Theory Smooth_Vector_Fields

(*  Title:       Smooth_Vector_Fields
    Author:      Richard Schmoetten <>, 2024
    Maintainer:  Richard Schmoetten <>

section ‹Smooth vector fields›
theory Smooth_Vector_Fields

text ‹Type synonyms for use later: these already follow our later split between defining
  ``charts'' for the tangent bundle as a product, and talking about vector fields as maps
  $p \mapsto v \in T_pM$ as well as sections of the tangent bundle $M \to TM$.›

type_synonym 'a tangent_bundle = "'a × (('areal)real)"
type_synonym 'a vector_field = "'a  (('areal)real)"

subsection ‹(Smooth) vector fields on an (entire) manifold.›

text ‹
  Since we only get an isomorphism between tangent vectors and directional derivatives
  in the smooth case of termk = , we create a locale for infinitely smooth manifolds.
locale smooth_manifold = c_manifold charts  for charts

context c_manifold begin

subsubsection ‹Charts for the tangent bundle›

definition in_TM :: "'a  (('areal)real)  bool"
  where "in_TM p v  pcarrier  v  tangent_space p"

abbreviation "TM  {(p,v). in_TM p v}"

lemma in_TM_E [elim]:
  assumes "in_TM p v"
  shows "v  tangent_space p" "pcarrier"
  using assms unfolding in_TM_def by auto

lemma TM_PairE [elim]:
  assumes "(p,v)  TM"
  shows "v  tangent_space p" "pcarrier"
  using assms unfolding in_TM_def by auto

lemma TM_E [elim]:
  assumes "x  TM"
  shows "snd x  tangent_space (fst x)" "fst x  carrier"
  using assms by auto

text ‹We can construct a chart for termtangent_space p given a chart around termp.
  Notice the appearance of termcharts in the definition, which specifies that we're charting
  the set termtangent_space p, \emph{not} termc_manifold.tangent_space (charts_submanifold c)  p.›
definition apply_chart_TM :: "('a,'b)chart  'a tangent_bundle  'b × 'b"
  where "apply_chart_TM c  λ(p,v). (c p  ,  c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  c p v)"

definition inv_chart_TM :: "('a,'b)chart  ('b × 'b)  'a × (('a  real)  real)"
  where "inv_chart_TM c  λ((p::'b),(v::'b)). (inv_chart c p  ,  c_manifold_point.coordinate_vector charts  c (inv_chart c p) v)"

definition domain_TM :: "('a,'b) chart  ('a × (('a  real)  real)) set"
  where "domain_TM c  {(p, v). p  domain c  v  tangent_space p}"

definition codomain_TM :: "('a,'b) chart  ('b×'b) set"
  where "codomain_TM c  {(p, v). p  codomain c}"

definition "restrict_chart_TM S c  apply_chart_TM (restrict_chart S c)"
definition "restrict_domain_TM S c  domain_TM (restrict_chart S c)"
definition "restrict_codomain_TM S c  codomain_TM (restrict_chart S c)"
definition "restrict_inv_chart_TM S c  inv_chart_TM (restrict_chart S c)"

subsubsection ‹Proofs about termapply_chart_TM that mimic the properties of typ('a,'b)chart.›

lemma domain_TM:
  assumes "c  atlas"
  shows "domain_TM c  TM"
  unfolding domain_TM_def in_TM_def using assms by auto

lemma codomain_TM_alt: "codomain_TM c = codomain c × (UNIV :: 'b set)"
  unfolding codomain_TM_def by auto

lemma open_codomain_TM:
  assumes "c  atlas"
  shows "open (codomain_TM c)"
  using codomain_TM_alt open_Times[OF open_codomain open_UNIV] by auto


context smooth_manifold begin

lemma apply_chart_TM_inverse [simp]:
  assumes c: "c  atlas"
  shows "p v. (p,v)  domain_TM c  inv_chart_TM c (apply_chart_TM c (p,v)) = (p,v)"
    and "x u. (x,u)  codomain_TM c  apply_chart_TM c (inv_chart_TM c (x,u)) = (x,u)"
proof -
  fix p v assume "(p,v)  domain_TM c"
  then have asm: "c  atlas" "p  domain c" "v  tangent_space p"
    using c by (auto simp add: domain_TM_def)
  interpret p: c_manifold_point charts  c p
    using c_manifold_point[OF asm(1,2)] by simp
  have "v  p.TpM" using asm(3) by simp
  from p.coordinate_vector_inverse(1)[OF _ this] show "inv_chart_TM c (apply_chart_TM c (p,v)) = (p,v)"
    by (simp add: inv_chart_TM_def apply_chart_TM_def p.tangent_chart_fun_def)
  fix x u assume "(x,u)  codomain_TM c"
  then have asm: "c  atlas" "x  codomain c"
    using c by (auto simp add: codomain_TM_def)
  interpret x: c_manifold_point charts  c "inv_chart c x"
    using c_manifold_point[OF asm(1)] by (simp add: asm(2))
  from x.coordinate_vector_inverse(2) show "apply_chart_TM c (inv_chart_TM c (x,u)) = (x,u)"
    by (simp add: inv_chart_TM_def apply_chart_TM_def x.tangent_chart_fun_def asm(2))

lemma image_domain_TM_eq:
  assumes "c  atlas"
  shows "apply_chart_TM c ` domain_TM c = codomain_TM c"
proof -
  { fix x :: "'b × 'b" assume x: "x  codomain c × UNIV"
    obtain y1 y2 where y: "y1 = inv_chart c (fst x)" "y2 = c_manifold_point.coordinate_vector charts  c y1 (snd x)"
      by simp
    have "y1  domain c" using y(1) x by auto
    then interpret y1: c_manifold_point charts  c y1
      by (simp add: assms(1) c_manifold_point)
    have "y2  tangent_space y1"
      using y(2) x assms y1.coordinate_vector_surj by blast
    then have "(y1,y2)  {(p, v). p  domain c  v  tangent_space p}"
      using y1  domain c by simp
    moreover have "fst x = c y1" "snd x = c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  c y1 y2"
      using y x assms y1.tangent_chart_fun_inverse(2) by auto
    ultimately have "x  (λ(p, v). (c p, c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  c p v)) ` {(p, v). p  domain c  v  tangent_space p}"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) pair_imageI prod.collapse) }
  thus ?thesis by (auto simp: apply_chart_TM_def domain_TM_def codomain_TM_alt)

lemma inv_image_codomain_TM_eq:
  assumes "c  atlas"
  shows "inv_chart_TM c ` codomain_TM c = domain_TM c"
  apply (subst image_domain_TM_eq[OF assms, symmetric])
  using apply_chart_TM_inverse(1)[OF assms] by force

lemma (in c_manifold) restrict_domain_TM_intersection:
  shows "restrict_domain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1 = domain_TM c1  domain_TM c2"
  unfolding restrict_domain_TM_def by (auto simp: domain_TM_def open_Int)

lemma (in c_manifold) restrict_domain_TM_intersection':
  shows "restrict_domain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c2 = domain_TM c1  domain_TM c2"
  unfolding restrict_domain_TM_def by (auto simp: domain_TM_def open_Int)

lemma (in c_manifold) restrict_domain_TM:
  assumes "open S" "S  domain c"
  shows "restrict_domain_TM S c = {(p, v). p  S  v  tangent_space p}"
  unfolding restrict_domain_TM_def domain_TM_def using domain_restrict_chart assms by auto

lemma image_restrict_domain_TM_eq:
  assumes "c  atlas"
  shows "restrict_chart_TM S c ` restrict_domain_TM S c = restrict_codomain_TM S c"
  unfolding restrict_chart_TM_def restrict_domain_TM_def restrict_codomain_TM_def
  using image_domain_TM_eq assms restrict_chart_in_atlas by blast

lemma inv_image_restrict_codomain_TM_eq:
  assumes "c  atlas"
  shows "restrict_inv_chart_TM S c ` restrict_codomain_TM S c = restrict_domain_TM S c"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) inv_image_codomain_TM_eq assms restrict_chart_in_atlas
      restrict_codomain_TM_def restrict_domain_TM_def restrict_inv_chart_TM_def)

lemma codomain_restrict_chart_TM[simp]:
  assumes "c  atlas" "open S"
  shows "restrict_codomain_TM S c = codomain_TM c  inv_chart_TM c -` {(p, v). p  S  v  tangent_space p}"
proof -
    fix a b p v
    assume asm: "a  codomain c" "inv_chart_TM c (a, b) = (p, v)"
    interpret p: c_manifold_point charts  c "inv_chart c a"
      using asm(1) assms c_manifold_point[OF assms(1), of "inv_chart c a" for a] by blast
    have "p.coordinate_vector b  tangent_space (inv_chart c a)"
      using bij_betwE[OF p.coordinate_vector_bij] by simp
    then have "inv_chart c a  S  v  tangent_space p"
      and "inv_chart c a  S  p  S"
      and "pS; v  tangent_space p  inv_chart c a  S"
      subgoal using inv_chart_TM_def inv_image_codomain_TM_eq[OF assms(1)] asm by auto
      subgoal using asm(2) by (auto simp add: assms(2) inv_chart_TM_def)
      subgoal using asm(2) c_manifold.inv_chart_TM_def[OF c_manifold_axioms] by simp
  thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: restrict_codomain_TM_def codomain_TM_def assms(2))

lemma (in c_manifold) image_subset_TM_eq [simp]:
  assumes "S  domain_TM c"
  shows "apply_chart_TM c ` S  codomain_TM c"
  using assms unfolding apply_chart_TM_def codomain_TM_def domain_TM_def by auto

lemma (in c_manifold) image_subset_restrict_TM_eq [simp]:
  assumes "T  restrict_domain_TM S c"
  shows "restrict_chart_TM S c ` T  restrict_codomain_TM S c"
  using assms unfolding restrict_chart_TM_def restrict_codomain_TM_def restrict_domain_TM_def by auto

lemma restrict_chart_domain_Int:
  assumes "c1  atlas"
  shows "apply_chart_TM c1 ` (domain_TM c1  domain_TM c2) = restrict_chart_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1 ` (restrict_domain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1)"
    (is ?TM_dom_Int = ?restr_TM_dom)
proof (intro subset_antisym)
  have dom_eq: "domain (restrict_chart (domain c1  domain c2) c1) = domain c1  domain c2"
    using domain_restrict_chart[OF open_domain] by (metis inf.left_idem)

  { fix x assume "x  (domain_TM c1  domain_TM c2)"
    then obtain p v where x: "x = (p,v)" "p  domain c1" "p  domain c2" "v  tangent_space p"
      unfolding domain_TM_def by blast
    interpret p1: c_manifold_point charts  c1 p using c_manifold_point[OF assms(1) x(2)] by simp
    interpret p2: c_manifold_point charts  "restrict_chart (domain c1  domain c2) c1" p
      using c_manifold_point[OF assms(1) x(2)] restrict_chart_in_atlas[OF assms(1)] domain_restrict_chart[OF open_domain]
      by (metis IntI c_manifold_point p1.p x(3))

    have [simp]: "p2.sub_ψ.sub.restrict_codomain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1 =
        {(p, v). p  codomain (restrict_chart (domain c1  domain c2) c1)}"
      unfolding p2.sub_ψ.sub.restrict_codomain_TM_def p2.sub_ψ.sub.codomain_TM_def by simp
    have "apply_chart_TM c1 x  ?restr_TM_dom"
      apply (simp add: x(1) image_restrict_domain_TM_eq[OF assms(1)])
      unfolding apply_chart_TM_def using p2.ψp_in by (auto simp: p1.euclidean_coordinates_eq_iff) }
  thus "?TM_dom_Int  ?restr_TM_dom" by auto

  { fix x assume "x  restrict_domain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1"
    then obtain p v where x: "x = (p,v)" "p  domain c1" "p  domain c2" "v  tangent_space p"
      unfolding restrict_domain_TM_def domain_TM_def by (auto simp: dom_eq)
    interpret p1: c_manifold_point charts  c1 p using c_manifold_point[OF assms(1) x(2)] by simp
    interpret p2: c_manifold_point charts  "restrict_chart (domain c1  domain c2) c1" p
      using c_manifold_point[OF assms(1) x(2)] restrict_chart_in_atlas[OF assms(1)] domain_restrict_chart[OF open_domain]
      by (metis IntI c_manifold_point p1.p x(3))
    have "restrict_chart_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1 x  ?TM_dom_Int"
    proof -
      have "apply_chart c1 p  apply_chart c1 ` (domain c1  domain c2)"
        using p1.p x(3) by blast
      moreover have "p2.tangent_chart_fun v  c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  c1 p ` {v. vtangent_space p}"
        using p1.coordinate_vector_surj p1.tangent_chart_fun_inverse(2) by fastforce
      ultimately show ?thesis
        apply (simp add: apply_chart_TM_def)
        apply (simp add: x(1) restrict_chart_TM_def)
        apply (simp add: apply_chart_TM_def apply_chart_restrict_chart[of "domain c1  domain c2" c1])
        unfolding domain_TM_def by force
    qed }
  thus "?restr_TM_dom  ?TM_dom_Int" by blast

lemma open_intersection_TM:
  assumes "c1  atlas"
  shows "open (apply_chart_TM c1 ` (domain_TM c1  domain_TM c2))"
  using restrict_chart_domain_Int image_restrict_domain_TM_eq restrict_chart_in_atlas assms
  by (auto simp: restrict_codomain_TM_def open_codomain_TM)

lemma apply_restrict_chart_TM:
  assumes c: "c  atlas" and S: "open S" "S  domain c" "x  restrict_domain_TM S c"
  shows "apply_chart_TM c x =  restrict_chart_TM S c x"
proof -
  { fix p v assume x: "x = (p,v)" "p  S" "v  tangent_space p"
    interpret p1: c_manifold_point charts  c p
      using c_manifold_point[OF c] x(2) S(2) by blast
    interpret p2: c_manifold_point charts  "restrict_chart S c" p
      apply (rule c_manifold.c_manifold_point, unfold_locales)
      using S(1) x(2) by (auto simp add: restrict_chart_in_atlas)
    have TpM_eq: "p2.TpM = tangent_space p" by simp
    have "p1.tangent_chart_fun v = p2.tangent_chart_fun v"
      unfolding p1.tangent_chart_fun_def p2.tangent_chart_fun_def
      using p1.component_function_restrict_chart[OF x(2) S(1)] TpM_eq x(3) by simp }
  thus ?thesis
    using S(3) restrict_domain_TM[OF S(1,2)] unfolding restrict_chart_TM_def apply_chart_TM_def by auto

lemma inverse_restrict_chart_TM:
  assumes c: "c  atlas" and S: "open S" "S  domain c" "x  restrict_codomain_TM S c"
  shows "inv_chart_TM c x =  restrict_inv_chart_TM S c x"
proof -
  { fix p v assume x: "x = (p,v)" "p  c`S"
    interpret p1: c_manifold_point charts  c "inv_chart c p"
      using c_manifold_point[OF c] x(2) S(2) by blast
    have pS: "inv_chart c p  S"
      using restrict_chart_in_atlas x(2) S(2) image_domain_eq by auto
    interpret p2: c_manifold_point charts  "restrict_chart S c" "inv_chart c p"
      apply (rule c_manifold.c_manifold_point, unfold_locales)
      using pS restrict_chart_in_atlas S(1) by auto
    have "p1.coordinate_vector v = p2.coordinate_vector v"
      using p1.coordinate_vector_restrict_chart[OF pS S(1)]
      using p1.coordinate_vector_def p2.coordinate_vector_def by presburger }
  thus ?thesis
    using S(3) inv_chart_TM_def apply_chart_TM_def
    apply (simp add: codomain_restrict_chart_TM[OF c S(1)] restrict_inv_chart_TM_def)
    using apply_chart_TM_inverse(2)[OF c] surj_pair by (smt (verit) case_prod_conv image_eqI)

lemma (in c_manifold_point) dκ_inv_directional_derivative_eq:
  assumes "k = "
  shows "dκ¯ (directional_derivative k (ψ p) x) = restrict0 (diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space) (λf. frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p)) x)"
proof -

  let ?is_ext = "λf f'. fdiffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space  f'  manifold_eucl.dest.diff_fun_space  f'  diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space 
    (N. ψ p  N  open N  closure N  diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier  (xclosure N. f' x = f x) 
      (vTψpψU. v f = v f')  (vTψpψU. v f' =  v f')  (vTψpE. dκ¯ v f = v f'))"
  let ?extend = "λf. SOME f'. ?is_ext f f'"
  obtain extend where extend_def: "extend  ?extend" by blast
  have extend: "?is_ext f (extend f)" "?is_ext f (?extend f)"
    if "fdiffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space" for f
  proof -
    show "?is_ext f (?extend f)"
      by (rule someI_ex[of "λf'. ?is_ext f f'"]) (smt (verit) that extension_lemma_localE2)
    thus "?is_ext f (extend f)" unfolding extend_def by blast

  have "extend ` diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space  manifold_eucl.dest.diff_fun_space"
    using extend by blast

  have "dκ¯ (directional_derivative k (ψ p) x) f = restrict0 (diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space) (λf. frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p)) x) f"
    for f
  proof (cases "f  diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space")
    case True
    have frechet_derivative_extend: "frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p)) x = frechet_derivative (extend f) (at (ψ p)) x"
      if f: "fdiffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space" for f
    proof -
      obtain N where N: "ψ p  N  open N  closure N  diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier  (xclosure N. (extend f) x = f x) 
        (vTψpψU. v f = v (extend f))  (vTψpψU. v (extend f) =  v (extend f))  (vTψpE. dκ¯ v f = v (extend f))"
        using extend(1)[OF f] by presburger
      show ?thesis
        apply (rule frechet_derivative_transform_within_open_ext[where f=f and g="extend f" and X=N for f])
        using sub_eucl.submanifold_atlasI sub_eucl.sub_diff_fun_differentiable_at
            [OF diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_spaceD[OF f], of "restrict_chart (codomain ψ) chart_eucl"]
          apply (simp add: id_def[symmetric] assms)
        using N by simp_all
    have "dκ¯ (directional_derivative k (ψ p) x) f = (directional_derivative k (ψ p) x) (extend f)"
      using assms eq_TψpE_range_inclusion eq_TψpE_range_inclusion2 extend(1) True by blast
    also have " = frechet_derivative (extend f) (at (ψ p)) x"
      unfolding directional_derivative_def using extend(1)[OF True] by simp
    finally show ?thesis
      using True frechet_derivative_extend by simp
    case False
    then show ?thesis
    proof -
      have RHS_0: "restrict0 diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space (λf. frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p)) x) f = 0"
        using restrict0_apply_out[OF False] by blast
      moreover have LHS_0: "dκ¯ (directional_derivative k (ψ p) x) f = 0"
        using bij_betwE[OF bij_betw_dκ_inv] bij_betwE[OF bij_betw_directional_derivative[OF assms]]
        using diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_spaceD extensional0_outside[OF False] by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis by simp
  thus ?thesis by blast

lemma smooth_on_compat_charts_TM:
  assumes "c1  atlas" "c2  atlas"
  shows "smooth_on (c1 ` (domain c1  domain c2) × UNIV)
      (λx. frechet_derivative ((λy. (restrict_chart (domain c1  domain c2) c2) y  i)  inv_chart (restrict_chart (domain c1  domain c2) c1)) (at (fst x)) (snd x))"
    (is smooth_on ?D (λx. frechet_derivative ((λy. ?r2 y  i)  ?r1i) (at (fst x)) (snd x)))
proof -
  let ?dom_Int = "domain c1  domain c2"
  have open_simps[simp]: "open ?dom_Int" "open ?D"
    by (auto simp: open_Int open_Times)

  have smooth_on_1: "smooth_on (fst`?D) ((λy. ?r2 y  i)  ?r1i)" for i
    apply simp
    apply (rule smooth_on_cong'[of _ "c1 ` (domain c1  domain c2)"])
    apply (rule smooth_on_cong[of _ _ "(λy. c2 (inv_chart c1 y)  i)"])
    apply (rule smooth_on_inner[OF _ smooth_on_const[of _ _ i]])
    using atlas_is_atlas[unfolded smooth_compat_def o_def, OF assms(1,2)] apply auto[4]
    unfolding restrict_codomain_TM_def codomain_TM_alt using image_domain_eq by fastforce
  have smooth_on_2: "smooth_on ?D (λx. frechet_derivative ((λy. (?r2 y)  i)  ?r1i) (at (fst x)) v)" for v i
    apply (rule smooth_on_compose2[OF derivative_is_smooth, unfolded o_def, where S=UNIV and T="fst`?D"])
    using smooth_on_fst smooth_on_1 by (auto simp: open_image_fst)

  have r2_r1i_differentiable: "(λx. ?r2 (?r1i x)  i) differentiable (at (fst p))" if "p  ?D" for i::'b and p
  proof -
    have 1: "open (c1 ` (domain c1  domain c2))"
      and 2: "c1 (inv_chart c1 (fst p)) = fst p"
      and 3: "inv_chart c1 (fst p)  ?dom_Int" using that by auto
    show ?thesis
      using smooth_on_imp_differentiable_on[unfolded differentiable_on_def, OF smooth_on_1]
      by (simp add: o_def) (metis at_within_open image_eqI 1 2 3)

  show ?thesis
    unfolding o_def
    apply (rule smooth_on_cong[OF _ _ frechet_derivative_componentwise[OF r2_r1i_differentiable]])
    apply (rule smooth_on_sum)
    apply (rule smooth_on_times_fun[of  ?D, unfolded times_fun_def])
    subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_inner smooth_on_snd)
    subgoal using smooth_on_2[unfolded o_def] by simp
    by simp_all

― ‹The charts defined above for the tangent bundle of an infinitly smooth manifold are compatible
  (see termsmooth_compat) if the charts used for the construction are compatible.
  Thus, we can construct an atlas (up to type class issues) for $TM$ from the atlas of the manifold.›
lemma atlas_TM:
  assumes "c1  atlas" "c2  atlas"
  shows "smooth_on ((apply_chart_TM c1) ` (domain_TM c1  domain_TM c2)) ((apply_chart_TM c2)  (inv_chart_TM c1))"
    (is smooth_on (?c1 ` (?dom1  ?dom2)) ((?c2)  (?i1)))
proof -
  let ?dom_Int = "domain c1  domain c2"

  have dom_eq: "?dom1  ?dom2 = {(p,v). p  domain c1  p  domain c2  v  tangent_space p}"
    unfolding domain_TM_def by auto
  have open_Int_dom[simp]: "open (domain c1  domain c2)" by blast
  have open_image_dom_TM[simp]: "open (apply_chart_TM c1 ` (domain_TM c1  domain_TM c2))"
    using assms open_intersection_TM by blast
  have inv_chart_x_in: "(inv_chart c1 x)  domain c1  domain c2"
      if "x  c1 ` (domain c1  domain c2)" for x
    using that by force

  let ?snd_c2i1 = "λ(p, v). c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  c2 (inv_chart c1 p)
                        (c_manifold_point.coordinate_vector charts  c1 (inv_chart c1 p) v)"

  let ?R1i = "restrict_inv_chart_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1"
    and ?R1 = "restrict_chart_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1"
    and ?R2 = "restrict_chart_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c2"
    and ?r1 = "restrict_chart ?dom_Int c1"
    and ?r2 = "restrict_chart ?dom_Int c2"
    and ?r1i = "inv_chart (restrict_chart ?dom_Int c1)"
    and ?r2i = "inv_chart (restrict_chart ?dom_Int c2)"

  show ?thesis
  proof (subst restrict_chart_domain_Int[OF assms(1)], subst image_restrict_domain_TM_eq[OF assms(1)], rule smooth_on_cong)
    fix x assume x: "x  restrict_codomain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1"
    then have y: "(?R1i x)  restrict_domain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c2"
      using inv_image_restrict_codomain_TM_eq[OF assms(1)]
      using restrict_domain_TM_intersection restrict_domain_TM_intersection'
      by blast
    show "(apply_chart_TM c2  inv_chart_TM c1) x = (?R2  ?R1i) x"
      using inverse_restrict_chart_TM apply_restrict_chart_TM open_Int_dom x y assms(1,2) by simp
    show open_restrict_codomain[simp]: "open (restrict_codomain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1)"
      by (simp add: image_restrict_domain_TM_eq[OF assms(1), symmetric] restrict_chart_domain_Int[OF assms(1), symmetric])
    show "smooth_on (restrict_codomain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1) (?R2  ?R1i)"
    proof (rule smooth_on_Pair'[OF open_restrict_codomain])
      have fst_eq: "fst  (?R2  ?R1i) = ?r2  ?r1i  fst"
        unfolding restrict_chart_TM_def restrict_inv_chart_TM_def apply_chart_TM_def inv_chart_TM_def by auto
      show "smooth_on (restrict_codomain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1) (fst  (?R2  ?R1i))"
        apply (simp add: fst_eq)
        apply (rule smooth_on_compose[of _ "c1 ` (domain c1  domain c2)"])
        subgoal using atlas_is_atlas assms smooth_compat_D1 by blast
        subgoal by (auto intro: smooth_on_fst)
        subgoal by simp
        subgoal by simp
        subgoal unfolding restrict_codomain_TM_def codomain_TM_alt using image_domain_eq by fastforce

      let ?g = "λx. (iBasis. (frechet_derivative ((λy. (?r2 y)  i)  ?r1i) (at (fst x)) (snd x)) *R i)"

      have local_simps: "?r2  ?r1i = (λx. ?r2 (?r1i x))"
          and [simp]: "domain c2  (domain c1  domain c2) = domain c1  domain c2"
        by auto
      have r2_r1i_differentiable: "(λx. ?r2 (?r1i x)  i) differentiable (at (?r1 p))" if "p  ?dom_Int" for i::'b and p
        apply (rule differentiable_compose[of "λx. x  i"], simp)
        apply (subst local_simps(1)[symmetric])
        apply (rule c_manifold.diff_fun_differentiable_at[of "charts_submanifold ?dom_Int" ])
        subgoal using atlas_is_atlas charts_submanifold_def in_charts_in_atlas restrict_chart_in_atlas by unfold_locales (auto)
        subgoal unfolding diff_fun_def using diff_apply_chart[of ?r2] assms(2) restrict_chart_in_atlas by simp
        subgoal using restrict_chart_in_atlas[OF assms(1)] c_manifold_local.sub_ψ
          by (metis c_manifold_point.axioms(1)[OF c_manifold_point] domain_restrict_chart inf.left_idem open_Int_dom that)
        using that by auto
      have r2p_deriv: "frechet_derivative (λx. - (?r2 p)  i) (at (?r1 p)) = 0"for i::'b and p by auto
      hence r2p_differentiable: "(λx. - (?r2 p)  i) differentiable (at (?r1 p))" for i::'b and p by simp

      show "smooth_on (restrict_codomain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1) (snd  (?R2  ?R1i))"
      proof (rule smooth_on_cong[of _ _ ?g, OF _ open_restrict_codomain])
        fix x assume x: "x  restrict_codomain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1"
        then obtain xp xv where Pair_x: "x = (xp,xv)" and xp: "xp  codomain c1" "xp  inv_chart c1 -` ?dom_Int"
          unfolding restrict_codomain_TM_def codomain_TM_alt
          using codomain_restrict_chart[OF open_Int_dom, of c1] by blast

        obtain p where p_def: "p = inv_chart ?r1 xp" and p[simp]: "p  ?dom_Int"
          using xp(2) by auto

        interpret p1: c_manifold_point charts  ?r1 p
          using xp(2) by (auto intro!: c_manifold_point simp add: restrict_chart_in_atlas assms(1) p_def)
        interpret p2: c_manifold_point charts  ?r2 p
          using xp(2) by (auto intro!: c_manifold_point simp add: restrict_chart_in_atlas assms(2) p_def)

        let ?v = "p1.coordinate_vector xv"
        obtain v where v_def: "v = p1.coordinate_vector xv" and v[simp]: "v  tangent_space p"
          using p1.coordinate_vector_surj by blast

        have pvx: "?R1 (p,v) = x"
          using Pair_x xp(1) p1.tangent_chart_fun_inverse(2)
          by (auto simp: p_def v_def restrict_chart_TM_def apply_chart_TM_def)

        have p1_coord_in_Tp2M: "p1.coordinate_vector xv  p2.TpM"
          using v v_def by auto

        have diff_fun_spaces_eq[simp]:  "p2.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space = p1.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
          unfolding p2.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def p1.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def by simp
        have TpU_eq[simp]: "p2.TpU = p1.TpU"
          unfolding p2.sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space_def p1.sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space_def by simp
        have sub_carriers_eq[simp]: "p2.sub_ψ.sub.carrier = p1.sub_ψ.sub.carrier"
          unfolding p2.sub_ψ.sub.carrier_def p1.sub_ψ.sub.carrier_def by simp

        have in_diff_fun_space: "restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i)  p1.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
          for i::'b
        proof -
          have "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold ?dom_Int) (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i)"
          proof (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong)
            show "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold ?dom_Int) ((λx. x  i)  ((λx. (x - ?r2 p))  ?r2))"
            proof (intro diff_fun_compose diff_compose)
          ― ‹This result could easily be an instance of an axiom of Lie groups.
              However, I think it may be harder to start from differentiability of a binary
              operation on the product manifold than it is to just use composition
              of basic smooth operations.›
              have eucl_diff_add_uminus: "diff  charts_eucl charts_eucl (λy. y + - x)"
                if x: "x  manifold_eucl.carrier" for x::'b
                apply (intro diff_fun_charts_euclI[unfolded diff_fun_def])
                using smooth_on_add[OF smooth_on_id smooth_on_const[of  UNIV "-x"]] open_UNIV by simp
              show "diff  (charts_submanifold ?dom_Int) (manifold_eucl.dest.charts_submanifold (codomain ?r2)) ?r2"
                using p2.diffeo_ψ.diff_axioms by auto
              show "diff  (manifold_eucl.dest.charts_submanifold (codomain ?r2)) charts_eucl (λx. x - ?r2 p)"
                using eucl_diff_add_uminus[of "?r2 p"] diff.diff_submanifold p2.sub_eucl.open_submanifold by auto
              show "diff_fun  charts_eucl (λx. x  i)"
                using smooth_on_inner_const by (simp add: diff_fun_charts_euclI)
          qed (simp)
          moreover have "(?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i = (restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i)) x"
            if "x  manifold.carrier (charts_submanifold ?dom_Int)" for x
            using p1.sub_ψ_carrier that by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using p1.sub_ψ.sub.restrict0_in_fun_space p2.sub_ψ_carrier by auto

        have p2_comp_p1_coord_xv: "p2.component_function (p1.coordinate_vector xv) i =
            frechet_derivative ((λy. (?r2 y)  i)  ?r1i) (at (?r1 p)) xv" for i::'b
        proof -
          have 1: "p2.component_function (p1.coordinate_vector xv) i =
              (p1.differential_inv_chart (p1.dRestr (directional_derivative  (?r1 p) xv))) (restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))"
          proof -
            have "p2.component_function (p1.coordinate_vector xv) i =
                  p2.dRestr2 (p1.coordinate_vector xv) (restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))"
              using p2.component_function_apply_in_TpM[OF p1_coord_in_Tp2M]
              by (simp add: Int_absorb1)
            also have " = p1.dRestr2 (p1.coordinate_vector xv) (restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))"
              unfolding the_inv_into_def by simp
            also have " = (p1.differential_inv_chart (p1.dRestr (directional_derivative  (?r1 p) xv)))
                (restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))"
              using the_inv_into_f_f[OF bij_betw_imp_inj_on[OF p1.tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1)]]
              using bij_betwE[OF p1.bij_betw_dψ_inv] bij_betwE[OF p1.bij_betw_dκ_inv] p1_coord_in_Tp2M
              by (auto simp: p1.coordinate_vector_apply)
            finally show ?thesis .
          also have " = frechet_derivative (restrict0 p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier ((restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))  ?r1i)) (at (?r1 p)) xv"
          proof -
            have " = (p1.differential_inv_chart (restrict0 (p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space) (λf. frechet_derivative f (at (?r1 p)) xv)))
                (restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))"
              using p1.dκ_inv_directional_derivative_eq by simp
            also have " = (λg. restrict0 p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space (λf. frechet_derivative f (at (?r1 p)) xv)
                (restrict0 p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier (g  ?r1i)))
              (restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))"
              unfolding p1.diffeo_ψ.inv.push_forward_def using in_diff_fun_space by simp
            also have " = (λf. frechet_derivative f (at (?r1 p)) xv)
                (restrict0 p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier ((restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))  ?r1i))"
              using in_diff_fun_space p1.diffeo_ψ.inv.restrict_compose_in_diff_fun_space by auto
            finally show ?thesis by simp
          also have " = frechet_derivative ((λx. (?r2 x)  i)  ?r1i) (at (?r1 p)) xv"
          proof -
            let ?X = "p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier"
            have X_eq_codomain_r1[simp]: "p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier = codomain ?r1"
              using chart_eucl_simps(1) manifold.carrier_def
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_UNIV_right Int_commute ccpo_Sup_singleton
                  image_insert image_is_empty p1.sub_eucl.carrier_submanifold)
            have 1: "frechet_derivative (restrict0 p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier ((restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))  ?r1i)) (at (?r1 p)) =
                frechet_derivative ((λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i)  ?r1i) (at (?r1 p))"
                (is frechet_derivative ?fL (at _) = frechet_derivative ?fR (at _))
            proof (rule frechet_derivative_transform_within_open)
              show "?fL x = ?fR x" if "x?X" for x
                using X_eq_codomain_r1 that by simp
              show "open ?X" by blast
              show "?r1 p  ?X" using p1.ψp_in by blast
              let ?fL' = "(restrict0 ?dom_Int (λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i))  ?r1i"
              show "?fL differentiable at (?r1 p)"
                apply (rule differentiable_transform_within_open[of ?fL' _ _ ?X])
                apply (rule p1.sub_ψ.sub_diff_fun_differentiable_at)
                using p1.ψp_in p1.diffeo_ψ.dest.open_carrier in_diff_fun_space p1.sub_ψ p1.p p1.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_spaceD by auto
            also have 2: " = frechet_derivative ((λx. (?r2 x)  i)  ?r1i) (at (?r1 p))"
            proof -
              have "frechet_derivative ((λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i)  ?r1i) (at (?r1 p)) =
                         frechet_derivative ((λx. ?r2 (?r1i x)  i) + (λx. - (?r2 p)  i)) (at (?r1 p))"
                by (simp add: plus_fun_def inner_diff_left) (meson comp_apply)
              also have " = frechet_derivative (λx. ?r2 (?r1i x)  i) (at (?r1 p)) + (frechet_derivative (λx. - (?r2 p)  i) (at (?r1 p)))"
                  using r2_r1i_differentiable[OF p] r2p_differentiable by (auto simp: frechet_derivative_plus_fun)
              finally show "frechet_derivative ((λx. (?r2 x - ?r2 p)  i)  ?r1i) (at (?r1 p)) =
                  frechet_derivative ((λx. ?r2 x  i)  ?r1i) (at (?r1 p))"
              using r2p_deriv by simp (metis comp_apply)
            finally show ?thesis using 1 by presburger
          finally show "p2.component_function (p1.coordinate_vector xv) i = frechet_derivative ((λx. (?r2 x)  i)  ?r1i) (at (?r1 p)) xv" .

        have "(snd  (?R2  ?R1i)) x = (p2.tangent_chart_fun  p1.coordinate_vector) xv"
          unfolding restrict_chart_TM_def restrict_inv_chart_TM_def
          unfolding apply_chart_TM_def inv_chart_TM_def by (simp add: Pair_x p_def)
        then show "(snd  (?R2  ?R1i)) x = ?g x"
          unfolding p2.tangent_chart_fun_def using p2_comp_p1_coord_xv p_def p Pair_x xp(1) by auto
        let ?D = "restrict_codomain_TM (domain c1  domain c2) c1"
        show "smooth_on ?D ?g"
        proof (rule smooth_on_sum, rule smooth_on_scaleR)
          fix i::'b assume i: "iBasis"
          have D_product: "?D = c1 ` (domain c1  domain c2) × UNIV"
            unfolding restrict_codomain_TM_def codomain_TM_def
            by auto (metis IntI chart_inverse_inv_chart imageI inv_chart_in_domain)
          show "smooth_on ?D (λx. frechet_derivative ((λy. (?r2 y)  i)  ?r1i) (at (fst x)) (snd x))"
            unfolding D_product by (rule smooth_on_compat_charts_TM[OF assms])
        qed (auto)

lemma atlas_TM':
  assumes "c1  atlas" "c2  atlas"
  shows "smooth_on ((apply_chart_TM c2) ` (domain_TM c1  domain_TM c2)) ((apply_chart_TM c1)  (inv_chart_TM c2))"
  using atlas_TM[OF assms(2,1)] by (simp add: Int_commute)


subsubsection ‹Differentiability of vector fields›
context c_manifold begin

abbreviation k_diff_from_M_to_TM_at_in :: "enat  'a  ('a,'b)chart  ('a  'a tangent_bundle)  bool"
  where "k_diff_from_M_to_TM_at_in k' x c X   x  domain c  X ` domain c  domain_TM c  k'-smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)"

― ‹Compare this definition to @{thm diff_axioms_def}. It's the same, except the charts for TM
  aren't of type typ('a,'b)chart.›
definition k_diff_from_M_to_TM (‹_-diff'_from'_M'_to'_TM [1000])
  where diff_from_M_to_TM_def: "k'-diff_from_M_to_TM X  x. x  carrier 
    (catlas. k_diff_from_M_to_TM_at_in k' x c X)"

abbreviation "continuous_from_M_to_TM  0-diff_from_M_to_TM"
abbreviation (in smooth_manifold) "smooth_from_M_to_TM  k_diff_from_M_to_TM "

lemma diff_from_M_to_TM_E:
  assumes "k'-diff_from_M_to_TM X" "x  carrier"
  obtains c where "catlas" "x  domain c" "X ` domain c  domain_TM c" "k'-smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)"
  using assms unfolding diff_from_M_to_TM_def by auto

lemma continuous_from_M_to_TM_D:
  assumes "continuous_from_M_to_TM X" "x  carrier"
  obtains c where "catlas" "x  domain c" "X ` domain c  domain_TM c" "continuous_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)"
  using assms by (meson diff_from_M_to_TM_E smooth_on_imp_continuous_on that)

definition section_of_TM_def: "section_of_TM_on S X  pS. (X p)  TM  fst (X p) = p"

abbreviation "section_of_TM  section_of_TM_on carrier"

lemma section_of_TM_subset:
  assumes "section_of_TM_on S X" "T  S"
  shows "section_of_TM_on T X"
  using assms unfolding section_of_TM_def by force

lemma section_domain_TM:
  assumes "section_of_TM_on (domain c) X"
  shows "X ` domain c  domain_TM c"
  using assms unfolding domain_TM_def section_of_TM_def in_TM_def by auto

lemma section_domain_TM':
  assumes "section_of_TM X" "c  atlas"
  shows "X ` domain c  domain_TM c"
  using assms section_domain_TM section_of_TM_subset by blast

lemma section_vimage_domain_TM:
  assumes "section_of_TM X" "catlas"
  shows "carrier  X -` domain_TM c = domain c"
  using assms unfolding domain_TM_def section_of_TM_def in_TM_def
  by simp force


context smooth_manifold begin

text ‹Show that a smooth/differentiable vector field is smooth in any chart.
  This would be @{thm diff.diff_chartsD} if we could write $TM$ as a localec_manifold;
  it relies on the compatibility of charts for $TM$ given in @{thm smooth_manifold.atlas_TM}.›
lemma diff_from_M_to_TM_chartsD:
  assumes X: "k_diff_from_M_to_TM k' X" "section_of_TM X" and c: "c  atlas"
  shows "k'-smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)"
proof -
  have codom_simp: "codomain c  inv_chart c -` (carrier  X -` domain_TM c) = codomain c"
    using section_vimage_domain_TM[OF X(2) c] by (simp add: Int_absorb2 subset_vimage_iff)
  { fix y assume "y  codomain c  inv_chart c -` (carrier  X -` domain_TM c)"
    then have y: "X (inv_chart c y)  domain_TM c" "y  codomain c"
      by auto
    then obtain x where x: "c x = y" "x  domain c"
      by force
    then have "x  carrier" using assms by force
    obtain c1 where "c1  atlas"
      and fc1: "X ` domain c1  domain_TM c1"
      and xc1: "x  domain c1"
      and d: "k'-smooth_on (codomain c1) (apply_chart_TM c1  X  inv_chart c1)"
      by (meson x  carrier assms(1) diff_from_M_to_TM_E)
    have fc1' [simp]: "x  domain c1  X x  domain_TM c1" for x using fc1 by auto
    have r1: "k'-smooth_on (c ` (domain c  domain c1)) (c1  inv_chart c)"
      using smooth_compat_D1[OF smooth_compat_le[OF atlas_is_atlas[OF c c1  atlas]]] by force
    ― ‹Important: this is where we use @{thm smooth_manifold.atlas_TM}.›
    have r2: "k'-smooth_on (apply_chart_TM c1 ` (domain_TM c  domain_TM c1)) (apply_chart_TM c  inv_chart_TM c1)"
      apply (rule smooth_on_le[OF atlas_TM'[OF c c1  atlas]]) by simp
    define T where "T = c ` (domain c  domain c1)    inv_chart c -` (carrier  (X -` domain_TM c))"
    have simps_1: "(apply_chart_TM c1  X  inv_chart c1) ` (apply_chart c1  inv_chart c) ` T = (apply_chart_TM c1  X  inv_chart c) ` T"
      if "inv_chart c ` T  domain c1" for T
      unfolding image_comp[symmetric] using that by auto
        (smt (verit) image_eqI image_subset_iff inv_chart_inverse)
    have "inv_chart c ` T  domain c1"
      by (auto simp: T_def)
    note T_simps = simps_1[OF this] section_vimage_domain_TM[OF X(2) c]
    have "open T"
      by (auto intro!: open_continuous_vimage' continuous_intros simp: T_simps(2) T_def)
    have T_subset: "T  apply_chart c ` (domain c  domain c1)"
      by (auto simp: T_def)
    have opens: "open (c1 ` inv_chart c ` T)" "open (apply_chart_TM c1 ` (domain_TM c  domain_TM c1))"
      using T_subset fc1 open Tinv_chart c ` T  domain c1 apply blast
      by (metis Int_commute c1  atlas open_intersection_TM)
    have "k'-smooth_on ((apply_chart c1  inv_chart c) ` T) (apply_chart_TM c  inv_chart_TM c1  (apply_chart_TM c1  X  inv_chart c1))"
      using r2 d opens unfolding image_comp[symmetric] apply (rule smooth_on_compose2)
      by (auto simp: T_def) (metis IntI fc1 image_subset_iff subset_refl)
    from this r1 open T opens(1) have "k'-smooth_on T
        ((apply_chart_TM c  inv_chart_TM c1)  (apply_chart_TM c1  X  inv_chart c1)  (c1  inv_chart c))"
      unfolding image_comp[symmetric]
      by (rule smooth_on_compose2) (force simp: T_def)+
    then have "k'-smooth_on T (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)"
      using open T apply (rule smooth_on_cong)
      using apply_chart_TM_inverse(1)[of c1 "fst (X xa)" "snd (X xa)" for xa] fc1' c1  atlas
      by (auto simp: T_def)
    moreover have "y  T"
      using x xc1 fc1 y c1  atlas by (auto simp: T_def)
    ultimately have "T. y  T  open T  k'-smooth_on T (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)"
      using open T by metis }
  thus ?thesis
    apply (rule smooth_on_open_subsetsI)
    using codom_simp by simp

definition "smooth_section_of_TM X  section_of_TM X  smooth_from_M_to_TM X"

abbreviation set_of_smooth_sections_of_TM (𝔛)
  where "set_of_smooth_sections_of_TM  {X. smooth_section_of_TM X}"

lemma in𝔛_E:
  assumes "X  𝔛" "pcarrier"
  shows "(catlas. p  domain c  X ` domain c  domain_TM c  smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c))"
    and "snd (X p)  tangent_space p"
    and "fst (X p) = p"
  using assms TM_E[of "X p" for p]
  by (auto simp: smooth_section_of_TM_def section_of_TM_def diff_from_M_to_TM_def) (metis)

lemma in𝔛_chartsD:
  assumes "X  𝔛" "catlas"
  shows "smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)"
  using diff_from_M_to_TM_chartsD[of  X c] assms smooth_section_of_TM_def by auto


text ‹A vector field is smooth if it is smooth as a map $M \to TM$. As a shortcut, we define a
  smooth vector field as one that is smooth in the chart - this avoids problems with defining
  a typ('a × (('a  real)  real), 'b) chart. We also introduce a duality of
  predicates with strongly related meaning: this allows us to consider vector fields as either
  maps typ'a  (('areal)real), i.e. mapping a point to a vector; or
  maps typ'a  ('a × (('areal)real)), i.e. sections of $TM$ properly speaking.›

context c_manifold begin

definition rough_vector_field :: "'a vector_field  bool"
  where "rough_vector_field X  extensional0 carrier X  (pcarrier. X p  tangent_space p)"

lemma rough_vector_fieldE [elim]:
  assumes "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "p. X p  tangent_space p" "extensional0 carrier X"
  using assms by (auto simp: rough_vector_field_def extensional0_outside tangent_space.mem_zero)

lemma rough_vector_field_subset:
  assumes "rough_vector_field X" "T  carrier"
  shows "rough_vector_field (restrict0 T X)"
  unfolding rough_vector_field_def using assms rough_vector_fieldE tangent_space.mem_zero
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) extensional0_def restrict0_def)

end (* c_manifold *)

abbreviation (input) vec_field_apply_fun :: "'a vector_field  ('areal)  ('areal)" (infix ˝ 100)
  where "vec_field_apply_fun X f  λp. X p f"

lemma (in c_manifold) vec_field_apply_fun_cong:
  assumes X: "rough_vector_field X" and U: "open U" "U  carrier" "xU. f x = g x"
    and f: "f  diff_fun_space" and g: "g  diff_fun_space"
  shows "pU. X p f = X p g"
  using assms by (auto intro: derivation_eq_localI simp: rough_vector_field_def)

lemma (in c_manifold) ext0_vec_field_apply_fun:
  assumes X: "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "extensional0 diff_fun_space (vec_field_apply_fun X)"
  using rough_vector_fieldE[OF X] unfolding tangent_space_def extensional0_def by fastforce

subsection ‹Smoothness criterion for a vector field in a single chart.›

text ‹A smooth vector field is one that is infinitely differentiable when expanded in the
  charting Euclidean space using @{thm c_manifold_point.coordinate_vector_representation}.
  This should be the chart that makes each tangent space into a manifold anyway,
  but the type constraints are tricky to satisfy.›
text ‹Since tangent spaces at the same point differ between a manifold and a submanifold,
  it's important to note that the differentiability condition can be relaxed to only apply to a
  subset, but the tangent bundle is always the disjoint union of tangent spaces of the
  \emph{entire} manifold, which implies the chart function for the tangent space
  is defined in the entire manifold, not a submanifold.›

locale smooth_vector_field_local = c_manifold_local charts  ψ for charts ψ +
  fixes X
  assumes vector_field: "pdomain ψ. X p  tangent_space p"
    and smooth_in_chart: "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) (λp. (c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  ψ p) (X p))"
lemma rough_vector_field: "rough_vector_field (restrict0 (domain ψ) X)"
  apply (simp only: rough_vector_field_def, intro conjI)
  using extensional0_def sub_ψ_carrier apply fastforce
  using vector_field by (metis restrict0_apply_in restrict0_apply_out tangent_space.mem_zero)

subsubsection ‹Connecting the types typ'a  ('areal)real (used for termsmooth_vector_field_local)
  and typ'a  'a×(('areal)real) (used for termc_manifold.section_of_TM).›
context c_manifold begin

lemma fst_apply_chart_TM_id [simp]: "(fst  (apply_chart_TM ψ  X  inv_chart ψ)) x = x"
  if "section_of_TM_on (domain ψ) X" "ψatlas" "xcodomain ψ" for x
  using that by (simp add: case_prod_beta' apply_chart_TM_def section_of_TM_def)

text ‹The justification for the definition of localesmooth_vector_field_local is the lemma below,
  connecting it to the smoothness requirement used to define the set of smooth sections term𝔛.›
lemma apply_chart_TM_chartX:
  fixes X :: "('a  'a × (('a  real)  real))" and c :: "('a, 'b) chart" and chart_X :: "'a  'b"
  defines "chart_X  λp. (c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  c p) (snd (X p))"
  assumes k: "k=" and X: "section_of_TM_on (domain c) X" and c: "c  atlas"
  shows "smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)  diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain c)) chart_X"
    (is ?smooth_in_chart_TM c X  ?diff_domain c chart_X)
proof -

  interpret c: c_manifold_local charts  c
    using k c pairwise_compat by unfold_locales simp_all
  have p: "c_manifold_point charts  c p" if "pdomain c" for p
    using that by unfold_locales simp
  have X_in_TM: "fst (X p) = p" "snd (X p)  tangent_space p" if "pdomain c" for p
    using that X c.ψ in_TM_E(1) by (auto simp: section_of_TM_def)
  have chart_X_alt: "chart_X p = (snd  (c.apply_chart_TM c  X)) p" if "p  domain c" for p
    by (simp add: that chart_X_def c.apply_chart_TM_def X_in_TM(1) split_beta)
  have smooth_comp_snd: "smooth_on (codomain c) (sndf)" if "smooth_on (codomain c) f" for f :: "'b  'b×'b"
    using open_codomain that by (auto intro!: smooth_on_snd simp: comp_def)
  have c_in_sub_atlas: "c  c.sub_ψ.sub.atlas"
    by (metis c.ψ c.atlas_is_atlas c.sub_ψ.sub.maximal_atlas c.sub_ψ.submanifold_atlasE c.sub_ψ_carrier set_eq_subset)

  show ?thesis

    assume asm: "?smooth_in_chart_TM c X"
    have 1: "smooth_on (codomain c) (snd  (c.apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c))"
      using smooth_comp_snd[OF asm] by (simp only: comp_assoc)
    have 2: "smooth_on (codomain c) ((λx. x)  chart_X  inv_chart c)"
      by (auto intro!: smooth_on_cong[OF 1] simp: chart_X_alt)
      fix x assume "x  domain c"
      then interpret x: c_manifold_point charts  c x using p by blast
      have "c1  c.sub_ψ.sub.atlas. c2  manifold_eucl.atlas .
          x  domain c1  chart_X ` domain c1  domain c2 
          smooth_on (codomain c1) (apply_chart c2  chart_X  inv_chart c1)"
        using 2 c_in_sub_atlas by (intro bexI) auto

    then show "?diff_domain c chart_X"
      unfolding diff_fun_def diff_def diff_axioms_def
      using c.sub_ψ.sub.manifold_eucl.c_manifolds_axioms c.sub_ψ_carrier by blast

    assume asm: "?diff_domain c chart_X"
    interpret asm_df: diff_fun  "charts_submanifold (domain c)" "snd  (c.apply_chart_TM c  X)"
      using diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[OF asm chart_X_alt] by fastforce
    have codomain_c_eq: "codomain c = codomain c  inv_chart c -` (c.sub_ψ.sub.carrier  (snd  (c.apply_chart_TM c  X)) -` domain chart_eucl)"
      using c.ψ by (simp, blast)
    let ?X = "(c.apply_chart_TM c  X  inv_chart c)"
    let ?X' = "λx. (x, (snd?X) x)"
    have X_eq: "?X x = ?X' x" if "xcodomain c" for x
      using c.fst_apply_chart_TM_id X k that by (metis c comp_apply prod.collapse)
    have smooth_on_snd_chart_TM: "smooth_on (codomain c) (snd  ?X)"
      using asm_df.diff_chartsD[OF c_in_sub_atlas, of chart_eucl] codomain_c_eq
      by (auto simp add: comp_assoc smooth_on_cong)

    show "?smooth_in_chart_TM c X"
      apply (rule smooth_on_cong[OF _ _ X_eq])
      using smooth_on_Pair smooth_on_id smooth_on_snd_chart_TM by blast+

end (* c_manifold *)

context smooth_vector_field_local begin

definition "chart_X  λp. (c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  ψ p) (X p)"

lemma smooth_in_chart_X [simp]: "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) chart_X"
  unfolding chart_X_def using smooth_in_chart by simp

lemma apply_chart_TM_chart_X:
  "smooth_on (codomain ψ) (apply_chart_TM ψ  (λp. (p, X p))  inv_chart ψ)  diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) chart_X"
  unfolding chart_X_def
  apply (rule apply_chart_TM_chartX[of ψ "λp. (p, X p)", simplified])
  unfolding section_of_TM_def in_TM_def apply (clarsimp, intro conjI)
  using ψ vector_field by (blast, auto)


subsubsection ‹Some theorems about smooth vector fields, locally and globally.›
context c_manifold_local begin
text ‹It is often convenient to keep a stronger handle on which chart we're (locally) working in.
  Since the first component of the termapply_chart_TM is just the identity,
  we can safely omit it for a lot of our reasoning about smoothness in a chart
  (see @{thm fst_apply_chart_TM_id} and @{thm apply_chart_TM_chartX}).›

definition vector_field_component :: "('a  (('a  real)  real))  'b  'a  real"
  where "vector_field_component X i  λp. (c_manifold_point.component_function charts k ψ p) (X p) i"
definition coordinate_vector_field :: "'b  ('a  (('a  real)  real))"
  where "coordinate_vector_field i p  c_manifold_point.coordinate_vector charts k ψ p i"

text ‹Eqn. 8.2, page 175, Lee 2012›
lemma vector_field_local_representation:
  assumes k: "k = " and X: "rough_vector_field X" and p: "pdomain ψ"
  shows "X p = (iBasis. (vector_field_component X i p) *R (coordinate_vector_field i p))"
  unfolding vector_field_component_def coordinate_vector_field_def
  apply (rule c_manifold_point.coordinate_vector_representation)
  apply unfold_locales
  subgoal using p rough_vector_fieldE[OF X] sub_ψ_carrier by blast
  subgoal using p rough_vector_fieldE[OF X] in_carrier_atlasI[OF ψ] by blast
  by (simp add: k)

definition local_coord_at :: "'a  'b  'a  real"
  where "local_coord_at q i  restrict0 (domain ψ) (λy::'a. (ψ y - ψ q)  i)"

lemma local_coord_diff_fun:
  assumes k: "k=" and q: "q  domain ψ"
  shows "local_coord_at q i  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
proof -
  note local_simps[simp] = local_coord_at_def
  have "diff_fun k (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) ((λy::'a. (ψ y - ψ q)  i))"
    apply (rule diff_fun_compose[unfolded o_def, of k _ charts_eucl ψ])
    using diff_fun_ψ.diff_axioms k by (auto intro!: diff_fun_charts_euclI smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus)
  from diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[OF this] q
  have "diff_fun k (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) (local_coord_at q i)" by simp
  then show "local_coord_at q i  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
    by auto (metis restrict0_subset sub_ψ sub_ψ.sub.domain_atlas_subset_carrier sub_ψ.sub.restrict0_in_fun_space)

lemma vector_apply_coord_at:
  fixes xψ defines [simp]: "xψ  local_coord_at"
  assumes q: "qdomain ψ" and p:"pdomain ψ" and X: "X  tangent_space q" and k: "k="
  shows "(dι¯ q) X (xψ p i) = (dι¯ q) X (xψ q i)"
proof -
  note local_simps[simp] = local_coord_at_def
  have diff_xψi': "xψ q i  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space" if "q  domain ψ" for i q
    using local_coord_diff_fun[OF k that] by simp
  interpret q: c_manifold_point charts k ψ q using q ψ by unfold_locales simp
  let ?xq = "xψ q"
  have Xq: "q.dRestr2 X  q.TpU"
    using bij_betwE[OF q.bij_betw_dι_inv] X by simp
    fix x' b assume "x'  domain ψ"
    have Dp_simp: "frechet_derivative ((xψ p' i)  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ x')) = frechet_derivative ((λy. y  i)) (at (ψ x'))" for p'
    proof -
      have "frechet_derivative ((xψ p' i)  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ x')) = frechet_derivative ((λy. (y - ψ p')  i)) (at (ψ x'))"
        apply (rule frechet_derivative_transform_within_open[OF _ open_codomain[of ψ], symmetric])
        by (simp_all add: x'  domain ψ)
      then show ?thesis
        by (auto simp: algebra_simps zero_fun_def
            intro!: frechet_derivative_at[symmetric] has_derivative_diff[where g'=0, simplified] derivative_intros)
    have "frechet_derivative ((xψ p i)  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ x')) b = frechet_derivative ((xψ q i)  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ x')) b"
      by (simp only: Dp_simp)
  } note deriv_eq = this
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule sub_ψ.sub.derivation_eq_localI'[OF k q _ _ Xq, of ψ])
    using local_coord_diff_fun diff_xψi' k deriv_eq sub_ψ
    by (auto simp: p sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def)

end (*c_manifold_local*)

context c_manifold begin

abbreviation (input) "real_linear_on S1 S2  linear_on S1 S2 scaleR scaleR"

― ‹Sometimes we want to apply a vector field meaningfully to a function that is in the
  termc_manifold.diff_fun_space of a submanifold (e.g. a single chart). For this to make sense,
  the function has to be in the correct space, and the submanifold's carrier set has to be open.›
definition vec_field_apply_fun_in_at :: "('a vector_field)  ('areal)  'a set  'a  real"
  where "vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U q = restrict0 (tangent_space q)
        (c_manifold.tangent_space (charts_submanifold U) k q)
        (diff.push_forward k (charts_submanifold U) charts (λx. x)))
      (X q) f"

abbreviation vec_field_restr :: "('a vector_field)  'a set  ('a vector_field)"
  where "vec_field_restr X U q f  restrict0 U (vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U) q"
notation vec_field_restr (‹__› [60,60])

lemma (in smooth_manifold) vec_field_restr: "(XU) p  c_manifold.tangent_space (charts_submanifold U)  p"
  if "open U" "U  carrier" "rough_vector_field X" for U X
proof -
  interpret U: submanifold charts  U
    by (unfold_locales, simp add: that)
  have U_simps[simp]: "U.sub.carrier  = U"
    using that by auto
  show ?thesis
    apply (cases "pU")
      apply (simp add: vec_field_apply_fun_in_at_def)
      using bij_betwE[OF U.bij_betw_dι_inv] that rough_vector_fieldE(1) by auto
    by (simp add: U.sub.diff_fun_space.linear_zero U.sub.tangent_spaceI extensional0_def)

lemma vec_field_apply_fun_alt':
  assumes "open U" "qU" "f  c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold U) k" "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U q = (the_inv_into (c_manifold.tangent_space (charts_submanifold U) k q) (diff.push_forward k (charts_submanifold U) charts (λx. x))) (X q) f"
  using rough_vector_fieldE(1)[OF assms(4)] by (auto simp: vec_field_apply_fun_in_at_def  assms(1-3))

lemma vec_field_apply_fun_alt:
  assumes "open U" "qU" "f  c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold U) k" "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "vec_field_restr X U q f = (the_inv_into (c_manifold.tangent_space (charts_submanifold U) k q) (diff.push_forward k (charts_submanifold U) charts (λx. x))) (X q) f"
  using rough_vector_fieldE(1)[OF assms(4)] by (auto simp: vec_field_apply_fun_in_at_def  assms(1-3))

lemma (in submanifold) vec_field_apply_fun_sub:
  assumes "qcarrier" "qS" "f  sub.diff_fun_space" "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f (Scarrier) q = (the_inv_into (sub.tangent_space q) inclusion.push_forward) (X q) f"
  using assms charts_submanifold_Int_carrier sub.open_carrier vec_field_apply_fun_alt by auto

lemma vec_field_apply_fun_in_open[simp]: "vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f' U p = X p f"
    if U: "p  U" "open U" "U  carrier"
      and f: "f  diff_fun_space" "f'  c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold U) k" "xU. f x = f' x"
      and X: "rough_vector_field X"
proof -
  interpret U: submanifold charts k U using U(2) by unfold_locales
  show ?thesis
    using U.vec_field_apply_fun_sub[OF subsetD[OF U(3,1)] U(1) f(2) X] U.vector_apply_sub_eq_localI(2)
    using rough_vector_fieldE(1)[OF X] that(1,3-6) by (auto simp: Int_absorb2[OF U(3)] U.open_submanifold)

lemma open_imp_submanifold: "submanifold charts k S" if "open S"
  using that by unfold_locales

lemmas charts_submanifold = submanifold.charts_submanifold[OF open_imp_submanifold]

lemma charts_submanifold_Int:
  "manifold.charts_submanifold (charts_submanifold U) N = charts_submanifold (N  U)"
  if "open N" "open U"
  using restrict_chart_restrict_chart[OF that] by (auto simp add: image_def manifold.charts_submanifold_def)

lemma vec_field_apply_fun_in_restrict0[simp]:
    "vec_field_restr X U p f = vec_field_restr X N p (restrict0 N f)"
    if U: "open U" "U  carrier" and N: "pN" "N  U" "open N"
      and f: "f  c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold U) k"
      and X: "rough_vector_field X"
proof -
  let ?f = "restrict0 N f"
  have f_diff_N: "diff_fun k (charts_submanifold N) f"
    using diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold[OF c_manifold.diff_fun_spaceD[OF charts_submanifold[OF U(1)]], OF f N(3)]
    by (simp only: charts_submanifold_Int[OF N(3) U(1)] Int_absorb2[OF N(2)])
  have f': "?f  c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold N) k"
    unfolding c_manifold.diff_fun_space_def[OF charts_submanifold[OF N(3)]] apply (safe, rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong)
    using f_diff_N submanifold.carrier_submanifold[OF open_imp_submanifold[OF N(3)]]
    by (auto simp: Int_absorb2[OF subset_trans, OF N(2) U(2)])
  have p: "pU" "pcarrier" using U N by auto
  have N_carrier [simp]: "manifold.carrier (charts_submanifold N) = N"
    using submanifold.carrier_submanifold open_imp_submanifold N(3) Int_absorb2 N(2) U(2)
    by (metis subset_trans)

  obtain N' where N': "pN'" "open N'" "compact (closure N')" "closure N'  N"
    using manifold.precompact_neighborhoodE[of p "charts_submanifold N", simplified, OF N(1)] by blast
  from submanifold.extension_lemma_submanifoldE[OF open_imp_submanifold[OF N(3)] f_diff_N closed_closure] this(4)
  obtain g where  g: "diff_fun k charts g" "x. x  closure N'  g x = f x" "csupport_on carrier g  carrier  N"
    by auto
  let ?g = "restrict0 carrier g"
  have diff_g': "diff_fun k charts ?g" "?g  diff_fun_space"
    subgoal by (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[OF g(1)]) simp
    subgoal unfolding diff_fun_space_def using diff_fun k charts ?g by simp

  note [simp] = charts_submanifold_Int[OF N(3) U(1)] Int_absorb2[OF N(2)] rough_vector_fieldE(1)[OF X]
    vec_field_apply_fun_alt[OF N(3,1) f'] vec_field_apply_fun_alt[OF U(1) p(1) f]
  note Xp_eq_localI = submanifold.vector_apply_sub_eq_localI(2)
    [OF open_imp_submanifold N'(1) _ N'(2)
        subset_trans[OF closure_subset, OF subset_trans[OF N'(4)]]
        diff_g'(2) _ _ rough_vector_fieldE(1)[OF X]]

  have f_eq: "restrict0 carrier g x = f x" "restrict0 carrier g x = restrict0 N f x"
    if "xN'" for x
  proof -
    have "x  carrier" "x  N"
      using that N'(4) N(2) U(2) by auto
    thus "restrict0 carrier g x = f x" "restrict0 carrier g x = restrict0 N f x"
      using that g(2) by auto

  show ?thesis
    using Xp_eq_localI[OF N(3) subset_trans[OF N(2)], OF U(2) _ f' f_eq(2)] Xp_eq_localI[OF U N(2) f f_eq(1)]
    by (simp add: X f' that(3) that(5) vec_field_apply_fun_alt')

lemma (in submanifold) vec_field_apply_fun_in_open[simp]:
    "vec_field_restr X S p f' = X p f"
    if S: "S  carrier"
      and N: "open N" "NS" "p  N"
      and f: "f  diff_fun_space" "f'  sub.diff_fun_space" "xN. f x = f' x"
      and X: "rough_vector_field X"
  using vector_apply_sub_eq_localI(2)[OF N(3) S N(1,2) f(1,2)] that(3,4,6,7,8)
  by (auto simp: vec_field_apply_fun_alt' rough_vector_fieldE(1) open_submanifold)

lemma (in smooth_manifold) vec_field_apply_fun_in_restrict0':
    "restrict0 U (X˝f) = XU ˝ (restrict0 U f)"
    if U: "open U" "U  carrier" and f: "f  diff_fun_space" and X: "rough_vector_field X"
    for U X f
  fix p
  interpret U: submanifold charts  U
    by (unfold_locales, simp add: U)
  have U_simps[simp]: "U.sub.carrier  = U"
    using U by auto

  show "restrict0 U (X˝f) p = XU p (restrict0 U f)" (is ?LHS = ?RHS)
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) U.open_submanifold X U(2) charts_submanifold_carrier
        diff.defined diff_id f image_ident open_carrier open_imp_submanifold restrict0_def
        submanifold.vec_field_apply_fun_in_open vec_field_apply_fun_in_restrict0)

lemma (in submanifold) vec_field_apply_fun_in_open'[simp]:
    "vec_field_restr X S p f' = X p f"
    if S: "p  S" "S  carrier"
      and f: "f  diff_fun_space" "f'  sub.diff_fun_space" "xS. f x = f' x"
      and X: "rough_vector_field X"
  using vec_field_apply_fun_in_open[OF S(2) open_submanifold _ S(1) f X] by simp

lemma (in c_manifold) vec_field_apply_fun_in_chart[simp]:
    "vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f (domain c) p = X p f"
    if p: "p  domain c" and c: "c  atlas"
      and f: "f  diff_fun_space" "f  c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold (domain c)) k"
      and X: "rough_vector_field X"
  using vec_field_apply_fun_in_open that by blast

end (*c_manifold*)

context c_manifold_local begin

lemma vec_field_apply_fun_eq_component:
  fixes xψ defines [simp]: "xψ  local_coord_at"
  assumes q: "qdomain ψ" and p:"pdomain ψ" and X: "rough_vector_field X" and k: "k="
  shows "vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X (xψ q i) (domain ψ) q = vector_field_component X i q"
proof -
  note [simp] = local_coord_at_def sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def vector_field_component_def
  interpret q: c_manifold_point charts k ψ q using q ψ by unfold_locales simp
  let ?xq = "xψ q"
  have Xq: "X q  q.TpM" "q.dRestr2 (X q)  q.TpU"
    subgoal using rough_vector_fieldE[OF X] q ψ by blast
    using bij_betwE[OF q.bij_betw_dι_inv] X q  q.TpM by simp
  note 1 = vector_apply_coord_at[OF q p Xq(1) k]
  have 2: "q.dRestr2 (X q) (local_coord_at q i) = vector_field_component X i q"
    using q.component_function_apply_in_TpM[OF Xq(1)] by simp
  show ?thesis
    apply (simp only: 2[symmetric] 1[symmetric] restrict0_apply_in[OF Xq(1)])
    using vec_field_apply_fun_alt'[OF open_domain q] local_coord_diff_fun[OF k q] X xψ_def
    by blast

text ‹Prop 8.1, page 175, Lee 2012.
  The main difference is that our vector field $X$ here is only a map $M \to snd`TM$, not a section
  $M to TM$ properly speaking. See also @{thm apply_chart_TM_chartX}.›
lemma vector_field_smooth_local_iff:
  assumes k: "k = " and X: "pdomain ψ. X p  tangent_space p"
  shows "smooth_vector_field_local charts ψ X  (iBasis. diff_fun_on (domain ψ) (vector_field_component X i))"
    (is ?smooth_vf X  (iBasis. ?diff_component X i))
proof -

  text ‹A bit of house-keeping. Maybe having both termvector_field_component and
    termc_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun is redundant,
    or maybe the second statement below could be a simp rule (probably in the opposite direction).›
  have cpt1: "c_manifold_point charts k ψ a" if "adomain ψ" for a
    apply unfold_locales by (simp_all add: sub_ψ that)
  have vfc_tcf: "(iBasis. vector_field_component X i p *R i) = c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  ψ p (X p)"
    if "p  domain ψ" for p
    using c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun_def[of charts k ψ] vector_field_component_def cpt1 k that by auto

  show ?thesis
    assume asm: "?smooth_vf X"
    then interpret smooth_X_local: smooth_vector_field_local charts ψ X
      unfolding smooth_vector_field_local_def .

    text ‹Notice we don't even need our Euclidean representation theorem @{thm vector_field_local_representation}.
      The crux is that we already know differentiability works well with components: @{thm diff_fun_components_iff}.›
    have "iBasis. diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) (vector_field_component X i)"
      apply (subst smooth_X_local.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_components_iff[of "vector_field_component X", symmetric])
      using smooth_X_local.smooth_in_chart_X[unfolded smooth_X_local.chart_X_def]
      by (auto intro: diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[OF _ vfc_tcf[symmetric]])

    then show "iBasis. ?diff_component X i"
      using diff_fun_onI[of "domain ψ" "domain ψ" f f for f] domain_atlas_subset_carrier k by auto
    assume asm: "iBasis. ?diff_component X i"
    interpret local_ψ: c_manifold_local charts  ψ using c_manifold_local_axioms k by auto

    have 2: "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) (λp. c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  ψ p (X p))"
      apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[OF _ vfc_tcf])
      using sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_components_iff[of "vector_field_component X"] k asm diff_fun_on_open
      by auto
    have 1: "smooth_on (codomain ψ) ((λp. c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  ψ p (X p))  inv_chart ψ)"
      if "x  domain ψ" for x
      apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_between_chartsD[of _ "charts_submanifold (domain ψ)"])
      using 2 that by (auto simp: local_ψ.sub_ψ)

    show "?smooth_vf X"
      apply unfold_locales
      using 1 X k by (auto intro!: bexI[of _ ψ] bexI[of _ chart_eucl] simp: local_ψ.sub_ψ id_comp[unfolded id_def])

end (* c_manifold_local *)

lemma (in smooth_vector_field_local) diff_component':
  fixes i :: 'b
  assumes "i  Basis"
  shows "diff_fun_on (domain ψ) (vector_field_component X i)"
  using vector_field_smooth_local_iff[OF _ vector_field] smooth_vector_field_local_axioms assms by auto

context smooth_manifold begin

text ‹Prop. 8.8 in Lee 2012.›
text ‹Do we want extensional0 vector fields? It would make the usual simplification for writing
  addition and scaling by real numbers. So 𝔛› could be a vector space under (+)› and scaleR›?
  Maybe a double problem:
    * ⌦‹0::'a⇒('a×(('a⇒real)⇒real))› is ill-defined when typ'a is not of the sort classzero.
    * Also I think the function 0› always assigns zero, i.e. for a pair it returns
      the constant (0,0)›. We would want the zero vector field to be $p \mapsto (p,0)$ instead.›
text ‹We will need to use locales anyway if we also want to talk about 𝔛› as a module over
  diff_fun_space›, since that is a set already. - Actually, probably not true, because
  termextensional0 works out quite neatly.›

text ‹A predicate analogous to termsmooth_vector_field_local, but for the entire manifold.›
definition smooth_vector_field :: "'a vector_field  bool"
  where "smooth_vector_field X  rough_vector_field X  smooth_from_M_to_TM (λp. (p, X p))"

lemma smooth_vector_field_alt:
  "smooth_vector_field X  (λp. (p, X p))  𝔛  extensional0 carrier X"
  by (auto simp: smooth_vector_field_def smooth_section_of_TM_def section_of_TM_def
      rough_vector_field_def in_TM_def, linarith)

― ‹For displaying.›
lemma "smooth_vector_field X  (pcarrier. X p  tangent_space p) 
                                smooth_from_M_to_TM (λp. (p, X p)) 
                                extensional0 carrier X"
  by (auto simp: smooth_vector_field_def smooth_section_of_TM_def section_of_TM_def
      rough_vector_field_def in_TM_def, linarith)

lemma smooth_vector_fieldE [elim]:
  assumes "smooth_vector_field X"
  shows "p. X p  tangent_space p" "extensional0 carrier X" "rough_vector_field X" "smooth_from_M_to_TM (λp. (p, X p))"
  using rough_vector_fieldE assms unfolding smooth_vector_field_def by auto

lemma smooth_vector_field_imp_local:
  assumes "smooth_vector_field X" "ψ  atlas"
  shows "smooth_vector_field_local charts ψ X"
proof -
  interpret ψ: c_manifold_local charts  ψ using assms(2) by unfold_locales
  have 1: "section_of_TM (λp. (p, X p))"
    using assms(1,2) smooth_section_of_TM_def smooth_vector_field_alt by blast
  have 2: "smooth_from_M_to_TM (λp. (p, X p))"
    using assms(1) smooth_vector_field_def by auto
  have vec_field_X: "pdomain ψ. X p  tangent_space p"
    using assms(1) by (auto simp: smooth_vector_field_def)
  moreover have diff_fun_X: "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) (λp. c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  ψ p (X p))"
    using apply_chart_TM_chartX diff_from_M_to_TM_chartsD[OF 2 1, of ψ] section_of_TM_subset[OF 1]
    using ψ.ψ by (simp add: domain_atlas_subset_carrier)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using ψ.c_manifold_local_axioms by (auto simp: smooth_vector_field_local_def smooth_vector_field_local_axioms_def)

lemma smooth_vector_field_imp_local':
  fixes X ψ Xψ defines "Xψ  restrict0 (domain ψ) X"
  assumes "smooth_vector_field X" "ψ  atlas"
  shows "smooth_vector_field_local charts ψ Xψ"
  unfolding smooth_vector_field_local_def smooth_vector_field_local_axioms_def assms(1)
  using smooth_vector_field_imp_local[OF assms(2-)] apply safe
  subgoal using smooth_vector_field_local.axioms(1) by blast
  subgoal using rough_vector_fieldE(1) smooth_vector_field_local.rough_vector_field by blast
  apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[of _ _ "(λp. c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  ψ p (X p))"])
  subgoal by (simp add: assms(2,3) smooth_vector_field_imp_local smooth_vector_field_local.smooth_in_chart)
  subgoal by (metis IntD2 inf_sup_aci(1) open_domain open_imp_submanifold restrict0_apply_in submanifold.carrier_submanifold)

lemma smooth_vector_field_if_local:
  assumes "pcarrier. catlas. p  domain c  smooth_vector_field_local charts c X" "extensional0 carrier X"
  shows "smooth_vector_field X"
proof (unfold smooth_vector_field_def diff_from_M_to_TM_def, intro conjI allI impI)
  show vec_field_X: "rough_vector_field X"
    by (metis assms(1,2) rough_vector_field_def smooth_vector_field_local.vector_field)
  fix p assume "pcarrier"
  then obtain c where c: "c  atlas" and p: "p  domain c" and X: "smooth_vector_field_local charts c X"
    using assms(1) by blast
  interpret X: smooth_vector_field_local charts c X using X .
  have im_domain: "(λp. (p, X p)) ` domain c  domain_TM c"
    using rough_vector_fieldE[OF vec_field_X] in_carrier_atlasI[OF c] by (auto simp: domain_TM_def)
  have smooth_X: "smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  (λp. (p, X p))  inv_chart c)"
    using X.apply_chart_TM_chart_X X.smooth_in_chart_X by blast
  show "catlas. p  domain c  (λp. (p, X p)) ` domain c  domain_TM c 
      smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  (λp. (p, X p))  inv_chart c)"
    using c p im_domain smooth_X by blast

lemma smooth_vector_field_iff_local:
  assumes "extensional0 carrier X"
  shows "(catlas. smooth_vector_field_local charts c X)  smooth_vector_field X"
  using smooth_vector_field_imp_local smooth_vector_field_if_local by (meson assms atlasE)

― ‹For display mostly.›
lemma (in smooth_manifold) smooth_vector_field_local:
  assumes "c  atlas" "pdomain c. X p  tangent_space p"
  shows "smooth_vector_field_local charts c X 
    smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart_TM c  (λp. (p, X p))  inv_chart c)"
  (* unfolding smooth_vector_field_local_def smooth_vector_field_local_axioms_def *)
  (* apply (intro iffI) *)
  (* using smooth_vector_field_local.apply_chart_TM_chart_X smooth_vector_field_local.intro smooth_vector_field_local.smooth_in_chart_X smooth_vector_field_local_axioms_def apply blast *)
  (* apply (simp add: assms c_manifold_axioms c_manifold_local.intro c_manifold_local_axioms.intro) *)
  (* apply (rule c_manifold.diff_funI[OF charts_submanifold, OF open_domain[of c]]) *)
  (* unfolding apply_chart_TM_def apply (simp add: o_def) *)
  (* apply (rule bexI[of _ c "c_manifold.atlas (charts_submanifold (domain c)) ∞"]) *)
proof -
  interpret c: submanifold charts  "domain c"
    using open_domain by unfold_locales simp
  let ?c1 = "λx. c (inv_chart c x)"
  let ?c2 = "λx. c_manifold_point.tangent_chart_fun charts  c (inv_chart c x) (X (inv_chart c x))"
    fix x assume smoothTM: "smooth_on (codomain c) (λx. (?c1 x, ?c2 x))" and x: "x  c.sub.carrier"
    have loc_simp: "snd  (λx. (?c1 x, ?c2 x)) = ?c2" by auto
    have "x  domain c  c  c.sub.atlas  smooth_on (codomain c) ?c2"
      using x apply (simp add: assms(1) atlas_is_atlas c.sub.maximal_atlas c.submanifold_atlasE domain_atlas_subset_carrier)
      apply (subst loc_simp[symmetric, unfolded o_def])
      apply (rule smooth_on_snd[of , OF _ open_codomain[of c]])
      using smoothTM .
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding smooth_vector_field_local_def smooth_vector_field_local_axioms_def
    apply (intro iffI)
    using smooth_vector_field_local.apply_chart_TM_chart_X smooth_vector_field_local.intro smooth_vector_field_local.smooth_in_chart_X smooth_vector_field_local_axioms_def apply blast
    apply (simp add: assms c_manifold_axioms c_manifold_local.intro c_manifold_local_axioms.intro)
    apply (rule c_manifold.diff_funI[OF charts_submanifold, OF open_domain[of c]])
    unfolding apply_chart_TM_def apply (simp add: o_def)
    apply (rule bexI[of _ c "c_manifold.atlas (charts_submanifold (domain c)) "])
    by blast+

lemma (in c_manifold) diff_fun_deriv_chart':
  fixes i::'b
  assumes c:"catlas" and f:"diff_fun_on (domain c) f" and k: "k>0"
  shows "diff_fun (k-1) (charts_submanifold (domain c)) (λx. frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart c) (at (c x)) i)"
proof -
  have local_simps [simp]: "k - 1 + 1 = k"
    using k by (metis add.commute add_diff_assoc_enat add_diff_cancel_enat ileI1 infinity_ne_i1 one_eSuc)
  interpret c1: c_manifold_local charts "k-1" c
    apply unfold_locales
    apply (metis c_manifold_def c_manifold_order_le le_iff_add local_simps)
    by (metis c in_atlas_order_le le_iff_add local_simps)
  interpret f': diff_fun k "charts_submanifold (domain c)" f
    using diff_fun_on_open[of "domain c" f] f by simp
  { fix x and j::'b assume x: "xdomain c" "xcarrier"
    have "(k-1)-smooth_on (codomain c) (λy. frechet_derivative (f  (inv_chart c)) (at y) j)"
      apply (rule derivative_is_smooth'[of _ "codomain c"], simp)
      apply (rule f'.diff_fun_between_chartsD)
      using c c_manifold_local.sub_ψ c_manifold_point c_manifold_point.axioms(1) k x(1) by blast+
    then have "(k-1)-smooth_on (codomain c) (λx. frechet_derivative (λx. f (inv_chart c x)) (at (c (inv_chart c x))) j)"
      by (auto intro: smooth_on_cong simp: o_def) }
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto intro!: c1.sub_ψ.sub.diff_funI bexI[of _ c] simp: o_def c1.sub_ψ)

lemma diff_fun_deriv_chart:
  fixes i::'b
  assumes c:"catlas" and f:"diff_fun_on (domain c) f"
  shows "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain c)) (λx. frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart c) (at (c x)) i)"
  using diff_fun_deriv_chart'[OF assms] by auto

lemma (in c_manifolds) diff_localI2: "diff k charts1 charts2 f"
  if "xsrc.carrier. (U. diff k (src.charts_submanifold U) charts2 f  open U  x  U)"
  using diff_localI that by metis

subsection ‹Smooth vector fields as maps $C^\infty(M) \to C^\infty(M)$.›

text ‹Proposition 8.14 in Lee 2012.›
lemma vector_field_smooth_iff:
  assumes X: "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "smooth_vector_field X  (fdiff_fun_space. (X ˝ f)  diff_fun_space)"
      (is ?LHS  ?RHS1)
    and "smooth_vector_field X  (U f. open U  U  carrier  f(c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold U) ) 
                                          diff_fun  (charts_submanifold U) (vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U))"
      (is ?LHS  ?RHS2)
proof -
  text ‹Prove a chain of implications term?LHS  ?RHS1  ?RHS2  ?LHS
    to conclude both equivalences, following Lee 2012, pp.~180--181.›

  have "?RHS1" if smooth_X: "?LHS"
  proof (*(intro ballI)*)
    fix f assume f: "f  diff_fun_space"
    { fix p assume p: "pcarrier"
      obtain c where c: "p  domain c" "c  atlas" using atlasE p by blast
      interpret p: c_manifold_point charts  c p by (simp add: p c_manifold_point c)
      { fix x assume x: "x  domain c"
        interpret x: c_manifold_point charts  c x by (simp add: x c_manifold_point)
        have Xxf_1: "X x f = (iBasis. p.vector_field_component X i x *R p.coordinate_vector_field i x) f"
          by (simp only: p.vector_field_local_representation[OF _ X x])
        then have Xxf_2: "X x f = (iBasis. p.vector_field_component X i x *R (frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart c) (at (c x)) i))"
          using x.coordinate_vector_apply_in[OF _ f] by (simp add: sum_apply p.coordinate_vector_field_def)
      then have Xxf: "X x f = (iBasis. p.vector_field_component X i x *R frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart c) (at (c x)) i)"
        if "x  p.sub_ψ.sub.carrier" for x using that by simp
      have diff_components_X: "(iBasis. diff_fun_on (domain c) (p.vector_field_component X i))"
        using p.vector_field_smooth_local_iff rough_vector_field_subset[OF X] smooth_X
          domain_atlas_subset_carrier p.ψ smooth_vector_field_imp_local
        by (meson smooth_vector_field_local.diff_component')
      have "diff_fun_on (domain c) f"
        using diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold[OF diff_fun_spaceD[OF f]]
        by (simp add: diff_fun_on_open domain_atlas_subset_carrier)
      note diff_fun_deriv_chart_f = diff_fun_deriv_chart[OF c(2) this]
      have diff_Xf: "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold (domain c)) (X˝f)"
        apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[OF _ Xxf[symmetric]])
        apply (rule p.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_sum)
        apply (rule p.sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_scaleR)
        using diff_components_X diff_fun_deriv_chart_f by (simp_all add: diff_fun_on_open)
      have "smooth_on (codomain c) ((X˝f)  inv_chart c)"
        using diff_Xf apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_between_chartsD)
        using p.sub_ψ c(1) by (simp, blast)
      hence "c1atlas. p  domain c1  -smooth_on (codomain c1) ((X˝f)  inv_chart c1)"
        using c by blast }
    moreover have "extensional0 carrier (X ˝ f)"
      using rough_vector_fieldE(2)[OF X] by (simp add: extensional0_def)
    ultimately show "(X ˝ f)  diff_fun_space"
      unfolding diff_fun_space_def by (auto intro: diff_funI)

  moreover have "?RHS2" if "?RHS1"
  proof (safe)
    fix U f
    assume U: "open U" "U  carrier"
      and f: "f  c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold U) "
    interpret U: submanifold charts  U using U(1) by unfold_locales simp

    show "diff_fun  (charts_submanifold U) (vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U)"
    proof (intro U.sub.manifold_eucl.diff_localI2 ballI)
      fix x assume x: "x  U.sub.carrier"
      from U.sub.precompact_neighborhoodE[OF this]
      obtain C where C: "x  C" "open C" "compact (closure C)" "closure C  U.sub.carrier" .
      from U.extension_lemma_submanifoldE[OF U.sub.diff_fun_spaceD[OF f] closed_closure C(4)]
      obtain f' where f': "diff_fun  charts f'" "(x. x  closure C  f' x = f x)"
        "csupport_on carrier f'  carrier  U.sub.carrier" by blast

      let ?f' = "restrict0 U f'"
      have 1: "?f'  diff_fun_space"
        unfolding diff_fun_space_def apply safe
          apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[OF f'(1)])
          using f'(2,3) by (metis (no_types) IntE IntI U.carrier_submanifold not_in_csupportD restrict0_def subset_iff)
          using U(2) extensional0_subset by blast

      show "C. diff  (U.sub.charts_submanifold C) charts_eucl (vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U) 
                open C  x  C"
      proof (intro exI conjI)
        have carrier_UsubC [simp]: "manifold.carrier (U.sub.charts_submanifold C) = C"
          by (metis C(2,4) Int_absorb2 U.sub.open_imp_submanifold closure_subset submanifold.carrier_submanifold subset_trans)
        have "diff_fun  (U.sub.charts_submanifold C) (vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U)"
        proof (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[where f="X˝?f'"])
          have "diff_fun  charts (λp. X p ?f')" using 1 that by (simp add: diff_fun_spaceD)
          from diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold[OF this]
          show "diff_fun  (U.sub.charts_submanifold C) (λp. X p ?f')"
            by (simp add: C(2) U.open_submanifold charts_submanifold_Int open_Int)
          show "X x (restrict0 U f') = vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U x"
            if "x  manifold.carrier (U.sub.charts_submanifold C)" for x
          proof -
            have "X p ?f' = vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U p" if p: "pC" for p
              using U.vec_field_apply_fun_in_open[OF U(2) C(2) _ _ 1 f _ X, symmetric]
              using C p f f'(2) C(4) by (auto simp: subset_iff)
            thus ?thesis using that by simp
        thus "diff  (U.sub.charts_submanifold C) charts_eucl (vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f U)"
          unfolding diff_fun_def .
      qed (simp_all add: C(1,2))

  moreover have "?LHS" if diff_apply_fun: "?RHS2"
  proof (intro smooth_vector_field_if_local ballI)
    fix p assume p: "pcarrier"
    obtain c where c: "catlas" "pdomain c" using p atlasE by blast
    then interpret p: c_manifold_point charts  c p using c_manifold_point by blast

    have vf_smooth_local_iff: "smooth_vector_field_local charts c X"
      if "(iBasis. diff_fun_on (domain c) (p.vector_field_component X i))"
      using p.vector_field_smooth_local_iff rough_vector_field_subset[OF X]
      by (meson assms in_carrier_atlasI p.ψ rough_vector_field_def that)
    have "smooth_vector_field_local charts c X"
    proof (rule vf_smooth_local_iff, intro ballI)
      fix i::'b assume i: "iBasis"

    ― ‹Add simp rules to make termdiff_fun_on equivalent to termdiff_fun on termdomain c.›
      note local_simps[simp] = diff_fun_on_open domain_atlas_subset_carrier

      define apply_X_in_c_at (Xc˝ _ _› [80,80])
        where [simp]: "apply_X_in_c_at  λf q. vec_field_apply_fun_in_at X f (domain c) q"

      have "(X(domain c)) q (p.local_coord_at p i) = p.vector_field_component X i q"
        if "qdomain c" for q
      proof -
        interpret q: c_manifold_point charts  c q using that c by unfold_locales simp_all
        have Xq: "X q  q.TpM" using rough_vector_fieldE[OF X] that c(1) by blast
        show ?thesis
          using vec_field_apply_fun_alt[OF open_domain that] apply (simp add: p.local_coord_diff_fun X)
          using restrict0_apply_in[OF Xq]
          using p.vector_apply_coord_at p.p that q.component_function_apply_in_TpM
          by (smt (verit, best) Xq assms c_manifold_local.vec_field_apply_fun_eq_component p.c_manifold_local_axioms p.local_coord_diff_fun)
      moreover have "diff_fun_on (domain c) (λq. Xc˝ (p.local_coord_at p i) q)"
        using diff_apply_fun by (simp add: p.local_coord_diff_fun)

      ultimately show "diff_fun_on (domain c) (p.vector_field_component X i)"
        by (simp add: diff_fun_on_def)
    with c show "catlas. p  domain c  smooth_vector_field_local charts c X" by blast
  qed (simp add: assms rough_vector_fieldE(2))

  ultimately show "?LHS  ?RHS1" "?LHS  ?RHS2" by auto

lemma vector_field_smooth_iff':
  fixes C_inf
  defines "U. C_inf U  c_manifold.diff_fun_space (charts_submanifold U) "
  assumes X: "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "smooth_vector_field X  (fdiff_fun_space. (X ˝ f)  diff_fun_space)"
    and "smooth_vector_field X  (U f. open U  U  carrier  f  C_inf U 
                                          diff_fun_on U (XU ˝ f))"
proof -
  show "smooth_vector_field X = (U f. open U  U  carrier  f  C_inf U  diff_fun_on U (λp. XU p f))"
    apply (simp add: diff_fun_on_open assms(1))
    using vector_field_smooth_iff(2)[OF assms(2-)]
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Un_Int_eq(4) diff_fun.diff_fun_cong open_imp_submanifold
        restrict0_apply_in submanifold.carrier_submanifold sup.order_iff)
qed (simp add: vector_field_smooth_iff(1)[OF assms(2-)])

lemma smooth_vf_diff_fun_space:
  assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
    and f: "fdiff_fun_space"
  shows "X˝f  diff_fun_space"
  using vector_field_smooth_iff(1) smooth_vector_field_def X f rough_vector_fieldE
  by (auto simp: diff_fun_space_def extensional0_def)

end (* smooth_manifold *)

subsection ‹Smooth vector fields are derivations›
context c_manifold begin

― ‹Generalising termis_derivation (which might have been called is_derivation_at›)
    over the carrier set. Relative to that definition, we also add a condition on the codomain.›
definition is_derivation_on :: "(('areal)  ('areal))  bool" where
  "is_derivation_on D  real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space D 
                        (fdiff_fun_space. gdiff_fun_space. D (f*g) = f*(D g) + g*(D f)) 
                        D ` diff_fun_space  diff_fun_space"

lemma vec_field_linear_on:
  assumes X: "rough_vector_field X"
    and b: "b1  diff_fun_space" "b2  diff_fun_space"
  shows "X ˝ (b1+b2) = (X˝b1 + X˝b2)" "X ˝ (r *R b1) = (r *R (X˝b1))"
  using tangent_space_linear_on[OF rough_vector_fieldE(1)[OF X]]
  by (auto simp: linear_on_def module_hom_on_def module_hom_on_axioms_def assms(2-))

lemma linear_on_vec_field:
  assumes "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space ((˝) X)"
  using vec_field_linear_on[OF assms] by (unfold_locales, auto)

lemma product_rule_vf:
  assumes X: "rough_vector_field X"
    and "f  diff_fun_space" "g  diff_fun_space"
  shows "X ˝ (f*g) = f * (X ˝ g) + g * (X ˝ f)"
  using tangent_space_derivation rough_vector_fieldE(1) assms by auto


context smooth_manifold begin

lemma vector_field_is_derivation:
  assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
  shows "is_derivation_on (λf. X˝f)"
  using linear_on_vec_field product_rule_vf vector_field_smooth_iff(1)
  using smooth_vector_field_def assms unfolding is_derivation_on_def by auto

subsection ‹Derivations are smooth vector fields›
― ‹Proposition 8.15 of Lee 2015 (p.~181).›

lemma extensional_derivation_is_smooth_vector_field:
  fixes D :: "('areal)  ('areal)" and X :: "'a('areal)  real"
  defines [simp]: "X  λp. λf. D f p"
  assumes der_D: "is_derivation_on D"
    and ext_X: "extensional0 carrier X"
    and ext_D: "extensional0 diff_fun_space D"
  shows "smooth_vector_field X"
proof -
  have rough_vf_X: "rough_vector_field X"
  proof (unfold rough_vector_field_def tangent_space_def is_derivation_def, safe)
    fix p assume p: "pcarrier"
    show "extensional0 diff_fun_space (λf. X p f)"
      by (simp, metis (mono_tags, lifting) ext_D extensional0_def zero_fun_apply)
    show "real_linear_on diff_fun_space UNIV (λf. X p f)"
      using der_D[unfolded is_derivation_on_def]
      unfolding linear_on_def module_hom_on_def module_hom_on_axioms_def
      using manifold_eucl.diff_fun_space.m2.module_on_axioms by auto
    fix f g assume "f  diff_fun_space" "g  diff_fun_space"
    thus "X p (f * g) = f p * X p g + g p * X p f"
      using der_D[unfolded is_derivation_on_def] by simp
  qed (rule ext_X)
  show "smooth_vector_field X"
    unfolding vector_field_smooth_iff(1)[OF rough_vf_X]
    using der_D[unfolded is_derivation_on_def] diff_fun_spaceD X_def by blast

lemma extensional_derivation_is_smooth_vector_field':
  fixes D :: "('areal)  ('areal)"
  assumes der_D: "is_derivation_on D"
    and ext_X: "extensional0 carrier (λp f. D f p)"
    and ext_D: "extensional0 diff_fun_space D"
  obtains X where "smooth_vector_field X" and "fdiff_fun_space. D f = X˝f"
  using extensional_derivation_is_smooth_vector_field[OF assms] by auto

theorem smooth_vector_field_iff_derivation:
  fixes extensional_derivation defines "D. extensional_derivation D 
    is_derivation_on D  extensional0 carrier (λp f. D f p)  extensional0 diff_fun_space D"
  shows "smooth_vector_field X  extensional_derivation (λf. X ˝ f)"
    and "extensional_derivation D  smooth_vector_field (λp f. D f p)"
  unfolding assms(1) using vector_field_is_derivation extensional_derivation_is_smooth_vector_field
  by (simp_all add: ext0_vec_field_apply_fun smooth_vector_fieldE(2,3))

end (* smooth_manifold *)
