Theory Local_State

theory Local_State

lemmas trace_steps'_map =
  trace.steps'.map(1)[where af=id and sf="Pair (fst (' (ls, s) xs))" and s="snd (' (ls, s) xs)", simplified]
  trace.steps'.map(1)[where af=id and sf="Pair x"]
    for ls s xs x

lemma trace_steps'_snd_le_const:
  assumes "trace.steps' (ls, s) xs  {(a, (ls', s'), (ls'', s'))}"
  shows "(λx. snd (snd x)) ` set xs  {s}"
using subset_singletonD[OF assms] by (force simp: trace.steps'.step_conv image_subset_iff)

lemma trace_natural'_took_step_shared_changes:
  assumes "trace.steps' (ls, s) xs  {(a, (ls'', s''), (ls''', s'''))}"
  assumes "' (ls, s) xs = (ls', s')"
  assumes "s  s'"
  shows "trace.natural' s (map (map_prod id snd) xs) = [(a, s')]"
using subset_singletonD[OF assms(1)] assms(2-)
by (auto simp: trace.steps'.step_conv trace.natural'.append trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
               image_subset_iff append_eq_Cons_conv)

lemma trace_natural'_took_step_shared_same:
  assumes "trace.steps' (ls, s) xs  {(a, (ls'', s'), (ls''', s'))}"
  assumes "alss  set xs"
  shows "snd (snd alss) = s"
using subset_singletonD[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
by (fastforce simp: trace.steps'.step_conv image_subset_iff)

section‹ Structural local state\label{sec:local_state} ›

subsection‹spec.local›\label{sec:local_state-spec_local} ›


We develop a few combinators for structural local state. The goal is to encapsulate a local state
of type typ'ls in a process typ('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec. Applying termspec.smap snd
yields a process of type typ('a agent, 's, 'v) spec. We also constrain environment steps
to not affect typ'ls, yielding a plausible data refinement rule
(see \S\ref{sec:local_state-data_refinement}).


―‹ Lift a predicate on the shared state ›
abbreviation (input) localize1 :: "('b  's  'a)  'b  'ls × 's  'a" where
  "localize1 f b s  f b (snd s)"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "local"

definition qrm :: "('a agent, 'ls × 's) steps" where ―‹ cf constag.assm
  "qrm = range proc × UNIV  {env} × (Id ×R UNIV)"

abbreviation (input) "interference  spec.rel spec.local.qrm"

setup Sign.parent_path

definition local :: "('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec  ('a agent, 's, 'v) spec" where
  "local P = spec.smap snd (spec.local.interference  P)"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton"

lemma local_le_conv:
  shows "σ  spec.local P
          (σ'. σ'  P
                  trace.steps σ'  spec.local.qrm
                  σ id snd id σ')"
by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.singleton.le_conv ac_simps)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "idle"

lemma local_le[spec.idle_le]: ―‹ Converse does not hold ›
  assumes "spec.idle  P"
  shows "spec.idle  spec.local P"
by (simp add: spec.local_def assms spec.idle_le)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "local"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "qrm"

lemma refl:
  shows "refl (spec.local.qrm `` {a})"
by (simp add: spec.local.qrm_def refl_onI)

lemma member:
  shows "(proc a, s, s')  spec.local.qrm"
    and "(env, s, s')  spec.local.qrm  fst s = fst s'"
by (auto simp: spec.local.qrm_def)

lemma inter:
  shows "UNIV × Id  spec.local.qrm = UNIV × Id"
    and "spec.local.qrm  UNIV × Id = UNIV × Id"
    and "spec.local.qrm  {self} × Id = {self} × Id"
    and "spec.local.qrm  {env} × UNIV = {env} × (Id ×R UNIV)"
    and "spec.local.qrm  {env} × (UNIV ×R Id) = {env} × Id"
    and "spec.local.qrm  A × (Id ×R r) = A × (Id ×R r)"
by (auto simp: spec.local.qrm_def)

lemmas simps[simp] =

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "interference"

lemma smap_snd:
  shows "spec.smap snd spec.local.interference = "
by (subst
   (auto simp: spec.local.qrm_def spec.rel.UNIV
               image_Un map_prod_image_Times map_prod_image_relprod map_prod_surj
    simp flip: Sigma_Un_distrib1)

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma inf_interference:
  shows "spec.local P = spec.local (P  spec.local.interference)"
by (simp add: spec.local_def ac_simps)

lemma bot:
  shows "spec.local  = "
by (simp add: spec.local_def

lemma top:
  shows "spec.local  = "
by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.local.interference.smap_snd)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono spec.local"
proof(rule monotoneI)
  show "spec.local P  spec.local P'" if "P  P'" for P P' :: "('a agent, 's × 'ls, 'v) spec"
    unfolding spec.local_def by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF P  P']) simp

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF spec.local.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF spec.local.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]
  = monotone2monotone[OF spec.local.monotone, simplified, of orda P for orda P]

lemma Sup:
  shows "spec.local (X) = (xX. spec.local x)"
by (simp add: spec.local_def inf_Sup image_image)

lemmas sup = spec.local.Sup[where X="{X, Y}" for X Y, simplified]

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) P"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. spec.local (P x))"
by (simp add: spec.local_def assms)

lemma idle:
  shows "spec.local spec.idle = spec.idle"
by (simp add: spec.local_def inf.absorb2[OF spec.idle.rel_le]

lemma action:
  fixes F :: "('v × 'a agent × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  shows "spec.local (spec.action F)
       = spec.action (map_prod id (map_prod id (map_prod snd snd)) `
                                  (F  UNIV × spec.local.qrm))"
by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.action.inf_rel

lemma return:
  shows "spec.local (spec.return v) = spec.return v"
by (simp add: spec.return_def spec.local.action
              Times_Int_Times map_prod_image_Times map_prod_snd_snd_image_Id)

lemma bind_le: ―‹ Converse does not hold ›
  shows "spec.local (f  g)  spec.local f  (λv. spec.local (g v))"
by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.bind.inf_rel

lemma interference:
  shows "spec.local (spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)) = spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)"
by (simp add: spec.local_def map_prod_image_Times map_prod_image_relprod
        flip: spec.rel.inf)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "map"

lemma local_le:
  shows " id sf vf (spec.local P)  spec.local ( id (map_prod id sf) vf P)"
by (fastforce intro: inf.mono spec.rel.mono
               simp: spec.local_def spec.local.qrm_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "vmap"

lemma local:
  shows "spec.vmap vf (spec.local P) = spec.local (spec.vmap vf P)"
by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.rel.reflcl(1)[where A=UNIV])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "invmap"

lemma smap_snd:
  fixes P :: "('a, 'ls × 't, 'w) spec"
  fixes sf :: "'s  't"
  fixes vf :: "'v  'w"
  shows "spec.invmap id sf vf (spec.smap snd P)
       = spec.smap snd (spec.invmap id (map_prod id sf) vf P)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule spec.singleton.antisym)
  have smap_snd_aux:
    "zs. trace.natural' (ls, sf s) xs = trace.natural' (ls, sf s) (map (map_prod id (map_prod id sf)) zs)
         trace.natural' s (map (map_prod id snd) zs) = trace.natural' s ys" (is "zs. ?P ls s ys zs")
    if "trace.natural' (sf s) (map (map_prod id sf) ys) = trace.natural' (sf s) (map (map_prod id snd) xs)"
   for ls and s :: "'s" and sf :: "'s  't" and xs :: "('a × 'ls × 't) list" and ys :: "('a × 's) list"
    using that
  proof(induct xs arbitrary: ls s ys)
    case (Nil ls s ys) then show ?case
      by (fastforce intro: exI[where x="map (map_prod id (Pair ls)) ys"]
                     simp: comp_def trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv)
    case (Cons x xs ls s ys) show ?case
    proof(cases "snd (snd x) = sf s")
      case True with Cons.prems show ?thesis
        by (cases x) (fastforce dest: Cons.hyps[where ls="fst (snd x)"]
                               intro: exI[where x="(fst x, fst (snd x), s) # zs" for zs]
                           simp flip: id_def)
      case False
      with Cons.prems obtain a sx us s' zs
        where "x = (a, sx, sf s')"
        and "sf s'  sf s"
        and "snd ` map_prod id sf ` set us  {sf s}"
        and "ys = us @ (a, s') # zs"
        and "trace.natural' (sf s') (map (map_prod id sf) zs) = trace.natural' (sf s') (map (map_prod id snd) xs)"
        by (cases x) (clarsimp simp: trace.natural'.eq_Cons_conv map_eq_append_conv simp flip: id_def)
      with False show ?thesis
        by (fastforce simp: comp_def trace.natural'.append image_subset_iff trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
                     intro: exI[where x="map (map_prod id (Pair ls)) us @ (a, (sx, s')) # zs" for zs]
                      dest: Cons.hyps[where ls="fst (snd x)"])
  fix σ
  assume "σ  ?lhs"
  then obtain ls xs v i
    where *: "(ls, sf (trace.init σ)), xs, v  P"
      and **: "trace.natural' (sf (trace.init σ)) (map (map_prod id sf) ( σ))
             = trace.natural' (sf (trace.init σ)) (map (map_prod id snd) (take i xs))"
      and ***: "if i  length xs then trace.term σ = None else map_option vf (trace.term σ) = v"
    apply (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton_le_conv)
    apply (erule trace.less_eq_takeE)
    apply (erule trace.take.naturalE)
    apply (clarsimp simp: trace.natural_def trace.split_all not_le
                   split: if_split_asm)
    apply (metis order.strict_iff_not take_all)
  from smap_snd_aux[OF **] obtain zs
    where "trace.natural' (ls, sf (trace.init σ)) (take i xs)
         = trace.natural' (ls, sf (trace.init σ)) (map (map_prod id (map_prod id sf)) zs)"
      and "trace.natural' (trace.init σ) (map (map_prod id snd) zs)
         = trace.natural' (trace.init σ) ( σ)"
    by blast
  with * *** show "σ  ?rhs"
    apply -
    unfolding spec.singleton.le_conv
    apply (rule exI[where x="trace.T (ls, trace.init σ) zs (if i  length xs then None else trace.term σ)"])
    apply (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton_le_conv trace.natural_def trace.less_eq_None
                   split: if_splits
                   elim!: order.trans[rotated])
    apply (metis append_take_drop_id prefixI trace.natural'.append)
  show "σ  ?lhs" if "σ  ?rhs" for σ
    using that
    by (fastforce dest: spec.singleton.map_le[where af=id and sf=sf and vf=vf]
                  simp: spec.singleton.le_conv)

lemma local:
  fixes P :: "('a agent, 'ls × 't, 'v) spec"
  fixes sf :: "'s  't"
  shows "spec.invmap id sf vf (spec.local P) = spec.local (spec.invmap id (map_prod id sf) vf P)"
by (auto simp: spec.local_def spec.local.qrm_def ac_simps
               spec.invmap.smap_snd spec.invmap.inf spec.invmap.rel
  intro!: arg_cong[where f="λr. spec.smap snd (spec.invmap id (map_prod id sf) vf P  spec.rel r)"])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "term"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "none"

lemma local:
  shows "spec.term.none (spec.local P) = spec.local (spec.term.none P)"
by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.term.none.inf spec.term.none.inf_none_rel

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "all"

lemma local:
  shows "spec.term.all (spec.local P) = spec.local (spec.term.all P)"
by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.term.all.rel spec.term.all.inf)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "closed"

lemma local:
  assumes "P  spec.term.closed _"
  shows "spec.local P  spec.term.closed _"
by (rule spec.term.closed_clI)
   (simp add: spec.term.all.local spec.term.all.monomorphic
        flip: spec.term.closed_conv[OF assms, simplified])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Local state transformations\label{sec:local_state-transformations} ›


We want to reorder, introduce and eliminate actions that affect local state while preserving
observable behaviour under constspec.local.

The closure that arises from constspec.local, i.e.:


  defines "cl _ _ _ id snd id"
  assumes "spec.local.interference  P
         cl (spec.local.interference  Q)"
  shows "spec.local P  spec.local Q"
unfolding spec.local_def
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms(2)])
   (simp add: spec.map_invmap.galois cl_def spec.map_invmap.cl_def)


expresses all transformations, but does not decompose over constspec.bind; in other
words we do not have cl f ⤜ (λv. cl (g v)) ≤ cl (f ⤜ g)› as the
local states that cl f› terminates with may not satisfy g›. (Observe that we do not expect the
converse to hold as then all local states would need to be preserved.)

We therefore define a closure that preserves the observable state and
the initial and optionally final (if terminating) local states via a projection:


setup Sign.mandatory_path "seq_ctxt"

definition prj :: "bool  ('a, 'ls × 's, 'v) trace.t  ('a, 's, 'v) trace.t × 'ls × 'ls option" where
  "prj T σ = (( id snd id σ),
                fst (trace.init σ),
                if T then map_option fst ( σ) (trace.term σ) else None)"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prj"

lemma natural:
  shows "seq_ctxt.prj T (σ) = seq_ctxt.prj T σ"
by (simp add: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural.map_natural)

lemma idle:
  shows "seq_ctxt.prj T (trace.T s [] None) = (trace.T (snd s) [] None, fst s, None)"
by (simp add: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural.simps)

lemmas simps[simp] =

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

interpretation seq_ctxt: galois.image_vimage "seq_ctxt.prj T" for T .

setup Sign.mandatory_path "seq_ctxt.equivalent"

lemma partial_sel_equivE:
  assumes "seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ1 σ2"
  obtains "trace.init σ1 = trace.init σ2"
      and "trace.term σ1 = trace.term σ2"
      and "T; v. trace.term σ1 = Some v σ1 = σ2"
using assms
by (cases σ1)
   (force intro: prod_eqI
           simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural.trace_conv
      simp flip:'.map[where af=id and sf=snd]

lemma downwards_existsE:
  assumes "σ1'  σ1"
  assumes "seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ1 σ2"
  obtains σ2'
    where "σ2'  σ2"
      and "seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ1' σ2'"
using assms
apply atomize_elim
apply (clarsimp simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def)
apply (rule trace.natural.less_eqE[OF sym], assumption, assumption)
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
 apply (cases "trace.term σ1'")
  apply (fastforce simp: trace.natural_def elim: trace.less_eqE

lemma downwards_existsE2:
  assumes "σ1'  σ1"
  assumes "seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ1' σ2'"
  obtains σ2
    where "σ2'  σ2"
      and "seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ1 σ2"
proof(atomize_elim, use σ1'  σ1 in induct rule: trace.less_eqE)
  case prefix
  from prefix(3) obtain zs
    where *: "σ1 = trace.T (trace.init σ1) ( σ1' @ zs) (trace.term σ1)"
    by (cases σ1) (auto elim: prefixE)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "trace.term σ1")
    case None with assms(2) prefix(1,2) * show ?thesis
      by (cases σ1, cases σ2')
         (fastforce intro!: exI[where x="trace.T (trace.init σ1) ( σ2' @ zs) (trace.term σ1)"]
                      simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural_def
                            trace.natural'.append trace.less_eq_same_append_conv
    case (Some v)
    from assms(2) prefix(2)
    have "snd ( σ1') = ( id snd id σ2')"
      by (cases σ1', cases σ2')
         (clarsimp simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural_def'.map
                  dest!: arg_cong[where f="λxs.' (snd (trace.init σ1)) xs"])
    with Some assms(2) prefix(1,2) * show ?thesis
      apply (cases σ1)
      apply (cases σ2')
      apply (rule exI[where x="trace.T (trace.init σ1) ( σ2' @ (undefined, σ1') # zs) (trace.term σ1)"])
      apply (clarsimp simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural_def trace.natural'.append trace.less_eq_same_append_conv)
      apply (clarsimp cong:'.natural'_cong)
  case (maximal v) with assms(2) show ?case
    by blast

lemma map_sf_eq_id:
  assumes "seq_ctxt.equivalent True σ1 σ2"
  shows "seq_ctxt.equivalent True ( af id vf σ1) ( af id vf σ2)"
using assms
by (auto simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def comp_def'.map[where sf=id, simplified] trace.natural_def
    simp flip: trace.natural'.map_inj_on_sf
         dest: arg_cong[where f="map (map_prod af id)"])

lemma mono:
  assumes "T  T'"
  assumes "seq_ctxt.equivalent T' σ1 σ2"
  shows "seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ1 σ2"
using assms by (clarsimp simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def)

lemma append:
  assumes "seq_ctxt.equivalent True (trace.T s xs (Some v)) (trace.T s' xs' v')"
  assumes "seq_ctxt.equivalent T (trace.T (' s xs) ys w) (trace.T t' ys' w')"
  shows "seq_ctxt.equivalent T (trace.T s (xs @ ys) w) (trace.T s' (xs' @ ys') w')"
using assms
by (clarsimp simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural_def trace.natural'.append
        simp flip:'.map[where af=id and sf=snd]
             cong:'.natural'_cong if_cong)
  (simp; metis'.map[where af=id and sf=fst])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "seq_ctxt"

definition cl :: "bool  ('a, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec  ('a, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec" where
  "cl T P = (spec.singleton ` {σ1. σ2. σ2  P  seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ1 σ2})"

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton.seq_ctxt"

lemma cl_le_conv[spec.singleton.le_conv]:
  shows "σ T P  (σ'. σ'  P  seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ σ')" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (clarsimp simp: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_def spec.singleton_le_conv)
       (force elim: seq_ctxt.equivalent.downwards_existsE[where T=T]
              dest: order.trans[OF spec.singleton.mono])
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    unfolding spec.seq_ctxt.cl_def spec.singleton_le_conv by blast

setup Sign.parent_path

interpretation seq_ctxt: closure_complete_distrib_lattice_distributive_class " T" for F
proof standard
  show "P T Q T P T Q" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
    for P Q :: "('a, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
  proof(rule iffI)
    show "?lhs  ?rhs"
      by (rule spec.singleton_le_extI)
         (force simp: spec.singleton.seq_ctxt.cl_le_conv dest: order.trans[rotated])
    show "?rhs  ?lhs"
      by (metis spec.singleton.seq_ctxt.cl_le_conv spec.singleton_le_ext_conv)
  show " T ( X)   ( T ` X) T "
    for X :: "('a, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec set"
    by (auto simp: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_def)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "idle.seq_ctxt"

lemma cl_le_conv[spec.idle_le]:
  shows "spec.idle T P  spec.idle  P" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI[OF _ order.trans[OF _ spec.seq_ctxt.expansive]])
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (clarsimp simp: spec.idle_def spec.singleton.le_conv)
       (metis "trace.take.0" seq_ctxt.equivalent.partial_sel_equivE spec.singleton.takeI trace.t.sel(1))

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path ""

lemma bot[simp]:
  shows " T  = "
by (simp add: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_def spec.singleton.not_bot)

lemma mono:
  assumes "T'  T"
  assumes "P  P'"
  shows " T P T' P'"
unfolding spec.seq_ctxt.cl_def
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF P  P'])
   (blast intro: seq_ctxt.equivalent.mono[OF assms(1)])

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord (¬ F) T T'"
  assumes "st_ord F P P'"
  shows "st_ord F ( T P) ( T' P')"
using assms by (cases F; simp add: le_bool_def)

lemma Sup:
  shows " T (X) = ( T ` X)"
by (simp add: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_Sup)

lemmas sup =[where X="{P, Q}" for P Q, simplified]

lemma singleton:
  shows " T σ = (spec.singleton ` {σ'. seq_ctxt.equivalent T σ σ'})" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (clarsimp simp: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_def spec.singleton_le_conv)
       (metis seq_ctxt.equivalent.downwards_existsE2 seq_ctxt.prj.natural trace.natural.mono)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (fastforce simp: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_def)

lemma idle: ―‹ not simp› friendly ›
  shows " T (spec.idle :: ('a, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec)
       = spec.term.none (spec.rel (UNIV × (UNIV ×R Id)) :: ('a, 'ls × 's, 'w) spec)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule spec.singleton.antisym)
  have *: "s = s'"
    if "snd ` set xs  {(ls0, s0)}"
   and "trace.natural' s0 (map (map_prod id snd) ys) = trace.natural' s0 (map (map_prod id snd) xs)"
   and "(a, (ls, s), ls', s')  trace.steps' (ls0, s0) ys"
   for xs ys :: "('a × ('ls × 's)) list" and ls0 s0 a ls s ls' and s'
    using that
  proof(induct ys rule: rev_induct)
    case snoc from snoc.prems show ?case
      by (auto simp: trace.natural'.append trace.steps'.append split_pairs
           '.map[where s="(ls0, s0)" and sf=snd, simplified]
                     trace.natural'.map_natural'[where sf=snd and s="(ls0, s0)", simplified]
          simp flip: id_def trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
              split: if_split_asm
               dest: arg_cong[where f="λxs. trace.natural' s0 (map (map_prod id snd) xs)"]
              intro: snoc.hyps[OF snoc.prems(1)])
  qed simp
  show "σ  ?rhs" if "σ  ?lhs" for σ
    using that
    by (cases σ)
       (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.le_conv * trace.split_all seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural_def)
  have *: "s' = snd s"
    if "trace.steps' s xs  UNIV × (UNIV ×R Id)"
   and "(a, (ls', s'))  set xs"
   for a s ls' s' and xs :: "('a × ('ls × 's)) list"
    using that by (induct xs arbitrary: s) (auto simp: trace.steps'.Cons_eq_if split: if_splits)
  show "σ  ?lhs" if "σ  ?rhs" for σ
    using that
    by (cases "trace.init σ")
       (fastforce simp: spec.singleton.le_conv seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural_def map_prod.comp
                  dest: *
                 intro: exI[where x=" id (map_prod fst (trace.init σ) id) id σ"])

lemma invmap_le:
  shows " True (spec.invmap af id vf P)  spec.invmap af id vf ( True P)"
by (rule spec.singleton_le_extI)
   (auto simp: spec.singleton.le_conv dest: seq_ctxt.equivalent.map_sf_eq_id)

lemma map_le:
  shows " af id vf ( True P) True ( af id vf P)"
by (rule spec.singleton_le_extI)
   (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.le_conv
            dest!: seq_ctxt.equivalent.map_sf_eq_id[where af=af and vf=vf];
    meson order.refl order.trans spec.singleton.seq_ctxt.cl_le_conv)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "term.none.seq_ctxt"

lemma cl:
  shows "spec.term.none ( T P) = T (spec.term.none P)"
by (rule spec.singleton.antisym)
   (auto simp: spec.singleton.le_conv seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.split_Ex trace.natural_def)

lemma cl_True_False:
  shows " True (spec.term.none f) = False (spec.term.none f)"
by (rule spec.singleton.antisym)
   (auto simp: spec.singleton.le_conv seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.split_Ex trace.natural_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "term.all.seq_ctxt"

lemma cl_le:
  shows " T (spec.term.all P)  spec.term.all ( T P)"
by (metis spec.seq_ctxt.mono_cl spec.term.galois spec.term.lower_upper_contractive

lemma cl_False:
  shows " False (spec.term.all P) = spec.term.all ( False P)"
by (rule spec.singleton.antisym)
   (auto simp: spec.singleton.le_conv seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.split_Ex trace.natural_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind.seq_ctxt"

lemma cl_le:
  shows " True f  (λv. T (g v)) T (f  g)"
proof(induct rule: spec.bind_le)
  case incomplete show ?case
    by (simp add:
  case (continue σf σg v)
  then obtain σf' σg'
    where *: "σf'  f" "seq_ctxt.equivalent True σf σf'"
             "σg'  g v" "seq_ctxt.equivalent T σg σg'"
    by (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.seq_ctxt.cl_le_conv)
  let  = "trace.T (trace.init σf') ( σf' @ σg') (trace.term σg')"
  from continue(2,3) *
  have "  f  g"
   by (cases σf', cases σg')
      (fastforce intro: spec.bind.continueI[where v=v]  elim: seq_ctxt.equivalent.partial_sel_equivE)
  from continue(2,3) *(2,4)
  have "seq_ctxt.equivalent T (trace.T (trace.init σf) ( σf @ σg) (trace.term σg)) "
    by (cases σf, cases σg, cases σf', cases σg') (auto intro: seq_ctxt.equivalent.append)
  ultimately show ?case
    by (auto simp: spec.singleton.seq_ctxt.cl_le_conv)

lemma clL_le:
  shows " True f  g T (f  g)"
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF spec.bind.seq_ctxt.cl_le])
   (rule spec.bind.mono[OF order.refl spec.seq_ctxt.expansive])

lemma clR_le:
  shows "f  (λv. T (g v)) T (f  g)"
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF spec.bind.seq_ctxt.cl_le])
   (rule spec.bind.mono[OF spec.seq_ctxt.expansive order.refl])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "seq_ctxt"

lemma cl_local_le: ―‹ the RHS is the closure that arises from constspec.local, ignoring the constraint ›
  shows " T P _ _ _ id snd id P"
by (fastforce simp: spec.map_invmap.cl_def spec.seq_ctxt.cl_def seq_ctxt.prj_def
           spec.singleton.map_le_conv spec.singleton_le_conv
         simp flip: spec.map_invmap.galois)

lemma cl_local:
  shows "spec.local ( T (spec.local.interference  P))
       = spec.local P" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.map_invmap.galois le_infI2 spec.seq_ctxt.cl_local_le
            flip: spec.map_invmap.cl_def)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    unfolding spec.local_def by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF spec.seq_ctxt.expansive]) simp

lemma cl_imp_local_le:
  assumes "spec.local.interference  P False (spec.local.interference  Q)"
  shows "spec.local P  spec.local Q"
by (subst (1 2) spec.seq_ctxt.cl_local[where T=False, symmetric])
   (use assms[where T=False] in auto intro: spec.local.mono)

lemma cl_inf_pre:
  shows "spec.pre P T c = T (spec.pre P  c)"
by (fastforce simp: spec.singleton.le_conv
             intro: spec.singleton.antisym
              elim: seq_ctxt.equivalent.partial_sel_equivE)

lemma cl_pre_le_conv:
  shows " T c  spec.pre P  c  spec.pre P" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  from spec.seq_ctxt.cl_inf_pre[where P=P and c=c, symmetric]
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (auto intro: order.trans[OF spec.seq_ctxt.expansive])
  from spec.seq_ctxt.cl_inf_pre[where P=P and c=c, symmetric]
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: inf.absorb_iff2)

lemma cl_inf_post:
  shows " Q True c = True ( Q  c)"
by (fastforce simp: spec.singleton.le_conv
             intro: spec.singleton.antisym
              elim: seq_ctxt.equivalent.partial_sel_equivE
             split: option.split)

lemma cl_post_le_conv:
  shows " True c Q  c Q" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  from spec.seq_ctxt.cl_inf_post[where Q=Q and c=c, symmetric]
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (auto intro: order.trans[OF spec.seq_ctxt.expansive])
  from spec.seq_ctxt.cl_inf_post[where Q=Q and c=c, symmetric]
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: inf.absorb_iff2)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsubsection‹ Permuting local actions\label{sec:local_state-permuting} ›


We can reorder operations on the local state as these are not observable.

Firstly: an initial action F› that does not change the observable state can be swapped with an
arbitrary action G›.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.seq_ctxt"

lemma cl_action_permuteL_le:
  fixes F  :: "('v × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes G  :: "'v  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes G' :: "('v' × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes F' :: "'v'  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
    ―‹ F› does not change 's›, can be partial ›
  assumes F: "v a s s'. P s; (v, a, s, s')  F  snd s' = snd s"
    ―‹ The final state and return value are independent of the order of actions.
        F'› does not change 's›, cannot be partial ›
  assumes FGG'F': "v w a a' s s' t. P s; (v, a', s, t)  F; (w, a, t, s')  G v
                    v' a'' a''' s'' t'. (v', a'', s, t')  G'  (w, a''', t', s'')  F' v'
                           snd s' = snd t'  (snd s  snd t'  a'' = a)  (T  fst s'' = fst s')  snd s'' = snd t'"
  shows "(spec.action F  (λv. spec.action (G v)))  spec.pre P T (spec.action G'  (λv. spec.action (F' v)))" (is "_  ?rhs")
unfolding spec.bind.inf_pre
proof(rule order.trans[OF spec.bind.mono[OF spec.pre.inf_action_le(2) order.refl]],
      induct rule: spec.bind_le)
  case incomplete
  from F have "spec.term.none (spec.action (F  UNIV × UNIV × Pre P)) T spec.idle"
    by (fastforce intro: spec.term.none.mono[OF spec.action.rel_le]
                   simp:[where 'w='v])
  also have "...  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: spec.idle_le
  finally show ?case .
  case (continue σf σg v) then show ?case
    apply -
    apply (erule (1) spec.singleton.action_Some_leE)
    apply (erule (1) spec.singleton.action_not_idle_leE)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (frule (1) F)
    apply (frule (2) FGG'F')
    apply (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.seq_ctxt.cl_le_conv)
    apply (intro exI conjI)
     apply (rule spec.bind.continueI)
      apply (rule spec.action.stepI, assumption, blast)
     apply (rule spec.action.stepI[where w="trace.term σg"], simp, force)
    apply (clarsimp simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.stuttering.equiv.append_conv
                      trace.stuttering.equiv.simps(3)[where xs="[x]" and ys="[]" for x, simplified])
    apply (rule exI[where x="[]"])
    apply (simp add: image_image trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
                     trace_steps'_snd_le_const trace_natural'_took_step_shared_changes)
    apply (intro conjI impI)
    apply (simp add: trace_steps'_snd_le_const)


Secondly: an initial action G› that does change the observable state can be swapped with an
arbitrary action action F› that does not observably change the state.


lemma cl_action_permuteR_le:
  fixes G  :: "('v × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes F  :: "'v  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes F' :: "('v' × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes G' :: "'v'  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
    ―‹ F› does not stall if G› makes an observable state change ›
  assumes G: "v a s s'. P s; (v, a, s, s')  G; snd s'  snd s
               v' w a'' t s''. (v', a'', s, t)  F'  (w, a, t, s'')  G' v'  snd t = snd s  snd s'' = snd s'"
    ―‹ The final state and return value are independent of the order of actions ›
  assumes GFF'G': "v w a a' s s' t. P s; (v, a, s, t)  G; (w, a', t, s')  F v
                    snd s' = snd t  (v' a'' a''' s'' t'. (v', a'', s, t')  F'  (w, a''', t', s'')  G' v'
                                                        snd t' = snd s  (T  fst s'' = fst s')  snd s'' = snd s'  (snd s''  snd t'  a''' = a))"
  shows "(spec.action G  (λv. spec.action (F v)))  spec.pre P T (spec.action F'  (λv. spec.action (G' v)))"
unfolding spec.bind.inf_pre
proof(rule order.trans[OF spec.bind.mono[OF spec.pre.inf_action_le(2) order.refl]],
      induct rule: spec.bind_le)
  case incomplete show ?case
    unfolding spec.term.galois
  proof(induct rule: spec.action_le)
    case idle show ?case
      by (simp add: spec.idle_le)
    case (step v a s s') then show ?case
    proof(cases "snd s' = snd s")
      case True with step show ?thesis
        by (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.le_conv intro!: exI[where x=None] exI[where x="trace.T s [] None"])
           (simp add: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural.simps order.trans[OF spec.idle.minimal_le] spec.idle_le)
      case False with step show ?thesis
        by (fastforce simp: spec.singleton.le_conv seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural.simps
                      dest: G
                     intro: spec.bind.continueI
                      elim: spec.action.stepI)
  case (continue σf σg v) then show ?case
    apply -
    apply (erule (1) spec.singleton.action_Some_leE)
    apply (erule (1) spec.singleton.action_not_idle_leE)
    apply clarsimp
    apply (drule (2) GFF'G')
    apply (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.seq_ctxt.cl_le_conv)
    apply (intro exI conjI)
     apply (rule spec.bind.continueI)
      apply (rule spec.action.stepI, assumption, blast)
     apply (rule spec.action.stepI[where w="trace.term σg"], simp, force)
    apply (clarsimp simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.stuttering.equiv.append_conv
                          trace.stuttering.equiv.simps(1)[where xs="[x]" for x, simplified])
    apply (rule exI)
    apply (rule exI[where x="[]"])
    apply (intro conjI)
      apply simp
     apply (fastforce simp: trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
                      dest: trace_natural'_took_step_shared_changes trace_natural'_took_step_shared_same)
    apply (auto simp: trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv
            simp flip:'.map[where af=id and sf=snd]
                dest!: arg_cong[where f=snd] trace_natural'_took_step_shared_same)

lemma cl_action_bind_action_pre_post:
  fixes F' :: "('v × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes G' :: "'v  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes Q :: "'w  ('ls × 's) pred"
  assumes "v w a a' s s' s''. P s; (v, a, s, s')  F; (w, a', s', s'')  G v  Q w s''"
  shows "spec.pre P True (spec.action F  (λv. spec.action (G v))) Q"
unfolding spec.seq_ctxt.cl_inf_pre spec.seq_ctxt.cl_post_le_conv spec.bind.inf_pre
proof(induct rule: spec.bind_le)
  case incomplete show ?case
    by (simp add: spec.term.none.post_le)
  case (continue σf σg v) with assms show ?case
    by (cases σf)
       (fastforce simp: spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton.action_le_conv trace.steps'.step_conv
                 split: option.split_asm)

lemma cl_rev_kleene_star_action_permute_le:
  fixes F G :: "(unit × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
    ―‹ F› does not stall if G› changes the observable state ›
  assumes G: "a s s'. ((), a, s, s')  G; snd s'  snd s
             w a'' t s''. ((), a'', s, t)  F  ((), a, t, s'')  G  snd t = snd s  snd s'' = snd s'"
    ―‹ The final state is independent of order of actions, F› does not change 's›, can be partial ›
  assumes GFFG: "a a' s s' t. ((), a, s, t)  G; ((), a', t, s')  F
                        snd s' = snd t  (a'' a''' t'. ((), a'', s, t')  F  ((), a''', t', s')  G
                                                        snd t' = snd s  (snd s'  snd t'  a''' = a))"
  shows "spec.kleene.rev_star (spec.action G)  (λ_::unit. spec.action F) True (spec.action F  spec.kleene.rev_star (spec.action G))" (is "?lhs spec.kleene.rev_star  ?rhs")
proof(induct rule: spec.kleene.rev_star.fixp_induct[where P="λR. ?lhs R  ?rhs", case_names adm bot step])
  case (step S)
  from assms have "S (spec.action G)  spec.action G  spec.action F
      S (spec.action G)  (λx. True (spec.action F  (λv. spec.action G)))"
    by (simp add: spec.bind.bind)
       (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_permuteR_le[where P="" and T=True, simplified]]; force)
  also have "  ?rhs"
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF spec.bind.seq_ctxt.clR_le])
    apply (subst spec.bind.bind[symmetric])
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF step])
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF spec.bind.seq_ctxt.clL_le[where T=True]])
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF spec.kleene.fold_rev_starR])
    apply (simp add: spec.bind.bind)
  moreover have "spec.return ()  spec.action F  ?rhs"
    apply (simp add: spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)
    apply (rule order.trans[OF _ spec.seq_ctxt.expansive])
    apply (rule order.trans[OF _ spec.bind.mono[OF order.refl spec.kleene.epsilon_rev_star_le]])
    apply simp
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp add: spec.bind.supL)
qed simp_all

lemma cl_local_action_interference_permute_le: ―‹ local actions permute with interference ›
  fixes F :: "(unit × 'a agent × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes r :: "'s rel"
    ―‹ F› does not block ›
  assumes "s ls. v a ls'. (v, a, (ls, s), (ls', s))  F"
    ―‹ F› is insensitive to and does not modify the shared state ›
  assumes "v a s s' s'' ls ls'. (v, a, (ls, s), (ls', s'))  F
                   s' = s  (v, a, (ls, s''), (ls', s''))  F"
  shows "spec.rel (A × (Id ×R r))  (λ_::unit. spec.action F) True (spec.action F  spec.rel (A × (Id ×R r)))"
by (simp add: spec.rel.monomorphic_conv spec.kleene.star_rev_star spec.rel.act_def)
   (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_rev_kleene_star_action_permute_le; use assms in fastforce)

lemma cl_action_mumble_trailing_le:
  assumes "v a s s'. P s; (v, a, s, s')  F
                   a' ls'. (v, a', s, (ls', snd s'))  F'
                              (snd s'  snd s  a' = a)  (T  ls' = fst s')"
  shows "spec.action F  spec.pre P T (spec.action F')"
proof(rule order.trans[OF spec.pre.inf_action_le(2)], induct rule: spec.action_le)
  case idle show ?case
    by (simp add: spec.idle_le)
  case (step v a s s')
  then obtain a' ls' where "(v, a', s, (ls', snd s'))  F'" and "snd s'  snd s  a' = a" and "T  ls' = fst s'"
    by (blast dest: assms)
  then show ?case
    unfolding spec.singleton.le_conv
    by (fastforce intro: exI[where x="trace.T s [(a', (ls', snd s'))] (Some v)"] spec.action.stepI
                   simp: seq_ctxt.prj_def trace.natural.simps(2)[where xs="[]"])

lemma cl_action_mumbleL_le:
  assumes "w a s s'. P s; (w, a, s, s')  G
                v a' a'' t s''. (v, a', s, t)  F'  (w, a'', t, s'')  G' v
                               snd t = snd s  (T  fst s'' = fst s')
                               snd s'' = snd s'  (snd s''  snd t  a'' = a)"
  shows "spec.action G  spec.pre P T (spec.action F'  (λv. spec.action (G' v)))"
using assms by (fastforce intro!: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_permuteR_le[where F="λv. ({v} × UNIV × Id)", simplified spec.return_def[symmetric], simplified])

lemma cl_action_mumbleR_le:
  assumes "v a s s'. P s; (v, a, s, s')  G
                w a' a'' t. (w, a', s, t)  G'  (v, a'', t, s')  F' w
                               snd t = snd s'  (snd t  snd s  a' = a)"
  shows "spec.action G  spec.pre P T (spec.action G'  (λv. spec.action (F' v)))"
using assms by (fastforce intro!: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_permuteL_le[where F="({()} × UNIV × Id)", simplified, simplified spec.idle_le spec.bind.returnL spec.return_def[symmetric]])

lemma cl_action_mumble_expandL_le:
  assumes "v a s s'. P s; (v, a, s, s')  F  snd s' = snd s"
  assumes "v w a a' s s' s''. P s; (v, a, s, s')  F; (w, a', s', s'')  G v
                  s'''. (w, a', s, s''')  G'  snd s''' = snd s''  (T  fst s''' = fst s'')"
  shows "(spec.action F  (λv. spec.action (G v)))  spec.pre P T (spec.action G')"
using assms by (fastforce intro!: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_permuteL_le[where F'="λv. ({v} × UNIV × Id)", simplified spec.return_def[symmetric], simplified])

lemma cl_action_mumble_expandR_le:
  assumes "v a s s'. P s; (v, a, s, s')  G; snd s'  snd s  v' s''. (v', a, s, s'')  G'  snd s'' = snd s'"
  assumes "v w a a' s s' t. P s; (v, a, s, t)  G; (w, a', t, s')  F v
                  snd s' = snd t  (a'' s''. (w, a'', s, s'')  G'  snd s'' = snd s'  (T  fst s'' = fst s')  (snd s''  snd s  a'' = a))"
  shows "(spec.action G  (λv. spec.action (F v)))  spec.pre P T (spec.action G')"
using assms by (fastforce intro!: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_permuteR_le[where F'="({()} × UNIV × Id)", simplified, simplified spec.idle_le spec.bind.returnL spec.return_def[symmetric]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec.local"

lemma init_write_interference_permute_le:
  fixes P :: "('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
  shows "spec.local (spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)  (λ_::unit. spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id)  P))
       spec.local (spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id)  (spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)  (λ_::unit. P)))"
apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_imp_local_le)
apply (simp add: ac_simps spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel
           flip: spec.rel.inf spec.bind.bind)
apply (rule order.trans[OF _ spec.bind.seq_ctxt.cl_le])
apply (rule spec.bind.mono[OF _ spec.seq_ctxt.expansive])
apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_local_action_interference_permute_le)
apply auto

lemma init_write_interference2_permute_le:
  fixes P :: "('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
  shows "spec.local (spec.rel (A × (Id ×R r))  (λ_::unit. spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id)  P))
       spec.local (spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id)  (spec.rel (A × (Id ×R r))  (λ_::unit. P)))"
apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_imp_local_le)
apply (simp add: ac_simps spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel
           flip: spec.rel.inf spec.bind.bind)
apply (rule order.trans[OF _ spec.bind.seq_ctxt.cl_le])
apply (rule spec.bind.mono[OF _ spec.seq_ctxt.expansive])
apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_local_action_interference_permute_le)
apply auto

lemma trailing_local_act:
  fixes F :: "'v  ('w × 'a agent × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  shows "spec.local (P  (λv. spec.action (F v)))
       = spec.local (P  (λv. spec.action {(w, a, (ls, s), (ls, s')) |w a ls s ls' s'. (w, a, (ls, s), (ls', s'))  F v  (a = env  ls' = ls)}))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_imp_local_le)
    apply (simp add: spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel)
    apply (rule order.trans[OF _ spec.bind.seq_ctxt.clR_le])
    apply (rule spec.bind.mono[OF order.refl])
    apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_mumble_trailing_le[where P=, simplified])
    apply (force simp: spec.local.qrm_def)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_imp_local_le)
    apply (simp add: spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel)
    apply (rule order.trans[OF _ spec.bind.seq_ctxt.clR_le])
    apply (rule spec.bind.mono[OF order.refl])
    apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_mumble_trailing_le[where P=, simplified])
    apply (force simp: spec.local.qrm_def)

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹spec.localize›\label{sec:local_state-spec_localize} ›


We can transform a process into one with the same observable behavior that ignores a local state.
For compositionality we allow the env› steps to change the local state but not the self› steps.


setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"

definition localize :: "'ls rel  ('a agent, 's, 'v) spec  ('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec" where
  "localize r P = spec.rel ({env} × (r ×R UNIV)  range proc × (Id ×R UNIV))  spec.sinvmap snd P"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "idle"

lemma localize_le:
  assumes "spec.idle  P"
  shows "spec.idle  spec.localize r P"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.idle.rel_le spec.idle.invmap_le[OF assms] spec.idle.term.all_le_conv)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "term"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "none"

lemma localize:
  shows "spec.term.none (spec.localize r P) = spec.localize r (spec.term.none P)"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.term.none.inf spec.term.none.inf_none_rel)
   (simp add: spec.term.none.invmap)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "all"

lemma localize:
  shows "spec.term.all (spec.localize r P) = spec.localize r (spec.term.all P)"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.term.all.rel spec.term.all.inf spec.term.all.invmap)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "closed"

lemma localize:
  assumes "P  spec.term.closed _"
  shows "spec.localize r P  spec.term.closed _"
by (rule spec.term.closed_clI)
   (simp add: spec.term.all.localize spec.term.all.monomorphic
        flip: spec.term.closed_conv[OF assms, simplified])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "localize"

lemma singleton:
  fixes σ :: "('a agent, 's, 'v) trace.t"
  shows "spec.localize Id σ = (ls::'ls. id (Pair ls) id σ)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  have *: "map (map_prod id (map_prod ls id)) xs = xs"
    if "trace.steps' (ls, s) xs  UNIV × (Id ×R UNIV)"
   for ls s and xs :: "('a agent × ('ls × 's)) list"
    using that by (induct xs arbitrary: s) (auto simp: trace.steps'.Cons_eq_if split: if_split_asm)
  have "x. σ'' id (Pair x) id σ"
    if " id snd id σ'  σ"
   and "σ''  σ'"
   and "trace.steps' (trace.init σ'') ( σ'')  UNIV × (Id ×R UNIV)"
   for σ' σ'' :: "('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) trace.t"
    using that
    by - (cases σ'',
          drule spec.singleton.map_le[where  af=id and sf="Pair (fst (trace.init σ''))" and vf=id],
          fastforce dest: *[where af=id and sf="λx. (fst (trace.init σ''), snd x)" and vf=id] spec.singleton.mono
                   intro: exI[where x="fst (trace.init σ'')"]
                    simp: map_prod_def split_def
               simp flip: id_def)
  then show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.invmap.singleton inf_Sup spec.singleton.inf_rel
            flip: Times_Un_distrib1)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (auto simp: spec.localize_def spec.invmap.singleton spec.singleton.le_conv trace_steps'_map
            intro: exI[where x=" id (Pair a) id σ" for a])

lemma bot:
  shows "spec.localize r  = "
by (simp add: spec.localize_def

lemma top:
  shows "spec.localize r  = spec.rel ({env} × (r ×R UNIV)  range proc × (Id ×R UNIV))"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def

lemma Sup:
  shows "spec.localize r (X) = (xX. spec.localize r x)"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.invmap.Sup inf_Sup image_image)

lemmas sup = spec.localize.Sup[where X="{X, Y}" for X Y, simplified]

lemma mono:
  assumes "r  r'"
  assumes "P  P'"
  shows "spec.localize r P  spec.localize r' P'"
unfolding spec.localize_def
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF r  r'])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF P  P'])
apply simp

lemma strengthen[strg]:
  assumes "st_ord F r r'"
  assumes "st_ord F P P'"
  shows "st_ord F (spec.localize r P) (spec.localize r P')"
using assms by (cases F; simp add: spec.localize.mono)

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) r"
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) P"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λx. spec.localize (r x) (P x))"
using assms by (simp add: monotone_def spec.localize.mono)

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) P"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. spec.localize r (P x))"
using assms by (simp add: spec.localize_def)

lemma bind:
  shows "spec.localize r (f  g) = spec.localize r f  (λv. spec.localize r (g v))"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.invmap.bind spec.bind.inf_rel)

lemma action:
  fixes F :: "('v × 'a agent × 's × 's) set"
  shows "spec.localize r (spec.action F)
       = spec.rel ({env} × (r ×R Id))
         (λ_::unit. spec.action ((map_prod id (map_prod id (map_prod snd snd)) -` F)
                                     UNIV × ({env} × (r ×R UNIV)  range proc × (Id ×R UNIV)  UNIV × Id))
         (λv. spec.rel ({env} × (r ×R Id))  (λ_::unit. spec.return v)))"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.invmap.action spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel_reflcl spec.return.inf_rel
              map_prod_snd_snd_vimage inf_sup_distrib Times_Int_Times relprod_inter
        flip: spec.rel.inf)

lemma return:
  shows "(spec.localize r (spec.return v) :: ('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec)
       = spec.rel ({env} × (r ×R Id))  (λ_::unit. spec.return v)"
apply (simp add: spec.return_def spec.localize.action)
apply (simp add: ac_simps map_prod_vimage_Times inf_sup_distrib1 Times_Int_Times
                 map_prod_snd_snd_vimage relprod_inter relprod_inter_Id spec.idle_le
           flip: spec.return_def)
apply (simp add: sup.absorb1 Sigma_mono
           flip: sup.assoc Times_Un_distrib2)
apply (subst spec.action.return_const[where W="{()}"], simp, simp)
apply (simp add: spec.bind.bind spec.bind.return
           flip: spec.rel.act_def[where r="{env} × (r ×R Id)", simplified ac_simps])
apply (simp add: spec.rel.wind_bind
           flip: spec.rel.unfoldL spec.bind.bind)

lemma rel:
  shows "spec.localize r (spec.rel s)
       = spec.rel (({env} × (r ×R UNIV)  range proc × (Id ×R UNIV))
                     map_prod id (map_prod snd snd) -` (s  UNIV × Id))"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.invmap.rel flip: spec.rel.inf)

lemma rel_le:
  shows "spec.localize Id P  spec.rel (UNIV × (Id ×R UNIV))"
unfolding spec.localize_def by (blast intro: le_infI1 spec.rel.mono)

lemma parallel:
  shows "spec.localize UNIV (P  Q) = spec.localize UNIV P  spec.localize UNIV Q"
by (simp add: spec.localize_def spec.invmap.parallel spec.parallel.inf_rel)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "action"

lemma localize_le:
  assumes "Id  r"
  shows "spec.action (map_prod id (map_prod id (map_prod snd snd)) -` F  UNIV × UNIV × (Id ×R UNIV))
       spec.localize r (spec.action F)"
unfolding spec.localize.action
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF spec.return.rel_le])
   (use assms in force intro!: spec.action.mono
                          simp: spec.bind.return spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "interference.closed"

lemma localize:
  assumes "P  spec.interference.closed ({env} × UNIV)"
  shows "spec.localize UNIV P  spec.interference.closed ({env} × UNIV)"
by (force simp: spec.localize_def
         intro: spec.interference.closed.rel subsetD[OF spec.interference.closed.antimono, rotated]
                spec.interference.closed.invmap[where sf=snd and vf=id, OF assms])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "local"

lemma localize:
  assumes "Id  r"
  shows "spec.local (spec.localize r P) = P" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: ac_simps spec.local_def spec.local.qrm_def spec.localize_def spec.map_invmap.galois)
  from assms show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.local.qrm_def spec.localize_def ac_simps)
       (simp add: spec.rel.UNIV relprod_inter inf.absorb1
                  inf_sup_distrib Times_Int_Times map_prod_image_Times map_prod_image_relprod
            flip: Sigma_Un_distrib1 spec.rel.inf)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemma smap_sndL:
  assumes "UNIV × (Id ×R UNIV)  r"
  shows "spec.smap snd f  g = spec.smap snd (f  (λv. spec.rel r  spec.sinvmap snd (g v)))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
  proof(induct rule: spec.bind_le)
    case incomplete show ?case by (simp add:
    case (continue σf' σg v)
    from σf'  spec.smap snd f
    obtain σf
      where *: "σf  f" "σf' id snd id σf"
      by (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.le_conv)
    let  = "trace.T (trace.init σf)
                      ( σf @ map (map_prod id (Pair (fst ( σf)))) ( σg))
                      (trace.term σg)"
    from continue(3) σf' id snd id σf
    have " σf' = snd ( σf)"
      by (cases σf')
         (clarsimp simp flip:'.map[where af=id and sf=snd]
    with assms continue(2,3,4) *
    have "  f  (λv. spec.rel r  spec.sinvmap snd (g v))"
      by (cases σf; cases σg)
         (force intro!: spec.bind.continueI[where v=v]
                 simp: spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton_le_conv trace_steps'_map
                       trace.natural_def comp_def)
    from continue(3) σf' id snd id σf
    have "trace.init σf', σf' @ σg, trace.term σg id snd id "
      by (clarsimp simp: comp_def spec.singleton_le_conv trace.natural_def trace.natural'.append
    ultimately show ?case
      by (force simp: spec.singleton.le_conv)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: spec.bind.mono
                  spec.invmap.bind spec.map_invmap.galois spec.map_invmap.upper_lower_expansive)

lemma smap_sndR:
  assumes "UNIV × (Id ×R UNIV)  r"
  shows "f  (λv. spec.smap snd (g v)) = spec.smap snd (spec.rel r  spec.sinvmap snd f  g)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
  proof(induct rule: spec.bind_le)
    case incomplete show ?case
    proof(rule spec.singleton_le_extI)
      show "σ  ?rhs" if "σ  spec.term.none f" for σ
        using assms that
        by (cases σ)
           (force simp: comp_def spec.singleton.le_conv trace_steps'_map
                intro!: exI[where x="trace.T (undefined, trace.init σ)
                                             (map (map_prod id (Pair undefined))
                                             ( σ)) None"]
    case (continue σf σg' v)
    from σg'  spec.smap snd (g v)
    obtain σg
      where "σg  g v" and "σg' id snd id σg"
      by (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.le_conv)
    let  = "trace.T (fst (trace.init σg), trace.init σf)
                      (map (map_prod id (Pair (fst (trace.init σg)))) ( σf) @ σg)
                      (trace.term σg)"
    from continue(2) σg' id snd id σg
    have "snd (trace.init σg) = σf"
      by (metis spec.singleton_le_conv trace.less_eqE trace.natural.sel(1) trace.t.map_sel(1))
    with assms continue(1,3) σg  g v
    have "  spec.rel r  spec.sinvmap snd f  g"
      by (cases σf, cases σg)
         (rule spec.bind.continueI[where v=v];
          force simp: spec.singleton.le_conv comp_def trace_steps'_map'.map)
    from continue(2) σg' id snd id σg
    have "trace.init σf, σf @ σg', trace.term σg' id snd id "
      by (cases σf)
         (clarsimp simp: comp_def spec.singleton_le_conv trace.natural_def trace.natural'.append;
          metis order_le_less same_prefix_prefix trace.less_eqE trace.less_eq_None(2) trace.t.sel(1) trace.t.sel(2) trace.t.sel(3))
    ultimately show ?case
      by (force simp: spec.singleton.le_conv)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: spec.bind.mono
                  spec.invmap.bind spec.map_invmap.galois spec.map_invmap.upper_lower_expansive)

lemma localL:
  shows "spec.local f  g = spec.local (f  (λv. spec.localize Id (g v)))"
unfolding spec.local_def spec.localize_def spec.local.qrm_def
by (subst spec.bind.smap_sndL[where r="{env} × (Id ×R UNIV)  range proc × (Id ×R UNIV)"];
    fastforce simp: ac_simps spec.bind.inf_rel inf_sup_distrib1 Times_Int_Times
         simp flip: spec.rel.inf)

lemma localR:
  shows "f  (λv. spec.local (g v)) = spec.local (spec.localize Id f  g)"
unfolding spec.local_def spec.localize_def spec.local.qrm_def
by (subst spec.bind.smap_sndR[where r="{env} × (Id ×R UNIV)  range proc × (Id ×R UNIV)"];
    fastforce simp: ac_simps spec.bind.inf_rel inf_sup_distrib1 Times_Int_Times
         simp flip: spec.rel.inf)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "local"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "cam"

lemma cl_le:
  shows "spec.local ( ({env} × (s ×R r)) P) ({env} × r) (spec.local P)"
unfolding spec.local.sup spec.term.all.local spec.term.none.local[symmetric]
by (fastforce intro: le_supI2 spec.term.none.mono spec.bind.mono spec.rel.mono
          simp flip: spec.map_invmap.galois spec.rel.inf
               simp: spec.local_def spec.map_invmap.galois spec.bind.inf_rel spec.invmap.bind spec.invmap.rel)

lemma cl:
  assumes "Id  rl"
  shows "spec.local ( ({env} × (rl ×R r)) P)
       = ({env} × r) (spec.local P)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF])
  have "spec.local (spec.term.all P)  spec.rel ({env} × r)
      spec.local (spec.term.all P  spec.rel ({env} × (rl ×R r)))"
  proof(induct rule: spec.bind_le)
    case incomplete show ?case
      by (simp add: spec.term.none.local spec.local.mono order.trans[OF _ spec.term.none.bindL_le])
    case (continue σf σg v)
    from trace.term σf = Some v σf  spec.local (spec.term.all P)
    obtain s xs w
      where P: "s, xs, w  P"
               "trace.steps' s xs  spec.local.qrm"
               "σf  snd s, map (map_prod id snd) xs, trace.term σf"
      by (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.local_le_conv spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton_le_conv
                         trace.split_all trace.natural_def)
    let  = "trace.T s
                      (xs @ map (map_prod id (Pair (fst (' s xs)))) ( σg))
                      (trace.term σg)"
    from assms continue(2,3,4) P(1,3)
    have "  spec.term.all P  (λ_::'g. spec.rel ({env} × (rl ×R r)))"
      by (cases σf)
         (fastforce intro: spec.bind.continueI
                     simp: spec.singleton.le_conv trace.steps'.map(1)[where af=id and sf="Pair (fst (' s xs))" and s="snd (' s xs)", simplified]
                simp flip:'.map[where af=id and sf=snd]
    from continue(2,3,4) P(2,3)
    have "trace.steps' (trace.init ) ( )  spec.local.qrm"
      by (fastforce simp: spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton_le_conv trace.natural_def trace.natural'.append
                          trace.steps'.append trace.steps'.map(1)[where af=id and sf="Pair (fst (' s xs))" and s="snd (' s xs)", simplified]
               simp flip:'.map[where af=id and sf=snd]
    from trace.term σf = Some v σf  snd s, map (map_prod id snd) xs, trace.term σf
    have "trace.init σf, σf @ σg, trace.term σg id snd id "
      by (cases σf)
         (simp add: spec.singleton_le_conv trace.natural'.append trace.natural_def comp_def
    ultimately show ?case
      by (force simp: spec.singleton.local_le_conv spec.singleton.le_conv)
  then show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (auto simp: spec.local.sup spec.term.all.local
        simp flip: spec.term.none.local
            intro: le_supI2 spec.term.none.mono)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "cam.closed"

lemma local:
  assumes "Id  s"
  assumes "P ({env} × (s ×R r))"
  shows "spec.local P ({env} × r)"
by (metis[OF assms(2)][OF assms(1)])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "interference"

lemma cl_le:
  shows "spec.local ( ({env} × (s ×R r)) P) ({env} × r) (spec.local P)"
by (force intro:
           simp: spec.local_def spec.map_invmap.upper_lower_expansive spec.map_invmap.galois

lemma cl:
  assumes "Id  s"
  shows "spec.local ( ({env} × (s ×R r)) P)
       = ({env} × r) (spec.local P)"
apply (rule antisym[OF spec.local.interference.cl_le])
apply (simp add: spec.interference.cl_def spec.bind.bind spec.bind.localL spec.bind.localR
                 spec.invmap.bind spec.invmap.return spec.invmap.rel
           flip:[OF order.refl])
apply (simp add: spec.localize.bind spec.localize.rel spec.localize.return)
apply (simp add: spec.rel.wind_bind_trailing flip: spec.bind.bind)
apply (simp add: ac_simps inf_sup_distrib1 map_prod_vimage_Times Times_Int_Times
                 map_prod_snd_snd_vimage relprod_inter spec.rel.reflcl spec.rel.Id UNIV_unit)
apply (intro spec.local.mono spec.bind.mono spec.rel.mono
using assms apply force+

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "interference.closed"

lemma local:
  assumes "P  spec.interference.closed ({env} × (Id ×R r))"
  shows "spec.local P  spec.interference.closed ({env} × r)"
by (rule spec.interference.closed_clI)
   (simp flip: spec.interference.closed_conv[OF assms][OF order.refl])

lemma local_UNIV:
  assumes "P  spec.interference.closed ({env} × UNIV)"
  shows "spec.local P  spec.interference.closed ({env} × UNIV)"
proof -
  have *: "{env} × (Id ×R UNIV)  {env} × UNIV" by blast
  show ?thesis
    by (rule spec.interference.closed_clI)
       (simp flip: spec.interference.closed_conv[OF subsetD[OF spec.interference.closed.antimono[OF *] assms]]
         [OF order.refl])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹spec.local\_init›\label{sec:local_state-spec_local_init} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"

definition local_init :: "'a  'ls  ('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec  ('a agent, 's, 'v) spec" where
  "local_init a ls P = spec.local (spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id)  P)"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "singleton"

lemma local_init_le_conv:
  shows "σ  spec.local_init a ls P
          σ  spec.idle  (σ'. σ'  P
                                   trace.steps σ'  spec.local.qrm
                                   σ id snd id σ'
                                   fst (trace.init σ') = ls)" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs
  then obtain σ'
        where "σ'  spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id)  P"
          and "trace.steps' (trace.init σ') ( σ')  spec.local.qrm"
          and "σ id snd id σ'"
    by (clarsimp simp: spec.local_init_def spec.singleton.local_le_conv)
  then show ?rhs
  proof(induct rule: spec.singleton.bind_le)
    case incomplete then show ?case
      by (cases σ')
         (rule disjI1;
          fastforce simp: spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton.action_le_conv trace.steps'.step_conv
          elim!: order.trans)
    case (continue σf σg vf) then show ?case
      by (cases σg)
         (rule disjI2; erule (1) spec.singleton.action_Some_leE;
          force simp: exI[where x=σg] spec.singleton.le_conv image_image
                      trace.steps'.append trace_steps'_snd_le_const)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (fastforce simp: spec.local_init_def spec.idle_le trace.split_all spec.singleton.local_le_conv
                intro!: spec.bind.continueI[where xs="[]", simplified] spec.action.stutterI
                 elim!: order.trans)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "idle"

lemma local_init_le[spec.idle_le]:
  shows "spec.idle  spec.local_init a ls P"
by (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.idle_le)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "local_init"

lemma Sup:
  shows "spec.local_init a ls (X) = (xX. spec.local_init a ls x)  spec.idle"
apply (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.local.Sup spec.local.sup image_image
                 spec.bind.SUPR(1)[where X=X and g=pred_K, simplified]
                 spec.bind.botR spec.local.action
           flip: bot_fun_def spec.term.none.local)
apply (subst spec.return.cong, force, force)
apply (simp add: spec.term.none.return spec.term.none.Sup spec.term.none.sup spec.term.none.idle

lemma Sup_not_empty:
  assumes "X  {}"
  shows "spec.local_init a ls (X) = (xX. spec.local_init a ls x)"
by (subst spec.local_init.Sup) (meson assms spec.local_init.Sup sup.absorb1 SUPI spec.idle_le ex_in_conv)

lemmas sup = spec.local_init.Sup_not_empty[where X="{X, Y}" for X Y, simplified]

lemma bot:
  shows "spec.local_init a ls  = spec.idle"
using spec.local_init.Sup[where X="{}"] by simp

lemma top:
  shows "spec.local_init a ls  = ( :: ('a agent, 's, 'v) spec)"
proof -
  have "σ  spec.local_init a ls " for σ :: "('a agent, 's, 'v) trace.t"
    by (fastforce simp: spec.local_init_def spec.local.qrm_def spec.singleton.local_le_conv trace.steps'.map comp_def
                 intro: exI[where x="trace.T (ls, trace.init σ) (map (map_prod id (Pair ls)) ( σ)) (trace.term σ)"]
                        spec.bind.continueI[where xs="[]", simplified] spec.action.stutterI)
  then show ?thesis
    by (fastforce intro: top_le spec.singleton_le_extI simp: spec.local_init_def)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (spec.local_init a ls :: ('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec  _)"
proof(rule monotoneI)
  show "spec.local_init a ls P  spec.local_init a ls P'" if "P  P'" for P P' :: "('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
    unfolding spec.local_init_def by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF P  P']) simp

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF spec.local_init.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF spec.local_init.monotone]

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) P"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λx. spec.local_init a ls (P x))"
by (simp add: monotone2monotone[OF spec.local_init.monotone assms])

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) P"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. spec.local_init a ls (P x))"
by (simp add: spec.local_init_def assms)

lemma action:
  fixes F  :: "('v × 'a agent × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  shows "spec.local_init a ls (spec.action F)
       = spec.action {(v, a, s, s') |v a ls' s s'. (v, a, (ls, s), (ls', s'))  F  (a = env  ls' = ls)}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    apply (subst (3) spec.local.localize[where r=UNIV, symmetric], simp)
    apply (simp add: spec.local_init_def)
    apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_imp_local_le)
    apply (simp add: spec.localize.action spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel spec.return.inf_rel)
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF spec.return.rel_le])
    apply (fastforce intro: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_mumble_expandL_le[where P=, simplified]
                      simp: spec.local.qrm_def spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    apply (subst (1) spec.local.localize[where r=UNIV, symmetric], simp)
    apply (simp add: spec.local_init_def)
    apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_imp_local_le)
    apply (simp add: spec.localize.action spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel spec.return.inf_rel
                     spec.rel.Id spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le UNIV_unit
               flip: spec.rel.inf)
    apply (fastforce intro: spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_mumbleL_le[where P=, simplified]
                      simp: spec.local.qrm_def)

lemma return:
  shows "spec.local_init a ls (spec.return v) = spec.return v"
by (auto simp: spec.local_init.action spec.return_def intro: arg_cong[where f=spec.action])

lemma localize_le:
  assumes "spec.idle  P"
  shows "spec.local_init a ls (spec.localize r P)  P"
unfolding spec.local_init_def spec.localize_def
apply (rule order.trans[OF spec.local.bind_le])
apply (simp add: spec.local.action)
apply (subst spec.return.cong, force, force)
apply (simp add: assms spec.bind.SupL spec.bind.supL
                 spec.bind.returnL spec.idle.local_le spec.idle.invmap_le spec.idle.rel_le)
apply (simp add: le_infI2 spec.local_def spec.map_invmap.galois)

lemma localize:
  assumes "spec.idle  P"
  assumes "Id  r"
  shows "spec.local_init a ls (spec.localize r P) = P" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym[OF spec.local_init.localize_le[OF assms(1)] spec.singleton_le_extI])
  show "σ  ?lhs" if "σ  ?rhs" for σ
    using that
    by (cases σ)
       (fastforce simp: spec.local_init_def spec.localize_def spec.local.qrm_def comp_def
                        spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton.local_le_conv trace_steps'_map
                 intro: exI[where x=" id (Pair ls) id σ"] subsetD[OF Id  r]
                        spec.bind.continueI[where xs="[]", simplified] spec.action.stutterI)

lemma inf_interference:
  shows "spec.local_init a ls P = spec.local_init a ls (P  spec.local.interference)"
unfolding spec.local_init_def
by (subst spec.local.inf_interference)
   (auto simp: ac_simps spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel
        intro: arg_cong[where f="λx. spec.local (spec.action x  (λx. P  spec.local.interference))"])

lemma eq_local:
  assumes "spec.idle  P"
  shows "(ls. spec.local_init a ls P) = spec.local P"
proof -
  have "spec.local (spec.action {((), proc a, (ls, s), ls', s) |ls' ls s. True}  P)
      = spec.local P" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  have "?rhs = spec.return ()  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: spec.bind.returnL assms spec.idle.local_le)
  also have " = spec.smap snd (spec.sinvmap snd (spec.return ())  spec.rel spec.local.qrm  P)"
    by (simp add: spec.local_def spec.bind.smap_sndR[where r=UNIV, simplified spec.rel.UNIV])
  also have "?lhs  "
    by (force intro: spec.bind.mono le_infI2 spec.action.rel_le
               simp: spec.local_def spec.invmap.return spec.bind.bind spec.bind.return spec.bind.inf_rel)
  finally show "?lhs  ?rhs" .
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (force simp: assms
             intro: spec.local.mono order.trans[OF spec.bind.returnL_le[where g="P" and v="()"]]
                    spec.return.action_le spec.bind.mono)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: spec.local_init_def UNION_eq
            flip: spec.local.Sup[where X="(λls. spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id)  P) ` UNIV", simplified, simplified image_image]
                  spec.bind.SUPL spec.action.SUP_not_empty)

lemma ag_le:
  shows "spec.local_init a ls (P⦄, Id ×R A  UNIV ×R G, λv s. Q v (snd s))
       λs. P (ls, s)⦄, A  G, Q"
apply (subst ag.reflcl_a)
apply (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.local_def spec.local.qrm_def
                 spec.map_invmap.galois map_prod_snd_snd_vimage)
apply (subst inf.commute)
apply (subst heyting[symmetric])
apply (subst sup.commute, subst ag.assm_heyting)
apply (force intro: ag.spec.bind[rotated] ag.spec.action[where Q="λ_. FST ((=) ls)  P"] ag.mono)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "bind"

lemma local_initL:
  shows "spec.local_init a ls f  g = spec.local_init a ls (f  (λv. spec.localize Id (g v)))"
by (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.bind.localL spec.bind.bind)

lemma local_initR:
  shows "f  (λv. spec.local_init a ls (g v)) = spec.local_init a ls (spec.localize Id f  g)"

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "sinvmap"

lemma local_init:
  fixes P :: "('a agent, 'ls × 't, 'v) spec"
  fixes sf :: "'s  't"
  shows "spec.sinvmap sf (spec.local_init a ls P)
       = spec.local_init a ls (spec.rel (UNIV × (Id ×R map_prod sf sf -` Id))
                                  (λ_::unit. spec.sinvmap (map_prod id sf) P))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  let ?r = "UNIV × (Id ×R map_prod sf sf -` Id)"
  have "?lhs = spec.local (spec.rel ?r 
                 (λ_::unit. spec.action ({((), proc a, (ls', s), ls, s') |ls' s s'. sf s = sf s'}) 
                   (λ_::unit. spec.rel ?r  (λ_::unit. spec.sinvmap (map_prod id sf) P))))"
    by (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.invmap.local spec.invmap.bind spec.invmap.action
                  spec.bind.bind map_prod_conv map_prod_map_prod_vimage_Id)
  also have "  spec.local (spec.rel ?r 
                    (λ_::unit. spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id) 
                      (λ_::unit. spec.rel.act ?r 
                        (λ_::unit. spec.rel ?r  (λ_::unit. spec.sinvmap (map_prod id sf) P)))))"
    apply (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_imp_local_le)
    apply (simp add: ac_simps spec.bind.inf_rel spec.action.inf_rel spec.rel.act_def flip: spec.rel.inf)
    apply (subst (4) spec.bind.bind[symmetric])
    apply ( (rule spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_mumbleL_le[where P="", simplified]; force)
          | rule order.trans[OF spec.bind.mono spec.bind.seq_ctxt.cl_le] spec.seq_ctxt.expansive )+
  also have " = spec.local (spec.rel ?r 
                    (λ_::unit. spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id) 
                      (λ_::unit. spec.rel ?r  (λ_::unit. spec.sinvmap (map_prod id sf) P))))"
    by (simp add: spec.rel.wind_bind flip: spec.bind.bind spec.rel.unfoldL)
  also have "  spec.local (spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id) 
                    (λ_::unit. spec.rel ?r 
                      (λ_::unit. spec.rel ?r  (λ_::unit. spec.sinvmap (map_prod id sf) P))))"
    by (rule spec.local.init_write_interference2_permute_le)
  also have " = spec.local (spec.write (proc a) (map_prod ls id) 
                    (λ_::unit. spec.rel ?r  (λ_::unit. spec.sinvmap (map_prod id sf) P)))"
    by (simp add: spec.rel.wind_bind flip: spec.bind.bind)
  also have " = ?rhs"
    by (simp add: spec.local_init_def)
  finally show "?lhs  ?rhs" .
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (fastforce simp: spec.local_init_def spec.invmap.local spec.invmap.bind spec.invmap.action
                        map_prod_conv spec.bind.bind map_prod_map_prod_vimage_Id
                 intro: spec.local.mono order.trans[OF _ spec.bind.relL_le] spec.bind.mono spec.action.mono)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "vmap"

lemma local_init:
  shows "spec.vmap vf (spec.local_init a ls P) = spec.local_init a ls (spec.vmap vf P)"
by (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.vmap.local

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "vinvmap"

lemma local_init:
  shows "spec.vinvmap vf (spec.local_init a ls P) = spec.local_init a ls (spec.vinvmap vf P)"
by (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.invmap.local spec.invmap.bind spec.invmap.action spec.rel.Id UNIV_unit
              spec.bind.returnL spec.idle_le)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "term.none"

lemma local_init:
  shows "spec.term.none (spec.local_init a ls P) = spec.local_init a ls (spec.term.none P)"
by (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.term.none.local spec.term.none.bind)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "term.all"

lemma local_init:
  shows "spec.term.all (spec.local_init a ls P)
       = spec.local_init a ls (spec.term.all P)  range spec.return"
apply (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.term.all.local spec.term.all.bind spec.term.all.action
                 spec.local.Sup spec.local.sup spec.local.action spec.local.return image_image ac_simps)
apply (subst (2) spec.return.cong, force, force intro!: exI[where x="proc a"])
apply (rule antisym; clarsimp simp: le_supI1 le_supI2 SUP_upper SUP_upper2 spec.idle_le)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "interference.closed"

lemma local_init:
  assumes "P  spec.interference.closed ({env} × (Id ×R r))"
  shows "spec.local_init a ls P  spec.interference.closed ({env} × r)"
by (rule spec.interference.closed_clI)
   (simp add: spec.local_init_def spec.bind.bind
    [OF assms] spec.interference.closed.bind_relL[OF assms]
              order.trans[OF spec.local.init_write_interference2_permute_le[simplified]]
        flip:[where s=Id])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Hoist to ‹('s, 'v) prog›\label{sec:local_state-prog} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog"

lift_definition local :: "('ls × 's, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog" is spec.local
by (blast intro: spec.interference.closed.local subsetD[OF spec.interference.closed.antimono, rotated])

definition local_init :: "'ls  ('ls × 's, 'v) prog  ('s, 'v) prog" where
  "local_init ls P = prog.local (prog.write (map_prod ls id)  P)"
  ―‹ equivalent to lifting constspec.local_init; see prog.p2s.local_init›

lift_definition localize :: "('s, 'v) prog  ('ls × 's, 'v) prog" is "spec.localize UNIV"
by (rule spec.interference.closed.localize)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "p2s"

lemmas local[prog.p2s.simps] = prog.local.rep_eq

lemma local_init[prog.p2s.simps]:
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.local_init ls P) = spec.local_init () ls (prog.p2s P)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule antisym)
  show "?lhs  ?rhs"
    by (simp add: prog.local_init_def spec.local_init_def
                  prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.action prog.p2s.interference_wind_bind
                  map_prod_image_Collect spec.bind.bind
                  order.trans[OF spec.local.init_write_interference_permute_le[simplified]])
  show "?rhs  ?lhs"
    by (simp add: prog.local_init_def spec.local_init_def prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.action
                  spec.local.mono[OF spec.bind.mono[OF spec.interference.expansive order.refl]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "local"

lemma Sup:
  shows "prog.local (X) = (xX. prog.local x)"
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.local.Sup spec.local.sup spec.local.interference
        flip: spec.term.none.local)

lemmas sup = prog.local.Sup[where X="{X, Y}" for X Y, simplified]

lemma bot:
  shows "prog.local  = "
using prog.local.Sup[where X="{}"] by simp

lemma top:
  shows "prog.local  = "
by transfer (simp add:

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono prog.local"
by (rule monotoneI) (transfer; erule monotoneD[OF spec.local.monotone])

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.local.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.local.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]
  = monotone2monotone[OF prog.local.monotone, simplified, of orda P for orda P]

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) P"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.local (P x))"
proof(rule mcontI)
  from assms show "monotone orda (≤) (λx. prog.local (P x))"
    by (blast intro: mcont_mono prog.local.mono2mono)
  from assms show "cont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.local (P x))"
    by (fastforce intro: contI dest: mcont_cont contD simp: prog.local.Sup image_image)

lemma bind_botR:
  shows "prog.local (P  ) = prog.local P  "
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps bot_fun_def
              spec.interference.closed.bind_relR spec.interference.closed.local_UNIV
        flip: spec.bind.botR prog.p2s_inject)
   (simp add: spec.bind.localL

lemma action:
  shows "prog.local (prog.action F) = prog.action (map_prod id (map_prod snd snd) ` F)"
by transfer
   (force simp:[OF subset_UNIV, where r=UNIV, simplified] spec.local.action
         intro: arg_cong[where f="λF. ({env} × UNIV) (spec.action F)"])

lemma return:
  shows "prog.local (prog.return v) = prog.return v"
by (simp add: prog.return_def prog.local.action map_prod_image_Times map_prod_snd_snd_image_Id)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "local_init"

lemma transfer[transfer_rule]:
  shows "rel_fun (=) (rel_fun cr_prog cr_prog) (spec.local_init ()) prog.local_init"
by (simp add: cr_prog_def prog.p2s.local_init rel_fun_def)

lemma Sup:
  shows "prog.local_init ls (X) = (xX. prog.local_init ls x)"
by (simp add: prog.local_init_def prog.bind.SupR prog.local.Sup prog.local.sup image_image
                 prog.local.bind_botR prog.local.action)
   (subst prog.return.cong; force simp: prog.bind.returnL)

lemmas sup = prog.local_init.Sup[where X="{X, Y}" for X Y, simplified]

lemma bot[simp]:
  shows "prog.local_init ls  = "
using prog.local_init.Sup[where ls=ls and X="{}"] by simp

lemma top:
  shows "prog.local_init ls  = "
by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps flip: prog.p2s_inject)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono (prog.local_init ls)"
unfolding prog.local_init_def by simp

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.local_init.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.local_init.monotone]

lemma mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]:
  assumes "monotone orda (≤) P"
  shows "monotone orda (≤) (λx. prog.local_init ls (P x))"
by (simp add: monotone2monotone[OF prog.local_init.monotone assms])

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) P"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.local_init ls (P x))"
proof(rule mcontI)
  from assms show "monotone orda (≤) (λx. prog.local_init ls (P x))"
    by (blast intro: mcont_mono prog.local_init.mono2mono)
  from assms show "cont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.local_init ls (P x))"
    by (fastforce intro: contI dest: mcont_cont contD simp: prog.local_init.Sup image_image)

lemma bind_botR:
  shows "prog.local_init ls (P  ) = prog.local_init ls P  "
by (simp add: prog.local_init_def prog.local.bind_botR flip: prog.bind.bind)

lemma return:
  shows "prog.local_init ls (prog.return v) = prog.return v" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "prog.p2s ?rhs = spec.local_init () ls (spec.localize UNIV (spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)
                                             (λ_::unit. spec.return v)))"
    by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.return
                  spec.local_init.localize spec.idle_le)
  also have " = spec.local_init () ls (spec.rel ({env} × UNIV)  (λ_::unit. spec.return v))"
    by (simp add: spec.localize.bind spec.localize.rel spec.localize.return
                  spec.bind.inf_rel spec.return.inf_rel
                  map_prod_vimage_Times map_prod_snd_snd_vimage
                  ac_simps Int_Un_distrib Int_Un_distrib2 Times_Int_Times relprod_inter spec.rel.reflcl
                  spec.rel.wind_bind_trailing times_subset_iff Id_le_relprod_conv
      flip: spec.rel.inf spec.bind.bind)
  also have " = prog.p2s ?lhs"
    by (simp add: prog.p2s.simps prog.p2s.return
  finally show ?thesis
    by (simp add: p2s_inject)

lemma eq_local:
  shows "(ls. prog.local_init ls P) = prog.local P"
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.local_init.eq_local spec.idle_le sup.absorb1 spec.interference.least

setup Sign.parent_path

lemma localize_alt_def:
  shows "prog.localize P = prog.rel (Id ×R UNIV)  prog.sinvmap snd P"
by transfer (simp add: spec.localize_def ac_simps)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "localize"

lemma Sup:
  shows "prog.localize (X) = (xX. prog.localize x)"
by (simp add: prog.localize_alt_def prog.invmap.Sup inf_Sup inf_sup_distrib image_image prog.bind.inf_rel
              inv_image_alt_def map_prod_snd_snd_vimage relprod_inter
              prog.rel.Id prog.rel.empty prog.bind.returnL UNIV_unit
        flip: prog.rel.inf)

lemmas sup = prog.localize.Sup[where X="{X, Y}" for X Y, simplified]

lemma bot:
  shows "prog.localize  = "
using prog.localize.Sup[where X="{}"] by simp

lemma top:
  shows "prog.localize  = prog.rel (Id ×R UNIV)"
by transfer (simp add: ac_simps)

lemma monotone:
  shows "mono prog.localize"
by (rule monotoneI) (transfer; simp add: spec.localize.mono)

lemmas strengthen[strg] = st_monotone[OF prog.localize.monotone]
lemmas mono = monotoneD[OF prog.localize.monotone]
lemmas mono2mono[cont_intro, partial_function_mono]
  = monotone2monotone[OF prog.localize.monotone, simplified, of orda P for orda P]

lemma mcont2mcont[cont_intro]:
  assumes "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) P"
  shows "mcont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.localize (P x))"
proof(rule mcontI)
  from assms show "monotone orda (≤) (λx. prog.localize (P x))"
    by (blast intro: mcont_mono prog.localize.mono2mono)
  from assms show "cont luba orda Sup (≤) (λx. prog.localize (P x))"
    by (fastforce intro: contI dest: mcont_cont contD simp: prog.localize.Sup image_image)

lemmas p2s[prog.p2s.simps] = prog.localize.rep_eq

lemma bind:
  shows "prog.localize (f  g) = prog.localize f  (λv. prog.localize (g v))"
by transfer
   (simp add: spec.localize.bind spec.interference.least spec.interference.closed.bind spec.bind.mono)

lemma parallel:
  shows "prog.localize (P  Q) = prog.localize P  prog.localize Q"
by transfer (simp add: spec.localize.parallel)

lemma rel:
  fixes r :: "'s rel"
  shows "prog.localize (prog.rel r) = prog.rel (Id ×R r)"
by (subst (2) prog.rel.reflcl[symmetric])
   (transfer; auto simp: spec.localize.rel intro: arg_cong[where f=spec.rel])

lemma action:
  shows "prog.localize (prog.action F)
       = prog.action (map_prod id (map_prod snd snd) -` F  UNIV × (Id ×R UNIV))"
by (simp add: prog.localize_alt_def prog.invmap.action prog.bind.inf_rel prog.action.inf_rel
              map_prod_snd_snd_vimage relprod_inter prog.rel.Id UNIV_unit refl_relprod_conv
              prog.bind.return prog.return.rel_le
        flip: prog.rel.inf)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "local"

lemma localize:
  fixes P :: "('s, 'v) prog"
  shows "prog.local (prog.localize P :: ('ls × 's, 'v) prog) = P"
by transfer
   (simp add:[where r=UNIV and s=UNIV, simplified] spec.local.localize
        flip: spec.interference.closed_conv)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Refinement rules \label{sec:local_state-refinement} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"


We use localizeA› to hoist assumes similarly to constspec.localize.


definition localizeA :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec  (sequential, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec" where
  "localizeA P = spec.local.interference  spec.sinvmap snd P"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "localizeA"

lemma bot:
  shows "spec.localizeA  = "
by (simp add: spec.localizeA_def

lemma top:
  shows "spec.localizeA  = spec.local.interference"
by (simp add: spec.localizeA_def

lemma ag_assm:
  shows "spec.localizeA (ag.assm A) = ag.assm (Id ×R A)"
apply (simp add: spec.localizeA_def spec.invmap.rel spec.local.qrm_def flip: spec.rel.inf)
apply (subst (1 2) spec.rel.reflcl[where A=UNIV, symmetric])
apply (auto intro: arg_cong[where f=spec.rel])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "refinement"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"

lemma localI: ―‹ Introduce local state ›
  fixes A :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes c :: "(sequential, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes c' :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes P :: "'s pred"
  fixes Q :: "'v  's pred"
  assumes "c  λs. P (snd s)⦄, spec.localizeA A  spec.sinvmap snd c', λv s. Q v (snd s)"
  shows "spec.local c  P⦄, A  c', Q"
apply (simp only: spec.local_def spec.map_invmap.galois spec.invmap.refinement id_apply)
apply (subst inf.commute)
apply (subst heyting[symmetric])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF assms])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF refinement.heyting_le])
apply (simp add: refinement.mono[OF order.refl _ _ order.refl] heyting spec.localizeA_def)

setup Sign.mandatory_path "seq_ctxt"

lemma local_seq_ctxt_cl:
  fixes A :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes P :: "'s pred"
  fixes Q :: "'v  's pred"
  fixes c :: "(sequential, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes c' :: "(sequential, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
  assumes "spec.local.interference  c
         λs. P (snd s)⦄, spec.localizeA A False (spec.local.interference  c'), λv s. Q v (snd s)"
  shows "spec.local c  P⦄, A  spec.local c', Q"
apply (simp only: spec.local_def spec.map_invmap.galois spec.invmap.refinement id_apply)
apply (subst inf.left_idem[symmetric]) ―‹ non-linear use of env constraint ›
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms])
apply (subst inf.commute)
apply (subst heyting[symmetric])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF refinement.heyting_le])
apply (subst inf.commute, fold spec.localizeA_def)
apply (rule refinement.mono[OF order.refl order.refl _ order.refl])
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF spec.seq_ctxt.cl_local_le])
apply (simp add: heyting flip: spec.map_invmap.cl_def)

lemma cl_bind:
  fixes f :: "('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes g :: "'v  ('a agent, 'ls × 's, 'w) spec"
  assumes g: "v. g v  Q' v⦄, refinement.spec.bind.res (spec.pre P  spec.term.all A True f') A v T (g' v), Q"
  assumes f: "f  P⦄, spec.term.all A True f', Q'"
  shows "f  g  P⦄, A T (f'  g'), Q"
by (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF spec.bind.seq_ctxt.cl_le]) (rule refinement.spec.bind[OF assms])

lemma cl_action_permuteL:
  fixes F  :: "('v × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes G  :: "'v  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes G' :: "('v' × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes F' :: "'v'  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes Q :: "'w  ('ls × 's) pred"
  assumes F: "v a s s'. P s; (v, a, s, s')  F  snd s' = snd s"
  assumes FGG'F': "v w a a' s s' t. P s; (v, a', s, t)  F; (w, a, t, s')  G v
                    v' a'' a''' t'. (v', a'', s, t')  G'  (w, a''', t', s')  F' v'
                           snd s' = snd t'  (snd s  snd t'  a'' = a)"
  assumes Q: "v w a a' s s' s''. P s; (v, a, s, s')  G'; (w, a', s', s'')  F' v  Q w s''"
  shows "spec.action F  (λv. spec.action (G v))  P⦄, A T (spec.action G'  (λv. spec.action (F' v))), Q"
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF top_greatest[where a=T]])
apply (rule order.trans[OF spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_permuteL_le[where T=True and F'=F' and G'=G', simplified heyting[symmetric]]])
  apply (erule (1) F)
 apply (drule (2) FGG'F', blast)
apply (simp only: refinement_def spec.pre.next_imp_eq_heyting spec.idle_le inf.bounded_iff)
apply (rule order.trans[OF _ heyting.mono[OF order.refl spec.next_imp.mono[OF top_greatest order.refl]]])
apply (simp add: heyting heyting.detachment spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_bind_action_pre_post[OF Q])

lemma cl_action_permuteR:
  fixes G  :: "('v × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes F  :: "'v  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes F' :: "('v' × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  fixes G' :: "'v'  ('w × 'a × ('ls × 's) × ('ls × 's)) set"
  assumes G: "v a s s'. P s; (v, a, s, s')  G; snd s'  snd s
               v' w a'' t s''. (v', a'', s, t)  F'  (w, a, t, s'')  G' v'  snd t = snd s  snd s'' = snd s'"
  assumes GFF'G': "v w a a' s s' t. P s; (v, a, s, t)  G; (w, a', t, s')  F v
                    snd s' = snd t  (v' a'' a''' t'. (v', a'', s, t')  F'  (w, a''', t', s')  G' v'
                                                         snd t' = snd s  (snd s'  snd t'  a''' = a))"
  assumes Q: "v w a a' s s' s''. P s; (v, a, s, s')  F'; (w, a', s', s'')  G' v  Q w s''"
  shows "spec.action G  (λv. spec.action (F v))  P⦄, A T (spec.action F'  (λv. spec.action (G' v))), Q"
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF top_greatest[where a=T]])
apply (rule order.trans[OF spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_permuteR_le[where T=True, simplified heyting[symmetric]]])
  apply (erule (2) G)
 apply (drule (2) GFF'G', blast)
apply (simp only: refinement_def spec.pre.next_imp_eq_heyting spec.idle_le inf.bounded_iff)
apply (rule order.trans[OF _ heyting.mono[OF order.refl spec.next_imp.mono[OF top_greatest order.refl]]])
apply (simp add: heyting heyting.detachment spec.seq_ctxt.cl_action_bind_action_pre_post[OF Q])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog"

lemma localI: ―‹ Introduce local state ›
  fixes A :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes c :: "('ls × 's, 'v) prog"
  fixes c' :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes P :: "'s pred"
  fixes Q :: "'v  's pred"
  assumes "prog.p2s c  λs. P (snd s)⦄, spec.localizeA A  spec.sinvmap snd c', λv s. Q v (snd s)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.local c)  P⦄, A  c', Q"
using assms by transfer (erule refinement.spec.localI)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsubsection‹ Data refinement \label{sec:local_state-data_refinement} ›


In this setting a (concrete) specification c› is a ‹data refinement› of (abstract) specification
c'› if:
  the observable state changes coincide
  concrete local states are mapped to abstract local states by sf› which then coincide

  pre/post are in terms of the concrete local states
   sf› can be used to lift these to the abstract local states
  we do not require c› or c'› to disallow the environment from changing the local state
  essentially a Skolemization of Lamport's existentials citep‹\S8› in "Lamport:1994"

  citet‹Chapter~14 ``Refinement Methods due to Abadi and Lamport and to Lynch''› in "deRoeverEngelhardt:1998"
   in general c› will need to be augmented with auxiliary variables


setup Sign.mandatory_path "refinement"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"

lemma data:
  fixes A :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes c :: "(sequential, 'cls × 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes c' :: "(sequential, 'als × 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes sf :: "'cls  'als"
  assumes "c  λs. P (snd s)⦄, spec.localizeA A  spec.sinvmap (map_prod sf id) c', λv s. Q v (snd s)"
  shows "spec.local c  P⦄, A  spec.local c', Q"
proof -
  have *: "spec.smap snd (spec.local.interference  spec.sinvmap (map_prod sf id) c')
         spec.smap snd (spec.local.interference  c')" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
  proof(rule spec.singleton_le_extI)
    show "σ  ?rhs" if "σ  ?lhs" for σ
      using that
      by (clarsimp simp: spec.singleton.le_conv)
         (fastforce simp: trace.steps'.map spec.local.qrm_def
               simp flip: id_def
                  intro!: exI[where x=" id (map_prod sf id) id σ'" for σ'])
  show ?thesis
    apply (simp only: spec.local_def spec.map_invmap.galois spec.invmap.refinement id_apply)
    apply (subst inf.left_idem[symmetric]) ―‹ non-linear use of env constraint ›
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms])
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF refinement.inf_le])
    apply (subst inf.commute)
    apply (subst heyting[symmetric])
    apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(2)[OF refinement.heyting_le])
    apply (subst inf.commute, fold spec.localizeA_def)
    apply (rule refinement.mono[OF order.refl _ _ order.refl])
     apply (simp add: spec.localizeA_def; fail)
    apply (simp add: heyting inf.absorb1 * flip: spec.map_invmap.galois)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog"

lemma data:
  fixes A :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  fixes c :: "('cls × 's, 'v) prog"
  fixes c' :: "('als × 's, 'v) prog"
  fixes sf :: "'cls  'als"
  assumes "prog.p2s c  λs. P (snd s)⦄, spec.localizeA A  spec.sinvmap (map_prod sf id) (prog.p2s c'), λv s. Q v (snd s)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.local c)  P⦄, A  prog.p2s (prog.local c'), Q"
using assms by transfer (erule

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Assume/guarantee \label{sec:local_state-ag} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "ag"

setup Sign.mandatory_path "spec"

lemma local:
  fixes A G :: "'s rel"
  fixes P :: "'s pred"
  fixes Q :: "'v  's pred"
  fixes c :: "(sequential, 'ls × 's, 'v) spec"
  assumes "c  λs. P (snd s)⦄, Id ×R A  UNIV ×R G, λv s. Q v (snd s)"
  shows "spec.local c  P⦄, A  G, Q"
unfolding spec.local_def
apply (subst spec.map_invmap.galois)
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen(1)[OF assms])
apply (subst (1) ag.reflcl_ag)
apply (simp only: inv_image_alt_def map_prod_snd_snd_vimage)
apply (subst inf.commute)
apply (subst heyting[symmetric])
apply (subst spec.local.qrm_def)
apply (subst sequential.range_proc_self)
apply (subst Un_commute, subst ag.assm_heyting)
apply (auto intro: ag.mono)

lemma localize_lift:
  fixes A G :: "'s rel"
  fixes P :: "'s  bool"
  fixes Q :: "'v  's  bool"
  fixes c :: "(sequential, 's, 'v) spec"
  notes inf.bounded_iff[simp del]
  assumes c: "c  P⦄, A  G, Q"
  shows "spec.localize UNIV c  λs. P (snd s)⦄, UNIV ×R A  Id ×R G, λv s::'ls × 's. Q v (snd s)"
proof(rule ag.name_pre_state)
  fix s :: "'ls × 's" assume "P (snd s)"
  show "spec.localize UNIV c  (=) s⦄, UNIV ×R A  Id ×R G, λv s. Q v (snd s)"
apply (strengthen ord_to_strengthen[OF c])
apply (simp add: spec.localize_def inv_image_snd)
apply (simp add: ac_simps ag_def heyting)

―‹ discharge pre ›
apply (subst (2) inf.commute)
apply (subst (2) inf.commute)
apply (subst inf.assoc)
apply (subst inf.assoc[symmetric])
apply (subst heyting.curry_conv)
apply (subst heyting.discharge)
 apply (simp add: P (snd s) predicate1I spec.pre.mono; fail)
apply (simp add: ac_simps)

―‹ discarge assume ›
apply (subst inf.assoc[symmetric])
apply (subst inf.assoc[symmetric])
apply (subst heyting.discharge)
 apply (force intro: le_infI2 spec.rel.mono)
apply (simp add: ac_simps)

―‹ establish post ›
apply (subst inf.bounded_iff, rule conjI)
 apply (simp add: le_infI2; fail)

―‹ establish guarantee ›
apply (force simp: inf.bounded_iff
        simp flip: inf.assoc spec.rel.inf
            intro: le_infI2 spec.rel.mono_reflcl)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog"

lemma local:
  fixes A G :: "'s rel"
  fixes P :: "'s pred"
  fixes Q :: "'v  's pred"
  fixes c :: "('ls × 's, 'v) prog"
  assumes "prog.p2s c  λs. P (snd s)⦄, Id ×R A  UNIV ×R G, λv s. Q v (snd s)"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.local c)  P⦄, A  G, Q"
using assms by transfer (rule ag.spec.local)

lemma localize_lift:
  fixes A G :: "'s rel"
  fixes P :: "'s  bool"
  fixes Q :: "'v  's  bool"
  fixes c :: "('s, 'v) prog"
  assumes "prog.p2s c  P⦄, A  G, Q"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.localize c)  λs. P (snd s)⦄, UNIV ×R A  Id ×R G, λv s. Q v (snd s)"
using assms by transfer (rule ag.spec.localize_lift)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path

subsection‹ Specification inhabitation\label{sec:local_state-inhabitation} ›

setup Sign.mandatory_path "inhabits.spec"

lemma localize:
  assumes "P -s, xs P'"
  assumes "Id  r"
  shows "spec.localize r P -(ls, s), map (map_prod id (Pair ls)) xs spec.localize r P'"
by (auto intro!: inhabits.inf inhabits.spec.rel.rel
           simp: spec.localize_def assms(1) trace_steps'_map subsetD[OF assms(2)] inhabits.spec.invmap comp_def)

lemma local:
  assumes "P -(ls, s), xs spec.return v"
  assumes "trace.steps' (ls, s) xs  spec.local.qrm"
  shows "spec.local P -s, map (map_prod id snd) xs spec.return v"
unfolding spec.local_def
by (rule[where af=id and sf=snd and vf=id and s="(ls, s)", simplified])
   (rule inhabits.inf[OF inhabits.spec.rel.rel_term[OF assms(2), where v=v] assms(1), simplified])

lemma local_init:
  assumes "P -(ls, s), xs P'"
  assumes "trace.steps' (ls, s) xs  spec.local.qrm"
  shows "spec.local_init a ls P -s, map (map_prod id snd) xs spec.local_init a (fst (' (ls, s) xs)) P'"
proof -
  have "s, map (map_prod id snd) xs, Some ()  spec.local_init a (fst (' (ls, s) xs)) P'
      spec.local_init a ls ((ls, s), xs, Some ()  (λ_. P'))"
  proof(induct rule: spec.bind_le)
    case incomplete from assms(2) show ?case
      by (fastforce simp: spec.term.none.singleton spec.singleton.local_init_le_conv
                   intro: spec.bind.incompleteI)
    case (continue σf σg v)
    consider (idle) "σg  spec.idle"
          | (steps) σ' where "σ'  P'"
                         and "trace.steps' (trace.init σ') ( σ')  spec.local.qrm"
                         and  "σg id snd id σ'"
                         and "fst (trace.init σ') = fst (' (ls, s) xs)"
      using disjE[OF iffD1[OF spec.singleton.local_init_le_conv continue(4)]] by metis
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case idle with σg  trace.T (trace.init σg) [] None show ?thesis
        by (simp add: spec.singleton.le_conv spec.singleton.local_init_le_conv
                      trace.natural_def trace.natural'.eq_Nil_conv)
      case (steps σ')
      let ?σ' = "trace.T (ls, s) (xs @ σ') (trace.term σ')"
      from continue(1,2,3) steps(3)
      have *: "snd (' (ls, s) xs) = snd (trace.init σ')"
        by (cases σ'; cases σf)
           (clarsimp; metis snd_conv spec.singleton_le_conv trace.natural.sel(1)
                  '.map'.natural' trace.less_eqE  trace.t.sel(1))
      with steps(4) have *: "' (ls, s) xs = trace.init σ'"
        by (simp add: prod.expand)
      from steps(1) *
      have "?σ'  (ls, s), xs, Some ()  P'"
        by (simp add: spec.bind.continueI[OF order.refl])
      from assms(2) steps(2) *
      have "trace.steps ?σ'  spec.local.qrm"
        by (simp add: trace.steps'.append)
      from continue(1-3) steps *
      have "trace.init σf, σf @ σg, trace.term σg id snd id ?σ'"
        by (auto simp: trace.less_eq_None spec.singleton_le_conv trace.natural_def trace.natural'.append
                 elim: trace.less_eqE)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (simp add: spec.singleton.local_init_le_conv exI[where x="?σ'"])
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding inhabits_def
    by (rule order.trans[OF _ spec.local_init.mono[OF assms(1)[unfolded inhabits_def]]])

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.mandatory_path "prog.inhabits"

lemma localize:
  assumes "prog.p2s P -s, xs prog.p2s P'"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.localize P) -(ls, s), map (map_prod id (Pair ls)) xs prog.p2s (prog.localize P')"
using assms by transfer (rule inhabits.spec.localize; blast)

lemma local:
  assumes "prog.p2s P -(ls, s), xs spec.return v"
  assumes "trace.steps' (ls, s) xs  spec.local.qrm"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.local P) -s, map (map_prod id snd) xs spec.return v"
using assms by transfer (rule inhabits.spec.local)

lemma local_init:
  assumes "prog.p2s P -(ls, s), xs prog.p2s P'"
  assumes "trace.steps' (ls, s) xs  spec.local.qrm"
  shows "prog.p2s (prog.local_init ls P) -s, map (map_prod id snd) xs prog.p2s (prog.local_init (fst (' (ls, s) xs)) P')"
using assms by transfer (rule inhabits.spec.local_init)

setup Sign.parent_path

setup Sign.parent_path
