Theory Sublemma4
section ‹ Sublemma4 ›
text ‹This theory shows that functions with affine approximations are continuous
where approximated.›
theory Sublemma4
imports Affine AxTriangleInequality
text ‹Our naming of lemmas, propositions, etc., is sometimes counterintuitive.
This is because the proof follows a hand-written proof, and we need to maintain
the link between the paper-based and Isabelle versions. We will specifically be
discussing how we translated from one to the other in a forthcoming paper (under
construction). In fact, sublemmas 1 and 2 were eventually found to be
unnecessary during construction of the Isabelle proof, and so do not appear in
this documentation.
class Sublemma4 = Affine + AxTriangleInequality
lemma sublemma4:
assumes "affineApprox A f x"
shows "(∃δ>0. ∀p. (p within δ of x) ⟶ (definedAt f p)) ∧ (cts f x)"
proof -
have diff: "(definedAt f x) ∧
(∀ ε > 0 . (∃ δ > 0 . (∀ y .
( (y within δ of x)
(definedAt f y) ∧ ( ∀ u v . (f y u ∧ (asFunc A) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr ε) * sep2 y x )) )
))" using assms by simp
have "0 < 1" by simp
then obtain d where d: "(d > 0) ∧ (∀ y .
( (y within d of x)
((definedAt f y) ∧ (∀ u v . (f y u ∧ (asFunc A) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ≤ (sqr 1) * sep2 y x )))))" using diff by blast
hence "∀ p . (p within d of x) ⟶ (definedAt f p)" by blast
hence rtp1: "∃ δ > 0 . ∀ p . (p within δ of x) ⟶ (definedAt f p)"
using d by auto
have funcF: "isFunction f" using assms by simp
have affA: "affine A" using assms by simp
have funcA: "isFunction (asFunc A)" using assms by simp
{ fix x'
assume x': "f x x'"
hence ax: "x' = A x"
using assms lemAffineEqualAtBase[of "f" "A" "x"] by blast
{ fix e
assume epos: "e > 0"
hence e2pos: "e/2 > 0" by simp
obtain d1 where d1: "(d1 > 0) ∧ (∀ y .
((y within d1 of x) ⟶ ((A y) within (e/2) of (A x))))"
using e2pos affA lemAffineContinuity by blast
obtain d2' where d2': "(d2' > 0) ∧ (∀ y .
( (y within d2' of x) ⟶ ((definedAt f y) ∧
( ∀ fy Ay . (f y fy ∧ (asFunc A) y Ay) ⟶
( sep2 Ay fy ) ≤ (sqr (e/2)) * sep2 y x ))))"
using e2pos assms by auto
then obtain d2
where d2: "(d2 > 0) ∧ (d2 < d2') ∧ (sqr d2 < d2) ∧ (d2 < 1)"
using lemReducedBound[of "d2'"] by auto
define d where d: "d = min d1 d2"
have dd1: "d ≤ d1" using d by auto
have dd2: "d ≤ d2" using d by auto
have dpos: "d > 0" using d1 d2 d by auto
{ fix y'
assume y': "y' ∈ applyToSet f (ball x d)"
then obtain y where y: "(y ∈ ball x d) ∧ (f y y')" by auto
hence y_near_x: "y within d of x" using lemSep2Symmetry by auto
have "y within d1 of x" using lemBallInBall y_near_x dpos dd1 by auto
hence dist1: "(A y) within (e/2) of (A x)" using d1 by auto
have yd2'x: "y within d2' of x" using lemBallInBall y_near_x dpos d2 dd2 by auto
hence "∀ fy Ay . (f y fy ∧ (asFunc A) y Ay) ⟶
( sep2 Ay fy ≤ (sqr (e/2)) * sep2 y x )"
using d2' by auto
hence conc2: "sep2 (A y) y' ≤ (sqr (e/2)) * sep2 y x" using y by auto
have "y within d2 of x" using lemBallInBall y_near_x dpos d2 dd2 by auto
hence yx1: "y within 1 of x" using lemBallInBall d2 by auto
have "sqr (e/2) > 0" using e2pos lemSqrMonoStrict[of "0" "e/2"] by auto
hence "(sqr (e/2)) * sep2 y x < sqr (e/2)"
using mult_strict_left_mono[of "sep2 y x" "1" "sqr (e/2)"]
lemNorm2NonNeg[of "y⊖x"] yx1
by auto
hence dist2: "sep2 (A y) y' < sqr (e/2)" using conc2 by auto
define p where p: "p = (A x)"
define q where q: "q = (A y)"
define r where r: "r = y'"
have tri: "axTriangleInequality (q⊖p) (r⊖q)"
using AxTriangleInequality by blast
have Dist1: "p within (e/2) of q"
using dist1 p q lemSep2Symmetry by auto
have Dist2: "r within (e/2) of q"
using dist2 q r lemSep2Symmetry by auto
have "r within ((e/2)+(e/2)) of p"
using e2pos Dist1 Dist2 tri
lemDistancesAdd[of "q" "p" "r" "e/2" "e/2"]
by blast
hence "r within e of p" using lemSumOfTwoHalves by auto
hence "y' ∈ ball x' e" using p r ax lemSep2Symmetry by auto
hence "∃d>0. applyToSet f (ball x d) ⊆ (ball x' e)" using dpos by auto
hence "(∀e>0. ∃d>0. applyToSet f (ball x d) ⊆ (ball x' e))"
by auto
hence "∀x'. (f x x') ⟶ (∀e>0. ∃d>0. applyToSet f (ball x d) ⊆ (ball x' e))"
by auto
hence rtp2: "cts f x" by simp
thus ?thesis using rtp1 by auto