Theory Cblinfun_Code
section ‹‹Cblinfun_Code› -- Support for code generation›
text ‹This theory provides support for code generation involving on complex vector spaces and
bounded operators (e.g., types ‹cblinfun› and ‹ell2›).
To fully support code generation, in addition to importing this theory,
one need to activate support for code generation (import theory ‹Jordan_Normal_Form.Matrix_Impl›)
and for real and complex numbers (import theory ‹Real_Impl.Real_Impl› for support of reals of the
form ‹a + b * sqrt c› or ‹Algebraic_Numbers.Real_Factorization› (much slower) for support of algebraic reals;
support of complex numbers comes "for free").
The builtin support for real and complex numbers (in ‹Complex_Main›) is not sufficient because it
does not support the computation of square-roots which are used in the setup below.
It is also recommended to import ‹HOL-Library.Code_Target_Numeral› for faster support of nats
and integers.›
theory Cblinfun_Code
Cblinfun_Matrix Containers.Set_Impl Jordan_Normal_Form.Matrix_Kernel
no_notation "" (infixl ‹⊓ı› 70)
no_notation "Lattice.join" (infixl ‹⊔ı› 65)
hide_const (open) Coset.kernel
hide_const (open) Matrix_Kernel.kernel
hide_const (open) Order.bottom
unbundle lattice_syntax
unbundle jnf_syntax
unbundle cblinfun_syntax
subsection ‹Code equations for cblinfun operators›
text ‹In this subsection, we define the code for all operations involving only
operators (no combinations of operators/vectors/subspaces)›
text ‹The following lemma registers cblinfun as an abstract datatype with
constructor \<^const>‹cblinfun_of_mat›.
That means that in generated code, all cblinfun operators will be represented
as \<^term>‹cblinfun_of_mat X› where X is a matrix.
In code equations for operations involving operators (e.g., +), we
can then write the equation directly in terms of matrices
by writing, e.g., \<^term>‹mat_of_cblinfun (A+B)› in the lhs,
and in the rhs we define the matrix that corresponds to the sum of A,B.
In the rhs, we can access the matrices corresponding to A,B by
writing \<^term>‹mat_of_cblinfun B›.
(See, e.g., lemma @{thm [source] mat_of_cblinfun_plus}.)
See \<^cite>‹"code-generation-tutorial"› for more information on
@{theory_text ‹[code abstype]›}.›
declare mat_of_cblinfun_inverse [code abstype]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_plus[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_id[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_1[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_zero[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_uminus[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_minus[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_classical_operator[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_explicit_cblinfun[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_compose[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_scaleC[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_scaleR[code]
declare mat_of_cblinfun_adj[code]
text ‹This instantiation defines a code equation for equality tests for cblinfun.›
instantiation cblinfun :: (onb_enum,onb_enum) equal begin
definition [code]: "equal_cblinfun M N ⟷ mat_of_cblinfun M = mat_of_cblinfun N"
for M N :: "'a ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b"
apply intro_classes
unfolding equal_cblinfun_def
using mat_of_cblinfun_inj injD by fastforce
subsection ‹Vectors›
text ‹In this section, we define code for operations on vectors. As with operators above,
we do this by using an isomorphism between finite vectors
(i.e., types T of sort ‹complex_vector›) and the type \<^typ>‹complex vec› from
\<^session>‹Jordan_Normal_Form›. We have developed such an isomorphism in
theory ‹Cblinfun_Matrix› for
any type T of sort ‹onb_enum› (i.e., any type with a finite canonical orthonormal basis)
as was done above for bounded operators.
Unfortunately, we cannot declare code equations for a type class,
code equations must be related to a specific type constructor.
So we give code definition only for vectors of type \<^typ>‹'a ell2› (where \<^typ>‹'a›
must be of sort ‹enum› to make make sure that \<^typ>‹'a ell2› is finite dimensional).
The isomorphism between \<^typ>‹'a ell2› is given by the constants ‹ell2_of_vec›
and ‹vec_of_ell2› which are copies of the more general \<^const>‹basis_enum_of_vec›
and \<^const>‹vec_of_basis_enum› but with a more restricted type to be usable in our code equations.
definition ell2_of_vec :: "complex vec ⇒ 'a::enum ell2" where "ell2_of_vec = basis_enum_of_vec"
definition vec_of_ell2 :: "'a::enum ell2 ⇒ complex vec" where "vec_of_ell2 = vec_of_basis_enum"
text ‹The following theorem registers the isomorphism ‹ell2_of_vec›/‹vec_of_ell2›
for code generation. From now on,
code for operations on \<^typ>‹_ ell2› can be expressed by declarations such
as \<^term>‹vec_of_ell2 (f a b) = g (vec_of_ell2 a) (vec_of_ell2 b)›
if the operation f on \<^typ>‹_ ell2› corresponds to the operation g on
\<^typ>‹complex vec›.›
lemma vec_of_ell2_inverse [code abstype]:
"ell2_of_vec (vec_of_ell2 B) = B"
unfolding ell2_of_vec_def vec_of_ell2_def
by (rule vec_of_basis_enum_inverse)
text ‹This instantiation defines a code equation for equality tests for ell2.›
instantiation ell2 :: (enum) equal begin
definition [code]: "equal_ell2 M N ⟷ vec_of_ell2 M = vec_of_ell2 N"
for M N :: "'a::enum ell2"
apply intro_classes
unfolding equal_ell2_def
by (metis vec_of_ell2_inverse)
lemma vec_of_ell2_carrier_vec[simp]: ‹vec_of_ell2 v ∈ carrier_vec CARD('a)› for v :: ‹'a::enum ell2›
using vec_of_basis_enum_carrier_vec[of v]
apply (simp only: canonical_basis_length canonical_basis_length_ell2)
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def)
lemma vec_of_ell2_zero[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (0::'a::enum ell2) = zero_vec (CARD('a))"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_zero)
lemma vec_of_ell2_ket[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (ket i) = unit_vec (CARD('a)) (enum_idx i)"
for i::"'a::enum"
using vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_ket by metis
lemma vec_of_ell2_scaleC[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (scaleC a ψ) = smult_vec a (vec_of_ell2 ψ)"
for ψ :: "'a::enum ell2"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_scaleC)
lemma vec_of_ell2_scaleR[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (scaleR a ψ) = smult_vec (complex_of_real a) (vec_of_ell2 ψ)"
for ψ :: "'a::enum ell2"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_scaleR)
lemma ell2_of_vec_plus[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (x + y) = (vec_of_ell2 x) + (vec_of_ell2 y)" for x y :: "'a::enum ell2"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_add)
lemma ell2_of_vec_minus[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (x - y) = (vec_of_ell2 x) - (vec_of_ell2 y)" for x y :: "'a::enum ell2"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_minus)
lemma ell2_of_vec_uminus[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (- y) = - (vec_of_ell2 y)" for y :: "'a::enum ell2"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_uminus)
lemma cinner_ell2_code [code]: "cinner ψ φ = cscalar_prod (vec_of_ell2 φ) (vec_of_ell2 ψ)"
by (simp add: cscalar_prod_vec_of_basis_enum vec_of_ell2_def)
lemma norm_ell2_code [code]:
"norm ψ = norm_vec (vec_of_ell2 ψ)"
by (simp add: norm_vec_of_basis_enum vec_of_ell2_def)
lemma times_ell2_code[code]:
fixes ψ φ :: "'a::{CARD_1,enum} ell2"
shows "vec_of_ell2 (ψ * φ)
= vec_of_list [vec_index (vec_of_ell2 ψ) 0 * vec_index (vec_of_ell2 φ) 0]"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_times)
lemma divide_ell2_code[code]:
fixes ψ φ :: "'a::{CARD_1,enum} ell2"
shows "vec_of_ell2 (ψ / φ)
= vec_of_list [vec_index (vec_of_ell2 ψ) 0 / vec_index (vec_of_ell2 φ) 0]"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_divide)
lemma inverse_ell2_code[code]:
fixes ψ :: "'a::{CARD_1,enum} ell2"
shows "vec_of_ell2 (inverse ψ)
= vec_of_list [inverse (vec_index (vec_of_ell2 ψ) 0)]"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_to_inverse)
lemma one_ell2_code[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (1 :: 'a::{CARD_1,enum} ell2) = vec_of_list [1]"
by (simp add: vec_of_ell2_def vec_of_basis_enum_1)
subsection ‹Vector/Matrix›
text ‹We proceed to give code equations for operations involving both
operators (cblinfun) and vectors. As explained above, we have to restrict
the equations to vectors of type \<^typ>‹'a ell2› even though the theory is available
for any type of class \<^class>‹onb_enum›. As a consequence, we run into an
additional technicality now. For example, to define a code equation for applying
an operator to a vector, we might try to give the following lemma:
⬚‹lemma cblinfun_apply_ell2[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (M *⇩V x) = (mult_mat_vec (mat_of_cblinfun M) (vec_of_ell2 x))"
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply vec_of_ell2_def)›
Unfortunately, this does not work, Isabelle produces the warning
"Projection as head in equation", most likely due to the fact that
the type of \<^term>‹(*⇩V)› in the equation is less general than the type of
\<^term>‹(*⇩V)› (it is restricted to @{type ell2}). We overcome this problem
by defining a constant ‹cblinfun_apply_ell2› which is equal to \<^term>‹(*⇩V)›
but has a more restricted type. We then instruct the code generation
to replace occurrences of \<^term>‹(*⇩V)› by ‹cblinfun_apply_ell2› (where possible),
and we add code generation for ‹cblinfun_apply_ell2› instead of \<^term>‹(*⇩V)›.
definition cblinfun_apply_ell2 :: "'a ell2 ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b ell2 ⇒ 'a ell2 ⇒ 'b ell2"
where [code del, code_abbrev]: "cblinfun_apply_ell2 = (*⇩V)"
lemma cblinfun_apply_ell2[code]:
"vec_of_ell2 (cblinfun_apply_ell2 M x) = (mult_mat_vec (mat_of_cblinfun M) (vec_of_ell2 x))"
by (simp add: cblinfun_apply_ell2_def mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply vec_of_ell2_def)
text ‹For the constant \<^term>‹vector_to_cblinfun› (canonical isomorphism from
vectors to operators), we have the same problem and define a constant
‹vector_to_cblinfun_code› with more restricted type›
definition vector_to_cblinfun_code :: "'a ell2 ⇒ 'b::one_dim ⇒⇩C⇩L 'a ell2" where
[code del,code_abbrev]: "vector_to_cblinfun_code = vector_to_cblinfun"
lemma vector_to_cblinfun_code[code]:
"mat_of_cblinfun (vector_to_cblinfun_code ψ) = mat_of_cols (CARD('a)) [vec_of_ell2 ψ]"
for ψ::"'a::enum ell2"
by (simp add: mat_of_cblinfun_vector_to_cblinfun vec_of_ell2_def vector_to_cblinfun_code_def)
definition butterfly_code :: ‹'a ell2 ⇒ 'b ell2 ⇒ 'b ell2 ⇒⇩C⇩L 'a ell2›
where [code del, code_abbrev]: ‹butterfly_code = butterfly›
lemma butterfly_code[code]: ‹mat_of_cblinfun (butterfly_code s t)
= mat_of_cols (CARD('a)) [vec_of_ell2 s] * mat_of_rows (CARD('b)) [map_vec cnj (vec_of_ell2 t)]›
for s :: ‹'a::enum ell2› and t :: ‹'b::enum ell2›
by (simp add: butterfly_code_def butterfly_def vector_to_cblinfun_code mat_of_cblinfun_compose
mat_of_cblinfun_adj mat_adjoint_def map_map_vec_cols
flip: vector_to_cblinfun_code_def map_vec_conjugate[abs_def])
subsection ‹Subspaces›
text ‹In this section, we define code equations for handling subspaces, i.e.,
values of type \<^typ>‹'a ccsubspace›. We choose to computationally represent
a subspace by a list of vectors that span the subspace. That is,
if \<^term>‹vecs› are vectors (type \<^typ>‹complex vec›), ‹SPAN vecs› is defined to be their
span. Then the code generation can simply represent all subspaces in this form, and
we need to define the operations on subspaces in terms of list of vectors
(e.g., the closed union of two subspaces would be computed as the concatenation
of the two lists, to give one of the simplest examples).
To support this, ‹SPAN› is declared as a "‹code_datatype›".
(Not as an abstract datatype like \<^term>‹cblinfun_of_mat›/\<^term>‹mat_of_cblinfun›
because that would require ‹SPAN› to be injective.)
Then all code equations for different operations need to be formulated as
functions of values of the form ‹SPAN x›. (E.g., ‹SPAN x + SPAN y = SPAN (…)›.)›
definition [code del]: "SPAN x = (let n = length (canonical_basis :: 'a::onb_enum list) in
ccspan (basis_enum_of_vec ` Set.filter (λv. dim_vec v = n) (set x)) :: 'a ccsubspace)"
code_datatype SPAN
text ‹We first declare code equations for \<^term>‹Proj›, i.e., for
turning a subspace into a projector. This means, we would need a code equation
of the form ‹mat_of_cblinfun (Proj (SPAN S)) = …›. However, this equation is
not accepted by the code generation for reasons we do not understand. But
if we define an auxiliary constant ‹mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_code› that stands for
‹mat_of_cblinfun (Proj _)›, define a code equation for ‹mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_code›,
and then define a code equation for ‹mat_of_cblinfun (Proj S)› in terms of
‹mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_code›, Isabelle accepts the code equations.›
definition "mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_code S = mat_of_cblinfun (Proj S)"
declare mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_code_def[symmetric, code]
lemma mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_code_code[code]:
"mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_code (SPAN S :: 'a::onb_enum ccsubspace) =
(let d = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list) in mk_projector d (filter (λv. dim_vec v = d) S))"
proof -
have *: "map_option vec_of_basis_enum (if dim_vec x = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list) then Some (basis_enum_of_vec x :: 'a) else None)
= (if dim_vec x = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list) then Some x else None)" for x
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding SPAN_def mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_code_def
using mat_of_cblinfun_Proj_ccspan[where S =
"map basis_enum_of_vec (filter (λv. dim_vec v = (length (canonical_basis :: 'a list))) S) :: 'a list"]
apply (simp only: Let_def map_filter_map_filter filter_set image_set map_map_filter o_def)
unfolding *
by (simp add: map_filter_map_filter[symmetric])
lemma top_ccsubspace_code[code]:
"(top::'a ccsubspace) =
(let n = length (canonical_basis :: 'a::onb_enum list) in SPAN (unit_vecs n))"
unfolding SPAN_def
apply (simp only: index_unit_vec Let_def map_filter_map_filter filter_set image_set map_map_filter
map_filter_map o_def unit_vecs_def)
apply (simp add: basis_enum_of_vec_unit_vec)
apply (subst nth_image)
by auto
lemma bot_as_span[code]:
"(bot::'a::onb_enum ccsubspace) = SPAN []"
unfolding SPAN_def by (auto simp: Set.filter_def)
lemma sup_spans[code]:
"SPAN A ⊔ SPAN B = SPAN (A @ B)"
unfolding SPAN_def
by (auto simp: ccspan_union image_Un filter_Un Let_def)
text ‹We do not need an equation for \<^term>‹(+)› because \<^term>‹(+)›
is defined in terms of \<^term>‹(⊔)› (for \<^type>‹ccsubspace›), thus the code generation automatically
computes \<^term>‹(+)› in terms of the code for \<^term>‹(⊔)››
definition [code del,code_abbrev]: "Span_code (S::'a::enum ell2 set) = (ccspan S)"
lemma span_Set_Monad[code]: "Span_code (Set_Monad l) = (SPAN (map vec_of_ell2 l))"
apply (simp add: Span_code_def SPAN_def Let_def)
apply (subst Set_filter_unchanged)
apply (auto simp add: vec_of_ell2_def)[1]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ell2_of_vec_def image_image map_idI set_map vec_of_ell2_inverse)
text ‹This instantiation defines a code equation for equality tests for \<^type>‹ccsubspace›.
The actual code for equality tests is given below (lemma ‹equal_ccsubspace_code›).›
instantiation ccsubspace :: (onb_enum) equal begin
definition [code del]: "equal_ccsubspace (A::'a ccsubspace) B = (A=B)"
instance apply intro_classes unfolding equal_ccsubspace_def by simp
lemma leq_ccsubspace_code[code]:
"SPAN A ≤ (SPAN B :: 'a::onb_enum ccsubspace)
⟷ (let d = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list) in
is_subspace_of_vec_list d
(filter (λv. dim_vec v = d) A)
(filter (λv. dim_vec v = d) B))"
proof -
define d A' B' where "d = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
and "A' = filter (λv. dim_vec v = d) A"
and "B' = filter (λv. dim_vec v = d) B"
show ?thesis
unfolding SPAN_def d_def[symmetric] filter_set Let_def
A'_def[symmetric] B'_def[symmetric] image_set
apply (subst ccspan_leq_using_vec)
unfolding d_def[symmetric] map_map o_def
apply (subst map_cong[where xs=A', OF refl])
apply (rule basis_enum_of_vec_inverse)
apply (simp add: A'_def d_def)
apply (subst map_cong[where xs=B', OF refl])
apply (rule basis_enum_of_vec_inverse)
by (simp_all add: B'_def d_def)
lemma equal_ccsubspace_code[code]:
"HOL.equal (A::_ ccsubspace) B = (A≤B ∧ B≤A)"
unfolding equal_ccsubspace_def by auto
lemma cblinfun_image_code[code]:
"A *⇩S SPAN S = (let d = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list) in
SPAN (map (mult_mat_vec (mat_of_cblinfun A))
(filter (λv. dim_vec v = d) S)))"
for A::"'a::onb_enum ⇒⇩C⇩L'b::onb_enum"
proof -
define dA dB S'
where "dA = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
and "dB = length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)"
and "S' = filter (λv. dim_vec v = dA) S"
have "cblinfun_image A (SPAN S) = A *⇩S ccspan (set (map basis_enum_of_vec S'))"
unfolding SPAN_def dA_def[symmetric] Let_def S'_def filter_set
by simp
also have "… = ccspan ((λx. basis_enum_of_vec
(mat_of_cblinfun A *⇩v vec_of_basis_enum (basis_enum_of_vec x :: 'a))) ` set S')"
apply (subst cblinfun_image_ccspan_using_vec)
by (simp add: image_image)
also have "… = ccspan ((λx. basis_enum_of_vec (mat_of_cblinfun A *⇩v x)) ` set S')"
apply (subst image_cong[OF refl])
apply (subst basis_enum_of_vec_inverse)
by (auto simp add: S'_def dA_def)
also have "… = SPAN (map (mult_mat_vec (mat_of_cblinfun A)) S')"
unfolding SPAN_def dB_def[symmetric] Let_def filter_set
apply (subst filter_True)
by (simp_all add: dB_def mat_of_cblinfun_def image_image)
finally show ?thesis
unfolding dA_def[symmetric] S'_def[symmetric] Let_def
by simp
definition [code del, code_abbrev]: "range_cblinfun_code A = A *⇩S top"
lemma range_cblinfun_code[code]:
fixes A :: "'a::onb_enum ⇒⇩C⇩L 'b::onb_enum"
shows "range_cblinfun_code A = SPAN (cols (mat_of_cblinfun A))"
proof -
define dA dB
where "dA = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
and "dB = length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)"
have carrier_A: "mat_of_cblinfun A ∈ carrier_mat dB dA"
unfolding mat_of_cblinfun_def dA_def dB_def by simp
have "range_cblinfun_code A = A *⇩S SPAN (unit_vecs dA)"
unfolding range_cblinfun_code_def
by (metis dA_def top_ccsubspace_code)
also have "… = SPAN (map (λi. mat_of_cblinfun A *⇩v unit_vec dA i) [0..<dA])"
unfolding cblinfun_image_code dA_def[symmetric] Let_def
apply (subst filter_True)
apply (meson carrier_vecD subset_code(1) unit_vecs_carrier)
by (simp add: unit_vecs_def o_def)
also have "… = SPAN (map (λx. mat_of_cblinfun A *⇩v col (1⇩m dA) x) [0..<dA])"
apply (subst map_cong[OF refl])
by auto
also have "… = SPAN (map (col (mat_of_cblinfun A * 1⇩m dA)) [0..<dA])"
apply (subst map_cong[OF refl])
apply (subst col_mult2[symmetric])
apply (rule carrier_A)
by auto
also have "… = SPAN (cols (mat_of_cblinfun A))"
unfolding cols_def dA_def[symmetric]
apply (subst right_mult_one_mat[OF carrier_A])
using carrier_A by blast
finally show ?thesis
by -
lemma uminus_Span_code[code]: "- X = range_cblinfun_code (id_cblinfun - Proj X)"
unfolding range_cblinfun_code_def
by (metis Proj_ortho_compl Proj_range)
lemma kernel_code[code]:
"kernel A = SPAN (find_base_vectors (gauss_jordan_single (mat_of_cblinfun A)))"
for A::"('a::onb_enum,'b::onb_enum) cblinfun"
proof -
define dA dB Am Ag base
where "dA = length (canonical_basis :: 'a list)"
and "dB = length (canonical_basis :: 'b list)"
and "Am = mat_of_cblinfun A"
and "Ag = gauss_jordan_single Am"
and "base = find_base_vectors Ag"
interpret complex_vec_space dA.
have Am_carrier: "Am ∈ carrier_mat dB dA"
unfolding Am_def mat_of_cblinfun_def dA_def dB_def by simp
have row_echelon: "row_echelon_form Ag"
unfolding Ag_def
using Am_carrier refl by (rule gauss_jordan_single)
have Ag_carrier: "Ag ∈ carrier_mat dB dA"
unfolding Ag_def
using Am_carrier refl by (rule gauss_jordan_single(2))
have base_carrier: "set base ⊆ carrier_vec dA"
unfolding base_def
using find_base_vectors(1)[OF row_echelon Ag_carrier]
using Ag_carrier mat_kernel_def by blast
interpret k: kernel dB dA Ag
apply standard using Ag_carrier by simp
have basis_base: "kernel.basis dA Ag (set base)"
using row_echelon Ag_carrier unfolding base_def
by (rule find_base_vectors(3))
have "space_as_set (SPAN base)
= space_as_set (ccspan (basis_enum_of_vec ` set base :: 'a set))"
unfolding SPAN_def dA_def[symmetric] Let_def filter_set
apply (subst filter_True)
using base_carrier by auto
also have "… = cspan (basis_enum_of_vec ` set base)"
apply transfer apply (subst closure_finite_cspan)
by simp_all
also have "… = basis_enum_of_vec ` span (set base)"
apply (subst basis_enum_of_vec_span)
using base_carrier dA_def by auto
also have "… = basis_enum_of_vec ` mat_kernel Ag"
using basis_base k.Ker.basis_def k.span_same by auto
also have "… = basis_enum_of_vec ` {v ∈ carrier_vec dA. Ag *⇩v v = 0⇩v dB}"
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="λx. basis_enum_of_vec ` x"])
unfolding mat_kernel_def using Ag_carrier
by simp
also have "… = basis_enum_of_vec ` {v ∈ carrier_vec dA. Am *⇩v v = 0⇩v dB}"
using gauss_jordan_single(1)[OF Am_carrier Ag_def[symmetric]]
by auto
also have "… = {w. A *⇩V w = 0}"
proof -
have "basis_enum_of_vec ` {v ∈ carrier_vec dA. Am *⇩v v = 0⇩v dB}
= basis_enum_of_vec ` {v ∈ carrier_vec dA. A *⇩V basis_enum_of_vec v = 0}"
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="λt. basis_enum_of_vec ` t"])
apply (rule Collect_cong)
apply (simp add: Am_def)
by (metis Am_carrier Am_def carrier_matD(2) carrier_vecD dB_def mat_carrier
mat_of_cblinfun_def mat_of_cblinfun_cblinfun_apply vec_of_basis_enum_inverse
basis_enum_of_vec_inverse vec_of_basis_enum_zero)
also have "… = {w ∈ basis_enum_of_vec ` carrier_vec dA. A *⇩V w = 0}"
apply (subst Compr_image_eq[symmetric])
by simp
also have "… = {w. A *⇩V w = 0}"
apply auto
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Am_carrier Am_def carrier_matD(2) carrier_vec_dim_vec dim_vec_of_basis_enum' image_iff mat_carrier mat_of_cblinfun_def vec_of_basis_enum_inverse)
finally show ?thesis
by -
also have "… = space_as_set (kernel A)"
apply transfer by auto
finally have "SPAN base = kernel A"
by (simp add: space_as_set_inject)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: base_def Ag_def Am_def)
lemma inf_ccsubspace_code[code]:
"(A::'a::onb_enum ccsubspace) ⊓ B = - (- A ⊔ - B)"
by (subst ortho_involution[symmetric], subst compl_inf, simp)
lemma Sup_ccsubspace_code[code]:
"Sup (Set_Monad l :: 'a::onb_enum ccsubspace set) = fold sup l bot"
unfolding Set_Monad_def
by (simp add: Sup_set_fold)
lemma Inf_ccsubspace_code[code]:
"Inf (Set_Monad l :: 'a::onb_enum ccsubspace set)
= - Sup (Set_Monad (map uminus l))"
unfolding Set_Monad_def
apply (induction l)
by auto
subsection ‹Miscellanea›
text ‹This is a hack to circumvent a bug in the code generation. The automatically
generated code for the class \<^class>‹uniformity› has a type that is different from
what the generated code later assumes, leading to compilation errors (in ML at least)
in any expression involving \<^typ>‹_ ell2› (even if the constant \<^const>‹uniformity› is
not actually used).
The fragment below circumvents this by forcing Isabelle to use the right type.
(The logically useless fragment "‹let x = ((=)::'a⇒_⇒_)›" achieves this.)›
lemma uniformity_ell2_code[code]: "(uniformity :: ('a ell2 * _) filter) = Filter.abstract_filter (%_.
Code.abort STR ''no uniformity'' (%_.
let x = ((=)::'a⇒_⇒_) in uniformity))"
by simp
text ‹Code equation for \<^term>‹UNIV›.
It is now implemented via type class \<^class>‹enum›
(which provides a list of all values).›
declare [[code drop: UNIV]]
declare enum_class.UNIV_enum[code]
text ‹Setup for code generation involving sets of \<^type>‹ell2›/\<^type>‹ccsubspace›.
This configures to use lists for representing sets in code.›
derive (eq) ceq ccsubspace
derive (no) ccompare ccsubspace
derive (monad) set_impl ccsubspace
derive (eq) ceq ell2
derive (no) ccompare ell2
derive (monad) set_impl ell2
unbundle no lattice_syntax and no jnf_syntax and no cblinfun_syntax