Theory Static_Semantics

theory "Static_Semantics"
section ‹Static Semantics›
text ‹This section introduces functions for computing properties of the static semantics, specifically
 the following dependencies:
    \item Signatures: Symbols (from the interpretation) which influence the result of a term, ode, formula, program
    \item Free variables: Variables (from the state) which influence the result of a term, ode, formula, program
    \item Bound variables: Variables (from the state) that *might* be influenced by a program
    \item Must-bound variables: Variables (from the state) that are *always* influenced by a program (i.e.
  will never depend on anything other than the free variables of that program)
  We also prove basic lemmas about these definitions, but their overall correctness is proved elsewhere
  in the Bound Effect and Coincidence theorems.

subsection ‹Signature Definitions›
primrec SIGT :: "('a, 'c) trm  'a set"
  "SIGT (Var var) = {}"
| "SIGT (Const r) = {}"
| "SIGT (Function var f) = {var}  (i. SIGT (f i))"
| "SIGT (Plus t1 t2) = SIGT t1  SIGT t2"
| "SIGT (Times t1 t2) = SIGT t1  SIGT t2"
| "SIGT (DiffVar x) = {}"
| "SIGT (Differential t) = SIGT t"

primrec SIGO   :: "('a, 'c) ODE  ('a + 'c) set"
  "SIGO (OVar c) = {Inr c}"
| "SIGO (OSing x θ) =  {Inl x| x. x  SIGT θ}"
primrec SIGP   :: "('a, 'b, 'c) hp       ('a + 'b + 'c) set"
and     SIGF   :: "('a, 'b, 'c) formula  ('a + 'b + 'c) set"
  "SIGP (Pvar var) = {Inr (Inr var)}"
| "SIGP (Assign var t) = {Inl x | x. x  SIGT t}"
| "SIGP (DiffAssign var t) = {Inl x | x. x  SIGT t}"
| "SIGP (Test p) = SIGF p"
| "SIGP (EvolveODE ODE p) = SIGF p  {Inl x | x. Inl x  SIGO ODE}  {Inr (Inr x) | x. Inr x  SIGO ODE}"
| "SIGP (Choice a b) = SIGP a  SIGP b"
| "SIGP (Sequence a b) = SIGP a  SIGP b"
| "SIGP (Loop a) = SIGP a"
| "SIGF (Geq t1 t2) = {Inl x | x. x  SIGT t1  SIGT t2}"
| "SIGF (Prop var args) = {Inr (Inr var)}  {Inl x | x. x  (i. SIGT (args i))}"
| "SIGF (Not p) = SIGF p"
| "SIGF (And p1 p2) = SIGF p1  SIGF p2"
| "SIGF (Exists var p) = SIGF p"
| "SIGF (Diamond a p) = SIGP a  SIGF p"
| "SIGF (InContext var p) = {Inr (Inl var)}  SIGF p"

fun primify :: "('a + 'a)  ('a + 'a) set"
  "primify (Inl x) = {Inl x, Inr x}"
| "primify (Inr x) = {Inl x, Inr x}"
subsection ‹Variable Binding Definitions›
  We represent the (free or bound or must-bound) variables of a term as an (id + id) set,
  where all the (Inl x) elements are unprimed variables x and all the (Inr x) elements are
  primed variables x'.
text‹Free variables of a term ›
primrec FVT :: "('a, 'c) trm  ('c + 'c) set"
  "FVT (Var x) = {Inl x}"
| "FVT (Const x) = {}"
| "FVT (Function f args) = (i. FVT (args i))"
| "FVT (Plus f g) = FVT f  FVT g"
| "FVT (Times f g) = FVT f  FVT g"
| "FVT (Differential f) = (x  (FVT f). primify x)"
| "FVT (DiffVar x) = {Inr x}"

fun FVDiff :: "('a, 'c) trm  ('c + 'c) set"
where "FVDiff f = (x  (FVT f). primify x)"

text‹ Free variables of an ODE includes both the bound variables and the terms ›
fun FVO :: "('a, 'c) ODE  'c set"
  "FVO (OVar c) = UNIV"
| "FVO (OSing x θ) = {x}  {x . Inl x  FVT θ}"
| "FVO (OProd ODE1 ODE2) = FVO ODE1  FVO ODE2"

text‹ Bound variables of ODEs, formulas, programs ›
fun BVO :: "('a, 'c) ODE  ('c + 'c) set"
  "BVO (OVar c) = UNIV"
| "BVO (OSing x θ) = {Inl x, Inr x}"
| "BVO (OProd ODE1 ODE2) = BVO ODE1  BVO ODE2"
fun BVF :: "('a, 'b, 'c) formula  ('c + 'c) set"
and BVP :: "('a, 'b, 'c) hp  ('c + 'c) set"
  "BVF (Geq f g) = {}"
| "BVF (Prop p dfun_args) = {}"
| "BVF (Not p) = BVF p"
| "BVF (And p q) = BVF p  BVF q"
| "BVF (Exists x p) = {Inl x}  BVF p"
| "BVF (Diamond α p) = BVP α  BVF p"
| "BVF (InContext C p) = UNIV"

| "BVP (Pvar a) = UNIV"
| "BVP (Assign x θ) = {Inl x}"
| "BVP (DiffAssign x θ) = {Inr x}"
| "BVP (Test φ) = {}"
| "BVP (EvolveODE ODE φ) = BVO ODE"
| "BVP (Choice α β) = BVP α  BVP β"
| "BVP (Sequence α β) = BVP α  BVP β"
| "BVP (Loop α) = BVP α"

text‹ Must-bound variables (of a program)›
fun MBV :: "('a, 'b, 'c) hp  ('c + 'c) set"
  "MBV (Pvar a) = {}"
| "MBV (Choice α β) = MBV α  MBV β"
| "MBV (Sequence α β) = MBV α  MBV β"
| "MBV (Loop α) = {}"
| "MBV (EvolveODE ODE _) = (Inl ` (ODE_dom ODE))  (Inr ` (ODE_dom ODE))"
| "MBV α = BVP α"

text‹Free variables of a formula,
 free variables of a program ›
fun FVF :: "('a, 'b, 'c) formula  ('c + 'c) set"
and FVP :: "('a, 'b, 'c) hp  ('c + 'c) set"
  "FVF (Geq f g) = FVT f  FVT g"
| "FVF (Prop p args) = (i. FVT (args i))"
| "FVF (Not p) = FVF p"
| "FVF (And p q) = FVF p  FVF q"
| "FVF (Exists x p) = FVF p - {Inl x}"
| "FVF (Diamond α p) =   FVP α  (FVF p - MBV α)"
| "FVF (InContext C p) = UNIV"
| "FVP (Pvar a) = UNIV"
| "FVP (Assign x θ) = FVT θ"
| "FVP (DiffAssign x θ) = FVT θ"
| "FVP (Test φ) = FVF φ"
| "FVP (EvolveODE ODE φ) = BVO ODE  (Inl ` FVO ODE)  FVF φ"
| "FVP (Choice α β) = FVP α  FVP β"
| "FVP (Sequence α β) = FVP α  (FVP β - MBV α)"
| "FVP (Loop α) = FVP α"

subsection ‹Lemmas for reasoning about static semantics› 

lemma primify_contains:"x  primify x"
  by (cases "x") auto

lemma FVDiff_sub:"FVT f  FVDiff f"
  by (auto simp add:  primify_contains)

lemma fvdiff_plus1:"FVDiff (Plus t1 t2) = FVDiff t1  FVDiff t2"
  by (auto)

lemma agree_func_fvt:"Vagree ν ν' (FVT (Function f args))  Vagree ν ν' (FVT (args i))"
  by (auto simp add: Set.Un_upper1 agree_supset Vagree_def)

lemma agree_plus1:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (Plus t1 t2))  Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff t1)"
proof -
  assume agree:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (Plus t1 t2))"
  have agree':"Vagree ν ν' ((iFVT t1. primify i)  (iFVT t2. primify i))"
    using fvdiff_plus1 FVDiff.simps agree by (auto)
  have agreeL:"Vagree ν ν' ((iFVT t1. primify i))"
    using agree' agree_supset Set.Un_upper1 by (blast)
  show "Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff t1)" using agreeL by (auto)

lemma agree_plus2:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (Plus t1 t2))  Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff t2)"
proof -
  assume agree:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (Plus t1 t2))"
  have agree':"Vagree ν ν' ((iFVT t1. primify i)  (iFVT t2. primify i))"
    using fvdiff_plus1 FVDiff.simps agree by (auto)
  have agreeR:"Vagree ν ν' ((iFVT t2. primify i))"
    using agree' agree_supset Set.Un_upper1 by (blast)
  show "Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff t2)" using agreeR by (auto)

lemma agree_times1:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (Times t1 t2))  Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff t1)"
proof -
  assume agree:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (Times t1 t2))"
  have agree':"Vagree ν ν' ((iFVT t1. primify i)  (iFVT t2. primify i))"
    using fvdiff_plus1 FVDiff.simps agree by (auto)
  have agreeL:"Vagree ν ν' ((iFVT t1. primify i))"
    using agree' agree_supset Set.Un_upper1 by (blast)
  show "Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff t1)" using agreeL by (auto)

lemma agree_times2:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (Times t1 t2))  Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff t2)"
proof -
  assume agree:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (Times t1 t2))"
  have agree':"Vagree ν ν' ((iFVT t1. primify i)  (iFVT t2. primify i))"
    using fvdiff_plus1 FVDiff.simps agree by (auto)
  have agreeR:"Vagree ν ν' ((iFVT t2. primify i))"
    using agree' agree_supset Set.Un_upper1 by (blast)
  show "Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff t2)" using agreeR by (auto)

lemma agree_func:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff ($f var args))  (i. Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (args i)))"
proof -
  assume agree:"Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff ($f var args))"
  have agree':"Vagree ν ν' ((i. (j (FVT (args i)). primify j)))"
    using fvdiff_plus1 FVDiff.simps agree by (auto)
  fix i :: 'a
  have "S. ¬ S  (f.  (primify ` FVT (args f)))  Vagree ν ν' S"
    using agree' agree_supset by blast
  then have "f. f  UNIV  Vagree ν ν' ( (primify ` FVT (args f)))"
    by blast
  then show "Vagree ν ν' (FVDiff (args i))"
    by simp