Theory MPI_Code
theory MPI_Code
sublocale MDP_nat_disc ⊆ MDP_MPI
by unfold_locales
context MDP_Code begin
definition "d0 = D_Map.from_list' (λs. fst (hd (a_inorder (s_lookup mdp s)))) [0..<states]"
definition "r_min_code =
min 0 (MIN s ∈ set [0..<states]. MIN (_, r, _) ∈ set (a_inorder (s_lookup mdp s)). r)"
definition "v0_code = V_Map.arr_tabulate (λs. r_min_code / (1 - l)) states"
definition "d0_code = D_Map.from_list' (λs. fst (hd (a_inorder (s_lookup mdp s)))) [0..<states]"
definition "find_policy_L_code v =
fold (λs (d', v').
let (ds, vs) = find_policy_state_code_aux' v s in
(d_update s ds d', v_update s vs v')) [0..<states] (d_empty, V_Map.arr_tabulate (λ_. 0) states)"
definition "find_policy_L_code' v =
fold (λs (d', v').
let (ds, vs) = find_policy_state_code_aux' v s in
(d_update s ds d', v_update s vs v')) [0..<states] (d_empty, v)"
lemma fold_prod: "fold (λx (a1, a2). (f x a1, g x a2)) xs (z1, z2) =
(fold f xs z1, fold g xs z2)"
by (induction xs arbitrary: z1 z2) auto
lemma s_lookup_entries_eq:
assumes "s < states"
shows "{(a, r, pmf_of_list k) | a r k. (a, r, k) ∈ A_Map.entries (s_lookup mdp s)}
= {(a, MDP_r (s,a), MDP_K (s,a)) | a . a ∈ MDP_A s}"
proof -
have "∃k. MDP_K (s, a) = pmf_of_list k ∧ (a, MDP_r (s, a), k) ∈ A_Map.entries (s_lookup mdp s)"
if "a ∈ MDP_A s" for a
by (metis a_map_entries_lookup fst_sa_lookup'_eq assms prod.collapse snd_sa_lookup'_eq that)
thus ?thesis
using entries_A_eq_K assms entries_A_eq_r
by (auto simp: a_inorderD(1))
lemma a_lookup_entries: "A_Map.invar m ⟹ kv ∈ A_Map.entries m ⟹ a_lookup' m (fst kv) = snd kv"
by (metis A_Map.inorder_lookup_Some a_lookup'_def prod.collapse)
lemma a_inorder_eq_MDP_A: "x < states ⟹ fst ` set (a_inorder (s_lookup mdp x)) = MDP_A x"
using A_Map.keys_def MDP_A_def by presburger
lemma find_policy_L_code_split:
assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
shows "fst (find_policy_L_code v) = vi_find_policy_code v"
"⋀i. i < states ⟹ v_lookup (snd (find_policy_L_code v)) i = v_lookup (ℒ_code v) i "
"v_len (snd (find_policy_L_code v)) = states"
"v_invar (snd (find_policy_L_code v))"
proof (goal_cases)
have **: "(x,y) ∈ A_Map.entries ( (s_lookup mdp i)) ⟹ (a_lookup' (s_lookup mdp i) x) = y"
if "i < states" for i x y
by (simp add: A_Map.inorder_lookup_Some a_lookup'_def invar_s_lookup that)
have *: "find_policy_L_code v =
(vi_find_policy_code v,
fold (λs. v_update s (snd (find_policy_state_code_aux' v s))) [0..<states]
(V_Map.arr_tabulate (λ_.0) states))"
unfolding find_policy_L_code_def vi_find_policy_code_def
by (simp add: foldl_conv_fold case_prod_beta fold_prod D_Map.from_list'_def)
have **:
"v_lookup (fold (λs. v_update s (snd (find_policy_state_code_aux' v s))) [0..<states] v0) i =
v_lookup (ℒ_code v) i"
if "i < states" for i
unfolding ℒ_code_def ℒ_GS_code_def V_Map.arr_tabulate_def
using V_Map.invar_array v0_correct
using A_Map.is_empty_def A_Map.invar_def A_Map.entries_def
using ne_s_lookup invar_s_lookup a_lookup_entries
using that
by (auto simp: fold_max_eq_arg_max' image_image case_prod_beta find_policy_state_code_aux_eq
V_Map.lookup_array v_lookup_fold)
case 1
thus ?case using * by auto
case 3
show ?case
unfolding *
by (auto simp: V_len_fold)
case 4
show ?case
unfolding *
by (auto simp: V_invar_fold)
case (2 i) thus ?case
using **
by (auto simp: * v0_def)
definition "L_code d v =
V_Map.arr_tabulate (λs. L⇩a_code (a_lookup' (s_lookup mdp s) (d_lookup' d s)) v) states"
lemma L_code_correct:
assumes "s < states" "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
"D_Map.keys d = MDP.state_space" "D_Map.invar d" "(⋀s. s < states ⟹ d_lookup' d s ∈ MDP_A s)"
"v_lookup (L_code d v) s = MDP.L (MDP.mk_dec_det (D_Map.map_to_fun d)) (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) s"
using assms
unfolding L_code_def MDP.L_eq_L⇩a_det
by (auto simp: map_to_fun_lookup L_GS_code_correct')
lemma L_code_invar: "v_invar (L_code d v)"
by (simp add: L_code_def)
lemma L_code_keys:
assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
"D_Map.keys d = MDP.state_space" "D_Map.invar d" "(⋀s. s < states ⟹ d_lookup' d s ∈ MDP_A s)"
shows "v_len (L_code d v) = states"
by (simp add: L_code_def)
definition "L_pow_code v d m = (L_code d ^^ m) v"
lemma L_pow_code_Suc: "L_pow_code v d (Suc m) = L_code d (L_pow_code v d m)"
by (auto simp: L_pow_code_def)
lemma L_code_to_bfun:
assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
"D_Map.keys d = MDP.state_space" "D_Map.invar d" "(⋀s. s < states ⟹ d_lookup' d s ∈ MDP_A s)"
shows "V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_code d v) =
MDP.L (MDP.mk_dec_det (D_Map.map_to_fun d)) (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)"
proof (rule bfun_eqI)
fix s
show "(V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_code d v)) s =
(MDP.L (MDP.mk_dec_det (D_Map.map_to_fun d)) (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) s"
proof (cases "s < states")
case True
then show ?thesis
using L_code_correct assms
by (auto simp: L_code_def v_lookup_map_to_bfun)
case False
then show ?thesis
using assms
by (subst MDP.L_zero) (auto simp: L_code_def V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq split: option.splits)
lemma L_pow_code_correct:
assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
"D_Map.keys d = MDP.state_space" "D_Map.invar d" "(⋀s. s < states ⟹ d_lookup' d s ∈ MDP_A s)"
"v_len (L_pow_code v d m) = states"
"v_invar (L_pow_code v d m)"
"V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code v d m) = ((MDP.L_pow (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) ((D_Map.map_to_fun d))) m) "
using assms
proof (induction m arbitrary: v)
case (Suc m)
case 3
then show ?case
using Suc
by (auto simp: L_pow_code_def L_code_to_bfun MDP.L_pow_def)
qed (auto simp add: L_pow_code_def L_code_to_bfun L_code_def MDP.L_pow_def)
partial_function (tailrec) mpi_partial_code where
"mpi_partial_code eps d v m =
(let (d', v') = find_policy_L_code v in (
if l = 0 ∨ check_dist v v' eps
then (d', v)
else mpi_partial_code eps d' (L_pow_code v' d' m) m))"
lemmas mpi_partial_code.simps[code]
lemma vi_find_policy_code_correct':
assumes "v_len v_code = states" "v_invar v_code"
shows "d_lookup (vi_find_policy_code v_code) s = (
if s < states then Some (MDP.find_policy' (V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code) s) else None)"
using assms vi_find_policy_code_correct[of v_code s] d_invar_vi_find_policy_code
using d_keys_vi_find_policy_code D_Map.lookup_None_set_inorder[of "vi_find_policy_code v_code" s]
unfolding MDP.find_policy'_def D_Map.map_to_fun_def
by (auto simp: least_arg_max_def MDP.is_opt_act_def vi_find_policy_code_notin split: option.splits)
lemma L⇩a_equiv: "(L⇩a_code (a_lookup' (s_lookup mdp s) (d_lookup' d s)) v) = (L⇩a_code (a_lookup' (s_lookup mdp s) (d_lookup' d s)) v')"
if "⋀i. i < states ⟹ v_lookup v i = v_lookup v' i" "s < states" "v_len v = states" "v_len v' = states" "v_invar v" "v_invar v'"
"D_Map.keys d = MDP.state_space" "D_Map.invar d" "(⋀s. s < states ⟹ d_lookup' d s ∈ MDP_A s)"
for s v v' d
proof -
have "V_Map.map_to_bfun v = V_Map.map_to_bfun v'"
using that
by (auto simp: V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq)
moreover have *: "L⇩a_code (a_lookup' (s_lookup mdp s) (d_lookup' d s)) v = MDP.L⇩a (d_lookup' d s) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) s"
using that snd_sa_lookup'_eq pmf_of_list_wf_mdp set_list_pmf_in_states[of s "(d_lookup' d s)"]
by (subst L⇩a_code_correct[of s _ _ "(d_lookup' d s)"]) (fastforce simp add: fst_sa_lookup'_eq)+
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding *
using that snd_sa_lookup'_eq pmf_of_list_wf_mdp set_list_pmf_in_states[of s " d_lookup' d s"]
by (subst L⇩a_code_correct[of s _ _ "(d_lookup' d s)"]) (auto simp add: fst_sa_lookup'_eq )
lemma L_code_equiv: "v_lookup (L_code d v) i = v_lookup (L_code d v') i"
if "⋀i. i < states ⟹ v_lookup v i = v_lookup v' i" "i < states" "D_Map.keys d = MDP.state_space" "D_Map.invar d" "(⋀s. s < states ⟹ d_lookup' d s ∈ MDP_A s)"
"v_len v = states" "v_len v' = states" "v_invar v" "v_invar v'"
unfolding L_code_def
using that
by (auto intro!: L⇩a_equiv)
lemma L_pow_code_equiv: "v_lookup (L_pow_code v d m) i = v_lookup (L_pow_code v' d m) i" if "⋀i. i < states ⟹ v_lookup v i = v_lookup v' i" "i < states"
"D_Map.keys d = MDP.state_space" "D_Map.invar d" "(⋀s. s < states ⟹ d_lookup' d s ∈ MDP_A s)" "v_len v = states" "v_len v' = states" "v_invar v" "v_invar v'"
for v v' d i m
using that L_code_invar
proof (induction m arbitrary: v v' i)
case 0
then show ?case by (simp add: L_pow_code_def)
case (Suc m)
thus ?case
unfolding L_pow_code_Suc
using L_pow_code_correct L_code_equiv
by presburger
lemma map_to_bfun_snd_find_policy_L_code:
assumes "v_len v_code = states" "v_invar v_code"
shows "V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (find_policy_L_code v_code)) = V_Map.map_to_bfun(ℒ_code v_code)"
using invar_ℒ_code
by (auto simp: V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq assms find_policy_L_code_split)
lemma mpi_partial_code_correct:
fixes eps d_code v_code m_code
assumes "MDP.mpi_algo_dom eps (d, v, m)"
assumes "v = V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code"
assumes "d = D_Map.map_to_fun d_code"
assumes "m = (λ(a::nat) (b:: nat ⇒⇩b real). m_code)"
assumes "eps > 0"
assumes "d ∈ MDP.D⇩D"
assumes "v ≤ MDP.ℒ⇩b v"
assumes "v_invar v_code"
assumes "v_len v_code = states"
"D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)) = fst (MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m)"
"V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)) = snd (MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m)"
proof -
have "MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m = (D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)),
V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)))"
using assms
proof (induction d v m arbitrary: d_code v_code m_code rule: MDP.mpi_algo.pinduct)
case (1 d v m)
then show ?case
proof (cases "l = 0")
case True
have *: "mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code = (let (d', v') = find_policy_L_code v_code in (d', v_code))" for v_code
using True mpi_partial_code.simps by presburger
have "MDP.mpi_algo eps (D_Map.map_to_fun d_code) (V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code) (λa b. m_code) = (MDP.find_policy' v, v)"
using 1 True MDP.mpi_algo.psimps
by auto
also have "… = (D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)), V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)))"
using "1.prems"
by (auto simp: * case_prod_beta vi_find_policy_correct find_policy_L_code_split)
finally show ?thesis
unfolding 1
by auto
case False
hence "check_dist v_code (ℒ_code v_code) eps ⟷ dist v (MDP.ℒ⇩b v) < (eps * (1 - l)) / (2 * l)"
using 1 invar_ℒ_code assms(6) ℒ_code_correct'
by (auto simp: check_dist_correct)
hence *: "check_dist v_code (ℒ_code v_code) eps ⟷ 2 * l * dist v (MDP.ℒ⇩b v) < eps * (1 - l)"
using zero_le_disc_locale False
by (auto simp: algebra_simps less_divide_eq)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "check_dist v_code (ℒ_code v_code) eps")
case True
hence "2 * l * dist v (MDP.ℒ⇩b v) < eps * (1 - l)"
using * by auto
hence *: "MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m = (MDP.find_policy' v, v)"
by (simp add: MDP.mpi_algo.domintros MDP.mpi_algo.psimps)
moreover have **:
"(mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code) = (fst (find_policy_L_code v_code), v_code)"
using "1.prems" True False
by (simp add: mpi_partial_code.simps check_dist_def find_policy_L_code_split case_prod_beta)
ultimately show ?thesis
using "1.prems"
by (simp add: find_policy_L_code_split vi_find_policy_correct)
case False
hence not_check: "¬2 * l * dist v (MDP.ℒ⇩b v) < eps * (1 - l)"
using * by auto
have d_in_A: "⋀s. s < states ⟹ d_lookup' (vi_find_policy_code v_code) s ∈ MDP_A s"
unfolding d_lookup'_def
using "1.prems" MDP.find_policy'_is_dec_det MDP.is_dec_det_def
by (auto simp: vi_find_policy_code_correct' )
have aux: "V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code v_code (vi_find_policy_code v_code) (Suc m_code)) =
V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code (ℒ_code v_code) (vi_find_policy_code v_code) m_code)"
proof -
have **: "i < states ⟹ v_lookup (L_code (vi_find_policy_code v_code) v_code) i = v_lookup (ℒ_code v_code) i" for i
using d_in_A d_invar_vi_find_policy_code d_keys_vi_find_policy_code
using "1.prems"(7,8) MDP.ν_improving_imp_ℒ⇩b[OF MDP.find_policy'_improving]
by (auto simp: L_code_correct ℒ_code_correct vi_find_policy_correct)
have *: "V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code v_code (vi_find_policy_code v_code) (Suc m_code)) =
V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code (L_code (vi_find_policy_code v_code) v_code) (vi_find_policy_code v_code) m_code)"
by (simp add: L_pow_code_def funpow_swap1)
show ?thesis
unfolding *
by (auto intro!: bfun_eqI L_pow_code_equiv simp: L_pow_code_correct(1,2)
d_invar_vi_find_policy_code d_keys_vi_find_policy_code
L_code_keys L_code_invar invar_ℒ_code keys_ℒ_code
V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq ** "1.prems"(7,8) d_in_A)
have "MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m = MDP.mpi_algo eps (D_Map.map_to_fun d_code) (V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code) (λa b. m_code)"
using 1 by auto
also have "… =
MDP.mpi_algo eps (MDP.find_policy' v) (MDP.L_pow v (MDP.find_policy' v) (Suc m_code)) m"
using 1 not_check by (auto simp: MDP.mpi_algo.psimps)
also have "… = MDP.mpi_algo eps (D_Map.map_to_fun (vi_find_policy_code v_code)) (MDP.L_pow (V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code) (D_Map.map_to_fun (vi_find_policy_code v_code)) (Suc m_code)) m"
using 1 by (auto simp: vi_find_policy_correct[symmetric])
also have "… = MDP.mpi_algo eps (D_Map.map_to_fun (vi_find_policy_code v_code)) (V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code v_code (vi_find_policy_code v_code) (Suc m_code))) m"
using 1 L_pow_code_correct(3) d_in_A d_invar_vi_find_policy_code d_keys_vi_find_policy_code
by auto
also have "… = MDP.mpi_algo eps (D_Map.map_to_fun (vi_find_policy_code v_code)) (V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code (ℒ_code v_code) (vi_find_policy_code v_code) m_code)) m"
using aux by auto
also have "… = (let (d', v') = (mpi_partial_code eps (vi_find_policy_code v_code) (L_pow_code (ℒ_code v_code) (vi_find_policy_code v_code) m_code) m_code) in
(D_Map.map_to_fun d', V_Map.map_to_bfun v'))"
proof -
[simp]: "v_invar (L_pow_code (ℒ_code v_code) (vi_find_policy_code v_code) m_code)"
and [simp]: "v_len (L_pow_code (ℒ_code v_code) (vi_find_policy_code v_code) m_code) = states"
and L_pow_code_eq:
"MDP.L_pow (V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code) (MDP.find_policy' (V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code)) (Suc m_code) = V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code (ℒ_code v_code) (vi_find_policy_code v_code) m_code)"
using d_in_A keys_ℒ_code invar_ℒ_code 1 d_keys_vi_find_policy_code d_invar_vi_find_policy_code L_pow_code_correct
by (auto simp: aux[symmetric] vi_find_policy_correct)
show ?thesis
unfolding Let_def case_prod_beta
using MDP.find_policy'_is_dec_det not_check "1.prems"(6)
by (subst 1(2)[symmetric]) (auto simp: "1.prems" L_pow_code_eq[symmetric] vi_find_policy_correct intro!: MDP.L_pow_ℒ⇩b_mono_inv')
also have "… = MDP.mpi_algo eps (MDP.find_policy' v) (MDP.L_pow v (MDP.find_policy' v) (Suc (m 0 v))) (λa. m (Suc a))"
unfolding Let_def case_prod_beta
using ‹l≠ 0› not_check
using MDP.find_policy'_is_dec_det d_invar_vi_find_policy_code d_keys_vi_find_policy_code
using MDP.L_pow_ℒ⇩b_mono_inv' vi_find_policy_correct
using "1.prems" L_pow_code_correct d_in_A invar_ℒ_code keys_ℒ_code
by (auto simp: 1(2)[symmetric] aux[symmetric])
also have "… = (D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)), V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)))"
proof -
have *: "MDP.L_pow (V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code) (MDP.find_policy' (V_Map.map_to_bfun v_code)) (Suc m_code) =
V_Map.map_to_bfun (L_pow_code (snd (find_policy_L_code v_code)) (fst (find_policy_L_code v_code)) m_code)"
using d_keys_vi_find_policy_code d_invar_vi_find_policy_code d_in_A
using "1.prems" L_pow_code_correct aux invar_ℒ_code map_to_bfun_snd_find_policy_L_code vi_find_policy_correct
by (auto simp: find_policy_L_code_split)
show ?thesis
unfolding mpi_partial_code.simps[of _ _ v_code]
using not_check False "1.prems"
using d_in_A d_invar_vi_find_policy_code d_keys_vi_find_policy_code
find_policy_L_code_split MDP.L_pow_ℒ⇩b_mono_inv' *[symmetric]
using MDP.find_policy'_is_dec_det
by (auto simp: case_prod_beta check_dist_def 1(2)[symmetric] L_pow_code_correct vi_find_policy_correct)
finally show "MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m = (D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)), V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)))"
by auto
thus "D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)) = fst (MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m)" " V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (mpi_partial_code eps d_code v_code m_code)) = snd (MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m)"
using assms
by (auto simp: MDP.termination_mpi_algo)
lemma d_map_to_fun_from_list': "D_Map.map_to_fun (D_Map.from_list' f xs) a = (if a ∈ set xs then f a else 0)"
by (simp add: d_lookup'_def map_to_fun_lookup map_to_fun_notin)
definition "MPI_code eps m =
(if eps ≤ 0 then undefined else
let (d, v) = mpi_partial_code eps d0_code v0_code m in d)"
lemma d0_code_is_dec_det: "MDP.is_dec_det (D_Map.map_to_fun d0_code)"
unfolding d0_code_def A_Map.keys_def MDP.is_dec_det_def MDP_A_def
using MDP_A_outside ne_s_lookup A_Map.is_empty_def
by (auto split: option.splits simp: d_map_to_fun_from_list')
lemma Min_cong: "finite X ⟹ X ≠ {} ⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ X ⟹ f x = g x) ⟹ (MIN x ∈ X. f x) = (MIN x ∈ X. g x)"
by force
lemma r_min_code_correct:
assumes "states > 0"
shows "r_min_code = MDP.r_min"
proof -
have bounded_r': "bounded ((λa. MDP_r (x, a)) ` MDP_A x)" for x
using MDP.r_bounded'
unfolding bounded_def
by simp (meson UNIV_I)
have *: "(⨅a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a)) ≤ MDP_r (x,a)" if "a ∈ MDP_A x" for a x
using bounded_r' that
by (auto intro!: cInf_lower bounded_imp_bdd_below)
have ****: "MDP_r (s,a) ≤ MDP.r⇩M" for s a
using abs_le_iff MDP.abs_r_le_r⇩M by blast
have **: "bounded (range (λs'. ⨅a∈MDP_A s'. MDP_r (s', a)))"
using MDP.abs_r_le_r⇩M MDP.ex_dec_det MDP.is_dec_det_def MDP.A_ne
by (auto simp add: minus_le_iff abs_le_iff intro!: cINF_greatest order.trans[OF *] boundedI[of _ "MDP.r⇩M"])
have "MDP.r_min ≤ MDP_r (s, a)" if "a ∈ MDP_A s" for s a
using MDP.r_bounded' that **
by (auto intro!: bounded_imp_bdd_below cInf_lower2[OF _ *])
have bdd: "bdd_below ((λx. ⨅a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a)) ` {states..})"
using "**" bounded_real by (auto intro!: bounded_imp_bdd_below)
have "(⨅x. (⨅a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a))) = (⨅x∈{0..<states} ∪ {states..}. (⨅a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a)))"
by (simp add: ivl_disj_un_one(8))
also have "… = min (⨅x∈{0..<states}. (⨅a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a))) (⨅x∈{states..}. (⨅a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a)))"
using bdd
by (auto simp add: image_Un cInf_union_distrib inf_min assms)
also have "… = min (⨅x∈{0..<states}. (⨅a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a))) (⨅x∈{states..}. (⨅a∈MDP_A x. 0))"
using MDP_r_zero_notin_states by auto
also have "… = min (⨅x∈{0..<states}. (⨅a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a))) 0"
by auto
also have "… = min (MIN x∈{0..<states}. (MIN a∈MDP_A x. MDP_r (x, a))) 0"
using assms
by (simp add: cInf_eq_Min)
also have "… = r_min_code"
unfolding r_min_code_def
using assms A_Map.is_empty_def ne_s_lookup A_Map.entries_def entries_A_eq_r
by (auto simp: case_prod_beta MDP_A_def A_Map.keys_def min.commute image_image
intro!: Min_cong cong[of "min 0", OF refl])
finally show ?thesis..
lemma v0_code_correct: "s < states ⟹ v_lookup v0_code s = (MDP.v0_mpi⇩b s)"
unfolding v0_code_def MDP.v0_mpi⇩b.rep_eq MDP.v0_mpi_def
by (auto simp add: not_less MDP_r_zero_notin_states r_min_code_correct)
lemma v0_invar: "v_invar v0_code"
by (simp add: v0_code_def)
lemma v0_keys: "v_len v0_code = states"
by (simp add: v0_code_def)
lemma L⇩a_indep_notin:
assumes "s < states"
shows "MDP.L⇩a d (apply_bfun v) s = MDP.L⇩a d (bfun_if (λs. s < states) v u) s"
proof -
have " measure_pmf.expectation (MDP_K (s, d)) v =
measure_pmf.expectation (MDP_K (s, d)) (λs. if s < states then v s else u s)"
using MDP_K_closed assms
by (auto intro!: AE_pmfI integral_cong_AE simp: subset_eq)
thus ?thesis
by (auto simp: bfun_if.rep_eq)
lemma ℒ⇩b_indep_notin: "s < states ⟹ MDP.ℒ⇩b v s = MDP.ℒ⇩b (bfun_if (λs. s < states) v u) s"
unfolding MDP.ℒ⇩b_eq_SUP_L⇩a'
using L⇩a_indep_notin by presburger
"V_Map.map_to_bfun v0_code ≤ MDP.ℒ⇩b (V_Map.map_to_bfun v0_code)"
proof (rule less_eq_bfunI)
fix x
show "(V_Map.map_to_bfun v0_code) x ≤ (MDP.ℒ⇩b (V_Map.map_to_bfun v0_code)) x"
proof (cases "x < states")
case True
have "(V_Map.map_to_bfun v0_code) x = MDP.v0_mpi⇩b x"
using True v0_keys
by (simp add: True V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq v0_code_correct v0_invar)
also have "… ≤ MDP.ℒ⇩b MDP.v0_mpi⇩b x"
using MDP.v0_mpi⇩b_le_ℒ⇩b by blast
also have "… = MDP.ℒ⇩b ((bfun_if (λs. s < states) (V_Map.map_to_bfun v0_code)) (MDP.v0_mpi⇩b)) x"
using v0_invar
by (auto simp: apply_bfun_inverse bfun_if_def V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq v0_code_correct MDP.L_def v0_keys MDP.ℒ_def cong: if_cong)
also have "… = MDP.ℒ⇩b (V_Map.map_to_bfun v0_code) x"
using True ℒ⇩b_indep_notin by presburger
finally show ?thesis.
case False
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: MDP.ℒ⇩b_zero v0_code_def V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq)
fixes eps m_code
defines "d_opt_code ≡ (MPI_code eps m_code)"
defines "m ≡ (λ(a::nat) (b:: nat ⇒⇩b real). m_code)"
assumes "eps > 0"
defines "v ≡ V_Map.map_to_bfun v0_code"
defines "d ≡ D_Map.map_to_fun d0_code"
defines "m ≡ (λ(a::nat) (b:: nat ⇒⇩b real). m_code)"
"D_Map.map_to_fun d_opt_code = fst (MDP.mpi_algo eps d v m)"
unfolding d_def v_def m_def d_opt_code_def MPI_code_def
using assms d0_code_is_dec_det v0_code_inc_ℒ⇩b v0_invar MDP.termination_mpi_algo
by (auto simp: v0_keys case_prod_beta intro!: mpi_partial_code_correct(1))