Theory AList-Utils
theory "AList-Utils"
imports Main "HOL-Library.AList"
declare implies_True_equals [simp] False_implies_equals[simp]
text ‹We want to have ‹delete› and ‹update› back in the namespace.›
abbreviation delete where "delete ≡ AList.delete"
abbreviation update where "update ≡ AList.update"
abbreviation restrictA where "restrictA ≡ AList.restrict"
abbreviation clearjunk where "clearjunk ≡ AList.clearjunk"
lemmas restrict_eq = AList.restrict_eq
and delete_eq = AList.delete_eq
lemma restrictA_append: "restrictA S (a@b) = restrictA S a @ restrictA S b"
unfolding restrict_eq by (rule filter_append)
lemma length_restrictA_le: "length (restrictA S a) ≤ length a"
by (metis length_filter_le restrict_eq)
subsubsection ‹The domain of an associative list›
definition domA
where "domA h = fst ` set h"
lemma domA_append[simp]:"domA (a @ b) = domA a ∪ domA b"
and [simp]:"domA ((v,e) # h) = insert v (domA h)"
and [simp]:"domA (p # h) = insert (fst p) (domA h)"
and [simp]:"domA [] = {}"
by (auto simp add: domA_def)
lemma domA_from_set:
"(x, e) ∈ set h ⟹ x ∈ domA h"
by (induct h, auto)
lemma finite_domA[simp]:
"finite (domA Γ)"
by (auto simp add: domA_def)
lemma domA_delete[simp]:
"domA (delete x Γ) = domA Γ - {x}"
by (induct Γ) auto
lemma domA_restrictA[simp]:
"domA (restrictA S Γ) = domA Γ ∩ S"
by (induct Γ) auto
lemma delete_not_domA[simp]:
"x ∉ domA Γ ⟹ delete x Γ = Γ"
by (induct Γ) auto
lemma deleted_not_domA: "x ∉ domA (delete x Γ)"
by (induct Γ) auto
lemma dom_map_of_conv_domA:
"dom (map_of Γ) = domA Γ"
by (induct Γ) (auto simp add: dom_if)
lemma domA_map_of_Some_the:
"x ∈ domA Γ ⟹ map_of Γ x = Some (the (map_of Γ x))"
by (induct Γ) (auto simp add: dom_if)
lemma domA_clearjunk[simp]: "domA (clearjunk Γ) = domA Γ"
unfolding domA_def using dom_clearjunk.
lemma the_map_option_domA[simp]: "x ∈ domA Γ ⟹ the (map_option f (map_of Γ x)) = f (the (map_of Γ x))"
by (induction Γ) auto
lemma map_of_domAD: "map_of Γ x = Some e ⟹ x ∈ domA Γ"
using dom_map_of_conv_domA by fastforce
lemma restrictA_noop: "domA Γ ⊆ S ⟹ restrictA S Γ = Γ"
unfolding restrict_eq by (induction Γ) auto
lemma restrictA_cong:
"(⋀x. x ∈ domA m1 ⟹ x ∈ V ⟷ x ∈ V') ⟹ m1 = m2 ⟹ restrictA V m1 = restrictA V' m2"
unfolding restrict_eq by (induction m1 arbitrary: m2) auto
subsubsection ‹Other lemmas about associative lists›
lemma delete_set_none: "(map_of l)(x := None) = map_of (delete x l)"
proof (induct l)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons l ls)
from this[symmetric]
show ?case
by (cases "fst l = x") auto
lemma list_size_delete[simp]: "size_list size (delete x l) < Suc (size_list size l)"
by (induct l) auto
lemma delete_append[simp]: "delete x (l1 @ l2) = delete x l1 @ delete x l2"
unfolding AList.delete_eq by simp
lemma map_of_delete_insert:
assumes "map_of Γ x = Some e"
shows "map_of ((x,e) # delete x Γ) = map_of Γ"
using assms by (induct Γ) (auto split:prod.split)
lemma map_of_delete_iff[simp]: "map_of (delete x Γ) xa = Some e ⟷ (map_of Γ xa = Some e) ∧ xa ≠ x"
by (metis delete_conv fun_upd_same map_of_delete option.distinct(1))
lemma map_add_domA[simp]:
"x ∈ domA Γ ⟹ (map_of Δ ++ map_of Γ) x = map_of Γ x"
"x ∉ domA Γ ⟹ (map_of Δ ++ map_of Γ) x = map_of Δ x"
apply (metis dom_map_of_conv_domA map_add_dom_app_simps(1))
apply (metis dom_map_of_conv_domA map_add_dom_app_simps(3))
lemma set_delete_subset: "set (delete k al) ⊆ set al"
by (auto simp add: delete_eq)
lemma dom_delete_subset: "snd ` set (delete k al) ⊆ snd ` set al"
by (auto simp add: delete_eq)
lemma map_ran_cong[fundef_cong]:
"⟦ ⋀ x . x ∈ set m1 ⟹ f1 (fst x) (snd x) = f2 (fst x) (snd x) ; m1 = m2 ⟧
⟹ map_ran f1 m1 = map_ran f2 m2"
by (induction m1 arbitrary: m2) auto
lemma domA_map_ran[simp]: "domA (map_ran f m) = domA m"
unfolding domA_def by (rule dom_map_ran)
lemma map_ran_delete:
"map_ran f (delete x Γ) = delete x (map_ran f Γ)"
by (induction Γ) auto
lemma map_ran_restrictA:
"map_ran f (restrictA V Γ) = restrictA V (map_ran f Γ)"
by (induction Γ) auto
lemma map_ran_append:
"map_ran f (Γ@Δ) = map_ran f Γ @ map_ran f Δ"
by (induction Γ) auto
subsubsection ‹Syntax for map comprehensions›
definition mapCollect :: "('a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('a ⇀ 'b) ⇒ 'c set"
where "mapCollect f m = {f k v | k v . m k = Some v}"
"_MapCollect" :: "'c ⇒ pttrn => pttrn ⇒ 'a ⇀ 'b => 'c set" (‹(1{_ |/_/↦/_/∈/_/})›)
"_MapCollect" == mapCollect
"{e | k↦v ∈ m}" == "CONST mapCollect (λk v. e) m"
lemma mapCollect_empty[simp]: "{f k v | k ↦ v ∈ Map.empty} = {}"
unfolding mapCollect_def by simp
lemma mapCollect_const[simp]:
"m ≠ Map.empty ⟹ {e | k↦v∈m} = {e}"
unfolding mapCollect_def by auto
lemma mapCollect_cong[fundef_cong]:
"(⋀ k v. m1 k = Some v ⟹ f1 k v = f2 k v) ⟹ m1 = m2 ⟹ mapCollect f1 m1 = mapCollect f2 m2"
unfolding mapCollect_def by force
lemma mapCollectE[elim!]:
assumes "x ∈ {f k v | k ↦ v ∈ m}"
obtains k v where "m k = Some v" and "x = f k v"
using assms by (auto simp add: mapCollect_def)
lemma mapCollectI[intro]:
assumes "m k = Some v"
shows "f k v ∈ {f k v | k ↦ v ∈ m}"
using assms by (auto simp add: mapCollect_def)
lemma ball_mapCollect[simp]:
"(∀ x ∈ {f k v | k ↦ v ∈ m}. P x) ⟷ (∀ k v. m k = Some v ⟶ P (f k v))"
by (auto simp add: mapCollect_def)
lemma image_mapCollect[simp]:
"g ` {f k v | k ↦ v ∈ m} = { g (f k v) | k ↦ v ∈ m}"
by (auto simp add: mapCollect_def)
lemma mapCollect_map_upd[simp]:
"mapCollect f (m(k↦v)) = insert (f k v) (mapCollect f (m(k := None)))"
unfolding mapCollect_def by auto
definition mapCollectFilter :: "('a ⇒ 'b ⇒ (bool × 'c)) ⇒ ('a ⇀ 'b) ⇒ 'c set"
where "mapCollectFilter f m = {snd (f k v) | k v . m k = Some v ∧ fst (f k v)}"
"_MapCollectFilter" :: "'c ⇒ pttrn ⇒ pttrn ⇒ ('a ⇀ 'b) ⇒ bool ⇒ 'c set" (‹(1{_ |/_/↦/_/∈/_/./ _})›)
"_MapCollectFilter" == mapCollectFilter
"{e | k↦v ∈ m . P }" == "CONST mapCollectFilter (λk v. (P,e)) m"
lemma mapCollectFilter_const_False[simp]:
"{e | k↦v ∈ m . False } = {}"
unfolding mapCollect_def mapCollectFilter_def by simp
lemma mapCollectFilter_const_True[simp]:
"{e | k↦v ∈ m . True } = {e | k↦v ∈ m}"
unfolding mapCollect_def mapCollectFilter_def by simp