Theory HLint

theory HLint

section ‹HLint›

text ‹
  The tool \texttt{hlint} analyses Haskell code and, based on a data base of
  rewrite rules, suggests stylistic improvements to it. We verify
  a number of these rules using our implementation of the Haskell standard

(* -- I/O *)
(*  putStrLn (show x) ==> print x *)
(*  mapM_ putChar ==> putStr *)
(*  hGetChar stdin ==> getChar *)
(*  hGetLine stdin ==> getLine *)
(*  hGetContents stdin ==> getContents *)
(*  hPutChar stdout ==> putChar *)
(*  hPutStr stdout ==> putStr *)
(*  hPutStrLn stdout ==> putStrLn *)
(*  hPrint stdout ==> print *)
(*  hWaitForInput a 0 ==> hReady a *)
(*  hPutStrLn a (show b) ==> hPrint a b *)
(*  hIsEOF stdin ==> isEOF *)
(* -- EXIT *)
(*  exitWith ExitSuccess ==> exitSuccess *)

subsection ‹Ord›

(*  not (a == b) ==> a /= b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" *)
(*  not (a /= b) ==> a == b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" *)
(*  not (a >  b) ==> a <= b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" *)
(*  not (a >= b) ==> a <  b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" *)
(*  not (a <  b) ==> a >= b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" *)
(*  not (a <= b) ==> a >  b where note = "incorrect if either value is NaN" *)

(*  compare x y /= GT ==> x <= y *)
(*  compare x y == LT ==> x < y *)
(*  compare x y /= LT ==> x >= y *)
(*  compare x y == GT ==> x > y *)

text @{verbatim ‹x == a || x == b || x == c ==> x `elem` [a,b,c]› }
lemma "(eq(x::'a::Eq_sym)a orelse eqxb orelse eqxc) = elemx[a, b, c]"
  by (auto simp add: eq_sym)

text @{verbatim ‹ x /= a && x /= b && x /= c ==> x `notElem` [a,b,c]› }
lemma "(neq(x::'a::Eq_sym)a andalso neqxb andalso neqxc) = notElemx[a, b, c]"
  by (auto simp add: eq_sym)

    (*  compare (f x) (f y) ==> Data.Ord.comparing f x y -- not that great *)
    (*  on compare f ==> Data.Ord.comparing f -- not that great *)
    (* -- READ/SHOW *)
    (*  showsPrec 0 x "" ==> show x *)
    (*  readsPrec 0 ==> reads *)
    (*  showsPrec 0 ==> shows *)
    (*  showIntAtBase 16 intToDigit ==> showHex *)
    (*  showIntAtBase 8 intToDigit ==> showOct *)

subsection ‹List›

text @{verbatim ‹ concat (map f x) ==> concatMap f x› }
lemma "concat(mapfx) = concatMapfx"
  by (auto simp add: concatMap_def)

text @{verbatim ‹ concat [a, b] ==> a ++ b› }
lemma "concat[a, b] = a ++ b"
  by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ map f (map g x) ==> map (f . g) x› }
lemma "mapf(mapgx) = map(f oo g)x"
  by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ x !! 0 ==> head x› }
lemma "x !! 0 = headx"
  by (cases x) auto

text @{verbatim ‹ take n (repeat x) ==> replicate n x› }
lemma "taken(repeatx) = replicatenx"
  by (simp add: replicate_def)

text @{verbatim ‹lemma "head⋅(reverse⋅x) = last⋅x" › }
lemma "head(reversex) = lastx"
proof (cases "finite_list x")
  case True then show ?thesis
    by (induct x rule: reverse_induct) (auto simp add: last_append_singleton)
  case False then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: last_spine_strict reverse_spine_strict)

text @{verbatim ‹ head (drop n x) ==> x !! n where note = "if the index is non-negative"› }
  assumes "le0n  FF"
  shows "head(dropnx) = x !! n"
proof (cases "le0n")
  assume "le0n = FF" with assms show ?thesis..
  assume "le0n = TT"
  then show ?thesis
  proof (induction arbitrary: x rule: nonneg_Integer_induct)
    case 0
    show ?case by (cases x) auto
    case (step i x)
    from step.hyps have [simp]:"lei0 = FF" by (cases i, auto simp add: one_Integer_def zero_Integer_def)
    from step.hyps have [simp]:"eqi0 = FF" by (cases i, auto simp add: one_Integer_def zero_Integer_def)
    show ?case
      using step.IH  by (cases x)auto
qed simp

text @{verbatim ‹ reverse (tail (reverse x)) ==> init x› }
lemma "reverse(tail(reversex))  initx"
proof (cases "finite_list x")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    by (induct x rule: reverse_induct) (auto simp add: init_append_singleton)
  case False
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: reverse_spine_strict)

text @{verbatim ‹ take (length x - 1) x ==> init x› }
  assumes "x  []"
  shows "take(lengthx - 1)x  initx"
  using assms
proof (induct x)
  case IH: (Cons y ys)
  show ?case
  proof (cases ys)
    case (Cons z zs)
    show ?thesis
      using IH
      by (cases "lengthzs")
         (auto simp: Cons one_Integer_def dest: length_ge_0)
  qed (auto simp: one_Integer_def)
qed auto

text @{verbatim ‹ foldr (++) [] ==> concat› }
lemma foldr_append_concat:"foldrappend[] = concat"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs :: "[['a]]"
  show "foldrappend[]xs = concatxs"
    by (induct xs) auto

text @{verbatim ‹ foldl (++) [] ==> concat› }
lemma "foldlappend[]  concat"
proof (rule cfun_belowI)
  fix xs :: "[['a]]"
  show "foldlappend[]xs  concatxs"
    by (cases "finite_list xs")
       (auto simp add: foldr_append_concat foldl_assoc_foldr foldl_spine_strict)

text @{verbatim ‹ span (not . p) ==> break p› }
lemma "span(neg oo p) = breakp"
  by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ break (not . p) ==> span p› }
lemma "break(neg oo p) = spanp"
  by (unfold break.simps) (subst assoc_oo, simp)

(*  concatMap (++ "\n") ==> unlines *)

text @{verbatim ‹ or (map p x) ==> any p x› }
lemma "the_or(mappx) = anypx"
  by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ and (map p x) ==> all p x› }
lemma "the_and(mappx) = allpx"
  by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ zipWith (,) ==> zip› }
lemma "zipWith⟨,⟩ = zip"
  by (simp add: zip_def)

text @{verbatim ‹ zipWith3 (,,) ==> zip3› }
lemma "zipWith3⟨,,⟩ = zip3"
  by (simp add: zip3_def)

text @{verbatim ‹ length x == 0 ==> null x where note = "increases laziness"› }
lemma "eq(lengthx)0  nullx"
proof (cases x)
  case (Cons y ys)
  then show ?thesis
    by (cases "lengthys")
       (auto dest: length_ge_0 simp: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
qed simp+

text @{verbatim ‹ length x /= 0 ==> not (null x)› }
lemma "neq(lengthx)0  neg(nullx)"
proof (cases x)
  case (Cons y ys)
  then show ?thesis
    by (cases "lengthys")
       (auto dest: length_ge_0 simp: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
qed simp+

(*  (\x -> [x]) ==> (:[]) *)

text @{verbatim ‹ map (uncurry f) (zip x y) ==> zipWith f x y› }
lemma "map(uncurryf)(zipxy) = zipWithfxy"
proof (induct x arbitrary: y)
  case (Cons x xs y) then show ?case by (cases y) auto
qed auto

text @{verbatim ‹ map f (zip x y) ==> zipWith (curry f) x y where _ = isVar f› }
lemma "mapf(zipxy) = zipWith(curryf)xy"
proof(induct x arbitrary: y)
  case (Cons x xs y) then show ?case by (cases y) auto
qed auto

text @{verbatim ‹ not (elem x y) ==> notElem x y› }
lemma "neg(elemxy) = notElemxy"
  by (induct y) auto

text @{verbatim ‹ foldr f z (map g x) ==> foldr (f . g) z x› }
lemma "foldrfz(mapgx) = foldr(f oo g)zx"
  by (induct x) auto

(*  x ++ concatMap (' ':) y ==> unwords (x:y) *)
(*  intercalate " " ==> unwords *)
(*  concat (intersperse x y) ==> intercalate x y where _ = notEq x " " *)
(*  concat (intersperse " " x) ==> unwords x *)
text @{verbatim ‹ null (filter f x) ==> not (any f x)› }
lemma "null(filterfx) = neg(anyfx)"
proof (induct x)
  case (Cons x xs)
  then show ?case by (cases "fx") auto
qed auto

text @{verbatim ‹ filter f x == [] ==> not (any f x)› }
lemma "eq(filterfx)[] = neg(anyfx)"
proof (induct x)
  case (Cons x xs)
  then show ?case by (cases "fx") auto
qed auto

text @{verbatim ‹ filter f x /= [] ==> any f x› }
lemma "neq(filterfx)[] = anyfx"
proof (induct x)
  case (Cons x xs)
  then show ?case by (cases "fx") auto
qed auto

text @{verbatim ‹ any (== a) ==> elem a› }
lemma "any(Λ z. eqza) = elema"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "any(Λ z. eqza)xs = elemaxs"
    by (induct xs) auto

text @{verbatim ‹ any ((==) a) ==> elem a› }
lemma "any(eq(a::'a::Eq_sym)) = elema"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "any(eqa)xs = elemaxs"
    by (induct xs) (auto simp: eq_sym)

text @{verbatim ‹any (a ==) ==> elem a› }
lemma "any(Λ z. eq(a::'a::Eq_sym)z) = elema"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "any(Λ z. eqaz)xs = elemaxs"
    by (induct xs) (auto simp: eq_sym)

text @{verbatim ‹ all (/= a) ==> notElem a› }
lemma "all(Λ z. neqz(a::'a::Eq_sym)) = notElema"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "all(Λ z. neqza)xs = notElemaxs"
    by (induct xs) auto

text @{verbatim ‹ all (a /=) ==> notElem a› }
lemma "all(Λ z. neq(a::'a::Eq_sym)z) = notElema"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "all(Λ z. neqaz)xs = notElemaxs"
    by (induct xs) (auto simp: eq_sym)

(* findIndex ((==) a) ==> elemIndex a *)
(* findIndex (a ==) ==> elemIndex a *)
(* findIndex (== a) ==> elemIndex a *)
(* findIndices ((==) a) ==> elemIndices a *)
(* findIndices (a ==) ==> elemIndices a *)
(* findIndices (== a) ==> elemIndices a *)
(* lookup b (zip l [0..]) ==> elemIndex b l *)

subsection ‹Folds›

(*  foldr  (>>) (return ()) ==> sequence_ *)

text @{verbatim ‹ foldr  (&&) True ==> and› }
lemma "foldrtrandTT = the_and"
  by (subst the_and.simps, rule)

text @{verbatim ‹ foldl  (&&) True ==> and› }
lemma foldl_to_and:"foldltrandTT  the_and"
proof (rule cfun_belowI)
  fix xs
  show "foldltrandTTxs  the_andxs"
    by (cases "finite_list xs") (auto simp: foldl_assoc_foldr foldl_spine_strict)

text @{verbatim ‹ foldr1 (&&)  ==> and› }
lemma "foldr1trand  the_and"
proof (rule cfun_belowI)
  fix xs
  show "foldr1trandxs  the_andxs"
  proof (induct xs)
    case (Cons y ys)
    then show ?case by (cases ys) (auto elim: monofun_cfun_arg)
  qed simp+

text @{verbatim ‹ foldl1 (&&)  ==> and› }
lemma "foldl1trand  the_and"
proof (rule cfun_belowI)
  fix x
  have "foldl1trandx  foldltrandTTx"
    by (cases x, auto)
  also have "...  the_andx"
    by (rule monofun_cfun_fun[OF foldl_to_and])
  finally show "foldl1trandx  the_andx" .

text @{verbatim ‹ foldr  (||) False ==> or› }
lemma "foldrtrorFF = the_or"
  by (subst the_or.simps, rule)

text @{verbatim ‹ foldl  (||) False ==> or› }
lemma foldl_to_or: "foldltrorFF  the_or"
proof (rule cfun_belowI)
  fix xs
  show "foldltrorFFxs  the_orxs"
    by (cases "finite_list xs") (auto simp: foldl_assoc_foldr foldl_spine_strict)

text @{verbatim ‹ foldr1 (||)  ==> or› }
lemma "foldr1tror  the_or"
proof (rule cfun_belowI)
  fix xs
  show "foldr1trorxs  the_orxs"
  proof (induct xs)
    case (Cons y ys)
    then show ?case by (cases ys) (auto elim: monofun_cfun_arg)
  qed simp+

text @{verbatim ‹ foldl1 (||)  ==> or› }
lemma "foldl1tror  the_or"
proof(rule cfun_belowI)
  fix x
  have "foldl1trorx  foldltrorFFx"
    by (cases x, auto)
  also have "...  the_orx"
    by (rule monofun_cfun_fun[OF foldl_to_or])
  finally show "foldl1trorx  the_orx" .

(*  foldl  (+) 0 ==> sum *)
(*  foldr  (+) 0 ==> sum *)
(*  foldl1 (+)   ==> sum *)
(*  foldr1 (+)   ==> sum *)
(*  foldl  ( * ) 1 ==> product *)
(*  foldr  ( * ) 1 ==> product *)
(*  foldl1 ( * )   ==> product *)
(*  foldr1 ( * )   ==> product *)
(*  foldl1 max   ==> maximum *)
(*  foldr1 max   ==> maximum *)
(*  foldl1 min   ==> minimum *)
(*  foldr1 min   ==> minimum *)
(*  foldr mplus mzero ==> msum *)

subsection ‹Function›
text @{verbatim ‹ (\x -> x) ==> id› }
lemma "(Λ x. x) = ID"
  by (metis ID_def)

text @{verbatim ‹ (\x y -> x) ==> const› }
lemma "(Λ x y. x) = const"
  by (intro cfun_eqI) simp

text @{verbatim ‹(\(x,y) -> y) ==> fst where _ = notIn x y› }
lemma "(Λ x, y. x) = fst"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix p
  show "(case p of x, y  x) = fst  p"
  proof (cases p)
    case bottom then show ?thesis by simp
    case Tuple2 then show ?thesis by simp

text @{verbatim ‹(\(x,y) -> y) ==> snd where _ = notIn x y› }
lemma "(Λ x, y. y) = snd"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix p
  show "(case p of x, y  y) = snd  p"
  proof (cases p)
    case bottom then show ?thesis by simp
    case Tuple2 then show ?thesis by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ (\x y-> f (x,y)) ==> curry f where _ = notIn [x,y] f› }
lemma "(Λ x y. fx, y) = curryf"
  by (auto intro!: cfun_eqI)

text @{verbatim ‹ (\(x,y) -> f x y) ==> uncurry f where _ = notIn [x,y] f› }
lemma "(Λ x, y. fxy)  uncurryf"
  by (rule cfun_belowI, rename_tac x, case_tac x, auto)

(*  (($) . f) ==> f *)
(*  (f $) ==> f *)

text @{verbatim ‹ (\x -> y) ==> const y where _ = isAtom y && notIn x y› }
lemma "(Λ x. y) = consty"
  by (intro cfun_eqI) simp

(*  flip f x y ==> f y x where _ = isApp original *)
lemma "flipfxy = fyx" by simp

(*  (\a b -> o (f a) (f b)) ==> o `Data.Function.on` f *)
(* -- CHAR *)
(*  a >= 'a' && a <= 'z' ==> isAsciiLower a *)
(*  a >= 'A' && a <= 'Z' ==> isAsciiUpper a *)
(*  a >= '0' && a <= '9' ==> isDigit a *)
(*  a >= '0' && a <= '7' ==> isOctDigit a *)
(*  not (isControl a) ==> isPrint a *)
(*  isLower a || isUpper a ==> isAlpha a *)
(*  isAlpha a || isDigit a ==> isAlphaNum a *)

subsection ‹Bool›

text @{verbatim ‹ a == True ==> a› }
lemma eq_true:"eqxTT = x"
  by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ a == False ==> not a› }
lemma eq_false:"eqxFF = negx"
  by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ (if a then x else x) ==> x where note = "reduces strictness"› }
lemma if_equal:"(If a then x else x)  x"
  by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ (if a then True else False) ==> a› }
lemma "(If a then TT else FF) = a"
  by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ (if a then False else True) ==> not a› }
lemma "(If a then FF else TT) = nega"
  by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ (if a then t else (if b then t else f)) ==> if a || b then t else f› }
lemma "(If a then t else (If b then t else f)) = (If a orelse b then t else f)"
  by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ (if a then (if b then t else f) else f) ==> if a && b then t else f› }
lemma "(If a then (If b then t else f) else f) = (If a andalso b then t else f)"
  by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ (if x then True else y) ==> x || y where _ = notEq y False› }
lemma "(If x then TT else y) = (x orelse y)"
  by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ (if x then y else False) ==> x && y where _ = notEq y True› }
lemma "(If x then y else FF) = (x andalso y)"
  by (cases x, auto)

(*  case a of {True -> t; False -> f} ==> if a then t else f *)
(*  case a of {False -> f; True -> t} ==> if a then t else f *)
(*  case a of {True -> t; _ -> f} ==> if a then t else f *)
(*  case a of {False -> f; _ -> t} ==> if a then t else f *)
text @{verbatim ‹ (if c then (True, x) else (False, x)) ==> (c, x) where note = "reduces strictness"› }
lemma "(If c then TT, x else FF, x)  c, x"
  by (cases c, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ (if c then (False, x) else (True, x)) ==> (not c, x) where note = "reduces strictness"› }
lemma "(If c then FF, x else TT, x)  negc, x"
  by (cases c, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ or [x,y]  ==> x || y› }
lemma "the_or[x, y] = (x orelse y)"
  by (fixrec_simp)

text @{verbatim ‹ or [x,y,z]  ==> x || y || z› }
lemma "the_or[x, y, z] = (x orelse y orelse z)"
  by (fixrec_simp)

text @{verbatim ‹ and [x,y]  ==> x && y› }
lemma "the_and[x, y] = (x andalso y)"
  by (fixrec_simp)

text @{verbatim ‹ and [x,y,z]  ==> x && y && z› }
lemma "the_and[x, y, z] = (x andalso y andalso z)"
  by (fixrec_simp)

subsection ‹Arrow›

(*  id *** g ==> second g *)
(*  f *** id ==> first f *)
(*  zip (map f x) (map g x) ==> map (f Control.Arrow.&&& g) x *)
(*  (\(x,y) -> (f x, g y)) ==> f Control.Arrow.*** g where _ = notIn [x,y] [f,g] *)
(*  (\x -> (f x, g x)) ==> f Control.Arrow.&&& g where _ = notIn x [f,g] *)
(*  (\(x,y) -> (f x,y)) ==> Control.Arrow.first f where _ = notIn [x,y] f *)
(*  (\(x,y) -> (x,f y)) ==> Control.Arrow.second f where _ = notIn [x,y] f *)
(*  (f (fst x), g (snd x)) ==> (f Control.Arrow.*** g) x *)

text @{verbatim ‹ (fst x, snd x) ==>  x› }
lemma "x  fstx, sndx"
  by (cases x, auto)

(* -- FUNCTOR *)
(*  fmap f (fmap g x) ==> fmap (f . g) x *)
(*  fmap id ==> id *)
(* -- MONAD *)
(*  return a >>= f ==> f a *)
(*  m >>= return ==> m *)
(*  m >>= return . f ==> Control.Monad.liftM f m -- cannot be fmap, because is in Functor not Monad *)
(*  (if x then y else return ()) ==> Control.Monad.when x $ _noParen_ y where _ = not (isAtom y) *)
(*  (if x then y else return ()) ==> Control.Monad.when x y where _ = isAtom y *)
(*  (if x then return () else y) ==> Control.Monad.unless x $ _noParen_ y where _ = not (isAtom y) *)
(*  (if x then return () else y) ==> Control.Monad.unless x y where _ = isAtom y *)
(*  sequence (map f x) ==> mapM f x *)
(*  sequence_ (map f x) ==> mapM_ f x *)
(*  flip mapM ==> Control.Monad.forM *)
(*  flip mapM_ ==> Control.Monad.forM_ *)
(*  flip forM ==> mapM *)
(*  flip forM_ ==> mapM_ *)
(*  when (not x) ==> unless x *)
(*  x >>= id ==> Control.Monad.join x *)
(*  liftM f (liftM g x) ==> liftM (f . g) x *)
(*  a >> return () ==> void a *)
(*  fmap (const ()) ==> void *)
(*  flip (>=>) ==> (<=<) *)
(*  flip (<=<) ==> (>=>) *)
(*  (\x -> f x >>= g) ==> f Control.Monad.>=> g where _ = notIn x [f,g] *)
(*  (\x -> f =<< g x) ==> f Control.Monad.<=< g where _ = notIn x [f,g] *)
(*  a >> forever a ==> forever a *)
(*  liftM2 id ==> ap *)
(* -- MONAD LIST *)
(*  liftM unzip (mapM f x) ==> Control.Monad.mapAndUnzipM f x *)
(*  sequence (zipWith f x y) ==> Control.Monad.zipWithM f x y *)
(*  sequence_ (zipWith f x y) ==> Control.Monad.zipWithM_ f x y *)
(*  sequence (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM n x *)
(*  sequence_ (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM_ n x *)
(*  mapM f (map g x) ==> mapM (f . g) x *)
(*  mapM_ f (map g x) ==> mapM_ (f . g) x *)
(*  flip traverse ==> for *)
(*  flip for ==> traverse *)
(*  flip traverse_ ==> for_ *)
(*  flip for_ ==> traverse_ *)
(*  foldr ( *>) (pure ()) ==> sequenceA_ *)
(*  foldr (<|>) empty ==> asum *)
(*  liftA2 (flip ($)) ==> (<**>) *)
(*  Just <$> a <|> pure Nothing ==> optional a *)
(* -- LIST COMP *)
(*  (if b then [x] else []) ==> [x | b] *)
(*  [x | x <- y] ==> y where _ = isVar x *)
(* -- SEQ *)

subsection ‹Seq›

text @{verbatim ‹ x `seq` x ==> x› }
lemma "seqxx = x" by (simp add: seq_def)

(*  id $! x ==> x *)
(*  x `seq` y ==> y where _ = isWHNF x *)
(*  f $! x ==> f x where _ = isWHNF x *)
(*  evaluate x ==> return x where _ = isWHNF x *)
(* -- MAYBE *)
(*  maybe x id ==> Data.Maybe.fromMaybe x *)
(*  maybe False (const True) ==> Data.Maybe.isJust *)
(*  maybe True (const False) ==> Data.Maybe.isNothing *)
(*  not (isNothing x) ==> isJust x *)
(*  not (isJust x) ==> isNothing x *)
(*  maybe [] (:[]) ==> maybeToList *)
(*  catMaybes (map f x) ==> mapMaybe f x *)
(*  (case x of Nothing -> y; Just a -> a)  ==> fromMaybe y x *)
(*  (if isNothing x then y else f (fromJust x)) ==> maybe y f x *)
(*  (if isJust x then f (fromJust x) else y) ==> maybe y f x *)
(*  maybe Nothing (Just . f) ==> fmap f *)
(*  map fromJust . filter isJust  ==>  Data.Maybe.catMaybes *)
(*  x == Nothing  ==>  isNothing x *)
(*  Nothing == x  ==>  isNothing x *)
(*  x /= Nothing  ==>  Data.Maybe.isJust x *)
(*  Nothing /= x  ==>  Data.Maybe.isJust x *)
(*  concatMap (maybeToList . f) ==> Data.Maybe.mapMaybe f *)
(*  concatMap maybeToList ==> catMaybes *)
(*  maybe n Just x ==> Control.Monad.mplus x n *)
(*  (case x of Just a -> a; Nothing -> y)  ==> fromMaybe y x *)
(*  (if isNothing x then y else fromJust x) ==> fromMaybe y x *)
(*  (if isJust x then fromJust x else y) ==> fromMaybe y x *)
(*  isJust x && (fromJust x == y) ==> x == Just y *)
(*  mapMaybe f (map g x) ==> mapMaybe (f . g) x *)
(*  fromMaybe a (fmap f x) ==> maybe a f x *)
(*  [x | Just x <- a] ==> Data.Maybe.catMaybes a *)
(* -- EITHER *)
(*  [a | Left a <- a] ==> lefts a *)
(*  [a | Right a <- a] ==> rights a *)
(* -- INFIX *)
(*  X.elem x y ==> x `X.elem` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) *)
(*  X.notElem x y ==> x `X.notElem` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) *)
(*  X.isInfixOf x y ==> x `X.isInfixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) *)
(*  X.isSuffixOf x y ==> x `X.isSuffixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) *)
(*  X.isPrefixOf x y ==> x `X.isPrefixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) *)
(*  X.union x y ==> x `X.union` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) *)
(*  X.intersect x y ==> x `X.intersect` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) *)
(* -- MATHS *)
(*  fromIntegral x ==> x where _ = isLitInt x *)
(*  fromInteger x ==> x where _ = isLitInt x *)
(*  x + negate y ==> x - y *)
(*  0 - x ==> negate x *)
(*  log y / log x ==> logBase x y *)
(*  x ** 0.5 ==> sqrt x *)
(*  sin x / cos x ==> tan x *)
(*  sinh x / cosh x ==> tanh x *)
(*  n `rem` 2 == 0 ==> even n *)
(*  n `rem` 2 /= 0 ==> odd n *)
(*  not (even x) ==> odd x *)
(*  not (odd x) ==> even x *)
(*  x ** 0.5 ==> sqrt x *)
(*  x ^^ y ==> x ** y where _ = isLitInt y *)
(*  x ^ 0 ==> 1 *)
(*  round (x - 0.5) ==> floor x *)
(*  mapM_ (writeChan a) ==> writeList2Chan a *)
(* -- EXCEPTION *)
(*  Prelude.catch ==> Control.Exception.catch where note = "Prelude.catch does not catch most exceptions" *)
(*  flip Control.Exception.catch ==> handle *)
(*  flip handle ==> Control.Exception.catch *)
(*  flip (catchJust p) ==> handleJust p *)
(*  flip (handleJust p) ==> catchJust p *)
(*  Control.Exception.bracket b (const a) (const t) ==> Control.Exception.bracket_ b a t *)
(*  Control.Exception.bracket (openFile x y) hClose ==> withFile x y *)
(*  Control.Exception.bracket (openBinaryFile x y) hClose ==> withBinaryFile x y *)
(*  throw (ErrorCall a) ==> error a *)
(*  a `seq` return a ==> Control.Exception.evaluate a *)
(*  toException NonTermination ==> nonTermination *)
(*  toException NestedAtomically ==> nestedAtomically *)
(*  mkWeak a a b ==> mkWeakPtr a b *)
(*  mkWeak a (a, b) c ==> mkWeakPair a b c *)

subsection ‹Evaluate›

text @{verbatim ‹ True && x ==> x› }
lemma "(TT andalso x) = x" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ False && x ==> False› }
lemma "(FF andalso x) = FF" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ True || x ==> True› }
lemma "(TT orelse x) = TT" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ False || x ==> x› }
lemma "(FF orelse x) = x" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ not True ==> False› }
lemma "negTT = FF" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ not False ==> True› }
lemma "negFF = TT" by auto

(*  Nothing >>= k ==> Nothing *)
(*  either f g (Left x) ==> f x *)
(*  either f g (Right y) ==> g y *)
text @{verbatim ‹ fst (x,y) ==> x› }
lemma "fstx, y = x" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ snd (x,y) ==> y› }
lemma "sndx, y = y" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ f (fst p) (snd p) ==> uncurry f p› }
lemma "f(fstp)(sndp) = uncurryfp"
  by (cases p, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ init [x] ==> []› }
lemma "init[x] = []" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ null [] ==> True› }
lemma "null[] = TT" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ length [] ==> 0› }
lemma "length[] = 0" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ foldl f z [] ==> z› }
lemma "foldlfz[] = z" by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ foldr f z [] ==> z› }
lemma "foldrfz[] = z" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ foldr1 f [x] ==> x› }
lemma "foldr1f[x] = x" by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ scanr f z [] ==> [z]› }
lemma "scanrfz[] = [z]" by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ scanr1 f [] ==> []› }
lemma "scanr1f[] = []" by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ scanr1 f [x] ==> [x]› }
lemma "scanr1f[x] = [x]" by simp

text @{verbatim ‹ take n [] ==> []› }
lemma "taken[]  []" by (cases n, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹ drop n [] ==> []› }
lemma "dropn[]  []"
  by (subst drop.simps) (auto simp: if_equal)

text @{verbatim ‹ takeWhile p [] ==> []› }
lemma "takeWhilep[] = []" by (fixrec_simp)

text @{verbatim ‹ dropWhile p [] ==> []› }
lemma "dropWhilep[] = []" by (fixrec_simp)

text @{verbatim ‹ span p [] ==> ([],[])› }
lemma "spanp[] = [], []" by (fixrec_simp)

(*  lines "" ==> [] *)
(*  unwords [] ==> "" *)
(*  x - 0 ==> x *)
(*  x * 1 ==> x *)
(*  x / 1 ==> x *)
text @{verbatim ‹ concat [a] ==> a› }
lemma "concat[a] = a" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ concat [] ==> []› }
lemma "concat[] = []" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ zip [] [] ==> []› }
lemma "zip[][] = []" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ id x ==> x› }
lemma "IDx = x" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹ const x y ==> x› }
lemma "constxy = x" by simp

subsection ‹Complex hints›

text @{verbatim ‹ take (length t) s == t ==> t `Data.List.isPrefixOf` s› }
  fixes t :: "['a::Eq_sym]"
  shows "eq(take(lengtht)s)t  isPrefixOfts"
  by (subst eq_sym) (rule eq_take_length_isPrefixOf)

text @{verbatim ‹ (take i s == t) ==> _eval_ ((i >= length t) && (t `Data.List.isPrefixOf` s))› }
text ‹The hint is not true in general, as the following two lemmas show:›
  assumes "t = []" and "s = x : xs" and "i = 1"
  shows "¬ (eq(takeis)t  (le(lengtht)i andalso isPrefixOfts))"
  using assms by simp

  assumes "le0i = TT" and "lei0 = FF"
    and "s = " and "t = []"
  shows "¬ ((le(lengtht)i andalso isPrefixOfts)  eq(takeis)t)"
  using assms by (subst take.simps) simp

(* -- clever hint, but not actually a good idea *)
(*  (do a <- f; g a) ==> f >>= g *)
(*  a $$$$ b $$$$ c ==> a . b $$$$$ c *)

(* not (a == b) ==> a /= b *)
lemma "neg(eqab) = neqab" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹not (a /= b) ==> a == b› }
lemma "neg(neqab) = eqab" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹map id ==> id› }
lemma map_id:"mapID = ID" by (auto simp add: cfun_eq_iff)

text @{verbatim ‹x == [] ==> null x› }
lemma "eqx[] = nullx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹any id ==> or› }
lemma "anyID = the_or" by (auto simp add:map_id)

text @{verbatim ‹all id ==> and› }
lemma "allID = the_and" by (auto simp add:map_id)

text @{verbatim ‹(if x then False else y) ==> (not x && y)› }
lemma "(If x then FF else y) = (negx andalso y)" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹(if x then y else True) ==> (not x || y)› }
lemma "(If x then y else TT) = (negx orelse y)" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹not (not x) ==> x› }
lemma "neg(negx) = x" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹(if c then f x else f y) ==> f (if c then x else y)› }
lemma "(If c then fx else fy)  f(If c then x else y)" by (cases c, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹(\ x -> [x]) ==> (: [])› }
lemma "(Λ x. [x]) = (Λ z. z : [])" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹True == a ==> a› }
lemma "eqTTa = a" by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹False == a ==> not a› }
lemma "eqFFa = nega" by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹a /= True ==> not a› }
lemma "neqaTT = nega" by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹a /= False ==> a› }
lemma "neqaFF = a" by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹True /= a ==> not a› }
lemma "neqTTa = nega" by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹False /= a ==> a› }
lemma "neqFFa = a" by (cases a, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹not (isNothing x) ==> isJust x› }
lemma "neg(isNothingx) = isJustx" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹not (isJust x) ==> isNothing x› }
lemma "neg(isJustx) = isNothingx" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹x == Nothing ==> isNothing x› }
lemma "eqxNothing = isNothingx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹Nothing == x ==> isNothing x› }
lemma "eqNothingx = isNothingx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹x /= Nothing ==> Data.Maybe.isJust x› }
lemma "neqxNothing = isJustx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹Nothing /= x ==> Data.Maybe.isJust x› }
lemma "neqNothingx = isJustx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹(if isNothing x then y else fromJust x) ==> fromMaybe y x› }
lemma "(If isNothingx then y else fromJustx) = fromMaybeyx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹(if isJust x then fromJust x else y) ==> fromMaybe y x› }
lemma "(If isJustx then fromJustx else y) = fromMaybeyx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹(isJust x && (fromJust x == y)) ==> x == Just y› }
lemma "(isJustx andalso (eq(fromJustx)y)) = eqx(Justy)" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹elem True ==> or› }
lemma "elemTT = the_or"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "elemTTxs = the_orxs"
    by (induct xs) (auto simp: eq_true)

text @{verbatim ‹notElem False ==> and› }
lemma "notElemFF = the_and"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "notElemFFxs = the_andxs"
    by (induct xs) (auto simp: eq_false)

text @{verbatim ‹all ((/=) a) ==> notElem a› }
lemma "all(neq(a::'a::Eq_sym)) = notElema"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "all(neqa)xs = notElemaxs"
    by (induct xs) (auto simp: eq_sym)

text @{verbatim ‹maybe x id ==> Data.Maybe.fromMaybe x› }
lemma "maybexID = fromMaybex"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "maybexIDxs = fromMaybexxs"
    by (cases xs) auto

text @{verbatim ‹maybe False (const True) ==> Data.Maybe.isJust› }
lemma "maybeFF(constTT) = isJust"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix x :: "'a Maybe"
  show "maybeFF(constTT)x = isJustx"
    by (cases x) simp+

text @{verbatim ‹maybe True (const False) ==> Data.Maybe.isNothing› }
lemma "maybeTT(constFF) = isNothing"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix x :: "'a Maybe"
  show "maybeTT(constFF)x = isNothingx"
    by (cases x) simp+

text @{verbatim ‹maybe [] (: []) ==> maybeToList› }
lemma "maybe[](Λ z. z : []) = maybeToList"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix x :: "'a Maybe"
  show "maybe[](Λ z. z : [])x = maybeToListx"
    by (cases x) simp+

text @{verbatim ‹catMaybes (map f x) ==> mapMaybe f x› }
lemma "catMaybes(mapfx) = mapMaybefx" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹(if isNothing x then y else f (fromJust x)) ==> maybe y f x› }
lemma "(If isNothingx then y else f(fromJustx)) = maybeyfx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹(if isJust x then f (fromJust x) else y) ==> maybe y f x› }
lemma "(If isJustx then f(fromJustx) else y) = maybeyfx" by (cases x, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹(map fromJust . filter isJust) ==> Data.Maybe.catMaybes› }
lemma "(mapfromJust oo filterisJust) = catMaybes"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs :: "['a Maybe]"
  show "(mapfromJust oo filterisJust)xs = catMaybesxs"
  proof (induct xs)
    case (Cons y ys)
    then show ?case by (cases y) simp+
  qed simp+

text @{verbatim ‹concatMap (maybeToList . f) ==> Data.Maybe.mapMaybe f› }
lemma "concatMap(maybeToList oo f) = mapMaybef"
proof (rule cfun_eqI)
  fix xs
  show "concatMap(maybeToList oo f)xs = mapMaybefxs"
    by (induct xs) auto

text @{verbatim ‹concatMap maybeToList ==> catMaybes› }
lemma "concatMapmaybeToList = catMaybes" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹mapMaybe f (map g x) ==> mapMaybe (f . g) x› }
lemma "mapMaybef(mapgx) = mapMaybe(f oo g)x" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹(($) . f) ==> f› }
lemma "(dollar oo f) = f" by (auto simp add:cfun_eq_iff)

text @{verbatim ‹(f $) ==> f› }
lemma "(Λ z. dollarfz) = f" by (auto simp add:cfun_eq_iff)

text @{verbatim ‹(\ a b -> g (f a) (f b)) ==> g `Data.Function.on` f› }
lemma "(Λ a b. g(fa)(fb)) = ongf" by (auto simp add:cfun_eq_iff)

text @{verbatim ‹id $! x ==> x› }
lemma "dollarBangIDx = x" by (auto simp add:seq_def)

text @{verbatim ‹[x | x <- y] ==> y› }
lemma "[x | x <- y] = y" by (induct y, auto)

text @{verbatim ‹isPrefixOf (reverse x) (reverse y) ==> isSuffixOf x y› }
lemma "isPrefixOf(reversex)(reversey) = isSuffixOfxy" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹concat (intersperse x y) ==> intercalate x y› }
lemma "concat(interspersexy) = intercalatexy" by auto

text @{verbatim ‹x `seq` y ==> y› }
  assumes "x  " shows "seqxy = y"
  using assms by (simp add: seq_def)

text @{verbatim ‹f $! x ==> f x› }
lemma assumes "x  " shows "dollarBangfx = fx"
  using assms by (simp add: seq_def)

text @{verbatim ‹maybe (f x) (f . g) ==> (f . maybe x g)› }
lemma "maybe(fx)(f oo g)  (f oo maybexg)"
proof (rule cfun_belowI)
  fix y
  show "maybe(fx)(f oo g)y  (f oo maybexg)y"
    by (cases y) auto
