Theory LLL_Basis_Reduction.Missing_Lemmas

    Authors:    Jose Divasón
                Sebastiaan Joosten
                René Thiemann
                Akihisa Yamada
    License:    BSD

section ‹Missing lemmas›

text ‹This theory contains many results that are important but not specific for our development. 
      They could be moved to the stardard library and some other AFP entries.› 

theory Missing_Lemmas
    Berlekamp_Zassenhaus.Sublist_Iteration (* for thm upt_append *)
    Berlekamp_Zassenhaus.Square_Free_Int_To_Square_Free_GFp (* for thm large_mod_0 *)
    Berlekamp_Zassenhaus.Finite_Field_Factorization_Record_Based (* for transfer rules for thm vec_of_list_Nil *)
    Berlekamp_Zassenhaus.Berlekamp_Hensel (* for unique_factorization_m_factor *)

hide_const(open) module.smult up_ring.monom up_ring.coeff

(**** Could be merged to HOL/Rings.thy ****)

class ordered_semiring_1 = Rings.ordered_semiring_0 + monoid_mult + zero_less_one

subclass semiring_1..

lemma of_nat_ge_zero[intro!]: "of_nat n  0"
  using add_right_mono[of _ _ 1] by (induct n, auto)

(* Following lemmas are moved from @{class ordered_idom}. *)
lemma zero_le_power [simp]: "0  a  0  a ^ n"
  by (induct n) simp_all

lemma power_mono: "a  b  0  a  a ^ n  b ^ n"
  by (induct n) (auto intro: mult_mono order_trans [of 0 a b])

lemma one_le_power [simp]: "1  a  1  a ^ n"
  using power_mono [of 1 a n] by simp

lemma power_le_one: "0  a  a  1  a ^ n  1"
  using power_mono [of a 1 n] by simp

lemma power_gt1_lemma:
  assumes gt1: "1 < a"
  shows "1 < a * a ^ n"
proof -
  from gt1 have "0  a"
    by (fact order_trans [OF zero_le_one less_imp_le])
  from gt1 have "1 * 1 < a * 1" by simp
  also from gt1 have "  a * a ^ n"
    by (simp only: mult_mono 0  a one_le_power order_less_imp_le zero_le_one order_refl)
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma power_gt1: "1 < a  1 < a ^ Suc n"
  by (simp add: power_gt1_lemma)

lemma one_less_power [simp]: "1 < a  0 < n  1 < a ^ n"
  by (cases n) (simp_all add: power_gt1_lemma)

lemma power_decreasing: "n  N  0  a  a  1  a ^ N  a ^ n"
proof (induction N)
  case (Suc N)
  then have "a * a^N  1 * a^n" if "n  N"
    using that by (intro mult_mono) auto
  then show ?case
    using Suc by (auto simp add: le_Suc_eq)
qed (auto)

lemma power_increasing: "n  N  1  a  a ^ n  a ^ N"
proof (induction N)
  case (Suc N)
  then have "1 * a^n  a * a^N" if "n  N"
    using that by (intro mult_mono) (auto simp add: order_trans[OF zero_le_one])
  then show ?case
    using Suc by (auto simp add: le_Suc_eq)
qed (auto)

lemma power_Suc_le_self: "0  a  a  1  a ^ Suc n  a"
  using power_decreasing [of 1 "Suc n" a] by simp


lemma prod_list_nonneg: "( x. (x :: 'a :: ordered_semiring_1)  set xs  x  0)  prod_list xs  0"
  by (induct xs, auto)

subclass (in ordered_idom) ordered_semiring_1 by unfold_locales auto

(**** End of lemmas that could be moved to HOL/Rings.thy ****)

(* missing lemma on logarithms *)
lemma log_prod: assumes "0 < a" "a  1" " x. x  X  0 < f x" 
  shows "log a (prod f X) = sum (log a o f) X" 
  using assms(3)
proof (induct X rule: infinite_finite_induct)
  case (insert x F)
  have "log a (prod f (insert x F)) = log a (f x * prod f F)" using insert by simp
  also have " = log a (f x) + log a (prod f F)" 
    by (rule log_mult[OF _ prod_pos], insert assms insert, auto)
  finally show ?case using insert by auto
qed auto

(* TODO: Jordan_Normal_Form/Missing_Ring.ordered_idom should be redefined *)
subclass (in ordered_idom) zero_less_one by (unfold_locales, auto)
hide_fact Missing_Ring.zero_less_one

(**** The following lemmas could be part of the standard library ****)

instance real :: ordered_semiring_strict by (intro_classes, auto)
instance real :: linordered_idom..

(*This is a generalisation of thm less_1_mult*) 
lemma less_1_mult': 
  fixes a::"'a::linordered_semidom"
  shows "1 < a  1  b  1 < a * b"
  by (metis le_less less_1_mult mult.right_neutral)

lemma upt_minus_eq_append: "ij  ij-k  [i..<j] = [i..<j-k] @ [j-k..<j]"
proof (induct k)
  case (Suc k)
  have hyp: "[i..<j] = [i..<j - k] @ [j - k..<j]" using Suc.hyps Suc.prems by auto
  then show ?case
    by (metis Suc.prems(2) append.simps(1) diff_Suc_less nat_less_le neq0_conv upt_append upt_rec zero_diff)
qed auto

lemma list_trisect: "x < length lst  [0..<length lst] = [0..<x]@x#[Suc x..<length lst]"
  by (induct lst, force, rename_tac a lst, case_tac "x = length lst", auto)

lemma id_imp_bij_betw:
  assumes f: "f : A  A"
      and ff: "a. a  A  f (f a) = a"
  shows "bij_betw f A A"
  by (intro bij_betwI[OF f f], simp_all add: ff)

lemma range_subsetI:
  assumes "x. f x = g (h x)" shows "range f  range g"
  using assms by auto

lemma Gcd_uminus: 
  fixes A::"int set"
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "Gcd A = Gcd (uminus ` A)"
  using assms
  by (induct A, auto)

lemma aux_abs_int: fixes c :: int
  assumes "c  0" 
  shows "¦x¦  ¦x * c¦"
proof -
  have "abs x = abs x * 1" by simp
  also have "  abs x * abs c" 
    by (rule mult_left_mono, insert assms, auto)
  finally show ?thesis unfolding abs_mult by auto

lemma mod_0_abs_less_imp_0:
  fixes a::int
  assumes a1: "[a = 0] (mod m)"
  and a2: "abs(a)<m"
  shows "a = 0"
proof -
  have "m0" using assms by auto
  thus ?thesis  
    using assms unfolding cong_def
    using int_mod_pos_eq large_mod_0 zless_imp_add1_zle 
      by (metis abs_of_nonneg le_less not_less zabs_less_one_iff zmod_trivial_iff)

(* an intro version of sum_list_0 *)
lemma sum_list_zero:
  assumes "set xs  {0}" shows "sum_list xs = 0"
  using assms by (induct xs, auto)

(* About @{const max} *)
lemma max_idem [simp]: shows "max a a = a" by (simp add: max_def)

lemma hom_max:
  assumes "a  b  f a  f b"
  shows "f (max a b) = max (f a) (f b)" using assms by (auto simp: max_def)

lemma le_max_self:
  fixes a b :: "'a :: preorder"
  assumes "a  b  b  a" shows "a  max a b" and "b  max a b"
  using assms by (auto simp: max_def)

lemma le_max:
  fixes a b :: "'a :: preorder"
  assumes "c  a  c  b" and "a  b  b  a" shows "c  max a b"
  using assms(1) le_max_self[OF assms(2)] by (auto dest: order_trans)

fun max_list where
  "max_list [] = (THE x. False)" (* more convenient than "undefined" *)
| "max_list [x] = x"
| "max_list (x # y # xs) = max x (max_list (y # xs))"

declare max_list.simps(1) [simp del]
declare max_list.simps(2-3)[code]

lemma max_list_Cons: "max_list (x#xs) = (if xs = [] then x else max x (max_list xs))"
  by (cases xs, auto)

lemma max_list_mem: "xs  []  max_list xs  set xs"
  by (induct xs, auto simp: max_list_Cons max_def)

lemma mem_set_imp_le_max_list:
  fixes xs :: "'a :: preorder list"
  assumes "a b. a  set xs  b  set xs  a  b  b  a"
      and "a  set xs"
  shows "a  max_list xs"
proof (insert assms, induct xs arbitrary:a)
  case Nil
  with assms show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "xs = []")
    case False
    have "x  max_list xs  max_list xs  x"
      apply (rule Cons(2)) using max_list_mem[of xs] False by auto
    note 1 = le_max_self[OF this]
    from Cons have "a = x  a  set xs" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (elim disjE)
      assume a: "a = x"
      show ?thesis by (unfold a max_list_Cons, auto simp: False intro!: 1)
      assume "a  set xs"
      then have "a  max_list xs" by (intro Cons, auto)
      with 1 have "a  max x (max_list xs)" by (auto dest: order_trans)
      then show ?thesis by (unfold max_list_Cons, auto simp: False)
  qed (insert Cons, auto)

lemma le_max_list:
  fixes xs :: "'a :: preorder list"
  assumes ord: "a b. a  set xs  b  set xs  a  b  b  a"
      and ab: "a  b"
      and b: "b  set xs"
  shows "a  max_list xs"
  note ab
  also have "b  max_list xs"
    by (rule mem_set_imp_le_max_list, fact ord, fact b)
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma max_list_le:
  fixes xs :: "'a :: preorder list"
  assumes a: "x. x  set xs  x  a"
      and xs: "xs  []"
  shows "max_list xs  a"
  using max_list_mem[OF xs] a by auto

lemma max_list_as_Greatest:
  assumes "x y. x  set xs  y  set xs  x  y  y  x"
  shows "max_list xs = (GREATEST a. a  set xs)"
proof (cases "xs = []")
  case True
  then show ?thesis by (unfold Greatest_def, auto simp: max_list.simps(1))
  case False
  from assms have 1: "x  set xs  x  max_list xs" for x
    by (auto intro: le_max_list)
  have 2: "max_list xs  set xs" by (fact max_list_mem[OF False])
  have "∃!x. x  set xs  (y. y  set xs  y  x)" (is "∃!x. ?P x")
  proof (intro ex1I)
    from 1 2
    show "?P (max_list xs)" by auto
    fix x assume 3: "?P x"
    with 1 have "x  max_list xs" by auto
    moreover from 2 3 have "max_list xs  x" by auto
    ultimately show "x = max_list xs" by auto
  note 3 = theI_unique[OF this,symmetric]
  from 1 2 show ?thesis
    by (unfold Greatest_def Cons 3, auto)

lemma hom_max_list_commute:
  assumes "xs  []"
      and "x y. x  set xs  y  set xs  h (max x y) = max (h x) (h y)"
  shows "h (max_list xs) = max_list (map h xs)"
  by (insert assms, induct xs, auto simp: max_list_Cons max_list_mem)

(*Efficient rev [i..<j]*)
primrec rev_upt :: "nat  nat  nat list" ("(1[_>.._])") where
rev_upt_0: "[0>..j] = []" |
rev_upt_Suc: "[(Suc i)>..j] = (if i  j then i # [i>..j] else [])"

lemma rev_upt_rec: "[i>..j] = (if i>j then [i>..Suc j] @ [j] else [])"
  by (induct i, auto)    

definition rev_upt_aux :: "nat  nat  nat list  nat list" where
  "rev_upt_aux i j js = [i>..j] @ js"

lemma upt_aux_rec [code]:
  "rev_upt_aux i j js = (if ji then js else rev_upt_aux i (Suc j) (j#js))"
  by (induct j, auto simp add: rev_upt_aux_def rev_upt_rec)

lemma rev_upt_code[code]: "[i>..j] = rev_upt_aux i j []"
  by(simp add: rev_upt_aux_def)    
lemma upt_rev_upt:
  "rev [j>..i] = [i..<j]"
  by (induct j, auto)
lemma rev_upt_upt:
  "rev [i..<j] = [j>..i]"
  by (induct j, auto) 

lemma length_rev_upt [simp]: "length [i>..j] = i - j"
  by (induct i) (auto simp add: Suc_diff_le)
lemma nth_rev_upt [simp]: "j + k < i  [i>..j] ! k = i - 1 - k"
proof -
  assume jk_i: "j + k < i"
  have "[i>..j] = rev [j..<i]" using rev_upt_upt by simp
  also have "... ! k = [j..<i] ! (length [j..<i] - 1 - k)"
    using jk_i by (simp add: rev_nth)
  also have "... = [j..<i] ! (i - j - 1 - k)" by auto
  also have "... = j + (i - j - 1 - k)" by (rule nth_upt, insert jk_i, auto)
  finally show ?thesis using jk_i by auto
lemma nth_map_rev_upt: 
  assumes i: "i < m-n"
  shows "(map f [m>..n]) ! i = f (m - 1 - i)"
proof -
  have "(map f [m>..n]) ! i = f ([m>..n] ! i)" by (rule nth_map, auto simp add: i)
  also have "... = f (m - 1 - i)"
  proof (rule arg_cong[of _ _ f], rule nth_rev_upt)
    show "n + i < m" using i by linarith
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma coeff_mult_monom:
 "coeff (p * monom a d) i = (if d  i then a * coeff p (i - d) else 0)"
  using coeff_monom_mult[of a d p] by (simp add: ac_simps)

(**** End of the lemmas which may be part of the standard library ****)

(**** The following lemmas could be moved to Algebraic_Numbers/Resultant.thy ****)
lemma vec_of_poly_0 [simp]: "vec_of_poly 0 = 0v 1" by (auto simp: vec_of_poly_def)

lemma vec_index_vec_of_poly [simp]: "i  degree p  vec_of_poly p $ i = coeff p (degree p - i)"
  by (simp add: vec_of_poly_def Let_def)

lemma poly_of_vec_vec: "poly_of_vec (vec n f) = Poly (rev (map f [0..<n]))"
proof (induct n arbitrary:f)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc n)
  have "map f [0..<Suc n] = f 0 # map (f  Suc) [0..<n]" by (simp add: map_upt_Suc del: upt_Suc)
  also have "Poly (rev ) = Poly (rev (map (f  Suc) [0..<n])) + monom (f 0) n"
    by (simp add: Poly_snoc smult_monom)
  also have " = poly_of_vec (vec n (f  Suc)) + monom (f 0) n"
    by (fold Suc, simp)
  also have " = poly_of_vec (vec (Suc n) f)"
    apply (unfold poly_of_vec_def Let_def dim_vec sum.lessThan_Suc)
    by (auto simp add: Suc_diff_Suc)
  finally show ?case..

lemma sum_list_map_dropWhile0:
  assumes f0: "f 0 = 0"
  shows "sum_list (map f (dropWhile ((=) 0) xs)) = sum_list (map f xs)"
  by (induct xs, auto simp add: f0)

lemma coeffs_poly_of_vec:
  "coeffs (poly_of_vec v) = rev (dropWhile ((=) 0) (list_of_vec v))"
  obtain n f where v: "v = vec n f" by transfer auto
  show ?thesis by (simp add: v poly_of_vec_vec)

lemma poly_of_vec_vCons:
 "poly_of_vec (vCons a v) = monom a (dim_vec v) + poly_of_vec v" (is "?l = ?r")
  by (auto intro: poly_eqI simp: coeff_poly_of_vec vec_index_vCons)

lemma poly_of_vec_as_Poly: "poly_of_vec v = Poly (rev (list_of_vec v))"
  by (induct v, auto simp:poly_of_vec_vCons Poly_snoc ac_simps)

lemma poly_of_vec_add:
  assumes "dim_vec a = dim_vec b"
  shows "poly_of_vec (a + b) = poly_of_vec a + poly_of_vec b"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: poly_eq_iff coeff_poly_of_vec)

(*TODO: replace the one in Resultant.thy*)
lemma degree_poly_of_vec_less:
  assumes "0 < dim_vec v" and "dim_vec v  n" shows "degree (poly_of_vec v) < n"
  using degree_poly_of_vec_less assms by (auto dest: less_le_trans)

lemma (in vec_module) poly_of_vec_finsum:
  assumes "f  X  carrier_vec n"
  shows "poly_of_vec (finsum V f X) = (iX. poly_of_vec (f i))"
proof (cases "finite X")
  case False then show ?thesis by auto
  case True show ?thesis
  proof (insert True assms, induct X rule: finite_induct)
    case IH: (insert a X)
    have [simp]: "f x  carrier_vec n" if x: "x  X" for x 
      using x IH.prems unfolding Pi_def by auto
    have [simp]: "f a  carrier_vec n" using IH.prems unfolding Pi_def by auto
    have [simp]: "dim_vec (finsum V f X) = n" by simp
    have [simp]: "dim_vec (f a) = n" by simp
    show ?case
    proof (cases "a  X")
      case True then show ?thesis by (auto simp: insert_absorb IH)
      case False
      then have "(finsum V f (insert a X)) = f a + (finsum V f X)" 
        by (auto intro: finsum_insert IH)
      also have "poly_of_vec ... = poly_of_vec (f a) + poly_of_vec (finsum V f X)"
        by (rule poly_of_vec_add, simp)
      also have "... = (iinsert a X. poly_of_vec (f i))"
        using IH False by (subst sum.insert, auto)
      finally show ?thesis .
  qed auto

(*This function transforms a polynomial to a vector of dimension n*)  
definition "vec_of_poly_n p n =
  vec n (λi. if i < n - degree p - 1 then 0 else coeff p (n - i - 1))"

(* TODO: make it abbreviation? *)
lemma vec_of_poly_as: "vec_of_poly_n p (Suc (degree p)) = vec_of_poly p"
  by (induct p, auto simp: vec_of_poly_def vec_of_poly_n_def)

lemma vec_of_poly_n_0 [simp]: "vec_of_poly_n p 0 = vNil"
  by (auto simp: vec_of_poly_n_def)

lemma vec_dim_vec_of_poly_n [simp]:
  "dim_vec (vec_of_poly_n p n) = n"
  "vec_of_poly_n p n  carrier_vec n"
  unfolding vec_of_poly_n_def by auto

lemma dim_vec_of_poly [simp]: "dim_vec (vec_of_poly f) = degree f + 1"
  by (simp add: vec_of_poly_as[symmetric])

lemma vec_index_of_poly_n:
  assumes "i < n"
  shows "vec_of_poly_n p n $ i =
    (if i < n - Suc (degree p) then 0 else coeff p (n - i - 1))"
  using assms by (auto simp: vec_of_poly_n_def Let_def)

lemma vec_of_poly_n_pCons[simp]:
  shows "vec_of_poly_n (pCons a p) (Suc n) = vec_of_poly_n p n @v vec_of_list [a]" (is "?l = ?r")
proof (unfold vec_eq_iff, intro conjI allI impI)
  show "dim_vec ?l = dim_vec ?r" by auto
  show "i < dim_vec ?r  ?l $ i = ?r $ i" for i
    by (cases "n - i", auto simp: coeff_pCons less_Suc_eq_le vec_index_of_poly_n)

lemma vec_of_poly_pCons:
  shows "vec_of_poly (pCons a p) =
   (if p = 0 then vec_of_list [a] else vec_of_poly p @v vec_of_list [a])"
  by (cases "degree p", auto simp: vec_of_poly_as[symmetric])

lemma list_of_vec_of_poly [simp]:
  "list_of_vec (vec_of_poly p) = (if p = 0 then [0] else rev (coeffs p))"
  by (induct p, auto simp: vec_of_poly_pCons)

lemma poly_of_vec_of_poly_n:
  assumes p: "degree p<n"
  shows "poly_of_vec (vec_of_poly_n p n) = p"
proof - 
  have "vec_of_poly_n p n $ (n - Suc i) = coeff p i" if i: "i < n" for i    
  proof -
    have n: "n - Suc i < n" using i by auto
    have "vec_of_poly_n p n $ (n - Suc i) = 
      (if n - Suc i < n - Suc (degree p) then 0 else coeff p (n - (n - Suc i) - 1))"
      using vec_index_of_poly_n[OF n, of p] .
    also have "... = coeff p i" using i n le_degree by fastforce
    finally show ?thesis .
  moreover have "coeff p i = 0" if i2: "i  n" for i
    by (rule coeff_eq_0, insert i2 p, simp)
  ultimately show ?thesis
  using assms
  unfolding poly_eq_iff
  unfolding coeff_poly_of_vec by auto

lemma vec_of_poly_n0[simp]: "vec_of_poly_n 0 n = 0v n" 
  unfolding vec_of_poly_n_def by auto

lemma vec_of_poly_n_add: "vec_of_poly_n (a + b) n = vec_of_poly_n a n + vec_of_poly_n b n"
proof (induct n arbitrary: a b)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?case by (cases a, cases b, auto)

lemma vec_of_poly_n_poly_of_vec:
  assumes n: "dim_vec g = n"
  shows "vec_of_poly_n (poly_of_vec g) n = g"
proof (auto simp add: poly_of_vec_def vec_of_poly_n_def assms vec_eq_iff Let_def)
  have d: "degree (i<n. monom (g $ (n - Suc i)) i) = degree (poly_of_vec g)" 
    unfolding poly_of_vec_def Let_def n by auto
  fix i assume i1: "i < n - Suc (degree (i<n. monom (g $ (n - Suc i)) i))" 
    and i2: "i < n"
  have i3: "i < n - Suc (degree (poly_of_vec g))" 
    using i1 unfolding d by auto
  hence "dim_vec g - Suc i > degree (poly_of_vec g)"
    using n by linarith
  then show "g $ i = 0" using i1 i2 i3    
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_diff_Suc coeff_poly_of_vec diff_Suc_less 
        diff_diff_cancel leD le_degree less_imp_le_nat n neq0_conv)
  fix i assume "i < n"
  thus "coeff (i<n. monom (g $ (n - Suc i)) i) (n - Suc i) = g $ i"    
    by (metis (no_types) Suc_diff_Suc coeff_poly_of_vec diff_diff_cancel 
        diff_less_Suc less_imp_le_nat n not_less_eq poly_of_vec_def)

lemma poly_of_vec_scalar_mult:
  assumes "degree b<n"
  shows "poly_of_vec (a v (vec_of_poly_n b n)) = smult a b"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: poly_eq_iff coeff_poly_of_vec vec_of_poly_n_def coeff_eq_0)

(*TODO: replace the one in Resultant.thy*)
definition vec_of_poly_rev_shifted where
  "vec_of_poly_rev_shifted p n s j 
   vec n (λi. if i  j  j  s + i then coeff p (s + i - j) else 0)"

lemma vec_of_poly_rev_shifted_dim[simp]: "dim_vec (vec_of_poly_rev_shifted p n s j) = n"
  unfolding vec_of_poly_rev_shifted_def by auto

lemma col_sylvester_sub: (* TODO: from this directly derive col_sylvester *)
  assumes j: "j < m + n"
  shows "col (sylvester_mat_sub m n p q) j =
    vec_of_poly_rev_shifted p n m j @v vec_of_poly_rev_shifted q m n j" (is "?l = ?r")
  show "dim_vec ?l = dim_vec ?r" by simp
  fix i assume "i < dim_vec ?r" then have i: "i < m+n" by auto
  show "?l $ i = ?r $ i"
    unfolding vec_of_poly_rev_shifted_def
    apply (subst index_col) using i apply simp using j apply simp
    apply (subst sylvester_mat_sub_index) using i apply simp using j apply simp
    apply (cases "i < n") using i apply force using i
    apply (auto simp: not_less not_le intro!: coeff_eq_0)

lemma vec_of_poly_rev_shifted_scalar_prod:
  fixes p v
  defines "q  poly_of_vec v"
  assumes m: "degree p  m" and n: "dim_vec v = n"
  assumes j: "j < m+n"
  shows "vec_of_poly_rev_shifted p n m (n+m-Suc j)  v = coeff (p * q) j" (is "?l = ?r")
proof -
  have id1: " i. m + i - (n + m - Suc j) = i + Suc j - n"
    using j by auto
  let ?g = "λ i. if i  n + m - Suc j  n - Suc j  i then coeff p (i + Suc j - n) *  v $ i else 0"
  have "?thesis = ((i = 0..<n. ?g i) =          
        (ij. coeff p i * (if j - i < n then v $ (n - Suc (j - i)) else 0)))" (is "_ = (?l = ?r)")
    unfolding vec_of_poly_rev_shifted_def coeff_mult m scalar_prod_def n q_def
    by (subst sum.cong, insert id1, auto)
  also have "..." 
  proof -
    have "?r = (ij. (if j - i < n then coeff p i * v $ (n - Suc (j - i)) else 0))" (is "_ = sum ?f _")
      by (rule sum.cong, auto)
    also have "sum ?f {..j} = sum ?f ({i. i  j  j - i < n}  {i. i  j  ¬ j - i < n})" 
      (is "_ = sum _ (?R1  ?R2)")
      by (rule sum.cong, auto)
    also have " = sum ?f ?R1 + sum ?f ?R2"
      by (subst sum.union_disjoint, auto)
    also have "sum ?f ?R2 = 0"
      by (rule sum.neutral, auto)
    also have "sum ?f ?R1 + 0 = sum (λ i. coeff p i * v $ (i + n - Suc j)) ?R1"
      (is "_ = sum ?F _")
      by (subst sum.cong, auto simp: ac_simps)
    also have " = sum ?F ((?R1  {..m})  (?R1 - {..m}))"
      (is "_ = sum _ (?R  ?R')")
      by (rule sum.cong, auto)
    also have " = sum ?F ?R + sum ?F ?R'"
      by (subst sum.union_disjoint, auto)
    also have "sum ?F ?R' = 0"
    proof -
        fix x
        assume "x > m" 
        with m
        have "?F x = 0" by (subst coeff_eq_0, auto)
      thus ?thesis
        by (subst sum.neutral, auto)
    finally have r: "?r = sum ?F ?R" by simp

    have "?l = sum ?g ({i. i < n  i  n + m - Suc j  n - Suc j  i} 
       {i. i < n  ¬ (i  n + m - Suc j  n - Suc j  i)})" 
      (is "_ = sum _ (?L1  ?L2)")
      by (rule sum.cong, auto)
    also have " = sum ?g ?L1 + sum ?g ?L2"
      by (subst sum.union_disjoint, auto)
    also have "sum ?g ?L2 = 0"
      by (rule sum.neutral, auto)
    also have "sum ?g ?L1 + 0 = sum (λ i. coeff p (i + Suc j - n) * v $ i) ?L1"
      (is "_ = sum ?G _")
      by (subst sum.cong, auto)
    also have " = sum ?G (?L1  {i. i + Suc j - n  m}  (?L1 - {i. i + Suc j - n  m}))"
      (is "_ = sum _ (?L  ?L')")
      by (subst sum.cong, auto)
    also have " = sum ?G ?L + sum ?G ?L'"
      by (subst sum.union_disjoint, auto)
    also have "sum ?G ?L' = 0"
    proof -
        fix x
        assume "x + Suc j - n > m" 
        with m
        have "?G x = 0" by (subst coeff_eq_0, auto)
      thus ?thesis
        by (subst sum.neutral, auto)
    finally have l: "?l = sum ?G ?L" by simp

    let ?bij = "λ i. i + n - Suc j"
      fix x
      assume x: "j < m + n" "Suc (x + j) - n  m" "x < n" "n - Suc j  x" 
      define y where "y = x + Suc j - n"
      from x have "x + Suc j  n" by auto
      with x have xy: "x = ?bij y" unfolding y_def by auto
      from x have y: "y  ?R" unfolding y_def by auto
      have "x  ?bij ` ?R" unfolding xy using y by blast
    } note tedious = this
    show ?thesis unfolding l r
      by (rule sum.reindex_cong[of ?bij], insert j, auto simp: inj_on_def tedious)
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma sylvester_sub_poly:
  fixes p q :: "'a :: comm_semiring_0 poly"
  assumes m: "degree p  m"
  assumes n: "degree q  n"
  assumes v: "v  carrier_vec (m+n)"
  shows "poly_of_vec ((sylvester_mat_sub m n p q)T *v v) =
    poly_of_vec (vec_first v n) * p + poly_of_vec (vec_last v m) * q" (is "?l = ?r")
proof (rule poly_eqI)
  fix i
  let ?Tv = "(sylvester_mat_sub m n p q)T *v v"
  have dim: "dim_vec (vec_first v n) = n" "dim_vec (vec_last v m) = m" "dim_vec ?Tv = n + m" 
    using v by auto
  have if_distrib: " x y z. (if x then y else (0 :: 'a)) * z = (if x then y * z else 0)" 
    by auto
  show "coeff ?l i = coeff ?r i"
  proof (cases "i < m+n")
    case False
      hence i_mn: "i  m+n"
        and i_n: "x. x  i  x < n  x < n"
        and i_m: "x. x  i  x < m  x < m" by auto
      have "coeff ?r i =
            ( x < n. vec_first v n $ (n - Suc x) * coeff p (i - x)) +
            ( x < m. vec_last v m $ (m - Suc x) * coeff q (i - x))"
        (is "_ = sum ?f _ + sum ?g _")
        unfolding coeff_add coeff_mult Let_def 
        unfolding coeff_poly_of_vec dim if_distrib
        unfolding atMost_def
        apply(subst sum.inter_filter[symmetric],simp)
        apply(subst sum.inter_filter[symmetric],simp)
        unfolding mem_Collect_eq
        unfolding i_n i_m
        unfolding lessThan_def by simp
      also { fix x assume x: "x < n"
        have "coeff p (i-x) = 0"
          apply(rule coeff_eq_0) using i_mn x m by auto
        hence "?f x = 0" by auto
      } hence "sum ?f {..<n} = 0" by auto
      also { fix x assume x: "x < m"
        have "coeff q (i-x) = 0"
          apply(rule coeff_eq_0) using i_mn x n by auto
        hence "?g x = 0" by auto
      } hence "sum ?g {..<m} = 0" by auto
      finally have "coeff ?r i = 0" by auto
      also from False have "0 = coeff ?l i"
        unfolding coeff_poly_of_vec dim sum.distrib[symmetric] by auto
      finally show ?thesis by auto
    next case True
      hence "coeff ?l i = ((sylvester_mat_sub m n p q)T *v v) $ (n + m - Suc i)"
        unfolding coeff_poly_of_vec dim sum.distrib[symmetric] by auto
      also have "... = coeff (p * poly_of_vec (vec_first v n) + q * poly_of_vec (vec_last v m)) i"
        apply(subst index_mult_mat_vec) using True apply simp
        apply(subst row_transpose) using True apply simp
        apply(subst col_sylvester_sub)
        using True apply simp
        apply(subst vec_first_last_append[of v n m,symmetric]) using v apply(simp add: add.commute)
        apply(subst scalar_prod_append)
        apply (rule carrier_vecI,simp)+
        apply (subst vec_of_poly_rev_shifted_scalar_prod[OF m],simp) using True apply simp
        apply (subst add.commute[of n m])
        apply (subst vec_of_poly_rev_shifted_scalar_prod[OF n]) apply simp using True apply simp
        by simp
      also have "... =
        (xi. (if x < n then vec_first v n $ (n - Suc x) else 0) * coeff p (i - x)) +
        (xi. (if x < m then vec_last v m $ (m - Suc x) else 0) * coeff q (i - x))"
        unfolding coeff_poly_of_vec[of "vec_first v n",unfolded dim_vec_first,symmetric]
        unfolding coeff_poly_of_vec[of "vec_last v m",unfolded dim_vec_last,symmetric]
        unfolding coeff_mult[symmetric] by (simp add: mult.commute)
      also have "... = coeff ?r i"
        unfolding coeff_add coeff_mult Let_def
        unfolding coeff_poly_of_vec dim..
      finally show ?thesis.

(**** End of the lemmas which could be moved to Algebraic_Numbers/Resultant.thy ****)

(**** The following lemmas could be moved to Computational_Algebra/Polynomial.thy ****)

lemma normalize_field [simp]: "normalize (a :: 'a :: {field, semiring_gcd}) = (if a = 0 then 0 else 1)"
  using unit_factor_normalize by fastforce

lemma content_field [simp]: "content (p :: 'a :: {field,semiring_gcd} poly) = (if p = 0 then 0 else 1)"
  by (induct p, auto simp: content_def)

lemma primitive_part_field [simp]: "primitive_part (p :: 'a :: {field,semiring_gcd} poly) = p"
  by (cases "p = 0", auto intro!: primitive_part_prim)

lemma primitive_part_dvd: "primitive_part a dvd a"
  by (metis content_times_primitive_part dvd_def dvd_refl mult_smult_right)

lemma degree_abs [simp]:
  "degree ¦p¦ = degree p" by (auto simp: abs_poly_def)

lemma degree_gcd1:
  assumes a_not0: "a  0" 
  shows "degree (gcd a b)  degree a"
proof -
  let ?g = "gcd a b"
  have gcd_dvd_b: "?g dvd a" by simp
  from this obtain c where a_gc: "a = ?g * c" unfolding dvd_def by auto
  have g_not0: "?g 0" using a_not0 a_gc by auto
  have c0: "c  0" using a_not0 a_gc by auto
  have "degree ?g  degree (?g * c)" by (rule degree_mult_right_le[OF c0])
  also have "... = degree a" using a_gc by auto
  finally show ?thesis .  

lemma primitive_part_neg [simp]:
  fixes a::"'a :: {factorial_ring_gcd,factorial_semiring_multiplicative} poly"
  shows "primitive_part (-a) = - primitive_part a"
proof -
  have "primitive_part (-a) = primitive_part (smult (-1) a)" by auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding primitive_part_smult
    by (simp add: is_unit_unit_factor)

lemma content_uminus[simp]: 
  fixes f::"int poly"
  shows "content (-f) = content f"
proof -
  have "-f = - (smult 1 f)" by auto
  also have "... = smult (-1) f" using smult_minus_left by auto
  finally have "content (-f) = content (smult (-1) f)" by auto
  also have "... = normalize (- 1) * content f" unfolding content_smult ..
  finally show ?thesis by auto  

lemma pseudo_mod_monic:
  fixes f g :: "'a::{comm_ring_1,semiring_1_no_zero_divisors} poly"
  defines "r  pseudo_mod f g"
  assumes monic_g: "monic g"
  shows "q.  f = g * q + r" "r = 0  degree r < degree g"
proof -
  let ?cg = "coeff g (degree g)"
  let ?cge = "?cg ^ (Suc (degree f) - degree g)"
  define a where "a = ?cge"
  from r_def[unfolded pseudo_mod_def] obtain q where pdm: "pseudo_divmod f g = (q, r)"
    by (cases "pseudo_divmod f g") auto
  have g: "g  0" using monic_g by auto
  from pseudo_divmod[OF g pdm] have id: "smult a f = g * q + r" and "r = 0  degree r < degree g"
    by (auto simp: a_def)
  have a1: "a = 1" unfolding a_def using monic_g by auto
  hence id2: "f = g * q + r" using id by auto  
  show "r = 0  degree r < degree g" by fact  
  from g have "a  0"
    by (auto simp: a_def)  
  with id2 show "q. f = g * q + r"
    by auto

lemma monic_imp_div_mod_int_poly_degree: 
  fixes p :: "'a::{comm_ring_1,semiring_1_no_zero_divisors} poly"
  assumes m: "monic u"
  shows "q r. p = q*u + r  (r = 0  degree r < degree u)" 
  using pseudo_mod_monic[OF m] using mult.commute by metis

corollary monic_imp_div_mod_int_poly_degree2: 
  fixes p :: "'a::{comm_ring_1,semiring_1_no_zero_divisors} poly"
  assumes m: "monic u" and deg_u: "degree u > 0"
  shows "q r. p = q*u + r  (degree r < degree u)"
proof -  
  obtain q r where "p = q * u + r" and r: "(r = 0  degree r < degree u)" 
      using monic_imp_div_mod_int_poly_degree[OF m, of p] by auto
    moreover have "degree r < degree u" using deg_u r by auto  
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto
(**** End of the lemmas that could be moved to Computational_Algebra/Polynomial.thy ****)

(* To be categorized *)
lemma (in zero_hom) hom_upper_triangular:
  "A  carrier_mat n n  upper_triangular A  upper_triangular (map_mat hom A)"
  by (auto simp: upper_triangular_def)
