Theory Manifold_Lie_Bracket
section ‹The Lie bracket of smooth vector fields›
theory Manifold_Lie_Bracket
definition lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields :: "'a vector_field ⇒ 'a vector_field ⇒ 'a vector_field"
where "lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields X Y ≡ λp::'a. λf::'a⇒real. X p (Y ˝ f) - Y p (X ˝ f)"
notation lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields (‹[_;_]› [65,65])
lemma lie_bracket_def: "[X;Y] p f = X p (Y˝f) - Y p (X˝f)"
unfolding lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields_def by simp
context c_manifold begin
subsection ‹General lemmas›
lemma is_derivation_uminus: "is_derivation (-x) p" if x: "is_derivation x p"
using is_derivation_scaleR[OF x, of "-1"] by simp
lemma is_derivation_minus: "is_derivation (x - y) p"
if x: "is_derivation x p" and y: "is_derivation y p"
using is_derivation_add[OF x is_derivation_uminus[OF y]] by simp
lemma diff_fun_space_minus: "f - g ∈ diff_fun_space"
if "f ∈ diff_fun_space" "g ∈ diff_fun_space"
by (simp add: diff_fun_space.m1.subspace_UNIV diff_fun_space.m1.subspace_diff that(1) that(2))
lemma rough_vector_field_add:
assumes "rough_vector_field X" "rough_vector_field Y"
shows "rough_vector_field (X+Y)"
using assms rough_vector_field_def tangent_space.mem_add by force
abbreviation (input) "scaleR_vf ≡ scaleR :: real ⇒ 'a vector_field ⇒ 'a vector_field"
lemma scaleR_vf: "scaleR_vf = (λr X p f. r * X p f)" by fastforce
lemma rough_vector_field_scaleR:
assumes "rough_vector_field X"
shows "rough_vector_field (scaleR_vf a X)"
using assms tangent_space.mem_scale by (simp add: rough_vector_field_def)
subsection ‹Properties of the Lie bracket on \<^term>‹𝔛››
lemma lie_bracket_antisym: "[X;Y] = -[Y;X]"
unfolding lie_bracket_def by fastforce
lemma ext0_lie_bracket:
shows "extensional0 carrier X ⟹ extensional0 carrier Y ⟹ extensional0 carrier [X;Y]"
and "rough_vector_field X ⟹ rough_vector_field Y ⟹ extensional0 diff_fun_space (vec_field_apply_fun [X;Y])"
proof -
show "extensional0 carrier X ⟹ extensional0 carrier Y ⟹ extensional0 carrier [X;Y]"
unfolding lie_bracket_def extensional0_def by auto
assume asm: "rough_vector_field X" "rough_vector_field Y"
then show "extensional0 diff_fun_space (vec_field_apply_fun [X;Y])"
proof -
note vf_0 = linear_on.linear_0[OF linear_on_vec_field]
have "∀p. (X ˝ 0) p - (Y ˝ 0) p = 0"
using vf_0[OF asm(1)] vf_0[OF asm(2)] by (metis diff_0_right zero_fun_apply)
then have 0: "(λp. (X ˝ 0) p - (Y ˝ 0) p) = 0" by auto
thus ?thesis
using ext0_vec_field_apply_fun asm unfolding lie_bracket_def extensional0_def by presburger
context smooth_manifold begin
text ‹A nice computational proof that I try to keep close-ish to Lee's
original pen-and-paper \cite[p.~186]{lee_2012}.›
lemma product_rule_lie_bracket:
assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
and diff_funs: "f∈diff_fun_space" "g∈diff_fun_space"
shows "[X;Y] ˝ (f * g) = f * [X;Y] ˝ g + g * [X;Y] ˝ f"
proof -
have rough_vf[simp]: "rough_vector_field X" "rough_vector_field Y"
using smooth_vector_field_def assms by auto
interpret linear_X: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun X"
using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(1)] .
interpret linear_Y: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun Y"
using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(2)] .
note [simp] = diff_funs diff_fun_space.m1.mem_add diff_fun_space_times
have local_simps [simp]:
"⋀f. f∈diff_fun_space ⟹ X ˝ f ∈ diff_fun_space"
"⋀f. f∈diff_fun_space ⟹ Y ˝ f ∈ diff_fun_space"
using X Y by (simp_all add: vector_field_smooth_iff(1))
have "([X;Y] ˝ (f*g)) = X ˝ (Y˝(f*g)) - Y ˝ (X˝(f*g))"
unfolding lie_bracket_def by (simp add: fun_diff_def)
also have "… = X ˝ (f*Y˝g + g*Y˝f) - Y ˝ (f*X˝g + g*X˝f)"
using rough_vf diff_funs product_rule_vf by presburger
also have "… = X ˝ (f*Y˝g) + X ˝ (g*Y˝f) - Y ˝ (f*X˝g) - Y ˝ (g*X˝f)"
using linear_X.add linear_Y.add by simp
also have "… = (f * X˝(Y˝g)) + (g * X˝(Y˝f)) - (f * Y˝(X˝g)) - (g * Y˝(X˝f))"
using product_rule_vf by auto
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: lie_bracket_def fun_diff_def add_diff_eq diff_add_eq plus_fun_def
lemma lie_bracket_is_derivation_on:
assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
shows "is_derivation_on (λf. [X;Y] ˝ f)"
proof (unfold is_derivation_on_def, safe)
have 0: "(λp. Y p (λp. X p f)) ∈ diff_fun_space" "(λp. X p (λp. Y p f)) ∈ diff_fun_space"
if f: "f ∈ diff_fun_space" for f
using smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF Y smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF X f]]
using smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF X smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF Y f]] by simp_all
show 1: "[X;Y] ˝ f ∈ diff_fun_space" if f: "f ∈ diff_fun_space" for f
using 0[OF f] diff_fun_space_minus by (simp add: fun_diff_def lie_bracket_def)
thus 2: "[X;Y] ˝ (f*g) = f * ([X;Y]˝g) + g * ([X;Y]˝f)"
if f: "f ∈ diff_fun_space" and g: "g ∈ diff_fun_space" for f g
using product_rule_lie_bracket[OF X Y f g] by simp
show 3: "linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR (λf. [X;Y] ˝ f)"
proof -
have lin_X: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf. X˝f)"
using linear_on_vec_field X[unfolded smooth_vector_field_def] by simp
have lin_Y: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf. Y˝f)"
using linear_on_vec_field Y[unfolded smooth_vector_field_def] by simp
have lin_XY: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space ((vec_field_apply_fun X) ∘ (vec_field_apply_fun Y))"
using smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF Y] by (auto intro: linear_on_compose[OF lin_Y lin_X])
have lin_YX: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space ((vec_field_apply_fun Y) ∘ (vec_field_apply_fun X))"
using smooth_vf_diff_fun_space[OF X] by (auto intro: linear_on_compose[OF lin_X lin_Y])
have "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λx. (X ˝ (Y ˝ x)) - (Y ˝ (X ˝ x)))"
apply (intro vector_space_pair_on.linear_compose_sub[OF _ _ _ lin_XY lin_YX, simplified])
using linear_on.vector_space_pair_on[OF lin_X] 0 by auto
then show ?thesis by (simp add: lie_bracket_def fun_diff_def)
text ‹This is Lee's \cite[Lemma~8.25]{lee_2012}.›
lemma lie_bracket_closed:
assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
shows "smooth_vector_field [X;Y]"
using extensional_derivation_is_smooth_vector_field lie_bracket_is_derivation_on
ext0_lie_bracket assms smooth_vector_field_def rough_vector_fieldE(2) by auto
assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
and Z: "smooth_vector_field Z"
shows lie_bracket_add_left: "[X+Y;Z] = [X;Z] + [Y;Z]"
and lie_bracket_add_right: "[X;Y+Z] = ([X;Y] + [X;Z])"
proof -
have distrib_left: "[X+Y;Z] = ([X;Z] + [Y;Z])"
if X: "smooth_vector_field X"
and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
and Z: "smooth_vector_field Z"
for X Y Z
proof (standard+)
fix p f
show "[X+Y;Z] p f = ([X;Z] + [Y;Z]) p f"
proof (cases "p∈carrier ∧ f∈diff_fun_space")
text ‹We deal with the cases outside our interest off the bat. This is just taking care of
\<^term>‹extensional0› in both (point and function) arguments of the vector field.›
case False
then show ?thesis
apply (cases "p∈carrier", simp_all)
using False X Y Z smooth_vector_field_def rough_vector_field_add[of X Y]
using extensional0_outside[OF _ ext0_lie_bracket(2)]
extensional0_add[OF smooth_vector_fieldE(2)[OF X] smooth_vector_fieldE(2)[OF Y]]
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) zero_fun_apply)
using X Y Z smooth_vector_fieldE(2) extensional0_outside[OF _ ext0_lie_bracket(1)] by force
text ‹The rest of this proof is just linearity of the tangent vector \<^term>‹Z p›.›
case True hence p: "p∈carrier" and f: "f∈diff_fun_space" by simp+
interpret linZ: linear_on diff_fun_space UNIV scaleR scaleR "Z p"
using tangent_spaceD(1)[OF smooth_vector_fieldE(1)[OF Z]] by blast
show ?thesis
using linZ.add X Y smooth_vf_diff_fun_space f by (auto simp: lie_bracket_def plus_fun_def)
thus "[X+Y;Z] = [X;Z] + [Y;Z]" using assms by blast
show "[X;Y+Z] = ([X;Y] + [X;Z])"
using distrib_left[OF Y Z X] lie_bracket_antisym by (metis minus_add_distrib)
assumes X: "smooth_vector_field X"
and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
shows lie_bracket_scale_left: "[scaleR_vf a X; Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]"
and lie_bracket_scale_right: "[X; scaleR_vf a Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]"
proof -
text ‹We proceed as above, dealing with extensionality before using an existing linearity result.›
have scaleR_vf_left: "[scaleR_vf a X; Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]"
if X: "smooth_vector_field X"
and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
for X Y a
proof (standard+)
fix p f
show "[scaleR_vf a X; Y] p f = scaleR_vf a [X; Y] p f"
proof (cases "p∈carrier ∧ f∈diff_fun_space")
case False
then show ?thesis
apply (cases "p∈carrier")
using False X Y smooth_vector_field_def rough_vector_field_scaleR
using extensional0_outside[OF _ ext0_lie_bracket(2)] extensional0_scaleR
by (smt (verit, del_insts) scaleR_cancel_right scaleR_fun_beta scaleR_zero_left)
using smooth_vector_fieldE(2) X Y extensional0_outside[OF _ ext0_lie_bracket(1)] by simp
case True hence f: "f∈diff_fun_space" by simp+
interpret linY: linear_on diff_fun_space UNIV scaleR scaleR "Y p"
using tangent_spaceD(1)[OF smooth_vector_fieldE(1)[OF Y]] by blast
show ?thesis
using linY.scale[OF smooth_vf_diff_fun_space, OF X f]
by (auto simp: lie_bracket_def scaleR_fun_def right_diff_distrib)
thus "[scaleR_vf a X; Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]" by (simp add: X Y)
show "[X; scaleR_vf a Y] = scaleR_vf a [X; Y]"
apply (simp only: lie_bracket_antisym[of X "scaleR_vf a Y"] lie_bracket_antisym[of X Y])
using scaleR_vf_left[OF Y X] by fastforce
lemmas lie_bracket_bilinear_simps [simp] = lie_bracket_scale_left
lemma (in module_hom_on) diff:
"b1 ∈ S1 ⟹ b2 ∈ S1 ⟹ f (b1 - b2) = f b1 - f b2"
by (metis add diff_eq_eq m1.subspace_UNIV m1.subspace_diff set_eq_subset)
lemma lie_bracket_jacobi: "[X; [Y;Z]] + [Y;[Z;X]] + [Z;[X;Y]] = 0"
if X: "smooth_vector_field X"
and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
and Z: "smooth_vector_field Z"
proof -
have rough_vf: "rough_vector_field X" "rough_vector_field Y" "rough_vector_field Z"
using smooth_vector_field_def that by auto
interpret linear_X: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun X"
using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(1)] .
interpret linear_Y: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun Y"
using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(2)] .
interpret linear_Z: linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR "vec_field_apply_fun Z"
using linear_on_vec_field[OF rough_vf(3)] .
have local_simps:
"⋀f. f∈diff_fun_space ⟹ X ˝ f ∈ diff_fun_space"
"⋀f. f∈diff_fun_space ⟹ Y ˝ f ∈ diff_fun_space"
"⋀f. f∈diff_fun_space ⟹ Z ˝ f ∈ diff_fun_space"
using X Y Z by (simp_all add: vector_field_smooth_iff rough_vf)
fix f assume f: "f∈diff_fun_space"
have "[X; [Y;Z]] ˝ f + [Y;[Z;X]] ˝ f + [Z;[X;Y]] ˝ f =
X ˝ ([Y;Z]˝f) - [Y;Z] ˝ (X˝f) + Y ˝ ([Z;X]˝f) - [Z;X] ˝ (Y˝f) + Z ˝ ([X;Y]˝f) - [X;Y] ˝ (Z˝f)"
unfolding lie_bracket_def by auto
also have "… = X˝(Y˝(Z˝f)) - X˝(Z˝(Y˝f))
- Y˝(Z˝(X˝f)) + Z˝(Y˝(X˝f))
+ Y˝(Z˝(X˝f)) - Y˝(X˝(Z˝f))
- Z˝(X˝(Y˝f)) + X˝(Z˝(Y˝f))
+ Z˝(X˝(Y˝f)) - Z˝(Y˝(X˝f))
- X˝(Y˝(Z˝f)) + Y˝(X˝(Z˝f))"
using linear_X.diff linear_Y.diff linear_Z.diff by (auto simp: f fun_diff_def lie_bracket_def local_simps)
finally have "[X; [Y;Z]] ˝ f + [Y;[Z;X]] ˝ f + [Z;[X;Y]] ˝ f = 0" by simp
} moreover {
fix f assume f: "f ∉ diff_fun_space"
have "[X; [Y;Z]] ˝ f = 0" "[Y; [Z;X]] ˝ f = 0" "[Z;[X;Y]] ˝ f = 0"
using ext0_lie_bracket(2)[OF smooth_vector_fieldE(3) smooth_vector_fieldE(3)] X Y Z
using lie_bracket_closed(1)[OF Y Z] lie_bracket_closed(1)[OF Z X] lie_bracket_closed(1)[OF X Y]
by (simp_all add: extensional0_def f smooth_vector_field_alt)
hence "[X; [Y;Z]] ˝ f + [Y;[Z;X]] ˝ f + [Z;[X;Y]] ˝ f = 0" by simp
} ultimately have "⋀p f. [X; [Y;Z]] p f + [Y;[Z;X]] p f + [Z;[X;Y]] p f = 0"
by (smt (verit, best) plus_fun_apply zero_fun_apply)
thus ?thesis by (intro HOL.ext) fastforce
definition "SVF ≡ {X. smooth_vector_field X}"
lemma lie_algebra_of_smooth_vector_fields: "lie_algebra SVF scaleR_vf lie_bracket_of_smooth_vector_fields"
proof -
note svf_if_derivI = extensional_derivation_is_smooth_vector_field[unfolded is_derivation_on_def]
have svf_0: "smooth_vector_field 0"
apply (intro svf_if_derivI, safe, unfold_locales)
apply auto[3]
using diff_fun_space.m1.mem_zero uminus_apply apply fastforce
using extensional0_def zero_fun_def by auto
have local_simps: "(λr f p. r * f (p::'a)) = scaleR"
by fastforce
have svf_scaleR: "smooth_vector_field (a *⇩R X)"
if X: "smooth_vector_field X" for a X
proof (intro svf_if_derivI, intro conjI ballI)
show "extensional0 carrier (a *⇩R X)" by (simp add: smooth_vector_fieldE(2) that)
have derX: "linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR (λf p. X p f)"
"(⋀f g. f∈diff_fun_space ⟹ g∈diff_fun_space ⟹ X ˝ (f * g) = f * (X ˝ g) + g * (X ˝ f))"
"(λf p. X p f) ` diff_fun_space ⊆ diff_fun_space"
using X vector_field_is_derivation unfolding is_derivation_on_def by auto
show "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf p. (a *⇩R X) p f)"
using linear_on_compose[OF derX(1) diff_fun_space.m1.linear_scale_self derX(3)]
by (simp add: o_def, metis local_simps)
show "(λp. (a *⇩R X) p (f * g)) = f * (λp. (a *⇩R X) p g) + g * (λp. (a *⇩R X) p f)"
if "f∈diff_fun_space" "g∈diff_fun_space" for f g
proof -
have "(λp. a * X p (f * g)) = (λx. a) * (λp. X p (f * g))" by auto
then show "(λp. (a *⇩R X) p (f * g)) = f * (λp. (a *⇩R X) p g) + g * (λp. (a *⇩R X) p f)"
using derX(2)[OF that] by (auto simp: distrib_left)
show "(λf p. (a *⇩R X) p f) ` diff_fun_space ⊆ diff_fun_space"
using derX(3) diff_fun_space.m1.mem_scale by (auto, metis image_subset_iff local_simps)
show "extensional0 diff_fun_space (λf p. (a *⇩R X) p f)"
using X[unfolded smooth_vector_field_def] ext0_vec_field_apply_fun
by (meson extensional0_scaleR rough_vector_field_scaleR)
have svf_add: "smooth_vector_field (X + Y)"
if X: "smooth_vector_field X" and Y: "smooth_vector_field Y"
for X Y
proof (intro svf_if_derivI, intro conjI ballI)
have derX: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf p. X p f)"
"(⋀f g. f∈diff_fun_space ⟹ g∈diff_fun_space ⟹ X ˝ (f * g) = f * (X ˝ g) + g * (X ˝ f))"
"(λf p. X p f) ` diff_fun_space ⊆ diff_fun_space"
and derY: "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf p. Y p f)"
"(⋀f g. f∈diff_fun_space ⟹ g∈diff_fun_space ⟹ Y ˝ (f * g) = f * (Y ˝ g) + g * (Y ˝ f))"
"(λf p. Y p f) ` diff_fun_space ⊆ diff_fun_space"
using X Y vector_field_is_derivation unfolding is_derivation_on_def by auto
interpret D: vector_space_pair_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space scaleR scaleR by unfold_locales
show "real_linear_on diff_fun_space diff_fun_space (λf p. (X + Y) p f)"
apply (simp, intro D.linear_compose_add[unfolded plus_fun_def])
using derX(1,3) derY(1,3) by auto
show "(λp. (X + Y) p (f * g)) = f * (λp. (X + Y) p g) + g * (λp. (X + Y) p f)"
if "f ∈ diff_fun_space" "g ∈ diff_fun_space" for f g
using derX(2)[OF that] derY(2)[OF that]
by (simp add: plus_fun_def distrib_left, metis (no_types) add.commute add.left_commute)
show "(λf p. (X + Y) p f) ` diff_fun_space ⊆ diff_fun_space"
using derX(3) derY(3) diff_fun_space.m1.mem_add by (auto simp: plus_fun_def)
show "extensional0 diff_fun_space (λf p. (X + Y) p f)"
using X Y ext0_vec_field_apply_fun rough_vector_field_add smooth_vector_field_def by blast
show "extensional0 carrier (X + Y)" by (simp add: X Y smooth_vector_fieldE(2))
interpret vector_space_svf: vector_space_on SVF scaleR_vf
using svf_0 svf_scaleR svf_add SVF_def
by (unfold_locales, auto simp: scaleR_right_distrib scaleR_left_distrib)
have lie_bracket_antisym': "[X;X] = 0"
if X: "smooth_vector_field X" "extensional0 carrier X" for X
using lie_bracket_antisym by (metis one_neq_neg_one scaleR_cancel_right scaleR_minus1_left scaleR_one)
show ?thesis
apply (intro vector_space_svf.lie_algebraI, unfold SVF_def)
using lie_bracket_closed lie_bracket_antisym' lie_bracket_jacobi
by (simp_all add: smooth_vector_fieldE(2))