Theory HOL-Algebra.Ring_Divisibility
theory Ring_Divisibility
imports Ideal Divisibility QuotRing Multiplicative_Group
definition mult_of :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme β 'a monoid" where
"mult_of R β‘ β¦ carrier = carrier R - {π¬βRβ}, mult = mult R, one = πβRββ¦"
lemma carrier_mult_of [simp]: "carrier (mult_of R) = carrier R - {π¬βRβ}"
by (simp add: mult_of_def)
lemma mult_mult_of [simp]: "mult (mult_of R) = mult R"
by (simp add: mult_of_def)
lemma nat_pow_mult_of: "([^]βmult_of Rβ) = (([^]βRβ) :: _ β nat β _)"
by (simp add: mult_of_def fun_eq_iff nat_pow_def)
lemma one_mult_of [simp]: "πβmult_of Rβ = πβRβ"
by (simp add: mult_of_def)
section βΉThe Arithmetic of RingsβΊ
text βΉIn this section we study the links between the divisibility theory and that of ringsβΊ
subsection βΉDefinitionsβΊ
locale factorial_domain = domain + factorial_monoid "mult_of R"
locale noetherian_ring = ring +
assumes finetely_gen: "ideal I R βΉ βA β carrier R. finite A β§ I = Idl A"
locale noetherian_domain = noetherian_ring + domain
locale principal_domain = domain +
assumes exists_gen: "ideal I R βΉ βa β carrier R. I = PIdl a"
locale euclidean_domain =
domain R for R (structure) + fixes Ο :: "'a β nat"
assumes euclidean_function:
" β¦ a β carrier R - { π¬ }; b β carrier R - { π¬ } β§ βΉ
βq r. q β carrier R β§ r β carrier R β§ a = (b β q) β r β§ ((r = π¬) β¨ (Ο r < Ο b))"
definition ring_irreducible :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme β 'a β bool" (βΉring'_irreducibleΔ±βΊ)
where "ring_irreducibleβRβ a β· (a β π¬βRβ) β§ (irreducible R a)"
definition ring_prime :: "('a, 'b) ring_scheme β 'a β bool" (βΉring'_primeΔ±βΊ)
where "ring_primeβRβ a β· (a β π¬βRβ) β§ (prime R a)"
subsection βΉThe cancellative monoid of a domain. βΊ
sublocale domain < mult_of: comm_monoid_cancel "mult_of R"
rewrites "mult (mult_of R) = mult R"
and "one (mult_of R) = one R"
using m_comm m_assoc
by (auto intro!: comm_monoid_cancelI comm_monoidI
simp add: m_rcancel integral_iff)
sublocale factorial_domain < mult_of: factorial_monoid "mult_of R"
rewrites "mult (mult_of R) = mult R"
and "one (mult_of R) = one R"
using factorial_monoid_axioms by auto
lemma (in ring) noetherian_ringI:
assumes "βI. ideal I R βΉ βA β carrier R. finite A β§ I = Idl A"
shows "noetherian_ring R"
using assms by unfold_locales auto
lemma (in domain) euclidean_domainI:
assumes "βa b. β¦ a β carrier R - { π¬ }; b β carrier R - { π¬ } β§ βΉ
βq r. q β carrier R β§ r β carrier R β§ a = (b β q) β r β§ ((r = π¬) β¨ (Ο r < Ο b))"
shows "euclidean_domain R Ο"
using assms by unfold_locales auto
subsection βΉPassing from \<^term>βΉRβΊ to \<^term>βΉmult_of RβΊ and vice-versa. βΊ
lemma divides_mult_imp_divides [simp]: "a dividesβ(mult_of R)β b βΉ a dividesβRβ b"
unfolding factor_def by auto
lemma (in domain) divides_imp_divides_mult [simp]:
"β¦ a β carrier R; b β carrier R - { π¬ } β§ βΉ a dividesβRβ b βΉ a dividesβ(mult_of R)β b"
unfolding factor_def using integral_iff by auto
lemma (in cring) divides_one:
assumes "a β carrier R"
shows "a divides π β· a β Units R"
using assms m_comm unfolding factor_def Units_def by force
lemma (in ring) one_divides:
assumes "a β carrier R" shows "π divides a"
using assms unfolding factor_def by simp
lemma (in ring) divides_zero:
assumes "a β carrier R" shows "a divides π¬"
using r_null[OF assms] unfolding factor_def by force
lemma (in ring) zero_divides:
shows "π¬ divides a β· a = π¬"
unfolding factor_def by auto
lemma (in domain) divides_mult_zero:
assumes "a β carrier R" shows "a dividesβ(mult_of R)β π¬ βΉ a = π¬"
using integral[OF _ assms] unfolding factor_def by auto
lemma (in ring) divides_mult:
assumes "a β carrier R" "c β carrier R"
shows "a divides b βΉ (c β a) divides (c β b)"
using m_assoc[OF assms(2,1)] unfolding factor_def by auto
lemma (in domain) mult_divides:
assumes "a β carrier R" "b β carrier R" "c β carrier R - { π¬ }"
shows "(c β a) divides (c β b) βΉ a divides b"
using assms m_assoc[of c] unfolding factor_def by (simp add: m_lcancel)
lemma (in domain) assoc_iff_assoc_mult:
assumes "a β carrier R" and "b β carrier R"
shows "a βΌ b β· a βΌβ(mult_of R)β b"
assume "a βΌβ(mult_of R)β b" thus "a βΌ b"
unfolding associated_def factor_def by auto
assume A: "a βΌ b"
then obtain c1 c2
where c1: "c1 β carrier R" "a = b β c1" and c2: "c2 β carrier R" "b = a β c2"
unfolding associated_def factor_def by auto
show "a βΌβ(mult_of R)β b"
proof (cases "a = π¬")
assume a: "a = π¬" then have b: "b = π¬"
using c2 by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding associated_def factor_def a b by auto
assume a: "a β π¬"
hence b: "b β π¬" and c1_not_zero: "c1 β π¬"
using c1 assms by auto
hence c2_not_zero: "c2 β π¬"
using c2 assms by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding associated_def factor_def using c1 c2 c1_not_zero c2_not_zero a b by auto
lemma (in domain) Units_mult_eq_Units [simp]: "Units (mult_of R) = Units R"
unfolding Units_def using insert_Diff integral_iff by auto
lemma (in domain) ring_associated_iff:
assumes "a β carrier R" "b β carrier R"
shows "a βΌ b β· (βu β Units R. a = u β b)"
proof (cases "a = π¬")
assume [simp]: "a = π¬" show ?thesis
assume "a βΌ b" thus "βu β Units R. a = u β b"
using zero_divides unfolding associated_def by force
assume "βu β Units R. a = u β b" then have "b = π¬"
by (metis Units_closed Units_l_cancel βΉa = π¬βΊ assms r_null)
thus "a βΌ b"
using zero_divides[of π¬] by auto
assume a: "a β π¬" show ?thesis
proof (cases "b = π¬")
assume "b = π¬" thus ?thesis
using assms a zero_divides[of a] r_null unfolding associated_def by blast
assume b: "b β π¬"
have "(βu β Units R. a = u β b) β· (βu β Units R. a = b β u)"
using m_comm[OF assms(2)] Units_closed by auto
thus ?thesis
using mult_of.associated_iff[of a b] a b assms
unfolding assoc_iff_assoc_mult[OF assms] Units_mult_eq_Units
by auto
lemma (in domain) properfactor_mult_imp_properfactor:
"β¦ a β carrier R; b β carrier R β§ βΉ properfactor (mult_of R) b a βΉ properfactor R b a"
proof -
assume A: "a β carrier R" "b β carrier R" "properfactor (mult_of R) b a"
then obtain c where c: "c β carrier (mult_of R)" "a = b β c"
unfolding properfactor_def factor_def by auto
have "a β π¬"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume a: "Β¬ a β π¬"
hence "b = π¬" using c A integral[of b c] by auto
hence "b = a β π" using a A by simp
hence "a dividesβ(mult_of R)β b"
unfolding factor_def by auto
thus False using A unfolding properfactor_def by simp
hence "b β π¬"
using c A integral_iff by auto
thus "properfactor R b a"
using A divides_imp_divides_mult[of a b] unfolding properfactor_def
by (meson DiffI divides_mult_imp_divides empty_iff insert_iff)
lemma (in domain) properfactor_imp_properfactor_mult:
"β¦ a β carrier R - { π¬ }; b β carrier R β§ βΉ properfactor R b a βΉ properfactor (mult_of R) b a"
unfolding properfactor_def factor_def by auto
lemma (in domain) properfactor_of_zero:
assumes "b β carrier R"
shows "Β¬ properfactor (mult_of R) b π¬" and "properfactor R b π¬ β· b β π¬"
using divides_mult_zero[OF assms] divides_zero[OF assms] unfolding properfactor_def by auto
subsection βΉIrreducibleβΊ
text βΉThe following lemmas justify the need for a definition of irreducible specific to rings:
for \<^term>βΉirreducible RβΊ, we need to suppose we are not in a field (which is plausible,
but \<^term>βΉΒ¬ field RβΊ is an assumption we want to avoid; for \<^term>βΉirreducible (mult_of R)βΊ, zero
is allowed. βΊ
lemma (in domain) zero_is_irreducible_mult:
shows "irreducible (mult_of R) π¬"
unfolding irreducible_def Units_def properfactor_def factor_def
using integral_iff by fastforce
lemma (in domain) zero_is_irreducible_iff_field:
shows "irreducible R π¬ β· field R"
assume irr: "irreducible R π¬"
have "βa. β¦ a β carrier R; a β π¬ β§ βΉ properfactor R a π¬"
unfolding properfactor_def factor_def by (auto, metis r_null zero_closed)
hence "carrier R - { π¬ } = Units R"
using irr unfolding irreducible_def by auto
thus "field R"
using field.intro[OF domain_axioms] unfolding field_axioms_def by simp
assume field: "field R" show "irreducible R π¬"
using field.field_Units[OF field]
unfolding irreducible_def properfactor_def factor_def by blast
lemma (in domain) irreducible_imp_irreducible_mult:
"β¦ a β carrier R; irreducible R a β§ βΉ irreducible (mult_of R) a"
using zero_is_irreducible_mult Units_mult_eq_Units properfactor_mult_imp_properfactor
by (cases "a = π¬") (auto simp add: irreducible_def)
lemma (in domain) irreducible_mult_imp_irreducible:
"β¦ a β carrier R - { π¬ }; irreducible (mult_of R) a β§ βΉ irreducible R a"
unfolding irreducible_def using properfactor_imp_properfactor_mult properfactor_divides by fastforce
lemma (in domain) ring_irreducibleE:
assumes "r β carrier R" and "ring_irreducible r"
shows "r β π¬" "irreducible R r" "irreducible (mult_of R) r" "r β Units R"
and "βa b. β¦ a β carrier R; b β carrier R β§ βΉ r = a β b βΉ a β Units R β¨ b β Units R"
proof -
show "irreducible (mult_of R) r" "irreducible R r"
using assms irreducible_imp_irreducible_mult unfolding ring_irreducible_def by auto
show "r β π¬" "r β Units R"
using assms unfolding ring_irreducible_def irreducible_def by auto
fix a b assume a: "a β carrier R" and b: "b β carrier R" and r: "r = a β b"
show "a β Units R β¨ b β Units R"
proof (cases "properfactor R a r")
assume "properfactor R a r" thus ?thesis
using a assms(2) unfolding ring_irreducible_def irreducible_def by auto
assume not_proper: "Β¬ properfactor R a r"
hence "r divides a"
using r b unfolding properfactor_def by auto
then obtain c where c: "c β carrier R" "a = r β c"
unfolding factor_def by auto
have "π = c β b"
using r c(1) b assms m_assoc m_lcancel[OF _ assms(1) one_closed m_closed[OF c(1) b]]
unfolding c(2) ring_irreducible_def by auto
thus ?thesis
using c(1) b m_comm unfolding Units_def by auto
lemma (in domain) ring_irreducibleI:
assumes "r β carrier R - { π¬ }" "r β Units R"
and "βa b. β¦ a β carrier R; b β carrier R β§ βΉ r = a β b βΉ a β Units R β¨ b β Units R"
shows "ring_irreducible r"
unfolding ring_irreducible_def
show "r β π¬" using assms(1) by blast
show "irreducible R r"
proof (rule irreducibleI[OF assms(2)])
fix a assume a: "a β carrier R" "properfactor R a r"
then obtain b where b: "b β carrier R" "r = a β b"
unfolding properfactor_def factor_def by blast
hence "a β Units R β¨ b β Units R"
using assms(3)[OF a(1) b(1)] by simp
thus "a β Units R"
proof (auto)
assume "b β Units R"
hence "r β inv b = a" and "inv b β carrier R"
using b a by (simp add: m_assoc)+
thus ?thesis
using a(2) unfolding properfactor_def factor_def by blast
lemma (in domain) ring_irreducibleI':
assumes "r β carrier R - { π¬ }" "irreducible (mult_of R) r"
shows "ring_irreducible r"
unfolding ring_irreducible_def
using irreducible_mult_imp_irreducible[OF assms] assms(1) by auto
subsection βΉPrimesβΊ
lemma (in domain) zero_is_prime: "prime R π¬" "prime (mult_of R) π¬"
using integral unfolding prime_def factor_def Units_def by auto
lemma (in domain) prime_eq_prime_mult:
assumes "p β carrier R"
shows "prime R p β· prime (mult_of R) p"
proof (cases "p = π¬", auto simp add: zero_is_prime)
assume "p β π¬" "prime R p" thus "prime (mult_of R) p"
unfolding prime_def
using divides_mult_imp_divides Units_mult_eq_Units mult_mult_of
by (metis DiffD1 assms carrier_mult_of divides_imp_divides_mult)
assume p: "p β π¬" "prime (mult_of R) p" show "prime R p"
proof (rule primeI)
show "p β Units R"
using p(2) Units_mult_eq_Units unfolding prime_def by simp
fix a b assume a: "a β carrier R" and b: "b β carrier R" and dvd: "p divides a β b"
then obtain c where c: "c β carrier R" "a β b = p β c"
unfolding factor_def by auto
show "p divides a β¨ p divides b"
proof (cases "a β b = π¬")
case True thus ?thesis
using integral[OF _ a b] c unfolding factor_def by force
case False
hence "p dividesβ(mult_of R)β (a β b)"
using divides_imp_divides_mult[OF assms _ dvd] m_closed[OF a b] by simp
moreover have "a β π¬" "b β π¬" "c β π¬"
using False a b c p l_null integral_iff by (auto, simp add: assms)
ultimately show ?thesis
using a b p unfolding prime_def
by (auto, metis Diff_iff divides_mult_imp_divides singletonD)
lemma (in domain) ring_primeE:
assumes "p β carrier R" "ring_prime p"
shows "p β π¬" "prime (mult_of R) p" "prime R p"
using assms prime_eq_prime_mult unfolding ring_prime_def by auto
lemma (in ring) ring_primeI:
assumes "p β π¬" "prime R p" shows "ring_prime p"
using assms unfolding ring_prime_def by auto
lemma (in domain) ring_primeI':
assumes "p β carrier R - { π¬ }" "prime (mult_of R) p"
shows "ring_prime p"
using assms prime_eq_prime_mult unfolding ring_prime_def by auto
subsection βΉBasic PropertiesβΊ
lemma (in cring) to_contain_is_to_divide:
assumes "a β carrier R" "b β carrier R"
shows "PIdl b β PIdl a β· a divides b"
show "PIdl b β PIdl a βΉ a divides b"
proof -
assume "PIdl b β PIdl a"
hence "b β PIdl a"
by (meson assms(2) local.ring_axioms ring.cgenideal_self subsetCE)
thus ?thesis
unfolding factor_def cgenideal_def using m_comm assms(1) by blast
show "a divides b βΉ PIdl b β PIdl a"
proof -
assume "a divides b" then obtain c where c: "c β carrier R" "b = c β a"
unfolding factor_def using m_comm[OF assms(1)] by blast
show "PIdl b β PIdl a"
fix x assume "x β PIdl b"
then obtain d where d: "d β carrier R" "x = d β b"
unfolding cgenideal_def by blast
hence "x = (d β c) β a"
using c d m_assoc assms by simp
thus "x β PIdl a"
unfolding cgenideal_def using m_assoc assms c d by blast
lemma (in cring) associated_iff_same_ideal:
assumes "a β carrier R" "b β carrier R"
shows "a βΌ b β· PIdl a = PIdl b"
unfolding associated_def
using to_contain_is_to_divide[OF assms]
to_contain_is_to_divide[OF assms(2,1)] by auto
lemma (in cring) ideal_eq_carrier_iff:
assumes "a β carrier R"
shows "carrier R = PIdl a β· a β Units R"
assume "carrier R = PIdl a"
hence "π β PIdl a"
by auto
then obtain b where "b β carrier R" "π = a β b" "π = b β a"
unfolding cgenideal_def using m_comm[OF assms] by auto
thus "a β Units R"
using assms unfolding Units_def by auto
assume "a β Units R"
then have inv_a: "inv a β carrier R" "inv a β a = π"
by auto
have "carrier R β PIdl a"
fix b assume "b β carrier R"
hence "(b β inv a) β a = b" and "b β inv a β carrier R"
using m_assoc[OF _ inv_a(1) assms] inv_a by auto
thus "b β PIdl a"
unfolding cgenideal_def by force
thus "carrier R = PIdl a"
using assms by (simp add: cgenideal_eq_rcos r_coset_subset_G subset_antisym)
lemma (in domain) primeideal_iff_prime:
assumes "p β carrier R - { π¬ }"
shows "primeideal (PIdl p) R β· ring_prime p"
assume PIdl: "primeideal (PIdl p) R" show "ring_prime p"
proof (rule ring_primeI)
show "p β π¬" using assms by simp
show "prime R p"
proof (rule primeI)
show "p β Units R"
using ideal_eq_carrier_iff[of p] assms primeideal.I_notcarr[OF PIdl] by auto
fix a b assume a: "a β carrier R" and b: "b β carrier R" and dvd: "p divides a β b"
hence "a β b β PIdl p"
by (meson assms DiffD1 cgenideal_self contra_subsetD m_closed to_contain_is_to_divide)
hence "a β PIdl p β¨ b β PIdl p"
using primeideal.I_prime[OF PIdl a b] by simp
thus "p divides a β¨ p divides b"
using assms a b Idl_subset_ideal' cgenideal_eq_genideal to_contain_is_to_divide by auto
assume prime: "ring_prime p" show "primeideal (PIdl p) R"
proof (rule primeidealI[OF cgenideal_ideal cring_axioms])
show "p β carrier R" and "carrier R β PIdl p"
using ideal_eq_carrier_iff[of p] assms prime
unfolding ring_prime_def prime_def by auto
fix a b assume a: "a β carrier R" and b: "b β carrier R" "a β b β PIdl p"
hence "p divides a β b"
using assms Idl_subset_ideal' cgenideal_eq_genideal to_contain_is_to_divide by auto
hence "p divides a β¨ p divides b"
using a b assms primeE[OF ring_primeE(3)[OF _ prime]] by auto
thus "a β PIdl p β¨ b β PIdl p"
using a b assms Idl_subset_ideal' cgenideal_eq_genideal to_contain_is_to_divide by auto
subsection βΉNoetherian RingsβΊ
lemma (in ring) chain_Union_is_ideal:
assumes "subset.chain { I. ideal I R } C"
shows "ideal (if C = {} then { π¬ } else (βC)) R"
proof (cases "C = {}")
case True thus ?thesis by (simp add: zeroideal)
case False have "ideal (βC) R"
proof (rule idealI[OF ring_axioms])
show "subgroup (βC) (add_monoid R)"
show "βC β carrier (add_monoid R)"
using assms subgroup.subset[OF additive_subgroup.a_subgroup]
unfolding pred_on.chain_def ideal_def by auto
obtain I where I: "I β C" "ideal I R"
using False assms unfolding pred_on.chain_def by auto
thus "πβadd_monoid Rβ β βC"
using additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF I(2)]] by auto
fix x y assume "x β βC" "y β βC"
then obtain I where I: "I β C" "x β I" "y β I"
using assms unfolding pred_on.chain_def by blast
hence ideal: "ideal I R"
using assms unfolding pred_on.chain_def by auto
thus "x ββadd_monoid Rβ y β βC"
using UnionI I additive_subgroup.a_closed unfolding ideal_def by fastforce
show "invβadd_monoid Rβ x β βC"
using UnionI I additive_subgroup.a_inv_closed ideal unfolding ideal_def a_inv_def by metis
fix a x assume a: "a β βC" and x: "x β carrier R"
then obtain I where I: "ideal I R" "a β I" and "I β C"
using assms unfolding pred_on.chain_def by auto
thus "x β a β βC" and "a β x β βC"
using ideal.I_l_closed[OF I x] ideal.I_r_closed[OF I x] by auto
thus ?thesis
using False by simp
lemma (in noetherian_ring) ideal_chain_is_trivial:
assumes "C β {}" "subset.chain { I. ideal I R } C"
shows "βC β C"
proof -
{ fix S assume "finite S" "S β βC"
hence "βI. I β C β§ S β I"
proof (induct S)
case empty thus ?case
using assms(1) by blast
case (insert s S)
then obtain I where I: "I β C" "S β I"
by blast
moreover obtain I' where I': "I' β C" "s β I'"
using insert(4) by blast
ultimately have "I β I' β¨ I' β I"
using assms unfolding pred_on.chain_def by blast
thus ?case
using I I' by blast
qed } note aux_lemma = this
obtain S where S: "finite S" "S β carrier R" "βC = Idl S"
using finetely_gen[OF chain_Union_is_ideal[OF assms(2)]] assms(1) by auto
then obtain I where I: "I β C" and "S β I"
using aux_lemma[OF S(1)] genideal_self[OF S(2)] by blast
hence "Idl S β I"
using assms unfolding pred_on.chain_def
by (metis genideal_minimal mem_Collect_eq rev_subsetD)
hence "βC = I"
using S(3) I by auto
thus ?thesis
using I by simp
lemma (in ring) trivial_ideal_chain_imp_noetherian:
assumes "βC. β¦ C β {}; subset.chain { I. ideal I R } C β§ βΉ βC β C"
shows "noetherian_ring R"
proof (rule noetherian_ringI)
fix I assume I: "ideal I R"
have in_carrier: "I β carrier R" and add_subgroup: "additive_subgroup I R"
using ideal.axioms(1)[OF I] additive_subgroup.a_subset by auto
define S where "S = { Idl S' | S'. S' β I β§ finite S' }"
have "βM β S. βS' β S. M β S' βΆ S' = M"
proof (rule subset_Zorn)
fix C assume C: "subset.chain S C"
show "βU β S. βS' β C. S' β U"
proof (cases "C = {}")
case True
have "{ π¬ } β S"
using additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF add_subgroup] genideal_zero
by (auto simp add: S_def)
thus ?thesis
using True by auto
case False
have "S β { I. ideal I R }"
using additive_subgroup.a_subset[OF add_subgroup] genideal_ideal
by (auto simp add: S_def)
hence "subset.chain { I. ideal I R } C"
using C unfolding pred_on.chain_def by auto
then have "βC β C"
using assms False by simp
thus ?thesis
by (meson C Union_upper pred_on.chain_def subsetCE)
then obtain M where M: "M β S" "βS'. β¦S' β S; M β S' β§ βΉ S' = M"
by auto
then obtain S' where S': "S' β I" "finite S'" "M = Idl S'"
by (auto simp add: S_def)
hence "M β I"
using I genideal_minimal by (auto simp add: S_def)
moreover have "I β M"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "Β¬ I β M"
then obtain a where a: "a β I" "a β M"
by auto
have "M β Idl (insert a S')"
using S' a(1) genideal_minimal[of "Idl (insert a S')" S']
in_carrier genideal_ideal genideal_self
by (meson insert_subset subset_trans)
moreover have "Idl (insert a S') β S"
using a(1) S' by (auto simp add: S_def)
ultimately have "M = Idl (insert a S')"
using M(2) by auto
hence "a β M"
using genideal_self S'(1) a (1) in_carrier by (meson insert_subset subset_trans)
from βΉa β MβΊ and βΉa β MβΊ show False by simp
ultimately have "M = I" by simp
thus "βA β carrier R. finite A β§ I = Idl A"
using S' in_carrier by blast
lemma (in noetherian_domain) factorization_property:
assumes "a β carrier R - { π¬ }" "a β Units R"
shows "βfs. set fs β carrier (mult_of R) β§ wfactors (mult_of R) fs a" (is "?factorizable a")
proof (rule ccontr)
assume a: "Β¬ ?factorizable a"
define S where "S = { PIdl r | r. r β carrier R - { π¬ } β§ r β Units R β§ Β¬ ?factorizable r }"
then obtain C where C: "subset.maxchain S C"
using subset.Hausdorff by blast
hence chain: "subset.chain S C"
using pred_on.maxchain_def by blast
moreover have "S β { I. ideal I R }"
using cgenideal_ideal by (auto simp add: S_def)
ultimately have "subset.chain { I. ideal I R } C"
by (meson dual_order.trans pred_on.chain_def)
moreover have "PIdl a β S"
using assms a by (auto simp add: S_def)
hence "subset.chain S { PIdl a }"
unfolding pred_on.chain_def by auto
hence "C β {}"
using C unfolding pred_on.maxchain_def by auto
ultimately have "βC β C"
using ideal_chain_is_trivial by simp
hence "βC β S"
using chain unfolding pred_on.chain_def by auto
then obtain r where r: "βC = PIdl r" "r β carrier R - { π¬ }" "r β Units R" "Β¬ ?factorizable r"
by (auto simp add: S_def)
have "βp. p β carrier R - { π¬ } β§ p β Units R β§ Β¬ ?factorizable p β§ p divides r β§ Β¬ r divides p"
proof -
have "wfactors (mult_of R) [ r ] r" if "irreducible (mult_of R) r"
using r(2) that unfolding wfactors_def by auto
hence "Β¬ irreducible (mult_of R) r"
using r(2,4) by auto
hence "Β¬ ring_irreducible r"
using ring_irreducibleE(3) r(2) by auto
then obtain p1 p2
where p1_p2: "p1 β carrier R" "p2 β carrier R" "r = p1 β p2" "p1 β Units R" "p2 β Units R"
using ring_irreducibleI[OF r(2-3)] by auto
hence in_carrier: "p1 β carrier (mult_of R)" "p2 β carrier (mult_of R)"
using r(2) by auto
have "β¦ ?factorizable p1; ?factorizable p2 β§ βΉ ?factorizable r"
using mult_of.wfactors_mult[OF _ _ in_carrier] p1_p2(3) by (metis le_sup_iff set_append)
hence "Β¬ ?factorizable p1 β¨ Β¬ ?factorizable p2"
using r(4) by auto
have "βp1 p2. β¦ p1 β carrier R; p2 β carrier R; r = p1 β p2; r divides p1 β§ βΉ p2 β Units R"
proof -
fix p1 p2 assume A: "p1 β carrier R" "p2 β carrier R" "r = p1 β p2" "r divides p1"
then obtain c where c: "c β carrier R" "p1 = r β c"
unfolding factor_def by blast
hence "π = c β p2"
using A m_lcancel[OF _ _ one_closed, of r "c β p2"] r(2) by (auto, metis m_assoc m_closed)
thus "p2 β Units R"
unfolding Units_def using c A(2) m_comm[OF c(1) A(2)] by auto
hence "Β¬ r divides p1" and "Β¬ r divides p2"
using p1_p2 m_comm[OF p1_p2(1-2)] by blast+
ultimately show ?thesis
using p1_p2 in_carrier by (metis carrier_mult_of dividesI' m_comm)
then obtain p
where p: "p β carrier R - { π¬ }" "p β Units R" "Β¬ ?factorizable p" "p divides r" "Β¬ r divides p"
by blast
hence "PIdl p β S"
unfolding S_def by auto
moreover have "βC β PIdl p"
using p r to_contain_is_to_divide unfolding r(1) by (metis Diff_iff psubsetI)
ultimately have "subset.chain S (insert (PIdl p) C)" and "C β (insert (PIdl p) C)"
unfolding pred_on.chain_def by (metis C psubsetE subset_maxchain_max, blast)
thus False
using C unfolding pred_on.maxchain_def by blast
lemma (in noetherian_domain) exists_irreducible_divisor:
assumes "a β carrier R - { π¬ }" and "a β Units R"
obtains b where "b β carrier R" and "ring_irreducible b" and "b divides a"
proof -
obtain fs where set_fs: "set fs β carrier (mult_of R)" and "wfactors (mult_of R) fs a"
using factorization_property[OF assms] by blast
hence "a β Units R" if "fs = []"
using that assms(1) Units_cong assoc_iff_assoc_mult unfolding wfactors_def by (simp, blast)
hence "fs β []"
using assms(2) by auto
then obtain f' fs' where fs: "fs = f' # fs'"
using list.exhaust by blast
from βΉwfactors (mult_of R) fs aβΊ have "f' divides a"
using mult_of.wfactors_dividesI[OF _ set_fs] assms(1) unfolding fs by auto
moreover from βΉwfactors (mult_of R) fs aβΊ have "ring_irreducible f'" and "f' β carrier R"
using set_fs ring_irreducibleI'[of f'] unfolding wfactors_def fs by auto
ultimately show thesis
using that by blast
subsection βΉPrincipal DomainsβΊ
sublocale principal_domain β noetherian_domain
fix I assume "ideal I R"
then obtain i where "i β carrier R" "I = Idl { i }"
using exists_gen cgenideal_eq_genideal by auto
thus "βA β carrier R. finite A β§ I = Idl A"
by blast
lemma (in principal_domain) irreducible_imp_maximalideal:
assumes "p β carrier R"
and "ring_irreducible p"
shows "maximalideal (PIdl p) R"
proof (rule maximalidealI)
show "ideal (PIdl p) R"
using assms(1) by (simp add: cgenideal_ideal)
show "carrier R β PIdl p"
using ideal_eq_carrier_iff[OF assms(1)] ring_irreducibleE(4)[OF assms] by auto
fix J assume J: "ideal J R" "PIdl p β J" "J β carrier R"
then obtain q where q: "q β carrier R" "J = PIdl q"
using exists_gen[OF J(1)] cgenideal_eq_rcos by metis
hence "q divides p"
using to_contain_is_to_divide[of q p] using assms(1) J(1-2) by simp
then obtain r where r: "r β carrier R" "p = q β r"
unfolding factor_def by auto
hence "q β Units R β¨ r β Units R"
using ring_irreducibleE(5)[OF assms q(1)] by auto
thus "J = PIdl p β¨ J = carrier R"
assume "q β Units R" thus ?thesis
using ideal_eq_carrier_iff[OF q(1)] q(2) by auto
assume "r β Units R" hence "p βΌ q"
using assms(1) r q(1) associatedI2' by blast
thus ?thesis
unfolding associated_iff_same_ideal[OF assms(1) q(1)] q(2) by auto
corollary (in principal_domain) primeness_condition:
assumes "p β carrier R"
shows "ring_irreducible p β· ring_prime p"
show "ring_irreducible p βΉ ring_prime p"
using maximalideal_prime[OF irreducible_imp_maximalideal] ring_irreducibleE(1)
primeideal_iff_prime assms by auto
show "ring_prime p βΉ ring_irreducible p"
using mult_of.prime_irreducible ring_primeI[of p] ring_irreducibleI' assms
unfolding ring_prime_def prime_eq_prime_mult[OF assms] by auto
lemma (in principal_domain) domain_iff_prime:
assumes "a β carrier R - { π¬ }"
shows "domain (R Quot (PIdl a)) β· ring_prime a"
using quot_domain_iff_primeideal[of "PIdl a"] primeideal_iff_prime[of a]
cgenideal_ideal[of a] assms by auto
lemma (in principal_domain) field_iff_prime:
assumes "a β carrier R - { π¬ }"
shows "field (R Quot (PIdl a)) β· ring_prime a"
show "ring_prime a βΉ field (R Quot (PIdl a))"
using primeness_condition[of a] irreducible_imp_maximalideal[of a]
maximalideal.quotient_is_field[of "PIdl a" R] is_cring assms by auto
show "field (R Quot (PIdl a)) βΉ ring_prime a"
unfolding field_def using domain_iff_prime[of a] assms by auto
sublocale principal_domain < mult_of: primeness_condition_monoid "mult_of R"
rewrites "mult (mult_of R) = mult R"
and "one (mult_of R) = one R"
unfolding primeness_condition_monoid_def
proof (auto simp add: mult_of.is_comm_monoid_cancel)
fix a assume a: "a β carrier R" "a β π¬" "irreducible (mult_of R) a"
show "prime (mult_of R) a"
using primeness_condition[OF a(1)] irreducible_mult_imp_irreducible[OF _ a(3)] a(1-2)
unfolding ring_prime_def ring_irreducible_def prime_eq_prime_mult[OF a(1)] by auto
sublocale principal_domain < mult_of: factorial_monoid "mult_of R"
rewrites "mult (mult_of R) = mult R"
and "one (mult_of R) = one R"
using mult_of.wfactors_unique factorization_property mult_of.is_comm_monoid_cancel
by (auto intro!: mult_of.factorial_monoidI)
sublocale principal_domain β factorial_domain
unfolding factorial_domain_def using domain_axioms mult_of.factorial_monoid_axioms by simp
lemma (in principal_domain) ideal_sum_iff_gcd:
assumes "a β carrier R" "b β carrier R" "d β carrier R"
shows "PIdl d = PIdl a <+>βRβ PIdl b β· d gcdof a b"
proof -
{ fix a b d
assume in_carrier: "a β carrier R" "b β carrier R" "d β carrier R"
and ideal_eq: "PIdl d = PIdl a <+>βRβ PIdl b"
have "d gcdof a b"
proof (auto simp add: isgcd_def)
have "a β PIdl d" and "b β PIdl d"
using in_carrier(1-2)[THEN cgenideal_ideal] additive_subgroup.zero_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1)]
in_carrier(1-2)[THEN cgenideal_self] in_carrier(1-2)
unfolding ideal_eq set_add_def' by force+
thus "d divides a" and "d divides b"
using in_carrier(1,2)[THEN to_contain_is_to_divide[OF in_carrier(3)]]
cgenideal_minimal[OF cgenideal_ideal[OF in_carrier(3)]] by simp+
fix c assume c: "c β carrier R" "c divides a" "c divides b"
hence "PIdl a β PIdl c" and "PIdl b β PIdl c"
using to_contain_is_to_divide in_carrier by auto
hence "PIdl a <+>βRβ PIdl b β PIdl c"
by (metis Un_subset_iff c(1) in_carrier(1-2) cgenideal_ideal genideal_minimal union_genideal)
thus "c divides d"
using ideal_eq to_contain_is_to_divide[OF c(1) in_carrier(3)] by simp
qed } note aux_lemma = this
have "PIdl d = PIdl a <+>βRβ PIdl b βΉ d gcdof a b"
using aux_lemma assms by simp
have "d gcdof a b βΉ PIdl d = PIdl a <+>βRβ PIdl b"
proof -
assume d: "d gcdof a b"
obtain c where c: "c β carrier R" "PIdl c = PIdl a <+>βRβ PIdl b"
using exists_gen[OF add_ideals[OF assms(1-2)[THEN cgenideal_ideal]]] by blast
hence "c gcdof a b"
using aux_lemma assms by simp
from βΉd gcdof a bβΊ and βΉc gcdof a bβΊ have "d βΌ c"
using assms c(1) by (simp add: associated_def isgcd_def)
thus ?thesis
using c(2) associated_iff_same_ideal[OF assms(3) c(1)] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma (in principal_domain) bezout_identity:
assumes "a β carrier R" "b β carrier R"
shows "PIdl a <+>βRβ PIdl b = PIdl (somegcd R a b)"
proof -
have "βd β carrier R. d gcdof a b"
using exists_gen[OF add_ideals[OF assms(1-2)[THEN cgenideal_ideal]]]
ideal_sum_iff_gcd[OF assms(1-2)] by auto
thus ?thesis
using ideal_sum_iff_gcd[OF assms(1-2)] somegcd_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) tfl_some)
subsection βΉEuclidean DomainsβΊ
sublocale euclidean_domain β principal_domain
unfolding principal_domain_def principal_domain_axioms_def
proof (auto)
show "domain R" by (simp add: domain_axioms)
fix I assume I: "ideal I R" have "principalideal I R"
proof (cases "I = { π¬ }")
case True thus ?thesis by (simp add: zeropideal)
case False hence A: "I - { π¬ } β {}"
using I additive_subgroup.zero_closed ideal.axioms(1) by auto
define phi_img :: "nat set" where "phi_img = (Ο ` (I - { π¬ }))"
hence "phi_img β {}" using A by simp
then obtain m where "m β phi_img" "βk. k β phi_img βΉ m β€ k"
using exists_least_iff[of "Ξ»n. n β phi_img"] not_less by force
then obtain a where a: "a β I - { π¬ }" "βb. b β I - { π¬ } βΉ Ο a β€ Ο b"
using phi_img_def by blast
have "I = PIdl a"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "I β PIdl a"
then obtain b where b: "b β I" "b β PIdl a"
using I βΉa β I - {π¬}βΊ cgenideal_minimal by auto
hence "b β π¬"
by (metis DiffD1 I a(1) additive_subgroup.zero_closed cgenideal_ideal ideal.Icarr ideal.axioms(1))
then obtain q r
where eucl_div: "q β carrier R" "r β carrier R" "b = (a β q) β r" "r = π¬ β¨ Ο r < Ο a"
using euclidean_function[of b a] a(1) b(1) ideal.Icarr[OF I] by auto
hence "r = π¬ βΉ b β PIdl a"
unfolding cgenideal_def using m_comm[of a] ideal.Icarr[OF I] a(1) by auto
hence 1: "Ο r < Ο a β§ r β π¬"
using eucl_div(4) b(2) by auto
have "r = (β (a β q)) β b"
using eucl_div(1-3) a(1) b(1) ideal.Icarr[OF I] r_neg1 by auto
moreover have "β (a β q) β I"
using eucl_div(1) a(1) I
by (meson DiffD1 additive_subgroup.a_inv_closed ideal.I_r_closed ideal.axioms(1))
ultimately have 2: "r β I"
using b(1) additive_subgroup.a_closed[OF ideal.axioms(1)[OF I]] by auto
from 1 and 2 show False
using a(2) by fastforce
thus ?thesis
by (meson DiffD1 I cgenideal_is_principalideal ideal.Icarr local.a(1))
thus "βa β carrier R. I = PIdl a"
by (simp add: cgenideal_eq_genideal principalideal.generate)
sublocale field β euclidean_domain R "Ξ»_. 0"
proof (rule euclidean_domainI)
fix a b
let ?eucl_div = "Ξ»q r. q β carrier R β§ r β carrier R β§ a = b β q β r β§ (r = π¬ β¨ 0 < 0)"
assume a: "a β carrier R - { π¬ }" and b: "b β carrier R - { π¬ }"
hence "a = b β ((inv b) β a) β π¬"
by (metis DiffD1 Units_inv_closed Units_r_inv field_Units l_one m_assoc r_zero)
hence "?eucl_div _ ((inv b) β a) π¬"
using a b field_Units by auto
thus "βq r. ?eucl_div _ q r"
by blast