Theory Error_Function_Asymptotics
subsection ‹Asymptotics›
theory Error_Function_Asymptotics
imports Error_Function Landau_Symbols.Landau_More
lemma real_powr_eq_powerI:
"x > 0 ⟹ y = real y' ⟹ x powr y = x ^ y'"
by (simp add: powr_realpow)
definition erf_remainder_integral where
"erf_remainder_integral n x =
lim (λm. integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-(t^2)) / t ^ (2*n)))"
text ‹
The following is the remainder term in the asymptotic expansion of @{term erfc}.
definition erf_remainder where
"erf_remainder n x =
((-1)^n * 2 * fact (2*n)) / (sqrt pi * 4 ^ n * fact n) *
erf_remainder_integral n x"
lemma erf_remainder_integral_aux_nonneg:
"x > 0 ⟹ integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-(t^2)) / t ^ (2*n)) ≥ 0"
by (intro integral_nonneg integrable_continuous_real) (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
lemma erf_remainder_integral_aux_bound:
assumes "x > 0"
shows "norm (integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n))) ≤ exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)"
and "integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n)) ≤ exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)"
proof -
have "norm (integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n))) ≤
integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-x*t) / x ^ (2*n))"
proof (intro integral_norm_bound_integral ballI)
fix t assume t: "t ∈ {x..x + real m}"
from t have "norm (exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n)) = exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n)" by simp
also have "… ≤ exp (-x*t) / x ^ (2*n)" using t assms
by (intro frac_le) (simp_all add: self_le_power power2_eq_square power_mono)
finally show "norm (exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n)) ≤ …" by simp
qed (insert assms, auto intro!: continuous_intros integrable_continuous_real)
also have "… = -exp (-x*(x + real m)) / x ^ (2*n+1) - (-exp (-x*x) / x ^ (2*n+1))"
using assms
by (intro integral_unique fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
(auto simp: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative [symmetric]
intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
also have "… ≤ exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)" using assms by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
finally show *: "norm (integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n))) ≤
exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)" .
have "integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n)) ≤
norm (integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n)))" by simp
also note *
finally show "integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n)) ≤ exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)" .
lemma convergent_erf_remainder_integral:
assumes "x > 0"
shows "convergent (λm. integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-(t^2)) / t ^ (2*n)))"
proof (intro Bseq_mono_convergent BseqI'; clarify?)
fix m :: nat
show "norm (integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n))) ≤ exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)"
using assms by (rule erf_remainder_integral_aux_bound)
qed (insert assms, auto intro!: integral_subset_le integrable_continuous_real continuous_intros)
lemma LIMSEQ_erf_remainder_integral:
"x > 0 ⟹ (λm. integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (-(t^2)) / t ^ (2*n))) ⇢
erf_remainder_integral n x"
using convergent_erf_remainder_integral[of x]
by (simp add: convergent_LIMSEQ_iff erf_remainder_integral_def)
text ‹
We show some bounds on the remainder term.
assumes "x > 0"
shows erf_remainder_integral_nonneg: "erf_remainder_integral n x ≥ 0"
and erf_remainder_integral_bound: "erf_remainder_integral n x ≤ exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)"
proof -
note * = LIMSEQ_erf_remainder_integral[OF assms]
show "erf_remainder_integral n x ≥ 0"
by (intro tendsto_le[OF _ * tendsto_const] always_eventually
erf_remainder_integral_aux_nonneg allI assms sequentially_bot)
show "erf_remainder_integral n x ≤ exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)"
by (intro tendsto_le[OF _ tendsto_const *] always_eventually
erf_remainder_integral_aux_bound allI assms sequentially_bot)
lemma erf_remainder_integral_bigo:
"erf_remainder_integral n ∈ O(λx. exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1))"
using erf_remainder_integral_nonneg erf_remainder_integral_bound
by (auto intro!: bigoI[of _ 1] eventually_mono [OF eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::real"]])
theorem erf_remainder_bigo: "erf_remainder n ∈ O(λx. exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1))"
using erf_remainder_integral_bigo[of n] by (simp add: erf_remainder_def [abs_def])
text ‹
Next, we unroll the remainder term to develop the asymptotic expansion.
lemma erf_remainder_integral_0_conv_erfc:
assumes "(x::real) > 0"
shows "erf_remainder_integral 0 x = sqrt pi / 2 * erfc x"
proof -
have "(λm. sqrt pi / 2 * (erf (x + real m) - erf x)) ⇢ sqrt pi / 2 * erfc x"
(is "filterlim ?f _ _") unfolding erfc_def
by (intro tendsto_intros filterlim_tendsto_add_at_top[OF
tendsto_const filterlim_real_sequentially])
also have "?f = (λm. integral {x..x+real m} (λt. exp (-t⇧2)))"
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff integral_unique[OF integral_exp_minus_squared_real])
finally have "(λm. integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (- t⇧2))) ⇢ sqrt pi / 2 * erfc x" .
moreover have "(λm. integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (- t⇧2))) ⇢ erf_remainder_integral 0 x"
using LIMSEQ_erf_remainder_integral[of x 0] assms by simp
ultimately show "erf_remainder_integral 0 x = sqrt pi / 2 * erfc x"
by (intro LIMSEQ_unique)
text ‹
The first remainder is the @{term erfc} function itself.
lemma erf_remainder_0_conv_erfc: "x > 0 ⟹ erf_remainder 0 x = erfc x"
by (simp add: erf_remainder_def erf_remainder_integral_0_conv_erfc)
text ‹
Also, the following recurrence allows us to get the next term of the asymptotic expansion.
lemma erf_remainder_integral_conv_Suc:
assumes "x > 0"
shows "erf_remainder_integral n x = exp (-x⇧2) / (2*x^(2*n+1)) -
real (2*n+1) / 2 * erf_remainder_integral (Suc n) x"
proof -
let ?A = "λm. {x..x + real m}"
let ?J = "λm n. integral {x..x+real m} (λt. exp(-t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n))"
define I where
"I = (λm. exp (- (x + real m)⇧2) / (- 2 * (x + real m) ^ (2 * n + 1)) -
exp (- x⇧2) * inverse (- 2 * x ^ (2 * n + 1)) - real (2*n+1)/2 * ?J m (Suc n))"
have I_eq: "I = (λm. integral (?A m) (λt. exp (- t⇧2) / t ^ (2 * n)))"
fix m :: nat
have "((λt. (-2*t*exp (-(t^2))) * inverse (-2*t^(2*n+1))) has_integral I m) (?A m)"
proof (rule integration_by_parts[OF bounded_bilinear_mult])
fix t assume t: "t ∈ ?A m"
with assms show "((λt. exp (-(t^2))) has_vector_derivative -2*t*exp (-(t^2))) (at t)"
by (auto simp: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative [symmetric]
field_simps intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
from assms t have "((λt. -(1/2) * t powr (-2*n-1)) has_field_derivative
(2*n+1)/2 * t powr (-2*n-2)) (at t)"
by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: field_simps powr_numeral power2_eq_square
powr_minus powr_divide [symmetric] powr_add)
also have "?this ⟷ ((λt. inverse (-2*t^(2*n+1))) has_field_derivative
(2*n+1)/2 / t ^ (2*Suc n)) (at t)" using t
using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{0<..}" t] assms
by (intro DERIV_cong_ev refl)
(auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: powr_minus field_simps powr_diff
powr_realpow power2_eq_square intro!: real_powr_eq_powerI)
finally show "((λt. inverse (-2*t^(2*n+1))) has_vector_derivative
(2*n+1)/2 / t ^ (2*Suc n)) (at t)"
by (simp add: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative)
have "((λt. real (2*n+1)/2 * (exp (- t⇧2) / t ^ (2 * Suc n))) has_integral
real (2*n+1)/2 * ?J m (Suc n)) (?A m)" (is "(?f has_integral ?a) _")
using assms
by (intro has_integral_mult_right integrable_integral integrable_continuous_real)
(auto intro!: continuous_intros)
also have "?f = (λt. exp (- t⇧2) * (real (2 * n + 1) / 2 / t ^ (2 * Suc n)))"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff field_simps)
also have "?a = exp (- (x + real m)⇧2) * inverse (- 2 * (x + real m) ^ (2 * n + 1)) -
exp (- x⇧2) * inverse (- 2 * x ^ (2 * n + 1)) - I m" using assms
by (simp add: I_def algebra_simps inverse_eq_divide)
finally show "((λt. exp (- t⇧2) * (real (2 * n + 1) / 2 / t ^ (2 * Suc n))) has_integral …)
{x..x + real m}" .
qed (insert assms, auto intro!: continuous_intros)
hence "I m = integral {x..x + real m} (λt. - 2*t*exp (- t⇧2) * inverse (-2*t^(2 * n + 1)))"
by (simp add: has_integral_iff)
also have "… = integral {x..x + real m} (λt. exp (- t⇧2) / t ^ (2*n))"
using assms by (intro integral_cong) (simp_all add: field_simps)
finally show "I m = …" .
have "filterlim (λm. (-exp (- (x + real m)⇧2)) / (2 * (x + real m) ^ (2 * n + 1)))
(nhds 0) at_top"
by (rule real_tendsto_divide_at_top filterlim_real_sequentially tendsto_minus
filterlim_compose[OF exp_at_bot] filterlim_compose[OF filterlim_uminus_at_bot_at_top]
filterlim_pow_at_top filterlim_tendsto_add_at_top tendsto_const filterlim_ident
filterlim_tendsto_pos_mult_at_top | simp)+
hence *: "filterlim (λm. (exp (- (x + real m)⇧2)) / (-2 * (x + real m) ^ (2 * n + 1)))
(nhds 0) at_top" by (simp add: add_ac)
have "I ⇢ 0 - exp (- x⇧2) * inverse (- 2 * x ^ (2 * n + 1)) -
real (2 * n + 1) / 2 * erf_remainder_integral (Suc n) x"
unfolding I_def
by (intro tendsto_diff * tendsto_const tendsto_mult LIMSEQ_erf_remainder_integral assms)
moreover from LIMSEQ_erf_remainder_integral[OF assms, of n] I_eq
have "I ⇢ erf_remainder_integral n x" by simp
ultimately have "0 - exp (- x⇧2) * inverse (- 2 * x ^ (2 * n + 1)) - real (2 * n + 1) / 2 *
erf_remainder_integral (Suc n) x = erf_remainder_integral n x"
by (rule LIMSEQ_unique)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: field_simps)
lemma erf_remainder_conv_Suc:
assumes "x > 0"
shows "erf_remainder n x = (- 1) ^ n * fact (2 * n) / (sqrt pi * 4 ^ n * fact n) *
exp (- x⇧2) / (x ^ (2 * n + 1)) + erf_remainder (Suc n) x"
proof -
have "erf_remainder n x =
(- 1) ^ n * 2 * fact (2 * n) / (sqrt pi * 4 ^ n * fact n) *
exp (- x⇧2) / (2 * x ^ (2 * n + 1)) + -(
(- 1) ^ n * 2 * fact (2 * n) / (sqrt pi * 4 ^ n * fact n) *
real (2 * n + 1) / 2 * erf_remainder_integral (Suc n) x)" (is "_ = ?A + ?B")
unfolding erf_remainder_def using assms
by (subst erf_remainder_integral_conv_Suc)
(auto simp: assms algebra_simps simp del: power_Suc)
also have "?B = erf_remainder (Suc n) x"
by (simp add: divide_simps erf_remainder_def)
also have "?A = (- 1) ^ n * fact (2 * n) / (sqrt pi * 4 ^ n * fact n) *
exp (- x⇧2) / (x ^ (2 * n + 1))"
by (simp add: divide_simps)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹
Finally, this gives us the full asymptotic expansion for @{term erfc}:
theorem erfc_unroll:
assumes "x > 0"
shows "erfc x = exp (-x⇧2) / sqrt pi *
(∑i<n. (-1)^i * fact (2*i) / (4^i*fact i) / x^(2*i+1)) + erf_remainder n x"
proof (induction n)
case (Suc n)
note Suc.IH
also note erf_remainder_conv_Suc[OF assms, of n]
also have "exp (- x⇧2) / sqrt pi *
(∑i<n. (- 1) ^ i * fact (2 * i) / (4 ^ i * fact i) / x ^ (2*i+1)) +
((- 1) ^ n * fact (2*n) / (sqrt pi * 4 ^ n * fact n) * exp (- x⇧2) / x^(2*n+1) +
erf_remainder (Suc n) x) =
exp (- x⇧2) / sqrt pi *
(∑i<Suc n. (- 1) ^ i * fact (2 * i) / (4 ^ i * fact i) / x ^ (2 * i + 1)) +
erf_remainder (Suc n) x"
by (subst sum.lessThan_Suc) (simp add: algebra_simps)
finally show ?case .
qed (auto simp: assms erf_remainder_0_conv_erfc)
text ‹
For convenience, we define another auxiliary function that is more suitable for use in an
automated expansion framework, since it has a simple asymptotic expansion in powers of $x$.
definition erfc_aux where "erfc_aux x = exp (x⇧2) * sqrt pi * erfc x"
definition erf_remainder' where "erf_remainder' n x = exp (x⇧2) * sqrt pi * erf_remainder n x"
lemma erfc_aux_unroll:
"x > 0 ⟹
erfc_aux x = (∑i<n. (-1)^i * fact (2*i) / (4^i*fact i) / x^(2*i+1)) + erf_remainder' n x"
using erfc_unroll[of x n]
by (simp add: erfc_aux_def erf_remainder'_def exp_minus field_simps del: of_nat_Suc)
lemma erf_remainder'_bigo: "erf_remainder' n ∈ O(λx. 1 / x ^ (2*n+1))"
proof -
have "(λx. exp (x⇧2) * erf_remainder n x) ∈ O(λx. exp (x⇧2) * (exp (-x⇧2) / x ^ (2*n+1)))"
by (intro landau_o.big.mult erf_remainder_bigo) simp_all
thus ?thesis by (simp add: exp_minus erf_remainder'_def [abs_def])
lemma has_field_derivative_erfc_aux:
"(erfc_aux has_field_derivative (2 * x * erfc_aux x - 2)) (at x)"
by (auto simp: erfc_aux_def [abs_def] exp_minus field_simps intro!: derivative_eq_intros)