Theory Pred_Logic

section ‹Predicate Logic Functions›

theory Pred_Logic
  imports Coproduct

subsection ‹NOT›

definition NOT :: "cfunc" where
  "NOT = (THE χ. is_pullback 𝟭 𝟭 Ω Ω (β⇘𝟭) 𝗍 𝖿 χ)"

lemma NOT_is_pullback:
  "is_pullback 𝟭 𝟭 Ω Ω (β⇘𝟭) 𝗍 𝖿 NOT"
  unfolding NOT_def
  using characteristic_function_exists false_func_type element_monomorphism
  by (subst the1I2, auto)

lemma NOT_type[type_rule]:
  "NOT : Ω  Ω"
  using NOT_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def  by auto

lemma NOT_false_is_true:
  "NOT c 𝖿 = 𝗍"
  using NOT_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def 
  by (metis cfunc_type_def id_right_unit id_type one_unique_element)

lemma NOT_true_is_false:
  "NOT c 𝗍 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "NOT c 𝗍  𝖿"
  then have "NOT c 𝗍 = 𝗍"
    using true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "𝗍 c idc 𝟭 = NOT c 𝗍"
    using id_right_unit2 true_func_type by auto
  then obtain j where j_type: "j c 𝟭" and j_id: "β⇘𝟭c j = idc 𝟭" and f_j_eq_t: "𝖿 c j = 𝗍"
    using NOT_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "j = idc 𝟭"
    using id_type one_unique_element by blast
  then have "𝖿 = 𝗍"
    using f_j_eq_t false_func_type id_right_unit2 by auto
  then show False
    using true_false_distinct by auto
lemma NOT_is_true_implies_false:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "NOT c p = 𝗍  p = 𝖿"
  using NOT_true_is_false assms true_false_only_truth_values by fastforce

lemma NOT_is_false_implies_true:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "NOT c p = 𝖿  p = 𝗍"
  using NOT_false_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values by fastforce

lemma double_negation:
  "NOT c NOT =  id Ω"
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, del_insts) 
  NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false cfunc_type_def comp_associative id_left_unit2 one_separator

subsection ‹AND›

definition AND :: "cfunc" where
  "AND = (THE χ. is_pullback 𝟭 𝟭 (Ω ×c Ω) Ω (β⇘𝟭) 𝗍 𝗍,𝗍 χ)"

lemma AND_is_pullback:
  "is_pullback 𝟭 𝟭 (Ω ×c Ω) Ω (β⇘𝟭) 𝗍 𝗍,𝗍 AND"
  unfolding AND_def
  using element_monomorphism characteristic_function_exists
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, subst the1I2, auto)

lemma AND_type[type_rule]:
  "AND : Ω ×c Ω  Ω"
  using AND_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def by auto

lemma AND_true_true_is_true:
  "AND c 𝗍,𝗍 = 𝗍"
  using AND_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def
  by (metis cfunc_type_def id_right_unit id_type one_unique_element)

lemma AND_false_left_is_false:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "AND c 𝖿,p = 𝖿"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "AND c 𝖿,p  𝖿"
  then have "AND c 𝖿,p = 𝗍"
    using assms true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "𝗍 c id 𝟭 = AND c 𝖿,p"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: id_right_unit2)
  then obtain j where j_type: "j c 𝟭" and j_id: "β⇘𝟭c j = idc 𝟭" and tt_j_eq_fp: "𝗍,𝗍 c j = 𝖿,p"
    using AND_is_pullback assms unfolding is_pullback_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "j = idc 𝟭"
    using id_type one_unique_element by auto
  then have "𝗍,𝗍 = 𝖿,p"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis tt_j_eq_fp id_right_unit2)
  then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
    using assms cart_prod_eq2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  then show False
    using true_false_distinct by auto

lemma AND_false_right_is_false:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "AND c p,𝖿 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "AND c p,𝖿  𝖿"
  then have "AND c p,𝖿 = 𝗍"
    using assms true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "𝗍 c id 𝟭 = AND c p,𝖿"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: id_right_unit2)
  then obtain j where j_type: "j c 𝟭" and j_id: "β⇘𝟭c j = idc 𝟭" and tt_j_eq_fp: "𝗍,𝗍 c j = p,𝖿"
    using AND_is_pullback assms unfolding is_pullback_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "j = idc 𝟭"
    using id_type one_unique_element by auto
  then have "𝗍,𝗍 = p,𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis tt_j_eq_fp id_right_unit2)
  then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
    using assms cart_prod_eq2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  then show "False"
    using true_false_distinct by auto

lemma AND_commutative:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  shows "AND c p,q = AND c q,p"
  by (metis AND_false_left_is_false AND_false_right_is_false assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma AND_idempotent:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "AND c p,p = p"
  using AND_false_right_is_false AND_true_true_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values by blast

lemma AND_associative:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  assumes "r c Ω"
  shows "AND c AND c p,q, r = AND c p, AND c q,r"
  by (metis AND_commutative AND_false_left_is_false AND_true_true_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma AND_complementary:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "AND c p, NOT c p =  𝖿"
  by (metis AND_false_left_is_false AND_false_right_is_false NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false assms true_false_only_truth_values true_func_type)

subsection ‹NOR›

definition NOR :: "cfunc" where
  "NOR = (THE χ. is_pullback  𝟭 𝟭 (Ω ×c Ω) Ω (β⇘𝟭) 𝗍 𝖿, 𝖿 χ)"

lemma NOR_is_pullback:
  "is_pullback  𝟭 𝟭 (Ω ×c Ω) Ω (β⇘𝟭) 𝗍 𝖿, 𝖿 NOR"
  unfolding NOR_def
  using characteristic_function_exists element_monomorphism
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: the1I2)

lemma NOR_type[type_rule]:
  "NOR : Ω ×c Ω  Ω"
  using NOR_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def by auto

lemma NOR_false_false_is_true:
  "NOR c 𝖿,𝖿 = 𝗍"
  using NOR_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def 
  by (auto, metis cfunc_type_def id_right_unit id_type one_unique_element)

lemma NOR_left_true_is_false:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "NOR c 𝗍,p = 𝖿"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "NOR c 𝗍,p  𝖿"
  then have "NOR c 𝗍,p = 𝗍"
    using assms true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "NOR c 𝗍,p = 𝗍 c id 𝟭"
    using id_right_unit2 true_func_type by auto
  then obtain j where j_type: "j c 𝟭" and j_id: "β⇘𝟭c j = id 𝟭" and ff_j_eq_tp: "𝖿,𝖿 c j = 𝗍,p"
    using NOR_is_pullback assms unfolding is_pullback_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis)
  then have "j = id 𝟭"
    using id_type one_unique_element by blast
  then have "𝖿,𝖿 = 𝗍,p"
    using cfunc_prod_comp false_func_type ff_j_eq_tp id_right_unit2 j_type by auto
  then have "𝖿 = 𝗍"
    using assms cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
  then show False
    using true_false_distinct by auto

lemma NOR_right_true_is_false:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "NOR c p,𝗍 = 𝖿"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "NOR c p,𝗍  𝖿"
  then have "NOR c p,𝗍 = 𝗍"
    using assms true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then have "NOR c p,𝗍 = 𝗍 c id 𝟭"
    using id_right_unit2 true_func_type by auto
  then obtain j where j_type: "j c 𝟭" and j_id: "β⇘𝟭c j = id 𝟭" and ff_j_eq_tp: "𝖿,𝖿 c j = p,𝗍"
    using NOR_is_pullback assms unfolding is_pullback_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis)
  then have "j = id 𝟭"
    using id_type one_unique_element by blast
  then have "𝖿,𝖿 = p,𝗍"
    using cfunc_prod_comp false_func_type ff_j_eq_tp id_right_unit2 j_type by auto
  then have "𝖿 = 𝗍"
    using assms cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
  then show False
    using true_false_distinct by auto

lemma NOR_true_implies_both_false:
  assumes X_nonempty: "nonempty X" and Y_nonempty: "nonempty Y"
  assumes P_Q_types[type_rule]: "P : X  Ω" "Q : Y  Ω"
  assumes NOR_true: "NOR c (P ×f Q) = 𝗍 c β⇘X ×c Y⇙"
  shows "P = 𝖿 c β⇘X Q = 𝖿 c β⇘Y⇙"
proof -
  obtain z where z_type[type_rule]: "z : X ×c Y  𝟭" and "P ×f Q = 𝖿,𝖿 c z"
    using NOR_is_pullback NOR_true unfolding is_pullback_def
    by (metis P_Q_types cfunc_cross_prod_type terminal_func_type) 
  then have "P ×f Q = 𝖿,𝖿 c β⇘X ×c Y⇙"
    using terminal_func_unique by auto
  then have "P ×f Q = 𝖿 c β⇘X ×c Y, 𝖿 c β⇘X ×c Y"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp)
  then have "P ×f Q = 𝖿 c β⇘Xc left_cart_proj X Y, 𝖿 c β⇘Yc right_cart_proj X Y"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, metis left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type terminal_func_comp)
  then have "P c left_cart_proj X Y, Q c right_cart_proj X Y
      = 𝖿 c β⇘Xc left_cart_proj X Y, 𝖿 c β⇘Yc right_cart_proj X Y"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, unfold cfunc_cross_prod_def2, auto)
  then have "P c left_cart_proj X Y = (𝖿 c β⇘X) c left_cart_proj X Y
       Q c right_cart_proj X Y = (𝖿 c β⇘Y) c right_cart_proj X Y"
    using  cart_prod_eq2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto simp add: comp_associative2)
  then have eqs: "P = 𝖿 c β⇘X Q = 𝖿 c β⇘Y⇙"
    using assms epimorphism_def3 nonempty_left_imp_right_proj_epimorphism nonempty_right_imp_left_proj_epimorphism
    by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, blast)
  then have "P  𝗍 c β⇘X Q  𝗍 c β⇘Y⇙"
  proof safe
    show "𝖿 c β⇘X= 𝗍 c β⇘X False"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt X_nonempty comp_associative2 nonempty_def one_separator_contrapos terminal_func_comp terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct)
    show "𝖿 c β⇘Y= 𝗍 c β⇘Y False"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt Y_nonempty comp_associative2 nonempty_def one_separator_contrapos terminal_func_comp terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct)
  then show ?thesis
    using eqs by linarith

lemma NOR_true_implies_neither_true:
  assumes X_nonempty: "nonempty X" and Y_nonempty: "nonempty Y"
  assumes P_Q_types[type_rule]: "P : X  Ω" "Q : Y  Ω"
  assumes NOR_true: "NOR c (P ×f Q) = 𝗍 c β⇘X ×c Y⇙"
  shows "¬ (P = 𝗍 c β⇘X Q = 𝗍 c β⇘Y)"
  by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) NOR_true NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false NOT_type X_nonempty Y_nonempty assms(3,4) comp_associative2 comp_type nonempty_def terminal_func_type true_false_distinct true_false_only_truth_values NOR_true_implies_both_false)

subsection ‹OR›

definition OR :: "cfunc" where
  "OR = (THE χ. is_pullback (𝟭(𝟭𝟭)) 𝟭 (Ω×cΩ) Ω (β⇘(𝟭(𝟭𝟭))) 𝗍 (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) χ)"

lemma pre_OR_type[type_rule]: 
  "𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) : 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  Ω ×c Ω"
  by typecheck_cfuncs

lemma set_three: 
  "{x. x c (𝟭(𝟭𝟭))} = {
 (left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) , 
 (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭), 
  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c(right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭)}"
  by(typecheck_cfuncs, safe, typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) comp_associative2 coprojs_jointly_surj one_unique_element)

lemma set_three_card: 
 "card {x. x c (𝟭(𝟭𝟭))} = 3"
proof - 
  have f1: "left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis cfunc_type_def coproducts_disjoint id_right_unit id_type)
  have f2: "left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis cfunc_type_def coproducts_disjoint id_right_unit id_type)
  have f3: "right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis cfunc_type_def coproducts_disjoint monomorphism_def one_unique_element right_coproj_are_monomorphisms)
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: f1 f2 f3 set_three)

lemma pre_OR_injective:
  "injective(𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍))"
  unfolding injective_def
  fix x y 
  assume "x c domain (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)" 
  then have x_type: "x c (𝟭(𝟭𝟭))"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_OR_type by force
  then have x_form: "( w. (w c 𝟭  x = (left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c w))
        ( w. (w c (𝟭𝟭)  x = (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c w))"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume "y c domain (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)" 
  then have y_type: "y c (𝟭(𝟭𝟭))"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_OR_type by force
  then have y_form: "( w. (w c 𝟭  y = (left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c w))
        ( w. (w c (𝟭𝟭)  y = (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c w))"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume mx_eqs_my: "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c x = 𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c y"

  have f1: "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) = 𝗍,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
  have f2: "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 𝗍,𝖿"
    have "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 
          (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) )c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2)
    also have "... = 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt)
    also have "... = 𝗍,𝖿"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
    finally show ?thesis.
  have f3: "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 𝖿,𝗍"
    have "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 
          (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) )c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2)
    also have "... = 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt)
    also have "... = 𝖿,𝗍"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
    finally show ?thesis.
  show "x = y"
  proof(cases "x = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)")
    assume case1: "x = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then show "x = y"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) mx_eqs_my element_pair_eq f1 f2 f3 false_func_type maps_into_1u1 terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type x_form y_form)
    assume not_case1: "x  left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then have case2_or_3: "x = (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) 
               x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c(right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭)"
      by (metis id_right_unit2 id_type left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 terminal_func_unique x_form)
    show "x = y"
    proof(cases "x = (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭)")
      assume case2: "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then show "x = y"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) cart_prod_eq2 case2 f1 f2 f3 false_func_type id_right_unit2 left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 mx_eqs_my terminal_func_comp terminal_func_comp_elem terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type y_form)        
      assume not_case2: "x  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then have case3: "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c(right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭)"
        using case2_or_3 by blast
      then show "x = y"
        by (smt (verit, best) f1 f2 f3  NOR_false_false_is_true NOR_is_pullback case3 cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 element_pair_eq false_func_type is_pullback_def left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 mx_eqs_my pre_OR_type terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type y_form)

lemma OR_is_pullback:
  "is_pullback (𝟭(𝟭𝟭)) 𝟭 (Ω×cΩ) Ω (β⇘(𝟭(𝟭𝟭))) 𝗍 (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) OR"
  unfolding OR_def
  using element_monomorphism characteristic_function_exists
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: the1I2 injective_imp_monomorphism pre_OR_injective)
lemma OR_type[type_rule]:
  "OR : Ω ×c Ω  Ω"
  unfolding OR_def
  by (metis OR_def OR_is_pullback is_pullback_def) 

lemma OR_true_left_is_true:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "OR c 𝗍,p = 𝗍"
proof - 
  have " j. j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = 𝗍,p"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) assms comp_associative2 comp_type left_coproj_cfunc_coprod
        left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type true_false_only_truth_values)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_SIG)  NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback OR_is_pullback
        comp_associative2 is_pullback_def terminal_func_comp)

lemma OR_true_right_is_true:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "OR c p,𝗍 = 𝗍"
proof - 
  have " j. j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j = p,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) assms comp_associative2 comp_type left_coproj_cfunc_coprod
        left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type true_false_only_truth_values)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback OR_is_pullback
        comp_associative2 is_pullback_def  terminal_func_comp)

lemma OR_false_false_is_false:
  "OR c 𝖿,𝖿 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "OR c 𝖿,𝖿  𝖿"
  then have "OR c 𝖿,𝖿 = 𝗍"
    using  true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then obtain j where  j_type[type_rule]: "j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)" and j_def: "(𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = 𝖿,𝖿"
    using  OR_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def 
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis id_right_unit2 id_type)
  have trichotomy: "(𝗍, 𝗍 = 𝖿,𝖿)  ((𝗍, 𝖿 = 𝖿,𝖿)  (𝖿, 𝗍 = 𝖿,𝖿))"
  proof(cases "j = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)")
    assume case1: "j = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then show ?thesis
      using case1 cfunc_coprod_type j_def left_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
    assume not_case1: "j  left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then have case2_or_3: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭    
                           j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using not_case1 set_three by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "j = (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭)")
      assume case2: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      have "𝗍, 𝖿 = 𝖿,𝖿"
      proof - 
        have "(𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j = ((𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: case2 comp_associative2)
        also have "... = (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
          using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
        also have "... = 𝗍, 𝖿"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
        finally show ?thesis
          using j_def by simp
      then show ?thesis
        by blast
      assume not_case2: "j  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then have case3: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        using case2_or_3 by blast
      have "𝖿, 𝗍 = 𝖿,𝖿"
      proof - 
        have "(𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j = ((𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: case3 comp_associative2)
        also have "... = (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
          using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
        also have "... = 𝖿, 𝗍"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
        finally show ?thesis
          using j_def by simp
      then show ?thesis
        by blast
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using trichotomy cart_prod_eq2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by smt

lemma OR_true_implies_one_is_true:
  assumes "p c Ω" 
  assumes "q c Ω"
  assumes "OR c p,q = 𝗍"
  shows "(p = 𝗍)  (q = 𝗍)"
  by (metis OR_false_false_is_false assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma NOT_NOR_is_OR:
 "OR = NOT c NOR"
proof(etcs_rule one_separator)
  fix x 
  assume x_type[type_rule]: "x c Ω ×c Ω"
  then obtain p q where p_type[type_rule]: "p c Ω" and q_type[type_rule]:  "q c Ω" and x_def: "x = p,q"
    by (meson cart_prod_decomp)
  show "OR c x = (NOT c NOR) c x"
  proof(cases "p = 𝗍")
    show "p = 𝗍  OR c x = (NOT c NOR) c x"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis NOR_left_true_is_false NOT_false_is_true OR_true_left_is_true comp_associative2 q_type x_def)
    assume "p  𝗍"
    then have "p = 𝖿"
      using p_type true_false_only_truth_values by blast
    show "OR c x = (NOT c NOR) c x"
    proof(cases "q = 𝗍")
      show "q = 𝗍  OR c x = (NOT c NOR) c x"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis NOR_right_true_is_false NOT_false_is_true OR_true_right_is_true 
            cfunc_type_def comp_associative p_type x_def)
      assume "q  𝗍"
      then show ?thesis
        by (typecheck_cfuncs,metis NOR_false_false_is_true NOT_is_true_implies_false OR_false_false_is_false
            p = 𝖿  comp_associative2 q_type true_false_only_truth_values x_def)

lemma OR_commutative:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  shows "OR c p,q = OR c q,p"
  by (metis OR_true_left_is_true OR_true_right_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma OR_idempotent:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "OR c p,p = p"
  using OR_false_false_is_false OR_true_left_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values by blast

lemma OR_associative:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  assumes "r c Ω"
  shows "OR c OR c p,q, r = OR c p, OR c q,r"
  by (metis OR_commutative OR_false_false_is_false OR_true_right_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma OR_complementary:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "OR c p, NOT c p =  𝗍"
  by (metis NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false OR_true_left_is_true OR_true_right_is_true assms false_func_type true_false_only_truth_values)

subsection ‹XOR›

definition XOR :: "cfunc" where
  "XOR = (THE χ. is_pullback (𝟭𝟭) 𝟭 (Ω×cΩ) Ω (β⇘(𝟭𝟭)) 𝗍 (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) χ)"

lemma pre_XOR_type[type_rule]: 
  "𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝗍 : 𝟭𝟭  Ω ×c Ω"
  by typecheck_cfuncs

lemma pre_XOR_injective:
 "injective(𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)"
 unfolding injective_def
  fix x y 
  assume "x c domain (𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)" 
  then have x_type: "x c 𝟭𝟭"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_XOR_type by force
  then have x_form: "( w. w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w)
                    ( w. w c 𝟭  x = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w)"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume "y c domain (𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)" 
  then have y_type: "y c 𝟭𝟭"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_XOR_type by force
  then have y_form: "( w. w c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w)
                   ( w. w c 𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w)"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume eqs: "𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c x = 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c y"

  show "x = y"
  proof(cases " w. w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w")
    assume a1: " w. w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w"
    then obtain w where x_def: "w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w"
      by blast
    then have w_is: "w = id(𝟭)"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique x_def)
    have " v. v c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume a2: "v. v c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
      then obtain v where y_def:  "v c 𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
        using y_form by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
      then have v_is: "v = id(𝟭)"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique y_def)
      then have "𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 = 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        using w_is eqs id_right_unit2 x_def y_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
      then have "𝗍,𝖿 = 𝖿,𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) cfunc_coprod_unique coprod_eq2 pre_XOR_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)      
      then have "𝗍 = 𝖿  𝖿 = 𝗍"
        using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by blast
      then show False
        using true_false_distinct by blast
    then obtain v where y_def: "v c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
      by blast
    then have "v = id(𝟭)"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: w_is x_def y_def)
    assume "w. w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w"
    then obtain w where x_def: "w c 𝟭  x = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w"
      using x_form by force
    then have w_is: "w = id 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique x_def)
    have " v. v c 𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume a2: "v. v c 𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
      then obtain v where y_def:  "v c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
        using y_form by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
      then have "v = id 𝟭"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique y_def)
      then have "𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 = 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        using w_is eqs id_right_unit2 x_def y_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
      then have "𝗍,𝖿 = 𝖿,𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3)  cfunc_coprod_unique coprod_eq2 pre_XOR_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)      
      then have "𝗍 = 𝖿  𝖿 = 𝗍"
        using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by blast
      then show False
        using true_false_distinct by blast
    then obtain v where y_def: "v c 𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
      by blast
    then have "v = id 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: w_is x_def y_def)

lemma XOR_is_pullback:
  "is_pullback (𝟭𝟭) 𝟭 (Ω ×c Ω) Ω (β⇘(𝟭𝟭)) 𝗍 (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝗍) XOR"
  unfolding XOR_def
  using element_monomorphism characteristic_function_exists
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: the1I2 injective_imp_monomorphism pre_XOR_injective)
lemma XOR_type[type_rule]:
  "XOR : Ω ×c Ω  Ω"
  unfolding XOR_def
  by (metis XOR_def XOR_is_pullback is_pullback_def)

lemma XOR_only_true_left_is_true:
  "XOR c  𝗍,𝖿 = 𝗍"
proof -   
  have " j. j c 𝟭𝟭  (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c j  = 𝗍,𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, meson left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type)
  then show ?thesis
    by (smt (verit, best) XOR_is_pullback comp_associative2 id_right_unit2 is_pullback_def terminal_func_comp_elem)

lemma XOR_only_true_right_is_true:
  "XOR c  𝖿,𝗍 = 𝗍"
proof -   
  have " j. j c 𝟭𝟭  (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c j  = 𝖿,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, meson right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type)
  then show ?thesis
    by (smt (verit, best) XOR_is_pullback  comp_associative2 id_right_unit2 is_pullback_def terminal_func_comp_elem)

lemma XOR_false_false_is_false:
   "XOR c  𝖿,𝖿 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "XOR c 𝖿,𝖿  𝖿"
  then have "XOR c 𝖿,𝖿  = 𝗍"
    by (metis NOR_is_pullback XOR_type comp_type is_pullback_def  true_false_only_truth_values)
  then obtain j where j_def: "j c 𝟭𝟭  (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c j  = 𝖿,𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto, smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) XOR_is_pullback id_right_unit2 id_type is_pullback_def)
  show False
  proof(cases "j = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭")
    assume "j = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    then have "(𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c j  = 𝗍, 𝖿"
      using  left_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
    then have "𝗍, 𝖿 = 𝖿,𝖿"
      using j_def by auto
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto
    assume "j  left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    then have "j = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (meson j_def maps_into_1u1)
    then have "(𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c j  = 𝖿, 𝗍"
      using  right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
    then have "𝖿, 𝗍 = 𝖿,𝖿"
      using j_def by auto
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto

lemma XOR_true_true_is_false:
   "XOR c  𝗍,𝗍 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "XOR c 𝗍,𝗍  𝖿"
  then have "XOR c 𝗍,𝗍  = 𝗍"
    by (metis XOR_type comp_type diag_on_elements diagonal_type true_false_only_truth_values true_func_type)
  then obtain j where j_def: "j c 𝟭𝟭  (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c j  = 𝗍,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto, smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) XOR_is_pullback id_right_unit2 id_type is_pullback_def)
  show False
  proof(cases "j = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭")
    assume "j = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    then have "(𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c j  = 𝗍, 𝖿"
      using  left_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
    then have "𝗍, 𝖿 = 𝗍,𝗍"
      using j_def by auto
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto
    assume "j  left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    then have "j = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (meson j_def maps_into_1u1)
    then have "(𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c j  = 𝖿, 𝗍"
      using  right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
    then have "𝖿, 𝗍 = 𝗍,𝗍"
      using j_def by auto
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto

subsection ‹NAND›
definition NAND :: "cfunc" where
  "NAND = (THE χ. is_pullback (𝟭(𝟭𝟭)) 𝟭 (Ω ×c Ω) Ω (β⇘(𝟭(𝟭𝟭))) 𝗍 (𝖿, 𝖿⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) χ)"

lemma pre_NAND_type[type_rule]: 
  "𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝗍) : 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  Ω ×c Ω"
  by typecheck_cfuncs

lemma pre_NAND_injective:
  "injective(𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝗍))"
  unfolding injective_def
  fix x y 
  assume x_type: "x c domain (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)" 
  then have x_type': "x c 𝟭  (𝟭𝟭)"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_NAND_type by force
  then have x_form: "( w. w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c w)
        ( w. w c 𝟭𝟭  x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c w)"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume y_type: "y c domain (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)" 
  then have y_type': "y c 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_NAND_type by force
  then have y_form: "( w. w c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c w)
        ( w. w c 𝟭𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c w)"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume mx_eqs_my: "𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c x = 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c y"

  have f1: "𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) = 𝖿, 𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
  have f2: "𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 𝗍,𝖿"
    have "𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 = 
          (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2)
    also have "... = 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt)
    also have "... = 𝗍,𝖿"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
    finally show ?thesis.
  have f3: "𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 𝖿,𝗍"
    have "𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 
          (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) )c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2)
    also have "... = 𝗍,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt)
    also have "... = 𝖿,𝗍"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
    finally show ?thesis.
  show "x = y"
  proof(cases "x = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)")
    assume case1: "x = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then show "x = y"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) mx_eqs_my element_pair_eq f1 f2 f3 false_func_type maps_into_1u1 terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type x_form y_form)
    assume not_case1: "x  left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then have case2_or_3: "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭  
               x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (metis id_right_unit2 id_type left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 terminal_func_unique x_form)
    show "x = y"
    proof(cases "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭")
      assume case2: "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then show "x = y"
        by (smt (z3) NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback NOT_true_is_false NOT_type x_type x_type' cart_prod_eq2 case2 cfunc_type_def characteristic_func_eq characteristic_func_is_pullback characteristic_function_exists comp_associative diag_on_elements diagonal_type element_monomorphism f1 f2 f3 false_func_type left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 mx_eqs_my terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type x_type y_form)
      assume not_case2: "x  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then have case3: "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        using case2_or_3 by blast
      then show "x = y"
        by (smt (z3) NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback NOT_true_is_false NOT_type x_type x_type' cart_prod_eq2 case3 cfunc_type_def characteristic_func_eq characteristic_func_is_pullback characteristic_function_exists comp_associative diag_on_elements diagonal_type element_monomorphism f1 f2 f3 false_func_type left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 mx_eqs_my terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type x_type y_form)

lemma NAND_is_pullback:
  "is_pullback (𝟭(𝟭𝟭)) 𝟭 (Ω×cΩ) Ω (β⇘(𝟭(𝟭𝟭))) 𝗍 (𝖿, 𝖿⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) NAND"
  unfolding NAND_def
  using element_monomorphism characteristic_function_exists
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: the1I2 injective_imp_monomorphism pre_NAND_injective)
lemma NAND_type[type_rule]:
  "NAND : Ω ×c Ω  Ω"
  unfolding NAND_def
  by (metis NAND_def NAND_is_pullback is_pullback_def) 

lemma NAND_left_false_is_true:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "NAND c 𝖿,p = 𝗍"
proof - 
  have " j. j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = 𝖿,p"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) assms comp_associative2 comp_type left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type true_false_only_truth_values)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) NAND_is_pullback comp_associative2 id_right_unit2 is_pullback_def terminal_func_comp_elem)

lemma NAND_right_false_is_true:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "NAND c p,𝖿 = 𝗍"
proof - 
  have " j. j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  (𝖿, 𝖿⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = p,𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) assms comp_associative2 comp_type left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type true_false_only_truth_values)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) NAND_is_pullback NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback  comp_associative2 is_pullback_def  terminal_func_comp)

lemma NAND_true_true_is_false:
 "NAND c 𝗍,𝗍 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "NAND c 𝗍,𝗍  𝖿"
  then have "NAND c 𝗍,𝗍 = 𝗍"
    using  true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then obtain j where j_type[type_rule]:  "j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)" and j_def: "(𝖿, 𝖿⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = 𝗍,𝗍"
    using NAND_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) NAND_is_pullback id_right_unit2 id_type)
  then have trichotomy: "(𝖿,𝖿 = 𝗍,𝗍)  (𝗍, 𝖿 = 𝗍,𝗍)  (𝖿, 𝗍 = 𝗍,𝗍)"
  proof(cases "j = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)")
    assume case1: "j = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then show ?thesis
      by (metis cfunc_coprod_type cfunc_prod_type false_func_type j_def left_coproj_cfunc_coprod true_func_type)
    assume not_case1: "j  left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then have case2_or_3: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭  
               j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using not_case1 set_three by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭")
      assume case2: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      have "𝗍, 𝖿 = 𝗍,𝗍"
      proof - 
        have "(𝖿, 𝖿⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j = ((𝖿, 𝖿⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: case2 comp_associative2)
        also have "... = (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
          using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
        also have "... = 𝗍, 𝖿"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
        finally show ?thesis
          using j_def by simp
      then show ?thesis
        by blast
      assume not_case2: "j  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then have case3: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        using case2_or_3 by blast
      have "𝖿, 𝗍 = 𝗍,𝗍"
      proof - 
        have "(𝖿, 𝖿⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j = ((𝖿, 𝖿⨿ (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: case3 comp_associative2)
        also have "... = (𝗍, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
          using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
        also have "... = 𝖿, 𝗍"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
        finally show ?thesis
          using j_def by simp
      then show ?thesis
        by blast
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using trichotomy cart_prod_eq2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto  

lemma NAND_true_implies_one_is_false:
  assumes "p c Ω" 
  assumes "q c Ω"
  assumes "NAND c p,q = 𝗍"
  shows "p = 𝖿  q = 𝖿"
  by (metis (no_types) NAND_true_true_is_false assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma NOT_AND_is_NAND:
proof(etcs_rule one_separator)
  fix x 
  assume x_type: "x c Ω ×c Ω"
  then obtain p q where x_def: "p c Ω  q c Ω  x = p,q"
    by (meson cart_prod_decomp)
  show "NAND c x = (NOT c AND) c x"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis AND_false_left_is_false AND_false_right_is_false AND_true_true_is_true NAND_left_false_is_true NAND_right_false_is_true NAND_true_implies_one_is_false NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false comp_associative2 true_false_only_truth_values x_def x_type)

lemma NAND_not_idempotent:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  shows "NAND c p,p = NOT c p"
  using NAND_right_false_is_true NAND_true_true_is_false NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false assms true_false_only_truth_values by fastforce

subsection ‹IFF›

definition IFF :: "cfunc" where
  "IFF = (THE χ. is_pullback (𝟭𝟭) 𝟭 (Ω ×c Ω) Ω (β⇘(𝟭𝟭)) 𝗍 (𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) χ)"

lemma pre_IFF_type[type_rule]: 
  "𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 : 𝟭𝟭  Ω ×c Ω"
  by typecheck_cfuncs

lemma pre_IFF_injective:
 "injective(𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿)"
 unfolding injective_def
  fix x y 
  assume "x c domain (𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿)" 
  then have x_type: "x c (𝟭𝟭)"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_IFF_type by force
  then have x_form: "( w. (w c 𝟭  x = (left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) c w))
        ( w. (w c 𝟭  x = (right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) c w))"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume "y c domain (𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿)" 
  then have y_type: "y c (𝟭𝟭)"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_IFF_type by force
  then have y_form: "( w. (w c 𝟭  y = (left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) c w))
        ( w. (w c 𝟭  y = (right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) c w))"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume eqs: "𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿 c x = 𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿 c y"

  show "x = y"
  proof(cases " w. w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w")
    assume a1: " w. w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w"
    then obtain w where x_def: "w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w"
      by blast
    then have "w = id 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique x_def)
    have " v. v c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume a2: "v. v c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
      then obtain v where y_def:  "v c 𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
        using y_form by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
      then have "v = id 𝟭"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique y_def)
      then have "𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿 c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 = 𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿 c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        using v = idc 𝟭 w = idc 𝟭 eqs id_right_unit2 x_def y_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
      then have "𝗍, 𝗍 = 𝖿,𝖿"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3)  cfunc_coprod_unique coprod_eq2 pre_IFF_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)      
      then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
        using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by blast
      then show False
        using true_false_distinct by blast
    then obtain v where y_def: "v c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
      by blast
    then have "v = id 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: w = idc 𝟭 x_def y_def)
    assume "w. w c 𝟭  x = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w"
    then obtain w where x_def: "w c 𝟭  x = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c w"
      using x_form by force
    then have "w = id 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique x_def)
    have " v. v c 𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
    proof(rule ccontr)
      assume a2: "v. v c 𝟭  y = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
      then obtain v where y_def:  "v c 𝟭  y = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 c v"
        using y_form by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
      then have "v = id 𝟭"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique y_def)
      then have "𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿 c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 = 𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿 c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        using v = idc 𝟭 w = idc 𝟭 eqs id_right_unit2 x_def y_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
      then have "𝗍, 𝗍 = 𝖿, 𝖿"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3)  cfunc_coprod_unique coprod_eq2 pre_IFF_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)      
      then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
        using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by blast
      then show False
        using true_false_distinct by blast
    then obtain v where y_def: "v c 𝟭  y = (right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) c v"
      by blast
    then have "v = id 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis terminal_func_unique)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: w = idc 𝟭 x_def y_def)

lemma IFF_is_pullback:
  "is_pullback (𝟭𝟭) 𝟭 (Ω×cΩ) Ω (β⇘(𝟭𝟭)) 𝗍 (𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) IFF"
  unfolding IFF_def
  using element_monomorphism characteristic_function_exists
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: the1I2 injective_imp_monomorphism pre_IFF_injective)

lemma IFF_type[type_rule]:
  "IFF : Ω ×c Ω  Ω"
  unfolding IFF_def
  by (metis IFF_def IFF_is_pullback is_pullback_def)

lemma IFF_true_true_is_true:
 "IFF c 𝗍,𝗍 = 𝗍"
proof - 
  have " j. j c (𝟭𝟭)  (𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) c j  = 𝗍,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3)  comp_associative2 comp_type left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type true_false_only_truth_values)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) AND_is_pullback AND_true_true_is_true IFF_is_pullback comp_associative2 is_pullback_def  terminal_func_comp)

lemma IFF_false_false_is_true:
 "IFF c 𝖿,𝖿 = 𝗍"
proof - 
  have " j. j c (𝟭𝟭)  (𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) c j  = 𝖿,𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3)  comp_associative2 comp_type left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type true_false_only_truth_values)
  then show ?thesis 
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) AND_is_pullback AND_true_true_is_true IFF_is_pullback comp_associative2 is_pullback_def  terminal_func_comp)

lemma IFF_true_false_is_false:
 "IFF c 𝗍,𝖿 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "IFF c 𝗍,𝖿  𝖿"
  then have "IFF c 𝗍,𝖿  = 𝗍"
    using true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)    
  then obtain j where j_type[type_rule]: "j c 𝟭𝟭  (𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) c j  = 𝗍,𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) IFF_is_pullback characteristic_function_exists element_monomorphism is_pullback_def)
  show False
  proof(cases "j = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭")
    assume "j = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    then have "(𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) c j  = 𝗍, 𝗍"
      using  left_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
    then have "𝗍, 𝖿 = 𝗍,𝗍"
      using  j_type by argo
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto
    assume "j  left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    then have "j = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using j_type maps_into_1u1 by auto
    then have "(𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) c j  = 𝖿, 𝖿"
      using  right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
    then have "𝖿, 𝗍 = 𝖿, 𝖿"
      using XOR_false_false_is_false XOR_only_true_left_is_true j_type by argo
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto

lemma IFF_false_true_is_false:
 "IFF c 𝖿,𝗍 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)
  assume "IFF c 𝖿,𝗍  𝖿"
  then have "IFF c 𝖿,𝗍  = 𝗍"
    using true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then obtain j where j_type[type_rule]: "j c 𝟭𝟭" and j_def:  "(𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) c j  = 𝖿,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) IFF_is_pullback id_right_unit2 is_pullback_def one_unique_element terminal_func_comp terminal_func_comp_elem terminal_func_unique)
  show False
  proof(cases "j = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭")
    assume "j = left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    then have "(𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) c j  = 𝗍, 𝗍"
      using  left_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
    then have "𝖿,𝗍 = 𝗍,𝗍"
      using j_def by auto
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto
    assume "j  left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
    then have "j = right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using j_type maps_into_1u1 by blast
    then have "(𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿𝖿, 𝖿) c j  = 𝖿, 𝖿"
      using  right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
    then have "𝖿,𝗍 = 𝖿, 𝖿"
      using XOR_false_false_is_false XOR_only_true_left_is_true j_def by fastforce
    then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
      using cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type true_func_type by auto
    then show False
      using true_false_distinct by auto

lemma NOT_IFF_is_XOR: 
  "NOT c IFF = XOR"
proof(etcs_rule one_separator)
  fix x   
  assume x_type: "x c Ω ×c Ω"
  then obtain u w where x_def: "u c Ω  w c Ω  x = u,w"
    using cart_prod_decomp by blast
  show "(NOT c IFF) c x = XOR c x"
  proof(cases "u = 𝗍")
    show "(NOT c IFF) c x = XOR c x"
    proof(cases "w = 𝗍")
      show "(NOT c IFF) c x = XOR c x"
        by (metis IFF_false_false_is_true IFF_false_true_is_false IFF_true_false_is_false IFF_true_true_is_true IFF_type NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false NOT_type XOR_false_false_is_false XOR_only_true_left_is_true XOR_only_true_right_is_true XOR_true_true_is_false cfunc_type_def comp_associative true_false_only_truth_values x_def x_type)
      assume "w  𝗍"
      then have "w = 𝖿"
        by (metis true_false_only_truth_values x_def)
      then show "(NOT c IFF) c x = XOR c x"
        by (metis IFF_false_false_is_true IFF_true_false_is_false IFF_type NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false NOT_type XOR_false_false_is_false XOR_only_true_left_is_true comp_associative2 true_false_only_truth_values x_def x_type)
    assume "u  𝗍"
    then have "u = 𝖿"
      by (metis true_false_only_truth_values x_def)
    show "(NOT c IFF) c x = XOR c x"
    proof(cases "w = 𝗍")
      show "(NOT c IFF) c x = XOR c x"
        by (metis IFF_false_false_is_true IFF_false_true_is_false IFF_type NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false NOT_type XOR_false_false_is_false XOR_only_true_right_is_true u = 𝖿 comp_associative2 true_false_only_truth_values x_def x_type)
      assume "w  𝗍"
      then have "w = 𝖿"
        by (metis true_false_only_truth_values x_def)
      then show "(NOT c IFF) c x = XOR c x"
        by (metis IFF_false_false_is_true IFF_type NOT_true_is_false NOT_type XOR_false_false_is_false u = 𝖿 cfunc_type_def comp_associative x_def x_type)

subsection ‹IMPLIES›

definition IMPLIES :: "cfunc" where
  "IMPLIES = (THE χ. is_pullback (𝟭(𝟭𝟭)) 𝟭 (Ω×cΩ) Ω (β⇘(𝟭(𝟭𝟭))) 𝗍 (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) χ)"

lemma pre_IMPLIES_type[type_rule]: 
  "𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝗍) : 𝟭  (𝟭  𝟭)  Ω ×c Ω"
  by typecheck_cfuncs

lemma pre_IMPLIES_injective:
  "injective(𝗍, 𝗍 ⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍))"
  unfolding injective_def
  fix x y 
  assume a1: "x c domain (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)" 
  then have x_type[type_rule]: "x c (𝟭(𝟭𝟭))"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_IMPLIES_type by force
  then have x_form: "( w. (w c 𝟭  x = (left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c w))
        ( w. (w c (𝟭𝟭)  x = (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c w))"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume "y c domain (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)" 
  then have y_type: "y c (𝟭(𝟭𝟭))"  
    using cfunc_type_def pre_IMPLIES_type by force
  then have y_form: "( w. (w c 𝟭  y = (left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c w))
        ( w. (w c (𝟭𝟭)  y = (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)) c w))"
    using coprojs_jointly_surj by auto

  assume mx_eqs_my: "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c x = 𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c y"

  have f1: "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) = 𝗍,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
  have f2: "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 𝖿, 𝖿"
    have "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 
          (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) )c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2)
    also have "... = 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt)
    also have "... = 𝖿, 𝖿"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
    finally show ?thesis.      
  have f3: "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) = 𝖿,𝗍"
    have "𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭 = 
          (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭))c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2)
    also have "... = 𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      using right_coproj_cfunc_coprod by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt)
    also have "... = 𝖿,𝗍"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
    finally show ?thesis.
  show "x = y"
  proof(cases "x = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)")
    assume case1: "x = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then show "x = y"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) mx_eqs_my element_pair_eq f1 f2 f3 false_func_type maps_into_1u1 terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type x_form y_form)
    assume not_case1: "x  left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then have case2_or_3: "x = (right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭) 
               x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c(right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭)"
      by (metis id_right_unit2 id_type left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 terminal_func_unique x_form)
    show "x = y"
    proof(cases "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭")
      assume case2: "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then show "x = y"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) a1 NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback  cart_prod_eq2 cfunc_prod_comp cfunc_type_def characteristic_func_eq characteristic_func_is_pullback characteristic_function_exists comp_associative element_monomorphism f1 f2 f3 false_func_type left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 mx_eqs_my terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type y_form)
      assume not_case2: "x  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then have case3: "x = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c(right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭)"
        using case2_or_3 by blast
      then show "x = y"
        by (smt (z3) NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback a1 cart_prod_eq2 cfunc_type_def characteristic_func_eq characteristic_func_is_pullback characteristic_function_exists comp_associative diag_on_elements diagonal_type element_monomorphism f1 f2 f3 false_func_type left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 mx_eqs_my terminal_func_unique true_false_distinct true_func_type x_type y_form)

lemma IMPLIES_is_pullback:
  "is_pullback (𝟭(𝟭𝟭)) 𝟭 (Ω×cΩ) Ω (β⇘(𝟭(𝟭𝟭))) 𝗍 (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) IMPLIES"
  unfolding IMPLIES_def
  using element_monomorphism characteristic_function_exists
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: the1I2 injective_imp_monomorphism pre_IMPLIES_injective)
lemma IMPLIES_type[type_rule]:
  "IMPLIES : Ω ×c Ω  Ω"
  unfolding IMPLIES_def
  by (metis IMPLIES_def IMPLIES_is_pullback is_pullback_def)

lemma IMPLIES_true_true_is_true:
  "IMPLIES c 𝗍,𝗍 = 𝗍"
proof -   
  have " j. j c 𝟭  (𝟭𝟭)  (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = 𝗍,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, meson left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type)
  then show ?thesis
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) IMPLIES_is_pullback NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback comp_associative2 is_pullback_def  terminal_func_comp)

lemma IMPLIES_false_true_is_true:
  "IMPLIES c 𝖿,𝗍 = 𝗍"
proof -   
  have " j. j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = 𝖿,𝗍"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) comp_associative2 comp_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type)
  then show ?thesis
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) IMPLIES_is_pullback NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback comp_associative2 is_pullback_def  terminal_func_comp)

lemma IMPLIES_false_false_is_true:
  "IMPLIES c  𝖿,𝖿 = 𝗍"
proof -   
  have " j. j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = 𝖿,𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) cfunc_type_def comp_associative comp_type left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type)
  then show ?thesis
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) IMPLIES_is_pullback NOT_false_is_true NOT_is_pullback comp_associative2 is_pullback_def  terminal_func_comp)

lemma IMPLIES_true_false_is_false:
  "IMPLIES c  𝗍,𝖿 = 𝖿"
proof(rule ccontr)  
  assume "IMPLIES c 𝗍,𝖿  𝖿"
  then have "IMPLIES c 𝗍,𝖿 = 𝗍"
    using true_false_only_truth_values by (typecheck_cfuncs, blast)
  then obtain j where j_def: "j c 𝟭(𝟭𝟭)  (𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j  = 𝗍,𝖿"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) IMPLIES_is_pullback  id_right_unit2 is_pullback_def one_unique_element terminal_func_comp terminal_func_comp_elem terminal_func_unique)
  show False
  proof(cases "j = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)")
    assume case1: "j = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)"
    show False
    proof - 
      have "(𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j = 𝗍, 𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: case1 left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
      then have "𝗍, 𝗍 = 𝗍,𝖿"
        using j_def by presburger
      then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
        using IFF_true_false_is_false IFF_true_true_is_true by auto
      then show False
        using true_false_distinct by blast
    assume "j  left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
    then have case2_or_3: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭  
                      j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (metis coprojs_jointly_surj id_right_unit2 id_type j_def left_proj_type maps_into_1u1 one_unique_element)
    show False
    proof(cases "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭")
      assume case2: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭)c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      show False
      proof - 
        have "(𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j = 𝖿, 𝖿"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) case2 comp_associative2 left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type)
        then have "𝗍, 𝗍 = 𝖿,𝖿"
          using XOR_false_false_is_false XOR_only_true_left_is_true j_def by auto
        then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
          by (metis XOR_only_true_left_is_true XOR_true_true_is_false 𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍 c j = 𝖿,𝖿 j_def)
        then show False
          using true_false_distinct by blast
      assume "j  right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then have case3: "j = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        using case2_or_3 by blast
      show False
      proof - 
        have "(𝗍, 𝗍⨿ (𝖿, 𝖿 ⨿𝖿, 𝗍)) c j = 𝖿, 𝗍"
          by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) case3 comp_associative2 left_coproj_cfunc_coprod left_proj_type right_coproj_cfunc_coprod right_proj_type)
        then have "𝗍, 𝗍 = 𝖿, 𝗍"
          by (metis cart_prod_eq2 false_func_type j_def true_func_type)
        then have "𝗍 = 𝖿"
          using XOR_only_true_right_is_true XOR_true_true_is_false by auto
        then show False
          using true_false_distinct by blast

lemma IMPLIES_false_is_true_false:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"  
  assumes "IMPLIES c  p,q = 𝖿"
  shows "p = 𝗍  q = 𝖿"
  by (metis IMPLIES_false_false_is_true IMPLIES_false_true_is_true IMPLIES_true_true_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values)

text ‹ETCS analog to $(A \iff B) = (A \implies B) \land (B \implies A)$›
lemma iff_is_and_implies_implies_swap:
proof(etcs_rule one_separator)
  fix x 
  assume x_type: "x c Ω ×c Ω"
  then obtain p q where x_def: "p c Ω  q c Ω  x = p,q"
    by (meson cart_prod_decomp)
  show "IFF c x = (AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω) c x"
  proof(cases "p = 𝗍")
    assume "p = 𝗍"
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "q = 𝗍")
      assume "q = 𝗍"
      show ?thesis
      proof - 
        have "(AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω) c x =    
               AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω  c x"
          using comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
        also have "... = AND c IMPLIES c x,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω c x"
          using cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
        also have "... = AND c IMPLIES c 𝗍,𝗍, IMPLIES c 𝗍,𝗍"
          using p = 𝗍 q = 𝗍 swap_ap x_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
        also have "... = AND c 𝗍, 𝗍"
          using IMPLIES_true_true_is_true by presburger
        also have "... = 𝗍"
          by (simp add: AND_true_true_is_true)
        also have "... = IFF c x"
          by (simp add: IFF_true_true_is_true p = 𝗍 q = 𝗍 x_def)
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp
      assume "q  𝗍"
      then have "q = 𝖿"
        by (meson true_false_only_truth_values x_def)
      show ?thesis
      proof - 
        have "(AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω) c x =    
               AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω  c x"
          using comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
        also have "... = AND c IMPLIES c x,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω c x"
          using cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
        also have "... = AND c IMPLIES c 𝗍,𝖿, IMPLIES c 𝖿,𝗍"
          using p = 𝗍 q = 𝖿 swap_ap x_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
        also have "... = AND c 𝖿, 𝗍"
          using IMPLIES_false_true_is_true IMPLIES_true_false_is_false by presburger
        also have "... = 𝖿"
          by (simp add: AND_false_left_is_false true_func_type)
        also have "... = IFF c x"
          by (simp add: IFF_true_false_is_false p = 𝗍 q = 𝖿 x_def)
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp
    assume "p  𝗍"
    then have "p = 𝖿"
      using true_false_only_truth_values x_def by blast
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "q = 𝗍")
      assume "q = 𝗍"
      show ?thesis
      proof - 
        have "(AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω) c x =    
               AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω  c x"
          using comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
        also have "... = AND c IMPLIES c x,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω c x"
          using cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
        also have "... = AND c IMPLIES c 𝖿,𝗍, IMPLIES c 𝗍,𝖿"
          using p = 𝖿 q = 𝗍 swap_ap x_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
        also have "... = AND c 𝗍, 𝖿"
          by (simp add: IMPLIES_false_true_is_true IMPLIES_true_false_is_false)
        also have "... = 𝖿"
          by (simp add: AND_false_right_is_false true_func_type)
        also have "... = IFF c x"
          by (simp add: IFF_false_true_is_false p = 𝖿 q = 𝗍 x_def)
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp
      assume "q  𝗍"
      then have "q = 𝖿"
        by (meson true_false_only_truth_values x_def)
      show ?thesis
      proof - 
        have "(AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω) c x =    
               AND c IMPLIES,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω  c x"
          using comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
        also have "... = AND c IMPLIES c x,IMPLIES c swap Ω Ω c x"
          using cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
        also have "... = AND c IMPLIES c 𝖿,𝖿, IMPLIES c 𝖿,𝖿"
          using p = 𝖿 q = 𝖿 swap_ap x_def by (typecheck_cfuncs, presburger)
        also have "... = AND c 𝗍, 𝗍"
          by (simp add: IMPLIES_false_false_is_true)
        also have "... = 𝗍"
          by (simp add: AND_true_true_is_true)
        also have "... = IFF c x"
          by (simp add: IFF_false_false_is_true p = 𝖿 q = 𝖿 x_def)
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp

lemma IMPLIES_is_OR_NOT_id:
  "IMPLIES = OR c (NOT ×f id(Ω))"
proof(etcs_rule one_separator)
  fix x 
  assume x_type: "x c Ω ×c Ω"
  then obtain u v where x_form: "u c Ω  v c Ω  x = u, v"
    using cart_prod_decomp by blast
  show "IMPLIES c x = (OR c NOT ×f idc Ω) c x"
  proof(cases "u = 𝗍")
    assume "u = 𝗍"
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "v = 𝗍")
      assume "v = 𝗍"
      have "(OR c NOT ×f idc Ω) c x = OR c (NOT ×f idc Ω) c x"
        using comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
      also have "... = OR c NOT c 𝗍, idc Ω c 𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: u = 𝗍 v = 𝗍 cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod x_form)
      also have "... = OR c 𝖿, 𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: NOT_true_is_false id_left_unit2)
      also have "... = 𝗍"
        by (simp add: OR_true_right_is_true false_func_type)
      also have "... = IMPLIES c x"
        by (simp add: IMPLIES_true_true_is_true u = 𝗍 v = 𝗍 x_form)
      finally show ?thesis
        by simp
      assume "v  𝗍"
      then have "v = 𝖿"
        by (metis true_false_only_truth_values x_form)
      have "(OR c NOT ×f idc Ω) c x = OR c (NOT ×f idc Ω) c x"
        using comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
      also have "... = OR c NOT c 𝗍, idc Ω c 𝖿"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: u = 𝗍 v = 𝖿 cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod x_form)
      also have "... = OR c 𝖿, 𝖿"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: NOT_true_is_false id_left_unit2)
      also have "... = 𝖿"
        by (simp add: OR_false_false_is_false false_func_type)
      also have "... = IMPLIES c x"
        by (simp add: IMPLIES_true_false_is_false u = 𝗍 v = 𝖿 x_form)
      finally show ?thesis
        by simp
    assume "u  𝗍"
    then have "u = 𝖿"
        by (metis true_false_only_truth_values x_form)
    show ?thesis 
    proof(cases "v = 𝗍")
      assume "v = 𝗍"
      have "(OR c NOT ×f idc Ω) c x = OR c (NOT ×f idc Ω) c x"
        using comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
      also have "... = OR c NOT c 𝖿, idc Ω c 𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: u = 𝖿 v = 𝗍 cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod x_form)
      also have "... = OR c 𝗍, 𝗍"
        using NOT_false_is_true id_left_unit2 true_func_type by smt
      also have "... = 𝗍"
        by (simp add: OR_true_right_is_true true_func_type)
      also have "... = IMPLIES c x"
        by (simp add: IMPLIES_false_true_is_true u = 𝖿 v = 𝗍 x_form)
      finally show ?thesis
        by simp
      assume "v  𝗍"
      then have "v = 𝖿"
        by (metis true_false_only_truth_values x_form)
      have "(OR c NOT ×f idc Ω) c x = OR c (NOT ×f idc Ω) c x"
        using comp_associative2 x_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
      also have "... = OR c NOT c 𝖿, idc Ω c 𝖿"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: u = 𝖿 v = 𝖿 cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod x_form)
      also have "... = OR c 𝗍, 𝖿"
        using NOT_false_is_true false_func_type id_left_unit2 by presburger
      also have "... = 𝗍"
        by (simp add: OR_true_left_is_true false_func_type)
      also have "... = IMPLIES c x"
        by (simp add: IMPLIES_false_false_is_true u = 𝖿 v = 𝖿 x_form)
      finally show ?thesis
        by simp

lemma IMPLIES_implies_implies:
  assumes P_type[type_rule]: "P : X  Ω" and Q_type[type_rule]: "Q : Y  Ω"
  assumes X_nonempty: "x. x c X"
  assumes IMPLIES_true: "IMPLIES c (P ×f Q) = 𝗍 c β⇘X ×c Y⇙"
  shows "P = 𝗍 c β⇘X Q = 𝗍 c β⇘Y⇙"
proof -
  obtain z where z_type[type_rule]: "z : X ×c Y  𝟭  𝟭  𝟭"
    and z_eq: "P ×f Q = (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍) c z"
    using IMPLIES_is_pullback unfolding is_pullback_def
    by (auto, typecheck_cfuncs, metis IMPLIES_true terminal_func_type)  
  assume P_true: "P = 𝗍 c β⇘X⇙"
  have "left_cart_proj Ω Ω c (P ×f Q) = left_cart_proj Ω Ω c (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍) c z"
    using z_eq by simp
  then have "P c left_cart_proj X Y = (left_cart_proj Ω Ω c (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍)) c z"
    using Q_type comp_associative2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod by (typecheck_cfuncs, force)
  then have "P c left_cart_proj X Y
    = ((left_cart_proj Ω Ω c 𝗍,𝗍) ⨿ (left_cart_proj Ω Ω c 𝖿,𝖿) ⨿ (left_cart_proj Ω Ω c 𝖿,𝗍)) c z"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, simp add: cfunc_coprod_comp)
  then have "P c left_cart_proj X Y = (𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿) c z"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)

  show "Q = 𝗍 c β⇘Y⇙"
  proof (etcs_rule one_separator)
    fix y
    assume y_in_Y[type_rule]: "y c Y"
    obtain x where x_in_X[type_rule]: "x c X"
      using X_nonempty by blast

    have "z c x,y = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)
         z c x,y = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭
         z c x,y = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2 coprojs_jointly_surj one_unique_element)
    then show "Q c y = (𝗍 c β⇘Y) c y"
    proof safe
      assume "z c x,y = left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
      then have "(P ×f Q) c x,y = (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍) c left_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭)"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2 z_eq z_type)
      then have "(P ×f Q) c x,y = 𝗍,𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
      then have "Q c y = 𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt (verit, best) cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod comp_associative2 comp_type id_right_unit2 right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
      then show "Q c y = (𝗍 c β⇘Y) c y"
        by (smt (verit, best) comp_associative2 id_right_unit2 terminal_func_comp_elem terminal_func_type true_func_type y_in_Y)
      assume "z c x,y = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then have "(P ×f Q) c x,y = (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍) c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2 z_eq z_type)
      then have "(P ×f Q) c x,y = (𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍) c left_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt right_coproj_cfunc_coprod comp_associative2)
      then have "(P ×f Q) c x,y = 𝖿,𝖿"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt left_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
      then have "P c x = 𝖿"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt (verit, best) cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod comp_associative2 comp_type id_right_unit2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
      also have "P c x = 𝗍"
        using P_true by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt (z3) comp_associative2 id_right_unit2 id_type one_unique_element terminal_func_comp terminal_func_type x_in_X)
      ultimately have False
        using true_false_distinct by simp
      then show "Q c y = (𝗍 c β⇘Y) c y"
        by simp
      assume "z c x,y = right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
      then have "(P ×f Q) c x,y = (𝗍,𝗍 ⨿ 𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍) c right_coproj 𝟭 (𝟭  𝟭) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2 z_eq z_type)
      then have "(P ×f Q) c x,y = (𝖿,𝖿 ⨿ 𝖿,𝗍) c right_coproj 𝟭 𝟭"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt right_coproj_cfunc_coprod comp_associative2)
      then have "(P ×f Q) c x,y = 𝖿,𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt right_coproj_cfunc_coprod)
      then have "Q c y = 𝗍"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs_prems, smt (verit, best) cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod comp_associative2 comp_type id_right_unit2 right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
      then show "Q c y = (𝗍 c β⇘Y) c y"
        by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) comp_associative2 id_right_unit2 id_type one_unique_element terminal_func_comp terminal_func_type)

lemma IMPLIES_elim:
  assumes IMPLIES_true: "IMPLIES c (P ×f Q) = 𝗍 c β⇘X ×c Y⇙"
  assumes P_type[type_rule]: "P : X  Ω" and Q_type[type_rule]: "Q : Y  Ω"
  assumes X_nonempty: "x. x c X"
  shows "(P = 𝗍 c β⇘X)  ((Q = 𝗍 c β⇘Y)  R)  R"
  using IMPLIES_implies_implies assms by blast

lemma IMPLIES_elim'':
  assumes IMPLIES_true: "IMPLIES c (P ×f Q) = 𝗍"
  assumes P_type[type_rule]: "P : 𝟭  Ω" and Q_type[type_rule]: "Q : 𝟭  Ω"
  shows "(P = 𝗍)  ((Q = 𝗍)  R)  R"
proof -
  have one_nonempty: "x. x c 𝟭"
    using one_unique_element by blast
  have "(IMPLIES c (P ×f Q) = 𝗍 c β⇘𝟭 ×c 𝟭)"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis IMPLIES_true id_right_unit2 id_type one_unique_element terminal_func_comp terminal_func_type)
  then have "(P = 𝗍 c β⇘𝟭)  ((Q = 𝗍 c β⇘𝟭)  R)  R"
    using one_nonempty by (-, etcs_erule IMPLIES_elim, auto)
  then show "(P = 𝗍)  ((Q = 𝗍)  R)  R"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis id_right_unit2 id_type one_unique_element terminal_func_type)

lemma IMPLIES_elim':
  assumes IMPLIES_true: "IMPLIES c P, Q = 𝗍"
  assumes P_type[type_rule]: "P : 𝟭  Ω" and Q_type[type_rule]: "Q : 𝟭  Ω"
  shows "(P = 𝗍)  ((Q = 𝗍)  R)  R"
  using IMPLIES_true IMPLIES_true_false_is_false Q_type true_false_only_truth_values by force

lemma implies_implies_IMPLIES:
  assumes P_type[type_rule]: "P : 𝟭  Ω" and Q_type[type_rule]: "Q : 𝟭  Ω"
  shows  "(P = 𝗍  Q = 𝗍)  IMPLIES c P, Q = 𝗍"
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis IMPLIES_false_is_true_false true_false_only_truth_values)

subsection ‹Other Boolean Identities›

lemma AND_OR_distributive:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  assumes "r c Ω"
  shows "AND c p, OR c q,r = OR c AND c p,q, AND c p,r"
  by (metis AND_commutative AND_false_right_is_false AND_true_true_is_true OR_false_false_is_false OR_true_left_is_true OR_true_right_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma OR_AND_distributive:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  assumes "r c Ω"
  shows "OR c p, AND c q,r = AND c OR c p,q, OR c p,r"
  by (smt (z3) AND_commutative AND_false_right_is_false AND_true_true_is_true OR_commutative OR_false_false_is_false OR_true_right_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma OR_AND_absorption:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  shows "OR c p, AND c p,q = p"
  by (metis AND_commutative AND_complementary AND_idempotent NOT_true_is_false OR_false_false_is_false OR_true_left_is_true assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma AND_OR_absorption:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  shows "AND c p, OR c p,q = p"
  by (metis AND_commutative AND_complementary AND_idempotent NOT_true_is_false OR_AND_absorption OR_commutative assms true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma deMorgan_Law1:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  shows "NOT c OR c p,q = AND c NOT c p, NOT c q"
  by (metis AND_OR_absorption AND_complementary AND_true_true_is_true NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false OR_AND_absorption OR_commutative OR_idempotent assms false_func_type true_false_only_truth_values)

lemma deMorgan_Law2:
  assumes "p c Ω"
  assumes "q c Ω"
  shows "NOT c AND c p,q = OR c NOT c p, NOT c q"
  by (metis AND_complementary AND_idempotent NOT_false_is_true NOT_true_is_false OR_complementary OR_false_false_is_false OR_idempotent assms true_false_only_truth_values true_func_type)