Theory JWellForm

(*  Title:      JinjaDCI/J/JWellForm.thy

    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, Susannah Mansky
    Copyright   2003 Technische Universitaet Muenchen, 2019-20 UIUC

    Based on the Jinja theory J/JWellForm.thy by Tobias Nipkow

section ‹ Well-formedness Constraints ›

theory JWellForm
imports "../Common/WellForm" WWellForm WellType DefAss

definition wf_J_mdecl :: "J_prog  cname  J_mb mdecl  bool"
  "wf_J_mdecl P C    λ(M,b,Ts,T,(pns,body)).
  length Ts = length pns 
  distinct pns 
  ¬sub_RI body 
 (case b of
    NonStatic  this  set pns 
        (T'. P,[thisClass C,pns[↦]Ts]  body :: T'  P  T'  T) 
        𝒟 body {this}  set pns
  | Static  (T'. P,[pns[↦]Ts]  body :: T'  P  T'  T) 
        𝒟 body set pns)"

lemma wf_J_mdecl_NonStatic[simp]:
  "wf_J_mdecl P C (M,NonStatic,Ts,T,pns,body) 
  (length Ts = length pns 
  distinct pns 
  ¬sub_RI body 
  this  set pns 
  (T'. P,[thisClass C,pns[↦]Ts]  body :: T'  P  T'  T) 
  𝒟 body {this}  set pns)"
(*<*)by(simp add:wf_J_mdecl_def)(*>*)

lemma wf_J_mdecl_Static[simp]:
  "wf_J_mdecl P C (M,Static,Ts,T,pns,body) 
  (length Ts = length pns 
  distinct pns 
  ¬sub_RI body 
  (T'. P,[pns[↦]Ts]  body :: T'  P  T'  T) 
  𝒟 body set pns)"
(*<*)by(simp add:wf_J_mdecl_def)(*>*)

  wf_J_prog :: "J_prog  bool" where
  "wf_J_prog == wf_prog wf_J_mdecl"

lemma wf_J_prog_wf_J_mdecl:
  " wf_J_prog P; (C, D, fds, mths)  set P; jmdcl  set mths 
   wf_J_mdecl P C jmdcl"
(*<*)by(fastforce simp: wf_prog_def wf_cdecl_def wf_mdecl_def)(*>*)
lemma wf_mdecl_wwf_mdecl: "wf_J_mdecl P C Md  wwf_J_mdecl P C Md"
proof -
  obtain M b Ts T pns body where "Md = (M, b, Ts, T, pns, body)" by(cases Md) simp
  then show "wf_J_mdecl P C Md  wwf_J_mdecl P C Md"
    by(case_tac b) (fastforce simp:wwf_J_mdecl_def dest!:WT_fv)+

lemma wf_prog_wwf_prog: "wf_J_prog P  wwf_J_prog P"
by (simp add:wf_prog_def wf_cdecl_def wf_mdecl_def)
   (fast intro:wf_mdecl_wwf_mdecl)
