Theory Product

section ‹Cartesian Products of Sets›

theory Product
  imports Cfunc

text ‹The axiomatization below corresponds to Axiom 2 (Cartesian Products) in Halvorson.›
  cart_prod :: "cset  cset  cset" (infixr "×c" 65) and
  left_cart_proj :: "cset  cset  cfunc" and
  right_cart_proj :: "cset  cset  cfunc" and
  cfunc_prod :: "cfunc  cfunc  cfunc" ("_,_")
  left_cart_proj_type[type_rule]: "left_cart_proj X Y : X ×c Y  X" and
  right_cart_proj_type[type_rule]: "right_cart_proj X Y : X ×c Y  Y" and
  cfunc_prod_type[type_rule]: "f : Z  X  g : Z  Y  f,g : Z  X ×c Y" and
  left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod: "f : Z  X  g : Z  Y  left_cart_proj X Y c f,g = f" and
  right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod: "f : Z  X  g : Z  Y  right_cart_proj X Y c f,g = g" and
  cfunc_prod_unique: "f : Z  X  g : Z  Y  h : Z  X ×c Y  
    left_cart_proj X Y c h = f  right_cart_proj X Y c h = g  h = f,g"

definition is_cart_prod :: "cset  cfunc  cfunc  cset  cset  bool" where
  "is_cart_prod W π0 π1 X Y  
    (π0 : W  X  π1 : W  Y 
    ( f g Z. (f : Z  X  g : Z  Y)  
      ( h. h : Z  W  π0 c h = f  π1 c h = g 
        ( h2. (h2 : Z  W  π0 c h2 = f  π1 c h2 = g)  h2 = h))))"

lemma is_cart_prod_def2:
  assumes "π0 : W  X" "π1 : W  Y"
  shows "is_cart_prod W π0 π1 X Y  
    ( f g Z. (f : Z  X  g : Z  Y)  
      ( h. h : Z  W  π0 c h = f  π1 c h = g 
        ( h2. (h2 : Z  W  π0 c h2 = f  π1 c h2 = g)  h2 = h)))"
  unfolding is_cart_prod_def using assms by auto

abbreviation is_cart_prod_triple :: "cset × cfunc × cfunc  cset  cset  bool" where
  "is_cart_prod_triple  X Y  is_cart_prod (fst ) (fst (snd )) (snd (snd )) X Y"

lemma canonical_cart_prod_is_cart_prod:
 "is_cart_prod (X ×c Y) (left_cart_proj X Y) (right_cart_proj X Y) X Y"
  unfolding is_cart_prod_def
proof (typecheck_cfuncs)
  fix f g Z
  assume f_type: "f: Z  X"
  assume g_type: "g: Z  Y"
  show "h. h : Z  X ×c Y 
           left_cart_proj X Y c h = f 
           right_cart_proj X Y c h = g 
           (h2. h2 : Z  X ×c Y 
                 left_cart_proj X Y c h2 = f  right_cart_proj X Y c h2 = g 
                 h2 = h)"
       using f_type g_type left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod cfunc_prod_unique
       by (intro exI[where x="f,g"], simp add: cfunc_prod_type)

text ‹The lemma below corresponds to Proposition 2.1.8 in Halvorson.›
lemma cart_prods_isomorphic:
  assumes W_cart_prod:  "is_cart_prod_triple (W, π0, π1) X Y"
  assumes W'_cart_prod: "is_cart_prod_triple (W', π'0, π'1) X Y"
  shows " f. f : W  W'  isomorphism f  π'0 c f = π0  π'1 c f = π1"
proof -
  obtain f where f_def: "f : W  W'  π'0 c f = π0  π'1 c f = π1"
    using W'_cart_prod W_cart_prod unfolding is_cart_prod_def by (metis fstI sndI)

  obtain g where g_def: "g : W'  W  π0 c g = π'0  π1 c g = π'1"
      using W'_cart_prod W_cart_prod unfolding is_cart_prod_def by (metis fstI sndI)

  have fg0: "π'0 c (f c g) = π'0"
    using W'_cart_prod comp_associative2 f_def g_def is_cart_prod_def by auto
  have fg1: "π'1 c (f c g) = π'1"
    using W'_cart_prod comp_associative2 f_def g_def is_cart_prod_def by auto

  obtain idW' where "idW' : W'  W'  ( h2. (h2 : W'  W'  π'0 c h2 = π'0  π'1 c h2 = π'1)  h2 = idW')"
    using W'_cart_prod unfolding is_cart_prod_def by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
  then have fg: "f c g = id W'"
  proof clarify
    assume idW'_unique: "h2. h2 : W'  W'  π'0 c h2 = π'0  π'1 c h2 = π'1  h2 = idW'"
    have 1: "f c g = idW'"
      using comp_type f_def fg0 fg1 g_def idW'_unique by blast
    have 2: "id W' = idW'"
      using W'_cart_prod idW'_unique id_right_unit2 id_type is_cart_prod_def by auto
    from 1 2 show "f c g = id W'"
      by auto

  have gf0: "π0 c (g c f) = π0"
    using W_cart_prod comp_associative2 f_def g_def is_cart_prod_def by auto
  have gf1: "π1 c (g c f) = π1"
    using W_cart_prod comp_associative2 f_def g_def is_cart_prod_def by auto

  obtain idW where "idW : W  W  ( h2. (h2 : W  W  π0 c h2 = π0  π1 c h2 = π1)  h2 = idW)"
    using W_cart_prod unfolding is_cart_prod_def by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
  then have gf: "g c f = id W"
  proof clarify
    assume idW_unique: "h2. h2 : W  W  π0 c h2 = π0  π1 c h2 = π1  h2 = idW"
    have 1: "g c f = idW"
      using idW_unique cfunc_type_def codomain_comp domain_comp f_def gf0 gf1 g_def by auto
    have 2: "id W = idW"
      using idW_unique W_cart_prod id_right_unit2 id_type is_cart_prod_def by auto
    from 1 2 show "g c f = id W"
      by auto

  have f_iso: "isomorphism f"
    using f_def fg g_def gf isomorphism_def3 by blast
  from f_iso f_def show "f. f : W  W'  isomorphism f  π'0 c f = π0  π'1 c f = π1"
    by auto

lemma product_commutes:
  "A ×c B  B ×c A"
proof -
  have id_AB: "right_cart_proj B A, left_cart_proj B A c right_cart_proj A B, left_cart_proj A B = id(A ×c B)"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) cfunc_prod_unique comp_associative2 id_right_unit2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  have id_BA: "right_cart_proj A B, left_cart_proj A B c right_cart_proj B A, left_cart_proj B A = id(B ×c A)"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) cfunc_prod_unique comp_associative2 id_right_unit2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  show "A ×c B  B ×c A"
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) canonical_cart_prod_is_cart_prod cfunc_prod_unique cfunc_type_def id_AB id_BA is_cart_prod_def is_isomorphic_def isomorphism_def)

lemma cart_prod_eq:
  assumes "a : Z  X ×c Y" "b : Z   X ×c Y"
  shows "a = b  
    (left_cart_proj X Y c a = left_cart_proj X Y c b 
       right_cart_proj X Y c a = right_cart_proj X Y c b)"
  by (metis (full_types) assms cfunc_prod_unique comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)

lemma cart_prod_eqI:
  assumes "a : Z  X ×c Y" "b : Z   X ×c Y"
  assumes "(left_cart_proj X Y c a = left_cart_proj X Y c b 
       right_cart_proj X Y c a = right_cart_proj X Y c b)"
  shows "a = b"
  using assms cart_prod_eq by blast

lemma cart_prod_eq2:
  assumes "a : Z  X" "b : Z  Y" "c : Z   X" "d : Z   Y"
  shows "a, b = c,d  (a = c  b = d)"
  by (metis assms left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)

lemma cart_prod_decomp:
  assumes "a : A  X ×c Y"
  shows " x y. a = x, y  x : A  X  y : A  Y"
proof (rule exI[where x="left_cart_proj X Y c a"], intro exI [where x="right_cart_proj X Y c a"], safe)
  show "a = left_cart_proj X Y c a,right_cart_proj X Y c a"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_unique)
  show "left_cart_proj X Y c a : A   X"
    using assms by typecheck_cfuncs
  show "right_cart_proj X Y c a : A  Y"
    using assms by typecheck_cfuncs

subsection ‹Diagonal Functions›

text ‹The definition below corresponds to Definition 2.1.9 in Halvorson.›
definition diagonal :: "cset  cfunc" where
  "diagonal X = id X,id X"

lemma diagonal_type[type_rule]:
  "diagonal X : X  X ×c X"
  unfolding diagonal_def by (simp add: cfunc_prod_type id_type)

lemma diag_mono:
"monomorphism(diagonal X)"
proof - 
  have "left_cart_proj X X c diagonal X = id X"
    by (metis diagonal_def id_type left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  then show "monomorphism(diagonal X)"
    by (metis cfunc_type_def comp_monic_imp_monic diagonal_type id_isomorphism iso_imp_epi_and_monic left_cart_proj_type)

subsection ‹Products of Functions›

text ‹The definition below corresponds to Definition 2.1.10 in Halvorson.›
definition cfunc_cross_prod :: "cfunc  cfunc  cfunc" (infixr "×f" 55) where
  "f ×f g = f c left_cart_proj (domain f) (domain g), g c right_cart_proj (domain f) (domain g)"

lemma cfunc_cross_prod_def2: 
  assumes "f : X  Y" "g : V W"
  shows "f ×f g = f c left_cart_proj X V, g c right_cart_proj X V"
  using assms cfunc_cross_prod_def cfunc_type_def by auto
lemma cfunc_cross_prod_type[type_rule]:
  "f : W  Y  g : X  Z  f ×f g : W ×c X  Y ×c Z"
  unfolding cfunc_cross_prod_def
  using cfunc_prod_type cfunc_type_def comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type by auto

lemma left_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod:
  "f : W  Y  g : X  Z  left_cart_proj Y Z c f ×f g = f c left_cart_proj W X"
  unfolding cfunc_cross_prod_def
  using cfunc_type_def comp_type left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type by (smt (verit))

lemma right_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod:
  "f : W  Y  g : X  Z  right_cart_proj Y Z c f ×f g = g c right_cart_proj W X"
  unfolding cfunc_cross_prod_def
  using cfunc_type_def comp_type right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type by (smt (verit))

lemma cfunc_cross_prod_unique: "f : W  Y  g : X  Z  h : W ×c X  Y ×c Z 
    left_cart_proj Y Z c h = f c left_cart_proj W X 
    right_cart_proj Y Z c h = g c right_cart_proj W X  h = f ×f g"
  unfolding cfunc_cross_prod_def
  using cfunc_prod_unique cfunc_type_def comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type by auto

text ‹The lemma below corresponds to Proposition 2.1.11 in Halvorson.›
lemma identity_distributes_across_composition:
  assumes f_type: "f : A  B" and g_type: "g : B  C"
  shows "id X ×f (g  c f) = (id X ×f g) c (id X ×f f)"
proof -
  from cfunc_cross_prod_unique
  have uniqueness: "h. h : X ×c A  X ×c C 
    left_cart_proj X C c h = idc X c left_cart_proj X A 
    right_cart_proj X C c h = (g c f) c right_cart_proj X A 
    h = idc X ×f (g c f)"
    by (meson comp_type f_type g_type id_type)

  have left_eq: "left_cart_proj X C c (idc X ×f g) c (idc X ×f f) = idc X c left_cart_proj X A"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2 id_left_unit2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod left_cart_proj_type)
  have right_eq: "right_cart_proj X C c (idc X ×f g) c (idc X ×f f) = (g c f) c right_cart_proj X A"
    using assms by(typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2 right_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod right_cart_proj_type)
  show "idc X ×f g c f = (idc X ×f g) c idc X ×f f"
    using assms left_eq right_eq uniqueness by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)

lemma cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod:
  assumes a_type: "a : A  W" and b_type: "b : A  X"
  assumes f_type: "f : W  Y" and g_type: "g : X  Z"
  shows "(f ×f g) c a, b = f c a, g c b"
proof -
  from cfunc_prod_unique have uniqueness:
    "h. h : A  Y ×c Z  left_cart_proj Y Z c h = f c a  right_cart_proj Y Z c h = g c b  
      h = f c a, g c b"
    using assms comp_type by blast

  have "left_cart_proj Y Z c (f ×f g) c a, b = f c left_cart_proj W X c a, b"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod)
  then have left_eq: "left_cart_proj Y Z c (f ×f g) c a, b = f c a"
    using a_type b_type left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod by auto
  have "right_cart_proj Y Z c (f ×f g) c a, b = g c right_cart_proj W X c a, b"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2 right_cart_proj_cfunc_cross_prod)
  then have right_eq: "right_cart_proj Y Z c (f ×f g) c a, b = g c b"
    using a_type b_type right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod by auto

  show "(f ×f g) c a,b = f c a,g c b"
    using uniqueness left_eq right_eq assms by (meson cfunc_cross_prod_type cfunc_prod_type comp_type uniqueness)

lemma cfunc_prod_comp:
  assumes f_type: "f : X  Y"
  assumes a_type: "a : Y  A" and b_type: "b : Y  B"
  shows "a, b c f = a c f, b c f"
proof -
  have same_left_proj: "left_cart_proj A B c a, b c f = a c f"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: comp_associative2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  have same_right_proj: "right_cart_proj A B c a, b c f = b c f"
    using assms comp_associative2 right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  show "a,b c f = a c f, b c f"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, metis a_type b_type cfunc_prod_unique f_type same_left_proj same_right_proj)

text ‹The lemma below corresponds to Exercise 2.1.12 in Halvorson.›
lemma id_cross_prod: "id(X) ×f id(Y) = id(X ×c Y)"
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) cfunc_cross_prod_unique id_left_unit2 id_right_unit2 left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)

text ‹The lemma below corresponds to Exercise 2.1.14 in Halvorson.›
lemma cfunc_cross_prod_comp_diagonal:
  assumes "f: X  Y" 
  shows "(f ×f f) c diagonal(X) = diagonal(Y) c f"
  unfolding diagonal_def
proof -
  have "(f ×f f) c idc X, idc X = f c idc X, f c idc X"
    using assms cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod id_type by blast
  also have "... = f, f"
    using assms cfunc_type_def id_right_unit by auto
  also have "... = idc Y c f, idc Y c f"
    using assms cfunc_type_def id_left_unit by auto
  also have "... = idc Y, idc Y c f"
    using assms cfunc_prod_comp id_type by fastforce
  finally show "(f ×f f) c idc X,idc X = idc Y,idc Y c f".

lemma cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_cross_prod:
  assumes "a : A  X" "b : B  Y" "x : X  Z" "y : Y  W"
  shows "(x ×f y) c (a ×f b) = (x c a) ×f (y c b)"
proof -
  have "(x ×f y) c a c left_cart_proj A B , b c right_cart_proj A B
      = x c a c left_cart_proj A B, y c b c right_cart_proj A B"
    by (meson assms cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)
  then show "(x ×f y) c a ×f b = (x c a) ×f y c b"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs,smt (z3) assms cfunc_cross_prod_def2 comp_associative2 left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)

lemma cfunc_cross_prod_mono:
  assumes type_assms: "f : X  Y" "g : Z  W"
  assumes f_mono: "monomorphism f" and g_mono: "monomorphism g"
  shows "monomorphism (f ×f g)"
  using type_assms
proof (typecheck_cfuncs, unfold monomorphism_def3, clarify)
  fix x y A
  assume x_type: "x : A  X ×c Z"
  assume y_type: "y : A  X ×c Z"

  obtain x1 x2 where x_expand: "x = x1, x2" and x1_x2_type: "x1 : A  X" "x2 : A  Z"
    using cfunc_prod_unique comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type x_type by blast
  obtain y1 y2 where y_expand: "y = y1, y2" and y1_y2_type: "y1 : A  X" "y2 : A  Z"
    using cfunc_prod_unique comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type y_type by blast

  assume "(f ×f g) c x = (f ×f g) c y"
  then have "(f ×f g) c x1, x2 = (f ×f g) c y1, y2"
    using x_expand y_expand by blast
  then have "f c x1, g c x2 = f c y1, g c y2"
    using cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod type_assms x1_x2_type y1_y2_type by auto
  then have "f c x1 = f c y1  g c x2 = g c y2"
    by (meson cart_prod_eq2 comp_type type_assms x1_x2_type y1_y2_type)
  then have "x1 = y1  x2 = y2"
    using cfunc_type_def f_mono g_mono monomorphism_def type_assms x1_x2_type y1_y2_type by auto
  then have "x1, x2 = y1, y2"
    by blast
  then show "x = y"
    by (simp add: x_expand y_expand)

subsection ‹Useful Cartesian Product Permuting Functions›

subsubsection ‹Swapping a Cartesian Product›

definition swap :: "cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "swap X Y = right_cart_proj X Y, left_cart_proj X Y"

lemma swap_type[type_rule]: "swap X Y : X ×c Y  Y ×c X"
  unfolding swap_def by (simp add: cfunc_prod_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)

lemma swap_ap:
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y"
  shows "swap X Y c x, y = y, x"
proof -
  have "swap X Y c x, y = right_cart_proj X Y,left_cart_proj X Y c x,y"
    unfolding swap_def by auto
  also have "... = right_cart_proj X Y c x,y, left_cart_proj X Y c x,y"
    by (meson assms cfunc_prod_comp cfunc_prod_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)
  also have "... = y, x"
    using assms left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod by auto
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma swap_cross_prod:
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : B  Y"
  shows "swap X Y c (x ×f y) = (y ×f x) c swap A B"
proof -
  have "swap X Y c (x ×f y) = swap X Y c x c left_cart_proj A B, y c right_cart_proj A B"
    using assms unfolding cfunc_cross_prod_def cfunc_type_def by auto
  also have "... = y c right_cart_proj A B, x c left_cart_proj A B"
    by (meson assms comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type swap_ap)
  also have "... = (y ×f x) c right_cart_proj A B, left_cart_proj A B"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = (y ×f x) c swap A B"
    unfolding swap_def by auto
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma swap_idempotent:
  "swap Y X c swap X Y = id (X ×c Y)"
  by (metis swap_def cfunc_prod_unique id_right_unit2 id_type left_cart_proj_type
      right_cart_proj_type swap_ap)

lemma swap_mono:
  "monomorphism(swap X Y)"
  by (metis cfunc_type_def iso_imp_epi_and_monic isomorphism_def swap_idempotent swap_type)

subsubsection ‹Permuting a Cartesian Product to Associate to the Right›

definition associate_right :: "cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "associate_right X Y Z =
      left_cart_proj X Y c left_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z, 
        right_cart_proj X Y c left_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z,
        right_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z

lemma associate_right_type[type_rule]: "associate_right X Y Z : (X ×c Y) ×c Z  X ×c (Y ×c Z)"
  unfolding associate_right_def by (meson cfunc_prod_type comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)

lemma associate_right_ap:
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y" "z : A  Z"
  shows "associate_right X Y Z c x, y, z = x, y, z"
proof -
  have "associate_right X Y Z c x, y, z = (left_cart_proj X Y c left_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z) c x,y,z, 
    (right_cart_proj X Y c left_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z) c x,y,z, right_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z c x,y,z"
    by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, best) assms associate_right_def cfunc_prod_comp cfunc_prod_type)
  also have "... = left_cart_proj X Y c x,y, right_cart_proj X Y c x,y, z"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt comp_associative2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... =x, y, z"
    using assms left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod by auto
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma associate_right_crossprod_ap:
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : B  Y" "z : C  Z"
  shows "associate_right X Y Z c ((x ×f y) ×f z) = (x ×f (y×f z)) c  associate_right A B C"
  have "associate_right X Y Z c ((x ×f y) ×f z) =
        associate_right X Y Z c x  c left_cart_proj A B, y c right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C, z c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) C"
    using assms unfolding cfunc_cross_prod_def2 by(typecheck_cfuncs, unfold cfunc_cross_prod_def2, auto) 
  also have "... = associate_right X Y Z c x  c left_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C, y  c right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C, z c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) C"
    using assms  cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  also have "... = x  c left_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C, y c right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C, z c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) C"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: associate_right_ap)
  also have "... = x  c left_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C, (y ×f z)c right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C,right_cart_proj (A ×c B) C"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = (x ×f (y×f z)) c left_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C,right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A×cB) C,right_cart_proj (A ×c B) C"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = (x ×f (y×f z)) c  associate_right A B C"   
    unfolding associate_right_def by auto
  finally show ?thesis.

subsubsection ‹Permuting a Cartesian Product to Associate to the Left›

definition associate_left :: "cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "associate_left X Y Z =
        left_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z),
        left_cart_proj Y Z c right_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z)
      right_cart_proj Y Z c right_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z)

lemma associate_left_type[type_rule]: "associate_left X Y Z : X ×c (Y ×c Z)  (X ×c Y) ×c Z"
  unfolding associate_left_def
  by (meson cfunc_prod_type comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)

lemma associate_left_ap:
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y" "z : A  Z"
  shows "associate_left X Y Z c x, y, z = x, y, z"
proof -
  have "associate_left X Y Z c x, y, z  = left_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z),
        left_cart_proj Y Z c right_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z) c x, y, z,
        right_cart_proj Y Z c right_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z)  c x, y, z"
    using assms associate_left_def cfunc_prod_comp cfunc_type_def comp_associative comp_type by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  also have "... =  left_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z) c x, y, z,
        left_cart_proj Y Z c right_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z) c x, y, z,
        right_cart_proj Y Z c right_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z)  c x, y, z"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2)
  also have "... = x, left_cart_proj Y Z c y, z, right_cart_proj Y Z c y, z"
    using assms left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  also have "... = x, y, z"
    using assms left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod by auto
  finally show ?thesis.

lemma right_left: 
 "associate_right A B C c associate_left A B C = id (A ×c (B ×c C))"
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) associate_left_def associate_right_ap cfunc_prod_unique comp_type id_right_unit2 left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)

lemma left_right: 
 "associate_left A B C c associate_right A B C = id ((A ×c B) ×c C)"
    by (smt associate_left_ap associate_right_def cfunc_cross_prod_def cfunc_prod_unique comp_type id_cross_prod id_domain id_left_unit2 left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type)

lemma product_associates:
  "A ×c (B ×c C)   (A ×c B) ×c C"
    by (metis associate_left_type associate_right_type cfunc_type_def is_isomorphic_def isomorphism_def left_right right_left) 

lemma associate_left_crossprod_ap:
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : B  Y" "z : C  Z"
  shows "associate_left X Y Z c (x ×f (y×f z)) = ((x ×f y)×f z) c  associate_left A B C"
  have "associate_left X Y Z c (x ×f (y×f z)) =
        associate_left X Y Z c x c left_cart_proj A (B×cC), y c left_cart_proj B C, z c right_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC)"
    using assms unfolding cfunc_cross_prod_def2 by(typecheck_cfuncs, unfold cfunc_cross_prod_def2, auto) 
  also have "... = associate_left X Y Z c x c left_cart_proj A (B×cC), y c left_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC), z c right_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC)"
    using assms  cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  also have "... = x c left_cart_proj A (B×cC), y c left_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC),z c right_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC)"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: associate_left_ap)
  also have "... = (x ×f y)c  left_cart_proj A (B×cC), left_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC),z c right_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC)"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = ((x ×f y)×f z) c left_cart_proj A (B×cC), left_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC),right_cart_proj B C c right_cart_proj A (B×cC)"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_cross_prod_comp_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = ((x ×f y)×f z) c associate_left A B C"   
    unfolding associate_left_def by auto
  finally show ?thesis.
subsubsection ‹Distributing over a Cartesian Product from the Right›

definition distribute_right_left :: "cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "distribute_right_left X Y Z = 
    left_cart_proj X Y c left_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z, right_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z"

lemma distribute_right_left_type[type_rule]:
  "distribute_right_left X Y Z : (X ×c Y) ×c Z  X ×c Z"
  unfolding distribute_right_left_def
  using cfunc_prod_type comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type by blast

lemma distribute_right_left_ap: 
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y" "z : A  Z"
  shows "distribute_right_left X Y Z c x, y, z = x, z"
  unfolding distribute_right_left_def 
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (verit, best) assms cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)

definition distribute_right_right :: "cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "distribute_right_right X Y Z = 
    right_cart_proj X Y c left_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z, right_cart_proj (X ×c Y) Z"

lemma distribute_right_right_type[type_rule]:
  "distribute_right_right X Y Z : (X ×c Y) ×c Z  Y ×c Z"
  unfolding distribute_right_right_def
  using cfunc_prod_type comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type by blast

lemma distribute_right_right_ap: 
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y" "z : A  Z"
  shows "distribute_right_right X Y Z c x, y, z = y, z"
  unfolding distribute_right_right_def  
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) assms cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)

definition distribute_right :: "cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "distribute_right X Y Z = distribute_right_left X Y Z, distribute_right_right X Y Z"

lemma distribute_right_type[type_rule]:
  "distribute_right X Y Z : (X ×c Y) ×c Z  (X ×c Z) ×c (Y ×c Z)"
  unfolding distribute_right_def
  by (simp add: cfunc_prod_type distribute_right_left_type distribute_right_right_type)

lemma distribute_right_ap: 
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y" "z : A  Z"
  shows "distribute_right X Y Z c x, y, z = x, z, y, z"
  using assms unfolding distribute_right_def  
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp distribute_right_left_ap distribute_right_right_ap)

lemma distribute_right_mono:
  "monomorphism (distribute_right X Y Z)"
proof (typecheck_cfuncs, unfold monomorphism_def3, clarify)
  fix g h A
  assume "g : A  (X ×c Y) ×c Z"
  then obtain g1 g2 g3 where g_expand: "g = g1, g2, g3"
      and g1_g2_g3_types: "g1 : A  X" "g2 : A  Y" "g3 : A  Z"
    using cart_prod_decomp by blast 
  assume "h : A  (X ×c Y) ×c Z"
  then obtain h1 h2 h3 where h_expand: "h = h1, h2, h3"
      and h1_h2_h3_types: "h1 : A  X" "h2 : A  Y" "h3 : A  Z"
    using cart_prod_decomp by blast 

  assume "distribute_right X Y Z c g = distribute_right X Y Z c h"
  then have "distribute_right X Y Z c g1, g2, g3 = distribute_right X Y Z c h1, h2, h3"
    using g_expand h_expand by auto
  then have "g1, g3, g2, g3 = h1, h3, h2, h3"
    using distribute_right_ap g1_g2_g3_types h1_h2_h3_types by auto
  then have "g1, g3 = h1, h3  g2, g3 = h2, h3"
    using g1_g2_g3_types h1_h2_h3_types cart_prod_eq2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  then have "g1 = h1  g2 = h2  g3 = h3"
    using g1_g2_g3_types h1_h2_h3_types cart_prod_eq2 by auto
  then have "g1, g2, g3 = h1, h2, h3"
    by simp
  then show "g = h"
    by (simp add: g_expand h_expand)

subsubsection ‹Distributing over a Cartesian Product from the Left›

definition distribute_left_left :: "cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "distribute_left_left X Y Z = 
    left_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z), left_cart_proj Y Z c right_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z)"

lemma distribute_left_left_type[type_rule]:
  "distribute_left_left X Y Z : X ×c (Y ×c Z)  X ×c Y"
  unfolding distribute_left_left_def
  using cfunc_prod_type comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type by blast

lemma distribute_left_left_ap: 
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y" "z : A  Z"
  shows "distribute_left_left X Y Z c x, y, z = x, y"
  using assms distribute_left_left_def  
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) associate_left_ap associate_left_def cart_prod_decomp cart_prod_eq2 cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 distribute_left_left_def right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_type)

definition distribute_left_right :: "cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "distribute_left_right X Y Z = 
    left_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z), right_cart_proj Y Z c right_cart_proj X (Y ×c Z)"

lemma distribute_left_right_type[type_rule]:
  "distribute_left_right X Y Z : X ×c (Y ×c Z)  X ×c Z"
  unfolding distribute_left_right_def
  using cfunc_prod_type comp_type left_cart_proj_type right_cart_proj_type by blast

lemma distribute_left_right_ap: 
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y" "z : A  Z"
  shows "distribute_left_right X Y Z c x, y, z = x, z"
  using assms unfolding distribute_left_right_def  
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, smt (z3) cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2 left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)

definition distribute_left :: "cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "distribute_left X Y Z = distribute_left_left X Y Z, distribute_left_right X Y Z"

lemma distribute_left_type[type_rule]:
  "distribute_left X Y Z : X ×c (Y ×c Z)  (X ×c Y) ×c (X ×c Z)"
  unfolding distribute_left_def
  by (simp add: cfunc_prod_type distribute_left_left_type distribute_left_right_type)

lemma distribute_left_ap: 
  assumes "x : A  X" "y : A  Y" "z : A  Z"
  shows "distribute_left X Y Z c x, y, z = x, y, x, z"
  using assms unfolding distribute_left_def 
  by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp distribute_left_left_ap distribute_left_right_ap)

lemma distribute_left_mono:
  "monomorphism (distribute_left X Y Z)"
proof (typecheck_cfuncs, unfold monomorphism_def3, clarify)
  fix g h A
  assume g_type: "g : A  X ×c (Y ×c Z)"
  then obtain g1 g2 g3 where g_expand: "g = g1, g2, g3"
      and g1_g2_g3_types: "g1 : A  X" "g2 : A  Y" "g3 : A  Z"
    using cart_prod_decomp by blast 
  assume h_type: "h : A  X ×c (Y ×c Z)"
  then obtain h1 h2 h3 where h_expand: "h = h1, h2, h3"
      and h1_h2_h3_types: "h1 : A  X" "h2 : A  Y" "h3 : A  Z"
    using cart_prod_decomp by blast 

  assume "distribute_left X Y Z c g = distribute_left X Y Z c h"
  then have "distribute_left X Y Z c g1, g2, g3 = distribute_left X Y Z c h1, h2, h3"
    using g_expand h_expand by auto
  then have "g1, g2, g1, g3 = h1, h2, h1, h3"
    using distribute_left_ap g1_g2_g3_types h1_h2_h3_types by auto
  then have "g1, g2 = h1, h2  g1, g3 = h1, h3"
    using g1_g2_g3_types h1_h2_h3_types cart_prod_eq2 by (typecheck_cfuncs, auto)
  then have "g1 = h1  g2 = h2  g3 = h3"
    using g1_g2_g3_types h1_h2_h3_types cart_prod_eq2 by auto
  then have "g1, g2, g3 = h1, h2, h3"
    by simp
  then show "g = h"
    by (simp add: g_expand h_expand)

subsubsection ‹Selecting Pairs from a Pair of Pairs›

definition outers :: "cset  cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "outers A B C D = 
      left_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D),
      right_cart_proj C D c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D)

lemma outers_type[type_rule]: "outers A B C D : (A ×c B) ×c (C ×c D)  (A ×c D)"
  unfolding outers_def by typecheck_cfuncs

lemma outers_apply:
  assumes "a : Z  A" "b : Z  B" "c : Z  C" "d : Z  D"
  shows "outers A B C D c a,b, c,d = a,d"
proof -
  have "outers A B C D c a,b, c,d = 
      left_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D) c a,b, c, d,
      right_cart_proj C D c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D) c a,b, c, d
    unfolding outers_def  using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2)
  also have "... = left_cart_proj A B c a,b, right_cart_proj C D c c,d"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = a, d"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  finally show ?thesis.

definition inners :: "cset  cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "inners A B C D = 
      right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D),
      left_cart_proj C D c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D)

lemma inners_type[type_rule]: "inners A B C D : (A ×c B) ×c (C ×c D)  (B ×c C)"
  unfolding inners_def by typecheck_cfuncs
lemma inners_apply:
  assumes "a : Z  A" "b : Z  B" "c : Z  C" "d : Z  D"
  shows "inners A B C D c a,b, c, d = b,c"
proof -
  have "inners A B C D c a,b, c, d = 
      right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D) c a,b, c, d,
      left_cart_proj C D c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D) c a,b, c, d"
    unfolding inners_def using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2)
  also have "... = right_cart_proj A B c a,b, left_cart_proj C D c c,d"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = b, c"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  finally show ?thesis.

definition lefts :: "cset  cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "lefts A B C D = 
      left_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D),
      left_cart_proj C D c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D)

lemma lefts_type[type_rule]: "lefts A B C D : (A ×c B) ×c (C ×c D)  (A ×c C)"
  unfolding lefts_def by typecheck_cfuncs

lemma lefts_apply:
  assumes "a : Z  A" "b : Z  B" "c : Z  C" "d : Z  D"
  shows "lefts A B C D c a,b, c, d = a,c"
proof -
  have "lefts A B C D c a,b, c, d = left_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D) c a,b, c, d, left_cart_proj C D c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D) c a,b, c, d"
    unfolding lefts_def using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2)
  also have "... = left_cart_proj A B c a,b, left_cart_proj C D c c,d"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = a, c"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  finally show ?thesis.

definition rights :: "cset  cset  cset  cset  cfunc" where
  "rights A B C D = 
      right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D),
      right_cart_proj C D c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D)

lemma rights_type[type_rule]: "rights A B C D : (A ×c B) ×c (C ×c D)  (B ×c D)"
  unfolding rights_def by typecheck_cfuncs

lemma rights_apply:
  assumes "a : Z  A" "b : Z  B" "c : Z  C" "d : Z  D"
  shows "rights A B C D c a,b, c, d = b,d"
proof -
  have "rights A B C D c a,b, c, d = right_cart_proj A B c left_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D) c a,b, c, d, right_cart_proj C D c right_cart_proj (A ×c B) (C ×c D) c a,b, c, d"
    unfolding rights_def using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: cfunc_prod_comp comp_associative2)
  also have "... = right_cart_proj A B c a,b, right_cart_proj C D c c,d"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: left_cart_proj_cfunc_prod right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  also have "... = b, d"
    using assms by (typecheck_cfuncs, simp add: right_cart_proj_cfunc_prod)
  finally show ?thesis.
