Theory Manifold_Lie_Bracket

(*  Title:       Manifold_Lie_Bracket
    Author:      Richard Schmoetten <>, 2024
    Maintainer:  Richard Schmoetten <>

section ‹The Lie bracket of smooth vector fields›
theory Manifold_Lie_Bracket

definition lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields :: "'a vector_field  'a vector_field  'a vector_field"
  where "lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields X Y  λp::'a. λf::'areal. X p (Y ˝ f) - Y p (X ˝ f)"

notation lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields ([_;_] [65,65])

lemma lie_bracket_def: "[X;Y] p f = X p (Y˝f) - Y p (X˝f)"
  unfolding lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields_def by simp

context c_manifold begin

subsection ‹General lemmas›

lemma is_derivation_uminus: "is_derivation (-x) p" if x: "is_derivation x p"
  using is_derivation_scaleR[OF x, of "-1"] by simp

lemma is_derivation_minus: "is_derivation (x - y) p"
  if x: "is_derivation x p" and y: "is_derivation y p"
  using is_derivation_add[OF x is_derivation_uminus[OF y]] by simp

lemma diff_fun_space_minus: "f - g  diff_fun_space"
  if "f  diff_fun_space" "g  diff_fun_space"
  by (simp add: diff_fun_space.m1.subspace_UNIV diff_fun_space.m1.subspace_diff that(1) that(2))

lemma rough_vector_field_add:
  assumes "rough_vector_field X" "rough_vector_field Y"
  shows "rough_vector_field (X+Y)"
  using assms rough_vector_field_def tangent_space.mem_add by force

abbreviation (input) "scaleR_vf  scaleR :: real  'a vector_field  'a vector_field"

lemma scaleR_vf: "scaleR_vf = (λr X p f. r * X p f)" by fastforce

lemma rough_vector_field_scaleR:
  assumes "rough_vector_field X"
  shows "rough_vector_field (scaleR_vf a X)"
  using assms tangent_space.mem_scale by (simp add: rough_vector_field_def)

subsection ‹Properties of the Lie bracket on term𝔛

lemma lie_bracket_antisym: "[X;Y] = -[Y;X]"
  unfolding lie_bracket_def by fastforce

lemma ext0_lie_bracket:
  shows "extensional0 carrier X  extensional0 carrier Y  extensional0 carrier [X;Y]"
    and "rough_vector_field X  rough_vector_field Y  extensional0 diff_fun_space (vec_field_apply_fun [X;Y])"
proof -
  show "extensional0 carrier X  extensional0 carrier Y  extensional0 carrier [X;Y]"
    unfolding lie_bracket_def extensional0_def by auto
  assume asm: "rough_vector_field X" "rough_vector_field Y"
  then show "extensional0 diff_fun_space (vec_field_apply_fun [X;Y])"
  proof - ― ‹This proof was fiddly to get into a form where methods would not time out.›
  (* TODO is this due to the abbreviation vec_field_apply_fun? Preferences? *)
    note vf_0 = linear_on.linear_0[OF linear_on_vec_field]
    have "p. (X ˝ 0) p - (Y ˝ 0) p = 0"
      using vf_0[OF asm(1)] vf_0[OF asm(2)] by (metis diff_0_right zero_fun_apply)
    then have 0: "(λp. (X ˝ 0) p - (Y ˝ 0) p) = 0" by auto
    thus ?thesis
      using ext0_vec_field_apply_fun asm unfolding lie_bracket_def extensional0_def by presburger


context smooth_manifold begin

text ‹A nice computational proof that I try to keep close-ish to Lee's
  original pen-and-paper \cite[p.~186]{lee_2012}.›
lemma product_rule_lie_bracket:
  assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
    and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
    and diff_funs: "fdiff_fun_space" "gdiff_fun_space"
  shows "[X;Y] ˝ (f * g) = f * [X;Y] ˝ g + g * [X;Y] ˝ f"
proof -
  have rough_vf[simp]: "rough_vector_field X" "rough_vector_field Y"
    using smooth_vector_field_def assms by auto
  interpret linear_X: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun X"
    using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(1)] .
  interpret linear_Y: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun Y"
    using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(2)] .

  note [simp] = diff_funs diff_fun_space.m1.mem_add diff_fun_space_times
  have local_simps [simp]:
    "f. fdiff_fun_space  X ˝ f  diff_fun_space"
    "f. fdiff_fun_space  Y ˝ f  diff_fun_space"
      using X Y by (simp_all add: vector_field_smooth_iff(1))

  have "([X;Y] ˝ (f*g)) = X ˝ (Y˝(f*g)) - Y ˝ (X˝(f*g))"
    unfolding lie_bracket_def by (simp add: fun_diff_def)
  also have " = X ˝ (f*Y˝g + g*Y˝f) - Y ˝ (f*X˝g + g*X˝f)"
    using rough_vf diff_funs product_rule_vf by presburger
  also have " = X ˝ (f*Y˝g) + X ˝ (g*Y˝f) - Y ˝ (f*X˝g) - Y ˝ (g*X˝f)"
    ― ‹Extra step to invoke linearity of both termX and termY.›
    using linear_X.add linear_Y.add by simp
  also have " = (f * X˝(Y˝g)) + (g * X˝(Y˝f)) - (f * Y˝(X˝g)) - (g * Y˝(X˝f))"
    ― ‹No separate step for term cancellation.›
    using product_rule_vf by auto
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: lie_bracket_def fun_diff_def add_diff_eq diff_add_eq plus_fun_def

lemma lie_bracket_is_derivation_on:
  assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
    and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
  shows "is_derivation_on (λf. [X;Y] ˝ f)"
proof (unfold is_derivation_on_def, safe)
  have 0: "(λp. Y p (λp. X p f))  diff_fun_space" "(λp. X p (λp. Y p f))  diff_fun_space"
      if f: "f  diff_fun_space" for f
    using smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF Y smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF X f]]
    using smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF X smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF Y f]] by simp_all
  show 1: "[X;Y] ˝ f  diff_fun_space" if f: "f  diff_fun_space" for f
    using 0[OF f] diff_fun_space_minus by (simp add: fun_diff_def lie_bracket_def)
  thus 2: "[X;Y] ˝ (f*g) = f * ([X;Y]˝g) + g * ([X;Y]˝f)"
    if f: "f  diff_fun_space" and g: "g  diff_fun_space" for f g
    using product_rule_lie_bracket[OF X Y f g] by simp
  show 3: "linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR (λf. [X;Y] ˝ f)"
  proof -
    have lin_X: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf. X˝f)"
      using linear_on_vec_field X[unfolded smooth_vector_field_def] by simp
    have lin_Y: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf. Y˝f)"
      using linear_on_vec_field Y[unfolded smooth_vector_field_def] by simp
    have lin_XY: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space ((vec_field_apply_fun X)  (vec_field_apply_fun Y))"
      using smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF Y] by (auto intro: linear_on_compose[OF lin_Y lin_X])
    have lin_YX: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space ((vec_field_apply_fun Y)  (vec_field_apply_fun X))"
      using smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF X] by (auto intro: linear_on_compose[OF lin_X lin_Y])
    have "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λx. (X ˝ (Y ˝ x)) - (Y ˝ (X ˝ x)))"
      apply (intro vector_space_pair_on.linear_compose_sub[OF _ _ _ lin_XY lin_YX, simplified])
      using linear_on.vector_space_pair_on[OF lin_X] 0 by auto
    then show ?thesis by (simp add: lie_bracket_def fun_diff_def)

text ‹This is Lee's \cite[Lemma~8.25]{lee_2012}.›
lemma lie_bracket_closed:
  assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
    and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
  shows "smooth_vector_field [X;Y]"
  using extensional_derivation_is_smooth_vector_field lie_bracket_is_derivation_on
    ext0_lie_bracket assms smooth_vector_field_def rough_vector_fieldE(2) by auto

  assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
    and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
    and Z: "smooth_vector_field Z"
  shows lie_bracket_add_left: "[X+Y;Z] = [X;Z] + [Y;Z]"
    and lie_bracket_add_right: "[X;Y+Z] = ([X;Y] + [X;Z])"
proof -
  have distrib_left: "[X+Y;Z] = ([X;Z] + [Y;Z])"
    if X: "smooth_vector_field X"
      and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
      and Z: "smooth_vector_field Z"
    for X Y Z
  proof (standard+)
    fix p f
    show "[X+Y;Z] p f = ([X;Z] + [Y;Z]) p f"
    proof (cases "pcarrier  fdiff_fun_space")
      text ‹We deal with the cases outside our interest off the bat. This is just taking care of
            termextensional0 in both (point and function) arguments of the vector field.›
      case False
      then show ?thesis
        apply (cases "pcarrier", simp_all)
          using False X Y Z smooth_vector_field_def rough_vector_field_add[of X Y]
          using extensional0_outside[OF _ ext0_lie_bracket(2)]
            extensional0_add[OF smooth_vector_fieldE(2)[OF X] smooth_vector_fieldE(2)[OF Y]]
          by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) zero_fun_apply)
        using X Y Z smooth_vector_fieldE(2) extensional0_outside[OF _ ext0_lie_bracket(1)] by force
      text ‹The rest of this proof is just linearity of the tangent vector termZ p.›
      case True hence p: "pcarrier" and f: "fdiff_fun_space" by simp+
      interpret linZ: linear_on diff_fun_space UNIV scaleR scaleR "Z p"
        using tangent_spaceD(1)[OF smooth_vector_fieldE(1)[OF Z]] by blast
      show ?thesis
        using linZ.add X Y smooth_vf_diff_fun_space f by (auto simp: lie_bracket_def plus_fun_def)
  thus "[X+Y;Z] = [X;Z] + [Y;Z]" using assms by blast
  show "[X;Y+Z] = ([X;Y] + [X;Z])"
    using distrib_left[OF Y Z X] lie_bracket_antisym by (metis minus_add_distrib)

  assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
    and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
  shows lie_bracket_scale_left: "[scaleR_vf a X; Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]"
    and lie_bracket_scale_right: "[X; scaleR_vf a Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]"
proof -
  text ‹We proceed as above, dealing with extensionality before using an existing linearity result.›
  have scaleR_vf_left: "[scaleR_vf a X; Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]"
    if X: "smooth_vector_field X"
      and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
    for X Y a
  proof (standard+)
    fix p f
    show "[scaleR_vf a X; Y] p f = scaleR_vf a [X; Y] p f"
    proof (cases "pcarrier  fdiff_fun_space")
      case False
      then show ?thesis 
        apply (cases "pcarrier")
          using False X Y smooth_vector_field_def rough_vector_field_scaleR
          using extensional0_outside[OF _ ext0_lie_bracket(2)] extensional0_scaleR
          by (smt (verit, del_insts) scaleR_cancel_right scaleR_fun_beta scaleR_zero_left)
        using smooth_vector_fieldE(2) X Y extensional0_outside[OF _ ext0_lie_bracket(1)] by simp
      case True hence f: "fdiff_fun_space" by simp+
      interpret linY: linear_on diff_fun_space UNIV scaleR scaleR "Y p"
        using tangent_spaceD(1)[OF smooth_vector_fieldE(1)[OF Y]] by blast
      show ?thesis
        using linY.scale[OF smooth_vf_diff_fun_space, OF X f]
        by (auto simp: lie_bracket_def scaleR_fun_def right_diff_distrib)
  thus "[scaleR_vf a X; Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]" by (simp add: X Y)
  show "[X; scaleR_vf a Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]"
    apply (simp only: lie_bracket_antisym[of X "scaleR_vf a Y"] lie_bracket_antisym[of X Y])
    using scaleR_vf_left[OF Y X] by fastforce

lemmas lie_bracket_bilinear_simps [simp] = lie_bracket_scale_left

lemma (in module_hom_on) diff:
  "b1  S1  b2  S1  f (b1 - b2) = f b1 - f b2"
  by (metis add diff_eq_eq m1.subspace_UNIV m1.subspace_diff set_eq_subset)

lemma lie_bracket_jacobi: "[X; [Y;Z]] + [Y;[Z;X]] + [Z;[X;Y]] = 0"
  if X: "smooth_vector_field X"
    and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
    and Z: "smooth_vector_field Z"
proof -
  have rough_vf: "rough_vector_field X" "rough_vector_field Y" "rough_vector_field Z"
    using smooth_vector_field_def that by auto
  interpret linear_X: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun X"
    using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(1)] .
  interpret linear_Y: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun Y"
    using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(2)] .
  interpret linear_Z: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun Z"
    using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(3)] .

  have local_simps:
    "f. fdiff_fun_space  X ˝ f  diff_fun_space"
    "f. fdiff_fun_space  Y ˝ f  diff_fun_space"
    "f. fdiff_fun_space  Z ˝ f  diff_fun_space"
    using X Y Z by (simp_all add: vector_field_smooth_iff rough_vf)

    fix f assume f: "fdiff_fun_space"
    have "[X; [Y;Z]] ˝ f + [Y;[Z;X]] ˝ f + [Z;[X;Y]] ˝ f =
        X ˝ ([Y;Z]˝f) - [Y;Z] ˝ (X˝f) + Y ˝ ([Z;X]˝f) - [Z;X] ˝ (Y˝f) + Z ˝ ([X;Y]˝f) - [X;Y] ˝ (Z˝f)"
      unfolding lie_bracket_def by auto
    also have " = X˝(Y˝(Z˝f)) - X˝(Z˝(Y˝f))
                  - Y˝(Z˝(X˝f)) + Z˝(Y˝(X˝f))
                  + Y˝(Z˝(X˝f)) - Y˝(X˝(Z˝f))
                  - Z˝(X˝(Y˝f)) + X˝(Z˝(Y˝f))
                  + Z˝(X˝(Y˝f)) - Z˝(Y˝(X˝f))
                  - X˝(Y˝(Z˝f)) + Y˝(X˝(Z˝f))"
      using linear_X.diff linear_Y.diff linear_Z.diff by (auto simp: f fun_diff_def lie_bracket_def local_simps)
    finally have "[X; [Y;Z]] ˝ f + [Y;[Z;X]] ˝ f + [Z;[X;Y]] ˝ f = 0" by simp
  } moreover {
    fix f assume f: "f  diff_fun_space"
    have "[X; [Y;Z]] ˝ f = 0" "[Y; [Z;X]] ˝ f = 0" "[Z;[X;Y]] ˝ f = 0"
      using ext0_lie_bracket(2)[OF smooth_vector_fieldE(3) smooth_vector_fieldE(3)] X Y Z
      using lie_bracket_closed(1)[OF Y Z] lie_bracket_closed(1)[OF Z X] lie_bracket_closed(1)[OF X Y]
      by (simp_all add: extensional0_def f smooth_vector_field_alt)
    hence "[X; [Y;Z]] ˝ f + [Y;[Z;X]] ˝ f + [Z;[X;Y]] ˝ f = 0" by simp
  } ultimately have "p f. [X; [Y;Z]] p f + [Y;[Z;X]] p f + [Z;[X;Y]] p f = 0"
    by (smt (verit, best) plus_fun_apply zero_fun_apply) 
  thus ?thesis by (intro HOL.ext) fastforce

definition "SVF  {X. smooth_vector_field X}"

lemma lie_algebra_of_smooth_vector_fields: "lie_algebra SVF scaleR_vf lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields"
proof -
  note svf_if_derivI = extensional_derivation_is_smooth_vector_field[unfolded is_derivation_on_def]

  have svf_0: "smooth_vector_field 0"
    apply (intro svf_if_derivI, safe, unfold_locales)
    apply auto[3]
    using diff_fun_space.m1.mem_zero uminus_apply apply fastforce
    using extensional0_def zero_fun_def by auto

  have local_simps: "(λr f p. r * f (p::'a)) = scaleR"
    by fastforce

  have svf_scaleR: "smooth_vector_field (a *R X)"
    if X: "smooth_vector_field X"  for a X
  proof (intro svf_if_derivI, intro conjI ballI)
    show "extensional0 carrier (a *R X)" by (simp add: smooth_vector_fieldE(2) that)
    have derX: "linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR (λf p. X p f)"
        "(f g. fdiff_fun_space  gdiff_fun_space  X ˝ (f * g) = f * (X ˝ g) + g * (X ˝ f))"
        "(λf p. X p f) ` diff_fun_space  diff_fun_space"
      using X vector_field_is_derivation unfolding is_derivation_on_def by auto
    show "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf p. (a *R X) p f)"
        using linear_on_compose[OF derX(1) diff_fun_space.m1.linear_scale_self derX(3)]
        by (simp add: o_def, metis local_simps)
    show "(λp. (a *R X) p (f * g)) = f * (λp. (a *R X) p g) + g * (λp. (a *R X) p f)"
      if "fdiff_fun_space" "gdiff_fun_space" for f g
    proof -
      have "(λp. a * X p (f * g)) = (λx. a) * (λp. X p (f * g))" by auto
      then show "(λp. (a *R X) p (f * g)) = f * (λp. (a *R X) p g) + g * (λp. (a *R X) p f)"
        using derX(2)[OF that] by (auto simp: distrib_left)
    show "(λf p. (a *R X) p f) ` diff_fun_space  diff_fun_space"
      using derX(3) diff_fun_space.m1.mem_scale by (auto, metis image_subset_iff local_simps)
    show "extensional0 diff_fun_space (λf p. (a *R X) p f)"
      using X[unfolded smooth_vector_field_def] ext0_vec_field_apply_fun
      by (meson extensional0_scaleR rough_vector_field_scaleR)

  have svf_add: "smooth_vector_field (X + Y)"
    if X: "smooth_vector_field X" and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
    for X Y
  proof (intro svf_if_derivI, intro conjI ballI)
    have derX: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf p. X p f)"
        "(f g. fdiff_fun_space  gdiff_fun_space  X ˝ (f * g) = f * (X ˝ g) + g * (X ˝ f))"
        "(λf p. X p f) ` diff_fun_space  diff_fun_space"
      and derY: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf p. Y p f)"
        "(f g. fdiff_fun_space  gdiff_fun_space  Y ˝ (f * g) = f * (Y ˝ g) + g * (Y ˝ f))"
        "(λf p. Y p f) ` diff_fun_space  diff_fun_space"
      using X Y vector_field_is_derivation unfolding is_derivation_on_def by auto

    interpret D: vector_space_pair_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR by unfold_locales

    show "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf p. (X + Y) p f)"
      apply (simp, intro D.linear_compose_add[unfolded plus_fun_def])
      using derX(1,3) derY(1,3) by auto
    show "(λp. (X + Y) p (f * g)) = f * (λp. (X + Y) p g) + g * (λp. (X + Y) p f)"
      if "f  diff_fun_space"  "g  diff_fun_space" for f g
      using derX(2)[OF that] derY(2)[OF that]
      by (simp add: plus_fun_def distrib_left, metis (no_types) add.commute add.left_commute)
    show "(λf p. (X + Y) p f) ` diff_fun_space  diff_fun_space"
      using derX(3) derY(3) diff_fun_space.m1.mem_add by (auto simp: plus_fun_def)
    show "extensional0 diff_fun_space (λf p. (X + Y) p f)"
      using X Y ext0_vec_field_apply_fun rough_vector_field_add smooth_vector_field_def by blast
    show "extensional0 carrier (X + Y)" by (simp add: X Y smooth_vector_fieldE(2))

  interpret vector_space_svf: vector_space_on SVF scaleR_vf
    using svf_0 svf_scaleR svf_add SVF_def
    by (unfold_locales, auto simp: scaleR_right_distrib scaleR_left_distrib)

  have lie_bracket_antisym': "[X;X] = 0"
    if X: "smooth_vector_field X" "extensional0 carrier X" for X
    using lie_bracket_antisym by (metis one_neq_neg_one scaleR_cancel_right scaleR_minus1_left scaleR_one)

  show ?thesis
    apply (intro vector_space_svf.lie_algebraI, unfold SVF_def)
    using lie_bracket_closed lie_bracket_antisym' lie_bracket_jacobi
    by (simp_all add: smooth_vector_fieldE(2))

