Theory CSP_Laws
chapter‹ The "Laws" of CSP ›
theory CSP_Laws
imports Bot Skip Stop Det Ndet Mprefix Mndetprefix Seq Hiding Sync Renaming
method exI for y::'a = (rule_tac exI[where x = y])
section‹ General Laws›
lemma SKIP_Neq_STOP: "SKIP ≠ STOP"
by (auto simp: Process_eq_spec F_SKIP F_STOP D_SKIP D_STOP Un_def)
lemma BOT_less1[simp]: "⊥ ≤ (X::'a process)"
by (simp add: le_approx_implies_le_ref)
lemma BOT_less2[simp]: "BOT ≤ (X::'a process)"
by simp
section‹ Deterministic Choice Operator Laws ›
lemma mono_Det_FD_onside[simp]: " P ≤ P' ⟹ (P □ S) ≤ (P' □ S)"
unfolding le_ref_def F_Det D_Det using F_subset_imp_T_subset by blast
lemma mono_Det_FD[simp]: " ⟦P ≤ P'; S ≤ S'⟧ ⟹ (P □ S) ≤ (P' □ S')"
by (metis Det_commute dual_order.trans mono_Det_FD_onside)
lemma mono_Det_ref: " ⟦P ⊑ P'; S ⊑ S'⟧ ⟹ (P □ S) ⊑ (P' □ S')"
using below_trans mono_Det mono_Det_sym by blast
lemma Det_BOT : "(P □ ⊥) = ⊥"
and BOT_Det: "(⊥ □ P) = ⊥"
by (auto simp add:Process_eq_spec D_Det F_Det is_processT2 D_imp_front_tickFree F_UU D_UU)
lemma Det_STOP: "(P □ STOP) = P"
by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec D_Det F_Det D_STOP F_STOP T_STOP
Un_def Sigma_def is_processT8 is_processT6_S2)
lemma Det_id: "(P □ P) = P"
by (auto simp: Process_eq_spec D_Det F_Det Un_def Sigma_def is_processT8 is_processT6_S2)
lemma Det_assoc: "((M □ P) □ Q) = (M □ (P □ Q))"
by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec D_Det F_Det Un_def Sigma_def T_Det)
section‹ NonDeterministic Choice Operator Laws ›
lemma mono_Ndet_FD[simp]: " ⟦P ≤ P'; S ≤ S'⟧ ⟹ (P ⊓ S) ≤ (P' ⊓ S')"
by (auto simp: le_ref_def F_Ndet D_Ndet)
lemma mono_Ndet_FD_left[simp]: "P ≤ Q ⟹ (P ⊓ S) ≤ Q"
by (metis D_Ndet F_Ndet dual_order.trans le_ref_def le_sup_iff order_refl)
lemma mono_Ndet_FD_right[simp]: "P ≤ Q ⟹ (S ⊓ P) ≤ Q"
by (metis D_Ndet F_Ndet dual_order.trans le_ref_def le_sup_iff order_refl)
lemma mono_Ndet_ref: " ⟦P ⊑ P'; S ⊑ S'⟧ ⟹ (P ⊓ S) ⊑ (P' ⊓ S')"
using below_trans mono_Ndet mono_Ndet_sym by blast
lemma Ndet_BOT: "(P ⊓ ⊥) = ⊥"
and BOT_Ndet: "(⊥ ⊓ P) = ⊥"
by (auto simp: Process_eq_spec D_Ndet F_Ndet is_processT2 D_imp_front_tickFree F_UU D_UU)
lemma Ndet_id: "(P ⊓ P) = P"
by (simp_all add: F_Ndet D_Ndet Process_eq_spec)
lemma Ndet_assoc: "((M ⊓ P) ⊓ Q) = (M ⊓ (P ⊓ Q))"
by (simp_all add: F_Ndet D_Ndet Process_eq_spec Un_assoc)
subsection‹ Multi-Operators laws ›
lemma Det_distrib: "(M □ (P ⊓ Q)) = ((M □ P) ⊓ (M □ Q))"
by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Det D_Det F_Ndet D_Ndet Un_def T_Ndet)
lemma Ndet_distrib: "(M ⊓ (P □ Q)) = ((M ⊓ P) □ (M ⊓ Q))"
by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Det D_Det F_Ndet
D_Ndet Un_def T_Ndet is_processT8 is_processT6_S2)
lemma Ndet_FD_Det: "(P ⊓ Q) ≤ (P □ Q)"
apply(auto simp add:le_ref_def D_Ndet D_Det F_Ndet F_Det T_Ndet T_Det Ra_def min_elems_def)
using is_processT6_S2 NF_ND by blast+
section‹ Sequence Operator Laws ›
definition F_minus_D_Seq where
"F_minus_D_Seq P Q ≡ {(t, X). (t, X ∪ {tick}) ∈ ℱ P ∧ tickFree t} ∪
{(t, X). ∃t1 t2. t = t1 @ t2 ∧ t1 @ [tick] ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ (t2, X) ∈ ℱ Q}"
lemma F_minus_D_Seq_opt: "(a,b) ∈ ℱ(P ❙; Q) = (a ∈ 𝒟(P ❙; Q) ∨ (a,b) ∈ F_minus_D_Seq P Q)"
using NF_ND by (auto simp add: F_Seq D_Seq F_minus_D_Seq_def) blast+
lemma Process_eq_spec_optimized_Seq :
"((P ❙; Q) = (U ❙; S)) = (𝒟 (P ❙; Q) = 𝒟 (U ❙; S) ∧
F_minus_D_Seq P Q ⊆ ℱ (U ❙; S) ∧
F_minus_D_Seq U S ⊆ ℱ (P ❙; Q))"
unfolding Process_eq_spec_optimized[of "(P ❙; Q)" "(U ❙; S)"]
by (auto simp:F_minus_D_Seq_opt)
lemma mono_Seq_FD[simp]: " ⟦P ≤ P'; S ≤ S'⟧ ⟹ (P ❙; S) ≤ (P' ❙; S')"
apply (auto simp: le_ref_def F_Seq D_Seq)
by (metis F_subset_imp_T_subset subsetCE)+
lemma mono_Seq_ref: " ⟦P ⊑ P'; S ⊑ S'⟧ ⟹ (P ❙; S) ⊑ (P' ❙; S')"
using below_trans mono_Seq mono_Seq_sym by blast
lemma BOT_Seq: "(⊥ ❙; P) = ⊥"
by (simp add: BOT_iff_D D_Seq D_UU)
lemma Seq_SKIP: "(P ❙; SKIP) = P"
apply (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec F_Seq F_SKIP D_Seq D_SKIP T_F_spec is_processT6_S1)
apply (use is_processT4 in blast)
apply (meson append_single_T_imp_tickFree is_processT5_S7 non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append)
apply (meson is_processT8)
apply (use T_F_spec insert_absorb is_processT5_S2 in fastforce)
by (metis F_T is_processT nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree)
lemma SKIP_Seq: "(SKIP ❙; P) = P"
by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec D_Seq T_SKIP F_Seq F_SKIP D_SKIP is_processT8_Pair)
lemma STOP_Seq: "(STOP ❙; P) = STOP"
by (simp add: STOP_iff_T T_Seq T_STOP F_STOP D_STOP Collect_conv_if)
subsection‹ Multi-Operators laws ›
lemma Seq_Ndet_distrR: "((P ⊓ Q) ❙; S) = ((P ❙; S) ⊓ (Q ❙; S))"
by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec D_Seq D_Ndet T_Ndet Un_def F_Seq T_Seq F_Ndet)
lemma Seq_Ndet_distrL: "(P ❙; (Q ⊓ S)) = ((P ❙; Q) ⊓ (P ❙; S))"
by (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec D_Seq D_Ndet T_Ndet Un_def F_Seq F_Ndet)
lemma Seq_assoc_D: "𝒟 (P ❙; (Q ❙; S)) = 𝒟 ((P ❙; Q) ❙; S)"
proof(safe, goal_cases)
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (P ❙; (Q ❙; S)) ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 (P ❙; Q ❙; S)› for s
by (simp add: D_Seq T_Seq) (metis append.assoc)
fix s
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (P ❙; Q ❙; S)›
thus ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (P ❙; (Q ❙; S))›
proof(auto simp add:D_Seq T_Seq, goal_cases)
case (1 t1 t2 t1a t2a)
from "1"(1)[rule_format, OF "1"(5)] show ?case
apply (cases ‹tickFree t2a›)
apply (metis "1"(4) "1"(5) append_single_T_imp_tickFree non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append)
by (metis "1"(3) "1"(4) "1"(6) T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp append.assoc butlast_snoc)
case (2 t1 t2)
then show ?case
by (meson D_imp_front_tickFree front_tickFree_implies_tickFree is_processT7 is_processT9_S_swap)
lemma Seq_assoc: "(P ❙; (Q ❙; S)) = ((P ❙; Q) ❙; S)"
proof (auto simp: Process_eq_spec_optimized_Seq Seq_assoc_D, goal_cases)
case (1 a b)
then show ?case
proof(auto simp add:F_minus_D_Seq_def Seq_assoc_D F_minus_D_Seq_opt append_single_T_imp_tickFree
goal_cases 11 12)
case (11 t1 t2)
then show ?case by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) D_Seq Seq_assoc_D UnCI mem_Collect_eq)
case (12 t1 t1a t2a)
hence "(t1 @ t1a) @ [tick] ∈ 𝒯 (P ❙; Q)" by (auto simp:T_Seq)
then show ?case
using 12(2)[rule_format, of "t1@t1a" t2a] 12(4,5,6) by simp
case (2 a b)
then show ?case
proof(auto simp add:F_minus_D_Seq_def Seq_assoc_D F_minus_D_Seq_opt
append_single_T_imp_tickFree T_Seq del:conjI,
goal_cases 21 22 23)
case 21
then show ?case
using D_Seq by force
case (22 t1 t2 t1a t2a)
then obtain t2b where "t2a = t2b@[tick]"
by (metis T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp append_single_T_imp_tickFree non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append)
with 22 show ?case using append.assoc butlast_snoc by auto
case (23 t1 t2)
hence "t1 ∈ 𝒟 (P ❙; (Q ❙; S))"
by (simp add: D_Seq) (meson is_processT9_S_swap)
with 23 Seq_assoc_D show ?case by (metis front_tickFree_implies_tickFree process_charn)
section‹ The Multi-Prefix Operator Laws ›
lemma mono_Mprefix_FD[simp]: "∀x ∈ A. P x ≤ P' x ⟹ Mprefix A P ≤ Mprefix A P'"
by (auto simp: le_ref_def F_Mprefix D_Mprefix) blast+
lemmas mono_Mprefix_ref = mono_Mprefix0
lemma Mprefix_STOP: "(Mprefix {} P) = STOP"
by (auto simp:Process_eq_spec F_Mprefix D_Mprefix D_STOP F_STOP)
subsection‹ Multi-Operators laws ›
lemma Mprefix_Un_distrib: "(Mprefix (A ∪ B) P) = ((Mprefix A P) □ (Mprefix B P))"
apply (unfold Process_eq_spec, rule conjI)
apply (auto, (elim disjE conjE | simp_all add: F_Det F_Mprefix Un_def image_def)+, auto)
by (auto simp add: D_Det D_Mprefix Un_def)
lemma Mprefix_Seq: "((Mprefix A P) ❙; Q) = (Mprefix A (λx. (P x) ❙; Q))"
proof (unfold Process_eq_spec, rule conjI, rule subset_antisym, goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case
apply(unfold split_def F_Seq D_Seq F_Mprefix T_Mprefix D_Mprefix)
apply(rule subsetI, simp_all, elim disjE conjE exE)
apply(rule disjI1, simp, meson tickFree_tl)
apply (rule disjI2, rule conjI, simp) apply auto[1]
apply (auto simp add:hd_append)[1]
using tickFree_tl by fastforce
case 2
then show ?case
apply(unfold split_def F_Seq D_Seq F_Mprefix T_Mprefix D_Mprefix)
apply(rule subsetI, simp_all, elim disjE conjE exE)
apply(rule disjI1, simp, blast)
apply(rule disjI1, metis event.simps(3) list.exhaust_sel tickFree_Cons)
case (1 x a t1 t2)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="(ev a)#t1" in exI)
using hd_Cons_tl image_iff by fastforce
case (2 x a)
then show ?case
by (metis prod.collapse)
case 3
then show ?case
apply (auto simp add: D_Mprefix D_Seq T_Mprefix)
apply (metis event.distinct(1) hd_append image_iff list.sel(1))
apply (metis event.distinct(1) hd_append list.sel(1) tl_append2)
by (metis Cons_eq_appendI hd_Cons_tl list.sel(1) list.sel(3))
subsection‹ Derivative Operators laws ›
lemma Mprefix_singl: "(Mprefix {a} P) = (a → (P a))"
by (simp add:write0_def Mprefix_def, rule arg_cong[of _ _ "λx. Abs_process x"]) fastforce
lemma mono_read_FD: "(⋀x. P x ≤ Q x) ⟹ (c❙?x → (P x)) ≤ (c❙?x → (Q x))"
by (simp add: read_def)
lemma mono_write_FD: "(P ≤ Q) ⟹ (c❙!x → P) ≤ (c❙!x → Q)"
by (simp add: write_def)
lemma mono_write0_FD: "P ≤ Q ⟹ (a → P) ≤ (a → Q)"
by (simp add: write0_def)
lemma mono_read_ref: "(⋀x. P x ⊑ Q x) ⟹ (c❙?x → (P x)) ⊑ (c❙?x → (Q x))"
by (simp add: mono_Mprefix0 read_def)
lemma mono_write_ref: "(P ⊑ Q) ⟹ (c❙!x → P) ⊑ (c❙!x → Q)"
by (simp add: mono_Mprefix0 write_def)
lemma mono_write0_ref: "P ⊑ Q ⟹ (a → P) ⊑ (a → Q)"
by (simp add: mono_Mprefix0 write0_def)
lemma write0_Ndet: "(a → (P ⊓ Q)) = ((a → P) ⊓ (a → Q))"
by (auto simp: Process_eq_spec write0_def D_Ndet F_Ndet F_Mprefix D_Mprefix Un_def)
lemma write0_Det_Ndet: "((a → P) □ (a → Q)) = ((a → P) ⊓ (a → Q))"
by (auto simp: Process_eq_spec write0_def D_Ndet F_Ndet F_Det D_Det) (simp add: F_Mprefix)+
lemma Mprefix_Det: ‹(□e∈A → P e) □ (□e∈A → Q e) = □e∈A → (P e ⊓ Q e)›
by (auto simp: Process_eq_spec F_Det D_Det) (auto simp: D_Ndet F_Ndet F_Mprefix D_Mprefix)
section‹ The Hiding Operator Laws ›
subsection‹ Preliminaries ›
lemma elemDIselemHD: ‹t ∈ 𝒟 P ⟹ trace_hide t (ev ` A) ∈ 𝒟 (P \ A)›
proof (cases "tickFree t")
case True
assume "t ∈ 𝒟 P"
with True show ?thesis by (simp add:D_Hiding, rule_tac x=t in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, simp)
case False
assume a:"t ∈ 𝒟 P"
with False obtain t' where "t = t'@[tick]" using D_imp_front_tickFree nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree by blast
with a show ?thesis apply (auto simp add:D_Hiding, rule_tac x=t' in exI, rule_tac x="[tick]" in exI)
by (meson front_tickFree_implies_tickFree front_tickFree_single is_processT)
lemma length_strict_mono: "strict_mono (f::nat ⇒ 'a list) ⟹ length (f i) ≥ i + length (f 0)"
apply(induct i, simp)
by (metis dual_order.trans lessI less_length_mono not_less not_less_eq_eq plus_nat.simps(2) strict_mono_def)
lemma mono_trace_hide: "a ≤ b ⟹ trace_hide a (ev ` A) ≤ trace_hide b (ev ` A)"
by (metis filter_append le_list_def)
lemma mono_constant:
assumes "mono (f::nat ⇒ 'a event list)" and "∀i. f i ≤ a"
shows "∃i. ∀j≥i. f j = f i"
proof -
from assms(2) have "∀i. length (f i) ≤ length a"
by (simp add: le_length_mono)
hence aa:"finite {length (f i)|i. True}"
using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by auto
define lm where l2:"lm = Max {length (f i)|i. True}"
with aa obtain im where "length (f im) = lm" using Max_in by fastforce
with l2 assms(1) show ?thesis
apply(rule_tac x=im in exI, intro impI allI)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Max_ge aa antisym le_length_mono le_neq_trans less_length_mono
mem_Collect_eq mono_def order_less_irrefl)
lemma elemTIselemHT: ‹t ∈ 𝒯 P ⟹ trace_hide t (ev ` A) ∈ 𝒯 (P \ A)›
proof (cases "tickFree t")
case True
assume a:"t ∈ 𝒯 P"
with True show ?thesis
proof (cases "(∃ta. trace_hide t (ev ` A) = trace_hide ta (ev ` A) ∧ (ta, ev ` A) ∈ ℱ P)")
case True
thus ?thesis by (simp add:T_Hiding)
case False
with a False inf_hidden[of A t P] obtain f where "isInfHiddenRun f P A ∧ t ∈ range f" by auto
with True show ?thesis
by (simp add:T_Hiding, rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac x=t in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, auto)
case False
assume a:"t ∈ 𝒯 P"
with False obtain t' where tt:"t = t'@[tick]" using T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp by auto
with a show ?thesis
proof (cases "(∃ta. trace_hide t (ev ` A) = trace_hide ta (ev ` A) ∧ (ta, ev ` A) ∈ ℱ P)")
case True
thus ?thesis by (simp add:T_Hiding)
case False
assume "t ∈ 𝒯 P"
with False inf_hidden[of A t P] obtain f where "isInfHiddenRun f P A ∧ t ∈ range f" by auto
then show ?thesis
apply (simp add:T_Hiding, rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac x=t' in exI, rule_tac x="[tick]" in exI, auto)
apply (metis append_T_imp_tickFree list.distinct(1) tt)
using tt apply force
by (metis False append_T_imp_tickFree is_processT5_S7 non_tickFree_tick not_Cons_self2 tickFree_append tt)
lemma Hiding_Un_D1: ‹𝒟 (P \ (A ∪ B)) ⊆ 𝒟 ((P \ A) \ B)›
proof (simp add:conj_commute D_Hiding, intro conjI subset_antisym subsetI, simp_all, goal_cases)
case (1 x)
then obtain t u where B1:"x = trace_hide t (ev ` (A ∪ B)) @ u"
and B2:"tickFree t" and B3:"front_tickFree u"
and B4:"(t ∈ 𝒟 P ∨ (∃(f:: nat ⇒ 'a event list). isInfHiddenRun f P (A ∪ B)
∧ t ∈ range f))" by auto
thus ?case
apply(erule_tac disjE)
apply(rule_tac x="trace_hide t (ev ` A)" in exI, rule_tac x=u in exI)
apply(simp add:Hiding_tickFree tickFree_def)
apply(rule disjI1, rule_tac x=t in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, simp)
case 1
then obtain f n where fc:"isInfHiddenRun f P (A ∪ B) ∧ t = f n" by auto
define ff where "ff = (λi. take (i + length (f 0)) (f i))"
with fc have ffc:"isInfHiddenRun ff P (A ∪ B) ∧ t ∈ range ff"
proof (auto, goal_cases)
case 1
{ fix x
from length_strict_mono[of f "Suc x ", OF 1(2)]
have a:"take (x + length (f 0)) (f (Suc x)) < take ((Suc x) + length (f 0)) (f (Suc x))"
by (simp add: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
from 1(2)[THEN strict_monoD, of x "Suc x", simplified]
obtain t where "f (Suc x) = (f x @ t)" by (metis le_list_def less_imp_le)
with length_strict_mono[of f x, OF 1(2)]
have "take (x + length (f 0)) (f x) = take (x + length (f 0)) (f (Suc x))" by simp
with a have "take (x + length (f 0)) (f x) < take (Suc x + length (f 0)) (f (Suc x))" by simp
thus ?case by (meson lift_Suc_mono_less strict_mono_def)
case (2 i)
have "take (i + length (f 0)) (f i) ≤ f i"
using append_take_drop_id le_list_def by blast
also have "∀x y. x ≤ y ∧ y ∈ 𝒯 P ⟶ x ∈ 𝒯 P" using is_processT3_ST_pref by blast
ultimately show ?case using "2"(3) by blast
case (3 i)
hence "(f i) ≥ (f 0)" using strict_mono_less_eq by blast
hence "take (i + length (f 0)) (f i) ≥ (f 0)"
by (metis add.commute append_eq_conv_conj le_list_def take_add)
hence a:" [x←take (i + length (f 0)) (f i) . x ∉ ev ` A ∧ x ∉ ev ` B]
≥ [x←f 0 . x ∉ ev ` A ∧ x ∉ ev ` B]"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) filter_append le_list_def)
have "take (i + length (f 0)) (f i) ≤ f i"
using append_take_drop_id le_list_def by blast
hence " [x←take (i + length (f 0)) (f i) . x ∉ ev ` A ∧ x ∉ ev ` B]
≤ [x←f i . x ∉ ev ` A ∧ x ∉ ev ` B]"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) filter_append le_list_def)
with a 3(4) show ?case by (metis (no_types, lifting) dual_order.antisym)
case 4
have "f (length (f n) - length (f 0)) ≥ f n"
by (simp add: "4"(2) add_le_imp_le_diff length_strict_mono strict_mono_less_eq)
hence "f n = (λi. take (i + length (f 0)) (f i)) (length (f n) - length (f 0))"
by (metis "4"(2) add.commute append_eq_conv_conj diff_is_0_eq'
le_add_diff_inverse le_list_def le_zero_eq nat_le_linear strict_mono_less_eq)
then show ?case by blast
thus ?case proof(cases "∃m. (∀i>m. last (ff i) ∈ (ev ` A))")
case True
then obtain m where mc:"∀i>m. last (ff i) ∈ (ev ` A)" by blast
hence mc2:"tickFree (ff m)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) B2 event.distinct(1) ffc
image_iff mem_Collect_eq set_filter tickFree_def)
with mc mc2 1 ffc show ?thesis
apply(rule_tac x="trace_hide (ff m) (ev ` A)" in exI, rule_tac x=u in exI, simp, intro conjI)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq set_filter tickFree_def)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) rangeE)
apply(rule disjI1, rule_tac x="ff m" in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply(rule disjI2, rule_tac x="λi. ff(i + m)" in exI, intro conjI)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) add.commute add.right_neutral rangeI)
apply (simp add: strict_mono_def)
apply blast
proof(rule allI, goal_cases)
case (1 i)
from ffc ff_def True have "∃t. (ff (i + m)) = (ff m) @ t ∧ set t ⊆ (ev ` A)"
proof(induct i)
case 0
then show ?case by fastforce
case (Suc i)
then obtain tt where tc:"(ff (i + m)) = (ff m) @ tt ∧ set tt ⊆ (ev ` A)" by blast
from ffc ff_def length_strict_mono[of ff] have lc:"length (ff (Suc i + m))
= Suc (length (ff (i + m)))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_Suc fc length_strict_mono length_take min.absorb2)
from True obtain l where lc2:"l = last (ff (Suc i + m)) ∧ l ∈ (ev ` A)"
by (meson less_add_same_cancel2 mc zero_less_Suc)
from ffc obtain r where rc:"ff (Suc i + m) = ff (i + m)@r"
by (metis add.commute add_Suc_right le_list_def lessI less_imp_le strict_mono_less_eq)
with lc have "length r = 1" by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 add_left_cancel length_append)
with rc lc2 have "r = [l]"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Nil_is_append_conv Suc_eq_plus1 append_butlast_last_id
append_eq_append_conv append_eq_append_conv2 length_Cons length_append)
with Suc lc2 tc rc show ?case by (rule_tac x="tt@[l]" in exI, auto)
then show ?case using filter_empty_conv by fastforce
case False
{ fix i
assume as:"(i::nat) > 0"
with ffc obtain tt where ttc:"ff i = ff 0 @ tt ∧ set tt ⊆ ev ` (A ∪ B)"
unfolding isInfHiddenRun_1 by blast
with ffc as have "tt ≠ []" using strict_mono_eq by fastforce
with ttc have "last (ff i) ∈ ev ` (A ∪ B)" by auto
hence as2:"∀i. ∃j>i. last(ff j) ∈ ((ev ` B) - (ev ` A))"
by (metis DiffI False UnE gr_implies_not_zero gr_zeroI image_Un)
define ffb where "ffb = rec_nat t (λi t. (let j = SOME j. ff j > t ∧
last(ff j) ∈ ((ev ` B) - (ev ` A)) in ff j))"
with as2 have ffbff:"⋀n. ffb n ∈ range ff"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ffc old.nat.exhaust old.nat.simps(6) old.nat.simps(7) rangeI)
from 1 ffb_def show ?thesis
apply(rule_tac x="trace_hide t (ev ` A)" in exI, rule_tac x=u in exI, simp, intro conjI)
apply (meson filter_is_subset set_rev_mp tickFree_def)
proof(rule disjI2, rule_tac x="λi. trace_hide (ffb i) (ev ` A)" in exI, intro conjI, goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case by (metis (no_types, lifting) old.nat.simps(6) rangeI)
case 2
{ fix n
have a0:"(ffb (Suc n)) = ff (SOME j. ff j > ffb n ∧ last(ff j) ∈ ((ev ` B) - (ev ` A)))"
by (simp add: ffb_def)
from ffbff obtain i where a1:"ffb n = ff i" by blast
with as2 have "∃j. ff j > ffb n ∧ last(ff j) ∈ ((ev ` B) - (ev ` A))"
by (metis ffc strict_mono_def)
with a0 a1 have a:"(ffb (Suc n)) > (ffb n) ∧ last (ffb (Suc n)) ∉ (ev ` A)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_iff tfl_some)
then obtain r where "ffb (Suc n) = (ffb n)@r ∧ last r ∉ (ev ` A)"
by (metis append_self_conv last_append le_list_def less_list_def)
hence "trace_hide (ffb (Suc n)) (ev ` A) > trace_hide (ffb n) (ev ` A)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) a append_self_conv filter_append filter_empty_conv
last_in_set le_list_def less_list_def)
then show ?case by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) lift_Suc_mono_less_iff strict_monoI)
case 3
then show ?case by (metis (mono_tags) elemTIselemHT ffbff ffc rangeE)
case 4
from ffbff ffc show ?case by (metis rangeE trace_hide_union)
lemma Hiding_Un_D2: ‹finite A ⟹ 𝒟 ((P \ A) \ B) ⊆ 𝒟 (P \ (A ∪ B))›
proof (simp add:conj_commute D_Hiding, intro conjI subset_antisym subsetI, simp_all, goal_cases)
case (1 x)
then obtain t u where B1:"x = trace_hide t (ev ` B) @ u"
and B2:"tickFree t"
and B3:"front_tickFree u"
and B4:‹(t ∈ 𝒟 (P \ A) ∨
(∃(f:: nat ⇒ 'a event list). isInfHiddenRun f (P \ A) B ∧ t ∈ range f))›
by (simp add:D_Hiding) blast
thus ?case
proof(erule_tac disjE, auto simp add:D_Hiding, goal_cases)
case (1 ta ua)
then show ?case
by (rule_tac x=ta in exI, rule_tac x = "trace_hide ua (ev ` B) @ u" in exI,
auto simp add: front_tickFree_append tickFree_def)
case (2 ua f xa)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="f xa" in exI, rule_tac x="trace_hide ua (ev ` B) @ u" in exI,
intro conjI disjI2)
apply(auto simp add: front_tickFree_append tickFree_def)
by (rule_tac x="f" in exI) (metis (no_types) filter_filter rangeI)
case (3 f xx)
note "3a" = 3
then show ?case
proof(cases ‹∃i. f i ∈ 𝒟 (P \ A)›)
case True
with 3 show ?thesis
proof(auto simp add:D_Hiding, goal_cases)
case (1 i ta ua)
then show ?case
apply (rule_tac x=ta in exI, rule_tac x="trace_hide ua (ev ` B) @ u" in exI, intro conjI)
apply (metis (full_types) front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree tickFree_append)
apply(subgoal_tac "trace_hide (f xx) (ev ` B) = trace_hide (f i) (ev ` B)", auto)
apply (metis (full_types) filter_append filter_filter)
by (metis (full_types) filter_append filter_filter)
case (2 i ua fa xa)
hence "trace_hide (f xx) (ev ` B) = trace_hide (f i) (ev ` B)" by metis
with 2 show ?case
apply (rule_tac x="fa xa" in exI, rule_tac x="trace_hide ua (ev ` B) @ u" in exI, intro conjI)
apply (metis (full_types) front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree tickFree_append)
apply (simp_all)
apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac x=fa in exI, auto)
by (metis (no_types) filter_filter)
case False
with 3 have Falsebis:‹∀i. (f i ∈ 𝒯 (P \ A) ∧ f i ∉ 𝒟 (P \ A))› by blast
with T_Hiding[of P A] D_Hiding[of P A]
have "∀i. (f i ∈ {trace_hide t (ev ` A) |t. (t, ev ` A) ∈ ℱ P})"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) UnE)
hence ff0:"∀i. (∃t. f i = trace_hide t (ev ` A) ∧ t ∈ 𝒯 P)" using F_T by fastforce
define ff where ff1:"ff = (λi. SOME t. f i = trace_hide t (ev ` A) ∧ t ∈ 𝒯 P)"
hence "inj ff" unfolding inj_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "3"(4) ff0 strict_mono_eq tfl_some)
hence ff2:"infinite (range ff)" using finite_imageD by blast
{ fix tt i
assume "tt ∈ range ff"
then obtain k where "ff k = tt" using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by blast
hence kk0:"f k = trace_hide tt (ev ` A) ∧ tt ∈ 𝒯 P" using ff1
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ff0 someI_ex)
hence "set (take i tt) ⊆ set (f i) ∪ (ev ` A)"
proof(cases "k ≤ i")
case True
hence "set (f k) ⊆ set (f i)"
by (metis "3"(4) le_list_def set_append strict_mono_less_eq sup.cobounded1)
moreover from kk0 have "set (take i tt) ⊆ set (f k) ∪ (ev ` A)" using in_set_takeD by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
case False
have a:"length (f i) ≥ i" by (meson "3"(4) dual_order.trans le_add1 length_strict_mono)
have b:"f i ≤ f k" using "3"(4) False nat_le_linear strict_mono_less_eq by blast
with a have c:"take i (f k) ≤ (f i)"
by (metis append_eq_conv_conj le_add_diff_inverse le_list_def take_add)
from kk0[THEN conjunct1] have c1:"f k = (trace_hide (take i tt) (ev ` A)) @
(trace_hide (drop i tt) (ev ` A))"
by (metis append_take_drop_id filter_append)
have "length (trace_hide (take i tt) (ev ` A)) ≤ i"
by (metis length_filter_le length_take min.absorb2 nat_le_linear order.trans take_all)
with c1 have "take i (f k) ≥ (trace_hide (take i tt) (ev ` A))" by (simp add: le_list_def)
with c obtain t where d:"f i = (trace_hide (take i tt) (ev ` A))@t"
by (metis append.assoc le_list_def)
then show ?thesis using in_set_takeD by fastforce
} note ee=this
{ fix i
have "finite {(take i t)|t. t ∈ range ff}"
proof(induct i, simp)
case (Suc i)
have ff:"{take (Suc i) t|t. t ∈ range ff} ⊆ {(take i t)|t. t ∈ range ff} ∪
(⋃e∈(set (f (Suc i)) ∪ (ev ` A)). {(take i t)@[e]|t. t ∈ range ff})" (is "?AA ⊆ ?BB")
fix t
assume "t ∈ ?AA"
then obtain t' where hh:"t' ∈ range ff ∧ t = take (Suc i) t'"
using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le by blast
with ee[of t'] show "t ∈ ?BB"
proof(cases "length t' > i")
case True
hence ii:"take (Suc i) t' = take i t' @ [t'!i]" by (simp add: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
with ee[of t' "Suc i"] have "t'!i ∈ set (f (Suc i)) ∪ (ev ` A)" by (simp add: hh)
with ii hh show ?thesis by blast
case False
hence "take (Suc i) t' = take i t'" by fastforce
with hh show ?thesis by auto
{ fix e
have "{x @ [e] |x. ∃t. x = take i t ∧ t ∈ range ff} = {take i t' @ [e] |t'. t' ∈ range ff}"
by auto
hence "finite({(take i t') @ [e] |t'. t'∈range ff})"
using finite_image_set[of _ "λt. t@[e]", OF Suc] by auto
} note gg=this
have "finite(set (f (Suc i)) ∪ (ev ` A))" using 1(1) by simp
with ff gg Suc show ?case by (metis (no_types, lifting) finite_UN finite_Un finite_subset)
} note ff=this
hence "∀i. {take i t |t. t ∈ range ff} = {t. ∃t'. t = take i (ff t')}" by auto
with KoenigLemma[of "range ff"] ff ff2
obtain f' where gg:"strict_mono (f':: nat ⇒ 'a event list) ∧
range f' ⊆ {t. ∃t'∈range ff. t ≤ t'}" by auto
{ fix i
from gg obtain n where aa:"f' i ≤ ff n" by blast
have "∃t. f n = f 0 @ t" by (metis "3a"(4) le0 le_list_def strict_mono_less_eq)
with mono_trace_hide[OF aa, of A] ff0 ff1 have "∃t. trace_hide (f' i) (ev ` A) ≤ f 0 @ t"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI_ex)
} note zz=this
define ff' where "ff' = (λi. trace_hide (f' i) (ev ` A))"
with gg have "mono ff'"
by (rule_tac monoI, simp add: mono_trace_hide strict_mono_less_eq)
assume aa:"∀i. trace_hide (f' i) (ev ` A) ≤ f 0"
with aa mono_constant have "∃i. ∀j≥i. ff' j = ff' i" using ‹mono ff'› ff'_def by blast
then obtain m where bb:"∀j≥m. ff' j = ff' m" by blast
have ‹ff' m ∈ 𝒟 (P \ A)›
proof(simp add:D_Hiding, rule_tac x="f' m" in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI,
intro conjI, simp, goal_cases)
case 1
from gg have "f' m < f' (Suc m)" by (meson lessI strict_monoD)
moreover from gg obtain k where "f' (Suc m) ≤ ff k" by blast
moreover have "ff k ∈ 𝒯 P" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ff0 ff1 someI_ex)
ultimately show ?case
by (metis NF_NT append_Nil2 front_tickFree_mono is_processT le_list_def less_list_def)
case 2
then show ?case unfolding ff'_def by simp
case 3
then show ?case
proof(rule disjI2, rule_tac x="λi. f' (m + i)" in exI, simp_all, intro conjI allI, goal_cases)
case 1
show ?case using gg[THEN conjunct1]
by (rule_tac strict_monoI, simp add: strict_monoD)
case (2 i)
from gg obtain k where "f' (m + i) ≤ ff k" by blast
moreover from ff0 ff1 have "ff k ∈ 𝒯 P" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI_ex)
ultimately have "f' (m + i) ∈ 𝒯 P" using is_processT3_ST_pref by blast
then show ?case by (simp add: add.commute)
case (3 i)
then show ?case using bb[THEN spec, of "m+i", simplified] unfolding ff'_def by assumption
case 4
then show ?case by (metis Nat.add_0_right rangeI)
with gg False have "False"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Falsebis aa append_Nil2 ff'_def front_tickFree_mono
is_processT is_processT2_TR le_list_def)
with zz obtain m where hh:"trace_hide (f' m) (ev ` A) ≥ f 0"
unfolding le_list_def by (metis append_eq_append_conv2)
from ff0 ff1 gg show ?thesis
proof(auto simp add:T_Hiding, rule_tac x="f' m" in exI, rule_tac x=u in exI,
intro conjI, simp_all add:3(3), goal_cases)
case 1
hence "f' m < f' (Suc m)" by (meson lessI strict_monoD)
moreover from gg obtain k where "f' (Suc m) ≤ ff k" by blast
moreover have "ff k ∈ 𝒯 P" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ff0 ff1 someI_ex)
ultimately show ?case
by (metis NF_NT append_Nil2 front_tickFree_mono is_processT le_list_def less_list_def)
case 2
from gg obtain k where "f' m ≤ ff k" by blast
with ff0 ff1 mono_trace_hide[of "f' m"] have "trace_hide (f' m) (ev ` A) ≤ f k"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI_ex)
with mono_trace_hide[OF this, of B] mono_trace_hide[OF hh, of B] 3(6)[THEN spec, of k] 3(6)
show ?case by (metis (full_types) dual_order.antisym filter_filter)
case 3 show ?case
proof(rule disjI2, rule_tac x="λi. f' (m + i)" in exI, simp_all, intro conjI allI, goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case by (metis Nat.add_0_right rangeI)
case 2 with 3(4) show ?case
by (rule_tac strict_monoI, simp add: strict_monoD)
case (3 i)
from gg obtain k where "f' (m + i) ≤ ff k" by blast
moreover from ff0 ff1 have "ff k ∈ 𝒯 P" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI_ex)
ultimately have "f' (m + i) ∈ 𝒯 P" using is_processT3_ST_pref by blast
then show ?case by (simp add: add.commute)
case (4 i)
from gg obtain k where "f' (m + i) ≤ ff k" by blast
with ff0 ff1 mono_trace_hide[of "f' (m + i)"] have ll:"trace_hide (f' (m + i)) (ev ` A) ≤ f k"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI_ex)
{ fix a b c assume "(a::'a event list) ≤ b" and "b ≤ c" and "c ≤ a" hence "b = c" by auto}
note jj=this
from jj[OF mono_trace_hide[OF hh, of B],
OF mono_trace_hide[THEN mono_trace_hide, of "f' m" "f' (m + i)" B A,
OF gg[THEN conjunct1, THEN strict_mono_mono,
THEN monoD, of "m" "m+i", simplified]]]
mono_trace_hide[OF ll, of B]
show ?case unfolding "3a"(6) [THEN spec, of k] by simp
lemma Hiding_Un_D: ‹finite A ⟹ 𝒟 ((P \ A) \ B) = 𝒟 (P \ (A ∪ B))›
using Hiding_Un_D1 Hiding_Un_D2 by blast
subsection‹ Laws ›
lemma mono_Hiding_FD[simp]: ‹P ≤ Q ⟹ P \ A ≤ Q \ A›
apply (auto simp: le_ref_def F_Hiding D_Hiding)
using F_subset_imp_T_subset by blast+
lemmas mono_Hiding_ref = mono_Hiding
lemma Hiding_Un: ‹finite A ⟹ P \ (A ∪ B) = (P \ A) \ B›
proof (simp add:Process_eq_spec, intro conjI, unfold F_Hiding, goal_cases)
case 1
thus ?case (is "{(s, X). ?A s X} ∪ {(s, X). ?B s} =
{(s, X). (∃t. (?C1 s t ∧ (t, X ∪ ev ` B) ∈ ?C2 ∪ ?C3))} ∪ {(s, X). ?D s}")
proof(unfold F_Hiding set_eq_subset Un_subset_iff, intro conjI, goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case
by (auto, metis (no_types) filter_filter image_Un sup_commute sup_left_commute)
case 2
then show ?case
by (rule_tac Un_mono[of "{}", simplified], insert Hiding_Un_D[of A P B], simp add: D_Hiding)
case 3
have "{(s, X). (∃t. (?C1 s t ∧ (t, X ∪ ev ` B) ∈ ?C2))} ⊆ {(s, X). ?A s X}"
by (auto, metis (no_types) filter_filter image_Un sup_commute sup_left_commute)
moreover have "{(s, X). (∃t. (?C1 s t ∧ (t, X ∪ ev ` B) ∈ ?C3))} ⊆ {(s, X). ?B s}"
case (1 ta u)
then show ?case using Hiding_fronttickFree by blast
case (2 u f x)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="f x" in exI, rule_tac x="trace_hide u (ev ` B)" in exI, auto)
using Hiding_fronttickFree apply blast
apply(erule_tac x=f in allE) by (metis (no_types) filter_filter rangeI)
moreover have "{(s, X). (∃t. (?C1 s t ∧ (t, X ∪ ev ` B) ∈ ?C2 ∪ ?C3))} =
{(s, X). (∃t. (?C1 s t ∧ (t, X ∪ ev ` B) ∈ ?C2 ))} ∪
{(s, X). (∃t. (?C1 s t ∧ (t, X ∪ ev ` B) ∈ ?C3))}" by blast
ultimately show ?case by (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_mono)
case 4
then show ?case
by (rule_tac Un_mono[of "{}", simplified], insert Hiding_Un_D[of A P B], simp add:D_Hiding)
case 2
then show ?case by (simp add: Hiding_Un_D)
lemma Hiding_set_BOT: ‹(⊥ \ A) = ⊥›
apply(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec D_Hiding F_Hiding F_UU D_UU)
using Hiding_fronttickFree apply blast
using front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree apply blast
using front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree apply blast
apply (metis (full_types) append_Nil filter.simps(1) tickFree_Nil tickFree_implies_front_tickFree)
using front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree apply blast
using front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree apply blast
using tickFree_Nil by fastforce
lemma Hiding_set_STOP: ‹(STOP \ A) = STOP›
apply(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec D_Hiding F_Hiding F_STOP D_STOP T_STOP)
by (metis (full_types) lessI less_irrefl strict_mono_eq) +
lemma Hiding_set_SKIP: ‹(SKIP \ A) = SKIP›
apply(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec D_Hiding F_Hiding F_SKIP D_SKIP T_SKIP split:if_splits)
apply (metis filter.simps(1) non_tickFree_tick)
apply (metis (full_types) Hiding_tickFree n_not_Suc_n non_tickFree_tick strict_mono_eq)
apply (metis (full_types) Hiding_tickFree n_not_Suc_n non_tickFree_tick strict_mono_eq)
apply (metis event.distinct(1) filter.simps(1) imageE)
apply (metis event.distinct(1) filter.simps(1) filter.simps(2) imageE)
by (metis (full_types) Hiding_tickFree n_not_Suc_n non_tickFree_tick strict_mono_eq)
lemma Hiding_set_empty: ‹(P \ {}) = P›
apply(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec D_Hiding F_Hiding is_processT7 is_processT8_S strict_mono_eq)
by (metis append_Nil2 front_tickFree_implies_tickFree front_tickFree_single is_processT
subsection‹ Multi-Operators laws ›
lemma Hiding_Ndet: ‹(P ⊓ Q) \ A = ((P \ A) ⊓ (Q \ A))›
proof(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec D_Hiding F_Hiding,
simp_all add: F_Ndet T_Ndet D_Ndet D_Hiding F_Hiding, goal_cases)
case (1 b t)
then show ?case by blast
case (2 b t u)
then show ?case by blast
case (3 b u f x)
from 3(4) have A:"infinite ({i. f i ∈ 𝒯 P}) ∨ infinite ({i. f i ∈ 𝒯 Q})"
using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded by auto
hence "(∀i. f i ∈ 𝒯 P) ∨ (∀i. f i ∈ 𝒯 Q)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) 3(3) finite_nat_set_iff_bounded
is_processT3_ST_pref mem_Collect_eq not_less strict_mono_less_eq)
with A show ?case by (metis (no_types, lifting) 3(1,2,3,5) rangeI)
case (4 a b)
then show ?case by blast
case (5 t u)
then show ?case by blast
case (6 u f x)
from 6(4) have A:"infinite ({i. f i ∈ 𝒯 P}) ∨ infinite ({i. f i ∈ 𝒯 Q})"
using finite_nat_set_iff_bounded by auto
hence "(∀i. f i ∈ 𝒯 P) ∨ (∀i. f i ∈ 𝒯 Q)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) 6(3) finite_nat_set_iff_bounded
is_processT3_ST_pref mem_Collect_eq not_less strict_mono_less_eq)
with A show ?case by (metis (no_types, lifting) 6(1,2,3,5) rangeI)
case (7 x)
then show ?case by blast
lemma Hiding_Mprefix_distr:
‹(B ∩ A) = {} ⟹ ((Mprefix A P) \ B) = (Mprefix A (λx. ((P x) \ B)))›
proof (auto simp add: Process_eq_spec,
simp_all add: F_Mprefix T_Mprefix D_Mprefix D_Hiding F_Hiding,
case (1 x b) then show ?case
proof(elim exE disjE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 t)
then show ?case by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2)
case (2 t a)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
imageE list.sel(1) list.sel(3) list.collapse neq_Nil_conv)
case (3 t u a)
hence "hd t ∉ ev ` B" by force
with 3 have"x = hd t # trace_hide (tl t) (ev ` B) @ u"
by (metis append_Cons filter.simps(2) list.exhaust_sel)
with 3 show ?case by (metis list.distinct(1) list.sel(1) list.sel(3) tickFree_tl)
case (4 t u f)
then obtain k where kk:"t = f k" by blast
from 4 obtain a where "f 1 ≠ [] ∧ ev a = hd (f 1)" and aa:"a ∈ A"
by (metis less_numeral_extra(1) nil_le not_less strict_mono_less_eq)
with 4(1) 4(6)[THEN spec, of 0] 4(7)[THEN spec, of 1] have "f 0 ≠ [] ∧ hd (f 0) = ev a"
apply auto
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject
filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl imageE list.distinct(1))
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl imageE list.distinct(1))
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl imageE list.sel(1))
with 4(1, 7) aa have nf: "∀i. f i ≠ [] ∧ hd (f i) = ev a"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) "4"(5) append_Cons le_list_def le_simps(2) list.distinct(1)
list.exhaust_sel list.sel(1) neq0_conv old.nat.distinct(1) strict_mono_less_eq)
with 4(5) have sm:"strict_mono (tl ∘ f)" by (simp add: less_tail strict_mono_def)
with 4 aa kk nf show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2, intro conjI)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Nil_is_append_conv disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject
filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl imageE list.distinct(1))
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl hd_append2 image_iff list.distinct(1) list.sel(1))
apply(rule_tac x=a in exI, intro conjI disjI2)
apply (metis disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl hd_append2 image_iff list.distinct(1) list.sel(1))
apply(rule_tac x="tl t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis tickFree_tl)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl imageE list.distinct(1) list.sel(3) tl_append2)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI)
apply(rule_tac x="tl ∘ f" in exI, intro conjI)
apply auto
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl list.sel(3))
case (2 x b)
then show ?case proof(elim exE disjE conjE, goal_cases)
case 1 then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
by (simp add: disjoint_iff_not_equal inf_sup_distrib2)
case (2 a t) then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="(ev a)#t" in exI)
using list.collapse by fastforce
case (3 a t u)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac x="(ev a)#t" in exI, rule_tac x=u in exI)
using list.collapse by fastforce
case (4 a t u f)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2)
apply(rule_tac x="(ev a) # t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp)
apply auto[1]
using hd_Cons_tl apply fastforce
apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac x="λi. (ev a) # (f i)" in exI)
by (auto simp add: less_cons strict_mono_def)
case (3 x) then show ?case
proof(elim exE disjE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 t u a)
hence aa: "hd (trace_hide t (ev ` B)) = ev a ∧ trace_hide t (ev ` B) ≠ []"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl
imageE list.distinct(1) list.sel(1))
with 1 have "hd x = ev a ∧ x ≠ []" by simp
with 1 show ?case
apply(intro conjI, simp_all, rule_tac x=a in exI, simp)
apply(rule_tac x="tl t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
using tickFree_tl apply blast
using aa by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl imageE list.sel(3) tl_append2)
case (2 t u f)
then obtain k where kk:"t = f k" by blast
from 2 obtain a where "f 1 ≠ [] ∧ ev a = hd (f 1)" and aa:"a ∈ A"
by (metis less_numeral_extra(1) nil_le not_less strict_mono_less_eq)
with 2(1) 2(6)[THEN spec, of 0] 2(7)[THEN spec, of 1] have "f 0 ≠ [] ∧ hd (f 0) = ev a"
apply auto
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject
filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl imageE list.distinct(1))
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl imageE list.distinct(1))
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl imageE list.sel(1))
with 2(1, 7) aa have nf: "∀i. f i ≠ [] ∧ hd (f i) = ev a"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) 2(5) append_Cons le_list_def le_simps(2) list.distinct(1)
list.exhaust_sel list.sel(1) neq0_conv old.nat.distinct(1) strict_mono_less_eq)
with 2(5) have sm:"strict_mono (tl ∘ f)" by (simp add: less_tail strict_mono_def)
from 2(1,4) nf aa kk have x1:"x ≠ []"
by (metis Nil_is_append_conv disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl imageE list.distinct(1))
with 2(1,4) nf aa kk have x2: "hd (trace_hide t (ev ` B)) = ev a ∧ trace_hide t (ev ` B) ≠ []"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl
imageE list.distinct(1) list.sel(1))
with 2(1,4) nf aa kk x1 have x3:"hd x = ev a" by simp
with 2 aa kk nf sm x1 show ?case
apply(intro conjI, simp_all)
apply(rule_tac x="tl t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis tickFree_tl)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal event.inject filter.simps(2)
hd_Cons_tl imageE list.distinct(1) list.sel(3) tl_append2)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI)
apply(rule_tac x="tl ∘ f" in exI, intro conjI)
apply auto
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl list.sel(3))
by (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl list.sel(3))
case (4 x) then show ?case
proof(elim exE disjE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 a t u)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="(ev a)#t" in exI, rule_tac x=u in exI)
using list.collapse by fastforce
case (2 a t u f)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="(ev a) # t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply auto[1]
using hd_Cons_tl apply fastforce
apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac x="λi. (ev a) # (f i)" in exI)
by (auto simp add: less_cons strict_mono_def)
lemma no_Hiding_read: ‹(∀y. c y ∉ B) ⟹ ((c❙?x → (P x)) \ B) = (c❙?x → ((P x) \ B))›
by (simp add: read_def o_def, subst Hiding_Mprefix_distr, auto)
lemma no_Hiding_write0: ‹a ∉ B ⟹ ((a → P) \ B) = (a → (P \ B))›
by (simp add: Hiding_Mprefix_distr write0_def)
lemma Hiding_write0: ‹a ∈ B ⟹ ((a → P) \ B) = (P \ B)›
proof (auto simp add: write0_def Process_eq_spec,
simp_all add: F_Mprefix T_Mprefix D_Mprefix D_Hiding F_Hiding,
case (1 x b)
then show ?case
apply(elim exE disjE conjE)
apply (metis filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl image_eqI)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) image_eqI list.sel(1)
list.sel(3) neq_Nil_conv tickFree_tl)
case (1 t u f)
have fS: "strict_mono (f ∘ Suc)" by (metis "1"(5) Suc_mono comp_def strict_mono_def)
from 1 have aa:"∀i. f (Suc i) ≠ []"
by (metis (full_types) less_Suc_eq_le less_irrefl nil_le strict_mono_less_eq)
with fS have sm:"strict_mono (tl ∘ f ∘ Suc)" by (simp add: less_tail strict_mono_def)
with 1 aa show ?case
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI, simp)
apply(rule_tac x="tl (f 1)" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis Hiding_tickFree imageE tickFree_tl)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl image_eqI rangeE)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI)
apply(rule_tac x="tl ∘ f ∘ Suc" in exI, intro conjI)
apply auto
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl list.sel(3))
case (2 aa b)
then show ?case
apply(elim exE disjE conjE)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) image_eqI list.distinct(1)
list.sel(1) list.sel(3))
case (1 t u)
then show ?case by (rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac x="(ev a)#t" in exI, auto)
case (2 t u f)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2)
apply(rule_tac x="(ev a) # t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply(rule_tac disjI2)
apply(rule_tac x="λi. (ev a) # (f i)" in exI, intro conjI)
by (auto simp add: less_cons strict_mono_def)
case (3 x)
then show ?case
apply(elim exE disjE conjE)
apply(rule_tac x="tl t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
using tickFree_tl apply blast
apply (metis filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl image_eqI)
case (1 t u f)
have fS: "strict_mono (f ∘ Suc)" by (metis "1"(5) Suc_mono comp_def strict_mono_def)
from 1 have aa:"∀i. f (Suc i) ≠ []"
by (metis (full_types) less_Suc_eq_le less_irrefl nil_le strict_mono_less_eq)
with fS have sm:"strict_mono (tl ∘ f ∘ Suc)" by (simp add: less_tail strict_mono_def)
with 1 aa show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="tl (f 1)" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis Hiding_tickFree imageE tickFree_tl)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl image_eqI rangeE)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI)
apply(rule_tac x="tl ∘ f ∘ Suc" in exI, intro conjI)
apply auto
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) hd_Cons_tl list.sel(3))
case (4 x)
then show ?case
apply(elim exE disjE conjE)
case (1 t u)
then show ?case by (rule_tac x="(ev a)#t" in exI, auto)
case (2 t u f)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="(ev a) # t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply(rule_tac disjI2)
apply(rule_tac x="λi. (ev a) # (f i)" in exI, intro conjI)
by (auto simp add: less_cons strict_mono_def)
lemma no_Hiding_write: ‹(∀y. c y ∉ B) ⟹ ((c❙!a → P) \ B) = (c❙!a → (P \ B))›
by(simp add: write_def, subst Hiding_Mprefix_distr, auto)
lemma Hiding_write: ‹(c a) ∈ B ⟹ ((c❙!a → P) \ B) = (P \ B)›
by (simp add: write_def Hiding_write0 Mprefix_singl)
section‹ The Sync Operator Laws ›
subsection‹ Preliminaries ›
lemma SyncTlEmpty:"a setinterleaves (([], u), A) ⟹ tl a setinterleaves (([], tl u), A)"
by (case_tac u, simp, case_tac a, simp_all split:if_splits)
lemma SyncHd_Tl:
"a setinterleaves ((t, u), A) ∧ hd t ∈ A ∧ hd u ∉ A
⟹ hd a = hd u ∧ tl a setinterleaves ((t, tl u), A)"
by (case_tac u) (case_tac t, auto split:if_splits)+
lemma SyncHdAddEmpty:
"(tl a) setinterleaves (([], u), A) ∧ hd a ∉ A ∧ a ≠ []
⟹ a setinterleaves (([], hd a # u), A)"
using hd_Cons_tl by fastforce
lemma SyncHdAdd:
"(tl a) setinterleaves ((t, u), A) ∧ hd a ∉ A ∧ hd t ∈ A ∧ a ≠ []
⟹ a setinterleaves ((t, hd a # u), A)"
by (case_tac a, simp, case_tac t, auto)
lemmas SyncHdAdd1 = SyncHdAdd[of "a#r", simplified] for a r
lemma SyncSameHdTl:
"a setinterleaves ((t, u), A) ∧ hd t ∈ A ∧ hd u ∈ A
⟹ hd t = hd u ∧ hd a = hd t ∧ (tl a) setinterleaves ((tl t, tl u), A)"
by (case_tac u) (case_tac t, auto split:if_splits)+
lemma SyncSingleHeadAdd:
"a setinterleaves ((t, u), A) ∧ h ∉ A
⟹ (h#a) setinterleaves ((h#t, u), A)"
by (case_tac u, auto split:if_splits)
lemma TickLeftSync:
"tick ∈ A ∧ front_tickFree t ∧ s setinterleaves (([tick], t), A) ⟹ s = t ∧ last t = tick"
proof(induct t arbitrary: s)
case Nil
then show ?case by (simp add: Nil.prems)
case (Cons a t)
then show ?case
apply (auto split:if_splits)
using emptyLeftProperty apply blast
apply (metis last_ConsR last_snoc nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree tickFree_Cons)
by (metis append_Cons append_Nil front_tickFree_mono)+
lemma EmptyLeftSync:"s setinterleaves (([], t), A) ⟹ s = t ∧ set t ∩ A = {}"
by (meson Int_emptyI emptyLeftNonSync emptyLeftProperty)
lemma tick_T_F:"t@[tick] ∈ 𝒯 P ⟹ (t@[tick], X) ∈ ℱ P"
using append_T_imp_tickFree is_processT5_S7 by force
lemma event_set: "(e::'a event) ∈ insert tick (range ev)"
by (metis event.exhaust insert_iff rangeI)
lemma Mprefix_Sync_distr1_D:
" A ⊆ S
⟹ B ⊆ S
⟹ 𝒟 (Mprefix A P ⟦S⟧ Mprefix B Q) = 𝒟 (□ x ∈ A ∩ B → (P x ⟦S⟧ Q x))"
apply(auto,simp_all add:D_Sync F_Sync F_Mprefix T_Mprefix D_Mprefix)
apply(elim exE disjE conjE)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Sync.sym empty_iff image_iff insertI2
list.exhaust_sel setinterleaving.simps(2) subsetCE)
case (1 x t u r v a aa)
from 1(1,2,6,8,11,13) have aa1: "hd t∈insert tick (ev ` S)∧hd u∈insert tick (ev ` S)"
by blast
from 1(5,6,7,8,11,13) aa1 have aa2: " hd x ∈ ev ` (A ∩ B)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI empty_setinterleaving event.inject
hd_append2 image_iff SyncSameHdTl)
then show ?case
using 1(3,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,14) by (metis (no_types, lifting) Nil_is_append_conv aa1
empty_setinterleaving event.inject hd_append2
SyncSameHdTl tickFree_tl tl_append2)
case (2 x t u r v a)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Sync.si_empty3 equals0D imageE image_eqI insertI2 list.exhaust_sel subsetCE)
case (3 x t u r v a aa)
from 3(1,2,6,8,11,13) have aa1: "hd t∈insert tick (ev ` S)∧hd u∈insert tick (ev ` S)"
by blast
from 3(5,6,7,8,11,13) aa1 have aa2: " hd x ∈ ev ` (A ∩ B)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI empty_setinterleaving event.inject hd_append2 image_iff SyncSameHdTl)
then show ?case
using 3(3,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,14)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Nil_is_append_conv aa1 empty_setinterleaving event.inject
hd_append2 SyncSameHdTl tickFree_tl tl_append2)
case (4 x t u r v a)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Sync.si_empty3 equals0D imageE image_eqI insertI2 list.exhaust_sel subsetCE)
case (5 x t u r v a aa)
from 5(1,2,6,8,11,13) have aa1: "hd t∈insert tick (ev ` S)∧hd u∈insert tick (ev ` S)"
by blast
from 5(5,6,7,8,11,13) aa1 have aa2: " hd x ∈ ev ` (A ∩ B)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI empty_setinterleaving event.inject hd_append2 image_iff SyncSameHdTl)
then show ?case
using 5(3,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,14) by (metis aa1 append_Nil2 empty_setinterleaving event.inject SyncSameHdTl)
case (6 x t u r v a)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Sync.si_empty3 equals0D imageE image_eqI insertI2 list.exhaust_sel subsetCE)
case (7 x t u r v a aa)
from 7(1,2,6,8,11,13) have aa1: "hd t∈insert tick (ev ` S)∧hd u∈insert tick (ev ` S)"
by blast
from 7(5,6,7,8,11,13) aa1 have aa2: " hd x ∈ ev ` (A ∩ B)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI empty_setinterleaving event.inject hd_append2 image_iff SyncSameHdTl)
then show ?case
using 7(3,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,14) by (metis aa1 append_Nil2 empty_setinterleaving event.inject SyncSameHdTl)
case (8 x)
then show ?case
apply(elim exE disjE conjE)
case (1 a t u r v)
obtain r1 t1 u1 where aa0: "r1=hd x#r∧t1=hd x#t∧u1=hd x#u"
by auto
from 1(3,4,5,7,8,9) have aa1: "tickFree r1∧x = r1 @ v"
by (metis Cons_eq_appendI aa0 event.distinct(1) list.exhaust_sel tickFree_Cons)
from 1(2,4,9) have aa2: "r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), insert tick (ev ` S))∧t1 ≠ []"
using aa0 subsetCE by auto
from 1(4,5,10,11) aa0
have aa3: "(tl t1) ∈ 𝒟 (P a) ∧ (tl u1) ∈ 𝒯 (Q a) ∧ ev a = hd t1 ∧ ev a = hd u1 ∧
hd t1 ∈ ev ` A∧ hd u1 ∈ ev ` B"
by auto
then show ?case
using "1"(6) aa1 aa2 by fastforce
case (2 a t u r v)
obtain r1 t1 u1 where aa0: "r1=hd x#r∧t1=hd x#t∧u1=hd x#u"
by auto
from 2(3,4,5,7,8,9) have aa1: "tickFree r1∧x = r1 @ v"
by (metis Cons_eq_appendI aa0 event.distinct(1) list.exhaust_sel tickFree_Cons)
from 2(2,4,9) have aa2: "r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), insert tick (ev ` S))∧t1 ≠ []"
using aa0 subsetCE by auto
from 2(4,5,10,11) aa0
have aa3: "(tl t1) ∈ 𝒟 (Q a) ∧ (tl u1) ∈ 𝒯 (P a) ∧ ev a = hd t1 ∧ ev a = hd u1 ∧
hd t1 ∈ ev ` A∧ hd u1 ∈ ev ` B"
by auto
then show ?case
using "2"(6) aa1 aa2 by fastforce
case (3 a t u r v)
obtain r1 t1 u1 where aa0: "r1=hd x#r∧t1=hd x#t∧u1=hd x#u"
by auto
from 3(2,4,9) have aa2: "r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), insert tick (ev ` S))∧t1 ≠ []"
using aa0 subsetCE by auto
from 3(3,4,5,7,8,10,11) aa0
have aa3: "(tl t1) ∈ 𝒟(P a)∧(tl u1) ∈ 𝒯 (Q a)∧ ev a = hd t1∧ev a = hd u1 ∧
hd t1 ∈ ev ` A∧ hd u1 ∈ ev ` B∧x = r1 @ v"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_lower1 Int_lower2 append_Nil2 imageE image_eqI
list.exhaust_sel list.sel(1) list.sel(3) subsetCE)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "3"(6) "3"(7) aa2 event.inject imageE)
case (4 a t u r v)
obtain r1 t1 u1 where aa0: "r1=hd x#r∧t1=hd x#t∧u1=hd x#u"
by auto
from 4(2,4,9) have aa2: "r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), insert tick (ev ` S))∧t1 ≠ []"
using aa0 subsetCE by auto
from 4(3,4,5,7,8,10,11) aa0
have aa3: "(tl t1) ∈ 𝒟 (Q a)∧(tl u1) ∈ 𝒯 (P a) ∧ ev a = hd t1∧ev a = hd u1∧
hd t1 ∈ ev ` A∧ hd u1 ∈ ev ` B∧x = r1 @ v"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Int_lower1 Int_lower2 append_Nil2 imageE image_eqI
list.exhaust_sel list.sel(1) list.sel(3) subsetCE)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "4"(6) "4"(7) aa2 event.inject imageE)
lemma Hiding_interleave:
"A ∩ C = {}
⟹ r setinterleaves ((t, u), C)
⟹ (trace_hide r A) setinterleaves ((trace_hide t A, trace_hide u A), C)"
proof(induct r arbitrary:t u)
case Nil
then show ?case
using EmptyLeftSync empty_setinterleaving by fastforce
case (Cons a r)
then show ?case
apply(cases t) using EmptyLeftSync apply fastforce
apply(cases u) apply fastforce
proof(simp split:if_splits, goal_cases)
case (1 a list lista)
then show ?case by fastforce
case (2 a list aa lista)
then show ?case
apply(erule_tac disjE)
using Cons(1)[of list u]
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) filter.simps(2) SyncSingleHeadAdd)
using Cons(1)[of t lista]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Sync.sym filter.simps(2) SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (3 a list lista)
then show ?case by fastforce
lemma non_Sync_interleaving:
"(set t ∪ set u) ∩ C = {} ⟹ setinterleaving (t, C, u) ≠ {}"
proof(induct t arbitrary:u)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (metis Un_empty_left disjoint_iff_not_equal emptyLeftSelf empty_iff empty_set)
case (Cons a t)
then show ?case
proof(induct u)
case Nil
then show ?case using Sync.sym by auto
case (Cons a u)
then show ?case by auto
lemma interleave_Hiding:
"A ∩ C = {}
⟹ ra setinterleaves ((trace_hide t A, trace_hide u A), C)
⟹ ∃r. ra = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((t, u), C)"
proof(induct "length t + length u" arbitrary:ra t u rule:nat_less_induct)
case Ind:1
then show ?case
proof (cases t)
case Nilt: Nil
from Ind(2) have a:"set (trace_hide u A) ∩ C = {} ⟹ set u ∩ C = {}" by auto
hence b: "u setinterleaves ((t, u), C)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Ind(3) EmptyLeftSync Nilt disjoint_iff_not_equal
emptyLeftSelf filter.simps(1))
then show ?thesis
apply(rule_tac x=u in exI)
using EmptyLeftSync[of "ra" C "trace_hide u A"] a b Cons Nilt Ind(3) by auto
case Const: (Cons ta tlist)
then show ?thesis
proof(cases u)
case Nilu: Nil
from Ind(2) have a:"set (trace_hide t A) ∩ C = {} ⟹ set t ∩ C = {}" by auto
hence b: "t setinterleaves ((t, u), C)"
by (metis Ind(3) Nilu EmptyLeftSync disjoint_iff_not_equal emptyLeftSelf filter.simps(1) Sync.sym)
then show ?thesis
apply(rule_tac x=t in exI)
using EmptyLeftSync[of "ra" C "trace_hide t A"] a b Ind Nilu by (metis Sync.sym filter.simps(1))
case Consu: (Cons ua ulist)
with Const Ind(2,3) show ?thesis
proof(auto split:if_splits simp del:setinterleaving.simps, goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case
proof (auto, goal_cases)
case (1 raa)
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length tlist + length u", simplified Const, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of tlist u, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of raa] obtain r where
"raa = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((tlist, u), C)" by auto
then show ?case using "1"(4) Consu by force
case (2 raa)
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length t + length ulist", simplified Consu, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of t ulist, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of raa] obtain r where
"raa = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((t, ulist), C)" by auto
then show ?case using "2"(2) "2"(4) by force
case (3 raa)
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length tlist + length ulist", simplified Const Consu, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of tlist ulist, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of raa] obtain r where
"raa = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((tlist, ulist), C)" by auto
then show ?case using "3"(4) by force
case (4 raa)
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length t + length ulist", simplified Consu, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of t ulist, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of raa] obtain r where
"raa = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((t, ulist), C)" by auto
then show ?case using "4"(5) Const by force
case (5 raa)
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length tlist + length u", simplified Const, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of tlist u, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of raa] obtain r where
"raa = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((tlist, u), C)" by auto
then show ?case using "5"(4) Consu by force
case (6 raa)
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length t + length ulist", simplified Consu, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of t ulist, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of raa] obtain r where
"raa = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((t, ulist), C)" by auto
then show ?case using "6"(5) Const by force
case (7 raa)
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length tlist + length u", simplified Const, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of tlist u, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of raa] obtain r where
"raa = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((tlist, u), C)" by auto
then show ?case using "7"(4) Consu by force
case 2
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length t + length ulist", simplified Consu, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of t ulist, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of ra] obtain r where
"ra = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((t, ulist), C)" by auto
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="ua#r" in exI)
using "2"(5) Const Ind.prems(1) by auto
case 3
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length tlist + length u", simplified Const, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of tlist u, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of ra] obtain r where
"ra = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((tlist, u), C)" by auto
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="ta#r" in exI)
using "3"(4) Consu Ind.prems(1) by auto
case 4
with Ind(1)[THEN spec, of "length tlist + length ulist", simplified Const Consu, simplified,
THEN spec, THEN spec, of tlist ulist, simplified Ind, simplified,
THEN spec, of ra] obtain r where
"ra = trace_hide r A ∧ r setinterleaves ((tlist, ulist), C)" by auto
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="ta#ua#r" in exI)
using "4"(4,5) Consu Const Ind.prems(1) apply auto
using SyncSingleHeadAdd apply blast
by (metis Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
lemma interleave_size:
"s setinterleaves ((t,u), C) ⟹ length s = length t + length u - length(filter (λx. x∈C) t)"
proof(induct s arbitrary:t u)
case Nil
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync empty_setinterleaving by fastforce
case (Cons a list)
then show ?case
apply(cases t) using emptyLeftProperty apply fastforce
apply(cases u)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Sync.sym add_diff_cancel_right' emptyLeftNonSync
emptyLeftProperty filter_empty_conv)
proof(auto split:if_splits, goal_cases 11 12 13 14 15)
case (11 tlist ulist)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_diff_le le_add1 length_filter_le order_trans)
case (12 ta tlist ulist)
with 12(3)[rule_format, of "ta#tlist" ulist] show ?case
by simp (metis Suc_diff_le le_add1 length_filter_le order_trans)
case (13 tlist ua ulist)
with 13(3)[rule_format, of tlist "ua#ulist"] show ?case
by simp (metis Suc_diff_le le_less_trans length_filter_le less_SucI less_Suc_eq_le less_add_Suc1)
case (14 ta tlist ulist)
with 14(3)[rule_format, of "ta#tlist" ulist] show ?case
by simp (metis Suc_diff_le le_less_trans length_filter_le less_SucI less_Suc_eq_le less_add_Suc1)
case (15 tlist ua ulist)
with 15(3)[rule_format, of tlist "ua#ulist"] show ?case
by simp (metis Suc_diff_le le_less_trans length_filter_le less_SucI less_Suc_eq_le less_add_Suc1)
lemma interleave_eq_size:
"s setinterleaves ((t,u), C) ⟹ s' setinterleaves ((t,u), C) ⟹ length s = length s'"
by (simp add: interleave_size)
lemma interleave_set: "s setinterleaves ((t,u), C) ⟹ set t ∪ set u ⊆ set s"
proof(induct s arbitrary: t u)
case Nil
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync empty_setinterleaving by blast
case (Cons a s)
then show ?case
apply(cases t) using emptyLeftProperty apply fastforce
apply(cases u) apply (metis Sync.sym Un_empty_right emptyLeftProperty empty_set eq_refl)
by (auto simp add: subset_iff split:if_splits)
lemma interleave_order: "s setinterleaves ((t1@t2,u), C) ⟹ set(t2) ⊆ set(drop (length t1) s)"
proof(induct s arbitrary: t1 t2 u)
case Nil
then show ?case using empty_setinterleaving by auto
case (Cons a s)
then show ?case
apply(cases t1) using append_self_conv2 interleave_set apply fastforce
apply(cases u) apply (metis EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym append_eq_conv_conj order_refl)
proof (auto simp add: subset_iff split:if_splits, goal_cases)
case (1 a list lista t)
then show ?case using Cons(1)[of "a#list" "t2" "lista", simplified, OF 1(6)]
by (meson Suc_n_not_le_n contra_subsetD nat_le_linear set_drop_subset_set_drop)
case (2 a list lista t)
then show ?case using Cons(1)[of "a#list" "t2" "lista", simplified, OF 2(7)]
by (meson Suc_n_not_le_n contra_subsetD nat_le_linear set_drop_subset_set_drop)
lemma interleave_append:
"s setinterleaves ((t1@t2,u), C)
⟹ ∃ u1 u2 s1 s2. u = u1@u2 ∧ s = s1@s2 ∧
s1 setinterleaves ((t1,u1), C) ∧ s2 setinterleaves ((t2,u2), C)"
proof(induct s arbitrary: t1 t2 u)
case Nil
then show ?case using empty_setinterleaving by fastforce
case (Cons a s)
then show ?case
apply(cases t1) using append_self_conv2 interleave_set apply fastforce
apply(cases u) apply(exI "[]", exI "[]") apply auto[1]
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Nil_is_append_conv append_Cons)
proof (auto simp add: subset_iff split:if_splits, goal_cases)
case (1 list lista)
with Cons(1)[of "list" "t2" "lista", simplified, OF 1(5)] show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 u1 u2 s1 s2)
then show ?case
by (exI "a#u1", exI "u2", simp) (metis append_Cons)
case (2 aa list lista)
with Cons(1)[of "aa#list" "t2" "lista", simplified, OF 2(6)] show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 u1 u2 s1 s2)
then show ?case
by (exI "a#u1", exI "u2", simp) (metis append_Cons)
case (3 list aa lista)
with Cons(1)[of "list" "t2" "aa#lista", simplified, OF 3(6)] show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 u1 u2 s1 s2)
then show ?case
apply (exI "u1", exI "u2", simp) by (metis append_Cons SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (4 aa list lista)
with Cons(1)[of "aa#list" "t2" "lista", simplified, OF 4(6)] show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 u1 u2 s1 s2)
then show ?case
by (exI "a#u1", exI "u2", simp) (metis append_Cons)
case (5 list aa lista)
with Cons(1)[of "list" "t2" "aa#lista", simplified, OF 5(6)] show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 u1 u2 s1 s2)
then show ?case
apply (exI "u1", exI "u2", simp) by (metis append_Cons SyncSingleHeadAdd)
lemma interleave_append_sym:
"s setinterleaves ((t,u1@u2), C)
⟹ ∃ t1 t2 s1 s2. t = t1@t2 ∧ s = s1@s2 ∧
s1 setinterleaves ((t1,u1), C) ∧ s2 setinterleaves ((t2,u2), C)"
by (metis (no_types) Sync.sym interleave_append)
lemma interleave_append_tail:
"s setinterleaves ((t1,u), C) ⟹ (set t2) ∩ C = {} ⟹ (s@t2) setinterleaves ((t1@t2,u), C)"
proof(induct s arbitrary: t1 t2 u)
case Nil
then show ?case by (metis Set.set_insert Sync.sym append_Nil disjoint_insert(2)
emptyLeftSelf empty_setinterleaving)
case (Cons a s)
then show ?case
apply(cases u) using EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym apply fastforce
apply(cases t1, cases t2) apply simp apply fastforce
proof(auto, goal_cases)
case (1 list lista)
with 1(1)[OF 1(7) 1(2)] show ?case by simp
case (2 list aa lista)
with 2(1)[OF 2(2)] show ?case by simp
case (3 list aa lista)
with 3(1)[OF 3(9) 3(2)] show ?case by simp
case (4 list aa lista)
with 4(1)[OF 4(9) 4(2)] show ?case by simp
lemma interleave_append_tail_sym:
"s setinterleaves ((t,u1), C) ⟹ (set u2) ∩ C = {} ⟹ (s@u2) setinterleaves ((t,u1@u2), C)"
by (metis (no_types) Sync.sym interleave_append_tail)
lemma interleave_assoc_1:
"tu setinterleaves ((t, u), A)
⟹ tuv setinterleaves ((tu, v), A)
⟹ ∃uv. uv setinterleaves ((u, v), A) ∧ tuv setinterleaves ((t, uv), A)"
proof(induct tuv arbitrary: t tu u v)
case Nil
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync empty_setinterleaving by blast
case Cons_tuv:(Cons a tuv)
then show ?case
proof(cases t)
case Nil_t:Nil
with Cons_tuv(2) have *:"tu = u" using EmptyLeftSync by blast
show ?thesis
proof(cases u)
case Nil_u:Nil
with Nil_t Cons_tuv show ?thesis using EmptyLeftSync by fastforce
case Cons_u:(Cons ua ulist)
with Nil_t Cons_tuv(2) have "ua ∉ A" by force
show ?thesis
proof(cases v)
case Nil_v:Nil
with * Nil_t Cons_tuv(2,3) Cons_u show ?thesis using Sync.sym by blast
case Cons_v:(Cons va vlist)
with * Nil_t Cons_tuv(2,3) Cons_u show ?thesis apply(exI "a#tuv", auto split:if_splits)
using Cons_tuv.hyps Cons_tuv.prems(1) emptyLeftProperty by blast+
case Cons_t:(Cons ta tlist)
show ?thesis
proof(cases u)
case Nil_u:Nil
with Cons_t Cons_tuv show ?thesis
by (metis Sync.sym emptyLeftProperty emptyLeftSelf empty_set equals0D ftf_Sync21)
case Cons_u:(Cons ua ulist)
show ?thesis
proof(cases v)
case Nil_v:Nil
with Cons_tuv(3) have "a # tuv = tu" by (simp add: Nil_v EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym)
with Nil_v Cons_u Cons_t Cons_tuv show ?thesis apply(exI u, auto split:if_splits)
apply (metis Cons_t Nil_v Sync.sym emptyLeftNonSync list.set_intros(1))
using Cons_tuv(1)[of tuv tlist u]
apply(metis (no_types, lifting) Sync.sym emptyLeftNonSync emptyLeftSelf list.sel(3) SyncTlEmpty)
by (metis Cons_t Sync.sym emptyLeftProperty) fastforce+
case Cons_v:(Cons va vlist)
with Cons_t Cons_u Cons_tuv(2,3) show ?thesis
proof(auto split:if_splits, goal_cases)
case (1 tulist)
from Cons_tuv(1)[OF 1(5) 1(10)] obtain uvlist
where " uvlist setinterleaves ((ulist, vlist), A)
∧ tuv setinterleaves ((tlist, uvlist), A)" by blast
with 1 show ?case by(exI "va#uvlist", simp)
case (2 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Cons_tuv.prems(1) Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (3 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (4 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Cons_tuv.prems(1) Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (5 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (6 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Cons_tuv.prems(1) Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (7 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (8 tulist)
from Cons_tuv(1)[OF 8(5) 8(9)] obtain uvlist
where "uvlist setinterleaves ((va#ulist, va#vlist), A) ∧
tuv setinterleaves ((tlist, uvlist), A)" by blast
with 8 show ?case using SyncSingleHeadAdd by (exI "uvlist", simp) blast
case (9 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Cons_tuv.prems(1) Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (10 tulist)
from Cons_tuv(1)[OF 10(6) 10(10)] obtain uvlist
where "uvlist setinterleaves ((ua#ulist, va#vlist), A) ∧
tuv setinterleaves ((tlist, uvlist), A)" by blast
with 10 show ?case using SyncSingleHeadAdd by (exI "uvlist", simp) blast
case (11 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Cons_tuv.prems(1) Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (12 u)
then show ?case using Cons_tuv.hyps by fastforce
case (13 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (14 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (15 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (16 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Cons_tuv.prems(1) Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (17 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (18 u)
then show ?case using Cons_tuv.hyps by fastforce
case (19 u)
then show ?case using Cons_tuv.hyps by fastforce
case (20 u)
then show ?case by (metis Cons_tuv.hyps Cons_tuv.prems(1) Sync.sym SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (21 u)
then show ?case using Cons_tuv.hyps by fastforce
lemma interleave_assoc_2:
assumes *:"uv setinterleaves ((u, v), A)" and
**:"tuv setinterleaves ((t, uv), A)"
shows "∃tu. tu setinterleaves ((t, u), A) ∧ tuv setinterleaves ((tu, v), A)"
using "*" "**" Sync.sym interleave_assoc_1 by blast
subsection‹ Laws ›
lemma Sync_commute: "(P ⟦ S ⟧ Q) = (Q ⟦ S ⟧ P)"
by (simp add: Process_eq_spec mono_D_Sync mono_F_Sync)
lemma mono_Sync_FD_oneside[simp]: "P ≤ P' ⟹ (P ⟦ S ⟧ Q) ≤ (P' ⟦ S ⟧ Q)"
apply(auto simp:le_ref_def F_Sync D_Sync)
using F_subset_imp_T_subset front_tickFree_Nil by blast+
lemma mono_Sync_FD[simp]: "⟦P ≤ P'; Q ≤ Q'⟧ ⟹ (P ⟦ S ⟧ Q) ≤ (P' ⟦ S ⟧ Q')"
using mono_Sync_FD_oneside[of P P' S Q] mono_Sync_FD_oneside[of Q Q' S P]
by (simp add: order_trans Sync_commute)
lemma mono_Sync_ref: "⟦P ⊑ P'; Q ⊑ Q'⟧ ⟹ (P ⟦ S ⟧ Q) ⊑ (P' ⟦ S ⟧ Q')"
using mono_Sync_sym[of Q Q' P S] mono_Sync[of P P' S Q'] below_trans by blast
lemma Sync_BOT: "(P ⟦ S ⟧ ⊥) = ⊥"
apply(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec, simp_all add:D_Sync F_Sync F_UU D_UU)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append ftf_Sync is_processT is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis Nil_elem_T Sync.si_empty1 append_Nil front_tickFree_Nil insertI1 non_tickFree_implies_nonMt)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
by (metis Nil_elem_T Sync.si_empty1 append_Nil front_tickFree_Nil insertI1 non_tickFree_implies_nonMt)
lemma Sync_SKIP_SKIP: "(SKIP ⟦ S ⟧ SKIP) = SKIP"
apply(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec, simp_all add:D_Sync F_Sync F_SKIP D_SKIP)
apply(elim exE conjE disjE, auto)
apply (metis Sync.si_empty1 inf.idem insertI1 sup_commute sup_inf_absorb)
apply(exI "[tick]", exI "[tick]", simp)
by blast
lemma Sync_SKIP_STOP: "(SKIP ⟦S⟧ STOP) = STOP"
proof(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec, simp_all add:D_Sync F_Sync F_SKIP D_SKIP F_STOP D_STOP, goal_cases)
case (1 a b)
then show ?case by (elim exE conjE disjE, auto)
case (2 a b)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="[]" in exI, simp, rule_tac x="b-{tick}" in exI, simp, rule_tac x="b" in exI)
by blast
subsection‹ Multi-Operators laws ›
lemma Mprefix_Sync_distr:
‹(□ x ∈ A ∪ A' → P x) ⟦ S ⟧ (□ y ∈ B ∪ B' → Q y) =
(□ x ∈ A → ( P x ⟦ S ⟧ (□ y ∈ B ∪ B' → Q y))) □
(□ y ∈ B → ((□ x ∈ A ∪ A' → P x) ⟦ S ⟧ Q y)) □
(□ x ∈ A' ∩ B' → ( P x ⟦ S ⟧ Q x))›
(is ‹?lhs A A' P B B' Q = ?rhs A A' P B B' Q›)
if sets_assms: ‹A ∩ S = {}› ‹A' ⊆ S› ‹B ∩ S = {}› ‹B' ⊆ S›
proof (subst Process_eq_spec_optimized, safe)
fix s X
assume ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
and same_div : ‹𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q) = 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
from this(1) consider
‹∃s_P s_Q X_P X_Q. (s_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ (Mprefix (A ∪ A') P) ∧
(s_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q) ∧
s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), insert tick (ev ` S)) ∧
X = (X_P ∪ X_Q) ∩ insert tick (ev ` S) ∪ X_P ∩ X_Q›
| ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
by (simp add: F_Sync D_Sync) blast
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
proof cases
case 1
then obtain s_P s_Q X_P X_Q
where * : ‹(s_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ (Mprefix (A ∪ A') P)› ‹(s_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q)›
‹s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), insert tick (ev ` S))›
‹X = (X_P ∪ X_Q) ∩ insert tick (ev ` S) ∪ X_P ∩ X_Q› by blast
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
proof (cases ‹s = [] ∨ hd s = tick›)
case True
with *(1, 2, 3) have ** : ‹s = [] ∧ s_P = [] ∧ s_Q = []›
by (cases s_P; cases s_Q; force simp add: F_Mprefix subset_iff split: if_split_asm)
with *(1, 2, 4) sets_assms(1, 3) show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
by (auto simp add: subset_iff F_Det D_Det T_Det F_Mprefix image_Un)[1]
case False
then obtain e where *** : ‹s ≠ []› ‹hd s = ev e› by (meson event.exhaust)
from *(1, 2, 3) *** sets_assms consider
‹e ∈ A ∧ s_P ≠ [] ∧ hd s_P = ev e ∧ (tl s_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ (P e) ∧
tl s setinterleaves ((tl s_P, s_Q), insert tick (ev ` S))› |
‹e ∈ B ∧ s_Q ≠ [] ∧ hd s_Q = ev e ∧ (tl s_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ (Q e) ∧
tl s setinterleaves ((s_P, tl s_Q), insert tick (ev ` S))› |
‹e ∈ A' ∧ e ∈ B' ∧ s_P ≠ [] ∧ s_Q ≠ [] ∧ hd s_P = ev e ∧ hd s_Q = ev e ∧ (tl s_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ (P e) ∧
(tl s_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ (Q e) ∧ tl s setinterleaves ((tl s_P, tl s_Q), insert tick (ev ` S))›
by (cases s_P; cases s_Q; auto simp add: F_Mprefix split: if_split_asm)
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply cases
apply (simp_all add: F_Det ***(1))
apply (rule disjI1, simp add: F_Mprefix ***, simp add: F_Sync, rule disjI1)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹tl s_P› in exI, rule_tac x = s_Q in exI, rule_tac x = X_P in exI,
simp, rule_tac x = X_Q in exI, simp add: *(2, 4))
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI1, simp add: F_Mprefix ***, simp add: F_Sync, rule disjI1)
apply (rule_tac x = s_P in exI, rule_tac x = ‹tl s_Q› in exI, rule_tac x = X_P in exI,
simp add: *(1), rule_tac x = X_Q in exI, simp add: *(4))
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI2, simp add: F_Mprefix *** F_Sync, rule disjI1)
by (rule_tac x = ‹tl s_P› in exI, rule_tac x = ‹tl s_Q› in exI, rule_tac x = X_P in exI,
simp, rule_tac x = X_Q in exI, simp add: *(4))
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q) ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
using same_div NF_ND by blast
fix s X
{ fix P Q A A' B B'
assume assms : ‹s ≠ []› ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (□x ∈ A → (P x ⟦S⟧ Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q))›
‹A ∩ S = {}› ‹A' ⊆ S› ‹B ∩ S = {}› ‹B' ⊆ S›
and same_div : ‹𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q) = 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
from assms(1, 2) obtain e
where * : ‹e ∈ A› ‹hd s = ev e› ‹(tl s, X) ∈ ℱ (P e ⟦S⟧ Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q)›
by (auto simp add: F_Mprefix)
from "*" assms(1) consider
‹∃s_P s_Q X_P X_Q. (s_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ (P e) ∧ (s_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q) ∧
tl s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), ev ` S ∪ {tick}) ∧ X = (X_P ∪ X_Q) ∩ (ev ` S ∪ {tick}) ∪ X_P ∩ X_Q›
| ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (□x ∈ A → (P x ⟦S⟧ Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q))›
by (force simp add: F_Sync D_Mprefix D_Sync)
hence ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
proof cases
case 1
then obtain s_P s_Q X_P X_Q
where ** : ‹(s_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ (P e)› ‹(s_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q)›
‹tl s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), ev ` S ∪ {tick})›
‹X = (X_P ∪ X_Q) ∩ (ev ` S ∪ {tick}) ∪ X_P ∩ X_Q› by blast
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply (simp add: F_Sync, rule disjI1)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹ev e # s_P› in exI, rule_tac x = s_Q in exI,
rule_tac x = X_P in exI, intro conjI)
apply (simp add: F_Mprefix image_iff "*"(1) "**"(1))
apply (rule_tac x = X_Q in exI, simp add: "**"(2, 4))
apply (subst list.collapse[OF assms(1), symmetric])
using "*"(1, 2) "**"(3) assms(3) by (cases s_Q) auto
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (□x∈A → (P x ⟦S⟧ Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q))›
hence ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)› by (simp add: same_div D_Det)
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)› using NF_ND by blast
} note * = this
{ assume assms : ‹s ≠ []› ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (□x∈A' ∩ B' → (P x ⟦S⟧ Q x))›
and same_div : ‹𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q) = 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
then obtain e where * : ‹e ∈ A'› ‹e ∈ B'› ‹hd s = ev e› ‹(tl s, X) ∈ ℱ (P e ⟦S⟧ Q e)›
by (auto simp add: F_Mprefix)
have inside: ‹e ∈ S› using "*"(2) that(4) by blast
from "*" assms(1) consider
‹∃s_P s_Q X_P X_Q. (s_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ (P e) ∧ (s_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ (Q e) ∧
tl s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), ev ` S ∪ {tick}) ∧
X = (X_P ∪ X_Q) ∩ (ev ` S ∪ {tick}) ∪ X_P ∩ X_Q›
| ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (□x∈A' ∩ B' → (P x ⟦S⟧ Q x))›
by (force simp add: F_Sync D_Mprefix D_Sync)
hence ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
proof cases
case 1
then obtain s_P s_Q X_P X_Q
where ** : ‹(s_P, X_P) ∈ ℱ (P e)› ‹(s_Q, X_Q) ∈ ℱ (Q e)›
‹tl s setinterleaves ((s_P, s_Q), ev ` S ∪ {tick})›
‹X = (X_P ∪ X_Q) ∩ (ev ` S ∪ {tick}) ∪ X_P ∩ X_Q› by blast
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply (subst list.collapse[OF assms(1), symmetric], simp add: F_Sync "*"(3), rule disjI1)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹ev e # s_P› in exI, rule_tac x = ‹ev e # s_Q› in exI)
apply (rule_tac x = X_P in exI, intro conjI, simp add: F_Mprefix "*"(1) "**"(1))
using "**"(3) by (rule_tac x = X_Q in exI) (simp add: "*"(2) "**"(2, 4) inside F_Mprefix)
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (□x∈A' ∩ B' → (P x ⟦S⟧ Q x))›
hence ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)› by (simp add: same_div D_Det)
thus ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)› using NF_ND by blast
} note ** = this
have *** : ‹X ∩ ev ` (A' ∩ B') = {} ⟹ X ∩ ev ` A = {} ⟹ X ∩ ev ` B = {} ⟹
([], X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply (simp add: F_Sync, rule disjI1)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹[]› in exI, rule_tac x = ‹[]› in exI, simp add: F_Mprefix)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹X - (ev ` (A' - B'))› in exI, intro conjI, fastforce)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹X - (ev ` (B' - A'))› in exI, intro conjI, fastforce)
using sets_assms(2, 4) by auto
assume same_div : ‹𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q) = 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
hence same_div_sym : ‹𝒟 (?lhs B B' Q A A' P) = 𝒟 (?rhs B B' Q A A' P)›
by (subst Sync_commute, subst Int_commute, subst Det_commute, simp add: Sync_commute)
show ‹(s, X) ∈ ℱ (?rhs A A' P B B' Q) ⟹ (s, X) ∈ ℱ (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply (auto simp add: F_Det)
apply (rule "***"; simp add: F_Mprefix)
apply (rule "*"; simp add: sets_assms same_div)
apply (subst (asm) Sync_commute, subst Sync_commute)
apply (rule "*"; simp add: sets_assms same_div_sym)
apply (erule "**", assumption, rule same_div)
apply (simp add: D_Mprefix D_Det)[1]
by (simp add: T_Mprefix T_Det)
{ fix s t u r v P Q A A' B B'
assume assms : ‹front_tickFree v› ‹tickFree r ∨ v = []› ‹s = r @ v›
‹r setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))›
‹t ∈ 𝒟 (Mprefix (A ∪ A') P)› ‹u ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q)›
‹A ∩ S = {}› ‹A' ⊆ S› ‹B ∩ S = {}› ‹B' ⊆ S›
from assms(5) obtain e where * : ‹t ≠ []› ‹hd t = ev e› ‹tl t ∈ 𝒟 (P e)› ‹e ∈ A ∨ e ∈ A'›
by (force simp add: D_Mprefix)
have nonNil: ‹r ≠ [] ∧ s ≠ []›
using *(1) assms(3, 4) empty_setinterleaving by blast
have ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
proof (cases ‹u = []›)
case True
hence ‹hd s = ev e› by (metis "*"(2) EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym assms(3, 4) hd_append nonNil)
also from "*"(1, 2, 4) Sync.sym assms(4, 8)[simplified True] have ‹e ∈ A›
using emptyLeftNonSync hd_in_set by fastforce
ultimately show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply (simp add: D_Det)
apply (rule disjI1, simp add: D_Mprefix nonNil D_Sync)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹tl t› in exI, rule_tac x = ‹[]› in exI,
rule_tac x = ‹tl r› in exI, rule_tac x = v in exI)
apply (auto simp add: assms(1, 3, 6)[simplified True] * nonNil)[1]
apply (metis assms(2) tickFree_tl)
using Sync.sym SyncTlEmpty True assms(4) by blast
case False
with assms(6) obtain e' where ** : ‹hd u = ev e'› ‹tl u ∈ 𝒯 (Q e')› ‹e' ∈ B ∨ e' ∈ B'›
by (auto simp add: T_Mprefix)
consider ‹e ∈ A ∧ hd s = ev e ∧ tl r setinterleaves ((tl t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))› |
‹e' ∈ B ∧ hd s = ev e' ∧ tl r setinterleaves ((t, tl u), insert tick (ev ` S))› |
‹e = e' ∧ e ∈ A' ∧ e ∈ B' ∧ hd s = ev e ∧
tl r setinterleaves ((tl t, tl u), insert tick (ev ` S))›
using assms(4)
apply (subst (asm) list.collapse[OF nonNil[THEN conjunct1], symmetric],
subst (asm) list.collapse[OF *(1), symmetric, simplified *(2)],
subst (asm) list.collapse[OF False, symmetric, simplified **(1)])
apply (simp add: assms(3) nonNil image_iff split: if_split_asm)
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) *(4) **(3) Int_iff
assms(7, 9) empty_iff list.sel(1, 3))
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) *(1, 2) **(3) Int_iff
assms(10) inf.order_iff list.exhaust_sel list.sel(1, 3))
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) *(1, 2, 4) **(1, 3) Int_iff
False assms(8, 10) inf.order_iff list.exhaust_sel list.sel(1, 3))
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) *(4) **(1) False assms(8)
list.collapse list.sel(1, 3) subsetD)
thus ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply cases
apply (simp_all add: D_Det)
apply (rule disjI1, simp add: D_Mprefix nonNil D_Sync)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹tl t› in exI, rule_tac x = u in exI,
rule_tac x = ‹tl r› in exI, rule_tac x = v in exI)
apply (simp add: assms(1, 3, 6) *(3) nonNil, use assms(2) nonNil tickFree_tl in blast)
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI1, simp add: D_Mprefix nonNil D_Sync)
apply (rule_tac x = t in exI, rule_tac x = ‹tl u› in exI,
rule_tac x = ‹tl r› in exI, rule_tac x = v in exI)
apply (simp add: assms(1, 3, 5) **(2) nonNil,
metis "*" UnCI assms(2) image_eqI tickFree_tl)
apply (rule disjI2, rule disjI2, auto simp add: D_Mprefix nonNil image_iff)
apply (simp add: D_Sync)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹tl t› in exI, rule_tac x = ‹tl u› in exI,
rule_tac x = ‹tl r› in exI, rule_tac x = v in exI)
by (use *(3) **(2) assms(1, 2, 3) nonNil tickFree_tl in ‹auto simp add: nonNil›)
} note * = this
fix s
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
then obtain t u r v
where ** : ‹front_tickFree v› ‹tickFree r ∨ v = []› ‹s = r @ v›
‹r setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))›
‹t ∈ 𝒟 (Mprefix (A ∪ A') P) ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q) ∨
t ∈ 𝒟 (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q) ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix (A ∪ A') P)›
by (simp add: D_Sync) blast
have same_div : ‹𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q) = 𝒟 (?rhs B B' Q A A' P)›
by (subst Det_commute, subst Int_commute, simp add: Sync_commute)
from **(5) show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply (rule disjE)
by (rule *[OF **(1, 2, 3, 4)]; simp add: sets_assms)
(subst same_div, rule *[OF **(1, 2, 3, 4)]; simp add: sets_assms)
{ fix A A' B B' P Q s
assume set_assm : ‹A ∩ S = {}›
have ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (□x∈A → (P x ⟦S⟧ Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q)) ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
proof (auto simp add: D_Mprefix)
fix e
assume assms: ‹s ≠ []› ‹hd s = ev e› ‹e ∈ A› ‹tl s ∈ 𝒟 (P e ⟦S⟧ Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q)›
from assms(4) obtain t u r v
where * : ‹front_tickFree v› ‹tickFree r ∨ v = []› ‹tl s = r @ v›
‹r setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))›
‹t ∈ 𝒟 (P e) ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q) ∨
t ∈ 𝒟 (Mprefix (B ∪ B') Q) ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 (P e)› by (simp add: D_Sync) blast
have notin: ‹e ∉ S› using assms(3) set_assm by blast
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply (subst list.collapse[OF assms(1), symmetric], simp add: D_Sync assms(2))
using *(5) apply (rule disjE)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹ev e # t› in exI, rule_tac x = u in exI,
rule_tac x = ‹ev e # r› in exI, rule_tac x = v in exI)
apply (simp add: *(1, 2, 3, 4))
apply (cases u; simp add: notin image_iff T_Mprefix D_Mprefix)
using *(4) assms(3) apply (fast+)[2]
apply (rule_tac x = t in exI, rule_tac x = ‹ev e # u› in exI,
rule_tac x = ‹ev e # r› in exI, rule_tac x = v in exI)
apply (simp add: *(1, 2, 3, 4))
apply (cases t; simp add: notin image_iff T_Mprefix D_Mprefix)
using *(4) assms(3) by blast
} note * = this
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?rhs A A' P B B' Q) ⟹ s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)› for s
apply (simp add: D_Det)
apply (erule disjE, rule *, simp_all add: sets_assms(1))
apply (erule disjE, subst Sync_commute, rule *, simp_all add: sets_assms(3) Sync_commute)
proof -
assume ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (□x ∈ A' ∩ B' → (P x ⟦S⟧ Q x))›
then obtain e t u r v
where * : ‹e ∈ A'› ‹e ∈ B'› ‹s ≠ []› ‹hd s = ev e› ‹front_tickFree v› ‹tickFree r ∨ v = []›
‹tl s = r @ v› ‹r setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))›
‹t ∈ 𝒟 (P e) ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 (Q e) ∨ t ∈ 𝒟 (Q e) ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 (P e)›
by (simp add: D_Mprefix D_Sync) force
have inside: ‹e ∈ S› using *(1) sets_assms(2) by blast
show ‹s ∈ 𝒟 (?lhs A A' P B B' Q)›
apply (subst list.collapse[OF *(3), symmetric], simp add: D_Sync)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹ev e # t› in exI, rule_tac x = ‹ev e # u› in exI,
rule_tac x = ‹ev e # r› in exI, rule_tac x = v in exI)
by (simp add: * inside D_Mprefix T_Mprefix)
lemma Mprefix_Sync_distr_bis:
‹(Mprefix A P) ⟦S⟧ (Mprefix B Q) =
(□x∈A - S → (P x ⟦S⟧ Mprefix B Q))
□ (□y∈B - S → (Mprefix A P ⟦S⟧ Q y))
□ (□x∈A ∩ B ∩ S → (P x ⟦S⟧ Q x))›
by (subst Mprefix_Sync_distr[of ‹A - S› S ‹A ∩ S› ‹B - S› ‹B ∩ S›, simplified Un_Diff_Int])
(simp_all add: Int_commute inf_left_commute)
lemmas Mprefix_Sync_distr_subset = Mprefix_Sync_distr[where A = ‹{}›
and B = ‹{}›, simplified, simplified Mprefix_STOP Det_STOP trans[OF Det_commute Det_STOP]]
and Mprefix_Sync_distr_indep = Mprefix_Sync_distr[where A'= ‹{}›
and B'= ‹{}›, simplified, simplified Mprefix_STOP Det_STOP]
and Mprefix_Sync_distr_right = Mprefix_Sync_distr[where A = ‹{}›
and B'= ‹{}›, simplified, simplified Mprefix_STOP Det_STOP trans[OF Det_commute Det_STOP], rotated]
and Mprefix_Sync_distr_left = Mprefix_Sync_distr[where A'= ‹{}›
and B = ‹{}›, simplified, simplified Mprefix_STOP Det_STOP trans[OF Det_commute Det_STOP]]
lemma Mprefix_Sync_SKIP: "(Mprefix B P ⟦ S ⟧ SKIP) = (□ x ∈ B - S → (P x ⟦ S ⟧ SKIP))"
proof (auto simp add:Process_eq_spec_optimized, goal_cases)
case (1 x)
then show ?case
proof(simp_all add:D_Sync D_Mprefix D_SKIP T_SKIP, elim exE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 t u r v a)
then show ?case
apply(intro conjI)
using empty_setinterleaving apply blast
apply(elim disjE)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffI Sync.sym emptyLeftProperty
empty_iff hd_append2 image_diff_subset insertI2 list.exhaust_sel
setinterleaving.simps(2) subsetCE)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree Sync.sym TickLeftSync empty_iff
empty_setinterleaving event.distinct(1) ftf_Sync21 insertI1 SyncHd_Tl
list.expand list.sel(1) list.set_intros(1) SyncSameHdTl tickFree_def)
using Sync.sym emptyLeftNonSync emptyLeftProperty hd_in_set apply fastforce
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffI Sync.sym append_Nil2 event.distinct(1)
image_diff_subset insertI1 insertI2 list.sel(1) subsetCE SyncHd_Tl SyncSameHdTl)
apply(rule_tac x="a" in exI, intro conjI)
apply (metis Sync.sym emptyLeftProperty empty_setinterleaving hd_append2 insertI1
list.sel(1) SyncHd_Tl SyncSameHdTl)
apply(rule_tac x="tl t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI,
rule_tac x="tl r" in exI, rule_tac x="v" in exI)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Sync.sym empty_setinterleaving
event.distinct(1) insertI1 list.sel(1) SyncHd_Tl SyncSameHdTl
SyncTlEmpty tickFree_tl tl_append2)
case (2 x)
then show ?case
proof(simp_all add:D_Sync D_Mprefix D_SKIP T_SKIP, elim exE conjE, goal_cases)
case (1 a t u r v)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="hd x#t" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI, rule_tac x="hd x#r" in exI,
rule_tac x="v" in exI, auto)
using hd_Cons_tl list.exhaust_sel by force+
case (3 a b)
then show ?case
proof(simp add:F_Sync F_Mprefix F_SKIP, elim exE disjE, simp_all, goal_cases)
case (1 t u X)
{ fix X Y A B
assume "b = (X ∪ Y) ∩ insert tick (ev ` B) ∪ X ∩ Y" and "X ∩ ev ` A = {}" and "tick ∉ Y"
hence "b ∩ ev ` (A - B) = {}" by (rule_tac equals0I, auto)
} note l1 = this
from 1 show ?case
apply(elim exE conjE disjE)
using l1 apply simp
apply(rule disjI2, simp)
apply(intro disjI2 conjI)
using empty_setinterleaving apply blast
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) DiffI Sync.sym UnI2 contra_subsetD emptyLeftNonSync
emptyLeftProperty hd_in_set image_diff_subset insert_is_Un)
apply (metis Sync.sym Un_commute emptyLeftProperty list.sel(1) list.sel(3) neq_Nil_conv SyncTlEmpty)
apply(intro disjI2 conjI)
using empty_setinterleaving apply blast
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) DiffI Sync.sym event.distinct(1) event.inject
imageE image_eqI insertI1 insertI2 list.sel(1) SyncHd_Tl SyncSameHdTl)
apply (metis Sync.sym event.distinct(1) insertI1 list.sel(1) SyncHd_Tl SyncSameHdTl)
case (2 t u r v)
from 2(2) have "a ∈ 𝒟 (Mprefix B P ⟦S⟧ SKIP)"
apply(simp add:D_Sync) using T_SKIP by blast
with 2(3) have "a ∈ 𝒟 (□ x ∈ B - S → (P x ⟦ S ⟧ SKIP))" by simp
with 2(2) show ?case
by (simp add:D_Sync D_Mprefix, rule_tac disjI2, metis)
case (4 a b)
then show ?case
proof(simp add: F_Sync F_Mprefix F_SKIP, elim exE disjE, simp_all, goal_cases)
case 1
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, simp, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, simp)
apply(rule_tac x="b - (ev ` B)" in exI, rule_tac conjI)
by (blast, rule_tac x="b - {tick}" in exI, blast)
case 2
then show ?case
proof (elim conjE exE, elim disjE exE, simp_all, goal_cases)
case (1 aa t u X)
then show ?case
apply(erule_tac conjE, erule_tac exE, simp_all)
apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="(ev aa)#t" in exI, rule_tac x=u in exI,
rule_tac x=X in exI, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply auto[1]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DiffE event.distinct(1) event.inject
imageE insertE list.exhaust_sel SyncSingleHeadAdd)
case (2 aa t u r v)
from 2(2) have "a ∈ 𝒟 (□ x ∈ B - S → (P x ⟦ S ⟧ SKIP))"
apply(simp add:D_Mprefix D_Sync) by (metis "2"(1) "2"(3) "2"(4))
with 2(5) have "a ∈ 𝒟 (Mprefix B P ⟦S⟧ SKIP)" by simp
with 2(2) show ?case by (simp add:D_Sync D_Mprefix)
lemma Sync_Ndet_left_distrib: "((P ⊓ Q) ⟦ S ⟧ M) = ((P ⟦ S ⟧ M) ⊓ (Q ⟦ S ⟧ M))"
by (auto simp: Process_eq_spec, simp_all add: D_Sync F_Sync D_Ndet F_Ndet T_Ndet) blast+
lemma Sync_Ndet_right_distrib: "(M ⟦ S ⟧ (P ⊓ Q)) = ((M ⟦ S ⟧ P) ⊓ (M ⟦ S ⟧ Q))"
by (metis Sync_commute Sync_Ndet_left_distrib)
lemma prefix_Sync_SKIP1: "a ∉ S ⟹ (a → P ⟦S⟧ SKIP) = (a → (P ⟦S⟧ SKIP))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) write0_def empty_Diff insert_Diff_if Mprefix_Sync_SKIP Mprefix_singl)
lemma prefix_Sync_SKIP2: "a ∈ S ⟹ (a → P ⟦S⟧ SKIP) = STOP"
by (simp add: Mprefix_STOP Mprefix_Sync_SKIP write0_def)
lemma prefix_Sync_SKIP: "(a → P ⟦S⟧ SKIP) = (if a ∈ S then STOP else (a → (P ⟦S⟧ SKIP)))"
by (auto simp add: prefix_Sync_SKIP2 prefix_Sync_SKIP1)
lemma prefix_Sync1: "⟦a ∈ S; b ∈ S; a ≠ b⟧ ⟹ (a → P ⟦S⟧ (b → Q)) = STOP"
using Mprefix_Sync_distr_subset[of "{a}" S "{b}" "λx. P" "λx. Q", simplified]
by (auto, simp add: Mprefix_STOP Mprefix_singl)
lemma prefix_Sync2: "a ∈ S ⟹ ((a → P) ⟦S⟧ (a → Q)) = (a → (P ⟦S⟧ Q))"
by (simp add:write0_def Mprefix_Sync_distr_subset[of "{a}" S "{a}" "λx. P" "λx. Q", simplified])
lemma prefix_Sync3: "⟦a ∈ S; b ∉ S⟧ ⟹ (a → P ⟦S⟧ (b → Q)) = (b → ((a → P) ⟦S⟧ Q))"
using Mprefix_Sync_distr_right[of "{b}" S "{a}" "λx. P" "λx. Q", simplified]
by (auto simp add:write0_def Sync_commute)
lemma Hiding_Sync_D1: ‹finite A ⟹ A ∩ S = {} ⟹ 𝒟 ((P ⟦S⟧ Q) \ A) ⊆ 𝒟 ((P \ A) ⟦S⟧ (Q \ A))›
proof (simp only:D_Sync T_Sync D_Hiding T_Hiding, intro subsetI CollectI,
elim CollectE exE conjE, elim exE CollectE disjE, goal_cases)
case (1 x t u ta ua r v)
then show ?case (is "∃t ua ra va. ?P t ua ra va")
apply (subgoal_tac "?P (trace_hide ta (ev ` A)) (trace_hide ua (ev ` A))
(trace_hide r (ev ` A)) ((trace_hide v (ev ` A))@u)")
apply (metis (no_types, lifting))
apply(simp_all add:front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree tickFree_def disjoint_iff_not_equal
Hiding_interleave[of "ev ` A" "insert tick (ev ` S)" r ta ua])
apply(elim conjE, erule_tac disjE, rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac conjI, case_tac "tickFree ta")
apply(meson front_tickFree_charn self_append_conv tickFree_def)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree emptyLeftNonSync ftf_Sync21 ftf_Sync32 in_set_conv_decomp_last
insertI1 is_processT2_TR nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree tickFree_Nil tickFree_def)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI, simp)
subgoal proof(goal_cases)
case 1
hence a:"tickFree ua" by (metis front_tickFree_implies_tickFree is_processT2_TR is_processT5_S7)
from 1(11) 1(10) inf_hidden[of A ua Q] obtain ff where "isInfHiddenRun ff Q A ∧ ua ∈ range ff" by auto
with 1(2,3,4,7) a show ?case
apply(rule_tac x=ua in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
using front_tickFree_Nil tickFree_def by blast
apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac conjI, case_tac "tickFree ta")
apply(meson front_tickFree_charn self_append_conv tickFree_def)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree emptyLeftNonSync ftf_Sync21 ftf_Sync32 in_set_conv_decomp_last
insertI1 is_processT2_TR nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree tickFree_Nil tickFree_def)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI, simp)
case 1
hence a:"tickFree ua" by (metis front_tickFree_implies_tickFree is_processT2_TR is_processT5_S7)
from 1(10) 1(11) inf_hidden[of A ua P] obtain ff where "isInfHiddenRun ff P A ∧ ua ∈ range ff" by auto
with 1(2,3,4,7) a show ?case
apply(rule_tac x=ua in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
using front_tickFree_Nil tickFree_def by blast
case (2 x t u f)
then show ?case (is "∃t ua ra va. ?P t ua ra va")
proof(elim UnE exE conjE rangeE CollectE, goal_cases 21)
case (21 xa)
note aa = 21(7)[rule_format, of xa]
with 21 show ?case
proof(elim UnE exE conjE rangeE CollectE, goal_cases 211 212)
case (211 taa uaa)
then show ?case (is "∃t ua ra va. ?P t ua ra va")
proof (cases "∀i. f i ∈ {s. ∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ s setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick})}")
case True
define ftu where "ftu ≡ λi. (SOME (t,u). t ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧
(f i) setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick}))"
define ft fu where "ft ≡ fst ∘ ftu" and "fu ≡ snd ∘ ftu"
have "inj ftu"
fix x y
assume ftuxy: "ftu x = ftu y"
obtain t u where tu:"(t, u) = ftu x" by (metis surj_pair)
have "∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ f x setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick})"
using True[rule_format, of x] by simp
with tu have a:"(f x) setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick})"
unfolding ftu_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) exE_some tu)
have "∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ f y setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick})"
using True[rule_format, of y] by simp
with ftuxy tu have b:"(f y) setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick})"
unfolding ftu_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) exE_some tu)
from interleave_eq_size[OF a b] have "length (f x) = length (f y)" by assumption
with 211(6) show "x = y"
by (metis add.left_neutral less_length_mono linorder_neqE_nat not_add_less2 strict_mono_def)
hence inf_ftu: "infinite (range ftu)" using finite_imageD by blast
have "range ftu ⊆ range ft × range fu"
by (clarify, metis comp_apply fst_conv ft_def fu_def rangeI snd_conv)
with inf_ftu have inf_ft_fu: "infinite (range ft) ∨ infinite (range fu)"
by (meson finite_SigmaI infinite_super)
have a:"isInfHiddenRun f (P ⟦S⟧ Q) A"
using "2"(6) T_Sync by blast
{ fix i
from a obtain t where "f i = f 0 @ t ∧ set t ⊆ (ev ` A)"
unfolding isInfHiddenRun_1 by blast
hence "set (f i) ⊆ set (f 0) ∪ (ev ` A)" by auto
} note b = this
{ fix x
obtain t u where tu:"(t, u) = ftu x" by (metis surj_pair)
have "∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ f x setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick})"
using True[rule_format, of x] by simp
with tu have a:"t ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ (f x) setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick})"
unfolding ftu_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) exE_some tu)
hence "ft x ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ fu x ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ (f x) setinterleaves ((ft x, fu x), ev ` S ∪ {tick})"
by (metis comp_apply fst_conv ft_def fu_def snd_conv tu)
hence "ft x ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ fu x ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ set (ft x) ∪ set (fu x) ⊆ set (f x)
∧ (f x) setinterleaves ((ft x, fu x), ev ` S ∪ {tick})" using interleave_set by blast
} note ft_fu_f = this
with b have c:"ft i ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ fu i ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ set (ft i) ∪ set (fu i) ⊆ set (f 0) ∪ ev ` A" for i by blast
with inf_ft_fu show ?thesis
proof(elim disjE, goal_cases 2111 2112)
case 2111
have "∃t'∈range ft. t = take i t' ⟶ (set t ⊆ set (f 0) ∪ ev ` A ∧ length t ≤ i)" for i
by simp (metis "211"(9) b)
hence " {t. ∃t'∈range ft. t = take i t'}
⊆ {t. set t ⊆ set (f 0) ∪ ev ` A ∧ length t ≤ i} " for i
by auto (meson UnE c in_set_takeD subsetCE sup.boundedE)
with 2(1) finite_lists_length_le[of "set (f 0) ∪ ev ` A"]
have "finite {t. ∃t'∈range ft. t = take i t'}" for i
by (meson List.finite_set finite_Un finite_imageI finite_subset)
from KoenigLemma[of "range ft", OF 2111(2), rule_format, OF this]
obtain ftf::"nat ⇒ 'a event list" where
d:"strict_mono ftf ∧ range ftf ⊆ {t. ∃t'∈range ft. t ≤ t'}" by blast
with c d[THEN conjunct2] have e:"range ftf ⊆ 𝒯 P" using is_processT3_ST_pref by blast
define ftfs where f:"ftfs = ftf ∘ (λn. n + length (f 0))"
from e d[THEN conjunct1] strict_mono_def have f1:"range ftfs ⊆ 𝒯 P" and f2:"strict_mono ftfs"
by (auto simp add: strict_mono_def f)
{ fix i
have t0:"length (ftfs 0) ≥ length (f 0)"
by (metis d[THEN conjunct1] add_leE comp_def f length_strict_mono)
obtain tt where t1:"ftfs i = (ftfs 0) @ tt"
by (metis f2 le0 le_list_def strict_mono_less_eq)
from d[THEN conjunct2] f obtain j where t2:"ftfs i ≤ ft j" by simp blast
obtain tt1 where t3: "ft j = (ftfs 0) @ tt @ tt1"
by (metis append.assoc le_list_def t1 t2)
with t0 interleave_order[of "f j" "ftfs 0" "tt@tt1" "ev ` S ∪ {tick}" "fu j"] ft_fu_f
have t4:"set tt ⊆ set (drop (length (f 0)) (f j))"
by (metis Un_subset_iff set_append set_drop_subset_set_drop subset_Un_eq)
with 21 isInfHiddenRun_1[of f _ A] have t5: "set (drop (length (f 0)) (f j)) ⊆ ev ` A"
by (metis (full_types) a append_eq_conv_conj)
with t4 have "set tt ⊆ ev ` A" by simp
with t1 have "trace_hide (ftfs i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide (ftfs 0) (ev ` A)"
by (simp add: subset_eq)
} note f3 = this
from d[THEN conjunct2] f obtain i where f4:"ftfs 0 ≤ ft i" by simp blast
show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="trace_hide (ft i) (ev ` A)" in exI,
rule_tac x="trace_hide (fu i) (ev ` A)" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="trace_hide (f i) (ev ` A)" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI)
proof (intro conjI, goal_cases 21111 21112 21113 21114 21115)
case 21111
then show ?case using 2 by (simp add: "211"(3))
case 21112
then show ?case by (metis "211"(4) "211"(9) a Hiding_tickFree)
case 21113
then show ?case by (metis "211"(5) "211"(8) "211"(9))
case 21114
then show ?case
apply(rule Hiding_interleave)
using "211"(2) apply blast
using ft_fu_f by simp
case 21115
from f4 obtain u where f5:"ft i = (ftfs 0) @ u" by (metis le_list_def)
have "tickFree (f i)" by (metis "211"(4) "211"(8) "211"(9) Hiding_tickFree)
with ft_fu_f have f6:"tickFree (ft i)" by (meson subsetCE sup.boundedE tickFree_def)
show ?case
apply (rule disjI1, rule conjI, simp)
apply(rule_tac x="ftfs 0" in exI, rule_tac x="trace_hide u (ev ` A)" in exI, intro conjI)
apply (metis f5 front_tickFree_Nil front_tickFree_mono ft_fu_f
Hiding_fronttickFree is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis f5 f6 tickFree_append)
apply (simp add: f5, rule disjI2, rule_tac x=ftfs in exI)
using f1 f2 f3 apply blast
using elemTIselemHT[of "fu i" Q A, simplified T_Hiding] ft_fu_f by blast
case 2112
have "∃t'∈range fu. t = take i t' ⟶ (set t ⊆ set (f 0) ∪ ev ` A ∧ length t ≤ i)" for i
by simp (metis "211"(9) b)
hence " {t. ∃t'∈range fu. t = take i t'}
⊆ {t. set t ⊆ set (f 0) ∪ ev ` A ∧ length t ≤ i} " for i
by auto (meson UnE c in_set_takeD subsetCE sup.boundedE)
with 2(1) finite_lists_length_le[of "set (f 0) ∪ ev ` A"]
have "finite {t. ∃t'∈range fu. t = take i t'}" for i
by (meson List.finite_set finite_Un finite_imageI finite_subset)
from KoenigLemma[of "range fu", OF 2112(2), rule_format, OF this]
obtain fuf::"nat ⇒ 'a event list" where
d:"strict_mono fuf ∧ range fuf ⊆ {t. ∃t'∈range fu. t ≤ t'}" by blast
with c d[THEN conjunct2] have e:"range fuf ⊆ 𝒯 Q" using is_processT3_ST_pref by blast
define fufs where f:"fufs = fuf ∘ (λn. n + length (f 0))"
from e d[THEN conjunct1] strict_mono_def have f1:"range fufs ⊆ 𝒯 Q" and f2:"strict_mono fufs"
by (auto simp add: strict_mono_def f)
{ fix i
have t0:"length (fufs 0) ≥ length (f 0)"
by (metis d[THEN conjunct1] add_leE comp_def f length_strict_mono)
obtain tt where t1:"fufs i = (fufs 0) @ tt"
by (metis f2 le0 le_list_def strict_mono_less_eq)
from d[THEN conjunct2] f obtain j where t2:"fufs i ≤ fu j" by simp blast
obtain tt1 where t3: "fu j = (fufs 0) @ tt @ tt1" by (metis append.assoc le_list_def t1 t2)
with t0 interleave_order[of "f j" "fufs 0" "tt@tt1" "ev ` S ∪ {tick}" "ft j"] ft_fu_f
have t4:"set tt ⊆ set (drop (length (f 0)) (f j))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Sync.sym Un_subset_iff order_trans
set_append set_drop_subset_set_drop)
with 21 isInfHiddenRun_1[of f _ A] have t5: "set (drop (length (f 0)) (f j)) ⊆ ev ` A"
by (metis (full_types) a append_eq_conv_conj)
with t4 have "set tt ⊆ ev ` A" by simp
with t1 have "trace_hide (fufs i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide (fufs 0) (ev ` A)"
by (simp add: subset_eq)
} note f3 = this
from d[THEN conjunct2] f obtain i where f4:"fufs 0 ≤ fu i" by simp blast
show ?case
apply(rule_tac x="trace_hide (fu i) (ev ` A)" in exI,
rule_tac x="trace_hide (ft i) (ev ` A)" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="trace_hide (f i) (ev ` A)" in exI, rule_tac x="u" in exI)
proof (intro conjI, goal_cases 21111 21112 21113 21114 21115)
case 21111
then show ?case using 2 by (simp add: "211"(3))
case 21112
then show ?case by (metis "211"(4) "211"(9) a Hiding_tickFree)
case 21113
then show ?case by (metis "211"(5) "211"(8) "211"(9))
case 21114
then show ?case
apply(rule Hiding_interleave)
using "211"(2) apply blast
using ft_fu_f using Sync.sym by blast
case 21115
from f4 obtain u where f5:"fu i = (fufs 0) @ u" by (metis le_list_def)
have "tickFree (f i)" by (metis "211"(4) "211"(8) "211"(9) Hiding_tickFree)
with ft_fu_f have f6:"tickFree (fu i)" by (meson subsetCE sup.boundedE tickFree_def)
show ?case
apply (rule disjI2, rule conjI, simp)
apply(rule_tac x="fufs 0" in exI, rule_tac x="trace_hide u (ev ` A)" in exI, intro conjI)
apply (metis f5 front_tickFree_Nil front_tickFree_mono ft_fu_f
Hiding_fronttickFree is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis f5 f6 tickFree_append)
apply (simp add: f5, rule disjI2, rule_tac x=fufs in exI)
using f1 f2 f3 apply blast
using elemTIselemHT[of "ft i" P A, simplified T_Hiding] ft_fu_f by blast
case False
then obtain xaa
where "f xaa ∉ {s. ∃t u. t ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 Q ∧ s setinterleaves ((t, u), ev ` S ∪ {tick})}"
by blast
with 211(7)[rule_format, of xaa] obtain ta ua ra va
where bb:"front_tickFree va ∧ (tickFree ra ∨ va = []) ∧
f xaa = ra @ va ∧ ra setinterleaves ((ta, ua), ev ` S ∪ {tick}) ∧
(ta ∈ 𝒟 P ∧ ua ∈ 𝒯 Q ∨ ta ∈ 𝒟 Q ∧ ua ∈ 𝒯 P)" by blast
from 211 have cc:"x = trace_hide (f xaa) (ev ` A) @ u" by (metis (no_types, lifting))
from bb 211(9) "211"(8) "21"(4) have "tickFree ra ∧ tickFree va"
by (metis Hiding_tickFree tickFree_append)
with cc bb 211 show ?thesis
apply(subgoal_tac "?P (trace_hide ta (ev ` A)) (trace_hide ua (ev ` A))
(trace_hide ra (ev ` A)) ((trace_hide va (ev ` A))@u)")
apply (metis (no_types, lifting))
apply(simp_all add:front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree tickFree_def disjoint_iff_not_equal
Hiding_interleave[of "ev ` A" "insert tick (ev ` S)" ra ta ua])
apply(elim conjE disjE, rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac conjI, case_tac "tickFree ta")
apply(meson front_tickFree_charn self_append_conv tickFree_def)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree emptyLeftNonSync ftf_Sync21 ftf_Sync32 in_set_conv_decomp_last
insertI1 is_processT2_TR nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree tickFree_Nil tickFree_def)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI, simp)
subgoal proof(goal_cases 2111)
case 2111
hence a:"tickFree ua" by (metis front_tickFree_implies_tickFree is_processT2_TR is_processT5_S7)
from 2111(20) 2111(21) inf_hidden[of A ua Q] obtain ff
where "isInfHiddenRun ff Q A ∧ ua ∈ range ff" by auto
with 2111(2,3,4,7) a show ?case
apply(rule_tac x=ua in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
using front_tickFree_Nil tickFree_def by blast
apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac conjI, case_tac "tickFree ta")
apply(meson front_tickFree_charn self_append_conv tickFree_def)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree emptyLeftNonSync ftf_Sync21 ftf_Sync32 in_set_conv_decomp_last
insertI1 is_processT2_TR nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree tickFree_Nil tickFree_def)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI, simp)
proof(goal_cases 2111)
case 2111
hence a:"tickFree ua" by (metis front_tickFree_implies_tickFree is_processT2_TR is_processT5_S7)
from 2111(20) 2111(21) inf_hidden[of A ua P] obtain ff
where "isInfHiddenRun ff P A ∧ ua ∈ range ff" by auto
with 2111(2,3,4,7) a show ?case
apply(rule_tac x=ua in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
using front_tickFree_Nil tickFree_def by blast
case (212 ta ua r v)
then show ?case (is "∃t ua ra va. ?P t ua ra va")
apply (subgoal_tac "?P (trace_hide ta (ev ` A)) (trace_hide ua (ev ` A))
(trace_hide r (ev ` A)) ((trace_hide v (ev ` A))@u)")
apply (metis (no_types, lifting))
apply(simp_all add:front_tickFree_append Hiding_tickFree tickFree_def disjoint_iff_not_equal
Hiding_interleave[of "ev ` A" "insert tick (ev ` S)" r ta ua])
apply(erule_tac disjE, rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac conjI, case_tac "tickFree ta")
apply(meson front_tickFree_charn self_append_conv tickFree_def)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree emptyLeftNonSync ftf_Sync21 ftf_Sync32 in_set_conv_decomp_last
insertI1 is_processT2_TR nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree tickFree_Nil tickFree_def)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI, simp)
subgoal proof(goal_cases 2121)
case 2121
hence a:"tickFree ua" by (metis front_tickFree_implies_tickFree is_processT2_TR is_processT5_S7)
from 2121(14) 2121(13) inf_hidden[of A ua Q] obtain ff
where "isInfHiddenRun ff Q A ∧ ua ∈ range ff" by auto
with 2121(2,3,4,7) a show ?case
apply(rule_tac x=ua in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
using front_tickFree_Nil tickFree_def by blast
apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac conjI, case_tac "tickFree ta")
apply(meson front_tickFree_charn self_append_conv tickFree_def)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree emptyLeftNonSync ftf_Sync21 ftf_Sync32 in_set_conv_decomp_last
insertI1 is_processT2_TR nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree tickFree_Nil tickFree_def)
apply(subst disj_commute, rule_tac disjCI, simp)
proof(goal_cases 2121)
case 2121
hence a:"tickFree ua" by (metis front_tickFree_implies_tickFree is_processT2_TR is_processT5_S7)
from 2121(14) 2121(13) inf_hidden[of A ua P] obtain ff
where "isInfHiddenRun ff P A ∧ ua ∈ range ff" by auto
with 2121(2,3,4,7) a show ?case
apply(rule_tac x=ua in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
using front_tickFree_Nil tickFree_def by blast
lemma Hiding_Sync_D2:
assumes *:"A ∩ S = {}"
shows ‹𝒟 ((P \ A) ⟦S⟧ (Q \ A)) ⊆ 𝒟 ((P ⟦S⟧ Q) \ A)›
proof -
{ fix P Q
have ‹{s. ∃t u r v. front_tickFree v ∧ (tickFree r ∨ v = []) ∧
s = r @ v ∧ r setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S)) ∧
(t ∈ 𝒟 (P \ A) ∧ u ∈ 𝒯 (Q \ A))} ⊆ 𝒟 ((P ⟦S⟧ Q) \ A)›
proof(simp add:D_Hiding D_Sync, intro subsetI CollectI, elim exE conjE CollectE, goal_cases a)
case (a x t u r v ta1 ta2)
from a(1,3-9) show ?case
proof(erule_tac disjE, goal_cases)
case 1
with interleave_append[of r "trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A)" "ta2" "insert tick (ev ` S)" u]
obtain u1 u2 r1 r2
where a1:"u = u1 @ u2" and a2:"r = r1 @ r2" and
a3:"r1 setinterleaves ((trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A), u1), insert tick (ev ` S))" and
a4:"r2 setinterleaves ((ta2, u2), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with 1 show ?case
proof(auto simp only:T_Hiding, goal_cases 11 12 13)
case (11 ua)
from trace_hide_append[OF 11(12)]
obtain ua1 where a5:"u1 = trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A) ∧ ua1 ≤ ua ∧ ua1 ∈ 𝒯 Q"
using "11"(13) F_T is_processT3_ST_pref le_list_def by blast
from interleave_Hiding[OF _ 11(10)[simplified a5]] obtain ra1
where a6:"r1 = trace_hide ra1 (ev ` A) ∧ ra1 setinterleaves ((ta1, ua1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 11 a5 a6 show ?case
apply(exI ra1, exI "r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis a(5) append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append
front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis equals0D ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21 insertI1 tickFree_def)
using front_tickFree_Nil by blast
case (12 ua1 ua2)
then show ?case
proof(cases "u1 ≤ trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)")
case True
then obtain uu1 where "u1@uu1 = trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)" using le_list_def by blast
with trace_hide_append[OF this] obtain uaa1
where a5:"u1 = trace_hide uaa1 (ev ` A) ∧ uaa1 ≤ ua1 ∧ uaa1 ∈ 𝒯 Q"
using "12"(15) NT_ND is_processT3_ST_pref le_list_def by blast
from interleave_Hiding[OF _ 12(10)[simplified a5]] obtain rr1
where a6:"r1 = trace_hide rr1 (ev ` A) ∧
rr1 setinterleaves ((ta1, uaa1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 12 a5 a6 show ?thesis
apply(exI rr1, exI "r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis a(5) append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis equals0D ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21 insertI1 tickFree_def)
using front_tickFree_Nil by blast
case False
with 12(14) obtain uaa1 where "u1 = trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)@uaa1"
by (metis append_eq_append_conv2 le_list_def)
with a3 interleave_append_sym[of r1 "trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A)" "insert tick (ev ` S)"
"trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)" uaa1]
obtain taa1 taa2 ra1 ra2
where aa1:"trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A) = taa1 @ taa2" and aa2:"r1 = ra1 @ ra2" and
aa3:"ra1 setinterleaves ((taa1, trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)), insert tick (ev ` S))" and
aa4:"ra2 setinterleaves ((taa2,uaa1), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with trace_hide_append[OF aa1[symmetric]]
obtain taaa1 where a5:"taa1 = trace_hide taaa1 (ev ` A) ∧ taaa1 ≤ ta1 ∧ taaa1 ∈ 𝒯 P"
using "12"(7) D_T is_processT3_ST_pref le_list_def by blast
with interleave_Hiding[OF _ aa3[simplified a5]] obtain rr1
where a6:"ra1 = trace_hide rr1 (ev ` A) ∧ rr1 setinterleaves ((taaa1, ua1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 12 a5 show ?thesis
apply(exI rr1, exI "ra2@r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis aa2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync
Hiding_tickFree self_append_conv tickFree_append)
apply (metis a6 ftf_Sync1 le_list_def tickFree_append tickFree_def)
using a6 aa2 apply blast
using Sync.sym a6 front_tickFree_Nil by blast
case (13 ua fa xa)
with isInfHiddenRun_1[of fa Q] have a0:"∀i. ∃t. fa i = fa 0 @ t ∧ set t ⊆ (ev ` A)" by simp
define tlf where "tlf ≡ λi. drop (length (fa 0)) (fa i)"
have tlf_def2:"(fa x) = (fa 0) @ (tlf x)" for x by (metis a0 append_eq_conv_conj tlf_def)
{ fix x y
assume *:"(x::nat) < y"
hence "fa x = fa 0 @ tlf x ∧ fa y = fa 0 @ tlf y" by (metis tlf_def2)
hence "tlf x < tlf y"
using strict_monoD[OF 13(16), of x y] by (simp add: A "*" le_list_def)
} note tlf_strict_mono = this
have tlf_range:"set (tlf i) ⊆ (ev ` A)" for i
by (metis a0 append_eq_conv_conj tlf_def)
from 13 show ?case
proof(cases "u1 ≤ trace_hide (fa xa) (ev ` A)")
case True
then obtain uu1 where "u1@uu1 = trace_hide (fa xa) (ev ` A)" using le_list_def by blast
with trace_hide_append[OF this]
obtain uaa1 where a5:"u1 = trace_hide uaa1 (ev ` A) ∧ uaa1 ≤ (fa xa) ∧ uaa1 ∈ 𝒯 Q"
by (metis "13"(17) is_processT3_ST le_list_def)
from interleave_Hiding[OF _ 13(10)[simplified a5]] obtain rr1
where a6:" r1 = trace_hide rr1 (ev ` A)
∧ rr1 setinterleaves ((ta1, uaa1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 13 a5 a6 show ?thesis
apply(exI rr1, exI "r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis a(5) append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis equals0D ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21 insertI1 tickFree_def)
using front_tickFree_Nil by blast
case False
with 13(14) obtain uaa1 where "u1 = trace_hide (fa 0) (ev ` A)@uaa1"
by (metis "13"(18) append_eq_append_conv2 le_list_def)
with a3 interleave_append_sym[of r1 "trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A)" "insert tick (ev ` S)"
"trace_hide (fa 0) (ev ` A)" uaa1]
obtain taa1 taa2 ra1 ra2
where aa1:"trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A) = taa1 @ taa2" and aa2:"r1 = ra1 @ ra2" and
aa3:"ra1 setinterleaves ((taa1, trace_hide (fa 0) (ev ` A)), insert tick (ev ` S))" and
aa4:"ra2 setinterleaves ((taa2,uaa1), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with trace_hide_append[OF aa1[symmetric]]
obtain taaa1 where a5:"taa1 = trace_hide taaa1 (ev ` A) ∧ taaa1 ≤ ta1 ∧ taaa1 ∈ 𝒯 P"
using "13"(7) D_T is_processT3_ST_pref le_list_def by blast
with interleave_Hiding[OF _ aa3[simplified a5]] obtain rr1
where a6:"ra1 = trace_hide rr1 (ev ` A) ∧
rr1 setinterleaves ((taaa1, (fa 0)), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 13 a0 a5 a6 aa1 aa2 aa3 show ?thesis
apply(exI rr1, exI "ra2@r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync
Hiding_tickFree self_append_conv tickFree_append)
apply (metis a6 ftf_Sync1 le_list_def tickFree_append tickFree_def)
proof (rule_tac disjI2, exI "λi. rr1@(tlf i)", intro conjI, goal_cases 131 132 133 134)
case 131
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac strict_monoI, drule_tac tlf_strict_mono,rule_tac less_append) by assumption
case 132
have "(rr1@tlf i) setinterleaves ((taaa1, fa i),insert tick (ev ` S))" for i
apply(subst tlf_def2, rule interleave_append_tail_sym[OF a6[THEN conjunct2], of "tlf i"])
using * tlf_range by blast
then show ?case
unfolding T_Sync using a5 13(17) by auto
case 133
from tlf_range have "trace_hide (y @ tlf i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide y (ev ` A)" for i y
apply(induct y) using filter_empty_conv apply fastforce by simp
then show ?case by simp
case 134
have "tlf 0 = []"
by (simp add: tlf_def)
then show ?case by simp
case 2
from 2(8) obtain nta::nat and ff::"nat ⇒ 'a event list"
where "strict_mono ff" and ff:"(∀i. ff i ∈ 𝒯 P) ∧ ta1 = ff nta ∧
(∀i. trace_hide (ff i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide (ff 0) (ev ` A))" by blast
define f where "f ≡ (λi. ff (i + nta))"
with ff have f1:"strict_mono f" and f2:"(∀i. f i ∈ 𝒯 P)" and f3:"ta1 = f 0" and
f4:"(∀i. trace_hide (f i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A))"
apply auto apply(rule strict_monoI, rule ‹strict_mono ff›[THEN strict_monoD])
by simp metis
with isInfHiddenRun_1[of f P] have a0:"∀i. ∃t. f i = f 0 @ t ∧ set t ⊆ (ev ` A)" by simp
define tlf where "tlf ≡ λi. drop (length (f 0)) (f i)"
have tlf_def2:"(f x) = ta1 @ (tlf x)" for x by (metis a0 f3 append_eq_conv_conj tlf_def)
{ fix x y
assume *:"(x::nat) < y"
hence "f x = f 0 @ tlf x ∧ f y = f 0 @ tlf y" by (metis f3 tlf_def2)
hence "tlf x < tlf y"
using strict_monoD[OF f1, of x y] by (simp add: A "*" le_list_def)
} note tlf_strict_mono = this
have tlf_range:"set (tlf i) ⊆ (ev ` A)" for i
by (metis a0 append_eq_conv_conj tlf_def)
with 2 interleave_append[of r "trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A)" "ta2" "insert tick (ev ` S)" u]
obtain u1 u2 r1 r2
where a1:"u = u1 @ u2" and a2:"r = r1 @ r2" and
a3:"r1 setinterleaves ((trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A), u1), insert tick (ev ` S))" and
a4:"r2 setinterleaves ((ta2, u2), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with 2(1-6) f1 f2 f3 f4 show ?case
proof(auto simp only:T_Hiding, goal_cases 21 22 23)
case (21 ua)
from trace_hide_append[OF 21(14)] obtain ua1
where a5:"u1 = trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A) ∧ ua1 ≤ ua ∧ ua1 ∈ 𝒯 Q"
using "21"(15) F_T is_processT3_ST_pref le_list_def by blast
from interleave_Hiding[OF _ a3[simplified a5]] obtain ra1
where a6:"r1 = trace_hide ra1 (ev ` A) ∧ ra1 setinterleaves ((ta1, ua1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 21 a5 a6 show ?case
apply(exI ra1, exI "r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis a(5) append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis equals0D ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21 insertI1 tickFree_def)
proof (rule_tac disjI2, exI "λi. ra1@(tlf i)", intro conjI, goal_cases 211 212 213 214)
case 211
then show ?case
by(rule_tac strict_monoI, drule_tac tlf_strict_mono, rule_tac less_append)(assumption)
case 212
have "(ra1@tlf i) setinterleaves ((f i, ua1),insert tick (ev ` S))" for i
apply(subst tlf_def2, rule interleave_append_tail[OF a6[THEN conjunct2], of "tlf i"])
using * tlf_range by blast
then show ?case
unfolding T_Sync using a5 21(15) f2 by auto
case 213
from tlf_range have "trace_hide (y @ tlf i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide y (ev ` A)" for i y
apply(induct y) using filter_empty_conv apply fastforce by simp
then show ?case by simp
case 214
have "tlf 0 = []"
by (simp add: tlf_def)
then show ?case by simp
case (22 ua1 ua2)
then show ?case
proof(cases "u1 ≤ trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)")
case True
then obtain uu1 where "u1@uu1 = trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)" using le_list_def by blast
from trace_hide_append[OF this]
obtain uaa1 where a5:"u1 = trace_hide uaa1 (ev ` A) ∧ uaa1 ≤ ua1 ∧ uaa1 ∈ 𝒯 Q"
using "22"(17) D_T is_processT3_ST le_list_def by blast
from interleave_Hiding[OF _ a3[simplified a5]]
obtain ra1
where a6:" r1 = trace_hide ra1 (ev ` A)
∧ ra1 setinterleaves ((ta1, uaa1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 22 a5 a6 show ?thesis
apply(exI ra1, exI "r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis a(5) append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append
front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis equals0D ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21 insertI1 tickFree_def)
proof (rule_tac disjI2, exI "λi. ra1@(tlf i)", intro conjI, goal_cases 211 212 213 214)
case 211
then show ?case apply(rule_tac strict_monoI, drule_tac tlf_strict_mono, rule_tac less_append) by assumption
case 212
have "(ra1@tlf i) setinterleaves ((f i, uaa1),insert tick (ev ` S))" for i
apply(subst tlf_def2, rule interleave_append_tail[OF a6[THEN conjunct2], of "tlf i"])
using * tlf_range by blast
then show ?case
unfolding T_Sync using a5 22(15) f2 by auto
case 213
from tlf_range have "trace_hide (y @ tlf i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide y (ev ` A)" for i y
apply(induct y) using filter_empty_conv apply fastforce by simp
then show ?case by simp
case 214
have "tlf 0 = []"
by (simp add: tlf_def)
then show ?case by simp
case False
with 22(16) obtain uaa1 where "u1 = trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)@uaa1"
by (metis append_eq_append_conv2 le_list_def)
with a3 interleave_append_sym[of r1 "trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A)" "insert tick (ev ` S)" "
trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)" uaa1]
obtain taa1 taa2 ra1 ra2
where aa1:"trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A) = taa1 @ taa2" and aa2:"r1 = ra1 @ ra2" and
aa3:"ra1 setinterleaves ((taa1, trace_hide ua1 (ev ` A)), insert tick (ev ` S))" and
aa4:"ra2 setinterleaves ((taa2,uaa1), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with trace_hide_append[OF aa1[symmetric]]
obtain taaa1 where a5:"taa1 = trace_hide taaa1 (ev ` A) ∧ taaa1 ≤ ta1 ∧ taaa1 ∈ 𝒯 P"
using f2 f3 is_processT3_ST_pref le_list_def by metis
with interleave_Hiding[OF _ aa3[simplified a5]] obtain rr1
where a6:"ra1 = trace_hide rr1 (ev ` A) ∧
rr1 setinterleaves ((taaa1, ua1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 22 a5 show ?thesis
apply(exI rr1, exI "ra2@r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis a(5) a(8) aa2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono is_processT2_TR
ftf_Sync Hiding_tickFree self_append_conv tickFree_append)
apply (metis a6 ftf_Sync1 le_list_def tickFree_append tickFree_def)
using a6 aa2 apply blast
using Sync.sym a6[THEN conjunct2] front_tickFree_Nil by (metis append_Nil2)
case (23 ua fa xa)
with isInfHiddenRun_1[of fa Q] have a0:"∀i. ∃t. fa i = fa 0 @ t ∧ set t ⊆ (ev ` A)" by simp
define tlfa where "tlfa ≡ λi. drop (length (fa 0)) (fa i)"
have tlfa_def2:"(fa x) = (fa 0) @ (tlfa x)" for x by (metis a0 append_eq_conv_conj tlfa_def)
{ fix x y
assume *:"(x::nat) < y"
hence "fa x = fa 0 @ tlfa x ∧ fa y = fa 0 @ tlfa y" by (metis tlfa_def2)
hence "tlfa x < tlfa y"
using strict_monoD[OF 23(18), of x y] by (simp add: A "*" le_list_def)
} note tlfa_strict_mono = this
have tlfa_range:"set (tlfa i) ⊆ (ev ` A)" for i
by (metis a0 append_eq_conv_conj tlfa_def)
from 23 show ?case
proof(cases "u1 ≤ trace_hide (fa xa) (ev ` A)")
case True
then obtain uu1 where "u1@uu1 = trace_hide (fa xa) (ev ` A)" using le_list_def by blast
with trace_hide_append[OF this]
obtain uaa1 where a5:"u1 = trace_hide uaa1 (ev ` A) ∧ uaa1 ≤ (fa xa) ∧ uaa1 ∈ 𝒯 Q"
by (metis "23"(19) is_processT3_ST le_list_def)
from interleave_Hiding[OF _ a3[simplified a5]]
obtain rr1
where a6:"r1 = trace_hide rr1 (ev ` A) ∧ rr1 setinterleaves ((ta1, uaa1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 23 a5 a6 show ?thesis
apply(exI rr1, exI "r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis a(5) append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono
ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
apply (metis equals0D ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21 insertI1 tickFree_def)
proof (rule_tac disjI2, exI "λi. rr1@(tlf i)", intro conjI, goal_cases 211 212 213 214)
case 211
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac strict_monoI, drule_tac tlf_strict_mono, rule_tac less_append) by assumption
case 212
have "(rr1@tlf i) setinterleaves ((f i, uaa1),insert tick (ev ` S))" for i
apply(subst tlf_def2, rule interleave_append_tail[OF a6[THEN conjunct2], of "tlf i"])
using * tlf_range by blast
then show ?case
unfolding T_Sync using a5 23(17) f2 by auto
case 213
from tlf_range have "trace_hide (y @ tlf i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide y (ev ` A)" for i y
apply(induct y) using filter_empty_conv apply fastforce by simp
then show ?case by simp
case 214
have "tlf 0 = []"
by (simp add: tlf_def)
then show ?case by simp
case False
with 23(16) obtain uaa1 where "u1 = trace_hide (fa 0) (ev ` A)@uaa1"
by (metis "23"(20) append_eq_append_conv2 le_list_def)
with a3 interleave_append_sym[of r1 "trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A)"
"insert tick (ev ` S)"
"trace_hide (fa 0) (ev ` A)" uaa1]
obtain taa1 taa2 ra1 ra2
where aa1:"trace_hide ta1 (ev ` A) = taa1 @ taa2" and aa2:"r1 = ra1 @ ra2" and
aa3:"ra1 setinterleaves ((taa1, trace_hide (fa 0) (ev ` A)), insert tick (ev ` S))" and
aa4:"ra2 setinterleaves ((taa2,uaa1), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with trace_hide_append[OF aa1[symmetric]]
obtain taaa1 where a5:"taa1 = trace_hide taaa1 (ev ` A) ∧ taaa1 ≤ ta1 ∧ taaa1 ∈ 𝒯 P"
by (metis f2 f3 is_processT3_ST le_list_def)
with interleave_Hiding[OF _ aa3[simplified a5]] obtain rr1
where a6:"ra1 = trace_hide rr1 (ev ` A) ∧
rr1 setinterleaves ((taaa1, (fa 0)), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using * by blast
from a(2) 23 a0 a5 a6 aa1 aa2 aa3 show ?thesis
apply(exI rr1, exI "ra2@r2@v", intro conjI, simp_all (asm_lr))
apply (metis a(5) a(8) front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync
Hiding_tickFree is_processT2_TR self_append_conv)
apply (metis a6 ftf_Sync1 le_list_def tickFree_append tickFree_def)
proof (rule_tac disjI2, exI "λi. rr1@(tlfa i)", intro conjI, goal_cases 131 132 133 134)
case 131
then show ?case
by(rule_tac strict_monoI, drule_tac tlfa_strict_mono, rule_tac less_append) assumption
case 132
have "(rr1@tlfa i) setinterleaves ((taaa1, fa i),insert tick (ev ` S))" for i
apply(subst tlfa_def2, rule interleave_append_tail_sym[OF a6[THEN conjunct2], of "tlfa i"])
using * tlfa_range by blast
then show ?case
unfolding T_Sync using a5 23(19) by auto
case 133
from tlfa_range have "trace_hide (y @ tlfa i) (ev ` A) = trace_hide y (ev ` A)" for i y
apply(induct y) using filter_empty_conv apply fastforce by simp
then show ?case by simp
case 134
have "tlfa 0 = []"
by (simp add: tlfa_def)
then show ?case by simp
from this[of P Q] this[of Q P] Sync_commute[of P S Q] show ?thesis
by (simp add:D_Sync T_Sync) blast
lemma Hiding_Sync:
‹finite A ⟹ A ∩ S = {} ⟹ ((P ⟦S⟧ Q) \ A) = ((P \ A) ⟦S⟧ (Q \ A))›
proof(auto simp add: Process_eq_spec_optimized subset_antisym[OF Hiding_Sync_D1 Hiding_Sync_D2],
simp_all add: F_Sync F_Hiding,
case (1 a b)
then show ?case
proof(elim disjE, goal_cases 11 12)
case 11
then show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE, elim disjE, goal_cases 111 112)
case (111 c)
from 111(7) obtain t u X Y where
a: "(t, X) ∈ ℱ P" and
b: "(u, Y) ∈ ℱ Q" and
c: "c setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))" and
d: "b ∪ ev ` A = (X ∪ Y) ∩ insert tick (ev ` S) ∪ X ∩ Y" by auto
from 1(2) d have e:"ev ` A ⊆ X ∩ Y" by blast
from a b c d e 111(2,3) show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI1)
apply(rule_tac x="trace_hide t (ev ` A)" in exI, rule_tac x="trace_hide u (ev ` A)" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="X - ((ev ` A) - b)" in exI, intro conjI disjI1, rule_tac x="t" in exI)
apply (metis Int_subset_iff Un_Diff_Int Un_least is_processT4 sup_ge1)
apply(rule_tac x="Y - ((ev ` A) - b)" in exI, intro conjI disjI1, rule_tac x="u" in exI)
apply (metis Int_subset_iff Un_Diff_Int Un_least is_processT4 sup_ge1)
using Hiding_interleave[of "ev ` A" "insert tick (ev ` S)" c t u] by blast+
case (112 t)
from 112(7) have a:"front_tickFree t"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) D_imp_front_tickFree append_Nil2
front_tickFree_append ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
from 112 have "t ∈ 𝒟 (P ⟦S⟧ Q)" by (simp add:D_Sync)
with 112(1,2,3) have ‹a ∈ 𝒟 ((P ⟦S⟧ Q) \ A)›
apply (simp add:D_Hiding)
proof(case_tac "tickFree t", goal_cases 1121 1122)
case 1121
then show ?case
by (rule_tac x=t in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, simp)
case 1122
with a obtain t' where "t = t'@[tick]" using nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree by blast
with a show ?case
apply (rule_tac x="t'" in exI, rule_tac x="[tick]" in exI, auto)
using front_tickFree_mono apply blast
using 1122(4) is_processT9 by blast
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2)
using Hiding_Sync_D1[of A S P Q, OF 112(1,2)] D_Sync[of ‹P \ A› S ‹Q \ A›] by auto
case 12
hence ‹a ∈ 𝒟 ((P ⟦S⟧ Q) \ A)› by (simp add:D_Hiding)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2)
using Hiding_Sync_D1[of A S P Q, OF 12(1,2)] D_Sync[of ‹P \ A› S ‹Q \ A›] by auto
case (2 a b)
then show ?case
proof(elim disjE, goal_cases 21 22)
case 21
then show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE, elim disjE, goal_cases 211 212 213 214)
case (211 t u X Y)
then obtain ta ua where t211: "t = trace_hide ta (ev ` A) ∧ (ta, X ∪ ev ` A) ∈ ℱ P" and
u211: "u = trace_hide ua (ev ` A) ∧ (ua, Y ∪ ev ` A) ∈ ℱ Q" by blast
from interleave_Hiding[of "(ev ` A)" "insert tick (ev ` S)" a ta ua] "211"(1,2,3) t211 u211
obtain aa where a211: "a = trace_hide aa (ev ` A) ∧
aa setinterleaves ((ta, ua), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with 211(1,2,3,4) t211 u211 show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="aa" in exI, simp)
apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="ta" in exI, rule_tac x="ua" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="X ∪ ev ` A" in exI, rule conjI) using is_processT4 apply blast
apply(rule_tac x="Y ∪ ev ` A" in exI, rule conjI) using is_processT4 by blast+
case (212 t u X Y)
hence ‹u ∈ 𝒟 (Q \ A)› and ‹t ∈ 𝒯 (P \ A)›
apply (simp add:D_Hiding)
using "212"(8) F_T elemTIselemHT by blast
with 212(3,8) have ‹a ∈ 𝒟 (((P \ A) ⟦S⟧ (Q \ A)))›
apply (simp add:D_Sync)
using Sync.sym front_tickFree_charn by blast
then show ?case
apply (rule_tac disjI2)
using Hiding_Sync_D2[of A S P Q, OF 2(2)] D_Hiding[of "(P ⟦S⟧ Q)", simplified] by auto
case (213 t u X Y)
hence ‹u ∈ 𝒯 (Q \ A)› and ‹t ∈ 𝒟 (P \ A)›
by (simp_all add:D_Hiding, metis F_T elemTIselemHT)
with 213(3,8) have ‹a ∈ 𝒟 (((P \ A) ⟦S⟧ (Q \ A)))›
apply (simp add:D_Sync)
using Sync.sym front_tickFree_charn by blast
then show ?case
apply (rule_tac disjI2)
using Hiding_Sync_D2[of A S P Q, OF 2(2)] D_Hiding[of "(P ⟦S⟧ Q)", simplified] by auto
case (214 t u X Y)
hence ‹u ∈ 𝒯 (Q \ A)› and ‹t ∈ 𝒟 (P \ A)›
by (simp_all add:D_Hiding T_Hiding)
with 214(3,8) have ‹a ∈ 𝒟 (((P \ A) ⟦S⟧ (Q \ A)))›
apply (simp add:D_Sync)
using Sync.sym front_tickFree_charn by blast
then show ?case
apply (rule_tac disjI2)
using Hiding_Sync_D2[of A S P Q, OF 2(2)] D_Hiding[of "(P ⟦S⟧ Q)", simplified] by auto
case 22
hence ‹a ∈ 𝒟 (((P \ A) ⟦S⟧ (Q \ A)))› by (simp add:D_Sync)
then show ?case
apply (rule_tac disjI2)
using Hiding_Sync_D2[of A S P Q, OF 2(2)] D_Hiding[of "(P ⟦S⟧ Q)", simplified] by auto
lemma Sync_assoc_oneside_D: "𝒟 (P ⟦S⟧ (Q ⟦S⟧ T)) ⊆ 𝒟 (P ⟦S⟧ Q ⟦S⟧ T)"
proof(auto simp add:D_Sync T_Sync del:disjE, goal_cases a)
case (a tt uu rr vv)
from a(3,4) show ?case
proof(auto, goal_cases)
case (1 t u)
with interleave_assoc_2[OF 1(5) 1(1)] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((tt, t), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"rr setinterleaves ((tu, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
by blast
with a(1,2) 1 show ?case by (metis append.right_neutral front_tickFree_charn)
case (2 t u u1 u2)
with interleave_append_sym [OF 2(1)] obtain t1 t2 r1 r2
where a1:"tt = t1 @ t2" and a2:"rr = r1 @ r2"
and a3:"r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and a4:"r2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with interleave_assoc_2[OF 2(5) a3] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((t1, t), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r1 setinterleaves ((tu, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
by blast
with a1 a2 a3 a(1,2) 2 show ?case
apply(exI tu, exI u, exI r1, exI "r2@vv", intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync)
using D_imp_front_tickFree front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync apply blast
by (metis NT_ND Sync.sym append_Nil2 front_tickFree_Nil is_processT3_ST)
case (3 v u u1 u2)
with interleave_append_sym [OF 3(1)] obtain t1 t2 r1 r2
where a1:"tt = t1 @ t2" and a2:"rr = r1 @ r2"
and a3:"r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and a4:"r2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with interleave_assoc_2[OF _ a3, of u v] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((t1, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r1 setinterleaves ((tu, v), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using Sync.sym 3(5) by blast
with a1 a2 a3 a(1,2) 3 show ?case
apply(exI v, exI tu, exI r1, exI "r2@vv", intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync)
using D_imp_front_tickFree front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync apply blast
using Sync.sym apply blast by (meson D_T is_processT3_ST)
case (4 t u)
with interleave_assoc_2[OF 4(3) 4(1)] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((tt, t), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"rr setinterleaves ((tu, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
by blast
with a(1,2) 4 show ?case
apply(exI tu, exI u, exI rr, exI vv, simp) using NT_ND front_tickFree_Nil by blast
case (5 t u)
with interleave_assoc_2[OF _ 5(1), of u t] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((tt, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"rr setinterleaves ((tu, t), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using Sync.sym by blast
with a(1,2) 5 show ?case
apply(exI tu, exI t, exI rr, exI vv, simp) using NT_ND front_tickFree_Nil by blast
case (6 t u u1 u2)
with interleave_append [OF 6(1)] obtain t1 t2 r1 r2
where a1:"uu = t1 @ t2" and a2:"rr = r1 @ r2"
and a3:"r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and a4:"r2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), insert tick (ev ` S))" using Sync.sym by blast
with interleave_assoc_2[OF 6(5) a3] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((t1, t), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r1 setinterleaves ((tu, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
by blast
with a1 a2 a3 a(1,2) 6 show ?case
apply(exI tu, exI u, exI r1, exI "r2@vv", intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
apply (meson front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
by (metis Sync.sym append_Nil2 front_tickFree_Nil is_processT3_ST)
case (7 v u t1 t2)
with interleave_append [OF 7(1)] obtain u1 u2 r1 r2
where a1:"uu = u1 @ u2" and a2:"rr = r1 @ r2"
and a3:"r1 setinterleaves ((t1, u1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and a4:"r2 setinterleaves ((t2, u2), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with interleave_assoc_2[of t1 u _ v r1 u1] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((u1, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r1 setinterleaves ((tu, v), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using 7(5) Sync.sym by blast
with a1 a2 a3 a(1,2) 7 show ?case
apply(exI v, exI tu, exI r1, exI "r2@vv", intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis append_Nil2 front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
apply (meson front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2_TR)
using Sync.sym apply blast by (meson D_T is_processT3_ST)
case (8 t u)
with interleave_assoc_2[OF 8(3), of rr uu] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((uu, t), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"rr setinterleaves ((tu, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
using Sync.sym by blast
with a(1,2) 8 show ?case
apply(exI tu, exI u, exI rr, exI vv, simp) using Sync.sym front_tickFree_Nil by blast
case (9 t u)
with interleave_assoc_1[OF 9(3), of rr uu] obtain uv
where *:"uv setinterleaves ((u, uu), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"rr setinterleaves ((t, uv), insert tick (ev ` S))"
by blast
with a(1,2) 9 show ?case
apply(exI t, exI uv, exI rr, exI vv, simp) using Sync.sym front_tickFree_Nil by blast
lemma Sync_assoc_oneside: "((P ⟦S⟧ Q) ⟦S⟧ T) ≤ (P ⟦S⟧ (Q ⟦S⟧ T))"
proof(unfold le_ref_def, rule conjI, goal_cases D F)
case D
then show ?case using Sync_assoc_oneside_D by assumption
case F
then show ?case
unfolding F_Sync proof(rule Un_least, goal_cases FF DD)
case (FF)
then show ?case
proof(rule subsetI, simp add:D_Sync T_Sync split_paired_all, elim exE conjE disjE, goal_cases)
case (1 r Xtuv t uv Xt Xuv u v Xu Xv)
with interleave_assoc_2[OF 1(6), OF 1(2)] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r setinterleaves ((tu, v), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
with 1(1,3,4,5,7) show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI1, exI tu, exI v, exI "(Xt ∪ Xu) ∩ insert tick (ev ` S) ∪ Xt ∩ Xu",
intro conjI disjI1, simp_all)
by blast+
case (2 r Xtuv t uv Xt Xuv u v uv1 uv2)
with interleave_append_sym [of r t _ uv1 uv2] obtain t1 t2 r1 r2
where a1:"t = t1 @ t2" and a2:"r = r1 @ r2"
and a3:"r1 setinterleaves ((t1, uv1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and a4:"r2 setinterleaves ((t2, uv2), insert tick (ev ` S))" by metis
with interleave_assoc_2[OF 2(6), OF a3] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((t1, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r1 setinterleaves ((tu, v), insert tick (ev ` S))" by blast
from 2(1) a1 obtain Xt1 where ***:"(t1, Xt1) ∈ ℱ P" using is_processT3_SR by blast
from 2 a1 a2 a3 a4 * ** *** show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2, exI tu, exI v, exI r1, exI r2, intro conjI disjI1, simp_all)
apply (metis front_tickFree_charn front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2)
apply (metis equals0D ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21 insertI1 tickFree_def)
using F_T Sync.sym front_tickFree_Nil by blast
case (3 r Xtuv t uv Xt Xuv v u uv1 uv2)
with interleave_append_sym [of r t _ uv1 uv2] obtain t1 t2 r1 r2
where a1:"t = t1 @ t2" and a2:"r = r1 @ r2"
and a3:"r1 setinterleaves ((t1, uv1), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and a4:"r2 setinterleaves ((t2, uv2), insert tick (ev ` S))" by metis
with interleave_assoc_2[OF _ a3, of u v] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((t1, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r1 setinterleaves ((tu, v), insert tick (ev ` S))" using "3"(6) Sync.sym by blast
from 3(1) a1 obtain Xt1
where ***:"(t1, Xt1) ∈ ℱ P" using is_processT3_SR by blast
from 3 a1 a2 a3 a4 * ** *** show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2, exI v, exI tu, exI r1, exI r2, intro conjI, simp_all)
apply (metis front_tickFree_charn front_tickFree_mono ftf_Sync is_processT2)
apply (metis equals0D ftf_Sync1 ftf_Sync21 insertI1 tickFree_def)
using Sync.sym F_T by blast+
case (4 r Xtuv t uv Xt Xuv u v uv1 uv2)
with interleave_assoc_2[OF 4(6), of r t] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r setinterleaves ((tu, v), insert tick (ev ` S))" by auto
from 4 * ** show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2, exI tu, exI v, exI r, exI "[]", intro conjI, simp_all)
by (metis "4"(4) F_T Sync.sym append.right_neutral)
case (5 r Xtuv t uv Xt Xuv v u uv1 uv2)
from 5(2,7,5,6) interleave_assoc_2[of uv u _ v r t] obtain tu
where *:"tu setinterleaves ((t, u), insert tick (ev ` S))"
and **:"r setinterleaves ((tu, v), insert tick (ev ` S))" by (metis Sync.sym append_Nil2)
from 5 * ** show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI2, exI v, exI tu, exI r, exI "[]", intro conjI, simp_all)
using Sync.sym F_T by blast+
case (DD)
then show ?case
using Sync_assoc_oneside_D[of P S Q T] by (simp add:D_Sync Collect_mono_iff sup.coboundedI2)
lemma Sync_assoc: "((P ⟦S⟧ Q) ⟦S⟧ T) = (P ⟦S⟧ (Q ⟦S⟧ T))"
by (metis antisym_conv Sync_assoc_oneside Sync_commute)
subsection‹ Derivative Operators laws ›
lemmas Par_BOT = Sync_BOT[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and Par_SKIP_SKIP = Sync_SKIP_SKIP[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and Par_SKIP_STOP = Sync_SKIP_STOP[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and Par_commute = Sync_commute[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and Par_assoc = Sync_assoc[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and Par_Ndet_right_distrib = Sync_Ndet_right_distrib[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and Par_Ndet_left_distrib = Sync_Ndet_left_distrib[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and Mprefix_Par_SKIP = Mprefix_Sync_SKIP[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and prefix_Par_SKIP = prefix_Sync_SKIP[where S = ‹UNIV›, simplified]
and mono_Par_FD = mono_Sync_FD[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and mono_Par_ref = mono_Sync_ref[where S = ‹UNIV›]
and prefix_Par1 = prefix_Sync1[where S = ‹UNIV›, simplified]
and prefix_Par2 = prefix_Sync2[where S = ‹UNIV›, simplified]
and Mprefix_Par_distr = Mprefix_Sync_distr_subset[where S = ‹UNIV›, simplified]
and Inter_BOT = Sync_BOT[where S = ‹{}›]
and Inter_SKIP_SKIP = Sync_SKIP_SKIP[where S = ‹{}›]
and Inter_SKIP_STOP = Sync_SKIP_STOP[where S = ‹{}›]
and Inter_commute = Sync_commute[where S = ‹{}›]
and Inter_assoc = Sync_assoc[where S = ‹{}›]
and Inter_Ndet_right_distrib = Sync_Ndet_right_distrib[where S = ‹{}›]
and Inter_Ndet_left_distrib = Sync_Ndet_left_distrib[where S = ‹{}›]
and Mprefix_Inter_SKIP = Mprefix_Sync_SKIP[where S = ‹{}›, simplified, simplified Mprefix_STOP]
and prefix_Inter_SKIP = prefix_Sync_SKIP[where S = ‹{}›, simplified]
and mono_Inter_FD = mono_Sync_FD[where S = ‹{}›]
and mono_Inter_ref = mono_Sync_ref[where S = ‹{}›]
and Hiding_Inter = Hiding_Sync[where S = ‹{}›, simplified]
and Mprefix_Inter_distr = Mprefix_Sync_distr_indep[where S = ‹{}›, simplified]
and prefix_Inter = Mprefix_Sync_distr_indep[of ‹{a}› ‹{}› ‹{b}› ‹λx. P› ‹λx. Q›,
simplified, folded write0_def] for a P b Q
lemma Inter_SKIP: "(P ||| SKIP) = P"
proof(auto simp:Process_eq_spec D_Sync F_Sync F_SKIP D_SKIP T_SKIP, goal_cases)
case (1 a t X Y)
then have aa:"(X ∪ Y) ∩ {tick} ∪ X ∩ Y ⊆ X" by (simp add: Int_Un_distrib2)
have "front_tickFree t" using "1"(1) is_processT2 by blast
with 1 EmptyLeftSync[of a "{tick}" t] have bb:"a=t"
using Sync.sym by blast
from 1(1) aa bb show ?case using is_processT4 by blast
case (2 a t X Y)
have "front_tickFree t" using 2(1) is_processT2 by blast
with 2 TickLeftSync[of "{tick}" t a] have bb:"a=t ∧ last t=tick"
using Sync.sym by blast
with 2 have "a ∈ 𝒯 P ∧ last a = tick" using F_T by blast
with tick_T_F[of "butlast a" P "(X ∪ Y) ∩ {tick} ∪ X ∩ Y"] show ?case
by (metis "2"(2) EmptyLeftSync bb self_append_conv2 snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
case (3 b t r v)
with 3 EmptyLeftSync[of r "{tick}" t] have bb:"r=t"
using Sync.sym by blast
with 3 show ?case using is_processT by blast
case (4 b t r v)
with TickLeftSync[of "{tick}" t r, simplified] have bb:"r=t"
using D_imp_front_tickFree Sync.sym by blast
with 4 show ?case using is_processT by blast
case (5 b t r)
with EmptyLeftSync[of r "{tick}" t] have bb:"r=t"
using Sync.sym by blast
with 5 show ?case using is_processT by blast
case (6 b t r)
with TickLeftSync[of "{tick}" t r, simplified] have bb:"r=t"
using D_imp_front_tickFree Sync.sym by blast
with 6 show ?case using is_processT by blast
case (7 a b)
then show ?case
apply(cases "tickFree a")
apply(rule_tac x=a in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, rule_tac x=b in exI, simp)
apply(rule_tac x="b - {tick}" in exI, simp, intro conjI)
using emptyLeftSelf[of a "{tick}"] Sync.sym tickFree_def apply fastforce
apply blast
apply(rule_tac x=a in exI, rule_tac x="[tick]" in exI, rule_tac x=b in exI, simp, rule conjI)
subgoal proof -
assume a1: "¬ tickFree a"
assume a2: "(a, b) ∈ ℱ P"
then obtain ees :: "'a event list ⇒ 'a event list" where
f3: "a = ees a @ [tick]"
using a1 by (meson is_processT2 nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree)
then have "ees a setinterleaves (([], ees a), {tick})"
using a2 by (metis (no_types) DiffD2 Diff_insert_absorb emptyLeftSelf
front_tickFree_implies_tickFree is_processT2 tickFree_def)
then show "a setinterleaves ((a, [tick]), {tick})"
using f3 by (metis (no_types) Sync.sym addSyncEmpty insertI1)
apply(rule_tac x="b - {tick}" in exI) by blast
case (8 t r v)
with EmptyLeftSync[of r "{tick}" t] have bb:"r=t"
using Sync.sym by blast
with 8 show ?case using is_processT by blast
case (9 t r v)
with TickLeftSync[of "{tick}" t r, simplified] have bb:"r=t"
using D_imp_front_tickFree Sync.sym by blast
with 9 show ?case using is_processT by blast
case (10 t r)
with EmptyLeftSync[of r "{tick}" t] have bb:"r=t"
using Sync.sym by blast
with 10 show ?case by simp
case (11 t r)
with TickLeftSync[of "{tick}" t r, simplified] have bb:"r=t"
using D_imp_front_tickFree Sync.sym by blast
with 11 show ?case by simp
case (12 x)
then show ?case
proof(cases "tickFree x")
case True
with 12 show ?thesis
apply(rule_tac x=x in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI,
rule_tac x=x in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, simp)
by (metis Sync.sym emptyLeftSelf singletonD tickFree_def)
case False
with 12 show ?thesis
apply(rule_tac x="butlast x" in exI, rule_tac x="[]" in exI,
rule_tac x="butlast x" in exI, rule_tac x="[tick]" in exI, simp, intro conjI)
apply (metis D_imp_front_tickFree append_butlast_last_id front_tickFree_mono
list.distinct(1) tickFree_Nil)
using NT_ND T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp apply fastforce
apply (metis NT_ND Sync.sym append_T_imp_tickFree append_butlast_last_id emptyLeftSelf
list.distinct(1) singletonD tickFree_Nil tickFree_def)
using D_imp_front_tickFree is_processT9 nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree by fastforce
lemma Inter_STOP_Seq_STOP: "(P ||| STOP) = (P ❙; STOP)"
proof (auto simp add:Process_eq_spec D_Sync F_Sync F_STOP D_STOP T_STOP F_Seq D_Seq, goal_cases)
case (1 a t X Y)
have "insert tick ((X ∪ Y) ∩ {tick} ∪ X ∩ Y) ⊆ X ∪ {tick}" by blast
with 1 show ?case
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym is_processT
is_processT5_S2 no_Trace_implies_no_Failure)
case (2 a t X)
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym tickFree_def by fastforce
case (3 b t r v)
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym is_processT7 by blast
case (4 t r v)
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym is_processT7 by blast
case (5 b t r)
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym is_processT7 by blast
case (6 t r)
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym is_processT7 by blast
case (7 a b)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x=a in exI, rule_tac x="b" in exI, intro conjI)
apply (meson insert_iff is_processT subsetI)
using emptyLeftSelf[of a "{tick}"] Sync.sym tickFree_def apply fastforce
by blast
case (8 a b)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac x=a in exI, rule_tac x="b-{tick}" in exI, intro conjI)
apply (meson NF_NT is_processT6)
using emptyLeftSelf[of a "{tick}"] Sync.sym tickFree_def
apply (metis append_T_imp_tickFree list.distinct(1) singletonD)
by blast
case (9 t X)
then show ?case
apply (cases ‹tickFree t›)
by (metis Sync.sym append.right_neutral emptyLeftSelf front_tickFree_Nil singletonD tickFree_def)
(metis D_T D_imp_front_tickFree Sync.sym append_single_T_imp_tickFree emptyLeftSelf
front_tickFree_single is_processT9_S_swap nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree singletonD tickFree_def)
case (10 t r v)
then show ?case using EmptyLeftSync Sync.sym is_processT7 by blast
case (11 t r)
then show ?case using Sync.sym emptyLeftProperty by blast
case (12 t)
then show ?case
apply (cases ‹tickFree t›)
apply (rule_tac x = t in exI, rule_tac x = t in exI, simp,
metis Sync.sym emptyLeftSelf singletonD tickFree_def)
by (rule_tac x = ‹butlast t› in exI, rule_tac x = ‹butlast t› in exI,
rule_tac x = ‹[tick]› in exI, simp,
metis D_imp_front_tickFree Sync.sym emptyLeftSelf front_tickFree_implies_tickFree tickFree_def
is_processT9_S_swap nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree singletonD snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
lemma Par_STOP: "P ≠ ⊥ ⟹ (P || STOP) = STOP"
proof(auto simp add:Process_eq_spec,
simp_all add:D_Sync F_Sync F_STOP D_STOP T_STOP is_processT2 D_imp_front_tickFree F_UU D_UU,
case (1 a b aa ba)
then show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE disjE, goal_cases)
case (1 t X Y)
then show ?case
proof(cases t)
case Nil then show ?thesis using "1"(4) EmptyLeftSync by blast
case (Cons a list)
with 1 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
case (2 t r v)
hence "[] ∈ 𝒟 P"
proof(cases t)
case Nil with 2 show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
with 2 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
with 2(1,2) show ?case using NF_ND is_processT7 by fastforce
case (3 t r v)
hence "[] ∈ 𝒟 P"
proof(cases t)
case Nil with 3 show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
with 3 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
with 3(1,2) show ?case using NF_ND is_processT7 by fastforce
case (2 a b aa ba)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, rule_tac x="{}" in exI, simp, rule_tac conjI)
using is_processT apply blast
apply(rule_tac x=ba in exI, rule_tac set_eqI, rule_tac iffI)
using event_set apply blast
by fast
case (3 a b x)
then show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE disjE, goal_cases)
case (1 t r v)
hence "[] ∈ 𝒟 P"
proof(cases t)
case Nil with 1 show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
with 1 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
with 3(1,2) show ?case using NF_ND is_processT7 by fastforce
case (2 t r v)
hence "[] ∈ 𝒟 P"
proof(cases t)
case Nil with 2 show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
with 2 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
with 3(1,2) show ?case using NF_ND is_processT7 by fastforce
case (4 x a b)
then show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE disjE, goal_cases)
case (1 t X Y)
then show ?case
proof(cases t)
case Nil then show ?thesis using "1"(4) EmptyLeftSync by blast
case (Cons a list)
with 1 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
case (2 t r v)
hence "[] ∈ 𝒟 P"
proof(cases t)
case Nil with 2 show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
with 2 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
with 2(1,2) show ?case using NF_ND is_processT7 by fastforce
case (3 t r v)
hence "[] ∈ 𝒟 P"
proof(cases t)
case Nil with 3 show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
with 3 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
with 3(1,2) show ?case using NF_ND is_processT7 by fastforce
case (5 x a b)
then show ?case
apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac x="[]" in exI, rule_tac x="{}" in exI, simp, rule_tac conjI)
using is_processT apply blast
apply(rule_tac x=b in exI, rule_tac set_eqI, rule_tac iffI)
using event_set apply blast
by fast
case (6 x xa)
then show ?case
proof(elim exE conjE disjE, goal_cases)
case (1 t r v)
hence "[] ∈ 𝒟 P"
proof(cases t)
case Nil with 1 show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
with 1 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
with 6(1,2) show ?case using NF_ND is_processT7 by fastforce
case (2 t r v)
hence "[] ∈ 𝒟 P"
proof(cases t)
case Nil with 2 show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons a list)
with 2 show ?thesis by (simp split:if_splits, cases a, simp_all)
with 6(1,2) show ?case using NF_ND is_processT7 by fastforce
section‹Multiple Non Deterministic Operator Laws›
lemma Mprefix_refines_Mndetprefix: "(⊓ x ∈ A → P x) ≤ (□ x ∈ A → P x)"
proof(cases "A = {}")
case True
then show ?thesis by (simp add: Mprefix_STOP)
case False
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add:le_ref_def D_Mprefix write0_def F_Mprefix F_Mndetprefix D_Mndetprefix)
lemma Mndetprefix_refine_FD: "a ∈ A ⟹ (⊓ x ∈ A → (P x)) ≤ (a → (P a))"
by(subgoal_tac "A ≠ {}", auto simp:le_ref_def D_Mndetprefix F_Mndetprefix)
lemma Mndetprefix_subset_FD:"A ≠ {} ⟹ (⊓xa∈ A ∪ B → P) ≤ (⊓xa∈ A → P)"
by (simp add: D_Mndetprefix F_Mndetprefix le_ref_def)
lemma mono_Mndetprefix_FD[simp]: "∀x ∈ A. P x ≤ P' x ⟹ (⊓ x ∈ A → (P x)) ≤ (⊓ x ∈ A → (P' x))"
apply(cases "A ≠ {}", auto simp:le_ref_def D_Mndetprefix F_Mndetprefix)
by(meson contra_subsetD le_ref_def mono_write0_FD)+
lemma Mndetprefix_FD_subset : "A ≠ {} ⟹ A ⊆ B ⟹ ((⊓ x ∈ B → P x) ≤ (⊓ x ∈ A → P x))"
by (metis bot.extremum_uniqueI Mndetprefix_Un_distrib mono_Ndet_FD_right order_refl sup.absorb_iff1)
section ‹ Infra-structure for Communication Primitives ›
lemma read_read_Sync:
assumes contained: "(⋀y. c y ∈ S)"
shows "((c❙?x → P x) ⟦S⟧ (c❙?x → Q x)) = (c❙?x → ((P x) ⟦S⟧ (Q x)))"
proof -
have A: "range c ⊆ S" by (insert contained, auto)
show ?thesis by (auto simp: read_def o_def Set.Int_absorb2 Mprefix_Sync_distr_subset A)
lemma read_read_non_Sync:
"⟦⋀y. c y ∉ S; ⋀y. d y ∈ S⟧ ⟹ (c❙?x → (P x)) ⟦S⟧ (d❙?x →(Q x)) = c❙?x → ((P x) ⟦S⟧ (d❙?x →(Q x)))"
apply (auto simp add: read_def o_def)
using Mprefix_Sync_distr_right[of "range c" S "range d" "λx. Q (inv d x)" "λx. P (inv c x)"]
apply (subst (1 2) Sync_commute)
by auto
lemma write_read_Sync:
assumes contained: "⋀y. c y ∈ S"
and is_construct: "inj c"
shows "(c❙!a → P) ⟦S⟧ (c❙?x → Q x) = (c❙!a → (P ⟦S⟧ Q a))"
proof -
have A : "range c ⊆ S" by (insert contained, auto)
have B : " {c a} ∩ range c ∩ S = {c a}" by (insert contained, auto)
show ?thesis
apply (simp add: read_def write_def o_def, subst Mprefix_Sync_distr_subset)
by (simp_all add: A B contained Mprefix_singl is_construct)
lemma write_read_non_Sync:
"⟦d a ∉ S; ⋀y. c y ∈ S ⟧ ⟹ (d❙!a → P) ⟦S⟧ (c❙?x → Q x) = d❙!a → (P ⟦S⟧ (c❙?x → Q x))"
apply (simp add: read_def o_def write_def)
using Mprefix_Sync_distr_right[of "{d a}" S "range c" "λx. (Q (inv c x))" "λx. P"]
apply (subst (1 2) Sync_commute)
by auto
lemma write0_read_non_Sync:
"⟦d ∈ S; ⋀y. c y ∉ S⟧ ⟹ (d → P) ⟦S⟧ (c❙?x → Q x) = c❙?x → ((d → P) ⟦S⟧ Q x)"
apply (simp add: read_def o_def)
apply (subst (1 2) Mprefix_singl[symmetric])
apply (subst Mprefix_Sync_distr_right)
by auto
lemma write0_write_non_Sync:
"⟦d a ∉ C; c ∈ C⟧ ⟹ (c → Q) ⟦C⟧ (d❙!a → P) = d❙!a → ((c → Q) ⟦C⟧ P)"
apply(simp add: write_def )
apply(subst (1 2) Mprefix_singl[symmetric])
by (auto simp: Mprefix_Sync_distr_right)
section ‹Renaming operator laws›
lemma Renaming_BOT: ‹Renaming ⊥ f = ⊥›
by (fastforce simp add: F_UU D_UU F_Renaming D_Renaming EvExt_tF EvExt_ftF
Process_eq_spec front_tickFree_append intro: tickFree_Nil)+
lemma Renaming_STOP: ‹Renaming STOP f = STOP›
by (subst Process_eq_spec) (simp add: EvExt_ftF F_STOP D_STOP F_Renaming D_Renaming)
lemma Renaming_SKIP: ‹Renaming SKIP f = SKIP›
by (subst Process_eq_spec) (force simp add: EvExt_def F_SKIP D_SKIP F_Renaming D_Renaming)
lemma Renaming_Ndet: ‹Renaming (P ⊓ Q) f = Renaming P f ⊓ Renaming Q f›
by (subst Process_eq_spec) (auto simp add: F_Renaming D_Renaming F_Ndet D_Ndet)
lemma Renaming_Det: ‹Renaming (P □ Q) f = Renaming P f □ Renaming Q f›
proof (subst Process_eq_spec, intro iffI conjI subset_antisym)
show ‹ℱ (Renaming (P □ Q) f) ⊆ ℱ (Renaming P f □ Renaming Q f)›
apply (simp add: F_Renaming D_Renaming T_Renaming F_Det D_Det, safe,
simp_all add: is_processT6_S2)
by blast+ (metis EvExt_eq_tick, meson map_EvExt_tick)+
show ‹ℱ (Renaming P f □ Renaming Q f) ⊆ ℱ (Renaming (P □ Q) f)›
apply (simp add: F_Renaming D_Renaming T_Renaming F_Det D_Det, safe, simp_all)
by blast+ (metis EvExt_eq_tick, metis Cons_eq_append_conv EvExt_tF
list.map_disc_iff tickFree_Cons)+
show ‹𝒟 (Renaming (P □ Q) f) ⊆ 𝒟 (Renaming P f □ Renaming Q f)›
by (auto simp add: D_Renaming D_Det)
show ‹𝒟 (Renaming P f □ Renaming Q f) ⊆ 𝒟 (Renaming (P □ Q) f)›
by (auto simp add: D_Renaming D_Det)
lemma mono_Mprefix_eq: ‹∀a ∈ A. P a = Q a ⟹ Mprefix A P = Mprefix A Q›
by (subst Process_eq_spec, auto simp add: F_Mprefix D_Mprefix)
lemma mono_Mndetprefix_eq: ‹∀a ∈ A. P a = Q a ⟹ Mndetprefix A P = Mndetprefix A Q›
by (cases ‹A = {}›, simp) (subst Process_eq_spec, auto simp add: F_Mndetprefix D_Mndetprefix)
lemma Renaming_Mprefix: ‹Renaming (□ a ∈ A → P (f a)) f = □ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P b) f›
proof (subst Process_eq_spec, intro conjI subset_antisym)
show ‹ℱ (Renaming (□ a ∈ A → P (f a)) f) ⊆ ℱ (□ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P b) f)›
apply (simp add: F_Renaming F_Mprefix D_Mprefix, safe;
auto simp add: hd_map_EvExt map_tl tickFree_tl)
by ((meson disjoint_iff ev_elem_anteced1 image_eqI)+)[3]
show ‹ℱ (□ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P b) f) ⊆ ℱ (Renaming (□ a ∈ A → P (f a)) f)›
apply (simp add: F_Renaming F_Mprefix D_Mprefix, safe, simp_all)
apply (auto simp add: vimage_def image_def, insert hd_map_EvExt, fastforce)[1]
apply (rule_tac x = ‹ev xa # s1› in exI, simp,
metis hd_map hd_map_EvExt list.collapse list.discI list.sel(1))
proof goal_cases
case (1 a b xa aa s1 s2)
have ‹s1 ∉ 𝒟 (P (f xa))›
apply (rule "1"(1)[rule_format, of ‹ev xa # s1› s2, simplified])
by (simp_all add: "1"(4, 6, 7))
(metis "1"(2, 3, 8) hd_map_EvExt list.collapse list.distinct(1) list.sel(1) list.simps(9))
with ‹s1 ∈ 𝒟 (P (f xa))› show ?case by blast
show ‹𝒟 (Renaming (□ a ∈ A → P (f a)) f) ⊆ 𝒟 (□ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P b) f)›
apply (auto simp add: D_Mprefix D_Renaming hd_map_EvExt)
by (rule_tac x = ‹tl s1› in exI, simp add: map_tl tickFree_tl)
show ‹𝒟 (□ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P b) f) ⊆ 𝒟 (Renaming (□ a ∈ A → P (f a)) f)›
apply (auto simp add: D_Mprefix D_Renaming)
by (rule_tac x = ‹ev xb # s1› in exI, simp, rule_tac x = s2 in exI, simp)
(metis EvExt_def list.collapse o_apply)
lemma Renaming_Mprefix_inj_on:
‹Renaming (Mprefix A P) f = □ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P (THE a. a ∈ A ∧ f a = b)) f›
if inj_on_f: ‹inj_on f A›
apply (subst Renaming_Mprefix[symmetric])
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = ‹λQ. Renaming Q f›] mono_Mprefix_eq)
by (metis that the_inv_into_def the_inv_into_f_f)
corollary Renaming_Mprefix_inj:
‹Renaming (Mprefix A P) f = □ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P (THE a. f a = b)) f› if inj_f: ‹inj f›
apply (subst Renaming_Mprefix_inj_on, metis inj_eq inj_onI that)
apply (rule mono_Mprefix_eq[rule_format])
by (metis imageE inj_eq[OF inj_f])
text ‹A smart application (as \<^term>‹f› is of course injective on the singleton \<^term>‹{a}›)›
corollary Renaming_prefix: ‹Renaming (a → P) f = (f a → Renaming P f)›
unfolding write0_def by (simp add: Renaming_Mprefix_inj_on)
lemma Renaming_Mndetprefix: ‹Renaming (⊓ a ∈ A → P (f a)) f = ⊓ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P b) f›
apply (cases ‹A = {}›, simp add: Renaming_STOP)
by (subst Process_eq_spec)
(auto simp add: F_Renaming F_Mndetprefix D_Renaming D_Mndetprefix Renaming_prefix[symmetric])
corollary Renaming_Mndetprefix_inj_on:
‹Renaming (Mndetprefix A P) f = ⊓ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P (THE a. a ∈ A ∧ f a = b)) f›
if inj_on_f: ‹inj_on f A›
apply (subst Renaming_Mndetprefix[symmetric])
apply (intro arg_cong[where f = ‹λQ. Renaming Q f›] mono_Mndetprefix_eq)
by (metis that the_inv_into_def the_inv_into_f_f)
corollary Renaming_Mndetprefix_inj:
‹Renaming (Mndetprefix A P) f = ⊓ b ∈ f ` A → Renaming (P (THE a. f a = b)) f›
if inj_f: ‹inj f›
apply (subst Renaming_Mndetprefix_inj_on, metis inj_eq inj_onI that)
apply (rule mono_Mndetprefix_eq[rule_format])
by (metis imageE inj_eq[OF inj_f])
lemma Renaming_Seq: ‹Renaming (P ❙; Q) f = Renaming P f ❙; Renaming Q f›
proof (subst Process_eq_spec, intro conjI impI subset_antisym)
show ‹ℱ (Renaming (P ❙; Q) f) ⊆ ℱ (Renaming P f ❙; Renaming Q f)›
apply (simp add: F_Seq D_Seq F_Renaming D_Renaming T_Renaming, safe;
auto simp add: EvExt_tF append_single_T_imp_tickFree)
apply (rule_tac x = s1 in exI)
apply (metis Diff_insert_absorb Diff_single_insert anteced_EvExt_diff_tick
insert_absorb insert_absorb2 is_processT4 subset_insertI)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹t1 @ t2› in exI, metis map_EvExt_tick map_append)
apply (metis map_EvExt_tick map_append)
apply (metis NF_ND)
apply (metis EvExt_ftF front_tickFree_mono map_append nonTickFree_n_frontTickFree
non_tickFree_tick process_charn tickFree_Nil)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹t1 @ t2› in exI)
by (metis map_EvExt_tick map_append)+
show ‹ℱ (Renaming P f ❙; Renaming Q f) ⊆ ℱ (Renaming (P ❙; Q) f)›
proof ((simp add: F_Seq D_Seq F_Renaming D_Renaming T_Renaming subset_iff, safe; auto),
case (1 Y s1)
then show ?case
apply (rule_tac x = ‹s1› in exI, safe; simp add: EvExt_tF)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_insert_absorb anteced_EvExt_diff_tick insert_Diff
insert_absorb insert_iff tick_elem_anteced1)
case (2 Y t1 t1a s1)
then show ?case
apply (rule_tac x = ‹butlast t1a @ s1› in exI)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) EvExt_tF T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp butlast_snoc
map_append map_butlast non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append)
case (3 Y t1 t1a s1 s2)
have ‹butlast t1a @ s1 ∉ 𝒟 P ∧
(∀t1. t1 @ [tick] ∈ 𝒯 P ⟶ (∀t2. butlast t1a @ s1 = t1 @ t2 ⟶ t2 ∉ 𝒟 Q))›
apply (rule "3"(1)[rule_format, of ‹butlast t1a @ s1›, rotated 2, OF "3"(5)])
using "3"(2) "3"(4) front_tickFree_butlast is_processT2_TR tickFree_append apply blast
by (metis "3"(3) append.assoc butlast_snoc map_append map_butlast)
then show ?case
by (metis "3"(2, 3, 6) EvExt_tF T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp snoc_eq_iff_butlast tickFree_butlast)
case (4 Y t1 t1a t2a s1)
have ‹(if t2a = [] then butlast t1a else t1a) ∉ 𝒟 P ∧
(∀t1. t1 @ [tick] ∈ 𝒯 P ⟶
(∀t2. (if t2a = [] then butlast t1a else t1a) = t1 @ t2 ⟶ t2 ∉ 𝒟 Q))›
apply (rule "4"(1)[rule_format, of _ ‹butlast t2a @ map (EvExt f) s1›])
using "4"(2) front_tickFree_butlast tickFree_implies_front_tickFree apply fastforce
apply (auto, metis "4"(4) append.right_neutral butlast_snoc map_butlast,
metis "4"(4) butlast_append butlast_snoc)
by (metis "4"(3, 6) EvExt_ftF front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_butlast is_processT2)
then show ?case
by (metis "4"(2, 4, 5) EvExt_tF append.right_neutral tickFree_Cons tickFree_append)
case (5 Y t1 t1a t2a s1 s2)
have ‹(if t2a = [] then butlast t1a else t1a) ∉ 𝒟 P ∧
(∀t1. t1 @ [tick] ∈ 𝒯 P ⟶
(∀t2. (if t2a = [] then butlast t1a else t1a) = t1 @ t2 ⟶ t2 ∉ 𝒟 Q))›
apply (rule "5"(1)[rule_format, of _ ‹butlast t2a @ map (EvExt f) s1 @ s2›])
using "5"(2) tickFree_butlast apply fastforce
apply (auto, metis "5"(4) append.right_neutral butlast_snoc map_butlast,
metis "5"(4) butlast_append butlast_snoc)
by (metis "5"(3, 6, 7) EvExt_tF front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_butlast)
then show ?case
by (metis "5"(2, 4, 5) EvExt_tF append_Nil2 non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append)
show ‹𝒟 (Renaming (P ❙; Q) f) ⊆ 𝒟 (Renaming P f ❙; Renaming Q f)›
apply (auto simp add: D_Seq D_Renaming T_Renaming)
by (metis map_EvExt_tick map_append)
show ‹𝒟 (Renaming P f ❙; Renaming Q f) ⊆ 𝒟 (Renaming (P ❙; Q) f)›
apply (auto simp add: D_Seq D_Renaming T_Renaming)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹butlast t1a @ s1› in exI, auto,
metis append_butlast_last_id append_single_T_imp_tickFree butlast.simps(1) tickFree_Nil)
apply (rule_tac x = s2 in exI, auto, metis butlast_snoc map_butlast,
metis EvExt_tF T_nonTickFree_imp_decomp snoc_eq_iff_butlast tickFree_butlast)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹t1a› in exI, simp)
apply (rule_tac x = ‹butlast t2a @ map (EvExt f) s1 @ s2› in exI, auto)
apply (meson EvExt_tF front_tickFree_append front_tickFree_butlast)
by (metis EvExt_tF butlast_append butlast_snoc non_tickFree_tick tickFree_append)
lemmas Sync_rules = prefix_Sync2
read_read_Sync read_read_non_Sync
write_read_Sync write_read_non_Sync
lemmas Hiding_rules = no_Hiding_read no_Hiding_write Hiding_write Hiding_write0
lemmas mono_rules = mono_read_ref mono_write_ref mono_write0_ref