Theory More_Manifolds

(*  Title:       More_Manifolds
    Author:      Richard Schmoetten <>, 2024
    Maintainer:  Richard Schmoetten <>

section ‹Results about Manifolds and Analysis.›
theory More_Manifolds

text ‹Contains results not just about manifolds, but also supporting results about other parts of
  the standard Isabelle distribution/AFP.›

subsection ‹General and Miscellaneous›

lemma bij_betw_if_inverse:
  assumes "bij_betw f A B"
    and "x. xA  f' (f x) = x"
    and "y. yB  f (f' y) = y"
  shows "bij_betw f' B A"
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms bij_betwE bij_betw_cong bij_betw_the_inv_into f_the_inv_into_f_bij_betw)

― ‹Complements @{thm f_the_inv_into_f_bij_betw}.›
lemma the_inv_into_f_f_bij_betw:
  "bij_betw f A B  (bij_betw f A B  x  A)  the_inv_into A f (f x) = x"
  unfolding bij_betw_def by (blast intro: the_inv_into_f_f)

lemma has_derivativeD:
  assumes "(f has_derivative f') (at x within s)"
  shows "bounded_linear f'"
    and "((λy. ((f y - f x) - f' (y - x)) /R norm (y - x))  0) (at x within s)"
    using assms has_derivative_at_within by auto

lemma homeomorphism_imp_open_map':
  assumes hom: "homeomorphism S T f g"
    and U: "open U" "U  S"
    and T: "open T"
  shows "open (f ` U)"
proof -
  have "openin (top_of_set T) (f`U)" by (simp add: open_subset homeomorphism_imp_open_map[OF hom] U)
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: T openin_open_eq)

lemma homeo_imp_bij: assumes "homeomorphism a b f f'" shows "bij_betw f a b"
  by (metis assms bij_betw_def homeomorphism_apply1 homeomorphism_image1 inj_onI)

lemma smooth_on_cong':
  assumes "k-smooth_on T f" "S=T"
  shows "k-smooth_on S f"
  by (simp add: assms)

lemma ran_the_im_dom: "ran f = the ` (f ` dom f)"
  unfolding ran_def dom_def image_def by force

lemma map_comp_assoc: "(hmg)mf = hm(gmf)" for f g h
  fix x
  consider (x_in)"xdom f"|(x_out)"xdom f" by blast
  then show "(h m g m f) x = (h m (g m f)) x"
    by (cases, smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) map_comp_simps option.exhaust, simp add: domIff)

lemma map_comp_dom: "dom (gmf) = dom f" if "ran f  dom g" for f and g
  using ranI subset_iff' that by fastforce

text ‹It would be much nicer if instead of termf  manifold_eucl.diff_fun_space k, we could
  just state that termf is differentiable at termp. However, (one of) the difference between
  termdirectional_derivative and termfrechet_derivative is that the former returns 0
  whenever the argument function is non-zero anywhere outside the carrier. It is therefore not a
  local operation: two functions that differ only at a point far away may still have different
lemma directional_derivative_cong:
  assumes "open U" "pU" "xU. f x = g x" "k0" "f  manifold_eucl.diff_fun_space k" "g  manifold_eucl.diff_fun_space k"
  shows "directional_derivative k p v f = directional_derivative k p v g"
  using assms(5,6) apply (simp add: directional_derivative_def)
  apply (intro frechet_derivative_transform_within_open_ext[OF _ assms(1,2)])
  using differentiable_onD assms(3-6) Smooth.smooth_on_imp_differentiable_on by blast+

lemma inverse_bij_betw:
  assumes f: "bij_betw f A B" and g: "xA. g (f x) = x" "yB. f (g y) = y"
  shows "bij_betw g B A"
  unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def apply (intro conjI)
   apply (metis g(2))
  using f g(1) by (simp add: bij_betw_if_inverse bij_betw_imp_surj_on g(2))

lemma linear_on_inv:
  assumes lin: "linear_on A B scaleA scaleB a"
    and bij: "bij_betw a A B"
    and inv: "(x  A. a x  B  b(a x) = x)" "(y  B. b y  A  a(b y) = y)"
  shows "linear_on B A scaleB scaleA b"
proof -
  interpret l: linear_on A B scaleA scaleB a
    using lin .
  show "linear_on B A scaleB scaleA b"
    apply unfold_locales using bij inv l.add l.m1.mem_add l.m1.mem_scale l.scale by metis+

lemma linear_on_the_inv_into:
  assumes "linear_on A B scaleA scaleB a"
    and "bij_betw a A B"
  shows "linear_on B A scaleB scaleA (the_inv_into A a)"
  using linear_on_inv assms f_the_inv_into_f_bij_betw the_inv_into_f_eq
      the_inv_into_onto bij_betw_iff_bijections bij_betw_the_inv_into
  by (smt (verit, best))

lemma linear_on_image:
  assumes "linear_on A B scaleA scaleB a"
    and "a`AB"
  shows "linear_on A (a`A) scaleA scaleB a"
proof -
  interpret l: linear_on A B scaleA scaleB a using assms(1) .
  show ?thesis apply unfold_locales
    subgoal by (meson assms(2) in_mono l.m2.scale_right_distrib_on)
    using assms(2) l.m2.scale_left_distrib_on apply auto[3]
    subgoal using l.add l.m1.mem_add by force
    subgoal using l.add l.m1.mem_zero by force
    subgoal by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_iff l.m1.mem_scale l.scale)
    subgoal by (simp add: l.add)
    subgoal by (simp add: l.scale)

lemma linear_on_the_inv_into':
  assumes "linear_on A B scaleA scaleB a"
    and "inj_on a A" "a`AB"
  shows "linear_on (a`A) A scaleB scaleA (the_inv_into A a)"
  using linear_on_the_inv_into[OF linear_on_image[OF assms(1,3)]] assms(2) by (simp add: bij_betw_def)

lemma module_hom_on_compose:
  assumes "module_hom_on S1 S2 s1 s2 f" "module_hom_on S2 S3 s2 s3 g" "f ` S1  S2"
  shows "module_hom_on S1 S3 s1 s3 (g o f)"
proof -
  interpret f: module_hom_on S1 S2 s1 s2 f using assms(1) .
  interpret g: module_hom_on S2 S3 s2 s3 g using assms(2) .
  show "module_hom_on S1 S3 s1 s3 (g o f)"
    apply unfold_locales
      subgoal using f.add g.add assms(3) by fastforce
      subgoal using f.scale g.scale assms(3) by fastforce

lemma linear_on_compose:
  assumes "linear_on S1 S2 s1 s2 f" "linear_on S2 S3 s2 s3 g" "f ` S1  S2"
  shows "linear_on S1 S3 s1 s3 (g o f)"
  using module_hom_on_compose assms by (simp add: linear_on_def)

lemma bij_betw_restrict0:
  assumes "bij_betw f A B"
  shows "bij_betw (restrict0 A f) A B"
  unfolding restrict0_def by (simp add: assms bij_betw_cong)

lemma linear_on_restrict0:
  assumes "linear_on S1 S2 s1 s2 f"
  shows "linear_on S1 S2 s1 s2 (restrict0 S1 f)"
proof -
  interpret f: linear_on S1 S2 s1 s2 f using assms .
  show ?thesis
    by unfold_locales (simp_all add: restrict0_def f.m1.mem_scale f.scale f.add f.m1.mem_add)

lemma extensional0_subset:
  assumes "extensional0 B f" "BA"
  shows "extensional0 A f"
  using assms unfolding extensional0_def by auto

lemma restrict0_subset: "BA  restrict0 A (restrict0 B f) = restrict0 B f"
  unfolding restrict0_def by force

lemma restrict0_subset': "BA  extensional0 B f  restrict0 A f = f"
  unfolding restrict0_def extensional0_def by force

lemma (in linear_on) vector_space_pair_on: "vector_space_pair_on S1 S2 s1 s2"
  by unfold_locales

lemma (in linear_on) linear_0: "f 0 = 0"
  using add m1.mem_zero by fastforce

lemma (in linear_on) linear_sum: "sum (f  g) A = f (sum g A)"
  if "g`AS1" "f`S1S2" for g and A using that
  by (auto intro!: vector_space_pair_on.linear_sum'[OF _ _ _ linear_on_axioms, symmetric])

lemma (in linear_on) independent:
  assumes "¬ m1.dependent T" "T  S1" "inj_on f S1" "f ` S1  S2"
  shows "¬ m2.dependent (f`T)"
  apply (intro vector_space_pair_on.linear_independent_injective_image[OF vector_space_pair_on _ _ linear_on_axioms])
  using assms(1,2,4) inj_on_subset[OF assms(3)] m1.span_minimal m1.subspace_UNIV by auto

lemma (in linear_on) span:
  assumes "T  S1" "f ` S1  S2"
  shows "m2.span (f`T) = f`(m1.span T)"
  apply (intro vector_space_pair_on.linear_span_image[OF vector_space_pair_on _ _ linear_on_axioms])
  using assms by auto

lemma (in linear_on) spanning:
  assumes "m1.span T = S1" "T  S1" "f`S1 = S2"
  shows "m2.span (f`T) = S2"
proof -
  have "S2  m2.span (f ` T)"
    apply (intro vector_space_pair_on.linear_spanning_surjective_image[OF vector_space_pair_on _ _ linear_on_axioms])
    using assms(3) by (auto simp add: assms(1,2))
  thus "m2.span (f`T) = S2"
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) image_mono m2.span_minimal m2.subspace_UNIV set_eq_subset)

lemma (in linear_on) linear_on_cong:
  assumes "x. xS1  g x = f x"
  shows "linear_on S1 S2 s1 s2 g"
  using assms by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: add m1.mem_add m1.mem_scale scale)

― ‹Compare to @{thm directional_derivative_linear_on_diff_fun_space}.›
lemma frechet_derivative_linear_on_diff_fun_space:
  "k  0  manifold_eucl.linear_diff_fun k (λf. frechet_derivative f (at a) x)"
  using directional_derivative_eq_frechet_derivative directional_derivative_linear_on_diff_fun_space
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) linear_on.linear_on_cong manifold_eucl.manifold_eucl_diff_fun_space_iff)

lemma real_vector_space_onI:
  assumes "vector_space_on S scaleR"
  shows "real_vector_space_on S"
  interpret v: vector_space_on S scaleR using assms .
  show "subspace S"
    unfolding subspace_def by (auto simp add: v.mem_zero v.mem_add v.mem_scale)

lemma finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_onI:
  assumes "finite_dimensional_vector_space_on S scaleR B"
  shows "finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_on S B"
  interpret v: finite_dimensional_vector_space_on S scaleR B using assms .
  show "subspace S"
    unfolding subspace_def by (auto simp add: v.mem_zero v.mem_add v.mem_scale)
  show "finite B"
    by (simp add: v.finite_Basis)
  show "independent B"
    by (simp add: dependent_with v.implicit_dependent_with v.independent_Basis)
  show "B  S"
    by (simp add: v.basis_subset)
  show "span B = S"
    by (metis subspace S span_minimal span_subspace span_superset subspace_def subspace_span
        v.basis_subset v.span_Basis v.span_minimal v.subspace_on_def)

lemma (in finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_on) basis_transfer:
  assumes "linear_on S T scaleR scaleR f" "bij_betw f S T"
  shows "finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_on T (f`basis)"
proof (intro finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_onI)
  interpret f: linear_on S T scaleR scaleR f using assms(1) .
  show "finite_dimensional_vector_space_on T scaleR (f ` basis)"
  proof (unfold_locales)
    show "finite (f ` basis)"
      by (simp add: finite_Basis)
    show "f ` basis  T"
      using assms(2) basis_subset by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
    show "¬ f.m2.dependent (f ` basis)"
      by (intro f.independent, simp_all add: independent_Basis basis_subset assms(2)[unfolded bij_betw_def])
    show "f.m2.span (f ` basis) = T"
      by (intro f.spanning, simp_all add: span_Basis basis_subset assms(2)[unfolded bij_betw_def])

lemma euclidean_components_eq_iff:
  shows "(iBasis. f i *R i) = (iBasis. g i *R i)  (iBasis. f i = g i)"
  by (auto, metis inner_sum_left_Basis)

lemma (in finite_dimensional_vector_space_on) VS_module_on: "VS_Modules.module_on S scale"
  apply unfold_locales
  by (simp_all add: scale_right_distrib_on scale_left_distrib_on mem_add mem_zero mem_scale)

― ‹We bring in a result from the extended-Types-to-Sets development,
  @{thm VS_Modules.module_on.unique_representation}.›
lemma (in finite_dimensional_vector_space_on) unique_representation_basis':
  assumes "B  basis"
    and "v. v  S; f v  0  v  B"
    and "v. v  S; g v  0  v  B"
    and "(v{xS. f x  0}. scale (f v) v) = (v{xS. g x  0}. scale (g v) v)"
  shows "xS. f x = g x"
proof -
  interpret ETTS_mod: VS_Modules.module_on S scale using VS_module_on .
  have "¬ ETTS_mod.dependent basis"
    using ETTS_mod.dependent_explicit basis_subset dependent_explicit independent_Basis by fastforce
  hence 1: "¬ ETTS_mod.dependent B"
    using ETTS_mod.dependent_mono assms(1) basis_subset by blast
  have 2: "finite {x  S. f x  0}" "finite {x  S. g x  0}"
    using finite_Basis assms(1,2,3) by (auto intro: finite_subset)
  show ?thesis apply (rule ETTS_mod.unique_representation[of B])
    using assms basis_subset 1 2 by auto

lemma (in finite_dimensional_vector_space_on) unique_representation_basis:
  assumes "v. v  S; f v  0  v  basis"
    and "v. v  S; g v  0  v  basis"
    and "(v{xS. f x  0}. scale (f v) v) = (v{xS. g x  0}. scale (g v) v)"
  shows "xS. f x = g x"
  using unique_representation_basis' assms by auto

lemma (in finite_dimensional_vector_space_on) components_eq_iff:
  assumes "v. v  S  f v  0  v  basis"
    and "v. v  S  g v  0  v  basis"
  shows "(ibasis. scale (f i) i) = (ibasis. scale (g i) i)  (ibasis. f i = g i)"
proof -
  have "iS. f i = g i" if "(ibasis. scale (f i) i) = (ibasis. scale (g i) i)"
    apply (rule unique_representation_basis)
    using assms that by auto
  from this show ?thesis using basis_subset by auto

lemma linear_on_subset:
  assumes "linear_on C B scaleR scaleR f"
    and closed_A: "AC" "A{}" "x r. xA  scaleR r x  A" "x y. xA; yA  x+y  A"
  shows "linear_on A B scaleR scaleR f"
proof -
  interpret linear_on C B scaleR scaleR f by fact
  show ?thesis
    using closed_A apply unfold_locales
    by (auto simp: algebra_simps add scale subset_iff) (metis m1.scale_zero_left)

  fixes f :: "'a::euclidean_space  'b::real_normed_vector"
  assumes "linear f"
  shows linear_imp_higher_differentiable_on: "higher_differentiable_on S f n"
    and linear_imp_smooth_on: "smooth_on S f"
  using bounded_linear.higher_differentiable_on bounded_linear.smooth_on assms
  by (auto simp: linear_conv_bounded_linear[of f])

lemma differentiable_transform_within:
  assumes "f differentiable (at x within s)"
    and "0 < d"
    and "x  s"
    and "x'. x'  s; dist x' x < d  f x' = g x'"
  shows "g differentiable (at x within s)"
  using assms has_derivative_transform_within unfolding differentiable_def by blast

lemma differentiable_transform_within_open:
  assumes "f differentiable (at x within t)"
    and "open s"
    and "x  s"
    and "x. xs  f x = g x"
  shows "g differentiable (at x within t)"
  using assms has_derivative_transform_within_open unfolding differentiable_def by blast

lemma differentiable_transform:
  assumes "x  s" "x. x  s  g x = f x"
  assumes "f differentiable (at x within s)"
  shows "g differentiable (at x within s)"
  using assms has_derivative_transform unfolding differentiable_def by blast

lemma derivative_is_smooth2': "smooth_on S (λv. frechet_derivative f (at x) v)"
  if "f differentiable_on S" "xS" "open S"
  for S x and f :: "'i::euclidean_space  'o::real_normed_vector"
proof -
  have linear_deriv: "linear (frechet_derivative f (at x within S))"
    using that(1,2) by (auto intro: linear_frechet_derivative simp: differentiable_on_def)
  show ?thesis
    using linear_imp_smooth_on[OF linear_deriv] at_within_open[OF that(2,3)] by force

lemma derivative_is_smooth2: "smooth_on S (λv. frechet_derivative f (at x) v)"
  if "smooth_on S f" "xS" "open S"
  for S x and f :: "'i::euclidean_space  'o::real_normed_vector"
  using derivative_is_smooth2'[OF smooth_on_imp_differentiable_on[OF that(1)] that(2,3)] by simp

lemma (in c_manifold) diff_fun_on_open:
  assumes "open A"
  shows "diff_fun_on A f  A  carrier  diff_fun k (charts_submanifold A) f"
proof (intro iffI conjI)
  assume diff_A_f: "diff_fun_on A f"
  thus "diff_fun k (charts_submanifold A) f"
  proof -
      fix W f'
      assume asm: "open W" "AW" "W  carrier" "xA. f x = f' x" "diff_fun k (charts_submanifold W) f'"
      interpret W: manifold "restrict_chart W ` charts" .
      have 1: "manifold.charts_submanifold (charts_submanifold W) A = charts_submanifold A"
        apply (simp add: charts_submanifold_def W.charts_submanifold_def)
        using restrict_chart_restrict_chart asm(1-2) assms
        by (smt (verit, best) image_cong image_image inf.absorb_iff1)
      then interpret f': diff_fun k "charts_submanifold A" f'
        unfolding diff_fun_def
        using diff.diff_submanifold[OF asm(5)[unfolded diff_fun_def] assms] by simp
      have "diff_fun k (charts_submanifold A) f"
        apply (rule f'.diff_fun_cong)
        using assms asm(4) by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_iff domain_restrict_chart
          f'.src.carrierE image_iff manifold.charts_submanifold_def)
    then show ?thesis
      using diff_A_f by (metis diff_fun_onE)
  show "A  carrier"
    using diff_A_f unfolding diff_fun_on_def by auto
  assume asm: "Acarrier  diff_fun k (charts_submanifold A) f"
  show "diff_fun_on A f"
    using asm assms by (auto intro: exI[of _ A] simp: diff_fun_on_def)

lemma (in c_manifold) diff_fun_differentiable_at: "(f  (inv_chart c)) differentiable at (c p)"
  if "diff_fun k charts f" "c  atlas" "p  domain c" "k>0"
    using diff_fun.diff_fun_between_chartsD[OF that(1-3)] higher_differentiable_on.simps(2) that(3,4)
    unfolding smooth_on_def diff_fun_def diff_def diff_axioms_def
    by (metis Suc_ile_eq chart_in_codomain enat_0_iff(2))

lemma (in submanifold) sub_diff_fun_differentiable_at: "(f  (inv_chart c)) differentiable at (c p)"
  if "diff_fun k (charts_submanifold S) f" "c  sub.atlas" "p  domain c" "k>0"
  using sub.diff_fun_differentiable_at that by blast

lemma (in c_manifold) diff_fun_on_differentiable_at: "(f  (inv_chart c)) differentiable at (c p)"
  if "diff_fun_on S f" "c  atlas" "p  S" "S  domain c" "k>0" "open S"
proof -
  interpret S: submanifold charts k S by (unfold_locales, fact)
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule S.sub_diff_fun_differentiable_at[of f "restrict_chart S c" p, simplified])
    using diff_fun_on_open[OF that(6)] that S.submanifold_atlasI by auto

subsection ‹Products›

subsubsection termmap_prod and termswap (no manifolds required)›

lemma continuous_on_swap2[continuous_intros]:
  "continuous_on (s × t) f  continuous_on (t × s) (f  prod.swap)"
  using continuous_on_compose by (metis continuous_on_swap product_swap)

lemma homeomorphism_prod_swap:
  "homeomorphism (b × a) (c × d) (λ(y, x). (f x, g y)) (λ(x, y). (g' y, f' x))"
  if "homeomorphism a c f f'" "homeomorphism b d g g'"
proof -
    fix x y assume asm: "xa" "yb"
    have "(f x, g y)  (λx. (f (snd x), g (fst x))) ` (b × a)"
      and "(y, x)  (λx. (g' (snd x), f' (fst x))) ` (f ` a × g ` b)"
      using asm that unfolding homeomorphism_def using image_iff by fastforce+
  thus ?thesis
    using that unfolding homeomorphism_def
    by (auto
        simp: split_beta image_prod
        intro!: continuous_intros
        elim: continuous_on_compose2)

lemma continuous_on_map_prod:
  assumes "continuous_on A f" "continuous_on B g"
  shows "continuous_on (A×B) (map_prod f g)"
proof -
  have "continuous_on (A × B) (f  fst)"
    apply (rule continuous_on_compose[OF continuous_on_fst[OF continuous_on_id]])
    by (simp add: assms(1))
  moreover have "continuous_on (A × B) (g  snd)"
    apply (rule continuous_on_compose[OF continuous_on_snd[OF continuous_on_id]])
    by (simp add: assms(2))
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using continuous_on_Pair[of "A×B" "ffst" "gsnd"] by (simp add: map_prod_def case_prod_beta)

lemma continuous_on_map_proj:
  assumes "continuous_on (A×B) (map_prod f g)"
  shows "continuous_on (A×B) (ffst)" "continuous_on (A×B) (gsnd)"
  using assms continuous_on_fst continuous_on_snd by fastforce+

lemma homeomorphism_swap:
  fixes a :: "'a::topological_space set" and b :: "'b::topological_space set"
    and c :: "'c::topological_space set" and d :: "'d::topological_space set"
  assumes "homeomorphism S T F G"
  shows "homeomorphism (prod.swap`S) T (Fprod.swap) (prod.swapG)"
  (is "homeomorphism ?S' T ?F' ?G'")
  have "continuous_on S F"
    using assms by (simp add: homeomorphism_cont1)
  thus "continuous_on ?S' ?F'"
    using continuous_on_compose[OF continuous_on_swap, of "?S'" "F"] by (simp add: image_comp)
  have "continuous_on T G"
    using assms by (simp add: homeomorphism_cont2)
  from continuous_on_compose[OF this continuous_on_swap] show "continuous_on T ?G'"
    by (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
  show "?F' ` ?S'  T"
    using homeomorphism_image1[OF assms] by auto
  show "?G' ` T  ?S'"
    using homeomorphism_image2[OF assms] by auto
  show "y. yT  (?F'(?G' y) = y)"
    using homeomorphism_apply2[OF assms] by auto
  show "x. x?S'  (?G'(?F' x) = x)"
    using homeomorphism_apply1[OF assms] by auto

lemma homeomorphism_swap':
  fixes a :: "'a::topological_space set" and b :: "'b::topological_space set"
    and c :: "'c::topological_space set" and d :: "'d::topological_space set"
  assumes "homeomorphism (a × b) (c × d) (λ(x, y). (f x, g y)) (λ(x, y). (f' x, g' y))"
  shows "homeomorphism (b × a) (c × d) (λ(y, x). (f x, g y)) (λ(x, y). (g' y, f' x))"
  apply (rule homeomorphism_cong[OF homeomorphism_swap[OF assms]])
  by (simp_all add: product_swap case_prod_unfold)

lemma open_swap: "open a  open (prod.swap ` a)"
  by (smt (verit) imageE image_mono open_prod_def prod.swap_def product_swap swap_simp)

lemma bounded_linear_swap:
  assumes f: "bounded_linear f"
  shows "bounded_linear (f  prod.swap)"
  interpret f: bounded_linear f by fact
  fix x::"'b×'a" and y::"'b×'a" and r :: real
  show "(f  prod.swap) (x + y) = (f  prod.swap) x + (f  prod.swap) y"
    using f.add by (auto simp add: prod.swap_def)
  show "(f  prod.swap) (r *R x) = r *R (f  prod.swap) x"
    using f.scale by (auto simp: prod.swap_def)
  obtain Kf where "0 < Kf" and norm_f: "x. norm (f x)  norm x * Kf"
    using f.pos_bounded by fast
  have "x. norm ((f  prod.swap) x)  norm x * Kf"
    by (simp add: prod.swap_def, metis norm_commute norm_f)
  then show "K. x. norm ((f  prod.swap) x)  norm x * K" ..

lemma norm_swap: "norm x = norm (prod.swap x)"
    using norm_commute apply (simp add: prod.swap_def)
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) norm_commute prod.exhaust_sel)

subsubsection ‹Pair is a smooth map (just like fst and snd)›
context c_manifold_prod begin

sublocale prod_manifold: c_manifold prod_charts k
  using c_manifold_atlas_product by auto

lemma prod_carrier: "prod_manifold.carrier = m1.carrier × m2.carrier"
proof -
  have "domain ` prod_charts = {domain (prod_chart c1 c2) |c1 c2. c1  charts1  c2  charts2}"
    unfolding prod_charts_def by blast
  also have " = {domain c1 × domain c2 |c1 c2. c1  charts1  c2  charts2}"
    by auto
  finally show ?thesis
    unfolding manifold.carrier_def by auto

(* is this a good name? overlap with manifold.carrier not a problem? *)
abbreviation (in c_manifold_prod) "carrier  manifold.carrier prod_charts"

lemma diff_fst:
  shows "diff k prod_charts charts1 fst"
  let ?prod_atl = "c_manifold.atlas prod_charts k"
  fix x
  assume "x  manifold.carrier prod_charts"
  then obtain c where c: "x  domain c" "c  prod_charts"
    by (meson manifold.carrierE)
  then obtain c1 c2 where c12: "c1  charts1" "c2  charts2" "c = prod_chart c1 c2"
    using prod_charts_def by force
  show "c1  ?prod_atl. c2  m1.atlas.
    x  domain c1 
    fst ` domain c1  domain c2 
    k-smooth_on (codomain c1) (apply_chart c2  fst  inv_chart c1)"
  proof (intro bexI conjI)
    show "x  domain c" "c  ?prod_atl" "c1  m1.atlas"
      by (simp add: c c_manifold.in_charts_in_atlas c_manifold_atlas_product c12(1) m1.in_charts_in_atlas)+
    show "fst ` domain c  domain c1"
      using domain_prod_chart c12(3) by auto
    let ?f = "apply_chart c1  fst  inv_chart c"
    let ?g = "λ(x,y). (inv_chart c1 x, inv_chart c2 y)"
    have 1: "codomain c = codomain c1 × codomain c2" by (simp add: c12(3))
    then have 2: "x. x  codomain c  ?f x = fst x" using c12(3) by fastforce
    ― ‹This next step is actually stronger than what we need!
      However, since we can only obtain k-compatible charts when in a k-smooth manifold,
      the overall degree of differentiability obtainable is limited.›
    have "smooth_on (codomain c1 × codomain c2) ?f"
      by (auto intro!: smooth_on_cong[OF _ _ 2] smooth_on_fst simp only: 1[symmetric])
    then show "k-smooth_on (codomain c) ?f" using 1 smooth_on_le by force

lemma diff_snd:
  shows "diff k prod_charts charts2 snd" 
  let ?prod_atl = "c_manifold.atlas prod_charts k"
  fix x
  assume "x  manifold.carrier prod_charts"
  then obtain c where "x  domain c" "c  prod_charts"
    by (meson manifold.carrierE)
  then obtain c1 c2 where "c = prod_chart c1 c2" "c1  charts1" "c2  charts2"
    using prod_charts_def by force
  show "c1  ?prod_atl. c2  m2.atlas. x  domain c1  snd ` domain c1  domain c2 
    k-smooth_on (codomain c1) (apply_chart c2  snd  inv_chart c1)"
  proof (intro bexI, intro conjI)
    show "x  domain c" by (simp add: x  domain c)
    show "c2  m2.atlas" by (simp add: c2  charts2 m2.in_charts_in_atlas)
    show "snd ` domain c  domain c2" using c = prod_chart c1 c2 by simp
    show "c  ?prod_atl"
      by (simp add: c  prod_charts c_manifold.in_charts_in_atlas c_manifold_atlas_product)
    let ?f = "apply_chart c2  snd  inv_chart c"
    have 1: "codomain c = codomain c1 × codomain c2" by (simp add: c = prod_chart c1 c2)
    have 2: "x. x  codomain c  ?f x = snd x" using 1 c = prod_chart c1 c2 by fastforce
    have "smooth_on (codomain c1 × codomain c2) ?f"
      using 1 2 smooth_on_snd smooth_on_id open_codomain smooth_on_cong
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold))
    then show "k-smooth_on (codomain c) ?f" using 1 smooth_on_le by force

lemma prod_chartsI:
  assumes "c1  charts1" "c2  charts2"
  shows "prod_chart c1 c2  prod_charts"
  unfolding prod_charts_def using assms by auto

lemma prod_chart_in_atlas:
  assumes "c1  charts1" "c2  charts2"
  shows "prod_chart c1 c2  prod_manifold.atlas"
  using prod_chartsI prod_manifold.in_charts_in_atlas assms by simp

text ‹This next lemma is in localec_manifolds, rather than localec_manifold_prod, so that we
  can pick and choose the charts it applies to later.›
lemma (in c_manifolds) diff_const: "diff k charts1 charts2 (λz. x)" if "x  dest.carrier"
  apply (unfold_locales, auto)
  by (metis dest.atlasE image_subsetI smooth_on_const src.atlasE that)

lemma diff_Pair:
  assumes m3: "c_manifold charts3 k"
    and diff_f: "diff k charts3 charts1 f"
    and diff_g: "diff k charts3 charts2 g"
  shows "diff k charts3 prod_charts (λx. (f x, g x))"
proof (unfold_locales)
  show "c1  charts3  c2  charts3  k-smooth_compat c1 c2" for c1 c2
    using c_manifold.pairwise_compat[OF m3] .
  let ?prod_atl = "prod_manifold.atlas"
  let ?atl3 = "c_manifold.atlas charts3 k"
  let ?m3 = "manifold.carrier charts3"
  fix x assume x[simp]: "x  ?m3"
  obtain c1 c2
    where c1[simp]: "c1  charts1" "f x  domain c1"
      and c2[simp]: "c2  charts2" "g x  domain c2"
    using manifold.carrierE x diff.defined diff_f diff_g by (metis image_subset_iff)
  obtain c3' where c3': "c3'  charts3" "x  domain c3'"
    using x manifold.carrierE m3 by blast
  have open_int_f_g: "open ((f -` domain c1)  (g -` domain c2)  ?m3)"
    using diff_f diff.continuous_on diff_g open_domain manifold.open_carrier open_continuous_vimage
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_lower2 inf.absorb_iff2 inf_assoc open_Int)
  then obtain c3
    where c3: "c3  ?atl3" "x  domain c3"
                    "c3 = restrict_chart ((f -` domain c1)  (g -` domain c2)  ?m3) c3'"
    by (simp add: c3' c_manifold.in_charts_in_atlas c_manifold.restrict_chart_in_atlas m3)
  have c3_simps [simp]:
    "domain c3 = (f -` domain c1)  (g -` domain c2)  ?m3  domain c3'"
    "codomain c3 = codomain c3'  inv_chart c3' -` ((f -` domain c1)  (g -` domain c2)  ?m3  domain c3')"
    "apply_chart c3 = c3'" "inv_chart c3 = inv_chart c3'"
    using open_int_f_g c3 by auto
  let ?c = "prod_chart c1 c2"
  show "c3  ?atl3. c  ?prod_atl.
    x  domain c3  (λx. (f x, g x)) ` domain c3  domain c 
    k-smooth_on (codomain c3) (c  (λx. (f x, g x))  inv_chart c3)"
  proof (intro bexI, intro conjI)
    show "?c  ?prod_atl"
      using prod_chart_in_atlas by simp
    show "c3  ?atl3" "x  domain c3"
      using c3(1,2) .
    show "(λx. (f x, g x)) ` domain c3  domain (prod_chart c1 c2)"
      by (auto simp: open_int_f_g)
    let ?f = "apply_chart ?c  (λx. (f x, g x))  inv_chart c3"

    have unfold_f: "y. y  codomain c3  ?f y = (c1 (f (inv_chart c3 y)), c2 (g (inv_chart c3 y)))"
      by fastforce

    have comp_cong[simp]: "(c1  f  inv_chart c3) z = (λy. c1 (f (inv_chart c3 y))) z"
        "(c2  g  inv_chart c3) z = (λy. c2 (g (inv_chart c3 y))) z"
      if "z  codomain c3" for z
      by auto

    have open_c3: "open (codomain c3)" by (simp add: c3)
    moreover have "k-smooth_on (codomain c3) (λy. apply_chart c1 (f (inv_chart c3 y)))"
      apply (rule smooth_on_cong(1)[OF _ open_c3 comp_cong(1)[symmetric]])
      apply (rule smooth_on_cong'[OF diff.diff_chartsD[OF diff_f c3(1) m1.in_charts_in_atlas[OF c1(1)]]])
      by auto
    moreover have "k-smooth_on (codomain c3) (λy. apply_chart c2 (g (inv_chart c3 y)))"
      apply (rule smooth_on_cong(1)[OF _ open_c3 comp_cong(2)[symmetric]])
      apply (rule smooth_on_cong'[OF diff.diff_chartsD[OF diff_g c3(1) m2.in_charts_in_atlas[OF c2(1)]]])
      by auto
    ultimately show "k-smooth_on (codomain c3) ?f"
      using smooth_on_Pair smooth_on_cong unfold_f by blast

lemma diff_Pair':
  assumes m3: "c_manifold charts3 k"
    and diff_f: "diff k charts3 charts1 (fstf)"
    and diff_g: "diff k charts3 charts2 (sndf)"
  shows "diff k charts3 prod_charts f"
  using diff_Pair[OF assms] by simp

lemma diff_left_Pair: "diff k charts2 prod_charts (λy. (x,y))" if "x  m1.carrier"
  using diff_Pair[of charts2 "λz. x" id]
  using c_manifold_prod_axioms unfolding c_manifold_prod_def
  using c_manifolds.diff_const[of k charts2 charts1 x] unfolding c_manifolds_def
  using m2.diff_id
  by (simp add: diff.diff_cong that)

lemma diff_right_Pair: "diff k charts1 prod_charts (λx. (x,y))" if "y  m2.carrier"
  using diff_Pair[of charts1 id "λz. y"]
  using c_manifold_prod_axioms unfolding c_manifold_prod_def
  using c_manifolds.diff_const[of k charts1 charts2 y] unfolding c_manifolds_def
  using m1.diff_id
  by (simp add: diff.diff_cong that)

lemma (in c_manifold) diff_on_sqr_Pair:
  "diff k charts (c_manifold_prod.prod_charts charts charts) (λx. (f x, g x))"
  if "diff k charts charts f" "diff k charts charts g"
  using c_manifold_prod.diff_Pair[OF _ _ that]
  by (simp add: c_manifold_axioms c_manifold_prod.intro)

end (* context c_manifold_prod *)

lemma smooth_on_Pair':
  "k-smooth_on S f"
  if "open S" "k-smooth_on S (fstf)" "k-smooth_on S (sndf)"
  for f::"_::euclidean_space_" and g::"_::euclidean_space_"
  using smooth_on_Pair[OF that] by simp

subsubsection ‹Some results about Euclidean manifolds and their products.›

abbreviation prod_chart_eucl::"('a×'a,'a×'a::euclidean_space)chart"
  where "prod_chart_eucl  c_manifold_prod.prod_chart chart_eucl chart_eucl"

abbreviation prod_charts_eucl
  where "prod_charts_eucl  c_manifold_prod.prod_charts charts_eucl charts_eucl"

lemma eucl_makes_product_manifold: "c_manifold_prod  charts_eucl charts_eucl"
  by (simp add: c_manifold_prod.intro manifold_eucl.c_manifold_axioms)

lemma prod_chart_in_prod_charts: "prod_chart_eucl  prod_charts_eucl"
  using c_manifold_prod.prod_chartsI eucl_makes_product_manifold
  by blast

lemma chart_eucl_id: "apply_chart chart_eucl = (λx. x)"
  by simp

lemma inv_prod_chart_eucl_id: "inv_chart prod_chart_eucl = (λ(x,y). (x,y))"
  using c_manifold_prod.inv_chart_prod_chart [OF eucl_makes_product_manifold]
  by (simp add: c2 c1. inv_chart (c_manifold_prod.prod_chart c1 c2)
    = (λ(x, y). (inv_chart c1 x, inv_chart c2 y)))

lemma map_fun_eucl_prod_id_f: "apply_chart chart_eucl  f  inv_chart (prod_chart_eucl) = f"
proof -
  have "apply_chart chart_eucl  f = f"
    using chart_eucl_id by auto
  thus "apply_chart chart_eucl  f  inv_chart (prod_chart_eucl) = f"
    using inv_prod_chart_eucl_id
    by (metis case_prod_Pair comp_id)

lemma map_fun_eucl_id_f: "apply_chart chart_eucl  f  inv_chart (chart_eucl) = f"
  by auto

lemma map_fun_eucl_prod_id: "map_fun (inv_chart (prod_chart_eucl)) (apply_chart chart_eucl) = id"
  unfolding map_fun_def
  using map_fun_eucl_prod_id_f eq_id_iff
  by auto

text ‹Maps that are at least termdiff 1 between Euclidean spaces in the manifold-sense,
  are differentiable in the usual real analysis sense.›
lemma diff_eucl_differentiable:
  fixes charts_eucl1 :: "('a::euclidean_space, 'a) chart set"
    and charts_eucl2 :: "('b::euclidean_space, 'b) chart set"
  defines "charts_eucl1  charts_eucl"
    and "charts_eucl2  charts_eucl"
  assumes "diff 1 charts_eucl1 charts_eucl2 f" "x  manifold.carrier charts_eucl1"
  shows "f differentiable at x"
proof -
  interpret eucl1: c_manifold charts_eucl1 1 using charts_eucl1_def c1_manifold_atlas_eucl by auto
  interpret eucl2: c_manifold charts_eucl2 1 using charts_eucl2_def c1_manifold_atlas_eucl by auto

  text ‹First, obtain some charts in which we know f is differentiable in the real analysis sense.›
  obtain c1' c2'
    where c1': "c1'  eucl1.atlas" "x  domain c1'"
      and c2': "c2'  eucl2.atlas" "f ` domain c1'  domain c2'"
      and f': "1-smooth_on (codomain c1') (c2'  f  inv_chart c1')"
    using assms unfolding diff_def diff_axioms_def by blast

  text ‹Then show that smooth compatibility preserves this property in the termcharts_eucl (the identity).›
  obtain c1 c2 where c_eucl: "c1 = chart_eucl" "c1  charts_eucl1" "c2 = chart_eucl" "c2  charts_eucl2"
    by (simp add: charts_eucl1_def charts_eucl2_def)
  have c1: "c1  eucl1.atlas" "x  domain c1"
    and c2: "c2  eucl2.atlas" "f ` domain c1  domain c2"
    by (simp_all add: c_eucl(1,3) charts_eucl1_def charts_eucl2_def)
  have f: "1-smooth_on (domain c1') (c2  f  inv_chart c1)"
  proof -
    have 1: "1-smooth_on (codomain c1') (c2  inv_chart c2'  (c2'  f  inv_chart c1'))"
      apply (rule smooth_on_compose[OF smooth_compat_D1[of 1 c2' c2] f'])
      using c2' c2(1) by (auto simp: c_eucl(3) eucl2.atlas_is_atlas open_Int)
    have 2: "1-smooth_on (c1 ` (domain c1  domain c1'))
        ((c2  inv_chart c2'  (c2'  f  inv_chart c1'))  (c1'  inv_chart c1))"
      apply (rule smooth_on_compose[OF 1 smooth_compat_D1[of 1 c1 c1']])
      using c1'(1) c1(1) by (auto simp: open_Int eucl1.atlas_is_atlas c_eucl(1) image_subsetI)
    have "1-smooth_on (c1 ` (domain c1  domain c1')) (c2  f  inv_chart c1)"
      apply (rule smooth_on_cong[OF 2])
      using c2'(2) inv_chart_inverse by (auto simp: open_Int)
    thus ?thesis using c_eucl(1) by auto
  hence "higher_differentiable_on (domain c1') (c2  f  inv_chart c1) 1"
    unfolding smooth_on_def by (simp add: one_enat_def)

  text ‹Finally, put it all together: termf sandwiched between two identity maps is differentiable
    on a domain containing termx, thus termf differentiable at x in the real analysis sense.›
  thus ?thesis
    using higher_differentiable_on_imp_differentiable_on differentiable_onD
    by (metis at_within_domain c1'(2) c_eucl(1,3) map_fun_eucl_id_f less_one)

― ‹A more specific version of @{thm c_manifold_prod.diff_fst} for Euclidean spaces.›
lemma smooth_on_proj:
    "smooth_on (manifold.carrier prod_charts_eucl) fst"
    "smooth_on (manifold.carrier prod_charts_eucl) snd"
  using smooth_on_fst [OF smooth_on_id manifold.open_carrier]
  using smooth_on_snd [OF smooth_on_id manifold.open_carrier] by blast+

lemma eucl_add_smooth: "smooth_on (manifold.carrier prod_charts_eucl) (λ(x,y). x+y)"
  using smooth_on_add [OF smooth_on_proj manifold.open_carrier]
  by (simp add: case_prod_beta')

lemma eucl_um_smooth: "smooth_on manifold_eucl.carrier uminus"
  using smooth_on_uminus [OF smooth_on_id manifold.open_carrier]
  by blast

subsection ‹Swapping a product manifold.›
context c_manifold_prod begin

lift_definition swap_chart :: "('a × 'c, 'b × 'd) chart  ('c × 'a, 'b × 'd) chart"
  is "λ(d::('a×'c) set, d'::('b×'d) set, f::('a×'c)('b×'d), f'::('b×'d)('a×'c)).
    (prod.swap ` d, d', f  prod.swap, prod.swap  f')"
  by (auto intro: open_Times simp: open_swap homeomorphism_swap)

lemma domain_swap_chart[simp]: "domain (swap_chart c) = prod.swap ` (domain c)"
  and codomain_swap_chart[simp]: "codomain (swap_chart c) = codomain c"
  and apply_swap_chart[simp]: "apply_chart (swap_chart c) = c  prod.swap"
  and inv_chart_swap_chart[simp]: "inv_chart (swap_chart c) = prod.swap  (inv_chart c)"
  by (transfer, auto)+

lemma domain_swap_prod_chart[simp]: "domain (swap_chart (prod_chart c1 c2)) = domain c2 × domain c1"
  and codomain_swap_prod_chart[simp]: "codomain (swap_chart (prod_chart c1 c2)) = codomain c1 × codomain c2"
  and apply_swap_prod_chart[simp]: "apply_chart (swap_chart (prod_chart c1 c2)) = (λ(y,x). (c1 x, c2 y))"
  and inv_chart_swap_prod_chart[simp]: "inv_chart (swap_chart (prod_chart c1 c2)) = (λ(x,y). (inv_chart c2 y, inv_chart c1 x))"
  by auto

end (* context c_manifold_prod *)

subsection ‹The diffeomorphism group of a manifold.›

lemma (in diffeomorphism) diffeo_f': "diffeomorphism k charts2 charts1 f' f"
  apply unfold_locales by auto

lemma (in diffeomorphism) is_homeomorphism: "homeomorphism src.carrier dest.carrier f f'"
  by (simp add: defined homeomorphismI inv.continuous_on inv.defined local.continuous_on)

context c_manifold begin

lemma id_diffeomorphism: "diffeomorphism k charts charts id id"
  fix x
  assume "xcarrier"
  then obtain c where c: "catlas" "x  domain c"
    using atlasE by blast
  show "c1atlas. c2atlas. x  domain c1  id ` domain c1  domain c2 
    k-smooth_on (codomain c1) (apply_chart c2  id  inv_chart c1)"
  proof -
    have "id ` domain c  domain c" "k-smooth_on (codomain c) (apply_chart c  id  inv_chart c)"
      by (simp, metis Int_absorb comp_id image_domain_eq smooth_compat_D2 smooth_compat_refl)
    thus ?thesis using c by blast
qed (simp)

lemma diffeomorphism_compose: "diffeomorphism k M1 M3 (g  f) (f'  g')"
  if "diffeomorphism k M1 M2 f f'" "diffeomorphism k M2 M3 g g'"
proof (intro diffeomorphism.intro diffeomorphism_axioms.intro conjI allI impI)
  let ?M1 = "manifold.carrier M1"
    and ?M2 = "manifold.carrier M2"
    and ?M3 = "manifold.carrier M3"
  { fix x assume x: "x?M1"
    have "f x  ?M2"
      using that(1) x diff.defined[of k M1 M2 f] by (simp add: image_subset_iff diffeomorphism_def)
    thus "(f'  g') ((g  f) x) = x"
      using that by (simp add: diffeomorphism.f_inv x) }
  { fix y assume y: "y  ?M3"
    have "g' y  ?M2"
      using that(2) y diff.defined[of k M3 M2 g'] by (simp add: image_subset_iff diffeomorphism_def)
    thus "(g  f) ((f'  g') y) = y"
      using that by (simp add: diffeomorphism.f'_inv y) }
  show "diff k M1 M3 (g  f)" "diff k M3 M1 (f'  g')"
    using diff_compose that unfolding diffeomorphism_def by blast+

end (* context c_manifold *)

lemma (in diffeomorphism) is_bij_betw: "bij_betw f src.carrier dest.carrier"
  using defined
  apply (simp add: bij_betw_def, intro conjI inj_onI)
   using f_inv f'_inv apply metis
  using f_inv f'_inv by (meson homeomorphism_image1 is_homeomorphism)

locale c_automorphism = diffeomorphism k charts charts f f'
  for k charts f f'

abbreviation "carrier  src.carrier"

lemma in_dest: "f x  carrier" if "x  carrier"
  using defined that by blast

lemma inverse_automorphism: "c_automorphism k charts f' f"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all)

lemma automorphism_compose:
  assumes "c_automorphism k charts g g'"
  shows "c_automorphism k charts (gf) (f'g')"
proof (intro c_automorphism.intro diffeomorphism.intro diffeomorphism_axioms.intro)
  show "diff k charts charts (g  f)" "diff k charts charts (f'  g')"
    using c_automorphism_axioms assms diff_compose
    unfolding c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def by blast+
  fix x assume "xcarrier"
  show "(f'  g') ((g  f) x) = x"
    using x  carrier assms c_automorphism.axioms diffeomorphism.f_inv in_dest by fastforce
  show "(g  f) ((f'  g') x) = x"
    by (meson x  carrier assms c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism.f'_inv diffeomorphism_axioms manifold_eucl.diffeomorphism_compose)

lemma c_automorphism_cong:
  assumes "x. xcarrier  f x = g x"
  shows "c_automorphism k charts g f'"
proof (intro c_automorphism.intro diffeomorphism.intro diffeomorphism_axioms.intro)
  show "diff k charts charts g" "diff k charts charts f'"
    using c_automorphism_axioms assms diff_cong
    unfolding c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def by blast+
  fix x assume "xcarrier"
  show "f' (g x) = x"
    using x  carrier assms f_inv by presburger
  show "g (f' x) = x"
    by (metis x  carrier assms f'_inv image_subset_iff inv.defined)

lemma automorphism_cong':
  assumes "x. xcarrier  f' x = g x"
  shows "c_automorphism k charts f g"
proof (intro c_automorphism.intro diffeomorphism.intro diffeomorphism_axioms.intro)
  show "diff k charts charts g" "diff k charts charts f"
    using c_automorphism_axioms assms
    unfolding c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def by (simp add: inv.diff_cong)+
  fix x assume "xcarrier"
  show "f (g x) = x"
    using x  carrier assms f'_inv by presburger
  show "g (f x) = x"
    by (metis x  carrier assms f_inv image_subset_iff defined)

end (* c_automorphism *)

text ‹Now define an automorphism (of a localec_manifold) as a partial function
  (whose domain is the carrier set) which is also a localec_automorphism.›
context c_manifold begin

definition automorphism :: "('a'a)  bool"
  where "automorphism f  (f'. c_automorphism k charts (λx. the (f x)) f')  dom f = carrier"

lemma automorphismD [dest]:
  assumes "automorphism f"
  shows "f'. c_automorphism k charts (λx. the (f x)) f'"
    and "dom f = carrier"
  using assms by (auto simp: automorphism_def)

lemma automorphismD2:
  assumes "automorphism f"
  obtains f' where "c_automorphism k charts (λx. the (f x)) f'"
  using automorphismD(1)[OF assms] by blast

lemma automorphismI [intro]:
  assumes "f'. c_automorphism k charts (λx. the (f x)) f'"
    and "dom f = carrier"
  shows "automorphism f"
  using assms by (auto simp: automorphism_def)

lemma automorphism_partial_id: "automorphism (λx. if x  carrier then Some x else None)"
  (is "automorphism ?part_id")
proof (intro automorphismI exI c_automorphism.intro)
  have part_id_on_carrier: "(λx. the (?part_id x)) y = id y" if "ycarrier" for y
    by (simp add: that)
  show "diffeomorphism k charts charts (λx. the (?part_id x)) id"
    apply (intro diffeomorphism.intro diffeomorphism_axioms.intro)
    subgoal using diff_id diff.diff_cong[of k charts charts] part_id_on_carrier by force
    subgoal using diff_id eq_id_iff by metis
    by simp+
  show "dom ?part_id = carrier" using domIff by fastforce

lemma automorphism_openin:
  assumes "automorphism f" "openin (top_of_set carrier) S"
  shows "openin (top_of_set carrier) (the ` f ` S)"
  using assms diffeomorphism.is_homeomorphism homeomorphism_imp_open_map
  unfolding automorphism_def c_automorphism_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_cong image_image)

lemma obtain_inverse_aut:
  assumes "automorphism f"
  obtains f' where "automorphism f'"
    and "x. x  carrier  the (f' (the (f x))) = x"
    and "x. x  carrier  the (f (the (f' x))) = x"
proof -
  let ?g = "λx. the (f x)"
  obtain g' where g': "c_automorphism k charts ?g g'" and dom_f: "dom f = carrier"
    using assms automorphismD by auto
  let ?f' = "λy::'a. if ycarrier then Some (g' y) else None"
  have dom_f': "dom ?f' = carrier" using subset_iff by fastforce
  have unwrap_the: "(λx. the (?f' x)) y = g' y" if "y  carrier" for y using that by auto
    fix x assume "x  carrier"
    have "automorphism ?f'" "the (?f' (the (f x))) = x" "the (f (the (?f' x))) = x"
    proof -
      have diff_f': "diff k charts charts (λx. the (?f' x))"
        using c_automorphism.inverse_automorphism[OF g'] diff.diff_cong
        unfolding c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def
        by fastforce

      text ‹Finding an inverse diffeomorphism is the main part of this proof.›
      have diffeo_f': "diffeomorphism k charts charts (λx. the (?f' x)) (λx. the (f x))"
        apply (intro diffeomorphism.intro diffeomorphism_axioms.intro conjI)
        subgoal using diff_f' .
        subgoal using assms unfolding automorphism_def c_automorphism_def diffeomorphism_def by simp
        subgoal by (simp, metis c_automorphism.axioms(1) diffeomorphism.f'_inv g')
        subgoal using c_automorphism.in_dest diffeomorphism.f_inv g' by (simp add: c_automorphism_def, blast)

      show "automorphism ?f'"
        apply (intro automorphismI exI[of _ "λx. the (f x)"])
        by (auto intro: c_automorphism.intro simp: dom_f' diffeo_f')
      show "the (?f' (the (f x))) = x"
        using x  carrier diffeo_f' diffeomorphism.f'_inv by blast
      show "the (f (the (?f' x))) = x"
        using x  carrier diffeo_f' diffeomorphism.f_inv by blast
    qed }
  thus ?thesis using that assms by blast

lemma aut_cong:
  assumes "automorphism f"
    and "x. xcarrier  f x = g x" "dom g = carrier"
  shows "automorphism g"
  apply (intro automorphismI)
  using c_automorphism.c_automorphism_cong by (metis assms(1,2) automorphism_def, simp add: assms(3))

lemma aut_comp_simps [simp]: "(g m f) x = (g (the (f x)))"
    "automorphism g  zcarrier. Some z = (g m f) x"
  if "x  carrier" "automorphism f" for x
  subgoal by (metis automorphismD(2) domIff map_comp_simps(2) option.exhaust_sel that)
  subgoal using that automorphismD domIff map_comp_simps
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) c_automorphism.in_dest option.exhaust_sel)

lemma aut_to [simp]: "the (f x)  carrier" if "automorphism f" "x  carrier"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) c_manifold.aut_comp_simps c_manifold.automorphismD(2) c_manifold_axioms domI that)

lemma automorphism_ran: "ran f = carrier" if "automorphism f"
  unfolding ran_def apply (intro subset_antisym subsetI)
  using automorphismD(2) aut_to mem_Collect_eq option.sel that
  by (smt (verit) domIff domD option.distinct(1) obtain_inverse_aut)+

lemma aut_comp:
  assumes "automorphism f" "automorphism g"
  shows "automorphism (g m f)"
proof (intro automorphismI)

  obtain f' where f': "c_automorphism k charts (λx. the (f x)) f'" and domf: "dom f = carrier"
    using automorphismD[OF assms(1)] by blast
  obtain g' where g': "c_automorphism k charts (λx. the (g x)) g'" and domg: "dom g = carrier"
    using automorphismD[OF assms(2)] by blast

  show dom_comp: "dom (g m f) = carrier"
    using map_comp_dom automorphism_ran by (metis assms(1) domf domg subsetI)

  have "c_automorphism k charts (λx. the (g (the (f x)))) (f'  g')"
    using c_automorphism.automorphism_compose[OF f' g'] c_automorphism.c_automorphism_cong
    by fastforce
  thus "f'. c_automorphism k charts (λx. the ((g m f) x)) f'"
    by (auto intro: exI[of _ "f'  g'"] simp: assms(1) c_automorphism.c_automorphism_cong)

definition "Diff  {f. automorphism f}"

lemma DiffD [dest]: "f  Diff  automorphism f" by (simp add: Diff_def)
lemma DiffI [intro]: "automorphism f  f  Diff" by (simp add: Diff_def)

abbreviation (input) Diff_comp::"('a'a)  ('a'a)  ('a'a)" where "Diff_comp  map_comp"
abbreviation (*input*) "Diff_id x  if xcarrier then Some x else None"
(* abbreviation (input) "Diff_inv x ≡ res (SOME y. )" *)

lemma Diff_grp: "grp_on Diff Diff_comp Diff_id"
proof (unfold_locales)

  show assoc: "Diff_comp (Diff_comp a b) c = Diff_comp a (Diff_comp b c)"
    if asms: "a  Diff" "b  Diff" "c  Diff" for a b c
    using map_comp_assoc by blast

  show id_comp: "Diff_comp Diff_id a = a  Diff_comp a Diff_id = a" if "a  Diff" for a
    apply (standard; standard)
      using automorphismD[OF DiffD[OF that]] c_automorphism.in_dest
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) domIff map_comp_simps(1) map_comp_simps(2) option.collapse)
      using automorphismD[OF DiffD[OF that]] c_automorphism.in_dest
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) domIff map_comp_simps(1) map_comp_simps(2))

  show id_mem: "Diff_id  Diff"
    by (auto simp: automorphism_partial_id)

  { fix x y assume x: "xDiff" and y: "yDiff"
    show "Diff_comp x y  Diff"
      using aut_comp DiffD x y by auto }

  { fix f assume f: "fDiff"
    obtain g where g: "gDiff" "x  carrier. the (g (the (f x))) = x" "x  carrier. the (f (the (g x))) = x"
      using obtain_inverse_aut[OF DiffD[OF f]] by (metis DiffI)
    have "gDiff. Diff_comp f g = Diff_id  Diff_comp g f = Diff_id"
      apply (intro bexI[OF _ g(1)])
      using g aut_comp_simps(1) aut_to
      by (metis (opaque_lifting) DiffD automorphismD(2) domIff f map_comp_simps(1) option.collapse) }
  thus "xDiff. yDiff. Diff_comp x y = Diff_id  Diff_comp y x = Diff_id" by blast

sublocale Diff_grp: grp_on Diff Diff_comp Diff_id
  by (rule Diff_grp)

abbreviation "Diff_inv  Diff_grp.invs"
abbreviation "Diff_comp_inv  Diff_grp.mns"


section ‹Coordinates and isomorphisms of tangent spaces›

text ‹To work with local coordinates, we fix an atlas chart on a manifold.›
locale c_manifold_local = c_manifold +
  fixes ψ assumes ψ [simp]: "ψ  atlas"

sublocale sub_ψ: submanifold charts k "domain ψ"
  by (unfold_locales, simp)

lemma sub_ψ_carrier: "sub_ψ.sub.carrier = domain ψ"
  unfolding sub_ψ.sub.carrier_def charts_submanifold_def manifold.carrier_def by (auto, meson ψ carrierE in_carrier_atlasI)

lemma sub_ψ: "ψ  sub_ψ.sub.atlas"
  by (metis ψ atlas_is_atlas c_manifold.maximal_atlas equalityE sub_ψ.sub.c_manifold_axioms sub_ψ.submanifold_atlasE sub_ψ_carrier)

text ‹Although the inclusion is not a diffeomorphism, the push-forward still defines a vector
  isomorphism. Therefore, it has an inverse.›
notation sub_ψ.inclusion.push_forward ()

lemma (in c_manifold) diffeomorphism_chart:
  assumes c: "c  atlas"
  shows "diffeomorphism k (charts_submanifold (domain c)) (manifold_eucl.charts_submanifold (codomain c)) (apply_chart c) (inv_chart c)"
proof -
  have sub_c_carrier: "manifold.carrier (charts_submanifold (domain c)) = domain c"
    using c c_manifold_axioms c_manifold_local.sub_ψ_carrier c_manifold_local_axioms.intro c_manifold_local_def by blast
  interpret diff_c: diff k "charts_submanifold (domain c)" charts_eucl c
    using diff_apply_chart[OF c] .
  interpret diff_c_inv: diff k "manifold_eucl.charts_submanifold (codomain c)" charts "inv_chart c"
    using diff_inv_chart[OF c] .
  have diff_c_inv_carrier [simp]: "diff_c_inv.src.carrier = codomain c"
    unfolding diff_c_inv.src.carrier_def manifold_eucl.dest.charts_submanifold_def manifold.carrier_def by auto
  show "diffeomorphism k (charts_submanifold (domain c)) (manifold_eucl.charts_submanifold (codomain c)) c (inv_chart c)"
    apply (unfold diffeomorphism_def, intro conjI)
    subgoal by (auto intro: diff_c.diff_submanifold2 simp: sub_c_carrier)
    subgoal by (auto intro: diff_c_inv.diff_submanifold2)
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: sub_c_carrier)

sublocale diffeo_ψ: diffeomorphism k "charts_submanifold (domain ψ)" "manifold_eucl.charts_submanifold (codomain ψ)" ψ "inv_chart ψ"
  using diffeomorphism_chart by auto

lemma diffeo_ψ_inv: "diffeomorphism k (manifold_eucl.charts_submanifold (codomain ψ)) (charts_submanifold (domain ψ)) (inv_chart ψ) ψ"
  using diffeo_ψ.diffeo_f' .

abbreviation differential_apply_chart :: "(('areal)real)  (('breal)real)" ()
  where (*[simp]:*) "differential_apply_chart  diffeo_ψ.push_forward"

abbreviation differential_inv_chart :: "(('breal)real)  (('areal)real)" (dψ¯)
  where (*[simp]:*) "differential_inv_chart  diffeo_ψ.inv.push_forward"

sublocale diff_fun_ψ: diff_fun k "charts_submanifold (domain ψ)" ψ
  using diff_apply_chart[OF ψ] by (simp add: diff_fun.intro)

sublocale sub_eucl: submanifold charts_eucl k "codomain ψ"
  apply unfold_locales by simp

notation sub_eucl.inclusion.push_forward ()

text ‹Inverses for the pushforward under the inclusion.
  If we are to ``glue together'' coordinate charts on multiple domains, these pushforwards need
  to coordinatise tangent spaces over a small neighbourhood on the manifold (a thin bundle).›

abbreviation differential_inclusion_inv_at (dι¯)
  where "dι¯ p  restrict0 (tangent_space p) (the_inv_into (sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p) )"

abbreviation differential_inclusion_eucl_inv_at (dκ¯)
  where "dκ¯ p  restrict0 (manifold_eucl.tangent_space k (ψ p)) (the_inv_into (diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p)) )"


locale c_manifold_point = c_manifold_local +
  fixes p assumes p [simp]: "pdomain ψ"

text ‹Given local coordinates from a chart termψ on a manifold,
  we can coordinatize the tangent space at any point termp contained in the termdomain ψ.›
abbreviation "TpM  tangent_space p"
abbreviation "TpU  sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p"
abbreviation "TψpE  manifold_eucl.tangent_space k (ψ p)"
abbreviation "TψpψU  diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p)"
abbreviation dRestr (dκ¯) where "dRestr  differential_inclusion_eucl_inv_at p"
abbreviation dRestr2 (dι¯) where "dRestr2  differential_inclusion_inv_at p"

lemma ψp_in [simp]: "ψ p  diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier"
  using diffeo_ψ.defined sub_ψ_carrier by force

lemma bij_betw_directional_derivative: "bij_betw (directional_derivative k (ψ p)) UNIV TψpE" if "k="
  unfolding bij_betw_def using that
  by (simp add: inj_on_directional_derivative surj_directional_derivative)


lemma (in c_manifold) c_manifold_point:
  assumes "c  atlas" "p  domain c"
  shows "c_manifold_point charts k c p"
  using assms by unfold_locales (simp_all)

subsection ‹Results extracted from theorySmooth_Manifolds.Tangent_Space.›
text ‹Some of the proofs in the above theory are quite long, and contain statements that
  may be useful outside that proof.
  Some proofs in this subsection are due to Immler \& Zhan \cite{Smooth_Manifolds-AFP}.›

definition (in c_manifold_point) coord_fun where "coord_fun X i = X (λx. (x - (ψ p))  i)"

lemma (in c_manifold_point) euclidean_tangent_space_coordinatesE:
  fixes X
  defines "v  coord_fun X"
  assumes "X  manifold_eucl.tangent_space k (ψ p)" "k="
  shows "X = directional_derivative k (ψ p) (iBasis. v i *R i)"
― ‹Extracted from Immler and Zhan's @{thm surj_directional_derivative}.›
proof -
  have linear_X: "manifold_eucl.linear_diff_fun k X"
    by (rule manifold_eucl.tangent_space_linear_on) fact
  note X_sum = manifold_eucl.diff_fun_space.linear_sum'[OF _ _ linear_X]
  note X_add = manifold_eucl.diff_fun_space.linear_add[OF _ _ _ linear_X]
  note X_scale = manifold_eucl.diff_fun_space.linear_scale[OF _ _ linear_X]
  have X_is_derivative: "X f = directional_derivative k (apply_chart ψ p) (iBasis. v i *R i) f"
    if f: "f  manifold_eucl.dest.diff_fun_space" for f
  proof -
    (* fix f::"'b ⇒ real"
    assume f: "f ∈ manifold_eucl.dest.diff_fun_space" *)
    have "smooth_on UNIV f" using k =  f
      by simp
    from smooth_on_Taylor2E[OF this, of "ψ p"]
    obtain g where f_exp:
      "x. f x = f (ψ p) + frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p)) (x - (ψ p)) +
        (iBasis. jBasis. (x - (ψ p))  j * ((x - (ψ p))  i) * g i j x)"
      and g: "i j. i  Basis  j  Basis  smooth_on UNIV (g i j)"
      by auto
    note [simp] = assms(3)
    have *: "X (λx. iBasis. jBasis. (x - (ψ p))  j * ((x - (ψ p))  i) * g i j x) = 0"
      apply (subst X_sum[unfolded sum_fun_def], safe)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_sum smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus simp: g)
      apply (intro sum.neutral ballI)
      apply (subst X_sum[unfolded sum_fun_def])
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus g)
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus g)
    proof (intro sum.neutral ballI)
      fix i j::'b
      assume ij: "i  Basis" "j  Basis"
      have "X (λxb. (xb - (ψ p))  j * ((xb - (ψ p))  i) * g i j xb) =
        X ((λxb. (xb - (ψ p))  j) * (λxb. ((xb - (ψ p))  i) * g i j xb))"
        by (auto simp: times_fun_def ac_simps)
      also have " = 0"
        apply (rule manifold_eucl.derivation_times_eq_zeroI)
            apply fact
          by (auto intro!: smooth_on_sum smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus)
          by (auto intro!: smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus g ij)
         apply auto
      show "X (λxb. (xb - (ψ p))  j * ((xb - (ψ p))  i) * g i j xb) = 0"
        by simp
    from f have "smooth_on UNIV f"
      by (auto )
    have "f differentiable at (ψ p)"
      apply (rule differentiable_onD)
       apply (rule smooth_on_imp_differentiable_on)
        apply fact
      by auto
    interpret Df: linear "frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p))"
      apply (rule linear_frechet_derivative)
      by fact
    have X_mult_right: "k-smooth_on UNIV xx  X (λx. xx x * cc) = X xx * cc" for xx cc
      using X_scale[unfolded scaleR_fun_def, simplified, of xx cc]
      by (auto simp: ac_simps)
    have blf: "bounded_linear (frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p)))"
      apply (rule has_derivative_bounded_linear)
      apply (rule frechet_derivative_worksI)
      apply fact
    note smooth_on_frechet = smooth_on_compose[OF bounded_linear.smooth_on[OF blf], unfolded o_def, OF _ _ open_UNIV subset_UNIV]
    have **: "X (λx. frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p)) (x - (ψ p))) = frechet_derivative f (at (ψ p)) (iBasis. v i *R i)"
      unfolding assms(1) coord_fun_def
      apply (subst frechet_derivative_componentwise)
      subgoal by fact
      apply (subst X_sum[unfolded sum_fun_def])
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_sum smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus)
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_frechet smooth_on_minus smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner)
      apply (subst X_mult_right)
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_sum smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus)
      apply (subst Df.sum)
      apply (rule sum.cong, rule refl)
      apply (subst Df.scaleR)
      apply auto

    show "X f = directional_derivative k (ψ p) (iBasis. v i *R i) f"
      apply (subst f_exp[abs_def])
      apply (subst X_add[unfolded plus_fun_def])
      subgoal by simp
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_add smooth_on_frechet smooth_on_minus)
        by (auto intro!: smooth_on_add smooth_on_sum smooth_on_mult smooth_on_inner g smooth_on_minus)
      apply (subst X_add[unfolded plus_fun_def])
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_add smooth_on_frechet smooth_on_minus)
      subgoal by (auto intro!: smooth_on_frechet smooth_on_minus)
      apply (subst manifold_eucl.derivation_const_eq_zero[where c="f (ψ p)" and X=X, simplified], fact)
      apply (subst *)
      apply simp
      using f
      by (simp add: directional_derivative_def **)

  show "X = directional_derivative k (ψ p) (iBasis. v i *R i)"
    apply (rule ext_extensional0)
    using assms(2)
      apply (rule manifold_eucl.tangent_space_restrict)
     apply (rule extensional0_directional_derivative)
    apply (rule X_is_derivative) .

text ‹Applying a tangent vector (in $T_{\psi(p)}\mathbb R^n$) to the coordinate functions of the
  Euclidean space yields components of the tangent vector in the basis of the directional derivatives.›
lemma (in c_manifold_point) directional_derivative_inverse:
  defines "D  directional_derivative k (ψ p)"
    and "Di  λX :: ('b  real)  real. (iBasis. coord_fun X i *R i)"
  assumes k: "k="
  shows "X. X  TψpE  D (Di X) = X"
    and "v. Di (D v) = v"
    and "bij_betw Di TψpE UNIV"
proof -
  show 1: "X. X  TψpE  D (Di X) = X"
    using assms euclidean_tangent_space_coordinatesE by simp

  { fix v
    have "(directional_derivative k (ψ p) v (λx. (x - ψ p)  i)) =
        frechet_derivative (λx. (x - ψ p)  i) (at (ψ p)) v" for i :: 'b
      apply (intro directional_derivative_eq_frechet_derivative)
      by (auto intro!: smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus simp: smooth_on_const smooth_on_id)
    moreover have "((λx. (x - ψ p)  i) has_derivative (λh. h  i)) (at (ψ p))" for i :: 'b
      apply (rule has_derivative_eq_rhs)
      apply (rule has_derivative_inner)
      apply (rule has_derivative_diff)
      apply (rule has_derivative_ident)
      apply (rule has_derivative_const)+
      by simp
    ultimately have "(iBasis. directional_derivative k (ψ p) v (λx. (x - ψ p)  i) *R i) = (iBasis. (v  i) *R i)"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) frechet_derivative_at)
    then show "Di (D v) = v"
      unfolding assms(1,2) coord_fun_def by (simp add: euclidean_representation)
  } note 2 = this

  show "bij_betw Di TψpE UNIV"
    apply (rule bij_betw_if_inverse)
    using bij_betw_directional_derivative[OF k] 1 2 D_def by auto

subsection term is an isomorphism termTpMTψpE.›

context c_manifold_point begin

text ‹The map term is termlinear (i.e. linear on the type universe) because functions
  add and scale. However, because there are many smooth functions on $M$ that are not equal on $M$,
  but are equal on a strict submanifold $U$, it is not bijective (isomorphic) between universes, but only
  between the tangent spaces (i.e. termextensional0 functions) it is actually meant to act on.›

lemma linear_on_dψ: "linear_on TpM TψpE scaleR scaleR "
  apply (intro linear_imp_linear_on)
  using diffeo_ψ.linear_push_forward subspace_tangent_space manifold_eucl.subspace_tangent_space .

lemma linear_on_dψ': "linear_on TpU TψpψU scaleR scaleR "
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: diffeo_ψ.linear_push_forward linear_add linear_cmul)

lemma linear_on_dψ_inv: "linear_on TψpE TpM scaleR scaleR dψ¯"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: diffeo_ψ.inv.linear_push_forward linear_add linear_cmul)

lemma linear_on_dψ_inv': "linear_on TψpψU TpU scaleR scaleR dψ¯"
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: diffeo_ψ.inv.linear_push_forward linear_add linear_cmul)

lemma bij_betw_dψ: "bij_betw  (sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p) (diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p))"
  using diffeo_ψ.bij_betw_push_forward sub_ψ_carrier p by blast

lemma bij_betw_dψ_inv: "bij_betw dψ¯ (diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p)) (sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p)"
  using diffeomorphism.bij_betw_push_forward[OF diffeo_ψ.diffeo_f', of "ψ p", simplified]
    diffeo_ψ.defined p sub_ψ_carrier by blast

lemma inverse_dψ:
  shows "v  (sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p)  dψ¯ ( v) = v"
        "u  (diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p))   (dψ¯ u) = u"
  using diffeo_ψ.push_forward_inverse diffeo_ψ.inv_push_forward_inverse diffeo_ψ.defined p sub_ψ_carrier by blast+

end (* c_manifold_point *)

context c_manifold_local begin

text ‹The map term is termlinear (i.e. linear on the type universe) because functions
  add and scale. However, because there are many smooth functions on $M$ that are not equal on $M$,
  but are equal on a strict submanifold $U$, it is not bijective (isomorphic) between universes, but only
  between the tangent spaces (i.e. termextensional0 functions) it is actually meant to act on.›

lemma linear_on_dψ: "linear_on (tangent_space p) (diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p)) scaleR scaleR "
  by (unfold_locales, simp_all add: diffeo_ψ.linear_push_forward linear_add linear_cmul)

lemma bij_betw_dψ: "bij_betw  (sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p) (diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p))"
  if "pdomain ψ" for p
  using diffeo_ψ.bij_betw_push_forward sub_ψ_carrier that by blast

lemma bij_betw_dψ_inv: "bij_betw dψ¯ (diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p)) (sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p)"
  if "pdomain ψ" for p
  using diffeomorphism.bij_betw_push_forward[OF diffeo_ψ.diffeo_f', of "ψ p"]
    diffeo_ψ.defined that sub_ψ_carrier by simp

lemma inverse_dψ:
  assumes "pdomain ψ"
  shows "v  (sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p)  dψ¯ ( v) = v"
        "u  (diffeo_ψ.dest.tangent_space (ψ p))   (dψ¯ u) = u"
  using diffeo_ψ.push_forward_inverse diffeo_ψ.inv_push_forward_inverse diffeo_ψ.defined assms sub_ψ_carrier by blast+

end (* c_manifold_local *)

subsection term is an isomorphism termTpUTpM

context submanifold begin

lemma tangent_submanifold_isomorphism:
  assumes "psub.carrier"
  shows bij_betw_dι: "bij_betw inclusion.push_forward (sub.tangent_space p) (tangent_space p)"
    and linear_on_dι: "linear_on (sub.tangent_space p) (tangent_space p) scaleR scaleR inclusion.push_forward"
  using inj_on_push_forward_inclusion[OF assms] inclusion.push_forward_in_tangent_space[OF assms] surj_on_push_forward_inclusion[OF assms]
  apply (auto simp: bij_betw_def)[1] by (rule linear_on_push_forward_inclusion)

lemma bij_betw_dι_inv:
  fixes p and dι_inv
  defines "dι_inv  restrict0 (tangent_space p) (the_inv_into (sub.tangent_space p) inclusion.push_forward)"
  assumes "psub.carrier"
  shows "bij_betw dι_inv (tangent_space p) (sub.tangent_space p)"
  using bij_betw_the_inv_into[OF tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1)] assms by (simp add: bij_betw_restrict0)

lemma linear_on_dι_inv:
  fixes p and dι_inv
  defines "dι_inv  restrict0 (tangent_space p) (the_inv_into (sub.tangent_space p) inclusion.push_forward)"
  assumes "psub.carrier"
  shows "linear_on (tangent_space p) (sub.tangent_space p) scaleR scaleR dι_inv"
  using linear_on_the_inv_into[OF linear_on_push_forward_inclusion tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1)] assms
  by (simp add: linear_on_restrict0)


context c_manifold_point begin

lemma tangent_submanifold_isomorphism:
  shows bij_betw_dι: "bij_betw  TpU TpM"
    and linear_on_dι: "linear_on TpU TpM scaleR scaleR "
  using sub_ψ_carrier p apply (simp only: bij_betw_def, intro conjI)
  subgoal using sub_ψ.inj_on_push_forward_inclusion by blast
  subgoal using sub_ψ.inclusion.push_forward_in_tangent_space sub_ψ.surj_on_push_forward_inclusion
    by (simp add: subset_antisym)
  subgoal by (rule sub_ψ.linear_on_push_forward_inclusion)

lemma bij_betw_dι_inv: "bij_betw dι¯ TpM TpU"
  using bij_betw_the_inv_into[OF tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1)] by (simp add: bij_betw_restrict0)

lemma linear_on_dι_inv: "linear_on TpM TpU scaleR scaleR dι¯"
  using linear_on_the_inv_into[OF sub_ψ.linear_on_push_forward_inclusion tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1)]
  by (simp add: linear_on_restrict0)

subsection term is an isomorphism termTψpψUTψpE

lemma eq_TψpE_range_inclusion: "TψpE =  ` TψpψU"
  using sub_eucl.surj_on_push_forward_inclusion[of "ψ p"] sub_eucl.inclusion.push_forward_in_tangent_space[of "ψ p"]
  by auto

lemma eq_TψpE_range_inclusion2: "range (directional_derivative k (ψ p)) =  ` TψpψU" if "k="
  apply (subst surj_directional_derivative[OF that]) using eq_TψpE_range_inclusion .

lemma bij_betw_dκ: "bij_betw  TψpψU TψpE"
  unfolding bij_betw_def using sub_eucl.surj_on_push_forward_inclusion[of "ψ p"]
    sub_eucl.inj_on_push_forward_inclusion sub_eucl.inclusion.push_forward_in_tangent_space[of "ψ p"]
  by simp

lemma bij_betw_dκ_inv: "bij_betw dκ¯ TψpE TψpψU"
  using bij_betw_the_inv_into[OF bij_betw_dκ] by (simp add: bij_betw_restrict0)

lemma linear_on_dκ_inv: "linear_on TψpE TψpψU scaleR scaleR dκ¯"
  using linear_on_the_inv_into[OF sub_eucl.linear_on_push_forward_inclusion bij_betw_dκ]
  by (simp add: linear_on_restrict0)

subsection ‹The coordinate basis of a tangent space›

lemma (in submanifold) vector_apply_sub_eq_localI:
  fixes p and  and dι_inv
  defines : "  inclusion.push_forward"
    and dι_inv: "dι_inv  the_inv_into (sub.tangent_space p) "
  assumes p: "pN" and S: "S  carrier" and N: "open N" "N  S"
    and f: "f  diff_fun_space" "f'  sub.diff_fun_space" "x. x  N  f x = f' x"
  shows "v. v(sub.tangent_space p)  v f' = ( v) f" "v. v(tangent_space p)  (dι_inv v) f' = v f"
proof -
  have 1: "restrict0 (Scarrier) f  sub.diff_fun_space"
    apply (rule sub.restrict0_in_fun_space[simplified])
    apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold[OF diff_fun_spaceD[OF f(1)]])
    by (simp add: open_submanifold)
  have p_sub: "psub.carrier"
    using p S N(2) by auto

  { fix v assume v: "v(sub.tangent_space p)"
    show "v f' = ( v) f"
      apply (simp add: f(1) assms(1) inclusion.push_forward_def comp_id[unfolded id_def])
      apply (rule sub.derivation_eq_localI[OF N(1) p _ v f(2) 1])
      using N(2) S by simp_all (metis f(3) inf.orderE restrict0_def subsetD)
  } moreover {
    fix v assume v_in: "v(tangent_space p)"
    then have "(dι_inv v)  (sub.tangent_space p)"
      using bij_betwE[OF bij_betw_dι_inv[OF p_sub]] unfolding assms(1,2) by simp
    from calculation[OF this] f_the_inv_into_f tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1) v_in p_sub
    show "(dι_inv v) f' = v f" unfolding assms(1,2) bij_betw_def by fastforce }

lemma vector_apply_eq_localI:
  defines dι_inv: "dι_inv  the_inv_into TpU "
  assumes N: "pN" "open N" "N  sub_ψ.sub.carrier"
    and f: "f  diff_fun_space" "f'  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space" "x. x  N  f x = f' x"
  shows "v. vTpU  v f' = ( v) f" "v. vTpM  (dι_inv v) f' = v f"
proof -
  have 1: "restrict0 (domain ψ  carrier) f  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
    unfolding sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def
    by auto (metis diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold diff_fun_spaceD f(1) open_domain
        sub_ψ.carrier_submanifold sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_spaceD sub_ψ.sub.restrict0_in_fun_space)
  { fix v assume v: "vTpU"
    show "v f' = ( v) f"
      apply (simp add: f(1) sub_ψ.inclusion.push_forward_def comp_id[unfolded id_def])
      apply (rule sub_ψ.sub.derivation_eq_localI[OF N(2,1) _ v f(2)])
      using N(3) 1 apply auto[2]
      by (metis N(3) f(3) in_mono restrict0_apply_in sub_ψ.carrier_submanifold)
  } moreover {
    fix v assume v_in: "vTpM"
    then have "(dι_inv v)  TpU"
      using tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1) the_inv_into_into
      unfolding dι_inv bij_betw_def by fastforce
    from calculation[OF this] f_the_inv_into_f tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1) v_in
    show "(dι_inv v) f' = v f" unfolding dι_inv bij_betw_def by fastforce }

― ‹This next lemma is another function extension lemma, to deal with the carrier-dependency
  of the differentiable function space tangent vectors act on. See also:
  @{thm sub_ψ.extension_lemma_submanifoldE},
  @{thm extension_lemmaE}, and even
  @{thm smooth_bump_functionE}.›
lemma extension_lemma_localE:
  fixes f::"'areal"
  defines dι_inv: "dι_inv  the_inv_into TpU "
  assumes f: "f  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
  obtains N f' where
    "pN" "open N" "compact (closure N)" "closure N  sub_ψ.sub.carrier"
    "f'  diff_fun_space" "f'  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space" "x. x  closure N  f' x = f x"
    "v. vTpU  v f = v f'" "v. vTpU  v f' = ( v) f'" "v. v(tangent_space p)  (dι_inv v) f = v f'"
proof -
  obtain N where N: "pN" "open N" "compact (closure N)" "closure N  sub_ψ.sub.carrier"
    using sub_ψ.sub.precompact_neighborhoodE p sub_ψ_carrier by metis
  obtain f' where  f': "diff_fun k charts f'" "x. x  closure N  f' x = f x" "csupport_on carrier f'  carrier  sub_ψ.sub.carrier"
    using sub_ψ.extension_lemma_submanifoldE[OF sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_spaceD[OF f] closed_closure N(4)] by blast
  let ?f1 = "restrict0 carrier f'"

  have f1: "?f1  diff_fun_space" "x. x  closure N  ?f1 x = f x" "extensional0 sub_ψ.sub.carrier ?f1"
    using restrict0_in_fun_space[OF f'(1)] apply force
    using N(4) restrict0_apply_in[of _ carrier f'] f'(2) apply force
    unfolding extensional0_def restrict0_def using f'(3) not_in_csupportD by fastforce
  have f1_sub: "?f1  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
    using f1(1,3) diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold[of k charts _ "domain ψ"]
    by (auto simp: sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def diff_fun_space_def)

  { fix v assume v: "vTpU"
    have "v ?f1 = ( v) ?f1"
      apply (simp add: f1(1) sub_ψ.inclusion.push_forward_def)
      using f1(3) by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) comp_apply ext_extensional0 restrict0_apply_in extensional0_restrict0 sub_ψ.carrier_submanifold)
  } moreover {
    fix v assume v: "vTpU"
    have "v f = v ?f1"
      apply (rule sub_ψ.sub.derivation_eq_localI[OF N(2,1) _ v f f1_sub])
      using N(4) f'(2) by auto
  } moreover {
    fix v assume v_in: "vTpM"
    have "(dι_inv v) f = v ?f1"
      unfolding assms(1) apply (rule vector_apply_eq_localI(2)[OF N(1,2) _ f1(1) f _ v_in])
      using N(4) f1(2) by auto
  } ultimately show ?thesis using N f1_sub f1 that by presburger

lemma extension_lemma_localE2:
  fixes f::"'breal"
  assumes f: "f  diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space"
  obtains N f' where
    "ψ p  N" "open N" "compact (closure N)" "closure N  diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier"
    "f'  manifold_eucl.diff_fun_space k" "f'  diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space" "x. x  closure N  f' x = f x"
    "v. vTψpψU  v f = v f'" "v. vTψpψU  v f' = ( v) f'" "v. vTψpE  (dκ¯ v) f = v f'"
proof -
  interpret local_eucl: c_manifold_point charts_eucl k "restrict_chart (codomain ψ) chart_eucl" "ψ p"
    by unfold_locales (simp_all add: manifold_eucl.dest.restrict_chart_in_atlas)
  show ?thesis using that local_eucl.extension_lemma_localE f by auto

text ‹In order to get not just a linear map, but an isomorphism, we have to wrap the differential
  of the chart termψ with the correct (inclusion) maps. This is because the tangent spaces at p›
  considered on a manifold vs a submanifold contain fundamentally different functions,
  being zero outside the differentiable function sets on the respective carriers.
  The linearity of e.g. termdψ¯, @{thm linear_on_dψ_inv}, is due to the zero function agreeing with
  the vector space operations, and is not a ``truly'' geometric statement.›

text ‹The basis of termdirectional_derivatives for the tangent space termTψpE at termψ p of a
  typ'b::euclidean_space can be pulled back through the chart termψ :: ('a,'b)chart into a basis
  for the tangent space termTpM at termp.›

definition coordinate_vector :: "'b  (('a  real)  real)"
  where "coordinate_vector =   dψ¯  dκ¯  (directional_derivative k (ψ p))"

lemma coordinate_vector_apply:
  "coordinate_vector v   (dψ¯ (dRestr (directional_derivative k (ψ p) v)))"
  unfolding coordinate_vector_def by auto

lemma coordinate_vector_bij: "bij_betw coordinate_vector UNIV TpM" if "k="
  using bij_betw_directional_derivative[OF that] bij_betw_dκ_inv bij_betw_dψ_inv tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1)
  by (auto intro: bij_betw_trans simp: coordinate_vector_def)

lemma coordinate_vector_linear_on: "linear_on UNIV TpM scaleR scaleR coordinate_vector"
  if "k="
proof -
  have k: "k0" using that by simp
  have *: "linear_on UNIV TψpE scaleR scaleR (directional_derivative k (apply_chart ψ p))"
    using linear_directional_derivative[OF k] manifold_eucl.subspace_tangent_space
    by (auto intro!: linear_imp_linear_on)
  show ?thesis
    apply (simp add: coordinate_vector_def)
    apply (intro linear_on_compose)
    using * linear_on_dκ_inv linear_on_dψ_inv' tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(2) apply auto[4]
    apply (metis ψp_in diffeo_ψ.inv.push_forward_in_tangent_space inv_chart_inverse p)
    apply (simp add: eq_TψpE_range_inclusion sub_eucl.submanifold_axioms submanifold.inj_on_push_forward_inclusion)
    by (simp add: that surj_directional_derivative)

lemma coordinate_vector_isomorphismE:
  assumes "k="
  shows coordinate_vector_linear: "linear coordinate_vector"
    and coordinate_vector_inj: "inj coordinate_vector"
    and coordinate_vector_surj: "range coordinate_vector = TpM"
proof -
  show coordinate_vector_inj: "inj coordinate_vector"
    and coordinate_vector_surj: "range coordinate_vector = TpM"
    using coordinate_vector_bij[OF assms] unfolding bij_betw_def by auto
  have k': "k  0" using assms by simp
  have *: "linear_on UNIV TψpE scaleR scaleR (directional_derivative k (apply_chart ψ p))"
    using linear_directional_derivative[OF k'] manifold_eucl.subspace_tangent_space
    by (auto intro!: linear_imp_linear_on)
  interpret f: linear_on UNIV TpM scaleR scaleR coordinate_vector
    using coordinate_vector_linear_on[OF assms] .
  show "linear coordinate_vector"
    using f.add f.scale by unfold_locales (auto)

lemma coordinate_vector_i_linear_on: "linear_on diff_fun_space UNIV scaleR scaleR (coordinate_vector i)"
  if k: "k="
  using coordinate_vector_isomorphismE(3)[OF k] mem_tangent_space[of "coordinate_vector i" p]
  by (auto intro: is_derivation_linear_on)

lemma coordinate_basis: "finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_on TpM (coordinate_vector ` Basis)"
  if k: "k="
proof -
  interpret E: finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_on UNIV "Basis :: 'b set"
    by unfold_locales (auto simp: independent_Basis)
  show ?thesis
    by (intro E.basis_transfer coordinate_vector_linear_on coordinate_vector_bij) (fact that)+

lemma coordinate_vector_apply_in:
  assumes k: "k="
    and f: "fdiff_fun_space"
  shows "(coordinate_vector b) f = (frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ p)) b)"
proof (unfold coordinate_vector_apply)
  define D where D[simp]: "D  directional_derivative k (ψ p) b"
  have k': "k0" using k by simp

  let ?y = "THE y. y  TψpψU   y = D"
  have y_eq: "?y = dκ¯ D" "?y = (the_inv_into TψpψU ) D"
    unfolding the_inv_into_def using directional_derivative_in_tangent_space[OF k', of "ψ p"] by simp_all
  have y: "?y  TψpψU" " ?y = D"
    apply (simp_all only: y_eq(2))
    subgoal apply (intro the_inv_into_into[of  TψpψU D])
      using bij_betw_dκ directional_derivative_in_tangent_space[OF k', of "ψ p"] by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)
    subgoal apply (intro f_the_inv_into_f[of  TψpψU D])
      using bij_betw_dκ directional_derivative_in_tangent_space[OF k', of "ψ p"] by (auto simp: bij_betw_def)

  have 1[simp]: "domain ψ  carrier = domain ψ"
    using domain_atlas_subset_carrier[OF ψ] by auto
  have 2: "restrict0 sub_ψ.sub.carrier f  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
    using f[unfolded diff_fun_space_def] by (auto
        simp: sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def
        intro!: diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[where f=f and g="restrict0 (domain ψ) f"]
        intro: diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold)

  let ?f = "(restrict0 diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier (restrict0 sub_ψ.sub.carrier f  inv_chart ψ))"
  have f2: "?f  diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space"
    apply (simp add: diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space_def)
    apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[where f="f  inv_chart ψ"])
    apply (rule diff_fun_compose[of _ _ "charts_submanifold (domain ψ)"])
    by (simp_all add: diffeo_ψ.inv.diff_axioms diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold diff_fun_spaceD f)

  obtain Ng g ― ‹g is the differentiable extension of term?f to the whole Euclidean space.›
    where Ng: "ψ p  Ng" "open Ng" "compact (closure Ng)" "closure Ng  diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier"
    and g: "g  manifold_eucl.dest.diff_fun_space" "g  diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space" "x. x  closure Ng  g x = ?f x"
    and vg: "v. v  TψpψU  v ?f = v g" "v. v  TψpψU  v g =  v g" "v. v  TψpE  dκ¯ v ?f = v g"
    using extension_lemma_localE2[OF f2] by blast

  have " (dψ¯ (dκ¯ D)) f =  dψ¯ (dκ¯ D) (restrict0 sub_ψ.sub.carrier (f))"
    unfolding sub_ψ.inclusion.push_forward_def by (auto simp: restrict0_apply_in[OF f] comp_def)
  also have " =  (dκ¯ D) (restrict0 diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier ((restrict0 sub_ψ.sub.carrier f)  inv_chart ψ))"
    unfolding diffeo_ψ.inv.push_forward_def using restrict0_apply_in 2 by simp
  also have " = ?y ?f"
    unfolding the_inv_into_def using directional_derivative_in_tangent_space[OF k', of "ψ p"] by (simp add: k)
  also have "?y ?f = D g"
    using vg(1,2)[OF y(1)] y(2) by simp
  also have "D g = frechet_derivative g (at (ψ p)) b"
    unfolding D directional_derivative_def using restrict0_apply_in[OF g(1)] by auto
  also have " = frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ p)) b"
    apply (rule frechet_derivative_transform_within_open_ext[where X=Ng])
    using g(3) Ng(1,2,4) g(1) k by (auto simp: differentiable_onD)
  finally show " (dψ¯ (dκ¯ (directional_derivative k (apply_chart ψ p) b))) f =
                frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ p)) b"
    by auto

lemma coordinate_vector_apply_out:
  assumes k: "k="
    and f: "f  diff_fun_space"
  shows "(coordinate_vector b) f = 0"
  using bij_betwE[OF coordinate_vector_bij[OF k]] f extensional0_outside
  unfolding tangent_space_def by fastforce

text ‹Just the same as @{thm coordinate_vector_apply_in}, but with unfolded definition. For display.›
lemma coordinate_vector_apply_in':
  assumes k: "k="
    and f: "fdiff_fun_space"
  shows "(  dψ¯  dκ¯  directional_derivative  (ψ p)) b f = frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ p)) b"
  using coordinate_vector_apply_in[OF assms] unfolding coordinate_vector_def k[symmetric] .

definition component_function :: "(('a  real)  real)  'b  real"
  where "component_function  coord_fun      dι¯"

definition tangent_chart_fun :: "(('a  real)  real)  'b"
  where "tangent_chart_fun v  iBasis. component_function v i *R i"

lemma component_function_TpU: "component_function ( v) = coord_fun ( ( v))" if "v  TpU" for v
  using tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1) that
  by (auto simp: bij_betwE the_inv_into_f_f[OF bij_betw_imp_inj_on] component_function_def)

lemma component_function_apply_in_TpU: "component_function ( v) i = v (restrict0 (domain ψ) (λx. (ψ x - ψ p)  i))" if "v  TpU" for v i
proof -
  from that have assms: " v  TpM" "vTpU"
    using tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1) by (auto simp: bij_betwE)

  have 1: "(λx. (x - ψ p)  i)  manifold_eucl.dest.diff_fun_space"
    by (auto intro!: smooth_on_inner smooth_on_minus)
  have 2: "(restrict0 diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier ((λx. (x - ψ p)  i)  (λx. x)))  diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space"
    apply (simp add: diffeo_ψ.dest.diff_fun_space_def)
    apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[of k _ "(λx. (x - ψ p)  i)"])
    apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold)
    using 1 by (auto intro: diff_fun_charts_euclI)

  let ?g = "restrict0 diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier (λx. (x - ψ p)  i)"
  let ?f = "restrict0 sub_ψ.sub.carrier (?g  ψ)"
  have f: "?f  sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space"
    apply (simp add: sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def)
    apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[of k _ "(λx. (x - ψ p)  i)  ψ"])
     apply (rule diff_fun_compose[of k _ "manifold_eucl.charts_submanifold (codomain ψ)"])
    using 1 by (auto intro: diff_fun_charts_euclI diffeo_ψ.diff_axioms diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold)

  have "component_function ( v) i = (coord_fun ( ( v))) i"
    using component_function_TpU[OF assms(2)] by simp
  also have " = (λg.  v (restrict0 diffeo_ψ.dest.carrier (g  (λx. x)))) (λx. (x - ψ p)  i)"
    by (simp only: restrict0_apply_in[OF 1] coord_fun_def sub_eucl.inclusion.push_forward_def)
  also have " = v (restrict0 sub_ψ.sub.carrier (?g  ψ))"
    apply (simp only: diffeo_ψ.push_forward_def restrict0_apply_in[OF 2])
    by (simp only: o_id[unfolded id_def])
  also have "v ?f = v (restrict0 (domain ψ) (λx. (ψ x - ψ p)  i))"
    apply (rule sub_ψ.sub.derivation_eq_localI[of "domain ψ" p v])
    prefer 6 subgoal
      apply (simp add: sub_ψ.sub.diff_fun_space_def, intro conjI)
      apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[of _ _ "(λx. (x - ψ p)  i)  ψ"])
      apply (rule diff_fun_compose[of k _ "manifold_eucl.charts_submanifold (codomain ψ)"])
      using 1 sub_ψ_carrier by (auto simp: diffeo_ψ.diff_axioms manifold_eucl.dest.diff_fun_spaceD diff_fun.diff_fun_submanifold)
    using domain_atlas_subset_carrier assms(2) f sub_ψ_carrier by auto
  finally show "component_function ( v) i = v (restrict0 (domain ψ) (λx. (ψ x - ψ p)  i))" .

lemma component_function_apply_in_TpM: "component_function v i = (dι¯ v) (restrict0 (domain ψ) (λx. (ψ x - ψ p)  i))" if "v  TpM" for v i
proof -
  let ?u = "dι¯ v"
  have 1: "?u  TpU"
    using bij_betwE[OF bij_betw_dι_inv] that by auto
  have "v =  ?u"
    using that tangent_submanifold_isomorphism(1)
    by (auto simp: f_the_inv_into_f bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij_betw_imp_surj_on)
  thus ?thesis
    using component_function_apply_in_TpU[OF 1] by simp

― ‹This lemma is most useful on the Euclidean manifold.
  On any other manifold, or on local submanifolds (in a single chart),
  it can be equally useful and confusing! Use with care.›
lemma component_function_apply_in:
  assumes "v  TpM" "domain ψ = carrier"
  shows "component_function v i = v (restrict0 carrier (λx. (ψ x - ψ p)  i))"
  using component_function_apply_in_TpU assms p push_forward_id by force

lemma component_function_apply_out: "component_function v i = 0" if "¬ v  TpM" for v i
  unfolding component_function_def
  apply (simp add: restrict0_apply_out[OF that, of "the_inv_into (sub_ψ.sub.tangent_space p) "])
  apply (simp add: linear_on.linear_0[OF linear_on_dψ])
  apply (simp add: linear_on.linear_0[OF sub_eucl.linear_on_push_forward_inclusion[of "ψ p"]])
  by (simp add: coord_fun_def)

lemma coordinate_vector_inverse:
  assumes k: "k="
  shows "v  TpM  v = coordinate_vector (iBasis. component_function v i *R i)"
    and "x = (iBasis. component_function (coordinate_vector x) i *R i)"
proof -
  fix v assume "vTpM"
  hence v: "v  TpM" "dι¯ v  TpU" " (dι¯ v)  TψpψU" " ( (dι¯ v))  TψpE"
    using bij_betw_dι_inv bij_betw_dψ bij_betw_dκ by (simp_all only: bij_betwE)

  have "v =  (dψ¯ (dκ¯ ( ( (dι¯ v)))))"
    apply (simp add: the_inv_into_f_f_bij_betw[OF bij_betw_dκ] v(3,4))
    apply (simp add: inverse_dψ(1) v(2))
    by (simp add: f_the_inv_into_f_bij_betw[OF bij_betw_dι] v(1))
  then show "v = coordinate_vector (iBasis. component_function v i *R i)"
    using euclidean_tangent_space_coordinatesE[OF v(4) k] by (simp_all add: coordinate_vector_apply component_function_def)
  fix x :: 'b
  define D where "D  directional_derivative k (ψ p)"
  define D_inv () where "  λX. iBasis. coord_fun X i *R i"
  have D_inv: "x =  (D x)" "bij_betw  TψpE UNIV" for x
    using directional_derivative_inverse(2,3)[OF k] by (simp_all add: D_def D_inv_def)
  have x: "D x  TψpE" "dκ¯ (D x)  TψpψU" "dψ¯ (dκ¯ (D x))  TpU" " (dψ¯ (dκ¯ (D x)))  TpM"
    using bij_betw_directional_derivative[OF k] bij_betw_dκ_inv bij_betw_dψ_inv bij_betw_dι by (simp_all only: bij_betwE D_def UNIV_I)

  have "x =  ( ( (dι¯ ( (dψ¯ (dκ¯ (D x)))))))"
    apply (simp add: the_inv_into_f_f_bij_betw[OF bij_betw_dι] x(3,4))
    apply (simp add: inverse_dψ(2) x(2))
    by (simp add: f_the_inv_into_f_bij_betw[OF bij_betw_dκ] x(1) D_inv(1))
  then show "x = (iBasis. component_function (coordinate_vector x) i *R i)"
    by (simp add: coordinate_vector_apply[folded D_def] component_function_def D_inv_def)

― ‹Just a rewriting of @{thm coordinate_vector_inverse} using the termtangent_chart_fun.›
lemma tangent_chart_fun_inverse:
  assumes k: "k="
  shows "v  TpM  v = coordinate_vector (tangent_chart_fun v)"
    and "x = tangent_chart_fun (coordinate_vector x)"
  unfolding tangent_chart_fun_def using coordinate_vector_inverse[OF assms] by auto

lemma tangent_chart_fun_bij: "bij_betw tangent_chart_fun TpM UNIV" if "k="
  using coordinate_vector_bij[OF that] coordinate_vector_inverse[OF that]
  by (auto intro: inverse_bij_betw simp: tangent_chart_fun_def)

lemma tangent_chart_fun_linear_on: "linear_on TpM UNIV scaleR scaleR tangent_chart_fun" if "k="
  apply (rule linear_on_inv)
  using coordinate_vector_bij[OF that] coordinate_vector_inverse[OF that] coordinate_vector_linear_on[OF that]
  by (auto simp: bij_betw_def tangent_chart_fun_def)

lemma coordinate_vector_representation:
  assumes v: "v  TpM" and k: "k="
  shows "v = (iBasis. (component_function v i) *R (coordinate_vector i))"
  (is v = (bBasis. (?fv b) *R (?c b)))
proof -
  have v: "v  TpM" "dι¯ v  TpU" " (dι¯ v)  TψpψU" " ( (dι¯ v))  TψpE"
    using bij_betw_dι_inv bij_betw_dψ bij_betw_dκ v by (simp_all only: bij_betwE)

  have "v = ?c (iBasis. ?fv i *R i)"
    using coordinate_vector_inverse(1)[OF k v(1)] .
  also have " = (bBasis. ?c ((?fv b) *R b))"
    by (rule linear_sum) (fact coordinate_vector_linear[OF k])
  also have " = (bBasis. (?fv b) *R (?c b))"
    using linear_cmul coordinate_vector_linear k by (auto intro: sum.cong)
  finally show "v = (bBasis. (?fv b) *R (?c b))" .

lemma coordinate_vector_representation_apply_in:
  assumes v: "v  TpM" and k: "k=" and f: "f  diff_fun_space"
  shows "v f = (iBasis. (component_function v i) *R (coordinate_vector i f))"
  using coordinate_vector_representation[OF assms(1,2)]
  by (auto simp: scaleR_fun_def sum_fun_def) (metis)

― ‹A stronger version of @{thm derivation_eq_localI} for the case where termk=, i.e. we know
  all derivations can be represented as directional derivatives.›
lemma (in c_manifold) derivation_eq_localI': "X f = X g"
  if "k=" "p  U" "U  domain c" "c  atlas"
    "X  tangent_space p"
    "f  diff_fun_space"
    "g  diff_fun_space"
    "x. x  U  frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart c) (at (c x)) =  frechet_derivative (g  inv_chart c) (at (c x))"
proof -
  interpret p: c_manifold_point charts k c p using that(2-4) by unfold_locales auto
  show ?thesis
    apply (simp only: p.coordinate_vector_representation_apply_in[OF that(5,1)] p.coordinate_vector_apply_in[OF that(1)] that(6,7))
    using that(2,8) by presburger

lemma coordinate_vector_restrict_chart:
  assumes "p  S" "open S" and k: "k="
  shows "coordinate_vector i = (c_manifold_point.coordinate_vector charts  (restrict_chart S ψ) p) i"
    (is _ = ?coordinate_restrict i)
  fix f :: "'a  real"
  interpret S: c_manifold_point charts  "restrict_chart S ψ" p
    using ψ assms c_manifold_point restrict_chart_in_atlas by auto
  have 1: "coordinate_vector i  TpM"
    using bij_betwE coordinate_vector_bij k by blast
  have 2: "?coordinate_restrict i  TpM"
    using bij_betwE S.coordinate_vector_bij k by blast
  show "coordinate_vector i f = ?coordinate_restrict i f"
  proof (cases "f  diff_fun_space")
    case True thus ?thesis
      using coordinate_vector_apply_in[OF k] by (simp add: S.coordinate_vector_apply_in k)
    case False thus ?thesis
      using coordinate_vector_apply_out by (simp add: S.coordinate_vector_apply_out k)

lemma inj_coordinate_vector:
  assumes k: "k="
  shows "inj_on coordinate_vector S"
    using bij_betw_imp_inj_on[OF coordinate_vector_bij[OF k]] by (simp add: inj_def inj_onI)

lemma (in finite_dimensional_vector_space_on) mem_scaled_basis_sum:
  shows "(ibasis. scale (f i) i)  S"
  using finite_Basis span_Basis span_on_def by auto

― ‹Same as @{thm euclidean_components_eq_iff}, but for the basis of coordinate vectors.›
lemma euclidean_coordinates_eq_iff:
  assumes k: "k="
  shows "((iBasis. f i *R coordinate_vector i) = (iBasis. g i *R coordinate_vector i))  (iBasis. f i = g i)"
proof -
  let ?B = "coordinate_vector ` Basis"
  interpret coordinate_basis: finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_on TpM ?B
    using coordinate_basis[OF k] .

  have "((iBasis. f i *R coordinate_vector i) = (iBasis. g i *R coordinate_vector i)) 
              (iBasis. f i *R i) = (iBasis. g i *R i)"
      (is ?LHS1 = ?LHS2  ?RHS)
  proof -
    have tan_eq_simp: "l = r  tangent_chart_fun l = tangent_chart_fun r"
        if "lTpM" "rTpM" for l r
      using tangent_chart_fun_bij[OF k] that by (auto simp: bij_betw_def inj_onD)

    have tan_sum_simp: "tangent_chart_fun (iBasis. f i *R coordinate_vector i) = (iBasis. f i *R i)"
      for f :: "'b  real"
      have "tangent_chart_fun (iBasis. f i *R coordinate_vector i) =
            sum (tangent_chart_fun  (λi. f i *R coordinate_vector i)) Basis"
        apply (rule linear_on.linear_sum[symmetric])
        apply (rule tangent_chart_fun_linear_on[OF k])
        using coordinate_vector_surj k tangent_space.mem_scale by (blast, simp)
      also have " = (iBasis. f i *R tangent_chart_fun (coordinate_vector i))"
      proof -
        have "tangent_chart_fun (f i *R coordinate_vector i) =
              f i *R tangent_chart_fun (coordinate_vector i)"
            if "iBasis" for i::'b
          apply (rule vector_space_pair_on.linear_scale[OF _ _ _ tangent_chart_fun_linear_on[OF k]])
          by unfold_locales
            (simp_all add: scaleR_right_distrib scaleR_left_distrib bij_betwE[OF coordinate_vector_bij[OF k]])
        thus ?thesis by simp
      finally show ?thesis
        using coordinate_vector_inverse(2)[OF k] by (simp add: tangent_chart_fun_def)

    have "?LHS1 = ?LHS2  tangent_chart_fun ?LHS1 = tangent_chart_fun ?LHS2"
    proof -
      have "f i *R coordinate_vector i  TpM" if "iBasis" for i f
          using coordinate_basis.basis_subset that by (auto simp add: tangent_space.mem_scale)
      hence 1: "(iBasis. f i *R coordinate_vector i)  TpM" for f
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) coordinate_basis.finite_dimensional_basis(3) span_sum)
      then show ?thesis
        by (auto intro!: tan_eq_simp)
    then show ?thesis using tan_sum_simp by presburger

  thus ?thesis using euclidean_components_eq_iff by auto

―‹ TODO obsolete with @{thm euclidean_coordinates_eq_iff} subsuming it?
    Somewhat different proof origin though. ›
lemma coordinate_sum_eq_imp_components_eq':
  assumes "v. f v  0  v  Basis" "v. g v  0  v  Basis"
    and k: "k="
    and "(i{v. f v  0}. (f i) *R coordinate_vector i) = (i{v. g v  0}. (g i) *R coordinate_vector i)"
  shows "i. f i = g i"
proof -

  text ‹This proof is mostly about massaging ∑› expressions. We know coordinate vectors form a
    basis, and we know a basis is linearly independent. The rest is about getting from an expression
    entirely in the vector space of @{thm coordinate_basis} to an expression that uses linear
    independence in the tangent space, while talking about the termBasis of the corresponding

  let ?B = "coordinate_vector ` Basis"
  interpret VS: finite_dimensional_real_vector_space_on TpM ?B
    using coordinate_basis[OF k] .

  have 1: "v  ?B" if "v  TpM" "f (tangent_chart_fun v)  0  g (tangent_chart_fun v)  0" for v
    using that(2) unfolding tangent_chart_fun_def
    using VS.basis_subset coordinate_vector_inverse(1)[OF k that(1)] assms(1,2) by auto
  have f_eq_g: "xTpM. f (tangent_chart_fun x) = g (tangent_chart_fun x)"
  proof (rule VS.unique_representation_basis)
    have set_simps: "{x  TpM. f (tangent_chart_fun x)  0} = coordinate_vector ` {v. f v  0}"
                    "{x  TpM. g (tangent_chart_fun x)  0} = coordinate_vector ` {v. g v  0}"
      using coordinate_vector_inverse[OF k] unfolding tangent_chart_fun_def
      using assms(1,2) component_function_apply_out by auto
        (metis (no_types, lifting) Basis_zero scaleR_eq_0_iff sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)+
    have "(v{x  TpM. f (tangent_chart_fun x)  0}. f (tangent_chart_fun v) *R v) = (i{v. f v  0}. f i *R coordinate_vector i)"
      apply (simp add: set_simps)
      using coordinate_vector_inverse(2)[OF k] by (simp add: tangent_chart_fun_def sum.reindex[OF inj_coordinate_vector[OF k]])
    also have " = (i{v. g v  0}. (g i) *R coordinate_vector i)"
      using assms(4) .
    finally show "(v{x  TpM. f (tangent_chart_fun x)  0}. f (tangent_chart_fun v) *R v) =
          (v{x  TpM. g (tangent_chart_fun x)  0}. g (tangent_chart_fun v) *R v)"
      apply (simp add: set_simps)
      using coordinate_vector_inverse[OF k]
      by (simp add: tangent_chart_fun_def sum.reindex[OF inj_coordinate_vector[OF k]])
  qed (simp_all add: 1)

  show ?thesis
    using coordinate_vector_inverse[unfolded tangent_chart_fun_def[symmetric]]
    using tangent_chart_fun_bij coordinate_vector_bij f_eq_g by (metis coordinate_vector_surj k rangeI)

lemma coordinate_sum_eq_imp_components_eq:
  assumes k: "k="
    and "(iBasis. (f i) *R coordinate_vector i) = (iBasis. (g i) *R coordinate_vector i)"
  shows "iBasis. f i = g i"
  using euclidean_coordinates_eq_iff[OF k] assms(2) by blast

― ‹TODO Same as above: obsolete?›
lemma coordinate_sum_eq_iff:
  assumes "v. f v  0  v  Basis"
    and "v. g v  0  v  Basis"
    and k: "k="
  shows "(iBasis. (f i) *R coordinate_vector i) = (iBasis. (g i) *R coordinate_vector i)  (iBasis. f i = g i)"
  using coordinate_sum_eq_imp_components_eq assms by auto

lemma component_function_restrict_chart:
  assumes S: "p  S" "open S"
    and v: "v  TpM" and i: "i  Basis" and k: "k="
  shows "component_function v i = (c_manifold_point.component_function charts  (restrict_chart S ψ) p) v i"
proof -
  interpret p2: c_manifold_point charts  "restrict_chart S ψ" p
    using ψ S k c_manifold_point restrict_chart_in_atlas by force
  have coord_vec_eq: "coordinate_vector i = p2.coordinate_vector i" for i
    using coordinate_vector_restrict_chart[OF S k] .
  let ?c = "restrict0 Basis (component_function v)" and ?c2 = "restrict0 Basis (p2.component_function v)"
  have "(iBasis. ?c i *R coordinate_vector i) = (iBasis. ?c2 i *R coordinate_vector i)"
    using coordinate_vector_representation p2.coordinate_vector_representation coord_vec_eq k v
    by simp
  thus ?thesis using euclidean_coordinates_eq_iff[OF k] i restrict0_apply_in by auto

lemma coordinate_vector_uminus: "coordinate_vector i (- f) = - coordinate_vector i f"
  if k: "k=" and f: "f  diff_fun_space"
proof -
  interpret l: linear_on diff_fun_space UNIV scaleR scaleR "coordinate_vector i"
    using coordinate_vector_i_linear_on[OF k] .
  show ?thesis using diff_fun_space.m1.mem_uminus l.add l.linear_0 f by fastforce

― ‹An intro lemma: a coordinate vector has the same result when applied to two functions
  with equal local derivative (in the correct function space). See @{thm derivation_eq_localI'}.›
lemma coordinate_vector_cong': "coordinate_vector i g = coordinate_vector i f"
  if k: "k=" and g: "g  diff_fun_space" and f: "f  diff_fun_space"
    and gf: "frechet_derivative (g  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ p)) = frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ p))"
  using coordinate_vector_apply_in[OF k, of _ i] g f gf by presburger

lemma coordinate_vector_cong: "coordinate_vector i g = coordinate_vector i f"
  if k: "k=" and g: "g  diff_fun_space" and f: "f  diff_fun_space"
    and gf: "x. x(domain ψ)  g x = f x"
proof -
  have "frechet_derivative (g  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ p)) = frechet_derivative (f  inv_chart ψ) (at (ψ p))"
    apply (rule frechet_derivative_transform_within_open)
    using diff_fun_differentiable_at g[unfolded diff_fun_space_def] ψ k p apply (simp, blast)
    using gf by (auto simp: o_def)
  from coordinate_vector_cong'[OF that(1-3) this] show ?thesis .

end (*context c_manifold_point*)

lemma (in c_manifold) diff_fun_components_iff:
  fixes f :: "'b::euclidean_space  'a::{second_countable_topology,t2_space}  real"
  shows "diff_fun k charts (λx. iBasis. (f i x) *R i)  (iBasis. diff_fun k charts (f i))"
    (is ?diff_sum  ?diff_cpt)
  assume asm: "?diff_sum"
  have f_eq_inner_sum_cpt: "(jBasis. (f j x) *R j)  i = f i x" if "iBasis" for i::'b and x
    using that by force
  show "?diff_cpt"
    fix i::'b assume i: "iBasis"
    hence 1: "((λx. x  i)  (λx. jBasis. f j x *R j)) x = f i x" for x
      using f_eq_inner_sum_cpt by (simp add: comp_def)
    show "diff_fun k charts (f i)"
      apply (rule diff_fun.diff_fun_cong[OF _ 1])
      apply (rule diff_fun_compose[of _ _ charts_eucl])
      using asm[unfolded diff_fun_def] by (auto intro: diff_fun_charts_euclI smooth_on_inner)
  assume "?diff_cpt"
  then show "?diff_sum"
    by (auto intro!: diff_fun_sum diff_fun_scaleR simp: diff_fun_const)
