Theory Mojmir

    Author:      Salomon Sickert
    License:     BSD

section ‹Mojmir Automata›

theory Mojmir
  imports Main Semi_Mojmir

subsection ‹Definitions›

locale mojmir_def = semi_mojmir_def +
    ― ‹Final States›
    F :: "'b set"

definition token_succeeds :: "nat  bool"
  "token_succeeds x = (n. token_run x n  F)"

definition token_fails :: "nat  bool"
  "token_fails x = (n. sink (token_run x n)  token_run x n  F)"

definition accept :: "bool" ("acceptM")
  "accept  (x. token_succeeds x)"

definition fail :: "nat set"
  "fail = {x. token_fails x}"

definition merge :: "nat  (nat × nat) set"
  "merge i = {(x, y) | x y n j. j < i
     (token_run x n  token_run y n  rank y n  None  y = Suc n)
     token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n)
     token_run x (Suc n)  F
     rank x n = Some j}"

definition succeed :: "nat  nat set"
  "succeed i = {x. n. rank x n = Some i
     token_run x n  F - {q0}
     token_run x (Suc n)  F}"

definition smallest_accepting_rank :: "nat option"
  "smallest_accepting_rank  (if accept then
    Some (LEAST i. finite fail  finite (merge i)  infinite (succeed i)) else None)"

definition fail_t :: "nat set"
  "fail_t = {n. q q'. state_rank q n  None  q' = δ q (w n)  q'  F  sink q'}"

definition merge_t :: "nat  nat set"
  "merge_t i = {n. q q' j. state_rank q n = Some j  j < i  q' = δ q (w n)  q'  F 
    ((q''. q''  q  q' = δ q'' (w n)  state_rank q'' n  None)  q' = q0)}"

definition succeed_t :: "nat  nat set"
  "succeed_t i = {n. q. state_rank q n = Some i  q  F - {q0}  δ q (w n)  F}"

fun "𝒮"
  "𝒮 n = F  {q. (j  the smallest_accepting_rank. state_rank q n = Some j)}"


locale mojmir = semi_mojmir + mojmir_def +
    ― ‹All states reachable from final states are also final›
    wellformed_F: "q ν. q  F  δ q ν  F"

lemma token_stays_in_final_states:
  "token_run x n  F  token_run x (n + m)  F"
proof (induction m)
  case (Suc m)
    thus ?case
    proof (cases "n + m < x")
      case False
        hence "n + m  x"
          by arith
        then obtain j where "n + m = x + j"
          using le_Suc_ex by blast
        hence "δ (token_run x (n + m)) (suffix x w j) = token_run x (n + (Suc m))"
          unfolding suffix_def by fastforce
        thus ?thesis
          using wellformed_F Suc suffix_nth by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting))
    qed fastforce
qed simp

lemma token_run_enter_final_states:
  assumes "token_run x n  F"
  shows "m  x. token_run x m  F - {q0}  token_run x (Suc m)  F"
proof (cases "x  n")
  case True
    then obtain n' where "token_run x (x + n')  F"
      using assms by force
    hence "m. token_run x (x + m)  F - {q0}  token_run x (x + Suc m)  F"
      by (induction n') ((metis (erased, opaque_lifting) token_stays_in_final_states token_run_intial_state  Diff_iff Nat.add_0_right Suc_eq_plus1 insertCI ), blast)
    thus ?thesis
      by (metis add_Suc_right le_add1)
  case False
    hence "token_run x x  F - {q0}" and "token_run x (Suc x)  F"
      using assms wellformed_F by simp_all
    thus ?thesis
      by blast

subsection ‹Token Properties›

subsubsection ‹Alternative Definitions›

lemma token_succeeds_alt_def:
  "token_succeeds x = (n. token_run x n  F)"
  unfolding token_succeeds_def MOST_nat_le le_iff_add
  using token_stays_in_final_states by blast

lemma token_fails_alt_def:
  "token_fails x = (n. sink (token_run x n)  token_run x n  F)"
  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume ?lhs
  then obtain n where "sink (token_run x n)" and "token_run x n  F"
    using token_fails_def by blast
  hence "m  n. sink (token_run x m)" and "m  n. token_run x m  F"
    using token_stays_in_sink unfolding le_iff_add by auto
  thus ?rhs
    unfolding MOST_nat_le by blast
qed (unfold MOST_nat_le token_fails_def, blast)

lemma token_fails_alt_def_2:
  "token_fails x  ¬token_succeeds x  ¬token_squats x"
  by (metis add.commute token_fails_def token_squats_def token_stays_in_final_states token_stays_in_sink token_succeeds_def)

subsubsection ‹Properties›

lemma token_succeeds_run_merge:
  "x  n  y  n  token_run x n = token_run y n  token_succeeds x  token_succeeds y"
  using token_run_merge token_stays_in_final_states add.commute unfolding token_succeeds_def by metis

lemma token_squats_run_merge:
  "x  n  y  n  token_run x n = token_run y n  token_squats x  token_squats y"
  using token_run_merge token_stays_in_sink add.commute unfolding token_squats_def by metis

subsubsection ‹Pulled-Up Lemmas›

lemma configuration_token_succeeds:
  "x  configuration q n; y  configuration q n  token_succeeds x = token_succeeds y"
  using token_succeeds_run_merge push_down_configuration_token_run by meson

lemma configuration_token_squats:
  "x  configuration q n; y  configuration q n  token_squats x = token_squats y"
  using token_squats_run_merge push_down_configuration_token_run by meson

subsection ‹Mojmir Acceptance›

lemma Mojmir_reject:
  "¬ accept  (x. ¬token_succeeds x)"
  unfolding accept_def Alm_all_def by blast

lemma mojmir_accept_alt_def:
  "accept  finite {x. ¬token_succeeds x}"
  using Inf_many_def Mojmir_reject by blast

lemma mojmir_accept_initial:
  "q0  F  accept"
  unfolding accept_def MOST_nat_le token_succeeds_def
  using token_run_intial_state by metis

subsection ‹Equivalent Acceptance Conditions›

subsubsection ‹Token-Based Definitions›

lemma merge_token_succeeds:
  assumes "(x, y)  merge i"
  shows "token_succeeds x  token_succeeds y"
proof -
  obtain n j j' where "token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n)"
    and "rank x n = Some j" and "rank y n = Some j'  y = Suc n"
    using assms unfolding merge_def by blast
  hence "x  Suc n" and "y  Suc n"
    using rank_Some_time le_Suc_eq by blast+
  then obtain q where "x  configuration q (Suc n)" and "y  configuration q (Suc n)"
    using token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n) pull_up_token_run_tokens by blast
  thus ?thesis
    using configuration_token_succeeds by blast

lemma merge_subset:
   "i  j  merge i  merge j"
  assume "i  j"
  fix p
  assume "p  merge i"
  then obtain x y n k where "p = (x, y)" and "k < i" and "token_run x n  token_run y n  rank y n  None  y = Suc n"
    and "token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n)" and "token_run x (Suc n)  F" and "rank x n = Some k"
    unfolding merge_def by blast
  hence "k < j"
    using i  j by simp
  have "(x, y)  merge j"
    unfolding merge_def by blast
  thus "p  merge j"
    using p = (x, y) by simp

lemma merge_finite:
  "i  j  finite (merge j)  finite (merge i)"
  using merge_subset by (blast intro: rev_finite_subset)

lemma merge_finite':
  "i < j  finite (merge j)  finite (merge i)"
  using merge_finite[of i j] by force

lemma succeed_membership:
  "token_succeeds x  (i. x  succeed i)"
  (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
  assume ?lhs
  then obtain m where "token_run x m  F"
    unfolding token_succeeds_alt_def MOST_nat_le by blast
  then obtain n where 1: "token_run x n  F - {q0}"
    and 2: "token_run x (Suc n)  F" and "x  n"
    using token_run_enter_final_states by blast
  hence "¬sink (token_run x n)"
  proof (cases "token_run x n  q0")
    case True
      hence "token_run x n  F"
        using token_run x n  F - {q0} by blast
      thus ?thesis
        using token_run x (Suc n)  F token_stays_in_sink unfolding Suc_eq_plus1 by metis
  qed (simp add: sink_def)
  then obtain i where "rank x n = Some i"
    using x  n by fastforce
  show ?rhs
    unfolding succeed_def by blast
qed (unfold token_succeeds_def succeed_def, blast)

lemma stable_rank_succeed:
  assumes "infinite (succeed i)"
      and "x  succeed i"
      and "q0  F"
  shows "¬stable_rank x i"
  assume "stable_rank x i"
  then obtain n where "n'  n. rank x n' = Some i"
    unfolding stable_rank_def MOST_nat_le by rule

  from assms(2) obtain m where "token_run x m  F"
    and "token_run x (Suc m)  F"
    and "rank x m = Some i"
    using assms(3) unfolding succeed_def by force

  obtain y where "y > max n m" and "y  succeed i"
    using assms(1) unfolding infinite_nat_iff_unbounded by blast

  then obtain m' where "token_run y m'  F"
    and "token_run y (Suc m')  F"
    and "rank y m' = Some i"
    using assms(3) unfolding succeed_def by force


  ― ‹token has still rank i at m'›
  have "m'  n"
    using rank_Some_time[OF rank y m' = Some i] y > max n m by force
  hence "rank x m' = Some i"
    using  n'  n. rank x n' = Some i by blast


  ― ‹but x and y are not in the same state›
  have "m'  Suc m"
    using rank_Some_time[OF rank y m' = Some i] y > max n m by force
  hence "token_run x m'  F"
    using token_stays_in_final_states[OF token_run x (Suc m)  F]
    unfolding le_iff_add by fast
  with token_run y m'  F have "token_run y m'  token_run x m'"
    by metis


  show "False"
    using push_down_rank_tokens by force

lemma stable_rank_bounded:
  assumes stable: "stable_rank x j"
  assumes inf: "infinite (succeed i)"
  assumes "q0  F"
  shows "j < i"
proof -
  from stable obtain m where "m'  m. rank x m' = Some j"
    unfolding stable_rank_def MOST_nat_le by rule
  from inf obtain y where "y  m" and "y  succeed i"
    unfolding infinite_nat_iff_unbounded_le by meson
  then obtain n where "rank y n = Some i"
    unfolding succeed_def MOST_nat_le by blast


  hence "n  y"
    by (rule rank_Some_time)
  hence "rank x n = Some j"
    using m'  m. rank x m' = Some j y  m by fastforce


  ― ‹In the case @{term "i  j"}, the token y has also to stabilise with @{term i} at @{term n}.›
  have "i  j  stable_rank y i"
    using stable by (blast intro: stable_rank_tower)
  thus "j < i"
    using stable_rank_succeed[OF inf y  succeed i q0  F] by linarith

― ‹Relation to Mojmir Acceptance›

lemma mojmir_accept_token_set_def1:
  assumes "accept"
  shows "i < max_rank. finite fail  finite (merge i)  infinite (succeed i)  (j < i. finite (succeed j))"
proof (rule+)
  define i where "i = (LEAST k. infinite (succeed k))"

  from assms have "infinite {t. token_succeeds t}"
    unfolding mojmir_accept_alt_def by force


  have "{x. token_succeeds x} = {succeed i | i. i < max_rank}"
    (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof -
    have "?lhs = {succeed i | i. True}"
      using succeed_membership by blast
    have " = ?rhs"
      show "  ?rhs"
        fix x
        assume "x  {succeed i |i. True}"
        then obtain i where "x  succeed i"
          by blast
        ― ‹Obtain upper bound for succeed ranks›
        have "u. u  max_rank  succeed u = {}"
          unfolding succeed_def using rank_upper_bound by fastforce
        show "x  {succeed i |i. i < max_rank}"
          by (cases "i < max_rank") (blast, simp)
    qed blast
    show ?thesis .


  have "j. infinite (succeed j)"
    by force
  hence "infinite (succeed i)" and "j. j < i  finite (succeed j)"
    unfolding i_def by (metis LeastI_ex, metis not_less_Least)
  hence fin_succeed_ranks: "finite ({succeed j | j. j < i})"
    by auto

  ― ‹@{term i} is bounded by @{term max_rank}
    obtain x where "x  succeed i"
      using infinite (succeed i) by fastforce
    then obtain n where "rank x n = Some i"
      unfolding succeed_def by blast
    thus "i < max_rank"
      by (rule rank_upper_bound)

  define S where "S = {(x, y). token_succeeds x  token_succeeds y}"

  have "finite (merge i  S)"
  proof (rule finite_product)
      fix x y
      assume "(x, y)  (merge i  S)"

      then obtain n k k'' where "k < i"
        and "rank x n = Some k"
        and "rank y n = Some k''  y = Suc n"
        and "token_run x (Suc n)  F"
        and "token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n)"
        and "token_succeeds x"
        unfolding merge_def S_def by fast

      then obtain m where "token_run x (Suc n + m)  F"
        and "token_run x (Suc (Suc n + m))  F"
        by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 add.commute token_run_P[of "λq. q  F"] token_stays_in_final_states token_succeeds_def)


      have "x  Suc n" and "y  Suc n" and "x  Suc n + m" and "y  Suc n + m"
        using rank_Some_time rank x n = Some k rank y n = Some k''  y = Suc n by fastforce+

      hence "token_run y (Suc n + m)  F" and "token_run y (Suc (Suc n + m))  F"
        using token_run x (Suc n + m)  F token_run x (Suc (Suc n + m))  F token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n)
        using token_run_merge token_run_merge_Suc by metis+


      have "¬sink (token_run x (Suc n + m))"
        using token_run x (Suc n + m)  F token_run x (Suc(Suc n + m))  F
        using token_is_not_in_sink by blast

      ― ‹Obtain rank used to enter final›
      obtain k' where "rank x (Suc n + m) = Some k'"
        using ¬sink (token_run x (Suc n + m)) x  Suc n + m by fastforce


      hence "rank y (Suc n + m) = Some k'"
        by (metis x  Suc n + m y  Suc n + m token_run_merge x  Suc n y  Suc n
                  token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n) pull_up_token_run_tokens
                  pull_up_configuration_rank[of x _ "Suc n + m" y])


      ― ‹Rank used to enter final states is strictly bounded by i›
      have "k' < i"
        using rank x (Suc n + m) = Some k' rank_monotonic[OF rank x n = Some k] k < i
        unfolding add_Suc_shift by fastforce


      have "x  {succeed j | j. j < i}" and "y  {succeed j | j. j < i}"
        unfolding succeed_def by blast+
    hence "fst ` (merge i  S)  {succeed j | j. j < i}" and "snd ` (merge i  S)  {succeed j | j. j < i}"
      by force+
    thus "finite (fst ` (merge i  S))" and "finite (snd ` (merge i  S))"
      using finite_subset[OF _ fin_succeed_ranks] by meson+


  have "finite (merge i  (UNIV - S))"
  proof -
    obtain l where l_def: "x  l. token_succeeds x"
      using assms unfolding accept_def MOST_nat_le by blast
      fix x y
      assume "(x, y)  merge i  (UNIV - S)"
      hence "¬token_succeeds x  ¬token_succeeds y"
        unfolding S_def by simp
      hence "¬token_succeeds x  ¬token_succeeds y"
        using merge_token_succeeds (x, y)  merge i  (UNIV - S) by blast
      hence "x < l" and "y < l"
        by (metis l_def le_eq_less_or_eq linear)+
    hence "merge i  (UNIV - S)  {0..l} × {0..l}"
      by fastforce
    thus ?thesis
      using finite_subset by blast


  have "finite (merge i)"
    by (metis Int_Diff Un_Diff_Int finite_UnI inf_top_right)
  have "finite fail"
    by (metis assms mojmir_accept_alt_def fail_def token_fails_alt_def_2 infinite_nat_iff_unbounded_le mem_Collect_eq)
  show "finite fail  finite (merge i)  infinite (succeed i)  (j < i. finite (succeed j))"
    using infinite (succeed i) j. j < i  finite (succeed j) by blast

lemma mojmir_accept_token_set_def2:
  assumes "finite fail"
      and "finite (merge i)"
      and "infinite (succeed i)"
  shows "accept"
proof (rule ccontr, cases "q0  F")
  case True
    assume "¬ accept"
    have "finite {x. ¬token_succeeds x  ¬token_squats x}"
      using finite fail unfolding fail_def token_fails_alt_def_2[symmetric] .
    have X: "{x. ¬ token_succeeds x} = {x. ¬ token_succeeds x  token_squats x}  {x. ¬ token_succeeds x  ¬ token_squats x}"
      by blast
    have inf: "infinite {x. ¬token_succeeds x  token_squats x}"
      unfolding mojmir_accept_alt_def X by blast

    ― ‹Obtain j, where j is the rank used by infinitely many configuration stabilising and not succeeding›
    have "{x. ¬token_succeeds x  token_squats x} = {x. j < i. ¬token_succeeds x  token_squats x  stable_rank x j}"
      using stable_rank_bounded infinite (succeed i) q0  F
      unfolding stable_rank_equiv_token_squats by metis
    have " = {{x.  ¬token_succeeds x  token_squats x  stable_rank x j} | j. j < i}"
      by blast
    obtain j where "j < i" and "infinite {t. ¬token_succeeds t  token_squats t  stable_rank t j}"
      (is "infinite ?S")
      using inf by force

    ― ‹Obtain such a token x›
    then obtain x where "¬token_succeeds x" and "token_squats x" and "stable_rank x j"
      unfolding infinite_nat_iff_unbounded_le by blast
    then obtain n where "m  n. rank x m = Some j"
      unfolding stable_rank_def MOST_nat_le by blast

    ― ‹All configuration with same stable rank are bought at some n with rank smaller i›
    have "{(x, y) | y. y > n  stable_rank y j}  merge i"
      (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
      fix p
      assume "p  ?lhs"
      then obtain y where "p = (x, y)" and "y > n" and "stable_rank y j"
        by blast
      hence "x < y" and "x  y"
        using rank_Some_time n'n. rank x n' = Some j by fastforce+


      ― ‹Obtain a time n'' where x and y have the same rank›
      obtain n'' where "rank x n'' = Some j" and "rank y n'' = Some j"
        using n'n. rank x n' = Some j stable_rank y j
        unfolding stable_rank_def MOST_nat_le by (metis add.commute le_add2)
      hence "token_run x n'' = token_run y n''" and "y  n''"
        using push_down_rank_tokens rank_Some_time[OF rank y n'' = Some j] by simp_all

      ― ‹Obtain the time n' where x merges y and proof all necessary properties›
      then obtain n' where "token_run x n'  token_run y n'  y = Suc n'"
        and "token_run x (Suc n') = token_run y (Suc n')" and "y  Suc n'"
        using token_run_mergepoint[OF x < y] le_add_diff_inverse by metis


      hence "(j'. rank y n' = Some j')  y = Suc n'"
        using stable_rank y j stable_rank_equiv_token_squats rank_token_squats
        unfolding le_Suc_eq by blast


      have "rank x n' = Some j"
        using n'n. rank x n' = Some j y  Suc n' y > n by fastforce


      have "token_run x (Suc n')  F"
        using ¬ token_succeeds x token_succeeds_def by blast

      show "p  ?rhs"
        unfolding merge_def p = (x, y)
        using j < i by blast


    ― ‹However, x merges infinitely many configuration›
    hence "infinite {(x, y) | y. y > n  stable_rank y j}"
      (is "infinite ?S'")
    proof -
          fix y
          assume "stable_rank y j" and "y > n"
          then obtain n' where "rank y n' = Some j"
            unfolding stable_rank_def MOST_nat_le by blast
          hence "y  n'"
            by (rule rank_Some_time)
          hence "n' > n"
            using y > n by arith
          hence "rank x n' = Some j"
            using n'  n. rank x n' = Some j by simp
          have "¬token_succeeds y"
            by (metis ¬token_succeeds x configuration_token_succeeds push_down_rank_tokens)
        hence "{y | y. y > n  stable_rank y j} = {y | y. token_squats y  ¬token_succeeds y  stable_rank y j   y > n}"
          (is "_ = ?S''")
          using stable_rank_equiv_token_squats by blast
        have "finite {y | y. token_squats y  ¬token_succeeds y  stable_rank y j   y  n}"
          (is "finite ?S'''")
          by simp
        have "?S = ?S''  ?S'''"
          by auto
        have "infinite {y | y. y > n  stable_rank y j}"
          using infinite ?S by simp
      have "{x} × {y. y > n  stable_rank y j} = ?S'"
        by auto
      show ?thesis
        by (metis empty_iff finite_cartesian_productD2 singletonI)


    have "infinite (merge i)"
      by (rule infinite_super)
    with finite (merge i) show "False"
      by blast
qed (blast intro: mojmir_accept_initial)

theorem mojmir_accept_iff_token_set_accept:
  "accept  (i < max_rank. finite fail  finite (merge i)  infinite (succeed i))"
  using mojmir_accept_token_set_def1 mojmir_accept_token_set_def2 by blast

theorem mojmir_accept_iff_token_set_accept2:
  "accept  (i < max_rank. finite fail  finite (merge i)  infinite (succeed i)  (j < i. finite (merge j)  finite (succeed j)))"
  using mojmir_accept_token_set_def1 mojmir_accept_token_set_def2 merge_finite' by blast

subsubsection ‹Time-Based Definitions›

― ‹Proof Rules›

lemma finite_monotonic_image:
  fixes A B :: "nat set"
  assumes "i. i  A  i  f i"
  assumes "f ` A = B"
  shows "finite A  finite B"
  assume "finite B"
  thus "finite A"
  proof (cases "B  {}")
    case True
      hence "i. i  A  i  Max B"
        by (metis assms Max_ge_iff finite B imageI)
      thus "finite A"
        unfolding finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by blast
  qed (metis assms(2) image_is_empty)
qed (metis assms(2) finite_imageI)

lemma finite_monotonic_image_pairs:
  fixes A :: "(nat × nat) set"
  fixes B :: "nat set"
  assumes "i. i  A  (fst i)  f i + c"
  assumes "i. i  A  (snd i)  f i + d"
  assumes "f ` A = B"
  shows "finite A  finite B"
  assume "finite B"
  thus "finite A"
  proof (cases "B  {}")
    case True
      hence "i. i  A  fst i  Max B + c  snd i  Max B + d"
        by (metis assms Max_ge_iff finite B imageI le_diff_conv)
      thus "finite A"
        using finite_product[of A] unfolding finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by blast
  qed (metis assms(3) finite.emptyI image_is_empty)
qed (metis assms(3) finite_imageI)

lemma token_time_finite_rule:
  fixes A B :: "nat set"
  assumes unique:  "x y z. P x y  P x z  y = z"
      and existsA: "x. x  A  (y. P x y)"
      and existsB: "y. y  B  (x. P x y)"
      and inA:     "x y. P x y  x  A"
      and inB:     "x y. P x y  y  B"
      and mono:    "x y. P x y  x  y"
  shows "finite A  finite B"
proof (rule finite_monotonic_image)
  let ?f = "(λx. if x  A then The (P x) else undefined)"

    fix x
    assume "x  A"
    then obtain y where "P x y" and "y = ?f x"
      using existsA the_equality unique by metis
    thus "x  ?f x"
      using mono by blast

    fix y
    have "y  ?f ` A  (x. x  A  y = The (P x))"
      unfolding image_def by force
    have "  (x. P x y)"
      by (metis inA existsA unique the_equality)
    have "  y  B"
      using inB existsB by blast
    have "y  ?f ` A  y  B"
  thus "?f ` A = B"
    by blast

lemma token_time_finite_pair_rule:
  fixes A :: "(nat × nat) set"
  fixes B :: "nat set"
  assumes unique:  "x y z. P x y  P x z  y = z"
      and existsA: "x. x  A  (y. P x y)"
      and existsB: "y. y  B  (x. P x y)"
      and inA:     "x y. P x y  x  A"
      and inB:     "x y. P x y  y  B"
      and mono:    "x y. P x y  fst x  y + c  snd x  y + d"
  shows "finite A  finite B"
proof (rule finite_monotonic_image_pairs)
  let ?f = "(λx. if x  A then The (P x) else undefined)"

    fix x
    assume "x  A"
    then obtain y where "P x y" and "y = ?f x"
      using existsA the_equality unique by metis
    thus "fst x  ?f x + c" and "snd x  ?f x + d"
      using mono by blast+

    fix y
    have "y  ?f ` A  (x. x  A  y = The (P x))"
      unfolding image_def by force
    have "  (x. P x y)"
      by (metis inA existsA unique the_equality)
    have "  y  B"
      using inB existsB by blast
    have "y  ?f ` A  y  B"
  thus "?f ` A = B"
    by blast

― ‹Correspondence Between Token- and Time-Based Definitions›

lemma fail_t_inclusion:
  assumes "x  n"
  assumes "¬sink (token_run x n)"
  assumes "sink (token_run x (Suc n))"
  assumes "token_run x (Suc n)  F"
  shows "n  fail_t"
proof -
  define q q' where "q = token_run x n" and "q' = token_run x (Suc n)"
  hence *: "¬sink q" "sink q'" and "q'  F"
    using assms by blast+
  from * have **: "state_rank q n  None"
    unfolding q_def by (metis oldest_token_always_def option.distinct(1) state_rank_None)
  from ** have "q' = δ q (w n)"
    unfolding q_def q'_def using assms(1) token_run_step' by blast
  show "n  fail_t"
    unfolding fail_t_def by blast

lemma merge_t_inclusion:
  assumes "x  n"
  assumes "(j'. token_run x n  token_run y n  y  n  state_rank (token_run y n) n = Some j')  y = Suc n"
  assumes "token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n)"
  assumes "token_run x (Suc n)  F"
  assumes "state_rank (token_run x n) n = Some j"
  assumes "j < i"
  shows "n  merge_t i"
proof -
  define q q' q''
    where "q = token_run x n"
      and "q' = token_run x (Suc n)"
      and "q'' = token_run y n"
  have "y  Suc n"
    using assms(2) by linarith
  hence "(q' = δ q'' (w n)  state_rank q'' n  None  q''  q)  q' = q0"
    unfolding q_def q'_def q''_def using assms(2-3)
    by (cases "y = Suc n") ((metis token_run_intial_state), (metis option.distinct(1) token_run_step))
  have "state_rank q n = Some j  j < i  q' = δ q (w n)  q'  F"
    unfolding q_def q'_def using token_run_step[OF assms(1)] assms(4-6) by blast
  show "n  merge_t i"
    unfolding merge_t_def by blast

lemma succeed_t_inclusion:
  assumes "rank x n = Some i"
  assumes "token_run x n  F - {q0}"
  assumes "token_run x (Suc n)  F"
  shows "n  succeed_t i"
proof -
  define q where "q = token_run x n"
  hence "state_rank q n = Some i" and "q  F - {q0}" and "δ q (w n)  F"
    using token_run_step' rank_Some_time[OF assms(1)] assms rank_eq_state_rank by auto
  thus "n  succeed_t i"
    unfolding succeed_t_def by blast

lemma finite_fail_t:
  "finite fail = finite fail_t"
proof (rule token_time_finite_rule)
  let ?P = "(λx n. x  n
     ¬sink (token_run x n)
     sink (token_run x (Suc n))
     token_run x (Suc n)  F)"

    fix x
    have "¬sink (token_run x x)"
      unfolding sink_def by simp

    assume "x  fail"
    hence "token_fails x"
      unfolding fail_def ..
    then obtain y'' where "sink (token_run x (Suc (x + y'')))"
      unfolding token_fails_alt_def MOST_nat
      using ¬ sink (token_run x x) less_add_Suc2 by blast
    then obtain y' where "¬sink (token_run x (x + y'))" and "sink (token_run x (Suc (x + y')))"
      using token_run_P[of "λq. sink q", OF ¬sink (token_run x x)] by blast
    show "y. ?P x y"
      using token_fails_alt_def_2 token_succeeds_def by (metis le_add1)

    fix y
    assume "y  fail_t"
    then obtain q q' i where "state_rank q y = Some i" and "q' = δ q (w y)" and "q'  F" and "sink q'"
      unfolding fail_t_def by blast
    then obtain x where "token_run x y = q" and "x  y"
      by (blast dest: push_down_state_rank_token_run)
    hence "token_run x (Suc y) = q'"
      using token_run_step[OF _ _ q' = δ q (w y)] by blast
    show "x. ?P x y"
      by (metis option.distinct(1) state_rank_sink)

    fix x y
    assume "?P x y"
    thus "x  fail" and "x  y" and "y  fail_t"
      unfolding fail_def using token_fails_def fail_t_inclusion by blast+

  ― ‹Uniqueness›
    fix x y z
    assume "?P x y" and "?P x z"
    from ?P x y have "¬sink (token_run x y)" and "sink (token_run x (Suc y))"
      by blast+
    from ?P x z have "¬sink (token_run x z)" and "sink (token_run x (Suc z))"
      by blast+
    show "y = z"
      using token_stays_in_sink
      by (cases y z rule: linorder_cases, simp_all)
         (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_leI le_add_diff_inverse)+

lemma finite_succeed_t':
  assumes "q0  F"
  shows "finite (succeed i) = finite (succeed_t i)"
proof (rule token_time_finite_rule)
  let ?P = "(λx n. x  n
     state_rank (token_run x n) n = Some i
     (token_run x n)  F - {q0}
     (token_run x (Suc n))  F)"

    fix x
    assume "x  succeed i"
    then obtain y where "token_run x y  F - {q0}" and "token_run x (Suc y)  F" and "rank x y = Some i"
       unfolding succeed_def by force
    hence "rank (senior x y) y = Some i"
      using rank_Some_time[THEN rank_senior_senior] by presburger
    hence "state_rank (token_run x y) y = Some i"
      unfolding state_rank_eq_rank senior.simps by (metis oldest_token_always_def option.sel option.simps(5))
    show "y. ?P x y"
      using rank_Some_time by blast

    fix y
    assume "y  succeed_t i"
    then obtain q where "state_rank q y = Some i" and "q  F - {q0}" and "(δ q (w y))  F"
      unfolding succeed_t_def by blast
    then obtain x where "q = token_run x y" and "x  y"
      by (metis oldest_token_bounded push_down_oldest_token_token_run push_down_state_rank_oldest_token)
    hence "token_run x (Suc y)  F"
      using token_run_step (δ q (w y))  F by simp
    show "x. ?P x y"
      by meson

    fix x y
    assume "?P x y"
    thus "x  y" and "x  succeed i" and "y  succeed_t i"
      unfolding succeed_def using rank_eq_state_rank[of x y] succeed_t_inclusion
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq)+

  ― ‹Uniqueness›
    fix x y z
    assume "?P x y" and "?P x z"
    from ?P x y have "token_run x y  F" and "token_run x (Suc y)  F"
      using q0  F by auto
    from ?P x z have "token_run x z  F" and "token_run x (Suc z)  F"
      using q0  F by auto
    show "y = z"
      using token_stays_in_final_states
      by (cases y z rule: linorder_cases, simp_all)
         (metis le_Suc_ex less_Suc_eq_le not_le)+

lemma initial_in_F_token_run:
  assumes "q0  F"
  shows "token_run x y  F"
  using assms token_stays_in_final_states[of _ 0] by fastforce

lemma finite_succeed_t'':
  assumes "q0  F"
  shows "finite (succeed i) = finite (succeed_t i)"
  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  have "succeed_t i = {n. state_rank q0 n = Some i}"
    unfolding succeed_t_def using initial_in_F_token_run assms wellformed_F by auto
  have "... = {n. rank n n = Some i}"
    unfolding rank_eq_state_rank[OF order_refl] token_run_intial_state ..
  have succeed_t_alt_def: "succeed_t i = {n. rank n n = Some i  token_run n n = q0}"
    by simp

  have succeed_alt_def: "succeed i = {x. n. rank x n = Some i  token_run x n = q0}"
    unfolding succeed_def using initial_in_F_token_run[OF assms] by auto

    assume ?lhs
    have "succeed_t i  succeed i"
      unfolding succeed_t_alt_def succeed_alt_def by blast
    show ?rhs
      by (rule rev_finite_subset)

    assume ?rhs
    then obtain U where U_def: "x. x  succeed_t i  U  x"
      unfolding finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by blast
      fix x
      assume "x  succeed i"
      then obtain n where "rank x n = Some i" and "token_run x n = q0"
        unfolding succeed_alt_def by blast
      hence "x  n"
        by (blast dest: rank_Some_time)
      hence "rank n n = Some i"
        using rank x n = Some i token_run x n = q0
        by (metis order_refl token_run_intial_state[of n] pull_up_token_run_tokens pull_up_configuration_rank)
      hence "n  succeed_t i"
        unfolding succeed_t_alt_def by simp
      have "U  x"
        using U_def by fastforce
    thus ?lhs
      unfolding finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by blast

lemma finite_succeed_t:
  "finite (succeed i) = finite (succeed_t i)"
  using finite_succeed_t' finite_succeed_t'' by blast

lemma finite_merge_t:
  "finite (merge i) = finite (merge_t i)"
proof (rule token_time_finite_pair_rule)
  let ?P = "(λ(x, y) n. j. x  n
     ((j'. token_run x n  token_run y n  y  n  state_rank (token_run y n) n = Some j')  y = Suc n)
     token_run x (Suc n) = token_run y (Suc n)
     token_run x (Suc n)  F
     state_rank (token_run x n) n = Some j
     j < i)"

    fix x
    assume "x  merge i"
    then obtain t t' n j where 1: "x = (t, t')"
      and 3: "(j'. token_run t n  token_run t' n  rank t' n = Some j')   t' = Suc n"
      and 4: "token_run t (Suc n) = token_run t' (Suc n)"
      and 5: "token_run t (Suc n)  F"
      and 6: "rank t n = Some j"
      and 7:  "j < i"
      unfolding merge_def by blast
    hence 8: "t  n" and 9: "t'  Suc n"
      using rank_Some_time le_Suc_eq by blast+
    hence 10: "state_rank (token_run t n) n = Some j"
      using rank t n = Some j rank_eq_state_rank by metis
    show "y. ?P x y"
    proof (cases "t' = Suc n")
      case False
        hence "t'  n"
          using t'  Suc n by simp
        with 1 3 4 5 7 8 10 show ?thesis
          unfolding rank_eq_state_rank[OF t'  n] by blast
    qed blast

    fix y
    assume "y  merge_t i"
    then obtain q q' j where 1: "state_rank q y = Some j"
      and 2: "j < i"
      and 3: "q' = δ q (w y)"
      and 4: "q'  F"
      and 5: "(q''. q' = δ q'' (w y)  state_rank q'' y  None  q''  q)  q' = q0"
      unfolding merge_t_def by blast

    then obtain t where 6: "q = token_run t y" and 7: "t  y"
      using push_down_state_rank_token_run by metis
    hence 8: "q' = token_run t (Suc y)"
      unfolding q' = δ q (w y) using token_run_step by simp

      assume "q' = q0"
      hence "token_run t (Suc y) = token_run (Suc y) (Suc y)"
        unfolding 8 by simp
      then obtain x where "x = (t, Suc y)"
        by simp
      have "?P x y"
        using 1 2 3 4 5 7 unfolding 6 8 by force
      hence "x. ?P x y"
        by blast
      assume "q'  q0"
      then obtain q'' j' where 9: "q' = δ q'' (w y)"
        and "state_rank q'' y = Some j'"
        and "q''  q"
        using 5 by blast
      then obtain t' where 12: "q'' = token_run t' y" and "t'  y"
        by (blast dest: push_down_state_rank_token_run)
      hence "token_run t (Suc y) = token_run t' (Suc y)"
        using 8 9 token_run_step by presburger
      have "token_run t y  token_run t' y"
        using q''  q unfolding 6 12 ..
      then obtain x where "x = (t, t')"
        by simp
      have "?P x y"
        using 1 2 4 7 unfolding 6 8 by fast
      hence "x. ?P x y"
        by blast
    show "x. ?P x y"
      by blast

    fix x y
    assume "?P x y"
    then obtain t t' j where 1: "x = (t, t')"
      and 3: "t  y"
      and 4: "(j'. token_run t y  token_run t' y  t'  y  state_rank (token_run t' y) y = Some j')  t' = Suc y"
      and 5: "token_run t (Suc y) = token_run t' (Suc y)"
      and 6: "token_run t (Suc y)  F"
      and 7: "state_rank (token_run t y) y = Some j"
      and 8: "j < i"
      by blast

    thus "x  merge i"
    proof (cases "t' = Suc y")
      case False
        hence "t'  y"
          using 4 by blast
        thus ?thesis
          using 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 unfolding merge_def
          unfolding rank_eq_state_rank[OF t'  y, symmetric] rank_eq_state_rank[OF t  y, symmetric]
          by blast
    qed (unfold rank_eq_state_rank[OF t  y, symmetric] merge_def, blast)

    show "y  merge_t i" and "fst x  y + 0  snd x  y + 1"
      using merge_t_inclusion ?P x y by force+

  ― ‹Uniqueness›
    fix x y z
    assume "?P x y" and "?P x z"
    then obtain t t' where "x = (t, t')"
      by blast
    from ?P x y[unfolded x = (t, t')] have y1: "t  y"
      and y2: "(token_run t y  token_run t' y  t'  y)  t' = Suc y"
      and y3: "token_run t (Suc y) = token_run t' (Suc y)" by blast+
    from ?P x z[unfolded x = (t, t')] have z1: "t  z"
      and z2: "(token_run t z  token_run t' z  t'  z)  t' = Suc z"
      and z3: "token_run t (Suc z) = token_run t' (Suc z)" by blast+
    have y4: "t'  Suc y" and z4: "t'  Suc z"
      using y2 z2 by linarith+
    show "y = z"
    proof (cases y z rule: linorder_cases)
      case less
        then obtain d where "Suc y + d = z"
          by (metis add_Suc_right add_Suc_shift less_imp_Suc_add)
        thus ?thesis
          using y1 y2 z2 token_run_merge[OF _ y4 y3] by auto
      case greater
        then obtain d where "Suc z + d = y"
          by (metis add_Suc_right add_Suc_shift less_imp_Suc_add)
        thus ?thesis
          using z1 y2 z2 token_run_merge[OF _ z4 z3] by auto

subsubsection ‹Relation to Mojmir Acceptance›

lemma token_iff_time_accept:
  shows "(finite fail  finite (merge i)  infinite (succeed i)  (j < i. finite (succeed j)))
       = (finite fail_t  finite (merge_t i)  infinite (succeed_t i)  (j < i. finite (succeed_t j)))"
  unfolding finite_fail_t finite_merge_t finite_succeed_t by simp

subsection ‹Succeeding Tokens (Alternative Definition)›

definition stable_rank_at :: "nat  nat  bool"
  "stable_rank_at x n  i. m  n. rank x m = Some i"

lemma stable_rank_at_ge:
  "n  m  stable_rank_at x n  stable_rank_at x m"
  unfolding stable_rank_at_def by fastforce

lemma stable_rank_equiv:
  "(i. stable_rank x i) = (n. stable_rank_at x n)"
  unfolding stable_rank_def MOST_nat_le stable_rank_at_def by blast

lemma smallest_accepting_rank_properties:
  assumes "smallest_accepting_rank = Some i"
  shows "accept" "finite fail" "finite (merge i)" "infinite (succeed i)" "j < i. finite (succeed j)" "i < max_rank"
proof -
  from assms show "accept"
    unfolding smallest_accepting_rank_def using option.distinct(1) by metis
  then obtain i' where "finite fail" and "finite (merge i')" and "infinite (succeed i')"
    and "j < i'. finite (succeed j)" and "i' < max_rank"
    unfolding mojmir_accept_iff_token_set_accept2 by blast
  hence "y. finite fail  finite (merge y)  infinite (succeed y)  i'  y"
    using not_le by blast
  have "(LEAST i. finite fail  finite (merge i)  infinite (succeed i)) = i'"
    using le_antisym unfolding Least_def by (blast dest: the_equality[of _ i'])
  hence "i' = i"
    using smallest_accepting_rank = Some i accept unfolding smallest_accepting_rank_def by simp
  thus "finite fail" and "finite (merge i)" and "infinite (succeed i)"
    and "j < i. finite (succeed j)" and "i < max_rank"
    using finite fail finite (merge i') infinite (succeed i')
    using j < i'. finite (succeed j) i' < max_rank by simp+

lemma token_smallest_accepting_rank:
  assumes "smallest_accepting_rank = Some i"
  shows "n. x. token_succeeds x  (x > n  (j  i. rank x n = Some j)  token_run x n  F)"
proof -
  from assms have "accept" "finite fail" "infinite (succeed i)" "j < i. finite (succeed j)"
    using smallest_accepting_rank_properties by blast+

  then obtain n1 where n1_def: "x  n1. token_succeeds x"
    unfolding accept_def MOST_nat_le by blast
  define n2 where "n2 = Suc (Max (fail_t  {succeed_t j | j. j < i}))" (is "_ = Suc (Max ?S)")
  define n3 where "n3 = Max ({LEAST m. stable_rank_at x m | x. x < n1  token_squats x})" (is "_ = Max ?S'")
  define n where "n = Max {n1, n2, n3}"

  have "finite ?S" and "finite ?S'"
    using finite fail j < i. finite (succeed j)
    unfolding finite_fail_t finite_succeed_t by fastforce+

    fix x
    assume "x < n1" "token_squats x"
    hence "(LEAST m. stable_rank_at x m)  ?S'" (is "?m  _")
      by blast
    hence "?m  n3"
      using Max.coboundedI[OF finite ?S'] n3_def by simp
    obtain k where "stable_rank x k"
      using x < n1 token_squats x stable_rank_equiv_token_squats by blast
    hence "stable_rank_at x ?m"
      by (metis stable_rank_equiv LeastI)
    have "stable_rank_at x n3"
      by (rule stable_rank_at_ge)
    hence "i. m'  n. rank x m' = Some i"
      unfolding n_def stable_rank_at_def by fastforce
  note Stable = this

  have "m j. j < i  m  succeed_t j  m < n"
    using Max.coboundedI[OF finite ?S] unfolding n_def n2_def by fastforce
  hence Succeed: "m j x. n  m  token_run x m  F - {q0}  token_run x (Suc m)  F  rank x m = Some j  i  j"
    by (metis not_le succeed_t_inclusion)

  have "m. m  fail_t  m < n"
    using Max.coboundedI[OF finite ?S] unfolding n_def n2_def by fastforce
  hence Fail: "m x. n  m  x  m  sink (token_run x m)  ¬sink (token_run x (Suc m))  ¬token_run x (Suc m)  F"
    using fail_t_inclusion by fastforce

    fix m x
    assume "m  n" "m  x"
      assume "token_succeeds x" "token_run x m  F"
      then obtain m' where "x  m'" and "token_run x m'  F - {q0}" and "token_run x (Suc m')  F"
        using token_run_enter_final_states unfolding token_succeeds_def by meson
      hence "¬sink (token_run x m')"
        by (metis Diff_empty Diff_insert0 token_run x m  F initial_in_F_token_run token_is_not_in_sink)
      obtain j' where "rank x m' = Some j'"
        by simp
      have "m  m'"
        by (metis token_run x m  F token_stays_in_final_states[OF token_run x (Suc m')  F] add_Suc_right add_Suc_shift less_imp_Suc_add not_le)
      hence "m'  n"
        using x  m m  n by simp
      hence "j'  i"
        using Succeed[OF _ token_run x m'  F - {q0} token_run x (Suc m')  F rank x m' = Some j'] by blast
      obtain k where "rank x x = Some k"
        using rank_initial[of x] by blast
      obtain j where "rank x m = Some j"
        by (metis rank_continuous[OF rank x x = Some k, of "m' - x"] x  m' x  m diff_le_mono le_add_diff_inverse)
      hence "j  i. rank x m = Some j"
        using rank_monotonic rank x m' = Some j' j'  i m  m'[THEN le_Suc_ex]
        by (blast dest: le_Suc_ex trans_le_add1)
      assume "¬token_succeeds x"
      hence "m. token_run x m  F"
        unfolding token_succeeds_def by blast
      have "¬(j  i. rank x m = Some j)"
      proof (cases "token_squats x")
        case True
          ― ‹The token already stabilised›
          have "x < n1"
            using ¬token_succeeds x n1_def by (metis not_le)
          then obtain k where "m'  n. rank x m' = Some k"
            using Stable[OF _ True] by blast
          hence "stable_rank x k"
            unfolding stable_rank_def MOST_nat_le by blast
          have "q0  F"
            by (metis m. token_run x m  F initial_in_F_token_run)
          ― ‹Hence the rank is smaller than i›
          have "k < i" and "rank x m = Some k"
            using stable_rank_bounded infinite (succeed i) n  m by blast+
          thus ?thesis
            by simp
        case False
          ― ‹Then token is already in a sink›
          have "sink (token_run x m)"
          proof (rule ccontr)
            assume "¬sink (token_run x m)"
            obtain m' where "m < m'" and "sink (token_run x m')"
              by (metis False token_squats_def le_add2 not_le not_less_eq_eq token_stays_in_sink)
            obtain m'' where "m  m''" and  "¬sink (token_run x m'')" and "sink (token_run x (Suc m''))"
              by (metis le_add1 less_imp_Suc_add token_run_P)
            thus False
              by (metis Fail m. token_run x m  F n  m x  m le_trans)
          ― ‹Hence there is no rank›
          thus ?thesis
            by simp
      have "¬(j  i. rank x m = Some j)  token_run x m  F"
        by blast
    have "(j  i. rank x m = Some j)  token_run x m  F  token_succeeds x"
      by (cases "token_succeeds x") (blast, simp)
  ― ‹By definition of n all tokens @{term "x. x  n"} succeed›
  have "m x. m  n  ¬x  m  token_succeeds x"
    using n_def n1_def by force
  show ?thesis
    unfolding MOST_nat_le not_le[symmetric] by blast

lemma succeeding_states:
  assumes "smallest_accepting_rank = Some i"
  shows "n. q. ((x  configuration q n. token_succeeds x)  q  𝒮 n)  (q  𝒮 n  (x  configuration q n. token_succeeds x))"
proof -
  obtain n where n_def: "m x. m  n  token_succeeds x = (x > m  (j  i. rank x m = Some j)  token_run x m  F)"
    using token_smallest_accepting_rank[OF assms] unfolding MOST_nat_le by auto
    fix m q
    assume "m  n" "q  F" "x  configuration q m. token_succeeds x"
    then obtain x where "token_run x m = q" and "x  m" and "token_succeeds x"
      by auto
    have "j  i. rank x m = Some j"
      using n_def by simp
    hence "j  i. state_rank q m = Some j"
      using rank_eq_state_rank x  m token_run x m = q by metis
    fix m q x
    assume "m  n" "x  configuration q m"
    hence "x  m" and "token_run x m = q"
      by simp+
    assume "q  𝒮 m"
    hence "(j  i. state_rank q m = Some j)  q  F"
      using assms by fastforce
    have "(j  i. rank x m = Some j)  q  F"
      using rank_eq_state_rank by presburger
    hence "token_succeeds x"
      unfolding n_def[OF m  n] token_run x m = q by presburger
  show ?thesis
    unfolding MOST_nat_le 𝒮.simps assms option.sel by blast

