Theory HS_VC_KAT_ndfun

(*  Title:       Verification and refinement of hybrid systems in the relational KAT
    Author:      Jonathan Julián Huerta y Munive, 2020
    Maintainer:  Jonathan Julián Huerta y Munive <>

subsection ‹Verification of hybrid programs›

text ‹ We use our state transformers model to obtain verification and refinement components for 
hybrid programs. We retake the three methods for reasoning with evolution commands and their 
continuous dynamics: providing flows, solutions or invariants. ›

theory HS_VC_KAT_ndfun


instantiation nd_fun :: (type) kat

definition "n f = (λx. if ((f) x = {}) then {x} else {})"

lemma nd_fun_n_op_one[nd_fun_ka]: "n (n (1::'a nd_fun)) = 1"
  and nd_fun_n_op_mult[nd_fun_ka]: "n (n (n x  n y)) = n x  n y"
  and nd_fun_n_op_mult_comp[nd_fun_ka]: "n x  n (n x) = 0" 
  and nd_fun_n_op_de_morgan[nd_fun_ka]: "n (n (n x)  n (n y)) = n x + n y" for x::"'a nd_fun"
  unfolding n_op_nd_fun_def one_nd_fun_def times_nd_fun_def plus_nd_fun_def zero_nd_fun_def 
  by (auto simp: nd_fun_eq_iff kcomp_def)

  by (intro_classes, auto simp: nd_fun_ka)


instantiation nd_fun :: (type) rkat

definition "Ref_nd_fun P Q  (λs. {(f) s|f. Hoare P f Q})"

  by (unfold Hoare_def n_op_nd_fun_def Ref_nd_fun_def times_nd_fun_def)
    (auto simp: kcomp_def le_fun_def less_eq_nd_fun_def)


subsubsection ‹ Regular programs›

text ‹ Lemmas for manipulation of predicates in the relational model ›

type_synonym 'a pred = "'a  bool"

no_notation Archimedean_Field.ceiling ("_")
        and Archimedean_Field.floor_ceiling_class.floor ("_")
        and tau ("τ")
        and Relation.relcomp (infixl ";" 75)
        and proto_near_quantale_class.bres (infixr "" 60)

definition p2ndf :: "'a pred  'a nd_fun" ("(1_)")
  where "Q  (λ x::'a. {s::'a. s = x  Q s})"

lemma p2ndf_simps[simp]: 
  "P  Q = (s. P s  Q s)"
  "(P = Q) = (s. P s = Q s)"
  "(P  Q) = λs. P s  Q s"
  "(P + Q) = λs. P s  Q s"
  "𝔱𝔱 P = P"
  "n P = λs. ¬ P s"
  unfolding p2ndf_def one_nd_fun_def less_eq_nd_fun_def times_nd_fun_def plus_nd_fun_def 
  by (auto simp: nd_fun_eq_iff kcomp_def le_fun_def n_op_nd_fun_def)

text ‹ Lemmas for verification condition generation ›

― ‹ Hoare Triples ›

abbreviation ndfunHoare ("{_}_{_}") 
  where "{P}X{Q}  Hoare P X Q"

lemma ndfun_kat_H: "{P} X {Q}  (s s'. P s  s'  (X) s  Q s')"
  unfolding Hoare_def p2ndf_def less_eq_nd_fun_def times_nd_fun_def kcomp_def 
  by (auto simp add: le_fun_def n_op_nd_fun_def)

― ‹ Skip ›

abbreviation "skip  (1::'a nd_fun)"

lemma sH_skip[simp]: "{P} skip {Q}  P  Q"
  unfolding ndfun_kat_H by (simp add: one_nd_fun_def)

lemma H_skip: "{P} skip {P}"
  by simp

― ‹ Tests ›

lemma sH_test[simp]: "{P} R {Q} = (s. P s  R s  Q s)"
  by (subst ndfun_kat_H, simp add: p2ndf_def)

― ‹ Abort ›

abbreviation "abort  (0::'a nd_fun)"

lemma sH_abort[simp]: "{P} abort {Q}  True"
  unfolding ndfun_kat_H by (simp add: zero_nd_fun_def)

lemma H_abort: "{P} abort {Q}"
  by simp

― ‹ Assignments ›

definition assign :: "'b  ('a^'b  'a)  ('a^'b) nd_fun" ("(2_ ::= _)" [70, 65] 61) 
  where "(x ::= e) = (λs. {vec_upd s x (e s)})"

lemma sH_assign[simp]: "{P} (x ::= e) {Q}  (s. P s  Q (χ j. ((($) s)(x := (e s))) j))"
  unfolding ndfun_kat_H vec_upd_def assign_def by (auto simp: fun_upd_def)

lemma H_assign: "P = (λs. Q (χ j. ((($) s)(x := (e s))) j))  {P} (x ::= e) {Q}"
  by simp

― ‹ Nondeterministic assignments ›

definition nondet_assign :: "'b  ('a^'b) nd_fun" ("(2_ ::= ? )" [70] 61)
    where "(x ::= ?) = (λs. {vec_upd s x k|k. True})"

lemma sH_nondet_assign[simp]: 
  "{P} (x ::= ?) {Q}  (s. P s  (k. Q (χ j. ((($) s)(x := k)) j)))"
  unfolding ndfun_kat_H vec_upd_def nondet_assign_def by (auto simp: fun_upd_def)

lemma H_nondet_assign: "{λs. k. P (χ j. ((($) s)(x := k)) j)} (x ::= ?) {P}"
  by simp

― ‹ Sequential Composition ›

abbreviation seq_seq :: "'a nd_fun  'a nd_fun  'a nd_fun" (infixl ";" 75)
  where "f ; g  f  g"

lemma H_seq: "{P} X {R}  {R} Y {Q}  {P} X;Y {Q}"
  by (auto intro: H_seq)

lemma sH_seq: "{P} X;Y {Q} = {P} X {λs. s'. s'  (Y) s  Q s'}"
  unfolding ndfun_kat_H by (auto simp: times_nd_fun_def kcomp_def)

lemma H_assignl: 
  assumes "{K} X {Q}" 
    and "s. P s  K (vec_lambda ((($) s)(x := e s)))"
  shows "{P} (x ::= e);X {Q}"
  apply(rule H_seq, subst sH_assign)
  using assms by auto

― ‹ Nondeterministic Choice ›

lemma sH_choice: "{P} X + Y {Q}  ({P} X {Q}  {P} Y {Q})"
  unfolding ndfun_kat_H by (auto simp: plus_nd_fun_def)

lemma H_choice: "{P} X {Q}  {P} Y {Q}  {P} X + Y {Q}"
  using H_choice .

― ‹ Conditional Statement ›

abbreviation cond_sugar :: "'a pred  'a nd_fun  'a nd_fun  'a nd_fun" ("IF _ THEN _ ELSE _" [64,64] 63) 
  where "IF B THEN X ELSE Y  kat_cond B X Y"

lemma sH_cond[simp]: 
  "{P} (IF B THEN X ELSE Y) {Q}  ({λs. P s  B s} X {Q}  {λs. P s  ¬ B s} Y {Q})"
  by (auto simp: H_cond_iff ndfun_kat_H)

lemma H_cond: 
  "{λs. P s  B s} X {Q}  {λs. P s  ¬ B s} Y {Q}  {P} (IF B THEN X ELSE Y) {Q}"
  by simp

― ‹ While Loop ›

abbreviation while_inv_sugar :: "'a pred  'a pred  'a nd_fun  'a nd_fun" ("WHILE _ INV _ DO _" [64,64,64] 63) 
  where "WHILE B INV I DO X  kat_while_inv B I X"

lemma sH_whileI: "s. P s  I s  s. I s  ¬ B s  Q s  {λs. I s  B s} X {I} 
   {P} (WHILE B INV I DO X) {Q}"
  by (rule H_while_inv, simp_all add: ndfun_kat_H)

lemma "{λs. P s  B s} X {λs. P s}  {P} (WHILE B INV I DO X) {λs. P s  ¬ B s}"
  using H_while[of "P" "B" X]
  unfolding kat_while_inv_def by auto

― ‹ Finite Iteration ›

abbreviation loopi_sugar :: "'a nd_fun  'a pred  'a nd_fun" ("LOOP _ INV _ " [64,64] 63)
  where "LOOP X INV I  kat_loop_inv X I"

lemma H_loop: "{P} X {P}  {P} (LOOP X INV I) {P}"
  by (auto intro: H_loop)

lemma H_loopI: "{I} X {I}  P  I  I  Q  {P} (LOOP X INV I) {Q}"
  using H_loop_inv[of "P" "I" X "Q"] by auto

subsubsection ‹ Evolution commands ›

― ‹Verification by providing evolution›

definition g_evol :: "(('a::ord)  'b  'b)  'b pred  ('b  'a set)  'b nd_fun" ("EVOL")
  where "EVOL φ G U = (λs. g_orbit (λt. φ t s) G (U s))"

lemma sH_g_evol[simp]:  
  fixes φ :: "('a::preorder)  'b  'b"
  shows "{P} (EVOL φ G U) {Q} = (s. P s  (tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))"
  unfolding ndfun_kat_H g_evol_def g_orbit_eq by auto

lemma H_g_evol: 
  fixes φ :: "('a::preorder)  'b  'b"
  assumes "P = (λs. (tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))"
  shows "{P} (EVOL φ G U) {Q}"
  by (simp add: assms)

― ‹Verification by providing solutions›

definition g_ode ::"(real  ('a::banach)'a)  'a pred  ('a  real set)  'a set  
  real  'a nd_fun" ("(1x´= _ & _ on _ _ @ _)") 
  where "(x´= f & G on U S @ t0)  (λ s. g_orbital f G U S t0 s)"

lemma H_g_orbital: 
  "P = (λs. (Xivp_sols f U S t0 s. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (X τ))  Q (X t)))  
  {P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {Q}"
  unfolding ndfun_kat_H g_ode_def g_orbital_eq by clarsimp

lemma sH_g_orbital: "{P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {Q} = 
  (s. P s  (Xivp_sols f U S t0 s. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (X τ))  Q (X t)))"
  unfolding g_orbital_eq g_ode_def ndfun_kat_H by auto

context local_flow

lemma sH_g_ode_subset: 
  assumes "s. s  S  0  U s  is_interval (U s)  U s  T"
  shows "{P} (x´= (λt. f) & G on U S @ 0) {Q} = 
  (sS. P s  (tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))"
proof(unfold sH_g_orbital, clarsimp, safe)
  fix s t
  assume hyps: "s  S" "P s" "t  U s" "τ. τ  U s  τ  t  G (φ τ s)"
    and main: "s. P s  (XSols (λt. f) U S 0 s. tU s. (τ. τ  U s  τ  t  G (X τ))  Q (X t))"
  hence "(λt. φ t s)  Sols (λt. f) U S 0 s"
    using in_ivp_sols assms by blast
  thus "Q (φ t s)"
    using main hyps by fastforce
  fix s X t
  assume hyps: "P s" "X  Sols (λt. f) U S 0 s" "t  U s"  "τ. τ  U s  τ  t  G (X τ)"
    and main: "sS. P s  (tU s. (τ. τ  U s  τ  t  G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s))"
  hence obs: "s  S"
    using ivp_sols_def[of "λt. f"] init_time by auto
  hence "τdown (U s) t. X τ = φ τ s"
    using eq_solution hyps assms by blast
  thus "Q (X t)"
    using hyps main obs by auto

lemma H_g_ode_subset:
  assumes "s. s  S  0  U s  is_interval (U s)  U s  T"
    and "P = (λs. s  S  (tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))" 
  shows "{P} (x´= (λt. f) & G on U S @ 0) {Q}"
  using assms apply(subst sH_g_ode_subset[OF assms(1)])
  unfolding assms by auto

lemma sH_g_ode: "{P} (x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. T) S @ 0) {Q} = 
  (sS. P s  (tT. (τdown T t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))"
  by (subst sH_g_ode_subset, auto simp: init_time interval_time)

lemma sH_g_ode_ivl: "t  0  t  T  {P} (x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. {0..t}) S @ 0) {Q} = 
  (sS. P s  (t{0..t}. (τ{0..t}. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))"
  apply(subst sH_g_ode_subset; clarsimp, (force)?)
  using init_time interval_time mem_is_interval_1_I by blast

lemma sH_orbit: "{P} γφ {Q}  = (s  S. P s  ( t  T. Q (φ t s)))"
  using sH_g_ode unfolding orbit_def g_ode_def by auto


― ‹ Verification with differential invariants ›

definition g_ode_inv :: "(real  ('a::banach)'a)  'a pred  ('a  real set)  'a set  
  real  'a pred  'a nd_fun" ("(1x´=_ & _ on _ _ @ _ DINV _ )") 
  where "(x´= f & G on U S @ t0 DINV I) = (x´= f & G on U S @ t0)"

lemma sH_g_orbital_guard: 
  assumes "R = (λs. G s  Q s)"
  shows "{P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {Q} = {P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {R}" 
  using assms unfolding g_orbital_eq ndfun_kat_H ivp_sols_def g_ode_def by auto

lemma sH_g_orbital_inv:
  assumes "P  I" and "{I} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {I}" and "I  Q"
  shows " {P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {Q}"
  using assms(1) apply(rule_tac p'="I" in H_consl, simp)
  using assms(3) apply(rule_tac q'="I" in H_consr, simp)
  using assms(2) by simp

lemma sH_diff_inv[simp]: "{I} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {I} = diff_invariant I f U S t0 G"
  unfolding diff_invariant_eq ndfun_kat_H g_orbital_eq g_ode_def by auto

lemma H_g_ode_inv: "{I} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {I}  P  I  
  λs. I s  G s  Q  {P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0 DINV I) {Q}"
  unfolding g_ode_inv_def apply(rule_tac q'="λs. I s  G s" in H_consr, simp)
  apply(subst sH_g_orbital_guard[symmetric], force)
  by (rule_tac I="I" in sH_g_orbital_inv, simp_all)

subsection ‹ Refinement Components ›

― ‹ Skip ›

lemma R_skip: "(s. P s  Q s)  1  Ref P Q"
  by (auto simp: spec_def ndfun_kat_H one_nd_fun_def)

― ‹ Abort ›

lemma R_abort: "abort  Ref P Q"
  by (rule R2, simp)

― ‹ Sequential Composition ›

lemma R_seq: "(Ref P R) ; (Ref R Q)  Ref P Q"
  using R_seq by blast

lemma R_seq_law: "X  Ref P R  Y  Ref R Q  X; Y  Ref P Q"
  unfolding spec_def by (rule H_seq)

lemmas R_seq_mono = mult_isol_var

― ‹ Nondeterministic Choice ›

lemma R_choice: "(Ref P Q) + (Ref P Q)  Ref P Q"
  using R_choice[of "P" "Q"] .

lemma R_choice_law: "X  Ref P Q  Y  Ref P Q  X + Y  Ref P Q"
  using join.le_supI .

lemma R_choice_mono: "P'  P  Q'  Q  P' + Q'  P + Q"
  using set_plus_mono2 .

― ‹ Assignment ›

lemma R_assign: "(x ::= e)  Ref λs. P (χ j. ((($) s)(x := e s)) j) P"
  unfolding spec_def by (rule H_assign, clarsimp simp: fun_eq_iff fun_upd_def)

lemma R_assign_law: 
  "(s. P s  Q (χ j. ((($) s)(x := (e s))) j))  (x ::= e)  Ref P Q"
  unfolding sH_assign[symmetric] spec_def .

lemma R_assignl: 
  "P = (λs. R (χ j. ((($) s)(x := e s)) j))  (x ::= e) ; Ref R Q  Ref P Q"
  apply(rule_tac R=R in R_seq_law)
  by (rule_tac R_assign_law, simp_all)

lemma R_assignr: 
  "R = (λs. Q (χ j. ((($) s)(x := e s)) j))  Ref P R; (x ::= e)  Ref P Q"
  apply(rule_tac R=R in R_seq_law, simp)
  by (rule_tac R_assign_law, simp)

lemma "(x ::= e) ; Ref Q Q  Ref (λs. Q (χ j. ((($) s)(x := e s)) j)) Q"
  by (rule R_assignl) simp

lemma "Ref Q (λs. Q (χ j. ((($) s)(x := e s)) j)); (x ::= e)  Ref Q Q"
  by (rule R_assignr) simp

― ‹ Nondeterministic Assignment ›

lemma R_nondet_assign: "(x ::= ?)  Ref λs. k. P (χ j. ((($) s)(x := k)) j) P"
  unfolding spec_def by (rule H_nondet_assign)

lemma R_nondet_assign_law: 
  "(s. P s  (k. Q (χ j. ((($) s)(x := k)) j)))  (x ::= ?)  Ref P Q"
  unfolding sH_nondet_assign[symmetric] by (rule R2)

― ‹ Conditional Statement ›

lemma R_cond: 
  "(IF B THEN Ref λs. B s  P s Q ELSE Ref λs. ¬ B s  P s Q)  Ref P Q"
  using R_cond[of "B" "P" "Q"] by simp

lemma R_cond_mono: "X  X'  Y  Y'  (IF P THEN X ELSE Y)  IF P THEN X' ELSE Y'"
  unfolding kat_cond_def times_nd_fun_def plus_nd_fun_def n_op_nd_fun_def
  by (auto simp: kcomp_def less_eq_nd_fun_def p2ndf_def le_fun_def)

lemma R_cond_law: "X  Ref λs. B s  P s Q  Y  Ref λs. ¬ B s  P s Q  
  (IF B THEN X ELSE Y)  Ref P Q"
  by (rule order_trans; (rule R_cond_mono)?, (rule R_cond)?) auto

― ‹ While loop ›

lemma R_while: "K = (λs. P s  ¬ B s) 
  WHILE B INV I DO (Ref λs. P s  B s P)  Ref P K"
  unfolding kat_while_inv_def using R_while[of "B" "P"] by simp

lemma R_whileI:
  "X  Ref I I  P  λs. I s  B s  λs. I s  ¬ B s  Q  
  by (rule R2, rule H_while_inv, auto simp: ndfun_kat_H spec_def)

lemma R_while_mono: "X  X'  (WHILE P INV I DO X)  WHILE P INV I DO X'"
  by (simp add: kat_while_inv_def kat_while_def mult_isol mult_isor star_iso)

lemma R_while_law: "X  Ref λs. P s  B s P  Q = (λs. P s  ¬ B s)  
  (WHILE B INV I DO X)  Ref P Q"
  by (rule order_trans; (rule R_while_mono)?, (rule R_while)?)

― ‹ Finite Iteration ›

lemma R_loop: "X  Ref I I  P  I  I  Q  LOOP X INV I  Ref P Q"
  unfolding spec_def using H_loopI by blast

lemma R_loopI: "X  Ref I I  P  I  I  Q  LOOP X INV I  Ref P Q"
  unfolding spec_def using H_loopI by blast

lemma R_loop_mono: "X  X'  LOOP X INV I  LOOP X' INV I"
  unfolding kat_loop_inv_def by (simp add: star_iso)

― ‹ Evolution command (flow) ›

lemma R_g_evol: 
  fixes φ :: "('a::preorder)  'b  'b"
  shows "(EVOL φ G U)  Ref λs. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  P (φ t s) P"
  unfolding spec_def by (rule H_g_evol, simp)

lemma R_g_evol_law: 
  fixes φ :: "('a::preorder)  'b  'b"
  shows "(s. P s  (tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))  
  (EVOL φ G U)  Ref P Q"
  unfolding sH_g_evol[symmetric] spec_def .

lemma R_g_evoll: 
  fixes φ :: "('a::preorder)  'b  'b"
  shows "P = (λs. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  R (φ t s))  
  (EVOL φ G U) ; Ref R Q  Ref P Q"
  apply(rule_tac R=R in R_seq_law)
  by (rule_tac R_g_evol_law, simp_all)

lemma R_g_evolr: 
  fixes φ :: "('a::preorder)  'b  'b"
  shows "R = (λs. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s))  
  Ref P R; (EVOL φ G U)  Ref P Q"
  apply(rule_tac R=R in R_seq_law, simp)
  by (rule_tac R_g_evol_law, simp)

  fixes φ :: "('a::preorder)  'b  'b"
  shows "EVOL φ G U ; Ref Q Q  
  Ref λs. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s) Q"
  by (rule R_g_evoll) simp

  fixes φ :: "('a::preorder)  'b  'b"
  shows "Ref Q λs. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s); EVOL φ G U  Ref Q Q"
  by (rule R_g_evolr) simp

― ‹ Evolution command (ode) ›

context local_flow

lemma R_g_ode_subset: 
  assumes "s. s  S  0  U s  is_interval (U s)  U s  T"
  shows "(x´= (λt. f) & G on U S @ 0)  
  Ref λs. sS  (tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  P (φ t s)) P"
  unfolding spec_def by (rule H_g_ode_subset[OF assms], auto)

lemma R_g_ode_rule_subset: 
  assumes "s. s  S  0  U s  is_interval (U s)  U s  T"
  shows "(sS. P s  (tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))  
  (x´= (λt. f) & G on U S @ 0)  Ref P Q"
  unfolding spec_def by (subst sH_g_ode_subset[OF assms], auto)

lemma R_g_odel_subset: 
  assumes "s. s  S  0  U s  is_interval (U s)  U s  T"
    and "P = (λs. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  R (φ t s))"
  shows "(x´= (λt. f) & G on U S @ 0) ; Ref R Q  Ref P Q"
  apply (rule_tac R=R in R_seq_law, rule_tac R_g_ode_rule_subset)
  by (simp_all add: assms)

lemma R_g_oder_subset: 
  assumes "s. s  S  0  U s  is_interval (U s)  U s  T"
    and "R = (λs. tU s. (τdown (U s) t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s))"
  shows "Ref P R; (x´= (λt. f) & G on U S @ 0)  Ref P Q"
  apply (rule_tac R=R in R_seq_law, simp)
  by (rule_tac R_g_ode_rule_subset, simp_all add: assms)

lemma R_g_ode: "(x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. T) S @ 0)  
  Ref λs. sS  (tT. (τdown T t. G (φ τ s))  P (φ t s)) P"
  by (rule R_g_ode_subset, auto simp: init_time interval_time)

lemma R_g_ode_law: "(sS. P s  (tT. (τdown T t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))  
  (x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. T) S @ 0)  Ref P Q"
  unfolding sH_g_ode[symmetric] by (rule R2)

lemma R_g_odel: "P = (λs. tT. (τdown T t. G (φ τ s))  R (φ t s))  
  (x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. T) S @ 0) ; Ref R Q  Ref P Q"
  by (rule R_g_odel_subset, auto simp: init_time interval_time)

lemma R_g_oder: "R = (λs. tT. (τdown T t. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s))  
  Ref P R; (x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. T) S @ 0)  Ref P Q"
  by (rule R_g_oder_subset, auto simp: init_time interval_time)

lemma R_g_ode_ivl: 
  "t  0  t  T  (sS. P s  (t{0..t}. (τ{0..t}. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s)))  
  (x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. {0..t}) S @ 0)  Ref P Q"
  unfolding sH_g_ode_ivl[symmetric] by (rule R2)


― ‹ Evolution command (invariants) ›

lemma R_g_ode_inv: "diff_invariant I f T S t0 G  P  I  λs. I s  G s  Q  
  (x´=f & G on T S @ t0 DINV I)  Ref P Q"
  unfolding spec_def by (auto simp: H_g_ode_inv)

subsection ‹ Derivation of the rules of dL ›

text ‹ We derive rules of differential dynamic logic (dL). This allows the components to reason 
in the style of that logic. ›

abbreviation g_dl_ode ::"(('a::banach)'a)  'a pred  'a nd_fun" ("(1x´=_ & _)") 
  where "(x´=f & G)  (x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. {t. t  0}) UNIV @ 0)"

abbreviation g_dl_ode_inv :: "(('a::banach)'a)  'a pred  'a pred  'a nd_fun" ("(1x´=_ & _ DINV _)") 
  where "(x´= f & G DINV I)  (x´= (λt. f) & G on (λs. {t. t  0}) UNIV @ 0 DINV I)"

lemma diff_solve_rule1:
  assumes "local_flow f UNIV UNIV φ"
    and "s. P s  (t0. (τ{0..t}. G (φ τ s))  Q (φ t s))"
  shows "{P} (x´= f & G) {Q}"
  using assms by(subst local_flow.sH_g_ode_subset, auto)

lemma diff_solve_rule2: 
  fixes c::"'a::{heine_borel, banach}"
  assumes "s. P s  (t0. (τ{0..t}. G (s + τ *R c))  Q (s + t *R c))"
  shows "{P} (x´=(λs. c) & G) {Q}"
  apply(subst local_flow.sH_g_ode_subset[where T=UNIV and φ="(λ t x. x + t *R c)"])
  using line_is_local_flow assms by auto

lemma diff_weak_rule: 
  assumes "G  Q"
  shows "{P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {Q}"
  using assms unfolding g_orbital_eq ndfun_kat_H ivp_sols_def g_ode_def by auto

lemma diff_cut_rule:
  assumes wp_C:"Hoare P (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) C"
    and wp_Q:"Hoare P (x´= f & (λ s. G s  C s) on U S @ t0) Q"
  shows "{P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {Q}"
proof(subst ndfun_kat_H, simp add: g_orbital_eq p2ndf_def g_ode_def, clarsimp)
  fix t::real and X::"real  'a" and s
  assume "P s" and "t  U s"
    and x_ivp:"X  ivp_sols f U S t0 s" 
    and guard_x:"x. x  U s  x  t  G (X x)"
  have "t(down (U s) t). X t  g_orbital f G U S t0 s"
    using g_orbitalI[OF x_ivp] guard_x by auto
  hence "t(down (U s) t). C (X t)" 
    using wp_C P s by (subst (asm) ndfun_kat_H, auto simp: g_ode_def)
  hence "X t  g_orbital f (λs. G s  C s) U S t0 s"
    using guard_x t  U s by (auto intro!: g_orbitalI x_ivp)
  thus "Q (X t)"
    using P s wp_Q by (subst (asm) ndfun_kat_H) (auto simp: g_ode_def)

lemma diff_inv_rule:
  assumes "P  I" and "diff_invariant I f U S t0 G" and "I  Q"
  shows "{P} (x´= f & G on U S @ t0) {Q}"
  apply(subst g_ode_inv_def[symmetric, where I=I], rule H_g_ode_inv)
  unfolding sH_diff_inv using assms by auto
