Theory Option_Price_Examples
theory Option_Price_Examples imports CRR_Model
text ‹ This file contains pricing results for four options in the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model. The first section contains results
relating some functions to the more abstract counterparts that were used to prove fairness and completeness results. The second
section contains the pricing results for a few options; some path-dependent and others not. ›
section ‹ Effective computation definitions and results ›
subsection ‹ Generation of lists of boolean elements ›
text ‹ The function gener-bool-list permits to generate lists of boolean elements. It is used to generate a list representative
of the range of boolean streams by the function pseudo-proj-True. ›
fun gener_bool_list where
"gener_bool_list 0 = {[]}"
| "gener_bool_list (Suc n) = {True # w| w. w∈ gener_bool_list n} ∪ {False # w| w. w∈ gener_bool_list n}"
lemma gener_bool_list_elem_length:
shows "⋀x. x∈ gener_bool_list n ⟹ length x = n"
proof (induction n)
case 0
fix x
assume "x∈ gener_bool_list 0"
hence "x = []" by simp
thus "length x = 0" by simp
case (Suc n)
fix x
assume "x∈ gener_bool_list (Suc n)"
hence mem: "x∈ {True # w| w. w∈ gener_bool_list n} ∪ {False # w| w. w∈ gener_bool_list n}" by simp
show "length x = Suc n"
proof (cases "x∈ {True # w| w. w∈ gener_bool_list n}")
case True
hence "∃w ∈ gener_bool_list n. x = True # w" by auto
from this obtain w where "w∈ gener_bool_list n" and "x = True # w" by auto
hence "length w = n" using Suc by simp
thus "length x = Suc n" using ‹x = True # w› by simp
case False
hence "x∈ {False # w| w. w∈ gener_bool_list n}" using mem by auto
hence "∃w ∈ gener_bool_list n. x = False # w" by auto
from this obtain w where "w∈ gener_bool_list n" and "x = False # w" by auto
hence "length w = n" using Suc by simp
thus "length x = Suc n" using ‹x = False # w› by simp
lemma (in infinite_coin_toss_space) stake_gener_bool_list:
shows "stake n`streams (UNIV::bool set) = gener_bool_list n"
proof (induction n)
case 0
thus "stake 0 ` streams UNIV = gener_bool_list 0" by auto
case (Suc n)
show "stake (Suc n) ` streams UNIV = gener_bool_list (Suc n)"
proof -
have "stake (Suc n)`streams (UNIV::bool set) = {s#w| s w. s∈ UNIV ∧ w∈ (stake n `(streams UNIV))}"
by (metis (no_types) UNIV_bool UNIV_not_empty stake_finite_universe_induct[of UNIV n] finite.emptyI finite_insert)
also have "... = {s#w| s w. s∈ {True, False} ∧ w∈ (stake n `(streams UNIV))}" by simp
also have "... = {s#w| s w. s∈ {True, False} ∧ w∈ gener_bool_list n}" using Suc by simp
also have "... = {s#w| s w. s∈ {True} ∧ w∈ gener_bool_list n} ∪ {s#w| s w. s∈ { False} ∧ w∈ gener_bool_list n}" by auto
also have "... = {True # w | w. w∈ gener_bool_list n} ∪ {False#w | w. w∈ gener_bool_list n}" by auto
also have "... = gener_bool_list (Suc n)" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
lemma (in infinite_coin_toss_space) pseudo_range_stake:
assumes "⋀w. f w = g (stake n w)"
shows "(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True n). f w) = (∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list n). g y)"
proof (rule sum.reindex_cong)
show "inj_on (λ l. shift l (sconst True)) (gener_bool_list n)"
fix x y
assume "x∈ gener_bool_list n"
and "y∈ gener_bool_list n"
and "x @- sconst True = y @- sconst True"
have "length x = n" using gener_bool_list_elem_length ‹x∈ gener_bool_list n› by simp
have "length y = n" using gener_bool_list_elem_length ‹y∈ gener_bool_list n› by simp
show "x = y"
proof -
have "∀ i < n. nth x i = nth y i"
proof (intro allI impI)
fix i
assume "i < n"
have xi: "snth (x @- sconst True) i = nth x i" using ‹i < n› ‹length x = n› by simp
have yi: "snth (y @- sconst True) i = nth y i" using ‹i < n› ‹length y = n› by simp
have "snth (x @- sconst True) i = snth (y @- sconst True) i" using ‹x @- sconst True = y @- sconst True›
by simp
thus "nth x i = nth y i" using xi yi by simp
thus ?thesis using ‹length x = n› ‹length y = n› by (simp add: list_eq_iff_nth_eq)
have "range (pseudo_proj_True n) = {shift l (sconst True)|l. l∈(stake n `streams (UNIV::bool set))} "
unfolding pseudo_proj_True_def by auto
also have "... = {shift l (sconst True)|l. l∈(gener_bool_list n)} " using stake_gener_bool_list by simp
also have "... = (λl. l @- sconst True) ` gener_bool_list n" by auto
finally show "range (pseudo_proj_True n) = (λl. l @- sconst True) ` gener_bool_list n" .
fix x
assume "x∈ gener_bool_list n"
have "length x = n" using gener_bool_list_elem_length ‹x∈ gener_bool_list n› by simp
have "f (x @- sconst True) = g (stake n (x @- sconst True))" using assms by simp
also have "... = g x" using ‹length x = n› by (simp add: stake_shift)
finally show "f (x @- sconst True) = g x" .
subsection ‹ Probability components for lists ›
fun lprob_comp where
"lprob_comp (p::real) [] = 1"
| "lprob_comp p (x # xs) = (if x then p else (1-p)) * lprob_comp p xs"
lemma lprob_comp_last:
shows "lprob_comp p (xs @ [x]) = (lprob_comp p xs) * (if x then p else (1 - p))"
proof (induction xs)
case Nil
have "lprob_comp p (Nil @ [x]) = lprob_comp p [x]" by simp
also have "... = (if x then p else (1 - p))" by simp
also have "... = (lprob_comp p Nil) * (if x then p else (1 - p))" by simp
finally show "lprob_comp p (Nil @ [x]) = (lprob_comp p Nil) * (if x then p else (1 - p))" .
case (Cons a xs)
have "lprob_comp p ((Cons a xs) @ [x]) = (if a then p else (1 - p)) * lprob_comp p (xs @ [x])" by simp
also have "... = (if a then p else (1 - p)) * (lprob_comp p xs) * (if x then p else (1-p))" using Cons by simp
also have "... = lprob_comp p (Cons a xs) * (if x then p else (1-p))" by simp
finally show "lprob_comp p ((Cons a xs) @ [x]) = lprob_comp p (Cons a xs) * (if x then p else (1-p))" .
lemma (in infinite_coin_toss_space) lprob_comp_stake:
shows "(prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur}) = lprob_comp pr (stake matur w)"
proof (induction matur)
case 0
have "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<0} = 1" by simp
also have "... = lprob_comp pr []" by simp
also have "... = lprob_comp pr (stake 0 w)" by simp
finally show "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<0} = lprob_comp pr (stake 0 w)" .
case (Suc n)
have "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<Suc n} = prod (prob_component pr w) {0..< n} *
(prob_component pr w n)" using prod.atLeast0_lessThan_Suc by blast
also have "... = lprob_comp pr (stake n w) * (prob_component pr w n)" using Suc by simp
also have "... = lprob_comp pr (stake n w) * (if (snth w n) then pr else 1-pr)" by (simp add: prob_component_def)
also have "... = lprob_comp pr ((stake n w) @ [snth w n])" by (simp add: lprob_comp_last)
also have "... = lprob_comp pr (stake (Suc n) w)" by (metis Stream.stake_Suc)
finally show "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<Suc n} = lprob_comp pr (stake (Suc n) w)" .
subsection ‹ Geometric process applied to lists ›
fun lrev_geom where
"lrev_geom u d v [] = v"
| "lrev_geom u d v (x#xs) = (if x then u else d) * lrev_geom u d v xs"
fun lgeom_proc where "lgeom_proc u d v l = lrev_geom u d v (rev l)"
lemma (in infinite_coin_toss_space) geom_lgeom:
shows "geom_rand_walk u d v n w = lgeom_proc u d v (stake n w)"
proof (induction n)
case 0
have "geom_rand_walk u d v 0 w = v" by simp
also have "... = lrev_geom u d v []" by simp
also have "... = lrev_geom u d v (rev (stake 0 w))" by simp
also have "... = lgeom_proc u d v (stake 0 w)" by simp
finally show "geom_rand_walk u d v 0 w = lgeom_proc u d v (stake 0 w)" .
case (Suc n)
have "snth w n = nth (stake (Suc n) w) n" using stake_nth by blast
have "(stake n w) @ [nth (stake (Suc n) w) n] = stake (Suc n) w"
by (metis Stream.stake_Suc lessI stake_nth)
have "geom_rand_walk u d v (Suc n) w = ((λTrue ⇒ u | False ⇒ d) (snth w n)) * geom_rand_walk u d v n w" by simp
also have "... = (if (snth w n) then u else d) * geom_rand_walk u d v n w" by simp
also have "... = (if (snth w n) then u else d) * lgeom_proc u d v (stake n w)" using Suc by simp
also have "... = (if (snth w n) then u else d) * lrev_geom u d v (rev (stake n w))" by simp
also have "... = lrev_geom u d v ((snth w n) # (rev (stake n w)))" by simp
also have "... = lrev_geom u d v (rev ((stake n w) @ [snth w n]))" by simp
also have "... = lrev_geom u d v (rev ((stake n w) @ [nth (stake (Suc n) w) n]))"
using ‹snth w n = nth (stake (Suc n) w) n› by simp
also have "... = lrev_geom u d v (rev (stake (Suc n) w))"
using ‹(stake n w) @ [nth (stake (Suc n) w) n] = stake (Suc n) w› by simp
also have "... = lgeom_proc u d v (stake (Suc n) w)" by simp
finally show "geom_rand_walk u d v (Suc n) w = lgeom_proc u d v (stake (Suc n) w)" .
lemma lgeom_proc_take:
assumes "i ≤ n"
shows "lgeom_proc u d init (stake i w) = lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake n w))"
proof -
have "stake i w = take i (stake n w)" using assms by (simp add: min.absorb1 take_stake)
thus ?thesis by simp
subsection ‹ Effective computation of discounted values ›
fun det_discount where
"det_discount (r::real) 0 = 1"
| "det_discount r (Suc n) = (inverse (1+r)) * (det_discount r n)"
lemma det_discounted:
shows "discounted_value r X n w = (det_discount r n) * (X n w)" unfolding discounted_value_def discount_factor_def
proof (induction n arbitrary: X)
case 0
have "inverse (disc_rfr_proc r 0 w) * X 0 w = X 0 w" by simp
also have "... = (det_discount r 0) * (X 0 w)" by simp
finally show "inverse (disc_rfr_proc r 0 w) * X 0 w = (det_discount r 0) * (X 0 w)" .
case (Suc n)
have "inverse (disc_rfr_proc r (Suc n) w) * X (Suc n) w =
inverse ((1+r) * (disc_rfr_proc r) n w) * X (Suc n) w" by simp
also have "... = (inverse (1+r)) * inverse ((disc_rfr_proc r) n w) * X (Suc n) w" by simp
also have "... = (inverse (1+r)) * (det_discount r n) * X (Suc n) w" using Suc[of "λn. X (Suc n)"] by auto
also have "... = (det_discount r (Suc n)) * X (Suc n) w" by simp
finally show "inverse (disc_rfr_proc r (Suc n) w) * X (Suc n) w = (det_discount r (Suc n)) * X (Suc n) w" .
section ‹Pricing results on options ›
subsection ‹ Call option ›
text ‹ A call option is parameterized by a strike K and maturity T. If S denotes the price of the (unique) risky asset at
time T, then the option pays max(S - K, 0) at that time.›
definition (in CRR_market) call_option where
"call_option (T::nat) (K::real) = (λ w. max (prices Mkt stk T w - K) 0)"
lemma (in CRR_market) call_borel:
shows "call_option T K ∈ borel_measurable (G T)" unfolding call_option_def
proof (rule borel_measurable_max)
show "(λx. 0) ∈ borel_measurable (G T)" by simp
show "(λx. prices Mkt stk T x - K) ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
proof (rule borel_measurable_diff)
show "prices Mkt stk T ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
by (metis adapt_stoch_proc_def stock_price_borel_measurable)
qed simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) call_option_lgeom:
shows "call_option T K w = max ((lgeom_proc u d init (stake T w)) - K) 0"
using geom_lgeom stk_price geometric_process unfolding call_option_def by simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) disc_call_option_lgeom:
shows "(discounted_value r (λm. (call_option T K)) T w) =
(det_discount r T) * (max ((lgeom_proc u d init (stake T w)) - K) 0)"
using det_discounted[of r "λm. call_option T K" T w] call_option_lgeom[of T K w] by simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) call_effect_compute:
shows "(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True matur). (prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur}) *
(discounted_value r (λm. (call_option matur K)) matur w)) =
(∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list matur). lprob_comp pr y * (det_discount r matur) *
(max ((lgeom_proc u d init (take matur y)) - K) 0))"
proof (rule pseudo_range_stake)
fix w
have "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur} * discounted_value r (λm. call_option matur K) matur w =
lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) * discounted_value r (λm. call_option matur K) matur w"
using lprob_comp_stake by simp
also have "... = lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) *
(det_discount r matur) * (max ((lgeom_proc u d init (take matur (stake matur w))) - K) 0)"
using disc_call_option_lgeom[of matur K] by simp
finally show "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur} * discounted_value r (λm. call_option matur K) matur w =
lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) *
(det_discount r matur) * (max ((lgeom_proc u d init (take matur (stake matur w))) - K) 0)" .
fun call_price where
"call_price u d init r matur K = (∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list matur). lprob_comp ((1 + r - d) / (u - d)) y * (det_discount r matur) *
(max ((lgeom_proc u d init (take matur (take matur y))) - K) 0))"
text ‹ Evaluating the function above returns the fair price of a call option. ›
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) call_price:
shows "fair_price Mkt
(call_price u d init r matur K)
(call_option matur K) matur"
proof -
have "fair_price Mkt
(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True matur). (prod (prob_component ((1 + r - d) / (u - d)) w) {0..<matur}) *
(discounted_value r (λm. (call_option matur K)) matur w))
(call_option matur K) matur"
by (rule CRR_market_fair_price, rule call_borel)
thus ?thesis using call_effect_compute by simp
subsection ‹ Put option ›
text ‹ A put option is also parameterized by a strike K and maturity T. If S denotes the price of the (unique) risky asset at
time T, then the option pays max(K - S, 0) at that time. ›
definition (in CRR_market) put_option where
"put_option (T::nat) (K::real) = (λ w. max (K - prices Mkt stk T w) 0)"
lemma (in CRR_market) put_borel:
shows "put_option T K ∈ borel_measurable (G T)" unfolding put_option_def
proof (rule borel_measurable_max)
show "(λx. 0) ∈ borel_measurable (G T)" by simp
show "(λx. K - prices Mkt stk T x) ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
proof (rule borel_measurable_diff)
show "prices Mkt stk T ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
by (metis adapt_stoch_proc_def stock_price_borel_measurable)
qed simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) put_option_lgeom:
shows "put_option T K w = max (K - (lgeom_proc u d init (stake T w))) 0"
using geom_lgeom stk_price geometric_process unfolding put_option_def by simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) disc_put_option_lgeom:
shows "(discounted_value r (λm. (put_option T K)) T w) =
(det_discount r T) * (max (K - (lgeom_proc u d init (stake T w))) 0)"
using det_discounted[of r "λm. put_option T K" T w] put_option_lgeom[of T K w] by simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) put_effect_compute:
shows "(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True matur). (prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur}) *
(discounted_value r (λm. (put_option matur K)) matur w)) =
(∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list matur). lprob_comp pr y * (det_discount r matur) *
(max (K - (lgeom_proc u d init (take matur y))) 0))"
proof (rule pseudo_range_stake)
fix w
have "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur} * discounted_value r (λm. put_option matur K) matur w =
lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) * discounted_value r (λm. put_option matur K) matur w"
using lprob_comp_stake by simp
also have "... = lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) *
(det_discount r matur) * (max (K - (lgeom_proc u d init (take matur (stake matur w)))) 0)"
using disc_put_option_lgeom[of matur K] by simp
finally show "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur} * discounted_value r (λm. put_option matur K) matur w =
lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) *
(det_discount r matur) * (max (K - (lgeom_proc u d init (take matur (stake matur w)))) 0)" .
fun put_price where
"put_price u d init r matur K = (∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list matur). lprob_comp ((1 + r - d) / (u - d)) y * (det_discount r matur) *
(max (K - (lgeom_proc u d init (take matur (take matur y)))) 0))"
text ‹ Evaluating the function above returns the fair price of a put option. ›
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) put_price:
shows "fair_price Mkt
(put_price u d init r matur K)
(put_option matur K) matur"
proof -
have "fair_price Mkt
(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True matur). (prod (prob_component ((1 + r - d) / (u - d)) w) {0..<matur}) *
(discounted_value r (λm. (put_option matur K)) matur w))
(put_option matur K) matur"
by (rule CRR_market_fair_price, rule put_borel)
thus ?thesis using put_effect_compute by simp
subsection ‹ Lookback option ›
text ‹ A lookback option is parameterized by a maturity T. If Sn denotes the price of the (unique) risky asset at
time n, then the option pays max(Sn. 0 <= n <= T) - ST at that time. ›
definition (in CRR_market) lbk_option where
"lbk_option (T::nat) = (λ w. Max ((λi. (prices Mkt stk) i w)`{0 .. T}) - (prices Mkt stk T w))"
lemma borel_measurable_Max_finite:
fixes f::"'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c::{second_countable_topology, linorder_topology}"
assumes "0 < (n::nat)"
shows "⋀A. card A = n ⟹ ∀a ∈ A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M ⟹ (λw. Max ((λa. f a w)`A)) ∈ borel_measurable M" using assms
proof (induct n)
case 0
show "⋀A. card A = 0 ⟹ ∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M ⟹ (0::nat) < 0 ⟹ (λw. Max ((λa. f a w) ` A)) ∈ borel_measurable M"
proof -
fix A::"'a set"
assume "card A = 0" and "∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M" and "(0::nat) < 0"
thus "(λw. Max ((λa. f a w) ` A)) ∈ borel_measurable M" by simp
case Suc
show "⋀n A. (⋀A. card A = n ⟹
∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M ⟹ 0 < n ⟹ (λw. Max ((λa. f a w) ` A)) ∈ borel_measurable M) ⟹
card A = Suc n ⟹
∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M ⟹ 0 < Suc n ⟹ (λw. Max ((λa. f a w) ` A)) ∈ borel_measurable M"
proof -
fix n
fix A::"'a set"
assume ameas: "(⋀A. card A = n ⟹
∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M ⟹ 0 < n ⟹ (λw. Max ((λa. f a w) ` A)) ∈ borel_measurable M)"
and "card A = Suc n"
and "∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M"
and "0 < Suc n"
from ‹card A = Suc n› have aprop: "A≠ {} ∧ finite A" using card_eq_0_iff[of A] by simp
hence "∃x. x∈ A" by auto
from this obtain a where "a∈ A" by auto
hence "Suc (card (A - {a})) = Suc n" using aprop card_Suc_Diff1[of A] ‹card A = Suc n› by auto
hence "card (A - {a}) = n" by simp
show "(λw. Max ((λa. f a w) ` A)) ∈ borel_measurable M"
proof (cases "n = 0")
case False
hence "0 < n" by simp
moreover have "∀a∈A - {a}. f a ∈ borel_measurable M" using ‹∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M› by simp
ultimately have "(λw. Max ((λa. f a w) ` (A-{a}))) ∈ borel_measurable M" using ‹card (A - {a}) = n›
ameas[of "A - {a}"] by simp
moreover have "f a ∈ borel_measurable M" using ‹∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M› ‹a∈A› by simp
ultimately have "(λ w. max (f a w) (Max ((λa. f a w) ` (A-{a})))) ∈ borel_measurable M"
using borel_measurable_max by simp
moreover have "⋀w. max (f a w) (Max ((λa. f a w) ` (A-{a}))) = Max ((λa. f a w) `A)"
proof -
fix w
define FA where "FA = ((λa. f a w) ` (A-{a}))"
have "finite FA" unfolding FA_def using aprop by simp
have "A - {a} ≠ {}" using aprop False ‹card (A - {a}) = n› card_eq_0_iff[of "A - {a}"] by simp
hence "FA ≠ {}" unfolding FA_def by simp
have "max (f a w) (Max FA) = Max (insert (f a w) FA)" using ‹finite FA› ‹FA ≠ {}› by simp
hence "max (f a w) (Max ((λa. f a w) ` (A-{a}))) = Max (insert (f a w) ((λa. f a w) `(A-{a})))"
unfolding FA_def by simp
also have "... = Max ((λa. f a w) `A)"
proof -
have "insert (f a w) ((λa. f a w) `(A-{a})) = (λa. f a w) `(insert a (A - {a}))"
by auto
also have "... = ((λa. f a w) `A)" using ‹a ∈ A› by blast
finally have "insert (f a w) ((λa. f a w) `(A-{a})) = ((λa. f a w) `A)" .
thus ?thesis by simp
finally show "max (f a w) (Max ((λa. f a w) ` (A-{a}))) = Max ((λa. f a w) `A)" .
ultimately show "(λw. Max ((λa. f a w) `A)) ∈ borel_measurable M" by simp
case True
hence "A - {a} = {}" using aprop card_eq_0_iff[of "A - {a}"] ‹card (A - {a}) = n› by simp
hence "{a} = insert a (A - {a})" by simp
also have "... = A" using ‹a∈ A› by blast
finally have "{a} = A" .
hence "⋀w. (λa. f a w) `A = {f a w}" by auto
hence "⋀w. Max ((λa. f a w) `A) = Max {f a w}" by simp
hence "⋀w. Max ((λa. f a w) `A) = f a w" by simp
hence "(λw. Max ((λa. f a w) `A)) = f a" by simp
thus "(λw. Max ((λa. f a w) `A)) ∈ borel_measurable M" using ‹∀a∈A. f a ∈ borel_measurable M›
‹a∈ A› by simp
lemma (in CRR_market) lbk_borel:
shows "lbk_option T ∈ borel_measurable (G T)" unfolding lbk_option_def
proof (rule borel_measurable_diff)
show "(λx. Max ((λi. prices Mkt stk i x) ` {0..T})) ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
proof (rule borel_measurable_Max_finite)
show "card {0..T} = Suc T" by simp
show "0 < Suc T" by simp
show "∀i∈{0..T}. prices Mkt stk i ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
fix i
assume "i∈ {0..T}"
show "prices Mkt stk i ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
by (metis ‹i ∈ {0..T}› adapt_stoch_proc_def atLeastAtMost_iff increasing_measurable_info
show "prices Mkt stk T ∈ borel_measurable (G T)" by (metis adapt_stoch_proc_def stock_price_borel_measurable)
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) lbk_option_lgeom:
shows "lbk_option T w = Max ((λi. (lgeom_proc u d init (stake i w)))`{0 .. T}) - (lgeom_proc u d init (stake T w))"
using geom_lgeom stk_price geometric_process unfolding lbk_option_def by simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) disc_lbk_option_lgeom:
shows "(discounted_value r (λm. (lbk_option T)) T w) =
(det_discount r T) * (Max ((λi. (lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake T w))))`{0 .. T}) - (lgeom_proc u d init (stake T w)))"
using det_discounted[of r "λm. lbk_option T" T w] lbk_option_lgeom[of T w] lgeom_proc_take
by (metis (no_types, lifting) atLeastAtMost_iff image_cong)
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) lbk_effect_compute:
shows "(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True matur). (prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur}) *
(discounted_value r (λm. (lbk_option matur)) matur w)) =
(∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list matur). lprob_comp pr y * (det_discount r matur) *
(Max ((λi. (lgeom_proc u d init (take i y)))`{0 .. matur}) - (lgeom_proc u d init y)))"
proof (rule pseudo_range_stake)
fix w
have "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur} * discounted_value r (λm. lbk_option matur) matur w =
lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) * discounted_value r (λm. lbk_option matur) matur w"
using lprob_comp_stake by simp
also have "... = lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) *
(det_discount r matur) * (Max ((λi. (lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake matur w))))`{0 .. matur}) -
(lgeom_proc u d init (stake matur w)))" using disc_lbk_option_lgeom by simp
finally show "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur} * discounted_value r (λm. lbk_option matur) matur w =
lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) *
(det_discount r matur) * (Max ((λi. (lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake matur w))))`{0 .. matur}) -
(lgeom_proc u d init (stake matur w)))" .
fun lbk_price where
"lbk_price u d init r matur = (∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list matur). lprob_comp ((1 + r - d) / (u - d)) y * (det_discount r matur) *
(Max ((λi. (lgeom_proc u d init (take i y)))`{0 .. matur}) - (lgeom_proc u d init y)))"
text ‹ Evaluating the function above returns the fair price of a lookback option. ›
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) lbk_price:
shows "fair_price Mkt
(lbk_price u d init r matur)
(lbk_option matur) matur"
proof -
have "fair_price Mkt
(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True matur). (prod (prob_component ((1 + r - d) / (u - d)) w) {0..<matur}) *
(discounted_value r (λm. (lbk_option matur)) matur w))
(lbk_option matur) matur"
by (rule CRR_market_fair_price, rule lbk_borel)
thus ?thesis using lbk_effect_compute by simp
value "lbk_price 1.2 0.8 10 0.03 2"
subsection ‹ Asian option ›
text ‹ An asian option is parameterized by a maturity T. This option pays the average price of the
risky asset at time T. ›
definition (in CRR_market) asian_option where
"asian_option (T::nat) = (λ w. (∑ i∈ {1.. T}. prices Mkt stk i w)/T)"
lemma (in CRR_market) asian_borel:
shows "asian_option T ∈ borel_measurable (G T)" unfolding asian_option_def
proof -
have "(λ w. (∑ i∈ {1.. T}. prices Mkt stk i w)) ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
proof (rule borel_measurable_sum)
fix i
assume "i∈ {1..T}"
show "prices Mkt stk i ∈ borel_measurable (G T)"
by (metis ‹i ∈ {1..T}› adapt_stoch_proc_def atLeastAtMost_iff increasing_measurable_info
from this show "(λw. (∑i = 1..T. prices Mkt stk i w) / real T) ∈ borel_measurable (G T)" by simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) asian_option_lgeom:
shows "asian_option T w = (∑ i∈ {1.. T}. lgeom_proc u d init (stake i w))/ T"
using geom_lgeom stk_price geometric_process unfolding asian_option_def by simp
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) disc_asian_option_lgeom:
shows "(discounted_value r (λm. (asian_option T)) T w) =
(det_discount r T) * (∑ i∈ {1.. T}. lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake T w)))/ T"
proof -
have "∀ i∈ {1..T}. lgeom_proc u d init (stake i w) = lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake T w))"
using lgeom_proc_take by auto
hence "(∑ i∈ {1.. T}. lgeom_proc u d init (stake i w)) =
(∑ i∈ {1.. T}. lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake T w)))" by auto
thus ?thesis
using det_discounted[of r "λm. asian_option T" T w] asian_option_lgeom[of T w] by auto
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) asian_effect_compute:
shows "(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True matur). (prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur}) *
(discounted_value r (λm. (asian_option matur)) matur w)) =
(∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list matur). lprob_comp pr y * (det_discount r matur) *
(∑ i∈ {1.. matur}. lgeom_proc u d init (take i y))/ matur)"
proof (rule pseudo_range_stake)
fix w
have "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur} * discounted_value r (λm. asian_option matur) matur w =
lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) * discounted_value r (λm. asian_option matur) matur w"
using lprob_comp_stake by simp
also have "... = lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) *
(det_discount r matur) * (∑ i∈ {1.. matur}. lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake matur w)))/ matur"
using disc_asian_option_lgeom[of matur w] by simp
finally show "prod (prob_component pr w) {0..<matur} * discounted_value r (λm. asian_option matur) matur w =
lprob_comp pr (stake matur w) *
(det_discount r matur) * (∑ i∈ {1.. matur}. lgeom_proc u d init (take i (stake matur w)))/ matur" .
fun asian_price where
"asian_price u d init r matur = (∑ y∈ (gener_bool_list matur). lprob_comp ((1 + r - d) / (u - d)) y * (det_discount r matur) *
(∑ i∈ {1.. matur}. lgeom_proc u d init (take i y))/ matur)"
text ‹ Evaluating the function above returns the fair price of an asian option. ›
lemma (in CRR_market_viable) asian_price:
shows "fair_price Mkt
(asian_price u d init r matur)
(asian_option matur) matur"
proof -
have "fair_price Mkt
(∑ w∈ range (pseudo_proj_True matur). (prod (prob_component ((1 + r - d) / (u - d)) w) {0..<matur}) *
(discounted_value r (λm. (asian_option matur)) matur w))
(asian_option matur) matur"
by (rule CRR_market_fair_price, rule asian_borel)
thus ?thesis using asian_effect_compute by simp