Theory Comm_Ring
text ‹Authors: Anthony Bordg and Lawrence Paulson,
with some contributions from Wenda Li›
theory Comm_Ring
no_notation plus (infixl ‹+› 65)
lemma (in monoid_homomorphism) monoid_preimage: "Group_Theory.monoid (η ⇧¯ M M') (⋅) 𝟭"
by (simp add: Int_absorb1 source.monoid_axioms subsetI)
lemma (in group_homomorphism) group_preimage: " (η ⇧¯ G G') (⋅) 𝟭"
by (simp add: Int_absorb1 source.group_axioms subsetI)
lemma (in ring_homomorphism) ring_preimage: "ring (η ⇧¯ R R') (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
by (simp add: Int_absorb2 Int_commute source.ring_axioms subset_iff)
section ‹Commutative Rings›
subsection ‹Commutative Rings›
locale comm_ring = ring +
assumes comm_mult: "⟦ a ∈ R; b ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ a ⋅ b = b ⋅ a"
text ‹The zero ring is a commutative ring.›
lemma invertible_0: "monoid.invertible {0} (λn m. 0) 0 0"
using Group_Theory.monoid.intro monoid.unit_invertible by force
interpretation ring0: ring "{0::nat}" "λn m. 0" "λn m. 0" 0 0
using invertible_0 by unfold_locales auto
declare ring0.additive.left_unit [simp del] ring0.additive.invertible [simp del]
declare ring0.additive.invertible_left_inverse [simp del] ring0.right_zero [simp del]
interpretation cring0: comm_ring "{0::nat}" "λn m. 0" "λn m. 0" 0 0
by (metis comm_ring_axioms_def comm_ring_def ring0.ring_axioms)
definition (in ring) zero_divisor :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
where "zero_divisor x y ≡ (x ≠ 𝟬) ∧ (y ≠ 𝟬) ∧ (x ⋅ y = 𝟬)"
subsection ‹Entire Rings›
locale entire_ring = comm_ring + assumes units_neq: "𝟭 ≠ 𝟬" and
no_zero_div: "⟦ x ∈ R; y ∈ R⟧ ⟹ ¬(zero_divisor x y)"
subsection ‹Ideals›
context comm_ring begin
lemma mult_left_assoc: "⟦ a ∈ R; b ∈ R; c ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ b ⋅ (a ⋅ c) = a ⋅ (b ⋅ c)"
using comm_mult multiplicative.associative by auto
lemmas ring_mult_ac = comm_mult multiplicative.associative mult_left_assoc
lemma ideal_R_R: "ideal R R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
proof qed auto
lemma ideal_0_R: "ideal {𝟬} R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
show "monoid.invertible {𝟬} (+) 𝟬 u"
if "u ∈ {𝟬}"
for u :: 'a
proof (rule monoid.invertibleI)
show "Group_Theory.monoid {𝟬} (+) 𝟬"
proof qed (use that in auto)
qed (use that in auto)
qed auto
definition ideal_gen_by_prod :: "'a set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a set"
where "ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟 ≡ additive.subgroup_generated {x. ∃a b. x = a ⋅ b ∧ a ∈ 𝔞 ∧ b ∈ 𝔟}"
lemma ideal_zero: "ideal A R add mult zero unit ⟹ zero ∈ A"
by (simp add: ideal_def subgroup_of_additive_group_of_ring_def subgroup_def submonoid_def submonoid_axioms_def)
lemma ideal_implies_subset:
assumes "ideal A R add mult zero unit"
shows "A ⊆ R"
by (meson assms ideal_def subgroup_def subgroup_of_additive_group_of_ring_def submonoid_axioms_def submonoid_def)
lemma ideal_inverse:
assumes "a ∈ A" "ideal A R (+) mult zero unit"
shows "additive.inverse a ∈ A"
by (meson additive.invertible assms comm_ring.ideal_implies_subset comm_ring_axioms ideal_def subgroup.subgroup_inverse_iff subgroup_of_additive_group_of_ring_def subsetD)
lemma ideal_add:
assumes "a ∈ A" "b ∈ A" "ideal A R add mult zero unit"
shows "add a b ∈ A"
by (meson Group_Theory.group_def assms ideal_def monoid.composition_closed subgroup_def subgroup_of_additive_group_of_ring_def)
lemma ideal_mult_in_subgroup_generated:
assumes 𝔞: "ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" and 𝔟: "ideal 𝔟 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" and "a ∈ 𝔞" "b ∈ 𝔟"
shows "a ⋅ b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
proof -
have "∃x y. a ⋅ b = x ⋅ y ∧ x ∈ 𝔞 ∧ y ∈ 𝔟"
using assms ideal_implies_subset by blast
with ideal_implies_subset show ?thesis
unfolding additive.subgroup_generated_def ideal_gen_by_prod_def
using assms ideal_implies_subset by (blast intro: additive.generate.incl)
subsection ‹Ideals generated by an Element›
definition gen_ideal:: "'a ⇒ 'a set" (‹⟨_⟩›)
where "⟨x⟩ ≡ {y. ∃r∈R. y = r ⋅ x}"
lemma zero_in_gen_ideal:
assumes "x ∈ R"
shows "𝟬 ∈ ⟨x⟩"
proof -
have "∃a. a ∈ R ∧ 𝟬 = a ⋅ x"
by (metis (lifting) additive.unit_closed assms left_zero)
then show ?thesis
using gen_ideal_def by blast
lemma add_in_gen_ideal:
"⟦x ∈ R; a ∈ ⟨x⟩; b ∈ ⟨x⟩⟧ ⟹ a + b ∈ ⟨x⟩"
apply (clarsimp simp : gen_ideal_def)
by (metis (no_types) additive.composition_closed distributive(2))
lemma gen_ideal_subset:
assumes "x ∈ R"
shows "⟨x⟩ ⊆ R"
using assms comm_ring.gen_ideal_def local.comm_ring_axioms by fastforce
lemma gen_ideal_monoid:
assumes "x ∈ R"
shows "Group_Theory.monoid ⟨x⟩ (+) 𝟬"
show "a + b ∈ ⟨x⟩" if "a ∈ ⟨x⟩" "b ∈ ⟨x⟩" for a b
by (simp add: add_in_gen_ideal assms that)
qed (use assms zero_in_gen_ideal gen_ideal_def in auto)
lemma gen_ideal_group:
assumes "x ∈ R"
shows " ⟨x⟩ (+) 𝟬"
fix a b c
assume "a ∈ ⟨x⟩" "b ∈ ⟨x⟩" "c ∈ ⟨x⟩"
then show "a + b + c = a + (b + c)"
by (meson assms gen_ideal_monoid monoid.associative)
fix a
assume a: "a ∈ ⟨x⟩"
show "𝟬 + a = a"
by (meson a assms gen_ideal_monoid monoid.left_unit)
show "a + 𝟬 = a"
by (meson a assms gen_ideal_monoid monoid.right_unit)
interpret M: monoid "⟨x⟩" "(+)" 𝟬
by (simp add: assms gen_ideal_monoid)
obtain r where r: "r∈R" "a = r ⋅ x"
using a gen_ideal_def by auto
show "monoid.invertible ⟨x⟩ (+) 𝟬 a"
proof (rule M.invertibleI)
have "∃r∈R. - a = r ⋅ x"
by (metis assms ideal_R_R ideal_inverse local.left_minus r)
then show "-a ∈ ⟨x⟩" by (simp add: gen_ideal_def)
qed (use a r assms in auto)
qed (auto simp: zero_in_gen_ideal add_in_gen_ideal assms)
lemma gen_ideal_ideal:
assumes "x ∈ R"
shows "ideal ⟨x⟩ R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
proof intro_locales
show "submonoid_axioms ⟨x⟩ R (+) 𝟬"
by (simp add: add_in_gen_ideal assms gen_ideal_subset submonoid_axioms.intro zero_in_gen_ideal)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms ⟨x⟩ (+) 𝟬"
by (meson Group_Theory.group_def assms gen_ideal_group)
show "ideal_axioms ⟨x⟩ R (⋅)"
fix a b
assume "a ∈ R" "b ∈ ⟨x⟩"
then obtain r where r: "r∈R" "b = r ⋅ x"
by (auto simp add: gen_ideal_def)
have "a ⋅ (r ⋅ x) = (a ⋅ r) ⋅ x"
using ‹a ∈ R› ‹r ∈ R› assms multiplicative.associative by presburger
then show "a ⋅ b ∈ ⟨x⟩"
using ‹a ∈ R› r gen_ideal_def by blast
then show "b ⋅ a ∈ ⟨x⟩"
by (simp add: ‹a ∈ R› assms comm_mult r)
qed (auto simp add: assms gen_ideal_monoid)
subsection ‹Exercises›
lemma in_ideal_gen_by_prod:
assumes 𝔞: "ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" and 𝔟: "ideal 𝔟 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
and "a ∈ R" and b: "b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
shows "a ⋅ b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
using b ‹a ∈ R›
unfolding additive.subgroup_generated_def ideal_gen_by_prod_def
proof (induction arbitrary: a)
case unit
then show ?case
by (simp add: additive.generate.unit)
case (incl x u)
with 𝔞 𝔟 have "⋀a b. ⟦a ⋅ b ∈ R; a ∈ 𝔞; b ∈ 𝔟⟧ ⟹ ∃x y. u ⋅ (a ⋅ b) = x ⋅ y ∧ x ∈ 𝔞 ∧ y ∈ 𝔟"
by simp (metis ideal.ideal(1) ideal_implies_subset multiplicative.associative subset_iff)
then show ?case
using additive.generate.incl incl.hyps incl.prems by force
case (inv u v)
then show ?case
proof clarsimp
fix a b
assume "v ∈ R" "a ⋅ b ∈ R" "a ∈ 𝔞" "b ∈ 𝔟"
then have "v ⋅ (- a ⋅ b) = v ⋅ a ⋅ (- b) ∧ v ⋅ a ∈ 𝔞 ∧ - b ∈ 𝔟"
by (metis 𝔞 𝔟 ideal.ideal(1) ideal_implies_subset ideal_inverse in_mono local.right_minus multiplicative.associative)
then show "v ⋅ (- a ⋅ b) ∈ additive.generate (R ∩ {a ⋅ b |a b. a ∈ 𝔞 ∧ b ∈ 𝔟})"
using 𝔞 𝔟 additive.subgroup_generated_def ideal_mult_in_subgroup_generated
unfolding ideal_gen_by_prod_def
by presburger
case (mult u v)
then show ?case
using additive.generate.mult additive.generate_into_G distributive(1) by force
lemma ideal_subgroup_generated:
assumes "ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" and "ideal 𝔟 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
shows "ideal (ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
show "ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟 ⊆ R"
by (simp add: additive.subgroup_generated_is_subset ideal_gen_by_prod_def)
show "a + b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
if "a ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟" "b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
for a b
using that additive.subgroup_generated_is_monoid monoid.composition_closed
by (fastforce simp: ideal_gen_by_prod_def)
show "𝟬 ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
using additive.generate.unit additive.subgroup_generated_def ideal_gen_by_prod_def by presburger
show "a + b + c = a + (b + c)"
if "a ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟" "b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟" "c ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
for a b c
using that additive.subgroup_generated_is_subset
unfolding ideal_gen_by_prod_def
by blast
show "𝟬 + a = a" "a + 𝟬 = a"
if "a ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟" for a
using that additive.subgroup_generated_is_subset unfolding ideal_gen_by_prod_def
by blast+
show "monoid.invertible (ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟) (+) 𝟬 u"
if "u ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟" for u
using that additive.subgroup_generated_is_subgroup group.invertible
unfolding ideal_gen_by_prod_def subgroup_def
by fastforce
show "a ⋅ b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
if "a ∈ R" "b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟" for a b
using that by (simp add: assms in_ideal_gen_by_prod)
then show "b ⋅ a ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟"
if "a ∈ R" "b ∈ ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟" for a b
using that
by (metis ‹ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟 ⊆ R› comm_mult in_mono)
lemma ideal_gen_by_prod_is_inter:
assumes "ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" and "ideal 𝔟 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
shows "ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟 = ⋂ {I. ideal I R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ∧ {a ⋅ b |a b. a ∈ 𝔞 ∧ b ∈ 𝔟} ⊆ I}"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
have "x ∈ ?rhs" if "x ∈ ?lhs" for x
using that
unfolding ideal_gen_by_prod_def additive.subgroup_generated_def
by induction (force simp: ideal_zero ideal_inverse ideal_add)+
then show "?lhs ⊆ ?rhs" by blast
show "?rhs ⊆ ?lhs"
using assms ideal_subgroup_generated by (force simp: ideal_mult_in_subgroup_generated)
text ‹def. 0.18, see remark 0.20›
locale pr_ideal = comm:comm_ring R "(+)" "(⋅)" "𝟬" "𝟭" + ideal I R "(+)" "(⋅)" "𝟬" "𝟭"
for R and I and addition (infixl ‹+› 65) and multiplication (infixl ‹⋅› 70) and zero (‹𝟬›) and
unit (‹𝟭›)
+ assumes carrier_neq: "I ≠ R" and absorbent: "⟦x ∈ R; y ∈ R⟧ ⟹ (x ⋅ y ∈ I) ⟹ (x ∈ I ∨ y ∈ I)"
text ‹
Note that in the locale prime ideal the order of I and R is reversed with respect to the locale
ideal, so that we can introduce some syntactic sugar later.
text ‹remark 0.21›
lemma not_1 [simp]:
shows "𝟭 ∉ I"
assume "𝟭 ∈ I"
then have "⋀x. ⟦𝟭 ∈ I; x ∈ R⟧ ⟹ x ∈ I"
by (metis ideal(1) comm.multiplicative.right_unit)
with ‹𝟭 ∈ I› have "I = R"
by auto
then show False
using carrier_neq by blast
lemma not_invertible:
assumes "x ∈ I"
shows "¬ comm.multiplicative.invertible x"
using assms ideal(2) not_1 by blast
text ‹ex. 0.22›
lemma submonoid_notin:
assumes "S = {x ∈ R. x ∉ I}"
shows "submonoid S R (⋅) 𝟭"
show "S ⊆ R"
using assms by force
show "a ⋅ b ∈ S"
if "a ∈ S"
and "b ∈ S"
for a :: 'a
and b :: 'a
using that
using absorbent assms by blast
show "𝟭 ∈ S"
using assms carrier_neq ideal(1) by fastforce
section ‹Spectrum of a ring›
subsection ‹The Zariski Topology›
context comm_ring begin
text ‹Notation 1›
definition closed_subsets :: "'a set ⇒ ('a set) set" (‹𝒱 _› [900] 900)
where "𝒱 𝔞 ≡ {I. pr_ideal R I (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ∧ 𝔞 ⊆ I}"
text ‹Notation 2›
definition spectrum :: "('a set) set" (‹Spec›)
where "Spec ≡ {I. pr_ideal R I (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭}"
lemma cring0_spectrum_eq [simp]: "cring0.spectrum = {}"
unfolding cring0.spectrum_def pr_ideal_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_empty_eq cring0.ideal_zero pr_ideal.intro pr_ideal.not_1)
text ‹remark 0.11›
lemma closed_subsets_R [simp]:
shows "𝒱 R = {}"
using ideal_implies_subset
by (auto simp: closed_subsets_def pr_ideal_axioms_def pr_ideal_def)
lemma closed_subsets_zero [simp]:
shows "𝒱 {𝟬} = Spec"
unfolding closed_subsets_def spectrum_def pr_ideal_def pr_ideal_axioms_def
by (auto dest: ideal_zero)
lemma closed_subsets_ideal_aux:
assumes 𝔞: "ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" and 𝔟: "ideal 𝔟 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
and prime: "pr_ideal R x (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" and disj: "𝔞 ⊆ x ∨ 𝔟 ⊆ x"
shows "ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟 ⊆ x"
unfolding ideal_gen_by_prod_def additive.subgroup_generated_def
fix u
assume u: "u ∈ additive.generate (R ∩ {a ⋅ b |a b. a ∈ 𝔞 ∧ b ∈ 𝔟})"
have "𝔞 ⊆ R" "𝔟 ⊆ R"
using 𝔞 𝔟 ideal_implies_subset by auto
show "u ∈ x" using u
proof induction
case unit
then show ?case
by (meson comm_ring.ideal_zero prime pr_ideal_def)
case (incl a)
then have "a ∈ R"
by blast
with incl pr_ideal.axioms [OF prime] show ?case
by clarsimp (metis ‹𝔞 ⊆ R› ‹𝔟 ⊆ R› disj ideal.ideal subset_iff)
case (inv a)
then have "a ∈ R"
by blast
with inv pr_ideal.axioms [OF prime] show ?case
by clarsimp (metis ‹𝔞 ⊆ R› ‹𝔟 ⊆ R› disj ideal.ideal ideal_inverse subset_iff)
case (mult a b)
then show ?case
by (meson prime comm_ring.ideal_add pr_ideal_def)
text ‹ex. 0.13›
lemma closed_subsets_ideal_iff:
assumes "ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" and "ideal 𝔟 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
shows "𝒱 (ideal_gen_by_prod 𝔞 𝔟) = (𝒱 𝔞) ∪ (𝒱 𝔟)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
show "?lhs ⊆ ?rhs"
unfolding closed_subsets_def
by clarsimp (meson assms ideal_implies_subset ideal_mult_in_subgroup_generated in_mono pr_ideal.absorbent)
show "?rhs ⊆ ?lhs"
unfolding closed_subsets_def
using closed_subsets_ideal_aux [OF assms] by auto
abbreviation finsum:: "'b set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a"
where "finsum I f ≡ additive.finprod I f"
lemma finsum_empty [simp]: "finsum {} f = 𝟬"
by (simp add: additive.finprod_def)
lemma finsum_insert:
assumes "finite I" "i ∉ I"
and R: "f i ∈ R" "⋀j. j ∈ I ⟹ f j ∈ R"
shows "finsum (insert i I) f = f i + finsum I f"
unfolding additive.finprod_def
proof (subst LCD.foldD_insert [where B = "insert i I"])
show "LCD (insert i I) R ((+) ∘ f)"
show "((+) ∘ f) x (((+) ∘ f) y z) = ((+) ∘ f) y (((+) ∘ f) x z)"
if "x ∈ insert i I" "y ∈ insert i I" "z ∈ R" for x y z
using that additive.associative additive.commutative R by auto
show "((+) ∘ f) x y ∈ R"
if "x ∈ insert i I" "y ∈ R" for x y
using that R by force
qed (use assms in auto)
lemma finsum_singleton [simp]:
assumes "f i ∈ R"
shows "finsum {i} f = f i"
by (metis additive.right_unit assms finite.emptyI finsum_empty finsum_insert insert_absorb insert_not_empty)
lemma ex_15:
fixes J :: "'b set" and 𝔞 :: "'b ⇒ 'a set"
assumes "J ≠ {}" and J: "⋀j. j∈J ⟹ ideal (𝔞 j) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
shows "𝒱 ({x. ∃I f. x = finsum I f ∧ I ⊆ J ∧ finite I ∧ (∀i. i∈I ⟶ f i ∈ 𝔞 i)}) = (⋂j∈J. 𝒱 (𝔞 j))"
proof -
have "y ∈ U"
if j: "j ∈ J" "y ∈ 𝔞 j"
and "pr_ideal R U (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
and U: "{finsum I f |I f. I ⊆ J ∧ finite I ∧ (∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ f i ∈ 𝔞 i)} ⊆ U"
for U j y
proof -
have "y ∈ R"
using J j ideal_implies_subset by blast
then have y: "y = finsum {j} (λ_. y)"
by simp
then have "y ∈ {finsum I f |I f. I ⊆ J ∧ finite I ∧ (∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ f i ∈ 𝔞 i)}"
using that by blast
then show ?thesis
by (rule subsetD [OF U])
moreover have PI: "pr_ideal R x (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" if "∀j∈J. pr_ideal R x (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ∧ 𝔞 j ⊆ x" for x
using that assms(1) by fastforce
moreover have "finsum I f ∈ U"
if "finite I"
and "∀j∈J. pr_ideal R U (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ∧ 𝔞 j ⊆ U"
and "I ⊆ J" "∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ f i ∈ 𝔞 i" for U I f
using that
proof (induction I rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case
using PI assms ideal_zero by fastforce
case (insert i I)
then have "finsum (insert i I) f = f i + finsum I f"
by (metis assms(2) finsum_insert ideal_implies_subset insertCI subset_iff)
also have "... ∈ U"
using insert by (metis ideal_add insertCI pr_ideal.axioms(2) subset_eq)
finally show ?case .
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto simp: closed_subsets_def)
definition is_zariski_open:: "'a set set ⇒ bool" where
"is_zariski_open U ≡ generated_topology Spec {U. (∃𝔞. ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ∧ U = Spec - 𝒱 𝔞)} U"
lemma is_zariski_open_empty [simp]: "is_zariski_open {}"
using UNIV is_zariski_open_def generated_topology_is_topology topological_space.open_empty
by simp
lemma is_zariski_open_Spec [simp]: "is_zariski_open Spec"
by (simp add: UNIV is_zariski_open_def)
lemma is_zariski_open_Union [intro]:
"(⋀x. x ∈ F ⟹ is_zariski_open x) ⟹ is_zariski_open (⋃ F)"
by (simp add: UN is_zariski_open_def)
lemma is_zariski_open_Int [simp]:
"⟦is_zariski_open U; is_zariski_open V⟧ ⟹ is_zariski_open (U ∩ V)"
using Int is_zariski_open_def by blast
lemma zariski_is_topological_space [iff]:
shows "topological_space Spec is_zariski_open"
unfolding is_zariski_open_def using generated_topology_is_topology
by blast
lemma zariski_open_is_subset:
assumes "is_zariski_open U"
shows "U ⊆ Spec"
using assms zariski_is_topological_space topological_space.open_imp_subset by auto
lemma cring0_is_zariski_open [simp]: "cring0.is_zariski_open = (λU. U={})"
using cring0.cring0_spectrum_eq cring0.is_zariski_open_empty cring0.zariski_open_is_subset by blast
subsection ‹Standard Open Sets›
definition standard_open:: "'a ⇒ 'a set set" (‹𝒟'(_')›)
where "𝒟(x) ≡ (Spec ∖ 𝒱(⟨x⟩))"
lemma standard_open_is_zariski_open:
assumes "x ∈ R"
shows "is_zariski_open 𝒟(x)"
unfolding is_zariski_open_def standard_open_def
using assms gen_ideal_ideal generated_topology.simps by fastforce
lemma standard_open_is_subset:
assumes "x ∈ R"
shows "𝒟(x) ⊆ Spec"
by (simp add: assms standard_open_is_zariski_open zariski_open_is_subset)
lemma belongs_standard_open_iff:
assumes "x ∈ R" and "𝔭 ∈ Spec"
shows "x ∉ 𝔭 ⟷ 𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(x)"
using assms
apply (auto simp: standard_open_def closed_subsets_def spectrum_def gen_ideal_def subset_iff)
apply (metis pr_ideal.absorbent)
by (meson ideal.ideal(1) pr_ideal_def)
subsection ‹Presheaves of Rings›
locale presheaf_of_rings = Topological_Space.topological_space
+ fixes 𝔉:: "'a set ⇒ 'b set"
and ρ:: "'a set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'b)" and b:: "'b"
and add_str:: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b)" (‹+⇘_⇙›)
and mult_str:: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b)" (‹⋅⇘_⇙›)
and zero_str:: "'a set ⇒ 'b" (‹𝟬⇘_⇙›) and one_str:: "'a set ⇒ 'b" (‹𝟭⇘_⇙›)
assumes is_ring_morphism:
"⋀U V. is_open U ⟹ is_open V ⟹ V ⊆ U ⟹ ring_homomorphism (ρ U V)
(𝔉 U) (+⇘U⇙) (⋅⇘U⇙) 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙
(𝔉 V) (+⇘V⇙) (⋅⇘V⇙) 𝟬⇘V⇙ 𝟭⇘V⇙"
and ring_of_empty: "𝔉 {} = {b}"
and identity_map [simp]: "⋀U. is_open U ⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ 𝔉 U ⟹ ρ U U x = x)"
and assoc_comp:
"⋀U V W. is_open U ⟹ is_open V ⟹ is_open W ⟹ V ⊆ U ⟹ W ⊆ V ⟹
(⋀x. x ∈ (𝔉 U) ⟹ ρ U W x = (ρ V W ∘ ρ U V) x)"
lemma is_ring_from_is_homomorphism:
shows "⋀U. is_open U ⟹ ring (𝔉 U) (+⇘U⇙) (⋅⇘U⇙) 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ring_homomorphism.axioms(2) by fastforce
lemma is_map_from_is_homomorphism:
assumes "is_open U" and "is_open V" and "V ⊆ U"
shows " (ρ U V) (𝔉 U) (𝔉 V)"
using assms by (meson is_ring_morphism ring_homomorphism.axioms(1))
lemma eq_ρ:
assumes "is_open U" and "is_open V" and "is_open W" and "W ⊆ U ∩ V" and "s ∈ 𝔉 U" and "t ∈ 𝔉 V"
and "ρ U W s = ρ V W t" and "is_open W'" and "W' ⊆ W"
shows "ρ U W' s = ρ V W' t"
by (metis Int_subset_iff assms assoc_comp comp_apply)
locale morphism_presheaves_of_rings =
source: presheaf_of_rings X is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
+ target: presheaf_of_rings X is_open 𝔉' ρ' b' add_str' mult_str' zero_str' one_str'
for X and is_open
and 𝔉 and ρ and b and add_str (‹+⇘_⇙›) and mult_str (‹⋅⇘_⇙›)
and zero_str (‹𝟬⇘_⇙›) and one_str (‹𝟭⇘_⇙›)
and 𝔉' and ρ' and b' and add_str' (‹+''⇘_⇙›) and mult_str' (‹⋅''⇘_⇙›)
and zero_str' (‹𝟬''⇘_⇙›) and one_str' (‹𝟭''⇘_⇙›) +
fixes fam_morphisms:: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c)"
assumes is_ring_morphism: "⋀U. is_open U ⟹ ring_homomorphism (fam_morphisms U)
(𝔉 U) (+⇘U⇙) (⋅⇘U⇙) 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙
(𝔉' U) (+'⇘U⇙) (⋅'⇘U⇙) 𝟬'⇘U⇙ 𝟭'⇘U⇙"
and comm_diagrams: "⋀U V. is_open U ⟹ is_open V ⟹ V ⊆ U ⟹
(⋀x. x ∈ 𝔉 U ⟹ (ρ' U V ∘ fam_morphisms U) x = (fam_morphisms V ∘ ρ U V) x)"
lemma fam_morphisms_are_maps:
assumes "is_open U"
shows " (fam_morphisms U) (𝔉 U) (𝔉' U)"
using assms is_ring_morphism by (simp add: ring_homomorphism_def)
lemma (in presheaf_of_rings) id_is_mor_pr_rngs:
shows "morphism_presheaves_of_rings S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
proof (intro morphism_presheaves_of_rings.intro morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms.intro)
show "⋀U. is_open U ⟹ ring_homomorphism (identity (𝔉 U))
(𝔉 U) (add_str U) (mult_str U) (zero_str U) (one_str U)
(𝔉 U) (add_str U) (mult_str U) (zero_str U) (one_str U)"
by (metis identity_map is_map_from_is_homomorphism is_ring_morphism restrict_ext restrict_on_source subset_eq)
show "⋀U V. ⟦is_open U; is_open V; V ⊆ U⟧
⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ (𝔉 U) ⟹ (ρ U V ∘ identity (𝔉 U)) x = (identity (𝔉 V) ∘ ρ U V) x)"
using map.map_closed by (metis comp_apply is_map_from_is_homomorphism restrict_apply')
qed (use presheaf_of_rings_axioms in auto)
lemma comp_ring_morphisms:
assumes "ring_homomorphism η A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
and "ring_homomorphism θ B addB multB zeroB oneB C addC multC zeroC oneC"
shows "ring_homomorphism (compose A θ η) A addA multA zeroA oneA C addC multC zeroC oneC"
using comp_monoid_morphisms comp_group_morphisms assms
by (metis monoid_homomorphism_def ring_homomorphism_def)
lemma comp_of_presheaves:
assumes 1: "morphism_presheaves_of_rings X is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str 𝔉' ρ' b' add_str' mult_str' zero_str' one_str' φ"
and 2: "morphism_presheaves_of_rings X is_open 𝔉' ρ' b' add_str' mult_str' zero_str' one_str' 𝔉'' ρ'' b'' add_str'' mult_str'' zero_str'' one_str'' φ'"
shows "morphism_presheaves_of_rings X is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str 𝔉'' ρ'' b'' add_str'' mult_str'' zero_str'' one_str'' (λU. (φ' U ∘ φ U ↓ 𝔉 U))"
proof (intro morphism_presheaves_of_rings.intro morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms.intro)
show "ring_homomorphism (φ' U ∘ φ U ↓ 𝔉 U) (𝔉 U) (add_str U) (mult_str U) (zero_str U) (one_str U) (𝔉'' U) (add_str'' U) (mult_str'' U) (zero_str'' U) (one_str'' U)"
if "is_open U"
for U :: "'a set"
using that
by (metis assms comp_ring_morphisms morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism)
show "⋀x. x ∈ (𝔉 U) ⟹ (ρ'' U V ∘ (φ' U ∘ φ U ↓ 𝔉 U)) x = (φ' V ∘ φ V ↓ 𝔉 V ∘ ρ U V) x"
if "is_open U" "is_open V" "V ⊆ U" for U V
using that
using morphism_presheaves_of_rings.comm_diagrams [OF 1]
using morphism_presheaves_of_rings.comm_diagrams [OF 2]
using presheaf_of_rings.is_map_from_is_homomorphism [OF morphism_presheaves_of_rings.axioms(1) [OF 1]]
by (metis "1" comp_apply compose_eq map.map_closed morphism_presheaves_of_rings.fam_morphisms_are_maps)
qed (use assms in ‹auto simp: morphism_presheaves_of_rings_def›)
locale iso_presheaves_of_rings = mor:morphism_presheaves_of_rings
+ assumes is_inv:
"∃ψ. morphism_presheaves_of_rings X is_open 𝔉' ρ' b' add_str' mult_str' zero_str' one_str' 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str ψ
∧ (∀U. is_open U ⟶ (∀x ∈ (𝔉' U). (fam_morphisms U ∘ ψ U) x = x) ∧ (∀x ∈ (𝔉 U). (ψ U ∘ fam_morphisms U) x = x))"
subsection ‹Sheaves of Rings›
locale sheaf_of_rings = presheaf_of_rings +
assumes locality: "⋀U I V s. open_cover_of_open_subset S is_open U I V ⟹ (⋀i. i∈I ⟹ V i ⊆ U) ⟹
s ∈ 𝔉 U ⟹ (⋀i. i∈I ⟹ ρ U (V i) s = 𝟬⇘(V i)⇙) ⟹ s = 𝟬⇘U⇙"
glueing: "⋀U I V s. open_cover_of_open_subset S is_open U I V ⟹ (∀i. i∈I ⟶ V i ⊆ U ∧ s i ∈ 𝔉 (V i)) ⟹
(⋀i j. i∈I ⟹ j∈I ⟹ ρ (V i) (V i ∩ V j) (s i) = ρ (V j) (V i ∩ V j) (s j)) ⟹
(∃t. t ∈ 𝔉 U ∧ (∀i. i∈I ⟶ ρ U (V i) t = s i))"
locale morphism_sheaves_of_rings = morphism_presheaves_of_rings
locale iso_sheaves_of_rings = iso_presheaves_of_rings
locale ind_sheaf = sheaf_of_rings +
fixes U:: "'a set"
assumes is_open_subset: "is_open U"
interpretation it: ind_topology S is_open U
by (simp add: ind_topology.intro ind_topology_axioms.intro is_open_subset open_imp_subset topological_space_axioms)
definition ind_sheaf:: "'a set ⇒ 'b set"
where "ind_sheaf V ≡ 𝔉 (U ∩ V)"
definition ind_ring_morphisms:: "'a set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'b)"
where "ind_ring_morphisms V W ≡ ρ (U ∩ V) (U ∩ W)"
definition ind_add_str:: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b)"
where "ind_add_str V ≡ λx y. +⇘(U ∩ V)⇙ x y"
definition ind_mult_str:: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b)"
where "ind_mult_str V ≡ λx y. ⋅⇘(U ∩ V)⇙ x y"
definition ind_zero_str:: "'a set ⇒ 'b"
where "ind_zero_str V ≡ 𝟬⇘(U∩V)⇙"
definition ind_one_str:: "'a set ⇒ 'b"
where "ind_one_str V ≡ 𝟭⇘(U∩V)⇙"
lemma ind_is_open_imp_ring:
"⋀U. it.ind_is_open U
⟹ ring (ind_sheaf U) (ind_add_str U) (ind_mult_str U) (ind_zero_str U) (ind_one_str U)"
unfolding ind_add_str_def it.ind_is_open_def ind_mult_str_def ind_one_str_def ind_sheaf_def ind_zero_str_def
using is_open_subset is_ring_from_is_homomorphism it.is_subset open_inter by force
lemma ind_sheaf_is_presheaf:
shows "presheaf_of_rings U (it.ind_is_open) ind_sheaf ind_ring_morphisms b
ind_add_str ind_mult_str ind_zero_str ind_one_str"
proof -
have "topological_space U it.ind_is_open" by (simp add: it.ind_space_is_top_space)
moreover have "ring_homomorphism (ind_ring_morphisms W V)
(ind_sheaf W) (ind_add_str W) (ind_mult_str W) (ind_zero_str W) (ind_one_str W)
(ind_sheaf V) (ind_add_str V) (ind_mult_str V) (ind_zero_str V) (ind_one_str V)"
if "it.ind_is_open W" "it.ind_is_open V" "V ⊆ W" for W V
proof (intro ring_homomorphism.intro ind_is_open_imp_ring)
show " (ind_ring_morphisms W V) (ind_sheaf W) (ind_sheaf V)"
unfolding ind_ring_morphisms_def ind_sheaf_def
by (metis that it.ind_is_open_def inf.left_idem is_open_subset is_ring_morphism
open_inter ring_homomorphism_def)
from that
obtain o: "is_open (U ∩ V)" "is_open (U ∩ W)" "U ∩ V ⊆ U ∩ W"
by (metis (no_types) it.ind_is_open_def inf.absorb_iff2 is_open_subset open_inter)
then show "group_homomorphism (ind_ring_morphisms W V) (ind_sheaf W) (ind_add_str W) (ind_zero_str W) (ind_sheaf V) (ind_add_str V) (ind_zero_str V)"
unfolding ind_ring_morphisms_def ind_sheaf_def ind_zero_str_def
by (metis ind_sheaf.ind_add_str_def ind_sheaf_axioms is_ring_morphism ring_homomorphism.axioms(4))
show "monoid_homomorphism (ind_ring_morphisms W V) (ind_sheaf W) (ind_mult_str W) (ind_one_str W) (ind_sheaf V) (ind_mult_str V) (ind_one_str V)"
using o by (metis ind_mult_str_def ind_one_str_def ind_ring_morphisms_def ind_sheaf_def is_ring_morphism ring_homomorphism_def)
qed (use that in auto)
moreover have "ind_sheaf {} = {b}"
by (simp add: ring_of_empty ind_sheaf_def)
moreover have "⋀U. it.ind_is_open U ⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ (ind_sheaf U) ⟹ ind_ring_morphisms U U x = x)"
by (simp add: Int_absorb1 it.ind_is_open_def ind_ring_morphisms_def ind_sheaf_def it.is_open_from_ind_is_open is_open_subset)
moreover have "⋀U V W. it.ind_is_open U ⟹ it.ind_is_open V ⟹ it.ind_is_open W ⟹ V ⊆ U ⟹ W ⊆ V
⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ (ind_sheaf U) ⟹ ind_ring_morphisms U W x = (ind_ring_morphisms V W ∘ ind_ring_morphisms U V) x)"
by (metis Int_absorb1 assoc_comp it.ind_is_open_def ind_ring_morphisms_def ind_sheaf_def it.is_open_from_ind_is_open is_open_subset)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding presheaf_of_rings_def presheaf_of_rings_axioms_def by blast
lemma ind_sheaf_is_sheaf:
shows "sheaf_of_rings U it.ind_is_open ind_sheaf ind_ring_morphisms b ind_add_str ind_mult_str ind_zero_str ind_one_str"
proof (intro sheaf_of_rings.intro sheaf_of_rings_axioms.intro)
show "presheaf_of_rings U it.ind_is_open ind_sheaf ind_ring_morphisms b ind_add_str ind_mult_str ind_zero_str ind_one_str"
using ind_sheaf_is_presheaf by blast
fix V I W s
assume oc: "open_cover_of_open_subset U it.ind_is_open V I W"
and WV: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ W i ⊆ V"
and s: "s ∈ ind_sheaf V"
and eq: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ ind_ring_morphisms V (W i) s = ind_zero_str (W i)"
have "it.ind_is_open V"
using oc open_cover_of_open_subset.is_open_subset by blast
then have "s ∈ 𝔉 V"
by (metis ind_sheaf.ind_sheaf_def ind_sheaf_axioms it.ind_is_open_def inf.absorb2 s)
then have "s = 𝟬⇘V⇙"
by (metis Int_absorb1 Int_subset_iff WV ind_sheaf.ind_zero_str_def ind_sheaf_axioms eq it.ind_is_open_def ind_ring_morphisms_def is_open_subset locality oc it.open_cover_from_ind_open_cover open_cover_of_open_subset.is_open_subset)
then show "s = ind_zero_str V"
by (metis Int_absorb1 it.ind_is_open_def ind_zero_str_def oc open_cover_of_open_subset.is_open_subset)
fix V I W s
assume oc: "open_cover_of_open_subset U it.ind_is_open V I W"
and WV: "∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ W i ⊆ V ∧ s i ∈ ind_sheaf (W i)"
and eq: "⋀i j. ⟦i ∈ I; j ∈ I⟧ ⟹ ind_ring_morphisms (W i) (W i ∩ W j) (s i) = ind_ring_morphisms (W j) (W i ∩ W j) (s j)"
have "is_open V"
using it.is_open_from_ind_is_open is_open_subset oc open_cover_of_open_subset.is_open_subset by blast
moreover have "open_cover_of_open_subset S is_open V I W"
using it.open_cover_from_ind_open_cover oc ind_topology.intro ind_topology_axioms_def is_open_subset it.is_subset topological_space_axioms by blast
moreover have "ρ (W i) (W i ∩ W j) (s i) = ρ (W j) (W i ∩ W j) (s j)"
if "i∈I" "j∈I" for i j
proof -
have "U ∩ W i = W i" and "U ∩ W j = W j"
by (metis Int_absorb1 WV it.ind_is_open_def oc open_cover_of_open_subset.is_open_subset
subset_trans that)+
then show ?thesis
using eq[unfolded ind_ring_morphisms_def,OF that] by (metis inf_sup_aci(2))
moreover have "∀i. i∈I ⟶ W i ⊆ V ∧ s i ∈ 𝔉 (W i)"
by (metis WV it.ind_is_open_def ind_sheaf_def inf.orderE inf_idem inf_aci(3) oc open_cover_of_open_subset.is_open_subset)
obtain t where "t ∈ (𝔉 V) ∧ (∀i. i∈I ⟶ ρ V (W i) t = s i)"
using glueing by blast
then have "t ∈ ind_sheaf V"
unfolding ind_sheaf_def using oc
by (metis Int_absorb1 cover_of_subset_def open_cover_of_open_subset_def open_cover_of_subset_def)
moreover have "∀i. i∈I ⟶ ind_ring_morphisms V (W i) t = s i"
unfolding ind_ring_morphisms_def
by (metis oc Int_absorb1 ‹t ∈ 𝔉 V ∧ (∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ ρ V (W i) t = s i)› cover_of_subset_def open_cover_of_open_subset_def open_cover_of_subset_def)
ultimately show "∃t. t ∈ (ind_sheaf V) ∧ (∀i. i∈I ⟶ ind_ring_morphisms V (W i) t = s i)" by blast
locale im_sheaf = sheaf_of_rings + continuous_map
definition im_sheaf:: "'c set => 'b set"
where "im_sheaf V ≡ 𝔉 (f⇧¯ S V)"
definition im_sheaf_morphisms:: "'c set ⇒ 'c set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'b)"
where "im_sheaf_morphisms U V ≡ ρ (f⇧¯ S U) (f⇧¯ S V)"
definition add_im_sheaf:: "'c set ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b"
where "add_im_sheaf ≡ λV x y. +⇘(f⇧¯ S V)⇙ x y"
definition mult_im_sheaf:: "'c set ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b"
where "mult_im_sheaf ≡ λV x y. ⋅⇘(f⇧¯ S V)⇙ x y"
definition zero_im_sheaf:: "'c set ⇒ 'b"
where "zero_im_sheaf ≡ λV. 𝟬⇘(f⇧¯ S V)⇙"
definition one_im_sheaf:: "'c set ⇒ 'b"
where "one_im_sheaf ≡ λV. 𝟭⇘(f⇧¯ S V)⇙"
lemma im_sheaf_is_presheaf:
"presheaf_of_rings S' (is_open') im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b
add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf"
proof (intro presheaf_of_rings.intro presheaf_of_rings_axioms.intro)
show "topological_space S' is_open'"
by (simp add: target.topological_space_axioms)
show "⋀U V. ⟦is_open' U; is_open' V; V ⊆ U⟧
⟹ ring_homomorphism (im_sheaf_morphisms U V)
(im_sheaf U) (add_im_sheaf U) (mult_im_sheaf U) (zero_im_sheaf U) (one_im_sheaf U)
(im_sheaf V) (add_im_sheaf V) (mult_im_sheaf V) (zero_im_sheaf V) (one_im_sheaf V)"
unfolding add_im_sheaf_def mult_im_sheaf_def zero_im_sheaf_def one_im_sheaf_def
by (metis Int_commute Int_mono im_sheaf_def im_sheaf_morphisms_def is_continuous is_ring_morphism subset_refl vimage_mono)
show "im_sheaf {} = {b}" using im_sheaf_def ring_of_empty by simp
show "⋀U. is_open' U ⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ (im_sheaf U) ⟹ im_sheaf_morphisms U U x = x)"
using im_sheaf_morphisms_def by (simp add: im_sheaf_def is_continuous)
show "⋀U V W.
⟦is_open' U; is_open' V; is_open' W; V ⊆ U; W ⊆ V⟧
⟹ (⋀x. x ∈ (im_sheaf U) ⟹ im_sheaf_morphisms U W x = (im_sheaf_morphisms V W ∘ im_sheaf_morphisms U V) x)"
by (metis Int_mono assoc_comp im_sheaf_def im_sheaf_morphisms_def ind_topology.is_subset is_continuous ind_topology_is_open_self vimage_mono)
lemma im_sheaf_is_sheaf:
shows "sheaf_of_rings S' (is_open') im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b
add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf"
proof (intro sheaf_of_rings.intro sheaf_of_rings_axioms.intro)
show "presheaf_of_rings S' is_open' im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b
add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf"
using im_sheaf_is_presheaf by force
fix U I V s
assume oc: "open_cover_of_open_subset S' is_open' U I V"
and VU: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ V i ⊆ U"
and s: "s ∈ im_sheaf U"
and eq0: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ im_sheaf_morphisms U (V i) s =zero_im_sheaf (V i)"
have "open_cover_of_open_subset S is_open (f⇧¯ S U) I (λi. f⇧¯ S (V i))"
by (simp add: oc open_cover_of_open_subset_from_target_to_source)
then show "s = zero_im_sheaf U" using zero_im_sheaf_def
by (smt VU im_sheaf_def im_sheaf_morphisms_def eq0 inf.absorb_iff2 inf_le2 inf_sup_aci(1) inf_sup_aci(3) locality s vimage_Int)
fix U I V s
assume oc: "open_cover_of_open_subset S' is_open' U I V"
and VU: "∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ V i ⊆ U ∧ s i ∈ im_sheaf (V i)"
and eq: "⋀i j. ⟦i ∈ I; j ∈ I⟧ ⟹ im_sheaf_morphisms (V i) (V i ∩ V j) (s i) = im_sheaf_morphisms (V j) (V i ∩ V j) (s j)"
have "∃t. t ∈ 𝔉 (f ⇧¯ S U) ∧ (∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ ρ (f ⇧¯ S U) (f ⇧¯ S (V i)) t = s i)"
proof (rule glueing)
show "open_cover_of_open_subset S is_open (f ⇧¯ S U) I (λi. f ⇧¯ S (V i))"
using oc open_cover_of_open_subset_from_target_to_source by presburger
show "∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ f ⇧¯ S (V i) ⊆ f ⇧¯ S U ∧ s i ∈ 𝔉 (f ⇧¯ S (V i))"
using VU im_sheaf_def by blast
show "ρ (f ⇧¯ S (V i)) (f ⇧¯ S (V i) ∩ f ⇧¯ S (V j)) (s i) = ρ (f ⇧¯ S (V j)) (f ⇧¯ S (V i) ∩ f ⇧¯ S (V j)) (s j)"
if "i ∈ I" "j ∈ I" for i j
using im_sheaf_morphisms_def eq that
by (smt Int_commute Int_left_commute inf.left_idem vimage_Int)
then obtain t where "t ∈ 𝔉 (f⇧¯ S U) ∧ (∀i. i∈I ⟶ ρ (f⇧¯ S U) (f⇧¯ S (V i)) t = s i)" ..
then show "∃t. t ∈ im_sheaf U ∧ (∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ im_sheaf_morphisms U (V i) t = s i)"
using im_sheaf_def im_sheaf_morphisms_def by auto
sublocale sheaf_of_rings S' is_open' im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b
add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf
using im_sheaf_is_sheaf .
lemma (in sheaf_of_rings) id_to_iso_of_sheaves:
shows "iso_sheaves_of_rings S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
(im_sheaf.im_sheaf S 𝔉 (identity S))
(im_sheaf.im_sheaf_morphisms S ρ (identity S))
(λV. +⇘identity S ⇧¯ S V⇙) (λV. ⋅⇘identity S ⇧¯ S V⇙) (λV. 𝟬⇘identity S ⇧¯ S V⇙) (λV. 𝟭⇘identity S ⇧¯ S V⇙) (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
(is "iso_sheaves_of_rings S is_open 𝔉 ρ b _ _ _ _ _ _ b ?add ?mult ?zero ?one ?F")
have preq[simp]: "⋀V. V ⊆ S ⟹ (identity S ⇧¯ S V) = V"
by auto
interpret id: im_sheaf S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str S is_open "identity S"
by intro_locales (auto simp add: Set_Theory.map_def continuous_map_axioms_def open_imp_subset)
have 1[simp]: "⋀V. V ⊆ S ⟹ im_sheaf.im_sheaf S 𝔉 (identity S) V = 𝔉 V"
by (simp add: id.im_sheaf_def)
have 2[simp]: "⋀U V. ⟦U ⊆ S; V ⊆ S⟧ ⟹ im_sheaf.im_sheaf_morphisms S ρ (identity S) U V ≡ ρ U V"
using id.im_sheaf_morphisms_def by auto
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
have rh: "⋀U. is_open U ⟹
ring_homomorphism (identity (𝔉 U)) (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙ (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙"
using id_is_mor_pr_rngs morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism by fastforce
show "morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
id.im_sheaf id.im_sheaf_morphisms ?add ?mult ?zero ?one ?F"
unfolding morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms_def
by (auto simp: rh open_imp_subset intro: is_map_from_is_homomorphism map.map_closed)
have ρ: "⋀U V W x. ⟦is_open U; is_open V; is_open W; V ⊆ U; W ⊆ V; x ∈ 𝔉 U⟧ ⟹ ρ V W (ρ U V x) = ρ U W x"
by (metis assoc_comp comp_def)
show "presheaf_of_rings_axioms is_open id.im_sheaf id.im_sheaf_morphisms b ?add ?mult ?zero ?one"
by (auto simp: ρ presheaf_of_rings_axioms_def is_ring_morphism open_imp_subset ring_of_empty)
then have "presheaf_of_rings S is_open id.im_sheaf id.im_sheaf_morphisms b ?add ?mult ?zero ?one"
by (metis id.im_sheaf_is_presheaf presheaf_of_rings_def)
have "morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms is_open
id.im_sheaf id.im_sheaf_morphisms ?add ?mult ?zero ?one 𝔉 ρ add_str
mult_str zero_str one_str (λU. λx∈𝔉 U. x)"
unfolding morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms_def
by (auto simp: rh open_imp_subset intro: is_map_from_is_homomorphism map.map_closed)
show "iso_presheaves_of_rings_axioms S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
id.im_sheaf id.im_sheaf_morphisms b ?add ?mult ?zero ?one ?F"
by (auto simp: presheaf_of_rings_axioms iso_presheaves_of_rings_axioms_def morphism_presheaves_of_rings_def open_imp_subset)
subsection ‹Quotient Ring›
context group begin
lemma cancel_imp_equal:
"⟦ u ⋅ inverse v = 𝟭; u ∈ G; v ∈ G ⟧ ⟹ u = v"
by (metis invertible invertible_inverse_closed invertible_right_cancel invertible_right_inverse)
context ring begin
lemma inverse_distributive: "⟦ a ∈ R; b ∈ R; c ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ a ⋅ (b - c) = a ⋅ b - a ⋅ c"
"⟦ a ∈ R; b ∈ R; c ∈ R ⟧ ⟹ (b - c) ⋅ a = b ⋅ a - c ⋅ a"
using additive.invertible additive.invertible_inverse_closed distributive
local.left_minus local.right_minus by presburger+
locale quotient_ring = comm:comm_ring R "(+)" "(⋅)" "𝟬" "𝟭" + submonoid S R "(⋅)" "𝟭"
for S and R and addition (infixl ‹+› 65) and multiplication (infixl ‹⋅› 70) and zero (‹𝟬›) and
unit (‹𝟭›)
lemmas comm_ring_simps =
definition rel:: "('a × 'a) ⇒ ('a × 'a) ⇒ bool" (infix ‹∼› 80)
where "x ∼ y ≡ ∃s1. s1 ∈ S ∧ s1 ⋅ (snd y ⋅ fst x - snd x ⋅ fst y) = 𝟬"
lemma rel_refl: "⋀x. x ∈ R × S ⟹ x ∼ x"
by (auto simp: rel_def)
lemma rel_sym:
assumes "x ∼ y" "x ∈ R × S" "y ∈ R × S" shows "y ∼ x"
proof -
obtain rx sx ry sy s
where §: "rx ∈ R" "sx ∈ S" "ry ∈ R" "s ∈ S" "sy ∈ S" "s ⋅ (sy ⋅ rx - sx ⋅ ry) = 𝟬" "x = (rx,sx)" "y = (ry,sy)"
using assms by (auto simp: rel_def)
then have "s ⋅ (sx ⋅ ry - sy ⋅ rx) = 𝟬"
by (metis sub comm.additive.cancel_imp_equal comm.inverse_distributive(1) comm.multiplicative.composition_closed)
with § show ?thesis
by (auto simp: rel_def)
lemma rel_trans:
assumes "x ∼ y" "y ∼ z" "x ∈ R × S" "y ∈ R × S" "z ∈ R × S" shows "x ∼ z"
using assms
proof (clarsimp simp: rel_def)
fix r s r2 s2 r1 s1 sx sy
assume §: "r ∈ R" "s ∈ S" "r1 ∈ R" "s1 ∈ S" "sx ∈ S" "r2 ∈ R" "s2 ∈ S" "sy ∈ S"
and sx0: "sx ⋅ (s1 ⋅ r2 - s2 ⋅ r1) = 𝟬" and sy0: "sy ⋅ (s2 ⋅ r - s ⋅ r2) = 𝟬"
show "∃u. u ∈ S ∧ u ⋅ (s1 ⋅ r - s ⋅ r1) = 𝟬"
proof (intro exI conjI)
show "sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s2 ∈ S"
using § by blast
have sx: "sx ⋅ s1 ⋅ r2 = sx ⋅ s2 ⋅ r1" and sy: "sy ⋅ s2 ⋅ r = sy ⋅ s ⋅ r2"
using sx0 sy0 § comm.additive.cancel_imp_equal comm.inverse_distributive(1)
comm.multiplicative.associative comm.multiplicative.composition_closed sub
by metis+
have "sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ (s1 ⋅ r - s ⋅ r1) = sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ s1 ⋅ r - sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ s ⋅ r1"
using "§" ‹sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s2 ∈ S›
comm.inverse_distributive(1) comm.multiplicative.associative comm.multiplicative.composition_closed
by presburger
also have "... = sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s ⋅ s1 ⋅ r2 - sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ s ⋅ r1"
using §
by (smt sy comm.comm_mult comm.multiplicative.associative comm.multiplicative.composition_closed sub)
also have "... = sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s ⋅ s1 ⋅ r2 - sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s1 ⋅ s ⋅ r2"
using § by (smt sx comm.comm_mult comm.multiplicative.associative
comm.multiplicative.composition_closed sub)
also have "... = 𝟬"
using § by (simp add: comm.ring_mult_ac)
finally show "sx ⋅ sy ⋅ s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ (s1 ⋅ r - s ⋅ r1) = 𝟬" .
interpretation rel: equivalence "R × S" "{(x,y) ∈ (R×S)×(R×S). x ∼ y}"
by (blast intro: equivalence.intro rel_refl rel_sym rel_trans)
notation equivalence.Partition (infixl ‹'/› 75)
definition frac:: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a × 'a) set" (infixl ‹'/› 75)
where "r / s ≡ rel.Class (r, s)"
lemma frac_Pow:"(r, s) ∈ R × S ⟹ frac r s ∈ Pow (R × S) "
using local.frac_def rel.Class_closed2 by auto
lemma frac_eqI:
assumes "s1∈S" and "(r, s) ∈ R × S" "(r', s') ∈ R × S"
and eq:"s1 ⋅ s' ⋅ r = s1 ⋅ s ⋅ r'"
shows "frac r s = frac r' s'"
unfolding frac_def
proof (rule rel.Class_eq)
have "s1 ⋅ (s' ⋅ r - s ⋅ r') = 𝟬"
using assms comm.inverse_distributive(1) comm.multiplicative.associative by auto
with ‹s1∈S› have "(r, s) ∼ (r', s')"
unfolding rel_def by auto
then show "((r, s), r', s') ∈ {(x, y). (x, y) ∈ (R × S) × R × S ∧ x ∼ y}"
using assms(2,3) by auto
lemma frac_eq_Ex:
assumes "(r, s) ∈ R × S" "(r', s') ∈ R × S" "frac r s = frac r' s'"
obtains s1 where "s1∈S" "s1 ⋅ (s' ⋅ r - s ⋅ r') = 𝟬"
proof -
have "(r, s) ∼ (r', s')"
using ‹frac r s = frac r' s'› rel.Class_equivalence[OF assms(1,2)]
unfolding frac_def by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding rel_def
by (metis fst_conv snd_conv that)
lemma frac_cancel:
assumes "s1∈S" and "(r, s) ∈ R × S"
shows "frac (s1⋅r) (s1⋅s) = frac r s"
apply (rule frac_eqI[of 𝟭])
using assms comm_ring_simps by auto
lemma frac_eq_obtains:
assumes "(r,s) ∈ R × S" and x_def:"x=(SOME x. x∈(frac r s))"
obtains s1 where "s1∈S" "s1 ⋅ s ⋅ fst x = s1 ⋅ snd x ⋅ r" and "x ∈ R × S"
proof -
have "x∈(r/s)"
unfolding x_def
apply (rule someI[of _ "(r,s)"])
using assms(1) local.frac_def by blast
from rel.ClassD[OF this[unfolded frac_def] ‹(r,s) ∈ R × S›]
have x_RS:"x∈R × S" and "x ∼ (r,s)" by auto
from this(2) obtain s1 where "s1∈S" and "s1 ⋅ (s ⋅ fst x - snd x ⋅ r) = 𝟬"
unfolding rel_def by auto
then have x_eq:"s1 ⋅ s ⋅ fst x = s1 ⋅ snd x ⋅ r"
using comm.distributive x_RS assms(1)
by (smt comm.additive.group_axioms group.cancel_imp_equal comm.inverse_distributive(1)
mem_Sigma_iff comm.multiplicative.associative comm.multiplicative.composition_closed prod.collapse sub)
then show ?thesis using that x_RS ‹s1∈S› by auto
definition valid_frac::"('a × 'a) set ⇒ bool" where
"valid_frac X ≡ ∃r∈R. ∃s∈S. r / s = X"
lemma frac_non_empty[simp]:"(a,b) ∈ R × S ⟹ valid_frac (frac a b)"
unfolding frac_def valid_frac_def by blast
definition add_rel_aux:: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "add_rel_aux r s r' s' ≡ (r⋅s' + r'⋅s) / (s⋅s')"
definition add_rel:: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "add_rel X Y ≡
let x = (SOME x. x ∈ X) in
let y = (SOME y. y ∈ Y) in
add_rel_aux (fst x) (snd x) (fst y) (snd y)"
lemma add_rel_frac:
assumes "(r,s) ∈ R × S" "(r',s')∈ R × S"
shows "add_rel (r/s) (r'/s') = (r⋅s' + r'⋅s) / (s⋅s')"
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x∈(r/s))"
define y where "y=(SOME y. y∈(r'/s'))"
obtain s1 where [simp]:"s1 ∈ S" and x_eq:"s1 ⋅ s ⋅ fst x = s1 ⋅ snd x ⋅ r" and x_RS:"x ∈ R × S"
using frac_eq_obtains[OF ‹(r,s) ∈ R × S› x_def] by auto
obtain s2 where [simp]:"s2 ∈ S" and y_eq:"s2 ⋅ s' ⋅ fst y = s2 ⋅ snd y ⋅ r'" and y_RS:"y ∈ R × S"
using frac_eq_obtains[OF ‹(r',s') ∈ R × S› y_def] by auto
have "add_rel (r/s) (r'/s') = (fst x ⋅ snd y + fst y ⋅ snd x) / (snd x ⋅ snd y)"
unfolding add_rel_def add_rel_aux_def x_def y_def Let_def by auto
also have "... = (r⋅s' + r'⋅s) / (s⋅s')"
proof (rule frac_eqI[of "s1 ⋅ s2"])
have "snd y ⋅ s' ⋅ s2 ⋅ (s1 ⋅ s ⋅ fst x) = snd y ⋅ s' ⋅ s2 ⋅ (s1 ⋅ snd x ⋅ r)"
using x_eq by simp
then have "s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ s ⋅ s' ⋅ fst x ⋅ snd y = s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ snd x ⋅ snd y ⋅ r ⋅ s'"
using comm.multiplicative.associative assms x_RS y_RS comm.comm_mult by auto
moreover have "snd x ⋅ s ⋅s1 ⋅ (s2 ⋅ s' ⋅ fst y) = snd x ⋅ s ⋅s1 ⋅ (s2 ⋅ snd y ⋅ r')"
using y_eq by simp
then have "s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ s ⋅ s' ⋅ fst y ⋅ snd x = s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ snd x ⋅ snd y ⋅ r' ⋅ s"
using comm.multiplicative.associative assms x_RS y_RS comm.comm_mult
by auto
ultimately show "s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ (s ⋅ s') ⋅ (fst x ⋅ snd y + fst y ⋅ snd x)
= s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ (snd x ⋅ snd y) ⋅ (r ⋅ s' + r' ⋅ s)"
using comm.multiplicative.associative assms x_RS y_RS comm.distributive
by auto
show "s1 ⋅ s2 ∈ S" "(fst x ⋅ snd y + fst y ⋅ snd x, snd x ⋅ snd y) ∈ R × S"
"(r ⋅ s' + r' ⋅ s, s ⋅ s') ∈ R × S"
using assms x_RS y_RS by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma valid_frac_add[intro,simp]:
assumes "valid_frac X" "valid_frac Y"
shows "valid_frac (add_rel X Y)"
proof -
obtain r s r' s' where "r∈R" "s∈S" "r'∈R" "s'∈S"
and *:"add_rel X Y = (r⋅s' + r'⋅s) / (s⋅s')"
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x∈X)"
define y where "y=(SOME y. y∈Y)"
have "x∈X" "y∈Y"
using assms unfolding x_def y_def valid_frac_def some_in_eq local.frac_def
by blast+
then obtain "x ∈ R × S" "y ∈ R × S"
using assms
by (simp add: valid_frac_def x_def y_def) (metis frac_eq_obtains mem_Sigma_iff)
moreover have "add_rel X Y = (fst x ⋅ snd y + fst y ⋅ snd x) / (snd x ⋅ snd y)"
unfolding add_rel_def add_rel_aux_def x_def y_def Let_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that by auto
from this(1-4)
have "(r⋅s' + r'⋅s,s⋅s') ∈ R × S"
by auto
with * show ?thesis by auto
definition uminus_rel:: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "uminus_rel X ≡ let x = (SOME x. x ∈ X) in (comm.additive.inverse (fst x) / snd x)"
lemma uminus_rel_frac:
assumes "(r,s) ∈ R × S"
shows "uminus_rel (r/s) = (comm.additive.inverse r) / s"
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x∈(r/s))"
obtain s1 where [simp]:"s1 ∈ S" and x_eq:"s1 ⋅ s ⋅ fst x = s1 ⋅ snd x ⋅ r" and x_RS:"x ∈ R × S"
using frac_eq_obtains[OF ‹(r,s) ∈ R × S› x_def] by auto
have "uminus_rel (r/s)= (comm.additive.inverse (fst x)) / (snd x )"
unfolding uminus_rel_def x_def Let_def by auto
also have "... = (comm.additive.inverse r) / s"
apply (rule frac_eqI[of s1])
using x_RS assms x_eq by (auto simp add: comm.right_minus)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma valid_frac_uminus[intro,simp]:
assumes "valid_frac X"
shows "valid_frac (uminus_rel X)"
proof -
obtain r s where "r∈R" "s∈S"
and *:"uminus_rel X = (comm.additive.inverse r) / s"
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x∈X)"
have "x∈X"
using assms unfolding x_def valid_frac_def some_in_eq local.frac_def
by blast
then have "x∈ R × S"
using assms valid_frac_def
by (metis frac_eq_obtains mem_Sigma_iff x_def)
moreover have "uminus_rel X = (comm.additive.inverse (fst x) ) / (snd x)"
unfolding uminus_rel_def x_def Let_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that by auto
from this(1-3)
have "(comm.additive.inverse r,s) ∈ R × S" by auto
with * show ?thesis by auto
definition mult_rel_aux:: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "mult_rel_aux r s r' s' ≡ (r⋅r') / (s⋅s')"
definition mult_rel:: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "mult_rel X Y ≡
let x = (SOME x. x ∈ X) in
let y = (SOME y. y ∈ Y) in
mult_rel_aux (fst x) (snd x) (fst y) (snd y)"
lemma mult_rel_frac:
assumes "(r,s) ∈ R × S" "(r',s')∈ R × S"
shows "mult_rel (r/s) (r'/s') = (r⋅ r') / (s⋅s')"
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x∈(r/s))"
define y where "y=(SOME y. y∈(r'/s'))"
obtain s1 where [simp]:"s1 ∈ S" and x_eq:"s1 ⋅ s ⋅ fst x = s1 ⋅ snd x ⋅ r" and x_RS:"x ∈ R × S"
using frac_eq_obtains[OF ‹(r,s) ∈ R × S› x_def] by auto
obtain s2 where [simp]:"s2 ∈ S" and y_eq:"s2 ⋅ s' ⋅ fst y = s2 ⋅ snd y ⋅ r'" and y_RS:"y ∈ R × S"
using frac_eq_obtains[OF ‹(r',s') ∈ R × S› y_def] by auto
have "mult_rel (r/s) (r'/s') = (fst x ⋅ fst y ) / (snd x ⋅ snd y)"
unfolding mult_rel_def mult_rel_aux_def x_def y_def Let_def by auto
also have "... = (r⋅ r') / (s⋅s')"
proof (rule frac_eqI[of "s1 ⋅ s2"])
have "(s1 ⋅ s ⋅ fst x) ⋅ (s2 ⋅ s' ⋅ fst y) = (s1 ⋅ snd x ⋅ r) ⋅ (s2 ⋅ snd y ⋅ r')"
using x_eq y_eq by auto
then show "s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ (s ⋅ s') ⋅ (fst x ⋅ fst y) = s1 ⋅ s2 ⋅ (snd x ⋅ snd y) ⋅ (r ⋅ r')"
using comm.multiplicative.associative assms x_RS y_RS comm.distributive comm.comm_mult by auto
show "s1 ⋅ s2 ∈ S" "(fst x ⋅ fst y, snd x ⋅ snd y) ∈ R × S"
"(r ⋅ r', s ⋅ s') ∈ R × S"
using assms x_RS y_RS by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma valid_frac_mult[intro,simp]:
assumes "valid_frac X" "valid_frac Y"
shows "valid_frac (mult_rel X Y)"
proof -
obtain r s r' s' where "r∈R" "s∈S" "r'∈R" "s'∈S"
and *:"mult_rel X Y = (r⋅ r') / (s⋅s')"
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x∈X)"
define y where "y=(SOME y. y∈Y)"
have "x∈X" "y∈Y"
using assms unfolding x_def y_def valid_frac_def some_in_eq local.frac_def
by blast+
then obtain "x ∈ R × S" "y ∈ R × S"
using assms
by (simp add: valid_frac_def x_def y_def) (metis frac_eq_obtains mem_Sigma_iff)
moreover have "mult_rel X Y = (fst x ⋅ fst y) / (snd x ⋅ snd y)"
unfolding mult_rel_def mult_rel_aux_def x_def y_def Let_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that by auto
from this(1-4)
have "(r⋅r',s⋅s') ∈ R × S"
by auto
with * show ?thesis by auto
definition zero_rel::"('a × 'a) set" where
"zero_rel = frac 𝟬 𝟭"
definition one_rel::"('a × 'a) set" where
"one_rel = frac 𝟭 𝟭"
lemma valid_frac_zero[simp]:
"valid_frac zero_rel"
unfolding zero_rel_def valid_frac_def by blast
lemma valid_frac_one[simp]:
"valid_frac one_rel"
unfolding one_rel_def valid_frac_def by blast
definition carrier_quotient_ring:: "('a × 'a) set set"
where "carrier_quotient_ring ≡ rel.Partition"
lemma carrier_quotient_ring_iff[iff]: "X ∈ carrier_quotient_ring ⟷ valid_frac X "
unfolding valid_frac_def carrier_quotient_ring_def
using local.frac_def rel.natural.map_closed rel.representant_exists by fastforce
lemma frac_from_carrier:
assumes "X ∈ carrier_quotient_ring"
obtains r s where "r ∈ R" "s ∈ S" "X = rel.Class (r,s)"
using assms carrier_quotient_ring_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) SigmaE rel.representant_exists)
lemma add_minus_zero_rel:
assumes "valid_frac a"
shows "add_rel a (uminus_rel a) = zero_rel"
proof -
obtain a1 a2 where a_RS:"(a1, a2)∈R × S" and a12:"a = a1 / a2 "
using ‹valid_frac a› unfolding valid_frac_def by auto
have "add_rel a (uminus_rel a) = 𝟬 / (a2 ⋅ a2)"
unfolding a12 using comm_ring_simps a_RS
by (simp add:add_rel_frac uminus_rel_frac comm.right_minus)
also have "... = 𝟬 / 𝟭"
apply (rule frac_eqI[of 𝟭])
using a_RS by auto
also have "... = zero_rel" unfolding zero_rel_def ..
finally show "add_rel a (uminus_rel a) = zero_rel" .
sublocale comm_ring carrier_quotient_ring add_rel mult_rel zero_rel one_rel
proof (unfold_locales; unfold carrier_quotient_ring_iff)
show add_assoc:"add_rel (add_rel a b) c = add_rel a (add_rel b c)" and
mult_assoc:"mult_rel (mult_rel a b) c = mult_rel a (mult_rel b c)" and
distr:"mult_rel a (add_rel b c) = add_rel (mult_rel a b) (mult_rel a c)"
if "valid_frac a" and "valid_frac b" and "valid_frac c" for a b c
proof -
obtain a1 a2 where a_RS:"(a1, a2)∈R × S" and a12:"a = a1 / a2 "
using ‹valid_frac a› unfolding valid_frac_def by auto
obtain b1 b2 where b_RS:"(b1, b2)∈R × S" and b12:"b = b1 / b2 "
using ‹valid_frac b› unfolding valid_frac_def by auto
obtain c1 c2 where c_RS:"(c1, c2)∈R × S" and c12:"c = c1 / c2"
using ‹valid_frac c› unfolding valid_frac_def by auto
have "add_rel (add_rel a b) c = add_rel (add_rel (a1/a2) (b1/b2)) (c1/c2)"
using a12 b12 c12 by auto
also have "... = ((a1 ⋅ b2 + b1 ⋅ a2) ⋅ c2 + c1 ⋅ (a2 ⋅ b2)) / (a2 ⋅ b2 ⋅ c2)"
using a_RS b_RS c_RS by (simp add:add_rel_frac)
also have "... = add_rel (a1/a2) (add_rel (b1/b2) (c1/c2))"
using a_RS b_RS c_RS comm.distributive comm_ring_simps
by (auto simp add:add_rel_frac)
also have "... = add_rel a (add_rel b c)"
using a12 b12 c12 by auto
finally show "add_rel (add_rel a b) c = add_rel a (add_rel b c)" .
show "mult_rel (mult_rel a b) c = mult_rel a (mult_rel b c)"
unfolding a12 b12 c12 using comm_ring_simps a_RS b_RS c_RS
by (auto simp add:mult_rel_frac)
have "mult_rel a (add_rel b c) = (a1 ⋅ (b1 ⋅ c2 + c1 ⋅ b2)) / (a2 ⋅ (b2 ⋅ c2))"
unfolding a12 b12 c12 using a_RS b_RS c_RS
by (simp add:mult_rel_frac add_rel_frac)
also have "... = (a2 ⋅ (a1 ⋅ (b1 ⋅ c2 + c1 ⋅ b2))) / (a2 ⋅ (a2 ⋅ (b2 ⋅ c2)))"
using a_RS b_RS c_RS by (simp add:frac_cancel)
also have "... = add_rel (mult_rel a b) (mult_rel a c)"
unfolding a12 b12 c12 using comm_ring_simps a_RS b_RS c_RS comm.distributive
by (auto simp add:mult_rel_frac add_rel_frac)
finally show "mult_rel a (add_rel b c) = add_rel (mult_rel a b) (mult_rel a c)"
show add_0:"add_rel zero_rel a = a"
and mult_1:"mult_rel one_rel a = a"
if "valid_frac a" for a
proof -
obtain a1 a2 where a_RS:"(a1, a2)∈R × S" and a12:"a = a1 / a2 "
using ‹valid_frac a› unfolding valid_frac_def by auto
have "add_rel zero_rel a = add_rel zero_rel (a1/a2)"
using a12 by simp
also have "... = (a1/a2)"
using a_RS comm_ring_simps comm.distributive zero_rel_def
by (auto simp add:add_rel_frac)
also have "... = a"
using a12 by auto
finally show "add_rel zero_rel a = a" .
show "mult_rel one_rel a = a"
unfolding a12 one_rel_def using a_RS by (auto simp add:mult_rel_frac)
show add_commute:"add_rel a b = add_rel b a"
and mult_commute:"mult_rel a b = mult_rel b a"
if "valid_frac a" and "valid_frac b" for a b
proof -
obtain a1 a2 where a_RS:"(a1, a2)∈R × S" and a12:"a = a1 / a2 "
using ‹valid_frac a› unfolding valid_frac_def by auto
obtain b1 b2 where b_RS:"(b1, b2)∈R × S" and b12:"b = b1 / b2 "
using ‹valid_frac b› unfolding valid_frac_def by auto
show "add_rel a b = add_rel b a" "mult_rel a b = mult_rel b a"
unfolding a12 b12 using comm_ring_simps a_RS b_RS
by (auto simp add:mult_rel_frac add_rel_frac)
show "add_rel a zero_rel = a" if "valid_frac a" for a
using that add_0 add_commute by auto
show "mult_rel a one_rel = a" if "valid_frac a" for a
using that mult_commute mult_1 by auto
show "monoid.invertible carrier_quotient_ring add_rel zero_rel a"
if "valid_frac a" for a
proof -
have "Group_Theory.monoid carrier_quotient_ring add_rel zero_rel"
apply (unfold_locales)
using add_0 add_assoc add_commute by simp_all
moreover have "add_rel a (uminus_rel a) = zero_rel" "add_rel (uminus_rel a) a = zero_rel"
using add_minus_zero_rel add_commute that by auto
ultimately show "monoid.invertible carrier_quotient_ring add_rel zero_rel a"
unfolding monoid.invertible_def
apply (rule monoid.invertibleI)
using add_commute ‹valid_frac a› by auto
show "mult_rel (add_rel b c) a = add_rel (mult_rel b a) (mult_rel c a)"
if "valid_frac a" and "valid_frac b" and "valid_frac c" for a b c
using that mult_commute add_commute distr by (simp add: valid_frac_add)
qed auto
notation quotient_ring.carrier_quotient_ring
(‹(_ ⇧¯ _/ ⇘(2_ _ _))⇙› [60,1000,1000,1000,1000]1000)
subsection ‹Local Rings at Prime Ideals›
context pr_ideal
lemma submonoid_pr_ideal:
shows "submonoid (R ∖ I) R (⋅) 𝟭"
show "a ⋅ b ∈ R∖I" if "a ∈ R∖I" "b ∈ R∖I" for a b
using that by (metis Diff_iff absorbent comm.multiplicative.composition_closed)
show "𝟭 ∈ R∖I"
using ideal.ideal(2) ideal_axioms pr_ideal.carrier_neq pr_ideal_axioms by fastforce
qed auto
interpretation local:quotient_ring "(R ∖ I)" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
by intro_locales (meson submonoid_def submonoid_pr_ideal)
definition carrier_local_ring_at:: "('a × 'a) set set"
where "carrier_local_ring_at ≡ (R ∖ I)⇧¯ R⇘(+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙"
definition add_local_ring_at:: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "add_local_ring_at ≡ local.add_rel "
definition mult_local_ring_at:: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "mult_local_ring_at ≡ local.mult_rel "
definition uminus_local_ring_at:: "('a × 'a) set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "uminus_local_ring_at ≡ local.uminus_rel "
definition zero_local_ring_at:: "('a × 'a) set"
where "zero_local_ring_at ≡ local.zero_rel"
definition one_local_ring_at:: "('a × 'a) set"
where "one_local_ring_at ≡ local.one_rel"
sublocale comm_ring carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at mult_local_ring_at
zero_local_ring_at one_local_ring_at
by (simp add: add_local_ring_at_def carrier_local_ring_at_def local.local.comm_ring_axioms
mult_local_ring_at_def one_local_ring_at_def zero_local_ring_at_def)
lemma frac_from_carrier_local:
assumes "X ∈ carrier_local_ring_at"
obtains r s where "r ∈ R" "s ∈ R" "s ∉ I" "X = local.frac r s"
have "X ∈ (R ∖ I)⇧¯ R⇘(+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙" using assms by (simp add: carrier_local_ring_at_def)
then have "X ∈ quotient_ring.carrier_quotient_ring (R ∖ I) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬" by blast
then obtain r s where "r ∈ R" "s ∈ (R ∖ I)" "X = local.frac r s"
using local.frac_from_carrier by (metis local.frac_def)
thus thesis using that by blast
lemma eq_from_eq_frac:
assumes "local.frac r s = local.frac r' s'"
and "s ∈ (R ∖ I)" and "s' ∈ (R ∖ I)" and "r ∈ R" "r' ∈ R"
obtains h where "h ∈ (R ∖ I)" "h ⋅ (s' ⋅ r - s ⋅ r') = 𝟬"
using local.frac_eq_Ex[of r s r' s'] assms by blast
abbreviation carrier_of_local_ring_at::
"'a set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a × 'a) set set" (‹_ ⇘_ _ _ _⇙› [1000]1000)
where "R ⇘I add mult zero⇙ ≡ pr_ideal.carrier_local_ring_at R I add mult zero"
subsection ‹Spectrum of a Ring›
context comm_ring
interpretation zariski_top_space: topological_space Spec is_zariski_open
unfolding is_zariski_open_def using generated_topology_is_topology
by blast
lemma spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring:
"𝔭 ∈ Spec ⟹ quotient_ring (R ∖ 𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
apply (intro_locales)
using pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal spectrum_def submonoid_def by fastforce
lemma spectrum_imp_pr:
"𝔭 ∈ Spec ⟹ pr_ideal R 𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
unfolding spectrum_def by auto
lemma frac_in_carrier_local:
assumes "𝔭 ∈ Spec" and "r ∈ R" and "s ∈ R" and "s ∉ 𝔭"
shows "(quotient_ring.frac (R ∖ 𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r s) ∈ R⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙"
proof -
interpret qr:quotient_ring "R ∖ 𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring[OF ‹𝔭 ∈ Spec›] .
interpret pi:pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using spectrum_imp_pr[OF ‹𝔭 ∈ Spec›] .
show ?thesis unfolding pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def
using assms(2-) by (auto intro:qr.frac_non_empty)
definition is_locally_frac:: "('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ 'a set set ⇒ bool"
where "is_locally_frac s V ≡ (∃r f. r ∈ R ∧ f ∈ R ∧ (∀𝔮 ∈ V. f ∉ 𝔮 ∧
s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R ∖ 𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r f))"
lemma is_locally_frac_subset:
assumes "is_locally_frac s U" "V ⊆ U"
shows "is_locally_frac s V"
using assms unfolding is_locally_frac_def
by (meson subsetD)
lemma is_locally_frac_cong:
assumes "⋀x. x∈U ⟹ f x=g x"
shows "is_locally_frac f U = is_locally_frac g U"
unfolding is_locally_frac_def using assms by simp
definition is_regular:: "('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ 'a set set ⇒ bool"
where "is_regular s U ≡
∀𝔭. 𝔭 ∈ U ⟶ (∃V. is_zariski_open V ∧ V ⊆ U ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V ∧ (is_locally_frac s V))"
lemma map_on_empty_is_regular:
fixes s:: "'a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
shows "is_regular s {}"
by (simp add: is_regular_def)
lemma cring0_is_regular [simp]: "cring0.is_regular x = (λU. U={})"
unfolding cring0.is_regular_def cring0_is_zariski_open
by blast
definition sheaf_spec:: "'a set set ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) set" (‹𝒪 _› [90]90)
where "𝒪 U ≡ {s∈(Π⇩E 𝔭∈U. (R⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)). is_regular s U}"
lemma cring0_sheaf_spec_empty [simp]: "cring0.sheaf_spec {} = {λx. undefined}"
by (simp add: cring0.sheaf_spec_def)
lemma sec_has_right_codom:
assumes "s ∈ 𝒪 U" and "𝔭 ∈ U"
shows "s 𝔭 ∈ (R⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
using assms sheaf_spec_def by auto
lemma is_regular_has_right_codom:
assumes "U ⊆ Spec" "𝔭 ∈ U" "is_regular s U"
shows "s 𝔭 ∈ R∖𝔭 ⇧¯ R⇘(+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙"
proof -
interpret qr:quotient_ring "(R ∖ 𝔭)" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring assms by auto
show ?thesis using assms
by (smt frac_in_carrier_local is_locally_frac_def is_regular_def
pr_ideal.carrier_local_ring_at_def spectrum_imp_pr subset_eq)
lemma sec_is_extensional:
assumes "s ∈ 𝒪 U"
shows "s ∈ extensional U"
using assms sheaf_spec_def by (simp add: PiE_iff)
definition 𝒪b::"'a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set"
where "𝒪b = (λ𝔭. undefined)"
lemma 𝒪_on_emptyset: "𝒪 {} = {𝒪b}"
unfolding sheaf_spec_def 𝒪b_def
by (auto simp:Set_Theory.map_def map_on_empty_is_regular)
lemma sheaf_spec_of_empty_is_singleton:
fixes U:: "'a set set"
assumes "U = {}" and "s ∈ extensional U" and "t ∈ extensional U"
shows "s = t"
using assms by (simp add: Set_Theory.map_def)
definition add_sheaf_spec:: "('a set) set ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set)"
where "add_sheaf_spec U s s' ≡ λ𝔭∈U. quotient_ring.add_rel (R ∖ 𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 (s 𝔭) (s' 𝔭)"
lemma is_regular_add_sheaf_spec:
assumes "is_regular s U" and "is_regular s' U" and "U ⊆ Spec"
shows "is_regular (add_sheaf_spec U s s') U"
proof -
have "add_sheaf_spec U s s' 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙" if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret pi: pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using ‹U ⊆ Spec›[unfolded spectrum_def] ‹𝔭 ∈ U› by blast
have "s 𝔭 ∈ pi.carrier_local_ring_at"
"s' 𝔭 ∈ pi.carrier_local_ring_at"
using ‹is_regular s U› ‹is_regular s' U›
unfolding is_regular_def is_locally_frac_def using that
using assms(3) frac_in_carrier_local by fastforce+
then show ?thesis
unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def using that
by (simp flip:pi.add_local_ring_at_def)
moreover have "(∃V⊆U. is_zariski_open V ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V ∧ is_locally_frac (add_sheaf_spec U s s') V)"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
obtain V1 r1 f1 where "V1 ⊆U" "is_zariski_open V1" "𝔭 ∈ V1" "r1 ∈ R" "f1 ∈ R" and
q_V1:"(∀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ V1 ⟶ f1 ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r1 f1)"
using ‹is_regular s U›[unfolded is_regular_def] ‹𝔭 ∈ U›
unfolding is_locally_frac_def by auto
obtain V2 r2 f2 where "V2 ⊆U" "is_zariski_open V2" "𝔭 ∈ V2" "r2 ∈ R" "f2 ∈ R" and
q_V2:"(∀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ V2 ⟶ f2 ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s' 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r2 f2)"
using ‹is_regular s' U›[unfolded is_regular_def] ‹𝔭 ∈ U›
unfolding is_locally_frac_def by auto
define V3 where "V3 = V1 ∩ V2"
define r3 where "r3 = r1 ⋅ f2 + r2 ⋅ f1 "
define f3 where "f3 = f1 ⋅ f2"
have "V3 ⊆U" "𝔭 ∈ V3" "r3 ∈ R" "f3 ∈ R"
unfolding V3_def r3_def f3_def
using ‹V1 ⊆ U› ‹𝔭 ∈ V1› ‹V2 ⊆ U› ‹𝔭 ∈ V2› ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹f2 ∈ R› ‹r1 ∈ R› ‹r2 ∈ R› by blast+
moreover have "is_zariski_open V3" using ‹is_zariski_open V1› ‹is_zariski_open V2› topological_space.open_inter by (simp add: V3_def)
moreover have "f3 ∉ 𝔮"
"add_sheaf_spec U s s' 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r3 f3"
if "𝔮 ∈ V3" for 𝔮
proof -
interpret q:quotient_ring "R∖𝔮" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬
using ‹U ⊆ Spec› ‹V3 ⊆ U› ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› quotient_ring_def local.comm_ring_axioms
pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal spectrum_def
by fastforce
have "f1 ∉ 𝔮" "s 𝔮 = q.frac r1 f1"
using q_V1 ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› unfolding V3_def by auto
have "f2 ∉ 𝔮" "s' 𝔮 = q.frac r2 f2"
using q_V2 ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› unfolding V3_def by auto
have "q.add_rel (q.frac r1 f1) (q.frac r2 f2) = q.frac (r1 ⋅ f2 + r2 ⋅ f1) (f1 ⋅ f2)"
apply (rule q.add_rel_frac)
subgoal by (simp add: ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹f1 ∉ 𝔮› ‹r1 ∈ R› ‹r2 ∈ R›)
subgoal using ‹f2 ∈ R› ‹f2 ∉ 𝔮› ‹r2 ∈ R› by blast
then have "q.add_rel (s 𝔮) (s' 𝔮) = q.frac r3 f3"
unfolding r3_def f3_def using ‹s 𝔮 = q.frac r1 f1› ‹s' 𝔮 = q.frac r2 f2›
by auto
then show "add_sheaf_spec U s s' 𝔮 = q.frac r3 f3"
unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def using ‹V3 ⊆ U› ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› by auto
show "f3 ∉ 𝔮" using that unfolding V3_def f3_def
using ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹f1 ∉ 𝔮› ‹f2 ∈ R› ‹f2 ∉ 𝔮› q.sub_composition_closed by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using is_locally_frac_def by metis
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_regular_def is_locally_frac_def by meson
lemma add_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec:
assumes "s ∈ 𝒪 U" and "t ∈ 𝒪 U" and "U ⊆ Spec"
shows "add_sheaf_spec U s t ∈ 𝒪 U"
proof -
have "add_sheaf_spec U s t 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret qr:quotient_ring "(R∖𝔭)" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
apply (rule spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring)
using that ‹U ⊆ Spec› by auto
interpret pi:pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using that ‹U ⊆ Spec› by (auto intro:spectrum_imp_pr)
have "qr.valid_frac (s 𝔭)" "qr.valid_frac (t 𝔭)"
using sec_has_right_codom[OF _ that] ‹s ∈ 𝒪 U› ‹t ∈ 𝒪 U›
by (auto simp:pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def)
then show ?thesis
using that unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def
by auto
moreover have "is_regular (add_sheaf_spec U s t) U"
using ‹s ∈ 𝒪 U› ‹t ∈ 𝒪 U› ‹U ⊆ Spec› is_regular_add_sheaf_spec
unfolding sheaf_spec_def by auto
moreover have "add_sheaf_spec U s t ∈ extensional U"
unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding sheaf_spec_def by (simp add: PiE_iff)
definition mult_sheaf_spec:: "('a set) set ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set)"
where "mult_sheaf_spec U s s' ≡ λ𝔭∈U. quotient_ring.mult_rel (R ∖ 𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 (s 𝔭) (s' 𝔭)"
lemma is_regular_mult_sheaf_spec:
assumes "is_regular s U" and "is_regular s' U" and "U ⊆ Spec"
shows "is_regular (mult_sheaf_spec U s s') U"
proof -
have "mult_sheaf_spec U s s' 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙" if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret pi: pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using ‹U ⊆ Spec›[unfolded spectrum_def] ‹𝔭 ∈ U› by blast
have "s 𝔭 ∈ pi.carrier_local_ring_at"
"s' 𝔭 ∈ pi.carrier_local_ring_at"
using ‹is_regular s U› ‹is_regular s' U›
unfolding is_regular_def using that
using assms(3) frac_in_carrier_local in_mono is_locally_frac_def by fastforce+
then show ?thesis
unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def using that
by (simp flip:pi.mult_local_ring_at_def)
moreover have "(∃V⊆U. is_zariski_open V ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V ∧ is_locally_frac (mult_sheaf_spec U s s') V)"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
obtain V1 r1 f1 where "V1 ⊆U" "is_zariski_open V1" "𝔭 ∈ V1" "r1 ∈ R" "f1 ∈ R" and
q_V1:"(∀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ V1 ⟶ f1 ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r1 f1)"
using ‹is_regular s U›[unfolded is_regular_def] ‹𝔭 ∈ U› unfolding is_locally_frac_def
by auto
obtain V2 r2 f2 where "V2 ⊆U" "is_zariski_open V2" "𝔭 ∈ V2" "r2 ∈ R" "f2 ∈ R" and
q_V2:"(∀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ V2 ⟶ f2 ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s' 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r2 f2)"
using ‹is_regular s' U›[unfolded is_regular_def] ‹𝔭 ∈ U› unfolding is_locally_frac_def
by auto
define V3 where "V3 = V1 ∩ V2"
define r3 where "r3 = r1 ⋅ r2 "
define f3 where "f3 = f1 ⋅ f2"
have "V3 ⊆U" "𝔭 ∈ V3" "r3 ∈ R" "f3 ∈ R"
unfolding V3_def r3_def f3_def
using ‹V1 ⊆ U› ‹𝔭 ∈ V1› ‹𝔭 ∈ V2› ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹f2 ∈ R› ‹r1 ∈ R› ‹r2 ∈ R› by blast+
moreover have "is_zariski_open V3"
using topological_space.open_inter by (simp add: V3_def ‹is_zariski_open V1› ‹is_zariski_open V2›)
moreover have "f3 ∉ 𝔮"
"mult_sheaf_spec U s s' 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r3 f3"
if "𝔮 ∈ V3" for 𝔮
proof -
interpret q:quotient_ring "R∖𝔮" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬
using ‹U ⊆ Spec› ‹V3 ⊆ U› ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› quotient_ring_def local.comm_ring_axioms
pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal spectrum_def
by fastforce
have "f1 ∉ 𝔮" "s 𝔮 = q.frac r1 f1"
using q_V1 ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› unfolding V3_def by auto
have "f2 ∉ 𝔮" "s' 𝔮 = q.frac r2 f2"
using q_V2 ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› unfolding V3_def by auto
have "q.mult_rel (q.frac r1 f1) (q.frac r2 f2) = q.frac (r1 ⋅ r2 ) (f1 ⋅ f2)"
apply (rule q.mult_rel_frac)
subgoal by (simp add: ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹f1 ∉ 𝔮› ‹r1 ∈ R› ‹r2 ∈ R›)
subgoal using ‹f2 ∈ R› ‹f2 ∉ 𝔮› ‹r2 ∈ R› by blast
then have "q.mult_rel (s 𝔮) (s' 𝔮) = q.frac r3 f3"
unfolding r3_def f3_def using ‹s 𝔮 = q.frac r1 f1› ‹s' 𝔮 = q.frac r2 f2›
by auto
then show "mult_sheaf_spec U s s' 𝔮 = q.frac r3 f3"
unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def using ‹V3 ⊆ U› ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› by auto
show "f3 ∉ 𝔮" using that unfolding V3_def f3_def
using ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹f1 ∉ 𝔮› ‹f2 ∈ R› ‹f2 ∉ 𝔮› q.sub_composition_closed by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using is_locally_frac_def by metis
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_regular_def is_locally_frac_def by meson
lemma mult_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec:
assumes "s ∈ 𝒪 U" and "t ∈ 𝒪 U" and "U ⊆ Spec"
shows "mult_sheaf_spec U s t ∈ 𝒪 U"
proof -
have "mult_sheaf_spec U s t 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret qr:quotient_ring "(R∖𝔭)" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
apply (rule spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring)
using that ‹U ⊆ Spec› by auto
interpret pi:pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using that ‹U ⊆ Spec› by (auto intro:spectrum_imp_pr)
have "qr.valid_frac (s 𝔭)" "qr.valid_frac (t 𝔭)"
using sec_has_right_codom[OF _ that] ‹s ∈ 𝒪 U› ‹t ∈ 𝒪 U›
by (auto simp:pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def)
then show ?thesis
using that unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def
by auto
moreover have "is_regular (mult_sheaf_spec U s t) U"
using ‹s ∈ 𝒪 U› ‹t ∈ 𝒪 U› ‹U ⊆ Spec› is_regular_mult_sheaf_spec
unfolding sheaf_spec_def by auto
moreover have "mult_sheaf_spec U s t ∈ extensional U"
unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding sheaf_spec_def by (simp add: PiE_iff)
definition uminus_sheaf_spec::"('a set) set ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set)"
where "uminus_sheaf_spec U s ≡ λ𝔭∈U. quotient_ring.uminus_rel (R ∖ 𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 (s 𝔭) "
lemma is_regular_uminus_sheaf_spec:
assumes "is_regular s U" and "U ⊆ Spec"
shows "is_regular (uminus_sheaf_spec U s) U"
proof -
have "uminus_sheaf_spec U s 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙" if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret pi: pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using ‹U ⊆ Spec›[unfolded spectrum_def] ‹𝔭 ∈ U› by blast
interpret qr:quotient_ring "(R∖𝔭)"
by (simp add: quotient_ring_def local.comm_ring_axioms pi.submonoid_pr_ideal)
have "s 𝔭 ∈ pi.carrier_local_ring_at"
using ‹is_regular s U›
unfolding is_regular_def using that
using assms(2) frac_in_carrier_local in_mono is_locally_frac_def by fastforce
then show ?thesis
unfolding uminus_sheaf_spec_def pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def using that
by simp
moreover have "(∃V⊆U. is_zariski_open V ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V ∧ is_locally_frac (uminus_sheaf_spec U s) V)"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
obtain V1 r1 f1 where "V1 ⊆U" "is_zariski_open V1" "𝔭 ∈ V1" "r1 ∈ R" "f1 ∈ R" and
q_V1:"(∀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ V1 ⟶ f1 ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r1 f1)"
using ‹is_regular s U›[unfolded is_regular_def] ‹𝔭 ∈ U› unfolding is_locally_frac_def
by auto
define V3 where "V3 = V1 "
define r3 where "r3 = additive.inverse r1"
define f3 where "f3 = f1"
have "V3 ⊆U" "𝔭 ∈ V3" "r3 ∈ R" "f3 ∈ R"
unfolding V3_def r3_def f3_def
using ‹V1 ⊆ U› ‹𝔭 ∈ V1› ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹r1 ∈ R› by blast+
moreover have "is_zariski_open V3"
using topological_space.open_inter by (simp add: V3_def ‹is_zariski_open V1›)
moreover have "f3 ∉ 𝔮"
"uminus_sheaf_spec U s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r3 f3"
if "𝔮 ∈ V3" for 𝔮
proof -
interpret q:quotient_ring "R∖𝔮" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬
using ‹U ⊆ Spec› ‹V3 ⊆ U› ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› quotient_ring_def local.comm_ring_axioms
pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal spectrum_def
by fastforce
have "f1 ∉ 𝔮" "s 𝔮 = q.frac r1 f1"
using q_V1 ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› unfolding V3_def by auto
have "q.uminus_rel (q.frac r1 f1) = q.frac (additive.inverse r1) f1"
apply (rule q.uminus_rel_frac)
by (simp add: ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹f1 ∉ 𝔮› ‹r1 ∈ R›)
then have "q.uminus_rel (s 𝔮) = q.frac r3 f3"
unfolding r3_def f3_def using ‹s 𝔮 = q.frac r1 f1› by auto
then show "uminus_sheaf_spec U s 𝔮 = q.frac r3 f3"
unfolding uminus_sheaf_spec_def using ‹V3 ⊆ U› ‹𝔮 ∈ V3› by auto
show "f3 ∉ 𝔮" using that unfolding V3_def f3_def
using ‹f1 ∈ R› ‹f1 ∉ 𝔮› q.sub_composition_closed by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using is_locally_frac_def by metis
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_regular_def is_locally_frac_def by meson
lemma uminus_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec:
assumes "s ∈ 𝒪 U" and "U ⊆ Spec"
shows "uminus_sheaf_spec U s ∈ 𝒪 U"
proof -
have "uminus_sheaf_spec U s 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret qr:quotient_ring "(R∖𝔭)" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
apply (rule spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring)
using that ‹U ⊆ Spec› by auto
interpret pi:pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using that ‹U ⊆ Spec› by (auto intro:spectrum_imp_pr)
have "qr.valid_frac (s 𝔭)"
using sec_has_right_codom[OF _ that] ‹s ∈ 𝒪 U›
by (auto simp:pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def)
then show ?thesis
using that unfolding uminus_sheaf_spec_def pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def
by auto
moreover have "is_regular (uminus_sheaf_spec U s) U"
using ‹s ∈ 𝒪 U› ‹U ⊆ Spec› is_regular_uminus_sheaf_spec
unfolding sheaf_spec_def by auto
moreover have "uminus_sheaf_spec U s ∈ extensional U"
unfolding uminus_sheaf_spec_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding sheaf_spec_def by (simp add: PiE_iff)
definition zero_sheaf_spec:: "'a set set ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set)"
where "zero_sheaf_spec U ≡ λ𝔭∈U. quotient_ring.zero_rel (R ∖ 𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
lemma is_regular_zero_sheaf_spec:
assumes "is_zariski_open U"
shows "is_regular (zero_sheaf_spec U) U"
proof -
have "zero_sheaf_spec U 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙" if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
unfolding zero_sheaf_spec_def
using assms comm_ring.frac_in_carrier_local local.comm_ring_axioms pr_ideal.not_1
quotient_ring.zero_rel_def spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring spectrum_imp_pr subsetD that
zariski_top_space.open_imp_subset by fastforce
moreover have "(∃V⊆U. is_zariski_open V ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V ∧ is_locally_frac (zero_sheaf_spec U) V)"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
define V3 where "V3 = U"
define r3 where "r3 = 𝟬 "
define f3 where "f3 = 𝟭"
have "V3 ⊆U" "𝔭 ∈ V3" "r3 ∈ R" "f3 ∈ R"
unfolding V3_def r3_def f3_def using that by auto
moreover have "is_zariski_open V3" using assms by (simp add: V3_def)
moreover have "f3 ∉ 𝔮"
"zero_sheaf_spec U 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r3 f3"
if "𝔮 ∈ V3" for 𝔮
subgoal using V3_def assms f3_def pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal spectrum_def
submonoid.sub_unit_closed that zariski_open_is_subset by fastforce
proof -
interpret q:quotient_ring "R∖𝔮" R
using V3_def assms quotient_ring_def local.comm_ring_axioms
pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal spectrum_def that zariski_open_is_subset by fastforce
show ?thesis unfolding zero_sheaf_spec_def
using V3_def f3_def q.zero_rel_def r3_def that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using is_locally_frac_def by metis
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_regular_def is_locally_frac_def by meson
lemma zero_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec:
assumes "is_zariski_open U"
shows "zero_sheaf_spec U ∈ 𝒪 U"
proof -
have "zero_sheaf_spec U 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙"if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret qr:quotient_ring "(R∖𝔭)" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
by (meson assms comm_ring.zariski_open_is_subset local.comm_ring_axioms
spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring subsetD that)
interpret pi:pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
by (meson assms spectrum_imp_pr subsetD that zariski_open_is_subset)
show ?thesis unfolding zero_sheaf_spec_def pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def
using that by auto
moreover have "is_regular (zero_sheaf_spec U) U"
using is_regular_zero_sheaf_spec assms by auto
moreover have "zero_sheaf_spec U ∈ extensional U"
by (simp add: zero_sheaf_spec_def)
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding sheaf_spec_def by (simp add: PiE_iff)
definition one_sheaf_spec:: "'a set set ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set)"
where "one_sheaf_spec U ≡ λ𝔭∈U. quotient_ring.one_rel (R ∖ 𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
lemma is_regular_one_sheaf_spec:
assumes "is_zariski_open U"
shows "is_regular (one_sheaf_spec U) U"
proof -
have "one_sheaf_spec U 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙" if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
unfolding one_sheaf_spec_def
by (smt assms closed_subsets_zero comm_ring.closed_subsets_def
quotient_ring.carrier_quotient_ring_iff quotient_ring.valid_frac_one
quotient_ring_def local.comm_ring_axioms mem_Collect_eq
pr_ideal.carrier_local_ring_at_def pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal
restrict_apply subsetD that zariski_open_is_subset)
moreover have "(∃V⊆U. is_zariski_open V ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V ∧ is_locally_frac (one_sheaf_spec U) V)"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
define V3 where "V3 = U"
define r3 where "r3 = 𝟭"
define f3 where "f3 = 𝟭"
have "V3 ⊆U" "𝔭 ∈ V3" "r3 ∈ R" "f3 ∈ R"
unfolding V3_def r3_def f3_def using that by auto
moreover have "is_zariski_open V3" using assms by (simp add: V3_def)
moreover have "f3 ∉ 𝔮"
"one_sheaf_spec U 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r3 f3"
if "𝔮 ∈ V3" for 𝔮
subgoal using V3_def assms f3_def pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal spectrum_def
submonoid.sub_unit_closed that zariski_open_is_subset by fastforce
proof -
interpret q:quotient_ring "R∖𝔮" R
using V3_def assms quotient_ring_def local.comm_ring_axioms
pr_ideal.submonoid_pr_ideal spectrum_def that zariski_open_is_subset by fastforce
show ?thesis unfolding one_sheaf_spec_def
using V3_def f3_def q.one_rel_def r3_def that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using is_locally_frac_def by metis
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding is_regular_def is_locally_frac_def by meson
lemma one_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec:
assumes "is_zariski_open U"
shows "one_sheaf_spec U ∈ 𝒪 U"
proof -
have "one_sheaf_spec U 𝔭 ∈ R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙"if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret qr:quotient_ring "(R∖𝔭)" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
by (meson assms comm_ring.zariski_open_is_subset local.comm_ring_axioms
spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring subsetD that)
interpret pi:pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
by (meson assms spectrum_imp_pr subsetD that zariski_open_is_subset)
show ?thesis unfolding one_sheaf_spec_def pi.carrier_local_ring_at_def
using that by auto
moreover have "is_regular (one_sheaf_spec U) U"
using is_regular_one_sheaf_spec assms by auto
moreover have "one_sheaf_spec U ∈ extensional U"
by (simp add: one_sheaf_spec_def)
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding sheaf_spec_def by (simp add: PiE_iff)
lemma zero_sheaf_spec_extensional[simp]:
"zero_sheaf_spec U ∈ extensional U"
unfolding zero_sheaf_spec_def by simp
lemma one_sheaf_spec_extensional[simp]:
"one_sheaf_spec U ∈ extensional U"
unfolding one_sheaf_spec_def by simp
lemma add_sheaf_spec_extensional[simp]:
"add_sheaf_spec U a b ∈ extensional U"
unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def by simp
lemma mult_sheaf_spec_extensional[simp]:
"mult_sheaf_spec U a b ∈ extensional U"
unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def by simp
lemma sheaf_spec_extensional[simp]:
"a ∈ 𝒪 U ⟹ a ∈ extensional U"
unfolding sheaf_spec_def by (simp add: PiE_iff Set_Theory.map_def)
lemma sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring:
assumes "is_zariski_open U"
shows "comm_ring (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (mult_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) (one_sheaf_spec U)"
proof unfold_locales
show add_𝒪:"add_sheaf_spec U a b ∈ 𝒪 U"
and "mult_sheaf_spec U a b ∈ 𝒪 U"
if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" "b ∈ 𝒪 U" for a b
subgoal by (simp add: add_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec assms that(1,2) zariski_open_is_subset)
subgoal by (simp add: assms mult_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec that(1,2) zariski_open_is_subset)
show "zero_sheaf_spec U ∈ 𝒪 U" "one_sheaf_spec U ∈ 𝒪 U"
subgoal by (simp add: assms zero_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec)
subgoal by (simp add: assms one_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec)
have imp_qr:"quotient_ring (R∖𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
using that
by (meson assms comm_ring.spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring in_mono local.comm_ring_axioms
have qr_valid_frac:"quotient_ring.valid_frac (R∖𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 (s 𝔭)"
if "s ∈ 𝒪 U" "𝔭 ∈ U" for s 𝔭
using assms comm_ring.zariski_open_is_subset quotient_ring.carrier_quotient_ring_iff
imp_qr local.comm_ring_axioms pr_ideal.carrier_local_ring_at_def sec_has_right_codom
spectrum_imp_pr that(1) that(2) by fastforce
show add_zero:"add_sheaf_spec U (zero_sheaf_spec U) a = a" if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" for a
proof -
have "add_sheaf_spec U (zero_sheaf_spec U) a 𝔭 = a 𝔭" if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
interpret cq:quotient_ring "R∖𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using imp_qr that by auto
show ?thesis unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def zero_sheaf_spec_def
using that by (simp add: ‹a ∈ 𝒪 U› qr_valid_frac)
then show "add_sheaf_spec U (zero_sheaf_spec U) a = a"
using that by(auto intro: extensionalityI[where A=U])
show add_assoc:"add_sheaf_spec U (add_sheaf_spec U a b) c
= add_sheaf_spec U a (add_sheaf_spec U b c)"
if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" and "b ∈ 𝒪 U" and "c ∈ 𝒪 U"
for a b c
proof (rule extensionalityI)
fix 𝔭 assume "𝔭 ∈ U"
interpret cq:quotient_ring "R∖𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› imp_qr by auto
show "add_sheaf_spec U (add_sheaf_spec U a b) c 𝔭 = add_sheaf_spec U a (add_sheaf_spec U b c) 𝔭"
unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def using ‹𝔭 ∈ U›
by (simp add: cq.additive.associative qr_valid_frac that(1) that(2) that(3))
qed (auto simp add:add_sheaf_spec_def)
show add_comm:"add_sheaf_spec U x y = add_sheaf_spec U y x"
if "x ∈ 𝒪 U" and "y ∈ 𝒪 U" for x y
proof (rule extensionalityI)
fix 𝔭 assume "𝔭 ∈ U"
interpret cq:quotient_ring "R∖𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› imp_qr by auto
show " add_sheaf_spec U x y 𝔭 = add_sheaf_spec U y x 𝔭"
unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def using ‹𝔭 ∈ U›
by (simp add: cq.additive.commutative qr_valid_frac that(1) that(2))
qed auto
show mult_comm:"mult_sheaf_spec U x y = mult_sheaf_spec U y x"
if "x ∈ 𝒪 U" and "y ∈ 𝒪 U" for x y
proof (rule extensionalityI)
fix 𝔭 assume "𝔭 ∈ U"
interpret cq:quotient_ring "R∖𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› imp_qr by auto
show "mult_sheaf_spec U x y 𝔭 = mult_sheaf_spec U y x 𝔭"
unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def using ‹𝔭 ∈ U›
by (simp add: cq.comm_mult qr_valid_frac that(1) that(2))
qed auto
show add_zero:"add_sheaf_spec U a (zero_sheaf_spec U) = a"
if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" for a
using add_zero add_comm that by (simp add: ‹zero_sheaf_spec U ∈ 𝒪 U›)
show "mult_sheaf_spec U (mult_sheaf_spec U a b) c = mult_sheaf_spec U a (mult_sheaf_spec U b c)"
if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" and "b ∈ 𝒪 U"
and "c ∈ 𝒪 U"
for a b c
proof (rule extensionalityI)
fix 𝔭 assume "𝔭 ∈ U"
interpret cq:quotient_ring "R∖𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› imp_qr by auto
show "mult_sheaf_spec U (mult_sheaf_spec U a b) c 𝔭
= mult_sheaf_spec U a (mult_sheaf_spec U b c) 𝔭"
unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def using ‹𝔭 ∈ U›
by (simp add: cq.multiplicative.associative qr_valid_frac that(1) that(2) that(3))
qed (auto simp add:add_sheaf_spec_def)
show "mult_sheaf_spec U (one_sheaf_spec U) a = a"
if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" for a
proof (rule extensionalityI)
fix 𝔭 assume "𝔭 ∈ U"
interpret cq:quotient_ring "R∖𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› imp_qr by auto
show "mult_sheaf_spec U (one_sheaf_spec U) a 𝔭 = a 𝔭"
unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def using ‹𝔭 ∈ U›
by (simp add: one_sheaf_spec_def qr_valid_frac that)
qed (auto simp add: ‹a ∈ 𝒪 U›)
then show "mult_sheaf_spec U a (one_sheaf_spec U) = a"
if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" for a
by (simp add: ‹one_sheaf_spec U ∈ 𝒪 U› mult_comm that)
show "mult_sheaf_spec U a (add_sheaf_spec U b c)
= add_sheaf_spec U (mult_sheaf_spec U a b) (mult_sheaf_spec U a c)"
if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" and "b ∈ 𝒪 U" and "c ∈ 𝒪 U" for a b c
proof (rule extensionalityI)
fix 𝔭 assume "𝔭 ∈ U"
interpret cq:quotient_ring "R∖𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› imp_qr by auto
show "mult_sheaf_spec U a (add_sheaf_spec U b c) 𝔭 =
add_sheaf_spec U (mult_sheaf_spec U a b) (mult_sheaf_spec U a c) 𝔭"
unfolding mult_sheaf_spec_def add_sheaf_spec_def
by (simp add: cq.distributive(1) qr_valid_frac that(1) that(2) that(3))
qed auto
then show "mult_sheaf_spec U (add_sheaf_spec U b c) a
= add_sheaf_spec U (mult_sheaf_spec U b a) (mult_sheaf_spec U c a)"
if "a ∈ 𝒪 U" and "b ∈ 𝒪 U" and "c ∈ 𝒪 U" for a b c
by (simp add: add_𝒪 mult_comm that(1) that(2) that(3))
show "monoid.invertible (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) u"
if "u ∈ 𝒪 U" for u
proof (rule monoid.invertibleI)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U)"
apply unfold_locales
using add_𝒪 ‹zero_sheaf_spec U ∈ 𝒪 U› add_assoc ‹zero_sheaf_spec U ∈ 𝒪 U›
add_comm add_zero add_zero
by simp_all
show "add_sheaf_spec U u (uminus_sheaf_spec U u) = zero_sheaf_spec U"
proof (rule extensionalityI)
fix 𝔭 assume "𝔭 ∈ U"
interpret cq:quotient_ring "R∖𝔭" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› imp_qr by auto
have "cq.add_rel (u 𝔭) (cq.uminus_rel (u 𝔭)) = cq.zero_rel"
by (simp add: ‹𝔭 ∈ U› cq.add_minus_zero_rel qr_valid_frac that)
then show "add_sheaf_spec U u (uminus_sheaf_spec U u) 𝔭 = zero_sheaf_spec U 𝔭"
unfolding add_sheaf_spec_def uminus_sheaf_spec_def zero_sheaf_spec_def
using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› by simp
qed auto
then show "add_sheaf_spec U (uminus_sheaf_spec U u) u = zero_sheaf_spec U"
by (simp add: add_comm assms comm_ring.zariski_open_is_subset local.comm_ring_axioms
that uminus_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec)
show "u ∈ 𝒪 U" using that .
show "uminus_sheaf_spec U u ∈ 𝒪 U"
by (simp add: assms comm_ring.zariski_open_is_subset local.comm_ring_axioms
that uminus_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec)
definition sheaf_spec_morphisms::
"'a set set ⇒ 'a set set ⇒ (('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ ('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set))"
where "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V ≡ λs∈(𝒪 U). restrict s V"
lemma sheaf_morphisms_sheaf_spec:
assumes "s ∈ 𝒪 U"
shows "sheaf_spec_morphisms U U s = s"
using assms sheaf_spec_def restrict_on_source sheaf_spec_morphisms_def
by auto
lemma sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps:
"is_zariski_open V" and "V ⊆ U"
shows " (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V) (𝒪 U) (𝒪 V)"
proof -
have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V ∈ extensional (𝒪 U)"
unfolding sheaf_spec_morphisms_def by auto
moreover have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V ∈ (𝒪 U) → (𝒪 V)"
unfolding sheaf_spec_morphisms_def
fix s assume "s ∈ 𝒪 U"
then have "s ∈ (Π⇩E 𝔭∈U. R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
and p:"∀𝔭. 𝔭 ∈ U ⟶ (∃V. is_zariski_open V ∧ V ⊆ U ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V ∧ is_locally_frac s V)"
unfolding sheaf_spec_def is_regular_def by auto
have "restrict s V ∈ (Π⇩E 𝔭∈V. R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
using ‹s ∈ (Π⇩E 𝔭∈U. R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)› using ‹V ⊆ U› by auto
moreover have "(∃Va. is_zariski_open Va ∧ Va ⊆ V ∧ 𝔭 ∈ Va ∧ is_locally_frac (restrict s V) Va)"
if "𝔭 ∈ V" for 𝔭
proof -
obtain U1 where "is_zariski_open U1" "U1 ⊆ U" "𝔭 ∈ U1" "is_locally_frac s U1"
using p[rule_format, of 𝔭] that ‹V ⊆ U› ‹𝔭 ∈ V› by auto
define V1 where "V1 = U1 ∩ V"
have "is_zariski_open V1"
using ‹is_zariski_open V› ‹is_zariski_open U1› by (simp add: V1_def)
moreover have "is_locally_frac s V1"
using is_locally_frac_subset[OF ‹is_locally_frac s U1›] unfolding V1_def by simp
then have "is_locally_frac (restrict s V) V1"
unfolding restrict_def V1_def using is_locally_frac_cong by (smt in_mono inf_le2)
moreover have "V1 ⊆ V" "𝔭 ∈ V1"
unfolding V1_def using ‹V ⊆ U› ‹𝔭 ∈ U1› that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show "restrict s V ∈ 𝒪 V"
unfolding sheaf_spec_def is_regular_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: extensional_funcset_def map.intro)
lemma sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_ring_morphisms:
assumes U: "is_zariski_open U" and V: "is_zariski_open V" and "V ⊆ U"
shows "ring_homomorphism (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V)
(𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (mult_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) (one_sheaf_spec U)
(𝒪 V) (add_sheaf_spec V) (mult_sheaf_spec V) (zero_sheaf_spec V) (one_sheaf_spec V)"
proof intro_locales
show " (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V) (𝒪 U) (𝒪 V)"
by (simp add: assms sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U)"
using sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring [OF U]
by (auto simp: comm_ring_def ring_def abelian_group_def commutative_monoid_def)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U)"
using sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring [OF U]
by (auto simp: comm_ring_def ring_def abelian_group_def commutative_monoid_def group_def)
show "commutative_monoid_axioms (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U)"
using sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring [OF U]
by (auto simp: comm_ring_def ring_def abelian_group_def commutative_monoid_def group_def)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (𝒪 U) (mult_sheaf_spec U) (one_sheaf_spec U)"
by (meson U comm_ring_def ring_def sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring)
show "ring_axioms (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (mult_sheaf_spec U)"
by (meson U comm_ring.axioms(1) ring_def sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (𝒪 V) (add_sheaf_spec V) (zero_sheaf_spec V)"
using sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring [OF V]
by (auto simp: comm_ring_def ring_def abelian_group_def commutative_monoid_def)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (𝒪 V) (add_sheaf_spec V) (zero_sheaf_spec V)"
using sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring [OF V]
by (auto simp: comm_ring_def ring_def abelian_group_def commutative_monoid_def group_def)
show "commutative_monoid_axioms (𝒪 V) (add_sheaf_spec V)"
using sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring [OF V]
by (auto simp: comm_ring_def ring_def abelian_group_def commutative_monoid_def group_def)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (𝒪 V) (mult_sheaf_spec V) (one_sheaf_spec V)"
by (meson V comm_ring.axioms(1) ring_def sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring)
show "ring_axioms (𝒪 V) (add_sheaf_spec V) (mult_sheaf_spec V)"
by (meson V comm_ring_def ring_def sheaf_spec_on_open_is_comm_ring)
show "monoid_homomorphism_axioms (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V) (𝒪 U)
(add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) (add_sheaf_spec V) (zero_sheaf_spec V)"
fix x y
assume xy: "x ∈ 𝒪 U" "y ∈ 𝒪 U"
have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V (add_sheaf_spec U x y) = restrict (add_sheaf_spec U x y) V"
by (simp add: U add_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec comm_ring.zariski_open_is_subset local.comm_ring_axioms sheaf_spec_morphisms_def xy)
also have "... = add_sheaf_spec V (restrict x V) (restrict y V)"
using add_sheaf_spec_def ‹V ⊆ U› by force
also have "... = add_sheaf_spec V (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V x) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V y)"
by (simp add: sheaf_spec_morphisms_def xy)
finally show "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V (add_sheaf_spec U x y) = add_sheaf_spec V (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V x) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V y)" .
have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V (zero_sheaf_spec U) = restrict (zero_sheaf_spec U) V"
by (simp add: U comm_ring.sheaf_spec_morphisms_def local.comm_ring_axioms zero_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec)
also have "... = zero_sheaf_spec V"
by (metis FuncSet.restrict_restrict assms(3) inf.absorb_iff2 zero_sheaf_spec_def)
finally show "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V (zero_sheaf_spec U) = zero_sheaf_spec V" .
show "monoid_homomorphism_axioms (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V) (𝒪 U)
(mult_sheaf_spec U) (one_sheaf_spec U) (mult_sheaf_spec V) (one_sheaf_spec V)"
fix x y
assume xy: "x ∈ 𝒪 U" "y ∈ 𝒪 U"
have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V (mult_sheaf_spec U x y) = restrict (mult_sheaf_spec U x y) V"
by (simp add: U mult_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec comm_ring.zariski_open_is_subset local.comm_ring_axioms sheaf_spec_morphisms_def xy)
also have "... = mult_sheaf_spec V (restrict x V) (restrict y V)"
using mult_sheaf_spec_def ‹V ⊆ U› by force
also have "... = mult_sheaf_spec V (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V x) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V y)"
by (simp add: sheaf_spec_morphisms_def xy)
finally show "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V (mult_sheaf_spec U x y) = mult_sheaf_spec V (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V x) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U V y)" .
have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V (one_sheaf_spec U) = restrict (one_sheaf_spec U) V"
by (simp add: U comm_ring.sheaf_spec_morphisms_def local.comm_ring_axioms one_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec)
also have "... = one_sheaf_spec V"
by (metis FuncSet.restrict_restrict assms(3) inf.absorb_iff2 one_sheaf_spec_def)
finally show "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V (one_sheaf_spec U) = one_sheaf_spec V" .
lemma sheaf_spec_is_presheaf:
shows "presheaf_of_rings Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b
add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"
proof intro_locales
have "sheaf_spec {} = {𝒪b}"
show "{𝒪b} ⊆ 𝒪 {}"
using undefined_is_map_on_empty map_on_empty_is_regular sheaf_spec_def 𝒪_on_emptyset by auto
thus "𝒪 {} ⊆ {𝒪b}"
using sheaf_spec_def sheaf_spec_of_empty_is_singleton by auto
moreover have "⋀U. is_zariski_open U ⟹ (⋀s. s ∈ (𝒪 U) ⟹ sheaf_spec_morphisms U U s = s)"
using sheaf_spec_morphisms_def sheaf_morphisms_sheaf_spec by simp
moreover have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U W s = (sheaf_spec_morphisms V W ∘ sheaf_spec_morphisms U V) s"
if "is_zariski_open U" "is_zariski_open V" "is_zariski_open W" "V ⊆ U" "W ⊆ V" and "s ∈ 𝒪 U"
for U V W s
proof -
have "restrict s V ∈ 𝒪 V"
using that by (smt map.map_closed restrict_apply sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps sheaf_spec_morphisms_def)
with that show ?thesis
by (simp add: sheaf_spec_morphisms_def inf_absorb2)
ultimately show "presheaf_of_rings_axioms is_zariski_open sheaf_spec
sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"
unfolding presheaf_of_rings_def presheaf_of_rings_axioms_def using sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_ring_morphisms
by blast
lemma sheaf_spec_is_sheaf:
shows "sheaf_of_rings Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b
add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"
proof (intro sheaf_of_rings.intro sheaf_of_rings_axioms.intro)
show "presheaf_of_rings Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b
add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"
using sheaf_spec_is_presheaf by simp
fix U I V s assume H: "open_cover_of_open_subset Spec is_zariski_open U I V"
"⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ V i ⊆ U"
"s ∈ 𝒪 U"
"⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) s = zero_sheaf_spec (V i)"
then have "s 𝔭 = zero_sheaf_spec U 𝔭" if "𝔭 ∈ U" for 𝔭
proof -
from that obtain i where F: "i ∈ I" "𝔭 ∈ (V i)" "is_zariski_open (V i)"
using H(1) unfolding open_cover_of_subset_def open_cover_of_open_subset_def
by (metis cover_of_subset.cover_of_select_index cover_of_subset.select_index_belongs open_cover_of_subset_axioms_def)
then have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) s 𝔭 = quotient_ring.zero_rel (R ∖ 𝔭) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
using H(2,4) F by (simp add: zero_sheaf_spec_def)
thus "s 𝔭 = zero_sheaf_spec U 𝔭"
using sheaf_spec_morphisms_def zero_sheaf_spec_def F(2) by (simp add: H(3) ‹𝔭 ∈ U›)
moreover have "s ∈ extensional U" " zero_sheaf_spec U ∈ extensional U"
by (simp_all add: H(3))
ultimately show "s = zero_sheaf_spec U" using extensionalityI by blast
fix U I V s assume H: "open_cover_of_open_subset Spec is_zariski_open U I V"
"∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ V i ⊆ U ∧ s i ∈ 𝒪 (V i)"
"⋀i j. i ∈ I ⟹
j ∈ I ⟹
sheaf_spec_morphisms (V i) (V i ∩ V j) (s i) =
sheaf_spec_morphisms (V j) (V i ∩ V j) (s j)"
define t where D: "t ≡ λ𝔭∈U. s (cover_of_subset.select_index I V 𝔭) 𝔭"
then have F1: "s i 𝔭 = s j 𝔭" if "i ∈ I" "j ∈ I" "𝔭 ∈ V i" "𝔭 ∈ V j" for 𝔭 i j
proof -
have "s i 𝔭 = sheaf_spec_morphisms (V i) (V i ∩ V j) (s i) 𝔭"
using that sheaf_spec_morphisms_def by (simp add: H(2))
moreover have "… = sheaf_spec_morphisms (V j) (V i ∩ V j) (s j) 𝔭"
using H(3) that by fastforce
moreover have "… = s j 𝔭"
using sheaf_spec_morphisms_def that by (simp add: H(2))
ultimately show "s i 𝔭 = s j 𝔭" by blast
have "t ∈ 𝒪 U"
have "t 𝔭 ∈ (R⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)" if "𝔭∈U" for 𝔭
using D H(1) H(2) cover_of_subset.cover_of_select_index
cover_of_subset.select_index_belongs open_cover_of_open_subset.axioms(1)
open_cover_of_subset_def sec_has_right_codom that by fastforce
moreover have "t ∈ extensional U"
using D by blast
moreover have "is_regular t U"
unfolding is_regular_def
proof (intro strip conjI)
fix 𝔭
assume "𝔭 ∈ U"
show "∃V. is_zariski_open V ∧ V ⊆ U ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V ∧ is_locally_frac t V"
proof -
have cov_in_I: "cover_of_subset.select_index I V 𝔭 ∈ I"
by (meson H(1) ‹𝔭 ∈ U› cover_of_subset.select_index_belongs open_cover_of_open_subset_def open_cover_of_subset_def)
have V: "V (cover_of_subset.select_index I V 𝔭) ⊆ U"
using H(2) by (meson H(1) ‹𝔭 ∈ U› cover_of_subset.select_index_belongs open_cover_of_open_subset_def open_cover_of_subset_def)
have V2: "∃V'. is_zariski_open V' ∧ V'⊆ V (cover_of_subset.select_index I V 𝔭) ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V' ∧
is_locally_frac (s (cover_of_subset.select_index I V 𝔭)) V'"
using H(1,2)
unfolding sheaf_spec_def open_cover_of_open_subset_def open_cover_of_subset_def is_regular_def
using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› cov_in_I cover_of_subset.cover_of_select_index by fastforce
have "⋀V' 𝔮. is_zariski_open V' ∧ V' ⊆ V (cover_of_subset.select_index I V 𝔭) ⟹ 𝔮 ∈ V' ⟹ t 𝔮 = s (cover_of_subset.select_index I V 𝔭) 𝔮"
by (smt D F1 H(1) V ‹𝔭 ∈ U› cover_of_subset.cover_of_select_index cover_of_subset.select_index_belongs open_cover_of_open_subset_def open_cover_of_subset_def restrict_apply subsetD)
with V V2 show ?thesis unfolding is_locally_frac_def
by (smt subset_trans)
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding sheaf_spec_def by (simp add:PiE_iff)
have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) t = s i" if "i ∈ I" for i
fix 𝔭
have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) t 𝔭 = s i 𝔭" if "𝔭 ∈ U"
from that H(1)
obtain j where "j ∈ I ∧ 𝔭 ∈ V j ∧ t 𝔭 = s j 𝔭"
unfolding D open_cover_of_subset_def open_cover_of_open_subset_def
by (meson cover_of_subset.cover_of_select_index cover_of_subset.select_index_belongs restrict_apply')
thus "sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) t 𝔭 = s i 𝔭"
using ‹t ∈ 𝒪 U› ‹i ∈ I› H(2) that
unfolding sheaf_spec_morphisms_def
apply (simp add: D split: if_split_asm)
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) F1 extensional_arb [OF sec_is_extensional])
thus "sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) t 𝔭 = s i 𝔭"
using sheaf_spec_morphisms_def D F1
by (smt H(2) ‹i ∈ I› ‹t ∈ 𝒪 U› comm_ring.sheaf_morphisms_sheaf_spec local.comm_ring_axioms restrict_apply subsetD)
thus "∃t. t ∈ (𝒪 U) ∧ (∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) t = s i)"
using ‹t ∈ 𝒪 U› by blast
lemma shrinking:
assumes "is_zariski_open U" and "𝔭 ∈ U" and "s ∈ 𝒪 U" and "t ∈ 𝒪 U"
obtains V a f b g where "is_zariski_open V" "V ⊆ U" "𝔭 ∈ V" "a ∈ R" "f ∈ R" "b ∈ R" "g ∈ R"
"f ∉ 𝔭" "g ∉ 𝔭"
"⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ V ⟹ f ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f"
"⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ V ⟹ g ∉ 𝔮 ∧ t 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 b g"
obtain Vs a f where "is_zariski_open Vs" "Vs ⊆ U" "𝔭 ∈ Vs" "a ∈ R" "f ∈ R"
"⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ Vs ⟹ f ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f"
using assms(2,3) sheaf_spec_def is_regular_def is_locally_frac_def by auto
obtain Vt b g where "is_zariski_open Vt" "Vt ⊆ U" "𝔭 ∈ Vt" "b ∈ R" "g ∈ R"
"⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ Vt ⟹ g ∉ 𝔮 ∧ t 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 b g"
using assms(2,4) sheaf_spec_def is_regular_def is_locally_frac_def by auto
then have "is_zariski_open (Vs ∩ Vt)" "Vs ∩ Vt ⊆ U" "𝔭 ∈ Vs ∩ Vt"
"⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ (Vs ∩ Vt) ⟹ f ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f"
"⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ (Vs ∩ Vt) ⟹ g ∉ 𝔮 ∧ t 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 b g"
using topological_space.open_inter apply (simp add: ‹is_zariski_open Vs›)
using ‹Vs ⊆ U› apply auto[1] apply (simp add: ‹𝔭 ∈ Vs› ‹𝔭 ∈ Vt›)
apply (simp add: ‹⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ Vs ⟹ f ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f›)
by (simp add: ‹⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ Vt ⟹ g ∉ 𝔮 ∧ t 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 b g›)
thus ?thesis using ‹a ∈ R› ‹b ∈ R› ‹f ∈ R› ‹g ∈ R› that by presburger
section ‹Schemes›
subsection ‹Ringed Spaces›
locale ringed_space = sheaf_of_rings
context comm_ring
lemma spec_is_ringed_space:
shows "ringed_space Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b
add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"
proof (intro ringed_space.intro)
show "sheaf_of_rings Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b
add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"
using sheaf_spec_is_sheaf by simp
locale morphism_ringed_spaces =
im_sheaf X is_open⇩X 𝒪⇩X ρ⇩X b add_str⇩X mult_str⇩X zero_str⇩X one_str⇩X Y is_open⇩Y f +
codom: ringed_space Y is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y d add_str⇩Y mult_str⇩Y zero_str⇩Y one_str⇩Y
for X and is_open⇩X and 𝒪⇩X and ρ⇩X and b and add_str⇩X and mult_str⇩X and zero_str⇩X and one_str⇩X
and Y and is_open⇩Y and 𝒪⇩Y and ρ⇩Y and d and add_str⇩Y and mult_str⇩Y and zero_str⇩Y and one_str⇩Y
and f +
fixes φ⇩f:: "'c set ⇒ ('d ⇒ 'b)"
assumes is_morphism_of_sheaves: "morphism_sheaves_of_rings
Y is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y d add_str⇩Y mult_str⇩Y zero_str⇩Y one_str⇩Y
im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf
subsection ‹Direct Limits of Rings›
locale direct_lim = sheaf_of_rings +
fixes I:: "'a set set"
assumes subset_of_opens: "⋀U. U ∈ I ⟹ is_open U"
and has_lower_bound: "⋀U V. ⟦ U∈I; V∈I ⟧ ⟹ ∃W∈I. W ⊆ U ∩ V"
definition get_lower_bound:: "'a set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a set" where
"get_lower_bound U V= (SOME W. W ∈ I ∧ W ⊆ U ∧ W ⊆ V)"
lemma get_lower_bound[intro]:
assumes "U ∈ I" "V ∈ I"
shows "get_lower_bound U V ∈ I" "get_lower_bound U V ⊆ U" "get_lower_bound U V ⊆ V"
proof -
have "∃W. W ∈ I ∧ W ⊆ U ∧ W ⊆ V"
using has_lower_bound[OF assms] by auto
from someI_ex[OF this]
show "get_lower_bound U V ∈ I" "get_lower_bound U V ⊆ U" "get_lower_bound U V ⊆ V"
unfolding get_lower_bound_def by auto
lemma obtain_lower_bound_finite:
assumes "finite Us" "Us ≠ {}" "Us ⊆ I"
obtains W where "W ∈ I" "∀U∈Us. W ⊆ U"
using assms
proof (induct Us arbitrary:thesis)
case (insert U F)
have ?case when "F={}"
using insert.prems(1) insert.prems(3) that by blast
moreover have ?case when "F≠{}"
proof -
obtain W where "W ∈ I" "∀U∈F. W ⊆ U"
using insert.hyps(3) insert.prems(3) by auto
obtain W1 where "W1 ∈I" "W1 ⊆ U" "W1 ⊆ W"
by (meson ‹W ∈ I› get_lower_bound(1) get_lower_bound(2) get_lower_bound(3)
insert.prems(3) insert_subset)
then have "∀a∈insert U F. W1 ⊆ a"
using ‹∀U∈F. W ⊆ U› by auto
with ‹W1 ∈I› show ?thesis
using insert(4) by auto
ultimately show ?case by auto
qed simp
definition principal_subs :: "'a set set ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a set filter" where
"principal_subs As A = Abs_filter (λP. ∀x. (x∈As ∧ x ⊆ A) ⟶ P x)"
lemma eventually_principal_subs: "eventually P (principal_subs As A) ⟷ (∀x. x∈As ∧ x⊆A ⟶ P x)"
unfolding principal_subs_def
by (rule eventually_Abs_filter, rule is_filter.intro) auto
lemma principal_subs_UNIV[simp]: "principal_subs UNIV UNIV = top"
by (auto simp: filter_eq_iff eventually_principal_subs)
lemma principal_subs_empty[simp]: "principal_subs {} s = bot"
by (auto simp: filter_eq_iff eventually_principal_subs)
lemma principal_subs_le_iff[iff]:
"principal_subs As A ≤ principal_subs As' A'
⟷ {x. x∈As ∧ x ⊆ A} ⊆ {x. x∈As' ∧ x ⊆ A'}"
unfolding le_filter_def eventually_principal_subs by blast
lemma principal_subs_eq_iff[iff]:
"principal_subs As A = principal_subs As' A' ⟷{x. x∈As ∧ x ⊆ A} = {x. x∈As' ∧ x ⊆ A'}"
unfolding eq_iff by simp
lemma principal_subs_inj_on[simp]:"inj_on (principal_subs As) As"
unfolding inj_on_def by auto
definition lbound :: "'a set set ⇒ ('a set) filter" where
"lbound Us = (INF S∈{S. S∈I ∧ (∀u∈Us. S ⊆ u)}. principal_subs I S)"
lemma eventually_lbound_finite:
assumes "finite A" "A≠{}" "A⊆I"
shows "(∀⇩F w in lbound A. P w) ⟷ (∃w0. w0 ∈ I ∧ (∀a∈A. w0 ⊆ a) ∧ (∀w. (w⊆w0 ∧ w∈I) ⟶ P w))"
proof -
have "∃x. x ∈ I ∧ (∀xa∈A. x ⊆ xa)"
by (metis Int_iff assms inf.order_iff obtain_lower_bound_finite)
moreover have " ∃x. x ∈ I ∧ Ball A ((⊆) x)
∧ {xa ∈ I. xa ⊆ x} ⊆ {x ∈ I. x ⊆ a}
∧ {xa ∈ I. xa ⊆ x} ⊆ {x ∈ I. x ⊆ b}"
if "a ∈ I ∧ (∀x∈A. a ⊆ x)" "b ∈ I ∧ (∀x∈A. b ⊆ x)" for a b
apply (rule exI[where x="get_lower_bound a b"])
using that apply auto
subgoal using get_lower_bound(2) by blast
subgoal by (meson get_lower_bound(2) subsetD)
subgoal by (meson get_lower_bound(3) subsetD)
moreover have "(∃b∈{S ∈ I. Ball A ((⊆) S)}. eventually P (principal_subs I b)) =
(∃w0. w0 ∈ I ∧ Ball A ((⊆) w0) ∧ (∀w. w ⊆ w0 ∧ w ∈ I ⟶ P w))"
unfolding eventually_principal_subs by force
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding lbound_def
by (subst eventually_INF_base) auto
lemma lbound_eq:
assumes A:"finite A" "A≠{}" "A⊆I"
assumes B:"finite B" "B≠{}" "B⊆I"
shows "lbound A = lbound B"
proof -
have "eventually P (lbound A')" if "eventually P (lbound B')"
and A':"finite A'" "A'≠{}" "A' ⊆ I"
and B':"finite B'" "B'≠{}" "B' ⊆ I"
for P A' B'
proof -
obtain w0 where w0:"w0 ∈ I" "(∀a∈B'. w0 ⊆ a)" "(∀w. w ⊆ w0 ∧ w ∈ I ⟶ P w)"
using ‹eventually P (lbound B')› unfolding eventually_lbound_finite[OF B',of P]
by auto
obtain w1 where w1:"w1 ∈ I" "∀U∈A'. w1 ⊆ U"
using obtain_lower_bound_finite[OF A'] by auto
define w2 where "w2=get_lower_bound w0 w1"
have "w2 ∈ I" using ‹w0 ∈ I› ‹w1 ∈ I› unfolding w2_def by auto
moreover have "∀a∈A'. w2 ⊆ a"
unfolding w2_def by (meson dual_order.trans get_lower_bound(3) w0(1) w1(1) w1(2))
moreover have "∀w. w ⊆ w2 ∧ w ∈ I ⟶ P w"
unfolding w2_def by (meson dual_order.trans get_lower_bound(2) w0(1) w0(3) w1(1))
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding eventually_lbound_finite[OF A',of P] by auto
then have "eventually P (lbound A) = eventually P (lbound B)" for P
using A B by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding filter_eq_iff by auto
lemma lbound_leq:
assumes "A ⊆ B"
shows "lbound A ≤lbound B"
unfolding lbound_def
apply (rule Inf_superset_mono)
apply (rule image_mono)
using assms by auto
definition llbound::"('a set) filter" where
"llbound = lbound {SOME a. a∈I}"
lemma llbound_not_bot:
assumes "I≠ {}"
shows "llbound ≠ bot"
unfolding trivial_limit_def llbound_def
apply (subst eventually_lbound_finite)
using assms by (auto simp add: some_in_eq)
lemma llbound_lbound:
assumes "finite A" "A≠{}" "A⊆I"
shows "lbound A = llbound"
unfolding llbound_def
apply (rule lbound_eq)
using assms by (auto simp add: some_in_eq)
definition rel:: "('a set × 'b) ⇒ ('a set × 'b) ⇒ bool" (infix ‹∼› 80)
where "x ∼ y ≡ (fst x ∈ I ∧ fst y ∈ I) ∧ (snd x ∈ 𝔉 (fst x) ∧ snd y ∈ 𝔉 (fst y)) ∧
(∃W. (W ∈ I) ∧ (W ⊆ fst x ∩ fst y) ∧ ρ (fst x) W (snd x) = ρ (fst y) W (snd y))"
lemma rel_is_equivalence:
shows "equivalence (Sigma I 𝔉) {(x, y). x ∼ y}"
unfolding equivalence_def
proof (intro conjI strip)
show "(a, c) ∈ {(x, y). x ∼ y}"
if "(a, b) ∈ {(x, y). x ∼ y}" "(b, c) ∈ {(x, y). x ∼ y}" for a b c
proof -
obtain W1 where W1:"fst a ∈ I" "fst b ∈ I" "snd a ∈ 𝔉 (fst a)" "snd b ∈ 𝔉 (fst b)"
"W1 ∈ I" "W1 ⊆ fst a" "W1 ⊆ fst b"
"ρ (fst a) W1 (snd a) = ρ (fst b) W1 (snd b)"
using ‹(a, b) ∈ {(x, y). x ∼ y}› unfolding rel_def by auto
obtain W2 where W2:"fst b ∈ I" "fst c ∈ I" "snd b ∈ 𝔉 (fst b)" "snd c ∈ 𝔉 (fst c)"
"W2 ∈ I" "W2 ⊆ fst b" "W2 ⊆ fst c"
"ρ (fst b) W2 (snd b) = ρ (fst c) W2 (snd c)"
using ‹(b, c) ∈ {(x, y). x ∼ y}› unfolding rel_def by auto
obtain W3 where W3:"W3 ∈I" "W3 ⊆ W1 ∩ W2"
using has_lower_bound[OF ‹W1∈I› ‹W2∈I›] by auto
from ‹W3 ⊆ W1 ∩ W2›
have "W3 ⊆ fst a ∩ fst c" using W1(6) W2(7) by blast
moreover have "ρ (fst a) W3 (snd a) = ρ (fst c) W3 (snd c)"
using W1 W2 by (metis W3(1) W3(2) eq_ρ le_inf_iff subset_of_opens)
moreover note ‹W3 ∈I› W1 W2
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding rel_def by auto
qed (auto simp: rel_def Int_commute)
interpretation rel:equivalence "(Sigma I 𝔉)" "{(x, y). x ∼ y}"
using rel_is_equivalence .
definition class_of:: "'a set ⇒ 'b ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set" (‹⌊(_,/ _)⌋›)
where "⌊U,s⌋ ≡ rel.Class (U, s)"
lemma class_of_eqD:
assumes "⌊U1,s1⌋ = ⌊U2,s2⌋" "(U1,s1) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "(U2,s2) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
obtains W where "W ∈ I" "W ⊆ U1 ∩ U2" "ρ U1 W s1 = ρ U2 W s2"
using rel.Class_equivalence[OF assms(2,3)] assms(1)
unfolding class_of_def rel_def by auto
lemma class_of_eqI:
assumes "(U1,s1) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "(U2,s2) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
assumes "W ∈ I" "W ⊆ U1 ∩ U2" "ρ U1 W s1 = ρ U2 W s2"
shows "⌊U1,s1⌋ = ⌊U2,s2⌋"
unfolding class_of_def
apply (rule rel.Class_eq)
using assms by (auto simp: rel_def)
lemma class_of_0_in:
assumes "U ∈ I"
shows "𝟬⇘U⇙ ∈ 𝔉 U"
proof -
have "ring (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙"
using assms subset_of_opens is_ring_from_is_homomorphism by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding ring_def abelian_group_def Group_Theory.group_def by (meson monoid.unit_closed)
lemma rel_Class_iff: "x ∼ y ⟷ y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉 ∧ x ∈ rel.Class y"
by blast
lemma class_of_0_eq:
assumes "U ∈ I" "U' ∈ I"
shows "⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ = ⌊U', 𝟬⇘U'⇙⌋"
proof -
obtain W where W: "W ∈ I" "W ⊆ U" "W ⊆ U'"
by (metis Int_subset_iff assms has_lower_bound)
then have "is_open W" "is_open U" "is_open U'"
by (auto simp add: assms subset_of_opens)
then have "ρ U W 𝟬⇘U⇙ = ρ U' W 𝟬⇘U'⇙"
using W is_ring_morphism [of U W] is_ring_morphism [of U' W]
by (simp add: ring_homomorphism_def group_homomorphism_def monoid_homomorphism_def
with W have "∃W. W ∈ I ∧ W ⊆ U ∧ W ⊆ U' ∧ ρ U W 𝟬⇘U⇙ = ρ U' W 𝟬⇘U'⇙" by blast
moreover have "𝟬⇘U⇙ ∈ 𝔉 U" "𝟬⇘U'⇙ ∈ 𝔉 U'"
by (auto simp add: assms class_of_0_in)
ultimately have "(U, 𝟬⇘U⇙) ∼ (U', 𝟬⇘U'⇙)"
using assms by (auto simp: rel_def)
then show ?thesis
unfolding class_of_def by (simp add: rel.Class_eq)
lemma class_of_1_in:
assumes "U ∈ I"
shows "𝟭⇘U⇙ ∈ 𝔉 U"
proof -
have "ring (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙"
using assms subset_of_opens is_ring_from_is_homomorphism by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding ring_def by (meson monoid.unit_closed)
lemma class_of_1_eq:
assumes "U ∈ I" and "U' ∈ I"
shows "⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ = ⌊U', 𝟭⇘U'⇙⌋"
proof -
obtain W where W: "W ∈ I" "W ⊆ U" "W ⊆ U'"
by (metis Int_subset_iff assms has_lower_bound)
then have "is_open W" "is_open U" "is_open U'"
by (auto simp add: assms subset_of_opens)
then have "ρ U W 𝟭⇘U⇙ = ρ U' W 𝟭⇘U'⇙"
using W is_ring_morphism [of U W] is_ring_morphism [of U' W]
by (simp add: ring_homomorphism_def group_homomorphism_def monoid_homomorphism_def
with W have "∃W. W ∈ I ∧ W ⊆ U ∧ W ⊆ U' ∧ ρ U W 𝟭⇘U⇙ = ρ U' W 𝟭⇘U'⇙" by blast
have "𝟭⇘U⇙ ∈ 𝔉 U" "𝟭⇘U'⇙ ∈ 𝔉 U'"
by (auto simp add: assms class_of_1_in)
ultimately have "(U, 𝟭⇘U⇙) ∼ (U', 𝟭⇘U'⇙)"
using assms by (auto simp: rel_def)
then show ?thesis
unfolding class_of_def by (simp add: rel.Class_eq)
definition add_rel :: "('a set × 'b) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set"
where "add_rel X Y ≡ let
x = (SOME x. x ∈ X);
y = (SOME y. y ∈ Y);
w = get_lower_bound (fst x) (fst y)
⌊w, add_str w (ρ (fst x) w (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) w (snd y))⌋"
definition mult_rel :: "('a set × 'b) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set"
where "mult_rel X Y ≡ let
x = (SOME x. x ∈ X);
y = (SOME y. y ∈ Y);
w = get_lower_bound (fst x) (fst y)
⌊w, mult_str w (ρ (fst x) w (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) w (snd y))⌋"
definition carrier_direct_lim:: "('a set × 'b) set set"
where "carrier_direct_lim ≡ rel.Partition"
lemma zero_rel_carrier[intro]:
assumes "U ∈ I"
shows "⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
unfolding carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def
proof (rule rel.Block_closed)
interpret ring "(𝔉 U)" "+⇘U⇙" "⋅⇘U⇙" "𝟬⇘U⇙" "𝟭⇘U⇙"
by (simp add: assms is_ring_from_is_homomorphism subset_of_opens)
show "(U, 𝟬⇘U⇙) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
by (simp add: assms)
lemma one_rel_carrier[intro]:
assumes "U ∈ I"
shows "⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
unfolding carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def
apply (rule rel.Block_closed)
by (simp add: assms class_of_1_in)
lemma rel_carrier_Eps_in:
fixes X :: "('a set × 'b) set"
defines "a≡(SOME x. x ∈ X)"
assumes "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
shows "a ∈ X" "a ∈Sigma I 𝔉" "X = ⌊fst a, snd a⌋"
proof -
have "∃a∈Sigma I 𝔉. a ∈ X ∧ X = rel.Class a"
using rel.representant_exists[OF ‹X ∈ carrier_direct_lim›[unfolded carrier_direct_lim_def]]
by simp
then have "a ∈ X ∧ a ∈Sigma I 𝔉 ∧ X = ⌊fst a, snd a⌋"
unfolding class_of_def
by (metis a_def assms(2) carrier_direct_lim_def ex_in_conv prod.collapse rel.Block_self
rel.Class_closed some_in_eq)
then show "a ∈ X" "a ∈Sigma I 𝔉" "X = ⌊fst a, snd a⌋" by auto
lemma add_rel_carrier[intro]:
assumes "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" "Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
shows "add_rel X Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x ∈ X)"
define y where "y=(SOME y. y ∈ Y)"
define z where "z=get_lower_bound (fst x) (fst y)"
have "x∈X" "x∈Sigma I 𝔉"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹X ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding x_def by auto
have "y∈Y" "y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding y_def by auto
have "add_rel X Y = ⌊z, add_str z (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))⌋"
unfolding add_rel_def Let_def
by (fold x_def y_def z_def,rule)
also have "... ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
unfolding carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def
proof (rule rel.Block_closed)
have "z∈I" using ‹x∈Sigma I 𝔉› ‹y∈Sigma I 𝔉› unfolding z_def by auto
then interpret ring "(𝔉 z)" "+⇘z⇙" "⋅⇘z⇙" "𝟬⇘z⇙" "𝟭⇘z⇙"
using is_ring_from_is_homomorphism subset_of_opens by auto
show "(z, +⇘z⇙ (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
using ‹z∈I›
apply simp
by (metis ‹x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› ‹y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› additive.composition_closed
direct_lim.subset_of_opens direct_lim_axioms get_lower_bound(2) get_lower_bound(3)
is_map_from_is_homomorphism map.map_closed mem_Sigma_iff prod.exhaust_sel z_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma rel_eventually_llbound:
assumes "x ∼ y"
shows "∀⇩F w in llbound. ρ (fst x) w (snd x) = ρ (fst y) w (snd y)"
proof -
have xy:"fst x ∈ I" "fst y ∈ I" "snd x ∈ 𝔉 (fst x)" "snd y ∈ 𝔉 (fst y)"
using ‹x ∼ y› unfolding rel_def by auto
obtain w0 where w0:"w0 ∈ I" "w0 ⊆ fst x ∩ fst y" "ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x) = ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y)"
using ‹x ∼ y› unfolding rel_def by auto
interpret xw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ (fst x) w0" "𝔉 (fst x)" "+⇘fst x⇙" "⋅⇘fst x⇙" "𝟬⇘fst x⇙"
"𝟭⇘fst x⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙" "⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
by (meson is_ring_morphism le_inf_iff subset_of_opens w0 xy(1))
interpret yw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ (fst y) w0" "𝔉 (fst y)" "+⇘fst y⇙" "⋅⇘fst y⇙" "𝟬⇘fst y⇙"
"𝟭⇘fst y⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙" "⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
using w0 by (metis is_ring_morphism le_inf_iff subset_of_opens xy(2))
have "ρ (fst x) w (snd x) = ρ (fst y) w (snd y)" if "w ⊆ w0" "w ∈ I" for w
proof -
interpret w0w:ring_homomorphism "ρ w0 w" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙" "⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙" "𝔉 w"
"+⇘w⇙" "⋅⇘w⇙" "𝟬⇘w⇙" "𝟭⇘w⇙"
using is_ring_morphism subset_of_opens that w0(1) by presburger
have "ρ (fst x) w (snd x) = (ρ w0 w ∘ ρ (fst x) w0) (snd x)"
by (meson assoc_comp le_inf_iff subset_of_opens that w0 xy)
also have "... = (ρ w0 w ∘ ρ (fst y) w0) (snd y)"
unfolding comp_def
using w0(3) by auto
also have "... = ρ (fst y) w (snd y)"
using w0 xy by (metis Int_subset_iff assoc_comp subset_of_opens that)
finally show ?thesis .
with w0 have "∃w0. w0 ∈ I ∧ w0 ⊆ fst x ∩ fst y
∧ (∀w. (w⊆w0 ∧ w∈I) ⟶ ρ (fst x) w (snd x) = ρ (fst y) w (snd y))"
by auto
then have "∀⇩F w in lbound {fst x,fst y}. ρ (fst x) w (snd x) = ρ (fst y) w (snd y)"
apply (subst eventually_lbound_finite)
using xy(1,2) by auto
then show ?thesis
using llbound_lbound[of "{fst x,fst y}"] xy(1,2) by auto
fixes x y:: "'a set × 'b" and z z':: "'a set"
assumes xy:"x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
assumes z:"z∈I" "z ⊆ fst x" "z ⊆ fst y"
assumes z':"z'∈I" "z' ⊆ fst x" "z' ⊆ fst y"
shows add_rel_well_defined:"⌊z, add_str z (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))⌋ =
⌊z', add_str z' (ρ (fst x) z' (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z' (snd y))⌋" (is "?add")
and mult_rel_well_defined:
"⌊z, mult_str z (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))⌋ =
⌊z', mult_str z' (ρ (fst x) z' (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z' (snd y))⌋" (is "?mult")
proof -
interpret xz:ring_homomorphism "(ρ (fst x) z)" "(𝔉 (fst x))"
"+⇘fst x⇙" "⋅⇘fst x⇙" "𝟬⇘fst x⇙" "𝟭⇘fst x⇙" "(𝔉 z)" "+⇘z⇙" "⋅⇘z⇙" "𝟬⇘z⇙" "𝟭⇘z⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ‹x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› z subset_of_opens by force
interpret yz:ring_homomorphism "(ρ (fst y) z)" "(𝔉 (fst y))"
"+⇘fst y⇙" "⋅⇘fst y⇙" "𝟬⇘fst y⇙" "𝟭⇘fst y⇙" "(𝔉 z)" "+⇘z⇙" "⋅⇘z⇙" "𝟬⇘z⇙" "𝟭⇘z⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ‹y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› z subset_of_opens by force
interpret xz':ring_homomorphism "(ρ (fst x) z')" "(𝔉 (fst x))"
"+⇘fst x⇙" "⋅⇘fst x⇙" "𝟬⇘fst x⇙" "𝟭⇘fst x⇙" "(𝔉 z')" "+⇘z'⇙" "⋅⇘z'⇙" "𝟬⇘z'⇙" "𝟭⇘z'⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ‹x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› z' subset_of_opens by force
interpret yz':ring_homomorphism "(ρ (fst y) z')" "(𝔉 (fst y))"
"+⇘fst y⇙" "⋅⇘fst y⇙" "𝟬⇘fst y⇙" "𝟭⇘fst y⇙" "(𝔉 z')" "+⇘z'⇙" "⋅⇘z'⇙" "𝟬⇘z'⇙" "𝟭⇘z'⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ‹y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› z' subset_of_opens by force
obtain w where w:"w ∈ I" "w ⊆ z ∩ z'"
using has_lower_bound ‹z∈I› ‹z'∈I› by meson
interpret zw:ring_homomorphism "ρ z w" "(𝔉 z)" "+⇘z⇙" "⋅⇘z⇙" "𝟬⇘z⇙" "𝟭⇘z⇙"
"𝔉 w" "+⇘w⇙" "⋅⇘w⇙" "𝟬⇘w⇙" "𝟭⇘w⇙"
using w by (meson is_ring_morphism le_inf_iff subset_of_opens z(1))
interpret z'w:ring_homomorphism "ρ z' w" "(𝔉 z')" "+⇘z'⇙" "⋅⇘z'⇙" "𝟬⇘z'⇙" "𝟭⇘z'⇙"
"𝔉 w" "+⇘w⇙" "⋅⇘w⇙" "𝟬⇘w⇙" "𝟭⇘w⇙"
using ‹w ∈ I› ‹w ⊆ z ∩ z'› z' by (meson is_ring_morphism le_inf_iff subset_of_opens)
show ?add
proof (rule class_of_eqI[OF _ _ ‹w ∈ I› ‹w ⊆ z ∩ z'›])
define xz yz where "xz = ρ (fst x) z (snd x)" and "yz = ρ (fst y) z (snd y)"
define xz' yz' where "xz' = ρ (fst x) z' (snd x)" and "yz' = ρ (fst y) z' (snd y)"
show "(z, +⇘z⇙ xz yz) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "(z', +⇘z'⇙ xz' yz') ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
subgoal using assms(1) assms(2) xz_def yz_def z(1) by fastforce
subgoal using assms(1) assms(2) xz'_def yz'_def z'(1) by fastforce
have "ρ z w (+⇘z⇙ xz yz) = +⇘w⇙ (ρ z w xz) (ρ z w yz)"
apply (rule zw.additive.commutes_with_composition)
using assms(1,2) xz_def yz_def by force+
also have "... = +⇘w⇙ (ρ (fst x) w (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) w (snd y))"
unfolding xz_def yz_def
using assoc_comp w z subset_of_opens assms
by (metis SigmaE le_inf_iff o_def prod.sel)
also have "... = +⇘w⇙ (ρ z' w xz') (ρ z' w yz')"
unfolding xz'_def yz'_def
using assoc_comp w z' subset_of_opens assms
by (metis SigmaE le_inf_iff o_def prod.sel)
also have "... = ρ z' w (+⇘z'⇙ xz' yz')"
using assms(2) xy(1) xz'_def yz'_def z'w.additive.commutes_with_composition by force
finally show "ρ z w (+⇘z⇙ xz yz) = ρ z' w (+⇘z'⇙ xz' yz')" .
show ?mult
proof (rule class_of_eqI[OF _ _ ‹w ∈ I› ‹w ⊆ z ∩ z'›])
define xz yz where "xz = ρ (fst x) z (snd x)" and "yz = ρ (fst y) z (snd y)"
define xz' yz' where "xz' = ρ (fst x) z' (snd x)" and "yz' = ρ (fst y) z' (snd y)"
show "(z, ⋅⇘z⇙ xz yz) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "(z', ⋅⇘z'⇙ xz' yz') ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
unfolding xz_def yz_def xz'_def yz'_def
using assms by auto
have "ρ z w (⋅⇘z⇙ xz yz) = ⋅⇘w⇙ (ρ z w xz) (ρ z w yz)"
apply (rule zw.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition)
using xy xz_def yz_def by force+
also have "... = ⋅⇘w⇙ (ρ (fst x) w (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) w (snd y))"
unfolding xz_def yz_def
using xy w z assoc_comp
by (metis SigmaE fst_conv le_inf_iff o_def snd_conv subset_of_opens)
also have "... = ⋅⇘w⇙ (ρ z' w xz') (ρ z' w yz')"
unfolding xz'_def yz'_def
using xy w z' assoc_comp
by (metis SigmaE fst_conv le_inf_iff o_def snd_conv subset_of_opens)
also have "... = ρ z' w (⋅⇘z'⇙ xz' yz')"
unfolding xz'_def yz'_def
using monoid_homomorphism.commutes_with_composition xy z'w.multiplicative.monoid_homomorphism_axioms by fastforce
finally show "ρ z w (⋅⇘z⇙ xz yz) = ρ z' w (⋅⇘z'⇙ xz' yz')" .
lemma add_rel_well_defined_llbound:
fixes x y:: "'a set × 'b" and z z':: "'a set"
assumes "x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
assumes z:"z∈I" "z ⊆ fst x" "z ⊆ fst y"
shows "∀⇩F w in llbound. ⌊z, add_str z (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))⌋ =
⌊w, add_str w (ρ (fst x) w (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) w (snd y))⌋" (is "∀⇩F w in _. ?P w")
proof -
have "∀w. w ⊆ z ∧ w ∈ I ⟶?P w "
by (meson add_rel_well_defined assms(1) assms(2) dual_order.trans z(1) z(2) z(3))
then have "∀⇩F w in lbound {fst x,fst y}. ?P w"
apply (subst eventually_lbound_finite)
using assms by auto
then show ?thesis
using llbound_lbound[of "{fst x,fst y}"] assms(1,2) by auto
lemma mult_rel_well_defined_llbound:
fixes x y:: "'a set × 'b" and z z':: "'a set"
assumes "x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
assumes z:"z∈I" "z ⊆ fst x" "z ⊆ fst y"
shows "∀⇩F w in llbound. ⌊z, mult_str z (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))⌋ =
⌊w, mult_str w (ρ (fst x) w (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) w (snd y))⌋" (is "∀⇩F w in _. ?P w")
proof -
have "∀w. w ⊆ z ∧ w ∈ I ⟶?P w "
by (meson mult_rel_well_defined assms(1) assms(2) dual_order.trans z(1) z(2) z(3))
then have "∀⇩F w in lbound {fst x,fst y}. ?P w"
apply (subst eventually_lbound_finite)
using assms by auto
then show ?thesis
using llbound_lbound[of "{fst x,fst y}"] assms(1,2) by auto
lemma add_rel_class_of:
fixes U V W :: "'a set" and x y :: 'b
assumes uv_sigma:"(U, x) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "(V, y) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
assumes w:"W ∈ I" "W ⊆ U" "W ⊆ V"
shows "add_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋ = ⌊W, +⇘W⇙ (ρ U W x) (ρ V W y)⌋"
proof -
define ux where "ux = (SOME ux. ux ∈ ⌊U, x⌋)"
define vy where "vy = (SOME ux. ux ∈ ⌊V, y⌋)"
have "ux ∈ ⌊U, x⌋" "vy ∈ ⌊V, y⌋ "
unfolding ux_def vy_def using uv_sigma class_of_def some_in_eq by blast+
then have "ux ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "vy ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
using class_of_def uv_sigma by blast+
then have "fst ux ∈ I" "fst vy ∈ I" by auto
define w1 where "w1 = get_lower_bound (fst ux) (fst vy)"
have w1:"w1 ∈ I" "w1 ⊆ fst ux" "w1 ⊆ fst vy"
using get_lower_bound[OF ‹fst ux ∈ I› ‹fst vy ∈ I›] unfolding w1_def by auto
have "add_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋ = ⌊w1, +⇘w1⇙ (ρ (fst ux) w1 (snd ux)) (ρ (fst vy) w1 (snd vy))⌋"
unfolding add_rel_def
apply (fold ux_def vy_def)
by (simp add:Let_def w1_def)
moreover have "∀⇩F w in llbound.
... = ⌊w, add_str w (ρ (fst ux) w (snd ux)) (ρ (fst vy) w (snd vy))⌋"
apply (rule add_rel_well_defined_llbound)
using ‹ux ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› ‹vy ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› w1 by auto
ultimately have "∀⇩F w in llbound. add_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋
= ⌊w, add_str w (ρ (fst ux) w (snd ux)) (ρ (fst vy) w (snd vy))⌋"
by simp
moreover have
"∀⇩F w in llbound. ρ (fst ux) w (snd ux) = ρ (fst (U, x)) w (snd (U, x))"
"∀⇩F w in llbound. ρ (fst vy) w (snd vy) = ρ (fst (V, y)) w (snd (V, y))"
apply (rule rel_eventually_llbound)
using ‹ux ∈ ⌊U, x⌋› class_of_def uv_sigma(1) by auto
apply (rule rel_eventually_llbound)
using ‹vy ∈ ⌊V, y⌋› class_of_def uv_sigma(2) by auto
ultimately have "∀⇩F w in llbound. add_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋
= ⌊w, add_str w (ρ U w x) (ρ V w y)⌋"
apply eventually_elim
by auto
moreover have "∀⇩F w in llbound. ⌊W, +⇘W⇙ (ρ U W x) (ρ V W y)⌋ = ⌊w, +⇘w⇙ (ρ U w x) (ρ V w y)⌋"
apply (rule add_rel_well_defined_llbound[of "(U,x)" "(V,y)" W,simplified])
using w uv_sigma by auto
ultimately have "∀⇩F w in llbound.
add_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋ = ⌊W, +⇘W⇙ (ρ U W x) (ρ V W y)⌋"
apply eventually_elim
by auto
moreover have "llbound≠bot" using llbound_not_bot w(1) by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma mult_rel_class_of:
fixes U V W :: "'a set" and x y :: 'b
assumes uv_sigma:"(U, x) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "(V, y) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
assumes w:"W ∈ I" "W ⊆ U" "W ⊆ V"
shows "mult_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋ = ⌊W, ⋅⇘W⇙ (ρ U W x) (ρ V W y)⌋"
proof -
define ux where "ux = (SOME ux. ux ∈ ⌊U, x⌋)"
define vy where "vy = (SOME ux. ux ∈ ⌊V, y⌋)"
have "ux ∈ ⌊U, x⌋" "vy ∈ ⌊V, y⌋ "
unfolding ux_def vy_def using uv_sigma class_of_def some_in_eq by blast+
then have "ux ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" "vy ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
using class_of_def uv_sigma by blast+
then have "fst ux ∈ I" "fst vy ∈ I" by auto
define w1 where "w1 = get_lower_bound (fst ux) (fst vy)"
have w1:"w1 ∈ I" "w1 ⊆ fst ux" "w1 ⊆ fst vy"
using get_lower_bound[OF ‹fst ux ∈ I› ‹fst vy ∈ I›] unfolding w1_def by auto
have "mult_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋ = ⌊w1, ⋅⇘w1⇙ (ρ (fst ux) w1 (snd ux)) (ρ (fst vy) w1 (snd vy))⌋"
unfolding mult_rel_def
apply (fold ux_def vy_def)
by (simp add:Let_def w1_def)
moreover have "∀⇩F w in llbound.
... = ⌊w, mult_str w (ρ (fst ux) w (snd ux)) (ρ (fst vy) w (snd vy))⌋"
apply (rule mult_rel_well_defined_llbound)
using ‹ux ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› ‹vy ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› w1 by auto
ultimately have "∀⇩F w in llbound. mult_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋
= ⌊w, mult_str w (ρ (fst ux) w (snd ux)) (ρ (fst vy) w (snd vy))⌋"
by simp
moreover have
"∀⇩F w in llbound. ρ (fst ux) w (snd ux) = ρ (fst (U, x)) w (snd (U, x))"
"∀⇩F w in llbound. ρ (fst vy) w (snd vy) = ρ (fst (V, y)) w (snd (V, y))"
apply (rule rel_eventually_llbound)
using ‹ux ∈ ⌊U, x⌋› class_of_def uv_sigma(1) by auto
apply (rule rel_eventually_llbound)
using ‹vy ∈ ⌊V, y⌋› class_of_def uv_sigma(2) by auto
ultimately have "∀⇩F w in llbound. mult_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋
= ⌊w, mult_str w (ρ U w x) (ρ V w y)⌋"
apply eventually_elim
by auto
moreover have "∀⇩F w in llbound. ⌊W, ⋅⇘W⇙ (ρ U W x) (ρ V W y)⌋ = ⌊w, ⋅⇘w⇙ (ρ U w x) (ρ V w y)⌋"
apply (rule mult_rel_well_defined_llbound[of "(U,x)" "(V,y)" W,simplified])
using w uv_sigma by auto
ultimately have "∀⇩F w in llbound.
mult_rel ⌊U, x⌋ ⌊V, y⌋ = ⌊W, ⋅⇘W⇙ (ρ U W x) (ρ V W y)⌋"
apply eventually_elim
by auto
moreover have "llbound≠bot" using llbound_not_bot w(1) by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma mult_rel_carrier[intro]:
assumes "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" "Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
shows "mult_rel X Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x ∈ X)"
define y where "y=(SOME y. y ∈ Y)"
have "x∈X" "x∈Sigma I 𝔉"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹X ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding x_def by auto
have "y∈Y" "y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding y_def by auto
define z where "z=get_lower_bound (fst x) (fst y)"
have "z ∈ I" "z ⊆ fst x" "z ⊆ fst y"
proof -
have "fst x ∈ I" "fst y ∈ I"
using ‹x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› ‹y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› by auto
then show "z ∈ I" "z ⊆ fst x" "z ⊆ fst y"
using get_lower_bound[of "fst x" "fst y",folded z_def] by auto
have "mult_rel X Y = ⌊z, mult_str z (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))⌋"
unfolding mult_rel_def Let_def
by (fold x_def y_def z_def,rule)
also have "... ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
unfolding carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def
proof (rule rel.Block_closed)
interpret ring "(𝔉 z)" "+⇘z⇙" "⋅⇘z⇙" "𝟬⇘z⇙" "𝟭⇘z⇙"
by (simp add: ‹z ∈ I› is_ring_from_is_homomorphism subset_of_opens)
show "(z, ⋅⇘z⇙ (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
by (metis SigmaE SigmaI ‹x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› ‹y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› ‹z ∈ I› ‹z ⊆ fst x› ‹z ⊆ fst y›
direct_lim.subset_of_opens direct_lim_axioms fst_conv
is_map_from_is_homomorphism map.map_closed multiplicative.composition_closed snd_conv)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma direct_lim_is_ring:
assumes "U ∈ I"
shows "ring carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ ⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋"
proof unfold_locales
show add_rel: "add_rel a b ∈ carrier_direct_lim" and mult_rel: "mult_rel a b ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
if "a ∈ carrier_direct_lim" "b ∈ carrier_direct_lim" for a b
using ‹U ∈ I› that by auto
show zero_rel: "⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ ∈ carrier_direct_lim" and one_rel: "⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
using ‹U ∈ I› by auto
show add_rel_0: "add_rel ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ X = X"
and "mult_rel ⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ X = X"
and "mult_rel X ⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ = X"
if "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" for X
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x ∈ X)"
have x:"x∈X" "x∈Sigma I 𝔉" "fst x∈I" and X_alt:"X= ⌊fst x, snd x⌋"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹X ∈ carrier_direct_lim›]
unfolding x_def by auto
obtain w0 where w0:"w0∈I" "w0 ⊆ U" "w0 ⊆ fst x"
using has_lower_bound[OF ‹U∈I› ‹fst x∈I›] by blast
interpret uw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ U w0" "𝔉 U" "+⇘U⇙" "⋅⇘U⇙" "𝟬⇘U⇙" "𝟭⇘U⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙"
"⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ‹U∈I› w0 subset_of_opens by auto
interpret xw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ (fst x) w0" "𝔉 (fst x)" "+⇘fst x⇙" "⋅⇘fst x⇙" "𝟬⇘fst x⇙"
"𝟭⇘fst x⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙" "⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ‹fst x∈I› w0 subset_of_opens by auto
have "add_rel ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ X = ⌊w0, +⇘w0⇙ (ρ U w0 𝟬⇘U⇙) (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))⌋"
unfolding X_alt
apply (subst add_rel_class_of)
using ‹U ∈ I› w0 x by simp_all
also have "... = ⌊w0, +⇘w0⇙ 𝟬⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))⌋"
by (simp add:uw0.additive.commutes_with_unit )
also have "... = ⌊w0, ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)⌋"
apply (subst
using carrier_direct_lim_def rel.block_closed that x(1) by auto
also have "... = X"
unfolding X_alt
apply (rule class_of_eqI[where W=w0])
using w0 x subset_of_opens by auto
finally show "add_rel ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ X = X" .
have "mult_rel ⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ X = ⌊w0, ⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ U w0 𝟭⇘U⇙) (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))⌋"
unfolding X_alt
apply (subst mult_rel_class_of)
using ‹U ∈ I› w0 x by simp_all
also have "... = ⌊w0, ⋅⇘w0⇙ 𝟭⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))⌋"
by (simp add: uw0.multiplicative.commutes_with_unit)
also have "... = ⌊w0, ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)⌋"
apply (subst
using carrier_direct_lim_def rel.block_closed that x(1) by auto
also have "... = X"
using X_alt ‹⌊w0, ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)⌋ = X› by force
finally show "mult_rel ⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ X = X" .
have "mult_rel X ⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ = ⌊w0, ⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)) (ρ U w0 𝟭⇘U⇙)⌋"
unfolding X_alt
apply (subst mult_rel_class_of)
using ‹U ∈ I› w0 x by simp_all
also have "... = ⌊w0, ⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)) 𝟭⇘w0⇙ ⌋"
by (simp add: uw0.multiplicative.commutes_with_unit)
also have "... = ⌊w0, ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)⌋"
apply (subst
using carrier_direct_lim_def rel.block_closed that x(1) by auto
also have "... = X"
using X_alt ‹⌊w0, ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)⌋ = X› by force
finally show "mult_rel X ⌊U, 𝟭⇘U⇙⌋ = X" .
show add_rel_commute: "add_rel X Y = add_rel Y X"
if "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" "Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim" for X Y
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x ∈ X)"
define y where "y=(SOME y. y ∈ Y)"
have x:"x∈X" "x∈Sigma I 𝔉"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹X ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding x_def by auto
have y:"y∈Y" "y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding y_def by auto
define z where "z=get_lower_bound (fst x) (fst y)"
have z:"z ∈ I" "z ⊆ fst x" "z ⊆ fst y" and z_alt:"z=get_lower_bound (fst y) (fst x) "
proof -
have "fst x ∈ I" "fst y ∈ I"
using ‹x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› ‹y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› by auto
then show "z ∈ I" "z ⊆ fst x" "z ⊆ fst y"
using get_lower_bound[of "fst x" "fst y",folded z_def] by auto
show "z=get_lower_bound (fst y) (fst x) "
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Eps_cong get_lower_bound_def z_def)
interpret xz:ring_homomorphism "(ρ (fst x) z)" "(𝔉 (fst x))" "+⇘fst x⇙" "⋅⇘fst x⇙"
"𝟬⇘fst x⇙" "𝟭⇘fst x⇙" "(𝔉 z)" "+⇘z⇙" "⋅⇘z⇙" "𝟬⇘z⇙" "𝟭⇘z⇙"
using is_ring_morphism z x subset_of_opens by force
interpret yz:ring_homomorphism "(ρ (fst y) z)" "(𝔉 (fst y))" "+⇘fst y⇙" "⋅⇘fst y⇙"
"𝟬⇘fst y⇙" "𝟭⇘fst y⇙" "(𝔉 z)" "+⇘z⇙" "⋅⇘z⇙" "𝟬⇘z⇙" "𝟭⇘z⇙"
using is_ring_morphism z y subset_of_opens by auto
have "add_rel X Y = ⌊z, add_str z (ρ (fst x) z (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) z (snd y))⌋"
unfolding add_rel_def Let_def by (fold x_def y_def z_def,rule)
also have "... = add_rel Y X"
unfolding add_rel_def Let_def
apply (fold x_def y_def z_alt)
using ‹x ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› ‹y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉› by auto
finally show "add_rel X Y = add_rel Y X" .
show add_assoc:"add_rel (add_rel X Y) Z = add_rel X (add_rel Y Z)"
"mult_rel (mult_rel X Y) Z = mult_rel X (mult_rel Y Z)"
"mult_rel X (add_rel Y Z) = add_rel (mult_rel X Y) (mult_rel X Z)"
"mult_rel (add_rel Y Z) X = add_rel (mult_rel Y X) (mult_rel Z X)"
if "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" "Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim" "Z ∈ carrier_direct_lim" for X Y Z
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x ∈ X)"
define y where "y=(SOME y. y ∈ Y)"
define z where "z=(SOME z. z ∈ Z)"
have x:"x∈X" "x∈Sigma I 𝔉" and x_alt:"X = ⌊fst x,snd x⌋"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹X ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding x_def by auto
have y:"y∈Y" "y ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" and y_alt:"Y = ⌊fst y,snd y⌋"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding y_def by auto
have z:"z∈Z" "z ∈ Sigma I 𝔉" and z_alt:"Z = ⌊fst z,snd z⌋"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹Z ∈ carrier_direct_lim›] unfolding z_def by auto
obtain w0 where w0:"w0 ∈ I" "w0 ⊆ fst x" "w0 ⊆ fst y" "w0 ⊆ fst z"
using obtain_lower_bound_finite[of "{fst x,fst y,fst z}"] x y z
by force
interpret xw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ (fst x) w0" "𝔉 (fst x)" "+⇘fst x⇙" "⋅⇘fst x⇙" "𝟬⇘fst x⇙"
"𝟭⇘fst x⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙" "⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
using is_ring_morphism x w0 subset_of_opens by auto
interpret yw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ (fst y) w0" "𝔉 (fst y)" "+⇘fst y⇙" "⋅⇘fst y⇙" "𝟬⇘fst y⇙"
"𝟭⇘fst y⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙" "⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
using is_ring_morphism y w0 subset_of_opens by auto
interpret zw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ (fst z) w0" "𝔉 (fst z)" "+⇘fst z⇙" "⋅⇘fst z⇙" "𝟬⇘fst z⇙"
"𝟭⇘fst z⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙" "⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
using is_ring_morphism z w0 subset_of_opens by auto
have "add_rel (add_rel X Y) Z = ⌊w0, +⇘w0⇙ ((+⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))
(ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y)))) (ρ (fst z) w0 (snd z))⌋"
unfolding x_alt y_alt z_alt
using x y z w0 subset_of_opens add_rel_class_of
by (force simp add: add_rel_class_of)
also have "... = ⌊w0, +⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))
(+⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y)) (ρ (fst z) w0 (snd z)))⌋"
using x(2) y(2) z(2) by force
also have "... = add_rel X (add_rel Y Z)"
unfolding x_alt y_alt z_alt
using x y z w0 add_rel_class_of subset_of_opens by force
finally show "add_rel (add_rel X Y) Z = add_rel X (add_rel Y Z)" .
have "mult_rel (mult_rel X Y) Z = ⌊w0, ⋅⇘w0⇙ ((⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))
(ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y)))) (ρ (fst z) w0 (snd z))⌋"
unfolding x_alt y_alt z_alt
using x y z w0 mult_rel_class_of subset_of_opens by force
also have "... = ⌊w0, ⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))
(⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y)) (ρ (fst z) w0 (snd z)))⌋"
apply (subst
using w0 x y z by auto
also have "... = mult_rel X (mult_rel Y Z)"
unfolding x_alt y_alt z_alt
using x y z w0 mult_rel_class_of subset_of_opens by force
finally show "mult_rel (mult_rel X Y) Z = mult_rel X (mult_rel Y Z)" .
have "mult_rel X (add_rel Y Z) = ⌊w0, ⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))
(+⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y)) (ρ (fst z) w0 (snd z)))⌋"
unfolding x_alt y_alt z_alt
using x y z w0 add_rel_class_of mult_rel_class_of subset_of_opens by force
also have "... = ⌊w0, +⇘w0⇙ (⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)) (ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y)))
(⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)) (ρ (fst z) w0 (snd z)))⌋"
apply (subst
using w0 x y z by auto
also have "... = add_rel (mult_rel X Y) (mult_rel X Z)"
unfolding x_alt y_alt z_alt
using x y z w0 add_rel_class_of mult_rel_class_of subset_of_opens by force
finally show "mult_rel X (add_rel Y Z) = add_rel (mult_rel X Y) (mult_rel X Z)" .
have "mult_rel (add_rel Y Z) X = ⌊w0, ⋅⇘w0⇙ (+⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y))
(ρ (fst z) w0 (snd z))) (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))⌋"
unfolding x_alt y_alt z_alt
using x y z w0 add_rel_class_of mult_rel_class_of subset_of_opens by force
also have "... = ⌊w0, +⇘w0⇙ (⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst y) w0 (snd y)) (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)))
(⋅⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst z) w0 (snd z)) (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x)))⌋"
apply (subst
using w0 x y z by auto
also have "... = add_rel (mult_rel Y X) (mult_rel Z X)"
unfolding x_alt y_alt z_alt
using x y z w0 add_rel_class_of mult_rel_class_of subset_of_opens by force
finally show "mult_rel (add_rel Y Z) X = add_rel (mult_rel Y X) (mult_rel Z X)" .
show add_rel_0':"⋀a. a ∈ carrier_direct_lim ⟹ add_rel a ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ = a"
using add_rel_0 add_rel_commute zero_rel by force
interpret Group_Theory.monoid carrier_direct_lim add_rel "⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋"
apply unfold_locales
by (simp_all add: zero_rel add_rel_carrier add_assoc add_rel_0 add_rel_0')
show "monoid.invertible carrier_direct_lim add_rel ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋ X"
if "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" for X
proof -
define x where "x=(SOME x. x ∈ X)"
have x:"x∈X" "x∈Sigma I 𝔉" "fst x∈I" and X_alt:"X= ⌊fst x, snd x⌋"
using rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF ‹X ∈ carrier_direct_lim›]
unfolding x_def by auto
obtain w0 where w0: "w0 ∈ I" "w0 ⊆ U" "w0 ⊆ fst x"
using has_lower_bound[OF ‹U∈I› ‹fst x∈I›] by blast
interpret uw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ U w0" "𝔉 U" "+⇘U⇙" "⋅⇘U⇙" "𝟬⇘U⇙" "𝟭⇘U⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙"
"⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ‹U∈I› w0 subset_of_opens by auto
interpret xw0:ring_homomorphism "ρ (fst x) w0" "𝔉 (fst x)" "+⇘fst x⇙" "⋅⇘fst x⇙" "𝟬⇘fst x⇙"
"𝟭⇘fst x⇙" "𝔉 w0" "+⇘w0⇙" "⋅⇘w0⇙" "𝟬⇘w0⇙" "𝟭⇘w0⇙"
using is_ring_morphism ‹fst x∈I› w0 subset_of_opens by auto
define Y where "Y=⌊fst x, xw0.source.additive.inverse (snd x)⌋"
have "add_rel X Y = ⌊w0, +⇘w0⇙ (ρ (fst x) w0 (snd x))
(ρ (fst x) w0 (xw0.source.additive.inverse (snd x)))⌋"
unfolding X_alt Y_def
proof (subst add_rel_class_of)
show "(fst x, xw0.source.additive.inverse (snd x)) ∈ Sigma I 𝔉"
using x(2) xw0.source.additive.invertible xw0.source.additive.invertible_inverse_closed
by force
qed (use x w0 in auto)
also have "... = ⌊w0, 𝟬⇘w0⇙⌋"
apply (subst xw0.additive.invertible_image_lemma)
subgoal using x(2) xw0.source.additive.invertible by force
using x(2) by auto
also have "... = ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋"
by (simp add: assms class_of_0_eq w0(1))
finally have "add_rel X Y = ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋" .
moreover have "Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
using Group_Theory.group_def Y_def carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def
monoid.invertible_inverse_closed x(2) xw0.source.additive.group_axioms
xw0.source.additive.invertible by fastforce
moreover have "add_rel Y X = ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋"
using ‹Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim› ‹add_rel X Y = ⌊U, 𝟬⇘U⇙⌋›
by (simp add: add_rel_commute that)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding invertible_def[OF that] by auto
definition canonical_fun:: "'a set ⇒ 'b ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set"
where "canonical_fun U x = ⌊U, x⌋"
lemma rel_I1:
assumes "s ∈ 𝔉 U" "x ∈ ⌊U, s⌋" "U ∈ I"
shows "(U, s) ∼ x"
proof -
have Us: "⌊U, s⌋ ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
using assms unfolding carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def
by (simp add: equivalence.Class_in_Partition rel_is_equivalence)
then show ?thesis
using rel_Class_iff assms
by (metis carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def mem_Sigma_iff rel.Block_self rel.Class_self rel.block_closed)
lemma rel_I2:
assumes "s ∈ 𝔉 U" "x ∈ ⌊U, s⌋" "U ∈ I"
shows "(U, s) ∼ (SOME x. x ∈ ⌊U, s⌋)"
using carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def rel_carrier_Eps_in(2) rel_carrier_Eps_in(3) assms
by fastforce
lemma carrier_direct_limE:
assumes "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
obtains U s where "U ∈ I" "s ∈ 𝔉 U" "X = ⌊U,s⌋"
using assms carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def by auto
abbreviation "dlim ≡ direct_lim.carrier_direct_lim"
subsubsection ‹Universal property of direct limits›
proposition (in direct_lim) universal_property:
fixes A:: "'c set" and ψ:: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c)" and add:: "'c ⇒ 'c ⇒ 'c"
and mult:: "'c ⇒ 'c ⇒ 'c" and zero:: "'c" and one:: "'c"
assumes "ring A add mult zero one"
and r_hom: "⋀U. U ∈ I ⟹ ring_homomorphism (ψ U) (𝔉 U) (+⇘U⇙) (⋅⇘U⇙) 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙ A add mult zero one"
and eq: "⋀U V x. ⟦U ∈ I; V ∈ I; V ⊆ U; x ∈ (𝔉 U)⟧ ⟹ (ψ V ∘ ρ U V) x = ψ U x"
shows "∀V∈I. ∃!u. ring_homomorphism u carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel ⌊V,𝟬⇘V⇙⌋ ⌊V,𝟭⇘V⇙⌋ A add mult zero one
∧ (∀U∈I. ∀x∈(𝔉 U). (u ∘ canonical_fun U) x = ψ U x)"
fix V assume "V ∈ I"
interpret ring_V: ring carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel "⌊V, 𝟬⇘V⇙⌋" "⌊V, 𝟭⇘V⇙⌋"
using ‹V ∈ I› direct_lim_is_ring by blast
interpret ring_ψV: ring_homomorphism "ψ V" "𝔉 V" "+⇘V⇙" "⋅⇘V⇙" "𝟬⇘V⇙" "𝟭⇘V⇙" A add mult zero one
using ‹V ∈ I› r_hom by presburger
define u where "u ≡ λX ∈ carrier_direct_lim. let x = (SOME x. x ∈ X) in ψ (fst x) (snd x)"
have ψ_eqI: "ψ x1 x2 = ψ y1 y2" if "(x1,x2) ∼ (y1,y2)"
for x1 x2 y1 y2
by (smt (verit, best) Int_subset_iff assms(3) comp_apply fst_conv rel_def snd_conv that)
have u_eval: "u ⌊U,s⌋ = ψ U s" if "U ∈ I" "s ∈ 𝔉 U" for U s
proof -
have Us: "⌊U, s⌋ ∈ carrier_direct_lim"
using that unfolding carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def
by (simp add: equivalence.Class_in_Partition rel_is_equivalence)
with that show ?thesis
apply (simp add: u_def Let_def)
by (metis ψ_eqI prod.exhaust_sel rel_I2 rel_carrier_Eps_in(1))
have u_PiE: "u ∈ carrier_direct_lim →⇩E A"
fix X
assume "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" then show "u X ∈ A"
by (metis carrier_direct_limE map.map_closed r_hom ring_homomorphism_def u_eval)
qed (auto simp: u_def)
have hom_u: "ring_homomorphism u carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel ⌊V, 𝟬⇘V⇙⌋ ⌊V, 𝟭⇘V⇙⌋
A add mult zero one"
have "u (add_rel ⌊U,s⌋ ⌊V,t⌋) = add (u ⌊U,s⌋) (u ⌊V,t⌋)"
if "U ∈ I" "V ∈ I" "s ∈ 𝔉 U" "t ∈ 𝔉 V" for U V s t
proof -
obtain W where "W ∈ I" and Wsub: "W ⊆ U ∩ V"
using assms has_lower_bound by (metis ‹U ∈ I› ‹V ∈ I›)
interpret ring_ψW: ring_homomorphism "ψ W" "𝔉 W" "+⇘W⇙" "⋅⇘W⇙" "𝟬⇘W⇙" "𝟭⇘W⇙" A add mult zero one
using ‹W ∈ I› r_hom by presburger
have "u (add_rel ⌊U,s⌋ ⌊V,t⌋) = u (⌊W, +⇘W⇙ (ρ U W s) (ρ V W t)⌋)"
using Wsub ‹W ∈ I› add_rel_class_of that by force
also have "… = ψ W (+⇘W⇙ (ρ U W s) (ρ V W t))"
by (metis Wsub ‹W ∈ I› direct_lim.subset_of_opens direct_lim_axioms is_map_from_is_homomorphism le_infE map.map_closed ring_ψW.source.additive.composition_closed that u_eval)
also have "… = add (ψ W ((ρ U W s))) (ψ W ((ρ V W t)))"
using that
by (meson ‹W ∈ I› ‹W ⊆ U ∩ V› inf.bounded_iff is_ring_morphism map.map_closed ring_ψW.additive.commutes_with_composition ring_homomorphism_def subset_of_opens)
also have "… = add (ψ U s) (ψ V t)"
using ‹W ∈ I› ‹W ⊆ U ∩ V› eq that by force
also have "... = add (u ⌊U,s⌋) (u ⌊V,t⌋)"
by (simp add: that u_eval)
finally show "u (add_rel ⌊U,s⌋ ⌊V,t⌋) = add (u ⌊U,s⌋) (u ⌊V,t⌋)" .
then show "u (add_rel X Y) = add (u X) (u Y)"
if "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" and "Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim" for X Y
by (metis (no_types, lifting) carrier_direct_limE that)
show "u ⌊V, 𝟬⇘V⇙⌋ = zero"
using ‹V ∈ I› ring_ψV.additive.commutes_with_unit ring_ψV.source.additive.unit_closed
u_eval by presburger
have "u (mult_rel ⌊U,s⌋ ⌊V,t⌋) = mult (u ⌊U,s⌋) (u ⌊V,t⌋)"
if "U ∈ I" "V ∈ I" "s ∈ 𝔉 U" "t ∈ 𝔉 V" for U V s t
proof -
obtain W where "W ∈ I" and Wsub: "W ⊆ U ∩ V"
by (meson ‹U ∈ I› ‹V ∈ I› has_lower_bound)
interpret ring_ψW: ring_homomorphism "ψ W" "𝔉 W" "+⇘W⇙" "⋅⇘W⇙" "𝟬⇘W⇙" "𝟭⇘W⇙" A add mult zero one
using ‹W ∈ I› r_hom by presburger
have "u (mult_rel ⌊U,s⌋ ⌊V,t⌋) = u (⌊W, ⋅⇘W⇙ (ρ U W s) (ρ V W t)⌋)"
using Wsub ‹W ∈ I› mult_rel_class_of that by force
also have "… = ψ W (⋅⇘W⇙ (ρ U W s) (ρ V W t))"
by (metis Wsub ‹W ∈ I› direct_lim.subset_of_opens direct_lim_axioms is_map_from_is_homomorphism
le_infE map.map_closed ring_ψW.source.multiplicative.composition_closed that u_eval)
also have "… = mult (ψ W ((ρ U W s))) (ψ W ((ρ V W t)))"
by (meson Wsub ‹W ∈ I› inf.boundedE is_ring_morphism map.map_closed ring_ψW.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition ring_homomorphism_def subset_of_opens that)
also have "… = mult (ψ U s) (ψ V t)"
using Wsub ‹W ∈ I› eq that by force
also have "... = mult (u ⌊U,s⌋) (u ⌊V,t⌋)"
using that u_eval by presburger
finally show "u (mult_rel ⌊U,s⌋ ⌊V,t⌋) = mult (u ⌊U,s⌋) (u ⌊V,t⌋)" .
then show "u (mult_rel X Y) = mult (u X) (u Y)"
if "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" and "Y ∈ carrier_direct_lim" for X Y
by (metis (no_types, lifting) carrier_direct_limE that)
show "u (⌊V, 𝟭⇘V⇙⌋) = one"
by (simp add: ‹V ∈ I› ring_ψV.multiplicative.commutes_with_unit u_eval)
qed (simp add: u_PiE)
show "∃!u. ring_homomorphism u carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel ⌊V, 𝟬⇘V⇙⌋ ⌊V, 𝟭⇘V⇙⌋
A add mult zero one ∧
(∀U∈I. ∀x∈𝔉 U. (u ∘ canonical_fun U) x = ψ U x)"
show "ring_homomorphism u carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel ⌊V, 𝟬⇘V⇙⌋ ⌊V, 𝟭⇘V⇙⌋ A add mult zero one ∧ (∀U∈I. ∀x∈𝔉 U. (u ∘ canonical_fun U) x = ψ U x)"
by (simp add: canonical_fun_def hom_u u_eval)
fix v
assume v: "ring_homomorphism v carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel ⌊V, 𝟬⇘V⇙⌋ ⌊V, 𝟭⇘V⇙⌋ A add mult zero one ∧ (∀U∈I. ∀x∈𝔉 U. (v ∘ canonical_fun U) x = ψ U x)"
have "u X = v X" if "X ∈ carrier_direct_lim" for X
by (metis v canonical_fun_def carrier_direct_limE comp_apply that u_eval)
moreover have "v ∈ carrier_direct_lim →⇩E A"
by (metis v Set_Theory.map_def ring_homomorphism_def)
ultimately show "v = u"
using PiE_ext u_PiE by blast
subsection ‹Locally Ringed Spaces›
subsubsection ‹Stalks of a Presheaf›
locale stalk = direct_lim +
fixes x:: "'a"
assumes is_elem: "x ∈ S" and index: "I = {U. is_open U ∧ x ∈ U}"
definition carrier_stalk:: "('a set × 'b) set set"
where "carrier_stalk ≡ dlim 𝔉 ρ (neighborhoods x)"
lemma neighborhoods_eq:"neighborhoods x = I"
unfolding index neighborhoods_def by simp
definition add_stalk:: "('a set × 'b) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set"
where "add_stalk ≡ add_rel"
definition mult_stalk:: "('a set × 'b) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set"
where "mult_stalk ≡ mult_rel"
definition zero_stalk:: "'a set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set"
where "zero_stalk V ≡ class_of V 𝟬⇘V⇙"
definition one_stalk:: "'a set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set"
where "one_stalk V ≡ class_of V 𝟭⇘V⇙"
lemma class_of_in_stalk:
assumes "A ∈ (neighborhoods x)" and "z ∈ 𝔉 A"
shows "class_of A z ∈ carrier_stalk"
proof -
interpret equivalence "Sigma I 𝔉" "{(x, y). x ∼ y}"
using rel_is_equivalence by blast
show ?thesis
using assms unfolding carrier_stalk_def neighborhoods_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) carrier_direct_lim_def class_of_def index mem_Sigma_iff natural.map_closed)
lemma stalk_is_ring:
assumes "is_open V" and "x ∈ V"
shows "ring carrier_stalk add_stalk mult_stalk (zero_stalk V) (one_stalk V)"
proof -
interpret r: ring carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel "⌊V, 𝟬⇘V⇙⌋" "⌊V, 𝟭⇘V⇙⌋"
using assms direct_lim_is_ring index by blast
show ?thesis
using r.additive.monoid_axioms
unfolding zero_stalk_def one_stalk_def add_stalk_def mult_stalk_def carrier_stalk_def
using index neighborhoods_def r.ring_axioms by metis
lemma in_zero_stalk [simp]:
assumes "V ∈ I"
shows "(V, zero_str V) ∈ zero_stalk V"
by (simp add: assms zero_stalk_def class_of_def class_of_0_in equivalence.Class_self rel_is_equivalence)
lemma in_one_stalk [simp]:
assumes "V ∈ I"
shows "(V, one_str V) ∈ one_stalk V"
by (simp add: assms one_stalk_def class_of_def class_of_1_in equivalence.Class_self rel_is_equivalence)
lemma universal_property_for_stalk:
fixes A:: "'c set" and ψ:: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c)"
assumes ringA: "ring A add mult zero one"
and hom: "⋀U. U ∈ neighborhoods x ⟹ ring_homomorphism (ψ U) (𝔉 U) (+⇘U⇙) (⋅⇘U⇙) 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙ A add mult zero one"
and eq: "⋀U V s. ⟦U ∈ neighborhoods x; V ∈ neighborhoods x; V⊆U; s ∈ 𝔉 U⟧ ⟹ (ψ V ∘ ρ U V) s = ψ U s"
shows "∀V∈(neighborhoods x). ∃!u. ring_homomorphism u
carrier_stalk add_stalk mult_stalk (zero_stalk V) (one_stalk V) A add mult zero one
∧ (∀U∈(neighborhoods x). ∀s∈(𝔉 U). (u ∘ canonical_fun U) s = ψ U s)"
proof -
note neighborhoods_eq [simp]
have "∀V∈I. ∃!u. ring_homomorphism u carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel
⌊V, 𝟬⇘V⇙⌋ ⌊V, 𝟭⇘V⇙⌋ A add mult zero one ∧
(∀U∈I. ∀x∈𝔉 U. (u ∘ canonical_fun U) x = ψ U x)"
apply (rule universal_property[OF ringA hom])
using eq by simp_all
then show ?thesis
unfolding carrier_stalk_def add_stalk_def mult_stalk_def zero_stalk_def one_stalk_def
by simp
sublocale stalk ⊆ direct_lim by (simp add: direct_lim_axioms)
subsubsection ‹Maximal Ideals›
locale max_ideal = comm_ring R "(+)" "(⋅)" "𝟬" "𝟭" + ideal I R "(+)" "(⋅)" "𝟬" "𝟭"
for R and I and addition (infixl ‹+› 65) and multiplication (infixl ‹⋅› 70) and zero (‹𝟬›) and
unit (‹𝟭›) +
assumes neq_ring: "I ≠ R" and is_max: "⋀𝔞. ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ⟹ 𝔞 ≠ R ⟹ I ⊆ 𝔞 ⟹ I = 𝔞"
lemma psubset_ring: "I ⊂ R"
using neq_ring by blast
shows "¬ (∃𝔞. ideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ∧ 𝔞 ≠ R ∧ I ⊂ 𝔞)"
using is_max by blast
text ‹A maximal ideal is prime›
proposition is_pr_ideal: "pr_ideal R I (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
show "I ≠ R"
using neq_ring by fastforce
fix x y
assume "x ∈ R" "y ∈ R" and dot: "x ⋅ y ∈ I"
then show "x ∈ I ∨ y ∈ I"
have "False" if "x ∉ I" "y ∉ I"
define J where "J ≡ {i + r ⋅ x |i r. i ∈ I ∧ r ∈ R}"
have "J ⊆ R"
using ‹x ∈ R› by (auto simp: J_def)
have "x ∈ J"
apply (simp add: J_def)
by (metis ‹x ∈ R› additive.left_unit additive.sub_unit_closed multiplicative.left_unit multiplicative.unit_closed)
interpret monJ: monoid J "(+)" 𝟬
have "𝟬 = 𝟬 + 𝟬 ⋅ x"
by (simp add: ‹x ∈ R›)
then show "𝟬 ∈ J"
by (auto simp: J_def)
fix a b
assume "a ∈ J" and "b ∈ J"
then obtain ia ra ib rb where a: "a = ia + ra ⋅ x" "ia ∈ I" "ra ∈ R"
and b: "b = ib + rb ⋅ x" "ib ∈ I" "rb ∈ R"
by (auto simp: J_def)
then have "ia + ra ⋅ x + (ib + rb ⋅ x) = ia + ib + (ra + rb) ⋅ x"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) ‹x ∈ R› additive.associative additive.commutative additive.composition_closed additive.submonoid_axioms distributive(2) multiplicative.composition_closed submonoid.sub)
with a b show "a + b ∈ J"
by (auto simp add: J_def)
fix a b c
assume "a ∈ J" and "b ∈ J" and "c ∈ J"
then show "a + b + c = a + (b + c)"
by (meson ‹J ⊆ R› additive.associative subsetD)
fix a
assume "a ∈ J"
then show "𝟬 + a = a" "a + 𝟬 = a"
using ‹J ⊆ R› additive.left_unit additive.right_unit by blast+
interpret idJ: ideal J R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
fix u
assume "u ∈ J"
then obtain i r where "u = i + r ⋅ x" "i ∈ I" "r ∈ R"
by (auto simp: J_def)
then have "-u = -i + (-r) ⋅ x"
by (simp add: ‹x ∈ R› additive.commutative additive.inverse_composition_commute local.left_minus)
with ‹i ∈ I› ‹r ∈ R› have "-u ∈ J"
by (auto simp: J_def)
with ‹u ∈ J› show "monoid.invertible J (+) 𝟬 u"
using monoid.invertibleI [where v = "-u"]
by (simp add: ‹u ∈ J› monJ.monoid_axioms ‹i ∈ I› ‹r ∈ R› ‹u = i + r ⋅ x› ‹x ∈ R›)
fix a b
assume "a ∈ R" and "b ∈ J"
then obtain i r where ir: "b = i + r ⋅ x" "i ∈ I" "r ∈ R"
by (auto simp: J_def)
then have "a ⋅ (i + r ⋅ x) = a ⋅ i + a ⋅ r ⋅ x"
by (simp add: ‹a ∈ R› ‹x ∈ R› distributive(1) multiplicative.associative)
then show "a ⋅ b ∈ J"
using ‹a ∈ R› ideal(1) ir by (force simp add: J_def)
have "b ⋅ a = i ⋅ a + r ⋅ a ⋅ x"
by (simp add: ‹a ∈ R› ‹x ∈ R› comm_mult distributive(1) ir mult_left_assoc)
then show "b ⋅ a ∈ J"
by (metis ‹J ⊆ R› ‹a ⋅ b ∈ J› ‹a ∈ R› ‹b ∈ J› comm_mult subsetD)
qed (auto simp: ‹J ⊆ R›)
have "I ⊂ J"
show "I ⊆ J"
unfolding J_def
apply clarify
by (metis ‹x ∈ R› additive.sub.right_unit additive.unit_closed left_zero)
show "I ≠ J"
using ‹x ∈ J› ‹x ∉ I› by blast
hence "J = R"
using idJ.ideal_axioms is_max by auto
hence "𝟭 ∈ J"
by fastforce
then obtain a r where "a ∈ I" "r ∈ R" "𝟭 = a + r⋅x"
unfolding J_def by blast
then have "y = (a + r⋅x) ⋅ y"
using ‹y ∈ R› multiplicative.left_unit by presburger
also have "… = a ⋅ y + r⋅x⋅y"
by (simp add: ‹a ∈ I› ‹r ∈ R› ‹x ∈ R› ‹y ∈ R› distributive(2))
also have "… ∈ I"
by (simp add: ‹a ∈ I› ‹r ∈ R› ‹x ∈ R› ‹y ∈ R› dot ideal multiplicative.associative)
finally have "y ∈ I" .
thus ?thesis using that(2) by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
subsubsection ‹Maximal Left Ideals›
locale lideal = subgroup_of_additive_group_of_ring +
assumes lideal: "⟦ r ∈ R; a ∈ I ⟧ ⟹ r ⋅ a ∈ I"
lemma subset: "I ⊆ R"
by blast
lemma has_one_imp_equal:
assumes "𝟭 ∈ I"
shows "I = R"
by (metis assms lideal subset multiplicative.right_unit subsetI subset_antisym)
lemma (in comm_ring) ideal_iff_lideal:
"ideal I R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ⟷ lideal I R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then interpret I: ideal I R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 .
show ?rhs
proof qed (use I.ideal in presburger)
assume ?rhs
then interpret I: lideal I R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 .
show ?lhs
fix r a
assume "r ∈ R" "a ∈ I"
then show "r ⋅ a ∈ I"
using I.lideal by blast
then show "a ⋅ r ∈ I"
by (simp add: ‹a ∈ I› ‹r ∈ R› comm_mult)
locale max_lideal = lideal +
assumes neq_ring: "I ≠ R" and is_max: "⋀𝔞. lideal 𝔞 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ⟹ 𝔞 ≠ R ⟹ I ⊆ 𝔞 ⟹ I = 𝔞"
lemma (in comm_ring) max_ideal_iff_max_lideal:
"max_ideal R I (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ⟷ max_lideal I R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then interpret I: max_ideal R I "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 .
show ?rhs
proof intro_locales
show "lideal_axioms I R (⋅)"
by (simp add: I.ideal(1) lideal_axioms.intro)
show "max_lideal_axioms I R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
by (simp add: I.is_max I.neq_ring ideal_iff_lideal max_lideal_axioms.intro)
assume ?rhs
then interpret I: max_lideal I R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 .
show ?lhs
proof intro_locales
show "ideal_axioms I R (⋅)"
by (meson I.lideal_axioms ideal_def ideal_iff_lideal)
show "max_ideal_axioms R I (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
by (meson I.is_max I.neq_ring ideal_iff_lideal max_ideal_axioms.intro)
subsubsection ‹Local Rings›
locale local_ring = ring +
assumes is_unique: "⋀I J. max_lideal I R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ⟹ max_lideal J R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ⟹ I = J"
and has_max_lideal: "∃𝔴. max_lideal 𝔴 R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭"
lemma im_of_ideal_is_ideal:
assumes I: "ideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA"
and f: "ring_epimorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "ideal (f ` I) B addB multB zeroB oneB"
proof -
interpret IA: ideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA
using I by blast
interpret fepi: ring_epimorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
using f by force
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show sma: "submonoid_axioms (f ` I) B addB zeroB"
show "f ` I ⊆ B"
by blast
have "zeroA ∈ I"
by simp
then show "zeroB ∈ f ` I"
using fepi.additive.commutes_with_unit by blast
fix b1 b2
assume "b1 ∈ f ` I" and "b2 ∈ f ` I"
then show "addB b1 b2 ∈ f ` I"
unfolding image_iff
by (metis IA.additive.sub IA.additive.sub_composition_closed fepi.additive.commutes_with_composition)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (f ` I) addB zeroB"
fix a b
assume "a ∈ f ` I" "b ∈ f ` I"
then show "addB a b ∈ f ` I"
by (meson sma submonoid_axioms_def)
show "zeroB ∈ f ` I"
using fepi.additive.commutes_with_unit by blast
qed auto
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (f ` I) addB zeroB"
fix b
assume "b ∈ f ` I"
then obtain i where "b = f i" "i ∈ I"
by blast
then obtain j where "addA i j = zeroA" "j ∈ I"
using IA.additive.sub.invertible_right_inverse by blast
then show "monoid.invertible (f ` I) addB zeroB b"
by (metis IA.additive.commutative IA.additive.sub ‹Group_Theory.monoid (f ` I) addB zeroB› ‹b = f i› ‹i ∈ I› fepi.additive.commutes_with_composition fepi.additive.commutes_with_unit image_eqI monoid.invertibleI)
show "ideal_axioms (f ` I) B multB"
fix b fi
assume "b ∈ B" and "fi ∈ f ` I"
then obtain i where i: "fi = f i" "i ∈ I"
by blast
obtain a where a: "a ∈ A" "f a = b"
using ‹b ∈ B› fepi.surjective by blast
then show "multB b fi ∈ f ` I"
by (metis IA.additive.submonoid_axioms IA.ideal(1) ‹fi = f i› ‹i ∈ I› fepi.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition image_iff submonoid.sub)
then show "multB fi b ∈ f ` I"
by (metis IA.additive.sub IA.ideal(2) a i fepi.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition imageI)
lemma im_of_lideal_is_lideal:
assumes I: "lideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA"
and f: "ring_epimorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "lideal (f ` I) B addB multB zeroB oneB"
proof -
interpret IA: lideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA
using I by blast
interpret fepi: ring_epimorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
using f by force
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show sma: "submonoid_axioms (f ` I) B addB zeroB"
show "f ` I ⊆ B"
by blast
have "zeroA ∈ I"
by simp
then show "zeroB ∈ f ` I"
using fepi.additive.commutes_with_unit by blast
fix b1 b2
assume "b1 ∈ f ` I" and "b2 ∈ f ` I"
then show "addB b1 b2 ∈ f ` I"
unfolding image_iff
by (metis IA.additive.sub IA.additive.sub_composition_closed fepi.additive.commutes_with_composition)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (f ` I) addB zeroB"
fix a b
assume "a ∈ f ` I" "b ∈ f ` I"
then show "addB a b ∈ f ` I"
by (meson sma submonoid_axioms_def)
show "zeroB ∈ f ` I"
using fepi.additive.commutes_with_unit by blast
qed auto
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (f ` I) addB zeroB"
fix b
assume "b ∈ f ` I"
then obtain i where "b = f i" "i ∈ I"
by blast
then obtain j where "addA i j = zeroA" "j ∈ I"
using IA.additive.sub.invertible_right_inverse by blast
then show "monoid.invertible (f ` I) addB zeroB b"
by (metis IA.additive.commutative IA.additive.sub ‹Group_Theory.monoid (f ` I) addB zeroB› ‹b = f i› ‹i ∈ I› fepi.additive.commutes_with_composition fepi.additive.commutes_with_unit image_eqI monoid.invertibleI)
show "lideal_axioms (f ` I) B multB"
fix b fi
assume "b ∈ B" and "fi ∈ f ` I"
then obtain i where i: "fi = f i" "i ∈ I"
by blast
obtain a where a: "a ∈ A" "f a = b"
using ‹b ∈ B› fepi.surjective by blast
then show "multB b fi ∈ f ` I"
by (metis IA.additive.submonoid_axioms IA.lideal(1) ‹fi = f i› ‹i ∈ I› fepi.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition image_iff submonoid.sub)
lemma im_of_max_lideal_is_max:
assumes I: "max_lideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA"
and f: "ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "max_lideal (f ` I) B addB multB zeroB oneB"
proof -
interpret maxI: max_lideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA
using I by blast
interpret fiso: ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
using f by force
interpret fIB: lideal "f ` I" B addB multB zeroB oneB
proof intro_locales
show "submonoid_axioms (f ` I) B addB zeroB"
show "addB a b ∈ f ` I"
if "a ∈ f ` I" "b ∈ f ` I" for a b
using that
by (clarsimp simp: image_iff) (metis fiso.additive.commutes_with_composition maxI.additive.sub maxI.additive.sub_composition_closed)
qed (use fiso.additive.commutes_with_unit in auto)
then show "Group_Theory.monoid (f ` I) addB zeroB"
unfolding submonoid_axioms_def monoid_def
by (meson subsetD)
then show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (f ` I) addB zeroB"
apply (clarsimp simp: Group_Theory.group_axioms_def image_iff monoid.invertible_def)
by (metis fiso.additive.commutes_with_composition fiso.additive.commutes_with_unit maxI.additive.sub maxI.additive.sub.invertible maxI.additive.sub.invertible_def)
have "⋀r x. ⟦r ∈ B; x ∈ I⟧ ⟹ ∃xa∈I. multB r (f x) = f xa"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) fiso.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition fiso.surjective image_iff maxI.additive.sub maxI.lideal)
then show "lideal_axioms (f ` I) B multB"
by (force intro!: lideal_axioms.intro)
show ?thesis
proof unfold_locales
show "f ` I ≠ B"
using maxI.neq_ring fiso.bijective maxI.additive.submonoid_axioms
unfolding submonoid_axioms_def submonoid_def
by (metis bij_betw_imp_inj_on fiso.surjective inj_on_image_eq_iff subset_iff)
fix J
assume "lideal J B addB multB zeroB oneB" and "J ≠ B" and fim: "f ` I ⊆ J"
then interpret JB: lideal J B addB multB zeroB oneB
by blast
have §: "lideal (f ⇧¯ A J) A addA multA zeroA oneA"
proof intro_locales
show sma: "submonoid_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) A addA zeroA"
show "addA a b ∈ f ⇧¯ A J" if "a ∈ f ⇧¯ A J" and "b ∈ f ⇧¯ A J" for a b
using that
apply clarsimp
using JB.additive.sub_composition_closed fiso.additive.commutes_with_composition by presburger
qed blast+
show "Group_Theory.monoid (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Group_Theory.monoid.intro IntD2 sma maxI.additive.associative maxI.additive.left_unit maxI.additive.right_unit submonoid_axioms_def)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA"
fix x
assume "x ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
then show "monoid.invertible (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA x"
apply clarify
by (smt (verit, best) JB.additive.sub.invertible JB.additive.submonoid_inverse_closed IntI ‹Group_Theory.monoid (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA› fiso.additive.invertible_commutes_with_inverse maxI.additive.inverse_equality maxI.additive.invertible maxI.additive.invertibleE monoid.invertible_def vimageI)
show "lideal_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) A multA"
fix a j
assume §: "a ∈ A" "j ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
then show "multA a j ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
using JB.lideal(1) fiso.map_closed fiso.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition
by simp
have "I = f ⇧¯ A J"
proof (rule maxI.is_max [OF §])
show "f ⇧¯ A J ≠ A"
using JB.additive.sub ‹J ≠ B› fiso.surjective by blast
show "I ⊆ f ⇧¯ A J"
by (meson fim image_subset_iff_subset_vimage inf_greatest maxI.additive.sub subset_iff)
then have "J ⊆ f ` I"
using JB.additive.sub fiso.surjective by blast
with fim show "f ` I = J" ..
lemma im_of_max_ideal_is_max:
assumes I: "max_ideal A I addA multA zeroA oneA"
and f: "ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "max_ideal B (f ` I) addB multB zeroB oneB"
proof -
interpret maxI: max_ideal A I addA multA zeroA oneA
using I by blast
interpret fiso: ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
using f by force
interpret fIB: ideal "f ` I" B addB multB zeroB oneB
using maxI.ideal_axioms fiso.ring_homomorphism_axioms
by (meson fiso.ring_epimorphism_axioms im_of_ideal_is_ideal)
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show "comm_ring_axioms B multB"
fix b1 b2
assume "b1 ∈ B" and "b2 ∈ B"
then obtain a1 a2 where a1: "a1 ∈ A" "f a1 = b1" and a2: "a2 ∈ A" "f a2 = b2"
using fiso.surjective by blast
then have "multA a1 a2 = multA a2 a1"
using maxI.comm_mult by presburger
then show "multB b1 b2 = multB b2 b1"
by (metis a1 a2 fiso.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition)
show "max_ideal_axioms B (f ` I) addB multB zeroB oneB"
obtain i where "i ∈ A" "i ∉ I"
using maxI.neq_ring by blast
then have "f i ∉ f ` I"
unfolding image_iff
by (metis fiso.injective inj_on_def maxI.additive.sub)
then show "f ` I ≠ B"
using ‹i ∈ A› fiso.map_closed by blast
fix J
assume "ideal J B addB multB zeroB oneB" and "J ≠ B" and fim: "f ` I ⊆ J"
then interpret JB: ideal J B addB multB zeroB oneB
by blast
have §: "ideal (f ⇧¯ A J) A addA multA zeroA oneA"
proof intro_locales
show sma: "submonoid_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) A addA zeroA"
show "addA a b ∈ f ⇧¯ A J" if "a ∈ f ⇧¯ A J" and "b ∈ f ⇧¯ A J" for a b
using that
apply clarsimp
using JB.additive.sub_composition_closed fiso.additive.commutes_with_composition by presburger
qed blast+
show "Group_Theory.monoid (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Group_Theory.monoid.intro IntD2 sma maxI.additive.associative maxI.additive.left_unit maxI.additive.right_unit submonoid_axioms_def)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA"
fix x
assume "x ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
then show "monoid.invertible (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA x"
apply clarify
by (smt (verit, best) JB.additive.sub.invertible JB.additive.submonoid_inverse_closed IntI ‹Group_Theory.monoid (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA› fiso.additive.invertible_commutes_with_inverse maxI.additive.inverse_equality maxI.additive.invertible maxI.additive.invertibleE monoid.invertible_def vimageI)
show "ideal_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) A multA"
fix a j
assume §: "a ∈ A" "j ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
then show "multA a j ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
using JB.ideal(1) fiso.map_closed fiso.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition
by simp
then show "multA j a ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
by (metis Int_iff § maxI.comm_mult)
have "I = f ⇧¯ A J"
by (metis "§" JB.additive.sub ‹J ≠ B› fim fiso.surjective image_subset_iff_subset_vimage
le_inf_iff maxI.is_max maxI.psubset_ring psubsetE subsetI subset_antisym)
then show "f ` I = J"
using JB.additive.sub fiso.surjective
by blast
lemma preim_of_ideal_is_ideal:
fixes f :: "'a⇒'b"
assumes J: "ideal J B addB multB zeroB oneB"
and "ring_homomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "ideal (f⇧¯ A J) A addA multA zeroA oneA"
proof -
interpret JB: ideal J B addB multB zeroB oneB
using J by blast
interpret f: ring_homomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
using assms by force
interpret preB: ring "f ⇧¯ A B" addA multA zeroA oneA
using f.ring_preimage by blast
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show "submonoid_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) A addA zeroA"
by (auto simp add: submonoid_axioms_def f.additive.commutes_with_composition f.additive.commutes_with_unit)
then show grp_fAJ: "Group_Theory.monoid (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA"
by (auto simp: submonoid_axioms_def Group_Theory.monoid_def)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA"
unfolding group_def
fix x
assume x: "x ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
then have "f x ∈ J" "x ∈ A"
by auto
then obtain v where "f v ∈ J ∧ v ∈ A ∧ addA x v = zeroA"
by (metis JB.additive.sub.invertible JB.additive.submonoid_inverse_closed f.additive.invertible_commutes_with_inverse
f.source.additive.invertible f.source.additive.invertible_inverse_closed f.source.additive.invertible_right_inverse)
then show "monoid.invertible (f ⇧¯ A J) addA zeroA x"
by (metis Int_iff f.source.additive.commutative grp_fAJ monoid.invertibleI vimageI x)
show "ideal_axioms (f ⇧¯ A J) A multA"
fix a j
assume §: "a ∈ A" "j ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
then show "multA j a ∈ f ⇧¯ A J" "multA a j ∈ f ⇧¯ A J"
using JB.ideal f.map_closed f.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition by force+
lemma preim_of_max_ideal_is_max:
fixes f:: "'a ⇒ 'b"
assumes J: "max_ideal B J addB multB zeroB oneB"
and f: "ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "max_ideal A (f⇧¯ A J) addA multA zeroA oneA"
proof -
interpret maxJ: max_ideal B J addB multB zeroB oneB
using J by blast
interpret fiso: ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
using f by force
interpret fAJ: ideal "f⇧¯ A J" A addA multA zeroA oneA
using maxJ.ideal_axioms fiso.ring_homomorphism_axioms by (blast intro: preim_of_ideal_is_ideal)
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show "comm_ring_axioms A multA"
fix a b
assume "a ∈ A" and "b ∈ A"
then have "multB (f a) (f b) = multB (f b) (f a)"
using fiso.map_closed maxJ.comm_mult by presburger
then show "multA a b = multA b a"
by (metis bij_betw_iff_bijections ‹a ∈ A› ‹b ∈ A› fiso.bijective fiso.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition fiso.source.multiplicative.composition_closed)
show "max_ideal_axioms A (f ⇧¯ A J) addA multA zeroA oneA"
show "f ⇧¯ A J ≠ A"
using fiso.surjective maxJ.additive.sub maxJ.neq_ring by blast
fix I
assume "ideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA"
and "I ≠ A" and "f ⇧¯ A J ⊆ I"
then interpret IA: ideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA
by blast
have mon_fI: "Group_Theory.monoid (f ` I) addB zeroB"
fix a b
assume "a ∈ f ` I" "b ∈ f ` I"
then show "addB a b ∈ f ` I"
unfolding image_iff
by (metis IA.additive.sub IA.additive.sub_composition_closed fiso.additive.commutes_with_composition)
show "zeroB ∈ f ` I"
using fiso.additive.commutes_with_unit by blast
qed blast+
have ideal_fI: "ideal (f ` I) B addB multB zeroB oneB"
show "f ` I ⊆ B"
by blast
show "zeroB ∈ f ` I"
using fiso.additive.commutes_with_unit by blast
fix a b
assume "a ∈ f ` I" and "b ∈ f ` I"
then show "addB a b ∈ f ` I"
unfolding image_iff
by (metis IA.additive.sub IA.additive.sub_composition_closed fiso.additive.commutes_with_composition)
fix b
assume "b ∈ f ` I"
then obtain i where i: "b = f i" "i ∈ I"
by blast
then obtain j where "addA i j = zeroA" "j ∈ I"
by (meson IA.additive.sub.invertible IA.additive.sub.invertibleE)
then have "addB b (f j) = zeroB"
by (metis IA.additive.sub i fiso.additive.commutes_with_composition fiso.additive.commutes_with_unit)
then show "monoid.invertible (f ` I) addB zeroB b"
by (metis IA.additive.sub i ‹j ∈ I› fiso.map_closed imageI maxJ.additive.commutative mon_fI monoid.invertibleI)
fix a b
assume "a ∈ B" and "b ∈ f ` I"
with IA.ideal show "multB a b ∈ f ` I" "multB b a ∈ f ` I"
by (smt (verit, best) IA.additive.sub fiso.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition fiso.surjective image_iff)+
qed blast+
have "J = f ` I"
proof (rule maxJ.is_max [OF ideal_fI])
show "f ` I ≠ B"
by (metis IA.additive.sub ‹I ≠ A› fiso.injective fiso.surjective inj_on_image_eq_iff subsetI)
show "J ⊆ f ` I"
unfolding image_def
apply clarify
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Int_iff ‹f ⇧¯ A J ⊆ I› fiso.surjective imageE maxJ.additive.sub subset_eq vimageI)
then show "f ⇧¯ A J = I"
using ‹f ⇧¯ A J ⊆ I› by blast
lemma preim_of_lideal_is_lideal:
assumes "lideal I B addB multB zeroB oneB"
and "ring_homomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "lideal (f ⇧¯ A I) (f ⇧¯ A B) addA multA zeroA oneA"
proof -
interpret A: ring A addA multA zeroA oneA
by (meson assms ring_homomorphism_def)
interpret B: ring B addB multB zeroB oneB
by (meson assms ring_homomorphism_def)
interpret f: ring_homomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
using assms by blast
interpret preB: ring "f ⇧¯ A B" addA multA zeroA oneA
using f.ring_preimage by blast
interpret IB: lideal I B addB multB zeroB oneB
by (simp add: assms)
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show "submonoid_axioms (f ⇧¯ A I) (f ⇧¯ A B) addA zeroA"
by (auto simp add: submonoid_axioms_def f.additive.commutes_with_composition f.additive.commutes_with_unit)
have "(A.additive.inverse u) ∈ f ⇧¯ A I" if "f u ∈ I" and "u ∈ A" for u
proof -
have "f (A.additive.inverse u) = B.additive.inverse (f u)"
using A.additive.invertible f.additive.invertible_commutes_with_inverse that by presburger
then show ?thesis
using A.additive.invertible_inverse_closed that by blast
moreover have "addA (A.additive.inverse u) u = zeroA" "addA u (A.additive.inverse u) = zeroA" if "u ∈ A" for u
by (auto simp add: that)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (f ⇧¯ A I) addA zeroA"
by (auto simp: monoid_def f.additive.commutes_with_composition f.additive.commutes_with_unit)
ultimately show "Group_Theory.group_axioms (f ⇧¯ A I) addA zeroA"
unfolding group_axioms_def by (metis IntE monoid.invertibleI vimage_eq)
show "lideal_axioms (f ⇧¯ A I) (f ⇧¯ A B) multA"
unfolding lideal_axioms_def
using IB.lideal f.map_closed f.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition by force
lemma preim_of_max_lideal_is_max:
assumes "max_lideal I B addB multB zeroB oneB"
and "ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "max_lideal (f ⇧¯ A I) (f ⇧¯ A B) addA multA zeroA oneA"
proof -
interpret f: ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
using assms by blast
interpret MI: max_lideal I B addB multB zeroB oneB
by (simp add: assms)
interpret pre: lideal "f ⇧¯ A I" "f ⇧¯ A B" addA multA zeroA oneA
by (meson preim_of_lideal_is_lideal MI.lideal_axioms f.ring_homomorphism_axioms)
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show "max_lideal_axioms (f ⇧¯ A I) (f ⇧¯ A B) addA multA zeroA oneA"
show "f ⇧¯ A I ≠ f ⇧¯ A B"
using MI.neq_ring MI.subset f.surjective by blast
fix 𝔞
assume "lideal 𝔞 (f ⇧¯ A B) addA multA zeroA oneA"
and "𝔞 ≠ f ⇧¯ A B"
and "f ⇧¯ A I ⊆ 𝔞"
then interpret lideal 𝔞 "f ⇧¯ A B" addA multA zeroA oneA
by metis
have "f ` 𝔞 ≠ B"
by (metis Int_absorb1 ‹𝔞 ≠ f ⇧¯ A B› f.injective f.surjective image_subset_iff_subset_vimage inj_on_image_eq_iff subset subset_iff)
moreover have "I ⊆ f ` 𝔞"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Int_iff MI.subset ‹f ⇧¯ A I ⊆ 𝔞› f.surjective image_iff subset_iff vimageI)
moreover have "lideal (f ` 𝔞) B addB multB zeroB oneB"
by (metis f.multiplicative.image.subset f.ring_epimorphism_axioms im_of_lideal_is_lideal image_subset_iff_subset_vimage inf.orderE inf_sup_aci(1) lideal_axioms)
ultimately show "f ⇧¯ A I = 𝔞"
by (metis MI.is_max ‹f ⇧¯ A I ⊆ 𝔞› image_subset_iff_subset_vimage le_inf_iff subset subset_antisym)
lemma isomorphic_to_local_is_local:
assumes lring: "local_ring B addB multB zeroB oneB"
and iso: "ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "local_ring A addA multA zeroA oneA"
proof intro_locales
interpret ring A addA multA zeroA oneA
by (meson iso ring_homomorphism.axioms(2) ring_isomorphism.axioms(1))
show "Group_Theory.monoid A addA zeroA"
by (simp add: additive.monoid_axioms)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms A addA zeroA"
by (meson Group_Theory.group_def additive.group_axioms)
show "commutative_monoid_axioms A addA"
by (simp add: additive.commutative commutative_monoid_axioms_def)
show "Group_Theory.monoid A multA oneA"
by (simp add: multiplicative.monoid_axioms)
show "ring_axioms A addA multA"
by (meson local.ring_axioms ring.axioms(3))
have hom: "monoid_homomorphism f A multA oneA B multB oneB"
by (meson iso ring_homomorphism_def ring_isomorphism.axioms(1))
have "bij_betw f A B"
using iso map.graph
by (simp add: bijective.bijective ring_isomorphism_def bijective_map_def)
show "local_ring_axioms A addA multA zeroA oneA"
fix I J
assume I: "max_lideal I A addA multA zeroA oneA" and J: "max_lideal J A addA multA zeroA oneA"
show "I = J"
have "max_lideal (f ` I) B addB multB zeroB oneB"
by (meson I im_of_max_lideal_is_max iso)
moreover have "max_lideal (f ` J) B addB multB zeroB oneB"
by (meson J im_of_max_lideal_is_max iso)
ultimately have "f ` I = f ` J"
by (meson local_ring.is_unique lring)
thus ?thesis
using bij_betw_imp_inj_on [OF ‹bij_betw f A B›]
by (meson I J inj_on_image_eq_iff lideal.subset max_lideal.axioms(1))
show "∃𝔴. max_lideal 𝔴 A addA multA zeroA oneA"
by (meson im_of_max_lideal_is_max iso local_ring.has_max_lideal lring ring_isomorphism.inverse_ring_isomorphism)
lemma (in pr_ideal) local_ring_at_is_local:
shows "local_ring carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at mult_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at one_local_ring_at"
interpret cq: quotient_ring "R∖I" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
by (simp add: Comm_Ring.quotient_ring_def comm.comm_ring_axioms submonoid_pr_ideal)
define 𝔴 where "𝔴 ≡ {quotient_ring.frac (R∖I) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 r s| r s. r ∈ I ∧ s ∈ (R ∖ I)}"
have maximal: "𝔞 ⊆ 𝔴"
if "lideal 𝔞 carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at mult_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at one_local_ring_at"
and ne: "𝔞 ≠ carrier_local_ring_at" for 𝔞
fix x
interpret 𝔞: lideal 𝔞 carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at mult_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at one_local_ring_at
using that by blast
assume "x ∈ 𝔞"
have "False" if "x ∉ 𝔴"
proof -
obtain r s where "r ∈ R" "s ∈ R" "s ∉ I" "r ∉ I" "x = cq.frac r s"
using frac_from_carrier_local ‹x ∈ 𝔞› ‹x ∉ 𝔴› [unfolded 𝔴_def, simplified]
by (metis 𝔞.additive.sub)
then have sr: "cq.frac s r ∈ carrier_local_ring_at"
by (simp add: ‹r ∈ R› ‹s ∈ R› carrier_local_ring_at_def)
have [simp]: "r ⋅ s ∉ I"
using ‹r ∈ R› ‹r ∉ I› ‹s ∈ R› ‹s ∉ I› absorbent by blast
have "one_local_ring_at = cq.frac 𝟭 𝟭"
by (simp add: one_local_ring_at_def cq.one_rel_def)
also have "... = cq.frac (s ⋅ r) (r ⋅ s)"
using ‹r ∈ R› ‹r ∉ I› ‹s ∈ R› ‹s ∉ I›
by (intro cq.frac_eqI [of 𝟭]) (auto simp: comm.comm_mult)
also have "... = cq.mult_rel (cq.frac s r) (cq.frac r s)"
using ‹r ∈ R› ‹r ∉ I› ‹s ∈ R› ‹s ∉ I› by (simp add: cq.mult_rel_frac)
also have "… = mult_local_ring_at (cq.frac s r) (cq.frac r s)"
using mult_local_ring_at_def by force
also have "... ∈ 𝔞"
using 𝔞.lideal ‹x = cq.frac r s› ‹x ∈ 𝔞› sr by blast
finally have "one_local_ring_at ∈ 𝔞" .
thus ?thesis
using ne 𝔞.has_one_imp_equal by force
thus "x ∈ 𝔴" by auto
have uminus_closed: "uminus_local_ring_at u ∈ 𝔴" if "u ∈ 𝔴" for u
using that by (force simp: 𝔴_def cq.uminus_rel_frac uminus_local_ring_at_def)
have add_closed: "add_local_ring_at a b ∈ 𝔴" if "a ∈ 𝔴" "b ∈ 𝔴" for a b
proof -
obtain ra sa rb sb where ab: "a = cq.frac ra sa" "b = cq.frac rb sb"
and "ra ∈ I" "rb ∈ I" "sa ∈ R" "sa ∉ I" "sb ∈ R" "sb ∉ I"
using ‹a ∈ 𝔴› ‹b ∈ 𝔴› by (auto simp: 𝔴_def)
then have "add_local_ring_at (cq.frac ra sa) (cq.frac rb sb) = cq.frac (ra ⋅ sb + rb ⋅ sa) (sa ⋅ sb)"
by (force simp add: cq.add_rel_frac add_local_ring_at_def)
moreover have "ra ⋅ sb + rb ⋅ sa ∈ I"
by (simp add: ‹ra ∈ I› ‹rb ∈ I› ‹sa ∈ R› ‹sb ∈ R› ideal(2))
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding 𝔴_def using ‹sa ∈ R› ‹sa ∉ I› ‹sb ∈ R› ‹sb ∉ I› ab absorbent by blast
interpret 𝔴: lideal 𝔴 carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at mult_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at one_local_ring_at
proof intro_locales
show subm: "submonoid_axioms 𝔴 carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at"
show "𝔴 ⊆ carrier_local_ring_at"
using 𝔴_def comm.comm_ring_axioms comm.frac_in_carrier_local comm_ring.spectrum_def pr_ideal_axioms by fastforce
show "zero_local_ring_at ∈ 𝔴"
using 𝔴_def comm.spectrum_def comm.spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring not_1 pr_ideal_axioms quotient_ring.zero_rel_def zero_local_ring_at_def by fastforce
qed (auto simp: add_closed)
show mon: "Group_Theory.monoid 𝔴 add_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at"
show "zero_local_ring_at ∈ 𝔴"
by (meson subm submonoid_axioms_def)
fix a b c
assume "a ∈ 𝔴" "b ∈ 𝔴" "c ∈ 𝔴"
then show "add_local_ring_at (add_local_ring_at a b) c = add_local_ring_at a (add_local_ring_at b c)"
by (meson additive.associative in_mono subm submonoid_axioms_def)
fix a assume "a ∈ 𝔴"
show "add_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at a = a"
by (meson ‹a ∈ 𝔴› subm additive.left_unit in_mono submonoid_axioms_def)
show "add_local_ring_at a zero_local_ring_at = a"
by (meson ‹a ∈ 𝔴› additive.right_unit in_mono subm submonoid_axioms_def)
qed (auto simp: add_closed)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms 𝔴 add_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at"
proof unfold_locales
fix u
assume "u ∈ 𝔴"
show "monoid.invertible 𝔴 add_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at u"
proof (rule monoid.invertibleI [OF mon])
show "add_local_ring_at u (uminus_local_ring_at u) = zero_local_ring_at"
using ‹u ∈ 𝔴›
apply (clarsimp simp add: 𝔴_def add_local_ring_at_def zero_local_ring_at_def uminus_local_ring_at_def)
by (metis Diff_iff additive.submonoid_axioms cq.add_minus_zero_rel cq.valid_frac_def submonoid.sub)
then show "add_local_ring_at (uminus_local_ring_at u) u = zero_local_ring_at"
using subm unfolding submonoid_axioms_def
by (simp add: ‹u ∈ 𝔴› additive.commutative subset_iff uminus_closed)
qed (use ‹u ∈ 𝔴› uminus_closed in auto)
show "lideal_axioms 𝔴 carrier_local_ring_at mult_local_ring_at"
fix a b
assume a: "a ∈ carrier_local_ring_at"
then obtain ra sa where a: "a = cq.frac ra sa" and "ra ∈ R" and sa: "sa ∈ R" "sa ∉ I"
by (meson frac_from_carrier_local)
then have "a ∈ carrier_local_ring_at"
by (simp add: comm.frac_in_carrier_local comm.spectrum_def pr_ideal_axioms)
assume "b ∈ 𝔴"
then obtain rb sb where b: "b = cq.frac rb sb" and "rb ∈ I" and sb: "sb ∈ R" "sb ∉ I"
using 𝔴_def by blast
have "cq.mult_rel (cq.frac ra sa) (cq.frac rb sb) = cq.frac (ra ⋅ rb) (sa ⋅ sb)"
using ‹ra ∈ R› sa ‹rb ∈ I› sb
by (force simp: cq.mult_rel_frac)
then show "mult_local_ring_at a b ∈ 𝔴"
apply (clarsimp simp add: mult_local_ring_at_def 𝔴_def a b)
by (metis Diff_iff ‹ra ∈ R› ‹rb ∈ I› cq.sub_composition_closed ideal(1) sa sb)
have max: "max_lideal 𝔴 carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at mult_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at one_local_ring_at"
have False
if "s ∈ R∖I" "r ∈ I" and eq: "cq.frac 𝟭 𝟭 = cq.frac r s" for r s
using that eq_from_eq_frac [OF eq] ‹r ∈ I› comm.additive.abelian_group_axioms
unfolding abelian_group_def
by (metis Diff_iff absorbent additive.sub comm.additive.cancel_imp_equal comm.inverse_distributive(1) comm.multiplicative.composition_closed cq.sub_unit_closed ideal(1))
then have "cq.frac 𝟭 𝟭 ∉ 𝔴"
using 𝔴_def by blast
moreover have "cq.frac 𝟭 𝟭 ∈ carrier_local_ring_at"
using carrier_local_ring_at_def cq.multiplicative.unit_closed cq.one_rel_def by force
ultimately show "𝔴 ≠ carrier_local_ring_at"
by blast
qed (use maximal in blast)
have "⋀J. max_lideal J carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at mult_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at one_local_ring_at
⟹ J = 𝔴"
by (metis maximal max max_lideal.axioms(1) max_lideal.is_max max_lideal.neq_ring)
with max show ?thesis
by (metis local.ring_axioms local_ring_axioms_def local_ring_def)
definition (in stalk) is_local:: "'a set ⇒ bool" where
"is_local U ≡ local_ring carrier_stalk add_stalk mult_stalk (zero_stalk U) (one_stalk U)"
locale local_ring_morphism =
source: local_ring A "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 + target: local_ring B "(+')" "(⋅')" "𝟬'" "𝟭'"
+ ring_homomorphism f A "(+)" "(⋅)" "𝟬" "𝟭" B "(+')" "(⋅')" "𝟬'" "𝟭'"
for f and
A and addition (infixl ‹+› 65) and multiplication (infixl ‹⋅› 70) and zero (‹𝟬›) and unit (‹𝟭›) and
B and addition' (infixl ‹+''› 65) and multiplication' (infixl ‹⋅''› 70) and zero' (‹𝟬''›) and unit' (‹𝟭''›)
+ assumes preimage_of_max_lideal:
"⋀𝔴⇩A 𝔴⇩B. max_lideal 𝔴⇩A A (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 ⟹ max_lideal 𝔴⇩B B (+') (⋅') 𝟬' 𝟭' ⟹ (f⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩B) = 𝔴⇩A"
lemma id_is_local_ring_morphism:
assumes "local_ring A add mult zero one"
shows "local_ring_morphism (identity A) A add mult zero one A add mult zero one"
proof -
interpret local_ring A add mult zero one
by (simp add: assms)
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show " (identity A) A A"
by (simp add: Set_Theory.map_def)
show "monoid_homomorphism_axioms (identity A) A add zero add zero"
by (simp add: monoid_homomorphism_axioms_def)
show "monoid_homomorphism_axioms (identity A) A mult one mult one"
by (simp add: monoid_homomorphism_axioms_def)
show "local_ring_morphism_axioms (identity A) A add mult zero one A add mult zero one"
fix 𝔴⇩A 𝔴⇩B
assume "max_lideal 𝔴⇩A A add mult zero one" "max_lideal 𝔴⇩B A add mult zero one"
then have "𝔴⇩B ∩ A = 𝔴⇩A"
by (metis Int_absorb2 is_unique lideal.subset max_lideal.axioms(1))
then show "identity A ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩B = 𝔴⇩A"
by (simp add: preimage_identity_self)
lemma (in ring_epimorphism) preim_subset_imp_subset:
assumes "η ⇧¯ R I ⊆ η ⇧¯ R J" and "I ⊆ R'"
shows "I ⊆ J"
using Int_absorb1 assms surjective
by blast
lemma iso_is_local_ring_morphism:
assumes "local_ring A addA multA zeroA oneA"
and "ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
shows "local_ring_morphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
proof -
interpret A: local_ring A addA multA zeroA oneA
using assms(1) by blast
interpret B: ring B addB multB zeroB oneB
by (meson assms(2) ring_homomorphism_def ring_isomorphism_def)
interpret f: ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
by (simp add: assms)
interpret preB: ring "f ⇧¯ A B" addA multA zeroA oneA
by (metis (no_types) A.ring_axioms f.multiplicative.image.subset image_subset_iff_subset_vimage inf.absorb2)
show ?thesis
fix I J
assume "max_lideal I B addB multB zeroB oneB"
then interpret MI: max_lideal I B addB multB zeroB oneB
by simp
assume "max_lideal J B addB multB zeroB oneB"
then interpret MJ: max_lideal J B addB multB zeroB oneB
by simp
interpret GI: subgroup I B addB zeroB
by unfold_locales
have "max_lideal (f ⇧¯ A I) (f ⇧¯ A B) addA multA zeroA oneA"
by (metis (no_types) MI.max_lideal_axioms f.ring_isomorphism_axioms preim_of_max_lideal_is_max)
moreover have "max_lideal (f ⇧¯ A J) (f ⇧¯ A B) addA multA zeroA oneA"
by (meson MJ.max_lideal_axioms f.ring_isomorphism_axioms preim_of_max_lideal_is_max)
ultimately have "f ⇧¯ A I = f ⇧¯ A J"
by (metis A.is_unique Int_absorb1 f.multiplicative.image.subset image_subset_iff_subset_vimage)
then show "I = J"
by (metis MI.lideal_axioms MI.neq_ring MJ.max_lideal_axioms MJ.subset f.preim_subset_imp_subset max_lideal.is_max subset_refl)
show "∃𝔴. max_lideal 𝔴 B addB multB zeroB oneB"
by (meson A.has_max_lideal assms(2) im_of_max_lideal_is_max)
fix 𝔴⇩A 𝔴⇩B
assume "max_lideal 𝔴⇩A A addA multA zeroA oneA"
and "max_lideal 𝔴⇩B B addB multB zeroB oneB"
then show "f ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩B = 𝔴⇩A"
by (metis A.is_unique f.multiplicative.image.subset f.ring_isomorphism_axioms image_subset_iff_subset_vimage inf.absorb2 preim_of_max_lideal_is_max)
lemma (in monoid_homomorphism) monoid_epimorphism_image:
"monoid_epimorphism η M (⋅) 𝟭 (η ` M) (⋅') 𝟭'"
proof -
interpret monoid "η ` M" "(⋅')" "𝟭'"
using image.sub.monoid_axioms by force
show ?thesis
proof qed (auto simp: bij_betw_def commutes_with_unit commutes_with_composition)
lemma (in group_homomorphism) group_epimorphism_image:
"group_epimorphism η G (⋅) 𝟭 (η ` G) (⋅') 𝟭'"
proof -
interpret group "η ` G" "(⋅')" "𝟭'"
using image.sub.group_axioms by blast
show ?thesis
proof qed (auto simp: bij_betw_def commutes_with_composition)
lemma (in ring_homomorphism) ring_epimorphism_preimage:
"ring_epimorphism η R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭 (η ` R) (+') (⋅') 𝟬' 𝟭'"
proof -
interpret ring "η ` R" "(+')" "(⋅')" "𝟬'" "𝟭'"
proof qed (auto simp add: target.distributive target.additive.commutative)
show ?thesis
proof qed (auto simp: additive.commutes_with_composition additive.commutes_with_unit
multiplicative.commutes_with_composition multiplicative.commutes_with_unit)
lemma comp_of_local_ring_morphisms:
assumes "local_ring_morphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"
and "local_ring_morphism g B addB multB zeroB oneB C addC multC zeroC oneC"
shows "local_ring_morphism (compose A g f) A addA multA zeroA oneA C addC multC zeroC oneC"
proof -
interpret f: local_ring_morphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB
by (simp add: assms)
interpret g: local_ring_morphism g B addB multB zeroB oneB C addC multC zeroC oneC
by (simp add: assms)
interpret gf: ring_homomorphism "compose A g f" A addA multA zeroA oneA C addC multC zeroC oneC
using comp_ring_morphisms f.ring_homomorphism_axioms g.ring_homomorphism_axioms
by fastforce
obtain 𝔴⇩B where 𝔴⇩B: "max_lideal 𝔴⇩B B addB multB zeroB oneB"
using by force
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show "local_ring_morphism_axioms (compose A g f) A addA multA zeroA oneA C addC multC zeroC oneC"
fix 𝔴⇩A 𝔴⇩C
assume max: "max_lideal 𝔴⇩A A addA multA zeroA oneA"
"max_lideal 𝔴⇩C C addC multC zeroC oneC"
interpret maxA: max_lideal 𝔴⇩A A addA multA zeroA oneA
using max by blast
interpret maxC: max_lideal 𝔴⇩C C addC multC zeroC oneC
using max by blast
have "B ⊆ g -` C"
by blast
with max interpret maxg: max_lideal "g ⇧¯ B 𝔴⇩C" "g ⇧¯ B C" addB multB zeroB oneB
by (metis Int_absorb1 𝔴⇩B g.preimage_of_max_lideal)
interpret maxgf: Group_Theory.monoid "(g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C" addA zeroA
by (simp add: monoid_def vimage_def gf.additive.commutes_with_composition
gf.additive.commutes_with_unit f.source.additive.associative)
show "(g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C = 𝔴⇩A"
proof (rule maxA.is_max [symmetric])
show "lideal ((g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C) A addA multA zeroA oneA"
fix u
assume u: "u ∈ (g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C"
then have "u ∈ A"
by auto
show "maxgf.invertible u"
proof (rule maxgf.invertibleI)
show "addA u (f.source.additive.inverse u) = zeroA"
using f.source.additive.invertible_right_inverse ‹u ∈ A› by blast
have "(g ∘ f ↓ A) (f.source.additive.inverse u) = (g (f u))"
by (metis f.source.additive.invertible ‹u ∈ A› compose_eq
then show "(f.source.additive.inverse u) ∈ (g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C"
by (metis f.source.additive.invertible f.source.additive.invertible_inverse_closed Int_iff compose_eq
maxC.additive.subgroup_inverse_iff f.map_closed g.map_axioms group.invertible
map.map_closed u vimage_eq)
qed (use u ‹u ∈ A› in auto)
fix r a
assume "r ∈ A" and "a ∈ (g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C"
then show "multA r a ∈ (g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C"
by (simp add: maxC.lideal gf.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition)
qed (use maxgf.unit_closed maxgf.composition_closed in auto)
have "⋀x. x ∈ 𝔴⇩A ⟹ g (f x) ∈ 𝔴⇩C"
by (metis IntD1 𝔴⇩B f.preimage_of_max_lideal g.preimage_of_max_lideal max vimageD)
then show "𝔴⇩A ⊆ (g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C"
by (auto simp: compose_eq)
have "oneB ∉ g -` 𝔴⇩C"
using maxg.has_one_imp_equal maxg.neq_ring by force
then have "g oneB ∉ 𝔴⇩C"
by blast
then show "(g ∘ f ↓ A) ⇧¯ A 𝔴⇩C ≠ A"
by (metis Int_iff compose_eq f.multiplicative.commutes_with_unit f.source.multiplicative.unit_closed vimage_eq)
subsubsection ‹Locally Ringed Spaces›
locale key_map = comm_ring +
fixes 𝔭:: "'a set" assumes is_prime: "𝔭 ∈ Spec"
interpretation pi:pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
by (simp add: is_prime spectrum_imp_pr)
interpretation top: topological_space Spec is_zariski_open
by simp
interpretation pr:presheaf_of_rings Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms
𝒪b add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec
by (fact local.sheaf_spec_is_presheaf)
interpretation local:quotient_ring "(R ∖ 𝔭)" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
using is_prime spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring by presburger
interpretation st: stalk "Spec" is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms
𝒪b add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec "{U. is_zariski_open U ∧ 𝔭∈U}" 𝔭
fix U I V s
assume "open_cover_of_open_subset Spec is_zariski_open U I V"
and "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ V i ⊆ U"
and "s ∈ 𝒪 U"
and "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) s = zero_sheaf_spec (V i)"
then show "s = zero_sheaf_spec U"
by (metis sheaf_of_rings.locality sheaf_spec_is_sheaf)
fix U I V s
assume "open_cover_of_open_subset Spec is_zariski_open U I V"
and "∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ V i ⊆ U ∧ s i ∈ 𝒪 V i"
and "⋀i j. ⟦i ∈ I; j ∈ I⟧ ⟹ sheaf_spec_morphisms (V i) (V i ∩ V j) (s i) = sheaf_spec_morphisms (V j) (V i ∩ V j) (s j)"
then show "∃t. t ∈ 𝒪 U ∧ (∀i. i ∈ I ⟶ sheaf_spec_morphisms U (V i) t = s i)"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) sheaf_of_rings.glueing sheaf_spec_is_sheaf)
qed (use is_prime in auto)
declare st.subset_of_opens [simp del, rule del]
definition key_map:: "'a set set ⇒ (('a set ⇒ ('a × 'a) set) ⇒ ('a × 'a) set)"
where "key_map U ≡ λs∈(𝒪 U). s 𝔭"
lemma key_map_is_map:
assumes "𝔭 ∈ U"
shows " (key_map U) (𝒪 U) (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
have "⋀s. s ∈ 𝒪 U ⟹ s 𝔭 ∈ (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
using sheaf_spec_def assms is_regular_def by blast
thus "key_map U ∈ (𝒪 U) →⇩E (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
using key_map_def extensional_funcset_def by simp
lemma key_map_is_ring_morphism:
assumes "𝔭 ∈ U" and "is_zariski_open U"
shows "ring_homomorphism (key_map U)
(𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (mult_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) (one_sheaf_spec U)
(R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
proof (intro ring_homomorphism.intro)
show " (key_map U) (𝒪 U) (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)" using key_map_is_map assms(1) by simp
show "ring (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (mult_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) (one_sheaf_spec U)"
using ‹is_zariski_open U› pr.is_ring_from_is_homomorphism by blast
show "ring (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
by (simp add: pi.ring_axioms)
show "group_homomorphism (key_map U) (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at)"
proof intro_locales
show " (local.key_map U) (𝒪 U) pi.carrier_local_ring_at"
by (simp add: assms(1) key_map_is_map)
show "Group_Theory.monoid (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U)"
"Group_Theory.group_axioms (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U)"
using pr.is_ring_from_is_homomorphism [OF ‹is_zariski_open U›]
unfolding ring_def Group_Theory.group_def abelian_group_def
by blast+
have 1: "(key_map U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) = pi.zero_local_ring_at"
using assms
unfolding key_map_def pi.zero_local_ring_at_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) restrict_apply' zero_sheaf_spec_def zero_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec)
have 2: "⋀x y. ⟦x ∈ 𝒪 U; y ∈ 𝒪 U⟧ ⟹
(key_map U) (add_sheaf_spec U x y) = pi.add_local_ring_at (key_map U x) (key_map U y)"
using add_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec key_map_def assms pi.add_local_ring_at_def
add_sheaf_spec_def spectrum_def zariski_open_is_subset
by fastforce
show "monoid_homomorphism_axioms (local.key_map U) (𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) pi.add_local_ring_at pi.zero_local_ring_at"
unfolding monoid_homomorphism_axioms_def
by (auto simp: 1 2)
have "(key_map U) (one_sheaf_spec U) = pi.one_local_ring_at"
using one_sheaf_spec_def key_map_def pi.one_local_ring_at_def assms one_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec spectrum_def by fastforce
moreover have "⋀x y. ⟦x ∈ 𝒪 U; y ∈ 𝒪 U⟧ ⟹
(key_map U) (mult_sheaf_spec U x y) = pi.mult_local_ring_at (key_map U x) (key_map U y)"
using mult_sheaf_spec_in_sheaf_spec key_map_def assms pi.mult_local_ring_at_def
mult_sheaf_spec_def spectrum_def zariski_open_is_subset by fastforce
ultimately show "monoid_homomorphism (key_map U) (𝒪 U) (mult_sheaf_spec U) (one_sheaf_spec U) (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
using pr.is_ring_from_is_homomorphism [OF ‹is_zariski_open U›] ‹𝔭 ∈ U›
unfolding monoid_homomorphism_def monoid_homomorphism_axioms_def ring_def
using key_map_is_map pi.multiplicative.monoid_axioms by presburger
lemma key_map_is_coherent:
assumes "V ⊆ U" and "is_zariski_open U" and "is_zariski_open V" and "𝔭 ∈ V" and "s ∈ 𝒪 U"
shows "(key_map V ∘ sheaf_spec_morphisms U V) s = key_map U s"
have "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V s ∈ 𝒪 V"
using assms sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps map.map_closed
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting))
thus "(key_map V ∘ sheaf_spec_morphisms U V) s = key_map U s"
by (simp add: ‹s ∈ 𝒪 U› assms(4) key_map_def sheaf_spec_morphisms_def)
lemma key_ring_morphism:
assumes "is_zariski_open V" and "𝔭 ∈ V"
shows "∃φ. ring_homomorphism φ
st.carrier_stalk st.add_stalk st.mult_stalk (st.zero_stalk V) (st.one_stalk V)
(R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)
(∀U∈(top.neighborhoods 𝔭). ∀s∈𝒪 U. (φ ∘ st.canonical_fun U) s = key_map U s)"
proof -
have "ring (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
by (simp add: pi.ring_axioms)
moreover have "V ∈ top.neighborhoods 𝔭"
using assms top.neighborhoods_def sheaf_spec_is_presheaf by fastforce
moreover have "⋀U. U ∈ top.neighborhoods 𝔭 ⟹
ring_homomorphism (key_map U)
(𝒪 U) (add_sheaf_spec U) (mult_sheaf_spec U) (zero_sheaf_spec U) (one_sheaf_spec U)
(R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
using key_map_is_ring_morphism top.neighborhoods_def sheaf_spec_is_presheaf by force
moreover have "⋀U V x. ⟦U ∈ top.neighborhoods 𝔭; V ∈ top.neighborhoods 𝔭; V ⊆ U; x ∈ 𝒪 U⟧
⟹ (key_map V ∘ sheaf_spec_morphisms U V) x = key_map U x"
using key_map_is_coherent
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq top.neighborhoods_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms local.sheaf_spec_is_presheaf zariski_open_is_subset
st.universal_property_for_stalk[of "R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙" "pi.add_local_ring_at" "pi.mult_local_ring_at"
"pi.zero_local_ring_at" "pi.one_local_ring_at" "key_map"]
by auto
lemma class_from_belongs_stalk:
assumes "s ∈ st.carrier_stalk"
obtains U s' where "is_zariski_open U" "𝔭 ∈ U" "s' ∈ 𝒪 U" "s = st.class_of U s'"
proof -
interpret dl: direct_lim Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms "𝒪b"
add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec "top.neighborhoods 𝔭"
by (simp add: st.direct_lim_axioms top.neighborhoods_def)
interpret eq: equivalence "Sigma (top.neighborhoods 𝔭) sheaf_spec" "{(x, y). dl.rel x y}"
using dl.rel_is_equivalence by force
note dl.subset_of_opens [simp del]
obtain U s' where seq: "s = eq.Class (U, s')" and U: "U ∈ top.neighborhoods 𝔭" and s': "s' ∈ 𝒪 U"
using assms
unfolding st.carrier_stalk_def dl.carrier_direct_lim_def
by (metis SigmaD1 SigmaD2 eq.representant_exists
show thesis
show "is_zariski_open U"
using U dl.subset_of_opens by blast
show "𝔭 ∈ U"
using U top.neighborhoods_def by force
show "s' ∈ 𝒪 U"
using s' by blast
show "s = st.class_of U s'"
using seq st.class_of_def top.neighborhoods_def by presburger
lemma same_class_from_restrict:
assumes "is_zariski_open U" "is_zariski_open V" "U ⊆ V" "s ∈ 𝒪 V" "𝔭 ∈ U"
shows "st.class_of V s = st.class_of U (sheaf_spec_morphisms V U s)"
proof -
interpret eq: equivalence "Sigma {U. is_zariski_open U ∧ 𝔭 ∈ U} sheaf_spec" "{(x, y). st.rel x y}"
using st.rel_is_equivalence by blast
show ?thesis
unfolding st.class_of_def
proof (rule eq.Class_eq)
have §:"sheaf_spec_morphisms V U s ∈ 𝒪 U"
using assms map.map_closed pr.is_map_from_is_homomorphism by fastforce
then have "∃W. is_zariski_open W ∧ 𝔭 ∈ W ∧ W ⊆ V ∧ W ⊆ U ∧ sheaf_spec_morphisms V W s = sheaf_spec_morphisms U W (sheaf_spec_morphisms V U s)"
using assms(1) assms(3) assms(5) by auto
then show "((V, s), U, sheaf_spec_morphisms V U s) ∈ {(x, y). st.rel x y}"
using § assms by (auto simp: st.rel_def)
lemma shrinking_from_belong_stalk:
assumes "s ∈ st.carrier_stalk" and "t ∈ st.carrier_stalk"
obtains U s' t' where "is_zariski_open U" "𝔭 ∈ U" "s' ∈ 𝒪 U" "s = st.class_of U s'"
"t' ∈ 𝒪 U" "t = st.class_of U t'"
proof -
obtain U s' where HU:"is_zariski_open U" "𝔭 ∈ U" "s' ∈ 𝒪 U" "s = st.class_of U s'"
using assms(1) class_from_belongs_stalk by blast
obtain V t' where HV:"is_zariski_open V" "𝔭 ∈ V" "t' ∈ 𝒪 V" "t = st.class_of V t'"
using assms(2) class_from_belongs_stalk by blast
show thesis
have "U ∩ V ⊆ Spec"
using zariski_open_is_subset HU(1) by blast
show "𝔭 ∈ U ∩ V"
by (simp add: ‹𝔭 ∈ U› ‹𝔭 ∈ V›)
show UV: "is_zariski_open (U ∩ V)" using topological_space.open_inter
by (simp add: ‹is_zariski_open U› ‹is_zariski_open V›)
show "s = st.class_of (U ∩ V) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ V) s')"
using HU UV ‹𝔭 ∈ U ∩ V› same_class_from_restrict by blast
show "t = st.class_of (U ∩ V) (sheaf_spec_morphisms V (U ∩ V) t')"
using HV UV ‹𝔭 ∈ U ∩ V› same_class_from_restrict by blast
show "sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ V) s' ∈ 𝒪 (U ∩ V)"
using HU(3) UV map.map_closed sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps by fastforce
show "sheaf_spec_morphisms V (U ∩ V) t' ∈ 𝒪 (U ∩ V)"
using HV(3) UV map.map_closed sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps by fastforce
lemma stalk_at_prime_is_iso_to_local_ring_at_prime_aux:
assumes "is_zariski_open V" and "𝔭 ∈ V" and
φ: "ring_homomorphism φ
st.carrier_stalk st.add_stalk st.mult_stalk (st.zero_stalk V) (st.one_stalk V)
(R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
and all_eq: "∀U∈(top.neighborhoods 𝔭). ∀s∈𝒪 U. (φ ∘ st.canonical_fun U) s = key_map U s"
shows "ring_isomorphism φ
st.carrier_stalk st.add_stalk st.mult_stalk (st.zero_stalk V) (st.one_stalk V)
(R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
proof (intro ring_isomorphism.intro bijective_map.intro bijective.intro)
show "ring_homomorphism φ
st.carrier_stalk st.add_stalk st.mult_stalk (st.zero_stalk V) (st.one_stalk V)
(R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
using assms(3) by simp
show " φ st.carrier_stalk (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
using assms(3) by (simp add: ring_homomorphism_def)
show "bij_betw φ st.carrier_stalk (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
have "inj_on φ st.carrier_stalk"
fix s t assume "s ∈ st.carrier_stalk" "t ∈ st.carrier_stalk" "φ s = φ t"
obtain U s' t' a f b g where FU [simp]: "is_zariski_open U" "𝔭 ∈ U" "s' ∈ 𝒪 U" "t' ∈ 𝒪 U"
and s: "s = st.class_of U s'" "t = st.class_of U t'"
and s': "s' = (λ𝔮∈U. quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f)"
and t': "t' = (λ𝔮∈U. quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 b g)"
and "a ∈ R" "b ∈ R" "f ∈ R" "g ∈ R" "f ∉ 𝔭" "g ∉ 𝔭"
obtain V s' t' where HV: "s = st.class_of V s'" "t = st.class_of V t'"
"s' ∈ 𝒪 V" "t' ∈ 𝒪 V" "is_zariski_open V" "𝔭 ∈ V"
using shrinking_from_belong_stalk by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹s ∈ st.carrier_stalk› ‹t ∈ st.carrier_stalk›)
then obtain U a f b g where HU: "is_zariski_open U" "U ⊆ V" "𝔭 ∈ U" "a ∈ R" "f ∈ R" "b ∈ R" "g ∈ R"
"f ∉ 𝔭" "g ∉ 𝔭"
"⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ U ⟹ f ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s' 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f"
"⋀𝔮. 𝔮 ∈ U ⟹ g ∉ 𝔮 ∧ t' 𝔮 = quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 b g"
using shrinking[of V 𝔭 s' t'] by blast
show ?thesis
show "sheaf_spec_morphisms V U s' ∈ 𝒪 U"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) HU(1,2) HV(3) map.map_closed sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps)
show "sheaf_spec_morphisms V U t' ∈ 𝒪 U"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) HU(1,2) HV(4) map.map_closed sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps)
show "s = st.class_of U (sheaf_spec_morphisms V U s')"
by (simp add: HU(1-3) HV same_class_from_restrict)
show "t = st.class_of U (sheaf_spec_morphisms V U t')"
by (simp add: HU(1-3) HV same_class_from_restrict)
show "sheaf_spec_morphisms V U s' = (λ𝔮∈U. quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f)"
using HV(3) sheaf_spec_morphisms_def HU(10) by fastforce
show "sheaf_spec_morphisms V U t' = (λ𝔮∈U. quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 b g)"
using HV(4) HU(11) sheaf_spec_morphisms_def by fastforce
qed (use HU in auto)
hence fact:"local.frac a f = local.frac b g"
have "local.frac a f = key_map U s'"
using key_map_def ‹𝔭 ∈ U› ‹s' = (λ𝔮∈U. quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f)› ‹s' ∈ 𝒪 U› by auto
also have "… = φ (st.canonical_fun U s')"
using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› ‹is_zariski_open U› ‹s' ∈ 𝒪 U› assms(4) pr.presheaf_of_rings_axioms top.neighborhoods_def by fastforce
also have "… = φ (st.class_of U s')" using direct_lim.canonical_fun_def is_prime st.canonical_fun_def st.class_of_def by fastforce
also have "… = φ s" by (simp add: ‹s = st.class_of U s'›)
also have "… = φ t" using ‹φ s = φ t› by simp
also have "… = φ (st.class_of U t')" using ‹t = st.class_of U t'› by auto
also have "… = φ (st.canonical_fun U t')"
using direct_lim.canonical_fun_def is_prime st.canonical_fun_def st.class_of_def by fastforce
also have "… = key_map U t'"
using ‹𝔭 ∈ U› ‹is_zariski_open U› ‹t' ∈ 𝒪 U› assms(4) top.neighborhoods_def by auto
also have "… = local.frac b g"
using FU(4) local.key_map_def t' by force
finally show ?thesis .
then obtain h where Hh: "h ∈ R" "h ∉ 𝔭" "h ⋅ (g ⋅ a - f ⋅ b) = 𝟬"
using pi.eq_from_eq_frac by (metis Diff_iff ‹a ∈ R› ‹b ∈ R› ‹f ∈ R› ‹f ∉ 𝔭› ‹g ∈ R› ‹g ∉ 𝔭›)
have izo: "is_zariski_open (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h))"
using local.standard_open_is_zariski_open
by (simp add: Hh(1) ‹f ∈ R› ‹g ∈ R› standard_open_is_zariski_open)
have ssm_s': "sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) s'
∈ 𝒪 (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) FU(3) Int_assoc inf_le1 izo map.map_closed sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps)
have ssm_t': "sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) t'
∈ 𝒪 (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) FU(4) Int_assoc inf_le1 izo map.map_closed sheaf_spec_morphisms_are_maps) have [simp]: "𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(f)" "𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(g)" "𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(h)"
using Hh ‹f ∈ R› ‹f ∉ 𝔭› ‹g ∈ R› ‹g ∉ 𝔭› belongs_standard_open_iff st.is_elem by blast+
have eq: "s' 𝔮 = t' 𝔮" if "𝔮 ∈ U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)" for 𝔮
proof -
have "𝔮 ∈ Spec"
using standard_open_def that by auto
then interpret q: quotient_ring "R∖𝔮" R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬
using spectrum_imp_cxt_quotient_ring by force
note local.q.sub [simp del]
define RR where "RR ≡ {(x, y). (x, y) ∈ (R × (R∖𝔮)) × R × (R∖𝔮) ∧ q.rel x y}"
interpret eq: equivalence "R × (R∖𝔮)" "RR"
unfolding RR_def by (blast intro: equivalence.intro q.rel_refl q.rel_sym q.rel_trans)
have Fq [simp]: "f ∉ 𝔮" "g ∉ 𝔮" "h ∉ 𝔮"
using belongs_standard_open_iff that
apply (meson Int_iff ‹𝔮 ∈ Spec› ‹f ∈ R›)
apply (meson Int_iff ‹𝔮 ∈ Spec› ‹g ∈ R› belongs_standard_open_iff that)
by (meson Hh(1) IntD2 ‹𝔮 ∈ Spec› belongs_standard_open_iff that)
moreover have "eq.Class (a, f) = eq.Class (b, g)"
proof (rule eq.Class_eq)
have "∃s1. s1 ∈ R ∧ s1 ∉ 𝔮 ∧ s1 ⋅ (g ⋅ a - f ⋅ b) = 𝟬"
using Hh ‹h ∉ 𝔮› by blast
then show "((a,f), b,g) ∈ RR"
by (simp add: RR_def q.rel_def ‹a ∈ R› ‹b ∈ R› ‹f ∈ R› ‹g ∈ R›)
ultimately have "q.frac a f = q.frac b g"
using RR_def q.frac_def by metis
thus "s' 𝔮 = t' 𝔮"
by (simp add: s' t')
show "s = t"
have "s = st.class_of (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) s')"
using ‹𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(f)› ‹𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(g)› ‹𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(h)›
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) FU(1-3) IntE IntI izo s(1) same_class_from_restrict subsetI)
also have "… = st.class_of (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) t')"
proof (rule
show "sheaf_spec_morphisms (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) s') = sheaf_spec_morphisms (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) t')"
proof (ruleρ)
show "sheaf_spec_morphisms (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) s') =
sheaf_spec_morphisms (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) (sheaf_spec_morphisms U (U ∩ 𝒟(f) ∩ 𝒟(g) ∩ 𝒟(h)) t')"
using eq FU(3) FU(4)
apply (simp add: sheaf_spec_morphisms_def)
apply (metis eq restrict_ext)
qed (use izo ssm_s' ssm_t' in auto)
qed (auto simp: izo ssm_s' ssm_t')
also have "… = t"
using ‹𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(f)› ‹𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(g)› ‹𝔭 ∈ 𝒟(h)›
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) FU(1-4) IntE IntI izo s(2) same_class_from_restrict subsetI)
finally show ?thesis .
moreover have "φ ` st.carrier_stalk = (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
show "φ ` st.carrier_stalk ⊆ pi.carrier_local_ring_at"
using assms(3) by (simp add: image_subset_of_target ring_homomorphism_def)
show "pi.carrier_local_ring_at ⊆ φ ` st.carrier_stalk"
fix x assume H:"x ∈ (R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
obtain a f where F:"a ∈ R" "f ∈ R" "f ∉ 𝔭" "x = local.frac a f"
using pi.frac_from_carrier_local H by blast
define s where sec_def:"s ≡ λ𝔮∈𝒟(f). quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f"
then have sec:"s ∈ 𝒪(𝒟(f))"
have "s 𝔮 ∈ (R⇘𝔮 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)" if "𝔮 ∈ 𝒟(f)" for 𝔮
proof -
have "f ∉ 𝔮" using that belongs_standard_open_iff F(2) standard_open_is_subset by blast
then have "quotient_ring.frac (R∖𝔮) R (+) (⋅) 𝟬 a f ∈ (R⇘𝔮 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)"
using F(1,2) frac_in_carrier_local ‹𝔮 ∈ 𝒟(f)› standard_open_is_subset by blast
thus "s 𝔮 ∈ (R⇘𝔮 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙)" using sec_def by (simp add: ‹𝔮 ∈ 𝒟(f)›)
moreover have "s ∈ extensional (𝒟(f))"
using sec_def by auto
moreover have "is_regular s 𝒟(f)"
using F(1,2) standard_open_is_subset belongs_standard_open_iff is_regular_def[of s "𝒟(f)"] standard_open_is_zariski_open
by (smt is_locally_frac_def restrict_apply sec_def subsetD subsetI)
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding sheaf_spec_def[of "𝒟(f)"]
by (simp add:PiE_iff)
then have im:"φ (st.class_of 𝒟(f) s) = local.frac a f"
have "φ (st.class_of 𝒟(f) s) = φ (st.canonical_fun 𝒟(f) s)"
using st.canonical_fun_def direct_lim.canonical_fun_def st.class_of_def is_prime by fastforce
also have "… = key_map 𝒟(f) s"
using all_eq st.is_elem F(2) F(3) sec
apply (simp add: top.neighborhoods_def)
by (meson belongs_standard_open_iff standard_open_is_zariski_open)
also have "... = local.frac a f"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) F(2,3) belongs_standard_open_iff is_prime key_map_def restrict_apply sec sec_def)
finally show ?thesis .
thus "x ∈ φ ` st.carrier_stalk"
have "st.class_of 𝒟(f) s ∈ st.carrier_stalk"
have "𝔭 ∈ Spec" using is_prime by simp
also have "𝒟(f) ∈ (top.neighborhoods 𝔭)"
using top.neighborhoods_def belongs_standard_open_iff F(2,3) is_prime standard_open_is_zariski_open standard_open_is_subset
by (metis (no_types, lifting) mem_Collect_eq)
moreover have "s ∈ 𝒪 𝒟(f)" using sec by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using st.class_of_in_stalk by auto
thus ?thesis using F(4) im by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: bij_betw_def)
lemma stalk_at_prime_is_iso_to_local_ring_at_prime:
assumes "is_zariski_open V" and "𝔭 ∈ V"
shows "∃φ. ring_isomorphism φ
st.carrier_stalk st.add_stalk st.mult_stalk (st.zero_stalk V) (st.one_stalk V)
(R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at) (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)"
using key_ring_morphism stalk_at_prime_is_iso_to_local_ring_at_prime_aux assms by meson
locale locally_ringed_space = ringed_space +
assumes stalks_are_local: "⋀x U. x ∈ U ⟹ is_open U ⟹
stalk.is_local is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (neighborhoods x) x U"
context comm_ring
interpretation pr: presheaf_of_rings "Spec" is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms
𝒪b add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec
by (simp add: comm_ring.sheaf_spec_is_presheaf local.comm_ring_axioms)
lemma spec_is_locally_ringed_space:
shows "locally_ringed_space Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b
add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"
proof (intro locally_ringed_space.intro locally_ringed_space_axioms.intro)
interpret sh: sheaf_of_rings Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec
sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec
zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec
using sheaf_spec_is_sheaf .
show "ringed_space Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"
using spec_is_ringed_space by simp
show "stalk.is_local is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec
zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec (pr.neighborhoods 𝔭) 𝔭 U"
if "𝔭 ∈ U" "is_zariski_open U" for 𝔭 U
proof -
interpret st: stalk Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms 𝒪b add_sheaf_spec
mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec "pr.neighborhoods 𝔭" 𝔭
show "𝔭 ∈ Spec"
by (meson in_mono that zariski_open_is_subset)
qed (auto simp: pr.neighborhoods_def)
interpret pri: pr_ideal R 𝔭 "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭
by (simp add: spectrum_imp_pr st.is_elem)
interpret km: key_map R "(+)" "(⋅)" 𝟬 𝟭 𝔭
proof qed (simp add: st.is_elem)
have "ring st.carrier_stalk st.add_stalk st.mult_stalk (st.zero_stalk U) (st.one_stalk U)"
using st.stalk_is_ring sheaf_spec_is_presheaf ‹is_zariski_open U› ‹𝔭 ∈ U› by blast
also have "local_ring pri.carrier_local_ring_at pri.add_local_ring_at pri.mult_local_ring_at
pri.zero_local_ring_at pri.one_local_ring_at"
using pr_ideal.local_ring_at_is_local
by (simp add: pr_ideal.local_ring_at_is_local spectrum_imp_pr st.is_elem)
note st.subset_of_opens [simp del]
have "∃f. ring_isomorphism f
st.carrier_stalk st.add_stalk st.mult_stalk (st.zero_stalk U) (st.one_stalk U)
(R ⇘𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬⇙) (pr_ideal.add_local_ring_at R 𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬) (pr_ideal.mult_local_ring_at R 𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬) (pr_ideal.zero_local_ring_at R 𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭) (pr_ideal.one_local_ring_at R 𝔭 (+) (⋅) 𝟬 𝟭)"
by (simp add: km.stalk_at_prime_is_iso_to_local_ring_at_prime st.index that)
ultimately show "stalk.is_local is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec
zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec (pr.neighborhoods 𝔭) 𝔭 U"
using isomorphic_to_local_is_local ‹𝔭 ∈ U› ‹is_zariski_open U› st.is_local_def by fastforce
locale ind_mor_btw_stalks = morphism_ringed_spaces +
fixes x::"'a"
assumes is_elem: "x ∈ X"
interpretation stx:stalk X is_open⇩X 𝒪⇩X ρ⇩X b add_str⇩X mult_str⇩X zero_str⇩X one_str⇩X
"{U. is_open⇩X U ∧ x ∈ U}" "x"
proof qed (auto simp: is_elem)
interpretation stfx: stalk Y is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y d add_str⇩Y mult_str⇩Y zero_str⇩Y one_str⇩Y
"{U. is_open⇩Y U ∧ (f x) ∈ U}" "f x"
proof qed (auto simp: is_elem)
definition induced_morphism:: "('c set × 'd) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set" where
"induced_morphism ≡ λC ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk. let r = (SOME r. r ∈ C) in stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X (fst r)) (φ⇩f (fst r) (snd r))"
lemma phi_in_O:
assumes "is_open⇩Y V" "q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y V"
shows "φ⇩f V q ∈ 𝒪⇩X (f ⇧¯ X (V))"
using is_morphism_of_sheaves morphism_presheaves_of_rings.fam_morphisms_are_maps
unfolding morphism_sheaves_of_rings_def
by (metis assms local.im_sheaf_def map.map_closed)
lemma induced_morphism_is_well_defined:
assumes "stfx.rel (V,q) (V',q')"
shows "stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X V) (φ⇩f V q) = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X V') (φ⇩f V' q')"
proof -
obtain W where W: "is_open⇩Y W" "f x ∈ W" "W ⊆ V" "W ⊆ V'"
and eq: "ρ⇩Y V W q = ρ⇩Y V' W q'"
using assms stfx.rel_def by auto
show ?thesis
proof (rule stx.class_of_eqI)
show "(f ⇧¯ X V, φ⇩f V q) ∈ Sigma {U. is_open⇩X U ∧ x ∈ U} 𝒪⇩X"
using is_continuous phi_in_O assms stfx.rel_def stx.is_elem by auto
show "(f ⇧¯ X V', φ⇩f V' q') ∈ Sigma {U. is_open⇩X U ∧ x ∈ U} 𝒪⇩X"
using is_continuous phi_in_O assms stfx.rel_def stx.is_elem by auto
show "f ⇧¯ X W ∈ {U. is_open⇩X U ∧ x ∈ U}"
using W is_continuous stx.is_elem by auto
show "f ⇧¯ X W ⊆ f ⇧¯ X V ∩ f ⇧¯ X V'"
using W by blast
interpret Y: morphism_sheaves_of_rings Y is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y
d add_str⇩Y mult_str⇩Y zero_str⇩Y one_str⇩Y
local.im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b
add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf φ⇩f
by (rule is_morphism_of_sheaves)
have "ρ⇩X (f⇧¯ X V) (f⇧¯ X W) (φ⇩f V q) = φ⇩f W (ρ⇩Y V W q)"
using assms Y.comm_diagrams W
by (simp add: stfx.rel_def im_sheaf_morphisms_def o_def)
also have "… = φ⇩f W (ρ⇩Y V' W q')"
by (simp add: eq)
also have "… = ρ⇩X (f⇧¯ X V') (f⇧¯ X W) (φ⇩f V' q')"
using assms Y.comm_diagrams W
by (simp add: stfx.rel_def im_sheaf_morphisms_def o_def)
finally show "ρ⇩X (f ⇧¯ X V) (f ⇧¯ X W) (φ⇩f V q) = ρ⇩X (f ⇧¯ X V') (f ⇧¯ X W) (φ⇩f V' q')" .
lemma induced_morphism_eq:
assumes "C ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk"
obtains V q where "(V,q) ∈ C" "induced_morphism C = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X V) (φ⇩f V q)"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) assms induced_morphism_def prod.exhaust_sel restrict_apply
stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq stfx.rel_carrier_Eps_in(1))
lemma induced_morphism_eval:
assumes "C ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk" and "r ∈ C"
shows "induced_morphism C = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X (fst r)) (φ⇩f (fst r) (snd r))"
by (smt (verit, best) assms induced_morphism_eq induced_morphism_is_well_defined
prod.exhaust_sel stfx.carrier_direct_limE stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq stfx.rel_I1)
proposition ring_homomorphism_induced_morphism:
assumes "is_open⇩Y V" and "f x ∈ V"
shows "ring_homomorphism induced_morphism
stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk stfx.mult_stalk (stfx.zero_stalk V) (stfx.one_stalk V)
stx.carrier_stalk stx.add_stalk stx.mult_stalk (stx.zero_stalk (f⇧¯ X V)) (stx.one_stalk (f⇧¯ X V))"
proof intro_locales
interpret phif: ring_homomorphism "φ⇩f V" "𝒪⇩Y V"
"add_str⇩Y V" "mult_str⇩Y V" "zero_str⇩Y V" "one_str⇩Y V" "local.im_sheaf V"
"add_im_sheaf V" "mult_im_sheaf V" "zero_im_sheaf V" "one_im_sheaf V"
by (metis assms(1) is_morphism_of_sheaves morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism morphism_sheaves_of_rings_def)
interpret V: ring stfx.carrier_direct_lim stfx.add_rel stfx.mult_rel "stfx.class_of V (zero_str⇩Y V)"
"stfx.class_of V (one_str⇩Y V)"
using assms stfx.direct_lim_is_ring by force
interpret X: ring stx.carrier_direct_lim stx.add_rel stx.mult_rel "stx.class_of X (zero_str⇩X X)"
"stx.class_of X (one_str⇩X X)"
using stx.direct_lim_is_ring stx.is_elem by auto
interpret dlY: direct_lim Y is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y d add_str⇩Y
mult_str⇩Y zero_str⇩Y one_str⇩Y "target.neighborhoods (f x)"
using stfx.direct_lim_axioms stfx.neighborhoods_eq by force
interpret eqY: equivalence "Sigma {U. is_open⇩Y U ∧ f x ∈ U} 𝒪⇩Y" "{(x, y). stfx.rel x y}"
using stfx.rel_is_equivalence by blast
interpret morphY: morphism_sheaves_of_rings Y is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y
d add_str⇩Y mult_str⇩Y zero_str⇩Y one_str⇩Y
local.im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b
add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf φ⇩f
by (rule is_morphism_of_sheaves)
have 0 [iff]: "stfx.zero_stalk V ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk"
using stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq stfx.zero_stalk_def by auto
have 1 [iff]: "stfx.one_stalk V ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk"
using stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq stfx.one_stalk_def by auto
show " induced_morphism stfx.carrier_stalk stx.carrier_stalk"
show "induced_morphism ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk →⇩E stx.carrier_stalk"
fix C
assume C: "C ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk"
then obtain r where "r ∈ C"
by (metis stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.rel_carrier_Eps_in(1) target.neighborhoods_def)
moreover have "is_open⇩X (f ⇧¯ X (fst r))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) C SigmaD1 ‹r ∈ C› eqY.block_closed is_continuous prod.exhaust_sel stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq stfx.subset_of_opens)
ultimately have "stx.class_of (f ⇧¯ X (fst r)) (φ⇩f (fst r) (snd r)) ∈ stx.carrier_stalk"
by (smt (verit, best) C IntI dlY.carrier_direct_limE mem_Collect_eq phi_in_O stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq stfx.rel_I1 stfx.rel_def stx.class_of_in_stalk stx.is_elem stx.neighborhoods_eq vimage_def)
then show "induced_morphism C ∈ stx.carrier_stalk"
using C ‹r ∈ C› induced_morphism_eval by presburger
qed (simp add: induced_morphism_def)
show "Group_Theory.monoid stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk (stfx.zero_stalk V)"
by (simp add: V.additive.monoid_axioms stfx.add_stalk_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq stfx.zero_stalk_def)
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk (stfx.zero_stalk V)"
using Group_Theory.group_def V.additive.group_axioms stfx.add_stalk_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.zero_stalk_def target.neighborhoods_def by fastforce
show "commutative_monoid_axioms stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk"
using V.additive.commutative_monoid_axioms commutative_monoid_def stfx.add_stalk_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def target.neighborhoods_def by fastforce
show "Group_Theory.monoid stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.mult_stalk (stfx.one_stalk V)"
by (simp add: V.multiplicative.monoid_axioms stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.mult_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq stfx.one_stalk_def)
show "ring_axioms stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk stfx.mult_stalk"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) V.additive.unit_closed mem_Collect_eq ring_def stfx.carrier_direct_limE stfx.stalk_is_ring)
show "Group_Theory.monoid stx.carrier_stalk stx.add_stalk (stx.zero_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V))"
using abelian_group_def assms commutative_monoid_def is_continuous ring_def stx.is_elem stx.stalk_is_ring by fastforce
show "Group_Theory.group_axioms stx.carrier_stalk stx.add_stalk (stx.zero_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V))"
using Group_Theory.group_def abelian_group_def assms is_continuous ring_def stx.is_elem stx.stalk_is_ring by fastforce
show "commutative_monoid_axioms stx.carrier_stalk stx.add_stalk"
using X.additive.commutative_monoid_axioms commutative_monoid_def neighborhoods_def stx.add_stalk_def stx.carrier_stalk_def by fastforce
show "Group_Theory.monoid stx.carrier_stalk stx.mult_stalk (stx.one_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V))"
using assms is_continuous ring_def stx.is_elem stx.stalk_is_ring by fastforce
show "ring_axioms stx.carrier_stalk stx.add_stalk stx.mult_stalk"
using X.ring_axioms ring_def stx.add_stalk_def stx.carrier_stalk_def stx.mult_stalk_def stx.neighborhoods_eq by fastforce
show "monoid_homomorphism_axioms induced_morphism stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk (stfx.zero_stalk V) stx.add_stalk (stx.zero_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V))"
fix C C'
assume CC: "C ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk" "C' ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk"
show "induced_morphism (stfx.add_stalk C C') = stx.add_stalk (induced_morphism C) (induced_morphism C')"
proof -
obtain U q U' q' where Uq: "(U,q) ∈ C" "(U',q') ∈ C'"
and eq: "induced_morphism C = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X U) (φ⇩f U q)"
and eq': "induced_morphism C' = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X U') (φ⇩f U' q')"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CC induced_morphism_eq)
then obtain cc [simp]: "is_open⇩Y (U ∩ U')" "f x ∈ U" "f x ∈ U'"
using CC eqY.block_closed stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq target.open_inter by force
then interpret cc_rh: ring_homomorphism "φ⇩f (U ∩ U')" "𝒪⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
"add_str⇩Y (U ∩ U')" "mult_str⇩Y (U ∩ U')" "zero_str⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
"one_str⇩Y (U ∩ U')" "local.im_sheaf (U ∩ U')"
"add_im_sheaf (U ∩ U')" "mult_im_sheaf (U ∩ U')"
"zero_im_sheaf (U ∩ U')" "one_im_sheaf (U ∩ U')"
by (metis is_morphism_of_sheaves morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism morphism_sheaves_of_rings_def)
obtain opeU [simp]: "is_open⇩Y U" "is_open⇩Y U'"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CC SigmaD1 Uq dlY.subset_of_opens eqY.block_closed stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq)
obtain [simp]: "q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U" "q' ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U'"
using CC Uq stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq by auto
define add where "add ≡ add_str⇩Y (U ∩ U') (ρ⇩Y U (U ∩ U') q) (ρ⇩Y U' (U ∩ U') q')"
have add_stalk_eq_class: "stfx.add_stalk C C' = stfx.class_of (U ∩ U') add"
using CC
unfolding add_def stfx.add_stalk_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def dlY.carrier_direct_lim_def
by (smt (verit, best) IntI Int_commute Uq cc eqY.Block_self eqY.block_closed inf.cobounded1 mem_Collect_eq stfx.add_rel_class_of stfx.class_of_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq)
then have C: "(stfx.class_of (U ∩ U') add) ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk"
using CC ‹Group_Theory.monoid stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk (stfx.zero_stalk V)› monoid.composition_closed by fastforce
have add_in: "add ∈ 𝒪⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
apply (simp add: add_def)
using cc_rh.source.additive.composition_closed‹q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U› ‹q' ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U'›
by (metis Int_commute cc(1) codom.is_map_from_is_homomorphism inf.cobounded1 map.map_closed opeU)
obtain V r where Vr: "(V,r) ∈ stfx.add_stalk C C'"
and eq: "induced_morphism (stfx.add_stalk C C') = stx.class_of (f ⇧¯ X V) (φ⇩f V r)"
using induced_morphism_eq add_stalk_eq_class C by auto
have "is_open⇩Y V"
by (smt (verit, best) C SigmaD1 Vr add_stalk_eq_class dlY.subset_of_opens eqY.block_closed stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq)
have "r ∈ 𝒪⇩Y V"
by (smt (verit, best) IntI Vr add_stalk_eq_class add_in cc fst_conv mem_Collect_eq snd_conv stfx.rel_I1 stfx.rel_def)
have fxV: "f x ∈ V"
using C Vr add_stalk_eq_class stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq by auto
have fXUU: "is_open⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))"
using cc(1) is_continuous by presburger
have "(U ∩ U', add) ∈ stfx.class_of V r"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI Vr add_stalk_eq_class add_in cc mem_Collect_eq stfx.class_of_def stfx.rel_Class_iff stfx.rel_I1)
then have "stfx.rel (V, r) (U ∩ U', add)"
by (simp add: fxV ‹is_open⇩Y V› ‹r ∈ 𝒪⇩Y V› stfx.rel_I1)
then have "induced_morphism (stfx.add_stalk C C') = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f (U ∩ U') add)"
using eq induced_morphism_is_well_defined by presburger
moreover have "stx.add_stalk (induced_morphism C) (induced_morphism C') =
stx.add_stalk (stx.class_of (f ⇧¯ X U) (φ⇩f U q))
(stx.class_of (f ⇧¯ X U') (φ⇩f U' q'))"
using CC(1) Uq(1) eq' induced_morphism_eval by auto
moreover have "… = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))
(add_str⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))
(ρ⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U)) (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f (U) (q)))
(ρ⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U')) (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f (U') (q')))
unfolding stx.add_stalk_def
using is_continuous phi_in_O stx.is_elem fXUU
by (intro stx.add_rel_class_of) auto
moreover have "φ⇩f (U ∩ U') add = add_str⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))
(φ⇩f (U ∩ U') (ρ⇩Y (U) (U ∩ U') (q)))
(φ⇩f (U ∩ U') (ρ⇩Y (U') (U ∩ U') (q')))"
unfolding add_def
proof (subst cc_rh.additive.commutes_with_composition)
show "ρ⇩Y U (U ∩ U') q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
by (metis ‹q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U› cc(1) codom.is_map_from_is_homomorphism inf.cobounded1 map.map_closed opeU(1))
show "ρ⇩Y U' (U ∩ U') q' ∈ 𝒪⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
by (metis ‹q' ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U'› cc(1) codom.is_map_from_is_homomorphism inf.commute inf_le1 map.map_closed opeU(2))
qed (auto simp: add_im_sheaf_def)
moreover have "… = add_str⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))
(ρ⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U)) (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f (U) (q)))
(ρ⇩X (f⇧¯ X U') (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f (U') (q')))"
using assms
apply (simp add: stfx.rel_def morphY.comm_diagrams [symmetric, unfolded o_def])
using im_sheaf_morphisms_def by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
have "induced_morphism (stfx.zero_stalk V) = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X V) (φ⇩f V (zero_str⇩Y V))"
using induced_morphism_eval [OF 0, where r = "(V, zero_str⇩Y V)"] assms by force
also have "… = stx.zero_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V)"
by (simp add: phif.additive.commutes_with_unit zero_im_sheaf_def stx.zero_stalk_def)
finally show "induced_morphism (stfx.zero_stalk V) = stx.zero_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V)" .
show "monoid_homomorphism_axioms induced_morphism stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.mult_stalk (stfx.one_stalk V) stx.mult_stalk (stx.one_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V))"
fix C C'
assume CC: "C ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk" "C' ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk"
show "induced_morphism (stfx.mult_stalk C C') = stx.mult_stalk (induced_morphism C) (induced_morphism C')"
proof -
obtain U q U' q' where Uq: "(U,q) ∈ C" "(U',q') ∈ C'"
and eq: "induced_morphism C = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X U) (φ⇩f U q)"
and eq': "induced_morphism C' = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X U') (φ⇩f U' q')"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CC induced_morphism_eq)
then obtain cc [simp]: "is_open⇩Y (U ∩ U')" "f x ∈ U" "f x ∈ U'"
using CC eqY.block_closed stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq target.open_inter by force
then interpret cc_rh: ring_homomorphism "φ⇩f (U ∩ U')" "𝒪⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
"add_str⇩Y (U ∩ U')" "mult_str⇩Y (U ∩ U')" "zero_str⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
"one_str⇩Y (U ∩ U')" "local.im_sheaf (U ∩ U')"
"add_im_sheaf (U ∩ U')" "mult_im_sheaf (U ∩ U')"
"zero_im_sheaf (U ∩ U')" "one_im_sheaf (U ∩ U')"
by (metis is_morphism_of_sheaves morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism morphism_sheaves_of_rings_def)
obtain opeU [simp]: "is_open⇩Y U" "is_open⇩Y U'"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CC SigmaD1 Uq dlY.subset_of_opens eqY.block_closed stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq)
obtain [simp]: "q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U" "q' ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U'"
using CC Uq stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq by auto
define mult where "mult ≡ mult_str⇩Y (U ∩ U') (ρ⇩Y U (U ∩ U') q) (ρ⇩Y U' (U ∩ U') q')"
have mult_stalk_eq_class: "stfx.mult_stalk C C' = stfx.class_of (U ∩ U') mult"
using CC
unfolding mult_def stfx.mult_stalk_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def dlY.carrier_direct_lim_def
by (smt (verit, best) IntI Int_commute Uq cc eqY.Block_self eqY.block_closed inf.cobounded1 mem_Collect_eq stfx.mult_rel_class_of stfx.class_of_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq)
then have C: "(stfx.class_of (U ∩ U') mult) ∈ stfx.carrier_stalk"
by (metis CC V.multiplicative.monoid_axioms monoid.composition_closed stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.mult_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq)
have mult_in: "mult ∈ 𝒪⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
apply (simp add: mult_def)
using cc_rh.source.additive.composition_closed‹q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U› ‹q' ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U'›
by (meson cc(1) cc_rh.source.multiplicative.composition_closed codom.is_map_from_is_homomorphism inf_le1 inf_le2 map.map_closed opeU)
obtain V r where Vr: "(V,r) ∈ stfx.mult_stalk C C'"
and eq: "induced_morphism (stfx.mult_stalk C C') = stx.class_of (f ⇧¯ X V) (φ⇩f V r)"
using induced_morphism_eq mult_stalk_eq_class C by auto
have "is_open⇩Y V"
by (smt (verit, best) C SigmaD1 Vr mult_stalk_eq_class dlY.subset_of_opens eqY.block_closed stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq)
have "r ∈ 𝒪⇩Y V"
by (smt (verit, best) IntI Vr mult_stalk_eq_class mult_in cc fst_conv mem_Collect_eq snd_conv stfx.rel_I1 stfx.rel_def)
have fxV: "f x ∈ V"
using C Vr mult_stalk_eq_class stfx.carrier_direct_lim_def stfx.carrier_stalk_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq by auto
have fXUU: "is_open⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))"
using cc(1) is_continuous by presburger
have "(U ∩ U', mult) ∈ stfx.class_of V r"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI Vr mult_stalk_eq_class mult_in cc mem_Collect_eq stfx.class_of_def stfx.rel_Class_iff stfx.rel_I1)
then have "stfx.rel (V, r) (U ∩ U', mult)"
by (simp add: fxV ‹is_open⇩Y V› ‹r ∈ 𝒪⇩Y V› stfx.rel_I1)
then have "induced_morphism (stfx.mult_stalk C C') = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f (U ∩ U') mult)"
using eq induced_morphism_is_well_defined by presburger
moreover have "stx.mult_stalk (induced_morphism C) (induced_morphism C') =
stx.mult_stalk (stx.class_of (f ⇧¯ X U) (φ⇩f U q))
(stx.class_of (f ⇧¯ X U') (φ⇩f U' q'))"
using CC(1) Uq(1) eq' induced_morphism_eval by auto
moreover have "… = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))
(mult_str⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))
(ρ⇩X (f ⇧¯ X U) (f ⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f U q))
(ρ⇩X (f ⇧¯ X U') (f ⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f U' q')))"
unfolding stx.mult_stalk_def
using is_continuous phi_in_O stx.is_elem fXUU
by (intro stx.mult_rel_class_of) auto
moreover have "φ⇩f (U ∩ U') mult = mult_str⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))
(φ⇩f (U ∩ U') (ρ⇩Y U (U ∩ U') q))
(φ⇩f (U ∩ U') (ρ⇩Y U' (U ∩ U') q'))"
unfolding mult_def
proof (subst cc_rh.multiplicative.commutes_with_composition)
show "ρ⇩Y U (U ∩ U') q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
by (metis ‹q ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U› cc(1) codom.is_map_from_is_homomorphism inf.cobounded1 map.map_closed opeU(1))
show "ρ⇩Y U' (U ∩ U') q' ∈ 𝒪⇩Y (U ∩ U')"
by (metis ‹q' ∈ 𝒪⇩Y U'› cc(1) codom.is_map_from_is_homomorphism inf.commute inf_le1 map.map_closed opeU(2))
qed (auto simp: mult_im_sheaf_def)
moreover have "… = mult_str⇩X (f⇧¯ X (U ∩ U'))
(ρ⇩X (f ⇧¯ X U) (f ⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f U q))
(ρ⇩X (f ⇧¯ X U') (f ⇧¯ X (U ∩ U')) (φ⇩f U' q'))"
using assms im_sheaf_morphisms_def
by (fastforce simp: stfx.rel_def morphY.comm_diagrams [symmetric, unfolded o_def])
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
have "induced_morphism (stfx.one_stalk V) = stx.class_of (f⇧¯ X V) (φ⇩f V (one_str⇩Y V))"
using induced_morphism_eval [OF 1, where r = "(V, one_str⇩Y V)"] assms by force
also have "… = stx.one_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V)"
by (simp add: phif.multiplicative.commutes_with_unit one_im_sheaf_def stx.one_stalk_def)
finally show "induced_morphism (stfx.one_stalk V) = stx.one_stalk (f ⇧¯ X V)" .
definition is_local:: "'c set ⇒ (('c set × 'd) set ⇒ ('a set × 'b) set) ⇒ bool" where
"is_local V φ ≡
local_ring_morphism φ
stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk stfx.mult_stalk (stfx.zero_stalk V) (stfx.one_stalk V)
stx.carrier_stalk stx.add_stalk stx.mult_stalk (stx.zero_stalk (f⇧¯ X V)) (stx.one_stalk (f⇧¯ X V))"
notation ind_mor_btw_stalks.induced_morphism (‹φ⇘(3_ _ _ _/ _ _ _/ _ _ _)⇙›
lemma (in sheaf_of_rings) induced_morphism_with_id_is_id:
assumes "x ∈ S"
shows "φ⇘S is_open 𝔉 ρ is_open 𝔉 ρ (identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U)) x⇙
= (λC∈(stalk.carrier_stalk is_open 𝔉 ρ x). C)"
proof -
interpret im_sheaf S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str S is_open "identity S"
by (metis homeomorphism.axioms(3) id_is_homeomorphism im_sheaf_def inverse_map_identity
interpret codom: ringed_space S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
by (meson im_sheaf.axioms(1) im_sheaf_axioms ringed_space_def)
interpret ind_mor_btw_stalks S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str S
is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str "identity S" "λU. identity (𝔉 U)" x
apply intro_locales
proof -
have "ring_homomorphism (identity (𝔉 U)) (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙ (local.im_sheaf U) (add_im_sheaf U)
(mult_im_sheaf U) (zero_im_sheaf U) (one_im_sheaf U)" if "is_open U" for U
by (smt (verit, best) id_is_mor_pr_rngs im_sheaf.add_im_sheaf_def im_sheaf.im_sheaf_def
im_sheaf.mult_im_sheaf_def im_sheaf_axioms local.topological_space_axioms
morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism one_im_sheaf_def that
topological_space.open_preimage_identity zero_im_sheaf_def)
moreover have "∀U V. is_open U ⟶
is_open V ⟶
V ⊆ U ⟶ (∀x. x ∈ 𝔉 U ⟶ (im_sheaf_morphisms U V ∘ identity (𝔉 U)) x = (identity (𝔉 V) ∘ ρ U V) x)"
by (smt (verit, best) comp_apply im_sheaf_morphisms_def is_map_from_is_homomorphism
local.im_sheaf_def map.map_closed open_preimage_identity restrict_apply')
ultimately have "morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str
zero_str one_str local.im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf
zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
unfolding morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms_def by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding morphism_ringed_spaces_axioms_def
by intro_locales
subgoal by (meson assms ind_mor_btw_stalks_axioms.intro)
have "(let r = SOME r. r ∈ C
in direct_lim.class_of 𝔉 ρ (neighborhoods x) (identity S ⇧¯ S (fst r))
(identity (𝔉 (fst r)) (snd r))) = C"
(is "?L= _")
if "C∈stalk.carrier_stalk is_open 𝔉 ρ x" for C
proof -
interpret stk:stalk S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
"neighborhoods x" x
apply unfold_locales
using is_elem neighborhoods_def by auto
define r where "r=(SOME x. x ∈ C)"
have r:"r ∈ C" "r ∈ Sigma (neighborhoods x) 𝔉" and "C = stk.class_of (fst r) (snd r)"
using stk.rel_carrier_Eps_in[OF that[unfolded stk.carrier_stalk_def]] unfolding r_def by auto
have "?L = stk.class_of (identity S ⇧¯ S (fst r)) (identity (𝔉 (fst r)) (snd r))"
unfolding r_def Let_def by simp
also have "... = stk.class_of (fst r) (snd r)"
by (metis open_preimage_identity r(1) restrict_apply stk.carrier_direct_limE
stk.carrier_stalk_def stk.rel_I1 stk.rel_def stk.subset_of_opens that)
also have "... = C"
using ‹C = stk.class_of (fst r) (snd r)› by simp
finally show ?thesis .
then show ?thesis
unfolding induced_morphism_def
using is_elem neighborhoods_def by fastforce
lemma (in locally_ringed_space) induced_morphism_with_id_is_local:
assumes "x ∈ S" and V: "x ∈ V" "is_open V"
shows "ind_mor_btw_stalks.is_local
S is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
(identity S) x V (φ⇘S is_open 𝔉 ρ is_open 𝔉 ρ (identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U)) x⇙)"
have [simp]: "(identity S)⇧¯ S V = V"
using assms by auto
interpret stfx: stalk S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
"{U. is_open U ∧ (identity S x) ∈ U}" "identity S x"
proof qed (use assms in auto)
have "local_ring stfx.carrier_stalk stfx.add_stalk stfx.mult_stalk (stfx.zero_stalk V) (stfx.one_stalk V)"
by (smt (verit, best) assms restrict_apply' stalks_are_local stfx.is_local_def stfx.neighborhoods_eq)
interpret stx: stalk S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str "{U. is_open U ∧ x ∈ U}" "x"
using ‹x ∈ S› stfx.stalk_axioms by fastforce
interpret local_ring stx.carrier_stalk stx.add_stalk stx.mult_stalk
"stx.zero_stalk ((identity S)⇧¯ S V)" "stx.one_stalk ((identity S)⇧¯ S V)"
using V stalks_are_local stx.is_local_def stx.neighborhoods_eq by fastforce
interpret imS: im_sheaf S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str S is_open "identity S"
by (metis homeomorphism.axioms(3) id_is_homeomorphism im_sheaf_def inverse_map_identity
have rh: "⋀U. is_open U ⟹
ring_homomorphism (identity (𝔉 U)) (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙ (imS.im_sheaf U)
(imS.add_im_sheaf U) (imS.mult_im_sheaf U) (imS.zero_im_sheaf U) (imS.one_im_sheaf U)"
unfolding imS.add_im_sheaf_def imS.mult_im_sheaf_def imS.one_im_sheaf_def
imS.zero_im_sheaf_def imS.im_sheaf_def
using id_is_mor_pr_rngs morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism by fastforce
interpret ind_mor_btw_stalks S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str S
is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str "identity S" "λU. identity (𝔉 U)" x
proof intro_locales
show "morphism_ringed_spaces_axioms S 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
unfolding morphism_ringed_spaces_axioms_def morphism_sheaves_of_rings_def
morphism_presheaves_of_rings_def morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms_def
using rh
by (auto simp add: presheaf_of_rings_axioms imS.presheaf_of_rings_axioms
map.map_closed [OF is_map_from_is_homomorphism] imS.im_sheaf_morphisms_def)
show "ind_mor_btw_stalks_axioms S x"
by (simp add: assms(1) ind_mor_btw_stalks_axioms_def)
have "φ⇘S is_open 𝔉 ρ is_open 𝔉 ρ (identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U)) x⇙ = identity stx.carrier_stalk"
using induced_morphism_with_id_is_id stx.is_elem by simp
then show ?thesis
using id_is_local_ring_morphism is_local_def local_ring_axioms stx.is_elem by fastforce
locale morphism_locally_ringed_spaces = morphism_ringed_spaces +
assumes are_local_morphisms:
"⋀x V. ⟦x ∈ X; is_open⇩Y V; f x ∈ V⟧ ⟹
ind_mor_btw_stalks.is_local X is_open⇩X 𝒪⇩X ρ⇩X add_str⇩X mult_str⇩X zero_str⇩X one_str⇩X
is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y add_str⇩Y mult_str⇩Y zero_str⇩Y one_str⇩Y f
x V φ⇘X is_open⇩X 𝒪⇩X ρ⇩X is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y f φ⇩f x⇙"
lemma (in locally_ringed_space) id_to_mor_locally_ringed_spaces:
shows "morphism_locally_ringed_spaces
S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
(identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
proof intro_locales
interpret idim: im_sheaf S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str S is_open "identity S"
fix U assume "is_open U"
then show "is_open (identity S ⇧¯ S U)"
by (simp add: open_inter preimage_identity_self)
qed auto
show " (identity S) S S"
by (simp add: Set_Theory.map_def)
show "continuous_map_axioms S is_open is_open (identity S)"
by (simp add: continuous_map_axioms_def open_inter preimage_identity_self)
have gh: "group_homomorphism (identity (𝔉 U)) (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙
𝟬⇘U⇙ (idim.im_sheaf U) (idim.add_im_sheaf U) (idim.zero_im_sheaf U)"
if "is_open U" for U
using that id_is_mor_pr_rngs idim.add_im_sheaf_def idim.im_sheaf_def idim.zero_im_sheaf_def morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism ring_homomorphism_def by fastforce
have "morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str idim.im_sheaf idim.im_sheaf_morphisms idim.add_im_sheaf idim.mult_im_sheaf idim.zero_im_sheaf idim.one_im_sheaf (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
unfolding morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms_def
proof (intro conjI strip)
fix U
assume "is_open U"
then show "ring_homomorphism (identity (𝔉 U)) (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙ (idim.im_sheaf U) (idim.add_im_sheaf U) (idim.mult_im_sheaf U) (idim.zero_im_sheaf U) (idim.one_im_sheaf U)"
using id_is_mor_pr_rngs idim.add_im_sheaf_def idim.im_sheaf_def idim.mult_im_sheaf_def idim.one_im_sheaf_def idim.zero_im_sheaf_def morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism by fastforce
fix V x
assume "is_open V" and "V ⊆ U" and "x ∈ 𝔉 U"
then show "(idim.im_sheaf_morphisms U V ∘ identity (𝔉 U)) x = (identity (𝔉 V) ∘ ρ U V) x"
using ‹is_open U›
by (simp add: idim.im_sheaf_morphisms_def map.map_closed [OF is_map_from_is_homomorphism])
then show mrs: "morphism_ringed_spaces_axioms S 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
by (simp add: idim.im_sheaf_is_presheaf morphism_presheaves_of_rings_def morphism_ringed_spaces_axioms.intro morphism_sheaves_of_rings.intro presheaf_of_rings_axioms)
show "morphism_locally_ringed_spaces_axioms S is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
using induced_morphism_with_id_is_local
by (simp add: morphism_locally_ringed_spaces_axioms_def)
locale iso_locally_ringed_spaces = morphism_locally_ringed_spaces +
assumes is_homeomorphism: "homeomorphism X is_open⇩X Y is_open⇩Y f" and
is_iso_of_sheaves: "iso_sheaves_of_rings Y is_open⇩Y 𝒪⇩Y ρ⇩Y d add_str⇩Y mult_str⇩Y zero_str⇩Y one_str⇩Y
im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf
lemma (in locally_ringed_space) id_to_iso_locally_ringed_spaces:
shows "iso_locally_ringed_spaces
S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
(identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
proof -
interpret morphism_ringed_spaces S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str "identity S" "λU. identity (𝔉 U)"
by (metis id_to_mor_locally_ringed_spaces morphism_locally_ringed_spaces_def)
show ?thesis
proof intro_locales
show "morphism_locally_ringed_spaces_axioms S is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str is_open 𝔉 ρ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
by (metis id_to_mor_locally_ringed_spaces morphism_locally_ringed_spaces_def)
show "iso_locally_ringed_spaces_axioms S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (identity S) (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
unfolding iso_locally_ringed_spaces_axioms_def iso_sheaves_of_rings_def iso_presheaves_of_rings_def iso_presheaves_of_rings_axioms_def
proof (intro conjI)
show "homeomorphism S is_open S is_open (identity S)"
using id_is_homeomorphism by blast
show mor:"morphism_presheaves_of_rings S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str
local.im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf
(λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
by (simp add: is_morphism_of_sheaves morphism_sheaves_of_rings.axioms)
have "morphism_presheaves_of_rings S is_open
local.im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf
𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (λU. identity (𝔉 U))"
unfolding morphism_presheaves_of_rings_def morphism_presheaves_of_rings_axioms_def
proof (intro conjI strip)
show "presheaf_of_rings S is_open local.im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf"
using im_sheaf_is_presheaf by blast
show "presheaf_of_rings S is_open 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str"
by (metis mor morphism_presheaves_of_rings_def)
fix U assume "is_open U"
then have "ring_homomorphism (identity (𝔉 U)) (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙ (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙"
by (smt (verit, best) im_sheaf.add_im_sheaf_def im_sheaf.mult_im_sheaf_def im_sheaf_axioms local.im_sheaf_def mor morphism_presheaves_of_rings.is_ring_morphism one_im_sheaf_def open_preimage_identity zero_im_sheaf_def)
then show "ring_homomorphism (identity (𝔉 U)) (local.im_sheaf U) (add_im_sheaf U) (mult_im_sheaf U) (zero_im_sheaf U) (one_im_sheaf U) (𝔉 U) +⇘U⇙ ⋅⇘U⇙ 𝟬⇘U⇙ 𝟭⇘U⇙"
using ‹is_open U › im_sheaf.add_im_sheaf_def im_sheaf_axioms local.im_sheaf_def mult_im_sheaf_def one_im_sheaf_def zero_im_sheaf_def
by fastforce
fix V x
assume "is_open V" and "V ⊆ U" and "x ∈ local.im_sheaf U"
then show "(ρ U V ∘ identity (𝔉 U)) x = (identity (𝔉 V) ∘ im_sheaf_morphisms U V) x"
using map.map_closed [OF is_map_from_is_homomorphism] ‹is_open U›
by (simp add: im_sheaf_morphisms_def local.im_sheaf_def)
then show "∃ψ. morphism_presheaves_of_rings S is_open (im_sheaf.im_sheaf S 𝔉 (identity S)) (im_sheaf.im_sheaf_morphisms S ρ (identity S)) b
(im_sheaf.add_im_sheaf S add_str (identity S)) (im_sheaf.mult_im_sheaf S mult_str (identity S)) (im_sheaf.zero_im_sheaf S zero_str (identity S)) (im_sheaf.one_im_sheaf S one_str (identity S)) 𝔉 ρ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str ψ ∧ (∀U. is_open U ⟶ (∀x∈im_sheaf.im_sheaf S 𝔉 (identity S) U. (identity (𝔉 U) ∘ ψ U) x = x) ∧ (∀x∈𝔉 U. (ψ U ∘ identity (𝔉 U)) x = x))"
using local.im_sheaf_def by auto