Theory Helper_Algorithms

section ‹Helper Algorithms›

text ‹This theory contains several algorithms used to calculate components of a test suite.›   

theory Helper_Algorithms
imports State_Separator State_Preamble

subsection ‹Calculating r-distinguishable State Pairs with Separators›

definition r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators :: 
  "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  (('a × 'a) × (('a × 'a) + 'a,'b,'c) fsm) set" 
  "r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M = 
    {((q1,q2),Sep) | q1 q2 Sep . q1  states M 
                       q2  states M 
                       ((q1 < q2  state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2 = Some Sep)
                         (q2 < q1  state_separator_from_s_states M q2 q1 = Some Sep)) }"

lemma r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_alt_def :
  "r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M = 
     (image (λ ((q1,q2),A) . {((q1,q2),the A),((q2,q1),the A)}) 
              (Set.filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                          (image (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                 (Set.filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (states M × states M)))))"
  (is "?P1 = ?P2")
proof -
  have " x . x  ?P1  x  ?P2"
  proof -
    fix x assume "x  ?P1"
    then obtain q1 q2 A where "x = ((q1,q2),A)"
      by (metis eq_snd_iff)
    then have "((q1,q2),A)  ?P1" using x  ?P1 by auto
    then have "q1  states M"
         and  "q2  states M" 
         and  "((q1 < q2  state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2 = Some A) 
                   (q2 < q1  state_separator_from_s_states M q2 q1 = Some A))"
      unfolding r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_def by blast+

    then consider (a) "q1 < q2  state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2 = Some A" |
                  (b) "q2 < q1  state_separator_from_s_states M q2 q1 = Some A" 
      by blast
    then show "x  ?P2" 
      using q1  states M q2  states M unfolding x = ((q1,q2),A) by (cases; force)
  moreover have " x . x  ?P2  x  ?P1"
  proof -
    fix x assume "x  ?P2"
    then obtain q1 q2 A where "x = ((q1,q2),A)"
      by (metis eq_snd_iff)
    then have "((q1,q2),A)  ?P2" using x  ?P2 by auto
    then obtain q1' q2' A' where "((q1,q2),A)  {((q1',q2'),the A'),((q2',q1'),the A')}"
                           and   "A'  None"
                           and   "((q1',q2'), A')  (image (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                                            (Set.filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (states M × states M)))"
      by force
    then have "A' = Some A"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) empty_iff insert_iff option.collapse)  
    moreover have "A' = state_separator_from_s_states M q1' q2'"
             and  "q1' < q2'"
             and  "q1'  states M"
             and  "q2'  states M"
      using ((q1',q2'), A')  (image (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                      (Set.filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (states M × states M))) 
      by force+
    ultimately have "state_separator_from_s_states M q1' q2' = Some A" by simp

    consider "((q1',q2'),the A') = ((q1,q2),A)" | "((q1',q2'),the A') = ((q2,q1),A)"
      using ((q1,q2),A)  {((q1',q2'),the A'),((q2',q1'),the A')}
      by force
    then show "x  ?P1" 
    proof cases
      case 1
      then have *: "q1' = q1" and **: "q2' = q2" by auto

      show ?thesis 
        using q1'  states M q2'  states M q1' < q2' state_separator_from_s_states M q1' q2' = Some A
        unfolding r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_def
        unfolding * ** x = ((q1,q2),A) by blast
      case 2
      then have *: "q1' = q2" and **: "q2' = q1" by auto

      show ?thesis 
        using q1'  states M q2'  states M q1' < q2' state_separator_from_s_states M q1' q2' = Some A
        unfolding r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_def
        unfolding * ** x = ((q1,q2),A) by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

lemma r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_code[code] :
  "r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M = 
    set (concat (map 
                  (λ ((q1,q2),A) . [((q1,q2),the A),((q2,q1),the A)]) 
                  (filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                          (map (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                               (filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) 
                                       (List.product(states_as_list M) (states_as_list M)))))))"
  (is "r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M = ?C2")
proof -
  let ?C1 = " (image (λ ((q1,q2),A) . {((q1,q2),the A),((q2,q1),the A)}) 
                       (Set.filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                                   (image (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                          (Set.filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (states M × states M)))))"

  have "r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M = ?C1"
    using r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_alt_def by assumption
  also have " = ?C2"
    show "?C1  ?C2"
      fix x assume "x  ?C1"
      then obtain q1 q2 A where "x = ((q1,q2),A)"
        by (metis eq_snd_iff)
      then have "((q1,q2),A)  ?C1" using x  ?C1 by auto
      then obtain q1' q2' A' where "((q1,q2),A)  {((q1',q2'),the A'),((q2',q1'),the A')}"
                             and   "A'  None"
                             and   "((q1',q2'), A')  (image (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                                             (Set.filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (states M × states M)))"
        by force
      then have "A' = Some A"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) empty_iff insert_iff option.collapse)  
      moreover have "A' = state_separator_from_s_states M q1' q2'"
               and  "q1' < q2'"
               and  "q1'  states M"
               and  "q2'  states M"
        using ((q1',q2'), A')  (image (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                        (Set.filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (states M × states M))) 
        by force+
      ultimately have "state_separator_from_s_states M q1' q2' = Some A" 
                 and  "(q1',q2')  set (filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (List.product(states_as_list M) (states_as_list M)))"
        unfolding states_as_list_set[symmetric] by auto

      then have "((q1',q2'),A')  set (filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                                              (map (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                                   (filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) 
                                                           (List.product(states_as_list M) (states_as_list M)))))"
        using A' = state_separator_from_s_states M q1' q2' A' = Some A by force

      have scheme1: " f xs x . x  set xs  f x  set (map f xs)" by auto
      have scheme2: " x xs xss . xs  set xss  x  set xs  x  set (concat xss)" by auto
      have *:"[((q1',q2'),the A'),((q2',q1'),the A')]  
                set (map (λ ((q1,q2),A) . [((q1,q2),the A),((q2,q1),the A)]) 
                         (filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                                 (map (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                      (filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) 
                                              (List.product(states_as_list M) (states_as_list M))))))"
        using scheme1[OF ((q1',q2'),A')  set (filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) (map (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) (filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (List.product(states_as_list M) (states_as_list M))))), of "λ ((q1', q2'), A') . [((q1',q2'),the A'),((q2',q1'),the A')]"] 
        by force
      have **: "((q1,q2),A)  set [((q1',q2'),the A'),((q2',q1'),the A')]"
        using ((q1,q2),A)  {((q1',q2'),the A'),((q2',q1'),the A')} by auto
      show "x  ?C2"
        unfolding x = ((q1,q2),A) using scheme2[OF * **] by assumption

    show "?C2  ?C1"
      fix x assume "x  ?C2"
      obtain q1q2A where "x   set ((λ ((q1', q2'), A') . [((q1',q2'),the A'),((q2',q1'),the A')]) q1q2A)"
                   and   "q1q2A  set (filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                                              (map (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                                   (filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) 
                                                           (List.product(states_as_list M) (states_as_list M)))))"
        using concat_map_elem[OF x  ?C2] by blast

      moreover obtain q1 q2 A where "q1q2A = ((q1,q2),A)"
        by (metis prod.collapse)
      ultimately have "x  set [((q1,q2),the A),((q2,q1),the A)]"
                 and  "((q1,q2),A)  set (filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                                                 (map (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                                      (filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) 
                                                              (List.product(states_as_list M) (states_as_list M)))))"
        by force+

      then have "A = state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2"
           and  "A  None"
           and  "(q1,q2)  set (filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (List.product(states_as_list M) (states_as_list M)))"
        by auto

      then have "q1 < q2" and "q1  states M" and "q2  states M"
        unfolding states_as_list_set[symmetric] by auto
      then have "(q1,q2)  Set.filter (λ(q1, q2). q1 < q2) (FSM.states M × FSM.states M)"
        by auto
      then have "((q1,q2),A)  (Set.filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                                           (image (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                                  (Set.filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (states M × states M))))"
        using A  None unfolding A = state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2 by auto
      then have "{((q1,q2),the A),((q2,q1),the A)}  
                      (image (λ ((q1,q2),A) . {((q1,q2),the A),((q2,q1),the A)}) 
                             (Set.filter (λ (qq,A) . A  None) 
                                         (image (λ (q1,q2) . ((q1,q2),state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2)) 
                                                (Set.filter (λ (q1,q2) . q1 < q2) (states M × states M)))))"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) q1q2A = ((q1, q2), A) case_prod_conv image_iff)
      then show "x  ?C1"
        using x  set [((q1,q2),the A),((q2,q1),the A)]
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) UnionI list.simps(15) set_empty2) 
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_same_pair_same_separator :
  assumes "((q1,q2),A)  r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M"
  and     "((q1,q2),A')  r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M"
shows "A = A'"
  using assms unfolding r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_def
  by force 

lemma r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_sym_pair_same_separator :
  assumes "((q1,q2),A)  r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M"
  and     "((q2,q1),A')  r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M"
shows "A = A'"
  using assms unfolding r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_def
  by force 

lemma r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_elem_is_separator:
  assumes "((q1,q2),A)  r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M"
  and     "observable M"
  and     "completely_specified M"
shows "is_separator M q1 q2 A (Inr q1) (Inr q2)"
proof -
  have *:"q1  states M" 
  and **:"q2  states M" 
  and ***:"q1  q2" 
  and ****: "q2q1" 
  and *****: "state_separator_from_s_states M q1 q2 = Some A  state_separator_from_s_states M q2 q1 = Some A"
    using assms(1) unfolding r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_def by auto

  from ***** have "is_state_separator_from_canonical_separator (canonical_separator M q1 q2) q1 q2 A 
                     is_state_separator_from_canonical_separator (canonical_separator M q2 q1) q2 q1 A"
    using state_separator_from_s_states_soundness[of M q1 q2 A, OF _ * ** assms(3)]
    using state_separator_from_s_states_soundness[of M q2 q1 A, OF _ ** * assms(3)] by auto
  then show ?thesis
    using state_separator_from_canonical_separator_is_separator[of M q1 q2 A, OF _ observable M * ** ***] 
    using state_separator_from_canonical_separator_is_separator[of M q2 q1 A, OF _ observable M ** * ****] 
    using is_separator_sym[of M q2 q1 A "Inr q2" "Inr q1"] by auto

subsection ‹Calculating Pairwise r-distinguishable Sets of States›

definition pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  'a set set" where
  "pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M 
    = { S . S  states M  ( q1  S .  q2  S . q1  q2  (q1,q2)  image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M))}" 

definition pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  'a set list" where
  "pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list M = 
    (let RDS = image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)
      in filter (λ S .  q1  S .  q2  S . q1  q2  (q1,q2)  RDS) 
             (map set (pow_list (states_as_list M))))"

(* uses a list-based calculation to avoid storing the entire powerset *)
lemma pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_code[code] :
  "pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M = set (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list M)"
  using pow_list_set[of "states_as_list M"]
  unfolding states_as_list_set[of M] 
  by auto

lemma pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_cover :
  assumes "q  states M"
  shows " S  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) . q  S"
  unfolding pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_def using assms by blast

definition maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  'a set set" where
  "maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M 
    = { S . S  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) 
             ( S' . S'  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)  S  S')}"

definition maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  'a set list" where
  "maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list M = 
    remove_subsets (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list M)"

lemma maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_code[code] :
  "maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M 
    = set (maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list M)"
  unfolding maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list_def 
            Let_def remove_subsets_set pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_code[symmetric] 
  by blast

lemma maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_cover :
  assumes "q  states M"
  shows " S  (maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M ). q  S"
proof -

  have *: "{q}  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)"
    unfolding pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_def using assms by blast
  have **: "finite (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)"
    unfolding pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_def by (simp add: fsm_states_finite) 

  have "(maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) = 
        {S  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M). 
            ¬( S'  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) . S  S')}"
    unfolding maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_def  
    by metis
  then have "(maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) = 
        {S  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) . 
              ( S'  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) . ¬ S  S')}"
    by blast 
  moreover have " S  {S  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) . 
                      ( S'  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M) . ¬ S  S')} . q  S"
    using maximal_set_cover[OF ** *] 
    by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    by blast 

subsection ‹Calculating d-reachable States with Preambles›

(* calculate d-reachable states and a fixed assignment of preambles *)
definition d_reachable_states_with_preambles :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  ('a × ('a,'b,'c) fsm) set" where
  "d_reachable_states_with_preambles M = 
    image (λ qp . (fst qp, the (snd qp))) 
          (Set.filter (λ qp . snd qp  None) 
                      (image (λ q . (q, calculate_state_preamble_from_input_choices M q)) 
                             (states M)))"

lemma d_reachable_states_with_preambles_exhaustiveness :
  assumes " P . is_preamble P M q"
  and     "q  states M"
shows " P . (q,P)  (d_reachable_states_with_preambles M)"
  using calculate_state_preamble_from_input_choices_exhaustiveness[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
  unfolding d_reachable_states_with_preambles_def by force

lemma d_reachable_states_with_preambles_soundness :
  assumes "(q,P)  (d_reachable_states_with_preambles M)"
  and     "observable M"
  shows "is_preamble P M q"
    and "q  states M"
  using assms(1) calculate_state_preamble_from_input_choices_soundness[of M q P]
  unfolding d_reachable_states_with_preambles_def
  using imageE by auto

subsection ‹Calculating Repetition Sets›

text ‹Repetition sets are sets of tuples each containing a maximal set of pairwise r-distinguishable 
      states and the subset of those states that have a preamble.› 

definition maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  ('a set × 'a set) set" where
  "maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators M 
    = {(S, S  (image fst (d_reachable_states_with_preambles M))) | S . 
            S  (maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)}"

definition maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_list_naive :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  ('a set × 'a set) list" where
  "maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_list_naive M 
    = (let DR = (image fst (d_reachable_states_with_preambles M))
        in map (λ S . (S, S  DR)) (maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_list M))"

lemma maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_code[code]: 
  "maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators M = (let DR = (image fst (d_reachable_states_with_preambles M))
    in  image (λ S . (S, S  DR)) (maximal_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M))" 
  unfolding maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_def Let_def by force

lemma maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_code_alt: 
  "maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators M = set (maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_list_naive M)" 
  unfolding maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_def 
  by force

subsubsection ‹Calculating Sub-Optimal Repetition Sets›

text ‹Finding maximal pairwise r-distinguishable subsets of the state set of some FSM is likely too expensive
      for FSMs containing a large number of r-distinguishable pairs of states.
      The following functions calculate only subset of all repetition sets while maintaining the
      property that every state is contained in some repetition set.›

fun extend_until_conflict :: "('a × 'a) set  'a list  'a list  nat  'a list" where
  "extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs 0 = xs" |
  "extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs (Suc k) = (case dropWhile (λ x . find (λ y . (x,y)  non_confl_set) xs  None) candidates of
    []  xs |
    (c#cs)  extend_until_conflict non_confl_set cs (c#xs) k)"

lemma extend_until_conflict_retainment :
  assumes "x  set xs"
  shows "x  set (extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs k)" 
using assms proof (induction k arbitrary: candidates xs)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc k)
  then show ?case proof (cases "dropWhile (λ x . find (λ y . (x,y)  non_confl_set) xs  None) candidates")
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis Suc.prems extend_until_conflict.simps(2) list.simps(4)) 
    case (Cons c cs)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: Suc.IH Suc.prems) 

lemma extend_until_conflict_elem :
  assumes "x  set (extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs k)"
  shows "x  set xs  x  set candidates"
using assms proof (induction k arbitrary: candidates xs)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc k)
  then show ?case proof (cases "dropWhile (λ x . find (λ y . (x,y)  non_confl_set) xs  None) candidates")
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis 
      by (metis Suc.prems extend_until_conflict.simps(2) list.simps(4)) 
    case (Cons c cs)
    then have "extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs (Suc k) = extend_until_conflict non_confl_set cs (c#xs) k"
      by auto
    then have "x  set (c # xs)  x  set cs"
      using Suc.IH[of cs "(c#xs)"] Suc.prems by auto
    moreover have "set (c#cs)  set candidates"
      using Cons by (metis set_dropWhileD subsetI) 
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using set_ConsD by auto 

lemma extend_until_conflict_no_conflicts :
  assumes "x  set (extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs k)"
  and     "y  set (extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs k)"
  and     "x  set xs  y  set xs  (x,y)  non_confl_set  (y,x)  non_confl_set"  
  and     "x  y"  
shows "(x,y)  non_confl_set  (y,x)  non_confl_set" 
using assms proof (induction k arbitrary: candidates xs)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc k)
  then show ?case proof (cases "dropWhile (λ x . find (λ y . (x,y)  non_confl_set) xs  None) candidates")
    case Nil
    then have "extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs (Suc k) = xs"
      by (metis extend_until_conflict.simps(2) list.simps(4)) 
    then show ?thesis 
      using Suc.prems by auto
    case (Cons c cs)
    then have "extend_until_conflict non_confl_set candidates xs (Suc k) = extend_until_conflict non_confl_set cs (c#xs) k"
      by auto
    then have xk: "x  set (extend_until_conflict non_confl_set cs (c#xs) k)"
         and  yk: "y  set (extend_until_conflict non_confl_set cs (c#xs) k)"
      using Suc.prems by auto

    have **: "x  set (c#xs)  y  set (c#xs)  (x,y)  non_confl_set  (y,x)  non_confl_set"
    proof -
      have scheme: " P xs x xs' . dropWhile P xs = (x#xs')  ¬ P x"
        by (simp add: dropWhile_eq_Cons_conv) 
      have "find (λ y . (c,y)  non_confl_set) xs = None" 
        using scheme[OF Cons] by simp
      then have *: " y . y  set xs  (c,y)  non_confl_set"
        unfolding find_None_iff by blast

      assume "x  set (c#xs)" and "y  set (c#xs)"
      then consider (a1) "x = c  y  set xs" |
                    (a2) "y = c  x  set xs" |
                    (a3) "x  set xs  y  set xs" 
        using x  y by auto
      then show ?thesis 
        using * Suc.prems(3) by (cases; auto)

    show ?thesis using Suc.IH[OF xk yk ** Suc.prems(4)] by blast

definition greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  'a set list" where
  "greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M = 
    (let pwrds = image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M);
         k     = size M;
         nL    = states_as_list M
     in map (λq . set (extend_until_conflict pwrds (remove1 q nL) [q] k)) nL)"

definition maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_list_greedy :: "('a::linorder,'b::linorder,'c) fsm  ('a set × 'a set) list" where
  "maximal_repetition_sets_from_separators_list_greedy M = (let DR = (image fst (d_reachable_states_with_preambles M))
    in remdups (map (λ S . (S, S  DR)) (greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)))"

lemma greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_cover :
  assumes "q  states M"
shows " S  set (greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M). q  S"
  using assms extend_until_conflict_retainment[of q "[q]"]
  unfolding states_as_list_set[symmetric] greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_def Let_def
  by auto

lemma r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_sym :
  assumes "(q1,q2)  fst ` r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M"
  shows "(q2,q1)  fst ` r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M" 
  using assms 
  unfolding r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_def 
  by force

lemma greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_soundness :
  "set (greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)"
  fix S assume "S  set (greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)"
  then obtain q' where "q'  states M"
                 and   *: "S = set (extend_until_conflict (image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)) 
                                                          (remove1 q' (states_as_list M)) 
                                                          (size M))"
    unfolding greedy_pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_def Let_def states_as_list_set[symmetric] 
    by auto

  have "S  states M"
    fix q assume "q  S"
    then have "q  set (extend_until_conflict (image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)) (remove1 q' (states_as_list M)) [q'] (size M))"
      using * by auto
    then show "q  states M"
      using extend_until_conflict_elem[of q "image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)" "(remove1 q' (states_as_list M))" "[q']" "size M"]
      using states_as_list_set q'  states M by auto

  moreover have " q1 q2 . q1  S  q2  S  q1  q2  (q1,q2)  image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)"  
  proof -
    fix q1 q2 assume "q1  S" and "q2  S" and "q1  q2"
    then have e1: "q1  set (extend_until_conflict (image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)) (remove1 q' (states_as_list M)) [q'] (size M))"
         and  e2: "q2  set (extend_until_conflict (image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)) (remove1 q' (states_as_list M)) [q'] (size M))"
      unfolding * by simp+
    have e3: "(q1  set [q']  q2  set [q'] 
               (q1, q2)  fst ` r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M 
                   (q2, q1)  fst ` r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)"
      using q1  q2 by auto

    show "(q1,q2)  image fst (r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators M)"
      using extend_until_conflict_no_conflicts[OF e1 e2 e3 q1  q2]
            r_distinguishable_state_pairs_with_separators_sym[of q2 q1 M] by blast

  ultimately show "S  (pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators M)"
    unfolding pairwise_r_distinguishable_state_sets_from_separators_def by blast
