Theory GS_Code

theory GS_Code

context MDP_nat_disc begin

lemma b_split_zero:
  assumes "s. s  states  apply_bfun v s = 0"
  shows "GS.ℒb_split v s = GS_rec_upto states v 0 s"
proof (cases "s < states")
  case True
  then show ?thesis using GS_rec_upto_correct by auto
  case False
  have aux: "s  states  apply_bfun (GS.ℒb_split v) s = 0" for s
  proof (induction s rule: less_induct)
    case (less x)
    have "r (x, a) = 0" if "a  A x" for a
      by (simp add: less.prems reward_zero_outside)
    moreover have "measure_pmf.expectation (K (x, a)) ((bfun_if (λs'. s' < x) (GS.ℒb_split v) v)) = 0" for a
      using K_closed_compl assms less
      by (fastforce simp: bfun_if.rep_eq intro!: AE_pmfI integral_eq_zero_AE)
    ultimately show ?case
      by (auto simp: A_ne b_split_GS)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis False GS_rec_upto_ge assms not_less)

context MDP_Code begin

function GS_iter_aux :: "nat  'tv  real  ('tv × real)" where
  "GS_iter_aux s v md = ( 
  if s  states 
  then (v, md)
  else (
    let vs_old = v_lookup v s;
        vs_new = ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s) v;
        vs_diff = abs (vs_old - vs_new);
        v' = v_update s vs_new v
        GS_iter_aux (Suc s) v' (max md vs_diff)))"
  by auto
  by (relation "Wellfounded.measure (λ(n, _). states - n)") auto

definition "GS_iter v = GS_iter_aux 0 v 0"

lemmas GS_iter_aux.simps[simp del]

lemma GS_iter_aux_fst_correct:
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "s < states  v_lookup (fst (GS_iter_aux n v md)) s = MDP.GS_rec_upto states (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) n s  v_invar (fst (GS_iter_aux n v md))"
  using assms unfolding GS_iter_def
proof (induction n v md rule: GS_iter_aux.induct)
  case (1 s v md)
  show ?case
    unfolding GS_iter_aux.simps[of s] MDP.GS_rec_upto.simps[of _ _ s]
    apply (auto simp add: "1.prems" assms(1) intro!: v_lookup_map_to_bfun)
     apply (simp add: 1 ℒ_GS_code_correct)
    using "1.IH"
     apply (smt (verit) "1.IH" "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) Sup.SUP_cong V_Map.invar_update V_Map.map_to_bfun_update ℒ_GS_code_correct linorder_le_less_linear v_len_update)
    by (auto simp add: "1.IH" ℒ_GS_code_correct 1 V_Map.map_to_bfun_update v_lookup_map_to_bfun v_len_update V_Map.invar_update)

lemma snd_GS_iter_aux_correct:
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "snd (GS_iter_aux n v md) = Max (Set.insert md ((λs. abs (MDP.GS_rec_upto states (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) n s - (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) s)) `  {n..<states}))"
  using assms unfolding GS_iter_def
proof (induction n v md rule: GS_iter_aux.induct)
  case (1 s' v md)
    assume s'_le: "s' < states"
    have "snd (GS_iter_aux s' v md) = (snd (GS_iter_aux (Suc s') (v_update s' (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v) v) (max md ¦v_lookup v s' - ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v¦)))"
      unfolding GS_iter_aux.simps[of s'] 
      using s'_le
      by auto
    also have " = Max (Set.insert (max md ¦v_lookup v s' - ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v¦)
          ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun (v_update s' (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v) v)))  (Suc s') s - apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun (v_update s' (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v) v)) s¦) ` {Suc s'..<states}))"
      apply (subst "1.IH")
      subgoal using s'_le by auto
      using s'_le v_len_update
      by (auto simp add: "1.prems" V_Map.invar_update s'_le)
    also have " = Max (Set.insert (max md ¦v_lookup v s' - ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v¦)
          ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states ((V_Map.map_to_bfun v)(s' := (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v))) (Suc s') s - apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun (v_update s' (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v) v)) s¦) ` {Suc s'..<states}))"
      using "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) V_Map.map_to_bfun_update s'_le by presburger
    also have " = Max (Set.insert (max md ¦v_lookup v s' - ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v¦)
          ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states ((V_Map.map_to_bfun v)(s' := aMDP_A s'. MDP.La a (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) s')) (Suc s') s - ((V_Map.map_to_bfun v) (s' := aMDP_A s'. MDP.La a (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) s')) s ¦) ` {Suc s'..<states}))"
      using "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) MDP.SUP_La_eq_det MDP.ℒb_eq_SUP_La V_Map.map_to_fun_update ℒ_code_correct ℒ_code_lookup map_to_bfun_eq_fun by auto

    also have " = Max (Set.insert (max md ¦v_lookup v s' - ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v¦)
          ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states ((V_Map.map_to_bfun v)(s' := aMDP_A s'. MDP.La a (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) s')) (Suc s') s - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s ¦) ` {Suc s'..<states}))"
      using "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) MDP.SUP_La_eq_det MDP.ℒb_eq_SUP_La V_Map.map_to_fun_update ℒ_code_correct ℒ_code_lookup map_to_bfun_eq_fun by auto
    also have " = Max (Set.insert (max md ¦v_lookup v s' - ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v¦)
          ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))  s' s - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s¦) ` {Suc s'..<states}))"
      using s'_le MDP.GS_rec_upto.simps[symmetric, of states "s'" "(apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))"]
      by presburger
    also have " = max md (Max (Set.insert (¦v_lookup v s' - ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v¦)
          ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))  s' s - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s¦) ` {Suc s'..<states})))"
    proof -
      have *: "Max (Set.insert (max x y) X) = max x (Max (Set.insert y X))" if "finite X" for X x y
        by (metis Max_insert Max_singleton max.assoc that)
      thus ?thesis
        by blast
    also have " = max md (Max (Set.insert (¦ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s'¦)
          ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))  s' s - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s¦) ` {Suc s'..<states})))"
      by (smt (verit, best) "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) v_lookup_map_to_bfun s'_le)
    also have " = max md (Max ((λs. (¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))  s' s - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s¦)) ` {s'} 
          ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))  s' s - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s¦) ` {Suc s'..<states})))"
    proof -
      have * :"ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s') v = MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))  s' s'"
        apply (subst MDP.GS_rec_upto_eq)
        using s'_le 
         apply blast
        using ℒ_GS_code_correct 1 s'_le
        by presburger
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: *)
    also have " = max md (Max ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))  s' s - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s¦) ` ({s'}  {Suc s'..<states})))"
      unfolding atLeastLessThan_def lessThan_def
      by auto
    also have " = max md (Max ((λs. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))  s' s - V_Map.map_to_bfun v s¦) ` ({s'..<states})))"
    proof -
      have "({s'}  {Suc s'..<states}) = {s'..<states}"
        using s'_le
        by auto
      thus ?thesis by auto
    finally have "snd (GS_iter_aux s' v md) = max md (MAX s{s'..<states}. ¦MDP.GS_rec_upto states ((V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) s' s - (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) s¦)".
  thus ?case
    apply (cases "s' < states")
     apply auto
    using "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) GS_iter_aux_fst_correct assms(1) 
    apply (simp add: "1.prems"(1) "1.prems"(2) GS_iter_aux_fst_correct assms(1))
    by (simp add: GS_iter_aux.simps)

lemma invar_GS_iter_aux: "v_len v = states  v_invar v  v_invar (fst (GS_iter_aux n v md))"
  by (metis GS_iter_aux.simps GS_iter_aux_fst_correct fst_conv linorder_not_le)

lemma invar_GS_iter: "v_len v = states  v_invar v  v_invar (fst (GS_iter v))"
  using invar_GS_iter_aux GS_iter_def by auto

lemma len_GS_iter_aux[simp]: "v_invar v  v_len v = states  v_len (fst (GS_iter_aux n v md)) = states"
proof (induction n v md   rule: GS_iter_aux.induct)
  case (1 s v md)
  have 2: " v_len (v_update s (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s) v) v) = v_len v" if "s < states"
    using 1 that v_len_update by blast
  have "v_len (fst (GS_iter_aux (Suc s) (v_update s (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s) v) v) (max md ¦v_lookup v s - ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s) v¦))) = v_len v" if "s < states"
    unfolding 2[OF that, symmetric]
    using 1(2,3) that
    apply (subst "1.IH"[OF _ ])
           apply auto
    using V_Map.invar_update 2 by force+
  thus ?case
    by (metis "1.prems"(2) GS_iter_aux.elims fst_conv less_eq_Suc_le not_less_eq_eq)

lemma len_GS_iter[simp]: "v_invar v  v_len v = states  v_len (fst (GS_iter v)) = v_len v"
  using len_GS_iter_aux GS_iter_def by auto

lemma GS_iter_aux_correct':
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun (fst (GS_iter_aux 0 v md))) s = MDP.GS_rec_upto states (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) 0 s"
proof (cases "s < states")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (metis GS_iter_aux_fst_correct len_GS_iter_aux v_lookup_map_to_bfun)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: MDP.GS_rec_upto_ge V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq assms(1) assms(2))

lemma GS_iter_aux_correct'':
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "V_Map.map_to_bfun (fst (GS_iter v)) = MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)"
  apply (rule bfun_eqI)
  unfolding V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq
  apply auto
    apply (simp add: GS_iter_aux_fst_correct GS_iter_def MDP.GS_rec_upto_correct assms(1) assms(2))
   apply (simp add: GS_iter_def assms(1) assms(2) invar_GS_iter_aux)
  by (metis GS_iter_aux_correct' GS_iter_def MDP.ℒb_split_zero V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq assms(1) assms(2) linorder_not_less)

lemma snd_GS_iter_correct':
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "snd (GS_iter v) = dist (V_Map.map_to_bfun (fst (GS_iter v))) (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)"
proof -
  have "dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x) = 0" if "x  states" for x
    by (metis GS_iter_aux_correct'' V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq assms(1) assms(2) dist_eq_0_iff leD len_GS_iter that)
  hence "(x. dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x)) =
    (x{0..<Suc states}. dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x))  (x{Suc states..}. dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x))"
    apply (subst cSUP_union[symmetric])
        apply auto
    by (simp add: ivl_disj_un_one(8))
  also have " = max 0 ((Set.insert 0 ((λx. dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x)) ` {0..< states})))"
  proof -
    have "dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x) = 0" if "x  {Suc states..}" for x
      apply auto
      using MDP.ℒb_split_zero
      by (meson Suc_leD x. states  x  dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x) = 0 atLeast_iff dist_eq_0_iff that)
    thus ?thesis 
      using sup_real_def
      by (simp add: x. states  x  dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x) = 0 atLeast0_lessThan_Suc)
  also have " = max 0 (Max (Set.insert 0 ((λx. dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x)) ` {0..< states})))"  
    by (auto simp: cSup_eq_Max)
  also have " = (Max (Set.insert 0 ((λx. dist (apply_bfun (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) x) (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x)) ` {0..< states})))"  
    by auto
  also have " = snd (GS_iter v)"
    unfolding GS_iter_def
    apply (subst snd_GS_iter_aux_correct)
      apply (simp add: assms)
     apply (simp add: assms)
    apply (auto simp: dist_real_def)
    apply (subst MDP.ℒb_split_zero)
     apply (simp add: V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq assms(1))
    by (auto simp: dist_real_def)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: GS_iter_aux_correct'' assms(1) assms(2) dist_bfun.rep_eq)

lemma GS_iter_aux_correct:
  assumes "s < states" "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "v_lookup (fst (GS_iter_aux n v eps)) s = MDP.GS_rec_upto states (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) n s"
  using GS_iter_aux_fst_correct assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by blast

definition "find_policy_code_aux_upt (v::'tv) n = (
  fold (λs (d,v). let (d', v') = find_policy_state_code_aux' v s in
      (d_update s d' d, v_update s v' v)) [0..<n] (d_empty, v))"

lemma find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc:
  "find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc s) = (
  let (d, v) = (find_policy_code_aux_upt v s) in
    (d_update s ((fst (find_policy_state_code_aux' v s))) d, v_update s (snd (find_policy_state_code_aux' v s)) v))"
  unfolding find_policy_code_aux_upt_def
  by (auto simp: case_prod_beta)

definition "find_policy_code_aux v = find_policy_code_aux_upt v states"
definition "find_policy_code v = fst (find_policy_code_aux v)"

lemma d_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt: "D_Map.invar (fst (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n))"
  by (induction n) (auto simp: D_Map.map_specs case_prod_beta find_policy_code_aux_upt_def)

lemma v_len_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt: "n  j  v_len v = j  v_invar v  v_len (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)) = j  v_invar (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n))"
  apply (induction n arbitrary: v) 
   apply (simp add: find_policy_code_aux_upt_def)
  apply (simp add: case_prod_beta find_policy_code_aux_upt_def)
  apply (subst V_Map.invar_update)
    apply blast
   apply simp
  using Suc_le_lessD v_len_update by presburger

lemma assumes "s < states" "v_invar v" "v_len v  states"
    "d_lookup (fst (find_policy_code_aux v)) s = d_lookup (fst (find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc s))) s"
    "v_lookup (snd (find_policy_code_aux v)) s = v_lookup (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc s))) s"
  unfolding find_policy_code_aux_def
  using assms
proof (induction states arbitrary: v)
  case (Suc states)
    case 1
    show ?case
    proof (cases "s = states")
      case False
      then show ?thesis 
        using 1 less_Suc_eq
        apply (subst find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc)
        by (auto simp: case_prod_beta D_Map.map_update[OF d_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt] Suc(1)[symmetric])
    qed auto
    case 2
    then show ?case
    proof (cases "s = states")
      case False
      then show ?thesis 
        using 2 less_Suc_eq
        apply (subst find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc)
        apply (auto simp: case_prod_beta Suc(2)[symmetric])
        by (metis False Suc_leD dec_induct v_len_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt v_lookup_update)
    qed auto
qed auto

lemma find_policy_code_invar: "D_Map.invar (find_policy_code v)"
  unfolding find_policy_code_def find_policy_code_aux_def
  by (induction states) (auto simp: find_policy_code_aux_upt_def D_Map.map_specs case_prod_unfold)

lemma find_policy_code_notin: 
  assumes "s  states" shows "d_lookup (find_policy_code v) s = None"
  using assms d_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt
  unfolding find_policy_code_def find_policy_code_aux_def
  by (induction states) (auto simp: find_policy_code_aux_upt_def case_prod_beta D_Map.map_specs)

lemma find_policy_code_in: 
  assumes "s < states" shows "x. d_lookup (find_policy_code v) s = Some x"
  using assms
  unfolding find_policy_code_def find_policy_code_aux_def
proof (induction states)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Suc states)
  then show ?case
    using d_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt
    by (auto simp: find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc case_prod_beta D_Map.map_specs)

lemma GS_iter_aux_fold: "fst (GS_iter_aux s v md) = fold (λs v. v_update s (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s) v) v) [s..<states] v"
proof (induction s v md arbitrary: rule: GS_iter_aux.induct)
  case (1 s v)
  have aux: "s < states  [s..<states] = s#[Suc s..<states]"
    using upt_conv_Cons by presburger
  show ?case
    by (subst GS_iter_aux.simps) (auto simp: 1 aux)

lemma find_policy_state_code_aux'_eq_ℒ_GS_code:
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v" "s < states"
  shows "snd (find_policy_state_code_aux' v s) = ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s) v"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: ℒ_GS_code_correct cSup_eq_Max find_policy_state_code_aux'_eq')

lemma snd_find_policy_code_aux_upt:
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "(snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v states)) = fst (GS_iter_aux 0 v md)"
proof -
  have "fst (GS_iter_aux 0 v md) = fold (λs v. v_update s (ℒ_GS_code (s_lookup mdp s) v) v) [0..<states] v"
    unfolding GS_iter_aux_fold ..
  also have " = fold (λs v. v_update s (snd (find_policy_state_code_aux' v s)) v) [0..<states] v"
    using find_policy_state_code_aux'_eq_ℒ_GS_code assms
    by (auto simp:V_Map.invar_update v_len_update intro!: fold_cong'[where P = "λv. v_len v = states  v_invar v"])
  also have " = (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v states))"
    unfolding find_policy_code_aux_upt_def
    by (induction states) (auto simp add: split_def)
  finally show ?thesis..

lemma GS_rec_upto_Suc: "MDP.GS_rec_upto (Suc n) v 0 = (MDP.GS_rec_upto n v 0)(n := (aMDP_A n. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto n v 0) n))"
proof -
  have "s  n  MDP.GS_rec_upto (Suc n) v 0 s = MDP.GS_rec_upto n v 0 s" for s
    using MDP.GS_rec_upto_Suc MDP.GS_rec_upto_ge
    by (metis Suc_leI le_neq_implies_less not_less)
  moreover have "s = n  MDP.GS_rec_upto (Suc n) v 0 s = (aMDP_A n. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto n v 0) n)" for s
    using MDP.GS_rec_upto_Suc' by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma keys_fst_find_policy_code_aux_upt: "s  states  D_Map.keys (fst (find_policy_code_aux_upt v s)) = {0..<s}"
  using d_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt find_policy_code_aux_upt_def
  by (induction s arbitrary: v) (auto simp: find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc case_prod_beta)

lemma keys_fst_find_policy_code_aux: "D_Map.keys (fst (find_policy_code_aux v)) = {0..<states}"
  using keys_fst_find_policy_code_aux_upt find_policy_code_aux_def 
  by force

lemma find_policy_code_ge: "s  states  D_Map.map_to_fun (find_policy_code v) s = 0"
  using find_policy_code_notin find_policy_code_def 
  by (auto simp: D_Map.map_to_fun_def)

lemma find_policy_code_aux_upt_zero[simp]: "find_policy_code_aux_upt v 0 = (d_empty, v)"
  unfolding find_policy_code_aux_upt_def
  by auto

lemma GS_rec_upto_zero[simp]: "MDP.GS_rec_upto 0 v n = v"
  by (auto simp: MDP.GS_rec_upto.simps)

lemma keys_find_policy_code_aux_upt:"n < states  v_invar v  v_len v = states  v_len (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)) = states"
  apply (induction n arbitrary: v) 
   apply (auto simp: case_prod_beta find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc)
  by (metis Suc_lessD less_or_eq_imp_le v_len_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt v_len_update)

lemma split_eq_GS_rec_upto_Sup:
  "MDP.GS.ℒb_split v s = (aMDP_A s. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto s (apply_bfun v) 0) s)"
  using MDP.GS_rec_upto_correct MDP.GS_rec_upto_ge MDP.ℒb_split_GS_iter[symmetric, of _ _ v] by auto

lemma split_eq_GS_rec_upto_is_arg_max:
  assumes "is_arg_max (λa. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto s (apply_bfun v) 0) s) (λa. a  MDP_A s) a"  
  shows "MDP.GS.ℒb_split v s = MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto s (apply_bfun v) 0) s"
  using arg_max_SUP[OF assms] split_eq_GS_rec_upto_Sup
  by auto

lemma "MDP.GS_rec_upto n (apply_bfun v) 0 s = (if s < n then MDP.GS.ℒb_split v s else v s)"
  using MDP.GS_rec_upto_correct MDP.GS_rec_upto_ge
  by auto

lemma GS_rec_upto_eq_ℒb_split': "MDP.GS_rec_upto n (apply_bfun v) 0 = (λs. if s < n then MDP.GS.ℒb_split v s else v s)"
  using MDP.GS_rec_upto_correct MDP.GS_rec_upto_ge not_le
  by auto

lemma snd_find_policy_code_aux_upt_correct:
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v" "n  states"
  shows "V_Map.map_to_fun (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)) = MDP.GS_rec_upto n (V_Map.map_to_fun v) 0"
  using assms
proof (induction n)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Suc n)
  have "V_Map.map_to_fun (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc n))) n = snd (find_policy_state_code_aux' (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)) n)"
    unfolding find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc
    using  Suc(3)  Suc(2)
    apply (auto simp: case_prod_unfold V_Map.map_to_fun_update)
    apply (subst V_Map.map_to_fun_update)
    using v_len_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt 
      apply auto
    by (metis Suc.prems(3) Suc_leD Suc_le_lessD assms(1))+
  also have " = (MAX aMDP_A n. MDP.La a (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)))) n)"
    using keys_find_policy_code_aux_upt Suc v_len_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Suc_leD Suc_le_lessD Sup.SUP_cong find_policy_state_code_aux'_eq' snd_conv)
  also have " = (aMDP_A n. MDP.La a (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)))) n)"
    using Suc
    by (auto simp: cSup_eq_Max[symmetric] V_Map.map_to_fun_def V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq)
  also have " = (aMDP_A n. MDP.La a ((V_Map.map_to_fun (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)))) n)"
    using Suc.prems
    by (auto simp: map_to_bfun_eq_fun)
  also have " = MDP.GS_rec_upto (Suc n) (V_Map.map_to_fun v) 0 n"
    using MDP.GS_rec_upto_Suc' Suc
    by auto
  finally have "V_Map.map_to_fun (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc n))) n = MDP.GS_rec_upto (Suc n) (V_Map.map_to_fun v) 0 n".
  moreover have "V_Map.map_to_fun (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc n))) s = MDP.GS_rec_upto (Suc n) (V_Map.map_to_fun v) 0 s" if "s  n" for s
    unfolding find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc
    using Suc Suc_lessD that
    apply (auto simp: case_prod_beta V_Map.map_to_fun_update GS_rec_upto_Suc)
    by (metis Suc_leD Suc_le_lessD V_Map.invar_update V_Map.map_to_fun_def v_len_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt v_len_update v_lookup_update)
  ultimately show ?case
    by fastforce

lemma GS_inv_eq_L: "apply_bfun (MDP.GS_inv d v) s = MDP.L (MDP.mk_dec_det d) ((bfun_if ((≤) s) v (MDP.GS_inv d v))) s"
  using MDP.GS_inv_elem_eq MDP.L_def by presburger

lemma GS_inv_eq_La: "MDP.GS_inv d v s = MDP.La (d s) (bfun_if ((≤) s) v (MDP.GS_inv d v)) s"
  using GS_inv_eq_L MDP.L_eq_La_det by presburger

lemma is_arg_max_La_GS_inv:
  "is_arg_max (λa. MDP.La a (bfun_if ((≤) s) v (MDP.GS_inv d v)) s) (λa. a  MDP_A s) a 
   is_arg_max (λa. (MDP.GS_inv (d(s := a)) v s)) (λa. a  MDP_A s) a"
proof -
  have *: "s' < s  MDP.GS_inv (d(s := a)) v s' =  MDP.GS_inv d v s'" for s' a
    using MDP.GS_indep_high_states by fastforce
  show ?thesis
    unfolding GS_inv_eq_La by (fastforce simp: bfun_if.rep_eq * cong: if_cong)

lemma GS_rec_upto_eq_ℒb_split'': "MDP.GS_rec_upto s (apply_bfun v) 0 = bfun_if ((≤) s) v (MDP.GS.ℒb_split v)"
  by (fastforce simp: MDP.GS_rec_upto_ge bfun_if.rep_eq MDP.GS_rec_upto_correct not_le)

lemma GS_inv_GS_least_eq_split: "MDP.GS_inv (MDP.d_GS_least v) v = MDP.GS.ℒb_split v"
  using arg_max_SUP[OF MDP.d_GS_least_is_arg_max]
  by (auto simp: MDP.GS.ℒb_split.rep_eq MDP.GS.ℒ_split_def MDP.GS_inv_def[symmetric])

lemma is_arg_max_La_GS_inv_d_GS_least:
  "is_arg_max (λa. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto s (apply_bfun v) 0) s) (λa. a  MDP_A s) a 
   is_arg_max (λa. (MDP.GS_inv ((MDP.d_GS_least v)(s := a)) v s)) (λa. a  MDP_A s) a"
  by (auto simp: GS_inv_GS_least_eq_split GS_rec_upto_eq_ℒb_split'' is_arg_max_La_GS_inv[symmetric])

lemma d_GS_least_ge: "s  states  MDP.d_GS_least (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) s = 0"
  by (subst MDP.d_GS_least_eq) (auto intro!: Least_equality simp: is_arg_max_linorder MDP_A_def)

lemma fst_find_policy_code_aux_upt_correct:
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v" "n  states" "s < n"
  shows "D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)) s = least_arg_max (λa. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto s (V_Map.map_to_fun v) 0) s) (λa. a  MDP_A s)"
  using assms
proof (induction n arbitrary: s)
  case 0
  then show ?case 
    by auto
  case (Suc n)
  have "D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc n))) n = fst (find_policy_state_code_aux' (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)) n)"
    using d_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt Suc
    by (auto simp: find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc case_prod_unfold D_Map.map_to_fun_update)
  also have " = least_arg_max (λa. MDP.La a (apply_bfun (V_Map.map_to_bfun (snd (find_policy_code_aux_upt v n)))) n) (λa. a  MDP_A n)"
    using Suc keys_find_policy_code_aux_upt  
    apply (auto simp: find_policy_state_code_aux'_eq')
    apply (subst find_policy_state_code_aux'_eq')
    using Suc_le_lessD apply presburger+
     apply (meson Suc_leD v_len_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt)
    by force
  also have " = least_arg_max (λa. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto n (V_Map.map_to_fun v) 0) n) (λa. a  MDP_A n)"
    using Suc map_to_bfun_eq_fun
    by (auto simp: snd_find_policy_code_aux_upt_correct)
  finally have "D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc n))) n = least_arg_max (λa. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto n (V_Map.map_to_fun v) 0) n) (λa. a  MDP_A n)".
  moreover have "D_Map.map_to_fun (fst (find_policy_code_aux_upt v (Suc n))) s = least_arg_max (λa. MDP.La a (MDP.GS_rec_upto s (V_Map.map_to_fun v) 0) s) (λa. a  MDP_A s)" if "s < n" for s
    using that d_invar_find_policy_code_aux_upt Suc
    by (auto simp: find_policy_code_aux_upt_Suc case_prod_unfold D_Map.map_to_fun_update)
  ultimately show ?case
    using Suc by (cases "s = n") auto

lemma GS_iter'_correct:
  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "D_Map.map_to_fun (find_policy_code v) = (MDP.d_GS_least (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))"
proof -
  have "D_Map.map_to_fun (find_policy_code v) s = (MDP.d_GS_least (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) s" if "s  states" for s
    using find_policy_code_ge d_GS_least_ge that
    by auto
  moreover have "D_Map.map_to_fun (find_policy_code v) s = (MDP.d_GS_least (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) s" if "s < states" for s
    using that assms
  proof (induction s rule: less_induct)
    case (less x)
    show ?case
      unfolding find_policy_code_def find_policy_code_aux_def
      using less assms
      by (auto intro!: least_arg_max_cong' simp: MDP.d_GS_least_eq fst_find_policy_code_aux_upt_correct map_to_bfun_eq_fun is_arg_max_La_GS_inv_d_GS_least[symmetric] least_arg_max_def[symmetric])
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using not_le by blast

partial_function (tailrec) GS_code_aux where
  "GS_code_aux v eps = (
  let (v', md) = GS_iter v in
    if (2 * l) * md < eps * (1 - l)
    then v'
    else GS_code_aux v' eps)"

lemmas GS_code_aux.simps[code]

definition "GS_code v eps = (if l = 0  eps  0 then fst (GS_iter v) else GS_code_aux v eps)"

lemma GS_code_aux_correct_aux:
  assumes "eps > 0" "v_invar v" "v_len v = states" "l  0"
  shows "V_Map.map_to_fun (GS_code_aux v eps) = MDP.gs_iteration eps (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) 
   v_len (GS_code_aux v eps) = states  v_invar (GS_code_aux v eps)"
  using assms
proof (induction eps "(V_Map.map_to_bfun v)" arbitrary: v rule: MDP.gs_iteration.induct)
  case (1 eps)
  have *:"2 * l * snd (GS_iter v) < eps * (1 - l)  2 * l * dist (MDP.GS.ℒb_split (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)) (V_Map.map_to_bfun v) < eps * (1 - l)"      
    using GS_iter_aux_correct''
    by (auto simp: snd_GS_iter_correct' 1)

  thus ?case
  proof (cases "2 * l * snd (GS_iter v) < eps * (1 - l)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      unfolding GS_code_aux.simps[of v]
      apply (simp add: case_prod_beta)
      apply (subst MDP.gs_iteration.simps)
      apply (auto simp: case_prod_beta *)
              apply (metis "1.prems"(2) "1.prems"(3) GS_iter_aux_correct'' map_to_bfun_eq_fun)
      using "1.prems"(1) apply (auto simp: dist_commute)
       apply (simp add: "1.prems"(2) "1.prems"(3))
      using "1.prems"(2) "1.prems"(3) invar_GS_iter by blast
    case False
    then show ?thesis 
      unfolding GS_code_aux.simps[of v]
      apply (simp add: case_prod_beta)
      apply (subst MDP.gs_iteration.simps)
      apply (auto simp: case_prod_beta *)
      using "1.prems"(1) apply (auto simp: dist_commute)
      by (auto simp add: "1.hyps" "1.prems"(2) "1.prems"(3) GS_iter_aux_correct'' assms(4) invar_GS_iter)

lemma GS_code_aux_correct:
  assumes "eps > 0" "v_invar v" "v_len v = states" "l  0"
  shows "V_Map.map_to_fun (GS_code_aux v eps) = MDP.gs_iteration eps (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)"
  using assms GS_code_aux_correct_aux by auto

lemma GS_code_aux_keys:
  assumes "eps > 0" "v_invar v" "v_len v = states" "l  0"
  shows "v_len (GS_code_aux v eps) = states"
  using assms GS_code_aux_correct_aux by auto

lemma GS_code_aux_invar:
  assumes "eps > 0" "v_invar v" "v_len v = states" "l  0"
  shows "v_invar (GS_code_aux v eps)"
  using assms GS_code_aux_correct_aux by auto

lemma GS_code_correct:
  assumes "eps > 0" "v_invar v" "v_len v = states"
  shows "V_Map.map_to_fun (GS_code v eps) = MDP.gs_iteration eps (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)"
proof (cases "l = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis  
    using assms invar_GS_iter GS_iter_aux_correct''
    unfolding GS_code_def MDP.gs_iteration.simps[of _ "V_Map.map_to_bfun v"]
    by (fastforce simp: map_to_bfun_eq_fun)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (auto simp add: GS_code_def GS_code_aux_correct  MDP.gs_iteration.simps )

definition "GS_policy_code v eps = find_policy_code (GS_code v eps)"

lemma GS_policy_code_correct:
  assumes "eps > 0" "v_invar v" "v_len v = states"
  shows "D_Map.map_to_fun (GS_policy_code v eps) = MDP.vi_gs_policy eps (V_Map.map_to_bfun v)"
proof -
  have aux: "V_Map.map_to_bfun (GS_code v eps) = (MDP.gs_iteration eps (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))"
    using GS_code_correct[OF assms] assms(2) map_to_bfun_eq_fun by auto
  have "D_Map.map_to_fun (GS_policy_code v eps) = MDP.d_GS_least (V_Map.map_to_bfun (GS_code v eps))"
    unfolding GS_code_def GS_policy_code_def MDP.vi_gs_policy_def
  proof (subst GS_iter'_correct)
    show "v_len (if l = 0  eps  0 then fst (GS_iter v) else GS_code_aux v eps) = states" 
      using assms len_GS_iter GS_code_aux_keys assms by presburger
  qed (auto simp: assms GS_code_aux_invar invar_GS_iter)
  also have " = MDP.d_GS_least (MDP.gs_iteration eps (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))"
    using GS_code_correct[of eps v] assms by (auto simp: aux)
  finally show ?thesis unfolding MDP.vi_gs_policy_def by auto


lemma inorder_empty: "Tree2.inorder am = []  am = ⟨⟩"
  using Tree2.inorder.elims by blast

context MDP_nat_disc

lemma dist_opt_bound_ℒb_split: "dist v νb_opt  dist v (GS.ℒb_split v) / (1 - l)"
  using contraction_ℒ_split_dist
  by (simp add: mult.commute mult_imp_le_div_pos)

lemma cert_ℒb_split: 
  assumes "ε  0" "dist v (GS.ℒb_split v) / (1 - l)  ε"
  shows "dist v νb_opt  ε"
  using assms dist_opt_bound_ℒb_split order_trans by auto

definition "check_value_GS eps v  dist v (GS.ℒb_split v) / (1 - l)  eps"

definition "gs_policy_bound_error v = (
  let v' = (GS.ℒb_split v); err = (2 * l) * dist v v' / (1 - l) in
  (err, d_GS_least v'))"

lemma b_split_eq_L_opt: "GS.ℒb_split v = GS.L_split (d_GS_least v) v"
  by (simp add: GS_inv_def b_split_eq_GS_inv)

lemma L_split_fix_ν:
  assumes "d  DD"
  assumes "GS.L_split d v = v"
  shows "v = νb (mk_stationary_det d)"
proof -
  have "r_decb (mk_dec_det d) = (id_blinfun - l *R 𝒫1 (mk_dec_det d)) v"
    using GS_inv_rec[of d v]
    unfolding GS_inv_def assms(2)  𝒫1_sum_lower_upper
    by (auto simp: blinfun.bilinear_simps algebra_simps)
  hence "v = (t. (l *R 𝒫1 (mk_dec_det d))^^t) (r_decb (mk_dec_det d))"
    using inv_norm_le'(2)[OF norm_𝒫1_l_less] by auto
  thus "v = νb (mk_stationary (mk_dec_det d))"
    by (auto simp: ν_stationary blincomp_scaleR_right)

  assumes "gs_policy_bound_error v = (err, d)"
  shows "dist (νb (mk_stationary_det d)) νb_opt  err"
proof (cases "l = 0")
  case True
  hence "gs_policy_bound_error v = (0, d_GS_least (GS.ℒb_split v))"
    unfolding gs_policy_bound_error_def by auto
  have "GS.ℒb_split v = GS.ℒb_split νb_opt"
    by (auto simp: GS.ℒb_split.rep_eq R_GS_def GS.ℒ_split_def simp del: GS.ℒb_split_fix intro!: bfun_eqI) 
      (simp add: True)
  hence "GS.ℒb_split v = νb_opt"
    by auto
  hence "νb (mk_stationary_det (d_GS_least (GS.ℒb_split v))) = νb_opt"
    using GS.ℒb_split_fix GS_inv_def Q_GS_def R_GS_def True b_split_eq_GS_inv ν_stationary_inv 
    by force
  then show ?thesis
    using assms unfolding gs_policy_bound_error_def 
    by (auto simp: True)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "GS.ℒb_split v = v")
    case True
    have v_opt: "v = νb_opt"
      using GS.ℒb_lim(1) GS.ℒb_split_fix True by blast
    have *: "(νb (mk_stationary_det d) = v) = (GS.L_split d v = v)" if "d  DD" for d v
      using that L_split_fix_ν GS.L_split_fix by auto

    have "GS.L_split (d_GS_least νb_opt) νb_opt = νb_opt"
      using GS.ℒb_split_fix b_split_eq_L_opt by auto
    hence "νb (mk_stationary_det (d_GS_least (GS.ℒb_split v))) = νb_opt"
      using d_GS_least_is_dec by (auto simp: v_opt *)
    then show ?thesis
      using assms unfolding gs_policy_bound_error_def 
      by (auto simp: True)
    case False
    hence 1: "dist v (GS.ℒb_split v) > 0"
      by fastforce
    hence "2 * l * dist v (GS.ℒb_split v) > 0"
      using l  0 zero_le_disc by (simp add: less_le)
    hence "err > 0"
      using assms unfolding gs_policy_bound_error_def by auto
    hence "dist (νb (mk_stationary_det (d_GS_least (GS.ℒb_split v)))) νb_opt < err'" if "err < err'" for err'
      using that assms
      unfolding gs_policy_bound_error_def
      by (auto simp: pos_divide_less_eq[symmetric] intro: find_policy_error_bound_gs)
    then show ?thesis
      using assms unfolding gs_policy_bound_error_def by force


context MDP_Code
definition "gs_policy_bound_error_code v = (
  let v' = fst (GS_iter v);
    d = if states = 0 then 0 else (MAX s  {..< states}. dist (v_lookup v s) (v_lookup v' s));
   err = (2 * l) * d / (1 - l) in
  (err, find_policy_code v'))"

  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "D_Map.map_to_fun (snd (gs_policy_bound_error_code v)) = snd (MDP.gs_policy_bound_error (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))"
  unfolding MDP.gs_policy_bound_error_def  gs_policy_bound_error_code_def
  by (simp add: GS_iter'_correct GS_iter_aux_correct'' assms invar_GS_iter)

  assumes "v_len v = states" "v_invar v"
  shows "(fst (gs_policy_bound_error_code v)) = fst (MDP.gs_policy_bound_error (V_Map.map_to_bfun v))"
  have dist_zero_ge: "dist ((V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x) ((V_Map.map_to_bfun (fst (GS_iter v))) x) = 0" if "x  states" for x
    using assms that 
    by (auto simp: V_Map.map_to_bfun.rep_eq split: option.splits)
  have univ: "UNIV = {0..<states}  {states..}" by auto
  let ?d = "λx. dist ((V_Map.map_to_bfun v) x) ((V_Map.map_to_bfun (fst (GS_iter v))) x)"

  have fin: "finite (range (λx. ?d x))"
    by (auto simp: dist_zero_ge univ Set.image_Un Set.image_constant[of states])
  have r: "range (λx. ?d x) = ?d ` {..<states}  ?d ` {states..}"
    by force
  hence "Sup (range ?d) = Max (range ?d)"
    using fin cSup_eq_Max by blast
  also have " = (if states = 0 then (Max (?d ` {states..})) else max (Max (?d ` {..<states})) (Max (?d ` {states..})))"
    using r fin by (auto intro: Max_Un)
  also have " = (if states = 0 then 0 else max (Max (?d ` {..<states})) 0)"
    using dist_zero_ge
    by (auto simp: Set.image_constant[of states] cSup_eq_Max[symmetric, of "(λ_. 0) ` {states..}"])
  also have " = (if states = 0 then 0 else (Max (?d ` {..<states})))"
    by (auto intro!: max_absorb1 max_geI)
  finally have 1: "Sup (range ?d) = (if states = 0 then 0 else (Max (?d ` {..<states})))".
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding MDP.gs_policy_bound_error_def gs_policy_bound_error_code_def dist_bfun_def
    using assms GS_iter'_correct GS_iter_aux_correct'' invar_GS_iter
    apply auto
    using GS_iter_aux_correct GS_iter_def MDP.GS_rec_upto_correct V_Map.map_to_fun_def map_to_bfun_eq_fun by auto


global_interpretation GS_Code: MDP_Code
  (* state map (transition system) *)
  "IArray.sub" "λn x arr. IArray ((IArray.list_of arr)[n:= x])" "IArray.length" "IArray" "IArray.list_of" "λ_. True"

(* action map *)
RBT_Set.empty RBT_Map.update RBT_Map.delete Lookup2.lookup Tree2.inorder rbt

"MDP.transitions (Rep_Valid_MDP mdp)" "MDP.states (Rep_Valid_MDP mdp)"

(* value map *)
starray_get "λi x arr. starray_set arr i x"  starray_length starray_of_list  "λarr. starray_foldr (λx xs. x # xs) arr []" "λ_. True"

(* decision rule map *)
RBT_Set.empty RBT_Map.update RBT_Map.delete Lookup2.lookup Tree2.inorder rbt

"MDP.disc (Rep_Valid_MDP mdp)"

for mdp states l
defines GS_code = GS_Code.GS_code  
  and find_policy_code = GS_Code.find_policy_code
  and GS_policy_code = GS_Code.GS_policy_code
  and GS_code_aux = GS_Code.GS_code_aux
  and check_dist = GS_Code.check_dist
  and GS_iter = GS_Code.GS_iter
  and GS_iter_aux = GS_Code.GS_iter_aux  
  and ℒ_GS_code = GS_Code.ℒ_GS_code
  and La_code = GS_Code.La_code
  and a_lookup' = GS_Code.a_lookup'
  and d_lookup' = GS_Code.d_lookup'
  and v0 = GS_Code.v0
  and find_policy_code_aux = GS_Code.find_policy_code_aux
  and find_policy_code_aux_upt = GS_Code.find_policy_code_aux_upt
  and find_policy_state_code_aux' = GS_Code.find_policy_state_code_aux'
  and find_policy_state_code_aux = GS_Code.find_policy_state_code_aux
  and entries = M.entries
  and from_list = M.from_list
  and arr_tabulate = starray_Array.arr_tabulate

and v_map_from_list = GS_Code.v_map_from_list
and gs_policy_bound_error_code = GS_Code.gs_policy_bound_error_code
  using Rep_Valid_MDP 
  by unfold_locales 
    (fastforce simp: pmf_of_list_wf_def Ball_set_list_all[symmetric] case_prod_beta is_MDP_def M.invar_def M.entries_def M.is_empty_def RBT_Set.empty_def  length_0_conv[symmetric])+

lemmas entries_def[unfolded M.entries_def, code]
lemmas from_list_def[unfolded M.from_list_def, code]
lemmas arr_tabulate_def[unfolded starray_Array.arr_tabulate_def, code]
