i + m))) (a@b)"
      using A3 
      by presburger
    have A5: "a@b  carrier (Rn+m)"
      using assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_concat(2) by blast    
    have A6: "eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  i)) (a @ b) = 
              eval_at_poly R p b  eval_at_poly R (pvar R (i + m)) (a @ b)"
      using A5  A0' eval_at_point_mult[of "a@b" "n+m" "shift_vars n m p" "pvar R (i + m)"]
      unfolding A4 by (metis A1 A2 Groups.add_ac(2) lessThan_iff local.pvar_closed nat_add_left_cancel_less shift_vars_closed)      
    have A7: " eval_at_poly R (pvar R (i + m)) (a @ b) = (a@b)!(i+m)"
      have "i < n"
        using assms A2 by blast        
      then have "i + m < n + m "
        using add_less_cancel_right 
        by blast
      then show ?thesis 
        using A5 eval_pvar[of "i+m" "n+m" "a@b"] 
        by blast
    then  have A8: "eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  i)) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R p b  ((a @ b)!(i+m))"
      using A6 by presburger
    have A9: "eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  i)) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R p b  (b!i)"
      have "length a = m"
        using assms cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
      then have "(a @ b)!(i+m) = b!i"
        by (metis add.commute nth_append_length_plus)
      then show ?thesis 
        using A8 
        by presburger
    show " eval_at_poly R (shift_vars n m (p  i)) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R (p  i) b"
      have "i < n"
        using A2 assms 
        by blast        
      then have "eval_at_poly R (p  i) b = eval_at_poly R p b  (b!i)"
        using assms A0' eval_at_point_indexed_pmult
        by blast
      then show ?thesis using A9 
        by presburger

text‹Evaluating a polynomial from a lower poly ring in a higher power:›

lemma poly_eval_cartesian_prod:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "b  carrier (Rm)"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "eval_at_point R a p = eval_at_point R (a@b) p"
  apply(rule coord_ring_induct[of p n])
  using assms apply blast
  have 0: "a@b  carrier (Rn + m)"
    using assms cartesian_product_closed' by blast
  show "aa. aa  carrier R  eval_at_poly R (coord_const aa) a = eval_at_poly R (coord_const aa) (a @ b)"
  proof- fix c assume "c  carrier R"
    show "eval_at_poly R (coord_const c) a = eval_at_poly R (coord_const c) (a @ b)"
      using eval_at_point_const[of c a n] eval_at_point_const[of c "a@b" "n+m"] 0 
        c  carrier R assms(2) assms(1) by presburger     
  show "i Q. Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) 
           eval_at_poly R Q a = eval_at_poly R Q (a @ b) 
           i < n  eval_at_poly R (Q R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i) a = eval_at_poly R (Q R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i) (a @ b)"    
  fix i Q
  assume A0: "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" 
  assume A1: "eval_at_poly R Q a = eval_at_poly R Q (a @ b)"
  assume A2: "i < n"
  have LHS: "eval_at_poly R (Q R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i) a = eval_at_poly R Q a  (a!i)"
    by (metis A0 A2 assms eval_at_point_indexed_pmult pvar_indexed_pmult)
  have RHS: "eval_at_poly R (Q R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i) (a @ b) = eval_at_poly R Q (a@b)  ((a@b)!i)"
    by (smt "0" A0 A2 add.commute eval_at_point_indexed_pmult le_add1 poly_ring_car_mono 
      pvar_indexed_pmult subsetD trans_less_add2)
  show "eval_at_poly R (Q R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i) a = eval_at_poly R (Q R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i) (a @ b)"   
    have "length a > i" using A2 assms
      using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
    then have "a!i = (a@b)!i"
      by (metis nth_append)
    then show ?thesis 
      using LHS RHS A1 
      by presburger
  show "Q0 Q1.
       Q0  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) 
       Q1  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) 
       eval_at_poly R Q0 a = eval_at_poly R Q0 (a @ b) 
       eval_at_poly R Q1 a = eval_at_poly R Q1 (a @ b) 
       eval_at_poly R (Q0 R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q1) a = eval_at_poly R (Q0 R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q1) (a @ b)"
    fix Q0 Q1 
    assume A0: "eval_at_poly R Q0 a = eval_at_poly R Q0 (a @ b)"
    assume A1: "eval_at_poly R Q1 a = eval_at_poly R Q1 (a @ b)"
    assume A2: "Q0  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    assume A3: "Q1  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    show "eval_at_poly R (Q0 R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q1) a = eval_at_poly R (Q0 R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q1) (a @ b)"
      using A0 A1 A2 A3  assms eval_at_point_add[of _ n Q0 Q1] 0 unfolding coord_ring_def
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) R.Pring_add_eq basic_trans_rules(31) coord_ring_def eval_at_point_add le_add1 poly_ring_car_mono)      

text‹Evaluating polynomials at points in higher powers:›

lemma eval_at_points_higher_pow:
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "k  n"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rk)"
  shows "eval_at_point R a p = eval_at_point R (take n a) p"
  using poly_eval_cartesian_prod[of "take n a" n "drop n a" "k - n" p] assms 
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) append_take_drop_id cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE''
      cartesian_power_car_memI length_drop set_drop_subset subset_trans take_closed)

subsection‹ Diagonal sets in even powers of R›

  In this section, by a diagonal set in $R^(2m)$ we will mean the set of points $(x,x)$,
  where $x \in R^m$. This is slightly different from the standard definition. Introducing these 
  sets will be useful for reasoning about multiplicative inverses of functions later on.

definition diagonal :: "nat  'a list set" where 
"diagonal m = {x  carrier (Rm+m). take m x = drop m x}"

lemma diagonalE: 
  assumes "x  diagonal  m"
  shows "x = (take m x)@(take m x)"
        "x  carrier (Rm+m)"
        "take m x  carrier (Rm)"
        "i. i < m  x!i = x!(i + m)"
   apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) append_take_drop_id assms(1) diagonal_def mem_Collect_eq )
  using assms diagonal_def 
  apply blast
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
  using assms unfolding diagonal_def 
  apply (metis (no_types, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE le_add2 mem_Collect_eq take_closed)
  show "set (take m x)  carrier R"
  proof fix a
    assume "a  set (take m x)"
    then have "a  set x"
      by (meson in_set_takeD)
    then show "a  carrier R"
      using assms unfolding diagonal_def using cartesian_power_car_memE'[of x] 
      by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE in_set_conv_nth mem_Collect_eq)
  show "i. i < m  x!i = x!(i + m)"
  proof- fix i
    assume A: "i < m"
    have 0: "x = (take m x)@(take m x)"
      using assms diagonal_def[of m] 
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) append_take_drop_id mem_Collect_eq)
    then have 1: "x!i = take m x ! i"
      by (metis A nth_take)
    have 2: "length x = m + m"
      using assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE diagonal_def by blast
    have 3: "take m x = drop m x"
      by (metis "0" append_take_drop_id same_append_eq)
    have 4: "drop m x ! i = x ! (i + m)"
      by (metis "2" add.commute le_add1 nth_drop)
    then show "x!i = x!(i + m)"
      using "1" "3" by presburger

lemma diagonalI: 
  assumes "x = (take m x)@(take m x)"
  assumes "take m x  carrier (Rm)"
  shows "x  diagonal m"
  unfolding diagonal_def using assms 
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) append_eq_conv_conj cartesian_power_car_memE 
      cartesian_power_car_memI'' length_append mem_Collect_eq)

definition diag_def_poly :: "nat  nat ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"diag_def_poly n i = pvar R i coord_ring R (n + n)pvar R (i + n)"

lemma diag_def_poly_closed:
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "diag_def_poly n i  carrier (coord_ring R (n + n))"
  using assms unfolding diag_def_poly_def  coord_ring_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) MP.minus_closed add.assoc add_leD1 coord_ring_def less_add_eq_less local.pvar_closed nat_less_le not_add_less1)  

lemma diag_def_poly_eval:
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn+n)"
  shows "eval_at_point R x (diag_def_poly n i)  = (x!i)  (x!(i + n))"

  using assms diag_def_poly_def[of n i]  
        eval_at_point_subtract[of x "n + n" "pvar R i" "pvar R (i + n)"] eval_pvar[of i "n + n"]
        eval_pvar[of "i+n" "n + n"] pvar_closed[of i "n + n"] pvar_closed[of "i + n" "n + n"] 
  by (metis add_less_cancel_right trans_less_add2)

definition diag_def_poly_set :: "nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly set" where 
"diag_def_poly_set n = diag_def_poly n ` {..<n}"

lemma diag_def_poly_set_in_coord_ring:
  shows "diag_def_poly_set n  carrier (coord_ring R (n + n))"
proof fix x 
  assume "x  diag_def_poly_set n"
  then obtain i where i_def: "i < n  x = diag_def_poly n i"
    unfolding diag_def_poly_set_def  
    by blast   
  then show "x  carrier (coord_ring R (n + n))"
    using diag_def_poly_closed
    by blast

lemma diag_def_poly_set_finite: 
"finite (diag_def_poly_set n)"
  unfolding diag_def_poly_set_def 
  by blast

lemma diag_def_poly_eval_at_diagonal:
  assumes "x  diagonal n"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "eval_at_point R x (diag_def_poly n i) = 𝟬"
  have "x!i = x!(i + n)"
    using assms diagonalE(4) by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' cring_coord_rings.diag_def_poly_eval cring_coord_rings_axioms diagonalE(2) point_to_polysE point_to_polysE' pvar_trans_eval trans_less_add2)    

lemma diagonal_as_affine_alg_set:
  shows "diagonal n = affine_alg_set R (n + n) (diag_def_poly_set n)"
  show "diagonal n  affine_alg_set R (n + n) (diag_def_poly_set n)"
  proof fix x assume A: "x  diagonal n"
    show " x  affine_alg_set R (n + n) (diag_def_poly_set n)"
        apply(rule affine_alg_set_memI)
        using A  diagonalE(2) apply blast
        using diag_def_poly_eval_at_diagonal[of x] diag_def_poly_set_def[of n]
              atLeastAtMost_iff[of _ 0 "n-1"] 
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) A image_iff lessThan_iff)                     
  show "affine_alg_set R (n + n) (diag_def_poly_set n)  diagonal n"
  proof fix x 
    assume A: "x  affine_alg_set R (n + n) (diag_def_poly_set n)"
    show "x  diagonal n"
    proof(rule diagonalI)
      show "x = take n x @ take n x"
        have 0: "x = take n x @ drop n x"
          by (metis append_take_drop_id)
        have "take n x = drop n x"
          have 0: "length x = n + n"
            using A unfolding affine_alg_set_def  
            using cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
          then have 1: "length (take n x) = length (drop n x)"
            using A 
            by (metis (no_types, lifting) x = take n x @ drop n x 
                add.commute add_right_cancel affine_alg_set_closed cartesian_power_car_memE 
                le_add1 length_append subsetD take_closed)
          have "i::nat. i < n  (take n x)!i = (drop n x) ! i"
          proof- fix i::nat assume A0: "i < n"
            then have "i  {..<n}" using atLeastAtMost_iff[of i 0 "n-1"]
              by auto
            then have "diag_def_poly n i   (diag_def_poly_set n)"
              using diag_def_poly_set_def by blast
            then have "eval_at_point R x (diag_def_poly n i) = 𝟬"
              using A affine_alg_set_memE by blast
            then have "x!i = x!(n + i)"
              using A0 diag_def_poly_eval[of i n x] 
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) A add.commute affine_alg_set_closed
                  cartesian_power_car_memE' nat_add_left_cancel_less R.r_right_minus_eq subsetD trans_less_add2)
            then show "take n x ! i =drop n x ! i"
              by (metis "0" A0 le_add1 nth_drop nth_take)
          then show ?thesis using 0 
            by (metis "1" x = take n x @ drop n x add_less_mono 
                length_append less_not_refl linorder_neqE_nat nth_equalityI)
        then show ?thesis 
          using 0 by metis   
      show "take n x  carrier (Rn)"
        using A unfolding affine_alg_set_def 
        by (meson A affine_alg_set_closed le_add2 subset_eq take_closed)

lemma diagonal_is_algebraic:
  shows "is_algebraic R (n + n) (diagonal n)"
  apply(rule is_algebraicI[of "diag_def_poly_set n"])
  apply (simp add: diag_def_poly_set_finite)
  using  diag_def_poly_set_in_coord_ring apply blast
  by (simp add:  diagonal_as_affine_alg_set)


subsection‹Tuples of Functions›

definition is_function_tuple :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  ('a list  'a) list  bool" where 
"is_function_tuple R n fs = (set fs  carrier (Rn)  carrier R)"

lemma is_function_tupleI:
  assumes "(set fs  carrier (Rn)  carrier R)"
  shows "is_function_tuple R n fs "
  by (simp add: assms is_function_tuple_def)

lemma is_function_tuple_append:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs" 
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n gs" 
  shows "is_function_tuple R n (fs@gs)"
  using assms is_function_tupleI set_append
  by (simp add: is_function_tuple_def)

lemma is_function_tuple_Cons:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs" 
  assumes "f  carrier (Rn)  carrier R"
  shows "is_function_tuple R n (f#fs)"
  using assms is_function_tupleI  
  by (simp add: assms(2) is_function_tuple_def)

lemma is_function_tuple_snoc:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs" 
  assumes "f  carrier (Rn)  carrier R"
  shows "is_function_tuple R n (fs@[f])"
  apply(rule is_function_tupleI)
  by (metis (no_types) Un_subset_iff append_Nil assms(1) assms(2) is_function_tuple_Cons is_function_tuple_def set_append)

lemma is_function_tuple_list_update:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs" 
  assumes "f  carrier (Rn)  carrier R"
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "is_function_tuple R n (fs[i := f])"
  apply(rule is_function_tupleI)
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) is_function_tuple_def set_update_subsetI)

definition function_tuple_eval :: "'b  'c  ('d  'a) list  'd  'a list" where
"function_tuple_eval R n fs x = map (λf. f x) fs"

lemma function_tuple_eval_closed:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs" 
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "function_tuple_eval R n fs x  carrier (Rlength fs)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
  apply (metis function_tuple_eval_def length_map)
proof- fix i assume "i < length fs"
  then show "function_tuple_eval R n fs x ! i  carrier R"
    unfolding function_tuple_eval_def using assms unfolding is_function_tuple_def 
  by (metis funcset_carrier nth_map nth_mem subsetD)

definition coord_fun :: 
  "('a, 'c) ring_scheme  nat  ('a list  'b list)  nat  'a list  'b" where 
"coord_fun R n g i = (λx   carrier (Rn). (g x) ! i)"

lemma(in cring) map_is_coord_fun_tuple:
  assumes "g  carrier (Rn) E carrier (Rm)"
  shows "g = (λ x  carrier (Rn). function_tuple_eval R n (map (coord_fun R n g) [0..<m]) x)"
  fix x 
  show "g x = restrict (function_tuple_eval R n (map (coord_fun R n g) [0..<m])) (carrier (Rn)) x"
  proof(cases "x  carrier (Rn)")
    case True
    then have T0: "restrict (function_tuple_eval R n (map (coord_fun R n g) [0..<m])) (carrier (Rn)) x = 
              function_tuple_eval R n (map (coord_fun R n g) [0..<m]) x"
      by (meson restrict_apply')
    have T1: "length (g x) = m"
      by (metis PiE_mem True assms cartesian_power_car_memE)
    have T2: "i. i < m  (g x) ! i = (function_tuple_eval R n (map (coord_fun R n g) [0..<m]) x) ! i"
      unfolding function_tuple_eval_def coord_fun_def 
      using restrict_apply True T1 length_map map_nth nth_map by smt 
    have T3: "length (function_tuple_eval R n (map (coord_fun R n g) [0..<m]) x) = m"
      unfolding function_tuple_eval_def using length_map 
      by (metis T1 map_nth)
    show ?thesis using T1 T2 T3 
      by (metis T0 nth_equalityI)
    case False
    then show ?thesis using assms unfolding restrict_def  
      by (meson PiE_E)

definition function_tuple_comp :: 
  "'c  ('a  'd) list  ('d list  'b)  'a  'b" where
"function_tuple_comp R fs f = f  (function_tuple_eval R (0::nat) fs)"

lemma function_tuple_comp_closed:
  assumes "f  carrier (Rn)  carrier R"
  assumes "length fs = n"
  assumes "is_function_tuple R m fs"
  shows "function_tuple_comp R fs f  carrier (Rm)  carrier R"
  unfolding function_tuple_comp_def
  using assms 
  by (smt Pi_iff comp_apply function_tuple_eval_closed function_tuple_eval_def)

fun id_function_tuple where
"id_function_tuple (R::('a,'b) partial_object_scheme) 0 = []"|
"id_function_tuple R (Suc n) = id_function_tuple R n @ [(λ(x::'a list). x! n)] "

lemma id_function_tuple_is_function_tuple:
"k. k  n  is_function_tuple R k (id_function_tuple R n)"
  apply(induction n)
  apply (simp add: is_function_tupleI)
proof- fix n k
  assume IH: "(k. n  k  is_function_tuple R k (id_function_tuple R n))"

  assume A: "Suc n  k"
  have 0: "(λa. a!n)  carrier (Rk)   carrier R"
    using A cartesian_power_car_memE' 
    by (metis Pi_I Suc_le_lessD)
  have 1: " is_function_tuple R k (id_function_tuple R n)"
    using A IH  Suc_leD by blast
  then show "is_function_tuple R k (id_function_tuple R (Suc n))"
    using A  0 id_function_tuple.simps(2)[of R n] 
          is_function_tuple_snoc[of R k "id_function_tuple R n" "λa. a!n" ] 
     by (simp add: "0")

lemma id_function_tuple_is_function_tuple':
"is_function_tuple R n (id_function_tuple R n)"
by (simp add: id_function_tuple_is_function_tuple)
lemma id_function_tuple_eval_is_take:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "k  n  function_tuple_eval R n (id_function_tuple R k) a = take k a"
  apply(induction k)
  using assms  
  apply (simp add: assms function_tuple_eval_def)
proof- fix k
  assume IH: "(k   n  function_tuple_eval R n (id_function_tuple R k) a = take k a) "
  assume A: "Suc k  n"
  then have 0: "function_tuple_eval R n (id_function_tuple R k) a = take k a "
    using IH  Suc_leD 
    by blast   
  have  "function_tuple_eval R n (id_function_tuple R (Suc  k)) a
          = function_tuple_eval R n (id_function_tuple R k) a @ [a!k]"
    using id_function_tuple.simps(2)[of R k]  
    by (simp add: function_tuple_eval_def)
  then  show "function_tuple_eval R n (id_function_tuple R (Suc k)) a = take (Suc k) a"
    by (metis "0" A Suc_le_lessD assms cartesian_power_car_memE take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
lemma id_function_tuple_eval_is_id:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "function_tuple_eval R n (id_function_tuple R n) a = a"
  using assms  id_function_tuple_eval_is_take[of a R n n]
  by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE order_refl take_all)

text‹Composing a function tuple with a polynomial›

definition poly_function_tuple_comp :: 
   "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  ('a list  'a) list  ('a, nat) mvar_poly  'a list  'a" where
"poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs f = eval_at_poly R f  function_tuple_eval R n fs"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma poly_function_tuple_comp_closed:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs" 
  assumes "f  carrier (coord_ring R (length fs))"
  shows "poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs f  carrier (Rn)  carrier R"
proof fix x assume A: "x  carrier (Rn)" 
  then show "poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs f x  carrier R"
    using assms function_tuple_eval_closed eval_at_point_closed
    unfolding poly_function_tuple_comp_def 
    by (metis comp_apply)

lemma poly_function_tuple_comp_eq:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs" 
  assumes "f  carrier (coord_ring R (length fs))"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs f a = eval_at_poly R f ( function_tuple_eval R n fs a)"
  unfolding poly_function_tuple_comp_def 
  using comp_apply 
  by metis
lemma poly_function_tuple_comp_constant:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs" 
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs (coord_const a) x = a"
  unfolding poly_function_tuple_comp_def 
  using assms comp_apply function_tuple_eval_closed
  by (metis eval_at_point_const)

lemma poly_function_tuple_comp_add:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs"
  assumes "k length fs"
  assumes "p  carrier (coord_ring R k)"
  assumes "Q  carrier (coord_ring R k)"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q) x = 
          (poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs p x)  (poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs Q x)"
  have 0: "p  carrier (coord_ring R (length fs))"
    using assms poly_ring_car_mono[of k "length fs"]
    by blast 
  have 1: "Q  carrier (coord_ring R (length fs))"
    using assms poly_ring_car_mono[of k "length fs"]
    by blast 
  show ?thesis  
    using assms(1) assms(5) 0 1 R.Pring_add_eq[of ]
        function_tuple_eval_closed[of R n fs x]  
        eval_at_point_add[of "function_tuple_eval R n fs x" "length fs" p Q]
   unfolding coord_ring_def by (metis R.Pring_add_closed)    

lemma poly_function_tuple_comp_mult:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs"
  assumes "k length fs"
  assumes "p  carrier (coord_ring R k)"
  assumes "Q  carrier (coord_ring R k)"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q) x = 
          (poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs p x)  (poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs Q x)"
  have 0: "p  carrier (coord_ring R (length fs))"
    using assms poly_ring_car_mono[of k "length fs"]
    by blast 
  have 1: "Q  carrier (coord_ring R (length fs))"
    using assms poly_ring_car_mono[of k "length fs"]
    by blast 
  show ?thesis
    using assms  0 1
        function_tuple_eval_closed[of R n fs x]  
        eval_at_point_mult[of "function_tuple_eval R n fs x" "length fs" p Q]
    unfolding coord_ring_def 
    by (metis MP.m_closed R.Pring_mult_eq coord_ring_def)    

lemma poly_function_tuple_comp_pvar:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs"
  assumes "k < length fs"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  shows "poly_function_tuple_comp R n fs (pvar R k) x = (fs ! k) x"
  have "(map (λf. f x) fs)  carrier (Rlength fs)"
    using function_tuple_eval_closed[of R n fs x] 
    unfolding function_tuple_eval_def
    using assms(1) assms(3) by blast
  then have "eval_at_poly R (pvar R k) (map (λf. f x) fs)  = (fs! k) x"
    using eval_pvar[of k "length fs" "(map (λf. f x) fs)"] 
    by (metis assms(2) nth_map)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) function_tuple_eval_def 
        nth_map poly_function_tuple_comp_eq pvar_closed)

text‹The coordinate ring of polynomials indexed by natural numbers›

definition Coord_ring :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  ('a, ('a, nat) mvar_poly) module" where
"Coord_ring R = Pring R (UNIV :: nat set)"

text‹Some general closure lemmas for coordinate rings›
context cring_coord_rings
lemma coord_ring_monom_term_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "b  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "a (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])b[^](R[𝒳⇘n⇙])(n::nat)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  using assms  monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "(R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"] 
  unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (meson R.Pring_is_monoid monoid.m_closed)

lemma coord_ring_monom_term_plus_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "b  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "c  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "c (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])a (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])b[^](R[𝒳⇘n⇙])(n::nat)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  using assms coord_ring_monom_term_closed R.Pring_add_closed
  by blast


subsection‹Generic Univariate Polynomials›

  By a generic univariate polynomial, we mean a polynomial in one variable whose coefficients are
  coordinate functions over a ring. That is, a polynomial of the form:
  \[f(t) = x_0 + x_1t + \dots + x_nt^n\]
  Such a polynomial can be construed as an element of $R[x_0,..,x_n](t)$, or as an element of
  $R[x_0,..,x_n, x_n{n+1}]$. We will intially define the latter version, and show that it can
  easily be cast to the former using the function ``\texttt{IP\_to\_UP"}. Such a polynomial can be
  cast to a univariate polynomial over the ring $R$ by substituting a tuple of ring elements for
  the coefficients.  
definition generic_poly_lt ::  "('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"generic_poly_lt R n = (pvar R (Suc n)) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))(pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n"

fun generic_poly where
"generic_poly R (0::nat) = pvar R 1"|
"generic_poly R (Suc n) = (generic_poly R n) (coord_ring R (n+3))generic_poly_lt R (Suc n)"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma generic_poly_lt_closed:
"generic_poly_lt R n  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n)))"
  have 0: "(pvar R (Suc n))  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n)))"
    using pvar_closed 
    by blast
  have 1: " (pvar R 0)  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n)))"
    using pvar_closed 
    by blast
  then have "(pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n)))"
    using monoid.nat_pow_closed 
    unfolding coord_ring_def by (metis R.Pring_is_monoid)
  then show ?thesis using 0 
    unfolding coord_ring_def 
    by (metis R.Pring_mult_closed coord_ring_def generic_poly_lt_def)    

lemma generic_poly_lt_eval:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn+2)"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (generic_poly_lt R n) = a!(Suc n)  (a!0)[^]n "
  have "(pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n)  carrier (coord_ring R (n + 2))"
    using monoid.nat_pow_closed pvar_closed unfolding coord_ring_def
    by (metis R.Pring_is_monoid add_2_eq_Suc' zero_less_Suc)
  then have "eval_at_point R a (generic_poly_lt R n) =
    eval_at_poly R (pvar R (Suc n)) a  eval_at_poly R (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n) a"
    unfolding generic_poly_lt_def 
    using assms pvar_closed[of "(Suc n)" "n + 2"] eval_at_point_mult[of a "n + 2" "pvar R (Suc n)" "(pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n"]
    by (metis add_2_eq_Suc' lessI)  
  then show ?thesis using assms 
    by (metis add_2_eq_Suc' add_gr_0 eval_at_point_nat_pow eval_pvar lessI pvar_closed zero_less_numeral)

lemma generic_poly_closed:
"generic_poly R n  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n)))"
  apply(induction n)
  using pvar_closed[of 1 "Suc (Suc n)"]
  apply (metis One_nat_def generic_poly.simps(1) lessI pvar_closed)
  fix n assume IH: "generic_poly R n  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n)))"
    have "generic_poly R n  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc (Suc n))))"
      using IH poly_ring_car_mono'[of "Suc (Suc n)"]
      by blast
    then show " generic_poly R (Suc n)  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc (Suc n))))"
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
      using generic_poly.simps[of R] generic_poly_lt_closed[of n]
      by (metis MP.add.m_closed R.Pring_add_eq coord_ring_def generic_poly_lt_closed)

lemma generic_poly_closed':
  assumes "k n"
  shows "generic_poly R k  carrier (coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n)))"
by (meson Suc_le_mono assms generic_poly_closed poly_ring_car_mono subsetD)

lemma generic_poly_eval_at_point:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn+3)"
  shows "eval_at_point R a (generic_poly R (Suc n)) = (eval_at_point R a (generic_poly R n)) 
                                                    (a!(n + 2))  (a!0)[^](Suc n)"
  have 0: "(generic_poly R n)  carrier (coord_ring R (n + 3))"
    using generic_poly_closed' 
    by (metis Suc3_eq_add_3 add.commute eq_imp_le le_SucI)
  then show ?thesis 
    using generic_poly.simps(2) 
          generic_poly_closed'[of n "n + 3"] 
          generic_poly_lt_eval eval_at_point_add[of a "(n + 3)" "generic_poly R n"]  
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) add.left_commute add_2_eq_Suc' assms 
        generic_poly_lt_closed numeral_2_eq_2 numeral_3_eq_3 plus_1_eq_Suc)


text ‹
  We can turn points in $R^{n+1}$ into univariate polynomials with the associated coefficients 
  via partial evaluation of the generic polynomials of degree $n$. ›

definition ring_cfs_to_poly :: 
"('a, 'b) ring_scheme  nat  'a list  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"ring_cfs_to_poly R n as = coord_partial_eval R {1..<n+2} (𝟬R#as) (generic_poly R n)" 

context cring_coord_rings

lemma ring_cfs_to_poly_closed:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows "ring_cfs_to_poly R n as  carrier (coord_ring R 1)"
  have 0: "𝟬 # as  carrier (Rn+2)"
    apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI)
    using assms 
    apply (metis add_2_eq_Suc' cartesian_power_car_memE length_Cons)
    using assms 
    by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE'' insert_subset list.simps(15) R.zero_closed)
  then have 1: "coord_partial_eval R {1..<n + 2} (𝟬 # as)  ring_hom (coord_ring R (n + 2)) (Pring R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}))"
    using coord_partial_eval_hom' by blast
  have "({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}) = {..<1}"
    by auto 
  then have 2: "coord_partial_eval R {1..<n + 2} (𝟬 # as)  ring_hom (coord_ring R (n + 2)) (coord_ring R 1)"
    using 1 unfolding coord_ring_def
    by presburger    
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding ring_cfs_to_poly_def  coord_ring_def
    by (metis "0" Diff_subset {..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2} = {..<1} 
      add_2_eq_Suc' coord_partial_eval_closed generic_poly_closed 
      le_numeral_extra(4) lessThan_minus_lessThan lessThan_subset_iff)

text‹Variant which maps to the univariate polynomial ring›

definition ring_cfs_to_univ_poly :: "nat  'a list  nat  'a" where
"ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as = IP_to_UP (0::nat) (ring_cfs_to_poly R n as)" 

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows  "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as  carrier (UP R)"
  unfolding ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def apply(rule R.IP_to_UP_closed, rule R.is_cring)
  using ring_cfs_to_poly_closed unfolding coord_ring_def 
  using assms  by (metis One_nat_def lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc)

lemma ring_cfs_to_poly_eq:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  assumes "k n"
  shows  "ring_cfs_to_poly R k as = ring_cfs_to_poly R k (take (Suc k) as) "
  unfolding ring_cfs_to_poly_def coord_partial_eval_def 
  apply(rule R.poly_eval_eval_function_eq[of "(point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))" "(point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as))" "{1..<k + 2}" _ "{..<k + 2}"])   
  show "closed_fun R (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))"
    apply(rule R.closed_funI)
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE[of as R "Suc n"] 
    by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE'' nth_mem set_ConsD subset_code(1) R.zero_closed)
  show "closed_fun R (λi. if i < length (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as) then (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as) ! i else 𝟬)"
    apply(rule R.closed_funI)
    using assms 
    by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE'' in_set_takeD nth_mem set_ConsD subset_code(1) R.zero_closed)
  have 0: "length (𝟬 # as)  k + 2"
    using assms 
    by (metis Suc_le_mono add_2_eq_Suc' cartesian_power_car_memE length_Cons)
  have 1: "length (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as) k + 2"
    using 0 
    by (metis add_2_eq_Suc' assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE 
        impossible_Cons length_Cons not_less_eq_eq take_closed)
  show "restrict (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)) {1..<k + 2} = restrict (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as)) {1..<k + 2}"
  proof fix x 
    show "restrict (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)) {1..<k + 2} x = restrict (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as)) {1..<k + 2} x"
    proof(cases "x  {1..<k + 2}")
      case True
      have 00: "restrict (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)) {1..<k + 2} x = (𝟬#as)!x"
        unfolding restrict_def 
        by (metis "0" True atLeastLessThan_iff le_Suc_ex trans_less_add1)
      have 11: "restrict (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as)) {1..<k + 2} x = (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as)!x"
        unfolding restrict_def 
        by (metis "1" True atLeastLessThan_iff le_Suc_ex trans_less_add1)
      have 2: "(𝟬 # as) ! x = (𝟬 # take (Suc k) as) ! x"
        obtain l where l_def: "Suc l = x"
          using True
          by (metis One_nat_def Suc_le_D atLeastLessThan_iff) 
        have P1: "(𝟬 # as) ! x = as ! l"
          using 0 True l_def 
          by (meson nth_Cons_Suc)
        have P0: "(𝟬 # take (Suc k) as) ! x = (take (Suc k) as) ! l"
          using 1 True l_def 
          by (meson nth_Cons_Suc)
        have "l < Suc k"
          using True l_def 
          by (metis Suc_1 Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_less_SucD add_Suc_right atLeastLessThan_iff)
        then have "(𝟬 # take (Suc k) as) ! x = as ! l"
          using P0 
          by (metis nth_take)
        then show ?thesis
          using P1 by metis  
      then show ?thesis using 00 11 True 
        by presburger        
      case False
      then show ?thesis 
        unfolding restrict_def 
        by presburger       
  show " generic_poly R k  Pring_set R {..<k + 2}"
   by (metis R.Pring_car add_2_eq_Suc' coord_ring_def generic_poly_closed)    

lemma coord_partial_eval_generic_poly_lt:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R {1..<n+2} (𝟬R#as) (generic_poly_lt R n) = 
        poly_scalar_mult R (as!n) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R (n+2)n)"
  have 0: "𝟬 # as   carrier (RSuc (Suc n))"
    using assms cartesian_power_cons 
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 R.zero_closed)
  have 1: "pvar R (Suc n)  Pring_set R {..<n + 2}"
    using pvar_closed 
    by (metis R.Pring_car add_2_eq_Suc' coord_ring_def lessI)         
  have 2: " pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n  Pring_set R {..<n + 2}"
    using monoid.nat_pow_closed pvar_closed unfolding coord_ring_def 
    using R.Pring_car R.Pring_is_monoid add_2_eq_Suc' zero_less_Suc
    by (metis)
  have 3: "poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))
     (pvar R (Suc n) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n) = 
 (poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)) (pvar R (Suc n))) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))(poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))
     (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n))"
    using 0 1 2 R.poly_eval_mult[of "pvar R (Suc n)" "{..<n+2}" " pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n"
          "(point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))" "{1..<n + 2}"] unfolding coord_ring_def  
    by (smt R.Pring_mult cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' R.closed_funI R.zero_closed)
  have 4: "poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))
     (pvar R (Suc n) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n) = 
  (coord_const ((𝟬 # as)! (Suc n))) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))(poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))
     (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n))"
    using 0 3 point_to_eval_map_closed[of "(𝟬 # as)" "Suc (Suc n)"]   
          R.poly_eval_index[of "(point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))" "{1..<n + 2}" "Suc n"]
     add_2_eq_Suc' atLeastLessThan_iff cartesian_power_car_memE le_neq_implies_less 
        less_Suc_eq not_less_eq_eq not_less_zero numeral_1_eq_Suc_0 numeral_One var_to_IP_def 
    by (smt local.one_neq_zero)
  have 5: "pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n  Pring_set R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}) "
    have "0  {..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}" by auto 
    then have "pvar R 0 [^]Pring R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2})n  carrier (Pring R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}))"
      using R.Pring_var_closed[of 0 "{..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}"] R.Pring_is_monoid[of "{..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}"] 
          monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "Pring R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2})" "pvar R 0" n ] 
      by blast          
    have "k::nat. (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))k) = (pvar R 0 [^]Pring R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2})k)"
    proof- fix k::nat show "(pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))k) = (pvar R 0 [^]Pring R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2})k)"
        apply(induction k)
        using R.Pring_var_closed[of 0 "{..<(Suc (Suc n))}"] R.Pring_var_closed[of 0 "{..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}"]
        unfolding coord_ring_def 
        apply (metis Group.nat_pow_0 R.ring_axioms R.Pring_one)
        using R.Pring_var_closed[of 0 "{..<(Suc (Suc n))}"] R.Pring_var_closed[of 0 "{..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2}"]
        by (metis R.Pring_mult_eq R.Pring_one_eq add_2_eq_Suc')
    then show ?thesis 
      by (metis R.Pring_car pvar R 0 [^]Pring R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2})n  carrier (Pring R ({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2})))
  have 6: "(poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))  
               (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n)) = (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n)"
    using 5 0 point_to_eval_map_closed[of "(𝟬 # as)" "Suc (Suc n)"]
          R.poly_eval_trivial[of "(point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))" "pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n" "{..<n + 2}" "{1..<n + 2}" ]
    by blast
  have 7: "poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))
     (pvar R (Suc n) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n) = 
  (coord_const ((𝟬 # as)! (Suc n))) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))(pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n)"
    using 4 6 
    by presburger
  have 8: "(𝟬 # as) ! Suc n = as! n"
    by (meson nth_Cons_Suc)
  have 88: "(𝟬 # as) ! Suc n  carrier R"
    by (metis "8" assms cartesian_power_car_memE' less_Suc_eq)
  have 9: "poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))
     (pvar R (Suc n) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n) = 
    coord_const ((𝟬 # as) ! Suc n) p pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n "
    using R.poly_scalar_mult_eq[of "(𝟬 # as) ! Suc n" "pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n"] 
    unfolding coord_ring_def  
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) "7" R.Pring_mult coord_ring_def)     
  have 10: "poly_scalar_mult R ((𝟬 # as) ! Suc n) (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n) =
    coord_const ((𝟬 # as) ! Suc n) p pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n"
    using 9 8 88 0 5 R.poly_scalar_mult_eq[of "(𝟬 # as) ! Suc n" "pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n" "({..<n + 2} - {1..<n + 2})"]  
    by blast
  have 11: "poly_scalar_mult R (as! n) (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n) =
    coord_const ((𝟬 # as) ! Suc n) p pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n"
    using 10 8 
    by metis 
  have 12: "poly_eval R {1..<n + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))
     (pvar R (Suc n) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R (Suc (Suc n))n) = 
    poly_scalar_mult R (as ! n) ((pvar R 0) [^]coord_ring R (n + 2)n)"
    using 11 9 
    by (metis add_2_eq_Suc')
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding coord_partial_eval_def generic_poly_lt_def 
    by blast

lemma coord_partial_eval_generic_poly_lt':
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows "coord_partial_eval R {1..<n+2} (𝟬R#as) (generic_poly_lt R n) = 
        poly_scalar_mult R (as!n) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1n)"
  have 0: "coord_partial_eval R {1..<n+2} (𝟬R#as) (generic_poly_lt R n) = 
        poly_scalar_mult R (as!n) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R (n+2)n)"
    using assms coord_partial_eval_generic_poly_lt by blast    
  have 1: "k::nat. (pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R (n+2)k = (pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1k"
  proof- fix k::nat show "(pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R (n+2)k = (pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1k"
      apply(induction k)
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
       apply (metis Group.nat_pow_0 R.Pring_one_eq)
      using nat_pow_def 
      by (metis R.Pring_mult_eq R.Pring_one add_2_eq_Suc')
  then show ?thesis 
    using "0" by presburger

lemma ring_cfs_to_poly_decomp:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc (Suc n))"
  shows "ring_cfs_to_poly R (Suc n) as = ring_cfs_to_poly R n as coord_ring R 1poly_scalar_mult R (as!(Suc n)) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n))"
  have LHS: "ring_cfs_to_poly R (Suc n) as = 
              coord_partial_eval R {1..<Suc n + 2} (𝟬 # as) (generic_poly R n coord_ring R (Suc (Suc (Suc n)))generic_poly_lt R (Suc n))" 
    by (smt add_2_eq_Suc' add_Suc_right generic_poly.simps(2) numeral_2_eq_2 numeral_3_eq_3 ring_cfs_to_poly_def)   
  have LHS': "ring_cfs_to_poly R (Suc n) as = 
              coord_partial_eval R {1..<Suc n + 2} (𝟬 # as) (generic_poly R n) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc (Suc n)))coord_partial_eval R {1..<Suc n + 2} (𝟬 # as) (generic_poly_lt R (Suc n))" 
    using coord_partial_eval_add[of as "Suc n"]    
    by (metis LHS add_2_eq_Suc' add_Suc_shift assms cartesian_power_cons 
        coord_partial_eval_add generic_poly_closed' generic_poly_lt_closed le_add2 plus_1_eq_Suc R.zero_closed) 
  have LHS'': "ring_cfs_to_poly R (Suc n) as = 
              coord_partial_eval R {1..<Suc n + 2} (𝟬 # as) (generic_poly R n) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc (Suc n)))coord_partial_eval R {1..<Suc n + 2} (𝟬 # as) (generic_poly_lt R (Suc n))" 
    using coord_partial_eval_add[of as "Suc n"]    
    by (metis LHS add_2_eq_Suc' add_Suc_shift assms cartesian_power_cons 
        coord_partial_eval_add generic_poly_closed' generic_poly_lt_closed le_add2 plus_1_eq_Suc R.zero_closed)
  have LHS''': "ring_cfs_to_poly R (Suc n) as =
              coord_partial_eval R {1..<Suc n + 2} (𝟬 # as) (generic_poly R n) coord_ring R (Suc (Suc (Suc n)))poly_scalar_mult R (as! (Suc n)) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n))" 
    using LHS'' coord_partial_eval_generic_poly_lt'[of as "Suc n"] assms 
    by presburger
  have 0: "coord_partial_eval R {1..<Suc n + 2} (𝟬 # as) (generic_poly R n) = ring_cfs_to_poly R n as"
    have 00: "(generic_poly R n)  carrier (coord_ring R (n + 2))"
      using add_2_eq_Suc' generic_poly_closed by presburger      
    have 01: "𝟭  𝟬"
      using one_neq_zero
      by presburger
    have 02: "(𝟬 # as)  carrier (RSuc (Suc n) + 1)"
      using cartesian_power_cons[of as R "Suc (Suc n)" 𝟬] assms 
      by blast
    have 03: "closed_fun R (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))"
      using point_to_eval_map_closed[of "𝟬#as" "Suc (Suc (Suc n))"] 
      by (metis "02" Suc_eq_plus1)     
    have 04: "{1..<Suc n + 2}  {..<n + 2} = {1..<n + 2}  {..<n + 2}"
      by auto 
    show ?thesis
      unfolding ring_cfs_to_poly_def coord_partial_eval_def 
      using 04 03 02 01 00 R.Pring_car[of "{..<n + 2}"] assms 
            R.poly_eval_eval_set_eq[of "point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)" "{1..<Suc n + 2}"
                                  "{..<n + 2}" "{1..<n + 2}" "(generic_poly R n)" ] 
      by (metis coord_ring_def)      
  show ?thesis 
    using generic_poly.simps(2)[of R n] coord_partial_eval_add LHS''' 0 
    unfolding ring_cfs_to_poly_def 
    by (metis R.Pring_add_eq coord_ring_def)   

lemma ring_cfs_to_poly_decomp':
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc (Suc n))"
  shows "ring_cfs_to_poly R (Suc n) as = 
                ring_cfs_to_poly R n (take (Suc n) as) coord_ring R 1poly_scalar_mult R (as!(Suc n)) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n))"
  using assms ring_cfs_to_poly_decomp[of as n] 
        ring_cfs_to_poly_eq[of as "Suc n" n] le_eq_less_or_eq less_Suc_eq 
  by presburger

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_decomp':
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc (Suc n))"
  shows "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as = 
                ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as) UP R(as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))"
  have 00: "(pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R 1Suc n)  carrier (Pring R {0})"
    using pvar_closed[of 0 1] monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "coord_ring R 1"  _ n ]
    unfolding coord_ring_def 
    by (metis One_nat_def R.Pring_is_monoid lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc less_one monoid.nat_pow_closed)
  have LHS: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as = 
      IP_to_UP 0 (ring_cfs_to_poly R n (take (Suc n) as) coord_ring R 1poly_scalar_mult R (as!(Suc n)) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n)))"
    using assms ring_cfs_to_poly_decomp' 
    unfolding ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def 
    by presburger
  have LHS': "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as = 
      IP_to_UP 0 (ring_cfs_to_poly R n (take (Suc n) as)) UP RIP_to_UP 0 (poly_scalar_mult R (as!(Suc n)) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n)))"
    have 0: " ring_cfs_to_poly R n (take (Suc n) as)  carrier (Pring R {0})"
      by (metis One_nat_def assms coord_ring_def le_add2 lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc plus_1_eq_Suc ring_cfs_to_poly_closed take_closed)      
    have 1: "as ! Suc n  carrier R"
      using assms cartesian_power_car_memE'[of as R "Suc (Suc n)"] 
      by blast
    have 2: "poly_scalar_mult R (as ! Suc n) (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R 1Suc n)  carrier (Pring R {0})"
      using 1 00 R.Pring_car R.poly_scalar_mult_closed[of "(as ! Suc n)" "(pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R 1Suc n)" "{0}"] 
      by blast
    then show ?thesis      
      using 0 1 2 UP_cring.IP_to_UP_add[of R "(ring_cfs_to_poly R n (take (Suc n) as))" "0"
              "poly_scalar_mult R (as!(Suc n)) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n))"] 
      by (metis LHS One_nat_def UP_cring_def coord_ring_def R.is_cring lessThan_0 lessThan_Suc)
  have 0: "IP_to_UP 0 (ring_cfs_to_poly R n (take (Suc n) as)) = 
           ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n  (take (Suc n) as)"
    using ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def
    by presburger
  have 1: "(mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset 0 (Suc n))) = (pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n)"
    unfolding coord_ring_def using  lessThan_iff less_one 
    by (metis UP_cring.intro UP_cring.pvar_pow R.is_cring)    
  have 2: "as ! Suc n  carrier R"
    using cartesian_power_car_memE' assms 
    by blast
  have 3: "IP_to_UP 0 (poly_scalar_mult R (as ! Suc n) (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R 1Suc n)) =
    as ! Suc n UP RIP_to_UP 0 (pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R 1Suc n)"   
    using UP_cring.IP_to_UP_scalar_mult[of R "as!(Suc n)" "((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n))" 0]
          "00" "2" unfolding coord_ring_def 
    by (metis R.Pring_smult UP_cring.intro R.is_cring)                  
  have 4: "IP_to_UP 0 (poly_scalar_mult R (as!(Suc n)) ((pvar R 0)[^]coord_ring R 1(Suc n)))
            = (as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))"
  proof -
    have "as ! Suc n UP RX_poly R [^]UP RSuc n = IP_to_UP (0::nat) (Mt (as ! Suc n) (nat_to_mset 0 (Suc n)))"
      using 3 1 UP_cring.IP_to_UP_monom
      by (metis UP_cring.intro R.is_cring)      
    then show ?thesis
      using mset_to_IP R (nat_to_mset 0 (Suc n)) = pvar R 0 [^]coord_ring R 1Suc n 
      by presburger
  then show ?thesis 
    using "0" LHS' 
    by presburger

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_decomp:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  assumes "k < n"
  shows "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) (take (Suc (Suc k)) as) = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as) 
                              UP R(as!(Suc k)) UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(Suc k)"
  have 0: "(take (Suc (Suc k)) as)  carrier (RSuc (Suc k))"
    using assms  
    by (meson Suc_leI Suc_mono take_closed)
  then show ?thesis using ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_decomp'[of "take (Suc (Suc k)) as" k]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_leI assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE 
        lessI less_SucI nth_take nth_take_lemma)

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_degree:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows  "deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as)  n"
         "as!n  𝟬  deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) = n"
  have 0:"as. as  carrier (RSuc n)   
              deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as)  n  (as!n  𝟬  deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) = n)"
  proof(induction n)
    case 0
    show "as. as  carrier (RSuc 0) 
          deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as)  0 
          (as ! 0  𝟬  deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as) = 0)"
      fix as assume A: "as  carrier (RSuc 0)"
      have 0:"cring R"
        by (simp add: R.is_cring)
      have 1:"𝟬 # as  carrier (R2)"
        using A cartesian_power_cons[of as R "Suc 0" 𝟬] 
        by (metis numeral_1_eq_Suc_0 numeral_One one_add_one R.zero_closed)
      have 2: "(𝟬 # as) ! 1 = as!0"
        using A 
        by (metis One_nat_def nth_Cons_Suc)
      have 3: "1  {(1::nat)..<0 + 2}  {..<2}"
        by auto 
      have 4: "coord_partial_eval R {1::nat..<0 + 2} (𝟬 # as) (pvar R (1::nat)) =
                 R.indexed_const (as!0)"
      unfolding ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def ring_cfs_to_poly_def
        using 0 1 2 one_neq_zero UP_cring.IP_to_UP_indexed_const[of R "as!0" 0]  generic_poly.simps(1)[of R] coord_partial_eval_pvar[of "𝟬#as" 2 "1::nat" "{1..<0+2}" ]
        unfolding UP_cring_def  
        using "3" by presburger
      have 5: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as = IP_to_UP (0::nat) (R.indexed_const (as ! 0))"
        unfolding ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def ring_cfs_to_poly_def 
        using 4 generic_poly.simps(1)[of R]  
        by presburger
      hence "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as = to_polynomial R (as!0)"
        by (metis A UP_cring.IP_to_UP_indexed_const UP_cring.intro  
            cartesian_power_car_memE' R.is_cring lessI)
    assume B: "as  carrier (RSuc 0) "
    have 0: "(point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as) 1) = as!0"
      by (metis B One_nat_def cartesian_power_car_memE impossible_Cons le_numeral_extra(4) 
          linorder_neqE_nat nat_less_le nth_Cons_Suc)
    have 1: "closed_fun R ((point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)))"
      apply(rule R.closed_funI) 
      by (metis "0" B One_nat_def cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' 
          length_Suc_conv less_Suc0 less_SucE nth_Cons_0 R.zero_closed)
    have 2: "(1::nat)  ({1..<0 + 2}::nat set)"     
      by simp 
    have 3: "poly_eval R {1..<0 + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)) (mset_to_IP R {#1#}) =
              coord_const (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as) 1)"
      using generic_poly.simps(1)[of R] one_neq_zero
      unfolding ring_cfs_to_poly_def  coord_partial_eval_def var_to_IP_def 
      using 0 1 2 R.poly_eval_index[of "(point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))" "{1..<0 + 2}" 1]
      by (metis (no_types, lifting))
    have 4: "(ring_cfs_to_poly R 0 as) = coord_const (as! 0)"
      using 3 0 generic_poly.simps(1)[of R]
      unfolding ring_cfs_to_poly_def  coord_partial_eval_def var_to_IP_def 
      by presburger
    have 5: "as! 0  carrier R"
      using assms B cartesian_power_car_memE' by blast     
    have 6: "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as) = to_polynomial R (as! 0)"
      unfolding ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def ring_cfs_to_poly_def 
      using 3 4 5 UP_cring.IP_to_UP_indexed_const[of R "as!0" "0::nat"]
      unfolding coord_partial_eval_def 
      by (smt "0" ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as = to_polynomial R (as ! 0) generic_poly.simps(1) ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def var_to_IP_def)     
    then show " deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as)  0  (as ! 0  𝟬  deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as) = 0)"
      using  UP_cring.degree_to_poly[of R "as! 0"] 5  UP_cring_def[of R]
      using R.is_cring by presburger      
  case (Suc n)
    have 0: "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as) = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as) UP R(as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))"
    using ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_decomp' Suc.prems by blast
   have 1: "(take (Suc n) as)  carrier (RSuc n)"
    using Suc.prems
    by (meson le_Suc_eq take_closed)
   have 2: "deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as))  n"
    using "1" Suc.IH 
    by blast
   have 3: "deg R ((as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n)))  Suc n"
    using UP_cring.degree_monom[of R "as!(Suc n)" "Suc n"] UP_cring_def[of R] 
    Suc.prems cartesian_power_car_memE' le_Suc_eq lessI less_imp_le_nat zero_less_Suc
    by (metis R.is_cring)
  have 4: "(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))  carrier (UP R)"
    have 40: "Group.monoid (UP R)" 
      using UP_cring_def[of R] UP_domain_def cring.axioms(1) ring.is_monoid
      using UP_cring.UP_cring R.is_cring by blast
    have 41: "X_poly R  carrier (UP R)"
      using UP_cring.X_closed[of R] UP_cring_def[of R] R.is_cring 
      by blast 
    show ?thesis
      using monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "UP R" "X_poly R" "Suc n"] 40 41 
      by blast 
  have 5: "deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as) Suc n"
  proof(cases "as!(Suc n) = 𝟬")
    case True
    then have T0: "(as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n)) = 𝟬UP R⇙"
      using 4 UP_ring.UP_smult_zero[of R "X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n)"] UP_ring_def[of R] R.ring_axioms 
      by presburger
    then show ?thesis 
      using UP_ring.deg_zero[of R] UP_ring_def[of R]  
      by (metis "0" "1" "2" "3" UP_ring.UP_zero_closed UP_ring.bound_deg_sum le_SucI R.ring_axioms ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed)        
    case False
    have F0 : "as!(Suc n)  carrier R"
       by (metis Suc.prems cartesian_power_car_memE le_simps(1) lessI not_less_eq_eq poly_tuple_evalE poly_tuple_evalE' pushforward_by_pvar_list pvar_list_is_poly_tuple zero_less_Suc)     
    have F1: "(as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))  carrier (UP R)"
      using F0 4 UP_ring.UP_smult_closed[of R "as!(Suc n)" "X_poly R [^]UP RSuc n "] 
            UP_ring_def[of R] assms R.ring_axioms 
      by blast
    have "deg R ((as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))) = Suc n"
      using False UP_cring.degree_monom[of R "as!(Suc n)" "Suc n"] UP_cring_def[of R]
         cartesian_power_car_memE' lessI 
      using F0 R.is_cring 
      by presburger            
    then show ?thesis 
      using UP_ring.degree_of_sum_diff_degree[of R "(as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))"
               "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as)"] 1 2 4 UP_domain_def[of R] F1
              ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed[of "take (Suc n) as" "Suc n"]  "0" "3"
              UP_ring_def[of R] UP_cring_def[of R] 
              UP_ring.equal_deg_sum less_Suc_eq_le ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed
      by (metis R.ring_axioms)
  have 6: "(as ! (Suc n)  𝟬  deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as) = Suc n)"
    assume F: "as ! (Suc n)  𝟬 "
    have F0 : "as!(Suc n)  carrier R"
      by (metis Suc.prems cartesian_power_car_memE le_simps(1) lessI not_less_eq_eq poly_tuple_evalE poly_tuple_evalE' pushforward_by_pvar_list pvar_list_is_poly_tuple zero_less_Suc)     
    have F1: "(as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))  carrier (UP R)"
      using F0 4 UP_ring.UP_smult_closed[of R "as!(Suc n)" "X_poly R [^]UP RSuc n "] 
            UP_ring_def[of R] assms R.ring_axioms 
      by blast
    then have F2: "deg R ((as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n))) = Suc n"
      using F0 F UP_cring.degree_monom[of R "as!(Suc n)" "Suc n"] UP_cring_def[of R] R.is_cring 
      by presburger
    have F3: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as)  carrier (UP R)"
      using "1" ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed 
      by blast
    show "deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as) = Suc n"
      using UP_domain_def[of R] 0 F1 F2 F3 1 2 
            UP_ring.degree_of_sum_diff_degree[of R "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as)" 
                                                "as ! Suc n UP RX_poly R [^]UP RSuc n"] 
      UP_ring.equal_deg_sum le_imp_less_Suc UP_ring_def[of R] UP_cring_def[of R]
  by (metis R.ring_axioms)
  show ?case 
    using "5" "6" by blast
  show "deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as)  n"
    using 0 assms 
    by blast
  show "as ! n  𝟬  deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) = n"
    using 0 assms 
    by blast

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_constant:
  assumes "as  carrier (R1)"
  shows "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as = to_polynomial R (as!0)"
  have 0: "(1::nat)  {1..<0 + 2}" 
    by simp 
  have 1: "closed_fun R (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as))"
    using assms 
    by (smt cartesian_power_car_memE'' R.closed_funI nth_mem set_ConsD subset_code(1) R.zero_closed)    
  have 2: "(point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as) (1::nat)) = as!0"
    by (metis One_nat_def assms cartesian_power_car_memE impossible_Cons
      le_numeral_extra(4) linorder_neqE_nat nat_less_le nth_Cons_Suc)
  have 3: "as!0  carrier R"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE' 
    by blast
  have "(poly_eval R {1::nat..<0 + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)) (generic_poly R 0)) = coord_const (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as) 1)"
    using generic_poly.simps(1)[of R] 0 1 one_not_zero 
          cring.poly_eval_index[of R "point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)" "{1..<0 + 2}" 1]
    unfolding var_to_IP_def 
    using R.is_cring local.one_neq_zero by presburger   
  then have "(poly_eval R {1..<0 + 2} (point_to_eval_map R (𝟬 # as)) (generic_poly R 0)) = coord_const (as!0)"
    using 2 
    by presburger
  then show ?thesis 
    using 3
    unfolding ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def ring_cfs_to_poly_def coord_partial_eval_def 
    by (metis UP_cring.IP_to_UP_indexed_const UP_cring.intro R.is_cring)

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_top_coeff:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) n = as ! n"
  proof(cases "n = 0")
    case True
    have 0: "as ! 0  carrier R"
      using assms cartesian_power_car_memE' 
      by blast
    have 1: "to_polynomial R (as ! 0)  0 = as ! 0"
      using assms cartesian_power_car_memE'[of as R "Suc n"] UP_ring.cfs_monom[of R]
      unfolding to_polynomial_def UP_ring_def
      using "0" R.ring_axioms by presburger
    have "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly 0 as = to_polynomial R (as ! 0)"
      using One_nat_def True assms ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_constant by presburger      
    then show ?thesis 
      using True 1 
      by presburger
    case False
    obtain k where k_def: "Suc k = n"
      using False 
      by (metis lessI less_Suc_eq_0_disj)
    have "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) as (Suc k) = as ! (Suc k)"
      have 0: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) as n = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) (take (Suc (Suc k))as) n"
        by (metis assms(1) k_def le_Suc_eq ring_cfs_to_poly_eq ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def)
      have 1: "take (Suc (Suc k)) as  carrier (RSuc (Suc k))"
        using assms k_def take_closed 
        by blast
      have 2: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) (take (Suc (Suc k))as) = 
                ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) (take (Suc (Suc k)) as)) UP R(as!(Suc k))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc k))"
        using 1 ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_decomp'[of "take (Suc (Suc k))as" k] assms  
        by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE k_def nat_le_linear take_all)
      have 3: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) (take (Suc (Suc k))as) = 
                ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as) UP R(as!(Suc k))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc k))"
        using 2  
        by (metis assms(1) k_def le_Suc_eq ring_cfs_to_poly_eq ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_decomp' ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_def)
      have 4: "deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as))  k"
        by (metis assms(1) dual_order.refl k_def le_SucI ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_degree(1) take_closed)
      have 5: "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as))  carrier (UP R)"
        by (metis assms(1) k_def le_Suc_eq le_refl ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed take_closed)
      have  6: "X_poly R [^]UP RSuc k  carrier (UP R)"
        using monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "UP R" "X_poly R" "Suc k"]  domain_def ring.is_monoid[of "UP R"] 
              UP_cring.X_closed[of R] UP_domain_def[of R]  UP_cring_def[of R] 
              cring.axioms(1)   UP_cring.UP_cring 
        using R.is_cring by blast
      have 7: " (as!(Suc k))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc k))  carrier (UP R)"
        using UP_ring.UP_smult_closed[of R "as!(Suc k)" " (X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc k))"]
              UP_ring_def[of R] domain_def 6 cartesian_power_car_memE'[of as R _ "Suc k"] 
               assms(1) k_def R.ring_axioms by blast         
      have 8:  "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) as (Suc k) = ( (as!(Suc k))UP R(X_poly R [^]UP R(Suc k))) (Suc k)"
        using 3 4 k_def 
            "5"  7  UP_cring_def[of R] UP_ring_def[of R] add.r_cancel_one' assms(1)
            cartesian_power_car_memE  le_eq_less_or_eq 
            le_imp_less_Suc take_all R.zero_closed  UP_ring.UP_a_comm UP_ring.coeff_of_sum_diff_degree0 R.ring_axioms
        by (metis (no_types, lifting))          
      then show ?thesis using UP_cring_def[of R]  UP_cring.monom_coeff assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE
            k_def lessI point_to_eval_map_closed 
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) cartesian_power_car_memE' R.is_cring)        
    then show ?thesis 
      using k_def False 
      by blast

lemma(in UP_cring) monom_plus_lower_degree_top_coeff:
  assumes "degree  p < n"
  assumes "p  carrier (UP R)"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "(p UP R(a UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP Rn)) n = a"
  have 0: "(a UP R(X_poly R [^]UP Rn))  carrier (UP R)"
    using P.nat_pow_closed P_def X_closed assms(3) smult_closed 
    by blast
  have 1: "( (a UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP Rn) UP Rp) n = (a UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP Rn) n"
    using "0" UP_ring.coeff_of_sum_diff_degree0[of R] UP_cring_def[of R] assms(1) assms(2)   
    using is_UP_ring by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using 0 assms  P_def UP_a_comm  UP_cring.monom_coeff  UP_cring_def[of R]
    by (metis R_cring)

lemma(in UP_cring) monom_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "a UP R((X_poly R)[^]UP R(n::nat))  carrier (UP R)"
  using P.nat_pow_closed P_def assms X_closed carrier_is_submodule submoduleE(4)
  by blast

lemma(in UP_cring) monom_bottom_coeff:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows "(a UP R((X_poly R)[^]UP R(n::nat))) 0 = 𝟬"
  using assms monom_coeff[of a n]  P_def local.monom_coeff 
  by presburger

lemma(in UP_cring) monom_plus_lower_degree_bottom_coeff:
  assumes "0 < n"
  assumes "p  carrier (UP R)"
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "(p UP R(a UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(n::nat))) 0 = p 0"
  have 0: "p 0  carrier R"
    using assms(2) UP_ring_def is_UP_ring P_def cfs_closed by blast    
  have 1: "(p UP R(a UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(n::nat))) 0 = p 0  (a UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP Rn) 0"
    using assms monom_closed[of a n] cfs_add[of p "(a UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(n::nat))" 0]
    unfolding P_def   
    by blast
  then have "(a UP R((X_poly R) [^]UP Rn)) 0 = 𝟬"
    using monom_bottom_coeff[of a n] P_def assms(1) assms(3) local.monom_coeff 
    by blast   
  then have 2: "(p UP R(a UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(n::nat))) 0 = p 0  𝟬"
    using 1 by metis 
  then show ?thesis 
    using 0  R.add.l_cancel_one[of "p 0"] R.zero_closed 
    by presburger

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_bottom_coeff:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) 0 = as ! 0"
  have "as. as  carrier (RSuc n)  (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) 0 = as ! 0"
    apply(induction n)
    using ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_top_coeff apply blast
    fix n as 
    assume IH: "as. as  carrier (RSuc n)  (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) 0 = as ! 0"
    assume A: "as  carrier (RSuc (Suc n))"
    show "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as 0 = as ! 0"
      have 0: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc n) as = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as) UP R(as!(Suc n))UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(Suc n)"
        using A ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_decomp'[of as n] 
        by blast
      have 1: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as)  carrier (UP R)"
       by (meson A ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed R.is_cring le_Suc_eq take_closed)
     have 2:"as ! Suc n  carrier R"
       using assms cartesian_power_car_memE'  A 
       by blast
     have 3: "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as) UP Ras ! Suc n UP RX_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n)) 0 =
              ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as) 0"
       have "as ! Suc n UP RX_poly R [^]UP RSuc n  carrier (UP R)"
         by (meson "2" UP_cring.monom_closed UP_cring_def R.is_cring)
       hence 30: "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as) UP Ras ! Suc n UP RX_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n)) 0 = 
        (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as)) 0  (as ! Suc n UP RX_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n)) 0"
         using A ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed[of "take (Suc n) as" "n"] take_closed[of "Suc n" "Suc (Suc n)" as R]
              UP_ring.cfs_add[of R "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as)" "as ! Suc n UP RX_poly R [^]UP R(Suc n)"  0]
         unfolding UP_ring_def 
         using "1" R.ring_axioms by blast
       have 31: "(as ! Suc n UP RX_poly R [^]UP RSuc n) 0 = 𝟬"
         by (metis (no_types, lifting) "2" Suc_neq_Zero UP_cring.monom_coeff UP_cring_def R.is_cring)
       thus ?thesis using  30 2 
         by (simp add: "1" UP_car_memE(1))         
     have 4: "(take (Suc n) as)  carrier (RSuc n)"
       by (meson A le_Suc_eq take_closed)
     have 5: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n (take (Suc n) as) 0 = as!0"
       using IH[of "(take (Suc n) as)"] 4 nth_take[of 0 "Suc n" as] less_Suc_eq_0_disj 
       by presburger
     then show ?thesis 
        using 0 3 
        by presburger
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms 
    by blast

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_chain:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  assumes "l  n"
  shows "l  k  k  n   (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as)) l = (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly l (take (Suc l) as)) l"
  apply( induction k)
   apply blast
  fix k 
  assume IH: "(l  k  k  n  ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as) l = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly l (take (Suc l) as) l)"
  assume A: "l  Suc k  Suc k  n"
  show "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) (take (Suc (Suc k)) as) l = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly l (take (Suc l) as) l"
  proof(cases "l = Suc k")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      by blast
    case False
    then have "l  k  k  n " 
      using A le_Suc_eq 
      by blast
    then have 0: " ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as) l = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly l (take (Suc l) as) l"
      using IH 
      by blast
    have 1: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) (take (Suc (Suc k)) as) = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as) 
                              UP R(as!(Suc k)) UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(Suc k)"
      using assms A ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_decomp[of as n k] Suc_le_lessD 
      by blast
    have 2: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly (Suc k) (take (Suc (Suc k)) as) l = ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as) l 
                              ( (as!(Suc k)) UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(Suc k)) l"
      have 21: "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as)  carrier (UP R)"
        by (meson A assms(1) le_SucI ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed take_closed)
      have 22: "as ! Suc k UP RX_poly R [^]UP RSuc k  carrier (UP R)"
        using UP_ring_def[of R] A UP_ring.monom_closed assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE' less_Suc_eq_le
              monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "UP R" "X_poly R" "Suc k"] 
        unfolding X_poly_def 
        by (metis UP_ring.UP_ring UP_ring.UP_smult_closed R.ring_axioms R.one_closed ring.is_monoid)
      show ?thesis 
        using 1 21 22 UP_ring.cfs_add[of R "ring_cfs_to_univ_poly k (take (Suc k) as)" "( (as!(Suc k)) UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(Suc k))" l]
        UP_ring_def[of R] R.ring_axioms by presburger 
    have 3: "( (as!(Suc k)) UP R(X_poly R)[^]UP R(Suc k)) l = 𝟬"
      using UP_cring.monom_coeff[of R "as!(Suc k)"]  A False UP_cring_def assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE' 
      by (metis R.is_cring le_imp_less_Suc)
    then show ?thesis 
      using 2 
      by (metis "0" Suc_le_mono assms(1) assms(2) cartesian_power_car_memE' lessI R.r_zero 
          ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_top_coeff take_closed)

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_coeffs:
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  assumes "l  n"
  shows "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) l = (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly l (take (Suc l) as)) l"
  have "(take (Suc n) as) = as"
    using assms 
    by (metis cartesian_power_car_memE le_refl take_all)
  then show ?thesis 
    using ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_chain[of as n l n]
    by (metis assms(1) assms(2) order_refl)

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_coeffs':
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  assumes "l  n"
  shows "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) l = as! l"
  have 0: "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly l (take (Suc l) as)) l = (take (Suc l) as) ! l"
    by (meson Suc_le_mono assms(1) assms(2) ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_top_coeff take_closed)
  have 1: "(take (Suc l) as) ! l = as! l"
    using nth_take[of l "Suc l" as] 
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using 0 assms ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_coeffs[of as n l] 
    by presburger

lemma ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_coeffs'':
  assumes "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
  shows "(ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as) l = (if l  n then as! l else 𝟬)"
  apply(cases "l n")
  apply (meson assms ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_coeffs')
proof- assume "¬ l  n " then 
  have A: "n < l" 
    by auto 
  have "deg R (ring_cfs_to_univ_poly n as)  n"
    using assms ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_degree(1) by blast    
  then show ?thesis 
    using A domain_def[of R]  deg_leE  assms le_less_trans ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed UP_car_memE(2) 
    by auto

definition fun_tuple_to_univ_poly where
"fun_tuple_to_univ_poly R n m fs x = cring_coord_rings.ring_cfs_to_univ_poly R m (function_tuple_eval R n fs x)"

context cring_coord_rings

lemma  fun_tuple_to_univ_poly_closed:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "length fs = Suc m"
  shows "fun_tuple_to_univ_poly R n m fs x  carrier (UP R)"
  unfolding fun_tuple_to_univ_poly_def 
  using assms 
        ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_closed[of "function_tuple_eval R n fs x" m] 
        function_tuple_eval_closed[of R n fs x] 
  by metis 

lemma  fun_tuple_to_univ_poly_degree_bound:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "length fs = Suc m"
  shows "deg R (fun_tuple_to_univ_poly R n m fs x)  m"
  unfolding fun_tuple_to_univ_poly_def 
  using ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_degree assms 
  by (metis function_tuple_eval_closed)

lemma  fun_tuple_to_univ_poly_degree:
  assumes "is_function_tuple R n fs"
  assumes "x  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "length fs = Suc m"
  assumes "(fs!m) x 𝟬"
  shows "deg R (fun_tuple_to_univ_poly R n m fs x) = m"
  unfolding fun_tuple_to_univ_poly_def 
  using ring_cfs_to_univ_poly_degree[of "function_tuple_eval R n fs x" m] 
        function_tuple_eval_closed[of R n fs x]
  by (metis lessI nth_map)

subsection‹Factoring a Polynomial as a Univariate Polynomial over a Multivariable Polynomial Ring›

definition pre_to_univ_poly_hom :: "nat  nat  ('a, (('a, nat) mvar_poly, nat) mvar_poly) ring_hom" where
"pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i= MP.indexed_const (n-1) 

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_hom_is_hom:
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "ring_hom_ring R (Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i}) (pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i)"
  using ring_hom_trans[of R.indexed_const R "coord_ring R (n-1)" 
                          "ring.indexed_const(Pring R ({..<n-1}))"
                          "Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i}"]
                        R.indexed_const_ring_hom[of "{..<n-1}"]                      
                        MP.indexed_const_ring_hom[of n "{..<n-1}"]
                        ring_hom_ring.homh[of R "coord_ring R (n - 1)" "coord_const"]
  unfolding ring_hom_ring_def[of R] 
  by (smt MP.Pring_is_ring MP.indexed_const_ring_hom coord_ring_def pre_to_univ_poly_hom_def ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_ring_axioms_def)
definition pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass :: 
  "nat  nat  nat  (('a, nat) mvar_poly, nat) mvar_poly" where
"pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i j =(if j < i then MP.indexed_const (n-1) (pvar R j) else 
                                   (if j = i then pvar (coord_ring R (n-1)) i else 
                                   (if j < n then MP.indexed_const (n-1) (pvar R (j - 1)) else 
                                    𝟬Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})))"

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass_closed: 
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "closed_fun (Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i}) (pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i)"
proof fix j
  show "pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i j  carrier (Pring (coord_ring R (n - 1)) {i})"
    unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass_def 
    apply(cases "j < i")
    using pvar_closed[of j n] assms cring.indexed_const_closed 
    apply (metis (no_types, lifting) R.Pring_is_cring Suc_diff_1 Suc_le_eq coord_ring_def diff_diff_cancel R.is_cring less_imp_diff_less local.pvar_closed not_less0 not_less_eq_eq)    
    apply(cases "j = i")
    using assms apply (meson pvar_closed R.Pring_is_cring R.is_cring singletonI)    
    apply(cases "j < n")
    using pvar_closed[of "j-1" n] assms MP.indexed_const_closed R.Pring_is_cring Suc_diff_1 Suc_le_eq coord_ring_def R.is_cring pvar_closed neq0_conv not_le
      apply (metis MP.Pring_var_closed singletonI)
    using MP.Pring_is_ring[of "n-1" "{i}"] apply blast
  by (smt MP.Pring_zero_closed MP.indexed_const_closed Suc_diff_1 Suc_le_eq le_eq_less_or_eq less_Suc_eq local.pvar_closed nat_induct) 

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass_closed': 
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "(pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i)  {..<n}  carrier (Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) Pi_iff UNIV_I assms pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass_closed)

definition pre_to_univ_poly :: 
  "nat  nat  (('a, nat) mvar_poly, (('a, nat) mvar_poly, nat) mvar_poly) ring_hom" where
"pre_to_univ_poly (n::nat) (i::nat) = indexed_poly_induced_morphism {..<n} (Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})
                                                         (pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i)
                                                         (pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i)"

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom:
  assumes "i < n"
  assumes "ψ = pre_to_univ_poly n i"
  shows "ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i}) ψ "
        "j. j < i  ψ (pvar R j) = MP.indexed_const (n-1) (pvar R j)"
        "ψ (pvar R i) = pvar (coord_ring R (n-1)) i"
        "j. i < j  j < n  ψ (pvar R j) = MP.indexed_const (n-1) (pvar R (j - 1))"
        "a. a  carrier R  ψ (coord_const a) = MP.indexed_const (n-1) (coord_const a)"
        "p. p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  pre_to_univ_poly n i p  carrier (Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})"
  have 0: "cring (Pring (coord_ring R (n - 1)) {i})"
    using MP.Pring_is_cring coord_cring_cring by blast    
  have 1: "pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i  {..<n}  carrier (Pring (coord_ring R (n - 1)) {i})"
    using Pi_iff assms(1) pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass_closed[of i n]
    by blast
  have 2: "ring_hom_ring R (Pring (coord_ring R (n - 1)) {i}) (pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i)"
    using assms(1) pre_to_univ_poly_hom_is_hom by auto

  show 3:"ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i}) ψ "
  using R.Pring_universal_prop(1)[of "(Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})" "pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i"
                                "{..<n}" "pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i" ψ] assms 0 1 2
  unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_def 
  by (metis coord_ring_def)
  show " j. j < i 
         ψ (pvar R j) = MP.indexed_const (n-1) (pvar R j)"
    fix j assume A: "j < i"
    then have 00: "MP.indexed_const (n - 1) (pvar R j) = pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i j "
      unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass_def by auto
    have 01: "j  {..<n}"
      using assms A by auto
    show "ψ (pvar R j) = MP.indexed_const (n-1) (pvar R j)" 
    using R.Pring_universal_prop(2)[of "(Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})" "pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i"
                                "{..<n}" "pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i" ψ] assms 0 1 2 01
    unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_def  00 unfolding coord_ring_def var_to_IP_def  
    by blast
  show "ψ (pvar R i) = pvar (coord_ring R (n - 1)) i"
    using R.Pring_universal_prop[of "(Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})" "pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i"
                                "{..<n}" "pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i" ψ] assms 0 1 2
    unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_def  coord_ring_def
    using lessThan_iff less_not_refl pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass_def var_to_IP_def 
    by (metis coord_ring_def)    
  show "j. i < j  j < n  ψ (pvar R j) = MP.indexed_const (n - 1) (pvar R (j - 1))"
    using R.Pring_universal_prop[of "(Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})" "pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i"
                                "{..<n}" "pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i" ψ] assms 0 1 2
    unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_def
    using add_diff_inverse_nat lessThan_iff less_diff_conv less_imp_add_positive 
        not_add_less1 pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass_def trans_less_add2 var_to_IP_def 
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) coord_ring_def)    
  show "a. a  carrier R  ψ (R.indexed_const a) = MP.indexed_const (n - 1) (R.indexed_const a)"
    using R.Pring_universal_prop(3)[of "(Pring (coord_ring R (n-1)) {i})" "pre_to_univ_poly_var_ass n i"
                                "{..<n}" "pre_to_univ_poly_hom n i" ψ] assms 0 1 2 comp_apply 
    unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_def pre_to_univ_poly_hom_def
    by metis
  show "p. p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  pre_to_univ_poly n i p  carrier (Pring (coord_ring R (n - 1)) {i})"
    fix p assume A: "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    have "ψ  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  carrier (Pring (coord_ring R (n - 1)) {i})"
      using 3 unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def ring_hom_def by blast  
    then show " pre_to_univ_poly n i p  carrier (Pring (coord_ring R (n - 1)) {i})"
      using A assms 
      by blast
lemma insert_at_index_closed:
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "x  carrier R"
  assumes "i  n"
  shows "insert_at_index a x i  carrier (RSuc n)"
  apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
  have 0: "length (take i a) = i"
    using assms(1) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE take_closed by blast
  have 1: "length (drop i a) = (n - i)"
    using assms cartesian_power_car_memE length_drop 
    by blast
  then have "length (x # drop i a) = Suc (n - i)"    
    by (metis length_Cons)
  then show "length (insert_at_index a x i) = Suc n"
    using 0 1 assms 
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 cartesian_power_car_memE insert_at_index_length)   
  show "ia. ia < Suc n  insert_at_index a x i ! ia  carrier R"
  proof- fix j assume A: "j < Suc n"
    show "insert_at_index a x i ! j  carrier R"
      apply(cases "j < i")
       apply (metis A assms(1) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' insert_at_index_eq' le_imp_less_Suc less_Suc_eq not_less_eq)
      apply(cases "j = i")
       apply (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) cartesian_power_car_memE insert_at_index_eq)
    proof- assume A1: "¬ j < i " "j i"
      then have "i < j" by auto 
      then have "(take i a @ x # drop i a) ! j = drop i a ! (j - (Suc i))"
        by (metis "0" A1(1) Suc_diff_Suc nth_Cons_Suc nth_append)
      then show "insert_at_index a x i ! j  carrier R"
        by (metis A i < j assms(1) cartesian_power_car_memE cartesian_power_car_memE' insert_at_index_eq'' less_Suc_eq_0_disj less_Suc_eq_le not_less0)
lemma  pre_to_univ_poly_eval: 
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "x  carrier R"
  assumes "as = insert_at_index a x i"
  shows "eval_at_point R as p = eval_at_point R a (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λ i. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
  apply(rule R.Pring_car_induct''[of p "{..<Suc n}"])
  unfolding coord_ring_def 
  apply (metis assms(2) coord_ring_def)
  have 0: "as  carrier (RSuc n)"
    using assms insert_at_index_closed 
    by (meson less_Suc_eq_le)
  show  " c. c  carrier R 
         eval_at_point R as (R.indexed_const c) =
         eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (R.indexed_const c)))"
  proof- fix c assume "c  carrier R"
    have 00: "eval_at_poly R (coord_const c) as = c"
      using assms eval_at_point_const[of c as "Suc n"] "0" c  carrier R
      by blast
    have 01: "closed_fun (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λn. coord_const x)"
      using assms(4) R.indexed_const_closed 
      by (metis Pi_I coord_ring_def)     
    have 02: "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (coord_const c)) = ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (coord_const c)"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(5)[of i "Suc n" _ c] c  carrier R assms(1) diff_Suc_1 
      by (metis coord_ring_def)     
    have 03: "(total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λ i. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (coord_const c))) = 
             coord_const c"    
      using 01 cring.total_eval_const[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "coord_const c" ]
      by (smt "02" MP.total_eval_const c  carrier R coord_ring_def cring.indexed_const_closed R.is_cring)
    show " eval_at_point R as (R.indexed_const c) =
         eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (R.indexed_const c))) "
      using assms 00 02 03 
      by (metis c  carrier R coord_ring_def eval_at_point_const)
  have 01: "closed_fun (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λn. coord_const x)"
    using assms(4) R.indexed_const_closed 
    by (metis Pi_I coord_ring_def)    
  have 02: "ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i)"
    using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n" ]  
    by (simp add: assms)
  show "p q. p  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n}) 
           q  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n}) 
           eval_at_point R as p = eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) 
           eval_at_point R as q = eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q)) 
           eval_at_point R as (p Pring R {..<Suc n}q) =
           eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p Pring R {..<Suc n}q)))"
    proof- fix p q assume A: "p  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n})"
                           " q  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n})"
                             "eval_at_point R as p = eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
                             " eval_at_point R as q = eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q))"
      have 0: "eval_at_poly R (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ q) as = 
                eval_at_poly R p as Reval_at_poly R q as"
        using "0" A(1) A(2) eval_at_point_add unfolding coord_ring_def  
        by blast  
      have 1: "(total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ q))) = 
                (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙
                 (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q))"
        have 10: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
          using   pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6)[of i "Suc n"  _ p] 
          unfolding coord_ring_def
          by (metis A(1) assms(1) diff_Suc_1)
        have 11: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
          using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6)[of i "Suc n" _ q] 
          unfolding coord_ring_def

          by (metis A(2) assms(1) diff_Suc_1)
        have 12: "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ q)) = 
                  (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q)"
          using ring_hom_ring.homh A 02 ring_hom_add[of "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i" "R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙] " "Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}"
                    p q ] 
          unfolding coord_ring_def

          by blast
        show ?thesis

          using 01 10 11 12  A cring.total_eval_add[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p" "{i}"
                                                       "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q" "λi. coord_const x"]             
          unfolding coord_ring_def

          by smt          
     have 2: "eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ q))) a = 
              eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) a 
              eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q)) a"
       have 20: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}) "
         using A(1) 02 unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def ring_hom_def          unfolding coord_ring_def
         by blast 
       have 21: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}) " 
         using A(2) 02 unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def ring_hom_def           unfolding coord_ring_def
         by blast 
       have 22: "(total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))  
                  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
         using 21 01 A cring.total_eval_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p" 
                                                "{i}" "λi. coord_const x"] "20" coord_cring_cring 
         by metis        
       have 23: "(total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q))  
                  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
         using cring.total_eval_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q" "{i}"
                                        "λi. coord_const x"]
         by (metis "01" "21" coord_cring_cring)

       show ?thesis
         using "1" "22" "23" assms(3) eval_at_point_add by presburger
      show "eval_at_point R as (p Pring R {..<Suc n}q) =
           eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p Pring R {..<Suc n}q)))"
        using eval_at_point_add A 0 1 2 
          unfolding coord_ring_def

        by presburger
    fix p j
    assume A: "p  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n})"  "j  {..<Suc n}"
      "eval_at_point R as p = eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
    show "eval_at_point R as (p Pring R {..<Suc n}pvar R j) =
       eval_at_point R a
        (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p Pring R {..<Suc n}pvar R j)))"
    have A0: "eval_at_poly R (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ pvar R j) as = 
              eval_at_poly R p as  as!j"
      have "eval_at_poly R (pvar R j) as = as!j"
        using A(2) 0 eval_pvar
        by blast
      then show ?thesis using A eval_at_point_mult[of as "Suc n" p "pvar R j" ] 0  
        by (metis R.Pring_var_closed coord_ring_def)        
    have A1: "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ pvar R j)) = 
              (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)"
      using A 02 ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_mult[of _ "R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]"  _ p "pvar R j"] R.Pring_var_closed[of j "{..< Suc n}"] 
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by blast
    have A2: "(total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ pvar R j))) = 
              (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p ))R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙
              (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) ( pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)))"
      have A20: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
        using 02 A unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def ring_hom_def 
              unfolding coord_ring_def 

        by blast
      have A21: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
        using 02 A unfolding ring_hom_ring_def ring_hom_ring_axioms_def ring_hom_def 
        using  R.Pring_var_closed[of j "{..< Suc n}"] 
              unfolding coord_ring_def 

        by blast
      show ?thesis using A1 cring.total_eval_mult[of _ "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p"] 
          by (smt A20 A21 MP.closed_funI MP.total_eval_mult assms(4) coord_ring_def cring.indexed_const_closed R.is_cring)          
    have A3: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using 02 A ring_hom_ring.homh unfolding ring_hom_def
            unfolding coord_ring_def 
            by blast 
    have A4: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using 02 A ring_hom_ring.homh R.Pring_var_closed[of j "{..< Suc n}"] unfolding ring_hom_def
           unfolding coord_ring_def 

      by blast
    have A5: "total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p ) 
              carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      using 01 cring.total_eval_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p " "{i}"]
            A3 coord_cring_cring
            unfolding coord_ring_def 
            by smt
    have A6: "total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j) )  
              carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      using 01 cring.total_eval_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j) " "{i}"]
            A4 coord_cring_cring 
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by smt
    have A7: " eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ pvar R j))) a
            =  eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) a 
               eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j))) a"
      using eval_at_point_mult A5 A6 A2 assms(3) by presburger
    have A8: "eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j))) a = 
    proof(cases "j = i")
      case True
      then have "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j) = pvar (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) i"
        using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(3)[of i "Suc n"] assms(1) diff_Suc_1 by presburger
      then have "total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)) = 
                  coord_const x"
        using cring.total_eval_var[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "λi. coord_const x"]
              unfolding coord_ring_def 
        by (smt "01" i. cring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]); (λi. R.indexed_const x)  UNIV  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])  total_eval (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (mset_to_IP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {#i#}) = R.indexed_const x coord_ring_def cring_coord_rings.coord_cring_cring cring_coord_rings_axioms var_to_IP_def)            
      then have T0: "eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j))) a
                 = x"
        using eval_at_point_const 
        by (metis assms(3) assms(4))
      have T1: "as!j = x"
        using assms 
        by (metis True  assms(5)  cartesian_power_car_memE insert_at_index_eq le_eq_less_or_eq nat_le_linear
      then show ?thesis  
        using T0 by blast
      case False
      then show ?thesis
      proof(cases "j < i")
        case True
      then have "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j) = ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (pvar R j)"
        using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(2)[of i "Suc n"] assms(1) diff_Suc_1
        unfolding coord_ring_def 
        by presburger
      then have "total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)) = 
                  pvar R j"
        using cring.total_eval_const[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"] 
        by (smt Suc_less_eq True assms(1) coord_cring_cring less_trans_Suc local.pvar_closed)        
      then have T0: "eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j))) a
                 = a!j"
        using eval_pvar
        by (metis Suc_less_eq True assms(1) assms(3) less_trans_Suc)       
      have T1: "as!j = a!j"
        using assms  
        by (metis True assms(5) cartesian_power_car_memE insert_at_index_eq' less_Suc_eq_le)        
        then show ?thesis 
          using T0 by presburger
        case F: False
      then have "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j) = ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (pvar R (j-1))"
        using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(4)[of i "Suc n"] assms(1) diff_Suc_1 
           unfolding coord_ring_def 
        by (metis A(2) False lessThan_iff linorder_neqE_nat)
      then have "total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)) = 
                  pvar R (j-1)"
        using cring.total_eval_const[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"] 
        by (smt A(2) F False Suc_less_SucD add_diff_inverse_nat coord_cring_cring 
            lessThan_iff less_one linorder_neqE_nat local.pvar_closed not_less0 plus_1_eq_Suc)                      
      then have T0: "eval_at_poly R (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λi. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j))) a
                 = a!(j-1)"
        using eval_pvar[of "j-1" n a]
        by (metis A(2) F False One_nat_def Suc_diff_Suc Suc_less_eq assms(3)
            lessThan_iff linorder_neqE_nat minus_nat.diff_0 not_less0)
      have T1: "as!j = a!(j-1)"
        obtain k where k_def: "j = i + 1 + k"
          using False F 
          by (metis Nat.add_0_right less_imp_add_positive less_one
              nat_neq_iff semiring_normalization_rules(25))
        show "as!j = a!(j-1)"
          have "length (take i a) = i"
            using assms 
            by (meson cartesian_power_car_memE less_Suc_eq_le take_closed)
          then have "as!j = ( x # drop i a)!(k+1)"
            using k_def assms 
            unfolding coord_ring_def 
            by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 add.assoc insert_at_index.simps nth_append_length_plus plus_1_eq_Suc)
          have "length (drop i a)  k"
            have "length (drop i a) = n - i"
              using assms cartesian_power_car_memE length_drop 
              by blast
            then show ?thesis 
              using assms k_def A(2) 
              by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 add.commute diff_Suc_Suc lessThan_iff less_diff_conv less_imp_le_nat)
          then have "as!j = (drop i a)! k"
            using assms k_def 
            by (metis Nat.add_0_right One_nat_def as ! j = (x # drop i a) ! (k + 1) add_Suc_right nth_Cons_Suc)
          then show ?thesis using k_def assms 
            by (metis Nat.add_diff_assoc2 add_diff_cancel_right' cartesian_power_car_memE le_add2 less_Suc_eq_le nth_drop)
      then show ?thesis 
        using T0 by presburger
    then show "eval_at_point R as (p Pring R {..<Suc n}pvar R j) =
    eval_at_point R a (total_eval (Pring R {..<n}) (λi. R.indexed_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p Pring R {..<Suc n}pvar R j)))"      
      using A(3) A0 A7
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by presburger

definition pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom :: 
    "nat  nat  (('a, nat) mvar_poly,('a, nat) mvar_poly) ring_hom" where
"pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom n i = R.relabel_vars {..<(n-1)} {..<n} (λj. if j < i then j else j + 1)"

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_is_hom:
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  shows "ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) (pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i)"
  have 0: "ring_hom_ring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) (R.relabel_vars {..<n} {..<Suc n} (λj. if j < i then j else j + 1))"
    unfolding coord_ring_def 
    apply(rule R.relabel_vars_is_morphism)
    using assms 
    by (smt Pi_I Suc_eq_plus1 add_less_cancel_right lessThan_iff less_Suc_eq)
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_def
    by simp

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_const:
  assumes "i < Suc n" 
  assumes "k  carrier R"
  shows "(pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i) (R.indexed_const k) = R.indexed_const k"
  have 0: "(R.relabel_vars {..<n} {..<Suc n} (λj. if j < i then j else j + 1)) (R.indexed_const k) = R.indexed_const k"
    unfolding coord_ring_def 
    apply(rule R.relabel_vars_is_morphism)
    using assms 
    apply (smt Pi_I Suc_eq_plus1 add_less_cancel_right lessThan_iff less_Suc_eq)
    using assms(2) by blast 
  then show ?thesis 
    unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_def
    using diff_Suc_1 by presburger    

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_pvar_0:
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  assumes "j < i"
  shows "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i (pvar R j) = 
            pvar R j"
  unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_def coord_ring_def
  using R.relabel_vars_is_morphism(2)[of "λj. if j < i then j else j + 1" "{..<n}" "{..< Suc n}" j]
  by (smt Pi_I add.commute add_diff_cancel_left' assms(1) assms(2) 
      lessThan_iff less_Suc_eq less_trans_Suc not_less_eq plus_1_eq_Suc)

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_pvar_1:
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  assumes "i  j"
  assumes "j < n"
  shows "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i (pvar R j) = 
            pvar R (j + 1)"
  unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_def 
  using assms R.relabel_vars_is_morphism(2)[of "λj. if j < i then j else j + 1" "{..<n}" "{..< Suc n}" j]
  by (smt Pi_I add.commute add_less_cancel_right diff_Suc_1 lessThan_iff less_Suc_eq not_le plus_1_eq_Suc) 
definition pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass ::
  "nat  nat  nat  ('a, nat) mvar_poly" where
"pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass n i j =  pvar R i"

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass_closed: 
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  shows "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass (Suc n) i  {i}  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  by (metis Pi_I assms local.pvar_closed pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass_def)

definition pre_to_univ_poly_inv :: 
  "nat  nat  ((('a, nat) mvar_poly, nat) mvar_poly,('a, nat) mvar_poly) ring_hom" where
"pre_to_univ_poly_inv n i  = indexed_poly_induced_morphism {i} (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])
                                 (pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom n i) (pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass n i)"

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inv_is_hom: 
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  shows "ring_hom_ring (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}) (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i)"
  apply(rule cring.Pring_universal_prop[of _ _  "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass (Suc n) i" "{i}" "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i"])
  unfolding coord_ring_def
  apply (simp add: R.Pring_is_cring R.is_cring)
  apply (simp add: R.Pring_is_cring R.is_cring)
  apply (metis Pi_I R.Pring_var_closed assms lessThan_iff pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass_def)
  apply (metis assms coord_ring_def pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_is_hom)
  by (simp add: coord_ring_def pre_to_univ_poly_inv_def)

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inv_pvar: 
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  shows  "(pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i) (pvar (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) i) = pvar R i"
  using assms  cring.Pring_universal_prop[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]" 
                    "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass (Suc n) i" "{i}" "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i"]
  by (metis Pi_I coord_cring_cring cring_coord_rings.pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass_def
      cring_coord_rings_axioms local.pvar_closed pre_to_univ_poly_inv_def 
      pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_is_hom singletonI var_to_IP_def)

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inv_const: 
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows  "(pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i) (ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) p) = pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i p "
  using assms  cring.Pring_universal_prop[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]" 
                    "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass (Suc n) i" "{i}" "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i"]
  by (metis Pi_I coord_cring_cring cring_coord_rings.pre_to_univ_poly_inv_var_ass_def
      cring_coord_rings_axioms local.pvar_closed pre_to_univ_poly_inv_def pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_is_hom)
lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inverse:
  assumes  "i < Suc n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  shows "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) = p"
  apply(rule R.Pring_car_induct''[of p "{..<Suc n}"])
  using assms coord_ring_def  apply metis    
  show 0: " c. c  carrier R  pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (coord_const c)) = coord_const c"
    fix c assume A: "c  carrier R"
    have 0: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (coord_const c) = 
                MP.indexed_const n (coord_const c)"
      using A assms(1) diff_Suc_1 pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(5) by presburger
    have 1: "(λj. if j < i then j else j + 1)  {..<n}  {..<Suc n}"
      by (smt Pi_I Suc_eq_plus1 add_less_cancel_right lessThan_iff less_Suc_eq)
    have 2: "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i (coord_const c) = coord_const c"
      unfolding pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_def
      using 1 R.relabel_vars_is_morphism(3)[of "(λj. if j < i then j else j + 1)" "{..<n}" "{..<Suc n}" c] 
     unfolding coord_ring_def 
     using A diff_Suc_1 by presburger
    show "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (coord_const c)) = coord_const c "
      using 0 1 2 
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) A R.indexed_const_closed assms(1) coord_ring_def pre_to_univ_poly_inv_const)      
  show 1: "p q. p  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n}) 
           q  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n}) 
           pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) =
           pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q) =
           pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i
            (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p Pring R {..<Suc n}q)) =
           p Pring R {..<Suc n}q"
  proof- fix p q assume A: "p  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n})"
          "q  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n})"
          "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) = p"
          "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q) = q"
    have 0: "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ q)) = 
            (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_add A
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms(1) diff_Suc_1)
    have 1: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] A      
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by (metis assms(1) coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1 pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6))
    have 2: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i q  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] A
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by (metis assms(1) coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1 pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6))      
    show "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i
            (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p Pring R {..<Suc n}q)) =
           p Pring R {..<Suc n}q"
      using 0 1 2 A pre_to_univ_poly_inv_is_hom[of i n] ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_add
      unfolding coord_ring_def      
      by (smt assms(1))
  show "p ia.
       p  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n}) 
       ia  {..<Suc n} 
       pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) = p 
       pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i
        (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p Pring R {..<Suc n}pvar R ia)) =
       p Pring R {..<Suc n}pvar R ia"
  proof- fix p j 
    assume A: " p  carrier (Pring R {..<Suc n})"  "j  {..<Suc n}"
           "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) = p "
    have 0: "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ pvar R j)) 
            = (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar  R j)"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] ring_hom_ring.homh ring_hom_mult A
      unfolding coord_ring_def
      by (metis R.Pring_var_closed assms(1) diff_Suc_1)
    have 1: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] A    
      unfolding coord_ring_def
      by (metis assms(1) coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1 pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6))
    have 1: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)  carrier (Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] A      
      unfolding coord_ring_def
      by (metis R.Pring_var_closed assms(1) coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1 pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6))
    have 2: "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)) = pvar R j"   
    proof(cases "j = i")
      case True
      then have "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)) = pvar (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) j"
        using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(3)[of i "Suc n"] assms(1) diff_Suc_1 by presburger
      then show ?thesis 
      unfolding coord_ring_def
      using True pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j) = pvar (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) j assms(1) pre_to_univ_poly_inv_pvar by presburger
      case False
      show ?thesis 
      proof(cases "j < i")
        case True
        then have "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)) = ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (pvar R j)"
          using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(2) [of i "Suc n"] assms(1) diff_Suc_1 
           unfolding coord_ring_def

          by presburger
        then show ?thesis 
          using pre_to_univ_poly_inv_const[of i n "(pvar R j)"]
                pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_pvar_0[of i n j]
          by (metis Suc_less_eq True assms(1) less_trans_Suc local.pvar_closed)
        case F: False
        then have "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R j)) = ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (pvar R (j-1))"
          using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(4)[of i "Suc n"] assms(1) diff_Suc_1 
               unfolding coord_ring_def
 by (metis A(2) False lessThan_iff linorder_neqE_nat)
        then show ?thesis 
          using pre_to_univ_poly_inv_const[of i n "(pvar R (j-1))"]
                pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_pvar_0[of i n "j-1"]
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) A(2) F False One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 add_diff_inverse_nat 
              assms(1) le_neq_implies_less lessThan_iff less_one local.pvar_closed nat_le_linear 
              not_less_eq plus_1_eq_Suc pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_pvar_1)        
    show "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i
        (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p Pring R {..<Suc n}pvar R j)) =
       p Pring R {..<Suc n}pvar R j"
      using 0 1 2 A pre_to_univ_poly_inv_is_hom[of i n] 
            ring_hom_ring.homh[of _ _ "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i "] 
            ring_hom_mult[of "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i "]
      unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by (smt assms(1) coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1 pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6))

lemma coord_ring_car_induct:
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  assumes "c. c  carrier R  A (R.indexed_const c)"
  assumes "p q. p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  A p  A q  A (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ q)"
  assumes "p i. p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])  i < n  A p  A (p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R i)"
  shows "A Q"
  unfolding coord_ring_def apply(rule R.Pring_car_induct''[of _ "{..<n}"])
  apply (metis assms(1) coord_ring_def)
  using assms(2) apply auto[1]
  apply (metis assms(3) coord_ring_def)
  by (metis assms(4) coord_ring_def lessThan_iff)

lemma pre_to_univ_poly_inverse':
  assumes  "i < Suc n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)) = MP.indexed_const n p"
  apply(rule coord_ring_car_induct[of _ n])
  using assms(2) apply blast
  show "c. c  carrier R 
         pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (R.indexed_const c))) =
         MP.indexed_const n (R.indexed_const c)"
  proof- fix k assume A: "k  carrier R"
    have 0: "R.indexed_const k  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      using A 
      by (metis coord_ring_def R.indexed_const_closed)
    have 1: "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (R.indexed_const k)) = pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i (R.indexed_const k)"
      using 0 assms pre_to_univ_poly_inv_const[of i n "R.indexed_const k"]
      by linarith
    have "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i (R.indexed_const k) = R.indexed_const k"
      using A pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_const[of i n k] assms
      by blast
    thus "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (R.indexed_const k))) = MP.indexed_const n (R.indexed_const k) "
      using 1 
      by (metis A assms(1) coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1 pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(5))
  show "p q. p  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) 
           q  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) 
           pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)) = MP.indexed_const n p 
           pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n q)) = MP.indexed_const n q 
           pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ q))) = MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ q)"
  proof- fix p Q
    assume A: "p  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) "
           "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)) = MP.indexed_const n p"
           "Q  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])"
           "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n Q)) = MP.indexed_const n Q "
    have 0: "p  Q = p R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q"
      by (metis R.Pring_add coord_ring_def)
    have 1: "MP.indexed_const n (p  Q) = (MP.indexed_const n p) Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}(MP.indexed_const n Q)"
      by (metis "0" MP.Pring_add MP.indexed_padd_const)
    have 2: "MP.indexed_const n p  carrier (Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using A unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by (metis MP.indexed_const_closed R.Pring_car coord_ring_def)
    have 3: "MP.indexed_const n Q  carrier (Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using A(3) MP.indexed_const_closed by blast
    have 4: "(pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q))) = 
      pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p) R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n Q)"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"]
            pre_to_univ_poly_inv_is_hom(1)[of i n] 
            ring_hom_add[of "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i" "(Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})" 
                          "(R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])" "MP.indexed_const n p" "MP.indexed_const n Q"] 
            MP.indexed_const_closed[of p n "{i}"] 
            MP.indexed_const_closed[of Q n "{i}"] A R.Pring_car[of "{..<n}"] unfolding coord_ring_def 
      by (metis "0" "1" assms(1) coord_ring_def)
    have 5: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q))) = 
          pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)) Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n Q))"
      have 50: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i  ring_hom (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) (Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i})"
        using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] ring_hom_ring.homh
        by (metis assms(1))
      have 51: "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i  ring_hom (Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i}) (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) "
        using pre_to_univ_poly_inv_is_hom ring_hom_ring.homh
        by (metis assms(1) diff_Suc_1)
      have 52: " pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)  carrier (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
        using 51 ring_hom_closed[of "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i" ] 
        by (smt "2" diff_Suc_1)
      have 53: "  pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n Q)  carrier (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) "
        using 51 ring_hom_closed[of "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i" ] 
        by (smt 3 diff_Suc_1)
      show ?thesis using 50 51 52 53
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"]
            ring_hom_add[of "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i" "R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]" "Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i}"
                "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)" 
                "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n Q)"] 4
      by (metis diff_Suc_1)
    show "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q))) = MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ Q)"
      using 5 A "0" "1" by metis 
  show "p ia.
       p  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) 
       ia < n 
       pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)) = MP.indexed_const n p 
       pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R ia))) = MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R ia)"
  proof- fix p j
    assume A: "p  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])" "j < n"
               "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)) = MP.indexed_const n p"
    show "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R j))) = MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R j)"
      have 0: "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i  ring_hom (Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i}) (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) "
        using pre_to_univ_poly_inv_is_hom(1)[of i n] ring_hom_ring.homh
        by (metis assms(1) diff_Suc_1)    
      have 1: "MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (pvar R j)) = MP.indexed_const n p Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j)"
        by (metis A(1) A(2) MP.indexed_const_mult local.pvar_closed)
      have 2: "(pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R j))) = 
          pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p) (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j))"
        using 0 1 ring_hom_mult A
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) MP.indexed_const_closed diff_Suc_1 local.pvar_closed)
      have 3: "pre_to_univ_poly(Suc n) i  ring_hom  (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) (Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i}) "
        using assms(1) pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1) ring_hom_ring.homh by blast        
      have 4: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R j))) =
                pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n p)) Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j)))"
        using 2 3 ring_hom_mult
        by (smt "0" A(1) A(2) MP.indexed_const_closed diff_Suc_1 local.pvar_closed ring_hom_closed)
      have 5: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (p R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ pvar R j))) =
                MP.indexed_const n p Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j)))"
       using A "4" by presburger
     have 6: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j))) = (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j))"
       have "(pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j))) = pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i  (pvar R j)"
         using A(2) assms(1) local.pvar_closed pre_to_univ_poly_inv_const by blast
       hence "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j))) = 
              pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i  (pvar R j))"
         by presburger
       show ?thesis 
       proof(cases "j < i")
         case True
         then have "(pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i  (pvar R j)) = (pvar R j)"
           using pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_pvar_0[of i n j] assms(1) by blast
         thus ?thesis using   pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom 
           by (metis True pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j)) = pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i (pvar R j) assms(1) coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1)
         case False
         have "pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i  (pvar R j) = pvar R (j + 1)"
           using pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom_pvar_1[of i n j]  A(2) False assms(1) not_le 
           by blast
         thus ?thesis using   pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom 
           by (metis A(2) False Suc_eq_plus1 pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (MP.indexed_const n (pvar R j)) = pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i (pvar R j) 
               assms(1) coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1 not_less_eq)
     show ?thesis using 6 A 
       using "1" "5" by presburger

definition to_univ_poly :: "nat  nat  
  (('a, nat) mvar_poly , ('a, nat) mvar_poly u_poly) ring_hom" where
"to_univ_poly n i  = IP_to_UP i  (pre_to_univ_poly n i) "

definition from_univ_poly :: "nat  nat  
      (('a, nat) mvar_poly u_poly , ('a, nat) mvar_poly) ring_hom" where
"from_univ_poly n i  = pre_to_univ_poly_inv n i  (UP_to_IP (coord_ring R (n-1)) i)"

lemma to_univ_poly_is_hom:
  assumes "i  n"
  shows "(to_univ_poly (Suc n) i)  ring_hom (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])) "
  unfolding to_univ_poly_def 
  apply(rule ring_hom_trans[of _ _ "Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}"])
  using assms pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom ring_hom_ring.homh
   apply (metis diff_Suc_1 le_imp_less_Suc)
  using UP_cring.IP_to_UP_ring_hom[of "(Pring R {..<n})" i] assms  ring_hom_ring.homh
  unfolding coord_ring_def UP_cring_def
  using R.Pring_is_cring R.is_cring by blast

lemma from_univ_poly_is_hom:
  assumes "i  n"
  shows "(from_univ_poly (Suc n) i)  ring_hom  (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])) (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) "
  unfolding from_univ_poly_def 
  apply(rule ring_hom_trans[of _ _ "Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}"])
  using assms UP_cring.UP_to_IP_ring_hom[of "coord_ring R (Suc n - 1)" i] 
              ring_hom_ring.homh[of "UP (coord_ring R (Suc n - 1))" "Pring (coord_ring R (Suc n - 1)) {i}" "UP_to_IP (coord_ring R (Suc n - 1)) i"]
  unfolding coord_ring_def UP_cring_def 
  apply (metis R.Pring_is_cring diff_Suc_1 R.is_cring)  
  using assms ring_hom_ring.homh le_imp_less_Suc pre_to_univ_poly_inv_is_hom 
   unfolding coord_ring_def UP_cring_def
  by blast

lemma to_univ_poly_inverse:
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  shows "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) = p"
  have 0: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  Pring_set (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}"
    using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6)[of i "Suc n" _ p] assms ring.Pring_car
     unfolding coord_ring_def UP_domain_def
    by (metis R.Pring_is_ring diff_Suc_1 le_imp_less_Suc)
  have 1: "UP_to_IP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) i 
           (IP_to_UP i (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) = 
           pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p"
    using 0 UP_cring.UP_to_IP_inv[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p" i ] 
    unfolding coord_ring_def UP_cring_def
    using R.is_cring by blast     
  have 2: "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) =
          (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (
          (UP_to_IP (coord_ring R (Suc n - 1)) i) (
          (IP_to_UP i (
          (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) p)))))"
    unfolding from_univ_poly_def to_univ_poly_def 
  unfolding coord_ring_def
    by (metis comp_eq_dest_lhs)    
  have 3: "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) =
          (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (
          pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
    using 0 1 2 
  unfolding coord_ring_def 
    using diff_Suc_1 by presburger    
  then show ?thesis 
    using pre_to_univ_poly_inverse assms(1) assms(2) less_Suc_eq_le 
    by presburger
lemma to_univ_poly_closed: 
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  shows "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
  using to_univ_poly_is_hom[of i n] assms unfolding  ring_hom_def
  by blast 

lemma to_univ_poly_add: 
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  shows "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙Q) = 
        to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])to_univ_poly (Suc n) i Q"
  using to_univ_poly_is_hom ring_hom_add 
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3))
lemma to_univ_poly_mult: 
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  assumes "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  shows "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙Q) = 
        to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])to_univ_poly (Suc n) i Q"
  using to_univ_poly_is_hom ring_hom_mult
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3))

lemma from_univ_poly_closed: 
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "p  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])) "
  shows "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  using from_univ_poly_is_hom[of i n] assms unfolding  ring_hom_def
  by blast 

lemma from_univ_poly_add: 
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "p  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])) "
  assumes "Q  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])) "
  shows "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])Q) = 
        from_univ_poly (Suc n) i p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ from_univ_poly (Suc n) i Q"
  using from_univ_poly_is_hom ring_hom_add 
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3))
lemma from_univ_poly_mult: 
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "p  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])) "
  assumes "Q  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])) "
  shows "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])Q) = 
        from_univ_poly (Suc n) i p R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ from_univ_poly (Suc n) i Q"
  using from_univ_poly_is_hom ring_hom_mult 
  by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3))

lemma(in UP_cring) monom_as_mult:
  assumes "a  carrier R"
  shows "up_ring.monom (UP R) a n = to_poly a  UP Rup_ring.monom (UP R) 𝟭 n"
  by (metis One_nat_def P_def R.one_closed R.r_one UP_cring.poly_shift_monom add_Suc assms is_UP_cring local.monom_mult plus_1_eq_Suc to_polynomial_def)

lemma cring_coord_rings_coord_ring:
"cring_coord_rings (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  unfolding cring_coord_rings_def 
            cring_coord_rings_axioms_def coord_ring_def 
  apply(rule conjI)
  unfolding UP_cring_def 
  apply (metis coord_cring_cring coord_ring_def)
  using cring_coord_rings_axioms
  unfolding cring_coord_rings_def cring_coord_rings_axioms_def
  by (metis coord_ring_def coord_ring_one coord_ring_zero)

lemma from_univ_poly_monom_inverse:
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  assumes "a  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
  shows "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) a m)) = up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) a m"
  have 0: "up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) a m = (to_polynomial (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a) UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])(up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m)"
    using UP_cring.monom_as_mult[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" a m] unfolding UP_ring_def 
    using UP_cring_def assms coord_cring_cring by blast
  have 1 : "(UP_to_IP (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i) (to_polynomial (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a) = ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a"
    using UP_cring.UP_to_IP_const[of "R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]" a i] unfolding UP_cring_def  
    by (simp add: assms coord_cring_cring)
  have 2: "(from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_polynomial (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)) 
                = pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)"
    unfolding from_univ_poly_def using 1  
    by (metis comp_apply)
  have 3: "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_polynomial (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) a) = pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i a"
    using pre_to_univ_poly_inv_const[of i n a] assms 2
    by presburger
  have 4: "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_polynomial (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)) = 
            IP_to_UP i ((pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) (pre_to_univ_poly_inv_hom (Suc n) i a))"
    using 3 unfolding to_univ_poly_def from_univ_poly_def 
    by (metis comp_apply)
  have 5: "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) (pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i (ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)) =  (ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)"
    using assms(1) assms(2) pre_to_univ_poly_inverse' by blast
  have "(to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_polynomial (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)) = IP_to_UP i  (ring.indexed_const (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)"
    unfolding to_univ_poly_def 
    by (metis "2" "5" comp_apply)
  hence 6: "(to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_polynomial (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)) = to_polynomial (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a"
    using UP_cring.IP_to_UP_indexed_const[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"] 
    by (smt UP_cring_def assms(2) coord_cring_cring)
  have 7: "(to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m)) = up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m"
    have 70: "pvar (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) i [^]Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}m  carrier (Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      using Cring_Multivariable_Poly.pvar_closed[of  "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" i "{i}"] monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"]
      by (meson MP.Pring_is_monoid coord_cring_cring equalityD2 insert_subset monoid.nat_pow_closed)
    have 71: "(UP_to_IP (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i) (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m) = 
                          (pvar (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) i)[^]Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}m"
      using 70 UP_cring.UP_to_IP_monom[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙" i m ] cring.Pring_smult_one[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "pvar (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) i [^]Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}m" "{i}"]
      unfolding UP_cring_def 
      using MP.one_closed coord_cring_cring diff_Suc_1 by presburger
    hence 72: "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m) = 
                   pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i ((pvar (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) i)[^]Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}m)"
      unfolding from_univ_poly_def
      using comp_apply[of "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i" "UP_to_IP (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i" "up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m"]  
      by presburger 
    have 73: " pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i  ring_hom (Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}) (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) "
      using pre_to_univ_poly_inv_is_hom[of i n] assms(1) ring_hom_ring.homh by blast
    hence 74: "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m) = (pvar R i)[^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙m"
      unfolding from_univ_poly_def 
      using 70 71 72 pre_to_univ_poly_inv_pvar[of i n] 
              ring_hom_nat_pow[of "(Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})" "R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]" "pre_to_univ_poly_inv (Suc n) i" "(pvar (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) i)" m]
      by (metis MP.Pring_is_ring MP.Pring_var_closed MP.ring_axioms assms(1) from_univ_poly_def singletonI)
    hence 75: "(to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m)) 
                  = (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) ((pvar R i)[^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙m)"
      by metis 
    have 76: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R i) = pvar (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i"
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(3)[of i "Suc n" ] assms(1) by blast
    have "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i  ring_hom (R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]) (Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i}) "
      apply(rule ring_hom_ring.homh)
      using pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] 
      using assms(1) by blast
    hence "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (pvar R i [^]R [𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ m) = pvar (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i [^]Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i}m"
      using 76 ring_hom_nat_pow[of "R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]" "Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i}" "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i" "pvar R i" m]
      by (metis MP.Pring_is_ring MP.ring_axioms assms(1) local.pvar_closed)
    hence 77: "(to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m)) 
                  =IP_to_UP i  (pvar (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i [^]Pring (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) {i}m)"
      unfolding to_univ_poly_def using comp_apply[of "IP_to_UP i" " pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i"]
      using "74" by presburger
    have 78: "IP_to_UP i  (pvar (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i) = X_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      using cring.IP_to_UP_var[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"] 
      by (simp add: MP.IP_to_UP_var var_to_IP_def)
    have 79: "IP_to_UP i  ring_hom (Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}) (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
      using UP_cring.IP_to_UP_ring_hom[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" i] ring_hom_ring.homh[of "Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}"] 
      unfolding UP_cring_def
      using coord_cring_cring by blast
    have 80: "pvar (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i  carrier (Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i})"
      by (metis "76" assms(1) diff_Suc_1 local.pvar_closed pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6))
    have 81: "ring (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
      using UP_ring.UP_ring[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"] unfolding UP_ring_def  
      using MP.ring_axioms by blast
    hence 82: "IP_to_UP i  (pvar (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i [^]Pring (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}m) = X_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) [^]UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])m"

      using 78 79 80 ring_hom_nat_pow[of "Pring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}" "UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])" "IP_to_UP i" "pvar (R [𝒳⇘Suc n - 1⇙]) i" m] 
      by (metis MP.Pring_is_ring)
    have 83: "𝟭R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])X_poly (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) [^]UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])m = X_poly (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) [^]UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])m"
      using UP_ring.UP_smult_one[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "X_poly (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) [^]UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])m"]
            UP_cring.X_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"] monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" "X_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" m]
      unfolding UP_ring_def UP_cring_def  
      using 81 MP.ring_axioms coord_cring_cring ring.is_monoid by blast
    have 84: "X_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) [^]UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])m = up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m"
      using 83 UP_cring.monom_rep_X_pow[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙" m] 
            monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" "X_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" m] 81
      unfolding UP_cring_def 
       using MP.one_closed coord_cring_cring by presburger       
    thus ?thesis using 77 
      by (metis "82" diff_Suc_1)
  have 8: "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) a m)) = 
        to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_polynomial (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)) UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m))"
    have 80: "to_polynomial (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) a  carrier (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
      using UP_cring.to_poly_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" a]  UP_cring_def assms(2) coord_cring_cring 
      by blast
    have 81: "up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R [𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m  carrier (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) "
    apply(rule UP_ring.monom_closed[of  "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"]) unfolding UP_ring_def using MP.one_closed
    apply (simp add: MP.ring_axioms)
      using MP.one_closed by blast     
    have 82: "(from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) a m)) = 
                (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (to_polynomial (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) a)) (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])(from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m))"
      using 80 81  from_univ_poly_mult[of i n "to_polynomial (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]) a" "(up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ m)"] 0  
      by (metis assms(1) less_Suc_eq_le)
    thus ?thesis using to_univ_poly_mult 80 81 
      by (metis assms(1) from_univ_poly_closed less_Suc_eq_le)
  thus ?thesis 
    using "0" "6" "7" by metis 

lemma from_univ_poly_inverse:
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "p  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
  shows "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) = p"
proof(rule UP_ring.poly_induct3[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"])
  show "UP_ring (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    unfolding UP_ring_def 
    by (simp add: MP.ring_axioms)
  show "p  carrier (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
    using assms by blast 
  show "p q. q  carrier (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 
           p  carrier (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) 
           to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) = p 
           to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i q) = q 
           to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])q)) = p UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])q"
  proof- fix p q 
    assume A: "q  carrier (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]))" "p  carrier (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
              "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) = p"
              "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i q) = q"
    show "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (p UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])q)) = p UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])q"
      using A assms
          from_univ_poly_add[of i n p q] 
          to_univ_poly_add[of i n "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i p" "from_univ_poly (Suc n) i q"] 
          from_univ_poly_closed[of i n p] from_univ_poly_closed[of i n q] 
      by presburger
  show "a na. a  carrier (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])  
            to_univ_poly (Suc n) i (from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) a na)) = up_ring.monom (UP (R [𝒳⇘n⇙])) a na"
    using from_univ_poly_monom_inverse[of i ] assms(1) le_imp_less_Suc by presburger

lemma to_univ_poly_eval:
  assumes "i < Suc n"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "x  carrier R"
  assumes  "as = insert_at_index a x i"
  shows "eval_at_point R as p = eval_at_point R a (to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) (coord_const x))"
  have 0: "pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  Pring_set (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) {i}"
    using assms pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(1)[of i "Suc n"] unfolding ring_hom_ring_def 
      unfolding coord_ring_def UP_domain_def   coord_ring_def UP_domain_def
  by (metis MP.Pring_car coord_ring_def diff_Suc_1 pre_to_univ_poly_is_hom(6))
  have 1: " closed_fun (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λn. coord_const x)"
    using assms(4) R.indexed_const_closed 
      unfolding coord_ring_def UP_domain_def
    by blast
  have "(to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) (coord_const x)) = 
           to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (IP_to_UP i ((pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) p)) (coord_const x)"
    unfolding to_univ_poly_def 
  unfolding coord_ring_def UP_domain_def
    by (metis comp_apply)    
  then have 2: "(to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p) (coord_const x)) = 
              (total_eval (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (λ i. coord_const x) (pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
      using 0 1 UP_cring.IP_to_UP_poly_eval[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" 
                                  "(pre_to_univ_poly (Suc n) i) p" i "λ i. coord_const x"]
      unfolding coord_ring_def UP_cring_def 
      using assms(4) cring.indexed_const_closed R.Pring_is_cring R.cring_axioms 
      by smt
    then show ?thesis using pre_to_univ_poly_eval[of i n p a x as] 
      using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) by presburger

  The function \texttt{one\_over\_poly}, introduced in the theory \texttt{Cring\_Poly}, maps a 
  polynomial $p(x)$ to the unique polynomial $q(x)$ which satisfies the relation 
  $q(x) = x^n p(1/x)$. This will be used later to show that the function $f(x) = 1/x$ is 
  semialgebraic over the field $\mathbb{Q}_p$.›
lemma to_univ_poly_one_over_poly:
  assumes "field R"
  assumes "i < (Suc n)"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  assumes "Q = from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (UP_cring.one_over_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "x  carrier R"
  assumes "x  𝟬"
  assumes "b = insert_at_index a x i"
  assumes "c = insert_at_index a (inv x) i"
  assumes "N = (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)"
  shows "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
        "eval_at_point R b Q = (x[^]N)  (eval_at_point R c p)"
  have 0: "(to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
    using assms(2) assms(3) less_Suc_eq_le to_univ_poly_closed by blast
  have 1: "(UP_cring.one_over_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
      using 0 assms  UP_domain_def UP_cring.one_over_poly_closed UP_cring_def coord_cring_cring by blast
  show "Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
    using 1 assms from_univ_poly_closed[of i n] less_Suc_eq_le 
    by blast
  have 2: "coord_const x  Units (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"

    have 20: "inv x  carrier R"
      using assms(1) assms(6) assms(7) field.field_Units by blast
    have 21: "x  (inv x) = 𝟭 "
    using assms field.field_Units R.Units_r_inv 
    by blast
   have 22: "coord_const x  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" 
     using assms(6) R.indexed_const_closed 
     unfolding coord_ring_def
     by blast
    have 23: "coord_const (inv x)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      using "20" R.indexed_const_closed
           unfolding coord_ring_def
by blast
    have 24:  "coord_const x R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ coord_const (inv x)  = coord_const  (x  (inv x))"
    using assms(6) 20 R.indexed_const_mult      unfolding coord_ring_def
    by blast
   have 25:  "coord_const x R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ coord_const (inv x)  = 𝟭coord_ring  R n⇙"
       unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (metis "20" "21" R.Pring_one assms(6) R.indexed_const_mult)
   have 26:  "coord_const (inv x) R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ coord_const x  = 𝟭coord_ring  R n⇙"
         unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (metis "21" "22" "23" "24" MP.m_comm R.Pring_one coord_ring_def)
   then show ?thesis
     using 23 Units_def[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"] "22" "25"
     by blast
  have 3: "invR[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (coord_const x) = coord_const (inv x)"
    have 20: "inv x  carrier R"
      using assms(1) assms(6) assms(7) field.field_Units by blast
    have 21: "x  (inv x) = 𝟭 "
    using assms field.field_Units R.Units_r_inv 
    by blast
   have 22: "coord_const x  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])" 
     using assms(6) R.indexed_const_closed 
          unfolding coord_ring_def
by blast
    have 23: "coord_const (inv x)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      using "20" R.indexed_const_closed     unfolding coord_ring_def
 by blast
    have 24:  "coord_const x R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ coord_const (inv x)  = coord_const  (x  (inv x))"
    using assms(6) 20 R.indexed_const_mult     unfolding coord_ring_def
    by blast
   have 25:  "coord_const x R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ coord_const (inv x)  = 𝟭coord_ring  R n⇙"
          unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (metis "20" "21" R.Pring_one assms(6) R.indexed_const_mult)
   show ?thesis
    using 22 23 25  R.Pring_is_cring[of "{..<n}"] 
    monoid.inv_char[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"]
     unfolding coord_ring_def

    by (metis R.Pring_is_monoid R.Pring_mult_comm R.is_cring)
  have 4: "to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (UP_cring.one_over_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))
              (coord_const x) = (coord_const x)[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙N R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ 
                            (to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) ( (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) (coord_const (invRx)))" 
    using 3 assms UP_cring_def UP_cring.one_over_poly_eval[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" " (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)" "coord_const x"]
       unfolding coord_ring_def
       by (metis "0" "2" MP.Units_closed R.Pring_is_cring UP_cring.to_fun_def coord_ring_def R.is_cring)  
  have 5: "eval_at_point R a (to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (UP_cring.one_over_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))
              (coord_const x))
           = eval_at_point R a ((coord_const x)[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙N R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ 
                            (to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) ( (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) (coord_const (invRx))) ) "
    using 4 
    by presburger
  have 6: "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i Q =  (UP_cring.one_over_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
    using assms from_univ_poly_inverse 
    by (meson "1" less_Suc_eq_le)
  have 7: "eval_at_point R a (to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (UP_cring.one_over_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))
              (coord_const x)) = eval_at_point R b Q"
    using 6 to_univ_poly_eval[of i n Q a x b] assms  Q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])
    by smt
  have 8: "(coord_const x)[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙N  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    using monoid.nat_pow_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"]
     unfolding coord_ring_def
  using R.Pring_is_monoid assms(6) R.indexed_const_closed by blast
  have 9: "to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) ( (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) (coord_const (invRx))
  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
    have 91: "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p  carrier (UP (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]))"
      by (simp add: "0")
    have "  coord_const (inv x)  carrier (R[𝒳⇘n⇙])"
      have "inv x  carrier R"
        using assms(1) assms(6) assms(7) field.field_Units by blast      
      then show ?thesis
        using R.indexed_const_closed[of "inv x"] assms
     unfolding coord_ring_def

        by blast
    then show ?thesis 
    using 91 UP_cring_def[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" ] UP_cring.to_fun_closed[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" "to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p" "coord_const (invRx)"]
        to_univ_poly_closed[of i n p] UP_domain_def[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]"]   
         unfolding coord_ring_def
         using R.Pring_is_cring R.is_cring 
         by (metis UP_cring.to_fun_def)                 
  have 10: " eval_at_point R b Q = (eval_at_point R a ((coord_const x)[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙N)) 
        (eval_at_point R a  (to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) ( (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) (coord_const (invRx))))"
    using 7 5 eval_at_point_mult[of a n "(coord_const x)[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙N" 
        "(to_function (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) ( (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)) (coord_const (invRx)))"]  
       "8" "9" assms(5) 
    by presburger
  have 11: "inv x  carrier R"
    using assms(1) assms(6) assms(7) field.field_Units by blast
  have 12: " eval_at_point R b Q = (eval_at_point R a ((coord_const x)[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙N)) 
        (eval_at_point R c p)"
     using 10 11 to_univ_poly_eval[of i n p a "inv x" c] assms(2) assms(3) assms(5) assms(9) 
     by presburger
   show 12: " eval_at_point R b Q = (x[^]N) 
        (eval_at_point R c p)"
    have 0: "(coord_const x)[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙N = coord_const (x[^]N)"
    proof(induction N)
      case 0
      have 00: "coord_const x [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ (0::nat) = 𝟭R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙"
        using nat_pow_def[of "R[𝒳⇘n⇙]" _ "(0::nat)"] 
          unfolding coord_ring_def
          by (meson Group.nat_pow_0)
        then show ?case 
     unfolding coord_ring_def
        by (metis Group.nat_pow_0 R.Pring_one)
      case (Suc N) fix N::nat assume IH: "coord_const x [^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙ N = coord_const (x [^] N)"
      then show ?case 
        using R.indexed_const_mult Group.nat_pow_Suc Suc.IH assms(6) R.nat_pow_closed
           unfolding coord_ring_def 
           by (metis )           
    have 1: "(eval_at_point R a ((coord_const x)[^]R[𝒳⇘n⇙]⇙N)) = x[^]N"
      using 0 
      by (metis assms(5) assms(6) eval_at_point_const R.nat_pow_closed)
    show ?thesis using 0 1 "12" 
      by presburger

lemma to_univ_poly_one_over_poly':
  assumes "field R"
  assumes "i < (Suc n)"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  assumes "Q = from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (UP_cring.one_over_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
  assumes "a  carrier (Rn)"
  assumes "x  carrier R"
  assumes "x  𝟬"
  assumes "b = insert_at_index a x i"
  assumes "c = insert_at_index a (inv x) i"
  assumes "N = (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)"
  assumes "q = (pvar R i)[^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙(k::nat)R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ Q"
  shows "q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
        "eval_at_point R b q = (x[^](N + k))  (eval_at_point R c p)"
  have 0: "(pvar R i)[^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙k  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
    using pvar_closed[of i "Suc n"] monoid.nat_pow_closed[] 
        unfolding coord_ring_def
 by (metis R.Pring_is_monoid assms(2))
  have 1: "b  carrier (RSuc n)"
    using assms(2) assms(5) assms(6) assms(8) insert_at_index_closed less_Suc_eq_le
    by blast
  have 11 : "c  carrier (RSuc n)"
    have "inv x  carrier R"
      using assms field.field_Units 
      by blast
    then show ?thesis 
    using assms insert_at_index_closed less_Suc_eq_le 
    by blast  
  have 2: "eval_at_point R b q = eval_at_point R b ((pvar R i)[^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙(k::nat)) 
                                  eval_at_point R b Q"
    using assms 0 1      unfolding coord_ring_def
  by (metis R.Pring_mult coord_ring_def eval_at_point_mult to_univ_poly_one_over_poly(1))
  have 3: "eval_at_point R b ((pvar R i)[^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙(k::nat)) = 
  proof(induction k)
    case 0
    have T0: "eval_at_point R b ((pvar R i)[^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙(0::nat)) = 
              eval_at_point R b (𝟭R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙)"
      using nat_pow_def[of "R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]" "pvar R i" "0::nat"] 
      by (metis Group.nat_pow_0)  
    then show ?case 
      by (metis "1" assms(2) eval_at_point_nat_pow R.nat_pow_0 local.pvar_closed)   
    case (Suc k) fix k::nat
    assume IH: "eval_at_poly R (pvar R i [^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ k) b = x [^] k "
    have 0: "eval_at_poly R (pvar R i) b = b!i"
      using eval_pvar[of i "Suc n"] assms "1" 
      by blast
    have "length a = n"
      using assms(5) cartesian_power_car_memE by blast
    then have "eval_at_poly R (pvar R i) b = x"
      using 0 assms(8) insert_at_index_eq[of i a x] 
      by (metis assms(2) less_Suc_eq_le)
    then show ?case 
      using "1" assms(2) eval_at_point_nat_pow local.pvar_closed 
      by blast
  have 4: "eval_at_point R b Q = (x[^]N)  (eval_at_point R c p)"
    using to_univ_poly_one_over_poly(2)[of i n p Q a x b c N] assms(1) assms(10) assms(2)
          assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) assms(6) assms(7) assms(8) assms(9) 
    by blast
  have 5: "eval_at_point R b q = x[^](k::nat)  ((x[^]N)  (eval_at_point R c p))"
     using 4 3 2 
     by presburger
  show 6: "eval_at_point R b q = x[^](N + k)  (eval_at_point R c p)"

    have 60: "x[^](k::nat)  carrier R" 
      using assms(6) by blast
    have 61: "x[^]N  carrier R" 
      using assms(6) by blast
    have 62: "eval_at_point R c p  carrier R"
      using eval_at_point_closed[of c "Suc n" p]  c  carrier (RSuc n) assms(3) 
      by blast
    show ?thesis using 5 60 61 62
      by (metis assms(6) R.m_assoc R.m_comm R.nat_pow_mult)      
  show "q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
    using assms 
     unfolding coord_ring_def
     using 0 R.Pring_mult_closed to_univ_poly_one_over_poly(1) 
     by (metis coord_ring_def)

lemma to_univ_poly_one_over_poly'':
  assumes "field R"
  assumes "i < (Suc n)"
  assumes "p  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
  assumes "N (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)"
  shows " q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]). (  x  carrier R - {𝟬}. (  a   carrier (Rn).
        eval_at_point R (insert_at_index a x i) q =  (x[^]N)  (eval_at_point R (insert_at_index a (inv x) i) p)))"
  obtain Q where Q_def: 
    "Q = from_univ_poly (Suc n) i (UP_cring.one_over_poly (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
    by blast 
  obtain k where k_def: "k = (N - (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p))"
    by blast 
  obtain q where q_def: "q = (pvar R i)[^]R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙(k::nat)R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙]⇙ Q"
    by blast 
  have 0: " (  x  carrier R - {𝟬}.(  a   carrier (Rn).
        eval_at_point R (insert_at_index a x i) q =  (x[^]N)  (eval_at_point R (insert_at_index a (inv x) i) p)))"
  proof fix x
    assume A0: " x  carrier R - {𝟬}"
    show " acarrier (Rn). eval_at_poly R q (insert_at_index a x i) = x [^] N  eval_at_poly R p (insert_at_index a (inv x) i)"
    proof fix a assume A1: "a  carrier (Rn)"
      obtain l where l_def: "l = (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)"
        by blast 
      have "eval_at_poly R q (insert_at_index a x i) = x [^] (l + k)  eval_at_poly R p (insert_at_index a (inv x) i)"
        using assms A1 A0 to_univ_poly_one_over_poly'(2)[of i n p Q a x "insert_at_index a x i" "insert_at_index a (inv x) i" l q k]
              Q_def l_def q_def 
        by blast
      then show " eval_at_poly R q (insert_at_index a x i) = x [^] N  eval_at_poly R p (insert_at_index a (inv x) i)"
        using k_def  assms l_def add_diff_inverse_nat less_Suc_eq not_less_eq
        by (metis diff_diff_cancel diff_less_Suc)       
  have 1: "q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
    obtain a where a_def: "a = map (λi. 𝟭) [(0::nat)..<n] "
      by blast 
    have a_car: "a  carrier (Rn)"
      apply(rule cartesian_power_car_memI')
      using a_def 
       apply (metis Ex_list_of_length coeff_list length_map length_rev)
    proof- fix i assume A: "i < n"
      then have "a!i = 𝟭"
        using a_def 
        by (metis R_list_length length_map map_nth nth_map)
      then show "a ! i  carrier R"
        using a_def  R.one_closed 
        by metis 
    then show "q  carrier (R[𝒳⇘Suc n⇙])"
      using assms q_def k_def Q_def to_univ_poly_one_over_poly'(1)[of i n p Q a 𝟭 _ _ "deg (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) 
          (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)" q "N -deg (R[𝒳⇘n⇙]) (to_univ_poly (Suc n) i p)" ]
      using one_closed local.one_neq_zero by blast      
  show ?thesis 
    using 0 1 by blast 

section‹Restricted Inverse Images and Complements›

  This section introduces some versions of basic set operations for extensional functions and sets.
  We would like a version of the inverse image which intersects the inverse image of a function 
  with the set \texttt{carrier }$(R^n)$, and a version of the complement of a set which takes the
  comeplement relative to \texttt{carrier }$(R^n)$. These will have to be defined in parametrized 
  families, with one such object for each natural number $n$.›
definition evimage (infixr ¯ı› 90) where
"evimage n f S = ((f -` S)  carrier (Rn))"

definition euminus_set :: "nat  'a list set  'a list set" (‹_ cı› 70) where
"Scn= carrier (Rn) - S"

lemma extensional_vimage_closed:
"f ¯nS  carrier (Rn)"
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

subsection ‹Inverse image of a function›

lemma evimage_eq [simp]: "a  f ¯nB  a  carrier (Rn)  f a  B"
  unfolding evimage_def 
  by blast
lemma evimage_singleton_eq: "a  f ¯n{b}  a  carrier (Rn)   f a = b"
  unfolding evimage_def 
  by blast

lemma evimageI [intro]: "a  carrier (Rn)  f a = b  b  B  a  f ¯nB"
  unfolding vimage_def 
  using evimage_eq by blast  

lemma evimageI2: "a  carrier (Rn)  f a  A  a  f ¯nA"
  unfolding vimage_def by fast

lemma evimageE [elim!]: "a  f ¯nB  (x. f a = x  x  B  p)  p"
  unfolding evimage_def 
  by blast
lemma evimageD: "a  f¯nA  f a  A"
  unfolding vimage_def by fast

lemma evimage_empty [simp]: "f ¯n{} = {}"
  by blast

lemma evimage_Compl:
  assumes "f  carrier (Rn)  carrier (Rm)"
  shows  "(f ¯n(Acm)) = ((f -` A)cn) "
  have "(f ¯n(Acm)) =  ((f -` (carrier (Rm))  - (f -`  A)))  carrier (Rn)"
    unfolding evimage_def euminus_set_def by blast 
  hence 0: "(f ¯n(Acm)) =  (f -` (carrier (Rm))   carrier (Rn))  - (f -`  A)"
    by (simp add: Int_Diff Int_commute)
  have  "(f -` (carrier (Rm))   carrier (Rn)) = carrier (Rn)"
    show "f -` carrier (Rm)  carrier (Rn)  carrier (Rn)"
      by auto 
    show "carrier (Rn)  f -` carrier (Rm)  carrier (Rn)"
      using assms by blast 
  thus ?thesis using 0 
    by (simp add: euminus_set_def)

lemma evimage_Un [simp]: "f ¯n(A  B) = (f ¯nA)  (f ¯nB)"
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

lemma evimage_Int [simp]: "f ¯n(A  B) = (f ¯nA)  (f ¯nB)"
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

lemma evimage_Collect_eq [simp]: "f ¯nCollect p = {y  carrier (Rn). p (f y)}"
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

lemma evimage_Collect: "(x. x  carrier (Rn)  p (f x) = Q x)  f ¯n(Collect p) = Collect Q  carrier (Rn)"
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

lemma evimage_insert: "f ¯n(insert a B) = (f ¯n{a})  (f ¯nB)"
  ― ‹NOT suitable for rewriting because of the recurrence of {a}›.›
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

lemma evimage_Diff: "f ¯n(A - B) = (f ¯nA) - (f ¯nB)"
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

lemma evimage_UNIV [simp]: "f ¯nUNIV = carrier (Rn)"
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

lemma evimage_mono: "A  B  f ¯nA  f ¯nB"
  ― ‹monotonicity›
  unfolding evimage_def by blast 

lemma evimage_image_eq: "(f ¯n(f ` A)) = {y  carrier (Rn). xA. f x = f y}"
  unfolding evimage_def  by (blast intro: sym)

lemma image_evimage_subset: "f ` (f ¯nA)  A"
  by blast

lemma image_evimage_eq [simp]: "f ` (f ¯nA) = A  (f ` carrier (Rn))"
  unfolding evimage_def   by blast

lemma image_subset_iff_subset_evimage: "A  carrier (Rn)  f ` A  B  A  f ¯nB"
  by blast

lemma evimage_const [simp]: "((λx. c) ¯nA) = (if c  A then carrier (Rn) else {})"
  unfolding evimage_def using vimage_const[of c A] 
  by (smt Int_commute inf_bot_right inf_top.right_neutral)

lemma evimage_if [simp]: "((λx. if x  B then c else d) ¯nA) =
   (if c  A then (if d  A then carrier (Rn) else B  carrier (Rn) )
    else if d  A then Bcnelse {})"
unfolding evimage_def euminus_set_def using vimage_if[of B c d A]  
  by (metis Diff_Compl Diff_UNIV Diff_empty Int_commute double_compl)

lemma evimage_inter_cong: "( w. w  S  f w = g w)  f ¯ny  S = g ¯ny  S"
unfolding evimage_def 
  by (smt Int_assoc Int_commute vimage_inter_cong)

lemma evimage_ident [simp]: "(λx. x) ¯nY = Y  carrier (Rn)"
unfolding evimage_def 
  by blast

