Theory Traversal_Set

section ‹Traversal Set›

text ‹This theory defines the calculation of m-traversal paths.
      These are paths extended from some state until they visit pairwise r-distinguishable states
      a number of times dependent on m.›  

theory Traversal_Set
imports Helper_Algorithms 

definition m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length :: 
  "('a,'b,'c) fsm  'a  ('a set × 'a set) list  nat  nat  (('a×'b×'c×'a) list × ('a set × 'a set)) set" 
  "m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length M q D m k 
    = paths_up_to_length_or_condition_with_witness M (λ p . find (λ d . length (filter (λt . t_target t  fst d) p)  Suc (m - (card (snd d)))) D) k q"

definition m_traversal_paths_with_witness :: 
  "('a,'b,'c) fsm  'a  ('a set × 'a set) list  nat  (('a×'b×'c×'a) list × ('a set × 'a set)) set" 
  "m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m = m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length M q D m (Suc (size M * m))"

lemma m_traversal_paths_with_witness_finite : "finite (m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m)"
  unfolding m_traversal_paths_with_witness_def m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length_def
  by (simp add: paths_up_to_length_or_condition_with_witness_finite) 

lemma m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length_max_length :
  assumes " q . q  states M   d  set D . q  fst d"
  and     " d . d  set D  snd d  fst d"
  and     "q  states M"
  and     "(p,d)  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length M q D m k)"
shows "length p  Suc ((size M) * m)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ length p  Suc (FSM.size M * m)"

  let ?f = "(λ p . find (λ d . length (filter (λt . t_target t  fst d) p)  Suc (m - (card (snd d)))) D)"

  have "path M q []" using assms(3) by auto
  have "path M q p"
        and "length p  k"
        and "?f p = Some d"
        and "p' p''. p = p' @ p''  p''  []  ?f p' = None"
    using assms(4) 
    unfolding m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length_def paths_up_to_length_or_condition_with_witness_def 
    by auto

  let ?p = "take (Suc (m * size M)) p"
  let ?p' = "drop (Suc (m * size M)) p"
  have "path M q ?p"
    using path M q p using path_prefix[of M q ?p "drop (Suc (m * size M)) p"]
    by simp
  have "?p'  []"
    using ¬ length p  Suc (FSM.size M * m)
    by (simp add: mult.commute) 

  have " q  states M . length (filter (λt . t_target t = q) ?p)  Suc m"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (qstates M. Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p))"
    then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p) < Suc m"
      by auto
    then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p)  m"
      by auto
    have "(qstates M. length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p))  (qstates M . m)"
      using  q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p)  m by (meson sum_mono) 
    then have "length ?p  m * (size M)"
      using path_length_sum[OF path M q ?p] 
      using fsm_states_finite[of M] 
      by (simp add: mult.commute)

    then show "False"
      using ¬ length p  Suc (FSM.size M * m)
      by (simp add: mult.commute) 

  then obtain q where "q  states M"
                  and "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q) ?p)  Suc m" 
    by blast
  then obtain d where "d  set D"
                  and "q  fst d"
    using assms(1) by blast
  then have " t . t_target t = q  t_target t  fst d" by auto
  then have "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q) ?p)  length (filter (λ t . t_target t  fst d) ?p)"
    using filter_length_weakening[of "λ t . t_target t = q" "λ t . t_target t  fst d"] by auto
  then have "Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) ?p)"
    using length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q) ?p)  Suc m by auto
  then have "?f ?p  None"
    using assms(2)
  proof -
    have "p. find p D  None  ¬ p d"
      by (metis d  set D find_from)
    then show ?thesis
      using Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take (Suc (m * FSM.size M)) p)) 
            diff_le_self le_trans not_less_eq_eq 
      by blast
  then obtain d' where "?f ?p = Some d'"
    by blast

  then have "p = ?p@?p'  ?p'  []  ?f ?p = Some d'"
    using ?p'  [] by auto

  then show "False"
    using p' p''. p = p' @ p''  p''  []  (?f p') = None
    by (metis (no_types) option.distinct(1))

lemma m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set :
  assumes " q . q  states M   d  set D . q  fst d"
  and     " d .  d  set D  snd d  fst d"
  and     "q  states M"
shows "(m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m) 
          = {(p,d) | p d . path M q p 
                             find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p)) D = Some d
                             (p' p''. p = p' @ p''  p''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None)}"
        (is "?MTP = ?P")
proof -
  let ?f = "(λ p . find (λ d . length (filter (λt . t_target t  fst d) p)  Suc (m - (card (snd d)))) D)"

  have "path M q []"
    using assms(3) by auto

  have " p . p  ?MTP  p  ?P"
    unfolding m_traversal_paths_with_witness_def m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length_def 
    by force
  moreover have " p . p  ?P  p  ?MTP"
  proof -
    fix px assume "px  ?P"
    then obtain p x where "px = (p,x)"
          and p1: "path M q p"
          and **: "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p)) D = Some x"
          and ***:"(p' p''.
                     p = p' @ p''  p''  [] 
                     find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None)"
      using prod.collapse by force

    then have "(p,x)  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length M q D m (length p))"
      unfolding m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length_def paths_up_to_length_or_condition_with_witness_def
      by force
    then have "length p  Suc (size M * m)"
      using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length_max_length[OF assms] by blast
    have "(p,x)  ?MTP"
      using path M q p length p  Suc (size M * m) ?f p = Some x 
            p' p''. p = p' @ p''  p''  []  (?f p') = None
      unfolding m_traversal_paths_with_witness_def m_traversal_paths_with_witness_up_to_length_def 
      by force 
    then show "px  ?MTP"
      using px = (p,x) by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (meson subsetI subset_antisym) 

lemma maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_cover :
  assumes "q  states M"
  shows " d  (maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators M) . q  fst d"
  unfolding maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_def
  using maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_cover[OF assms] by auto

lemma maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_d_reachable_subset :
  shows " d . d  (maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators M)  snd d  fst d"
  unfolding maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_def
  by auto

(* Sufficient conditions for a path to be contained in the m-traversal paths *)
lemma m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set_containment :
  assumes "q  states M"
  and     "path M q p"
  and     "d  set repSets"
  and     "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p)"
  and     " p' p''.
                  p = p' @ p''  p''  [] 
                  ¬ (dset repSets.
                         Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'))"
  and     " q . qstates M  dset repSets. q  fst d"
  and     " d . dset repSets  snd d  fst d"
shows " d' . (p,d')  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q repSets m)"
proof -
  obtain d' where "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p)) repSets = Some d'"
    using assms(3,4) find_None_iff[of "(λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p))" repSets] 
    by auto
  moreover have "( p' p''. p = p' @ p''  p''  [] 
                   find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) repSets = None)"
    using assms(5) find_None_iff[of _ repSets] by force  
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set[of M repSets q m, OF  assms(6,7,1)] 
    using assms(2) by blast

lemma m_traversal_path_exist :
  assumes "completely_specified M"
  and     "q  states M"
  and     "inputs M  {}"
  and     " q . qstates M  dset D. q  fst d"
  and     " d . d  set D  snd d  fst d"
shows " p' d' . (p',d')  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m)"
proof -

  obtain p where "path M q p" and "length p = Suc ((size M) * m)"
    using path_of_length_ex[OF assms(1-3)] by blast

  let ?f = "(λ p . find (λ d . length (filter (λt . t_target t  fst d) p)  Suc (m - (card (snd d)))) D)"

  have " q  states M . length (filter (λt . t_target t = q) p)  Suc m"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (qstates M. Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) p))"
    then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) p) < Suc m"
      by auto
    then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) p)  m"
      by auto
    have "(qstates M. length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) p))  (qstates M . m)"
      using  q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) p)  m by (meson sum_mono) 
    then have "length p  m * (size M)"
      using path_length_sum[OF path M q p] 
      using fsm_states_finite[of M] 
      by (simp add: mult.commute)

    then show "False"
      using length p = Suc ((size M) * m)
      by (simp add: mult.commute) 

  then obtain q' where "q'  states M"
                   and "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') p)  Suc m" 
    by blast
  then obtain d where "d  set D"
                  and "q'  fst d"
    using assms(4) by blast
  then have " t . t_target t = q'  t_target t  fst d" by auto
  then have "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') p)  length (filter (λ t . t_target t  fst d) p)"
    using filter_length_weakening[of "λ t . t_target t = q'" "λ t . t_target t  fst d"] by auto
  then have "Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p)"
    using length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') p)  Suc m by auto
  then have "?f p  None"
    using assms(2)
  proof -
    have "p. find p D  None  ¬ p d"
      by (metis d  set D find_from)
    have "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λp. t_target p  fst d) p)"
      using Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p) by linarith
    then show ?thesis
      using p. find p D  None  ¬ p d by blast    
  then obtain d' where "?f p = Some d'"
    by blast

  show ?thesis proof (cases "(p' p''. p = p' @ p''  p''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set[OF assms(4,5,2), of m] path M q p ?f p = Some d' 
      by blast
    case False

    define ps where ps_def: "ps = {p' .  p''. p = p' @ p''  p''  [] 
                                               find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None}"
    have "ps  {}" 
      using False ps_def 
      by blast
    moreover have "finite ps" 
    proof -
      have "ps  set (prefixes p)"
        unfolding prefixes_set ps_def
        by blast 
      then show ?thesis
        by (meson List.finite_set rev_finite_subset) 
    ultimately obtain p' where "p'  ps" and " p'' . p''  ps  length p'  length p''"
      by (meson leI min_length_elem) 
    then have "p'' p''' . p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  [] 
                 find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None"
    proof -
      fix p'' p''' assume "p' = p'' @ p'''" and "p'''  []"
      show "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None"
      proof (rule ccontr) 
        assume "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D  None"
        moreover have "p'''. p = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []"
          using p'  ps p' = p'' @ p''' unfolding ps_def by auto
        ultimately have "p''  ps"
          unfolding ps_def by auto
        moreover have "length p'' < length p'" 
          using p'''  [] p' = p'' @ p''' by auto
        ultimately show "False"
          using  p'' . p''  ps  length p'  length p''
          using leD by auto 

    have "path M q p'" and "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None"
      using path M q p p'  ps unfolding ps_def by auto
    then obtain d' where "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = Some d'"
      by auto

    then have "path M q p' 
               find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = Some d' 
               (p'' p'''. p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None)"
      using p'' p''' . p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None 
            path M q p'
      by blast
    then have "(p',d')  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m)"
      using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set[OF assms(4,5,2), of m] by blast
    then show ?thesis by blast

lemma m_traversal_path_extension_exist :
  assumes "completely_specified M"
  and     "q  states M"
  and     "inputs M  {}"
  and     " q . qstates M  dset D. q  fst d"
  and     " d . d  set D  snd d  fst d"
  and     "path M q p1"
  and     "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)) D = None"
shows " p2 d' . (p1@p2,d')  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m)"
proof -
  obtain p2 where "path M (target q p1) p2" and "length p2 = (Suc ((size M) * m)) - length p1"
    using path_of_length_ex[OF assms(1) path_target_is_state[OF assms(6)] assms(3)] 
    by blast

  have "path M q (p1@p2)"
    using assms(6) path M (target q p1) p2 by auto

  let ?f = "(λ p . find (λ d . length (filter (λt . t_target t  fst d) p)  Suc (m - (card (snd d)))) D)"
  have "length p1 < Suc ((size M) * m)"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ length p1 < Suc (FSM.size M * m)"
    then have "length (take (Suc (FSM.size M * m)) p1) = Suc (FSM.size M * m)"
      by auto
    let ?p = "(take (Suc (FSM.size M * m)) p1)"

    have "path M q ?p"
      using path M q p1
      by (metis append_take_drop_id path_append_elim) 

    have " q  states M . length (filter (λt . t_target t = q) ?p)  Suc m"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ (qstates M. Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p))"
      then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p) < Suc m"
        by auto
      then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p)  m"
        by auto
      have "(qstates M. length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p))  (qstates M . m)"
        using  q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p)  m by (meson sum_mono) 
      then have "length ?p  m * (size M)"
        using path_length_sum[OF path M q ?p] 
        using fsm_states_finite[of M] 
        by (simp add: mult.commute)
      then show "False"
        using length ?p = Suc ((size M) * m)
        by (simp add: mult.commute) 
    then obtain q' where "q'  states M"
                   and "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') ?p)  Suc m" 
      by blast
    then obtain d where "d  set D"
                    and "q'  fst d"
      using assms(4) by blast
    then have " t . t_target t = q'  t_target t  fst d" by auto
    then have "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') ?p)  length (filter (λ t . t_target t  fst d) ?p)"
      using filter_length_weakening[of "λ t . t_target t = q'" "λ t . t_target t  fst d"] by auto
    then have "Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) ?p)"
      using length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') ?p)  Suc m by auto
    moreover have "length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) ?p)  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)" 
    proof -
      have " xs P n . length (filter P (take n xs))  length (filter P xs)"
        by (metis append_take_drop_id filter_append le0 le_add_same_cancel1 length_append)
      then show ?thesis by auto
    ultimately have "Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)"
      by auto
    then have "?f p1  None"
      using assms(2)
    proof -
      have "p. find p D  None  ¬ p d"
        by (metis d  set D find_from)
      have "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λp. t_target p  fst d) p1)"
        using Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1) by linarith
      then show ?thesis
        using p. find p D  None  ¬ p d by blast    
    then obtain d' where "?f p1 = Some d'"
      by blast
    then show "False"
      using assms(7) by simp

  have "length (p1@p2) = (Suc ((size M) * m))"
    using length p2 = (Suc ((size M) * m)) - length p1
          length p1 < Suc ((size M) * m) 
    by simp

  have " q  states M . length (filter (λt . t_target t = q) (p1@p2))  Suc m"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (qstates M. Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (p1@p2)))"
    then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (p1@p2)) < Suc m"
      by auto
    then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (p1@p2))  m"
      by auto
    have "(qstates M. length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (p1@p2)))  (qstates M . m)"
      using  q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (p1@p2))  m by (meson sum_mono) 
    then have "length (p1@p2)  m * (size M)"
      using path_length_sum[OF path M q (p1@p2)] 
      using fsm_states_finite[of M] 
      by (simp add: mult.commute)

    then show "False"
      using length (p1@p2) = Suc ((size M) * m)
      by (simp add: mult.commute) 
  then obtain q' where "q'  states M"
                   and "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') (p1@p2))  Suc m" 
    by blast
  then obtain d where "d  set D"
                  and "q'  fst d"
    using assms(4) by blast
  then have " t . t_target t = q'  t_target t  fst d" by auto
  then have "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') (p1@p2))  length (filter (λ t . t_target t  fst d) (p1@p2))"
    using filter_length_weakening[of "λ t . t_target t = q'" "λ t . t_target t  fst d"]
    by blast 
  then have "Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (p1@p2))"
    using length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') (p1@p2))  Suc m by auto
  then have "?f (p1@p2)  None"
    using assms(2)
  proof -
    have "p. find p D  None  ¬ p d"
      by (metis d  set D find_from)
    have "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λp. t_target p  fst d) (p1@p2))"
      using Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (p1@p2)) by linarith
    then show ?thesis
      using p. find p D  None  ¬ p d by blast    
  then obtain d' where "?f (p1@p2) = Some d'"
    by blast

  show ?thesis proof (cases "(p' p''. (p1@p2) = p' @ p''  p''  [] 
                                  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set[OF assms(4,5,2), of m] path M q (p1@p2) ?f (p1@p2) = Some d' 
      by blast
    case False

    define ps where ps_def: "ps = {p' .  p''. (p1@p2) = p' @ p''  p''  [] 
                                                 find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None}"
    have "ps  {}" using False ps_def by blast
    moreover have "finite ps" 
    proof -
      have "ps  set (prefixes (p1@p2))"
        unfolding prefixes_set ps_def
        by auto
      then show ?thesis
        by (meson List.finite_set rev_finite_subset) 
    ultimately obtain p' where "p'  ps" and " p'' . p''  ps  length p'  length p''"
      by (meson leI min_length_elem) 
    then have "p'' p''' . p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  [] 
                             find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None"
    proof -
      fix p'' p''' assume "p' = p'' @ p'''" and "p'''  []"
      show "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None"
      proof (rule ccontr) 
        assume "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D  None"
        moreover have "p'''. (p1@p2) = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []"
          using p'  ps p' = p'' @ p''' unfolding ps_def by auto
        ultimately have "p''  ps"
          unfolding ps_def by auto
        moreover have "length p'' < length p'" 
          using p'''  [] p' = p'' @ p''' by auto
        ultimately show "False"
          using  p'' . p''  ps  length p'  length p''
          using leD by auto 

    obtain p'' where "(p1@p2) = p' @ p''" 
               and   "p''  []" 
               and   "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None"
      using p'  ps unfolding ps_def by blast
    then obtain d' where "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = Some d'"
      by auto

    have "path M q p'" 
      using path M q (p1@p2)  unfolding (p1@p2) = p' @ p'' by auto

    have "length p' > length p1"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ length p1 < length p'"
      then obtain i where "p' = take i p1"
        by (metis p1 @ p2 = p' @ p'' append_eq_append_conv_if less_le)

      have " i . find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i p1))) D = None"
      proof - 
        fix i
        show "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i p1))) D = None"
        proof (rule ccontr)
          assume "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i p1))) D  None"
          then obtain d where "d  set D" 
                        and   "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i p1))"
            using find_None_iff[of "(λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i p1)))" D] 
            by meson
          moreover have "length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i p1))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)"
            using filter_take_length by metis
          ultimately have "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)"
            using le_trans by blast
          then show "False"
            using d  set D assms(7) unfolding find_None_iff
            by blast 
      then have "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None"      
        unfolding p' = take i p1 by blast
      then show "False"
        using find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None          
        by auto
    moreover have "p' = take (length p') (p1@p2)"
      using (p1@p2) = p' @ p'' by auto

    ultimately obtain p where "p' = p1 @ p"
      by auto        

    have "path M q p' 
           find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = Some d' 
           (p'' p'''. p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None)"
      using p'' p''' . p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None 
            path M q p' find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = Some d'
      by blast
    then have "(p',d')  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m)"
      using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set[OF assms(4,5,2), of m] by blast
    then show ?thesis unfolding p' = p1 @ p by blast

lemma m_traversal_path_extension_exist_for_transition :
  assumes "completely_specified M"
  and     "q  states M"
  and     "inputs M  {}"
  and     " q . qstates M  dset D. q  fst d"
  and     " d . d  set D  snd d  fst d"
  and     "path M q p1"
  and     "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)) D = None"
  and     "t  transitions M" 
  and     "t_source t = target q p1"
shows " p2 d' . (p1@[t]@p2,d')  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m)"
proof -
  let ?q = "(target q (p1 @ [t]))"
  let ?p = "p1 @ [t]"

  have "path M q ?p"
    using path M q p1 t  transitions M t_source t = target q p1 path_append_transition by simp

  obtain p2 where "path M ?q p2" and "length p2 = (Suc ((size M) * m)) - (length ?p)"
    using path_of_length_ex[OF assms(1) path_target_is_state[OF path M q (p1@[t])] assms(3)] 
    by blast

  have "path M q (?p@p2)"
    using path M q ?p path M ?q p2 by auto

  let ?f = "(λ p . find (λ d . length (filter (λt . t_target t  fst d) p)  Suc (m - (card (snd d)))) D)"
  have "length p1 < Suc ((size M) * m)"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ length p1 < Suc (FSM.size M * m)"
    then have "length (take (Suc (FSM.size M * m)) p1) = Suc (FSM.size M * m)"
      by auto
    let ?p = "(take (Suc (FSM.size M * m)) p1)"

    have "path M q ?p"
      using path M q p1
      by (metis append_take_drop_id path_append_elim) 

    have " q  states M . length (filter (λt . t_target t = q) ?p)  Suc m"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ (qstates M. Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p))"
      then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p) < Suc m"
        by auto
      then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p)  m"
        by auto
      have "(qstates M. length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p))  (qstates M . m)"
        using  q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) ?p)  m by (meson sum_mono) 
      then have "length ?p  m * (size M)"
        using path_length_sum[OF path M q ?p] 
        using fsm_states_finite[of M] 
        by (simp add: mult.commute)
      then show "False"
        using length ?p = Suc ((size M) * m)
        by (simp add: mult.commute) 
    then obtain q' where "q'  states M"
                   and "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') ?p)  Suc m" 
      by blast
    then obtain d where "d  set D"
                    and "q'  fst d"
      using assms(4) by blast
    then have " t . t_target t = q'  t_target t  fst d" by auto
    then have "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') ?p)  length (filter (λ t . t_target t  fst d) ?p)"
      using filter_length_weakening[of "λ t . t_target t = q'" "λ t . t_target t  fst d"] by auto
    then have "Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) ?p)"
      using length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') ?p)  Suc m by auto
    moreover have "length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) ?p)  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)" 
    proof -
      have " xs P n . length (filter P (take n xs))  length (filter P xs)"
        by (metis append_take_drop_id filter_append le0 le_add_same_cancel1 length_append)
      then show ?thesis by auto
    ultimately have "Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)"
      by auto
    then have "?f p1  None"
      using assms(2)
    proof -
      have "p. find p D  None  ¬ p d"
        by (metis d  set D find_from)
      have "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λp. t_target p  fst d) p1)"
        using Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1) by linarith
      then show ?thesis
        using p. find p D  None  ¬ p d by blast    
    then obtain d' where "?f p1 = Some d'"
      by blast
    then show "False"
      using assms(7) by simp

  have "length (?p@p2) = (Suc ((size M) * m))"
    using length p2 = (Suc ((size M) * m)) - length ?p
          length p1 < Suc ((size M) * m) 
    by simp

  have " q  states M . length (filter (λt . t_target t = q) (?p@p2))  Suc m"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (qstates M. Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (?p@p2)))"
    then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (?p@p2)) < Suc m"
      by auto
    then have " q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (?p@p2))  m"
      by auto
    have "(qstates M. length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (?p@p2)))  (qstates M . m)"
      using  q  states M . length (filter (λt. t_target t = q) (?p@p2))  m by (meson sum_mono) 
    then have "length (?p@p2)  m * (size M)"
      using path_length_sum[OF path M q (?p@p2)] 
      using fsm_states_finite[of M] 
      by (simp add: mult.commute)

    then show "False"
      using length (?p@p2) = Suc ((size M) * m)
      by (simp add: mult.commute) 

  then obtain q' where "q'  states M"
                   and "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') (?p@p2))  Suc m" 
    by blast
  then obtain d where "d  set D"
                  and "q'  fst d"
    using assms(4) by blast
  then have " t . t_target t = q'  t_target t  fst d" by auto
  then have "length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') (?p@p2))  length (filter (λ t . t_target t  fst d) (?p@p2))"
    using filter_length_weakening[of "λ t . t_target t = q'" "λ t . t_target t  fst d"]
    by blast 
  then have "Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (?p@p2))"
    using length (filter (λ t . t_target t = q') (?p@p2))  Suc m by auto
  then have "?f (?p@p2)  None"
    using assms(2)
  proof -
    have "p. find p D  None  ¬ p d"
      by (metis d  set D find_from)
    have "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λp. t_target p  fst d) (?p@p2))"
      using Suc m  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (?p@p2)) by linarith
    then show ?thesis
      using p. find p D  None  ¬ p d by blast    
  then obtain d' where "?f (?p@p2) = Some d'"
    by blast


  show ?thesis proof (cases "(p' p''. (?p@p2) = p' @ p''  p''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None)")
    case True
    obtain d' where "((?p@p2), d')  m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m"
      using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set[OF assms(4,5,2), of m] path M q (?p@p2) ?f (?p@p2) = Some d' True by force
    then show ?thesis 
      unfolding append.assoc[symmetric] by blast
    case False

    show ?thesis proof (cases "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) ?p)) D")
      case (Some a)

      have *: "(p' p''. ?p = p' @ p''  p''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None)"
      proof -
        have " p' p''. ?p = p' @ p''  p''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None"
        proof -
          fix p' p'' assume "?p = p' @ p''" and "p''  []"
          then have "length p'  length p1" by (induction p'' rule: rev_induct; auto)
          moreover have "p' = take (length p') ?p"
            unfolding ?p = p' @ p'' by auto
          ultimately have "p' = take (length p') p1" 
            by auto

          show "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None"
          proof (rule ccontr)
            assume "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None"
            moreover have " x . length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst x) p')  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst x) p1)"
              using p' = take (length p') p1
              by (metis filter_take_length) 
            ultimately have "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p1)) D  None"
              unfolding find_None_iff
              using le_trans by blast 
            then show "False"
              using assms(7) by simp
        then show ?thesis by blast

      obtain d' where "(?p, d')  m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m"
        using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set[OF assms(4,5,2), of m] path M q ?p Some * by force
      then show ?thesis
        by fastforce
      case None

      define ps where ps_def: "ps = {p' .  p''. (?p@p2) = p' @ p'' 
                                                   p''  [] 
                                                   find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None}"
      have "ps  {}" using False ps_def by blast
      moreover have "finite ps" 
      proof -
        have "ps  set (prefixes (?p@p2))"
          unfolding prefixes_set ps_def
          by auto
        then show ?thesis
          by (meson List.finite_set rev_finite_subset) 
      ultimately obtain p' where "p'  ps" and " p'' . p''  ps  length p'  length p''"
        by (meson leI min_length_elem) 
      then have "p'' p''' . p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None"
      proof -
        fix p'' p''' assume "p' = p'' @ p'''" and "p'''  []"
        show "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None"
        proof (rule ccontr) 
          assume "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D  None"
          moreover have "p'''. (?p@p2) = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []"
            using p'  ps p' = p'' @ p''' unfolding ps_def by auto
          ultimately have "p''  ps"
            unfolding ps_def by auto
          moreover have "length p'' < length p'" 
            using p'''  [] p' = p'' @ p''' by auto
          ultimately show "False"
            using  p'' . p''  ps  length p'  length p''
            using leD by auto 
      obtain p'' where "(?p@p2) = p' @ p''" 
                 and   "p''  []" 
                 and   "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None"
        using p'  ps unfolding ps_def by blast
      then obtain d' where "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = Some d'"
        by auto
      have "path M q p'" 
        using path M q (?p@p2)  unfolding (?p@p2) = p' @ p'' by auto
      have "length p' > length ?p"
      proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬ length ?p < length p'"
        then obtain i where "p' = take i ?p"
          by (metis ?p @ p2 = p' @ p'' append_eq_append_conv_if less_le)

        have " i . find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i ?p))) D = None"
        proof - 
          fix i
          show "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i ?p))) D = None"
          proof (rule ccontr)
            assume "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i ?p))) D  None"
            then obtain d where "d  set D" 
                          and   "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i ?p))"
              using find_None_iff[of "(λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i ?p)))" D] 
              by meson
            moreover have "length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) (take i ?p))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) ?p)"
              using filter_take_length by metis
            ultimately have "Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) ?p)"
              using le_trans by blast
            then show "False"
              using d  set D None unfolding find_None_iff
              by blast
        then have "find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = None"      
          unfolding p' = take i ?p by blast
        then show "False"
          using find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D  None          
          by auto
      moreover have "p' = take (length p') (?p@p2)"
        using (?p@p2) = p' @ p'' by auto
      ultimately obtain p where "p' = ?p @ p"
        by (metis dual_order.strict_implies_order take_all take_append) 

      have "path M q p' 
             find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = Some d' 
             (p'' p'''. p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None)"
        using p'' p''' . p' = p'' @ p'''  p'''  []  find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p'')) D = None path M q p' find (λd. Suc (m - card (snd d))  length (filter (λt. t_target t  fst d) p')) D = Some d'
        by blast
      then have "(p',d')  (m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q D m)"
        using m_traversal_paths_with_witness_set[OF assms(4,5,2), of m] by blast
      then show ?thesis unfolding p' = ?p @ p by fastforce
