Theory Equivalence
section ‹ Equivalence of Big Step and Small Step Semantics ›
theory Equivalence imports TypeSafe WWellForm begin
subsection‹Small steps simulate big step›
subsubsection "Init"
text "The reduction of initialization expressions doesn't touch or use
their on-hold expressions (the subexpression to the right of @{text ←})
until the initialization operation completes. This function is used to prove
this and related properties. It is then used for general reduction of
initialization expressions separately from their on-hold expressions by
using the on-hold expression @{term unit}, then putting the real on-hold
expression back in at the end."
fun init_switch :: "'a exp ⇒ 'a exp ⇒ 'a exp" where
"init_switch (INIT C (Cs,b) ← e⇩i) e = (INIT C (Cs,b) ← e)" |
"init_switch (RI(C,e');Cs ← e⇩i) e = (RI(C,e');Cs ← e)" |
"init_switch e' e = e'"
fun INIT_class :: "'a exp ⇒ cname option" where
"INIT_class (INIT C (Cs,b) ← e) = (if C = last (C#Cs) then Some C else None)" |
"INIT_class (RI(C,e⇩0);Cs ← e) = Some (last (C#Cs))" |
"INIT_class _ = None"
lemma init_red_init:
"⟦ init_exp_of e⇩0 = ⌊e⌋; P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ → ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ ⟧
⟹ (init_exp_of e⇩1 = ⌊e⌋ ∧ (INIT_class e⇩0 = ⌊C⌋ ⟶ INIT_class e⇩1 = ⌊C⌋))
∨ (e⇩1 = e ∧ b⇩1 = icheck P (the(INIT_class e⇩0)) e) ∨ (∃a. e⇩1 = throw a)"
by(erule red.cases, auto)
lemma init_exp_switch[simp]:
"init_exp_of e⇩0 = ⌊e⌋ ⟹ init_exp_of (init_switch e⇩0 e') = ⌊e'⌋"
by(cases e⇩0, simp_all)
lemma init_red_sync:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ → ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩; init_exp_of e⇩0 = ⌊e⌋; e⇩1 ≠ e ⟧
⟹ (⋀e'. P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e⇩0 e',s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ → ⟨init_switch e⇩1 e',s⇩1,b⇩1⟩)"
proof(induct rule: red.cases) qed(simp_all add: red_reds.intros)
lemma init_red_sync_end:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ → ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩; init_exp_of e⇩0 = ⌊e⌋; e⇩1 = e; throw_of e = None ⟧
⟹ (⋀e'. ¬sub_RI e' ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e⇩0 e',s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ → ⟨e',s⇩1,icheck P (the(INIT_class e⇩0)) e'⟩)"
proof(induct rule: red.cases) qed(simp_all add: red_reds.intros)
lemma init_reds_sync_unit':
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v',s⇩1,b⇩1⟩; init_exp_of e⇩0 = ⌊unit⌋; INIT_class e⇩0 = ⌊C⌋ ⟧
⟹ (⋀e'. ¬sub_RI e' ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e⇩0 e',s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩1,icheck P (the(INIT_class e⇩0)) e'⟩)"
proof(induct rule:converse_rtrancl_induct3)
case refl then show ?case by simp
case (step e0 s0 b0 e1 s1 b1)
have "(init_exp_of e1 = ⌊unit⌋ ∧ (INIT_class e0 = ⌊C⌋ ⟶ INIT_class e1 = ⌊C⌋))
∨ (e1 = unit ∧ b1 = icheck P (the(INIT_class e0)) unit) ∨ (∃a. e1 = throw a)"
using init_red_init[OF step.prems(1) step.hyps(1)] by simp
then show ?case
proof(rule disjE)
assume assm: "init_exp_of e1 = ⌊unit⌋ ∧ (INIT_class e0 = ⌊C⌋ ⟶ INIT_class e1 = ⌊C⌋)"
then have red: "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e0 e',s0,b0⟩ → ⟨init_switch e1 e',s1,b1⟩"
using init_red_sync[OF step.hyps(1) step.prems(1)] by simp
have reds: "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e1 e',s1,b1⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩1,icheck P (the (INIT_class e0)) e'⟩"
using step.hyps(3)[OF _ _ step.prems(3)] assm step.prems(2) by simp
show ?thesis by(rule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF red reds])
assume "(e1 = unit ∧ b1 = icheck P (the(INIT_class e0)) unit) ∨ (∃a. e1 = throw a)"
then show ?thesis
proof(rule disjE)
assume assm: "e1 = unit ∧ b1 = icheck P (the(INIT_class e0)) unit" then have e1: "e1 = unit" by simp
have sb: "s1 = s⇩1" "b1 = b⇩1" using reds_final_same[OF step.hyps(2)] assm
by(simp_all add: final_def)
then have step': "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e0 e',s0,b0⟩ → ⟨e',s⇩1,icheck P (the (INIT_class e0)) e'⟩"
using init_red_sync_end[OF step.hyps(1) step.prems(1) e1 _ step.prems(3)] by auto
then have "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e0 e',s0,b0⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩1,icheck P (the (INIT_class e0)) e'⟩"
using r_into_rtrancl by auto
then show ?thesis using step assm sb by simp
assume "∃a. e1 = throw a" then obtain a where "e1 = throw a" by clarsimp
then have tof: "throw_of e1 = ⌊a⌋" by simp
then show ?thesis using reds_throw[OF step.hyps(2) tof] by simp
lemma init_reds_sync_unit_throw':
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩; init_exp_of e⇩0 = ⌊unit⌋ ⟧
⟹ (⋀e'. P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e⇩0 e',s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩)"
proof(induct rule:converse_rtrancl_induct3)
case refl then show ?case by simp
case (step e0 s0 b0 e1 s1 b1)
have "init_exp_of e1 = ⌊unit⌋ ∧ (∀C. INIT_class e0 = ⌊C⌋ ⟶ INIT_class e1 = ⌊C⌋) ∨
e1 = unit ∧ b1 = icheck P (the (INIT_class e0)) unit ∨ (∃a. e1 = throw a)"
using init_red_init[OF step.prems(1) step.hyps(1)] by auto
then show ?case
proof(rule disjE)
assume assm: "init_exp_of e1 = ⌊unit⌋ ∧ (∀C. INIT_class e0 = ⌊C⌋ ⟶ INIT_class e1 = ⌊C⌋)"
then have "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e0 e',s0,b0⟩ → ⟨init_switch e1 e',s1,b1⟩"
using step init_red_sync[OF step.hyps(1) step.prems] by simp
then show ?thesis using step assm by (meson converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
assume "e1 = unit ∧ b1 = icheck P (the (INIT_class e0)) unit ∨ (∃a. e1 = throw a)"
then show ?thesis
proof(rule disjE)
assume "e1 = unit ∧ b1 = icheck P (the (INIT_class e0)) unit"
then show ?thesis using step using final_def reds_final_same by blast
assume assm: "∃a. e1 = throw a"
then have "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e0 e',s0,b0⟩ → ⟨e1,s1,b1⟩"
using init_red_sync[OF step.hyps(1) step.prems] by clarsimp
then show ?thesis using step by simp
lemma init_reds_sync_unit:
assumes "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v',s⇩1,b⇩1⟩" and "init_exp_of e⇩0 = ⌊unit⌋" and "INIT_class e⇩0 = ⌊C⌋"
and "¬sub_RI e'"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e⇩0 e',s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩1,icheck P (the(INIT_class e⇩0)) e'⟩"
using init_reds_sync_unit'[OF assms] by clarsimp
lemma init_reds_sync_unit_throw:
assumes "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩" and "init_exp_of e⇩0 = ⌊unit⌋"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch e⇩0 e',s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
using init_reds_sync_unit_throw'[OF assms] by clarsimp
lemma InitSeqReds:
assumes "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],b) ← unit,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v',s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩1,icheck P C e⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩" and "¬sub_RI e"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],b) ← e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
using assms
proof -
have "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch (INIT C ([C],b) ← unit) e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e,s⇩1,icheck P C e⟩"
using init_reds_sync_unit[OF assms(1) _ _ assms(3)] by simp
then show ?thesis using assms(2) by simp
lemma InitSeqThrowReds:
assumes "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],b) ← unit,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],b) ← e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
using assms
proof -
have "P ⊢ ⟨init_switch (INIT C ([C],b) ← unit) e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
using init_reds_sync_unit_throw[OF assms(1)] by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma InitNoneReds:
"⟦ sh C = None;
P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C # Cs,False) ← e,(h, l, sh(C ↦ (sblank P C, Prepared))),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C#Cs,False) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
by(rule InitNoneRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl])
lemma InitDoneReds:
"⟦ sh C = Some(sfs,Done); P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C#Cs,False) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
by(rule RedInitDone[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl])
lemma InitProcessingReds:
"⟦ sh C = Some(sfs,Processing); P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C#Cs,False) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
by(rule RedInitProcessing[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl])
lemma InitErrorReds:
"⟦ sh C = Some(sfs,Error); P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,THROW NoClassDefFoundError);Cs ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C#Cs,False) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
by(rule RedInitError[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl])
lemma InitObjectReds:
"⟦ sh C = Some(sfs,Prepared); C = Object; sh' = sh(C ↦ (sfs,Processing));
P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C#Cs,True) ← e,(h,l,sh'),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C#Cs,False) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
by(rule InitObjectRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl])
lemma InitNonObjectReds:
"⟦ sh C = Some(sfs,Prepared); C ≠ Object; class P C = Some (D,r);
sh' = sh(C ↦ (sfs,Processing));
P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (D#C#Cs,False) ← e,(h,l,sh'),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C#Cs,False) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
by(rule InitNonObjectSuperRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl])
lemma RedsInitRInit:
"P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,C∙⇩sclinit([]));Cs ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C#Cs,True) ← e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
by(rule RedInitRInit[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl])
lemmas rtrancl_induct3 =
rtrancl_induct[of "(ax,ay,az)" "(bx,by,bz)", split_format (complete), consumes 1, case_names refl step]
lemma RInitReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e);Cs ← e⇩0, s, b⟩ →* ⟨RI (C,e');Cs ← e⇩0, s', b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) RInitRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma RedsRInit:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),b⇩1⟩;
sh⇩1 C = Some (sfs, i); sh⇩2 = sh⇩1(C ↦ (sfs,Done)); C' = last(C#Cs);
P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e,(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩2),b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨RI (C, e⇩0);Cs ← e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
by(rule rtrancl_trans[OF RInitReds
RedRInit[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl]])
lemma RInitInitThrowReds:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a,(h',l',sh'),b'⟩;
sh' C = Some (sfs, i); sh'' = sh'(C ↦ (sfs,Error));
P ⊢ ⟨RI (D,Throw a);Cs ← e⇩0, (h',l',sh''),b'⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨RI (C, e);D#Cs ← e⇩0,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
by(rule rtrancl_trans[OF RInitReds
RInitInitThrow[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl]])
lemma RInitThrowReds:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a, (h',l',sh'),b'⟩;
sh' C = Some(sfs, i); sh'' = sh'(C ↦ (sfs, Error)) ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e);Nil ← e⇩0,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a, (h',l',sh''),b'⟩"
by(rule RInitReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RInitThrow])
subsubsection "New"
lemma NewInitDoneReds:
"⟦ sh C = Some (sfs, Done); new_Addr h = Some a;
P ⊢ C has_fields FDTs; h' = h(a↦blank P C) ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨new C,(h,l,sh),False⟩ →* ⟨addr a,(h',l,sh),False⟩"
by(rule NewInitDoneRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl,
OF _ RedNew[THEN r_into_rtrancl]])
lemma NewInitDoneReds2:
"⟦ sh C = Some (sfs, Done); new_Addr h = None; is_class P C ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨new C,(h,l,sh),False⟩ →* ⟨THROW OutOfMemory, (h,l,sh), False⟩"
by(rule NewInitDoneRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl,
OF _ RedNewFail[THEN r_into_rtrancl]])
lemma NewInitReds:
assumes nDone: "∄sfs. shp s C = Some (sfs, Done)"
and INIT_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,s,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩"
and Addr: "new_Addr h' = Some a" and has: "P ⊢ C has_fields FDTs"
and h'': "h'' = h'(a↦blank P C)" and cls_C: "is_class P C"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨new C,s,False⟩ →* ⟨addr a,(h'',l',sh'),False⟩"
(is "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?b = "(INIT C ([C],False) ← new C,s,False)"
let ?b' = "(new C,(h', l', sh'),icheck P C (new C::expr))"
have b'c: "(?b', ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using RedNew[OF Addr has h'', THEN r_into_rtrancl] by simp
obtain h l sh where [simp]: "s = (h, l, sh)" by(cases s) simp
have "(?a, ?b) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using NewInitRed[OF _ cls_C] nDone by fastforce
also have "(?b, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule InitSeqReds[OF INIT_steps b'c]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma NewInitOOMReds:
assumes nDone: "∄sfs. shp s C = Some (sfs, Done)"
and INIT_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,s,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩"
and Addr: "new_Addr h' = None" and cls_C: "is_class P C"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨new C,s,False⟩ →* ⟨THROW OutOfMemory,(h',l',sh'),False⟩"
(is "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?b = "(INIT C ([C],False) ← new C,s,False)"
let ?b' = "(new C,(h', l', sh'),icheck P C (new C::expr))"
have b'c: "(?b', ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using RedNewFail[OF Addr cls_C, THEN r_into_rtrancl] by simp
obtain h l sh where [simp]: "s = (h, l, sh)" by(cases s) simp
have "(?a, ?b) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using NewInitRed[OF _ cls_C] nDone by fastforce
also have "(?b, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule InitSeqReds[OF INIT_steps b'c]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma NewInitThrowReds:
assumes nDone: "∄sfs. shp s C = Some (sfs, Done)"
and cls_C: "is_class P C"
and INIT_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,s,False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨new C,s,False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
(is "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?b = "(INIT C ([C],False) ← new C,s,False)"
obtain h l sh where [simp]: "s = (h, l, sh)" by(cases s) simp
have "(?a, ?b) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using NewInitRed[OF _ cls_C] nDone by fastforce
also have "(?b, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using InitSeqThrowReds[OF INIT_steps] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection "Cast"
lemma CastReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Cast C e',s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) CastRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma CastRedsNull:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨null,s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨null,s',b'⟩"
by(rule CastReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedCastNull])
lemma CastRedsAddr:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s',b'⟩; hp s' a = Some(D,fs); P ⊢ D ≼⇧* C ⟧ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s',b'⟩"
by(cases s', simp) (rule CastReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedCast])
lemma CastRedsFail:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s',b'⟩; hp s' a = Some(D,fs); ¬ P ⊢ D ≼⇧* C ⟧ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW ClassCast,s',b'⟩"
by(cases s', simp) (rule CastReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedCastFail])
lemma CastRedsThrow:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨Cast C e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
by(rule CastReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.CastThrow])
subsubsection "LAss"
lemma LAssReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨ V:=e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨ V:=e',s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) LAssRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma LAssRedsVal:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h',l',sh'),b'⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨ V:=e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨unit,(h',l'(V↦v),sh'),b'⟩"
by(rule LAssReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedLAss])
lemma LAssRedsThrow:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩ ⟧ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨ V:=e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
by(rule LAssReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.LAssThrow])
subsubsection "BinOp"
lemma BinOp1Reds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨ e «bop» e⇩2, s,b⟩ →* ⟨e' «bop» e⇩2, s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) BinOpRed1[OF step(2)]])
lemma BinOp2Reds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨(Val v) «bop» e, s,b⟩ →* ⟨(Val v) «bop» e', s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) BinOpRed2[OF step(2)]])
lemma BinOpRedsVal:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩2,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
and op: "binop(bop,v⇩1,v⇩2) = Some v"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2, s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(Val v⇩1 «bop» e⇩2, s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(Val v⇩1 «bop» Val v⇩2, s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule BinOp1Reds[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule BinOp2Reds[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)" by(rule RedBinOp[OF op])
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma BinOpRedsThrow1:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e «bop» e⇩2, s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e', s',b'⟩"
by(rule BinOp1Reds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.BinOpThrow1])
lemma BinOpRedsThrow2:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2, s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(Val v⇩1 «bop» e⇩2, s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(Val v⇩1 «bop» throw e, s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule BinOp1Reds[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule BinOp2Reds[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)" by(rule red_reds.BinOpThrow2)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection "FAcc"
lemma FAccReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙F{D}, s,b⟩ →* ⟨e'∙F{D}, s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) FAccRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma FAccRedsVal:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s',b'⟩; hp s' a = Some(C,fs); fs(F,D) = Some v;
P ⊢ C has F,NonStatic:t in D ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙F{D},s,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s',b'⟩"
by(cases s',simp) (rule FAccReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedFAcc])
lemma FAccRedsNull:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨null,s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙F{D},s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW NullPointer,s',b'⟩"
by(rule FAccReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedFAccNull])
lemma FAccRedsNone:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s',b'⟩;
hp s' a = Some(C,fs);
¬(∃b t. P ⊢ C has F,b:t in D) ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙F{D},s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW NoSuchFieldError,s',b'⟩"
by(cases s',simp) (auto intro: FAccReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedFAccNone])
lemma FAccRedsStatic:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s',b'⟩;
hp s' a = Some(C,fs);
P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙F{D},s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,s',b'⟩"
by(cases s',simp) (rule FAccReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedFAccStatic])
lemma FAccRedsThrow:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙F{D},s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
by(rule FAccReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.FAccThrow])
subsubsection "SFAcc"
lemma SFAccReds:
"⟦ P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D;
shp s D = Some(sfs,Done); sfs F = Some v ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D},s,True⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s,False⟩"
by(cases s,simp) (rule RedSFAcc[THEN r_into_rtrancl])
lemma SFAccRedsNone:
"¬(∃b t. P ⊢ C has F,b:t in D)
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D},s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW NoSuchFieldError,s,False⟩"
by(cases s,simp) (auto intro: RedSFAccNone[THEN r_into_rtrancl])
lemma SFAccRedsNonStatic:
"P ⊢ C has F,NonStatic:t in D
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D},s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,s,False⟩"
by(cases s,simp) (rule RedSFAccNonStatic[THEN r_into_rtrancl])
lemma SFAccInitDoneReds:
assumes cF: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D"
and shp: "shp s D = Some (sfs,Done)" and sfs: "sfs F = Some v"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}, s, b⟩ →* ⟨Val v, s, False⟩"
(is "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
obtain h l sh where [simp]: "s = (h, l, sh)" by(cases s) simp
show ?thesis proof(cases b)
case True
then show ?thesis using assms
by simp (rule RedSFAcc[THEN r_into_rtrancl])
case False
let ?b = "(C∙⇩sF{D},s,True)"
have "(?a, ?b) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using False SFAccInitDoneRed[where sh="shp s", OF cF shp] by fastforce
also have "(?b, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule SFAccReds[OF assms])
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma SFAccInitReds:
assumes cF: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D"
and nDone: "∄sfs. shp s D = Some (sfs,Done)"
and INIT_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,s,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',s',b'⟩"
and shp': "shp s' D = Some (sfs,i)" and sfs: "sfs F = Some v"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D},s,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s',False⟩"
(is "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?b = "(INIT D ([D],False) ← C∙⇩sF{D},s,False)"
let ?b' = "(C∙⇩sF{D},s',icheck P D (C∙⇩sF{D}::expr))"
obtain h l sh where [simp]: "s = (h, l, sh)" by(cases s) simp
obtain h' l' sh' where [simp]: "s' = (h', l', sh')" by(cases s') simp
have icheck: "icheck P D (C∙⇩sF{D}) = True" using cF by fastforce
then have b'c: "(?b', ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using RedSFAcc[THEN r_into_rtrancl, OF cF] shp' sfs by simp
have "(?a, ?b) ∈ (red P)" using SFAccInitRed[OF cF] nDone by simp
also have "(?b, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule InitSeqReds[OF INIT_steps b'c]) simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma SFAccInitThrowReds:
"⟦ P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D;
∄sfs. shp s D = Some (sfs,Done);
P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,s,False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D},s,False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
by(cases s, simp)
(auto elim: converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF SFAccInitRed InitSeqThrowReds])
subsubsection "FAss"
lemma FAssReds1:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s,b⟩ →* ⟨e'∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) FAssRed1[OF step(2)]])
lemma FAssReds2:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨Val v∙F{D}:=e, s,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v∙F{D}:=e', s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) FAssRed2[OF step(2)]])
lemma FAssRedsVal:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
and cF: "P ⊢ C has F,NonStatic:t in D" and hC: "Some(C,fs) = h⇩2 a"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩0, b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨unit, (h⇩2(a↦(C,fs((F,D)↦v))),l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(addr a∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩1, b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(addr a∙F{D}:=Val v::expr,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds1[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds2[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)" using RedFAss[OF cF] hC by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma FAssRedsNull:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨null,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩0, b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨THROW NullPointer, s⇩2, b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(null∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩1, b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(null∙F{D}:=Val v::expr,s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds1[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds2[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)" by(rule RedFAssNull)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma FAssRedsThrow1:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e', s',b'⟩"
by(rule FAssReds1[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.FAssThrow1])
lemma FAssRedsThrow2:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D}:=e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(Val v∙F{D}:=e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(Val v∙F{D}:=throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds1[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds2[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)" by(rule red_reds.FAssThrow2)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma FAssRedsNone:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
and hC: "h⇩2 a = Some(C,fs)" and ncF: "¬(∃b t. P ⊢ C has F,b:t in D)"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩0, b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨THROW NoSuchFieldError, (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2), b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(addr a∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩1, b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(addr a∙F{D}:=Val v::expr,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds1[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds2[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)"
using RedFAssNone[OF _ ncF] hC by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma FAssRedsStatic:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
and hC: "h⇩2 a = Some(C,fs)" and cF_Static: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩0, b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError, (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2), b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(addr a∙F{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩1, b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(addr a∙F{D}:=Val v::expr,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds1[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule FAssReds2[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)"
using RedFAssStatic[OF _ cF_Static] hC by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection "SFAss"
lemma SFAssReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}:=e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}:=e',s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) SFAssRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma SFAssRedsVal:
assumes e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
and cF: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D"
and shD: "sh⇩2 D = ⌊(sfs,Done)⌋"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2, s⇩0, b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨unit, (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2(D↦(sfs(F↦v), Done))),False⟩"
(is "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?b = "(C∙⇩sF{D}:=Val v::expr, (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2), b⇩2)"
have "(?a, ?b) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule SFAssReds[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?b, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*" proof(cases b⇩2)
case True
then show ?thesis
using RedSFAss[THEN r_into_rtrancl, OF cF] shD by simp
case False
let ?b' = "(C∙⇩sF{D}:=Val v::expr, (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2), True)"
have "(?b, ?b') ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using False SFAssInitDoneRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF cF] shD
by simp
also have "(?b', ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using RedSFAss[THEN r_into_rtrancl, OF cF] shD by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma SFAssRedsThrow:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
by(rule SFAssReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.SFAssThrow])
lemma SFAssRedsNone:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩;
¬(∃b t. P ⊢ C has F,b:t in D) ⟧ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨THROW NoSuchFieldError, (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩"
by(rule SFAssReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedSFAssNone])
lemma SFAssRedsNonStatic:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩;
P ⊢ C has F,NonStatic:t in D ⟧ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩"
by(rule SFAssReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedSFAssNonStatic])
lemma SFAssInitReds:
assumes e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩"
and cF: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D"
and nDone: "∄sfs. sh⇩2 D = Some (sfs, Done)"
and INIT_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩"
and sh'D: "sh' D = Some(sfs,i)"
and sfs': "sfs' = sfs(F↦v)" and sh'': "sh'' = sh'(D↦(sfs',i))"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨unit,(h',l',sh''),False⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v::expr,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False)"
let ?y' = "(INIT D ([D],False) ← C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v::expr,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False)"
let ?y'' = "(C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v::expr,(h', l', sh'),icheck P D (C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v::expr))"
have icheck: "icheck P D (C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v::expr)" using cF by fastforce
then have y''z: "(?y'',?z) ∈ (red P)"
using RedSFAss[OF cF _ sfs' sh''] sh'D by simp
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule SFAssReds[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using SFAssInitRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF cF] nDone
by simp
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using InitSeqReds[OF INIT_steps y''z[THEN r_into_rtrancl]] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma SFAssInitThrowReds:
assumes e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩"
and cF: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D"
and nDone: "∄sfs. sh⇩2 D = Some (sfs, Done)"
and INIT_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D}:=e⇩2,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v::expr,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False)"
let ?y' = "(INIT D ([D],False) ← C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v::expr,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule SFAssReds[OF e⇩2_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using SFAssInitRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF cF] nDone
by simp
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using InitSeqThrowReds[OF INIT_steps] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma SeqReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e;;e⇩2, s,b⟩ →* ⟨e';;e⇩2, s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) SeqRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma SeqRedsThrow:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e;;e⇩2, s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e', s',b'⟩"
by(rule SeqReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.SeqThrow])
lemma SeqReds2:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2',s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1;;e⇩2, s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2',s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(Val v⇩1;; e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule SeqReds[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule RedSeq[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF e⇩2_steps])
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma CondReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2,s,b⟩ →* ⟨if (e') e⇩1 else e⇩2,s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) CondRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma CondRedsThrow:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2, s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
by(rule CondReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.CondThrow])
lemma CondReds2T:
assumes e_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1, s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2, s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(if (true) e⇩1 else e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CondReds[OF e_steps])
also have "(?y, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule RedCondT[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF e⇩1_steps])
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma CondReds2F:
assumes e_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨false,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2, s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2, s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(if (false) e⇩1 else e⇩2,s⇩1,b⇩1)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CondReds[OF e_steps])
also have "(?y, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule RedCondF[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF e⇩2_steps])
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection "While"
lemma WhileFReds:
assumes b_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨b,s,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨false,s',b'⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨unit,s',b'⟩"
by(rule RedWhile[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl,
OF CondReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl,
OF b_steps RedCondF]])
lemma WhileRedsThrow:
assumes b_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨b,s,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s',b'⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s',b'⟩"
by(rule RedWhile[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl,
OF CondReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl,
OF b_steps red_reds.CondThrow]])
lemma WhileTReds:
assumes b_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨b,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and c_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
and while_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩ →* ⟨e,s⇩3,b⇩3⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e,s⇩3,b⇩3⟩"
(is "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?b = "(if (b) (c;; while (b) c) else unit,s⇩0,b⇩0)"
let ?y = "(if (true) (c;; while (b) c) else unit,s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?b' = "(c;; while (b) c,s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(Val v⇩1;; while (b) c,s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?a, ?b) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using RedWhile[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl] by simp
also have "(?b, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CondReds[OF b_steps])
also have "(?y, ?b') ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using RedCondT[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl] by simp
also have "(?b', ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule SeqReds[OF c_steps])
also have "(?y', ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule RedSeq[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF while_steps])
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma WhileTRedsThrow:
assumes b_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨b,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and c_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?b = "(if (b) (c;; while (b) c) else unit,s⇩0,b⇩0)"
let ?y = "(if (true) (c;; while (b) c) else unit,s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?b' = "(c;; while (b) c,s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(throw e;; while (b) c,s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?a, ?b) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using RedWhile[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl] by simp
also have "(?b, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CondReds[OF b_steps])
also have "(?y, ?b') ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using RedCondT[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl] by simp
also have "(?b', ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule SeqReds[OF c_steps])
also have "(?y', ?c) ∈ (red P)" by(rule red_reds.SeqThrow)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma ThrowReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨throw e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) ThrowRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma ThrowRedsNull:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨null,s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨throw e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW NullPointer,s',b'⟩"
by(rule ThrowReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedThrowNull])
lemma ThrowRedsThrow:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨throw e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',b'⟩"
by(rule ThrowReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ red_reds.ThrowThrow])
subsubsection "InitBlock"
lemma InitBlockReds_aux:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹
∀h l sh h' l' sh' v. s = (h,l(V↦v),sh) ⟶ s' = (h',l',sh') ⟶
P ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e},(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨{V:T := Val(the(l' V)); e'},(h',l'(V:=(l V)),sh'),b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: converse_rtrancl_induct3)
case refl then show ?case
by(fastforce simp: fun_upd_same simp del:fun_upd_apply)
case (step e0 s0 b0 e1 s1 b1)
obtain h1 l1 sh1 where s1[simp]: "s1 = (h1, l1, sh1)" by(cases s1) simp
{ fix h0 l0 sh0 h2 l2 sh2 v0
assume [simp]: "s0 = (h0, l0(V ↦ v0), sh0)" and s'[simp]: "s' = (h2, l2, sh2)"
then have "V ∈ dom l1" using step(1) by(auto dest!: red_lcl_incr)
then obtain v1 where l1V[simp]: "l1 V = ⌊v1⌋" by blast
let ?a = "({V:T; V:=Val v0;; e0},(h0, l0, sh0),b0)"
let ?b = "({V:T; V:=Val v1;; e1},(h1, l1(V := l0 V), sh1),b1)"
let ?c = "({V:T; V:=Val (the (l2 V));; e'},(h2, l2(V := l0 V), sh2),b')"
let ?l = "l1(V := l0 V)" and ?v = v1
have e0_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e0,(h0, l0(V ↦ v0), sh0),b0⟩ → ⟨e1,(h1, l1, sh1),b1⟩"
using step(1) by simp
have lv: "⋀l v. l1 = l(V ↦ v) ⟶
P ⊢ ⟨{V:T; V:=Val v;; e1},(h1, l, sh1),b1⟩ →*
⟨{V:T; V:=Val (the (l2 V));; e'},(h2, l2(V := l V), sh2),b'⟩"
using step(3) s' s1 by blast
moreover have "l1 = ?l(V ↦ ?v)" by(rule ext) (simp add:fun_upd_def)
ultimately have "(?b, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*" using lv[of ?l ?v] by simp
then have "(?a, ?c) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule InitBlockRed[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF e0_steps l1V])
then show ?case by blast
lemma InitBlockReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e, (h,l(V↦v),sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e', (h',l',sh'),b'⟩ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e}, (h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨{V:T := Val(the(l' V)); e'}, (h',l'(V:=(l V)),sh'),b'⟩"
by(blast dest:InitBlockReds_aux)
lemma InitBlockRedsFinal:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(V↦v),sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩; final e' ⟧ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e},(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',(h', l'(V := l V),sh'),b'⟩"
by(fast elim!:InitBlockReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl] finalE
intro:RedInitBlock InitBlockThrow)
subsubsection "Block"
lemmas converse_rtranclE3 = converse_rtranclE [of "(xa,xb,xc)" "(za,zb,zc)", split_rule]
lemma BlockRedsFinal:
assumes reds: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩" and fin: "final e⇩2"
shows "⋀h⇩0 l⇩0 sh⇩0. s⇩0 = (h⇩0,l⇩0(V:=None),sh⇩0) ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨{V:T; e⇩0},(h⇩0,l⇩0,sh⇩0),b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2(V:=l⇩0 V),sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
using reds
proof (induct rule:converse_rtrancl_induct3)
case refl thus ?case
by(fastforce intro:finalE[OF fin] RedBlock BlockThrow
simp del:fun_upd_apply)
case (step e⇩0 s⇩0 b⇩0 e⇩1 s⇩1 b⇩1)
have red: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ → ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and reds: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
and IH: "⋀h l sh. s⇩1 = (h,l(V := None),sh)
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨{V:T; e⇩1},(h,l,sh),b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2, l⇩2(V := l V),sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
and s⇩0: "s⇩0 = (h⇩0, l⇩0(V := None),sh⇩0)" by fact+
obtain h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 where s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1)"
using prod_cases3 by blast
show ?case
proof cases
assume "assigned V e⇩0"
then obtain v e where e⇩0: "e⇩0 = V := Val v;; e"
by (unfold assigned_def)blast
from red e⇩0 s⇩0 have e⇩1: "e⇩1 = unit;;e" and s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h⇩0, l⇩0(V ↦ v),sh⇩0)" and b⇩1: "b⇩1 = b⇩0"
by auto
from e⇩1 fin have "e⇩1 ≠ e⇩2" by (auto simp:final_def)
then obtain e' s' b' where red1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ → ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
and reds': "P ⊢ ⟨e',s',b'⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
using converse_rtranclE3[OF reds] by blast
from red1 e⇩1 b⇩1 have es': "e' = e" "s' = s⇩1" "b' = b⇩0" by auto
show ?case using e⇩0 s⇩1 es' reds'
by(auto intro!: InitBlockRedsFinal[OF _ fin] simp del:fun_upd_apply)
assume unass: "¬ assigned V e⇩0"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "l⇩1 V")
assume None: "l⇩1 V = None"
hence "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T; e⇩0},(h⇩0,l⇩0,sh⇩0),b⇩0⟩ → ⟨{V:T; e⇩1},(h⇩1, l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V),sh⇩1),b⇩1⟩"
using s⇩0 s⇩1 red by(simp add: BlockRedNone[OF _ _ unass])
have "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T; e⇩1},(h⇩1, l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V),sh⇩1),b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2, l⇩2(V := l⇩0 V),sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
using IH[of _ "l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V)"] s⇩1 None by(simp add:fun_upd_idem)
ultimately show ?case by(rule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
fix v assume Some: "l⇩1 V = Some v"
hence "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T;e⇩0},(h⇩0,l⇩0,sh⇩0),b⇩0⟩ → ⟨{V:T := Val v; e⇩1},(h⇩1,l⇩1(V := l⇩0 V),sh⇩1),b⇩1⟩"
using s⇩0 s⇩1 red by(simp add: BlockRedSome[OF _ _ unass])
have "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; e⇩1},(h⇩1,l⇩1(V:= l⇩0 V),sh⇩1),b⇩1⟩ →*
⟨e⇩2,(h⇩2,l⇩2(V:=l⇩0 V),sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
using InitBlockRedsFinal[OF _ fin,of _ _ "l⇩1(V:=l⇩0 V)" V]
Some reds s⇩1 by(simp add:fun_upd_idem)
ultimately show ?case by(rule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
subsubsection "try-catch"
lemma TryReds:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨try e catch(C V) e⇩2,s,b⟩ →* ⟨try e' catch(C V) e⇩2,s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) TryRed[OF step(2)]])
lemma TryRedsVal:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨try e catch(C V) e⇩2,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s',b'⟩"
by(rule TryReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedTry])
lemma TryCatchRedsFinal:
assumes e⇩1_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Throw a,(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),b⇩1⟩"
and h⇩1a: "h⇩1 a = Some(D,fs)" and sub: "P ⊢ D ≼⇧* C"
and e⇩2_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2, (h⇩1, l⇩1(V ↦ Addr a),sh⇩1),b⇩1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2', (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2), b⇩2⟩"
and final: "final e⇩2'"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨try e⇩1 catch(C V) e⇩2, s⇩0, b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2', (h⇩2, (l⇩2::locals)(V := l⇩1 V),sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(try Throw a catch(C V) e⇩2,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),b⇩1)"
let ?b = "({V:Class C; V:=addr a;; e⇩2},(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),b⇩1)"
have bz: "(?b, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule InitBlockRedsFinal[OF e⇩2_steps final])
have hp: "hp (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1) a = ⌊(D, fs)⌋" using h⇩1a by simp
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule TryReds[OF e⇩1_steps])
also have "(?y, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*"
by(rule RedTryCatch[THEN converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF hp sub bz])
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma TryRedsFail:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a,(h,l,sh),b'⟩; h a = Some(D,fs); ¬ P ⊢ D ≼⇧* C ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨try e⇩1 catch(C V) e⇩2,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a,(h,l,sh),b'⟩"
by(fastforce intro!: TryReds[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedTryFail])
subsubsection "List"
lemma ListReds1:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e#es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨e' # es,s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) ListRed1[OF step(2)]])
lemma ListReds2:
"P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨Val v # es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨Val v # es',s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) ListRed2[OF step(2)]])
lemma ListRedsVal:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩; P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s⇩2,b⇩2⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e#es,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ [→]* ⟨Val v # es',s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
by(rule rtrancl_trans[OF ListReds1 ListReds2])
text‹ First a few lemmas on what happens to free variables during redction. ›
lemma assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows Red_fv: "P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ → ⟨e',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩ ⟹ fv e' ⊆ fv e"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l,sh),b⟩ [→] ⟨es',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩ ⟹ fvs es' ⊆ fvs es"
proof (induct rule:red_reds_inducts)
case (RedCall h a C fs M Ts T pns body D vs l sh b)
hence "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)
with RedCall.hyps show ?case by fastforce
case (RedSCall C M Ts T pns body D vs)
hence "fv body ⊆ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)
with RedSCall.hyps show ?case by fastforce
qed auto
lemma Red_dom_lcl:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ → ⟨e',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩ ⟹ dom l' ⊆ dom l ∪ fv e" and
"P ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l,sh),b⟩ [→] ⟨es',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩ ⟹ dom l' ⊆ dom l ∪ fvs es"
proof (induct rule:red_reds_inducts)
case RedLAss thus ?case by(force split:if_splits)
case CallParams thus ?case by(force split:if_splits)
case BlockRedNone thus ?case by clarsimp (fastforce split:if_splits)
case BlockRedSome thus ?case by clarsimp (fastforce split:if_splits)
case InitBlockRed thus ?case by clarsimp (fastforce split:if_splits)
qed auto
lemma Reds_dom_lcl:
assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',(h',l',sh'),b'⟩ ⟹ dom l' ⊆ dom l ∪ fv e"
proof(induct rule: converse_rtrancl_induct_red)
case 1 then show ?case by blast
case 2 then show ?case using wf by(blast dest: Red_fv Red_dom_lcl)
text‹ Now a few lemmas on the behaviour of blocks during reduction. ›
lemma override_on_upd_lemma:
"(override_on f (g(a↦b)) A)(a := g a) = override_on f g (insert a A)"
by(rule ext) (simp add:override_on_def)
declare fun_upd_apply[simp del] map_upds_twist[simp del]
lemma blocksReds:
"⋀l. ⟦ length Vs = length Ts; length vs = length Ts; distinct Vs;
P ⊢ ⟨e, (h,l(Vs [↦] vs),sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e', (h',l',sh'),b'⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e), (h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,map (the ∘ l') Vs,e'), (h',override_on l' l (set Vs),sh'),b'⟩"
proof(induct Vs Ts vs e rule:blocks_induct)
case (1 V Vs T Ts v vs e) show ?case
using InitBlockReds[OF "1.hyps"[of "l(V↦v)"]] "1.prems"
by(auto simp:override_on_upd_lemma)
qed auto
lemma blocksFinal:
"⋀l. ⟦ length Vs = length Ts; length vs = length Ts; final e ⟧ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e), (h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e, (h,l,sh),b⟩"
proof(induct Vs Ts vs e rule:blocks_induct)
case 1
show ?case using "1.prems" InitBlockReds[OF "1.hyps"]
by(fastforce elim!:finalE elim: rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF _ RedInitBlock]
rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF _ InitBlockThrow])
qed auto
lemma blocksRedsFinal:
assumes wf: "length Vs = length Ts" "length vs = length Ts" "distinct Vs"
and reds: "P ⊢ ⟨e, (h,l(Vs [↦] vs),sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e', (h',l',sh'),b'⟩"
and fin: "final e'" and l'': "l'' = override_on l' l (set Vs)"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e), (h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e', (h',l'',sh'),b'⟩"
proof -
let ?bv = "blocks(Vs,Ts,map (the o l') Vs,e')"
have "P ⊢ ⟨blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e), (h,l,sh),b⟩ →* ⟨?bv, (h',l'',sh'),b'⟩"
using l'' by simp (rule blocksReds[OF wf reds])
also have "P ⊢ ⟨?bv, (h',l'',sh'),b'⟩ →* ⟨e', (h',l'',sh'),b'⟩"
using wf by(fastforce intro:blocksFinal fin)
finally show ?thesis .
text‹ An now the actual method call reduction lemmas. ›
lemma CallRedsObj:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s,b⟩ →* ⟨e'∙M(es),s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) CallObj[OF step(2)]])
lemma CallRedsParams:
"P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨(Val v)∙M(es),s,b⟩ →* ⟨(Val v)∙M(es'),s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) CallParams[OF step(2)]])
lemma CallRedsFinal:
assumes wwf: "wwf_J_prog P"
and "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
"P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
"h⇩2 a = Some(C,fs)" "P ⊢ C sees M,NonStatic:Ts→T = (pns,body) in D"
"size vs = size pns"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Addr a, pns[↦]vs]"
and body: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2',sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩3,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
and "final ef"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es), s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
proof -
have wf: "size Ts = size pns ∧ distinct pns ∧ this ∉ set pns"
and wt: "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
from body[THEN Red_lcl_add, of l⇩2]
have body': "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(this↦ Addr a, pns[↦]vs),sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2++l⇩3,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
by (simp add:l⇩2')
have "dom l⇩3 ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using Reds_dom_lcl[OF wwf body] wt l⇩2' set_take_subset by force
hence eql⇩2: "override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns) = l⇩2"
by(fastforce simp add:map_add_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
have "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨(addr a)∙M(es),s⇩1,b⇩1⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj)(rule assms(2))
also have "P ⊢ ⟨(addr a)∙M(es),s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ →*
⟨(addr a)∙M(map Val vs),(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
by(rule CallRedsParams)(rule assms(3))
also have "P ⊢ ⟨(addr a)∙M(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩ →
⟨blocks(this#pns, Class D#Ts, Addr a#vs, body), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
by(rule RedCall)(auto simp: assms wf, rule assms(5))
also (rtrancl_into_rtrancl) have "P ⊢ ⟨blocks(this#pns, Class D#Ts, Addr a#vs, body), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩
→* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 ({this} ∪ set pns),sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
by(rule blocksRedsFinal, insert assms wf body', simp_all)
finally show ?thesis using eql⇩2 by simp
lemma CallRedsThrowParams:
assumes e_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and es_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs⇩1 @ throw a # es⇩2,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(Val v∙M(es),s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(Val v∙M(map Val vs⇩1 @ throw a # es⇩2),s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF e_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CallRedsParams[OF es_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*" using CallThrowParams by fast
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma CallRedsThrowObj:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
by(rule CallRedsObj[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ CallThrowObj])
lemma CallRedsNull:
assumes e_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨null,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and es_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨THROW NullPointer,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(null∙M(es),s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(null∙M(map Val vs),s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF e_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CallRedsParams[OF es_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)" by(rule RedCallNull)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma CallRedsNone:
assumes e_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and es_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
and hp⇩2a: "hp s⇩2 a = Some(C,fs)"
and ncM: "¬(∃b Ts T m D. P ⊢ C sees M,b:Ts→T = m in D)"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW NoSuchMethodError,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(addr a∙M(es),s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(addr a∙M(map Val vs),s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF e_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CallRedsParams[OF es_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)" using RedCallNone[OF _ ncM] hp⇩2a
by(cases s⇩2) simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma CallRedsStatic:
assumes e_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩"
and es_steps: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,b⇩1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
and hp⇩2a: "hp s⇩2 a = Some(C,fs)"
and cM_Static: "P ⊢ C sees M,Static:Ts→T = m in D"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(addr a∙M(es),s⇩1,b⇩1)"
let ?y' = "(addr a∙M(map Val vs),s⇩2,b⇩2)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF e_steps])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule CallRedsParams[OF es_steps])
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)" using RedCallStatic[OF _ cM_Static] hp⇩2a
by(cases s⇩2) simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma SCallRedsParams:
"P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s',b'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s,b⟩ →* ⟨C∙⇩sM(es'),s',b'⟩"
proof(induct rule: rtrancl_induct3)
case refl show ?case by blast
case step show ?case
by(rule rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF step(3) SCallParams[OF step(2)]])
lemma SCallRedsFinal:
assumes wwf: "wwf_J_prog P"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
"P ⊢ C sees M,Static:Ts→T = (pns,body) in D"
"sh⇩2 D = Some(sfs,Done) ∨ (M = clinit ∧ sh⇩2 D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋)"
"size vs = size pns"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [pns[↦]vs]"
and body: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2',sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩3,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
and "final ef"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es), s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
proof -
have wf: "size Ts = size pns ∧ distinct pns"
and wt: "fv body ⊆ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
from body[THEN Red_lcl_add, of l⇩2]
have body': "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(pns[↦]vs),sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2++l⇩3,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
by (simp add:l⇩2')
have "dom l⇩3 ⊆ set pns"
using Reds_dom_lcl[OF wwf body] wt l⇩2' set_take_subset by force
hence eql⇩2: "override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 (set pns) = l⇩2"
by(fastforce simp add:map_add_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
have b2T: "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩ →* ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),True⟩"
proof(cases b⇩2)
case True then show ?thesis by simp
case False then show ?thesis using assms(3,4) by(auto elim: SCallInitDoneRed)
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
by(rule SCallRedsParams)(rule assms(2))
also have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩ →* ⟨blocks(pns, Ts, vs, body), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩"
by(auto intro!: rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF b2T] RedSCall assms(3) simp: assms wf)
also (rtrancl_trans) have "P ⊢ ⟨blocks(pns, Ts, vs, body), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩
→* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 (set pns),sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
by(rule blocksRedsFinal, insert assms wf body', simp_all)
finally show ?thesis using eql⇩2 by simp
lemma SCallRedsThrowParams:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs⇩1 @ throw a # es⇩2,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s⇩2,b⇩2⟩"
by(erule SCallRedsParams[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ SCallThrowParams])
lemma SCallRedsNone:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,False⟩;
¬(∃b Ts T m D. P ⊢ C sees M,b:Ts→T = m in D) ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW NoSuchMethodError,s⇩2,False⟩"
by(erule SCallRedsParams[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedSCallNone])
lemma SCallRedsNonStatic:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,False⟩;
P ⊢ C sees M,NonStatic:Ts→T = m in D ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s,b⟩ →* ⟨THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError,s⇩2,False⟩"
by(erule SCallRedsParams[THEN rtrancl_into_rtrancl, OF _ RedSCallNonStatic])
lemma SCallInitThrowReds:
assumes wwf: "wwf_J_prog P"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False⟩"
"P ⊢ C sees M,Static:Ts→T = (pns,body) in D"
"∄sfs. sh⇩1 D = Some(sfs,Done)"
"M ≠ clinit"
and "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es), s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨throw a,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
(is "(?x, ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*")
proof -
let ?y = "(C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False)"
let ?y' = "(INIT D ([D],False) ← C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False)"
have "(?x, ?y) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule SCallRedsParams[OF assms(2)])
also have "(?y, ?y') ∈ (red P)⇧*"
using SCallInitRed[OF assms(3)] assms(4-5) by auto
also have "(?y', ?z) ∈ (red P)⇧*" by(rule InitSeqThrowReds[OF assms(6)])
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma SCallInitReds:
assumes wwf: "wwf_J_prog P"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False⟩"
"P ⊢ C sees M,Static:Ts→T = (pns,body) in D"
"∄sfs. sh⇩1 D = Some(sfs,Done)"
"M ≠ clinit"
and "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
and "size vs = size pns"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [pns[↦]vs]"
and body: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2',sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩3,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
and "final ef"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
proof -
have wf: "size Ts = size pns ∧ distinct pns"
and wt: "fv body ⊆ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
from body[THEN Red_lcl_add, of l⇩2]
have body': "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(pns[↦]vs),sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2++l⇩3,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
by (simp add:l⇩2')
have "dom l⇩3 ⊆ set pns"
using Reds_dom_lcl[OF wwf body] wt l⇩2' set_take_subset by force
hence eql⇩2: "override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 (set pns) = l⇩2"
by(fastforce simp add:map_add_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
have "icheck P D (C∙⇩sM(map Val vs)::'a exp)" using assms(3) by auto
then have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),icheck P D (C∙⇩sM(map Val vs))⟩
→ ⟨blocks(pns, Ts, vs, body), (h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2), False⟩"
by (metis (full_types) assms(3) assms(7) red_reds.RedSCall)
also have "P ⊢ ⟨blocks(pns, Ts, vs, body), (h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2), False⟩
→* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 (set pns),sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
by(rule blocksRedsFinal, insert assms wf body', simp_all)
finally have trueReds: "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),icheck P D (C∙⇩sM(map Val vs))⟩
→* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 (set pns),sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩" by simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False⟩"
by(rule SCallRedsParams)(rule assms(2))
also have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False⟩ → ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False⟩"
using SCallInitRed[OF assms(3)] assms(4-5) by auto
also (rtrancl_into_rtrancl) have "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1),False⟩
→* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 (set pns),sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
using InitSeqReds[OF assms(6) trueReds] assms(5) by simp
finally show ?thesis using eql⇩2 by simp
lemma SCallInitProcessingReds:
assumes wwf: "wwf_J_prog P"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
"P ⊢ C sees M,Static:Ts→T = (pns,body) in D"
"sh⇩2 D = Some(sfs,Processing)"
and "size vs = size pns"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [pns[↦]vs]"
and body: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2',sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩3,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
and "final ef"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
proof -
have wf: "size Ts = size pns ∧ distinct pns"
and wt: "fv body ⊆ set pns"
using assms by(fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
from body[THEN Red_lcl_add, of l⇩2]
have body': "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2(pns[↦]vs),sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,l⇩2++l⇩3,sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
by (simp add:l⇩2')
have "dom l⇩3 ⊆ set pns"
using Reds_dom_lcl[OF wwf body] wt l⇩2' set_take_subset by force
hence eql⇩2: "override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 (set pns) = l⇩2"
by(fastforce simp add:map_add_def override_on_def fun_eq_iff)
have b2T: "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩ →* ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),True⟩"
proof(cases b⇩2)
case True then show ?thesis by simp
case False
show ?thesis
proof(cases "M = clinit")
case True then show ?thesis using False assms(3) red_reds.SCallInitDoneRed assms(4)
by (simp add: r_into_rtrancl)
case nclinit: False
have icheck: "icheck P D (C∙⇩sM(map Val vs))" using assms(3) by auto
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩
→ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using SCallInitRed[OF assms(3)] assms(4) False nclinit by simp
also have "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩
→ ⟨INIT D (Nil,True) ← C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using RedInitProcessing assms(4) by simp
also have "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D (Nil,True) ← C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩
→ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),True⟩"
using RedInit[of "C∙⇩sM(map Val vs)" D _ _ _ P] icheck nclinit
by (metis (full_types) nsub_RI_Vals sub_RI.simps(12))
finally show ?thesis by simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s⇩0,b⇩0⟩ →* ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩"
by(rule SCallRedsParams)(rule assms(2))
also have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),b⇩2⟩ →* ⟨blocks(pns, Ts, vs, body), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩"
by(auto intro!: rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF b2T] RedSCall assms(3) simp: assms wf)
also (rtrancl_trans) have "P ⊢ ⟨blocks(pns, Ts, vs, body), (h⇩2,l⇩2,sh⇩2),False⟩
→* ⟨ef,(h⇩3,override_on (l⇩2++l⇩3) l⇩2 (set pns),sh⇩3),b⇩3⟩"
by(rule blocksRedsFinal, insert assms wf body', simp_all)
finally show ?thesis using eql⇩2 by simp
subsubsection "The main Theorem"
lemma assumes wwf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows big_by_small: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩
⟹ (⋀b. iconf (shp s) e ⟹ P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',False⟩)"
and bigs_by_smalls: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩
⟹ (⋀b. iconfs (shp s) es ⟹ P,shp s ⊢⇩b (es,b) √ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s',False⟩)"
proof (induct rule: eval_evals.inducts)
case New show ?case
proof(cases b)
case True then show ?thesis using RedNew[OF New.hyps(2-4)] by auto
case False then show ?thesis using New.hyps(1) NewInitDoneReds[OF _ New.hyps(2-4)] by auto
case NewFail show ?case
proof(cases b)
case True then show ?thesis using RedNewFail[OF NewFail.hyps(2)] NewFail.hyps(3) by fastforce
case False
then show ?thesis using NewInitDoneReds2[OF _ NewFail.hyps(2)] NewFail by fastforce
case (NewInit sh C h l v' h' l' sh' a FDTs h'') show ?case
proof(cases b)
case True
then obtain sfs where shC: "sh C = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using NewInit.hyps(1) NewInit.prems by(clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then have s': "(h',l',sh') = (h,l,sh)" using NewInit.hyps(2) init_ProcessingE by clarsimp
then show ?thesis using RedNew[OF NewInit.hyps(4-6)] True by auto
case False
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh'),False⟩"
using NewInit.hyps(3) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using NewInit NewInitReds[OF _ init NewInit.hyps(4-6)] False
has_fields_is_class[OF NewInit.hyps(5)] by auto
case (NewInitOOM sh C h l v' h' l' sh') show ?case
proof(cases b)
case True
then obtain sfs where shC: "sh C = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using NewInitOOM.hyps(1) NewInitOOM.prems by(clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then have s': "(h',l',sh') = (h,l,sh)" using NewInitOOM.hyps(2) init_ProcessingE by clarsimp
then show ?thesis using RedNewFail[OF NewInitOOM.hyps(4)] True r_into_rtrancl NewInitOOM.hyps(5)
by auto
case False
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh'),False⟩"
using NewInitOOM.hyps(3) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using NewInitOOM.hyps(1) NewInitOOMReds[OF _ init NewInitOOM.hyps(4)] False
NewInitOOM.hyps(5) by auto
case (NewInitThrow sh C h l a s') show ?case
proof(cases b)
case True
then obtain sfs where shC: "sh C = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using NewInitThrow.hyps(1) NewInitThrow.prems by(clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then show ?thesis using NewInitThrow.hyps(2) init_ProcessingE by blast
case False
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh),b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',False⟩"
using NewInitThrow.hyps(3) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using NewInitThrow NewInitThrowReds[of "(h,l,sh)" C P a s'] False by auto
case Cast then show ?case by(fastforce intro:CastRedsAddr)
case CastNull then show ?case by(fastforce intro: CastRedsNull)
case CastFail thus ?case by(fastforce intro!:CastRedsFail)
case CastThrow thus ?case by(fastforce dest!:eval_final intro:CastRedsThrow)
case Val then show ?case using exI[of _ b] by(simp add: bconf_def)
case (BinOp e⇩1 s⇩0 v⇩1 s⇩1 e⇩2 v⇩2 s⇩2 bop v)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" using None BinOp.prems by auto
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using None BinOp.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf BinOp.hyps(2) by auto
have binop: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule BinOp1Reds[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf binop] None BinOp by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩2,s⇩2,False⟩" using BinOp.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using BinOpRedsVal[OF b1 b2 BinOp.hyps(5)] by fast
case (Some a)
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) BinOp.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have binop: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule BinOp1Reds[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf binop] BinOp by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using BinOp.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf binop BinOp.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩2,s⇩2,False⟩" using BinOp.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using BinOpRedsVal[OF b1 b2 BinOp.hyps(5)] by fast
case (BinOpThrow1 e⇩1 s⇩0 e s⇩1 bop e⇩2) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" and "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using BinOpThrow1.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩1,False⟩" using BinOpThrow1.hyps(2) by auto
then have "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩1,False⟩"
using BinOpThrow1 None by(auto dest!:eval_final simp: BinOpRedsThrow1[OF b1])
then show ?thesis by fast
case (Some a)
then show ?thesis using eval_final_same[OF BinOpThrow1.hyps(1)] val_of_spec[OF Some] by auto
case (BinOpThrow2 e⇩1 s⇩0 v⇩1 s⇩1 e⇩2 e s⇩2 bop)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" using None BinOpThrow2.prems by auto
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using None BinOpThrow2.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf BinOpThrow2.hyps(2) by auto
have binop: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule BinOp1Reds[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf binop] None BinOpThrow2 by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,False⟩" using BinOpThrow2.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using BinOpRedsThrow2[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (Some a)
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) BinOpThrow2.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have binop: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1 «bop» e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule BinOp1Reds[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf binop] BinOpThrow2 by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using BinOpThrow2.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf binop BinOpThrow2.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩ →* ⟨throw e,s⇩2,False⟩" using BinOpThrow2.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using BinOpRedsThrow2[OF b1 b2] by fast
case Var thus ?case by(auto dest:RedVar simp: bconf_def)
case LAss thus ?case by(auto dest: LAssRedsVal)
case LAssThrow thus ?case by(auto dest!:eval_final dest: LAssRedsThrow)
case FAcc thus ?case by(fastforce intro:FAccRedsVal)
case FAccNull thus ?case by(auto dest:FAccRedsNull)
case FAccThrow thus ?case by(auto dest!:eval_final dest:FAccRedsThrow)
case FAccNone then show ?case by(fastforce intro: FAccRedsNone)
case FAccStatic then show ?case by(fastforce intro: FAccRedsStatic)
case SFAcc show ?case
proof(cases b)
case True then show ?thesis using RedSFAcc SFAcc.hyps by auto
case False then show ?thesis using SFAcc.hyps SFAccInitDoneReds[OF SFAcc.hyps(1)] by auto
case (SFAccInit C F t D sh h l v' h' l' sh' sfs i v) show ?case
proof(cases b)
case True
then obtain sfs where shC: "sh D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using SFAccInit.hyps(2) SFAccInit.prems by(clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then have s': "(h',l',sh') = (h,l,sh)" using SFAccInit.hyps(3) init_ProcessingE by clarsimp
then show ?thesis using RedSFAcc SFAccInit.hyps True by auto
case False
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh'),False⟩"
using SFAccInit.hyps(4) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using SFAccInit SFAccInitReds[OF _ _ init] False by auto
case (SFAccInitThrow C F t D sh h l a s') show ?case
proof(cases b)
case True
then obtain sfs where shC: "sh D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using SFAccInitThrow.hyps(2) SFAccInitThrow.prems(2) by(clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then show ?thesis using SFAccInitThrow.hyps(3) init_ProcessingE by blast
case False
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh),b⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',False⟩"
using SFAccInitThrow.hyps(4) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using SFAccInitThrow SFAccInitThrowReds False by auto
case SFAccNone then show ?case by(fastforce intro: SFAccRedsNone)
case SFAccNonStatic then show ?case by(fastforce intro: SFAccRedsNonStatic)
case (FAss e⇩1 s⇩0 a s⇩1 e⇩2 v h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C fs F t D fs' h⇩2')
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" using None FAss.prems by auto
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using None FAss.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf FAss.hyps(2) by auto
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] None FAss by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩" using FAss.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsVal[OF b1 b2 FAss.hyps(6) FAss.hyps(5)[THEN sym]] FAss.hyps(7,8) by fast
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) FAss.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] FAss by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using FAss.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf fass FAss.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩" using FAss.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsVal[OF b1 b2] FAss.hyps(5)[THEN sym] FAss.hyps(6-8) by fast
case (FAssNull e⇩1 s⇩0 s⇩1 e⇩2 v s⇩2 F D)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" using FAssNull.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using FAssNull.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨null,s⇩1,False⟩" using FAssNull.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨null∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] None FAssNull by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩2,False⟩" using FAssNull.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsNull[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨null,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) FAssNull.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨null∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] FAssNull by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using FAssNull.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf fass FAssNull.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩2,False⟩" using FAssNull.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsNull[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (FAssThrow1 e⇩1 s⇩0 e' s⇩1 F D e⇩2) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" and "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using FAssThrow1.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩1,False⟩" using FAssThrow1.hyps(2) by auto
then have "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩1,False⟩"
using FAssThrow1 None by(auto dest!:eval_final simp: FAssRedsThrow1[OF b1])
then show ?thesis by fast
case (Some a)
then show ?thesis using eval_final_same[OF FAssThrow1.hyps(1)] val_of_spec[OF Some] by auto
case (FAssThrow2 e⇩1 s⇩0 v s⇩1 e⇩2 e' s⇩2 F D)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" using None FAssThrow2.prems by auto
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using None FAssThrow2.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf FAssThrow2.hyps(2) by auto
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] None FAssThrow2 by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩2,False⟩" using FAssThrow2.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsThrow2[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) FAssThrow2.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] FAssThrow2 by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using FAssThrow2.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf fass FAssThrow2.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩2,False⟩" using FAssThrow2.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsThrow2[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (FAssNone e⇩1 s⇩0 a s⇩1 e⇩2 v h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C fs F D)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" using None FAssNone.prems by auto
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using None FAssNone.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf FAssNone.hyps(2) by auto
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] None FAssNone by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩" using FAssNone.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsNone[OF b1 b2 FAssNone.hyps(5,6)] by fast
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) FAssNone.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] FAssNone by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using FAssNone.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf fass FAssNone.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩" using FAssNone.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsNone[OF b1 b2 FAssNone.hyps(5,6)] by fast
case (FAssStatic e⇩1 s⇩0 a s⇩1 e⇩2 v h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C fs F t D)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩1")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩1" using None FAssStatic.prems by auto
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b) √" using None FAssStatic.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf FAssStatic.hyps(2) by auto
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] None FAssStatic by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩" using FAssStatic.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsStatic[OF b1 b2 FAssStatic.hyps(5,6)] by fast
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) FAssStatic.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙F{D} := e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule FAssReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] FAssStatic by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using FAssStatic.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf fass FAssStatic.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,b1⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩" using FAssStatic.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using FAssRedsStatic[OF b1 b2 FAssStatic.hyps(5,6)] by fast
case (SFAss e⇩2 s⇩0 v h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 C F t D sfs sfs' sh⇩1')
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩2")
case None
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using SFAss.prems(2) by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩" using SFAss by auto
thus ?thesis using SFAssRedsVal[OF b1 SFAss.hyps(3,4)] SFAss.hyps(5,6) by fast
case (Some a)
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) SFAss.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
thus ?thesis using SFAssRedsVal[OF b1 SFAss.hyps(3,4)] SFAss.hyps(5,6) by fast
case (SFAssInit e⇩2 s⇩0 v h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 C F t D v' h' l' sh' sfs i sfs' sh'')
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩2" by simp
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩2")
case None
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using SFAssInit.prems(2) by simp
then have reds: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩"
using SFAssInit.hyps(2)[OF iconf bconf] by auto
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh'),False⟩"
using SFAssInit.hyps(6) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using SFAssInit SFAssInitReds[OF reds SFAssInit.hyps(3) _ init] by auto
case (Some v2) show ?thesis
proof(cases b)
case False
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have reds: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩"
using SFAssInit.hyps(2)[OF iconf bconf] by auto
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh'),False⟩"
using SFAssInit.hyps(6) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using SFAssInit SFAssInitReds[OF reds SFAssInit.hyps(3) _ init] by auto
case True
have e⇩2: "e⇩2 = Val v2" using val_of_spec[OF Some] by simp
then have vs: "v2 = v ∧ s⇩0 = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)" using eval_final_same[OF SFAssInit.hyps(1)] by simp
then obtain sfs where shC: "sh⇩1 D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using SFAssInit.hyps(3,4) SFAssInit.prems(2) Some True
by(cases e⇩2, auto simp: bconf_def initPD_def dest: sees_method_fun)
then have s': "(h',l',sh') = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)" using SFAssInit.hyps(5) init_ProcessingE by clarsimp
then show ?thesis using SFAssInit.hyps(3,7-9) True e⇩2 red_reds.RedSFAss vs by auto
case (SFAssInitThrow e⇩2 s⇩0 v h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 C F t D a s')
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩2" by simp
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩2")
case None
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using SFAssInitThrow.prems(2) by simp
then have reds: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩"
using SFAssInitThrow.hyps(2)[OF iconf bconf] by auto
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',False⟩"
using SFAssInitThrow.hyps(6) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using SFAssInitThrow SFAssInitThrowReds[OF reds _ _ init] by auto
case (Some v2) show ?thesis
proof(cases b)
case False
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have reds: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩"
using SFAssInitThrow.hyps(2)[OF iconf bconf] by auto
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',False⟩"
using SFAssInitThrow.hyps(6) by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then show ?thesis using SFAssInitThrow SFAssInitThrowReds[OF reds _ _ init] by auto
case True
obtain v2 where e⇩2: "e⇩2 = Val v2" using val_of_spec[OF Some] by simp
then have vs: "v2 = v ∧ s⇩0 = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)"
using eval_final_same[OF SFAssInitThrow.hyps(1)] by simp
then obtain sfs where shC: "sh⇩1 D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using SFAssInitThrow.hyps(4) SFAssInitThrow.prems(2) Some True
by(cases e⇩2, auto simp: bconf_def initPD_def dest: sees_method_fun)
then show ?thesis using SFAssInitThrow.hyps(5) init_ProcessingE by blast
case (SFAssThrow e⇩2 s⇩0 e' s⇩2 C F D)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩2")
case None
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using SFAssThrow.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩2,False⟩" using SFAssThrow by auto
thus ?thesis using SFAssRedsThrow[OF b1] by fast
case (Some a)
then show ?thesis using eval_final_same[OF SFAssThrow.hyps(1)] val_of_spec[OF Some] by auto
case (SFAssNone e⇩2 s⇩0 v h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C F D)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩2")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩2" using SFAssNone by simp
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using SFAssNone.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩" using SFAssNone.hyps(2) iconf by auto
thus ?thesis using SFAssRedsNone[OF b1 SFAssNone.hyps(3)] by fast
case (Some a)
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) SFAssNone.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
thus ?thesis using SFAssRedsNone[OF b1 SFAssNone.hyps(3)] by fast
case (SFAssNonStatic e⇩2 s⇩0 v h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C F t D) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e⇩2")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩2" using SFAssNonStatic by simp
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,b) √" using SFAssNonStatic.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩" using SFAssNonStatic.hyps(2) iconf by auto
thus ?thesis using SFAssRedsNonStatic[OF b1 SFAssNonStatic.hyps(3)] by fast
case (Some a)
then obtain b' where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),b'⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) SFAssNonStatic.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
thus ?thesis using SFAssRedsNonStatic[OF b1 SFAssNonStatic.hyps(3)] by fast
case (CallObjThrow e s⇩0 e' s⇩1 M ps) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" and "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using CallObjThrow.prems by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩1,False⟩" using CallObjThrow.hyps(2) by auto
then have "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩1,False⟩"
using CallObjThrow None by(auto dest!:eval_final simp: CallRedsThrowObj[OF b1])
then show ?thesis by fast
case (Some a)
then show ?thesis using eval_final_same[OF CallObjThrow.hyps(1)] val_of_spec[OF Some] by auto
case (CallNull e s⇩0 s⇩1 ps vs s⇩2 M) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using CallNull.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using CallNull.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨null,s⇩1,False⟩" using CallNull.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have call: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨null∙M(ps),s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) ps" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf call] None CallNull by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (ps,False) √" by(simp add: bconfs_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1,False⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,False⟩" using CallNull.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using CallRedsNull[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨null,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CallNull.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨null∙M(ps),s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) ps" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] CallNull by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using CallNull.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (ps,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf fass CallNull.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1,b1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,False⟩" using CallNull.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using CallRedsNull[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (CallParamsThrow e s⇩0 v s⇩1 es vs ex es' s⇩2 M) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using CallParamsThrow.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using CallParamsThrow.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,False⟩" using CallParamsThrow.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have call: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v∙M(es),s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) es" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf call] None CallParamsThrow by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (es,False) √" by(simp add: bconfs_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,False⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs @ throw ex # es',s⇩2,False⟩"
using CallParamsThrow.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using CallRedsThrowParams[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CallParamsThrow.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(es),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v∙M(es),s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) es" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] CallParamsThrow by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (es,b) √" using CallParamsThrow.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (es,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf fass CallParamsThrow.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,b1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs @ throw ex # es',s⇩2,False⟩"
using CallParamsThrow.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using CallRedsThrowParams[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (CallNone e s⇩0 a s⇩1 ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C fs M) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using CallNone.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using CallNone.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,False⟩" using CallNone.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have call: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙M(ps),s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) ps" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf call] None CallNone by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (ps,False) √" by(simp add: bconfs_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1,False⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using CallNone.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using CallRedsNone[OF b1 b2 _ CallNone.hyps(6)] CallNone.hyps(5) by fastforce
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CallNone.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fass: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙M(ps),s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) ps" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf fass] CallNone by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using CallNone.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (ps,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf fass CallNone.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1,b1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using CallNone.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using CallRedsNone[OF b1 b2 _ CallNone.hyps(6)] CallNone.hyps(5) by fastforce
case (CallStatic e s⇩0 a s⇩1 ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C fs M Ts T m D) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using CallStatic.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using CallStatic.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,False⟩" using CallStatic.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have call: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙M(ps),s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) ps" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf call] None CallStatic by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (ps,False) √" by(simp add: bconfs_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1,False⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using CallStatic.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using CallRedsStatic[OF b1 b2 _ CallStatic.hyps(6)] CallStatic.hyps(5) by fastforce
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CallStatic.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have call: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙M(ps),s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) ps" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf call] CallStatic by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using CallStatic.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (ps,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf call CallStatic.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1,b1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using CallStatic.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?thesis using CallRedsStatic[OF b1 b2 _ CallStatic.hyps(6)] CallStatic.hyps(5) by fastforce
case (Call e s⇩0 a s⇩1 ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C fs M Ts T pns body D l⇩2' e' h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using Call.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using Call.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,False⟩" using Call.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have call: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙M(ps),s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2: "iconfs (shp s⇩1) ps" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf call] None Call by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (ps,False) √" by(simp add: bconfs_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1,False⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using Call.hyps(4)[OF iconf2] by simp
have iconf3: "iconf (shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2)) body"
by(rule nsub_RI_iconf[OF sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wwf Call.hyps(6)]])
have "P,shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2) ⊢⇩b (body,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b3: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3),False⟩"
using Call.hyps(10)[OF iconf3] by simp
show ?thesis by(rule CallRedsFinal[OF wwf b1 b2 Call.hyps(5-8) b3 eval_final[OF Call.hyps(9)]])
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Call.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have call: "P ⊢ ⟨e∙M(ps),s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨addr a∙M(ps),s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule CallRedsObj[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) ps" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf call] Call by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using Call.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (ps,b1) √" using Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf call Call.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩1,b1⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using Call.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
have iconf3: "iconf (shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2)) body"
by(rule nsub_RI_iconf[OF sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wwf Call.hyps(6)]])
have "P,shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2) ⊢⇩b (body,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b3: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3),False⟩"
using Call.hyps(10)[OF iconf3] by simp
show ?thesis by(rule CallRedsFinal[OF wwf b1 b2 Call.hyps(5-8) b3 eval_final[OF Call.hyps(9)]])
case (SCallParamsThrow es s⇩0 vs ex es' s⇩2 C M) show ?case
proof(cases "map_vals_of es")
case None
then have iconf: "iconfs (shp s⇩0) es" using SCallParamsThrow.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (es,b) √" using SCallParamsThrow.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs @ throw ex # es',s⇩2,False⟩"
using SCallParamsThrow.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by simp
show ?thesis using SCallRedsThrowParams[OF b1] by simp
case (Some vs')
then have "es = map Val vs'" by(rule map_vals_of_spec)
then show ?thesis using evals_finals_same[OF _ SCallParamsThrow.hyps(1)] map_Val_nthrow_neq
by auto
case (SCallNone ps s⇩0 vs s⇩2 C M) show ?case
proof(cases "map_vals_of ps")
case None
then have iconf: "iconfs (shp s⇩0) ps" using SCallNone.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using SCallNone.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,False⟩" using SCallNone.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
then show ?thesis using SCallRedsNone[OF b1 SCallNone.hyps(3)] SCallNone.hyps(1) by simp
case (Some vs')
then have ps: "ps = map Val vs'" by(rule map_vals_of_spec)
then have s⇩0: "s⇩0 = s⇩2" using SCallNone.hyps(1) evals_finals_same by blast
then show ?thesis using RedSCallNone[OF SCallNone.hyps(3)] ps by(cases s⇩2, auto)
case (SCallNonStatic ps s⇩0 vs s⇩2 C M Ts T m D) show ?case
proof(cases "map_vals_of ps")
case None
then have iconf: "iconfs (shp s⇩0) ps" using SCallNonStatic.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using SCallNonStatic.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,s⇩2,False⟩" using SCallNonStatic.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
then show ?thesis using SCallRedsNonStatic[OF b1 SCallNonStatic.hyps(3)] SCallNonStatic.hyps(1) by simp
case (Some vs')
then have ps: "ps = map Val vs'" by(rule map_vals_of_spec)
then have s⇩0: "s⇩0 = s⇩2" using SCallNonStatic.hyps(1) evals_finals_same by blast
then show ?thesis using RedSCallNonStatic[OF SCallNonStatic.hyps(3)] ps by(cases s⇩2, auto)
case (SCallInitThrow ps s⇩0 vs h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 C M Ts T pns body D a s') show ?case
proof(cases "map_vals_of ps")
case None
then have iconf: "iconfs (shp s⇩0) ps" using SCallInitThrow.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using SCallInitThrow.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩"
using SCallInitThrow.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1) ⊢⇩b (INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',False⟩"
using SCallInitThrow.hyps(7) by auto
then show ?thesis using SCallInitThrowReds[OF wwf b1 SCallInitThrow.hyps(3-5)]
by(cases s', auto)
case (Some vs')
have ps: "ps = map Val vs'" by(rule map_vals_of_spec[OF Some])
then have vs: "vs = vs' ∧ s⇩0 = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)"
using evals_finals_same[OF _ SCallInitThrow.hyps(1)] map_Val_eq by auto
show ?thesis
proof(cases b)
case True
obtain sfs where shC: "sh⇩1 D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using SCallInitThrow.hyps(3,4) SCallInitThrow.prems(2) True Some vs
by(auto simp: bconf_def initPD_def dest: sees_method_fun)
then show ?thesis using init_ProcessingE[OF _ SCallInitThrow.hyps(6)] by blast
case False
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩" using ps vs by simp
have bconf2: "P,shp (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1) ⊢⇩b (INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨throw a,s',False⟩"
using SCallInitThrow.hyps(7) by auto
then show ?thesis using SCallInitThrowReds[OF wwf b1 SCallInitThrow.hyps(3-5)] by(cases s', auto)
case (SCallInit ps s⇩0 vs h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 C M Ts T pns body D v' h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 l⇩2' e' h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3) show ?case
proof(cases "map_vals_of ps")
case None
then have iconf: "iconfs (shp s⇩0) ps" using SCallInit.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using SCallInit.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩"
using SCallInit.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1) ⊢⇩b (INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using SCallInit.hyps(7) by auto
have iconf3: "iconf (shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2)) body"
by(rule nsub_RI_iconf[OF sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wwf SCallInit.hyps(3)]])
have "P,shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2) ⊢⇩b (body,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b3: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3),False⟩"
using SCallInit.hyps(11)[OF iconf3] by simp
show ?thesis by(rule SCallInitReds[OF wwf b1 SCallInit.hyps(3-5) b2 SCallInit.hyps(8-9)
b3 eval_final[OF SCallInit.hyps(10)]])
case (Some vs')
then have ps: "ps = map Val vs'" by(rule map_vals_of_spec)
then have vs: "vs = vs' ∧ s⇩0 = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)"
using evals_finals_same[OF _ SCallInit.hyps(1)] map_Val_eq by auto
show ?thesis
proof(cases b)
case True
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),b⟩" using ps vs by simp
obtain sfs where shC: "sh⇩1 D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using SCallInit.hyps(3,4) SCallInit.prems(2) True Some vs
by(auto simp: bconf_def initPD_def dest: sees_method_fun)
then have s': "(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1) = (h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2)" using init_ProcessingE[OF _ SCallInit.hyps(6)] by simp
have iconf3: "iconf (shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2)) body"
by(rule nsub_RI_iconf[OF sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wwf SCallInit.hyps(3)]])
have "P,shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2) ⊢⇩b (body,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b3: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3),False⟩"
using SCallInit.hyps(11)[OF iconf3] by simp
then have b3': "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩1, l⇩2', sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3),False⟩"
using s' by simp
then show ?thesis using SCallInitProcessingReds[OF wwf b1 SCallInit.hyps(3) shC
SCallInit.hyps(8-9) b3' eval_final[OF SCallInit.hyps(10)]] s' by simp
case False
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩" using ps vs by simp
have bconf2: "P,shp (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1) ⊢⇩b (INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨Val v',(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using SCallInit.hyps(7) by auto
have iconf3: "iconf (shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2)) body"
by(rule nsub_RI_iconf[OF sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wwf SCallInit.hyps(3)]])
have "P,shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2) ⊢⇩b (body,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b3: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3),False⟩"
using SCallInit.hyps(11)[OF iconf3] by simp
show ?thesis by(rule SCallInitReds[OF wwf b1 SCallInit.hyps(3-5) b2 SCallInit.hyps(8-9)
b3 eval_final[OF SCallInit.hyps(10)]])
case (SCall ps s⇩0 vs h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C M Ts T pns body D sfs l⇩2' e' h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3) show ?case
proof(cases "map_vals_of ps")
case None
then have iconf: "iconfs (shp s⇩0) ps" using SCall.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (ps,b) √" using SCall.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using SCall.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have iconf3: "iconf (shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2)) body"
by(rule nsub_RI_iconf[OF sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wwf SCall.hyps(3)]])
have "P,shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2) ⊢⇩b (body,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3),False⟩"
using SCall.hyps(8)[OF iconf3] by simp
show ?thesis by(rule SCallRedsFinal[OF wwf b1 SCall.hyps(3-6) b2 eval_final[OF SCall.hyps(7)]])
case (Some vs')
then have ps: "ps = map Val vs'" by(rule map_vals_of_spec)
then have vs: "vs = vs' ∧ s⇩0 = (h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2)"
using evals_finals_same[OF _ SCall.hyps(1)] map_Val_eq by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨ps,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),b⟩" using ps by simp
have iconf3: "iconf (shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2)) body"
by(rule nsub_RI_iconf[OF sees_wwf_nsub_RI[OF wwf SCall.hyps(3)]])
have "P,shp (h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2) ⊢⇩b (body,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2, l⇩2', sh⇩2),False⟩ →* ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3),False⟩"
using SCall.hyps(8)[OF iconf3] by simp
show ?thesis by(rule SCallRedsFinal[OF wwf b1 SCall.hyps(3-6) b2 eval_final[OF SCall.hyps(7)]])
case (Block e⇩0 h⇩0 l⇩0 V sh⇩0 e⇩1 h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 T)
have iconf: "iconf (shp (h⇩0, l⇩0(V := None), sh⇩0)) e⇩0"
using Block.prems(1) by (auto simp: assigned_def)
have bconf: "P,shp (h⇩0, l⇩0(V := None), sh⇩0) ⊢⇩b (e⇩0,b) √" using Block.prems(2)
by(auto simp: bconf_def)
then have b': "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,(h⇩0, l⇩0(V := None), sh⇩0),b⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩"
using Block.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have fin: "final e⇩1" using Block by(auto dest: eval_final)
thus ?case using BlockRedsFinal[OF b' fin] by simp
case (Seq e⇩0 s⇩0 v s⇩1 e⇩1 e⇩2 s⇩2)
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e⇩0" using Seq.prems(1)
by(auto dest: val_of_spec lass_val_of_spec)
have b1: "∃b1. P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b1⟩"
proof(cases "val_of e⇩0")
case None show ?thesis
proof(cases "lass_val_of e⇩0")
case lNone:None
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e⇩0,b) √" using Seq.prems(2) None by simp
then have "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf Seq.hyps(2) by auto
then show ?thesis by fast
case (Some p)
obtain V' v' where p: "p = (V',v')" and e⇩0: "e⇩0 = V':=Val v'"
using lass_val_of_spec[OF Some] by(cases p, auto)
obtain h l sh h' l' sh' where s⇩0: "s⇩0 = (h,l,sh)" and s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h',l',sh')" by(cases s⇩0, cases s⇩1)
then have eval: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h',l',sh')⟩" using Seq.hyps(1) by simp
then have s⇩1': "Val v = unit ∧ h' = h ∧ l' = l(V' ↦ v') ∧ sh' = sh"
using lass_val_of_eval[OF Some eval] p e⇩0 by simp
then have "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⟩ → ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b⟩" using e⇩0 s⇩0 s⇩1 by(auto intro: RedLAss)
then show ?thesis by auto
case (Some a)
then have "e⇩0 = Val v" and "s⇩0 = s⇩1" using Seq.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) val_of_spec by blast+
then show ?thesis using Seq by auto
then obtain b1 where b1': "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b1⟩" by clarsimp
have seq: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0;;e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v;;e⇩1,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule SeqReds[OF b1'])
then have iconf2: "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩1" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf seq] Seq nsub_RI_iconf
by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (Val v;; e⇩1,b1) √" by(rule Red_preserves_bconf[OF wwf seq Seq.prems])
then have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,b1) √" by simp
have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,b1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2,s⇩2,False⟩" by(rule Seq.hyps(4)[OF iconf2 bconf2])
then show ?case using SeqReds2[OF b1' b2] by fast
case (SeqThrow e⇩0 s⇩0 a s⇩1 e⇩1 b)
have notVal: "val_of e⇩0 = None" "lass_val_of e⇩0 = None"
using SeqThrow.hyps(1) eval_throw_nonVal eval_throw_nonLAss by auto
thus ?case using SeqThrow notVal by(auto dest!:eval_final dest: SeqRedsThrow)
case (CondT e s⇩0 s⇩1 e⇩1 e' s⇩2 e⇩2)
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using CondT.prems(1) by auto
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using CondT.prems(2) by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf CondT.hyps(2) by auto
have cond: "P ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨if (true) e⇩1 else e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule CondReds[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩1" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf cond] CondT nsub_RI_iconf
by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩1,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2,False⟩" using CondT.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?case using CondReds2T[OF b1 b2] by fast
case (CondF e s⇩0 s⇩1 e⇩2 e' s⇩2 e⇩1)
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using CondF.prems(1) by auto
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using CondF.prems(2) by auto
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨false,s⇩1,False⟩" using iconf CondF.hyps(2) by auto
have cond: "P ⊢ ⟨if (e) e⇩1 else e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨if (false) e⇩1 else e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule CondReds[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconf (shp s⇩1) e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf cond] CondF nsub_RI_iconf
by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨e',s⇩2,False⟩" using CondF.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
then show ?case using CondReds2F[OF b1 b2] by fast
case CondThrow thus ?case by(auto dest!:eval_final dest:CondRedsThrow)
case (WhileF e s⇩0 s⇩1 c)
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using nsub_RI_iconf by auto
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using WhileF.prems(2) by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b': "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨false,s⇩1,False⟩" using WhileF.hyps(2) iconf by auto
thus ?case using WhileFReds[OF b'] by fast
case (WhileT e s⇩0 s⇩1 c v⇩1 s⇩2 e⇩3 s⇩3)
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using nsub_RI_iconf by auto
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using WhileT.prems(2) by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1,False⟩" using WhileT.hyps(2) iconf by auto
have iconf2: "iconf (shp s⇩1) c" using WhileT.prems(1) nsub_RI_iconf by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (c,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩2,False⟩" using WhileT.hyps(4) iconf2 by auto
have iconf3: "iconf (shp s⇩2) (while (e) c)" using WhileT.prems(1) by auto
have "P,shp s⇩2 ⊢⇩b (while (e) c,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b3: "P ⊢ ⟨while (e) c,s⇩2,False⟩ →* ⟨e⇩3,s⇩3,False⟩" using WhileT.hyps(6) iconf3 by auto
show ?case using WhileTReds[OF b1 b2 b3] by fast
case WhileCondThrow thus ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) WhileRedsThrow iconf.simps(16) bconf_While bconf_def nsub_RI_iconf)
case (WhileBodyThrow e s⇩0 s⇩1 c e' s⇩2)
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using nsub_RI_iconf by auto
then have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using WhileBodyThrow.prems(2) by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨true,s⇩1,False⟩" using WhileBodyThrow.hyps(2) iconf by auto
have iconf2: "iconf (shp s⇩1) c" using WhileBodyThrow.prems(1) nsub_RI_iconf by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (c,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1,False⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩2,False⟩" using WhileBodyThrow.hyps(4) iconf2 by auto
show ?case using WhileTRedsThrow[OF b1 b2] by fast
case Throw thus ?case by (meson ThrowReds iconf.simps(17) bconf_Throw)
case ThrowNull thus ?case by (meson ThrowRedsNull iconf.simps(17) bconf_Throw)
case ThrowThrow thus ?case by (meson ThrowRedsThrow iconf.simps(17) bconf_Throw)
case Try thus ?case by (meson TryRedsVal iconf.simps(18) bconf_Try)
case (TryCatch e⇩1 s⇩0 a h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 D fs C e⇩2 V e⇩2' h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2)
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩" by auto
have Try: "P ⊢ ⟨try e⇩1 catch(C V) e⇩2,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨try (Throw a) catch(C V) e⇩2,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1),False⟩"
by(rule TryReds[OF b1])
have iconf: "iconf sh⇩1 e⇩2" using Red_preserves_iconf[OF wwf Try] TryCatch nsub_RI_iconf
by auto
have bconf: "P,shp (h⇩1, l⇩1(V ↦ Addr a), sh⇩1) ⊢⇩b (e⇩2,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩1, l⇩1(V ↦ Addr a), sh⇩1),False⟩ →* ⟨e⇩2',(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2),False⟩"
using TryCatch.hyps(6) iconf by auto
thus ?case using TryCatchRedsFinal[OF b1] TryCatch.hyps(3-5) by (meson eval_final)
case TryThrow thus ?case by (meson TryRedsFail iconf.simps(18) bconf_Try)
case Nil thus ?case by(auto simp: bconfs_def)
case (Cons e s⇩0 v s⇩1 es es' s⇩2) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using Cons.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using Cons.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,False⟩" using Cons.hyps(2) iconf by auto
have cons: "P ⊢ ⟨e # es,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨Val v # es,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule ListReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) es" using Reds_preserves_iconf[OF wwf cons] None Cons by auto
have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (es,False) √" by(simp add: bconfs_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,False⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s⇩2,False⟩" using Cons.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
show ?thesis using ListRedsVal[OF b1 b2] by auto
case (Some a)
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,s⇩1,b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have cons: "P ⊢ ⟨e # es,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨Val v # es,s⇩1,b1⟩" by(rule ListReds1[OF b1])
then have iconf2': "iconfs (shp s⇩1) es" using Reds_preserves_iconf[OF wwf cons] Cons by auto
have bconf2: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (es,b) √" using Cons.prems Some by simp
then have "P,shp s⇩1 ⊢⇩b (es,b1) √" using Reds_preserves_bconf[OF wwf cons Cons.prems] by simp
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⇩1,b1⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s⇩2,False⟩" using Cons.hyps(4)[OF iconf2'] by auto
show ?thesis using ListRedsVal[OF b1 b2] by auto
case (ConsThrow e s⇩0 e' s⇩1 es) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s⇩0) e" using ConsThrow.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s⇩0 ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using ConsThrow.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⇩0,b⟩ →* ⟨throw e',s⇩1,False⟩" using ConsThrow.hyps(2) iconf by auto
have cons: "P ⊢ ⟨e # es,s⇩0,b⟩ [→]* ⟨throw e' # es,s⇩1,False⟩" by(rule ListReds1[OF b1])
then show ?thesis by fast
case (Some a)
then show ?thesis using eval_final_same[OF ConsThrow.hyps(1)] val_of_spec[OF Some] by auto
case (InitFinal e s e' s' C b')
then have "¬sub_RI e" by simp
then show ?case using InitFinal RedInit[of e C b' s b P]
by (meson converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl nsub_RI_iconf red_preserves_bconf RedInit)
case (InitNone sh C C' Cs e h l e' s')
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (C # Cs,False) ← e,(h, l, sh(C ↦ (sblank P C, Prepared))),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',False⟩"
by(simp add: bconf_def)
show ?case by(rule InitNoneReds[OF InitNone.hyps(1) init])
case (InitDone sh C sfs C' Cs e h l e' s')
then have "iconf (shp (h, l, sh)) (INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e)" using InitDone.hyps(1)
proof(cases Cs)
case Nil
then have "C = C'" "¬sub_RI e" using InitDone.prems(1) by simp+
then show ?thesis using Nil InitDone.hyps(1) by(simp add: initPD_def)
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e,(h, l, sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',False⟩"
using InitDone by(simp add: bconf_def)
show ?case by(rule InitDoneReds[OF InitDone.hyps(1) init])
case (InitProcessing sh C sfs C' Cs e h l e' s')
then have "iconf (shp (h, l, sh)) (INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e)" using InitProcessing.hyps(1)
proof(cases Cs)
case Nil
then have "C = C'" "¬sub_RI e" using InitProcessing.prems(1) by simp+
then show ?thesis using Nil InitProcessing.hyps(1) by(simp add: initPD_def)
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e,(h, l, sh),b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',False⟩"
using InitProcessing by(simp add: bconf_def)
show ?case by(rule InitProcessingReds[OF InitProcessing.hyps(1) init])
case InitError thus ?case by(fastforce intro: InitErrorReds simp: bconf_def)
case InitObject thus ?case by(fastforce intro: InitObjectReds simp: bconf_def)
case InitNonObject thus ?case by(fastforce intro: InitNonObjectReds simp: bconf_def)
case InitRInit thus ?case by(fastforce intro: RedsInitRInit simp: bconf_def)
case (RInit e s v h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' C' Cs e' e⇩1 s⇩1)
then have iconf2: "iconf (shp (h', l', sh'')) (INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e')"
by(auto simp: initPD_def fun_upd_same list_nonempty_induct)
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s) e" using RInit.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using RInit.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h',l',sh'),False⟩" using RInit.hyps(2)[OF iconf] by auto
have "P,shp (h', l', sh'') ⊢⇩b (INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e',False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e',(h',l',sh''),False⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,False⟩"
using RInit.hyps(7)[OF iconf2] by auto
then show ?thesis using RedsRInit[OF b1 RInit.hyps(3-5) b2] by fast
case (Some a')
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Val v,(h',l',sh'),b1⟩"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) RInit.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fin: "final e" by(simp add: val_of_spec[OF Some])
have "¬b" using RInit.prems(2) Some by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have nb1: "¬b1" using reds_final_same[OF b1 fin] by simp
have "P,shp (h', l', sh'') ⊢⇩b (INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e',b1) √" using nb1
by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e',(h', l', sh''),b1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,False⟩"
using RInit.hyps(7)[OF iconf2] by auto
then show ?thesis using RedsRInit[OF b1 RInit.hyps(3-5) b2] by fast
case (RInitInitFail e s a h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' D Cs e' e⇩1 s⇩1)
have fin: "final (throw a)" using eval_final[OF RInitInitFail.hyps(1)] by simp
then obtain a' where a': "throw a = Throw a'" by auto
have iconf2: "iconf (shp (h', l', sh'')) (RI (D,Throw a') ; Cs ← e')"
using RInitInitFail.prems(1) by auto
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s) e" using RInitInitFail.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using RInitInitFail.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a',(h',l',sh'),False⟩"
using RInitInitFail.hyps(2)[OF iconf] a' by auto
have "P,shp (h', l', sh'') ⊢⇩b (RI (D,Throw a') ; Cs ← e',False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨RI (D,Throw a') ; Cs ← e',(h',l',sh''),False⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,False⟩"
using RInitInitFail.hyps(6) iconf2 a' by auto
show ?thesis using RInitInitThrowReds[OF b1 RInitInitFail.hyps(3-4) b2] by fast
case (Some a1)
then obtain b1 where b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a',(h',l',sh'),b1⟩" using a'
by (metis (no_types, lifting) RInitInitFail.hyps(1) eval_cases(3) rtrancl.rtrancl_refl val_of_spec)
have fin: "final e" by(simp add: val_of_spec[OF Some])
have "¬b" using RInitInitFail.prems(2) Some by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have nb1: "¬b1" using reds_final_same[OF b1 fin] by simp
have "P,shp (h', l', sh'') ⊢⇩b (RI (D,Throw a') ; Cs ← e',b1) √" using nb1
by(simp add: bconf_def)
then have b2: "P ⊢ ⟨RI (D,Throw a') ; Cs ← e',(h', l', sh''),b1⟩ →* ⟨e⇩1,s⇩1,False⟩"
using RInitInitFail.hyps(6) iconf2 a' by auto
show ?thesis using RInitInitThrowReds[OF b1 RInitInitFail.hyps(3-4) b2] by fast
case (RInitFailFinal e s a h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' e')
have fin: "final (throw a)" using eval_final[OF RInitFailFinal.hyps(1)] by simp
then obtain a' where a': "throw a = Throw a'" by auto
show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None
then have iconf: "iconf (shp s) e" using RInitFailFinal.prems(1) by simp
have bconf: "P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using RInitFailFinal.prems(2) None by simp
then have b1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨Throw a',(h',l',sh'),False⟩"
using RInitFailFinal.hyps(2)[OF iconf] a' by auto
show ?thesis using RInitThrowReds[OF b1 RInitFailFinal.hyps(3-4)] a' by fast
case (Some a1)
then show ?thesis using eval_final_same[OF RInitFailFinal.hyps(1)] val_of_spec[OF Some] by auto
subsection‹Big steps simulates small step›
text‹ This direction was carried out by Norbert Schirmer and Daniel
Wasserrab (and modified to include statics and DCI by Susannah Mansky). ›
text ‹ The big step equivalent of @{text RedWhile}: ›
lemma unfold_while:
"P ⊢ ⟨while(b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ = P ⊢ ⟨if(b) (c;;while(b) c) else (unit),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
assume "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
thus "P ⊢ ⟨if (b) (c;; while (b) c) else unit,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by cases (fastforce intro: eval_evals.intros)+
assume "P ⊢ ⟨if (b) (c;; while (b) c) else unit,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
thus "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
proof (cases)
fix a
assume e': "e' = throw a"
assume "P ⊢ ⟨b,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩"
hence "P ⊢ ⟨while(b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩" by (rule WhileCondThrow)
with e' show ?thesis by simp
fix s⇩1
assume eval_false: "P ⊢ ⟨b,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨false,s⇩1⟩"
and eval_unit: "P ⊢ ⟨unit,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
with eval_unit have "s' = s⇩1" "e' = unit" by (auto elim: eval_cases)
moreover from eval_false have "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨unit,s⇩1⟩"
by - (rule WhileF, simp)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
fix s⇩1
assume eval_true: "P ⊢ ⟨b,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨true,s⇩1⟩"
and eval_rest: "P ⊢ ⟨c;; while (b) c,s⇩1⟩⇒⟨e',s'⟩"
from eval_rest show ?thesis
proof (cases)
fix s⇩2 v⇩1
assume "P ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v⇩1,s⇩2⟩" "P ⊢ ⟨while (b) c,s⇩2⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
with eval_true show "P ⊢ ⟨while(b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by (rule WhileT)
fix a
assume "P ⊢ ⟨c,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩" "e' = throw a"
with eval_true show "P ⊢ ⟨while(b) c,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by (iprover intro: WhileBodyThrow)
lemma blocksEval:
"⋀Ts vs l l'. ⟦size ps = size Ts; size ps = size vs; P ⊢ ⟨blocks(ps,Ts,vs,e),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l',sh')⟩ ⟧
⟹ ∃ l''. P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l(ps[↦]vs),sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l'',sh')⟩"
proof (induct ps)
case Nil then show ?case by fastforce
case (Cons p ps')
have length_eqs: "length (p # ps') = length Ts"
"length (p # ps') = length vs" by fact+
then obtain T Ts' where Ts: "Ts = T#Ts'" by (cases "Ts") simp
obtain v vs' where vs: "vs = v#vs'" using length_eqs by (cases "vs") simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨blocks (p # ps', Ts, vs, e),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h', l',sh')⟩" by fact
with Ts vs
have "P ⊢ ⟨{p:T := Val v; blocks (ps', Ts', vs', e)},(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h', l',sh')⟩"
by simp
then obtain l''' where
eval_ps': "P ⊢ ⟨blocks (ps', Ts', vs', e),(h, l(p↦v), sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h', l''', sh')⟩"
and l''': "l'=l'''(p:=l p)"
by (auto elim!: eval_cases)
then obtain l'' where
hyp: "P ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(p↦v, ps'[↦]vs'), sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h', l'', sh')⟩"
using length_eqs Ts vs Cons.hyps [OF _ _ eval_ps'] by auto
from hyp
show "∃l''. P ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l(p # ps'[↦]vs), sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h', l'', sh')⟩"
using Ts vs by auto
assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows eval_restrict_lcl:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l',sh')⟩ ⟹ (⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l|`W,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l'|`W,sh')⟩)"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l,sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',(h',l',sh')⟩ ⟹ (⋀W. fvs es ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l|`W,sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',(h',l'|`W,sh')⟩)"
proof(induct rule:eval_evals_inducts)
case (Block e⇩0 h⇩0 l⇩0 V sh⇩0 e⇩1 h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 T)
have IH: "⋀W. fv e⇩0 ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,(h⇩0,l⇩0(V:=None)|`W,sh⇩0)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩1,(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W,sh⇩1)⟩" by fact
have "fv({V:T; e⇩0}) ⊆ W" by fact+
hence "fv e⇩0 - {V} ⊆ W" by simp_all
hence "fv e⇩0 ⊆ insert V W" by fast
from IH[OF this]
have "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,(h⇩0, (l⇩0|`W)(V := None), sh⇩0)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩1,(h⇩1, l⇩1|`insert V W, sh⇩1)⟩"
by fastforce
from eval_evals.Block[OF this] show ?case by fastforce
case Seq thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.Seq)
case New thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case NewFail thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case (NewInit sh C h l v' h' l' sh' a h'')
have "fv(INIT C ([C],False) ← unit) ⊆ W" by simp
then have "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h, l |` W, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h', l' |` W, sh')⟩"
by (simp add: NewInit.hyps(3))
thus ?case using NewInit.hyps(1,4-6) eval_evals.NewInit by blast
case (NewInitOOM sh C h l v' h' l' sh')
have "fv(INIT C ([C],False) ← unit) ⊆ W" by simp
then have "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h, l |` W, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h', l' |` W, sh')⟩"
by (simp add: NewInitOOM.hyps(3))
thus ?case
using NewInitOOM.hyps(1,4,5) eval_evals.NewInitOOM by auto
case NewInitThrow thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case Cast thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.Cast)
case CastNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.CastNull)
case CastFail thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.CastFail)
case CastThrow thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case Val thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case BinOp thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.BinOp)
case BinOpThrow1 thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.BinOpThrow1)
case BinOpThrow2 thus ?case by simp (blast intro:eval_evals.BinOpThrow2)
case Var thus ?case by(simp add:eval_evals.intros)
case (LAss e h⇩0 l⇩0 sh⇩0 v h l sh l' V)
have IH: "⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0,l⇩0|`W,sh⇩0)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,l|`W,sh)⟩"
and [simp]: "l' = l(V ↦ v)" by fact+
have "fv (V:=e) ⊆ W" by fact
hence fv: "fv e ⊆ W" and VinW: "V ∈ W" by auto
from eval_evals.LAss[OF IH[OF fv] refl, of V] VinW
show ?case by simp
case LAssThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro: eval_evals.LAssThrow)
case FAcc thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAcc)
case FAccNull thus ?case by(fastforce intro: eval_evals.FAccNull)
case FAccThrow thus ?case by(fastforce intro: eval_evals.FAccThrow)
case FAccNone thus ?case by(metis eval_evals.FAccNone fv.simps(7))
case FAccStatic thus ?case by(metis eval_evals.FAccStatic fv.simps(7))
case SFAcc thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAcc)
case SFAccInit thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAccInit)
case SFAccInitThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAccInitThrow)
case SFAccNone thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAccNone)
case SFAccNonStatic thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAccNonStatic)
case FAss thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAss)
case FAssNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAssNull)
case FAssThrow1 thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAssThrow1)
case FAssThrow2 thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAssThrow2)
case FAssNone thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAssNone)
case FAssStatic thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.FAssStatic)
case SFAss thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAss)
case SFAssInit thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAssInit)
case SFAssInitThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAssInitThrow)
case SFAssThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAssThrow)
case SFAssNone thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAssNone)
case SFAssNonStatic thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SFAssNonStatic)
case CallObjThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.intros)
case CallNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CallNull)
case (CallNone e h l sh a h' l' sh' ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C fs M)
have f1: "P ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l |` W, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨addr a,(h', l' |` W, sh')⟩"
by (metis (no_types) fv.simps(11) le_sup_iff local.CallNone(2) local.CallNone(7))
have "P ⊢ ⟨ps,(h', l' |` W, sh')⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs, (h⇩2, l⇩2 |` W, sh⇩2)⟩"
using local.CallNone(4) local.CallNone(7) by auto
then show ?case
using f1 eval_evals.CallNone local.CallNone(5) local.CallNone(6) by auto
case CallStatic thus ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) eval_evals.CallStatic fv.simps(11) le_sup_iff)
case CallParamsThrow thus ?case
by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CallParamsThrow)
case (Call e h⇩0 l⇩0 sh⇩0 a h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 ps vs h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C fs M Ts T pns body
D l⇩2' e' h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3)
have IHe: "⋀W. fv e ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,(h⇩0,l⇩0|`W,sh⇩0)⟩ ⇒ ⟨addr a,(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W,sh⇩1)⟩"
and IHps: "⋀W. fvs ps ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨ps,(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W,sh⇩1)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2|`W,sh⇩2)⟩"
and IHbd: "⋀W. fv body ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2'|`W,sh⇩2)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3|`W,sh⇩3)⟩"
and h⇩2a: "h⇩2 a = Some (C, fs)"
and "method": "P ⊢ C sees M,NonStatic: Ts→T = (pns, body) in D"
and same_len: "size vs = size pns"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this ↦ Addr a, pns [↦] vs]" by fact+
have "fv (e∙M(ps)) ⊆ W" by fact
hence fve: "fv e ⊆ W" and fvps: "fvs(ps) ⊆ W" by auto
have wfmethod: "size Ts = size pns ∧ this ∉ set pns" and
fvbd: "fv body ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using "method" wf by(fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
show ?case
using IHbd[OF fvbd] l⇩2' same_len wfmethod h⇩2a
eval_evals.Call[OF IHe[OF fve] IHps[OF fvps] _ "method" same_len l⇩2']
by (simp add:subset_insertI)
case (SCallNone ps h l sh vs h' l' sh' C M)
have "P ⊢ ⟨ps,(h, l |` W, sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h', l' |` W, sh')⟩"
using SCallNone.hyps(2) SCallNone.prems by auto
then show ?case using SCallNone.hyps(3) eval_evals.SCallNone by auto
case SCallNonStatic thus ?case by (metis eval_evals.SCallNonStatic fv.simps(12))
case SCallParamsThrow thus ?case
by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SCallParamsThrow)
case SCallInitThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SCallInitThrow)
case SCallInit thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SCallInit)
case (SCall ps h⇩0 l⇩0 sh⇩0 vs h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 C M Ts T pns body D sfs l⇩2' e' h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3)
have IHps: "⋀W. fvs ps ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨ps,(h⇩0,l⇩0|`W,sh⇩0)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h⇩2,l⇩2|`W,sh⇩2)⟩"
and IHbd: "⋀W. fv body ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨body,(h⇩2,l⇩2'|`W,sh⇩2)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3|`W,sh⇩3)⟩"
and sh⇩2D: "sh⇩2 D = Some (sfs, Done) ∨ M = clinit ∧ sh⇩2 D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
and "method": "P ⊢ C sees M,Static: Ts→T = (pns, body) in D"
and same_len: "size vs = size pns"
and l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [pns [↦] vs]" by fact+
have "fv (C∙⇩sM(ps)) ⊆ W" by fact
hence fvps: "fvs(ps) ⊆ W" by auto
have wfmethod: "size Ts = size pns" and fvbd: "fv body ⊆ set pns"
using "method" wf by(fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
show ?case
using IHbd[OF fvbd] l⇩2' same_len wfmethod sh⇩2D
eval_evals.SCall[OF IHps[OF fvps] "method" _ same_len l⇩2']
by (simp add:subset_insertI)
case SeqThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.SeqThrow)
case CondT thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CondT)
case CondF thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CondF)
case CondThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.CondThrow)
case WhileF thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.WhileF)
case WhileT thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.WhileT)
case WhileCondThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.WhileCondThrow)
case WhileBodyThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.WhileBodyThrow)
case Throw thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.Throw)
case ThrowNull thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.ThrowNull)
case ThrowThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.ThrowThrow)
case Try thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.Try)
case (TryCatch e⇩1 h⇩0 l⇩0 sh⇩0 a h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 D fs C e⇩2 V e⇩2' h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2)
have IH⇩1: "⋀W. fv e⇩1 ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩1,(h⇩0,l⇩0|`W,sh⇩0)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw a,(h⇩1,l⇩1|`W,sh⇩1)⟩"
and IH⇩2: "⋀W. fv e⇩2 ⊆ W ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩1,l⇩1(V↦Addr a)|`W,sh⇩1)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2',(h⇩2,l⇩2|`W,sh⇩2)⟩"
and lookup: "h⇩1 a = Some(D, fs)" and subtype: "P ⊢ D ≼⇧* C" by fact+
have "fv (try e⇩1 catch(C V) e⇩2) ⊆ W" by fact
hence fv⇩1: "fv e⇩1 ⊆ W" and fv⇩2: "fv e⇩2 ⊆ insert V W" by auto
have IH⇩2': "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩2,(h⇩1,(l⇩1|`W)(V ↦ Addr a),sh⇩1)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩2',(h⇩2,l⇩2|`insert V W,sh⇩2)⟩"
using IH⇩2[OF fv⇩2] fun_upd_restrict[of l⇩1 W] by simp
with eval_evals.TryCatch[OF IH⇩1[OF fv⇩1] _ subtype IH⇩2'] lookup
show ?case by fastforce
case TryThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.TryThrow)
case Nil thus ?case by (simp add: eval_evals.Nil)
case Cons thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.Cons)
case ConsThrow thus ?case by simp (blast intro: eval_evals.ConsThrow)
case InitFinal thus ?case by (simp add: eval_evals.InitFinal)
case InitNone thus ?case by(blast intro: eval_evals.InitNone)
case InitDone thus ?case
by (simp add: InitDone.hyps(2) InitDone.prems eval_evals.InitDone)
case InitProcessing thus ?case by (simp add: eval_evals.InitProcessing)
case InitError thus ?case using eval_evals.InitError by auto
case InitObject thus ?case by(simp add: eval_evals.InitObject)
case InitNonObject thus ?case by(simp add: eval_evals.InitNonObject)
case InitRInit thus ?case by(simp add: eval_evals.InitRInit)
case (RInit e h l sh v h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' C' Cs e' e⇩1 h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1)
have f1: "fv e ⊆ W ∧ fv (INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e') ⊆ W"
using RInit.prems by auto
then have f2: "P ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l |` W, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h', l' |` W, sh')⟩"
using RInit.hyps(2) by blast
have "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e', (h', l' |` W, sh'')⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩1,(h⇩1, l⇩1 |` W, sh⇩1)⟩"
using f1 by (meson RInit.hyps(7))
then show ?case
using f2 RInit.hyps(3) RInit.hyps(4) RInit.hyps(5) eval_evals.RInit by blast
case (RInitInitFail e h l sh a h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' D Cs e' e⇩1 h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1)
have f1: "fv e ⊆ W" "fv e' ⊆ W"
using RInitInitFail.prems by auto
then have f2: "P ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l |` W, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,(h', l' |` W, sh')⟩"
using RInitInitFail.hyps(2) by blast
then have f2': "fv (throw a) ⊆ W"
using eval_final[OF f2] by auto
then have f1': "fv (RI (D,throw a);Cs ← e') ⊆ W"
using f1 by auto
have "P ⊢ ⟨RI (D,throw a);Cs ← e', (h', l' |` W, sh'')⟩ ⇒ ⟨e⇩1,(h⇩1, l⇩1 |` W, sh⇩1)⟩"
using f1' by (meson RInitInitFail.hyps(6))
then show ?case
using f2 by (simp add: RInitInitFail.hyps(3,4) eval_evals.RInitInitFail)
case (RInitFailFinal e h l sh a h' l' sh' sh'' C)
have f1: "fv e ⊆ W"
using RInitFailFinal.prems by auto
then have f2: "P ⊢ ⟨e,(h, l |` W, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,(h', l' |` W, sh')⟩"
using RInitFailFinal.hyps(2) by blast
then have f2': "fv (throw a) ⊆ W"
using eval_final[OF f2] by auto
then show ?case using f2 RInitFailFinal.hyps(3,4) eval_evals.RInitFailFinal by blast
lemma eval_notfree_unchanged:
"P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l',sh')⟩ ⟹ (⋀V. V ∉ fv e ⟹ l' V = l V)"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,(h,l,sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',(h',l',sh')⟩ ⟹ (⋀V. V ∉ fvs es ⟹ l' V = l V)"
proof(induct rule:eval_evals_inducts)
case LAss thus ?case by(simp add:fun_upd_apply)
case Block thus ?case
by (simp only:fun_upd_apply split:if_splits) fastforce
case TryCatch thus ?case
by (simp only:fun_upd_apply split:if_splits) fastforce
case (RInitInitFail e h l sh a h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' D Cs e⇩1 h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1)
have "fv (throw a) = {}"
using RInitInitFail.hyps(1) eval_final final_fv by blast
then have "fv e ∪ fv (RI (D,throw a) ; Cs ← unit) ⊆ fv (RI (C,e) ; D#Cs ← unit)"
by auto
then show ?case using RInitInitFail.hyps(2,6) RInitInitFail.prems by fastforce
qed simp_all
lemma eval_closed_lcl_unchanged:
"⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h',l',sh')⟩; fv e = {} ⟧ ⟹ l' = l"
by(fastforce dest:eval_notfree_unchanged simp add:fun_eq_iff [where 'b="val option"])
lemma list_eval_Throw:
assumes eval_e: "P ⊢ ⟨throw x,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs @ throw x # es',s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ e' # es',s'⟩"
proof -
from eval_e
obtain a where e': "e' = Throw a"
by (cases) (auto dest!: eval_final)
fix es
have "⋀vs. es = map Val vs @ throw x # es'
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩[⇒]⟨map Val vs @ e' # es',s'⟩"
proof (induct es type: list)
case Nil thus ?case by simp
case (Cons e es vs)
have e_es: "e # es = map Val vs @ throw x # es'" by fact
show "P ⊢ ⟨e # es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ e' # es',s'⟩"
proof (cases vs)
case Nil
with e_es obtain "e=throw x" "es=es'" by simp
moreover from eval_e e'
have "P ⊢ ⟨throw x # es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨Throw a # es,s'⟩"
by (iprover intro: ConsThrow)
ultimately show ?thesis using Nil e' by simp
case (Cons v vs')
have vs: "vs = v # vs'" by fact
with e_es obtain
e: "e=Val v" and es:"es= map Val vs' @ throw x # es'"
by simp
from e
have "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⟩"
by (iprover intro: eval_evals.Val)
moreover from es
have "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs' @ e' # es',s'⟩"
by (rule Cons.hyps)
ultimately show
"P ⊢ ⟨e#es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ e' # es',s'⟩"
using vs by (auto intro: eval_evals.Cons)
thus ?thesis
by simp
lemma seq_ext:
assumes IH: "⋀e' s'. P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and seq: "P ⊢ ⟨e'' ;; e⇩0,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨e ;; e⇩0,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
proof(rule eval_cases(14)[OF seq])
fix v' s⇩1 assume e'': "P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩" and estep: "P ⊢ ⟨e⇩0,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
have "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩" using e'' IH by simp
then show ?thesis using estep Seq by simp
fix e⇩t assume e'': "P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e⇩t,s'⟩" and e': "e' = throw e⇩t"
have "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e⇩t,s'⟩" using e'' IH by simp
then show ?thesis using eval_evals.SeqThrow e' by simp
lemma rinit_Val_ext:
assumes ri: "P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e'') ; Cs ← e⇩0,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩"
and IH: "⋀e' s'. P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e) ; Cs ← e⇩0,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩"
proof(rule eval_cases(20)[OF ri])
fix v'' h' l' sh' sfs i
assume e''step: "P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v'',(h', l', sh')⟩"
and shC: "sh' C = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋"
and init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT (if Cs = [] then C else last Cs) (Cs,True) ← e⇩0,(h', l', sh'(C ↦ (sfs, Done)))⟩ ⇒
⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩"
have "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v'',(h', l', sh')⟩" using IH[OF e''step] by simp
then show ?thesis using RInit init shC by auto
fix a h' l' sh' sfs i D Cs'
assume e''step: "P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,(h', l', sh')⟩"
and riD: "P ⊢ ⟨RI (D,throw a) ; Cs' ← e⇩0,(h', l', sh'(C ↦ (sfs, Error)))⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩"
have "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,(h', l', sh')⟩" using IH[OF e''step] by simp
then show ?thesis using riD rinit_throwE by blast
lemma rinit_throw_ext:
assumes ri: "P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e'') ; Cs ← e⇩0,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e⇩t,s'⟩"
and IH: "⋀e' s'. P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
shows "P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e) ; Cs ← e⇩0,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e⇩t,s'⟩"
proof(rule eval_cases(20)[OF ri])
fix v h' l' sh' sfs i
assume e''step: "P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h', l', sh')⟩"
and shC: "sh' C = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋"
and init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT (if Cs = [] then C else last Cs) (Cs,True) ← e⇩0,(h', l', sh'(C ↦ (sfs, Done)))⟩ ⇒
⟨throw e⇩t,s'⟩"
have "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h', l', sh')⟩" using IH[OF e''step] by simp
then show ?thesis using RInit init shC by auto
fix a h' l' sh' sfs i D Cs'
assume e''step: "P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,(h', l', sh')⟩"
and shC: "sh' C = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋"
and riD: "P ⊢ ⟨RI (D,throw a) ; Cs' ← e⇩0,(h', l', sh'(C ↦ (sfs, Error)))⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e⇩t,s'⟩"
and cons: "Cs = D # Cs'"
have estep': "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,(h', l', sh')⟩" using IH[OF e''step] by simp
then show ?thesis using RInitInitFail cons riD shC by simp
fix a h' l' sh' sfs i
assume "throw e⇩t = throw a"
and "s' = (h', l', sh'(C ↦ (sfs, Error)))"
and "P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,(h', l', sh')⟩"
and "sh' C = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋"
and "Cs = []"
then show ?thesis using RInitFailFinal IH by auto
lemma rinit_ext:
assumes IH: "⋀e' s'. P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
shows "⋀e' s'. P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e'') ; Cs ← e⇩0,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e) ; Cs ← e⇩0,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
proof -
fix e' s' assume ri'': "P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e'') ; Cs ← e⇩0,s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
then have "final e'" using eval_final by simp
then show "P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,e) ; Cs ← e⇩0,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
proof(rule finalE)
fix v assume "e' = Val v" then show ?thesis using rinit_Val_ext[OF _ IH] ri'' by simp
fix a assume "e' = throw a" then show ?thesis using rinit_throw_ext[OF _ IH] ri'' by simp
shows eval_init_return: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩
⟹ iconf (shp s) e
⟹ (∃Cs b. e = INIT C' (Cs,b) ← unit) ∨ (∃C e⇩0 Cs e⇩i. e = RI(C,e⇩0);Cs@[C'] ← unit)
∨ (∃e⇩0. e = RI(C',e⇩0);Nil ← unit)
⟹ (val_of e' = Some v ⟶ (∃sfs i. shp s' C' = ⌊(sfs,i)⌋ ∧ (i = Done ∨ i = Processing)))
∧ (throw_of e' = Some a ⟶ (∃sfs i. shp s' C' = ⌊(sfs,Error)⌋))"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩ ⟹ True"
proof(induct rule: eval_evals.inducts)
case (InitFinal e s e' s' C b) then show ?case
by(fastforce simp: initPD_def dest: eval_final_same)
case (InitDone sh C sfs C' Cs e h l e' s')
then have "final e'" using eval_final by simp
then show ?case
proof(rule finalE)
fix v assume e': "e' = Val v" then show ?thesis using InitDone initPD_def
proof(cases Cs) qed(auto)
fix a assume e': "e' = throw a" then show ?thesis using InitDone initPD_def
proof(cases Cs) qed(auto)
case (InitProcessing sh C sfs C' Cs e h l e' s')
then have "final e'" using eval_final by simp
then show ?case
proof(rule finalE)
fix v assume e': "e' = Val v" then show ?thesis using InitProcessing initPD_def
proof(cases Cs) qed(auto)
fix a assume e': "e' = throw a" then show ?thesis using InitProcessing initPD_def
proof(cases Cs) qed(auto)
case (InitError sh C sfs Cs e h l e' s' C') show ?case
proof(cases Cs)
case Nil then show ?thesis using InitError by simp
case (Cons C2 list)
then have "final e'" using InitError eval_final by simp
then show ?thesis
proof(rule finalE)
fix v assume e': "e' = Val v" then show ?thesis
using InitError
proof -
obtain ccss :: "char list list" and bb :: bool where
"INIT C' (C # Cs,False) ← e = INIT C' (ccss,bb) ← unit"
using InitError.prems(2) by blast
then show ?thesis using InitError.hyps(2) e' by(auto dest!: rinit_throwE)
fix a assume e': "e' = throw a"
then show ?thesis using Cons InitError cons_to_append[of list] by clarsimp
case (InitRInit C Cs h l sh e' s' C') show ?case
proof(cases Cs)
case Nil then show ?thesis using InitRInit by simp
case (Cons C' list) then show ?thesis
using InitRInit Cons cons_to_append[of list] by clarsimp
case (RInit e s v h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' C' Cs e' e⇩1 s⇩1)
then have final: "final e⇩1" using eval_final by simp
then show ?case
proof(cases Cs)
case Nil show ?thesis using final
proof(rule finalE)
fix v assume e': "e⇩1 = Val v" show ?thesis
using RInit Nil by(auto simp: fun_upd_same initPD_def)
fix a assume e': "e⇩1 = throw a" show ?thesis
using RInit Nil by(auto simp: fun_upd_same initPD_def)
case (Cons a list) show ?thesis
proof(rule finalE[OF final])
fix v assume e': "e⇩1 = Val v" then show ?thesis
using RInit Cons by clarsimp (metis last.simps last_appendR list.distinct(1))
fix a assume e': "e⇩1 = throw a" then show ?thesis
using RInit Cons by clarsimp (metis last.simps last_appendR list.distinct(1))
case (RInitInitFail e s a h' l' sh' C sfs i sh'' D Cs e' e⇩1 s⇩1)
then have final: "final e⇩1" using eval_final by simp
then show ?case
proof(rule finalE)
fix v assume e': "e⇩1 = Val v" then show ?thesis
using RInitInitFail by clarsimp (meson exp.distinct(101) rinit_throwE)
fix a' assume e': "e⇩1 = Throw a'"
then have "iconf (sh'(C ↦ (sfs, Error))) a"
using RInitInitFail.hyps(1) eval_final by fastforce
then show ?thesis using RInitInitFail e'
by clarsimp (meson Cons_eq_append_conv list.inject)
qed(auto simp: fun_upd_same)
lemma init_Val_PD: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,b) ← unit,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s'⟩
⟹ iconf (shp s) (INIT C' (Cs,b) ← unit)
⟹ ∃sfs i. shp s' C' = ⌊(sfs,i)⌋ ∧ (i = Done ∨ i = Processing)"
by(drule_tac v = v in eval_init_return, simp+)
lemma init_throw_PD: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C' (Cs,b) ← unit,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩
⟹ iconf (shp s) (INIT C' (Cs,b) ← unit)
⟹ ∃sfs i. shp s' C' = ⌊(sfs,Error)⌋"
by(drule_tac a = a in eval_init_return, simp+)
lemma rinit_Val_PD: "P ⊢ ⟨RI(C,e⇩0);Cs ← unit,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s'⟩
⟹ iconf (shp s) (RI(C,e⇩0);Cs ← unit) ⟹ last(C#Cs) = C'
⟹ ∃sfs i. shp s' C' = ⌊(sfs,i)⌋ ∧ (i = Done ∨ i = Processing)"
by(auto dest!: eval_init_return [where C'=C']
append_butlast_last_id[THEN sym])
lemma rinit_throw_PD: "P ⊢ ⟨RI(C,e⇩0);Cs ← unit,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩
⟹ iconf (shp s) (RI(C,e⇩0);Cs ← unit) ⟹ last(C#Cs) = C'
⟹ ∃sfs i. shp s' C' = ⌊(sfs,Error)⌋"
by(auto dest!: eval_init_return [where C'=C']
append_butlast_last_id[THEN sym])
declare split_paired_All [simp del] split_paired_Ex [simp del]
lemma eval_init_seq': "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩
⟹ (∃C Cs b e⇩i. e = INIT C (Cs,b) ← e⇩i) ∨ (∃C e⇩0 Cs e⇩i. e = RI(C,e⇩0);Cs ← e⇩i)
⟹ (∃C Cs b e⇩i. e = INIT C (Cs,b) ← e⇩i ∧ P ⊢ ⟨(INIT C (Cs,b) ← unit);; e⇩i,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩)
∨ (∃C e⇩0 Cs e⇩i. e = RI(C,e⇩0);Cs ← e⇩i ∧ P ⊢ ⟨(RI(C,e⇩0);Cs ← unit);; e⇩i,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩)"
and "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩ ⟹ True"
proof(induct rule: eval_evals.inducts)
case InitFinal then show ?case by(auto simp: Seq[OF eval_evals.InitFinal[OF Val[where v=Unit]]])
case (InitNone sh) then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.InitNone[where sh=sh and e=unit, OF InitNone.hyps(1)]] by fastforce
case (InitDone sh) then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.InitDone[where sh=sh and e=unit, OF InitDone.hyps(1)]] by fastforce
case (InitProcessing sh) then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.InitProcessing[where sh=sh and e=unit, OF InitProcessing.hyps(1)]]
by fastforce
case (InitError sh) then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.InitError[where sh=sh and e=unit, OF InitError.hyps(1)]] by fastforce
case (InitObject sh) then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.InitObject[where sh=sh and e=unit, OF InitObject.hyps(1)]]
by fastforce
case (InitNonObject sh) then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.InitNonObject[where sh=sh and e=unit, OF InitNonObject.hyps(1)]]
by fastforce
case (InitRInit C Cs e h l sh e' s' C') then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.InitRInit[where e=unit]] by fastforce
case RInit then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.RInit[where e=unit, OF RInit.hyps(1)]] by fastforce
case RInitInitFail then show ?case
using seq_ext[OF eval_evals.RInitInitFail[where e=unit, OF RInitInitFail.hyps(1)]] by fastforce
case RInitFailFinal
then show ?case using eval_evals.RInitFailFinal eval_evals.SeqThrow by auto
lemma eval_init_seq: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C (Cs,b) ← e,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨(INIT C (Cs,b) ← unit);; e,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by(auto dest: eval_init_seq')
text ‹ The key lemma: ›
assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows extend_1_eval: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ → ⟨e'',s'',b''⟩ ⟹ P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √
⟹ (⋀s' e'. P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩)"
and extend_1_evals: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→] ⟨es'',s'',b''⟩ ⟹ P,shp s ⊢⇩b (es,b) √
⟹ (⋀s' es'. P ⊢ ⟨es'',s''⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩)"
proof (induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
case (RedNew h a C FDTs h' l sh)
then have e':"e' = addr a" and s':"s' = (h(a ↦ blank P C), l, sh)"
using eval_cases(3) by fastforce+
obtain sfs i where shC: "sh C = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and "i = Done ∨ i = Processing"
using RedNew by (clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then show ?case
proof(cases i)
case Done then show ?thesis using RedNew shC e' s' New by simp
case Processing
then have shC': "∄sfs. sh C = Some(sfs,Done)" and shP: "sh C = Some(sfs,Processing)"
using shC by simp+
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨unit,(h,l,sh)⟩"
by(simp add: InitFinal InitProcessing Val)
have "P ⊢ ⟨new C,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨addr a,(h(a ↦ blank P C),l,sh)⟩"
using RedNew shC' by(auto intro: NewInit[OF _ init])
then show ?thesis using e' s' by simp
case (RedNewFail h C l sh)
then have e':"e' = THROW OutOfMemory" and s':"s' = (h, l, sh)"
using eval_final_same final_def by fastforce+
obtain sfs i where shC: "sh C = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and "i = Done ∨ i = Processing"
using RedNewFail by (clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then show ?case
proof(cases i)
case Done then show ?thesis using RedNewFail shC e' s' NewFail by simp
case Processing
then have shC': "∄sfs. sh C = Some(sfs,Done)" and shP: "sh C = Some(sfs,Processing)"
using shC by simp+
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨unit,(h,l,sh)⟩"
by(simp add: InitFinal InitProcessing Val)
have "P ⊢ ⟨new C,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨THROW OutOfMemory,(h,l,sh)⟩"
using RedNewFail shC' by(auto intro: NewInitOOM[OF _ init])
then show ?thesis using e' s' by simp
case (NewInitRed sh C h l)
then have seq: "P ⊢ ⟨(INIT C ([C],False) ← unit);; new C,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
using eval_init_seq by simp
then show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases(14))
fix v s⇩1 assume init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩"
and new: "P ⊢ ⟨new C,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
obtain h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 where s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1)" by(cases s⇩1)
then obtain sfs i where shC: "sh⇩1 C = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and iDP: "i = Done ∨ i = Processing"
using init_Val_PD[OF init] by auto
show ?thesis
proof(rule eval_cases(1)[OF new])
fix sha ha a FDTs la
assume s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (ha, la, sha)" and e': "e' = addr a"
and s': "s' = (ha(a ↦ blank P C), la, sha)"
and addr: "new_Addr ha = ⌊a⌋" and fields: "P ⊢ C has_fields FDTs"
then show ?thesis using NewInit[OF _ _ addr fields] NewInitRed.hyps init by simp
fix sha ha la
assume "s⇩1 = (ha, la, sha)" and "e' = THROW OutOfMemory"
and "s' = (ha, la, sha)" and "new_Addr ha = None"
then show ?thesis using NewInitOOM NewInitRed.hyps init by simp
fix sha ha la v' h' l' sh' a FDTs
assume s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (ha, la, sha)" and e': "e' = addr a"
and s': "s' = (h'(a ↦ blank P C), l', sh')"
and shaC: "∀sfs. sha C ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(ha, la, sha)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh')⟩"
and addr: "new_Addr h' = ⌊a⌋" and fields: "P ⊢ C has_fields FDTs"
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shC s⇩1 by simp
then have "(h', l', sh') = (ha, la, sha)" using init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shC by blast
then show ?thesis using NewInit NewInitRed.hyps s⇩1a addr fields init shaC e' s' by auto
fix sha ha la v' h' l' sh'
assume s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (ha, la, sha)" and e': "e' = THROW OutOfMemory"
and s': "s' = (h', l', sh')" and "∀sfs. sha C ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(ha, la, sha)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh')⟩"
and addr: "new_Addr h' = None"
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shC s⇩1 by simp
then have "(h', l', sh') = (ha, la, sha)" using init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shC by blast
then show ?thesis
using NewInitOOM NewInitRed.hyps e' addr s' s⇩1a init by auto
fix sha ha la a
assume s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (ha, la, sha)"
and "∀sfs. sha C ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(ha, la, sha)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩"
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shC s⇩1 by simp
then show ?thesis using init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shC by blast
fix e assume e': "e' = throw e"
and init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT C ([C],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e,s'⟩"
obtain h' l' sh' where s': "s' = (h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
then obtain sfs i where shC: "sh' C = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and iDP: "i = Error"
using init_throw_PD[OF init] by auto
then show ?thesis by (simp add: NewInitRed.hyps NewInitThrow e' init)
case CastRed then show ?case
by(fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros intro!: CastFail)
case RedCastNull
then show ?case
by simp (iprover elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedCast
then show ?case
by (auto elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedCastFail
then show ?case
by (auto elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case BinOpRed1 then show ?case
by(fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros simp: val_no_step)
case BinOpRed2
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
case RedBinOp
thus ?case
by simp (iprover elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedVar
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case LAssRed thus ?case
by(fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedLAss
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case FAccRed thus ?case
by(fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedFAcc then show ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedFAccNull then show ?case
by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedFAccNone thus ?case
by(fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedFAccStatic thus ?case
by(fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case (RedSFAcc C F t D sh sfs i v h l)
then have e':"e' = Val v" and s':"s' = (h, l, sh)"
using eval_cases(3) by fastforce+
have "i = Done ∨ i = Processing" using RedSFAcc by (clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then show ?case
proof(cases i)
case Done then show ?thesis using RedSFAcc e' s' SFAcc by simp
case Processing
then have shC': "∄sfs. sh D = Some(sfs,Done)" and shP: "sh D = Some(sfs,Processing)"
using RedSFAcc by simp+
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨unit,(h,l,sh)⟩"
by(simp add: InitFinal InitProcessing Val)
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D},(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,l,sh)⟩"
by(rule SFAccInit[OF RedSFAcc.hyps(1) shC' init shP RedSFAcc.hyps(3)])
then show ?thesis using e' s' by simp
case (SFAccInitRed C F t D sh h l)
then have seq: "P ⊢ ⟨(INIT D ([D],False) ← unit);; C∙⇩sF{D},(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
using eval_init_seq by simp
then show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases(14))
fix v s⇩1 assume init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩"
and acc: "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D},s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
obtain h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 where s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1)" by(cases s⇩1)
then obtain sfs i where shD: "sh⇩1 D = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and iDP: "i = Done ∨ i = Processing"
using init_Val_PD[OF init] by auto
show ?thesis
proof(rule eval_cases(8)[OF acc])
fix t sha sfs v ha la
assume "s⇩1 = (ha, la, sha)" and "e' = Val v"
and "s' = (ha, la, sha)" and "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D"
and "sha D = ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋" and "sfs F = ⌊v⌋"
then show ?thesis using SFAccInit SFAccInitRed.hyps(2) init by auto
fix t sha ha la v' h' l' sh' sfs i' v
assume s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (ha, la, sha)" and e': "e' = Val v"
and s': "s' = (h', l', sh')" and field: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D"
and "∀sfs. sha D ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(ha, la, sha)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh')⟩"
and shD': "sh' D = ⌊(sfs, i')⌋" and sfsF: "sfs F = ⌊v⌋"
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shD s⇩1 by simp
then have "(h', l', sh') = (ha, la, sha)" using init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shD by blast
then show ?thesis using SFAccInit SFAccInitRed.hyps(2) e' s' field init s⇩1a sfsF shD' by auto
fix t sha ha la a
assume s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (ha, la, sha)" and "e' = throw a"
and "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D" and "∀sfs. sha D ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(ha, la, sha)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩"
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shD s⇩1 by simp
then show ?thesis using init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shD by blast
assume "∀b t. ¬ P ⊢ C has F,b:t in D"
then show ?thesis using SFAccInitRed.hyps(1) by blast
fix t assume field: "P ⊢ C has F,NonStatic:t in D"
then show ?thesis using has_field_fun[OF SFAccInitRed.hyps(1) field] by simp
fix e assume e': "e' = throw e"
and init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e,s'⟩"
obtain h' l' sh' where s': "s' = (h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
then obtain sfs i where shC: "sh' D = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and iDP: "i = Error"
using init_throw_PD[OF init] by auto
then show ?thesis
using SFAccInitRed.hyps(1) SFAccInitRed.hyps(2) SFAccInitThrow e' init by auto
case RedSFAccNone thus ?case
by(fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedSFAccNonStatic thus ?case
by(fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case (FAssRed1 e s b e1 s1 b1 F D e⇩2)
obtain h' l' sh' where "s'=(h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
with FAssRed1 show ?case
by(fastforce elim!: eval_cases(9)[where e⇩1=e1] intro: eval_evals.intros simp: val_no_step
intro!: FAss FAssNull FAssNone FAssStatic FAssThrow2)
case FAssRed2
obtain h' l' sh' where "s'=(h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
with FAssRed2 show ?case
by(auto elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros
intro!: FAss FAssNull FAssNone FAssStatic FAssThrow2 Val)
case RedFAss
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedFAssNull
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedFAssNone
then show ?case
by(auto elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
case RedFAssStatic
then show ?case
by(auto elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
case (SFAssRed e s b e'' s'' b'' C F D)
obtain h l sh where [simp]: "s = (h,l,sh)" by(cases s)
obtain h' l' sh' where [simp]: "s'=(h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
have "val_of e = None" using val_no_step SFAssRed.hyps(1) by(meson option.exhaust)
then have bconf: "P,sh ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using SFAssRed by simp
show ?case using SFAssRed.prems(2) SFAssRed bconf
proof cases
case 2 with SFAssRed bconf show ?thesis by(auto intro!: SFAssInit)
case 3 with SFAssRed bconf show ?thesis by(auto intro!: SFAssInitThrow)
qed(auto intro: eval_evals.intros intro!: SFAss SFAssInit SFAssNone SFAssNonStatic)
case (RedSFAss C F t D sh sfs i sfs' v sh' h l)
let ?sfs' = "sfs(F ↦ v)"
have e':"e' = unit" and s':"s' = (h, l, sh(D ↦ (?sfs', i)))"
using RedSFAss eval_cases(3) by fastforce+
have "i = Done ∨ i = Processing" using RedSFAss by(clarsimp simp: bconf_def initPD_def)
then show ?case
proof(cases i)
case Done then show ?thesis using RedSFAss e' s' SFAss Val by auto
case Processing
then have shC': "∄sfs. sh D = Some(sfs,Done)" and shP: "sh D = Some(sfs,Processing)"
using RedSFAss by simp+
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨unit,(h,l,sh)⟩"
by(simp add: InitFinal InitProcessing Val)
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨unit,(h,l,sh(D ↦ (?sfs', i)))⟩"
using Processing by(auto intro: SFAssInit[OF Val RedSFAss.hyps(1) shC' init shP])
then show ?thesis using e' s' by simp
case (SFAssInitRed C F t D sh v h l)
then have seq: "P ⊢ ⟨(INIT D ([D],False) ← unit);; C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
using eval_init_seq by simp
then show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases(14))
fix v' s⇩1 assume init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩"
and acc: "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sF{D} := Val v,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
obtain h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 where s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1)" by(cases s⇩1)
then obtain sfs i where shD: "sh⇩1 D = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and iDP: "i = Done ∨ i = Processing"
using init_Val_PD[OF init] by auto
show ?thesis
proof(rule eval_cases(10)[OF acc])
fix va h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 t sfs
assume e': "e' = unit" and s': "s' = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1(D ↦ (sfs(F ↦ va), Done)))"
and val: "P ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val va,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)⟩"
and field: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D" and shD': "sh⇩1 D = ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
have "v = va" and "s⇩1 = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)" using eval_final_same[OF val] by auto
then show ?thesis using SFAssInit field SFAssInitRed.hyps(2) shD' e' s' init val
by (metis eval_final eval_finalId)
fix va h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 t v' h' l' sh' sfs i'
assume e': "e' = unit" and s': "s' = (h', l', sh'(D ↦ (sfs(F ↦ va), i')))"
and val: "P ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val va,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)⟩"
and field: "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D" and nDone: "∀sfs. sh⇩1 D ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h', l', sh')⟩"
and shD': "sh' D = ⌊(sfs, i')⌋"
have v: "v = va" and s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)" using eval_final_same[OF val] by auto
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shD s⇩1 nDone by simp
then have "(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1) = (h', l', sh')" using init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shD by blast
then show ?thesis using SFAssInit SFAssInitRed.hyps(2) e' s' field init v s⇩1a shD' val
by (metis eval_final eval_finalId)
fix va h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 t a
assume "e' = throw a" and val: "P ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val va,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)⟩"
and "P ⊢ C has F,Static:t in D" and nDone: "∀sfs. sh⇩1 D ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩"
have v: "v = va" and s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1)" using eval_final_same[OF val] by auto
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shD s⇩1 nDone by simp
then have "(h⇩1, l⇩1, sh⇩1) = s'" using init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shD by blast
then show ?thesis using init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shD i by blast
fix e'' assume val:"P ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e'',s'⟩"
then show ?thesis using eval_final_same[OF val] by simp
assume "∀b t. ¬ P ⊢ C has F,b:t in D"
then show ?thesis using SFAssInitRed.hyps(1) by blast
fix t assume field: "P ⊢ C has F,NonStatic:t in D"
then show ?thesis using has_field_fun[OF SFAssInitRed.hyps(1) field] by simp
fix e assume e': "e' = throw e"
and init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e,s'⟩"
obtain h' l' sh' where s': "s' = (h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
then obtain sfs i where shC: "sh' D = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and iDP: "i = Error"
using init_throw_PD[OF init] by auto
then show ?thesis using SFAssInitRed.hyps(1) SFAssInitRed.hyps(2) SFAssInitThrow Val
by (metis e' init)
case (RedSFAssNone C F D v s b) then show ?case
by(cases s) (auto elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
case (RedSFAssNonStatic C F t D v s b) then show ?case
by(cases s) (auto elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
case CallObj
note val_no_step[simp]
from CallObj.prems(2) CallObj show ?case
proof cases
case 2 with CallObj show ?thesis by(fastforce intro!: CallParamsThrow)
case 3 with CallObj show ?thesis by(fastforce intro!: CallNull)
case 4 with CallObj show ?thesis by(fastforce intro!: CallNone)
case 5 with CallObj show ?thesis by(fastforce intro!: CallStatic)
qed(fastforce intro!: CallObjThrow Call)+
case (CallParams es s b es'' s'' b'' v M s')
then obtain h' l' sh' where "s' = (h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
with CallParams show ?case
by(auto elim!: eval_cases intro!: CallNone eval_finalId CallStatic Val)
(auto intro!: CallParamsThrow CallNull Call Val)
case (RedCall h a C fs M Ts T pns body D vs l sh b)
have "P ⊢ ⟨addr a,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨addr a,(h,l,sh)⟩" by (rule eval_evals.intros)
have finals: "finals(map Val vs)" by simp
with finals have "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,(h,l,sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h,l,sh)⟩"
by (iprover intro: eval_finalsId)
moreover have "h a = Some (C, fs)" using RedCall by simp
moreover have "method": "P ⊢ C sees M,NonStatic: Ts→T = (pns, body) in D" by fact
moreover have same_len⇩1: "length Ts = length pns"
and this_distinct: "this ∉ set pns" and fv: "fv (body) ⊆ {this} ∪ set pns"
using "method" wf by (fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
have same_len: "length vs = length pns" by fact
obtain l⇩2' where l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [this↦Addr a,pns[↦]vs]" by simp
obtain h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3 where s': "s' = (h⇩3,l⇩3,sh⇩3)" by (cases s')
have eval_blocks:
"P ⊢ ⟨(blocks (this # pns, Class D # Ts, Addr a # vs, body)),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by fact
hence id: "l⇩3 = l" using fv s' same_len⇩1 same_len
by(fastforce elim: eval_closed_lcl_unchanged)
from eval_blocks obtain l⇩3' where "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h,l⇩2',sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3',sh⇩3)⟩"
proof -
from same_len⇩1 have "length(this#pns) = length(Class D#Ts)" by simp
moreover from same_len⇩1 same_len
have same_len⇩2: "length (this#pns) = length (Addr a#vs)" by simp
moreover from eval_blocks
have "P ⊢ ⟨blocks (this#pns,Class D#Ts,Addr a#vs,body),(h,l,sh)⟩
⇒⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3,sh⇩3)⟩" using s' same_len⇩1 same_len⇩2 by simp
ultimately obtain l''
where "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h,l(this # pns[↦]Addr a # vs),sh)⟩⇒⟨e',(h⇩3, l'',sh⇩3)⟩"
by (blast dest:blocksEval)
from eval_restrict_lcl[OF wf this fv] this_distinct same_len⇩1 same_len
have "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h,[this # pns[↦]Addr a # vs],sh)⟩ ⇒
⟨e',(h⇩3, l''|`(set(this#pns)),sh⇩3)⟩" using wf method
by(simp add:subset_insert_iff insert_Diff_if)
thus ?thesis by(fastforce intro!:that simp add: l⇩2')
have "P ⊢ ⟨(addr a)∙M(map Val vs),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l,sh⇩3)⟩" by (rule Call)
with s' id show ?case by simp
case RedCallNull
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalsId)
case (RedCallNone h a C fs M vs l sh b)
then have tes: "THROW NoSuchMethodError = e' ∧ (h,l,sh) = s'"
using eval_final_same by simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨addr a,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨addr a,(h,l,sh)⟩" and "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,(h,l,sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h,l,sh)⟩"
using eval_finalId eval_finalsId by auto
then show ?case using RedCallNone CallNone tes by auto
case (RedCallStatic h a C fs M Ts T m D vs l sh b)
then have tes: "THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError = e' ∧ (h,l,sh) = s'"
using eval_final_same by simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨addr a,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨addr a,(h,l,sh)⟩" and "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,(h,l,sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h,l,sh)⟩"
using eval_finalId eval_finalsId by auto
then show ?case using RedCallStatic CallStatic tes by fastforce
case (SCallParams es s b es'' s'' b' C M s')
obtain h' l' sh' where s'[simp]: "s' = (h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
obtain h l sh where s[simp]: "s = (h,l,sh)" by(cases s)
have es: "map_vals_of es = None" using vals_no_step SCallParams.hyps(1) by (meson not_Some_eq)
have bconf: "P,sh ⊢⇩b (es,b) √" using s SCallParams.prems(1) by (simp add: bconf_SCall[OF es])
from SCallParams.prems(2) SCallParams bconf show ?case
proof cases
case 2 with SCallParams bconf show ?thesis by(auto intro!: SCallNone)
case 3 with SCallParams bconf show ?thesis by(auto intro!: SCallNonStatic)
case 4 with SCallParams bconf show ?thesis by(auto intro!: SCallInitThrow)
case 5 with SCallParams bconf show ?thesis by(auto intro!: SCallInit)
qed(auto intro!: SCallParamsThrow SCall)
case (RedSCall C M Ts T pns body D vs s)
then obtain h l sh where s:"s = (h,l,sh)" by(cases s)
then obtain sfs i where shC: "sh D = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and "i = Done ∨ i = Processing"
using RedSCall by(auto simp: bconf_def initPD_def dest: sees_method_fun)
have finals: "finals(map Val vs)" by simp
with finals have mVs: "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,(h,l,sh)⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,(h,l,sh)⟩"
by (iprover intro: eval_finalsId)
obtain sfs i where shC: "sh D = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋"
using RedSCall s by(auto simp: bconf_def initPD_def dest: sees_method_fun)
then have iDP: "i = Done ∨ i = Processing" using RedSCall s
by (auto simp: bconf_def initPD_def dest: sees_method_fun[OF RedSCall.hyps(1)])
have "method": "P ⊢ C sees M,Static: Ts→T = (pns, body) in D" by fact
have same_len⇩1: "length Ts = length pns" and fv: "fv (body) ⊆ set pns"
using "method" wf by (fastforce dest!:sees_wf_mdecl simp:wf_mdecl_def)+
have same_len: "length vs = length pns" by fact
obtain l⇩2' where l⇩2': "l⇩2' = [pns[↦]vs]" by simp
obtain h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3 where s': "s' = (h⇩3,l⇩3,sh⇩3)" by (cases s')
have eval_blocks:
"P ⊢ ⟨(blocks (pns, Ts, vs, body)),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using RedSCall.prems(2) s by simp
hence id: "l⇩3 = l" using fv s' same_len⇩1 same_len
by(fastforce elim: eval_closed_lcl_unchanged)
from eval_blocks obtain l⇩3' where body: "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h,l⇩2',sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3',sh⇩3)⟩"
proof -
from eval_blocks
have "P ⊢ ⟨blocks (pns,Ts,vs,body),(h,l,sh)⟩
⇒⟨e',(h⇩3,l⇩3,sh⇩3)⟩" using s' same_len same_len⇩1 by simp
then obtain l''
where "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h,l(pns[↦]vs),sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l'',sh⇩3)⟩"
by (blast dest:blocksEval[OF same_len⇩1[THEN sym] same_len[THEN sym]])
from eval_restrict_lcl[OF wf this fv] same_len⇩1 same_len
have "P ⊢ ⟨body,(h,[pns[↦]vs],sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l''|`(set(pns)),sh⇩3)⟩" using wf method
by(simp add:subset_insert_iff insert_Diff_if)
thus ?thesis by(fastforce intro!:that simp add: l⇩2')
show ?case using iDP
proof(cases i)
case Done
then have shC': "sh D = ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋ ∨ M = clinit ∧ sh D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using shC by simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l,sh⇩3)⟩"
by (rule SCall[OF mVs method shC' same_len l⇩2' body])
with s s' id show ?thesis by simp
case Processing
then have shC': "∄sfs. sh D = Some(sfs,Done)" and shP: "sh D = Some(sfs,Processing)"
using shC by simp+
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨unit,(h,l,sh)⟩"
by(simp add: InitFinal InitProcessing Val)
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l,sh⇩3)⟩"
proof(cases "M = clinit")
case False show ?thesis by(rule SCallInit[OF mVs method shC' False init same_len l⇩2' body])
case True
then have shC': "sh D = ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋ ∨ M = clinit ∧ sh D = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
using shC Processing by simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3,l,sh⇩3)⟩"
by (rule SCall[OF mVs method shC' same_len l⇩2' body])
with s s' id show ?thesis by simp
with s s' id show ?thesis by simp
case (SCallInitRed C M Ts T pns body D sh vs h l)
then have seq: "P ⊢ ⟨(INIT D ([D],False) ← unit);; C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
using eval_init_seq by simp
then show ?case
proof(rule eval_cases(14))
fix v' s⇩1 assume init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',s⇩1⟩"
and call: "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(map Val vs),s⇩1⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
obtain h⇩1 l⇩1 sh⇩1 where s⇩1: "s⇩1 = (h⇩1,l⇩1,sh⇩1)" by(cases s⇩1)
then obtain sfs i where shD: "sh⇩1 D = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and iDP: "i = Done ∨ i = Processing"
using init_Val_PD[OF init] by auto
show ?thesis
proof(rule eval_cases(12)[OF call])
fix vsa ex es' assume "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,s⇩1⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vsa @ throw ex # es',s'⟩"
then show ?thesis using evals_finals_same by (meson finals_def map_Val_nthrow_neq)
assume "∀b Ts T a ba x. ¬ P ⊢ C sees M, b : Ts→T = (a, ba) in x"
then show ?thesis using SCallInitRed.hyps(1) by auto
fix Ts T m D assume "P ⊢ C sees M, NonStatic : Ts→T = m in D"
then show ?thesis using sees_method_fun[OF SCallInitRed.hyps(1)] by blast
fix vsa h1 l1 sh1 Ts T pns body D' a
assume "e' = throw a" and vals: "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,s⇩1⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vsa,(h1, l1, sh1)⟩"
and method: "P ⊢ C sees M, Static : Ts→T = (pns, body) in D'"
and nDone: "∀sfs. sh1 D' ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D' ([D'],False) ← unit,(h1, l1, sh1)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw a,s'⟩"
have vs: "vs = vsa" and s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (h1, l1, sh1)"
using evals_finals_same[OF _ vals] map_Val_eq by auto
have D: "D = D'" using sees_method_fun[OF SCallInitRed.hyps(1) method] by simp
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shD s⇩1 s⇩1a nDone by simp
then show ?thesis using D init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shD by blast
fix vsa h1 l1 sh1 Ts T pns' body' D' v' h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3
assume s': "s' = (h⇩3, l⇩2, sh⇩3)"
and vals: "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,s⇩1⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vsa,(h1, l1, sh1)⟩"
and method: "P ⊢ C sees M, Static : Ts→T = (pns', body') in D'"
and nDone: "∀sfs. sh1 D' ≠ ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋"
and init': "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D' ([D'],False) ← unit,(h1, l1, sh1)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v',(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2)⟩"
and len: "length vsa = length pns'"
and bstep: "P ⊢ ⟨body',(h⇩2, [pns' [↦] vsa], sh⇩2)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3)⟩"
have vs: "vs = vsa" and s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (h1, l1, sh1)"
using evals_finals_same[OF _ vals] map_Val_eq by auto
have D: "D = D'" and pns: "pns = pns'" and body: "body = body'"
using sees_method_fun[OF SCallInitRed.hyps(1) method] by auto
then have i: "i = Processing" using iDP shD s⇩1 s⇩1a nDone by simp
then have s2: "(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2) = s⇩1" using D init' init_ProcessingE s⇩1 s⇩1a shD by blast
then show ?thesis
using eval_finalId SCallInit[OF eval_finalsId[of "map Val vs" P "(h,l,sh)"]
SCallInitRed.hyps(1)] init init' len bstep nDone D pns body s' s⇩1 s⇩1a shD vals vs
SCallInitRed.hyps(2-3) s2 by auto
fix vsa h⇩2 l⇩2 sh⇩2 Ts T pns' body' D' sfs h⇩3 l⇩3 sh⇩3
assume s': "s' = (h⇩3, l⇩2, sh⇩3)" and vals: "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,s⇩1⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vsa,(h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2)⟩"
and method: "P ⊢ C sees M, Static : Ts→T = (pns', body') in D'"
and "sh⇩2 D' = ⌊(sfs, Done)⌋ ∨ M = clinit ∧ sh⇩2 D' = ⌊(sfs, Processing)⌋"
and len: "length vsa = length pns'"
and bstep: "P ⊢ ⟨body',(h⇩2, [pns' [↦] vsa], sh⇩2)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',(h⇩3, l⇩3, sh⇩3)⟩"
have vs: "vs = vsa" and s⇩1a: "s⇩1 = (h⇩2, l⇩2, sh⇩2)"
using evals_finals_same[OF _ vals] map_Val_eq by auto
have D: "D = D'" and pns: "pns = pns'" and body: "body = body'"
using sees_method_fun[OF SCallInitRed.hyps(1) method] by auto
then show ?thesis using SCallInit[OF eval_finalsId[of "map Val vs" P "(h,l,sh)"]
SCallInitRed.hyps(1)] bstep SCallInitRed.hyps(2-3) len s' s⇩1a vals vs init by auto
fix e assume e': "e' = throw e"
and init: "P ⊢ ⟨INIT D ([D],False) ← unit,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨throw e,s'⟩"
obtain h' l' sh' where s': "s' = (h',l',sh')" by(cases s')
then obtain sfs i where shC: "sh' D = ⌊(sfs, i)⌋" and iDP: "i = Error"
using init_throw_PD[OF init] by auto
then show ?thesis using SCallInitRed.hyps(2-3) init e'
SCallInitThrow[OF eval_finalsId[of "map Val vs" _] SCallInitRed.hyps(1)]
by auto
case (RedSCallNone C M vs s b)
then have tes: "THROW NoSuchMethodError = e' ∧ s = s'"
using eval_final_same by simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,s⟩" using eval_finalsId by simp
then show ?case using RedSCallNone eval_evals.SCallNone tes by auto
case (RedSCallNonStatic C M Ts T m D vs s b)
then have tes: "THROW IncompatibleClassChangeError = e' ∧ s = s'"
using eval_final_same by simp
have "P ⊢ ⟨map Val vs,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs,s⟩" using eval_finalsId by simp
then show ?case using RedSCallNonStatic eval_evals.SCallNonStatic tes by auto
case InitBlockRed
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalId
simp: assigned_def map_upd_triv fun_upd_same)
case (RedInitBlock V T v u s b)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨Val u,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by simp
then obtain s': "s'=s" and e': "e'=Val u" by cases simp
obtain h l sh where s: "s=(h,l,sh)" by (cases s)
have "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T :=Val v; Val u},(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val u,(h, (l(V↦v))(V:=l V), sh)⟩"
by (fastforce intro!: eval_evals.intros)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; Val u},s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using s s' e' by simp
then show ?case by simp
case BlockRedNone
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros
simp add: fun_upd_same fun_upd_idem)
case BlockRedSome
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros
simp add: fun_upd_same fun_upd_idem)
case (RedBlock V T v s b)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by simp
then obtain s': "s'=s" and e': "e'=Val v"
by cases simp
obtain h l sh where s: "s=(h,l,sh)" by (cases s)
have "P ⊢ ⟨Val v,(h,l(V:=None),sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,l(V:=None),sh)⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.intros)
hence "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T;Val v},(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,(h,(l(V:=None))(V:=l V),sh)⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.Block)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T; Val v},s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using s s' e' by simp
then show ?case by simp
case (SeqRed e s b e1 s1 b1 e⇩2) show ?case
proof(cases "val_of e")
case None show ?thesis
proof(cases "lass_val_of e")
case lNone:None
then have bconf: "P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √" using SeqRed.prems(1) None by simp
then show ?thesis using SeqRed using seq_ext by fastforce
case (Some p)
obtain V' v' where p: "p = (V',v')" and e: "e = V':=Val v'"
using lass_val_of_spec[OF Some] by(cases p, auto)
obtain h l sh h' l' sh' where s: "s = (h,l,sh)" and s1: "s1 = (h',l',sh')" by(cases s, cases s1)
then have red: "P ⊢ ⟨e,(h,l,sh),b⟩ → ⟨e1,(h',l',sh'),b1⟩" using SeqRed.hyps(1) by simp
then have s⇩1': "e1 = unit ∧ h' = h ∧ l' = l(V' ↦ v') ∧ sh' = sh"
using lass_val_of_red[OF Some red] p e by simp
then have eval: "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e1,s1⟩" using e s s1 LAss Val by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis SeqRed.prems(2) eval_final eval_final_same seq_ext)
case (Some a) then show ?thesis using SeqRed.hyps(1) val_no_step by blast
case RedSeq
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case CondRed
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros simp: val_no_step)
case RedCondT
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedCondF
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedWhile
thus ?case
by (auto simp add: unfold_while intro:eval_evals.intros elim:eval_cases)
case ThrowRed then show ?case by(fastforce elim: eval_cases simp: eval_evals.intros)
case RedThrowNull
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case TryRed thus ?case
by(fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case RedTryCatch
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case (RedTryFail s a D fs C V e⇩2 b)
thus ?case
by (cases s)(auto elim!: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case ListRed1
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: evals_cases intro: eval_evals.intros simp: val_no_step)
case ListRed2
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim!: evals_cases eval_cases
intro: eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
case (RedInit e1 C b s1 b') then show ?case using InitFinal by simp
case (InitNoneRed sh C C' Cs e h l b)
show ?case using InitNone InitNoneRed.hyps InitNoneRed.prems(2) by auto
case (RedInitDone sh C sfs C' Cs e h l b)
show ?case using InitDone RedInitDone.hyps RedInitDone.prems(2) by auto
case (RedInitProcessing sh C sfs C' Cs e h l b)
show ?case using InitProcessing RedInitProcessing.hyps RedInitProcessing.prems(2) by auto
case (RedInitError sh C sfs C' Cs e h l b)
show ?case using InitError RedInitError.hyps RedInitError.prems(2) by auto
case (InitObjectRed sh C sfs sh' C' Cs e h l b) show ?case using InitObject InitObjectRed by auto
case (InitNonObjectSuperRed sh C sfs D r sh' C' Cs e h l b)
show ?case using InitNonObject InitNonObjectSuperRed by auto
case (RedInitRInit C' C Cs e h l sh b)
show ?case using InitRInit RedInitRInit by auto
case (RInitRed e s b e'' s'' b'' C Cs e⇩0)
then have IH: "⋀e' s'. P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by simp
show ?case using RInitRed rinit_ext[OF IH] by simp
case (RedRInit sh C sfs i sh' C' Cs v e h l b s' e')
then have init: "P ⊢ ⟨(INIT C' (Cs,True) ← e), (h, l, sh(C ↦ (sfs, Done)))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
using RedRInit by simp
then show ?case using RInit RedRInit.hyps(1) RedRInit.hyps(3) Val by fastforce
case BinOpThrow2
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case FAssThrow2
thus ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case SFAssThrow
then show ?case
by (fastforce elim: eval_cases intro: eval_evals.intros)
case (CallThrowParams es vs e es' v M s b)
have val: "P ⊢ ⟨Val v,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Val v,s⟩" by (rule eval_evals.intros)
have eval_e: "P ⊢ ⟨throw (e),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using CallThrowParams by simp
then obtain xa where e': "e' = Throw xa" by (cases) (auto dest!: eval_final)
with list_eval_Throw [OF eval_e]
have vals: "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ Throw xa # es',s'⟩"
using CallThrowParams.hyps(1) eval_e list_eval_Throw by blast
then have "P ⊢ ⟨Val v∙M(es),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw xa,s'⟩"
using eval_evals.CallParamsThrow[OF val vals] by simp
thus ?case using e' by simp
case (SCallThrowParams es vs e es' C M s b)
have eval_e: "P ⊢ ⟨throw (e),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using SCallThrowParams by simp
then obtain xa where e': "e' = Throw xa" by (cases) (auto dest!: eval_final)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨map Val vs @ Throw xa # es',s'⟩"
using SCallThrowParams.hyps(1) eval_e list_eval_Throw by blast
then have "P ⊢ ⟨C∙⇩sM(es),s⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw xa,s'⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.SCallParamsThrow)
thus ?case using e' by simp
case (BlockThrow V T a s b)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨Throw a, s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by simp
then obtain s': "s' = s" and e': "e' = Throw a"
by cases (auto elim!:eval_cases)
obtain h l sh where s: "s=(h,l,sh)" by (cases s)
have "P ⊢ ⟨Throw a, (h,l(V:=None),sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw a, (h,l(V:=None),sh)⟩"
by (simp add:eval_evals.intros eval_finalId)
hence "P⊢⟨{V:T;Throw a},(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw a, (h,(l(V:=None))(V:=l V),sh)⟩"
by (rule eval_evals.Block)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T; Throw a},s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using s s' e' by simp
then show ?case by simp
case (InitBlockThrow V T v a s b)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨Throw a,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" by simp
then obtain s': "s' = s" and e': "e' = Throw a"
by cases (auto elim!:eval_cases)
obtain h l sh where s: "s = (h,l,sh)" by (cases s)
have "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T :=Val v; Throw a},(h,l,sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨Throw a, (h, (l(V↦v))(V:=l V),sh)⟩"
by(fastforce intro:eval_evals.intros)
then have "P ⊢ ⟨{V:T := Val v; Throw a},s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" using s s' e' by simp
then show ?case by simp
case (RInitInitThrow sh C sfs i sh' a D Cs e h l b)
have IH: "⋀e' s'. P ⊢ ⟨RI (D,Throw a) ; Cs ← e,(h, l, sh(C ↦ (sfs, Error)))⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨RI (C,Throw a) ; D # Cs ← e,(h, l, sh)⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
using RInitInitFail[OF eval_finalId] RInitInitThrow by simp
then show ?case using RInitInitThrow.hyps(2) RInitInitThrow.prems(2) by auto
case (RInitThrow sh C sfs i sh' a e h l b)
then have e': "e' = Throw a" and s': "s' = (h,l,sh')"
using eval_final_same final_def by fastforce+
show ?case using RInitFailFinal RInitThrow.hyps(1) RInitThrow.hyps(2) e' eval_finalId s' by auto
qed(auto elim: eval_cases simp: eval_evals.intros)
declare split_paired_All [simp] split_paired_Ex [simp]
text ‹ Its extension to @{text"→*"}: ›
lemma extend_eval:
assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows "⟦ P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e'',s'',b''⟩; P ⊢ ⟨e'',s''⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩;
iconf (shp s) e; P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e::expr,b) √ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
proof (induct rule: converse_rtrancl_induct3)
case refl then show ?case by simp
case (step e1 s1 b1 e2 s2 b2)
then have ic: "iconf (shp s2) e2" using Red_preserves_iconf by blast
then have ec: "P,shp s2 ⊢⇩b (e2,b2) √"
using Red_preserves_bconf step.hyps(1) step.prems(2) step.prems(3) by blast
show ?case using step ic ec extend_1_eval[OF wf step.hyps(1)] by simp
lemma extend_evals:
assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows "⟦ P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨es'',s'',b''⟩; P ⊢ ⟨es'',s''⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩;
iconfs (shp s) es; P,shp s ⊢⇩b (es::expr list,b) √ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩"
proof (induct rule: converse_rtrancl_induct3)
case refl then show ?case by simp
case (step es1 s1 b1 es2 s2 b2)
then have ic: "iconfs (shp s2) es2" using Reds_preserves_iconf by blast
then have ec: "P,shp s2 ⊢⇩b (es2,b2) √"
using Reds_preserves_bconf step.hyps(1) step.prems(2) step.prems(3) by blast
show ?case using step ic ec extend_1_evals[OF wf step.hyps(1)] by simp
text ‹ Finally, small step semantics can be simulated by big step semantics:
assumes wf: "wwf_J_prog P"
shows small_by_big:
"⟦P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩; iconf (shp s) e; P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √; final e'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
and "⟦P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s',b'⟩; iconfs (shp s) es; P,shp s ⊢⇩b (es,b) √; finals es'⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩"
proof -
note wf
moreover assume "P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',b'⟩"
moreover assume "final e'"
then have "P ⊢ ⟨e',s'⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by (simp add: eval_finalId)
moreover assume "iconf (shp s) e"
moreover assume "P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √"
ultimately show "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩"
by (rule extend_eval)
assume fins: "finals es'"
note wf
moreover assume "P ⊢ ⟨es,s,b⟩ [→]* ⟨es',s',b'⟩"
moreover have "P ⊢ ⟨es',s'⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩" using fins
by (rule eval_finalsId)
moreover assume "iconfs (shp s) es"
moreover assume "P,shp s ⊢⇩b (es,b) √"
ultimately show "P ⊢ ⟨es,s⟩ [⇒] ⟨es',s'⟩"
by (rule extend_evals)
subsection "Equivalence"
text‹ And now, the crowning achievement: ›
corollary big_iff_small:
"⟦ wwf_J_prog P; iconf (shp s) e; P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e::expr,b) √ ⟧
⟹ P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ = (P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',False⟩ ∧ final e')"
by(blast dest: big_by_small eval_final small_by_big)
corollary big_iff_small_WT:
"wwf_J_prog P ⟹ P,E ⊢ e::T ⟹ P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,b) √ ⟹
P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩ = (P ⊢ ⟨e,s,b⟩ →* ⟨e',s',False⟩ ∧ final e')"
by(blast dest: big_iff_small WT_nsub_RI nsub_RI_iconf)
subsection ‹ Lifting type safety to @{text"⇒"} ›
text‹ \dots and now to the big step semantics, just for fun. ›
lemma eval_preserves_sconf:
fixes s::state and s'::state
assumes "wf_J_prog P" and "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" and "iconf (shp s) e"
and "P,E ⊢ e::T" and "P,E ⊢ s√"
shows "P,E ⊢ s'√"
proof -
have "P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
with assms show ?thesis
by(blast intro:Red_preserves_sconf Red_preserves_iconf Red_preserves_bconf big_by_small
WT_implies_WTrt wf_prog_wwf_prog)
lemma eval_preserves_type:
fixes s::state
assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
and "P ⊢ ⟨e,s⟩ ⇒ ⟨e',s'⟩" and "P,E ⊢ s√" and "iconf (shp s) e" and "P,E ⊢ e::T"
shows "∃T'. P ⊢ T' ≤ T ∧ P,E,hp s',shp s' ⊢ e':T'"
proof -
have "P,shp s ⊢⇩b (e,False) √" by(simp add: bconf_def)
with assms show ?thesis by(blast dest:big_by_small[OF wf_prog_wwf_prog[OF wf]]
WT_implies_WTrt Red_preserves_type[OF wf])