Theory HeapExtension

(*  Title:       CoreC++
    Author:      Daniel Wasserrab
    Maintainer:  Daniel Wasserrab <wasserra at>

   Based on extracts from the Jinja theories:
      Common/Objects.thy by David von Oheimb
      Common/Conform.thy by David von Oheimb and Tobias Nipkow
      Common/Exceptions.thy by Gerwin Klein and Martin Strecker
      J/BigStep.thy by Tobias Nipkow
      J/SmallStep.thy by Tobias Nipkow
      J/WellTypeRT.thy by Tobias Nipkow 

section ‹Heap Extension›

theory HeapExtension
imports Progress

subsection ‹The Heap Extension›

definition hext :: "heap  heap  bool" ("_  _" [51,51] 50) where
  "h  h'    a C S. h a = Some(C,S)  (S'. h' a = Some(C,S'))"

lemma hextI: "a C S. h a = Some(C,S)  (S'. h' a = Some(C,S'))  h  h'"

apply (unfold hext_def)
apply auto

lemma hext_objD: " h  h'; h a = Some(C,S)   S'. h' a = Some(C,S')"

apply (unfold hext_def)
apply (force)

lemma hext_refl [iff]: "h  h"

apply (rule hextI)
apply (fast)

lemma hext_new [simp]: "h a = None  h  h(ax)"

apply (rule hextI)
apply (auto simp:fun_upd_apply)

lemma hext_trans: " h  h'; h'  h''   h  h''"

apply (rule hextI)
apply (fast dest: hext_objD)

lemma hext_upd_obj: "h a = Some (C,S)  h  h(a(C,S'))"

apply (rule hextI)
apply (auto simp:fun_upd_apply)

subsection ⊴› and preallocated›

lemma preallocated_hext:
  " preallocated h; h  h'   preallocated h'"
by (simp add: preallocated_def hext_def)

lemmas preallocated_upd_obj = preallocated_hext [OF _ hext_upd_obj]
lemmas preallocated_new  = preallocated_hext [OF _ hext_new]

subsection ⊴› in Small- and BigStep›

lemma red_hext_incr: "P,E  e,(h,l)  e',(h',l')   h  h'"
  and reds_hext_incr: "P,E  es,(h,l) [→] es',(h',l')   h  h'"

proof(induct rule:red_reds_inducts)
  case RedNew thus ?case
    by(fastforce dest:new_Addr_SomeD simp:hext_def split:if_splits)
  case RedFAss thus ?case by(simp add:hext_def split:if_splits)
qed simp_all

lemma step_hext_incr: "P,E  e,s →* e',s'   hp s  hp s'"

proof(induct rule:converse_rtrancl_induct2)
  case refl thus ?case by(rule hext_refl)
  case (step e s e'' s'')
  have Red:"((e, s), e'', s'')  Red P E"
    and hext:"hp s''  hp s'" by fact+
  from Red have "P,E  e,s  e'',s''" by simp
  hence "hp s  hp s''"
    by(cases s,cases s'')(auto dest:red_hext_incr)
  with hext show ?case by-(rule hext_trans)

lemma steps_hext_incr: "P,E  es,s [→]* es',s'   hp s  hp s'"

proof(induct rule:converse_rtrancl_induct2)
  case refl thus ?case by(rule hext_refl)
  case (step es s es'' s'')
  have Reds:"((es, s), es'', s'')  Reds P E"
    and hext:"hp s''  hp s'" by fact+
  from Reds have "P,E  es,s [→] es'',s''" by simp
  hence "hp s  hp s''"
    by(cases s,cases s'',auto dest:reds_hext_incr)
  with hext show ?case by-(rule hext_trans)

lemma eval_hext: "P,E  e,(h,l)  e',(h',l')  h  h'"
and evals_hext:  "P,E  es,(h,l) [⇒] es',(h',l')  h  h'"

proof (induct rule:eval_evals_inducts)
  case New thus ?case
    by(fastforce intro!: hext_new intro:someI simp:new_Addr_def
                split:if_split_asm simp del:fun_upd_apply)
  case FAss thus ?case
    by(auto simp:sym[THEN hext_upd_obj] simp del:fun_upd_apply
            elim!: hext_trans)
qed (auto elim!: hext_trans)

subsection ⊴› and conformance›

lemma conf_hext: "h  h'  P,h  v :≤ T  P,h'  v :≤ T"
by(cases T)(induct v,auto dest: hext_objD split:if_split_asm)+

lemma confs_hext: "P,h  vs [:≤] Ts  h  h'  P,h'  vs [:≤] Ts"
by (erule list_all2_mono, erule conf_hext, assumption)

lemma fconf_hext: " P,h  fs (:≤) E; h  h'   P,h'  fs (:≤) E"

apply (unfold fconf_def)
apply  (fast elim: conf_hext)

lemmas fconf_upd_obj = fconf_hext [OF _ hext_upd_obj]
lemmas fconf_new = fconf_hext [OF _ hext_new]

lemma oconf_hext: "P,h  obj   h  h'  P,h'  obj "

apply (auto simp:oconf_def)
apply (erule allE)
apply (erule_tac x="Cs" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="fs'" in allE)
apply (fastforce elim:fconf_hext)

lemmas oconf_new = oconf_hext [OF _ hext_new]
lemmas oconf_upd_obj = oconf_hext [OF _ hext_upd_obj]

lemma hconf_new: " P  h ; h a = None; P,h  obj    P  h(aobj) "
by (unfold hconf_def) (auto intro: oconf_new preallocated_new)

lemma "P  h ; h' = h(a  (C, Collect (init_obj P C))); h a = None; wf_prog wf_md P
   P  h' "
apply (simp add:hconf_def oconf_def)
apply auto
     apply (rule_tac x="init_class_fieldmap P (last Cs)" in exI)
     apply (rule init_obj.intros)
     apply assumption
    apply (erule init_obj.cases)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (erule init_obj.cases)
    apply clarsimp
   apply (erule_tac x="a" in allE)
   apply clarsimp
   apply (erule init_obj.cases)
   apply simp
  apply (erule_tac x="a" in allE)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (erule init_obj.cases)
  apply clarsimp
  apply (drule Subobj_last_isClass)
   apply simp
  apply (auto simp:is_class_def)
  apply (rule fconf_init_fields)
  apply auto
 apply (erule_tac x="aa" in allE)
 apply (erule_tac x="aaa" in allE)
 apply (erule_tac x="b" in allE)
 apply clarsimp
 apply (rotate_tac -1)
 apply (erule_tac x="Cs" in allE)
 apply (erule_tac x="fs'" in allE)
 apply clarsimp thm fconf_new
 apply (erule fconf_new)
 apply simp
apply (rule preallocated_new)
apply simp_all

lemma hconf_upd_obj: 
" P  h; h a = Some(C,S); P,h  (C,S')   P  h(a(C,S'))"
by (unfold hconf_def) (auto intro: oconf_upd_obj preallocated_upd_obj)

lemma lconf_hext: " P,h  l (:≤)w E; h  h'   P,h'  l (:≤)w E"

apply (unfold lconf_def)
apply  (fast elim: conf_hext)

subsection ⊴› in the runtime type system›

lemma hext_typeof_mono: " h  h'; P  typeof⇘hv = Some T   P  typeof⇘h'v = Some T"

apply(cases v)
    apply simp
   apply simp
  apply simp
 apply simp
apply(fastforce simp:hext_def)

lemma WTrt_hext_mono: "P,E,h  e : T  (h'. h  h'  P,E,h'  e : T)"
and WTrts_hext_mono: "P,E,h  es [:] Ts  (h'. h  h'  P,E,h'  es [:] Ts)"

apply(induct rule: WTrt_inducts)
apply(simp add: WTrtNew)
apply(fastforce intro: WTrtDynCast)
apply(fastforce intro: WTrtStaticCast)
apply(fastforce simp: WTrtVal dest:hext_typeof_mono)
apply(simp add: WTrtVar)
apply(fastforce simp add: WTrtBinOp)
apply(fastforce simp add: WTrtLAss)
apply(fastforce simp: WTrtFAcc del:WTrt_WTrts.intros WTrt_elim_cases)
apply(simp add: WTrtFAccNT)
apply(fastforce simp: WTrtFAss del:WTrt_WTrts.intros WTrt_elim_cases)
apply(fastforce simp: WTrtFAssNT del:WTrt_WTrts.intros WTrt_elim_cases)
apply(fastforce simp: WTrtCall del:WTrt_WTrts.intros WTrt_elim_cases)
apply(fastforce simp: WTrtStaticCall del:WTrt_WTrts.intros WTrt_elim_cases)
apply(fastforce simp: WTrtCallNT del:WTrt_WTrts.intros WTrt_elim_cases)
apply(fastforce simp add: WTrtSeq)
apply(fastforce simp add: WTrtCond)
apply(fastforce simp add: WTrtWhile)
apply(fastforce simp add: WTrtThrow)
apply(simp add: WTrtNil)
apply(simp add: WTrtCons)
