Theory NonInterferenceWhile

section ‹Information Flow for While›

theory NonInterferenceWhile imports

locale SecurityTypes =
  fixes H :: "vname set"
  fixes L :: "vname set"
  assumes HighLowDistinct: "H  L = {}"
  and HighLowUNIV: "H  L = UNIV"

subsection ‹Lifting @{term labels_nodes} and Defining final›

fun labels_LDCFG_nodes :: "cmd  w_node LDCFG_node  cmd  bool"
  where "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog (Node n) c = labels_nodes prog n c"
  | "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c = False"

lemmas WCFG_path_induct[consumes 1, case_names empty_path Cons_path]
  = CFG.path.induct[OF While_CFG_aux]

lemma lift_valid_node:
  assumes "CFG.valid_node sourcenode targetnode (valid_edge prog) n"
  shows "CFG.valid_node src trg
  (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
  (Node n)"
proof -
  from CFG.valid_node sourcenode targetnode (valid_edge prog) n
  obtain a where "valid_edge prog a" and "n = sourcenode a  n = targetnode a"
    by(fastforce simp:While_CFG.valid_node_def)
  from n = sourcenode a  n = targetnode a
  show ?thesis
    assume "n = sourcenode a"
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "sourcenode a = Entry")
      case True
      have "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind Entry Exit 
        (NewEntry,(λs. True),Node Entry)"
        by(fastforce intro:lve_Entry_edge)
      with While_CFGExit_wf_aux[of prog] n = sourcenode a True show ?thesis
        by(fastforce simp:CFG.valid_node_def[OF lift_CFG])
      case False
      with valid_edge prog a n = sourcenode a  n = targetnode a
      have "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind Entry Exit 
        (Node (sourcenode a),kind a,Node (targetnode a))"
        by(fastforce intro:lve_edge)
      with While_CFGExit_wf_aux[of prog] n = sourcenode a show ?thesis
        by(fastforce simp:CFG.valid_node_def[OF lift_CFG])
    assume "n = targetnode a"
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "targetnode a = Exit")
      case True
      have "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind Entry Exit 
        (Node Exit,(λs. True),NewExit)"
        by(fastforce intro:lve_Exit_edge)
      with While_CFGExit_wf_aux[of prog] n = targetnode a True show ?thesis
        by(fastforce simp:CFG.valid_node_def[OF lift_CFG])
      case False
      with valid_edge prog a n = sourcenode a  n = targetnode a
      have "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind Entry Exit 
        (Node (sourcenode a),kind a,Node (targetnode a))"
        by(fastforce intro:lve_edge)
      with While_CFGExit_wf_aux[of prog] n = targetnode a show ?thesis
        by(fastforce simp:CFG.valid_node_def[OF lift_CFG])

lemma lifted_CFG_fund_prop:
  assumes "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c" and "c,s →* c',s'"
  shows "n' as. CFG.path src trg
  (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
  n as n'  transfers (CFG.kinds knd as) s = s' 
  preds (CFG.kinds knd as) s  labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n' c'"
proof -
  from labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c obtain nx where "n = Node nx"
    and "labels_nodes prog nx c" by(cases n) auto
  from labels_nodes prog nx c c,s →* c',s'
  obtain n' as where "prog  nx -as→* n'" and "transfers (CFG.kinds kind as) s = s'"
    and "preds (CFG.kinds kind as) s" and "labels_nodes prog n' c'"
    by(auto dest:While_semantics_CFG_wf.fundamental_property)
  from labels_nodes prog n' c' have "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog (Node n') c'"
    by simp
  from prog  nx -as→* n' transfers (CFG.kinds kind as) s = s' 
    preds (CFG.kinds kind as) s n = Node nx
    labels_nodes prog nx c labels_nodes prog n' c'
  have "es. CFG.path src trg
    (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
    (Node nx) es (Node n')  transfers (CFG.kinds knd es) s = s' 
    preds (CFG.kinds knd es) s"
  proof(induct arbitrary:n s c rule:WCFG_path_induct)
    case (empty_path n nx)
    from CFG.valid_node sourcenode targetnode (valid_edge prog) n
    have valid_node:"CFG.valid_node src trg
     (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
      (Node n)"
      by(rule lift_valid_node)
    have "CFG.kinds knd 
      ([]::(w_node LDCFG_node × state edge_kind × w_node LDCFG_node) list) = []"
      by(simp add:CFG.kinds_def[OF lift_CFG[OF While_CFGExit_wf_aux]])
    with transfers (CFG.kinds kind []) s = s' preds (CFG.kinds kind []) s
    show ?case
      by(fastforce intro:CFG.empty_path[OF lift_CFG[OF While_CFGExit_wf_aux]] 
    case (Cons_path n'' as n' a nx)
    note IH = n s c. transfers (CFG.kinds kind as) s = s'; 
      preds (CFG.kinds kind as) s; n = LDCFG_node.Node n''; 
      labels_nodes prog n'' c; labels_nodes prog n' c'
       es. CFG.path src trg
     (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
      (LDCFG_node.Node n'') es (LDCFG_node.Node n') 
      transfers (CFG.kinds knd es) s = s'  preds (CFG.kinds knd es) s
    from transfers (CFG.kinds kind (a # as)) s = s'
    have "transfers (CFG.kinds kind as) (transfer (kind a) s) = s'"
      by(simp add:While_CFG.kinds_def)
    from preds (CFG.kinds kind (a # as)) s
    have "preds (CFG.kinds kind as) (transfer (kind a) s)"
      and "pred (kind a) s" by(simp_all add:While_CFG.kinds_def)
    show ?case
    proof(cases "sourcenode a = (_Entry_)")
      case True
      with sourcenode a = nx labels_nodes prog nx c have False by simp
      thus ?thesis by simp
      case False
      with valid_edge prog a
      have edge:"lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind 
        Entry Exit (Node (sourcenode a),kind a,Node (targetnode a))"
        by(fastforce intro:lve_edge)
      from prog  n'' -as→* n'
      have "CFG.valid_node sourcenode targetnode (valid_edge prog) n''"
        by(rule While_CFG.path_valid_node)
      then obtain c'' where "labels_nodes prog n'' c''"
      proof(cases rule:While_CFGExit.valid_node_cases)
        case Entry
        with targetnode a = n'' valid_edge prog a have False by fastforce
        thus ?thesis by simp
        case Exit
        with prog  n'' -as→* n' have "n' = (_Exit_)" by fastforce
        with labels_nodes prog n' c' have False by fastforce
        thus ?thesis by simp
        case inner
        then obtain l'' where [simp]:"n'' = (_ l'' _)" by(cases n'') auto
        with valid_edge prog a targetnode a = n'' have "l'' < #:prog"
          by(fastforce intro:WCFG_targetlabel_less_num_nodes simp:valid_edge_def)
        then obtain c'' where "labels prog l'' c''"
          by(fastforce dest:less_num_inner_nodes_label)
        with that show ?thesis by fastforce
      from IH[OF transfers (CFG.kinds kind as) (transfer (kind a) s) = s'
        preds (CFG.kinds kind as) (transfer (kind a) s) _ this 
        labels_nodes prog n' c']
      obtain es where "CFG.path src trg
        (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind 
        (_Entry_) (_Exit_)) (LDCFG_node.Node n'') es (LDCFG_node.Node n')"
        and "transfers (CFG.kinds knd es) (transfer (kind a) s) = s'"
        and "preds (CFG.kinds knd es) (transfer (kind a) s)" by blast
      with targetnode a = n'' sourcenode a = nx edge
      have path:"CFG.path src trg
        (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode 
        kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
        (LDCFG_node.Node nx) ((Node (sourcenode a),kind a,Node (targetnode a))#es) 
        (LDCFG_node.Node n')"
        by(fastforce intro:CFG.Cons_path[OF lift_CFG[OF While_CFGExit_wf_aux]])
      from edge have "knd (Node (sourcenode a),kind a,Node (targetnode a)) = kind a"
        by(simp add:knd_def)
      with transfers (CFG.kinds knd es) (transfer (kind a) s) = s'
        preds (CFG.kinds knd es) (transfer (kind a) s) pred (kind a) s
      have "transfers 
        (CFG.kinds knd ((Node (sourcenode a),kind a,Node (targetnode a))#es)) s = s'"
        and "preds 
        (CFG.kinds knd ((Node (sourcenode a),kind a,Node (targetnode a))#es)) s"
        by(auto simp:CFG.kinds_def[OF lift_CFG[OF While_CFGExit_wf_aux]])
      with path show ?thesis by blast
  with n = Node nx labels_LDCFG_nodes prog (Node n') c'
  show ?thesis by fastforce

fun final :: "cmd  bool"
  where "final Skip = True"
  | "final c = False"

lemma final_edge:
  "labels_nodes prog n Skip  prog  n -id (_Exit_)"
proof(induct prog arbitrary:n)
  case Skip
  from labels_nodes Skip n Skip have "n = (_ 0 _)" 
    by(cases n)(auto elim:labels.cases)
  thus ?case by(fastforce intro:WCFG_Skip)
  case (LAss V e)
  from labels_nodes (V:=e) n Skip have "n = (_ 1 _)" 
    by(cases n)(auto elim:labels.cases)
  thus ?case by(fastforce intro:WCFG_LAssSkip)
  case (Seq c1 c2)
  note IH2 = n. labels_nodes c2 n Skip  c2  n -id (_Exit_)
  from labels_nodes (c1;; c2) n Skip obtain l where "n = (_ l _)"
    and "l  #:c1" and "labels_nodes c2 (_ l - #:c1 _) Skip"
    by(cases n)(auto elim:labels.cases)
  from IH2[OF labels_nodes c2 (_ l - #:c1 _) Skip]
  have "c2  (_ l - #:c1 _) -id (_Exit_)" .
  with l  #:c1 have "c1;;c2  (_ l - #:c1 _)  #:c1 -id (_Exit_)  #:c1"
    by(fastforce intro:WCFG_SeqSecond)
  with n = (_ l _) l  #:c1 show ?case by(simp add:id_def)
  case (Cond b c1 c2)
  note IH1 = n. labels_nodes c1 n Skip  c1  n -id (_Exit_)
  note IH2 = n. labels_nodes c2 n Skip  c2  n -id (_Exit_)
  from labels_nodes (if (b) c1 else c2) n Skip
  obtain l where "n = (_ l _)" and disj:"(l  1  labels_nodes c1 (_ l - 1 _) Skip) 
    (l  #:c1 + 1  labels_nodes c2 (_ l - #:c1 - 1 _) Skip)"
    by(cases n) (fastforce elim:labels.cases)+
  from disj show ?case
    assume "1  l  labels_nodes c1 (_ l - 1 _) Skip"
    hence "1  l" and "labels_nodes c1 (_ l - 1 _) Skip" by simp_all
    from IH1[OF labels_nodes c1 (_ l - 1 _) Skip] 
    have "c1  (_ l - 1 _) -id (_Exit_)" .
    with 1  l have "if (b) c1 else c2  (_ l - 1 _)  1 -id (_Exit_)  1"
      by(fastforce intro:WCFG_CondThen)
    with n = (_ l _) 1  l show ?case by(simp add:id_def)
    assume "#:c1 + 1  l  labels_nodes c2 (_ l - #:c1 - 1 _) Skip"
    hence "#:c1 + 1  l" and "labels_nodes c2 (_ l - #:c1 - 1 _) Skip" by simp_all
    from IH2[OF labels_nodes c2 (_ l - #:c1 - 1 _) Skip]
    have "c2  (_ l - #:c1 - 1 _) -id (_Exit_)" .
    with #:c1 + 1  l have "if (b) c1 else c2  (_ l - #:c1 - 1 _)  (#:c1 + 1)
      -id (_Exit_)  (#:c1 + 1)"
      by(fastforce intro:WCFG_CondElse)
    with n = (_ l _) #:c1 + 1  l show ?case by(simp add:id_def)
  case (While b c)
  from labels_nodes (while (b) c) n Skip have "n = (_ 1 _)" 
    by(cases n)(auto elim:labels.cases)
  thus ?case by(fastforce intro:WCFG_WhileFalseSkip)

subsection ‹Semantic Non-Interference for Weak Order Dependence›

lemmas WODNonInterferenceGraph = 
  lift_wod_backward_slice[OF While_CFGExit_wf_aux HighLowDistinct HighLowUNIV]

lemma WODNonInterference:
  "NonInterferenceIntra src trg knd
     (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
       (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
     NewEntry (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
     (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L) id
     (CFG_wf.wod_backward_slice src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L))
     reds (labels_LDCFG_nodes prog)
     NewExit H L (LDCFG_node.Node (_Entry_)) (LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)) final"
proof -
  interpret NonInterferenceIntraGraph src trg knd
     "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
       (_Entry_) (_Exit_)"
     NewEntry "lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L"
     "lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L" id
     "CFG_wf.wod_backward_slice src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)"
     NewExit H L "LDCFG_node.Node (_Entry_)" "LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)"
    by(rule WODNonInterferenceGraph)
  interpret BackwardSlice_wf src trg knd
    "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
      (_Entry_) (_Exit_)"
    NewEntry "lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L"
    "lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L" id
    "CFG_wf.wod_backward_slice src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)" reds "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog"
    fix n c s c' s'
    assume "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c" and "c,s →* c',s'"
    thus "n' as. CFG.path src trg
     (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
      n as n'  transfers (CFG.kinds knd as) s = s' 
      preds (CFG.kinds knd as) s  labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n' c'"
      by(rule lifted_CFG_fund_prop)
  show ?thesis 
    fix c n
    assume "final c" and "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c"
    from final c have [simp]:"c = Skip" by(cases c) auto
    from labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c obtain nx where [simp]:"n = Node nx"
      and "labels_nodes prog nx Skip" by(cases n) auto
    from labels_nodes prog nx Skip have "prog  nx -id (_Exit_)"
      by(rule final_edge)
    then obtain a where "valid_edge prog a" and "sourcenode a = nx"
      and "kind a = id" and "targetnode a = (_Exit_)"
      by(auto simp:valid_edge_def)
    with labels_nodes prog nx Skip
    show "a. lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode
      kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_) a 
      src a = n  trg a = LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)  knd a = id"
      by(rule_tac x="(Node nx,id,Node (_Exit_))" in exI)
        (auto intro!:lve_edge simp:knd_def valid_edge_def)

subsection ‹Semantic Non-Interference for Standard Control Dependence›

lemma inner_node_exists:"n. CFGExit.inner_node sourcenode targetnode 
  (valid_edge prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) n"
proof -
  have "prog  (_Entry_) -(λs. True) (_0_)" by(rule WCFG_Entry)
  hence "CFG.valid_node sourcenode targetnode (valid_edge prog) (_0_)"
    by(auto simp:While_CFG.valid_node_def valid_edge_def)
  thus ?thesis by(auto simp:While_CFGExit.inner_node_def)

lemmas SCDNonInterferenceGraph = 
  lift_PDG_standard_backward_slice[OF WStandardControlDependence.PDG_scd 
  WhilePostdomination_aux _ HighLowDistinct HighLowUNIV]

lemma SCDNonInterference:
  "NonInterferenceIntra src trg knd
     (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
       (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
     NewEntry (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
     (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L) id
     (PDG.PDG_BS src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (Postdomination.standard_control_dependence src trg
         (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
           (_Entry_) (_Exit_)) NewExit))
     reds (labels_LDCFG_nodes prog)
     NewExit H L (LDCFG_node.Node (_Entry_)) (LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)) final"
proof -
  from inner_node_exists obtain n where "CFGExit.inner_node sourcenode targetnode 
    (valid_edge prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) n" by blast
  then interpret NonInterferenceIntraGraph src trg knd
     "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
       (_Entry_) (_Exit_)"
     NewEntry "lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L"
     "lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L" id
     "PDG.PDG_BS src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (Postdomination.standard_control_dependence src trg
         (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
           (_Entry_) (_Exit_)) NewExit)"
     NewExit H L "LDCFG_node.Node (_Entry_)" "LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)"
    by(fastforce intro:SCDNonInterferenceGraph)
  interpret BackwardSlice_wf src trg knd
    "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
      (_Entry_) (_Exit_)"
    NewEntry "lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L"
    "lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L" id
    "PDG.PDG_BS src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (Postdomination.standard_control_dependence src trg
         (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
           (_Entry_) (_Exit_)) NewExit)" reds "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog"
    fix n c s c' s'
    assume "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c" and "c,s →* c',s'"
    thus "n' as. CFG.path src trg
     (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
      n as n'  transfers (CFG.kinds knd as) s = s' 
      preds (CFG.kinds knd as) s  labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n' c'"
      by(rule lifted_CFG_fund_prop)
  show ?thesis 
    fix c n
    assume "final c" and "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c"
    from final c have [simp]:"c = Skip" by(cases c) auto
    from labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c obtain nx where [simp]:"n = Node nx"
      and "labels_nodes prog nx Skip" by(cases n) auto
    from labels_nodes prog nx Skip have "prog  nx -id (_Exit_)"
      by(rule final_edge)
    then obtain a where "valid_edge prog a" and "sourcenode a = nx"
      and "kind a = id" and "targetnode a = (_Exit_)"
      by(auto simp:valid_edge_def)
    with labels_nodes prog nx Skip
    show "a. lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode
      kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_) a 
      src a = n  trg a = LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)  knd a = id"
      by(rule_tac x="(Node nx,id,Node (_Exit_))" in exI)
        (auto intro!:lve_edge simp:knd_def valid_edge_def)

subsection ‹Semantic Non-Interference for Weak Control Dependence›

lemmas WCDNonInterferenceGraph = 
  lift_PDG_weak_backward_slice[OF WWeakControlDependence.PDG_wcd 
  WhileStrongPostdomination_aux _ HighLowDistinct HighLowUNIV]

lemma WCDNonInterference:
  "NonInterferenceIntra src trg knd
     (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
       (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
     NewEntry (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
     (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L) id
     (PDG.PDG_BS src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (StrongPostdomination.weak_control_dependence src trg
         (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
           (_Entry_) (_Exit_)) NewExit))
     reds (labels_LDCFG_nodes prog)
     NewExit H L (LDCFG_node.Node (_Entry_)) (LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)) final"
proof -
  from inner_node_exists obtain n where "CFGExit.inner_node sourcenode targetnode 
    (valid_edge prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) n" by blast
  then interpret NonInterferenceIntraGraph src trg knd
     "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
       (_Entry_) (_Exit_)"
     NewEntry "lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L"
     "lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L" id
     "PDG.PDG_BS src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (StrongPostdomination.weak_control_dependence src trg
         (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
           (_Entry_) (_Exit_)) NewExit)"
     NewExit H L "LDCFG_node.Node (_Entry_)" "LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)"
    by(fastforce intro:WCDNonInterferenceGraph)
  interpret BackwardSlice_wf src trg knd
    "lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
      (_Entry_) (_Exit_)"
    NewEntry "lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L"
    "lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L" id
    "PDG.PDG_BS src trg
       (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
         (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
       (lift_Def (Defs prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (lift_Use (Uses prog) (_Entry_) (_Exit_) H L)
       (StrongPostdomination.weak_control_dependence src trg
         (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind
           (_Entry_) (_Exit_)) NewExit)" reds "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog"
    fix n c s c' s'
    assume "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c" and "c,s →* c',s'"
    thus "n' as. CFG.path src trg
     (lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_))
      n as n'  transfers (CFG.kinds knd as) s = s' 
      preds (CFG.kinds knd as) s  labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n' c'"
      by(rule lifted_CFG_fund_prop)
  show ?thesis 
    fix c n
    assume "final c" and "labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c"
    from final c have [simp]:"c = Skip" by(cases c) auto
    from labels_LDCFG_nodes prog n c obtain nx where [simp]:"n = Node nx"
      and "labels_nodes prog nx Skip" by(cases n) auto
    from labels_nodes prog nx Skip have "prog  nx -id (_Exit_)"
      by(rule final_edge)
    then obtain a where "valid_edge prog a" and "sourcenode a = nx"
      and "kind a = id" and "targetnode a = (_Exit_)"
      by(auto simp:valid_edge_def)
    with labels_nodes prog nx Skip
    show "a. lift_valid_edge (valid_edge prog) sourcenode targetnode
      kind (_Entry_) (_Exit_) a 
      src a = n  trg a = LDCFG_node.Node (_Exit_)  knd a = id"
      by(rule_tac x="(Node nx,id,Node (_Exit_))" in exI)
        (auto intro!:lve_edge simp:knd_def valid_edge_def)

