Theory Value

theory "Value"
  imports HOLCF

subsubsection ‹The semantic domain for values and environments›

domain Value = Fn (lazy "Value  Value") | B (lazy "bool discr")

fixrec Fn_project :: "Value  Value  Value"
 where "Fn_project(Fnf) = f"

abbreviation Fn_project_abbr (infix ↓Fn 55)
  where "f ↓Fn v  Fn_projectfv"

lemma [simp]:
  " ↓Fn x = "
  "(Bb) ↓Fn x = "
  by (fixrec_simp)+

fixrec B_project :: "Value  Value  Value  Value" where
  "B_project(Bdb)v1v2 = (if undiscr db then v1 else v2)"

lemma [simp]:
  "B_project(B(Discr b))v1v2 = (if b then v1 else v2)"
  "B_projectv1v2 = "
  "B_project(Fnf)v1v2 = "
by fixrec_simp+

text ‹
A chain in the domain @{typ Value} is either always bottom, or eventually @{term "Fn"} of another

lemma Value_chainE[consumes 1, case_names bot B Fn]:
  assumes "chain Y"
  obtains "Y = (λ _ . )" |
          n b where "Y = (λ m. (if m < n then  else Bb))" |
          n Y' where "Y = (λ m. (if m < n then  else Fn(Y' (m-n))))" "chain Y'"
proof(cases "Y = (λ _ . )")
  case True
  thus ?thesis by (rule that(1))
  case False
  hence " i. Y i  " by auto
  hence " n. Y n    (m. Y m    m  n)"
    by (rule exE)(rule ex_has_least_nat)
  then obtain n where "Y n  " and "m. m < n  Y m = " by fastforce
  hence "( f. Y n = Fnf)  ( b. Y n = Bb)" by (metis Value.exhaust)
  thus ?thesis
    assume "( f. Y n = Fnf)"
    then obtain f where "Y n = Fn  f" by blast
      fix i
      from chain Y have "Y n  Y (i+n)" by (metis chain_mono le_add2)
      with Y n = _
      have " g. (Y (i+n) = Fn  g)"
        by (metis Value.dist_les(1) Value.exhaust below_bottom_iff)
    then obtain Y' where Y': " i. Y (i + n) = Fn  (Y' i)" by metis

    have "Y = (λm. if m < n then  else Fn(Y' (m - n)))"
        using m. _ Y' by (metis add_diff_inverse add.commute)
    have"chain Y'" using chain Y
      by (auto intro!:chainI elim: chainE  simp add: Value.inverts[symmetric] Y'[symmetric] simp del: Value.inverts)
    show ?thesis by (rule that(3))
    assume "( b. Y n = Bb)"
    then obtain b where "Y n = Bb" by blast
      fix i
      from chain Y have "Y n  Y (i+n)" by (metis chain_mono le_add2)
      with Y n = _
      have "Y (i+n) = Bb"
        by (metis Value.dist_les(2) Value.exhaust Value.inverts(2) below_bottom_iff discrete_cpo)
    hence  Y': " i. Y (i + n) = Bb" by metis

    have "Y = (λm. if m < n then  else Bb)"
        using m. _ Y' by (metis add_diff_inverse add.commute)
    thus ?thesis by (rule that(2))
