Theory Chart
section ‹Charts›
theory Chart
imports Analysis_More
subsection ‹Definition›
text ‹A chart on ‹M› is a homeomorphism from an open subset of ‹M› to an open subset
of some Euclidean space ‹E›. Here ‹d› and ‹d'› are open subsets of ‹M› and ‹E›, respectively,
‹f: d → d'› is the mapping, and ‹f': d' → d› is the inverse mapping.›
typedef (overloaded) ('a::topological_space, 'e::euclidean_space) chart =
"{(d::'a set, d'::'e set, f, f').
open d ∧ open d' ∧ homeomorphism d d' f f'}"
by (rule exI[where x="({}, {}, (λx. undefined), (λx. undefined))"]) simp
setup_lifting type_definition_chart
lift_definition apply_chart::"('a::topological_space, 'e::euclidean_space) chart ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'e"
is "λ(d, d', f, f'). f" .
declare [[coercion apply_chart]]
lift_definition inv_chart::"('a::topological_space, 'e::euclidean_space) chart ⇒ 'e ⇒ 'a"
is "λ(d, d', f, f'). f'" .
lift_definition domain::"('a::topological_space, 'e::euclidean_space) chart ⇒ 'a set"
is "λ(d, d', f, f'). d" .
lift_definition codomain::"('a::topological_space, 'e::euclidean_space) chart ⇒ 'e set"
is "λ(d, d', f, f'). d'" .
subsection ‹Properties›
lemma open_domain[intro, simp]: "open (domain c)"
and open_codomain[intro, simp]: "open (codomain c)"
and chart_homeomorphism: "homeomorphism (domain c) (codomain c) c (inv_chart c)"
by (transfer, auto)+
lemma at_within_domain: "at x within domain c = at x" if "x ∈ domain c"
by (rule at_within_open[OF that open_domain])
lemma at_within_codomain: "at x within codomain c = at x" if "x ∈ codomain c"
by (rule at_within_open[OF that open_codomain])
chart_in_codomain[intro, simp]: "x ∈ domain c ⟹ c x ∈ codomain c"
and inv_chart_inverse[simp]: "x ∈ domain c ⟹ inv_chart c (c x) = x"
and inv_chart_in_domain[intro, simp]:"y ∈ codomain c ⟹ inv_chart c y ∈ domain c"
and chart_inverse_inv_chart[simp]: "y ∈ codomain c ⟹ c (inv_chart c y) = y"
and image_domain_eq: "c ` (domain c) = codomain c"
and inv_image_codomain_eq[simp]: "inv_chart c ` (codomain c) = domain c"
and continuous_on_domain: "continuous_on (domain c) c"
and continuous_on_codomain: "continuous_on (codomain c) (inv_chart c)"
using chart_homeomorphism[of c]
by (auto simp: homeomorphism_def)
lemma chart_eqI: "c = d"
if "domain c = domain d"
"codomain c = codomain d"
"⋀x. c x = d x"
"⋀x. inv_chart c x = inv_chart d x"
using that
by transfer auto
lemmas continuous_on_chart[continuous_intros] =
continuous_on_compose2[OF continuous_on_domain]
continuous_on_compose2[OF continuous_on_codomain]
lemma continuous_apply_chart: "continuous (at x within X) c" if "x ∈ domain c"
apply (rule continuous_at_imp_continuous_within)
using continuous_on_domain[of c] that at_within_domain[OF that]
by (auto simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_within)
lemma continuous_inv_chart: "continuous (at x within X) (inv_chart c)" if "x ∈ codomain c"
apply (rule continuous_at_imp_continuous_within)
using continuous_on_codomain[of c] that at_within_codomain[OF that]
by (auto simp: continuous_on_eq_continuous_within)
lemmas apply_chart_tendsto[tendsto_intros] = isCont_tendsto_compose[OF continuous_apply_chart, rotated]
lemmas inv_chart_tendsto[tendsto_intros] = isCont_tendsto_compose[OF continuous_inv_chart, rotated]
lemma continuous_within_compose2':
"continuous (at (f x) within t) g ⟹ f ` s ⊆ t ⟹
continuous (at x within s) f ⟹
continuous (at x within s) (λx. g (f x))"
by (simp add: continuous_within_compose2 continuous_within_subset)
lemmas continuous_chart[continuous_intros] =
continuous_within_compose2'[OF continuous_apply_chart]
continuous_within_compose2'[OF continuous_inv_chart]
lemma continuous_on_chart_inv:
assumes "continuous_on s (apply_chart c o f)"
"f ` s ⊆ domain c"
shows "continuous_on s f"
proof -
have "continuous_on s (inv_chart c o apply_chart c o f)"
using assms by (auto intro!: continuous_on_chart(2))
moreover have "⋀x. x ∈ s ⟹ (inv_chart c o apply_chart c o f) x = f x"
using assms by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma continuous_on_chart_inv':
assumes "continuous_on (apply_chart c ` s) (f o inv_chart c)"
"s ⊆ domain c"
shows "continuous_on s f"
proof -
have "continuous_on s (apply_chart c)"
using assms continuous_on_domain continuous_on_subset by blast
then have "continuous_on s (f o inv_chart c o apply_chart c)"
apply (rule continuous_on_compose) using assms by auto
moreover have "(f o inv_chart c o apply_chart c) x = f x" if "x ∈ s" for x
using assms that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma inj_on_apply_chart: "inj_on (apply_chart f) (domain f)"
by (auto simp: intro!: inj_on_inverseI[where g="inv_chart f"])
lemma apply_chart_Int: "f ` (X ∩ Y) = f ` X ∩ f ` Y" if "X ⊆ domain f" "Y ⊆ domain f"
using inj_on_apply_chart that
by (rule inj_on_image_Int)
lemma chart_image_eq_vimage: "c ` X = inv_chart c -` X ∩ codomain c"
if "X ⊆ domain c"
using that
by force
lemma open_chart_image[simp, intro]: "open (c ` X)"
if "open X" "X ⊆ domain c"
proof -
have "c ` X = inv_chart c -` X ∩ codomain c"
using that(2)
by (rule chart_image_eq_vimage)
also have "open …"
using that
by (metis continuous_on_codomain continuous_on_open_vimage open_codomain)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma open_inv_chart_image[simp, intro]: "open (inv_chart c ` X)"
if "open X" "X ⊆ codomain c"
proof -
have "inv_chart c ` X = c -` X ∩ domain c"
using that(2)
apply auto
using image_iff by fastforce
also have "open …"
using that
by (metis continuous_on_domain continuous_on_open_vimage open_domain)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma homeomorphism_UNIV_imp_open_map:
"homeomorphism UNIV UNIV p p' ⟹ open f' ⟹ open (p ` f')"
by (auto dest: homeomorphism_imp_open_map[where U=f'])
subsection ‹Restriction›
lemma homeomorphism_restrict:
"homeomorphism (a ∩ s) (b ∩ f' -` s) f f'" if "homeomorphism a b f f'"
using that
by (fastforce simp: homeomorphism_def intro: continuous_on_subset intro!: imageI)
lift_definition restrict_chart::"'a set ⇒ ('a::t2_space, 'e::euclidean_space) chart ⇒ ('a, 'e) chart"
is "λS. λ(d, d', f, f'). if open S then (d ∩ S, d' ∩ f' -` S, f, f') else ({}, {}, f, f')"
by (auto simp: split: if_splits intro!: open_continuous_vimage' homeomorphism_restrict
intro: homeomorphism_cont2 homeomorphism_cont1 )
lemma restrict_chart_restrict_chart:
"restrict_chart X (restrict_chart Y c) = restrict_chart (X ∩ Y) c"
if "open X" "open Y"
using that
by transfer auto
lemma domain_restrict_chart[simp]: "open S ⟹ domain (restrict_chart S c) = domain c ∩ S"
and domain_restrict_chart_if: "domain (restrict_chart S c) = (if open S then domain c ∩ S else {})"
and codomain_restrict_chart[simp]: "open S ⟹ codomain (restrict_chart S c) = codomain c ∩ inv_chart c -` S"
and codomain_restrict_chart_if: "codomain (restrict_chart S c) = (if open S then codomain c ∩ inv_chart c -` S else {})"
and apply_chart_restrict_chart[simp]: "apply_chart (restrict_chart S c) = apply_chart c"
and inv_chart_restrict_chart[simp]: "inv_chart (restrict_chart S c) = inv_chart c"
by (transfer, auto)+
subsection ‹Composition›
lift_definition compose_chart::"('e⇒'e) ⇒ ('e⇒'e) ⇒
('a::topological_space, 'e::euclidean_space) chart ⇒ ('a, 'e) chart"
is "λp p'. λ(d, d', f, f'). if homeomorphism UNIV UNIV p p' then (d, p ` d', p o f, f' o p')
else ({}, {}, f, f')"
by (auto split: if_splits)
(auto intro: homeomorphism_UNIV_imp_open_map homeomorphism_compose homeomorphism_of_subsets)
lemma compose_chart_apply_chart[simp]: "apply_chart (compose_chart p p' c) = p o apply_chart c"
and compose_chart_inv_chart[simp]: "inv_chart (compose_chart p p' c) = inv_chart c o p'"
and domain_compose_chart[simp]: "domain (compose_chart p p' c) = domain c"
and codomain_compose_chart[simp]: "codomain (compose_chart p p' c) = p ` codomain c"
if "homeomorphism UNIV UNIV p p'"
using that by (transfer, auto)+