Theory SmallStep

(*  Title:       CoreC++
    Author:      Daniel Wasserrab
    Maintainer:  Daniel Wasserrab <wasserra at>

   Based on the Jinja theory J/SmallStep.thy by Tobias Nipkow 

section ‹Small Step Semantics›

theory SmallStep imports Syntax State begin

subsection ‹Some pre-definitions›

fun blocks :: "vname list × ty list × val list × expr  expr"
 blocks_Cons:"blocks(V#Vs, T#Ts, v#vs, e) = {V:T := Val v; blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e)}" |
 blocks_Nil: "blocks([],[],[],e) = e"

lemma blocks_old_induct:
fixes P :: "vname list  ty list  val list  expr  bool"
  "aj ak al. P [] [] (aj # ak) al; ad ae a b. P [] (ad # ae) a b;
  V Vs a b. P (V # Vs) [] a b; V Vs T Ts aw. P (V # Vs) (T # Ts) [] aw;
  V Vs T Ts v vs e. P Vs Ts vs e  P (V # Vs) (T # Ts) (v # vs) e; e. P [] [] [] e
   P u v w x"
by (induction_schema) (pat_completeness, lexicographic_order)

lemma [simp]:
  " size vs = size Vs; size Ts = size Vs   fv(blocks(Vs,Ts,vs,e)) = fv e - set Vs"

apply(induct rule:blocks_old_induct)
apply simp_all
apply blast

definition assigned :: "vname  expr  bool" where
  "assigned V e    v e'. e = (V:= Val v;; e')"

subsection ‹The rules›

  red  :: "prog  (env × (expr × state) × (expr × state)) set"
  and reds  :: "prog  (env × (expr list × state) × (expr list × state)) set"
  and red' :: "prog  env  expr  state  expr  state  bool"
          ("_,_  ((1_,/_) / (1_,/_))" [51,0,0,0,0] 81)
  and reds' :: "prog  env  expr list  state  expr list  state  bool"
          ("_,_  ((1_,/_) [→]/ (1_,/_))" [51,0,0,0,0] 81)
  for P :: prog

  "P,E  e,s  e',s'  (E,(e,s), e',s')  red P"
| "P,E  es,s [→] es',s'  (E,(es,s), es',s')  reds P"

| RedNew:
  " new_Addr h = Some a; h' = h(a(C,Collect (init_obj P C))) 
   P,E  new C, (h,l)  ref (a,[C]), (h',l)"

| RedNewFail:
  "new_Addr h = None 
  P,E  new C, (h,l)  THROW OutOfMemory, (h,l)"

| StaticCastRed:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  Ce, s  Ce', s'"

| RedStaticCastNull:
  "P,E  Cnull, s  null,s"

| RedStaticUpCast:
  " P  Path last Cs to C via Cs'; Ds = Cs@pCs' 
   P,E  C(ref (a,Cs)), s  ref (a,Ds), s"

| RedStaticDownCast:
  "P,E  C(ref (a,Cs@[C]@Cs')), s  ref (a,Cs@[C]), s"

| RedStaticCastFail:
  "C  set Cs; ¬ P  (last Cs) * C
   P,E  C(ref (a,Cs)), s  THROW ClassCast, s"

| DynCastRed:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  Cast C e, s  Cast C e', s'"

| RedDynCastNull:
  "P,E  Cast C null, s  null,s"

| RedStaticUpDynCast: (* path uniqueness not necessary for type proof but for determinism *)
  " P  Path last Cs to C unique; P  Path last Cs to C via Cs'; Ds = Cs@pCs' 
   P,E  Cast C(ref(a,Cs)),s  ref(a,Ds),s"

| RedStaticDownDynCast:
  "P,E  Cast C (ref (a,Cs@[C]@Cs')), s  ref (a,Cs@[C]), s"

| RedDynCast:(* path uniqueness not necessary for type proof but for determinism *)
 " hp s a = Some(D,S); P  Path D to C via Cs';
    P  Path D to C unique 
   P,E  Cast C (ref (a,Cs)), s  ref (a,Cs'), s"

| RedDynCastFail:(* third premise not necessary for type proof but for determinism *)
  "hp s a = Some(D,S); ¬ P  Path D to C unique;
    ¬ P  Path last Cs to C unique; C  set Cs 
   P,E  Cast C (ref (a,Cs)), s  null, s"

| BinOpRed1:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  e «bop» e2, s  e' «bop» e2, s'"

| BinOpRed2:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  (Val v1) «bop» e, s  (Val v1) «bop» e', s'"

| RedBinOp:
  "binop(bop,v1,v2) = Some v 
  P,E  (Val v1) «bop» (Val v2), s  Val v,s"

| RedVar:
  "lcl s V = Some v 
  P,E  Var V,s  Val v,s"

| LAssRed:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  V:=e,s  V:=e',s'"

| RedLAss:
  "E V = Some T; P  T casts v to v'  
  P,E  V:=(Val v),(h,l)  Val v',(h,l(Vv'))"

| FAccRed:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  eF{Cs}, s  e'F{Cs}, s'"

| RedFAcc:
  " hp s a = Some(D,S); Ds = Cs'@pCs; (Ds,fs)  S; fs F = Some v 
   P,E  (ref (a,Cs'))F{Cs}, s  Val v,s"

| RedFAccNull:
  "P,E  nullF{Cs}, s  THROW NullPointer, s"

| FAssRed1:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  eF{Cs}:=e2, s  e'F{Cs}:=e2, s'"

| FAssRed2:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
   P,E  Val vF{Cs}:=e, s  Val vF{Cs}:=e', s'"

| RedFAss:
"h a = Some(D,S); P  (last Cs') has least F:T via Cs;
  P  T casts v to v'; Ds = Cs'@pCs; (Ds,fs)  S 
  P,E  (ref (a,Cs'))F{Cs}:=(Val v), (h,l)  Val v', (h(a  (D,insert (Ds,fs(Fv')) (S - {(Ds,fs)}))),l)"

| RedFAssNull:
  "P,E  nullF{Cs}:=Val v, s  THROW NullPointer, s"

| CallObj:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  Call e Copt M es,s  Call e' Copt M es,s'"

| CallParams:
  "P,E  es,s [→] es',s' 
   P,E  Call (Val v) Copt M es,s  Call (Val v) Copt M es',s'"

| RedCall:
  " hp s a = Some(C,S); P  last Cs has least M = (Ts',T',pns',body') via Ds;
    P  (C,Cs@pDs) selects M = (Ts,T,pns,body) via Cs';
    size vs = size pns; size Ts = size pns; 
    bs = blocks(this#pns,Class(last Cs')#Ts,Ref(a,Cs')#vs,body);
    new_body = (case T' of Class D  Dbs | _  bs)
   P,E  (ref (a,Cs))M(map Val vs), s  new_body, s"

| RedStaticCall:
  " P  Path (last Cs) to C unique; P  Path (last Cs) to C via Cs'';
    P  C has least M = (Ts,T,pns,body) via Cs'; Ds = (Cs@pCs'')@pCs';
    size vs = size pns; size Ts = size pns 
   P,E  (ref (a,Cs))∙(C::)M(map Val vs), s  
            blocks(this#pns,Class(last Ds)#Ts,Ref(a,Ds)#vs,body), s"

| RedCallNull:
  "P,E  Call null Copt M (map Val vs),s  THROW NullPointer,s"

| BlockRedNone:
  " P,E(V  T)  e, (h,l(V:=None))  e', (h',l'); l' V = None; ¬ assigned V e 
   P,E  {V:T; e}, (h,l)  {V:T; e'}, (h',l'(V := l V))"

| BlockRedSome:
  " P,E(V  T)  e, (h,l(V:=None))  e', (h',l'); l' V = Some v;
     ¬ assigned V e 
   P,E  {V:T; e}, (h,l)  {V:T := Val v; e'}, (h',l'(V := l V))"

| InitBlockRed:
  " P,E(V  T)  e, (h,l(Vv'))  e', (h',l'); l' V = Some v''; 
     P  T casts v to v' 
   P,E  {V:T := Val v; e}, (h,l)  {V:T := Val v''; e'}, (h',l'(V := l V))"

| RedBlock:
  "P,E  {V:T; Val u}, s  Val u, s"

| RedInitBlock:
  "P  T casts v to v'  P,E  {V:T := Val v; Val u}, s  Val u, s"

| SeqRed:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  e;;e2, s  e';;e2, s'"

| RedSeq:
  "P,E  (Val v);;e2, s  e2, s"

| CondRed:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  if (e) e1 else e2, s  if (e') e1 else e2, s'"

| RedCondT:
  "P,E  if (true) e1 else e2, s  e1, s"

| RedCondF:
  "P,E  if (false) e1 else e2, s  e2, s"

| RedWhile:
  "P,E  while(b) c, s  if(b) (c;;while(b) c) else unit, s"

| ThrowRed:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  throw e, s  throw e', s'"

| RedThrowNull:
  "P,E  throw null, s  THROW NullPointer, s"

| ListRed1:
  "P,E  e,s  e',s' 
  P,E  e#es,s [→] e'#es,s'"

| ListRed2:
  "P,E  es,s [→] es',s' 
  P,E  Val v # es,s [→] Val v # es',s'"

― ‹Exception propagation›

| DynCastThrow: "P,E  Cast C (Throw r), s  Throw r, s"
| StaticCastThrow: "P,E  C(Throw r), s  Throw r, s"
| BinOpThrow1: "P,E  (Throw r) «bop» e2, s  Throw r, s"
| BinOpThrow2: "P,E  (Val v1) «bop» (Throw r), s  Throw r, s"
| LAssThrow: "P,E  V:=(Throw r), s  Throw r, s"
| FAccThrow: "P,E  (Throw r)F{Cs}, s  Throw r, s"
| FAssThrow1: "P,E  (Throw r)F{Cs}:=e2, s  Throw r,s"
| FAssThrow2: "P,E  Val vF{Cs}:=(Throw r), s  Throw r, s"
| CallThrowObj: "P,E  Call (Throw r) Copt M es, s  Throw r, s"
| CallThrowParams: " es = map Val vs @ Throw r # es'  
   P,E  Call (Val v) Copt M es, s  Throw r, s"
| BlockThrow: "P,E  {V:T; Throw r}, s  Throw r, s"
| InitBlockThrow: "P  T casts v to v' 
   P,E  {V:T := Val v; Throw r}, s  Throw r, s"
| SeqThrow: "P,E  (Throw r);;e2, s  Throw r, s"
| CondThrow: "P,E  if (Throw r) e1 else e2, s  Throw r, s"
| ThrowThrow: "P,E  throw(Throw r), s  Throw r, s"

lemmas red_reds_induct = red_reds.induct [split_format (complete)]
  and red_reds_inducts = red_reds.inducts [split_format (complete)]

inductive_cases [elim!]:
 "P,E  V:=e,s  e',s'"
 "P,E  e1;;e2,s  e',s'"

declare Cons_eq_map_conv [iff]

lemma "P,E  e,s  e',s'  True"
and reds_length:"P,E  es,s [→] es',s'  length es = length es'"
by (induct rule: red_reds.inducts) auto

subsection‹The reflexive transitive closure›

definition Red :: "prog  env  ((expr × state) × (expr × state)) set"
  where "Red P E = {((e,s),e',s'). P,E  e,s  e',s'}"

definition Reds :: "prog  env  ((expr list × state) × (expr list × state)) set"
  where "Reds P E = {((es,s),es',s'). P,E  es,s [→] es',s'}"

lemma[simp]: "((e,s),e',s')  Red P E = P,E  e,s  e',s'"
by (simp add:Red_def)

lemma[simp]: "((es,s),es',s')  Reds P E = P,E  es,s [→] es',s'"
by (simp add:Reds_def)

  Step :: "prog  env  expr  state  expr  state  bool"
          ("_,_  ((1_,/_) →*/ (1_,/_))" [51,0,0,0,0] 81) where
  "P,E  e,s →* e',s'  ((e,s), e',s')  (Red P E)*"

  Steps :: "prog  env  expr list  state  expr list  state  bool"
          ("_,_  ((1_,/_) [→]*/ (1_,/_))" [51,0,0,0,0] 81) where
  "P,E  es,s [→]* es',s'  ((es,s), es',s')  (Reds P E)*"

lemma converse_rtrancl_induct_red[consumes 1]:
assumes "P,E  e,(h,l) →* e',(h',l')"
and "e h l. R e h l e h l"
and "e0 h0 l0 e1 h1 l1 e' h' l'.
        P,E  e0,(h0,l0)  e1,(h1,l1); R e1 h1 l1 e' h' l'   R e0 h0 l0 e' h' l'"
shows "R e h l e' h' l'"

proof -
  { fix s s'
    assume reds: "P,E  e,s →* e',s'"
       and base: "e s. R e (hp s) (lcl s) e (hp s) (lcl s)"
       and IH: "e0 s0 e1 s1 e' s'.
            P,E  e0,s0  e1,s1; R e1 (hp s1) (lcl s1) e' (hp s') (lcl s') 
            R e0 (hp s0) (lcl s0) e' (hp s') (lcl s')"
    from reds have "R e (hp s) (lcl s) e' (hp s') (lcl s')"
    proof (induct rule:converse_rtrancl_induct2)
      case refl show ?case by(rule base)
      case (step e0 s0 e s)
      have Red:"((e0,s0),e,s)  Red P E"
        and R:"R e (hp s) (lcl s) e' (hp s') (lcl s')" by fact+
      from IH[OF Red[simplified] R] show ?case .
  with assms show ?thesis by fastforce

lemma steps_length:"P,E  es,s [→]* es',s'  length es = length es'"
by(induct rule:rtrancl_induct2,auto intro:reds_length)

subsection‹Some easy lemmas›

lemma [iff]: "¬ P,E  [],s [→] es',s'"
by(blast elim: reds.cases)

lemma [iff]: "¬ P,E  Val v,s  e',s'"
by(fastforce elim: red.cases)

lemma [iff]: "¬ P,E  Throw r,s  e',s'"
by(fastforce elim: red.cases)

lemma red_lcl_incr: "P,E  e,(h0,l0)  e',(h1,l1)  dom l0  dom l1"
and "P,E  es,(h0,l0) [→] es',(h1,l1)  dom l0  dom l1"
by (induct rule: red_reds_inducts) (auto simp del:fun_upd_apply)

lemma red_lcl_add: "P,E  e,(h,l)  e',(h',l')  (l0. P,E  e,(h,l0++l)  e',(h',l0++l'))"
and "P,E  es,(h,l) [→] es',(h',l')  (l0. P,E  es,(h,l0++l) [→] es',(h',l0++l'))"
proof (induct rule:red_reds_inducts)
  case RedLAss thus ?case by(auto intro:red_reds.intros simp del:fun_upd_apply)
  case RedStaticDownCast thus ?case by(fastforce intro:red_reds.intros)
  case RedStaticUpDynCast thus ?case by(fastforce intro:red_reds.intros)
  case RedStaticDownDynCast thus ?case by(fastforce intro:red_reds.intros)
  case RedDynCast thus ?case by(fastforce intro:red_reds.intros)
  case RedDynCastFail thus ?case by(fastforce intro:red_reds.intros)
  case RedFAcc thus ?case by(fastforce intro:red_reds.intros)
  case RedFAss thus ?case by (fastforce intro:red_reds.intros)
  case RedCall thus ?case by (fastforce intro!:red_reds.RedCall)
  case RedStaticCall thus ?case by(fastforce intro:red_reds.intros)
  case (InitBlockRed E V T e h l v' e' h' l' v'' v l0)
  have IH: "l0. P,E(V  T)  e,(h, l0 ++ l(V  v'))  e',(h', l0 ++ l')"
    and l'V: "l' V = Some v''" and casts:"P  T casts v to v'" by fact+
  from IH have IH': "P,E(V  T)  e,(h, (l0 ++ l)(V  v'))  e',(h',l0 ++ l')"
    by simp
  have "(l0 ++ l')(V := (l0 ++ l) V) = l0 ++ l'(V := l V)"
    by(rule ext)(simp add:map_add_def)
  with red_reds.InitBlockRed[OF IH' _ casts] l'V show ?case
    by(simp del:fun_upd_apply)
  case (BlockRedNone E V T e h l e' h' l' l0)
  have IH: "l0. P,E(V  T)  e,(h, l0 ++ l(V := None))  e',(h', l0 ++ l')"
    and l'V: "l' V = None" and unass: "¬ assigned V e" by fact+
  have "l0(V := None) ++ l(V := None) = (l0 ++ l)(V := None)"
    by(simp add:fun_eq_iff map_add_def)
  hence IH': "P,E(V  T)  e,(h, (l0++l)(V := None))  e',(h', l0(V := None) ++ l')"
    using IH[of "l0(V := None)"] by simp
  have "(l0(V := None) ++ l')(V := (l0 ++ l) V) = l0 ++ l'(V := l V)"
    by(simp add:fun_eq_iff map_add_def)
  with red_reds.BlockRedNone[OF IH' _ unass] l'V show ?case
    by(simp add: map_add_def)
  case (BlockRedSome E V T e h l e' h' l' v l0)
  have IH: "l0. P,E(V  T)  e,(h, l0 ++ l(V := None))  e',(h', l0 ++ l')"
    and l'V: "l' V = Some v" and unass: "¬ assigned V e" by fact+
  have "l0(V := None) ++ l(V := None) = (l0 ++ l)(V := None)"
    by(simp add:fun_eq_iff map_add_def)
  hence IH': "P,E(V  T)  e,(h, (l0++l)(V := None))  e',(h', l0(V := None) ++ l')"
    using IH[of "l0(V := None)"] by simp
  have "(l0(V := None) ++ l')(V := (l0 ++ l) V) = l0 ++ l'(V := l V)"
    by(simp add:fun_eq_iff map_add_def)
  with red_reds.BlockRedSome[OF IH' _ unass] l'V show ?case
    by(simp add:map_add_def)
qed (simp_all add:red_reds.intros)

lemma Red_lcl_add:
assumes "P,E  e,(h,l) →* e',(h',l')" shows "P,E  e,(h,l0++l) →* e',(h',l0++l')"
using assms
proof(induct rule:converse_rtrancl_induct_red)
  case 1 thus ?case by simp
  case 2 thus ?case
    by(auto dest: red_lcl_add intro: converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl simp:Red_def)

red_preserves_obj:"P,E  e,(h,l)  e',(h',l'); h a = Some(D,S) 
   S'. h' a = Some(D,S')"
and reds_preserves_obj:"P,E  es,(h,l) [→] es',(h',l'); h a = Some(D,S) 
   S'. h' a = Some(D,S')"
by (induct rule:red_reds_inducts) (auto dest:new_Addr_SomeD)
