Theory Denotational-Related
theory "Denotational-Related"
imports Denotational ResourcedDenotational ValueSimilarity
text ‹
Given the similarity relation it is straight-forward to prove that the standard
and the resourced denotational semantics produce similar results. (Theorem 10 in
theorem denotational_semantics_similar:
assumes "ρ ◃▹⇧* σ"
shows "⟦e⟧⇘ρ⇙ ◃▹ (𝒩⟦e⟧⇘σ⇙)⋅C⇧∞"
using assms
proof(induct e arbitrary: ρ σ rule:exp_induct)
case (Var v)
from Var have "ρ v ◃▹ (σ v)⋅C⇧∞" by cases auto
thus ?case by simp
case (Lam v e)
{ fix x y
assume "x ◃▹ y⋅C⇧∞"
with ‹ρ ◃▹⇧* σ›
have "ρ(v := x) ◃▹⇧* σ(v := y)"
by (auto 1 4)
hence "⟦e⟧⇘ρ(v := x)⇙ ◃▹ (𝒩⟦e⟧⇘σ(v := y)⇙)⋅C⇧∞"
by (rule Lam.hyps)
thus ?case by auto
case (App e v ρ σ)
hence App': "⟦e⟧⇘ρ⇙ ◃▹ (𝒩⟦e⟧⇘σ⇙)⋅C⇧∞" by auto
thus ?case
proof (cases rule: slimilar_bot_cases)
case (Fn f g)
from ‹ρ ◃▹⇧* σ›
have "ρ v ◃▹ (σ v)⋅C⇧∞" by auto
thus ?thesis using Fn App' by auto
qed auto
case (Bool b)
thus "⟦Bool b⟧⇘ρ⇙ ◃▹ (𝒩⟦Bool b⟧⇘σ⇙)⋅C⇧∞" by auto
case (IfThenElse scrut e⇩1 e⇩2)
hence IfThenElse':
"⟦ scrut ⟧⇘ρ⇙ ◃▹ (𝒩⟦ scrut ⟧⇘σ⇙)⋅C⇧∞"
"⟦ e⇩1 ⟧⇘ρ⇙ ◃▹ (𝒩⟦ e⇩1 ⟧⇘σ⇙)⋅C⇧∞"
"⟦ e⇩2 ⟧⇘ρ⇙ ◃▹ (𝒩⟦ e⇩2 ⟧⇘σ⇙)⋅C⇧∞" by auto
from IfThenElse'(1)
show ?case
proof (cases rule: slimilar_bot_cases)
case (bool b)
thus ?thesis using IfThenElse' by auto
qed auto
case (Let as e ρ σ)
have "⦃as⦄ρ ◃▹⇧* 𝒩⦃as⦄σ"
proof (rule parallel_HSem_ind_different_ESem[OF pointwise_adm[OF similar_admI] fun_similar_fmap_bottom])
fix ρ' :: "var ⇒ Value" and σ' :: "var ⇒ C → CValue"
assume "ρ' ◃▹⇧* σ'"
show "ρ ++⇘domA as⇙ ❙⟦ as ❙⟧⇘ρ'⇙ ◃▹⇧* σ ++⇘domA as⇙ evalHeap as (λe. 𝒩⟦ e ⟧⇘σ'⇙)"
proof(rule pointwiseI, goal_cases)
case (1 x)
show ?case using ‹ρ ◃▹⇧* σ›
by (auto simp add: lookup_override_on_eq lookupEvalHeap elim: Let(1)[OF _ ‹ρ' ◃▹⇧* σ'›] )
qed auto
hence "⟦e⟧⇘⦃as⦄ρ⇙ ◃▹ (𝒩⟦e⟧⇘𝒩⦃as⦄σ⇙)⋅C⇧∞" by (rule Let(2))
thus ?case by simp
corollary evalHeap_similar:
"⋀y z. y ◃▹⇧* z ⟹ ❙⟦ Γ ❙⟧⇘y⇙ ◃▹⇧* ❙𝒩⟦ Γ ❙⟧⇘z⇙"
by (rule pointwiseI)
(case_tac "x ∈ domA Γ", auto simp add: lookupEvalHeap denotational_semantics_similar)
theorem heaps_similar: "⦃Γ⦄ ◃▹⇧* 𝒩⦃Γ⦄"
by (rule parallel_HSem_ind_different_ESem[OF pointwise_adm[OF similar_admI]])
(auto simp add: evalHeap_similar)