Theory AList-Utils

theory "AList-Utils"
imports Main "HOL-Library.AList"
declare implies_True_equals [simp] False_implies_equals[simp]
text ‹We want to have delete› and update› back in the namespace.›

abbreviation delete where "delete  AList.delete"
abbreviation update where "update  AList.update"
abbreviation restrictA where "restrictA  AList.restrict"
abbreviation clearjunk where "clearjunk  AList.clearjunk"

lemmas restrict_eq = AList.restrict_eq
  and delete_eq = AList.delete_eq

lemma restrictA_append: "restrictA S (a@b) = restrictA S a @ restrictA S b"
  unfolding restrict_eq by (rule filter_append)

lemma length_restrictA_le: "length (restrictA S a)  length a"
  by (metis length_filter_le restrict_eq)

subsubsection ‹The domain of an associative list›

definition domA
  where "domA h = fst ` set h"

lemma domA_append[simp]:"domA (a @ b) = domA a  domA b"
  and [simp]:"domA ((v,e) # h) = insert v (domA h)"
  and [simp]:"domA (p # h) = insert (fst p) (domA h)"
  and [simp]:"domA [] = {}"
  by (auto simp add: domA_def)

lemma domA_from_set:
  "(x, e)  set h  x  domA h"
by (induct h, auto)

lemma finite_domA[simp]:
  "finite (domA Γ)"
  by (auto simp add: domA_def)

lemma domA_delete[simp]:
  "domA (delete x Γ) = domA Γ - {x}"
  by (induct Γ) auto

lemma domA_restrictA[simp]:
  "domA (restrictA S Γ) = domA Γ  S"
  by (induct Γ) auto

lemma delete_not_domA[simp]:
  "x  domA Γ   delete x Γ = Γ"
  by (induct Γ) auto

lemma deleted_not_domA: "x  domA (delete x Γ)"
  by (induct Γ) auto

lemma dom_map_of_conv_domA:
  "dom (map_of Γ) = domA Γ"
  by (induct Γ) (auto simp add: dom_if)

lemma domA_map_of_Some_the:
  "x  domA Γ  map_of Γ x = Some (the (map_of Γ x))"
  by (induct Γ) (auto simp add: dom_if)

lemma domA_clearjunk[simp]: "domA (clearjunk Γ) = domA Γ"
  unfolding domA_def using dom_clearjunk.

lemma the_map_option_domA[simp]: "x  domA Γ  the (map_option f (map_of Γ x)) = f (the (map_of Γ x))"
  by (induction Γ) auto

lemma map_of_domAD: "map_of Γ x = Some e  x  domA Γ"
  using dom_map_of_conv_domA by fastforce

lemma restrictA_noop: "domA Γ  S  restrictA S Γ = Γ"
  unfolding restrict_eq by (induction Γ) auto

lemma restrictA_cong:
  "(x. x  domA m1  x  V  x  V')  m1 = m2  restrictA V m1 = restrictA V' m2"
  unfolding restrict_eq by (induction m1 arbitrary: m2) auto

subsubsection ‹Other lemmas about associative lists›

lemma delete_set_none: "(map_of l)(x := None) = map_of (delete x l)"
proof (induct l)
  case Nil thus ?case by simp
  case (Cons l ls)
  from this[symmetric]
  show ?case
  by (cases "fst l = x") auto

lemma list_size_delete[simp]: "size_list size (delete x l) < Suc (size_list size l)"
  by (induct l) auto

lemma delete_append[simp]: "delete x (l1 @ l2) = delete x l1 @ delete x l2"
  unfolding AList.delete_eq by simp

lemma map_of_delete_insert:
  assumes "map_of Γ x = Some e"
  shows "map_of ((x,e) # delete x Γ) = map_of Γ"
  using assms by (induct Γ) (auto split:prod.split)

lemma map_of_delete_iff[simp]: "map_of (delete x Γ) xa = Some e  (map_of Γ xa = Some e)  xa  x"
  by (metis delete_conv fun_upd_same map_of_delete option.distinct(1))

lemma map_add_domA[simp]: 
  "x  domA Γ  (map_of Δ ++ map_of Γ) x = map_of Γ x"
  "x  domA Γ  (map_of Δ ++ map_of Γ) x = map_of Δ x"
    apply (metis dom_map_of_conv_domA map_add_dom_app_simps(1))
    apply (metis dom_map_of_conv_domA map_add_dom_app_simps(3))

lemma set_delete_subset: "set (delete k al)  set al"
  by (auto simp add: delete_eq)

lemma dom_delete_subset: "snd ` set (delete k al)  snd ` set al"
  by (auto simp add: delete_eq)

lemma ran_map_cong[fundef_cong]:
  "⟦ list_all2 (λ x y. fst x = fst y ∧ f1 (fst x) (snd x) = f2 (fst y) (snd y)) m1 m2 ⟧
      ⟹ map_ran f1 m1 = map_ran f2 m2"    
  by (induction rule: list_all2_induct) auto
lemma map_ran_cong[fundef_cong]:
  "  x . x  set m1  f1 (fst x) (snd x) = f2 (fst x) (snd x) ; m1 = m2 
       map_ran f1 m1 = map_ran f2 m2"    
  by (induction m1 arbitrary: m2) auto

lemma domA_map_ran[simp]: "domA (map_ran f m) = domA m"
  unfolding domA_def by (rule dom_map_ran)

lemma map_ran_delete:
  "map_ran f (delete x Γ) = delete x (map_ran f Γ)"
  by (induction Γ)  auto

lemma map_ran_restrictA:
  "map_ran f (restrictA V Γ) = restrictA V (map_ran f Γ)"
  by (induction Γ)  auto

lemma map_ran_append:
  "map_ran f (Γ@Δ) = map_ran f Γ @ map_ran f Δ"
  by (induction Γ)  auto

subsubsection ‹Syntax for map comprehensions›

definition mapCollect :: "('a  'b  'c)  ('a  'b)  'c set"
  where "mapCollect f m = {f k v | k v . m k = Some v}"

  "_MapCollect" :: "'c  pttrn => pttrn  'a  'b => 'c set"    ((1{_ |/_//_//_/}))
  "_MapCollect" == mapCollect
  "{e | kv  m}" == "CONST mapCollect (λk v. e) m"

lemma mapCollect_empty[simp]: "{f k v | k  v  Map.empty} = {}"
  unfolding mapCollect_def by simp

lemma mapCollect_const[simp]:
  "m  Map.empty  {e | kvm} = {e}"
  unfolding mapCollect_def by auto

lemma mapCollect_cong[fundef_cong]:
  "( k v. m1 k = Some v  f1 k v = f2 k v)  m1 = m2  mapCollect f1 m1 = mapCollect f2 m2"
  unfolding mapCollect_def by force

lemma mapCollectE[elim!]:
  assumes "x  {f k v | k  v  m}"
  obtains k v where "m k = Some v" and "x = f k v"
  using assms by (auto simp add: mapCollect_def)

lemma mapCollectI[intro]:
  assumes  "m k = Some v"
  shows "f k v  {f k v | k  v  m}"
  using assms by (auto simp add: mapCollect_def)

lemma ball_mapCollect[simp]:
  "( x  {f k v | k  v  m}. P x)  ( k v. m k = Some v  P (f k v))"
  by (auto simp add: mapCollect_def)

lemma image_mapCollect[simp]: 
  "g ` {f k v | k  v  m} = { g (f k v) | k  v  m}"
  by (auto simp add: mapCollect_def)

lemma mapCollect_map_upd[simp]:
  "mapCollect f (m(kv)) = insert (f k v) (mapCollect f (m(k := None)))"
unfolding mapCollect_def by auto

definition mapCollectFilter :: "('a  'b  (bool × 'c))  ('a  'b)  'c set"
  where "mapCollectFilter f m = {snd (f k v) | k v . m k = Some v  fst (f k v)}"

  "_MapCollectFilter" :: "'c  pttrn  pttrn  ('a  'b)  bool  'c set"    ((1{_ |/_//_//_/./ _}))
  "_MapCollectFilter" == mapCollectFilter
  "{e | kv  m . P }" == "CONST mapCollectFilter (λk v. (P,e)) m"

lemma mapCollectFilter_const_False[simp]:
  "{e | kv  m . False } = {}"
  unfolding mapCollect_def mapCollectFilter_def by simp

lemma mapCollectFilter_const_True[simp]:
  "{e | kv  m . True } = {e | kv  m}"
  unfolding mapCollect_def mapCollectFilter_def by simp
