Theory DBM_Operations_Impl_Refine
theory DBM_Operations_Impl_Refine
lemma rev_map_fold_append_aux:
"fold (λ x xs. f x # xs) xs zs @ ys = fold (λ x xs. f x # xs) xs (zs@ys)"
by (induction xs arbitrary: zs) auto
lemma rev_map_fold:
"rev (map f xs) = fold (λ x xs. f x # xs) xs []"
by (induction xs; simp add: rev_map_fold_append_aux)
lemma map_rev_fold:
"map f xs = rev (fold (λ x xs. f x # xs) xs [])"
using rev_map_fold rev_swap by fastforce
lemma pointwise_cmp_iff:
"pointwise_cmp P n M M' ⟷ list_all2 P (take ((n + 1) * (n + 1)) xs) (take ((n + 1) * (n + 1)) ys)"
if "∀i≤n. ∀j≤n. xs ! (i + i * n + j) = M i j"
"∀i≤n. ∀j≤n. ys ! (i + i * n + j) = M' i j"
"(n + 1) * (n + 1) ≤ length xs" "(n + 1) * (n + 1) ≤ length ys"
using that unfolding pointwise_cmp_def
unfolding list_all2_conv_all_nth
apply clarsimp
apply safe
subgoal premises prems for x
proof -
let ?i = "x div (n + 1)" let ?j = "x mod (n + 1)"
from ‹x < _› have "?i < Suc n" "?j ≤n"
by (simp add: less_mult_imp_div_less)+
with prems have
"xs ! (?i + ?i * n + ?j) = M ?i ?j" "ys ! (?i + ?i * n + ?j) = M' ?i ?j"
"P (M ?i ?j) (M' ?i ?j)"
by auto
moreover have "?i + ?i * n + ?j = x"
by (metis ab_semigroup_add_class.add.commute mod_div_mult_eq mult_Suc_right plus_1_eq_Suc)
ultimately show ‹P (xs ! x) (ys ! x)›
by auto
subgoal for i j
apply (erule allE[of _ i], erule impE, simp)
apply (erule allE[of _ i], erule impE, simp)
apply (erule allE[of _ "i + i * n + j"], erule impE)
by (rule le_imp_less_Suc) (auto intro!: add_mono simp: algebra_simps)
apply (erule allE[of _ j], erule impE, simp)
apply (erule allE[of _ j], erule impE, simp)
apply simp
fun intersperse :: "'a ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list" where
"intersperse sep (x # y # xs) = x # sep # intersperse sep (y # xs)" |
"intersperse _ xs = xs"
lemma the_pure_id_assn_eq[simp]:
"the_pure (λa c. ↑ (c = a)) = Id"
proof -
have *: "(λa c. ↑ (c = a)) = pure Id"
unfolding pure_def by simp
show ?thesis
by (subst *) simp
lemma pure_eq_conv:
"(λa c. ↑ (c = a)) = id_assn"
using is_pure_assn_def is_pure_iff_pure_assn is_pure_the_pure_id_eq the_pure_id_assn_eq by blast
section ‹Refinement›
instance DBMEntry :: ("{countable}") countable
apply (rule
"(λLe (a::'a) ⇒ to_nat (0::nat,a) |
DBM.Lt a ⇒ to_nat (1::nat,a) |
DBM.INF ⇒ to_nat (2::nat,undefined::'a) )"])
apply (simp split: DBMEntry.splits)
instance DBMEntry :: ("{heap}") heap ..
definition dbm_subset' :: "nat ⇒ ('t :: {linorder, zero}) DBM' ⇒ 't DBM' ⇒ bool" where
"dbm_subset' n M M' ≡ pointwise_cmp (≤) n (curry M) (curry M')"
lemma dbm_subset'_alt_def:
"dbm_subset' n M M' ≡
list_all (λi. list_all (λj. (op_mtx_get M (i, j) ≤ op_mtx_get M' (i, j))) [0..<Suc n])
[0..<Suc n]"
by (simp add: dbm_subset'_def pointwise_cmp_alt_def neutral)
lemma dbm_subset_alt_def'[code]:
"dbm_subset n M M' ⟷
list_ex (λi. op_mtx_get M (i, i) < 0) [0..<Suc n] ∨
list_all (λi. list_all (λj. (op_mtx_get M (i, j) ≤ op_mtx_get M' (i, j))) [0..<Suc n])
[0..<Suc n]"
by (simp add: dbm_subset_def check_diag_alt_def pointwise_cmp_alt_def neutral)
"mtx_line_to_iarray m M = IArray (map (λi. M (0, i)) [0..<Suc m])"
"mtx_line m (M :: _ DBM') = map (λi. M (0, i)) [0..<Suc m]"
locale DBM_Impl =
fixes n :: nat
mtx_assn :: "(nat × nat ⇒ ('a :: {linordered_ab_monoid_add, heap})) ⇒ 'a array ⇒ assn"
"mtx_assn ≡ asmtx_assn (Suc n) id_assn"
abbreviation "clock_assn ≡ nbn_assn (Suc n)"
lemmas Relation.IdI[where a = ∞, sepref_import_param]
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "((+),(+)) ∈ Id→Id→Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(uminus,uminus) ∈ (Id::(_*_)set)→Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(Lt,Lt) ∈ Id→Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(Le,Le) ∈ Id→Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(∞,∞) ∈ Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(min :: _ DBMEntry ⇒ _, min) ∈ Id → Id → Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(Suc, Suc) ∈ Id → Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(norm_lower, norm_lower) ∈ Id→Id→Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(norm_upper, norm_upper) ∈ Id→Id→Id" by simp
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(norm_diag, norm_diag) ∈ Id→Id" by simp
definition zero_clock :: "_ :: linordered_cancel_ab_monoid_add" where
"zero_clock = 0"
sepref_register zero_clock
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(zero_clock, zero_clock) ∈ Id" by simp
lemmas [sepref_opt_simps] = zero_clock_def
fixes n :: nat
interpretation DBM_Impl n .
sepref_definition reset_canonical_upd_impl' is
"uncurry2 (uncurry (λx. RETURN ooo reset_canonical_upd x))" ::
"[λ(((_,i),j),_). i≤n ∧ j≤n]⇩a mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a id_assn⇧k → mtx_assn"
unfolding reset_canonical_upd_alt_def op_mtx_set_def[symmetric] by sepref
sepref_definition reset_canonical_upd_impl is
"uncurry2 (uncurry (λx. RETURN ooo reset_canonical_upd x))" ::
"[λ(((_,i),j),_). i≤n ∧ j≤n]⇩a mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a id_assn⇧k → mtx_assn"
unfolding reset_canonical_upd_alt_def op_mtx_set_def[symmetric] by sepref
sepref_definition up_canonical_upd_impl is
"uncurry (RETURN oo up_canonical_upd)" :: "[λ(_,i). i≤n]⇩a mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a nat_assn⇧k → mtx_assn"
unfolding up_canonical_upd_def op_mtx_set_def[symmetric] by sepref
lemma [sepref_import_param]:
"(Le 0, 0) ∈ Id"
unfolding neutral by simp
sepref_register 0
sepref_definition check_diag_impl' is
"uncurry (RETURN oo check_diag)" ::
"[λ(i, _). i≤n]⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k → bool_assn"
unfolding check_diag_alt_def list_ex_foldli neutral[symmetric] by sepref
lemma [sepref_opt_simps]:
"(x = True) = x"
by simp
sepref_definition dbm_subset'_impl2 is
"uncurry2 (RETURN ooo dbm_subset')" ::
"[λ((i, _), _). i≤n]⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k → bool_assn"
unfolding dbm_subset'_alt_def list_all_foldli by sepref
"dbm_subset'_impl' ≡ λm a b.
do {
imp_for 0 ((m + 1) * (m + 1)) Heap_Monad.return
(λi _. do {
x ← Array.nth a i; y ← Array.nth b i; Heap_Monad.return (x ≤ y)
lemma imp_for_list_all2_spec:
<a ↦⇩a xs * b ↦⇩a ys>
imp_for 0 n' Heap_Monad.return
(λi _. do {
x ← Array.nth a i; y ← Array.nth b i; Heap_Monad.return (P x y)
<λr. ↑(r ⟷ list_all2 P (take n' xs) (take n' ys)) * a ↦⇩a xs * b ↦⇩a ys>⇩t"
if "n' ≤ length xs" "n' ≤ length ys"
apply (rule cons_rule[rotated 2])
apply (rule imp_for_list_all2'[where xs = xs and ys = ys and R = id_assn and S = id_assn])
apply (use that in simp; fail)+
apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def array_assn_def is_array_def)+
lemma dbm_subset'_impl'_refine:
"(uncurry2 dbm_subset'_impl', uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ dbm_subset'))
∈ [λ((i, _), _). i = n]⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a local.mtx_assn⇧k *⇩a local.mtx_assn⇧k → bool_assn"
apply sepref_to_hoare
unfolding dbm_subset'_impl'_def
unfolding amtx_assn_def hr_comp_def is_amtx_def
apply (sep_auto heap: imp_for_list_all2_spec simp only:)
apply (simp; intro add_mono mult_mono; simp; fail)+
apply sep_auto
subgoal for b bi ba bia l la a bb
unfolding dbm_subset'_def by (simp add: pointwise_cmp_iff[where xs = l and ys = la])
subgoal for b bi ba bia l la a bb
unfolding dbm_subset'_def by (simp add: pointwise_cmp_iff[where xs = l and ys = la])
sepref_register check_diag ::
"nat ⇒ _ :: {linordered_cancel_ab_monoid_add,heap} DBMEntry i_mtx ⇒ bool"
sepref_register dbm_subset' ::
"nat ⇒ 'a :: {linordered_cancel_ab_monoid_add,heap} DBMEntry i_mtx ⇒ 'a DBMEntry i_mtx ⇒ bool"
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = dbm_subset'_impl'_refine check_diag_impl'.refine
sepref_definition dbm_subset_impl' is
"uncurry2 (RETURN ooo dbm_subset)" ::
"[λ((i, _), _). i=n]⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k → bool_assn"
unfolding dbm_subset_def dbm_subset'_def[symmetric] short_circuit_conv by sepref
notes [id_rules] = itypeI[of n "TYPE (nat)"]
and [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of n]
sepref_definition dbm_subset_impl is
"uncurry (RETURN oo PR_CONST (dbm_subset n))" :: "mtx_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k →⇩a bool_assn"
unfolding dbm_subset_def dbm_subset'_def[symmetric] short_circuit_conv PR_CONST_def by sepref
sepref_definition check_diag_impl is
"RETURN o PR_CONST (check_diag n)" :: "mtx_assn⇧k →⇩a bool_assn"
unfolding check_diag_alt_def list_ex_foldli neutral[symmetric] PR_CONST_def by sepref
sepref_definition dbm_subset'_impl is
"uncurry (RETURN oo PR_CONST (dbm_subset' n))" :: "mtx_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k →⇩a bool_assn"
unfolding dbm_subset'_alt_def list_all_foldli PR_CONST_def by sepref
"iarray_assn x y ≡ pure (br IArray (λ_. True)) y x"
lemma [sepref_fr_rules]:
"(uncurry (return oo IArray.sub), uncurry (RETURN oo op_list_get))
∈ iarray_assn⇧k *⇩a id_assn⇧k →⇩a id_assn"
unfolding br_def by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto
lemmas = extra_upd_def upd_line_def upd_line_0_def
sepref_definition norm_upd_impl is
"uncurry2 (RETURN ooo norm_upd)" ::
"[λ((_, xs), i). length xs > n ∧ i≤n]⇩a mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a iarray_assn⇧k *⇩a nat_assn⇧k → mtx_assn"
unfolding norm_upd_def extra_defs zero_clock_def[symmetric] by sepref
sepref_definition norm_upd_impl' is
"uncurry2 (RETURN ooo norm_upd)" ::
"[λ((_, xs), i). length xs > n ∧ i≤n]⇩a mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a (list_assn id_assn)⇧k *⇩a nat_assn⇧k → mtx_assn"
unfolding norm_upd_def extra_defs zero_clock_def[symmetric] by sepref
sepref_definition is
"uncurry3 (λx. RETURN ooo (extra_lu_upd x))" ::
"[λ(((_, ys), xs), i). length xs > n ∧ length ys > n ∧ i≤n]⇩a
mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a iarray_assn⇧k *⇩a iarray_assn⇧k *⇩a nat_assn⇧k → mtx_assn"
unfolding extra_lu_upd_def extra_defs zero_clock_def[symmetric] sepref
sepref_definition mtx_line_to_list_impl is
"uncurry (RETURN oo PR_CONST mtx_line)" ::
"[λ(m, _). m ≤ n]⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k → list_assn id_assn"
unfolding mtx_line_def HOL_list.fold_custom_empty PR_CONST_def map_rev_fold by sepref
fixes m :: nat assumes "m ≤ n"
notes [id_rules] = itypeI[of m "TYPE (nat)"]
and [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of m]
sepref_definition mtx_line_to_list_impl2 is
"RETURN o PR_CONST mtx_line m" :: "mtx_assn⇧k →⇩a list_assn id_assn"
unfolding mtx_line_def HOL_list.fold_custom_empty PR_CONST_def map_rev_fold
apply sepref_dbg_keep
using ‹m ≤ n›
apply sepref_dbg_trans_keep
apply sepref_dbg_opt
apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve
apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve
apply sepref_dbg_constraints
lemma IArray_impl:
"(return o IArray, RETURN o id) ∈ (list_assn id_assn)⇧k →⇩a iarray_assn"
by sepref_to_hoare (sep_auto simp: br_def list_assn_pure_conv pure_eq_conv)
"mtx_line_to_iarray_impl m M = (mtx_line_to_list_impl2 m M ⤜ return o IArray)"
lemmas mtx_line_to_iarray_impl_ht =
mtx_line_to_list_impl2.refine[to_hnr, unfolded hn_refine_def hn_ctxt_def, simplified]
lemmas IArray_ht = IArray_impl[to_hnr, unfolded hn_refine_def hn_ctxt_def, simplified]
lemma mtx_line_to_iarray_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
"(uncurry mtx_line_to_iarray_impl, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ mtx_line))
∈ [λ(m, _). m ≤ n]⇩a nat_assn⇧k *⇩a mtx_assn⇧k → iarray_assn"
unfolding mtx_line_to_iarray_impl_def hfref_def
apply clarsimp
apply sepref_to_hoare
apply (sep_auto
heap: mtx_line_to_iarray_impl_ht IArray_ht simp: br_def pure_eq_conv list_assn_pure_conv)
apply (simp add: pure_def)
sepref_register "mtx_line" :: "nat ⇒ ('ef) DBMEntry i_mtx ⇒ 'ef DBMEntry list"
lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(dbm_lt :: _ DBMEntry ⇒ _, dbm_lt) ∈ Id → Id → Id" by simp
sepref_definition is
"uncurry3 (λx. RETURN ooo (extra_lup_upd x))" ::
"[λ(((_, ys), xs), i). length xs > n ∧ length ys > n ∧ i≤n]⇩a
mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a iarray_assn⇧k *⇩a iarray_assn⇧k *⇩a nat_assn⇧k → mtx_assn"
unfolding extra_lup_upd_alt_def2 extra_defs zero_clock_def[symmetric] mtx_line_def[symmetric]
notes [id_rules] = itypeI[of n "TYPE (nat)"]
and [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of n]
"unbounded_dbm' = unbounded_dbm n"
lemma unbounded_dbm_alt_def:
"unbounded_dbm n = op_amtx_new (Suc n) (Suc n) (unbounded_dbm')"
unfolding unbounded_dbm'_def by simp
text ‹We need the custom rule here because ‹unbounded_dbm› is a higher-order constant›
lemma [sepref_fr_rules]:
"(uncurry0 (return unbounded_dbm'), uncurry0 (RETURN (PR_CONST (unbounded_dbm'))))
∈ unit_assn⇧k →⇩a pure (nat_rel ×⇩r nat_rel → Id)"
by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto
sepref_register "PR_CONST (unbounded_dbm n) :: nat × nat ⇒ int DBMEntry" :: "'b DBMEntry i_mtx"
sepref_register "unbounded_dbm' :: nat × nat ⇒ _ DBMEntry"
text ‹Necessary to solve side conditions of @{term op_amtx_new}›
lemma unbounded_dbm'_bounded:
"mtx_nonzero unbounded_dbm' ⊆ {0..<Suc n} × {0..<Suc n}"
unfolding mtx_nonzero_def unbounded_dbm'_def unbounded_dbm_def neutral by auto
text ‹We need to pre-process the lemmas due to a failure of ‹TRADE››
lemma unbounded_dbm'_bounded_1:
"(a, b) ∈ mtx_nonzero unbounded_dbm' ⟹ a < Suc n"
using unbounded_dbm'_bounded by auto
lemma unbounded_dbm'_bounded_2:
"(a, b) ∈ mtx_nonzero unbounded_dbm' ⟹ b < Suc n"
using unbounded_dbm'_bounded by auto
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = dbm_subset_impl.refine
sepref_register "PR_CONST (dbm_subset n)" :: "'e DBMEntry i_mtx ⇒ 'e DBMEntry i_mtx ⇒ bool"
lemma [def_pat_rules]:
"dbm_subset $ n ≡ PR_CONST (dbm_subset n)"
by simp
sepref_definition unbounded_dbm_impl is
"uncurry0 (RETURN (PR_CONST (unbounded_dbm n)))" :: "unit_assn⇧k →⇩a mtx_assn"
supply unbounded_dbm'_bounded_1[simp] unbounded_dbm'_bounded_2[simp]
using unbounded_dbm'_bounded
apply (subst unbounded_dbm_alt_def)
unfolding PR_CONST_def by sepref
text ‹DBM to List›
definition dbm_to_list :: "(nat × nat ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a list" where
"dbm_to_list M ≡
rev $ fold (λi xs. fold (λj xs. M (i, j) # xs) [0..<Suc n] xs) [0..<Suc n] []"
sepref_definition dbm_to_list_impl is
"RETURN o PR_CONST dbm_to_list" :: "mtx_assn⇧k →⇩a list_assn id_assn"
unfolding dbm_to_list_def HOL_list.fold_custom_empty PR_CONST_def by sepref
section ‹Pretty-Printing›
fixes show_clock :: "nat ⇒ string"
and show_num :: "'a :: {linordered_ab_group_add,heap} ⇒ string"
"make_string e i j ≡
if i = j then if e < 0 then Some (''EMPTY'') else None
if i = 0 then
case e of
DBMEntry.Le a ⇒ if a = 0 then None else Some (show_clock j @ '' >= '' @ show_num (- a))
| DBMEntry.Lt a ⇒ Some (show_clock j @ '' > '' @ show_num (- a))
| _ ⇒ None
else if j = 0 then
case e of
DBMEntry.Le a ⇒ Some (show_clock i @ '' <= '' @ show_num a)
| DBMEntry.Lt a ⇒ Some (show_clock i @ '' < '' @ show_num a)
| _ ⇒ None
case e of
DBMEntry.Le a ⇒ Some (show_clock i @ '' - '' @ show_clock j @ '' <= '' @ show_num a)
| DBMEntry.Lt a ⇒ Some (show_clock i @ '' - '' @ show_clock j @ '' < '' @ show_num a)
| _ ⇒ None
"dbm_list_to_string xs ≡
(concat o intersperse '', '' o rev o snd o snd) $ fold (λe (i, j, acc).
v = make_string e i j;
j = (j + 1) mod (n + 1);
i = (if j = 0 then i + 1 else i)
case v of
None ⇒ (i, j, acc)
| Some s ⇒ (i, j, s # acc)
) xs (0, 0, [])
lemma [sepref_import_param]:
"(dbm_list_to_string, PR_CONST dbm_list_to_string) ∈ ⟨Id⟩list_rel → ⟨Id⟩list_rel"
by simp
definition show_dbm where
"show_dbm M ≡ PR_CONST dbm_list_to_string (dbm_to_list M)"
sepref_register "PR_CONST local.dbm_list_to_string"
sepref_register dbm_to_list :: "'b i_mtx ⇒ 'b list"
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = dbm_to_list_impl.refine
sepref_definition show_dbm_impl is
"RETURN o show_dbm" :: "mtx_assn⇧k →⇩a list_assn id_assn"
unfolding show_dbm_def by sepref
section ‹Generate Code›
lemma [code]:
"dbm_le a b = (a = b ∨ (a ≺ b))"
unfolding dbm_le_def by auto
checking SML
checking SML_imp