Theory Examples_ARCH_COMP

theory Examples_ARCH_COMP

lemma continuous_on_floatarith_zero[simp]: "continuous_on_floatarith 0"
  by (auto simp: zero_floatarith_def)

lemma continuous_on_floatarith_minus[simp]:
  "continuous_on_floatarith (a - b)  continuous_on_floatarith a  continuous_on_floatarith b"
  by (auto simp: minus_floatarith_def)

lemma continuous_on_floatarith_uminus[simp]:
  "continuous_on_floatarith (- b)  continuous_on_floatarith b"
  by (auto simp: uminus_floatarith_def)

lemma continuous_on_floatarith_times[simp]:
  "continuous_on_floatarith (a * b)  continuous_on_floatarith a  continuous_on_floatarith b"
  by (auto simp: times_floatarith_def)

lemma continuous_on_floatarith_plus[simp]:
  "continuous_on_floatarith (a + b)  continuous_on_floatarith a  continuous_on_floatarith b"
  by (auto simp: plus_floatarith_def)

lemmas isDERIV_Power_iff[simp]

lemma isFDERIV_Suc: "isFDERIV (Suc n) (d#ds) (f#fs) xs 
  isFDERIV n ds fs xs  isDERIV d f xs
   (x2 < n. isDERIV d (fs ! x2) xs)
   (x2 < n. isDERIV (ds ! x2) f xs)"
  unfolding isFDERIV_def
  by (auto simp: isFDERIV_def nth_Cons split: nat.splits)

lemma isFDERIV_SucI: "isFDERIV (Suc n) (d#ds) (f#fs) xs"
  if "isFDERIV n ds fs xs" "isDERIV d f xs"
  "i. i < n  isDERIV d (fs ! i) xs"
  "i. i < n  isDERIV (ds ! i) f xs"
  using that
  by (auto simp: isFDERIV_Suc)

lemma isFDERIV_0[simp]: "isFDERIV 0 [] [] zs"
  by (auto simp: isFDERIV_def nth_Cons split: nat.splits)

lemmas [simp] = Basis_list_real_def

subsection ‹Space Rendezvous›

experiment begin

unbundle floatarith_syntax

abbreviation "r  42164000"
abbreviation "mu  3.986*10^14*3600"
abbreviation "m_c  500"
abbreviation "n  0.004375293492336"
abbreviation "K1_11  -28.8287"
abbreviation "K1_12  0.1005"
abbreviation "K1_13  -1449.9754"
abbreviation "K1_14  0.0046"
abbreviation "K1_21  -0.087"
abbreviation "K1_22  -33.2562"
abbreviation "K1_23  0.00462"
abbreviation "K1_24  -1451.5013"
abbreviation "K2_11  -288.0288"
abbreviation "K2_12  0.1312"
abbreviation "K2_13  -9614.9898"
abbreviation "K2_14  0"
abbreviation "K2_21  -0.1312"
abbreviation "K2_22  -288 "
abbreviation "K2_23  0"
abbreviation "K2_24  -9614.9883"

subsubsection ‹Location P1›

schematic_goal p1_fas:
  fixes X
  defines "t  X!0"
    and "x  X ! 1"
    and "y  X ! 2"
    and "vx  X ! 3"
    and "vy  X ! 4"
  ― ‹t' = › 1,
  ― ‹x' = › vx,
  ― ‹y' = › vy,
  ― ‹vx' = › (n^2 + K1_11/m_c)*x + (2*n + K1_14/m_c) * vy + K1_12/m_c * y + K1_13/m_c * vx + mu/r^2 - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * (r+x),
  ― ‹vy' = › (n^2 + K1_22/m_c)*y + (K1_23/m_c -2*n) * vx + K1_21/m_c * x + K1_24/m_c * vy - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * y
] = interpret_floatariths ?fas X"
  unfolding t_def x_def y_def vx_def vy_def
  by (reify_floatariths)

concrete_definition p1_fas uses p1_fas

abbreviation "safe_sqrt  (Less 0 ((Num r + Var 1)^e2 - (Var 2) ^e 2)) ― ‹sqrt defined›"

abbreviation "safe_p1  Conj (Less (Var 0) (Num 125)) ― ‹abort›

interpretation p1: ode_interpretation safe_p1
  "{(t, x, y, vx, vy). t < 125  (r+x)^2-y^2 > 0}" p1_fas
   "λ(t, x, y, vx, vy).
       (n^2 + K1_11/m_c)*x + (2*n + K1_14/m_c) * vy + K1_12/m_c * y + K1_13/m_c * vx + mu/r^2 - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * (r+x),
       (n^2 + K1_22/m_c)*y + (K1_23/m_c -2*n) * vx + K1_21/m_c * x + K1_24/m_c * vy - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * y
  "d::5" for d
  by standard
    (auto simp: p1_fas_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Basis_list_prod Basis_list_real_def
      mk_ode_ops_def eucl_of_list_prod power2_eq_square inverse_eq_divide intro!: isFDERIV_I)

lemma poincare_section_rep[poincare_tac_theorems]:
              "{(0, -100, -500, -1000, -1000)..(125, -100, 0, 1000, 1000)::real*real*real*real*real} =
  {eucl_of_list [0, -100, -500, -1000, -1000]..eucl_of_list [125, -100, 0, 1000, 1000]}"
  by (auto simp: eucl_of_list_prod)

abbreviation "p1_ro  ro 10 10 7 2 2 2"

lemma p1_ro: "TAG_reach_optns p1_ro" by simp

lemma p1_start: "TAG_sctn False" by simp

lemma p1_pi_0: "p1.guards_invar DIM(real × real × real × real × real) []"
  by (auto simp: p1.guards_invar_def)

  notes [poincare_tac_theorems] = p1_ro p1_start p1_pi_0
  shows "x{(0, -925, -425, 0, 0) .. (0, -875, -375, 0, 0)}.
  p1.returns_to                {(0, -100, -500, -1000, -1000)..(125, -100, 0, 1000, 1000)} x 
  p1.poincare_map_from_outside {(0, -100, -500, -1000, -1000)..(125, -100, 0, 1000, 1000)} x 
      {(108.5, -100, -35.05, 1.993, 0.6489) ..
       (111.8, -100, -28.42, 2.007, 0.8130)}"
  using [[ode_numerics_trace]]
  by (tactic poincare_bnds_tac @{thms p1_fas_def} 30 50 20 10 [(1, 2, "0x00007f")]
    (* "out_space_p1.out" *) ""  @{context} 1)

subsubsection ‹Location P2›

lemma "tan (rad_of 30)  {147 * 2 powr -8 .. 148 * 2 powr -8}"
  unfolding rad_of_def atLeastAtMost_iff
  by (approximation 15)
abbreviation "Tanl  Num (Float 147 (-8))"
abbreviation "Tanu  Num (Float 148 (-8))"

abbreviation "safe_p2 
  Conj safe_p1
    (Conj (Less (Max (Var 1 * Tanl) (Var 1 * Tanu)) (Var 2))
      (Less (Max (Var 1 * Tanl)(Var 1 * Tanu)) (-(Var 2)))) ― ‹line of sight›"

schematic_goal p2_fas:
  fixes X
  defines "t  X!0"
    and "x  X ! 1"
    and "y  X ! 2"
    and "vx  X ! 3"
    and "vy  X ! 4"
  ― ‹t' = › 1,
  ― ‹x' = › vx,
  ― ‹y' = › vy,
  ― ‹vx' = › (n^2 + K2_11/m_c)*x + (2*n + K2_14/m_c)* vy + K2_12/m_c * y + K2_13/m_c * vx + mu/r^2 - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * (r+x),
  ― ‹vy' = › (n^2 + K2_22/m_c)*y + (K2_23/m_c -2*n)* vx + K2_21/m_c * x + K2_24/m_c * vy - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * y
] = interpret_floatariths ?fas X"
  unfolding t_def x_def y_def vx_def vy_def
  by (reify_floatariths)

concrete_definition p2_fas uses p2_fas

interpretation p2: ode_interpretation safe_p2
  "{(t, x, y, vx, vy). t < 125 
    (r+x)^2-y^2 > 0 
    max (x * 147 * 2 powr -8) (x * 147 * 2 powr -8) < y 
    max (x * 147 * 2 powr -8) (x * 147 * 2 powr -8) < -y
  }" p2_fas
  "λ(t, x, y, vx, vy).
       (n^2 + K2_11/m_c)*x + (2*n + K2_14/m_c) * vy + K2_12/m_c * y + K2_13/m_c * vx + mu/r^2 - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * (r+x),
       (n^2 + K2_22/m_c)*y + (K2_23/m_c -2*n) * vx + K2_21/m_c * x + K2_24/m_c * vy - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * y
  "d::5" for d
  by standard
    (auto simp: p2_fas_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Basis_list_prod Basis_list_real_def
      mk_ode_ops_def eucl_of_list_prod power2_eq_square inverse_eq_divide intro!: isFDERIV_I)

lemma poincare_section2_rep[poincare_tac_theorems]:
  "{(120, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000)..(120, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000)::real*real*real*real*real} =
  {eucl_of_list [120, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000]..eucl_of_list [120, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]}"
  by (auto simp: eucl_of_list_prod)

abbreviation "p2_ro  ro 10 10 7 10 10 2"

lemma p2_ro: "TAG_reach_optns p2_ro" by simp

lemma p2_start: "TAG_sctn False" by simp

lemma p2_pi_0: "p2.guards_invar DIM(real × real × real × real × real) []"
  by (auto simp: p2.guards_invar_def)

  notes [poincare_tac_theorems] = p2_ro p2_start p2_pi_0
  shows "x{(108.5, -100, -35.05, 1.993, 0.6489) ..
       (111.8, -100, -28.42, 2.007, 0.8130)}.
  p2.returns_to                {(120, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000)..(120, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000)} x 
  p2.poincare_map_from_outside {(120, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000)..(120, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000)} x 
    {(120, -78.24, -27.43, 2.125, 0.596) ..
     (120, -70.85, -20.12, 2.348, 0.829)}"
  using [[ode_numerics_trace]]
  by (tactic poincare_bnds_tac @{thms p2_fas_def} 30 50 20 10 [(1, 2, "0x7f0000"), (3, 4, "0x0000ff")]
    (* "out_space_p2.out" *) ""  @{context} 1)

(*(1.2e2 -70.8581e1 -2.012131e1 2.347061 8.28834e-1)*)
subsubsection ‹Location Passive›

schematic_goal passive_fas:
  fixes X
  defines "t  X!0"
    and "x  X ! 1"
    and "y  X ! 2"
    and "vx  X ! 3"
    and "vy  X ! 4"
  ― ‹t' = › 1,
  ― ‹x' = › vx,
  ― ‹y' = › vy,
  ― ‹vx' = › n^2 * x + 2*n * vy + mu/r^2 - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * (r+x),
  ― ‹vy' = › n^2*y - 2*n * vx - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * y
] = interpret_floatariths ?fas X"
  unfolding t_def x_def y_def vx_def vy_def
  by (reify_floatariths)

concrete_definition passive_fas uses passive_fas

abbreviation "safe_passive  Conj
  (Disj (Disj (Less (Var 1) (Num (-1))) (Less (Num 1) (Var 1)))
    (Disj (Less (Var 2) (Num (-1))) (Less (Num 1) (Var 2))))
    ― ‹avoiding satellite in box of ``radius'' 1›"

interpretation "passive": ode_interpretation safe_passive
  "{(t, x, y, vx, vy). (r+x)^2-y^2 > 0  (x, y)  {(-1, -1) .. (1, 1)}}" passive_fas
  "λ(t, x, y, vx, vy).
       n^2 * x + 2*n * vy + mu/r^2 - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * (r+x),
       n^2*y - 2*n * vx - mu/sqrt((r+x)^2-y^2)^3 * y
  "d::5" for d
  by standard
    (auto simp: passive_fas_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Basis_list_prod Basis_list_real_def
      mk_ode_ops_def eucl_of_list_prod power2_eq_square inverse_eq_divide intro!: isFDERIV_I)

lemma poincare_section3_rep[poincare_tac_theorems]:
              "{(200, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000)..(200, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000)::real*real*real*real*real} =
  {eucl_of_list [200, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000]..eucl_of_list [200, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000]}"
  by (auto simp: eucl_of_list_prod)

abbreviation "passive_ro  ro 10 10 7 10 10 2"

lemma passive_ro: "TAG_reach_optns passive_ro" by simp

lemma passive_start: "TAG_sctn False" by simp

lemma passive_pi_0: "passive.guards_invar DIM(real × real × real × real × real) []"
  by (auto simp: passive.guards_invar_def)

  notes [poincare_tac_theorems] = passive_ro passive_start passive_pi_0
  shows "x{(120, -78.24, -27.43, 2.125, 0.596) ..
     (120, -70.85, -20.12, 2.348, 0.829)}.
  passive.returns_to                {(200, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000)..(200, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000)} x 
  passive.poincare_map_from_outside {(200, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000)..(200, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000)} x 
    {(200, 89.95, -46.20, 2.047, -1.050) ..
     (200, 123.9, -14.19, 2.460, -0.701)}"
  using [[ode_numerics_trace]]
  by (tactic poincare_bnds_tac @{thms passive_fas_def} 30 50 20 10 [(1, 2, "0x000000")] (* "out_space_passive.out" *) ""  @{context} 1)


subsection ‹Quadrotor›
experiment begin

unbundle floatarith_syntax

abbreviation "g  9.81"
abbreviation "R  0.1"
abbreviation "l  0.5"
abbreviation "Mrotor  0.1"
abbreviation "M  1"
abbreviation "m  M + 4 * Mrotor"
abbreviation "Jx  2/5 * M * R2 + 2 * l2 * Mrotor"
abbreviation "Jy  Jx"
abbreviation "Jz  2/5 * M * R2 + 4 * l2 * Mrotor"

abbreviation "u x i  x ! (i + 12)"
abbreviation "F x  m * g - 10 * (x!3 - u x 1) + 3 * x!6"
abbreviation "τφ x  - (x ! 7 - u x 2) - x!10"
abbreviation "τθ x  - (x ! 8 - u x 3) - x!11"
abbreviation "τψ x  0"

schematic_goal quadrot_fas:
  "[― ‹t:› 1,
    ― ‹x1:› cos (x!8) * cos (x!9)* x ! 4 + (sin(x!7) * sin(x!8) * cos (x!9) - cos(x!7) * sin(x!9))*x!5
              + (cos(x!7) * sin(x!8) * cos(x!9) + sin(x!7) * sin(x!9)) * x!6,
    ― ‹x2:› cos(x!8) * sin (x!9) * x!4 + (sin(x!7) * sin (x!8) * sin(x!9) + cos(x!7) * cos (x!9))*x!5
              + (cos(x!7) * sin(x!8) * sin(x!9) - sin ( x!7) * cos (x!9)) * x!6,
    ― ‹x3:› sin(x!8) * x!4 - sin(x!7) * cos (x!8) * x!5 - cos(x!7) *cos(x!8)*x!6,
    ― ‹x4:› x!12 * x!5- x!11*x!6 - g * sin(x!8),
    ― ‹x5:› x!10 * x!6 - x!12*x!4 + g * cos(x!8 * sin(x!7)),
    ― ‹x6:› x!11 * x!4 - x!10*x!5 + g * cos(x!8 * cos(x!7)) - F x / m,
    ― ‹x7:› x!10 + (sin(x!7)*tan(x!8))*x!11 + (cos(x!7)*tan(x!8))*x!12,
    ― ‹x8:› cos(x!7) * x!11 - sin(x!7)*x!12,
    ― ‹x9:› sin(x!7) / cos(x!8) * x!11 + cos(x!7)/cos(x!8)*x!12,
    ― ‹x10:› (Jy - Jz)/Jx*x!11*x!12 + τφ x / Jx,
    ― ‹x11:› (Jz - Jx)/Jy*x!10*x!12 + τθ x / Jy,
    ― ‹x12:› (Jx - Jy)/Jz*x!10*x!11 + τψ x / Jz,
    ― ‹u1:› 0,
    ― ‹u2:› 0,
    ― ‹u3:› 0]
  = interpret_floatariths ?fas x"
  by (reify_floatariths)
concrete_definition quadrot_fas uses quadrot_fas

abbreviation "Fr x3 x6 u1  m * g - 10 * (x3 - u1) + 3 * x6"

lemma isDERIV_Power_if[simp]:
  "isDERIV x (f ^e n) vs = (if n = 0 then True else isDERIV x f vs)"
  by (cases n) auto

definition "Ne x y = Disj (Less x y) (Less y x)"

lemma Basis_list_16:
  "(Basis_list::(real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real) list) =
  by (auto simp: Basis_list_prod_def zero_prod_def)

interpretation quadrot: ode_interpretation "Conj (Less (- Half Pi) (Var 8))
  (Conj (Less (Var 8) (Half Pi)) ((Less (Var 3)
  ((Num (Float 89 (- 6)))))))"
  "{(t, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, u1, u2, u3).
    x3 < 89/64  x8  {-pi/2<..<pi/2}}"
  "λ(t::real, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, u1, u2, u3). (1,
    ― ‹x1:› cos (x8) * cos (x9)* x4 + (sin(x7) * sin(x8) * cos (x9) - cos(x7) * sin(x9))*x5
              + (cos(x7) * sin(x8) * cos(x9) + sin(x7) * sin(x9)) * x6,
    ― ‹x2:› cos(x8) * sin (x9) * x4 + (sin(x7) * sin (x8) * sin(x9) + cos(x7) * cos (x9))*x5
              + (cos(x7) * sin(x8) * sin(x9) - sin ( x7) * cos (x9)) * x6,
    ― ‹x3:› sin(x8) * x4 - sin(x7) * cos (x8) * x5 - cos(x7) *cos(x8)*x6,
    ― ‹x4:› x12 * x5- x11*x6 - g * sin(x8),
    ― ‹x5:› x10 * x6 - x12*x4 + g * cos(x8 * sin(x7)),
    ― ‹x6:› x11 * x4 - x10*x5 + g * cos(x8 * cos(x7)) - Fr x3 x6 u1 / m,
    ― ‹x7:› x10 + (sin(x7)*tan(x8))*x11 + (cos(x7)*tan(x8))*x12,
    ― ‹x8:› cos(x7) * x11 - sin(x7)*x12,
    ― ‹x9:› sin(x7) / cos(x8) * x11 + cos(x7)/cos(x8)*x12,
    ― ‹x10:› (Jy - Jz)/Jx*x11*x12 + (- (x7 - u2) - x10) / Jx,
    ― ‹x11:› (Jz - Jx)/Jy*x10*x12 + (- (x8 - u3) - x11) / Jy,
    ― ‹x12:› (Jx - Jy)/Jz*x10*x11 + 0 / Jz,
    ― ‹u1:› 0::real,
    ― ‹u2:› 0::real,
    ― ‹u3:› 0::real)" "sixteen::16"
  apply standard
  subgoal by simp
  subgoal by (simp add: quadrot_fas_def)
  subgoal by (auto simp: Basis_list_16)
    using cos_gt_zero_pi
    apply (simp add: quadrot_fas_def Basis_list_16)
    apply (auto simp: eucl_of_list_prod split: prod.splits)
    apply (auto simp: power2_eq_square quadrot_fas_def)
    by (auto simp: approximation_preproc_floatarith[symmetric])
  subgoal by (auto simp: mk_ode_ops_def quadrot_fas_def Half_def)
    using cos_gt_zero_pi
    by (fastforce simp: quadrot_fas_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Basis_list_prod isFDERIV_product
      mk_ode_ops_def eucl_of_list_prod power2_eq_square inverse_eq_divide intro!: isFDERIV_I)

lemma quadrot: "t  {5 .. 5} 
    (s,   x1,   x2,   x3,   x4,   x5,   x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, u1, u2, u3) 
   {(0, -0.4, -0.4, -0.4, -0.4, -0.4, -0.4,  0,  0,  0,   0,   0,   0,  1,  0,  0) ..
    (0,  0.4,  0.4,  0.4,  0.4,  0.4,  0.4,  0,  0,  0,   0,   0,   0,  1,  0,  0)} 
   t  quadrot.existence_ivl0 (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, u1, u2, u3) 
    quadrot.flow0 (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, u1, u2, u3) t 
      {(4.99, -2.5, 120, 0.98, -0.5, 48, -0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) ..
       (5.01,  2.5, 126, 1.02,  0.5, 50,  0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)}
      ⌦‹{(4.9, -2.5, 120, 0.99, -0.5, 48, -0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) ..
       (5.0,  2.5, 126, 1.00,  0.5, 50,  0.02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)}›"
  by (tactic ode_bnds_tac @{thms quadrot_fas_def} 16 25 20 10 [(0, 3, "0x000000")]
    (* "out_quadrot.out" *) ""  @{context} 1)


subsection ‹Laub Loomis›
experiment begin

unbundle floatarith_syntax

schematic_goal laub_fas:
    1.4 * X ! 3 - 0.9 * X ! 1,
    2.5 * X ! 5 - 1.5 * X ! 2,
    0.6 * X ! 7 - 0.8 * X ! 2 * X ! 3,
    2           - 1.3 * X ! 3 * X ! 4,
    0.7 * X ! 1 -       X ! 4 * X ! 5,
    0.3 * X ! 1 - 3.1 * X ! 6,
    1.8 * X ! 6 - 1.5 * X ! 2 * X ! 7]
  = interpret_floatariths ?fas X"
  by (reify_floatariths)

concrete_definition laub_fas uses laub_fas

interpretation ll: ode_interpretation "Less (Var 4) (Num 50)"
  "{(t, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7).
      x4 < 50 ― ‹modify for safety requirements of ARCH-competition›}"
  "λ(t, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7).
     1.4 * x3 - 0.9 * x1,
     2.5 * x5 - 1.5 * x2,
     0.6 * x7 - 0.8 * x2 * x3,
     2 - 1.3 * x3 * x4,
     0.7 * x1 - x4 * x5,
     0.3 * x1 - 3.1 * x6,
     1.8 * x6 - 1.5 * x2 * x7)::real*real*real*real*real*real*real*real" "eight::8"
  by standard
    (auto simp: laub_fas_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Basis_list_prod Basis_list_real_def
      mk_ode_ops_def eucl_of_list_prod power2_eq_square inverse_eq_divide intro!: isFDERIV_I)

theorem ll_001:
  "t  {20 .. 20} 
  (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) 
      {(0, 1.19, 1.04, 1.49, 2.39, 0.99, 0.09, 0.44) ..
       (0, 1.21, 1.06, 1.51, 2.41, 1.01, 0.11, 0.46)} 
  t  ll.existence_ivl0 (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) 
  ll.flow0 (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) t 
    {(19.99, 0.8, 0.3, 0.5, 2.5, 0.1, 0.0, 0.25) ..
     (20, 1.0, 0.5, 0.7, 3.0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.35)}"
  by (tactic ode_bnds_tac @{thms laub_fas_def} 30 60 30 13 [(0, 4, "0x7f7f7f")] (* "out_ll_001.out" *) ""  @{context} 1)

theorem ll_005:
  "t  {20 .. 20} 
  (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) 
      {(0, 1.15, 1.00, 1.45, 2.35, 0.95, 0.05, 0.40) ..
       (0, 1.25, 1.10, 1.55, 2.45, 1.05, 0.15, 0.50)} 
  t  ll.existence_ivl0 (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) 
  ll.flow0 (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) t 
    {(19.99, 0.8, 0.3, 0.5, 2.4, 0.1, 0.0, 0.25) ..
     (20, 1.0, 0.5, 0.7, 3.0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.35)}"
  by (tactic ode_bnds_tac  @{thms laub_fas_def} 30 60 30 13 [(0, 4, "0x000000")] (* "out_ll_005.out" *) "" @{context} 1)

theorem ll_010:
  "t  {10 .. 10} 
  (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) 
      {(0, 1.10, 0.95, 1.40, 2.30, 0.90, 0.00, 0.35) ..
       (0, 1.30, 1.15, 1.60, 2.50, 1.10, 0.20, 0.55)} 
  t  ll.existence_ivl0 (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) 
  ll.flow0 (s, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) t 
    {(9.99, 0.2, -0.8, -0.4, -1.3, -1.2, 0.0, -0.5) ..
     (10,   1.8, 1.6, 1.8, 6.2, 1.7, 0.2, 1.2)}"
  by (tactic ode_bnds_tac  @{thms laub_fas_def} 30 60 30 13 [(0, 4, "0x0000ff")] (* "out_ll_010.out" *) ""  @{context} 1)


subsection ‹Van der Pol oscillator (with time and ``pseudo-invariant''›
experiment begin

schematic_goal vdp_fas:
  "[1, X!2, X!3 * X!2 * (1 - (X!1)2) - X!1, 0 ― ‹μ'› ] = interpret_floatariths ?fas X"
  by (reify_floatariths)

concrete_definition vdp_fas uses vdp_fas

interpretation vdp: ode_interpretation true_form UNIV vdp_fas "λ(t, x, y, μ). (1, y, μ * y * (1 - x2) - x, 0)::real*real*real*real"
  "n::4" for n
  by standard
    (auto simp: vdp_fas_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Basis_list_prod Basis_list_real_def
      mk_ode_ops_def eucl_of_list_prod power2_eq_square inverse_eq_divide intro!: isFDERIV_I)

abbreviation "vdp_ro  ro 2 10 7 2 2 2"

lemma vdp_ro: "TAG_reach_optns vdp_ro" by simp

lemma vdp_start: "TAG_sctn False" by simp

lemma poincare_section_rep1:
  "{(7::real, -3::real, -3::real, -10::real)..(7, 3, 3, 10)} = {eucl_of_list [7, -3, -3, -10]..eucl_of_list [7, 3, 3, 10]}"
  by (auto simp: eucl_of_list_prod)

lemma vdp_pi_1: "vdp.guards_invar DIM(real × real × real × real) [([ysec4' (1,7) (3/2) (-2, 0) (-10, 10)], vdp_ro)]"
  by (auto simp: vdp.guards_invar_def)

  notes [poincare_tac_theorems] = vdp_ro vdp_start vdp_pi_1 poincare_section_rep1
  shows "x{(0, 1.25, 2.35, 1) .. (0, 1.55, 2.45, 1)}.
  vdp.returns_to   {(7, -3, -3, -10) .. (7, 3, 3, 10)} x 
  vdp.poincare_map_from_outside {(7, -3, -3, -10) .. (7, 3, 3, 10)} x  {(7, 0, 0, -10) .. (7, 3, 3, 10)}"
  by (tactic poincare_bnds_tac @{thms vdp_fas_def} 30 20 10 14 [(1, 2, "0x007f00")] (* "out_p1_vdp_mu1_0.out" *) ""  @{context} 1)

abbreviation "t2  15/2"
lemma vdp_pi_2: "vdp.guards_invar DIM(real × real × real × real) [([ysec4' (1,t2) (7/2/2) (-2, 0) (-10, 10)], vdp_ro),
  ([ysec4 (1,t2) (-3/2) (-1, 1) (-10, 10)], vdp_ro)]"
  by (auto simp: vdp.guards_invar_def)

lemma poincare_section_rep2:
  "{(t2::real, -30::real, -30::real, -10::real)..(t2, 30, 30, 10)} = {eucl_of_list [t2, -30, -30, -10]..eucl_of_list [t2, 30, 30, 10]}"
  by (auto simp: eucl_of_list_prod)

  notes [poincare_tac_theorems] = vdp_ro vdp_start vdp_pi_2 poincare_section_rep2
  shows "x{(0, 1.55, 2.35, 2) .. (0, 1.85, 2.45, 2)}.
  vdp.returns_to   {(t2, -30, -30, -10) .. (t2, 30, 30, 10)} x 
  vdp.poincare_map_from_outside {(t2, -30, -30, -10) .. (t2, 30, 30, 10)} x  {(t2, -30, -30, -10) .. (t2, 30, 30, 10)}"
  by (tactic poincare_bnds_tac @{thms vdp_fas_def} 30 20 10 14 [(1, 2, "0x00007f")] (* "out_p1_vdp_mu2_0.out" *) "" @{context} 1)

