Theory Definedness
section ‹Definedness›
theory Definedness
text ‹
This is an attempt for a setup for better handling bottom, by a better
simp setup, and less breaking the abstractions.
definition defined :: "'a :: pcpo ⇒ bool" where
"defined x = (x ≠ ⊥)"
lemma defined_bottom [simp]: "¬ defined ⊥"
by (simp add: defined_def)
lemma defined_seq [simp]: "defined x ⟹ seq⋅x⋅y = y"
by (simp add: defined_def)
consts val :: "'a::type ⇒ 'b::type" (‹⟦_⟧›)
text ‹val for booleans›
definition val_Bool :: "tr ⇒ bool" where
"val_Bool i = (THE j. i = Def j)"
val ⇌ val_Bool
lemma defined_Bool_simps [simp]:
"defined (Def i)"
"defined TT"
"defined FF"
by (simp_all add: defined_def)
lemma val_Bool_simp1 [simp]:
"⟦Def i⟧ = i"
by (simp_all add: val_Bool_def TT_def FF_def)
lemma val_Bool_simp2 [simp]:
"⟦TT⟧ = True"
"⟦FF⟧ = False"
by (simp_all add: TT_def FF_def)
lemma IF_simps [simp]:
"defined b ⟹ ⟦ b ⟧ ⟹ (If b then x else y) = x"
"defined b ⟹ ⟦ b ⟧ = False ⟹ (If b then x else y) = y"
by (cases b, simp_all)+
lemma defined_neg [simp]: "defined (neg⋅b) ⟷ defined b"
by (cases b, auto)
lemma val_Bool_neg [simp]: "defined b ⟹ ⟦ neg ⋅ b ⟧ = (¬ ⟦ b ⟧)"
by (cases b, auto)
text ‹val for integers›
definition val_Integer :: "Integer ⇒ int" where
"val_Integer i = (THE j. i = MkI⋅j)"
val ⇌ val_Integer
lemma defined_Integer_simps [simp]:
"defined (MkI⋅i)"
"defined (0::Integer)"
"defined (1::Integer)"
by (simp_all add: defined_def)
lemma defined_numeral [simp]: "defined (numeral x :: Integer)"
by (simp add: defined_def)
lemma val_Integer_simps [simp]:
"⟦MkI⋅i⟧ = i"
"⟦0⟧ = 0"
"⟦1⟧ = 1"
by (simp_all add: val_Integer_def)
lemma val_Integer_numeral [simp]: "⟦ numeral x :: Integer ⟧ = numeral x"
by (simp_all add: val_Integer_def)
lemma val_Integer_to_MkI:
"defined i ⟹ i = (MkI ⋅ ⟦ i ⟧)"
apply (cases i)
apply (auto simp add: val_Integer_def defined_def)
lemma defined_Integer_minus [simp]: "defined i ⟹ defined j ⟹ defined (i - (j::Integer))"
apply (cases i, auto)
apply (cases j, auto)
lemma val_Integer_minus [simp]: "defined i ⟹ defined j ⟹ ⟦ i - j ⟧ = ⟦ i ⟧ - ⟦ j ⟧"
apply (cases i, auto)
apply (cases j, auto)
lemma defined_Integer_plus [simp]: "defined i ⟹ defined j ⟹ defined (i + (j::Integer))"
apply (cases i, auto)
apply (cases j, auto)
lemma val_Integer_plus [simp]: "defined i ⟹ defined j ⟹ ⟦ i + j ⟧ = ⟦ i ⟧ + ⟦ j ⟧"
apply (cases i, auto)
apply (cases j, auto)
lemma defined_Integer_eq [simp]: "defined (eq⋅a⋅b) ⟷ defined a ∧ defined (b::Integer)"
apply (cases a, simp)
apply (cases b, simp)
apply simp
lemma val_Integer_eq [simp]: "defined a ⟹ defined b ⟹ ⟦ eq⋅a⋅b ⟧ = (⟦ a ⟧ = (⟦ b ⟧ :: int))"
apply (cases a, simp)
apply (cases b, simp)
apply simp
text ‹Full induction for non-negative integers›
lemma nonneg_full_Int_induct [consumes 1, case_names neg Suc]:
assumes defined: "defined i"
assumes neg: "⋀ i. defined i ⟹ ⟦i⟧ < 0 ⟹ P i"
assumes step: "⋀ i. defined i ⟹ 0 ≤ ⟦i⟧ ⟹ (⋀ j. defined j ⟹ ⟦ j ⟧ < ⟦ i ⟧ ⟹ P j) ⟹ P i"
shows "P (i::Integer)"
proof (cases i)
case bottom
then have False using defined by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case (MkI integer)
show ?thesis
proof (cases integer)
case neg
then show ?thesis using assms(2) MkI by simp
case (nonneg nat)
have "P (MkI⋅(int nat))"
proof(induction nat rule:full_nat_induct)
case (1 nat)
have "defined (MkI⋅(int nat))" by simp
have "0 ≤ ⟦ MkI⋅(int nat) ⟧" by simp
have "P j" if "defined j" and le: "⟦ j ⟧ < ⟦ MkI⋅(int nat) ⟧" for j::Integer
proof(cases j)
case bottom with ‹defined j› show ?thesis by simp
case (MkI integer)
show ?thesis
proof(cases integer)
case (neg nat)
have "⟦j⟧ < 0" using neg MkI by simp
with ‹defined j›
show ?thesis by (rule assms(2))
case (nonneg m)
have "Suc m ≤ nat" using le nonneg MkI by simp
then have "P (MkI⋅(int m))" by (metis "1.IH")
then show ?thesis using nonneg MkI by simp
show ?case
by (rule step)
then show ?thesis using nonneg MkI by simp
text ‹Some list lemmas re-done with the new setup.›
lemma nth_tail:
"defined n ⟹ ⟦ n ⟧ ≥ 0 ⟹ tail⋅xs !! n = xs !! (1 + n)"
apply (cases xs, simp_all)
apply (cases n, simp)
apply (simp add: one_Integer_def zero_Integer_def)
lemma nth_zipWith:
assumes f1 [simp]: "⋀y. f⋅⊥⋅y = ⊥"
assumes f2 [simp]: "⋀x. f⋅x⋅⊥ = ⊥"
shows "zipWith⋅f⋅xs⋅ys !! n = f⋅(xs !! n)⋅(ys !! n)"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: ys n)
case (Cons x xs ys n) then show ?case
by (cases ys, simp_all split:nth_Cons_split)
qed simp_all
lemma nth_neg [simp]: "defined n ⟹ ⟦ n ⟧ < 0 ⟹ nth⋅xs⋅n = ⊥"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: n)
have [simp]: "eq⋅n⋅0 = TT ⟷ (n::Integer) = 0" for n
by (cases n, auto simp add: zero_Integer_def)
case (Cons a xs n)
have "eq⋅n⋅0 = FF"
using Cons.prems
by (cases "eq⋅n⋅0") auto
then show ?case
using Cons.prems
by (auto intro: Cons.IH)
qed simp_all
lemma nth_Cons_simp [simp]:
"defined n ⟹ ⟦ n ⟧ = 0 ⟹ nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n = x"
"defined n ⟹ ⟦ n ⟧ > 0 ⟹ nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n = nth⋅xs⋅(n - 1)"
proof -
assume "defined n" and "⟦ n ⟧ = 0"
then have "n = 0" by (cases n) auto
then show "nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n = x" by simp
assume "defined n" and "⟦ n ⟧ > 0"
then have "eq⋅n⋅0 = FF" by (cases "eq⋅n⋅0") auto
then show "nth⋅(x : xs)⋅n = nth⋅xs⋅(n - 1)" by simp