Theory Test_Suite_Calculation_Refined

section ‹Refined Test Suite Calculation›

text ‹This theory refines some of the algorithms defined in @{text "Test_Suite_Calculation"}
      using containers from the Containers framework.›

theory Test_Suite_Calculation_Refined
  imports Test_Suite_Calculation 

subsection ‹New Instances›

subsubsection ‹Order on FSMs›

instantiation fsm :: (ord,ord,ord) ord

fun less_eq_fsm ::  "('a,'b,'c) fsm  ('a,'b,'c) fsm  bool" where
  "less_eq_fsm M1 M2 = 
    (if initial M1 < initial M2 
      then True
      else ((initial M1 = initial M2)  (if set_less_aux (states M1)  (states M2)
        then True
        else ((states M1 = states M2)  (if set_less_aux (inputs M1) (inputs M2)
          then True
          else ((inputs M1 = inputs M2)  (if set_less_aux (outputs M1) (outputs M2)
            then True
            else ((outputs M1 = outputs M2)  (set_less_aux (transitions M1) (transitions M2)  (transitions M1) = (transitions M2))))))))))"

fun less_fsm ::  "('a,'b,'c) fsm  ('a,'b,'c) fsm  bool" where
  "less_fsm a b = (a  b  a  b)"

instance by (intro_classes)

instantiation fsm :: (linorder,linorder,linorder) linorder

lemma less_le_not_le_FSM :
  fixes x :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
  and   y :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
shows "(x < y) = (x  y  ¬ y  x)"
  show "x < y  x  y  ¬ y  x" 
  proof -
    assume "x < y"
    then show "x  y  ¬ y  x"
    proof (cases "FSM.initial x < FSM.initial y")
      case True
      then show ?thesis unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps by auto
      case False
      then have *: "FSM.initial x = FSM.initial y"
        using x < y unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps by auto
      show ?thesis proof (cases "set_less_aux (FSM.states x) (FSM.states y)")
        case True
        then show ?thesis 
          unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps 
          using * set_less_aux_antisym by fastforce
        case False
        then have **: "FSM.states x = FSM.states y"
          using x < y * unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps by auto
        show ?thesis proof (cases "set_less_aux (FSM.inputs x) (FSM.inputs y)")
          case True
          then show ?thesis 
            unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps 
            using * ** set_less_aux_antisym by fastforce
          case False
          then have ***: "FSM.inputs x = FSM.inputs y"
            using x < y * ** 
            unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps 
            by (simp add: set_less_def)
          show ?thesis proof (cases "set_less_aux (FSM.outputs x) (FSM.outputs y)")
            case True
            then show ?thesis 
              unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps 
              using * ** *** set_less_aux_antisym 
              by fastforce
            case False
            then have ****: "FSM.outputs x = FSM.outputs y"
              using x < y * ** *** 
              unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps 
              by (simp add: set_less_def)

            have "x  y" using x < y by auto
            then have "FSM.transitions x  FSM.transitions y"
              using * ** *** **** apply transfer
              by (metis fsm_impl.exhaust_sel) 
            then have *****: "set_less_aux (FSM.transitions x) (FSM.transitions y)"
              using x < y * ** *** **** 
              unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps 
              by (simp add: set_less_aux_def)

            then have "¬(set_less_aux (FSM.transitions y) (FSM.transitions x)  transitions y = transitions x)"
              using FSM.transitions x  FSM.transitions y fsm_transitions_finite set_less_aux_antisym 
              by auto
            then have "¬ y  x"
              using * ** *** **** 
              unfolding less_fsm.simps less_eq_fsm.simps 
              by (simp add: set_less_def)
            then show ?thesis using x < y 
              using less_fsm.elims(2) 
              by blast

  show "x  y  ¬ y  x  x < y"
    using less_fsm.elims(3) 
    by blast

lemma order_refl_FSM :
  fixes x :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
  shows "x  x" 
  by auto

lemma order_trans_FSM :
  fixes x :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
  fixes y :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
  fixes z :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
  shows "x  y  y  z  x  z"
  unfolding less_eq_fsm.simps 
  using less_trans[of "initial x" "initial y" "initial z"]
        set_less_aux_trans[of "states x" "states y" "states z"]
        set_less_aux_trans[of "inputs x" "inputs y" "inputs z"]
        set_less_aux_trans[of "outputs x" "outputs y" "outputs z"]
        set_less_aux_trans[of "transitions x" "transitions y" "transitions z"]
  by metis

lemma antisym_FSM :
  fixes x :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
  fixes y :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
shows "x  y  y  x  x = y"
  unfolding less_eq_fsm.simps
  using equal_fsm_def[of x y] 
  unfolding equal_class.equal
  by (metis order.asym set_less_aux_antisym)

lemma linear_FSM :
  fixes x :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
  fixes y :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm"
shows "x  y  y  x"
  unfolding less_eq_fsm.simps 
  by (metis fsm_inputs_finite fsm_states_finite fsm_outputs_finite fsm_transitions_finite neq_iff set_less_aux_finite_total) 

  using less_le_not_le_FSM order_refl_FSM order_trans_FSM antisym_FSM linear_FSM 
  by (intro_classes; metis+)

instantiation fsm :: (linorder,linorder,linorder) compare
fun compare_fsm :: "('a, 'b, 'c) fsm  ('a, 'b, 'c) fsm  order" where
  "compare_fsm x y = comparator_of x y"

  using comparator_of compare_fsm.elims
  by (intro_classes; simp add: comparator_def)

(* The above order on FSMs is currently not used in code generation,
   as there are few sets of FSMs and hence on evaluated examples it is
   more efficient to simply store FSMs using d-lists.*)
instantiation fsm :: (linorder,linorder,linorder) ccompare
definition ccompare_fsm :: "(('a, 'b, 'c) fsm ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) fsm ⇒ order) option" where
  "ccompare_fsm = Some compare"

instance by (intro_classes; simp add: ccompare_fsm_def comparator_compare)

subsubsection ‹Derived Instances›

derive (eq) ceq fsm

derive (dlist) set_impl fsm
derive (assoclist) mapping_impl fsm

derive (no) cenum fsm
derive (no) ccompare fsm

subsubsection ‹Finiteness and Cardinality Instantiations for FSMs›

text ‹The following type class partially encodes infinity of a type.
      This is done because later instantiations assume the universe of FSMs to be infinite in 
      order to reduce the effort required to instantiate proper intervals over FSMs.
      This class is not a good idea for any general usage, as many types (e.g. pairs) have
      conflicting instantiations (see for example›
class infinite_UNIV =
  assumes infinite_UNIV: "infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)"

instantiation integer :: infinite_UNIV begin
instance apply intro_classes
  by (simp add: infinite_UNIV_char_0) 

instantiation nat :: infinite_UNIV begin
instance apply intro_classes
  by (simp add: infinite_UNIV_char_0) 

instantiation int :: infinite_UNIV begin
instance apply intro_classes
  by (simp add: infinite_UNIV_char_0) 

(* too restrictive *)
instantiation sum :: (infinite_UNIV,type) infinite_UNIV begin
instance apply intro_classes
  by (simp add: infinite_UNIV)

(* too restrictive *)
instantiation prod :: (infinite_UNIV,type) infinite_UNIV begin
instance apply intro_classes
  by (simp add: finite_prod infinite_UNIV)  

lemma infinite_UNIV_fsm : 
  shows "infinite (UNIV :: ('a :: infinite_UNIV,'b,'c) fsm set)"
proof -
  (* if infinitely many states exist, then infinitely many distinct singleton fsms can be created *)
  define f :: "'a ⇒ ('a,'b,'c) fsm" where f_def: "f = (λ q . fsm_from_list q [])"
  have "inj f" 
    fix x y assume "x ∈ (UNIV :: 'a set)" and "y ∈ UNIV" and "f x = f y" 
    then show "x = y" unfolding f_def by (transfer; auto)
  moreover have "infinite (UNIV :: 'a set)"
    using infinite_UNIV by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (meson finite_imageD infinite_iff_countable_subset top_greatest) 

lemma finiteness_fsm_UNIV : "finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set) = 
                              (finite (UNIV :: 'a set)  finite (UNIV :: 'b set)  finite (UNIV :: 'c set))"

  define f :: "'a  ('a) fset" where f_def: "f = (λ q . {| q |})"
  have "inj f" 
    fix x y assume "x  (UNIV :: 'a set)" and "y  UNIV" and "f x = f y" 
    then show "x = y" unfolding f_def by (transfer; auto)

  show "finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set)  (finite (UNIV :: 'a set)  finite (UNIV :: 'b set)  finite (UNIV :: 'c set))"
  proof (rule ccontr)

    obtain q where "q  (UNIV :: 'a set)" by auto
    obtain x where "x  (UNIV :: 'b set)" by auto
    obtain y where "y  (UNIV :: 'c set)" by auto

    assume "finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set)" and "¬ (finite (UNIV :: 'a set)  finite (UNIV :: 'b set)  finite (UNIV :: 'c set))"

    then consider (a) "¬ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" | (b) "¬ finite (UNIV :: 'b set)" | (c) "¬ finite (UNIV :: 'c set)"
      by blast
    then show "False" proof cases
      case a
      define f :: "'a  ('a,'b,'c) fsm" where "f = (λ q . fsm_from_list q [])"
      have "inj f" 
        unfolding inj_def f_def by (transfer; auto)
      then have "¬ finite (f ` UNIV)"
        using inj f finite_imageD a by auto
      then have "¬ finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set)" 
        by (meson infinite_iff_countable_subset top_greatest) 
      then show ?thesis 
        using finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set) by blast
      case b
      define f :: "'b  ('a,'b,'c) fsm" where "f = (λ x . fsm_from_list q [(q,x,y,q)])"
      have "inj f" 
        unfolding inj_def f_def by (transfer; auto)
      then have "¬ finite (f ` UNIV)"
        using inj f finite_imageD b by auto
      then have "¬ finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set)" 
        by (meson infinite_iff_countable_subset top_greatest) 
      then show ?thesis 
        using finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set) by blast
      case c
      define f :: "'c  ('a,'b,'c) fsm" where "f = (λ y . fsm_from_list q [(q,x,y,q)])"
      have "inj f" 
        unfolding inj_def f_def by (transfer; auto)
      then have "¬ finite (f ` UNIV)"
        using inj f finite_imageD c by auto
      then have "¬ finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set)" 
        by (meson infinite_iff_countable_subset top_greatest) 
      then show ?thesis 
        using finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set) by blast

  show "(finite (UNIV :: 'a set)  finite (UNIV :: 'b set)  finite (UNIV :: 'c set))  finite (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set)"
  proof -
    define f :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm  ('a × 'a set × 'b set × 'c set × ('a × 'b × 'c × 'a) set)" where
      "f = (λ m . (initial m, states m, inputs m, outputs m, transitions m))"
    assume "(finite (UNIV :: 'a set)  finite (UNIV :: 'b set)  finite (UNIV :: 'c set))"
    then have "finite (UNIV :: ('a × 'a set × 'b set × 'c set × ('a × 'b × 'c × 'a) set) set)"
      by (simp add: Finite_Set.finite_set finite_prod)
    moreover have "f ` (UNIV :: ('a,'b,'c) fsm set)  (UNIV :: ('a × 'a set × 'b set × 'c set × ('a × 'b × 'c × 'a) set) set)"
      by auto
    moreover have "inj f"
      unfolding inj_def f_def apply transfer
      by (simp add: fsm_impl.expand) 
    ultimately show ?thesis by (metis inj_on_finite)

instantiation fsm :: (finite_UNIV,finite_UNIV,finite_UNIV) finite_UNIV begin
definition "finite_UNIV = Phantom(('a,'b,'c) fsm) (of_phantom (finite_UNIV :: 'a finite_UNIV) 
                                                   of_phantom (finite_UNIV :: 'b finite_UNIV) 
                                                   of_phantom (finite_UNIV :: 'c finite_UNIV))"

instance by(intro_classes)(simp add: finite_UNIV_fsm_def finite_UNIV finiteness_fsm_UNIV)

instantiation fsm :: (card_UNIV,card_UNIV,card_UNIV) card_UNIV begin

definition "card_UNIV = Phantom(('a,'b,'c) fsm) 
  (if CARD('a) = 0  CARD('b) = 0  CARD('c) = 0 
    then 0 
    else card ((λ(q::'a, Q, X::'b set, Y::'c set, T). FSM.create_fsm_from_sets q Q X Y T) ` UNIV))"
instance apply intro_classes 
proof (cases "CARD('a) = 0  CARD('b) = 0  CARD('c) = 0")
  case True 
  then have "¬ (finite (UNIV :: 'a set)  finite (UNIV :: 'b set)  finite (UNIV :: 'c set))"
    by force
  then have "infinite (UNIV :: ('a, 'b, 'c) fsm set)" 
    using finiteness_fsm_UNIV by blast
  then have "card (UNIV :: ('a, 'b, 'c) fsm set) = 0"
    by auto
  then show "card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV = Phantom(('a, 'b, 'c) fsm) CARD(('a, 'b, 'c) fsm)"
    using True
    by (simp add: card_UNIV_fsm_def) 
  case False
  then have "finite (UNIV :: 'a set)" and "finite (UNIV :: 'b set)" and "finite (UNIV :: 'c set)"
    by force+
  then have "surj (λ(q::'a, Q, X::'b set, Y::'c set, T). FSM.create_fsm_from_sets q Q X Y T)"
    using create_fsm_from_sets_surj by blast
  then show "card_UNIV_class.card_UNIV = Phantom(('a, 'b, 'c) fsm) CARD(('a, 'b, 'c) fsm)" 
    using False
    by (simp add: card_UNIV_fsm_def) 

instantiation fsm :: (type,type,type) cproper_interval begin
definition cproper_interval_fsm :: "(('a,'b,'c) fsm) proper_interval" where
  "cproper_interval_fsm m1 m2 = undefined"
instance by(intro_classes)(simp add: ID_None ccompare_fsm_def)

subsection ‹Updated Code Equations›

subsubsection ‹New Code Equations for @{text "remove_proper_prefixes"}

declare [[code drop: remove_proper_prefixes]]

lemma remove_proper_prefixes_refined[code] :
  fixes t :: "('a :: ccompare) list set_rbt" 
shows "remove_proper_prefixes (RBT_set t) = (case ID CCOMPARE(('a list)) of
  Some _  (if (is_empty t) then {} else set (paths (from_list (RBT_Set2.keys t)))) |
  None    Code.abort (STR ''remove_proper_prefixes RBT_set: ccompare = None'') (λ_. remove_proper_prefixes (RBT_set t)))"
  (is "?v1 = ?v2")
proof (cases "ID CCOMPARE(('a list))")
  case None
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case (Some a)
  then have *:"ID ccompare  (None :: ('a::ccompare list  'a::ccompare list  order) option)" by auto
  show ?thesis proof (cases "is_empty t")
    case True
    then show ?thesis unfolding Some remove_proper_prefixes_def by auto
    case False
    then have "?v2 = set (paths (from_list (RBT_Set2.keys t)))" using Some by auto
    moreover have "?v1 = set (paths (from_list (RBT_Set2.keys t)))"
      using False unfolding RBT_set_conv_keys[OF *, of t] remove_proper_prefixes_code_trie 
      by (cases "RBT_Set2.keys t"; auto)
    ultimately show ?thesis by simp

subsubsection ‹Special Handling for @{text "set_as_map"} on @{text "image"}

text ‹Avoid creating an intermediate set for @{text "(image f xs)"} when evaluating @{text "(set_as_map (image f xs))"}.›

definition set_as_map_image :: "('a1 × 'a2) set  (('a1 × 'a2)  ('b1 × 'b2))  ('b1  'b2 set option)" where 
  "set_as_map_image xs f = (set_as_map (image f xs))"

(* combine two separate set_as_map_image calls on the same set *)
definition dual_set_as_map_image :: "('a1 × 'a2) set  (('a1 × 'a2)  ('b1 × 'b2))  (('a1 × 'a2)  ('c1 × 'c2))  (('b1  'b2 set option) × ('c1  'c2 set option))" where 
  "dual_set_as_map_image xs f1 f2 = (set_as_map (image f1 xs), set_as_map (image f2 xs))"

lemma set_as_map_image_code[code]  :
  fixes t :: "('a1 ::ccompare × 'a2 :: ccompare) set_rbt" 
  and   f1 :: "('a1 × 'a2)  ('b1 :: ccompare × 'b2 ::ccompare)"
shows "set_as_map_image (RBT_set t) f1 = (case ID CCOMPARE(('a1 × 'a2)) of
           Some _  Mapping.lookup 
                      (RBT_Set2.fold (λ kv m1 .
                        ( case f1 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m1 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m1 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m1)))
                      Mapping.empty) |
           None    Code.abort (STR ''set_as_map_image RBT_set: ccompare = None'') 
                                (λ_. set_as_map_image (RBT_set t) f1))"
proof (cases "ID CCOMPARE(('a1 × 'a2))")
  case None
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (Some a)

  let ?f' = "λ t . (RBT_Set2.fold (λ kv m1 .
                        ( case f1 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m1 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m1 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m1)))

  let ?f = "λ xs . (fold (λ kv m1 . case f1 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m1 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m1 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m1))
                            xs Mapping.empty)"
  have " xs :: ('a1 × 'a2) list . Mapping.lookup (?f xs) = (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None)"
  proof -
    fix xs :: "('a1 × 'a2) list"
    show "Mapping.lookup (?f xs) = (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None)"
    proof (induction xs rule: rev_induct)
      case Nil
      then show ?case 
        by (simp add: Mapping.empty.abs_eq Mapping.lookup.abs_eq) 
      case (snoc xz xs)
      then obtain x z where "f1  xz = (x,z)" 
        by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) surj_pair)
      then have *: "(?f (xs@[xz])) = (case Mapping.lookup (?f xs) x of
                                  None  Mapping.update x {z} (?f xs) |
                                  Some zs  Mapping.update x (Set.insert z zs) (?f xs))"
        by auto
      then show ?case proof (cases "Mapping.lookup (?f xs) x")
        case None
        then have **: "Mapping.lookup (?f (xs@[xz])) = Mapping.lookup (Mapping.update x {z} (?f xs))" using * by auto
        have scheme: " m k v . Mapping.lookup (Mapping.update k v m) = (λk' . if k' = k then Some v else Mapping.lookup m k')"
          by (metis lookup_update')
        have m1: "Mapping.lookup (?f (xs@[xz])) = (λ x' . if x' = x then Some {z} else Mapping.lookup (?f xs) x')"
          unfolding ** 
          unfolding scheme by force
        have "(λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None) x = None"
        using None snoc by auto
        then have "¬( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs)"
          by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) option.distinct(1))
        then have "( z' . (x,z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz]))" and "{z' . (x,z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])} = {z}"
          using f1  xz = (x,z) by fastforce+
        then have m2: "(λ x' . if ( z' . (x',z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])) then Some {z' . (x',z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])} else None)
                     = (λ x' . if x' = x then Some {z} else (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None) x')"
          using f1  xz = (x,z) by fastforce
        show ?thesis using m1 m2 snoc
          using f1 xz = (x, z) by presburger
        case (Some zs)
        then have **: "Mapping.lookup (?f (xs@[xz])) = Mapping.lookup (Mapping.update x (Set.insert z zs) (?f xs))" using * by auto
        have scheme: " m k v . Mapping.lookup (Mapping.update k v m) = (λk' . if k' = k then Some v else Mapping.lookup m k')"
          by (metis lookup_update')
        have m1: "Mapping.lookup (?f (xs@[xz])) = (λ x' . if x' = x then Some (Set.insert z zs) else Mapping.lookup (?f xs) x')"
          unfolding ** 
          unfolding scheme by force
        have "(λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None) x = Some zs"
          using Some snoc by auto
        then have "( z' . (x,z')  f1 ` set xs)"
          unfolding case_prod_conv using  option.distinct(2) by metis
        then have "( z' . (x,z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz]))" by fastforce
        have "{z' . (x,z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])} = Set.insert z zs"
        proof -
          have "Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} = Some zs"
            using (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None) x = Some zs
            unfolding case_prod_conv using  option.distinct(2) by metis
          then have "{z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} = zs" by auto
          then show ?thesis 
            using f1 xz = (x, z) by auto
        have " a  . (λ x' . if ( z' . (x',z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])) then Some {z' . (x',z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])} else None) a
                   = (λ x' . if x' = x then Some (Set.insert z zs) else (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None) x') a" 
        proof -
          fix a show "(λ x' . if ( z' . (x',z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])) then Some {z' . (x',z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])} else None) a
                     = (λ x' . if x' = x then Some (Set.insert z zs) else (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None) x') a"
          using {z' . (x,z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])} = Set.insert z zs ( z' . (x,z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])) f1 xz = (x, z)
          by (cases "a = x"; auto)

        then have m2: "(λ x' . if ( z' . (x',z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])) then Some {z' . (x',z')  f1 ` set (xs@[xz])} else None)
                     = (λ x' . if x' = x then Some (Set.insert z zs) else (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set xs} else None) x')"
          by auto
        show ?thesis using m1 m2 snoc
          using f1 xz = (x, z) by presburger

  then have "Mapping.lookup (?f' t) = (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` set (RBT_Set2.keys t)) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` set (RBT_Set2.keys t)} else None)"
    unfolding fold_conv_fold_keys by metis
  moreover have "set (RBT_Set2.keys t) = (RBT_set t)" 
    using Some by (simp add: RBT_set_conv_keys) 
  ultimately have "Mapping.lookup (?f' t) = (λ x . if ( z . (x,z)  f1 ` (RBT_set t)) then Some {z . (x,z)  f1 ` (RBT_set t)} else None)"
    by force
  then show ?thesis 
    using Some unfolding set_as_map_image_def set_as_map_def by simp

lemma dual_set_as_map_image_code[code] :
  fixes t :: "('a1 ::ccompare × 'a2 :: ccompare) set_rbt" 
  and   f1 :: "('a1 × 'a2)  ('b1 :: ccompare × 'b2 ::ccompare)"
  and   f2 :: "('a1 × 'a2)  ('c1 :: ccompare × 'c2 ::ccompare)"
  shows "dual_set_as_map_image (RBT_set t) f1 f2 = (case ID CCOMPARE(('a1 × 'a2)) of
           Some _  let mm = (RBT_Set2.fold (λ kv (m1,m2) .
                        ( case f1 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m1 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m1 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m1)
                        , case f2 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m2 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m2 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m2)))
                     in (Mapping.lookup (fst mm), Mapping.lookup (snd mm)) |
           None    Code.abort (STR ''dual_set_as_map_image RBT_set: ccompare = None'') 
                                (λ_. (dual_set_as_map_image (RBT_set t) f1 f2)))"
proof (cases "ID CCOMPARE(('a1 × 'a2))")
  case None
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (Some a)

  let ?f1 = "λ xs . (fold (λ kv m . case f1 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m)) xs Mapping.empty)"
  let ?f2 = "λ xs . (fold (λ kv m . case f2 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m)) xs Mapping.empty)"

  let ?f12 = "λ xs . fold (λ kv (m1,m2) .
                        ( case f1 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m1 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m1 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m1)
                        , case f2 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m2 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m2 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m2)))

  let ?f1' = "λ t . (RBT_Set2.fold (λ kv m . case f1 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m)) t Mapping.empty)"
  let ?f2' = "λ t . (RBT_Set2.fold (λ kv m . case f2 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m)) t Mapping.empty)"

  let ?f12' = "λ t . RBT_Set2.fold (λ kv (m1,m2) .
                        ( case f1 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m1 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m1 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m1)
                        , case f2 kv of (x,z)  (case Mapping.lookup m2 (x) of None  Mapping.update (x) {z} m2 | Some zs  Mapping.update (x) (Set.insert z zs) m2)))

  have "xs . ?f12 xs = (?f1 xs, ?f2 xs)"
    unfolding fold_dual[symmetric] by simp
  then have "?f12 (RBT_Set2.keys t) = (?f1 (RBT_Set2.keys t), ?f2 (RBT_Set2.keys t))"
    by simp
  then have "?f12' t = (?f1' t, ?f2' t)"
    unfolding fold_conv_fold_keys by metis

  have "Mapping.lookup (fst (?f12' t)) = set_as_map (f1 ` (RBT_set t))" 
    unfolding ?f12' t = (?f1' t, ?f2' t) fst_conv set_as_map_image_def[symmetric]
    using set_as_map_image_code[of t f1] Some by simp
  moreover have "Mapping.lookup (snd (?f12' t)) = set_as_map (f2 ` (RBT_set t))" 
    unfolding ?f12' t = (?f1' t, ?f2' t) snd_conv set_as_map_image_def[symmetric]
    using set_as_map_image_code[of t f2] Some by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding dual_set_as_map_image_def Let_def using Some by simp

subsubsection ‹New Code Equations for @{text "h"}

declare [[code drop: h]]
lemma h_refined[code] : "h M (q,x) 
  = (let m = set_as_map_image (transitions M) (λ(q,x,y,q') . ((q,x),y,q')) 
      in (case m (q,x) of Some yqs  yqs | None  {}))"
  apply transfer
  unfolding h_code set_as_map_image_def by simp

subsubsection ‹New Code Equations for @{text "canonical_separator'"}

lemma canonical_separator'_refined[code] : 
  fixes M :: "('a,'b,'c) fsm_impl"
"FSM_Impl.canonical_separator' M P q1 q2 = (if FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.initial P = (q1,q2) 
    (let f'  = set_as_map_image (FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.transitions M) (λ(q,x,y,q') . ((q,x),y));
         f   = (λqx . (case f' qx of Some yqs  yqs | None  {}));
         shifted_transitions' = shifted_transitions (FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.transitions P);
         distinguishing_transitions_lr = distinguishing_transitions f q1 q2 (FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.states P) (FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.inputs P);
         ts = shifted_transitions'  distinguishing_transitions_lr
     in FSMI
          (Inl (q1,q2))
          ((image Inl (FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.states P))  {Inr q1, Inr q2})
          (FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.inputs M  FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.inputs P)
          (FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.outputs M  FSM_Impl.fsm_impl.outputs P)
  else FSMI
          (Inl (q1,q2)) {Inl (q1,q2)} {} {} {})"
  unfolding set_as_map_image_def by simp

subsubsection ‹New Code Equations for @{text "calculate_test_paths"}

lemma calculate_test_paths_refined[code] : 
  "calculate_test_paths M m d_reachable_states r_distinguishable_pairs repetition_sets =
              = (image (λ q . (q,m_traversal_paths_with_witness M q repetition_sets m)) d_reachable_states);
              = m2f (set_as_map paths_with_witnesses);
              =  q  d_reachable_states .  mrsps  get_paths q . prefix_pair_tests q mrsps;
              =  q  d_reachable_states .  mrsps  get_paths q . preamble_prefix_tests q mrsps d_reachable_states;
              = preamble_pair_tests ( (q,pw)  paths_with_witnesses . ((λ (p,(rd,dr)) . dr) ` pw)) r_distinguishable_pairs;
              = PrefixPairTests  PreamblePrefixTests  PreamblePairTests; 
              = m2f_by  (set_as_map_image paths_with_witnesses (λ (q,p) . (q, image fst p)));
              =  dual_set_as_map_image tests (λ (q,p,q') . (q,p)) (λ (q,p,q') . ((q,p),q'));
              = m2f (fst dual_maps);
              = (λ q . tps' q  tps'' q);
              = m2f (snd dual_maps)     
    in ( tps, rd_targets))"

  unfolding calculate_test_paths_def Let_def dual_set_as_map_image_def fst_conv snd_conv set_as_map_image_def 
  by simp

subsubsection ‹New Code Equations for @{text "prefix_pair_tests"}

fun target' :: "'state  ('state, 'input, 'output) path  'state" where
  "target' q [] = q" |
  "target' q p = t_target (last p)"

lemma target_refined[code] :
  "target q p = target' q p" 
proof (cases p rule: rev_cases)
  case Nil
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (snoc p' t)
  then have "p  []" by auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding snoc target.simps visited_states.simps
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) last_ConsR last_map list.map_disc_iff target'.elims) 

declare [[code drop: prefix_pair_tests]]
lemma prefix_pair_tests_refined[code] :
fixes t :: "(('a ::ccompare,'b::ccompare,'c::ccompare) traversal_path × ('a set × 'a set)) set_rbt" 
shows "prefix_pair_tests q (RBT_set t) = (case ID CCOMPARE((('a,'b,'c) traversal_path × ('a set × 'a set))) of
  Some _  set 
    (concat (map (λ (p,(rd,dr)) . 
                      (concat (map (λ (p1,p2) . [(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))])
                                    (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  (target q p2)  (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd) (prefix_pairs p)))))
                 (RBT_Set2.keys t))) |
  None    Code.abort (STR ''prefix_pair_tests RBT_set: ccompare = None'') 
                                  (λ_. (prefix_pair_tests q (RBT_set t))))"
  (is "prefix_pair_tests q (RBT_set t) = ?C")
proof (cases "ID CCOMPARE((('a ::ccompare,'b::ccompare,'c::ccompare) traversal_path × ('a set × 'a set)))")
  case None
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (Some a)   

  have *: "?C = ((image (λ (p,(rd,dr)) .  (set (map (λ (p1,p2) . {(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))}) (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))))) (set (RBT_Set2.keys t))))"
  proof -
    let ?S1 = "set (concat (map (λ (p,(rd,dr)) . (concat (map (λ (p1,p2) . [(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))))) (RBT_Set2.keys t)))"
    let ?S2 = "((image (λ (p,(rd,dr)) .  (set (map (λ (p1,p2) . {(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))}) (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))))) (set (RBT_Set2.keys t))))"

    have *: "?C = ?S1"
    proof -
      have *: " rd p . (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  (target q p2)  (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd) (prefix_pairs p)) = (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))"
        by meson
      have "?C = set (concat (map (λ (p,(rd,dr)) . (concat (map (λ (p1,p2) . [(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  (target q p2)  (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd) (prefix_pairs p))))) (RBT_Set2.keys t)))"
        using Some by auto
      then show ?thesis 
        unfolding * by presburger

    have union_filter_helper: " xs f x1 x2  y . y  f (x1,x2)  (x1,x2)  set xs  y   (set (map f xs))"
      by auto 
    have concat_set_helper : " xss xs x . x  set xs  xs  set xss  x  set (concat xss)" 
      by auto

    have " x . x  ?S1  x  ?S2" 
    proof -
      fix x assume "x  ?S1"
      then obtain p rd dr p1 p2 where "(p,(rd,dr))  set (RBT_Set2.keys t)"
                                and   "(p1,p2)  set ((filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p)))"
                                and   "x  set [(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))]"
        by auto
      then have "x  {(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))}"
        by auto
      then have "x   (set (map (λ (p1,p2) . {(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))}) (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))))"
        using union_filter_helper[OF _ (p1,p2)  set ((filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))), of x "(λ(p1, p2). {(q, p1, target q p2), (q, p2, target q p1)})"] by simp
      then show "x  ?S2"
        using (p,(rd,dr))  set (RBT_Set2.keys t) by blast

    moreover have " x . x  ?S2  x  ?S1" 
    proof -
      fix x assume "x  ?S2"
      then obtain p rd dr p1 p2 where "(p,(rd,dr))  set (RBT_Set2.keys t)"
                                and   "(p1,p2)  set ((filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p)))"
                                and   "x  {(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))}"
        by auto
      then have *: "x  set [(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))]" by auto
      have **: "[(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))]  set (map (λ (p1,p2) . [(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p)))"
        using (p1,p2)  set ((filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))) by force
      have ***: "(concat (map (λ (p1,p2) . [(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))))  set ((map (λ (p,(rd,dr)) . (concat (map (λ (p1,p2) . [(q,p1,(target q p2)), (q,p2,(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,p2) . (target q p1)  rd  (target q p2)  rd  (target q p1)  (target q p2)) (prefix_pairs p))))) (RBT_Set2.keys t)))"
        using (p,(rd,dr))  set (RBT_Set2.keys t) by force
      show "x  ?S1"
        using concat_set_helper[OF concat_set_helper[OF * **] ***] by assumption
    ultimately show ?thesis unfolding * by blast

  show ?thesis
    unfolding * unfolding prefix_pair_tests_code 
    using Some by (simp add: RBT_set_conv_keys)

subsubsection ‹New Code Equations for @{text "preamble_prefix_tests"}

declare [[code drop: preamble_prefix_tests]]
lemma preamble_prefix_tests_refined[code] :
  fixes t1 :: "(('a ::ccompare,'b::ccompare,'c::ccompare) traversal_path × ('a set × 'a set)) set_rbt"  
  and   t2 :: "'a set_rbt"
shows "preamble_prefix_tests q (RBT_set t1) (RBT_set t2) = (case ID CCOMPARE((('a,'b,'c) traversal_path × ('a set × 'a set))) of
Some _  (case ID CCOMPARE('a) of
  Some _  set (concat (map (λ (p,(rd,dr)) . 
                 (concat (map (λ (p1,q2) . [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))])     
                             (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  q2  (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd) 
                                     (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2))))))
                 (RBT_Set2.keys t1))) |
  None  Code.abort (STR ''prefix_pair_tests RBT_set: ccompare = None'') (λ_. (preamble_prefix_tests q (RBT_set t1) (RBT_set t2)))) |
None  Code.abort (STR ''prefix_pair_tests RBT_set: ccompare = None'') (λ_. (preamble_prefix_tests q (RBT_set t1) (RBT_set t2))))"
  (is "preamble_prefix_tests q (RBT_set t1) (RBT_set t2) = ?C")
proof (cases "ID CCOMPARE((('a,'b,'c) traversal_path × ('a set × 'a set)))")
  case None
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (Some a)
  then have k1: "(RBT_set t1) = set (RBT_Set2.keys t1)" 
    by (simp add: RBT_set_conv_keys)
  show ?thesis proof (cases "ID CCOMPARE('a)")
    case None
    then show ?thesis using Some by auto
    case (Some b)
    then have k2: "(RBT_set t2) = set (RBT_Set2.keys t2)" 
      by (simp add: RBT_set_conv_keys)

    have "preamble_prefix_tests q (RBT_set t1) (RBT_set t2) = ((p, rd, dr) set (RBT_Set2.keys t1). (p1, q2)Set.filter (λ(p1, q2). target q p1  rd  q2  rd  target q p1  q2) (set (prefixes p) × (set (RBT_Set2.keys t2))). {(q, p1, q2), (q2, [], target q p1)})"
      unfolding preamble_prefix_tests_code  k1 k2 by simp

    moreover have "?C = ((p, rd, dr) set (RBT_Set2.keys t1). (p1, q2)Set.filter (λ(p1, q2). target q p1  rd  q2  rd  target q p1  q2) (set (prefixes p) × (set (RBT_Set2.keys t2))). {(q, p1, q2), (q2, [], target q p1)})"
    proof -
      let ?S1 = "set (concat (map (λ (p,(rd,dr)) . (concat (map (λ (p1,q2) . [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))))) (RBT_Set2.keys t1)))"
      let ?S2 = "((p, rd, dr) set (RBT_Set2.keys t1). (p1, q2)Set.filter (λ(p1, q2). target q p1  rd  q2  rd  target q p1  q2) (set (prefixes p) × (set (RBT_Set2.keys t2))). {(q, p1, q2), (q2, [], target q p1)})"
      have *: "?C = ?S1" 
      proof -
        have *: " rd p . (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  q2  (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2))) = (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))"
          by meson
        have "?C = set (concat (map (λ (p,(rd,dr)) . (concat (map (λ (p1,q2) . [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  q2  (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))))) (RBT_Set2.keys t1)))"
          using Some ID ccompare = Some a by auto
        then show ?thesis 
          unfolding * by presburger
      have union_filter_helper: " xs f x1 x2  y . y  f (x1,x2)  (x1,x2)  set xs  y   (set (map f xs))"
        by auto 
      have concat_set_helper : " xss xs x . x  set xs  xs  set xss  x  set (concat xss)" 
        by auto
      have " x . x  ?S1  x  ?S2" 
      proof -
        fix x assume "x  ?S1"
        obtain prddr where "prddr  set (RBT_Set2.keys t1)"
                            and   "x  set ((λ (p,(rd,dr)) . (concat (map (λ (p1,q2) . [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))))) prddr)"
          using concat_map_elem[OF x  ?S1] by blast

        moreover obtain p rd dr where "prddr = (p,(rd,dr))"
          using prod_cases3 by blast 
        ultimately have "(p,(rd,dr))  set (RBT_Set2.keys t1)"
                   and  "x  set ((concat (map (λ (p1,q2) . [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2))))))"
          by auto
        then obtain p1 q2 where "(p1,q2)  set ((filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2))))"
                          and   "x  set [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))]"
          by auto

        then have "x  {(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))}"
          by auto
        then have "x   (set (map (λ(p1, q2). {(q, p1, q2), (q2, [], target q p1)}) (filter (λ(p1, q2). target q p1  rd  q2  rd  target q p1  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))))"
          using union_filter_helper[OF _ (p1,q2)  set ((filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))), of x "(λ (p1,q2) . {(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))})"] by simp
        then have "x  ((p1, q2)Set.filter (λ(p1, q2). target q p1  rd  q2  rd  target q p1  q2) (set (prefixes p) × (set (RBT_Set2.keys t2))). {(q, p1, q2), (q2, [], target q p1)})"
          by auto
        then show "x  ?S2"
          using (p,(rd,dr))  set (RBT_Set2.keys t1) by blast

      moreover have " x . x  ?S2  x  ?S1"
      proof -
        fix x assume "x  ?S2"
        then obtain p rd dr p1 q2 where "(p, rd, dr) set (RBT_Set2.keys t1)"
                                  and   "(p1, q2)Set.filter (λ(p1, q2). target q p1  rd  q2  rd  target q p1  q2) (set (prefixes p) × (set (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))"
                                  and   "x  {(q, p1, q2), (q2, [], target q p1)}"
          by blast

        then have *:"x  set [(q, p1, q2), (q2, [], target q p1)]"
          by auto

        have "(p1,q2)  set (filter (λ(p1, q2). target q p1  rd  q2  rd  target q p1  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))"
          using (p1, q2)Set.filter (λ(p1, q2). target q p1  rd  q2  rd  target q p1  q2) (set (prefixes p) × (set (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))
          by auto 
        then have **:"[(q, p1, q2), (q2, [], target q p1)]  set ((map (λ (p1,q2) . [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))))"
          by force
        have ***: "(concat (map (λ (p1,q2) . [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))))  set (map (λ (p,(rd,dr)) . (concat (map (λ (p1,q2) . [(q,p1,q2), (q2,[],(target q p1))]) (filter (λ (p1,q2) . (target q p1)  rd  q2  rd  (target q p1)  q2) (List.product (prefixes p) (RBT_Set2.keys t2)))))) (RBT_Set2.keys t1))"
          using (p, rd, dr) set (RBT_Set2.keys t1) by force

        show "x  ?S1"
          using concat_set_helper[OF concat_set_helper[OF * **] ***] by assumption

      ultimately show ?thesis unfolding * by blast

    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
