Theory Lemmas_Disintegration

(*  Title:   Lemmas_Disintegration.thy
    Author:  Michikazu Hirata, Tokyo Institute of Technology
section ‹ Lemmas ›

theory Lemmas_Disintegration
  imports "Standard_Borel_Spaces.StandardBorel"

subsection ‹ Lemmas ›

lemma semiring_of_sets_binary_product_sets[simp]:
 "semiring_of_sets (space X × space Y) {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
  show "{a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}  Pow (space X × space Y)"
    using pair_measure_closed by blast
  fix c d
  assume "c  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}" "d  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
  then obtain ac bc ad bd where
   "c = ac × bc" "ac  sets X" "bc  sets Y" "d = ad × bd" "ad  sets X" "bd  sets Y"
    by auto
  thus "c  d  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
    by(auto intro!: exI[where x="ac  ad"] exI[where x="bc  bd"])
  fix c d
  assume "c  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}" "d  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
  then obtain ac bc ad bd where cd:
   "c = ac × bc" "ac  sets X" "bc  sets Y" "d = ad × bd" "ad  sets X" "bd  sets Y"
    by auto
  then have eq1:"c - d = ((ac - ad) × (bc - bd))  ((ac - ad) × (bc  bd))  ((ac  ad) × (bc - bd))"
    by blast
  obtain a1 where a1: "a1sets X" "finite a1" "disjoint a1" "ac - ad =  a1"
    using cd sets.Diff_cover[of ac X ad] by auto
  obtain a2 where a2 : "a2sets Y" "finite a2" "disjoint a2" "bc - bd =  a2"
    using cd sets.Diff_cover[of bc Y bd] by auto
  define A1 A2 A3
    where A1_def:"A1  {a × b|a b. a  a1  b  a2}"
      and A2_def:"A2  {a × (bc  bd)|a . a  a1}"
      and A3_def:"A3  {(ac  ad) × b|b. b  a2}"
  have disj:"disjoint (A1  A2  A3)"
  proof -
    have [simp]: "disjoint A1"
      fix x y
      assume "x  A1" "y  A1" "x  y"
      then obtain xa xb ya yb where xy: "x = xa × xb" "xa  a1" "xb  a2" "y = ya × yb" "ya  a1" "yb  a2"
        by(auto simp: A1_def)
      with x  y consider "xa  ya" | "xb  yb" by auto
      thus "disjnt x y"
      proof cases
        case 1
        then have "xa  ya = {}"
          using a1(3) xy by(auto simp: disjoint_def)
        thus ?thesis
          by(auto simp: xy disjnt_def)
        case 2
        then have "xb  yb = {}"
          using a2(3) xy by(auto simp: disjoint_def)
        thus ?thesis
          by(auto simp: xy disjnt_def)
    have [simp]: "disjoint A2"
      fix x y
      assume "x  A2" "y  A2" "x  y"
      then obtain xa ya where xy: "x = xa × (bc  bd)" "xa  a1" "y = ya × (bc  bd)" "ya  a1"
        by(auto simp: A2_def)
      with a1(3) x  y have "xa  ya = {}"
        by(auto simp: disjoint_def)
      thus "disjnt x y"
        by(auto simp: xy disjnt_def)
    have [simp]: "disjoint A3"
      fix x y
      assume "x  A3" "y  A3" "x  y"
      then obtain xb yb where xy:"x = (ac  ad) × xb" "xb  a2" "y = (ac  ad) × yb" "yb  a2"
        by(auto simp: A3_def)
      with a2(3) x  y have "xb  yb = {}"
        by(auto simp: disjoint_def)
      thus "disjnt x y"
        by(auto simp: xy disjnt_def)
    show ?thesis
      by(auto intro!: disjoint_union) (insert a1 a2,auto simp: A1_def A2_def A3_def)
  have fin: "finite (A1  A2  A3)"
    using a1 a2 by (auto simp: A1_def A2_def A3_def finite_image_set2)
  have cdeq:"c - d =  (A1  A2  A3)"
  proof -
    have [simp]:" a1 ×  a2 =   A1" " a1 × (bc  bd) =  A2" "(ac  ad) ×  a2 =  A3"
      by (auto simp: A1_def A2_def A3_def)
    show ?thesis
      using a1(4) a2(4) by(simp add: eq1)
  have "A1  A2  A3  {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
    using a1(1) a2(1) cd by(auto simp: A1_def A2_def A3_def)
  with fin disj cdeq show "C{a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}. finite C  disjoint C  c - d =  C"
    by (auto intro!: exI[where x="A1  A2  A3"])
qed auto

lemma sets_pair_restrict_space:
 "sets (restrict_space X A M restrict_space Y B) = sets (restrict_space (X M Y) (A × B))"
 (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs = sigma_sets (space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B)) {a × b |a b. a  sets (restrict_space X A)  b  sets (restrict_space Y B)}"
    by(simp add: sets_pair_measure)
  also have "... = sigma_sets (space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B)) {a × b  space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B) |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
  proof -
    have "{a × b |a b. a  sets (restrict_space X A)  b  sets (restrict_space Y B)} = {a × b  space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B) |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}"
      unfolding space_restrict_space sets_restrict_space
    proof safe
      fix xa xb
      show "xa  sets X  xb  sets Y 
            a b. (A  xa) × (B  xb) = a × b  (A  space X) × (B  space Y)  a  sets X  b  sets Y"
        by(auto intro!: exI[where x=xa] exI[where x=xb] dest:sets.sets_into_space)
      fix a b
      show "a  sets X  b  sets Y 
       aa ba. a × b  (A  space X) × (B  space Y) = aa × ba  aa  sets.restricted_space X A  ba  sets.restricted_space Y B"
        by(auto intro!: exI[where x="a  A"] exI[where x="b  B"] dest:sets.sets_into_space)
    thus ?thesis by simp
  also have "... = sigma_sets (space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B)) {(λx. x) -` c  space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B) |c. c  {a × b| a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}}"
  proof -
    have "{a × b  space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B) |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y} = {(λx. x) -` c  space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B) |c. c  {a × b| a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}}"
      by auto
    thus ?thesis by simp
  also have "... = {(λx. x) -` c  space (restrict_space X A) × space (restrict_space Y B) |c. c  sigma_sets (space X × space Y) {a × b |a b. a  sets X  b  sets Y}}"
    by(rule sigma_sets_vimage_commute[symmetric]) (auto simp: space_restrict_space)
  also have "... = {c   (A  space X) × (B  space Y) |c. c  sets (X M Y)}"
    by(simp add: space_restrict_space sets_pair_measure)
  also have "... = {c  A × B |c. c  sets (X M Y)}"
    using sets.sets_into_space[of _ "X M Y",simplified space_pair_measure] by blast
  also have "... = ?rhs"
    by(auto simp: sets_restrict_space)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma restrict_space_space[simp]: "restrict_space M (space M) = M"
  by(auto intro!: measure_eqI simp: sets_restrict_space emeasure_restrict_space sets.sets_into_space)

lemma atMostq_Int_stable:
  "Int_stable {{..r} |r::real. r  }"
  by(auto simp: Int_stable_def min_def)

lemma rborel_eq_atMostq:
 "borel = sigma UNIV { {..r} | r::real. r  }"
proof(safe intro!: borel_eq_sigmaI1[OF borel_eq_atMost,where F=id,simplified])
  fix a :: real
  interpret s: sigma_algebra UNIV "sigma_sets UNIV {{..r} |r. r  }"
    by(auto intro!: sigma_algebra_sigma_sets)
  have [simp]: "{..a} = ( ((λr. {..r}) ` {r. r    a  r}))"
    by auto (metis Rats_dense_in_real less_le_not_le nle_le)
  show "{..a}  sigma_sets UNIV {{..r} |r. r  }"
    using countable_Collect countable_rat Rats_no_top_le
    by(auto intro!: s.countable_INT')
qed auto

corollary rborel_eq_atMostq_sets:
 "sets borel = sigma_sets UNIV {{..r} |r::real. r  }"
  by(simp add: rborel_eq_atMostq)

lemma mono_absolutely_continuous:
  assumes "sets μ = sets ν" "A. A  sets μ  μ A  ν A"
  shows "absolutely_continuous ν μ"
  by(auto simp: absolutely_continuous_def) (metis assms(1) assms(2) fmeasurableD fmeasurableI_null_sets le_zero_eq null_setsD1 null_setsI)

lemma ex_measure_countable_space:
  assumes "countable (space X)"
      and "sets X = Pow (space X)"
    shows "μ. sets μ = sets X  (xspace X. μ {x} = f x)"
proof -
  define μ where "μ  extend_measure (space X) (space X) (λx. {x}) f"
  have s:"sets μ = sets X"
    using sets_extend_measure[of "λx. {x}" "space X" "space X"] sigma_sets_singletons[OF assms(1)]
    by(auto simp add: μ_def assms(2))
  show ?thesis
  proof(safe intro!: exI[where x=μ])
    fix x
    assume x:"x  space X"
    show "μ {x} = f x"
    proof(cases "finite (space X)")
      case fin:True
      then have sets_fin:"x  sets μ  finite x" for x
        by(auto intro!: rev_finite_subset[OF fin] sets.sets_into_space simp: s)
      define μ' where "μ'  (λA. xA. f x)"
      show ?thesis
      proof(rule emeasure_extend_measure[of μ "space X" "space X" _ f μ' x])
        show "countably_additive (sets μ) μ'"
          using fin sets_fin
          by(auto intro!: sets.countably_additiveI_finite simp: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF s] positive_def μ'_def additive_def comm_monoid_add_class.sum.union_disjoint)
      qed(auto simp: x μ_def μ'_def positive_def)
      case inf:False
      define μ' where "μ'  (λA. n. if from_nat_into (space X) n  A then f (from_nat_into (space X) n) else 0)"
      show ?thesis
      proof(rule emeasure_extend_measure[of μ "space X" "space X" _ f μ' x])
        fix i
        assume "i  space X"
        then obtain n where n:"from_nat_into (space X) n = i"
          using  bij_betw_from_nat_into[OF assms(1) inf] by (meson f_the_inv_into_f_bij_betw)
        then have "μ' {i} =  (m. if m = n then f (from_nat_into (space X) n) else 0)"
          using from_nat_into_inj_infinite[OF assms(1) inf]
          by(auto simp: μ'_def) metis
        also have "... = (m. if (m + (Suc n)) = n then f (from_nat_into (space X) n) else 0) + (m<Suc n. if m = n then f (from_nat_into (space X) n) else 0)"
          by(rule suminf_offset) auto
        also have "... = f i"
          by(auto simp: n)
        finally show "μ' {i} = f i" .
        show "countably_additive (sets μ) μ'"
        proof(rule countably_additiveI)
          fix A :: "nat  _"
          assume h:"range A  sets μ" "disjoint_family A" " (range A)  sets μ"
          show "(i. μ' (A i)) = μ' ( (range A))"
          proof -
            have "(i. μ' (A i)) = (+ i. μ' (A i) (count_space UNIV))"
              by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_nat)
            also have "... = (+ i. (n. if from_nat_into (space X) n  A i then f (from_nat_into (space X) n) else 0) (count_space UNIV))"
              by(simp add: μ'_def)
            also have "... = (n. (+ i. (if from_nat_into (space X) n  A i then f (from_nat_into (space X) n) else 0) (count_space UNIV)))"
              by(simp add: nn_integral_suminf)
            also have "... = (n. (+ i. f (from_nat_into (space X) n) * indicator (A i) (from_nat_into (space X) n) (count_space UNIV)))"
              by(auto intro!: suminf_cong nn_integral_cong)
            also have "... = (n. (i. f (from_nat_into (space X) n) * indicator (A i) (from_nat_into (space X) n)))"
              by(simp add: nn_integral_count_space_nat)
            also have "... = (n. f (from_nat_into (space X) n) * indicator ( (range A)) (from_nat_into (space X) n))"
              by(simp add: suminf_indicator[OF h(2)])
            also have "... = μ' ( (range A))"
              by(auto simp: μ'_def intro!: suminf_cong)
            finally show ?thesis .
      qed(auto simp: x μ_def μ'_def positive_def)
  qed(simp_all add: s)

lemma ex_prob_space_countable:
  assumes "space X  {}" "countable (space X)"
      and "sets X = Pow (space X)"
    shows "μ. sets μ = sets X  prob_space μ"
proof(cases "finite (space X)")
  case fin:True
  define n where "n  card (space X)"
  with fin assms(1) have n: "0 < n"
    by(simp add: card_gt_0_iff)
  obtain μ where μ: "sets μ = sets X" "x. x  space X  μ {x} = ennreal (1 / real n)"
    using ex_measure_countable_space[OF assms(2,3)] by meson
  then have sets_fin:"x  sets μ  finite x" for x
     by(auto intro!: rev_finite_subset[OF fin] sets.sets_into_space)
  show ?thesis
  proof(safe intro!: exI[where x=μ])
    show "prob_space μ"
      have "emeasure μ (space μ) = (aspace μ. ennreal (1/n))"
        using emeasure_eq_sum_singleton[OF sets_fin[OF],of μ] assms(3) μ
        by auto
      also have "... = of_nat n * ennreal (1 / real n)"
        using μ(2) sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF μ(1)] by(simp add: n_def)
      also have "... = 1"
        using n by(auto simp: ennreal_of_nat_eq_real_of_nat) (metis ennreal_1 ennreal_mult'' mult.commute nonzero_eq_divide_eq not_gr0 of_nat_0_eq_iff of_nat_0_le_iff)
      finally show "emeasure μ (space μ) = 1" .
  qed(use μ in auto)
  case inf:False
  obtain μ where μ: "sets μ = sets X" "x. x  space X  μ {x} = (1/2)^(Suc (to_nat_on (space X) x))"
    using ex_measure_countable_space[OF assms(2,3),of "λx. (1/2)^(Suc (to_nat_on (space X) x))"] by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof(safe intro!: exI[where x=μ])
    show "prob_space μ"
      have "emeasure μ (space μ) = emeasure μ (n. {from_nat_into (space X) n})"
        by(simp add: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF μ(1)] UNION_singleton_eq_range assms(1) assms(2))
      also have "... = (n. μ {from_nat_into (space X) n})"
        using from_nat_into_inj_infinite[OF assms(2) inf] from_nat_into[OF assms(1)] assms(3)
        by(auto intro!: suminf_emeasure[symmetric] simp: μ(1) disjoint_family_on_def)
      also have "... = (n. (1/2)^(Suc n))"
        by(simp add: μ(2)[OF from_nat_into[OF assms(1)]] to_nat_on_from_nat_into_infinite[OF assms(2) inf])
      also have "... = (i. ennreal ((1 / 2) ^ Suc i))"
        by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) divide_ennreal divide_pos_pos ennreal_numeral ennreal_power le_less power_0 zero_less_numeral zero_less_one)
      also have "... = 1"
        using suminf_ennreal_eq[OF _  power_half_series]
        by (metis ennreal_1 zero_le_divide_1_iff zero_le_numeral zero_le_power)
      finally show "emeasure μ (space μ) = 1" .
  qed(use μ in auto)

lemma AE_I'':
  assumes "N  null_sets M"
      and "x. x  space M  x  N  P x"
    shows "AE x in M. P x"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms eventually_ae_filter mem_Collect_eq subsetI)

lemma absolutely_continuous_trans:
  assumes "absolutely_continuous L M" "absolutely_continuous M N"
  shows "absolutely_continuous L N"
  using assms by(auto simp: absolutely_continuous_def)

subsection ‹ Equivalence of Measures ›
abbreviation equivalence_measure :: "'a measure  'a measure  bool" (infix ~M 60)
  where "equivalence_measure M N  absolutely_continuous M N  absolutely_continuous N M"

lemma equivalence_measure_refl: "M ~M M"
  by(auto simp: absolutely_continuous_def)

lemma equivalence_measure_sym:
  assumes "M ~M N"
  shows "N ~M M"
  using assms by simp

lemma equivalence_measure_trans:
  assumes "M ~M N" "N ~M L"
  shows "M ~M L"
  using assms by(auto simp: absolutely_continuous_def)

lemma equivalence_measureI:
  assumes "absolutely_continuous M N" "absolutely_continuous N M"
  shows "M ~M N"
  by(simp add: assms)
