Theory LiftingIntra
section ‹Framework Graph Lifting for Noninterference›
theory LiftingIntra
imports NonInterferenceIntra Slicing.CDepInstantiations
text ‹In this section, we show how a valid CFG from the slicing framework in
\<^cite>‹"Wasserrab:08"› can be lifted to fulfil all properties of the
‹NonInterferenceIntraGraph› locale. Basically, we redefine the
hitherto existing ‹Entry› and ‹Exit› nodes as new
‹High› and ‹Low› nodes, and introduce two new nodes
‹NewEntry› and ‹NewExit›. Then, we have to lift all functions
to operate on this new graph.›
subsection ‹Liftings›
subsubsection ‹The datatypes›