Theory UGraph_Impl

section "Kruskal on UGraphs"

theory UGraph_Impl
 Kruskal_Impl UGraph

definition "α = (λ(u,w,v). Upair u v)"

subsection "Interpreting Kruskl_Impl› with a UGraph"

abbreviation (in uGraph)
  "getEdges_SPEC csuper_E
     (SPEC (λL. distinct (map α L)  α ` set L = E 
                 ((a, wv, b)set L. w (α (a, wv, b)) = wv)  set L  csuper_E))"

locale uGraph_impl = uGraph E w for E :: "nat uprod set" and w :: "nat uprod  int" +
  fixes getEdges_impl :: "(nat × int × nat) list Heap" and csuper_E :: "(nat × int × nat) set" 
  assumes getEdges_impl:
    "(uncurry0 getEdges_impl, uncurry0 (getEdges_SPEC csuper_E))
        unit_assnk a list_assn (nat_assn ×a int_assn ×a nat_assn)"


  abbreviation "V   (set_uprod ` E)"

  lemma max_node_is_Max_V: " E = α ` set la   max_node la = Max (insert 0 V)"
  proof -
    assume E: "E = α ` set la"
    have *: "fst ` set la  (snd  snd) ` set la = (xset la. case x of (x1, x1a, x2a)  {x1, x2a})"
      by auto force 
    show ?thesis  
    unfolding E using *
    by (auto simp add: α_def  max_node_def prod.case_distrib) 

sublocale s: Kruskal_Impl E "(set_uprod ` E)" set_uprod "λu v e. Upair u v = e"
  "subforest" "uconnectedV"  w α "PR_CONST (λ(u,w,v). RETURN (u,v))"
  "PR_CONST (getEdges_SPEC csuper_E)"
 getEdges_impl "csuper_E" " (λ(u,w,v). return (u,v))" 
  unfolding subforest_def
proof (unfold_locales, goal_cases) 
  show "finite E" by simp
  fix E'
  assume "forest E'  E'  E"
  then show "E'  E" by auto
  show "forest {}  {}  E" apply (auto simp: decycle_def forest_def)
    using epath.elims(2) by fastforce 
  fix X Y
  assume "forest X  X  E" "Y  X" 
  then show "forest Y  Y  E" using forest_mono by auto
  case (5 u v)
  then show ?case unfolding uconnected_def apply auto 
    using epath.elims(2) by force 
  case (6 E1 E2 u v)
  then have "(u, v)  (uconnected E1)" and uv: "u  V" "v  V"
    by auto
  then obtain p where 1: "epath E1 u p v" unfolding uconnected_def by auto 
  from 6 uv have 2: "¬(p.  epath E2 u p v)" unfolding uconnected_def by auto
  from 1 2 have "a b. (a, b)  uconnected E2
            Upair a b  E2  Upair a b  E1" by(rule findaugmenting_edge)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (7 F e u v)
  note f = forest F  F  E
  note notin = e  E - F Upair u v = e
  from notin ecard2 have unv: "uv" by fastforce
  show "(forest (insert e F)  insert e F  E) = ((u, v)  uconnectedV F)"
    assume a: "forest (insert e F)  insert e F  E "
    have "(u, v)  uconnected F" apply(rule insert_stays_forest_means_not_connected)
      using notin a unv by auto
    then show "((u, v)  Restr (uconnected F) V)" by auto
    assume a: "(u, v)  Restr (uconnected F) V"
    have "forest (insert (Upair u v) F)" apply(rule augment_forest_overedges[where E=E])
      using notin f a unv  by auto 
    moreover have "insert e F  E"
      using notin f by auto
    ultimately show "forest (insert e F)  insert e F  E" using notin by auto
  fix F
  assume "FE"
  show "equiv V (uconnectedV F)" by(rule equiv_vert_uconnected)
  case (9 F)
  then show ?case  by auto
  case (10 x y F)
  then show ?case using insert_uconnectedV_per' by metis
  case (11 x)
  then show ?case apply(cases x) by auto
  case (12 u v e)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (13 u v e)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (14 a F e)
  then show ?case using ecard2 by force
  case (15 v)
  then show ?case using ecard2 by auto
  case 16
  show "V  V" by auto
  case 17
  show "finite V" by simp
  case (18 a b e T)
  then show ?case 
    apply auto
    subgoal unfolding uconnected_def apply auto apply(rule exI[where x="[e]"]) apply simp
        using ecard2 by force
    subgoal by force
    subgoal by force 
  case (19 xi x)
  then show ?case by (auto split: prod.splits simp: α_def)
  case 20
  show ?case by auto
  case 21
  show ?case using getEdges_impl by simp
  case (22 l)
  from max_node_is_Max_V[OF 22] show "max_node l = Max (insert 0 V)" .
  case (23)
  then show ?case
    apply sepref_to_hoare by sep_auto 
lemma spanningForest_eq_basis: "spanningForest = s.basis"
  unfolding spanningForest_def  s.basis_def by auto

lemma minSpanningForest_eq_minbasis: "minSpanningForest = s.minBasis"
  unfolding minSpanningForest_def  s.MSF_def spanningForest_eq_basis by auto

lemma kruskal_correct': 
  "<emp> kruskal getEdges_impl (λ(u,w,v). return (u,v)) ()
    <λr.  (distinct r  set r  csuper_E  s.MSF (set (map α r)))>t"
  using s.kruskal_correct_forest   by auto

lemma kruskal_correct:
  "<emp> kruskal getEdges_impl (λ(u,w,v). return (u,v)) ()
    <λr.  (distinct r  set r  csuper_E  minSpanningForest (set (map α r)))>t"
  using s.kruskal_correct_forest minSpanningForest_eq_minbasis  by auto


subsection "Kruskal on UGraph from list of concrete edges"

definition "uGraph_from_list_α_weight L e = (THE w. a' b'. Upair a' b' = e  (a', w, b')  set L)"
abbreviation "uGraph_from_list_α_edges L  α ` set L"

locale fromlist = fixes
  L :: "(nat × int × nat) list"
assumes dist: "distinct (map α L)" and no_selfloop: "u w v. (u,w,v)set L  uv"

lemma not_distinct_map: "aset l  bset l  ab  α a = α b  ¬ distinct (map α l)"
  by (meson distinct_map_eq)  

lemma ii: "(a, aa, b)  set L  uGraph_from_list_α_weight L (Upair a b) = aa"
  unfolding uGraph_from_list_α_weight_def
  apply rule
  subgoal by auto
  apply clarify
  subgoal for w a' b'
    subgoal using distinct_map_eq[OF dist, of "(a, aa, b)" "(a, w, b)"]
      unfolding α_def by auto
    subgoal using distinct_map_eq[OF dist, of "(a, aa, b)" "(a', w, b')"]
      unfolding α_def by fastforce
sublocale uGraph_impl "α ` set L" "uGraph_from_list_α_weight L" "return L" "set L" 
proof (unfold_locales)
  fix e assume *: "e  α ` set L"
  from * obtain u w v where "(u,w,v)  set L" "e = α (u, w, v)" by auto
  then show "proper_uprod e" using no_selfloop unfolding α_def by auto
  show "finite (α ` set L)" by auto
  show "(uncurry0 (return L),uncurry0((SPEC
          (λLa. distinct (map α La)  α ` set La = α ` set L 
       ((aa, wv, ba)set La. uGraph_from_list_α_weight L (α (aa, wv, ba)) = wv)
       set La  set L))))
     unit_assnk a list_assn (nat_assn ×a int_assn ×a nat_assn)"
    apply sepref_to_hoare using dist  apply sep_auto
    subgoal using ii unfolding α_def by auto
    subgoal by simp
    subgoal by (auto simp: pure_fold list_assn_emp)   
lemmas kruskal_correct = kruskal_correct

definition (in -) "kruskal_algo L = kruskal (return L) (λ(u,w,v). return (u,v)) ()"


subsection ‹Outside the locale›

definition uGraph_from_list_invar :: "(nat×int×nat) list  bool" where
  "uGraph_from_list_invar L = (distinct (map α L)  (pset L. case p of (u,w,v) uv))"

lemma uGraph_from_list_invar_conv: "uGraph_from_list_invar L = fromlist L"
  by(auto simp add: uGraph_from_list_invar_def fromlist_def)

lemma uGraph_from_list_invar_subset: 
  "uGraph_from_list_invar L  set L' set L  distinct L'  uGraph_from_list_invar L'"
  unfolding uGraph_from_list_invar_def by (auto simp: distinct_map inj_on_subset)  

lemma  uGraph_from_list_α_inj_on: "uGraph_from_list_invar E  inj_on α (set E)"
  by(auto simp: distinct_map uGraph_from_list_invar_def  )

lemma sum_easier: "uGraph_from_list_invar L 
     set E  set L
     sum (uGraph_from_list_α_weight L) (uGraph_from_list_α_edges E) = sum (λ(u,w,v). w) (set E)"
 proof -
  assume a: "uGraph_from_list_invar L"
  assume b: "set E  set L" 

  have *: "e. eset E 
   ((λe. THE w. a' b'. Upair a' b' = e  (a', w, b')  set L)  α) e
       = (case e of (u, w, v)  w)"
    apply simp
    apply(rule the_equality) 
    subgoal using b by(auto simp: α_def split: prod.splits)   
    subgoal using a b apply(auto simp: uGraph_from_list_invar_def distinct_map split: prod.splits)  
      using α_def 
      by (smt α_def inj_onD prod.inject set_mp)  
  have inj_on_E: "inj_on α (set E)"
    apply(rule inj_on_subset)
    apply(rule uGraph_from_list_α_inj_on) by fact+ 

  show ?thesis
    unfolding uGraph_from_list_α_weight_def
    apply(subst sum.reindex[OF inj_on_E] ) 
    using * by auto 

lemma corr: "uGraph_from_list_invar L 
  <emp> kruskal_algo L
     <λF.  (uGraph_from_list_invar F  set F  set L                
       uGraph.minSpanningForest (uGraph_from_list_α_edges L)
         (uGraph_from_list_α_weight L) (uGraph_from_list_α_edges F))>t"
  apply(sep_auto heap: fromlist.kruskal_correct
          simp: uGraph_from_list_invar_conv kruskal_algo_def  ) 
  using uGraph_from_list_invar_subset uGraph_from_list_invar_conv by simp

lemma "uGraph_from_list_invar L 
  <emp> kruskal_algo L
     <λF.  (uGraph_from_list_invar F  set F  set L 
       uGraph.spanningForest (uGraph_from_list_α_edges L) (uGraph_from_list_α_edges F)
       (F'. uGraph.spanningForest (uGraph_from_list_α_edges L) (uGraph_from_list_α_edges F')
           set F'  set L   sum (λ(u,w,v). w) (set F)  sum (λ(u,w,v). w) (set F')))>t"
proof -
  assume a: "uGraph_from_list_invar L"
  then interpret fromlist L apply unfold_locales by (auto simp: uGraph_from_list_invar_def)
  from a show ?thesis
    by(sep_auto heap: corr simp: minSpanningForest_def sum_easier)

subsection ‹Kruskal with input check›

definition "kruskal' L = kruskal (return L)  (λ(u,w,v). return (u,v)) ()"

definition "kruskal_checked L = (if uGraph_from_list_invar L
                             then do { F  kruskal' L; return (Some F) }
                             else return None)"

lemma "<emp> kruskal_checked L <λ
    Some F   (uGraph_from_list_invar L  set F  set L
        uGraph.minSpanningForest (uGraph_from_list_α_edges L) (uGraph_from_list_α_weight L)
           (uGraph_from_list_α_edges F))
  | None   (¬ uGraph_from_list_invar L)>t"
  unfolding kruskal_checked_def
  apply(cases "uGraph_from_list_invar L") apply simp_all
  subgoal proof -
    assume [simp]: "uGraph_from_list_invar L"
    then interpret fromlist L apply unfold_locales by(auto simp: uGraph_from_list_invar_def)
    show ?thesis unfolding kruskal'_def by (sep_auto heap: kruskal_correct)   
  subgoal by sep_auto

subsection ‹Code export›

export_code uGraph_from_list_invar checking SML_imp
export_code kruskal_checked checking SML_imp

ML_val val export_nat = @{code integer_of_nat}
  val import_nat = @{code nat_of_integer}
  val export_int = @{code integer_of_int}
  val import_int = @{code int_of_integer}
  val import_list = map (fn (a,b,c) => (import_nat a, (import_int b, import_nat c)))
  val export_list = map (fn (a,(b,c)) => (export_nat a, export_int b, export_nat c))
  val export_Some_list = (fn SOME l => SOME (export_list l) | NONE => NONE)

  fun kruskal l = @{code kruskal} (fn () => import_list l) (fn (a,(_,c)) => fn () => (a,c)) () ()
                     |> export_list 
  fun kruskal_checked l = @{code kruskal_checked} (import_list l) ()  |> export_Some_list

  val result = kruskal [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1)]
  val result4 = kruskal [(1,~100,4), (3,64,5), (1,13,2), (3,20,2), (2,5,5), (4,80,3), (4,40,5)]

  val result' = kruskal_checked [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1)]
  val result1' = kruskal_checked [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1),(1,5,3)]
  val result2' = kruskal_checked [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1),(3,~4,1)]
  val result3' = kruskal_checked [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1),(1,~4,1)]
  val result4' = kruskal_checked [(1,~100,4), (3,64,5), (1,13,2), (3,20,2),
                                   (2,5,5), (4,80,3), (4,40,5)]
