Theory USubst
theory "USubst"
section ‹Uniform Substitution Definitions›
text‹This section defines substitutions and implements the substitution operation.
Every part of substitution comes in two flavors. The "Nsubst" variant of each function
returns a term/formula/ode/program which (as encoded in the type system) has less symbols
that the input. We use this operation when substitution into functions and function-like
constructs to make it easy to distinguish identifiers that stand for arguments to functions
from other identifiers. In order to expose a simpler interface, we also have a "subst" variant
which does not delete variables.
Naive substitution without side conditions would not always be sound. The various admissibility
predicates *admit describe conditions under which the various substitution operations are sound.
Explicit data structure for substitutions.
The RHS of a function or predicate substitution is a term or formula
with extra variables, which are used to refer to arguments. ›
record ('a, 'b, 'c) subst =
SFunctions :: "'a ⇀ ('a + 'c, 'c) trm"
SPredicates :: "'c ⇀ ('a + 'c, 'b, 'c) formula"
SContexts :: "'b ⇀ ('a, 'b + unit, 'c) formula"
SPrograms :: "'c ⇀ ('a, 'b, 'c) hp"
SODEs :: "'c ⇀ ('a, 'c) ODE"
context ids begin
definition NTUadmit :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'c) trm ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "NTUadmit σ θ U ⟷ ((⋃ i ∈ {i. Inr i ∈ SIGT θ}. FVT (σ i)) ∩ U) = {}"
inductive TadmitFFO :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'c) trm ⇒ bool"
TadmitFFO_Diff:"TadmitFFO σ θ ⟹ NTUadmit σ θ UNIV ⟹ TadmitFFO σ (Differential θ)"
| TadmitFFO_Fun1:"(⋀i. TadmitFFO σ (args i)) ⟹ TadmitFFO σ (Function (Inl f) args)"
| TadmitFFO_Fun2:"(⋀i. TadmitFFO σ (args i)) ⟹ dfree (σ f) ⟹ TadmitFFO σ (Function (Inr f) args)"
| TadmitFFO_Plus:"TadmitFFO σ θ1 ⟹ TadmitFFO σ θ2 ⟹ TadmitFFO σ (Plus θ1 θ2)"
| TadmitFFO_Times:"TadmitFFO σ θ1 ⟹ TadmitFFO σ θ2 ⟹ TadmitFFO σ (Times θ1 θ2)"
| TadmitFFO_Var:"TadmitFFO σ (Var x)"
| TadmitFFO_Const:"TadmitFFO σ (Const r)"
TadmitFFO_Diff_simps[simp]: "TadmitFFO σ (Differential θ)"
and TadmitFFO_Fun_simps[simp]: "TadmitFFO σ (Function f args)"
and TadmitFFO_Plus_simps[simp]: "TadmitFFO σ (Plus t1 t2)"
and TadmitFFO_Times_simps[simp]: "TadmitFFO σ (Times t1 t2)"
and TadmitFFO_Var_simps[simp]: "TadmitFFO σ (Var x)"
and TadmitFFO_Const_simps[simp]: "TadmitFFO σ (Const r)"
primrec TsubstFO::"('a + 'b, 'c) trm ⇒ ('b ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm"
"TsubstFO (Var v) σ = Var v"
| "TsubstFO (DiffVar v) σ = DiffVar v"
| "TsubstFO (Const r) σ = Const r"
| "TsubstFO (Function f args) σ =
(case f of
Inl f' ⇒ Function f' (λ i. TsubstFO (args i) σ)
| Inr f' ⇒ σ f')"
| "TsubstFO (Plus θ1 θ2) σ = Plus (TsubstFO θ1 σ) (TsubstFO θ2 σ)"
| "TsubstFO (Times θ1 θ2) σ = Times (TsubstFO θ1 σ) (TsubstFO θ2 σ)"
| "TsubstFO (Differential θ) σ = Differential (TsubstFO θ σ)"
inductive TadmitFO :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'c) trm ⇒ bool"
TadmitFO_Diff:"TadmitFFO σ θ ⟹ NTUadmit σ θ UNIV ⟹ dfree (TsubstFO θ σ) ⟹ TadmitFO σ (Differential θ)"
| TadmitFO_Fun:"(⋀i. TadmitFO σ (args i)) ⟹ TadmitFO σ (Function f args)"
| TadmitFO_Plus:"TadmitFO σ θ1 ⟹ TadmitFO σ θ2 ⟹ TadmitFO σ (Plus θ1 θ2)"
| TadmitFO_Times:"TadmitFO σ θ1 ⟹ TadmitFO σ θ2 ⟹ TadmitFO σ (Times θ1 θ2)"
| TadmitFO_DiffVar:"TadmitFO σ (DiffVar x)"
| TadmitFO_Var:"TadmitFO σ (Var x)"
| TadmitFO_Const:"TadmitFO σ (Const r)"
TadmitFO_Plus_simps[simp]: "TadmitFO σ (Plus a b)"
and TadmitFO_Times_simps[simp]: "TadmitFO σ (Times a b)"
and TadmitFO_Var_simps[simp]: "TadmitFO σ (Var x)"
and TadmitFO_DiffVar_simps[simp]: "TadmitFO σ (DiffVar x)"
and TadmitFO_Differential_simps[simp]: "TadmitFO σ (Differential θ)"
and TadmitFO_Const_simps[simp]: "TadmitFO σ (Const r)"
and TadmitFO_Fun_simps[simp]: "TadmitFO σ (Function i args)"
primrec Tsubst::"('a, 'c) trm ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm"
"Tsubst (Var x) σ = Var x"
| "Tsubst (DiffVar x) σ = DiffVar x"
| "Tsubst (Const r) σ = Const r"
| "Tsubst (Function f args) σ = (case SFunctions σ f of Some f' ⇒ TsubstFO f' | None ⇒ Function f) (λ i. Tsubst (args i) σ)"
| "Tsubst (Plus θ1 θ2) σ = Plus (Tsubst θ1 σ) (Tsubst θ2 σ)"
| "Tsubst (Times θ1 θ2) σ = Times (Tsubst θ1 σ) (Tsubst θ2 σ)"
| "Tsubst (Differential θ) σ = Differential (Tsubst θ σ)"
primrec OsubstFO::"('a + 'b, 'c) ODE ⇒ ('b ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a, 'c) ODE"
"OsubstFO (OVar c) σ = OVar c"
| "OsubstFO (OSing x θ) σ = OSing x (TsubstFO θ σ)"
| "OsubstFO (OProd ODE1 ODE2) σ = OProd (OsubstFO ODE1 σ) (OsubstFO ODE2 σ)"
primrec Osubst::"('a, 'c) ODE ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'c) ODE"
"Osubst (OVar c) σ = (case SODEs σ c of Some c' ⇒ c' | None ⇒ OVar c)"
| "Osubst (OSing x θ) σ = OSing x (Tsubst θ σ)"
| "Osubst (OProd ODE1 ODE2) σ = OProd (Osubst ODE1 σ) (Osubst ODE2 σ)"
fun PsubstFO::"('a + 'd, 'b, 'c) hp ⇒ ('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) hp"
and FsubstFO::"('a + 'd, 'b, 'c) formula ⇒ ('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula"
"PsubstFO (Pvar a) σ = Pvar a"
| "PsubstFO (Assign x θ) σ = Assign x (TsubstFO θ σ)"
| "PsubstFO (DiffAssign x θ) σ = DiffAssign x (TsubstFO θ σ)"
| "PsubstFO (Test φ) σ = Test (FsubstFO φ σ)"
| "PsubstFO (EvolveODE ODE φ) σ = EvolveODE (OsubstFO ODE σ) (FsubstFO φ σ)"
| "PsubstFO (Choice α β) σ = Choice (PsubstFO α σ) (PsubstFO β σ)"
| "PsubstFO (Sequence α β) σ = Sequence (PsubstFO α σ) (PsubstFO β σ)"
| "PsubstFO (Loop α) σ = Loop (PsubstFO α σ)"
| "FsubstFO (Geq θ1 θ2) σ = Geq (TsubstFO θ1 σ) (TsubstFO θ2 σ)"
| "FsubstFO (Prop p args) σ = Prop p (λi. TsubstFO (args i) σ)"
| "FsubstFO (Not φ) σ = Not (FsubstFO φ σ)"
| "FsubstFO (And φ ψ) σ = And (FsubstFO φ σ) (FsubstFO ψ σ)"
| "FsubstFO (Exists x φ) σ = Exists x (FsubstFO φ σ)"
| "FsubstFO (Diamond α φ) σ = Diamond (PsubstFO α σ) (FsubstFO φ σ)"
| "FsubstFO (InContext C φ) σ = InContext C (FsubstFO φ σ)"
fun PPsubst::"('a, 'b + 'd, 'c) hp ⇒ ('d ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula) ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) hp"
and PFsubst::"('a, 'b + 'd, 'c) formula ⇒ ('d ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula) ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula"
"PPsubst (Pvar a) σ = Pvar a"
| "PPsubst (Assign x θ) σ = Assign x θ"
| "PPsubst (DiffAssign x θ) σ = DiffAssign x θ"
| "PPsubst (Test φ) σ = Test (PFsubst φ σ)"
| "PPsubst (EvolveODE ODE φ) σ = EvolveODE ODE (PFsubst φ σ)"
| "PPsubst (Choice α β) σ = Choice (PPsubst α σ) (PPsubst β σ)"
| "PPsubst (Sequence α β) σ = Sequence (PPsubst α σ) (PPsubst β σ)"
| "PPsubst (Loop α) σ = Loop (PPsubst α σ)"
| "PFsubst (Geq θ1 θ2) σ = (Geq θ1 θ2)"
| "PFsubst (Prop p args) σ = Prop p args"
| "PFsubst (Not φ) σ = Not (PFsubst φ σ)"
| "PFsubst (And φ ψ) σ = And (PFsubst φ σ) (PFsubst ψ σ)"
| "PFsubst (Exists x φ) σ = Exists x (PFsubst φ σ)"
| "PFsubst (Diamond α φ) σ = Diamond (PPsubst α σ) (PFsubst φ σ)"
| "PFsubst (InContext C φ) σ = (case C of Inl C' ⇒ InContext C' (PFsubst φ σ) | Inr p' ⇒ σ p')"
fun Psubst::"('a, 'b, 'c) hp ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) hp"
and Fsubst::"('a, 'b, 'c) formula ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula"
"Psubst (Pvar a) σ = (case SPrograms σ a of Some a' ⇒ a' | None ⇒ Pvar a)"
| "Psubst (Assign x θ) σ = Assign x (Tsubst θ σ)"
| "Psubst (DiffAssign x θ) σ = DiffAssign x (Tsubst θ σ)"
| "Psubst (Test φ) σ = Test (Fsubst φ σ)"
| "Psubst (EvolveODE ODE φ) σ = EvolveODE (Osubst ODE σ) (Fsubst φ σ)"
| "Psubst (Choice α β) σ = Choice (Psubst α σ) (Psubst β σ)"
| "Psubst (Sequence α β) σ = Sequence (Psubst α σ) (Psubst β σ)"
| "Psubst (Loop α) σ = Loop (Psubst α σ)"
| "Fsubst (Geq θ1 θ2) σ = Geq (Tsubst θ1 σ) (Tsubst θ2 σ)"
| "Fsubst (Prop p args) σ = (case SPredicates σ p of Some p' ⇒ FsubstFO p' (λi. Tsubst (args i) σ) | None ⇒ Prop p (λi. Tsubst (args i) σ))"
| "Fsubst (Not φ) σ = Not (Fsubst φ σ)"
| "Fsubst (And φ ψ) σ = And (Fsubst φ σ) (Fsubst ψ σ)"
| "Fsubst (Exists x φ) σ = Exists x (Fsubst φ σ)"
| "Fsubst (Diamond α φ) σ = Diamond (Psubst α σ) (Fsubst φ σ)"
| "Fsubst (InContext C φ) σ = (case SContexts σ C of Some C' ⇒ PFsubst C' (λ _. (Fsubst φ σ)) | None ⇒ InContext C (Fsubst φ σ))"
definition FVA :: "('a ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('c + 'c) set"
where "FVA args = (⋃ i. FVT (args i))"
fun SFV :: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a + 'b + 'c) ⇒ ('c + 'c) set"
where "SFV σ (Inl i) = (case SFunctions σ i of Some f' ⇒ FVT f' | None ⇒ {})"
| "SFV σ (Inr (Inl i)) = {}"
| "SFV σ (Inr (Inr i)) = (case SPredicates σ i of Some p' ⇒ FVF p' | None ⇒ {})"
definition FVS :: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('c + 'c) set"
where "FVS σ = (⋃i. SFV σ i)"
definition SDom :: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a + 'b + 'c) set"
where "SDom σ =
{Inl x | x. x ∈ dom (SFunctions σ)}
∪ {Inr (Inl x) | x. x ∈ dom (SContexts σ)}
∪ {Inr (Inr x) | x. x ∈ dom (SPredicates σ)}
∪ {Inr (Inr x) | x. x ∈ dom (SPrograms σ)}"
definition TUadmit :: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "TUadmit σ θ U ⟷ ((⋃ i ∈ SIGT θ. (case SFunctions σ i of Some f' ⇒ FVT f' | None ⇒ {})) ∩ U) = {}"
inductive Tadmit :: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm ⇒ bool"
Tadmit_Diff:"Tadmit σ θ ⟹ TUadmit σ θ UNIV ⟹ Tadmit σ (Differential θ)"
| Tadmit_Fun1:"(⋀i. Tadmit σ (args i)) ⟹ SFunctions σ f = Some f' ⟹ TadmitFO (λ i. Tsubst (args i) σ) f' ⟹ Tadmit σ (Function f args)"
| Tadmit_Fun2:"(⋀i. Tadmit σ (args i)) ⟹ SFunctions σ f = None ⟹ Tadmit σ (Function f args)"
| Tadmit_Plus:"Tadmit σ θ1 ⟹ Tadmit σ θ2 ⟹ Tadmit σ (Plus θ1 θ2)"
| Tadmit_Times:"Tadmit σ θ1 ⟹ Tadmit σ θ2 ⟹ Tadmit σ (Times θ1 θ2)"
| Tadmit_DiffVar:"Tadmit σ (DiffVar x)"
| Tadmit_Var:"Tadmit σ (Var x)"
| Tadmit_Const:"Tadmit σ (Const r)"
Tadmit_Plus_simps[simp]: "Tadmit σ (Plus a b)"
and Tadmit_Times_simps[simp]: "Tadmit σ (Times a b)"
and Tadmit_Var_simps[simp]: "Tadmit σ (Var x)"
and Tadmit_DiffVar_simps[simp]: "Tadmit σ (DiffVar x)"
and Tadmit_Differential_simps[simp]: "Tadmit σ (Differential θ)"
and Tadmit_Const_simps[simp]: "Tadmit σ (Const r)"
and Tadmit_Fun_simps[simp]: "Tadmit σ (Function i args)"
inductive TadmitF :: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm ⇒ bool"
TadmitF_Diff:"TadmitF σ θ ⟹ TUadmit σ θ UNIV ⟹ TadmitF σ (Differential θ)"
| TadmitF_Fun1:"(⋀i. TadmitF σ (args i)) ⟹ SFunctions σ f = Some f' ⟹ (⋀i. dfree (Tsubst (args i) σ)) ⟹ TadmitFFO (λ i. Tsubst (args i) σ) f' ⟹ TadmitF σ (Function f args)"
| TadmitF_Fun2:"(⋀i. TadmitF σ (args i)) ⟹ SFunctions σ f = None ⟹ TadmitF σ (Function f args)"
| TadmitF_Plus:"TadmitF σ θ1 ⟹ TadmitF σ θ2 ⟹ TadmitF σ (Plus θ1 θ2)"
| TadmitF_Times:"TadmitF σ θ1 ⟹ TadmitF σ θ2 ⟹ TadmitF σ (Times θ1 θ2)"
| TadmitF_DiffVar:"TadmitF σ (DiffVar x)"
| TadmitF_Var:"TadmitF σ (Var x)"
| TadmitF_Const:"TadmitF σ (Const r)"
TadmitF_Plus_simps[simp]: "TadmitF σ (Plus a b)"
and TadmitF_Times_simps[simp]: "TadmitF σ (Times a b)"
and TadmitF_Var_simps[simp]: "TadmitF σ (Var x)"
and TadmitF_DiffVar_simps[simp]: "TadmitF σ (DiffVar x)"
and TadmitF_Differential_simps[simp]: "TadmitF σ (Differential θ)"
and TadmitF_Const_simps[simp]: "TadmitF σ (Const r)"
and TadmitF_Fun_simps[simp]: "TadmitF σ (Function i args)"
inductive Oadmit:: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'c) ODE ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
Oadmit_Var:"Oadmit σ (OVar c) U"
| Oadmit_Sing:"TUadmit σ θ U ⟹ TadmitF σ θ ⟹ Oadmit σ (OSing x θ) U"
| Oadmit_Prod:"Oadmit σ ODE1 U ⟹ Oadmit σ ODE2 U ⟹ ODE_dom (Osubst ODE1 σ) ∩ ODE_dom (Osubst ODE2 σ) = {} ⟹ Oadmit σ (OProd ODE1 ODE2) U"
Oadmit_Var_simps[simp]: "Oadmit σ (OVar c) U"
and Oadmit_Sing_simps[simp]: "Oadmit σ (OSing x e) U"
and Oadmit_Prod_simps[simp]: "Oadmit σ (OProd ODE1 ODE2) U"
definition PUadmit :: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) hp ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "PUadmit σ θ U ⟷ ((⋃ i ∈ (SDom σ ∩ SIGP θ). SFV σ i) ∩ U) = {}"
definition FUadmit :: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "FUadmit σ θ U ⟷ ((⋃ i ∈ (SDom σ ∩ SIGF θ). SFV σ i) ∩ U) = {}"
definition OUadmitFO :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'c) ODE ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "OUadmitFO σ θ U ⟷ ((⋃ i ∈ {i. Inl (Inr i) ∈ SIGO θ}. FVT (σ i)) ∩ U) = {}"
inductive OadmitFO :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'c) ODE ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
OadmitFO_OVar:"OUadmitFO σ (OVar c) U ⟹ OadmitFO σ (OVar c) U"
| OadmitFO_OSing:"OUadmitFO σ (OSing x θ) U ⟹ TadmitFFO σ θ ⟹ OadmitFO σ (OSing x θ) U"
| OadmitFO_OProd:"OadmitFO σ ODE1 U ⟹ OadmitFO σ ODE2 U ⟹ OadmitFO σ (OProd ODE1 ODE2) U"
OadmitFO_OVar_simps[simp]: "OadmitFO σ (OVar a) U"
and OadmitFO_OProd_simps[simp]: "OadmitFO σ (OProd ODE1 ODE2) U"
and OadmitFO_OSing_simps[simp]: "OadmitFO σ (OSing x e) U"
definition FUadmitFO :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'b, 'c) formula ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "FUadmitFO σ θ U ⟷ ((⋃ i ∈ {i. Inl (Inr i) ∈ SIGF θ}. FVT (σ i)) ∩ U) = {}"
definition PUadmitFO :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'b, 'c) hp ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "PUadmitFO σ θ U ⟷ ((⋃ i ∈ {i. Inl (Inr i) ∈ SIGP θ}. FVT (σ i)) ∩ U) = {}"
inductive NPadmit :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'b, 'c) hp ⇒ bool"
and NFadmit :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'c) trm) ⇒ ('a + 'd, 'b, 'c) formula ⇒ bool"
NPadmit_Pvar:"NPadmit σ (Pvar a)"
| NPadmit_Sequence:"NPadmit σ a ⟹ NPadmit σ b ⟹ PUadmitFO σ b (BVP (PsubstFO a σ))⟹ hpsafe (PsubstFO a σ) ⟹ NPadmit σ (Sequence a b)"
| NPadmit_Loop:"NPadmit σ a ⟹ PUadmitFO σ a (BVP (PsubstFO a σ)) ⟹ hpsafe (PsubstFO a σ) ⟹ NPadmit σ (Loop a)"
| NPadmit_ODE:"OadmitFO σ ODE (BVO ODE) ⟹ NFadmit σ φ ⟹ FUadmitFO σ φ (BVO ODE) ⟹ fsafe (FsubstFO φ σ) ⟹ osafe (OsubstFO ODE σ) ⟹ NPadmit σ (EvolveODE ODE φ)"
| NPadmit_Choice:"NPadmit σ a ⟹ NPadmit σ b ⟹ NPadmit σ (Choice a b)"
| NPadmit_Assign:"TadmitFO σ θ ⟹ NPadmit σ (Assign x θ)"
| NPadmit_DiffAssign:"TadmitFO σ θ ⟹ NPadmit σ (DiffAssign x θ)"
| NPadmit_Test:"NFadmit σ φ ⟹ NPadmit σ (Test φ)"
| NFadmit_Geq:"TadmitFO σ θ1 ⟹ TadmitFO σ θ2 ⟹ NFadmit σ (Geq θ1 θ2)"
| NFadmit_Prop:"(⋀i. TadmitFO σ (args i)) ⟹ NFadmit σ (Prop f args)"
| NFadmit_Not:"NFadmit σ φ ⟹ NFadmit σ (Not φ)"
| NFadmit_And:"NFadmit σ φ ⟹ NFadmit σ ψ ⟹ NFadmit σ (And φ ψ)"
| NFadmit_Exists:"NFadmit σ φ ⟹ FUadmitFO σ φ {Inl x} ⟹ NFadmit σ (Exists x φ)"
| NFadmit_Diamond:"NFadmit σ φ ⟹ NPadmit σ a ⟹ FUadmitFO σ φ (BVP (PsubstFO a σ)) ⟹ hpsafe (PsubstFO a σ) ⟹ NFadmit σ (Diamond a φ)"
| NFadmit_Context:"NFadmit σ φ ⟹ FUadmitFO σ φ UNIV ⟹ NFadmit σ (InContext C φ)"
NPadmit_Pvar_simps[simp]: "NPadmit σ (Pvar a)"
and NPadmit_Sequence_simps[simp]: "NPadmit σ (a ;; b)"
and NPadmit_Loop_simps[simp]: "NPadmit σ (a**)"
and NPadmit_ODE_simps[simp]: "NPadmit σ (EvolveODE ODE p)"
and NPadmit_Choice_simps[simp]: "NPadmit σ (a ∪∪ b)"
and NPadmit_Assign_simps[simp]: "NPadmit σ (Assign x e)"
and NPadmit_DiffAssign_simps[simp]: "NPadmit σ (DiffAssign x e)"
and NPadmit_Test_simps[simp]: "NPadmit σ (? p)"
and NFadmit_Geq_simps[simp]: "NFadmit σ (Geq t1 t2)"
and NFadmit_Prop_simps[simp]: "NFadmit σ (Prop p args)"
and NFadmit_Not_simps[simp]: "NFadmit σ (Not p)"
and NFadmit_And_simps[simp]: "NFadmit σ (And p q)"
and NFadmit_Exists_simps[simp]: "NFadmit σ (Exists x p)"
and NFadmit_Diamond_simps[simp]: "NFadmit σ (Diamond a p)"
and NFadmit_Context_simps[simp]: "NFadmit σ (InContext C p)"
definition PFUadmit :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula) ⇒ ('a, 'b + 'd, 'c) formula ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "PFUadmit σ θ U ⟷ True"
definition PPUadmit :: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula) ⇒ ('a, 'b + 'd, 'c) hp ⇒ ('c + 'c) set ⇒ bool"
where "PPUadmit σ θ U ⟷ ((⋃ i. FVF (σ i)) ∩ U) = {}"
inductive PPadmit:: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula) ⇒ ('a, 'b + 'd, 'c) hp ⇒ bool"
and PFadmit:: "('d ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula) ⇒ ('a, 'b + 'd, 'c) formula ⇒ bool"
PPadmit_Pvar:"PPadmit σ (Pvar a)"
| PPadmit_Sequence:"PPadmit σ a ⟹ PPadmit σ b ⟹ PPUadmit σ b (BVP (PPsubst a σ))⟹ hpsafe (PPsubst a σ) ⟹ PPadmit σ (Sequence a b)"
| PPadmit_Loop:"PPadmit σ a ⟹ PPUadmit σ a (BVP (PPsubst a σ)) ⟹ hpsafe (PPsubst a σ) ⟹ PPadmit σ (Loop a)"
| PPadmit_ODE:"PFadmit σ φ ⟹ PFUadmit σ φ (BVO ODE) ⟹ PPadmit σ (EvolveODE ODE φ)"
| PPadmit_Choice:"PPadmit σ a ⟹ PPadmit σ b ⟹ PPadmit σ (Choice a b)"
| PPadmit_Assign:"PPadmit σ (Assign x θ)"
| PPadmit_DiffAssign:"PPadmit σ (DiffAssign x θ)"
| PPadmit_Test:"PFadmit σ φ ⟹ PPadmit σ (Test φ)"
| PFadmit_Geq:"PFadmit σ (Geq θ1 θ2)"
| PFadmit_Prop:"PFadmit σ (Prop f args)"
| PFadmit_Not:"PFadmit σ φ ⟹ PFadmit σ (Not φ)"
| PFadmit_And:"PFadmit σ φ ⟹ PFadmit σ ψ ⟹ PFadmit σ (And φ ψ)"
| PFadmit_Exists:"PFadmit σ φ ⟹ PFUadmit σ φ {Inl x} ⟹ PFadmit σ (Exists x φ)"
| PFadmit_Diamond:"PFadmit σ φ ⟹ PPadmit σ a ⟹ PFUadmit σ φ (BVP (PPsubst a σ)) ⟹ PFadmit σ (Diamond a φ)"
| PFadmit_Context:"PFadmit σ φ ⟹ PFUadmit σ φ UNIV ⟹ PFadmit σ (InContext C φ)"
PPadmit_Pvar_simps[simp]: "PPadmit σ (Pvar a)"
and PPadmit_Sequence_simps[simp]: "PPadmit σ (a ;; b)"
and PPadmit_Loop_simps[simp]: "PPadmit σ (a**)"
and PPadmit_ODE_simps[simp]: "PPadmit σ (EvolveODE ODE p)"
and PPadmit_Choice_simps[simp]: "PPadmit σ (a ∪∪ b)"
and PPadmit_Assign_simps[simp]: "PPadmit σ (Assign x e)"
and PPadmit_DiffAssign_simps[simp]: "PPadmit σ (DiffAssign x e)"
and PPadmit_Test_simps[simp]: "PPadmit σ (? p)"
and PFadmit_Geq_simps[simp]: "PFadmit σ (Geq t1 t2)"
and PFadmit_Prop_simps[simp]: "PFadmit σ (Prop p args)"
and PFadmit_Not_simps[simp]: "PFadmit σ (Not p)"
and PFadmit_And_simps[simp]: "PFadmit σ (And p q)"
and PFadmit_Exists_simps[simp]: "PFadmit σ (Exists x p)"
and PFadmit_Diamond_simps[simp]: "PFadmit σ (Diamond a p)"
and PFadmit_Context_simps[simp]: "PFadmit σ (InContext C p)"
inductive Padmit:: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) hp ⇒ bool"
and Fadmit:: "('a, 'b, 'c) subst ⇒ ('a, 'b, 'c) formula ⇒ bool"
Padmit_Pvar:"Padmit σ (Pvar a)"
| Padmit_Sequence:"Padmit σ a ⟹ Padmit σ b ⟹ PUadmit σ b (BVP (Psubst a σ))⟹ hpsafe (Psubst a σ) ⟹ Padmit σ (Sequence a b)"
| Padmit_Loop:"Padmit σ a ⟹ PUadmit σ a (BVP (Psubst a σ)) ⟹ hpsafe (Psubst a σ) ⟹ Padmit σ (Loop a)"
| Padmit_ODE:"Oadmit σ ODE (BVO ODE) ⟹ Fadmit σ φ ⟹ FUadmit σ φ (BVO ODE) ⟹ Padmit σ (EvolveODE ODE φ)"
| Padmit_Choice:"Padmit σ a ⟹ Padmit σ b ⟹ Padmit σ (Choice a b)"
| Padmit_Assign:"Tadmit σ θ ⟹ Padmit σ (Assign x θ)"
| Padmit_DiffAssign:"Tadmit σ θ ⟹ Padmit σ (DiffAssign x θ)"
| Padmit_Test:"Fadmit σ φ ⟹ Padmit σ (Test φ)"
| Fadmit_Geq:"Tadmit σ θ1 ⟹ Tadmit σ θ2 ⟹ Fadmit σ (Geq θ1 θ2)"
| Fadmit_Prop1:"(⋀i. Tadmit σ (args i)) ⟹ SPredicates σ p = Some p' ⟹ NFadmit (λ i. Tsubst (args i) σ) p' ⟹ (⋀i. dsafe (Tsubst (args i) σ))⟹ Fadmit σ (Prop p args)"
| Fadmit_Prop2:"(⋀i. Tadmit σ (args i)) ⟹ SPredicates σ p = None ⟹ Fadmit σ (Prop p args)"
| Fadmit_Not:"Fadmit σ φ ⟹ Fadmit σ (Not φ)"
| Fadmit_And:"Fadmit σ φ ⟹ Fadmit σ ψ ⟹ Fadmit σ (And φ ψ)"
| Fadmit_Exists:"Fadmit σ φ ⟹ FUadmit σ φ {Inl x} ⟹ Fadmit σ (Exists x φ)"
| Fadmit_Diamond:"Fadmit σ φ ⟹ Padmit σ a ⟹ FUadmit σ φ (BVP (Psubst a σ)) ⟹ hpsafe (Psubst a σ) ⟹ Fadmit σ (Diamond a φ)"
| Fadmit_Context1:"Fadmit σ φ ⟹ FUadmit σ φ UNIV ⟹ SContexts σ C = Some C' ⟹ PFadmit (λ _. Fsubst φ σ) C' ⟹ fsafe(Fsubst φ σ) ⟹ Fadmit σ (InContext C φ)"
| Fadmit_Context2:"Fadmit σ φ ⟹ FUadmit σ φ UNIV ⟹ SContexts σ C = None ⟹ Fadmit σ (InContext C φ)"
Padmit_Pvar_simps[simp]: "Padmit σ (Pvar a)"
and Padmit_Sequence_simps[simp]: "Padmit σ (a ;; b)"
and Padmit_Loop_simps[simp]: "Padmit σ (a**)"
and Padmit_ODE_simps[simp]: "Padmit σ (EvolveODE ODE p)"
and Padmit_Choice_simps[simp]: "Padmit σ (a ∪∪ b)"
and Padmit_Assign_simps[simp]: "Padmit σ (Assign x e)"
and Padmit_DiffAssign_simps[simp]: "Padmit σ (DiffAssign x e)"
and Padmit_Test_simps[simp]: "Padmit σ (? p)"
and Fadmit_Geq_simps[simp]: "Fadmit σ (Geq t1 t2)"
and Fadmit_Prop_simps[simp]: "Fadmit σ (Prop p args)"
and Fadmit_Not_simps[simp]: "Fadmit σ (Not p)"
and Fadmit_And_simps[simp]: "Fadmit σ (And p q)"
and Fadmit_Exists_simps[simp]: "Fadmit σ (Exists x p)"
and Fadmit_Diamond_simps[simp]: "Fadmit σ (Diamond a p)"
and Fadmit_Context_simps[simp]: "Fadmit σ (InContext C p)"
fun extendf :: "('sf, 'sc, 'sz) interp ⇒ 'sz Rvec ⇒ ('sf + 'sz, 'sc, 'sz) interp"
where "extendf I R =
⦇Functions = (λf. case f of Inl f' ⇒ Functions I f' | Inr f' ⇒ (λ_. R $ f')),
Predicates = Predicates I,
Contexts = Contexts I,
Programs = Programs I,
ODEs = ODEs I,
fun extendc :: "('sf, 'sc, 'sz) interp ⇒ 'sz state set ⇒ ('sf, 'sc + unit, 'sz) interp"
where "extendc I R =
⦇Functions = Functions I,
Predicates = Predicates I,
Contexts = (λC. case C of Inl C' ⇒ Contexts I C' | Inr () ⇒ (λ_. R)),
Programs = Programs I,
ODEs = ODEs I,
definition adjoint :: "('sf, 'sc, 'sz) interp ⇒ ('sf, 'sc, 'sz) subst ⇒ 'sz state ⇒ ('sf, 'sc, 'sz) interp"
where "adjoint I σ ν =
⦇Functions = (λf. case SFunctions σ f of Some f' ⇒ (λR. dterm_sem (extendf I R) f' ν) | None ⇒ Functions I f),
Predicates = (λp. case SPredicates σ p of Some p' ⇒ (λR. ν ∈ fml_sem (extendf I R) p') | None ⇒ Predicates I p),
Contexts = (λc. case SContexts σ c of Some c' ⇒ (λR. fml_sem (extendc I R) c') | None ⇒ Contexts I c),
Programs = (λa. case SPrograms σ a of Some a' ⇒ prog_sem I a' | None ⇒ Programs I a),
ODEs = (λode. case SODEs σ ode of Some ode' ⇒ ODE_sem I ode' | None ⇒ ODEs I ode),
ODEBV = (λode. case SODEs σ ode of Some ode' ⇒ ODE_vars I ode' | None ⇒ ODEBV I ode)
lemma dsem_to_ssem:"dfree θ ⟹ dterm_sem I θ ν = sterm_sem I θ (fst ν)"
by (induct rule: dfree.induct) (auto)
definition adjointFO::"('sf, 'sc, 'sz) interp ⇒ ('d::finite ⇒ ('sf, 'sz) trm) ⇒ 'sz state ⇒ ('sf + 'd, 'sc, 'sz) interp"
where "adjointFO I σ ν =
⦇Functions = (λf. case f of Inl f' ⇒ Functions I f' | Inr f' ⇒ (λ_. dterm_sem I (σ f') ν)),
Predicates = Predicates I,
Contexts = Contexts I,
Programs = Programs I,
ODEs = ODEs I,
lemma adjoint_free:
assumes sfree:"(⋀i f'. SFunctions σ i = Some f' ⟹ dfree f')"
shows "adjoint I σ ν =
⦇Functions = (λf. case SFunctions σ f of Some f' ⇒ (λR. sterm_sem (extendf I R) f' (fst ν)) | None ⇒ Functions I f),
Predicates = (λp. case SPredicates σ p of Some p' ⇒ (λR. ν ∈ fml_sem (extendf I R) p') | None ⇒ Predicates I p),
Contexts = (λc. case SContexts σ c of Some c' ⇒ (λR. fml_sem (extendc I R) c') | None ⇒ Contexts I c),
Programs = (λa. case SPrograms σ a of Some a' ⇒ prog_sem I a' | None ⇒ Programs I a),
ODEs = (λode. case SODEs σ ode of Some ode' ⇒ ODE_sem I ode' | None ⇒ ODEs I ode),
ODEBV = (λode. case SODEs σ ode of Some ode' ⇒ ODE_vars I ode' | None ⇒ ODEBV I ode)⦈"
using dsem_to_ssem[OF sfree]
by (cases ν) (auto simp add: adjoint_def fun_eq_iff split: option.split)
lemma adjointFO_free:"(⋀i. dfree (σ i)) ⟹ (adjointFO I σ ν =
⦇Functions = (λf. case f of Inl f' ⇒ Functions I f' | Inr f' ⇒ (λ_. sterm_sem I (σ f') (fst ν))),
Predicates = Predicates I,
Contexts = Contexts I,
Programs = Programs I,
ODEs = ODEs I,
by (auto simp add: dsem_to_ssem adjointFO_def)
definition PFadjoint::"('sf, 'sc, 'sz) interp ⇒ ('d::finite ⇒ ('sf, 'sc, 'sz) formula) ⇒ ('sf, 'sc + 'd, 'sz) interp"
where "PFadjoint I σ =
⦇Functions = Functions I,
Predicates = Predicates I,
Contexts = (λf. case f of Inl f' ⇒ Contexts I f' | Inr f' ⇒ (λ_. fml_sem I (σ f'))),
Programs = Programs I,
ODEs = ODEs I,
fun Ssubst::"('sf, 'sc, 'sz) sequent ⇒ ('sf,'sc,'sz) subst ⇒ ('sf,'sc,'sz) sequent"
where "Ssubst (Γ,Δ) σ = (map (λ φ. Fsubst φ σ) Γ, map (λ φ. Fsubst φ σ) Δ)"
fun Rsubst::"('sf, 'sc, 'sz) rule ⇒ ('sf,'sc,'sz) subst ⇒ ('sf,'sc,'sz) rule"
where "Rsubst (SG,C) σ = (map (λ φ. Ssubst φ σ) SG, Ssubst C σ)"
definition Sadmit::"('sf,'sc,'sz) subst ⇒ ('sf,'sc,'sz) sequent ⇒ bool"
where "Sadmit σ S ⟷ ((∀i. i ≥ 0 ⟶ i < length (fst S) ⟶ Fadmit σ (nth (fst S) i))
∧(∀i. i ≥ 0 ⟶ i < length (snd S) ⟶ Fadmit σ (nth (snd S) i)))"
definition Radmit::"('sf,'sc,'sz) subst ⇒ ('sf,'sc,'sz) rule ⇒ bool"
where "Radmit σ R ⟷ (((∀i. i ≥ 0 ⟶ i < length (fst R) ⟶ Sadmit σ (nth (fst R) i))
∧ Sadmit σ (snd R)))"
end end