Theory Data_List
section ‹Data: List›
theory Data_List
no_notation (ASCII)
Set.member (‹'(:')›) and
Set.member (‹(‹notation=‹infix :››_/ : _)› [51, 51] 50)
subsection ‹Datatype definition›
domain 'a list (‹[_]›) =
Nil (‹[]›) |
Cons (lazy head :: 'a) (lazy tail :: "['a]") (infixr ‹:› 65)
subsubsection ‹Section syntax for @{const Cons}›
"_Cons_section" :: "'a → ['a] → ['a]" (‹'(:')›)
"_Cons_section_left" :: "'a ⇒ ['a] → ['a]" (‹'(_:')›)
"_Cons_section_left" == Cons
"(x:)" == "(CONST Rep_cfun) (CONST Cons) x"
abbreviation Cons_section_right :: "['a] ⇒ 'a → ['a]" (‹'(:_')›) where
"(:xs) ≡ Λ x. x:xs"
"_lazy_list" :: "args ⇒ ['a]" (‹[(_)]›)
"_lazy_list" == Cons
"[x, xs]" == "x : [xs]"
"[x]" == "x : []"
abbreviation null :: "['a] → tr" where "null ≡ is_Nil"
subsection ‹Haskell function definitions›
instantiation list :: (Eq) Eq_strict
fixrec eq_list :: "['a] → ['a] → tr" where
"eq_list⋅[]⋅[] = TT" |
"eq_list⋅(x : xs)⋅[] = FF" |
"eq_list⋅[]⋅(y : ys) = FF" |
"eq_list⋅(x : xs)⋅(y : ys) = (eq⋅x⋅y andalso eq_list⋅xs⋅ys)"
instance proof
fix xs :: "['a]"
show "eq⋅xs⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (cases xs, fixrec_simp+)
show "eq⋅⊥⋅xs = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
instance list :: (Eq_sym) Eq_sym
fix xs ys :: "['a]"
show "eq⋅xs⋅ys = eq⋅ys⋅xs"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil
show ?case by (cases ys; simp)
case Cons
then show ?case by (cases ys; simp add: eq_sym)
qed simp_all
instance list :: (Eq_equiv) Eq_equiv
fix xs ys zs :: "['a]"
show "eq⋅xs⋅xs ≠ FF"
by (induct xs, simp_all)
assume "eq⋅xs⋅ys = TT" and "eq⋅ys⋅zs = TT" then show "eq⋅xs⋅zs = TT"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys zs)
case (Nil ys zs) then show ?case by (cases ys, simp_all)
case (Cons x xs ys zs)
from Cons.prems show ?case
by (cases ys; cases zs) (auto intro: eq_trans Cons.hyps)
qed simp_all
instance list :: (Eq_eq) Eq_eq
fix xs ys :: "['a]"
show "eq⋅xs⋅xs ≠ FF"
by (induct xs) simp_all
assume "eq⋅xs⋅ys = TT" then show "xs = ys"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil
then show ?case by (cases ys) auto
case Cons
then show ?case by (cases ys) auto
qed auto
instantiation list :: (Ord) Ord_strict
fixrec compare_list :: "['a] → ['a] → Ordering" where
"compare_list⋅[]⋅[] = EQ" |
"compare_list⋅(x : xs)⋅[] = GT" |
"compare_list⋅[]⋅(y : ys) = LT" |
"compare_list⋅(x : xs)⋅(y : ys) =
by standard (fixrec_simp, rename_tac x, case_tac x, fixrec_simp+)
instance list :: (Ord_linear) Ord_linear
fix xs ys zs :: "['a]"
show "oppOrdering⋅(compare⋅xs⋅ys) = compare⋅ys⋅xs"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil
show ?case by (cases ys; simp)
case Cons
then show ?case by (cases ys; simp add: oppOrdering_thenOrdering)
qed simp_all
show "xs = ys" if "compare⋅xs⋅ys = EQ"
using that
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil
then show ?case by (cases ys; simp)
case Cons
then show ?case by (cases ys; auto elim: compare_EQ_dest)
qed simp_all
show "compare⋅xs⋅zs = LT" if "compare⋅xs⋅ys = LT" and "compare⋅ys⋅zs = LT"
using that
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys zs)
case Nil
then show ?case by (cases ys; cases zs; simp)
case (Cons a xs)
then show ?case
by (cases ys; cases zs) (auto dest: compare_EQ_dest compare_LT_trans)
qed simp_all
show "eq⋅xs⋅ys = is_EQ⋅(compare⋅xs⋅ys)"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil
show ?case by (cases ys; simp)
case Cons
then show ?case by (cases ys; simp add: eq_conv_compare)
qed simp_all
show "compare⋅xs⋅xs ⊑ EQ"
by (induct xs) simp_all
fixrec zipWith :: "('a → 'b → 'c) → ['a] → ['b] → ['c]" where
"zipWith⋅f⋅(x : xs)⋅(y : ys) = f⋅x⋅y : zipWith⋅f⋅xs⋅ys" |
"zipWith⋅f⋅(x : xs)⋅[] = []" |
"zipWith⋅f⋅[]⋅ys = []"
definition zip :: "['a] → ['b] → [⟨'a, 'b⟩]" where
"zip = zipWith⋅⟨,⟩"
fixrec zipWith3 :: "('a → 'b → 'c → 'd) → ['a] → ['b] → ['c] → ['d]" where
"zipWith3⋅f⋅(x : xs)⋅(y : ys)⋅(z : zs) = f⋅x⋅y⋅z : zipWith3⋅f⋅xs⋅ys⋅zs" |
(unchecked) "zipWith3⋅f⋅xs⋅ys⋅zs = []"
definition zip3 :: "['a] → ['b] → ['c] → [⟨'a, 'b, 'c⟩]" where
"zip3 = zipWith3⋅⟨,,⟩"
fixrec map :: "('a → 'b) → ['a] → ['b]" where
"map⋅f⋅[] = []" |
"map⋅f⋅(x : xs) = f⋅x : map⋅f⋅xs"
fixrec filter :: "('a → tr) → ['a] → ['a]" where
"filter⋅P⋅[] = []" |
"filter⋅P⋅(x : xs) =
If (P⋅x) then x : filter⋅P⋅xs else filter⋅P⋅xs"
fixrec repeat :: "'a → ['a]" where
[simp del]: "repeat⋅x = x : repeat⋅x"
fixrec takeWhile :: "('a → tr) → ['a] → ['a]" where
"takeWhile⋅p⋅[] = []" |
"takeWhile⋅p⋅(x:xs) = If p⋅x then x : takeWhile⋅p⋅xs else []"
fixrec dropWhile :: "('a → tr) → ['a] → ['a]" where
"dropWhile⋅p⋅[] = []" |
"dropWhile⋅p⋅(x:xs) = If p⋅x then dropWhile⋅p⋅xs else (x:xs)"
fixrec span :: "('a -> tr) -> ['a] -> ⟨['a],['a]⟩" where
"span⋅p⋅[] = ⟨[],[]⟩" |
"span⋅p⋅(x:xs) = If p⋅x then (case span⋅p⋅xs of ⟨ys, zs⟩ ⇒ ⟨x:ys,zs⟩) else ⟨[], x:xs⟩"
fixrec break :: "('a -> tr) -> ['a] -> ⟨['a],['a]⟩" where
"break⋅p = span⋅(neg oo p)"
fixrec nth :: "['a] → Integer → 'a" where
"nth⋅[]⋅n = ⊥" |
nth_Cons [simp del]:
"nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n = If eq⋅n⋅0 then x else nth⋅xs⋅(n - 1)"
abbreviation nth_syn :: "['a] ⇒ Integer ⇒ 'a" (infixl ‹!!› 100) where
"xs !! n ≡ nth⋅xs⋅n"
definition partition :: "('a → tr) → ['a] → ⟨['a], ['a]⟩" where
"partition = (Λ P xs. ⟨filter⋅P⋅xs, filter⋅(neg oo P)⋅xs⟩)"
fixrec iterate :: "('a → 'a) → 'a → ['a]" where
"iterate⋅f⋅x = x : iterate⋅f⋅(f⋅x)"
fixrec foldl :: "('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ['b] -> 'a" where
"foldl⋅f⋅z⋅[] = z" |
"foldl⋅f⋅z⋅(x:xs) = foldl⋅f⋅(f⋅z⋅x)⋅xs"
fixrec foldl1 :: "('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> ['a] -> 'a" where
"foldl1⋅f⋅[] = ⊥" |
"foldl1⋅f⋅(x:xs) = foldl⋅f⋅x⋅xs"
fixrec foldr :: "('a → 'b → 'b) → 'b → ['a] → 'b" where
"foldr⋅f⋅d⋅[] = d" |
"foldr⋅f⋅d⋅(x : xs) = f⋅x⋅(foldr⋅f⋅d⋅xs)"
fixrec foldr1 :: "('a → 'a → 'a) → ['a] → 'a" where
"foldr1⋅f⋅[] = ⊥" |
"foldr1⋅f⋅[x] = x" |
"foldr1⋅f⋅(x : (x':xs)) = f⋅x⋅(foldr1⋅f⋅(x':xs))"
fixrec elem :: "'a::Eq → ['a] → tr" where
"elem⋅x⋅[] = FF" |
"elem⋅x⋅(y : ys) = (eq⋅y⋅x orelse elem⋅x⋅ys)"
fixrec notElem :: "'a::Eq → ['a] → tr" where
"notElem⋅x⋅[] = TT" |
"notElem⋅x⋅(y : ys) = (neq⋅y⋅x andalso notElem⋅x⋅ys)"
fixrec append :: "['a] → ['a] → ['a]" where
"append⋅[]⋅ys = ys" |
"append⋅(x : xs)⋅ys = x : append⋅xs⋅ys"
abbreviation append_syn :: "['a] ⇒ ['a] ⇒ ['a]" (infixr ‹++› 65) where
"xs ++ ys ≡ append⋅xs⋅ys"
definition concat :: "[['a]] → ['a]" where
"concat = foldr⋅append⋅[]"
definition concatMap :: "('a → ['b]) → ['a] → ['b]" where
"concatMap = (Λ f. concat oo map⋅f)"
fixrec last :: "['a] -> 'a" where
"last⋅[x] = x" |
"last⋅(_:(x:xs)) = last⋅(x:xs)"
fixrec init :: "['a] -> ['a]" where
"init⋅[x] = []" |
"init⋅(x:(y:xs)) = x:(init⋅(y:xs))"
fixrec reverse :: "['a] -> ['a]" where
[simp del]:"reverse = foldl⋅(flip⋅(:))⋅[]"
fixrec the_and :: "[tr] → tr" where
"the_and = foldr⋅trand⋅TT"
fixrec the_or :: "[tr] → tr" where
"the_or = foldr⋅tror⋅FF"
fixrec all :: "('a → tr) → ['a] → tr" where
"all⋅P = the_and oo (map⋅P)"
fixrec any :: "('a → tr) → ['a] → tr" where
"any⋅P = the_or oo (map⋅P)"
fixrec tails :: "['a] → [['a]]" where
"tails⋅[] = [[]]" |
"tails⋅(x : xs) = (x : xs) : tails⋅xs"
fixrec inits :: "['a] → [['a]]" where
"inits⋅[] = [[]]" |
"inits⋅(x : xs) = [[]] ++ map⋅(x:)⋅(inits⋅xs)"
fixrec scanr :: "('a → 'b → 'b) → 'b → ['a] → ['b]"
"scanr⋅f⋅q0⋅[] = [q0]" |
"scanr⋅f⋅q0⋅(x : xs) = (
let qs = scanr⋅f⋅q0⋅xs in
(case qs of
[] ⇒ ⊥
| q : qs' ⇒ f⋅x⋅q : qs))"
fixrec scanr1 :: "('a → 'a → 'a) → ['a] → ['a]"
"scanr1⋅f⋅[] = []" |
"scanr1⋅f⋅(x : xs) =
(case xs of
[] ⇒ [x]
| x' : xs' ⇒ (
let qs = scanr1⋅f⋅xs in
(case qs of
[] ⇒ ⊥
| q : qs' ⇒ f⋅x⋅q : qs)))"
fixrec scanl :: "('a → 'b → 'a) → 'a → ['b] → ['a]" where
"scanl⋅f⋅q⋅ls = q : (case ls of
[] ⇒ []
| x : xs ⇒ scanl⋅f⋅(f⋅q⋅x)⋅xs)"
definition scanl1 :: "('a → 'a → 'a) → ['a] → ['a]" where
"scanl1 = (Λ f ls. (case ls of
[] ⇒ []
| x : xs ⇒ scanl⋅f⋅x⋅xs))"
subsubsection ‹Arithmetic Sequences›
fixrec upto :: "Integer → Integer → [Integer]" where
[simp del]: "upto⋅x⋅y = If le⋅x⋅y then x : upto⋅(x+1)⋅y else []"
fixrec intsFrom :: "Integer → [Integer]" where
[simp del]: "intsFrom⋅x = seq⋅x⋅(x : intsFrom⋅(x+1))"
Enum =
fixes toEnum :: "Integer → 'a"
and fromEnum :: "'a → Integer"
definition succ :: "'a → 'a" where
"succ = toEnum oo (+1) oo fromEnum"
definition pred :: "'a → 'a" where
"pred = toEnum oo (-1) oo fromEnum"
definition enumFrom :: "'a → ['a]" where
"enumFrom = (Λ x. map⋅toEnum⋅(intsFrom⋅(fromEnum⋅x)))"
definition enumFromTo :: "'a → 'a → ['a]" where
"enumFromTo = (Λ x y. map⋅toEnum⋅(upto⋅(fromEnum⋅x)⋅(fromEnum⋅y)))"
abbreviation enumFrom_To_syn :: "'a::Enum ⇒ 'a ⇒ ['a]" (‹(1[_../_])›) where
"[m..n] ≡ enumFromTo⋅m⋅n"
abbreviation enumFrom_syn :: "'a::Enum ⇒ ['a]" (‹(1[_..])›) where
"[n..] ≡ enumFrom⋅n"
instantiation Integer :: Enum
definition [simp]: "toEnum = ID"
[simp]: "fromEnum = ID"
instance ..
fixrec take :: "Integer → ['a] → ['a]" where
[simp del]: "take⋅n⋅xs = If le⋅n⋅0 then [] else
(case xs of [] ⇒ [] | y : ys ⇒ y : take⋅(n - 1)⋅ys)"
fixrec drop :: "Integer → ['a] → ['a]" where
[simp del]: "drop⋅n⋅xs = If le⋅n⋅0 then xs else
(case xs of [] ⇒ [] | y : ys ⇒ drop⋅(n - 1)⋅ys)"
fixrec isPrefixOf :: "['a::Eq] → ['a] → tr" where
"isPrefixOf⋅[]⋅_ = TT" |
"isPrefixOf⋅(x:xs)⋅[] = FF" |
"isPrefixOf⋅(x:xs)⋅(y:ys) = (eq⋅x⋅y andalso isPrefixOf⋅xs⋅ys)"
fixrec isSuffixOf :: "['a::Eq] → ['a] → tr" where
"isSuffixOf⋅x⋅y = isPrefixOf⋅(reverse⋅x)⋅(reverse⋅y)"
fixrec intersperse :: "'a → ['a] → ['a]" where
"intersperse⋅sep⋅[] = []" |
"intersperse⋅sep⋅[x] = [x]" |
"intersperse⋅sep⋅(x:y:xs) = x:sep:intersperse⋅sep⋅(y:xs)"
fixrec intercalate :: "['a] → [['a]] → ['a]" where
"intercalate⋅xs⋅xss = concat⋅(intersperse⋅xs⋅xss)"
definition replicate :: "Integer → 'a → ['a]" where
"replicate = (Λ n x. take⋅n⋅(repeat⋅x))"
definition findIndices :: "('a → tr) → ['a] → [Integer]" where
"findIndices = (Λ P xs.
map⋅snd⋅(filter⋅(Λ ⟨x, i⟩. P⋅x)⋅(zip⋅xs⋅[0..])))"
fixrec length :: "['a] → Integer" where
"length⋅[] = 0" |
"length⋅(x : xs) = length⋅xs + 1"
fixrec delete :: "'a::Eq → ['a] → ['a]" where
"delete⋅x⋅[] = []" |
"delete⋅x⋅(y : ys) = If eq⋅x⋅y then ys else y : delete⋅x⋅ys"
fixrec diff :: "['a::Eq] → ['a] → ['a]" where
"diff⋅xs⋅[] = xs" |
"diff⋅xs⋅(y : ys) = diff⋅(delete⋅y⋅xs)⋅ys"
abbreviation diff_syn :: "['a::Eq] ⇒ ['a] ⇒ ['a]" (infixl ‹\\› 70) where
"xs \\\\ ys ≡ diff⋅xs⋅ys"
subsection ‹Logical predicates on lists›
inductive finite_list :: "['a] ⇒ bool" where
Nil [intro!, simp]: "finite_list []" |
Cons [intro!, simp]: "⋀x xs. finite_list xs ⟹ finite_list (x : xs)"
inductive_cases finite_listE [elim!]: "finite_list (x : xs)"
lemma finite_list_upwards:
assumes "finite_list xs" and "xs ⊑ ys"
shows "finite_list ys"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case Nil
then have "ys = []" by (cases ys) simp+
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons x xs)
from ‹x : xs ⊑ ys› obtain y ys' where "ys = y : ys'" by (cases ys) auto
with ‹x : xs ⊑ ys› have "xs ⊑ ys'" by auto
then have "finite_list ys'" by (rule Cons.hyps)
with ‹ys = _› show ?case by auto
lemma adm_finite_list [simp]: "adm finite_list"
by (metis finite_list_upwards adm_upward)
lemma bot_not_finite_list [simp]:
"finite_list ⊥ = False"
by (rule, cases rule: finite_list.cases) auto
inductive listmem :: "'a ⇒ ['a] ⇒ bool" where
"listmem x (x : xs)" |
"listmem x xs ⟹ listmem x (y : xs)"
lemma listmem_simps [simp]:
shows "¬ listmem x ⊥" and "¬ listmem x []"
and "listmem x (y : ys) ⟷ x = y ∨ listmem x ys"
by (auto elim: listmem.cases intro: listmem.intros)
definition set :: "['a] ⇒ 'a set" where
"set xs = {x. listmem x xs}"
lemma set_simps [simp]:
shows "set ⊥ = {}" and "set [] = {}"
and "set (x : xs) = insert x (set xs)"
unfolding set_def by auto
inductive distinct :: "['a] ⇒ bool" where
Nil [intro!, simp]: "distinct []" |
Cons [intro!, simp]: "⋀x xs. distinct xs ⟹ x ∉ set xs ⟹ distinct (x : xs)"
subsection ‹Properties›
lemma map_strict [simp]:
"map⋅P⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp)
lemma map_ID [simp]:
"map⋅ID⋅xs = xs"
by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma enumFrom_intsFrom_conv [simp]:
"enumFrom = intsFrom"
by (intro cfun_eqI) (simp add: enumFrom_def)
lemma enumFromTo_upto_conv [simp]:
"enumFromTo = upto"
by (intro cfun_eqI) (simp add: enumFromTo_def)
lemma zipWith_strict [simp]:
"zipWith⋅f⋅⊥⋅ys = ⊥"
"zipWith⋅f⋅(x : xs)⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp+
lemma zip_simps [simp]:
"zip⋅(x : xs)⋅(y : ys) = ⟨x, y⟩ : zip⋅xs⋅ys"
"zip⋅(x : xs)⋅[] = []"
"zip⋅(x : xs)⋅⊥ = ⊥"
"zip⋅[]⋅ys = []"
"zip⋅⊥⋅ys = ⊥"
unfolding zip_def by simp_all
lemma zip_Nil2 [simp]:
"xs ≠ ⊥ ⟹ zip⋅xs⋅[] = []"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma nth_strict [simp]:
"nth⋅⊥⋅n = ⊥"
"nth⋅xs⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp) (cases xs, fixrec_simp+)
lemma upto_strict [simp]:
"upto⋅⊥⋅y = ⊥"
"upto⋅x⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp+
lemma upto_simps [simp]:
"n < m ⟹ upto⋅(MkI⋅m)⋅(MkI⋅n) = []"
"m ≤ n ⟹ upto⋅(MkI⋅m)⋅(MkI⋅n) = MkI⋅m : [MkI⋅m+1..MkI⋅n]"
by (subst upto.simps, simp)+
lemma filter_strict [simp]:
"filter⋅P⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp)
lemma nth_Cons_simp [simp]:
"eq⋅n⋅0 = TT ⟹ nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n = x"
"eq⋅n⋅0 = FF ⟹ nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n = nth⋅xs⋅(n - 1)"
by (subst nth.simps, simp)+
lemma nth_Cons_split:
"P (nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n) = ((eq⋅n⋅0 = FF ⟶ P (nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n)) ∧
(eq⋅n⋅0 = TT ⟶ P (nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n)) ∧
(n = ⊥ ⟶ P (nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n)))"
apply (cases n, simp)
apply (cases "n = 0", simp_all add: zero_Integer_def)
lemma nth_Cons_numeral [simp]:
"(x : xs) !! 0 = x"
"(x : xs) !! 1 = xs !! 0"
"(x : xs) !! numeral (Num.Bit0 k) = xs !! numeral (Num.BitM k)"
"(x : xs) !! numeral (Num.Bit1 k) = xs !! numeral (Num.Bit0 k)"
by (simp_all add: nth_Cons numeral_Integer_eq
zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
lemma take_strict [simp]:
"take⋅⊥⋅xs = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp)
lemma take_strict_2 [simp]:
"le⋅1⋅i = TT ⟹ take⋅i⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (subst take.simps, cases "le⋅i⋅0") (auto dest: le_trans)
lemma drop_strict [simp]:
"drop⋅⊥⋅xs = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp)
lemma isPrefixOf_strict [simp]:
"isPrefixOf⋅⊥⋅xs = ⊥"
"isPrefixOf⋅(x:xs)⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp)+
lemma last_strict[simp]:
"last⋅⊥= ⊥"
"last⋅(x:⊥) = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp+)
lemma last_nil [simp]:
"last⋅[] = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp)
lemma last_spine_strict: "¬ finite_list xs ⟹ last⋅xs = ⊥"
proof (induct xs)
case (Cons a xs)
then show ?case by (cases xs) auto
qed auto
lemma init_strict [simp]:
"init⋅⊥= ⊥"
"init⋅(x:⊥) = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp+)
lemma init_nil [simp]:
"init⋅[] = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp)
lemma strict_foldr_strict2 [simp]:
"(⋀x. f⋅x⋅⊥ = ⊥) ⟹ foldr⋅f⋅⊥⋅xs = ⊥"
by (induct xs, auto) fixrec_simp
lemma foldr_strict [simp]:
"foldr⋅f⋅d⋅⊥ = ⊥"
"foldr⋅f⋅⊥⋅[] = ⊥"
"foldr⋅⊥⋅d⋅(x : xs) = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp+
lemma foldr_Cons_Nil [simp]:
"foldr⋅(:)⋅[]⋅xs = xs"
by (induct xs) simp+
lemma append_strict1 [simp]:
"⊥ ++ ys = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma foldr_append [simp]:
"foldr⋅f⋅a⋅(xs ++ ys) = foldr⋅f⋅(foldr⋅f⋅a⋅ys)⋅xs"
by (induct xs) simp+
lemma foldl_strict [simp]:
"foldl⋅f⋅d⋅⊥ = ⊥"
"foldl⋅f⋅⊥⋅[] = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp+
lemma foldr1_strict [simp]:
"foldr1⋅f⋅⊥= ⊥"
"foldr1⋅f⋅(x:⊥)= ⊥"
by fixrec_simp+
lemma foldl1_strict [simp]:
"foldl1⋅f⋅⊥= ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma foldl_spine_strict:
"¬ finite_list xs ⟹ foldl⋅f⋅x⋅xs = ⊥"
by (induct xs arbitrary: x) auto
lemma foldl_assoc_foldr:
assumes "finite_list xs"
and assoc: "⋀x y z. f⋅(f⋅x⋅y)⋅z = f⋅x⋅(f⋅y⋅z)"
and neutr1: "⋀x. f⋅z⋅x = x"
and neutr2: "⋀x. f⋅x⋅z = x"
shows "foldl⋅f⋅z⋅xs = foldr⋅f⋅z⋅xs"
using ‹finite_list xs›
proof (induct xs)
case (Cons x xs)
from ‹finite_list xs› have step: "⋀y. f⋅y⋅(foldl⋅f⋅z⋅xs) = foldl⋅f⋅(f⋅z⋅y)⋅xs"
proof (induct xs)
case (Cons x xs y)
have "f⋅y⋅(foldl⋅f⋅z⋅(x : xs)) = f⋅y⋅(foldl⋅f⋅(f⋅z⋅x)⋅xs)" by auto
also have "... = f⋅y⋅(f⋅x⋅(foldl⋅f⋅z⋅xs))" by (simp only: Cons.hyps)
also have "... = f⋅(f⋅y⋅x)⋅(foldl⋅f⋅z⋅xs)" by (simp only: assoc)
also have "... = foldl⋅f⋅(f⋅z⋅(f⋅y⋅x))⋅xs" by (simp only: Cons.hyps)
also have "... = foldl⋅f⋅(f⋅(f⋅z⋅y)⋅x)⋅xs" by (simp only: assoc)
also have "... = foldl⋅f⋅(f⋅z⋅y)⋅(x : xs)" by auto
finally show ?case.
qed (simp add: neutr1 neutr2)
have "foldl⋅f⋅z⋅(x : xs) = foldl⋅f⋅(f⋅z⋅x)⋅xs" by auto
also have "... = f⋅x⋅(foldl⋅f⋅z⋅xs)" by (simp only: step)
also have "... = f⋅x⋅(foldr⋅f⋅z⋅xs)" by (simp only: Cons.hyps)
also have "... = (foldr⋅f⋅z⋅(x:xs))" by auto
finally show ?case .
qed auto
lemma elem_strict [simp]:
"elem⋅x⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma notElem_strict [simp]:
"notElem⋅x⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma list_eq_nil[simp]:
"eq⋅l⋅[] = TT ⟷ l = []"
"eq⋅[]⋅l = TT ⟷ l = []"
by (cases l, auto)+
lemma take_Nil [simp]:
"n ≠ ⊥ ⟹ take⋅n⋅[] = []"
by (subst take.simps) (cases "le⋅n⋅0"; simp)
lemma take_0 [simp]:
"take⋅0⋅xs = []"
"take⋅(MkI⋅0)⋅xs = []"
by (subst take.simps, simp add: zero_Integer_def)+
lemma take_Cons [simp]:
"le⋅1⋅i = TT ⟹ take⋅i⋅(x:xs) = x : take⋅(i - 1)⋅xs"
by (subst take.simps, cases "le⋅i⋅0") (auto dest: le_trans)
lemma take_MkI_Cons [simp]:
"0 < n ⟹ take⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅(x : xs) = x : take⋅(MkI⋅(n - 1))⋅xs"
by (subst take.simps) (simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
lemma take_numeral_Cons [simp]:
"take⋅1⋅(x : xs) = [x]"
"take⋅(numeral (Num.Bit0 k))⋅(x : xs) = x : take⋅(numeral (Num.BitM k))⋅xs"
"take⋅(numeral (Num.Bit1 k))⋅(x : xs) = x : take⋅(numeral (Num.Bit0 k))⋅xs"
by (subst take.simps,
simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def numeral_Integer_eq)+
lemma drop_0 [simp]:
"drop⋅0⋅xs = xs"
"drop⋅(MkI⋅0)⋅xs = xs"
by (subst drop.simps, simp add: zero_Integer_def)+
lemma drop_pos [simp]:
"le⋅n⋅0 = FF ⟹ drop⋅n⋅xs = (case xs of [] ⇒ [] | y : ys ⇒ drop⋅(n - 1)⋅ys)"
by (subst drop.simps, simp)
lemma drop_numeral_Cons [simp]:
"drop⋅1⋅(x : xs) = xs"
"drop⋅(numeral (Num.Bit0 k))⋅(x : xs) = drop⋅(numeral (Num.BitM k))⋅xs"
"drop⋅(numeral (Num.Bit1 k))⋅(x : xs) = drop⋅(numeral (Num.Bit0 k))⋅xs"
by (subst drop.simps,
simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def numeral_Integer_eq)+
lemma take_drop_append:
"take⋅(MkI⋅i)⋅xs ++ drop⋅(MkI⋅i)⋅xs = xs"
proof (cases i)
case (nonneg n)
then show ?thesis
proof (induct n arbitrary : i xs)
case (Suc n)
thus ?case
apply (subst drop.simps)
apply (subst take.simps)
apply (cases xs)
apply (auto simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def )
qed simp
case (neg nat)
then show ?thesis
apply (subst drop.simps)
apply (subst take.simps)
apply (auto simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def )
lemma take_intsFrom_enumFrom [simp]:
"take⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅[MkI⋅i..] = [MkI⋅i..MkI⋅(n+i) - 1]"
proof (cases n)
fix m
assume "n = int m"
then show ?thesis
proof (induct m arbitrary: n i)
case 0 then show ?case by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
case (Suc m)
then have "n - 1 = int m" by simp
from Suc(1) [OF this]
have "take⋅(MkI⋅(n - 1))⋅[MkI⋅(i+1)..] = [MkI⋅(i+1)..MkI⋅(n - 1 + (i+1)) - 1]" .
moreover have "(n - 1) + (i+1) - 1 = n + i - 1" by arith
ultimately have IH: "take⋅(MkI⋅(n - 1))⋅[MkI⋅(i+1)..] = [MkI⋅(i+1)..MkI⋅(n+i) - 1]" by simp
from Suc(2) have gt: "n > 0" by simp
moreover have "[MkI⋅i..] = MkI⋅i : [MkI⋅i + 1..]" by (simp, subst intsFrom.simps) simp
have *: "take⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅[MkI⋅i..] = MkI⋅i : take⋅(MkI⋅(n - 1))⋅[MkI⋅(i+1)..]"
by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
show ?case unfolding IH * using gt by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
fix m
assume "n = - int m"
then have "n ≤ 0" by simp
then show ?thesis
by (subst take.simps) (simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
lemma drop_intsFrom_enumFrom [simp]:
assumes "n ≥ 0"
shows "drop⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅[MkI⋅i..] = [MkI⋅(n+i)..]"
from assms obtain n' where "n = int n'" by (cases n, auto)
then show ?thesis
apply(induct n' arbitrary: n i )
apply simp
apply (subst intsFrom.simps[unfolded enumFrom_intsFrom_conv[symmetric]])
apply (subst drop.simps)
apply (auto simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
apply (rule cfun_arg_cong)
apply (rule cfun_arg_cong)
apply arith
lemma last_append_singleton:
"finite_list xs ⟹ last⋅(xs ++ [x]) = x"
proof (induct xs rule:finite_list.induct)
case (Cons x xs)
then show ?case by (cases xs) auto
qed auto
lemma init_append_singleton:
"finite_list xs ⟹ init⋅(xs ++ [x]) = xs"
proof (induct xs rule:finite_list.induct)
case (Cons x xs)
then show ?case by (cases xs) auto
qed auto
lemma append_Nil2 [simp]:
"xs ++ [] = xs"
by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma append_assoc [simp]:
"(xs ++ ys) ++ zs = xs ++ ys ++ zs"
by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma concat_simps [simp]:
"concat⋅[] = []"
"concat⋅(xs : xss) = xs ++ concat⋅xss"
"concat⋅⊥ = ⊥"
unfolding concat_def by simp_all
lemma concatMap_simps [simp]:
"concatMap⋅f⋅[] = []"
"concatMap⋅f⋅(x : xs) = f⋅x ++ concatMap⋅f⋅xs"
"concatMap⋅f⋅⊥ = ⊥"
unfolding concatMap_def by simp_all
lemma filter_append [simp]:
"filter⋅P⋅(xs ++ ys) = filter⋅P⋅xs ++ filter⋅P⋅ys"
proof (induct xs)
case (Cons x xs) then show ?case by (cases "P⋅x") (auto simp: If_and_if)
qed simp_all
lemma elem_append [simp]:
"elem⋅x⋅(xs ++ ys) = (elem⋅x⋅xs orelse elem⋅x⋅ys)"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma filter_filter [simp]:
"filter⋅P⋅(filter⋅Q⋅xs) = filter⋅(Λ x. Q⋅x andalso P⋅x)⋅xs"
by (induct xs) (auto simp: If2_def [symmetric] split: split_If2)
lemma filter_const_TT [simp]:
"filter⋅(Λ _. TT)⋅xs = xs"
by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma tails_strict [simp]:
"tails⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma inits_strict [simp]:
"inits⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma the_and_strict [simp]:
"the_and⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma the_or_strict [simp]:
"the_or⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma all_strict [simp]:
"all⋅P⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma any_strict [simp]:
"any⋅P⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma tails_neq_Nil [simp]:
"tails⋅xs ≠ []"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma inits_neq_Nil [simp]:
"inits⋅xs ≠ []"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma Nil_neq_tails [simp]:
"[] ≠ tails⋅xs"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma Nil_neq_inits [simp]:
"[] ≠ inits⋅xs"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma finite_list_not_bottom [simp]:
assumes "finite_list xs" shows "xs ≠ ⊥"
using assms by (cases) simp_all
lemma head_append [simp]:
"head⋅(xs ++ ys) = If null⋅xs then head⋅ys else head⋅xs"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma filter_cong:
"∀x∈set xs. p⋅x = q⋅x ⟹ filter⋅p⋅xs = filter⋅q⋅xs"
proof (induct arbitrary: xs rule: filter.induct)
case (3 x)
then show ?case by (cases xs) auto
qed simp_all
lemma filter_TT [simp]:
assumes "∀x∈set xs. P⋅x = TT"
shows "filter⋅P⋅xs = xs"
by (rule filter_cong [of xs P "Λ _. TT", simplified, OF assms])
lemma filter_FF [simp]:
assumes "finite_list xs"
and "∀x∈set xs. P⋅x = FF"
shows "filter⋅P⋅xs = []"
using assms by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma map_cong:
"∀x∈set xs. p⋅x = q⋅x ⟹ map⋅p⋅xs = map⋅q⋅xs"
proof (induct arbitrary: xs rule: map.induct)
case (3 x)
then show ?case by (cases xs) auto
qed simp_all
lemma finite_list_upto:
"finite_list (upto⋅(MkI⋅m)⋅(MkI⋅n))" (is "?P m n")
proof (cases "n - m")
fix d
assume "n - m = int d"
then show "?P m n"
proof (induct d arbitrary: m n)
case (Suc d)
then have "n - (m + 1) = int d" and le: "m ≤ n" by simp_all
from Suc(1) [OF this(1)] have IH: "?P (m+1) n" .
then show ?case using le by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
qed (simp add: one_Integer_def)
fix d
assume "n - m = - int d"
then have "n ≤ m" by auto
have "?P m n" if "n = m" using that by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
have "?P m n" if "n < m" using that by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by arith
lemma filter_commute:
assumes "∀x∈set xs. (Q⋅x andalso P⋅x) = (P⋅x andalso Q⋅x)"
shows "filter⋅P⋅(filter⋅Q⋅xs) = filter⋅Q⋅(filter⋅P⋅xs)"
using filter_cong [of xs "Λ x. Q⋅x andalso P⋅x" "Λ x. P⋅x andalso Q⋅x"]
and assms by simp
lemma upto_append_intsFrom [simp]:
assumes "m ≤ n"
shows "upto⋅(MkI⋅m)⋅(MkI⋅n) ++ intsFrom⋅(MkI⋅n+1) = intsFrom⋅(MkI⋅m)"
(is "?u m n ++ _ = ?i m")
proof (cases "n - m")
case (nonneg i)
with assms show ?thesis
proof (induct i arbitrary: m n)
case (Suc i)
then have "m + 1 ≤ n" and "n - (m + 1) = int i" by simp_all
from Suc(1) [OF this]
have IH: "?u (m+1) n ++ ?i (n+1) = ?i (m+1)" by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
from ‹m + 1 ≤ n› have "m ≤ n" by simp
then have "?u m n ++ ?i (n+1) = (MkI⋅m : ?u (m+1) n) ++ ?i (n+1)"
by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
also have "… = MkI⋅m : ?i (m+1)" by (simp add: IH)
finally show ?case by (subst (2) intsFrom.simps) (simp add: one_Integer_def)
qed (subst (2) intsFrom.simps, simp add: one_Integer_def)
case (neg i)
then have "n < m" by simp
with assms show ?thesis by simp
lemma set_upto [simp]:
"set (upto⋅(MkI⋅m)⋅(MkI⋅n)) = {MkI⋅i | i. m ≤ i ∧ i ≤ n}"
(is "set (?u m n) = ?R m n")
proof (cases "n - m")
case (nonneg i)
then show ?thesis
proof (induct i arbitrary: m n)
case (Suc i)
then have *: "n - (m + 1) = int i" by simp
from Suc(1) [OF *] have IH: "set (?u (m+1) n) = ?R (m+1) n" .
from * have "m ≤ n" by simp
then have "set (?u m n) = set (MkI⋅m : ?u (m+1) n)" by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
also have "… = insert (MkI⋅m) (?R (m+1) n)" by (simp add: IH)
also have "… = ?R m n" using ‹m ≤ n› by auto
finally show ?case .
qed (force simp: one_Integer_def)
qed simp
lemma Nil_append_iff [iff]:
"xs ++ ys = [] ⟷ xs = [] ∧ ys = []"
by (induct xs) simp_all
text ‹This version of definedness rule for Nil is made necessary by
the reorient simproc.›
lemma bottom_neq_Nil [simp]: "⊥ ≠ []"
by simp
text ‹Simproc to rewrite @{term "Nil = x"} to @{term "x = Nil"}.›
setup ‹
(fn Const(@{const_name Nil}, _) => true | _ => false)
simproc_setup reorient_Nil ("Nil = x") = ‹K Reorient_Proc.proc›
lemma set_append [simp]:
assumes "finite_list xs"
shows "set (xs ++ ys) = set xs ∪ set ys"
using assms by (induct) simp_all
lemma distinct_Cons [simp]:
"distinct (x : xs) ⟷ distinct xs ∧ x ∉ set xs"
(is "?l = ?r")
assume ?l then show ?r by (cases) simp_all
assume ?r then show ?l by auto
lemma finite_list_append [iff]:
"finite_list (xs ++ ys) ⟷ finite_list xs ∧ finite_list ys"
(is "?l = ?r")
presume "finite_list xs" and "finite_list ys"
then show ?l by (induct) simp_all
assume "?l" then show "?r"
proof (induct "xs ++ ys" arbitrary: xs ys)
case (Cons x xs)
then show ?case by (cases xs) auto
qed simp
qed simp_all
lemma distinct_append [simp]:
assumes "finite_list (xs ++ ys)"
shows "distinct (xs ++ ys) ⟷ distinct xs ∧ distinct ys ∧ set xs ∩ set ys = {}"
(is "?P xs ys")
using assms
proof (induct "xs ++ ys" arbitrary: xs ys)
case Cons': (Cons z zs)
show ?case
proof (cases xs)
case (Cons u us)
with Cons' have "finite_list us"
and [simp]: "zs = us ++ ys" "?P us ys" by simp_all
then show ?thesis by (auto simp: Cons)
qed (use Cons' in simp_all)
qed simp
lemma finite_set [simp]:
assumes "distinct xs"
shows "finite (set xs)"
using assms by induct auto
lemma distinct_card:
assumes "distinct xs"
shows "MkI⋅(int (card (set xs))) = length⋅xs"
using assms
by (induct)
(simp_all add: zero_Integer_def plus_MkI_MkI [symmetric] one_Integer_def ac_simps)
lemma set_delete [simp]:
fixes xs :: "['a::Eq_eq]"
assumes "distinct xs"
and "∀x∈set xs. eq⋅a⋅x ≠ ⊥"
shows "set (delete⋅a⋅xs) = set xs - {a}"
using assms
proof induct
case (Cons x xs)
then show ?case by (cases "eq⋅a⋅x", force+)
qed simp
lemma distinct_delete [simp]:
fixes xs :: "['a::Eq_eq]"
assumes "distinct xs"
and "∀x∈set xs. eq⋅a⋅x ≠ ⊥"
shows "distinct (delete⋅a⋅xs)"
using assms
proof induct
case (Cons x xs)
then show ?case by (cases "eq⋅a⋅x", force+)
qed simp
lemma set_diff [simp]:
fixes xs ys :: "['a::Eq_eq]"
assumes "distinct ys" and "distinct xs"
and "∀a∈set ys. ∀x∈set xs. eq⋅a⋅x ≠ ⊥"
shows "set (xs \\\\ ys) = set xs - set ys"
using assms
proof (induct arbitrary: xs)
case Nil then show ?case by (induct xs rule: distinct.induct) simp_all
case (Cons y ys)
let ?xs = "delete⋅y⋅xs"
from Cons have *: "∀x∈set xs. eq⋅y⋅x ≠ ⊥" by simp
from set_delete [OF ‹distinct xs› this]
have **: "set ?xs = set xs - {y}" .
with Cons have "∀a∈set ys. ∀x∈set ?xs. eq⋅a⋅x ≠ ⊥" by simp
moreover from * and ‹distinct xs› have "distinct ?xs" by simp
ultimately have "set (?xs \\\\ ys) = set ?xs - set ys"
using Cons by blast
then show ?case by (force simp: **)
lemma distinct_delete_filter:
fixes xs :: "['a::Eq_eq]"
assumes "distinct xs"
and "∀x∈set xs. eq⋅a⋅x ≠ ⊥"
shows "delete⋅a⋅xs = filter⋅(Λ x. neq⋅a⋅x)⋅xs"
using assms
proof (induct)
case (Cons x xs)
then have IH: "delete⋅a⋅xs = filter⋅(Λ x. neq⋅a⋅x)⋅xs" by simp
show ?case
proof (cases "eq⋅a⋅x")
case TT
have "∀x∈set xs. (Λ x. neq⋅a⋅x)⋅x = (Λ _. TT)⋅x"
fix y
assume "y ∈ set xs"
with Cons(3, 4) have "x ≠ y" and "eq⋅a⋅y ≠ ⊥" by auto
with TT have "eq⋅a⋅y = FF" by (metis (no_types) eqD(1) trE)
then show "(Λ x. neq⋅a⋅x)⋅y = (Λ _. TT)⋅y" by simp
from filter_cong [OF this] and TT
show ?thesis by simp
qed (simp_all add: IH)
qed simp
lemma distinct_diff_filter:
fixes xs ys :: "['a::Eq_eq]"
assumes "finite_list ys"
and "distinct xs"
and "∀a∈set ys. ∀x∈set xs. eq⋅a⋅x ≠ ⊥"
shows "xs \\\\ ys = filter⋅(Λ x. neg⋅(elem⋅x⋅ys))⋅xs"
using assms
proof (induct arbitrary: xs)
case Nil then show ?case by simp
case (Cons y ys)
let ?xs = "delete⋅y⋅xs"
from Cons have *: "∀x∈set xs. eq⋅y⋅x ≠ ⊥" by simp
from set_delete [OF ‹distinct xs› this]
have "set ?xs = set xs - {y}" .
with Cons have "∀a∈set ys. ∀x∈set ?xs. eq⋅a⋅x ≠ ⊥" by simp
moreover from * and ‹distinct xs› have "distinct ?xs" by simp
ultimately have "?xs \\\\ ys = filter⋅(Λ x. neg⋅(elem⋅x⋅ys))⋅?xs"
using Cons by blast
then show ?case
using ‹distinct xs› and *
by (simp add: distinct_delete_filter)
lemma distinct_upto [intro, simp]:
"distinct [MkI⋅m..MkI⋅n]"
proof (cases "n - m")
case (nonneg i)
then show ?thesis
proof (induct i arbitrary: m)
case (Suc i)
then have "n - (m + 1) = int i" and "m ≤ n" by simp_all
with Suc have "distinct [MkI⋅(m+1)..MkI⋅n]" by force
with ‹m ≤ n› show ?case by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
qed (simp add: one_Integer_def)
qed simp
lemma set_intsFrom [simp]:
"set (intsFrom⋅(MkI⋅m)) = {MkI⋅n | n. m ≤ n}"
(is "set (?i m) = ?I")
show "set (?i m) ⊆ ?I"
fix n
assume "n ∈ set (?i m)"
then have "listmem n (?i m)" by (simp add: set_def)
then show "n ∈ ?I"
proof (induct n "(?i m)" arbitrary: m)
fix x xs m
assume "x : xs = ?i m"
then have "x : xs = MkI⋅m : ?i (m+1)"
by (subst (asm) intsFrom.simps) (simp add: one_Integer_def)
then have [simp]: "x = MkI⋅m" "xs = ?i (m+1)" by simp_all
show "x ∈ {MkI⋅n | n. m ≤ n}" by simp
fix x xs y m
assume IH: "listmem x xs"
"⋀m. xs = ?i m ⟹ x ∈ {MkI⋅n | n. m ≤ n}"
"y : xs = ?i m"
then have "y : xs = MkI⋅m : ?i (m+1)"
by (subst (asm) (2) intsFrom.simps) (simp add: one_Integer_def)
then have [simp]: "y = MkI⋅m" "xs = ?i (m+1)" by simp_all
from IH (2) [of "m+1"] have "x ∈ {MkI⋅n | n. m+1 ≤ n}" by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
then show "x ∈ {MkI⋅n | n. m ≤ n}" by force
show "?I ⊆ set (?i m)"
fix x
assume "x ∈ ?I"
then obtain n where [simp]: "x = MkI⋅n" and "m ≤ n" by blast
from upto_append_intsFrom [OF this(2), symmetric]
have *: "set (?i m) = set (upto⋅(MkI⋅m)⋅(MkI⋅n)) ∪ set (?i (n+1))"
using finite_list_upto [of m n] by (simp add: one_Integer_def)
show "x ∈ set (?i m)" using ‹m ≤ n› by (auto simp: * one_Integer_def)
lemma If_eq_bottom_iff [simp]:
"(If b then x else y = ⊥) ⟷ b = ⊥ ∨ b = TT ∧ x = ⊥ ∨ b = FF ∧ y = ⊥"
by (induct b) simp_all
lemma upto_eq_bottom_iff [simp]:
"upto⋅m⋅n = ⊥ ⟷ m = ⊥ ∨ n = ⊥"
by (subst upto.simps, simp)
lemma seq_eq_bottom_iff [simp]:
"seq⋅x⋅y = ⊥ ⟷ x = ⊥ ∨ y = ⊥"
by (simp add: seq_conv_if)
lemma intsFrom_eq_bottom_iff [simp]:
"intsFrom⋅m = ⊥ ⟷ m = ⊥"
by (subst intsFrom.simps, simp)
lemma intsFrom_split:
assumes "m ≥ n"
shows "[MkI⋅n..] = [MkI⋅n .. MkI⋅(m - 1)] ++ [MkI⋅m..]"
from assms have ge: "m - n ≥ 0" by arith
have "[MkI⋅n..] = (take⋅(MkI⋅(m - n)) ⋅ [MkI⋅n..]) ++ (drop⋅(MkI⋅(m - n)) ⋅ [MkI⋅n..])"
by (subst take_drop_append, rule)
also have "... = [MkI⋅n.. MkI⋅(m - 1)] ++ [MkI⋅m..]"
by (subst drop_intsFrom_enumFrom[OF ge], auto simp add:take_intsFrom_enumFrom[simplified] one_Integer_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma filter_fast_forward:
assumes "n+1 ≤ n'"
and "∀k . n < k ⟶ k < n' ⟶ ¬ P k"
shows "filter⋅(Λ (MkI⋅i) . Def (P i))⋅[MkI⋅(n+1)..] = filter⋅(Λ (MkI⋅i) . Def (P i))⋅[MkI⋅n'..]"
from assms(1)
have"[MkI⋅(n+1)..] = [MkI⋅(n+1).. MkI⋅(n'- 1)] ++ [MkI⋅n'..]" (is "_ = ?l1 ++ ?l2")
by (subst intsFrom_split[of "n+1" n'], auto)
have "filter⋅(Λ (MkI⋅i) . Def (P i))⋅[MkI⋅(n+1).. MkI⋅(n'- 1)] = []"
apply (rule filter_FF)
apply (simp, rule finite_list_upto)
using assms(2)
apply auto
show ?thesis by simp
lemma null_eq_TT_iff [simp]:
"null⋅xs = TT ⟷ xs = []"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma null_set_empty_conv:
"xs ≠ ⊥ ⟹ null⋅xs = TT ⟷ set xs = {}"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma elem_TT [simp]:
fixes x :: "'a::Eq_eq" shows "elem⋅x⋅xs = TT ⟹ x ∈ set xs"
apply (induct arbitrary: xs rule: elem.induct, simp_all)
apply (rename_tac xs, case_tac xs, simp_all)
apply (rename_tac a list, case_tac "eq⋅a⋅x", force+)
lemma elem_FF [simp]:
fixes x :: "'a::Eq_equiv" shows "elem⋅x⋅xs = FF ⟹ x ∉ set xs"
by (induct arbitrary: xs rule: elem.induct, simp_all)
(rename_tac xs, case_tac xs, simp_all, force)
lemma length_strict [simp]:
"length⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp)
lemma repeat_neq_bottom [simp]:
"repeat⋅x ≠ ⊥"
by (subst repeat.simps) simp
lemma list_case_repeat [simp]:
"list_case⋅a⋅f⋅(repeat⋅x) = f⋅x⋅(repeat⋅x)"
by (subst repeat.simps) simp
lemma length_append [simp]:
"length⋅(xs ++ ys) = length⋅xs + length⋅ys"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: ac_simps)
lemma replicate_strict [simp]:
"replicate⋅⊥⋅x = ⊥"
by (simp add: replicate_def)
lemma replicate_0 [simp]:
"replicate⋅0⋅x = []"
"replicate⋅(MkI⋅0)⋅xs = []"
by (simp add: replicate_def)+
lemma Integer_add_0 [simp]: "MkI⋅0 + n = n"
by (cases n) simp_all
lemma replicate_MkI_plus_1 [simp]:
"0 ≤ n ⟹ replicate⋅(MkI⋅(n+1))⋅x = x : replicate⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅x"
"0 ≤ n ⟹ replicate⋅(MkI⋅(1+n))⋅x = x : replicate⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅x"
by (simp add: replicate_def, subst take.simps, simp add: one_Integer_def zero_Integer_def)+
lemma replicate_append_plus_conv:
assumes "0 ≤ m" and "0 ≤ n"
shows "replicate⋅(MkI⋅m)⋅x ++ replicate⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅x
= replicate⋅(MkI⋅m + MkI⋅n)⋅x"
proof (cases m)
case (nonneg i)
with assms show ?thesis
proof (induct i arbitrary: m)
case (Suc i)
then have ge: "int i + n ≥ 0" by force
have "replicate⋅(MkI⋅m)⋅x ++ replicate⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅x = x : (replicate⋅(MkI⋅(int i))⋅x ++ replicate⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅x)" by (simp add: Suc)
also have "… = x : replicate⋅(MkI⋅(int i) + MkI⋅n)⋅x" using Suc by simp
finally show ?case using ge by (simp add: Suc ac_simps)
qed simp
case (neg i)
with assms show ?thesis by simp
lemma replicate_MkI_1 [simp]:
"replicate⋅(MkI⋅1)⋅x = x : []"
by (simp add: replicate_def, subst take.simps, simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
lemma length_replicate [simp]:
assumes "0 ≤ n"
shows "length⋅(replicate⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅x) = MkI⋅n"
proof (cases n)
case (nonneg i)
with assms show ?thesis
by (induct i arbitrary: n)
(simp_all add: replicate_append_plus_conv zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
case (neg i)
with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: replicate_def)
lemma map_oo [simp]:
"map⋅f⋅(map⋅g⋅xs) = map⋅(f oo g)⋅xs"
by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma nth_Cons_MkI [simp]:
"0 < i ⟹ (a : xs) !! (MkI⋅i) = xs !! (MkI⋅(i - 1))"
unfolding nth_Cons
by (cases i, simp add: zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def) (case_tac n, simp_all)
lemma map_plus_intsFrom:
"map⋅(+ MkI⋅n)⋅(intsFrom⋅(MkI⋅m)) = intsFrom⋅(MkI⋅(m+n))" (is "?l = ?r")
proof (rule list.take_lemma)
fix i show "list_take i⋅?l = list_take i⋅?r"
proof (induct i arbitrary: m)
case (Suc i) then show ?case
by (subst (1 2) intsFrom.simps) (simp add: ac_simps one_Integer_def)
qed simp
lemma plus_eq_MkI_conv:
"l + n = MkI⋅m ⟷ (∃l' n'. l = MkI⋅l' ∧ n = MkI⋅n' ∧ m = l' + n')"
by (cases l, simp) (cases n, auto)
lemma length_ge_0:
"length⋅xs = MkI⋅n ⟹ n ≥ 0"
by (induct xs arbitrary: n) (auto simp: one_Integer_def plus_eq_MkI_conv)
lemma length_0_conv [simp]:
"length⋅xs = MkI⋅0 ⟷ xs = []"
apply (cases xs)
apply (simp_all add: one_Integer_def)
apply (case_tac "length⋅list")
apply (auto dest: length_ge_0)
lemma length_ge_1 [simp]:
"length⋅xs = MkI⋅(1 + int n)
⟷ (∃u us. xs = u : us ∧ length⋅us = MkI⋅(int n))"
(is "?l = ?r")
assume ?r then show ?l by (auto simp: one_Integer_def)
assume 1: ?l
then obtain u us where [simp]: "xs = u : us" by (cases xs) auto
from 1 have 2: "1 + length⋅us = MkI⋅(1 + int n)" by (simp add: ac_simps)
then have "length⋅us ≠ ⊥" by (cases "length⋅us") simp_all
moreover from 2 have "length⋅us + 1 = MkI⋅(int n) + 1" by (simp add: one_Integer_def ac_simps)
ultimately have "length⋅us = MkI⋅(int n)"
by (cases "length⋅us") (simp_all add: one_Integer_def)
then show ?r by simp
lemma finite_list_length_conv:
"finite_list xs ⟷ (∃n. length⋅xs = MkI⋅(int n))" (is "?l = ?r")
assume "?l" then show "?r"
by (induct, auto simp: one_Integer_def) presburger
assume "?r"
then obtain n where "length⋅xs = MkI⋅(int n)" by blast
then show "?l" by (induct n arbitrary: xs) auto
lemma nth_append:
assumes "length⋅xs = MkI⋅n" and "n ≤ m"
shows "(xs ++ ys) !! MkI⋅m = ys !! MkI⋅(m - n)"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: n m)
case (Cons x xs)
then have ge: "n ≥ 0" by (blast intro: length_ge_0)
from Cons(2)
have len: "length⋅xs = MkI⋅(n - 1)"
by (auto simp: plus_eq_MkI_conv one_Integer_def)
from Cons(3) have le: "n - 1 ≤ m - 1" by simp
consider "m < 0" | "m = 0" | "m > 0" by arith
then show ?case
proof cases
case 1
with ge show ?thesis using Cons(3) by simp
case 2
with Cons(3) and ge have "n = 0" by simp
with Cons(2) show ?thesis
by (auto dest: length_ge_0 simp: one_Integer_def plus_eq_MkI_conv)
case 3
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: Cons(1) [OF len le] zero_Integer_def one_Integer_def)
qed (simp_all add: zero_Integer_def)
lemma replicate_nth [simp]:
assumes "0 ≤ n"
shows "(replicate⋅(MkI⋅n)⋅x ++ xs) !! MkI⋅n = xs !! MkI⋅0"
using nth_append [OF length_replicate [OF assms], of n]
by simp
lemma map2_zip:
"map⋅(Λ⟨x, y⟩. ⟨x, f⋅y⟩)⋅(zip⋅xs⋅ys) = zip⋅xs⋅(map⋅f⋅ys)"
by (induct xs arbitrary: ys) (simp_all, case_tac ys, simp_all)
lemma map2_filter:
"map⋅(Λ⟨x, y⟩. ⟨x, f⋅y⟩)⋅(filter⋅(Λ⟨x, y⟩. P⋅x)⋅xs)
= filter⋅(Λ⟨x, y⟩. P⋅x)⋅(map⋅(Λ⟨x, y⟩. ⟨x, f⋅y⟩)⋅xs)"
apply (induct xs, simp_all)
apply (rename_tac x xs, case_tac x, simp, simp)
apply (rename_tac a b, case_tac "P⋅a", auto)
lemma map_map_snd:
"f⋅⊥ = ⊥ ⟹ map⋅f⋅(map⋅snd⋅xs)
= map⋅snd⋅(map⋅(Λ⟨x, y⟩. ⟨x, f⋅y⟩)⋅xs)"
by (induct xs, simp_all, rename_tac a b, case_tac a, simp_all)
lemma findIndices_Cons [simp]:
"findIndices⋅P⋅(a : xs) =
If P⋅a then 0 : map⋅(+1)⋅(findIndices⋅P⋅xs)
else map⋅(+1)⋅(findIndices⋅P⋅xs)"
by (auto simp: findIndices_def, subst intsFrom.simps, cases "P⋅a")
del: map_oo
add: map_oo [symmetric] map_map_snd one_Integer_def zero_Integer_def
map_plus_intsFrom [of 1 0, simplified, symmetric]
map2_zip [of "(+ MkI⋅1)", simplified]
map2_filter [of "(+ MkI⋅1)", simplified])
lemma filter_alt_def:
fixes xs :: "['a]"
shows "filter⋅P⋅xs = map⋅(nth⋅xs)⋅(findIndices⋅P⋅xs)"
proof -
have 1: "map⋅f⋅(map⋅snd⋅(filter⋅(Λ⟨x, i⟩. P⋅x)⋅(zip⋅xs⋅[MkI⋅i..])))
= map⋅g⋅(map⋅snd⋅(filter⋅(Λ⟨x, i⟩. P⋅x)⋅(zip⋅xs⋅[MkI⋅i..])))"
if "∀j≥i. f⋅(MkI⋅j) = g⋅(MkI⋅j)"
for f g :: "Integer → 'a"
and P :: "'a → tr"
and i xs
using that
by (induct xs arbitrary: i, simp_all, subst (1 2) intsFrom.simps)
(rename_tac a b c, case_tac "P⋅a", simp_all add: one_Integer_def)
have 2: "∀i≥0. nth⋅ys⋅(MkI⋅i) = (nth⋅(a : ys) oo (+1))⋅(MkI⋅i)"
for a and ys :: "['a]"
by (auto simp: one_Integer_def zero_Integer_def)
have 3: "map⋅(nth⋅(a : ys) oo (+1))⋅(findIndices⋅P⋅xs)
= map⋅(nth⋅ys)⋅(findIndices⋅P⋅xs)"
for a P and ys xs :: "['a]"
by (simp add: findIndices_def 1 [OF 2, simplified, of ys P xs a] zero_Integer_def)
show ?thesis
by (induct xs, simp_all, simp add: findIndices_def, simp add: findIndices_def)
(rename_tac a b, case_tac "P⋅a", simp add: findIndices_def, simp_all add: 3)
abbreviation cfun_image :: "('a → 'b) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b set" (infixr ‹`⋅› 90) where
"f `⋅ A ≡ Rep_cfun f ` A"
lemma set_map:
"set (map⋅f⋅xs) = f `⋅ set xs" (is "?l = ?r")
have "listmem (f⋅a) (map⋅f⋅xs)" if "listmem a xs" for a
using that by (induct) simp_all
then show "?r ⊆ ?l" by (auto simp: set_def)
have "∃b. a = f⋅b ∧ listmem b xs" if "listmem a (map⋅f⋅xs)" for a
using that
by (induct a "map⋅f⋅xs" arbitrary: xs)
(rename_tac xsa, case_tac xsa, auto)+
then show "?l ⊆ ?r" unfolding set_def by auto
subsection ‹@{const reverse} and @{const reverse} induction›
text ‹Alternative simplification rules for @{const reverse} (easier
to use for equational reasoning):›
lemma reverse_Nil [simp]:
"reverse⋅[] = []"
by (simp add: reverse.simps)
lemma reverse_singleton [simp]:
"reverse⋅[x] = [x]"
by (simp add: reverse.simps)
lemma reverse_strict [simp]:
"reverse⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (simp add: reverse.simps)
lemma foldl_flip_Cons_append:
"foldl⋅(flip⋅(:))⋅ys⋅xs = foldl⋅(flip⋅(:))⋅[]⋅xs ++ ys"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case (Cons x xs)
show ?case by simp (metis (no_types) Cons append.simps append_assoc)
qed simp+
lemma reverse_Cons [simp]:
"reverse⋅(x:xs) = reverse⋅xs ++ [x]"
by (simp add: reverse.simps)
(subst foldl_flip_Cons_append, rule refl)
lemma reverse_append_below:
"reverse⋅(xs ++ ys) ⊑ reverse⋅ys ++ reverse⋅xs"
apply (induction xs)
apply (simp del: append_assoc add: append_assoc [symmetric])+
apply (blast intro: monofun_cfun append_assoc)
lemma reverse_reverse_below:
"reverse⋅(reverse⋅xs) ⊑ xs"
proof (induction xs)
case (Cons x xs)
have "reverse⋅(reverse⋅(x:xs)) = reverse⋅(reverse⋅xs ++ [x])" by simp
also have "… ⊑ reverse⋅[x] ++ reverse⋅(reverse⋅xs)" by (rule reverse_append_below)
also have "… = x : reverse⋅(reverse⋅xs)" by simp
also have "… ⊑ x : xs" by (simp add: Cons)
finally show ?case .
qed simp+
lemma reverse_append [simp]:
assumes "finite_list xs"
shows "reverse⋅(xs ++ ys) = reverse⋅ys ++ reverse⋅xs"
using assms by (induct xs) simp+
lemma reverse_spine_strict:
"¬ finite_list xs ⟹ reverse⋅xs = ⊥"
by (auto simp add: reverse.simps foldl_spine_strict)
lemma reverse_finite [simp]:
assumes "finite_list xs" shows "finite_list (reverse⋅xs)"
using assms by (induct xs) simp+
lemma reverse_reverse [simp]:
assumes "finite_list xs" shows "reverse⋅(reverse⋅xs) = xs"
using assms by (induct xs) simp+
lemma reverse_induct [consumes 1, case_names Nil snoc]:
"⟦finite_list xs; P []; ⋀x xs . finite_list xs ⟹ P xs ⟹ P (xs ++ [x])⟧ ⟹ P xs"
apply (subst reverse_reverse [symmetric])
apply assumption
apply (rule finite_list.induct[where x = "reverse⋅xs"])
apply simp+
lemma length_plus_not_0:
"le⋅1⋅n = TT ⟹ le⋅(length⋅xs + n)⋅0 = TT ⟹ False"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: n)
case Nil then show ?case
by auto (metis Ord_linear_class.le_trans dist_eq_tr(3) le_Integer_numeral_simps(3))
case (Cons x xs)
from Cons(1) [of "n + 1"] show ?case
using Cons(2-) by (auto simp: ac_simps dest: le_plus_1)
qed simp+
lemma take_length_plus_1:
"length⋅xs ≠ ⊥ ⟹ take⋅(length⋅xs + 1)⋅(y:ys) = y : take⋅(length⋅xs)⋅ys"
by (subst take.simps, cases "le⋅(length⋅xs + 1)⋅0")
(auto, metis (no_types) length_plus_not_0 le_Integer_numeral_simps(4))
lemma le_length_plus:
"length⋅xs ≠ ⊥ ⟹ n ≠ ⊥ ⟹ le⋅n⋅(length⋅xs + n) = TT"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: n)
case (Cons x xs)
then have "le⋅(n + 1)⋅(length⋅xs + (n + 1)) = TT" by simp
moreover have "le⋅n⋅(n + 1) = TT" using ‹n ≠ ⊥› by (metis le_plus_1 le_refl_Integer)
ultimately have "le⋅n⋅(length⋅xs + (n + 1)) = TT" by (blast dest: le_trans)
then show ?case by (simp add: ac_simps)
qed simp+
lemma eq_take_length_isPrefixOf:
"eq⋅xs⋅(take⋅(length⋅xs)⋅ys) ⊑ isPrefixOf⋅xs⋅ys"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys)
case IH: (Cons x xs)
show ?case
proof (cases "length⋅xs = ⊥")
case True then show ?thesis by simp
case False
show ?thesis
proof (cases ys)
case bottom
then show ?thesis using False
using le_length_plus [of xs 1] by simp
case Nil then show ?thesis using False by simp
case (Cons z zs)
then show ?thesis
using False and IH [of zs]
by (simp add: take_length_plus_1 monofun_cfun_arg)
qed simp+